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Before you DM your first session:

Read over the Introduction, Adventure Synopsis,

Adventure Summary, and Resting in Undermountain
A D&D Encounters™ adventure for four to six Read Session 1: Drinks at the Yawning Portal under
1st-level characters the Chapter 1: Discovery section, and read Encounter
1-1: Back Alley Brawl. (Alternatively, if you are starting
Welcome to an exciting official D&D play program at some other point in the adventure, read the appropriate
called D&D Encounters. This adventure is a mini-cam- sections and what's come before.)
paign "season" designed to be played in one-encounter
sessions once per week at your local Wizards Play Net- At the table of your first session:
work location. Each Wednesday, players will earn both Ensure each player has a character to play. Players can bring
in-game rewards for their characters (such as treasure) a 1st-levelcharacter they created, or they can use one of the
and accumulate Renown Points towards special pro- characters provided in the play kit. At a later point in the
gram-exclusive D&D Encounters Cards that can be used adventure, characters that have earned enough experience
in this and future seasons ofD&D Encounters. will level up to 2nd level.
Ensure each player has a D&D Encounters Play Tracker.
PREPARING FOR PLAY This sheet can be found in the play kit, and allows the
players to track their character's treasure, experience, and
In order to DM this adventure, everything you need should
Renown Points earned for each play session.
be provided in the D&D Encounters play kit - this adven-
Get a session tracking sheet from the organizer. Record all the
ture, the poster maps of all the encounter areas (inside
the adventure), and a sheet of tokens to use for monsters, players' DCI!RPGA numbers on it, along with your DCI!
RPGA number. If you or any of the players don't have a DCI!
adventurers, and battlefield effects. Preparing the adven-
ture for play is easy, simply follow the steps to the right. RPGA number, ask the organizer for a membership card.

During the session:

Remember, each session is one encounter in length, Just
CREDITS DM the encounter assigned for that week's session. A typical
Erik Scott de Bie Arnie Swekel, Steve Prescott, play time for one encounter is about 90 minutes - 2 hours.
Design Jason A. Engle, Eric L. Williams, Remember to make decisions and adjudications that
Amelia Stoner, Vincent Dutrait, enhance the fun of the game when possible. As the DM,
Andy Collins Dave Allsop, Chippy,
Development Michael Komarek, Ron lemen, you can feel free to make some adjustments to the adven-
Jeremy Jarvis, Gonzalo Flores, ture (see the sidebar) to facilitate the fun of the players.
Chris Tulach Doug Kovacs, Goran Josic,
Editing Kieran Yanner, Matt Cavotta, At the end of your first session:
Warren Mahy, Izzy Medrano
Kim Mohan Interior Illustrations Have the adventurers take a short rest if they want,
Managing Editor but remind them to track their daily abilities. Heal-
Liz Schuh, Jesse Decker, laura ing surges used, daily powers expended, and other daily
Chris Tulach Tommervik, Shelly Mazzanbole,
Organized Play Content Kierin Chase resources do not refresh in-between each session; only at
Developer D&D Brand Team the end of each chapter. Make sure your players track this
information on their D&D Encounters Play Tracker.
Matthew Stevens Joe Yochum
Art Director Organized Play Project Manager Turn in your session tracking sheet to th~ organizer. Make
sure you've recorded all the DCI!RPGA numbers on it,
Francis Tsai Donna Woodcock
Cover Illustration
along with your names and the play date.
Production Manager
Report Renown Point totals earned for each player to the
organizer. The organizer will fill out the Renown Point
Tracker for the location, and will determine if any players
Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms, Wizards of the Coast, Wizards have earned a D&D Encounters Card .•.
Play Network, Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster Give out rewards to the players. This includes experience
Manual, 0&0 Encounters, and all other Wizards of the Coast product
points, treasure, and possibly D&D Enco~nters Cards (the
names and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Wizards characters, and
organizer will tell you if any players have earned this reward).
the distinctive likenesses thereof are property of Wizards of the Coast
Collect your reward! You should receive a special reward for
LLC. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United providing your time as a DM to make the event happen.
States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material Your organizer will have more details on your reward.
or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
perm'ission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Any similarity to actual people, Once you've been the DM for a session, it should be relatively
organizations, places, or events included herein is purely coincidental. straightforward for your next week's session. Simply read over
Printed in the U.S.A. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC.
the next session's material, and you're ready to go!
At the end of each session, you'll award experience points, THE EVER-CHANG1NG GROUP
treasure, and Renown Points to each player. They'll track Since you can never tell who's going to show up to a 0&0
that information on their D&D Encounters Play Tracker Encounters session from week to week, you might wind up
and you'll report the Renown Points each player earned with a different group of players. Some players might be
with the organizer. starting in "mid-stream," some may have missed a session
or two, and others may have played all the sessions with a
EXPERIENCE POINTS different OM. That's OK. Catch up new players with a brief
Use this chart below to award experience points for each summary of what's come before, and make sure that return-
session, and do not modify the amount of experience ing players have marked off resources they spent (healing
awarded based on the size of the group playing. surges, daily powers, etc.) since their last extended rest.
Majority Rules: If some element of the adventure plot
EXPERIENCE POINT AWARDS hinges on the adventurers making a decision in a previous
XP Description XP/Character session, and the group is different during the current ses-
Session 1: Drinks at the Yawning Portal 115 XP sion, simply find out how the decision went down from
Session 2: Descent into Undermountain 135 XP the players. Go with the majority, and if it's an even split,
Session 3: Undermountain Crawl 100 XP side with the most positive result. For example, if there are
Bonus XP: Short Combat Encounter 60XP 5 players at your table, and 3 players rescued Fayne in a
Session 4: Trapped 150 XP previous encounter while 2 didn't, Fayne is considered res-
Minor Quest: locate the Hidden Chambers 20XP cued for the purposes of your session this week.
Session 5: Birth of the Apprentice 115 XP
105 XP
Session 6: Power of the Apprentice
125 XP
Session 7: Test ofthe Apprentice
Session 8: legacy of the Apprentice 170 XP As the characters progress through the mini-campaign, they
Minor Quest: The Name of the Apprentice 20XP will have the opportunity to gain treasure in the form of gold
Major Quest: Clear Out the First level 100 XP pieces, valuables, and magic items. At the end of each session,
Session 9: Broken Tower 125 XP determine if the players earned any treasure. Use the follow-
Session 10: Myconid Infestation 161 XP ing rules to divide up treasure amongst the characters.
Session 11: Charnel Pit 155 XP Gold and Valuables: If the adventurers earn it, each
Session 12: Showdown 180 XP character gets a share as noted on the table below. All valu-
Major Quest: Defeat Xeres 125 XP
ables like gems and jewelry are converted to gold pieces (gp).
Minor Quest: Save Fayne 25 XP
Note that the amounts have already been divided up per
character, do not modify the amounts based on the size of
If the characters succeed at all the encounters and com- the group playing.
plete all quests, they should earn 580 XP by the end of Magic Items: During the adventure, there are a number
Chapter I, another 635 XP by the end of Chapter 2, and of magic items that may be discovered. Some of these are
771 XP when Chapter 3 concludes. The total experi- defined by the adventure, and some are not. They are listed
ence earned for the entire adventure is 1,986 XP. on the table below. Give out magic items according to the
Leveling Up: By the end of Chapter 2, many char- sidebar AwardinB MaBie Items.
acters will have earned enough experience to make it When to Gear Up: Characters may buy equipment
to 2nd level. Players should level up their characters before beginning play during Session] or after Chapter 2
in-between sessions when they've reached 1,000 XP concludes, before beginning Session 9. If they find a magic
earned. Some characters might be level], while others item that is determined by the player, the player may make
might be level 2; that's OK. the selection of the item after that session is complete, before
Milestones: For every 2 encounters a character com- starting the next one.
pletes without taking an extended rest (offered at the
end of a chapter), the character reaches a milestone,
gaining an action point and possibly gaining use of CHARACTER DEATH
another magic item daily power.
If a character dies during a session, the player has 2 choices:
they can either bring the same character back at the begin-
ning of the next session with a death penalty of -1 to attack
rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks until
they've hit one (1) milestone (2 encounters), or they can
start a new 1st-Ievel character.
Name of Treasure Where Found
12 gp/character Encounter 1-1 One of the great rewards for playing in a D&D Encoun- ~
8 gp/character Encounter 1-2 ters season is the accumulation of Renown Points (RPs), ~
Encounter 1-3 which are given out for accomplishments made by play- L.LJ
16 gp/character
Potion of healing Encounter 1-3 ers during (and sometimes in-between) sessions. These et:

Potion of healing Encounter 1-3 Renown Points are tracked at the Wizards Play Network ~
level 2 magic item Encounter 1-3 location, and reaching certain thresholds garners the <
14 gp/character Encounter 1-4 player a tangible reward - a D&D Encounters Card! I-
Potion of healing Encounter 1-4 These cards can be used by players during the current Z

+1 mantle of the apprentice Session 5 D&D Encounters season, subsequent seasons, or possibly :!:
Ritual book with 2 rituals Encounter 2-1 both. Each card has all the information on how it works L.LJ

10 gp/character Encounter 2-2 printed right on the card itself. ~

Potion of healing Encounter 2-2 As the DM, it's your task to award Renown Points at <
+1 staff of the apprentice Encounter 2-2
Encounter 2-3 the end of a session of play, just like you would award ~
20 gp/character experience and treasure. Unlike experience and treasure <
levelS magic item Encounter 2-3 though, you'll need to report the Renown Point totals
12 gp/character Encounter 3-1 earned for each player to the organizer at the conclusion
level 4 magic item (head/feet slot) Encounter 3-1
of the session when you turn in your session tracking
16 gp/character Encounter 3-2
sheet. The organizer will then tell you if any players have
Potion of healing Encounter 3-2
qualified for a card.
Potion of healing Encounter 3-2
The Renown accomplishments, their frequency (how
Crown of the apprentice Encounter 3-3
often they can be awarded during the current season),
+1 viciousweapon Encounter 3-4
Conclusion and the point values of each are listed to the left.
Payment from Fayne (50 gp/character)
Player's Handbook 3 Class/Race/Feat: If a player
RENOWN POINT AWARDS creates a character and chooses one of these options from
Player's Handbook 3, they receive this award at the first
Accomplishment Frequency RPs
Complete an encounter 1/Session 3 session with the new option. Playing a hybrid charac-
Hit a milestone 2/Chapter 2 ter counts as a new class; choosing a new multiclass feat
Create a Character Builder character 1/Season 5 counts as a new feat. Note that you can only receive each
Player's Handbook 3 class or race 1/Season 2 award (new class and new feat) once per season.
Player's Handbook 3 feat 1/Season 1 Moment of Greatness: This is a discretionary award
Revive a dying adventurer ally 1/Season 1 given out by the DM or through party vote to a player
Hit for 15+ damage against 1 enemy 1/Season 1 for doing something inventive, daring, or just plain cool
Kill 3 minions in 1 attack 1/Season 1 during a session of play. Each player may earn this award
Take 50 enemy damage in 1 session 1/Season 1 once per season.
Survive 8+ sessions without dying 1/Season 2
Complete all quests 1/Season 5 RENOWN REWARDS
Moment of greatness 1/Season 2
When a player hits 10 points, they earn their first D&D
Encounters Card, called the Delver Reward. This is
awarded to the player at the conclusion of the session in
When the characters find a permanent magic item, most which they earned enough points to qualify. The second
of the time, the group will decide who gets to keep what. award is called the Explorer Reward, and a player
However, if the players can't agree who gets what, use the qualifies for the reward by obtaining 30 Renown Points
following system to award magic items in the priority listed. in this season. The third award is called the Adventurer
1. Characters without permanent magic items. Reward, and a player qualifies for the reward byobtain-
2. Character with the lowest-level permanent magic item. ing 50 Renown Points in this season.
The final two awards are given out at the conclusion
If there's more than one character that doesn't have a
of the season. At the end of the season, a limited number
magic item, or two characters tie for the lowest-level magic ofD&D Encounters Cards will be distributed amongst
item, have those players decide who gets it. If they still those that qualify for the reward. If there are more play-
can't decide, have each roll a dl0; high roll gets the item. A ers that qualify for the reward than cards available, the
player that wants to "opt out" of a pick can do so. You can
organizer will determine how they will be distributed.
also do the same with the potions of hea/in8 and the ritual
book if the players can't decide who gets them (but don't
count these items as permanent magic items).
Anyone character may not have more than 3 perma-
nent magic items at the conclusion of this season.
Undermountain: Halaster's Lost Apprentice introduces Under- DOWN SHADOW
mountain. the most famous dungeon in the FORGOTTEN
Over the last century. a community of the desperate and both new and veteran players. In it. players
coin-shy (Le..impoverished) has built up in the first level
explore a newly-discovered section of the dungeon. This
ofUndermountain's dangerous chambers. This "neighbor-
section provides background information and a summary
of the adventure. hood"-Downshadow-is composed of down-on-their-luck
adventurers. criminals. and folk scarred by magic, who live by
skulking, stealing, and avoiding Halaster's monsters. A lean-
THE DUNGEON: to shanty town has grown up in a large cavern in the south of
UNDERMOUNTAIN Downshadow. dwelt in by roughly two hundred souls.
The adventurers can interact with the folk of Down-
Spanning miles of caverns below Waterdeep. the City of
shadow-for better or worse-in the first part of Session 3.
Splendors. Undermountain is the deepest and deadliest
dungeon in all the known Realms. To quote the famous
sage Elminster. it is "the most famous battlefield in which
to earn a reputation as a veteran adventurer-and the larg- LILTEN TURN CLOAK
est known grave of heroes in Faerun." It predates the city The eladrin Lilten
itself. having been built in and around the ruins of several
(lill-tehn) Turncloak-
fortresses and hold fasts. including the Underhalls. a laby- a mastermind and
rinth built by the dwarven Melairkyn clan. A legendary

schemer with the Hells'
archwizard called Halaster originally built Undermoun-
own luck-has. over the
tain. along with his (original) seven apprentices.
past century. earned ,
Halaster is as famous for his power as he is for his
madness. He used the great dungeon primarily as safe enough power ~
storage for his magical treasures and as a testing ground
for his various creations. many of which he derived from
extraplanar fiends and his own magical experimentation. seat on the coun- ':;"
When adventurers began raiding the dungeon. Halaster cil
to of the Masked
Lords whohimself
rule thea
influence '.•...
'"" lit
Ji ;.•......•.

dug deeper. leaving behind hordes of nightmare creatures

City of Splendors.
and devilish traps to cover his tracks. He also delighted in His name and iden-
watching the trials of would-be treasure hunters by magic.
tity as a Masked Lord
sometimes inhabiting the very walls to spy upon intruders.
are unknown to the populace.
Sometime before the long-ago Spell plague that but his face is a common
shattered the Realms, Halaster vanished. leaving Under-
sight among the social set-
mountain completely uncontrolled. Monsters still abide
tings of Water deep. be they
there. and if the intervening century has done anything to
high-class gathering halls or
the great delve. it has made it more dangerous indeed.
seedy dives. A certain enchant-
1DENT1FY1NG THE LOST ment surrounds Lilten whereby
eventually. most who meet him lose
APPRENT1CE their memory of his name and
A theme in this 11-session adventure is discovering the face. retaining only the faint stir-
identity of the Lost Apprentice. Hints can be discovered rings of recognition and a sense
along the way, though the secret is not strictly necessary to of ease and good cheer when he
completing the adventure. is around.

The compiled clues include:

• Name: "Maerlyn"
• Human female
Absorption of arcane powers, memories, souls
• Resistance to the spellplague

The number of identifying characteristics is kept purpose-

fully low to allow the DM to further develop the Lost
Apprentice for use in later adventures.
BEH1ND THE SCREEN: that the initial intrusion expended the outer wards and- V'I

THE lNV1S1BLE MASTERM1ND like a trap that cannot be reset-the chambers now lie a..
open for any enterprising delver with a lick of skill and a o
The adventurers never actually meet lilten during the taste for adventure to find. Z
campaign, but he can come up in conversation with Fayne >-
Knowing the legendary power of Hal aster and his V'I
or with Xeres. If you, as the DM, plan to follow up on this
apprentices, the crafty nobleman Lilten Turncloak wants to LU
campaign, Lilten makes an excellent recurring NPC, either
pilfer the secrets of the chamber first. To this end, he has set ~
helpful or antagonistic, depending on whether the adven-
turers serve his interests.
the exploration of the chamber as a competition between f-
his already fiercely competitive children. Taking after her Z

father, the girl Fayne has risen to the task by hiring a band >
Lilten has been many things over the course of his long
of adventurers to explore the chambers. Her half-brother C
life: prince, cleric, and adventurer. Currently, in addition to Xeres, on the other hand, plans to have his thugs waiting for <C
his duties to Waterdeep, he is the high priest of Beshaba,
the adventurers when they emerge, to strip them of their
Goddess of Misfortune, having turned his back (hence hard-won wonders. That is, if they ever emerge at all.
"Turncloak") on his former deity and master, Erevan lIe-
sere, the fey exarch of mischief.
Lilten's "hiding in plain sight" anonymity allows him to Arcana DC 10: Halaster Blackcloak is an infamous
do what he pleases in the city, though he did not reach his name among magical scholars: an ancient archmage whose
position by being careless. He prefers to work exclusively power was supposed to rival the fabled Chosen of Mystra,
through hirelings or indirect agents, who usually do not once-goddess of magic, and whose madness strove with that
know they are being hired by him. of the god oflies, Cyric. It is unknown what became of him.
His closest servants are his fey'ri children, who con- Arcana DC 15: Anyone who kept a wizard's sanctum
stantly compete for his favor: Fayne (feiBn), a warlock who hidden for at least a century's worth of nosy adventurers
prefers to use trickery and illusion to accomplish her aims, must have used powerful magicks to ward it. Ifit's been
and Xeres (zerr-ease), a swordmage with no head for sub- discovered now, it means the magicks are waning, and it's
tlety. Through Fayne and his other agents, Lilten knows a good chance to explore the hidden chambers.
many of Water deep 's-and the Realms'-secrets, and is Dungeoneering DC 10: Undermountain is sup-
always searching for those he doesn't know. posedly filled with deadly traps-mechanical as well as
magical-and also a horde of bizarre creatures crafted
BEH1ND THE SCREEN: FEY'Rl from Halaster's sorcery.
Fey'ri-or Daemonfey-are the last descendents of the Dungeoneering DC 15: Most accounts settled on
sun elf House Dlardrageth from the empire of Silu- Undermountain spanning nine levels and fourteen
vanede, which interbred eladrin with demons in order to sublevels, but no one knows what the influence of the
strengthen their bloodline. After their matriarch Sarya was Spellplague might have worked upon it.
slain shortly before the Spell plague, they scattered to the History DC 10: Halaster B1ackcloakcreated Undermoun-
winds, and can be found in many places in Faerun, using tain long before most of what is now Waterdeep was built. It is
their natural talents for deception and trickery to garner said that he controlled more power in the form ofitems, wards,
wealth or wield great power. and living spells than most other mages combined.
History DC 15: Halaster vanished before the Spell-
For more information on fey'ri, see The Last Mythal novel plague, supposedly engaged in rituals meant to avert
trilogy by Rich Baker. Lilten and Fayne appear in the FOR- the coming disaster. His wealth still waits for any brave
GOlTENREALMS novel Downshadow. enough to seek it.
Streetwise DC 5: The top level of Under mountain is
home to the shifty community of Downs had ow, an under-
world for the capable but temporarily impoverished-in other
HALASTER'S LOST words, other adventurers. Folk of Downs had ow are known
ApPRENTICE-DISCOVERED! throughout the city as dangerous and untrustworthy.
Streetwise DC 10: A eladrin swordmage called
Within the past tenday, a passage has been discovered on Xeres has publicly declared ownership of the Hidden
the highest level of Under mountain (also called Down- Chambers, and vowed that anyone who attempts to
shadow) leading-or so the tavern tales would have it-to explore them will be punished.
a series of chambers in which dwelt one of the fabled Streetwise DC 15: Of the explorers who found the
Halaster's apprentices, one lost to time and history. Its rev- entrance to the hidden chambers, only one returned alive.
elation was particularly memorable: the wards claimed all He claims that the way is open, though only brave adven-
but one member of the adventurers that discovered it, and turers have any chance of survival.
left the last one hopelessly mad. So the story goes, however,
Undermountain: Halaster's Lost Apprentice is divided into Sessions 5-8 delve into the secrets of the Hidden Chambers,
three components. The entire adventure is a mini-cam- and contain hints as to the identity of the Halaster appren-
paign that spans the length of the spring 2010 0&0 tice who dwelt here, an echo of whom lingers here as a ghost.
Encounters season. The adventure is broken up into three There are hints along the way as to the Lost Apprentice's
chapters, which are story arcs within the bigger adven- identity and history; solving the riddle of the Lost Appren-
ture and contain opportunities for the adventurers to take tice's identity gives the adventurers an upper hand in the
extended rests in-between each one. Each chapter con- final battle of the chapter (though it isn't strictly necessary,
tains 4 sessions, which are one encounter in length and for those who haven't been attending every session). If the
designed to be run once per week. adventurers solve her identity at any point, they can free her
Each of the chapters, as well as the individual weekly by naming her, earning the adventurers a minor quest award.
sessions, is described below. Killing the specter in Encounter 2-4 also frees her. The
minor quest award here is mapping out the hidden chambers
CHAPTER 1: DISCOVERY and finding an escape route (as of Encounter 2-4).
The first four sessions lead to the discovery of the hidden
chambers and end with the heroes being trapped inside,
cut off from the world above. Fayne hires them to delve In an ancient bedchamber, the adventurers encounter a
into Downshadow and brave the unknown dangers that lie female ghost and a specter, which appears to be feeding on
in store. The minor quest award here is finding and enter- her. The undead vanish, leaving the adventurers to fight a
ing the hidden chambers (which the adventurers do as of pack of rats that have made a home in the chambers.
Encounter 1-4). Encounter 2-1: Home Invasion


DRINKS AT THE YAWNING PORTAL The adventurers enter the apprentice's spellcasting cham-
ber, triggering the persistent wards that summon a series of
In the alley behind the Yawning Portal, the adventurers
strange and exotic creatures (fell taints) that the apprentice
must save Fayne (their contact) from an attack by Xeres's
used as targets for arcane attacks.
thugs; impressed, Fayne hires them to investigate the
hidden chambers of Under mountain. Encounter 2-2: Target Practice
Encounter 1-1: Back Alley Brawl
The adventurers enter an automati-
cally self-sealing chamber, which
The adventurers make their way into Undermountain
contains an eladrin maiden
(either by way of the Yawning Portal itself or the secret
trapped in some sort of magi-
entry through the cellar) and end up in an ambush by des-
cal containment device, which
perate Downshadowers bribed by Xeres.
Encounter 1-2: Downshadow Ambush promptly attacks them with
Spellplague-powered attacks.
Encounter 2-3:
Plague Resistant
This is a two-part skill challenge wherein the adventurers
must find the Lost Apprentice's chambers, then unlock SESSION 8:
the wards to allow them to pass safely. A short fight with
denizens of the dungeon might also ensue while explor-
ing the chambers. ApPRENTICE
Encounter 1-3: Finding and Unlocking the Wards The heroes face the shadow
from Session 5-a specter-and
As soon as the adventurers enter the Hidden Chambers,
his undead minions. If they
have figured out the identity -
they must battle the animated guardians of the place, a of the apprentice, they can
name her, which deactivates
monster, and magical traps. Afterward, Xeres appears and
collapses the entry tunnel, trapping them inside. the specter's chilling aura.
Encounter 1-4: Halaster's Guardians They free the ghost (minor
quest award) and clear out the
first level (major quest award).
Encounter 2-4:
Tainted Servants
The adventurers venture into an undead-filled chamber c..
The adventurers have found a way out of the Hidden Cham- o
bers, but-failing to stay them in their task-Xeres has decided that was used for practicing dark necromantic rituals. z
to swoop in and attack through the exit they mean to take. He There is a pit in the center that leads to the final chamber: >-
a red-hot disposal room with magically generated lava.
kidnaps Fayne (who has arrived to help the adventurers get U.I
out of Under mountain) and disappears down the stairs to the Encounter 3-3: Restless Experiments ~
next level ofthe hidden chambers. Rescuing Fayne nets the I-
adventurers a minor quest award, while defeating Xeres-and SESSION 12: SHOWDOWN Z
thus completing their exploration of the Lost Apprentice's The heroes track Xeres to the last of the Lost Apprentice's
chambers-scores a major quest award. chambers-a bridge over a lava pit-and do battle with him C
and his remaining minions while the life of Fayne hangs <C

SESSION 9: BROKEN TOWER in the balance.

Encounter 3-4: Showdown with Xeres
As Xeres and his agents attack, Fayne appears and occupies
Xeres, keeping him out of what is already a tense battle.
When the last of his thugs is defeated, Xeres kidnaps Fayne
and flees down to the next level of the Hidden Chambers. ADJUST1NG THE ENCOUNTERS
Encounter 3-1: Xeres's Betrayal Chapters 1 and 2 (Sessions 1-8) assume a party of 5 151
level characters, while Chapter 3 (Sessions 9-12) assumes
SESSION 10: MVCONID INFESTATION a party of 5 2nd level characters. Compare your adventur-
The adventurers chase Xeres through a chamber currently ers to the chapter's recommended level with the following
overrun by myconids, which feed upon some of the arcane guidelines:
experiments being grown here. Some of the chemicals can
make for grenade-like splash weapons. Your party is a "weak party" if it consists of any of the
Encounter 3-2: Rotten Scrolls, Fouled Potions following:
1. 4 or fewer characters of the chapter level or lower
2. 5-6 characters, all lower than the chapter level
3. Optional: Most or all of the players are new to D&D or
roleplaying games

Your party is a "strong party" if it consists of any of the

1. 6 of more characters of any level
2. 5 or more characters, at least half of whom are higher
than the chapter level
3. Optional: Your players are veteran D&D 4th Edition
players and like added challenge

If you have a weak party, remove one of the lowest level

monsters from the encounter. If you have a strong party,
add one monster among the types listed for each encoun-
ter whose level matches the encounter level.

For instance, in Encounter 1-1 (a level 1 encounter), you

might subtract the haffling slinger (level 1 artillery) from
the encounter if your party is weak, or add a second dwarf
squire (level 1 soldier) if your party is strong. In Encoun-
ter 3-4 (a level 4 encounter), you'd probably remove
one elf archer (level 2 artillery) for a weak party or add
a deathjump spider (level 4 skirmisher) for a strong party.

The adventurers are only allowed to take an extended rest After the 12th session of play is completed, the adventure and
between chapters. They can take short rests between ses- current season ofD&D Encounters is over. However, you and
sions within the chapters. your players don't have to let the fun stop there! Here are just a
During Chapter 1, the adventurers progress imme- few options to consider, continuing your game at your location.
diately from aiding Fayne to the ambush in Play or DM in the next D&D Encounters season.
Downshadow, then they cannot find a place for an There's always a new D&O Encounters season right
extended rest in Undermountain until they enter the around the corner. Each season will spotlight a differ-
hidden chambers. ent setting or play experience!
During Chapter 2, the adventurers are unable to take Play or DM Livina FORGOTfEN REALMS. Char-
an extended rest because the dark specter harasses acters from this season are allowed to port over
them when they try to sleep, filling their heads with to the LFR campaign at the conclusion of the
terrible nightmares that do not allow sleep. adventure. LFR offers dozens and dozens of
During Chapter 3, the adventurers are chasingXeres adventures spanning the breadth of the Realms,
and the time pressure does not allow for an extended and you can earn experience and treasure
rest. Note: If the adventurers take an extended rest for your character as you adventure! Visit
anyway, then they miss out on the chance to rescue and click on
Fayne and earn a minor quest award, plus several "Events" for more information.
effects specific to the chase. See the Chapter 3 side- DM your own adventure, using hooks
bar: Keepin8 Up the Chase, page 38. from this one. Keep the play going by creat-
ing your own adventure to run at your Wizards
Play Network location! You can even report your
game sessions and earn OM rewards for running
your own adventures. To check out the OM Rewards
program, visit and click
on "Events" for more information.
Mantle of the Apprentice level 4+ U
level 4 + 1 ... 840 gp level 19 +4 105,000 gp ~
level 9 + 2 .. 4,200 gp level 24 +5 525,000 gp Z

In the Hidden Chambers of the Lost Apprentice, success-

level14 +3 1 3,000 gp
Item Slot: Neck
level 29 +6 .. 2,625,000 gp "

Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will c..
ful and crafty players can obtain three potent magic items ~
that work well alone but even better as a set. The items' Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Tr;88er: You are hit by
a close or area attack. Effect:An adjacent enemy of your
arcane resonance is J:
choice is included in the attack.
such that they work
together when on the o
same person, or on Staff of the Apprentice level 3+
different allies within u
level 3 +1 ... 680 gp level 18 +4 85,000 gp ou.
5 squares of each level 8 + 2 .. 3,400 gp level B +5 .425,000 gp
other. Multiple differ- level13 +3. 17,000 gp level 28 +6 1,625,000 gp
ent pieces can thus be Implement (Staff)
carried by different Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
characters in the party, Critical: + 1d6 damage per plus
Power (Daily): Free Action. TriBBer:You score a critical hit
giving those characters the
with a melee attack using this staff. Effect One of your ar-
benefits listed.
cane encounter powers recharges.

Mantle of the Apprentice:

The +1 mantle of the appren- Crown of the Apprentice level 5+
tice is located on a coat rack Item Slot: Head
in room H2, which fea- levelS ... 1,000 gp level 18 ... 85,000 gp
hires in Session 5: Birth Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Arcana checks. This bonus
of the Apprentice and increases to +4 if you are using the Arcana skill to detect magic.
Session 8: LeBacy of the Leve/18: +4 Arcana checks, +6 to detect magic.
Apprentice (it can be Power (Encounter): Free Action. Tri8Ber:You use a utility
power with a burst or blast effect. Effect: Increase the area
obtained during either
of the burst or blast by 1.
session). The ratty Leve/18: Increase the area of the burst or blast by 2.
cloak is covered by a
century of dust and is
very tattered, but its FOCI OF THE APPRENTICE ITEMS
protective enchant- Lvi Name Price (gp) Item Slot
ments still function. 3 Staff of the apprentice 680 Weapon
4 Mantle of the apprentice 840 Neck
Staff of the Apprentice: 5 Crown of the apprentice 1,000 Head
The +1 staff of the appren-
tice leans against the
corner in room H4,
which features in Pieces Benefit

Session 6: Power of 2 You gain a +2 item bonus to saving throws against

any effect with the charm, or illusion keyword. The
the Apprentice. The staff
pieces can be on different characters. Both characters
appears to be just an ordi-
gain the benefit if within 5 squares of each other.
nary broom, but if a hero wields
it, it becomes a powerful magic staff. 3 Once per encounter, any ally possessing a piece of
the foci of the apprentice may add 1 to the distance
of any teleport, slide, push, or pull they make
Crown of the Apprentice: The crown of the apprentice is
through use of a utility power. All allies must be
worn by Xeres himself, but Fayne pulls it off his head and
within 5 squares of each other to use this benefit.
leaves it for the adventurers in H8, featured in Session 11:
Once this benefit is used, it cannot be used by
Charnel Pit.
another ally this encounter.
t .""',: .....
.>~",:.... ;' ... <.
"'" ."D1SCOVERY;.·
.' .-' -' •..:J DC 15: Two very shady characters-bandits ifyou've ever seen the
_;"~'f"'.1'~.-~~~:,'i--:.~:1:-,.c; .•.. ".,."",- .''''
like-linBer by the back door. They keep BlancinB over at the table
next to you, as thouBh sizinB the woman upfor a potential mUBBinB.
DC 18: The woman Bives her name to the men as "Rien" and
The first four encounters lead to the discovery of the claims she is workinB on behalf of a wealthy patron.
hidden chambers and end with the heroes being trapped
inside, cut off from the world above. Insight Check
Note that the adventurers are not allowed to take an
DC 15: The tiiflinB and the dwarf are clearly leadinB the woman
extended rest between encounters in this chapter. They are on, intent on robbinB her.
under time pressure to find the hidden chambers in the begin-
ning, then the encounter in session 4 follows immediately Allow the adventurers to role-play for a minute or two. After
after the skill challenge in session 3. The first opportunity they sufficient time has passed-or as soon as they success-
get to take an extended rest is after session 4, when they are fully make the above Insight check-read:
trapped in the LostApprentice's hidden chambers.
"Well, Bentlemen!" the half-elf says sweet!}',quite loud!}' enouBh for
SESSION 1: DRINKS AT THE you to hear. "My patron will be so pleased that you've accepted our
YAWNING PORTAL little task. if you'll just accompany into someplace more private-?
Ah. The alley will do nicely indeed."
In the Yawning Portal, the adventurers encounter a woman With that, she stands, and the dwarf and tief
called Fayne, who is looking to hire adventurers to investi- linB accompany her to the back door. As they pass
gate a series of newly discovered chambers in the infamous throuBh the doors, two men clad in rouBh-spun
Undermountain. The adventurers are not actually the first commoners clothes turn and follow them out.
band she approaches-as they watch, she is conversing with
another band, which ends up attacking her in the alley If the adventurers follow the woman and
behind the tavern. After they intervene, Fayne thanks them the muggers out, go to Y2. Ally Behind the
profusely and, impressed, offers them the job instead. Portal. page 14.
In the event the adventurers do not follow
YI. YAWNING PORTAL COMMON ROOM the woman and the muggers out, pause for a
When the encounter begins, read: moment, then read:

The warm atmosphere of the YawninB Portal tavern offers a After afew moments, the door swinBs open
blessed relief from the bitter winter chill outside. Here, pipesmoke aBain and the woman returns, a sliBhtfrown
and the scent of spiced wine minBle with dozens of dialoBues on herface. She wears on!}'one of her two coin
bleedinB into one, while the snowy world lies trapped outside the pouches. After a moment, she spots you and
heavily fOBBed Blass. In the midst of the folk talkinB and dancinB smiles brilliant!}' once aBain. "Ah, adventurers!
is a wide circular well lit by everburninB torches: the epony- Just the sort I need. Those berks were SUCH a
mous YawninB Portal, which, the leBend holds, is an entrance to disappointment.
Undermountain, the leBendary dunBeon. "I am Fayne, and the man Irepresent is inter-
Intent on adventure-whether for sheer thrills or for mat- ested in commissioninB the services ofjust such
ters material and financial-you settle into the smoky common heroes as yourselves. Buy me a drink?"
room, 100kinB about for a wealthy patron or a rumor of trea-
sure to befound. Go to Negotiating with Fayne, below.
Within a mere moment of your entrance, a lovely musical
lauBh seizes your attention: At the next table, a nobly-dressed FAYNE'S lLLUS10NS
half-elf woman with a shock of crimson hair and briBht Wey If the adventurers did not play along with
eyes is discussinBjust such a quest with two adventurous-lookinB Fayne's game, here's what happened: Fayne
types: a dwarf and a tieflinB wizard. You hear her mention had the muggers appear to beat her up as
'80Id" and "ancient maBie." indicated in the encounter; then, disap-
pointed that her game didn't work, she sent
Perception Check them away, used illusion magic to remove
DC 10: You overhear bits of the conversation between the woman the signs of injury, and returned to the
and the adventurers: she wants to hire them to explore a new!}' dis- common room. A DC 10 Perception check
covered section of the leBendary Undermountain, specifkal!}' what notices that she shows no sign of being out
lies beyond a maBically sealed portal. She is offerinB to pay them in the cold. A DC 15 Arcana check suggests
200 Bold pieces. You also see that she has two heavy coin pouches illusion magic is at work.
strapped to her waist.
Y2. ALLEY BEHIND THE PORTAL adventurers-the first part of their assignment is to com- 0:
If the adventurers follow the mysterious woman and the plete the map. The second is to bring her back any magical
shady adventurers out, read: treasures they find. Not to worry, however! Her patron is o
interested only in knowledge in this case, and so will return u
You push out the door into the blustery ni8ht, your breath most of the treasures they find. The adventurers gain the
Minor Quest: Locate the Hidden Chambers. I:)
suddenly steamin8 into the darkness.
From across afoul-smellin8 canal, a feminine cry of pain Fayne answers the adventurers' questions to the best of
cuts throu8h your ears, and you see the two ruffians from her ability. While she has been in Downshadow extensively, 0:
inside holdin8 the woman up while the dwarf pummels her. she can truthfully say she has never been in the hidden l-
The tieflin8 and a halflin8 stand by, watchin8. chambers (having been forbidden by her father, who knows e.
"No, of course don't have all the coin on me," the woman her natural curiosity). J:
says dazedly, "it's just-" If the adventurers ever attack Fayne, use the statistics in U
the next column.
Her pleadin8 BTey eyes fix on you, and the mU88ers soon
realize they are not alone in the alley. They let her fall in the
8utter and draw steel. Fayne, Half-Elf Negotiator (F) Level 7 Controller
Medium fe humanoid (half-elf) XP 300
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +2; low-light vision
Go to Encounter 1-1: Back Alley Brawl. HP 77; Bloodied 39
AC 20; Fortitude 17; Reflex 20; Will 20
CD Dagger (standard; at-will) • Weapon
WITH FAYNE +12 vs. AC; 1d4 + 4 damage
While the campaign is largely + Deceptive Maneuver (standard; at-will) •. Charm
+ 10 vs. Will; the target makes a basic attack against one of its
geared toward it, the adventurers
allies of Fayne's choice
don't have to work for Fayne. If they ~ Silver Deception (standard; recharge [ZJ [!]) •. Charm
refuse her offer and aid, they must Ranged 10; +11 vs. Will; the target is dominated until the end of
go about the following encounters Fayne's next turn
without her support (primarily in <~Pathetic Appeal (standard; encounter) •. Charm
the form of the map), though rescu- Close burst 5; +11 vs. Will; targets enemies; the target cannot
ing her in Chapter 3 still nets them attack Fayne (save ends). If Fayne makes an attack roll against the
target, that target makes a saving throw against this effect
a quest award. Use these guidelines
Change Shape (minor; at-will) •. Polymorph
if and when the adventurers meet
Fayne can alter her physical form to take on the appearance of
up with Fayne. any Medium humanoid, including a unique individual.
Fayne wants adventurers to Combat Advantage
explore the newly discovered Fayne deals 2d6 extra damage against any creature granting
"hidden chambers" in Undermoun- combat advantage to her.
tain on behalf of her "Patron," Fey'ri Deception (move; encounter)
whom she will not name but whom Xeres teleports 5 squares and becomes invisible until the end of his
next turn or until he attacks.
she promises will reward the adven-
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
turers handsomely for their services. Skills Bluff +12, Insight +7, Stealth +11, Thievery +11
She offers 200 gp as a lump sum Str 10 (+3) Dex 17 (+6) Wis 9 (+2)
reward, but a successful Diplomacy Con 13 (+4) Int 12 (+4) Cha 19 (+7)
check will raise the offer by 5 gp per Equipment Fine clothes, dagger
point over IS, to a maximum of250
gp with a DC 25 check. (This is the
adventurers' reward at the end of LET THEM F1GHT 1T OUT
session 12.) If the adventurers decide not to follow Fayne outside, and
During the negotiation, Fayne don't have the fight in Encounter 1-1: Back Alley Brawl, it
is playing the damsel in distress, can make for a very quick first play session. Instead, after
which she does very well. A very the negotiations have completed with Fayne, she dismisses
hard Insight check (DC 25) reveals them and says she'll work out the arrangements in an hour
that her act is not entirely genuine. or two, suggesting the characters head out onto the streets
She is earnest about employing of Waterdeep to get what gear they think they'll need for
the adventurers, however, and the
their excursion. The muggers then attack the adventurers
reward she promises is real. when they leave the Yawning Portal, targeting them in a
Fayne has a map to the hidden more straightforward fight as they walk down the back
chambers, which she gives to the alley depicted on the map while out on the town.
LIKELY QUESTIONS AND occur, the big Chondathan man-Durnan the
Sixth, named for his infamous ancestor, an adven-
FAYNE'S ANSWERS turer in Waterdeep and original proprietor of the
Who do you work for? Yawning Portal-operating the winch leans over
Discretionforbids namin8 my patron, but rest assured, he the well and shouts "I told you so!"
will reward you quite handsomely for your efforts. Once all the adventurers are safe at the base of the
(If the adventurers make a DC 15 Diplomacy check, well, go to Encounter 1-2: Downshadow Ambush.
Fayne admits that her patron is her father, and she
names him Lueth. On a DC 15 History check, an
adventurer that speaks Elven knows that Lueth is an SESSION 3:
archaic elven word meaning "riddle" or "trick.")
What might we find in the hidden chambers? CRAWL
"I do not know, but it must be fabulous indeed. 1 wish 1
After the ambush, the adventurers must rely
were 80in8 alon8 with you!"
on their skills rather than just their steel to
navigate the treacherous tunnels and corridors
Why not come along yourself? of Under mountain.
Fayne lau8hs. "Oh, you are as amusin8 as you are brave.
I am but a simple messen8er-you are the heroes. It is pos-
sible, however, that should you find a way to dispel the
wards, mi8ht find a portal that leads into the complex." The longer the Hidden Chambers lie unexplored,
the more likely it is that other adventurers will
What sort of opposition might we expect? Any- beat the adventurers to them, thus stealing their
thing to watch out for? glory/reward. The adventurers must accomplish
Fayne's face wows dark. "Oh, a certain bit of pond scum each part of the skill challenge within 8 turns, or
named Xeres-a swordsman, a wizard, and an all about they begin to lose one healing surge each for each
scoundrel. He'll be wantin8 to steal your treasures, I'll tell turn that passes beyond 8.
you that much." Go to Encounter 1-3: Finding and Unlock-
ing the Wards.
What relationship do you have with Xeres?
Now Fayne blushes a little. "Oh, he and I ... well, it's com- SESSION 4: TRAPPED
plicated. Rest assured, thou8h, he's no ally of mine, as 1 As soon as the adventurers unlock the wards on
suspect he'd sooner reward loyalty with death than coin." the door to the Hidden Chambers, they must
first interact with, and then battle the animated
Skill Knowledge: Fayne can also tell the adventur- guardians of the place. During the fight, the entry
ers any of the information they would have gained on tunnel collapses, trapping them inside.
Halaster or Undermountain with a DC 15 Arcana or Go to Encounter 1-4: Halaster's Guardians.
Streetwise check.


The adventurers have successfully located
UNDERMOUNT AIN and gained access to the hidden chambers of
Fayne arranges the heroes to ride the harness down Halaster's lost apprentice, earning them the
the Yawning Portal-a great well that leads down into minor quest award.
Downshadow, the first le~el of Under mountain. Battle The entrance is sealed off, and they cannot
awaits them at the bottom, in the form of thugs bribed escape that way. They have no choice but to go
to ambush anyone coming down the great well. deeper into the apprentice's chambers, search-
ing for an exit and for exploration.
If the adventurers are working for Fayne, she automati-
cally pays their way down the well. If they refused to With the entrance sealed against rival explor-
work for Fayne, they must pay 10 gp each or take their ers, the adventurers may take an extended
chances operating the winch themselves. This requires rest before exploring the hidden chambers of
a DC 10 Dungeoneering skill check; on a failure, the the Lost Apprentice. As they will not be able
rope snaps part of the way down and the characte'r falls to take an extended rest during Chapter 2:
Imprisonment, this would be a wise decision.
20 feet, suffering 2dlO falling damage. Should this
Encounter Levell (575 XP) Crenellated Wall: A creature prone in a square adja-
cent to one of the crenellated walls has cover from all
SETUP attacks made from the other side.
Fayne: Fayne lies stunned in the marked square. She
2 human bandits (B)
does not participate in the combat.
Dwarf squire (D) Ladder: Treat the ladder as difficult terrain. A creature
Tiefling hedge wizard (T)
on the ladder grants combat advantage.
Halfling slinger (H)
Sewer Canal: The canal that runs through the battle-
Fayne (F)
field is 20 feet deep; a creature that falls in takes 2dlO
falling damage. If a creature falls in the putrid sewer
The adventurers start the encounter in one of the squares
water, reduce the damage to IdlO.
close to the back door of the Yawning Portal.
Sewer Spout: The rusty, mold-covered sewer spout is
Place the bandits, the dwarf squire, and the tiefling
difficult terrain to anyone standing on or adjacent to it. It
hedge wizard immediately, as well as Fayne (who is prone
provides cover against attacks from outside the canal to
and does not participate in the fight). The halfling is
creatures in all adjacent squares.
attempting to hide; place him at the beginning of the combat
Sewer Water: The water squares to the right of the
only if an adventurer makes a DC 15 Perception check.
bridge are shallower than the canal. All squares filled
with sewer water are difficult terrain.
TACTICS Treasure: Searching the bodies of the thugs yields a
When the combat begins, the hedge wizard and slinger total of60 gp (the loot Fayne paid them to fake the attack).
immediately begin ranged attacks. If there are no adven-
turers on the bridge, the bandits cross the bridge and ~ !!=~~" ..•L.l..\ i-' .~ r-:-
engage the adventurers directly.
The dwarf squire steps to the end of the bridge and guards
against any approaching attackers, leaving the artillery free
F· J pcl
to attack. (He is careful not to stand on the bridge.) He par-
ticularly enjoys knocking opponents off the bridge with his
shield bash. If no opponents L '_.:. _
are within his melee reach on
his turn, he makes a throw-
ing hammer attack. If the
adventurers make it to the
other side of the canal, the
dwarf abandons his post and
engages them.

Illumination: Bright
(moonlight and streetlamps).
Bridge: Any creature
attempting to move more
than 2 squares in one
move action across the
bridge must attempt a DC

ure forces an immediate ..... x"",,

10 Acrobatics
saving check.
throw: on Fail-
a success,: ~ f

the creature falls prone; on a

failure, the creature falls into the canal.
( A creature struck by a critical hit also
forces an immediate saving throw.
Human Bandit (B) Level 2 Skirmisher Tiefling Hedge Wizard (T) Level 2 Artillery
Medium natural humanoid (tieflin ) XP 125 $
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 125
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +0
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +1 a::
HP 34; Bloodied 17 CO
HP 37; Bloodied 18
AC 16; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 12
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 14
Speed 6
Speed 6 ...J
CD Dagger (standard; at-will) • Weapon ...J
CD Mace (standard; at-will) • Weapon
+4 vs. AC; 1d8+ 1 damage, and the human bandit shifts 1 square.
+9 vs. AC (+11 against a bloodied target); 1d4+1 damage. <
CD Dagger (standard; at-will) • Weapon
@ Hedgefire (standard; at-will) • Fire ~
Ranged 10; +7 vs. Reflex (+8 against a bloodied target); 1 d8 fire U
Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. AC; 1d4+3 damage.
damage and ongoing S fire damage (save ends).
+ Dazing Strike (standard; encounter) • Weapon CO
::r Dizzying Curse (standard; recharge [Z] []) • Charm, Psychic
Requires mace; +4 vs. AC; 1d8+ 1 damage, and the target is dazed
Ranged 10; the enchanted creature loses all sense of equilibrium; •...
until the end ofthe human bandit's next turn, and the human ,
+7 vs. Will (+8 against a bloodied target); 1d6+1 psychic damage, •...
bandit shifts 1 square.
and if target moves more than 1 squares, it falls prone (save a::
Combat Advantage w
The human bandit deals an extra 1d6 damage on melee and
Infernal Wrath (minor; encounter)
ranged attacks against any target is has combat advantage Z
The tieAing hedge wizard gains a +1 power bonus to its next ~
attack roll against an enemy that hit it since the tiefling's next o
Alignment Evil Languages Common
turn. If the attack hits and deals damage, the tiefling hedge u
Skills Stealth +9, Streetwise +7, Thievery +9
Str 12(+1) Dex 17(+4) Wis 11(+1) wizard deals an extra 5 damage. zw
Cha 12(+1) Alignment Evil Languages Common
Con 13(+1) Int 10(+1)
Str 13(+1) Dex 18(+5) Wis 15(+1)
Equipment leather armor, mace, 4 daggers
Con 16(+4) Int 12(+1) Cha 18(+5)
Equipment dagger
Dwarf Squire (D) Level 1 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (dwarf) XP 100
Halfling Slinger (H) Level 1 Artillery

., ...,.-

Initiative +4
HP 31; Bloodied
AC 19; Fortitude
Senses Perception

14, Reflex 11, Will 13

Small natural humanoid
Initiative +4
HP 11; Bloodied 11
(halAin )
Senses Perception +5
XP 100

Speed 5
AC 15; Fortitude 11, Reflex 15, Will 13; see also nimble reaction
CD Warhammer (standard; at-will) • Weapon
Speed 6
A 1 +8 vs. AC; 1d10+1 damage.
CD Dagger (standard; at-will) • Weapon
I + Shield Bash (minor; recharge [Z] [])
+9 vs. Fortitude; 1d6+ 1 damage, and the target is knocked prone
+4 vs. AC; 1d4+4 damage.

or pushed 1 square (dwarf squire's choice).

@ Sling (standard; at-will) • Weapon
Ranged 10/10; +6 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage.
::r Throwing Hammer (standard; at-will) • Weapon
::r Stone Rain (standard; recharge [Z] []) • Weapon
Ranged S/10; +10 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage.
The halAing slinger makes three sling attacks, each with a -1 pen-
Stubborn (immediate interrupt, when an enemy tries to push the
alty to the attack roll.
dwarf squire or knock it prone; at-will)
Combat Advantage
The squire makes a melee basic attack against the enemy.
Stand Your Ground The halfling slinger deals an extra 1d6 damage on ranged attacks
When an effect forces a dwarf to move, the dwarf moves 1 square against any target it has combat advantage against.
Nimble Reaction
less than the effect specifies. When an attack would knock the
Halflings gain a +1 racial bonus to AC against opportunity attacks.
dwarf prone, the dwarf can roll a saving throw to avoid falling
Second Chance (immediate interrupt, when the halAing would be hit
by an attack; encounter)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Dwarven
The halfling slinger forces the attacker to reroll the attack and
Str16(+3) Dex10(+0) Wis12(+l)
take the new result.
Con 16(+3) Int 11(+0) Cha 11(+0)
Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, warhammer, 3 throwing hammers
A hidden halfling slinger that misses with a ranged attack
remains hidden.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Dwarven
Str 12(+1) Dex 18(+4) Wis 11(+0)
Con 10(+0) Int 10(+0) Cha 14(+1)
Equipment leather armor, dagger, sling with 10 bullets

Encounter Level 2 (675 XP) Human Guard (G) Level 3 Soldier
Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 150
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +6
SETUP HP 47: Bloodied 23
AC 18: Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 14
2 human guards (G)
Speed 5
Doppelganger sneak (D)
CD Halberd (standard: at-will) • Weapon
Stormclaw scorpion (S)
Reach 2: +10 vs. AC: 1d10+3 damage, and the target is marked
4 human rabble (R) until the end of the human guard's next turn.
+ Powerful Strike (standard: at-will) • Weapon
When the encounter begins, read: Requires halberd; reach 2; +10 vs. AC; 1d1 0+7 damage, and the
target is knocked prone.
The staff of the Yawnin8 Portal straps you one-by-one into a har- ::r Crossbow (standard; at-will) • Weapon
Ranged 15/30; +9 vs. AC; 1d8+2 damage.
ness attached to a winch and pulley, then lowers you throu8h the
Alignment Evil languages Common
areat well into the 8100m of Downshadow, the shallowest depth Str 16(+4) Dex 14(+3) Wis 11(+1)
of Under mountain. You journey down, tryin8 hard not to think Con 15(+3) Int 10(+1) Cha 12(+2)
too much about the creakin8 old leather or the strainin8 ropes. Equipment chainmail, halberd, crossbow with 20 bolts
Finally, it is over and your feet touch cool, wet stone. Before
nerves can 8et the better of you, you wrench the harnesses free Doppelganger Sneak (D) Level 3 Skirmisher
and tU8 on the ropes to si8nal them to be raised. Medium natural humanoid (sha echan er) XP 150
When all of your companions are joined at the base of the Initiative +6 Senses Perception +2
well, it is then that you hear cruellau8hter. Hard-eyed men come HP 45; Bloodied 22
AC 18; Fortitude 14, Reflex 16, Will 16
out of the shadows-some of the desperate natives of Down-
Speed 6
shadow come to areet you. Two of the thu8s lead a chitterin8
CD Short Sword (standard; at-will) • Weapon
scorpion between them on a chain.
+8 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage.
+ Shapeshifter Feint (minor; at-will)
The adventurers start the combat either on the marked
platform or adjacent to it. +6 vs.
the Reflex;
target untilthethedoppelganger gains combat
end of the doppelganger's advantage
next turn. against I . - \.-
Combat Advantage
TACTICS The doppelganger sneak deals an extra 1d6 damage against any
target it has combat advantage against.
The human rabble have little in the way of strategy, Change Shape (minor; at· will) • Polymorph
fighting desperately against the nearest opponents and A doppelganger can alter its physical form to take on the appear-
trying to keep close together, the better to take advan- ance of any medium humanoid, including a unique individual (see
Change Shape, Monster Manual 280).
tage of mob rule.
Alignment Unaligned languages Common
The two guards-slightly smarter-loose their pet scor- Skills Bluff +10, Insight +9, Stealth +9
pion at the nearest defender, hoping to tie him up while Str 11(+1) Dex 16(+4) Wis 12(+2)
they allow the doppelganger sneak to slip around behind Con 13(+2) Int 10(+1) Cha 15(+3)
and take out controllers and/or leaders. Equipment short sword

FEATURES OF THE AREA Human Rabble (R) Level 2 Brute Minion

Medium natural humanoid (human) XP 41
Illumination: The platform and all adjacent squares Initiative +0 Senses Perception +0
are illuminated by light filtering down from room Yl. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion
Underground Pools: The surprisingly pure water of AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 11, Will 11 ; see also mob rule
these pools contains colonies of silverfin: tiny silvery fish Speed 6
that eat decomposing matter and pollutants. (For more CD Club (standard; at-will)

on these creatures, refer to the For80tten Realms Campai8n +6 vs. AC; 4 damage.
Mob Rule
Guide, pg. 199.) Any creature that starts its turn in one of
The human rabble gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while
the pools takes 1 damage from the omnivorous creatures.
at least two other human rabble are within 5 squares of it.
Platform: This platform marks the bottom of the well, Alignment Chaotic Evil languages Common
roughly where the harness deposits a passenger. It is con- Str 14(+2) Dex 10(+0) Wis 10(+0)
sidered difficult terrain. Con 12(+1) Int 9(-1) Cha 11(+0)
f Equipment club
Treasure: Among them, the ambushers have 40 gp.
Stormclaw Scorpion (S) Level 1 Soldier
Medium natural beast XP 100
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +0, tremorsense 5
HP 32; Bloodied 16
AC 16; Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 11
Resist 10 lightning
Speed 6
CD Claws (standard; at-will) • Lightning
+6 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage and a medium or smaller target
is grabbed (until escape). A grabbed target takes 5 lightning
damage at the start of the stormclaw scorpion's turn.
+ Sting (standard; at-will) • Poison
+6 vs. Fortitude; 1d4+3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5
poison damage and is immobilized (save ends both). The storm-
claw scorpion can use this attack against a target it has grabbed.
+ Reactive Sting (immediate reaction, when an enemy grabbed by
the scorpion escapes; at-will)
The storm claw scorpion makes a sting attack against the enemy.
Alignment Unaligned languages -
Str 16(+3) Dex 12(+1) Wis 11(+0)
Con 12(+1) Int 1(-5) Cha 10(+0)


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Encounter Levell (500 XP)* Endurance DC 10 (limit 1 success; no helpers):
* See below for bonus XP award You offer yourself as bait to a particularly ferocious monster
while your companions sneak past. Only the first success
PART 1: FINDING THE HIDDEN on this check counts toward the challenge; subsequent
attempts have no impact on the skill challenge. Failure
CHAMBERS CHALLENGE on this check causes the participant to lose two healing
The adventurers must locate the entrance to the newly surges escaping from the beast.
discovered Hidden Chambers, either through their
own exploration of the dangerous first level of Under-
mountain, or by successfully finding aid among the
residents of Downshadow. Read the following:

Now that the ambushers lie defeated, the forbiddinB chill of

Undermountain descends around you. Alone in the dark below
the world, you are left with nothinB but your wits and skills to
find the hidden chambers-before somethinB worse finds you.

Level: 1
Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures)
Primary Skills: Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, Endur-
ance, Intimidate, Stealth, Streetwise, Thievery
Secondary Skills: Arcana, History, Insight

Diplomacy DC 12 (only after at least one

Streetwise success, second attempt DC 15; limit
two successes): You convince a helpful contact in
Downshadow proper to point the correct direction,
and even offer a warninB about a particular trap.
Failure on this check causes the lead partici-
pant to lose one healing surge when his or
her contact gets violent.
Dungeoneering DC 12 (limit 3 suc-
cesses; DC 15 after first success): With
your innate sense of the inner workinBs
of dunBeons, you find the correct path
throuBh the chambers. If the adven-
turers have the map from Fayne,
they gain a +2 bonus on this
check. Each attempt at this
check (whether the adven-
turers succeed or fail) puts
the adventurers in the path
of either a vastly superior monster
(such as a helmed horror or an
otyugh) or a fiendish magical trap
(such as explosive runic wards or
a spring-loaded flaming scythe),
forcing an immediate Endur-
ance, Stealth, or Thievery
check (see below).

Intimidate DC 15 (only after at least one Street- UNDERMOUNTAIN SITES
wise success, limit one success): You impress the If it adds to the skill challenge-particularly for groups used
notoriously tou8h natives of Downshadow with your prow- to playing in the FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign setting-use
ess, and they point you in the ri8ht direction. Failure on some of the following names for the various chambers and
this check counts against the skill challenge and causes challenges they face (determined randomly):
the participants to lose one healing surge each as 1. Hall of the Sleeping Kings: A hall of thrones, each occu-
laughing thugs beat them up. pied by a zombie, where the floor drops away but for
Stealth DC 15 (limit 1 success; group check): The the platforms, leaving the adventurers to fight the
adventurers sneak past a vicious beast. Only the first now-animate corpses.
success on this check counts toward the challenge; sub- 2. The Grim Statue: A headless and handless statue that
sequent attempts have no impact on the skill challenge. blasts those nearby with lightning.
Failure does not count against the skill challenge but 3. The Great Cavern: A ramshackle underground commu-
causes the two characters in the adventurers with the nity where the folk of Downshadow congregate.
lowest AC to lose one healing surge each. 4. The Ice Prison: A set of icy cells that contain dangerous
Streetwise DC 10 (after 1 success; limit 1 success): creatures, one of which has broken free.
You 8et a sense of the social structure in Downshadow and 5. The lanceboard: A set of giant lanceboard (chess) pieces
know exactly who to ask to 8et the information you need. spring to animated life an attack trespassers.
First success reveals that Diplomacy and Intimidate 6. Wandering Portal: A chimeric beast of nightmarish
can be used in the skill challenge. If the adventurers aspect appears seemingly out of nowhere, deposited
achieves DC 18 with this check, they find a particu- by roving portal magic.
larly helpful native of Downs had ow and gain a +2
bonus on their next Diplomacy check.
Thievery DC 15 (limit 2 successes): The adventur- UNDERMOUNTAIN DANGERS
ers pauses at a particularly wicked booby trap; with a few
If the adventurers fail in the first part of the skill chal-
moments of effort, you work to disarm it, allowin8 safe passa8e.
lenge, they have a short combat encounter as they wander
Failure on this check counts against the skill challenge
through the upper level of Undermountain. Feel free to set
and causes the lead participant to lose one healing surge.
up one of the following encounters, using the map from
Arcana DC 10 (limit 1 success): Your natural sense
Encounter 1-2 or using your own map. You can also make
for all thin8s ma8ical allows you to sense the direction of the
up your own short combat encounter instead of using one
most powerful accumulation of recently dischar8ed power
of the encounters below; simply build an encounter worth
nearby. Success grants a +2 bonus on the adventurers's
a total of 300 xp. All monsters listed below are from the
next Dungeoneering check. Monster Manual.
History DC 15 (limit 1 success): You remember a
fra8ment of a story about Undermountain which proves
• 1 skeleton, 6 decrepit skeletons
true, allowin8 you to bypass a hazard more easily. Success
• 2 fire beetles, 1 stirge
grants a +2 bonus on the adventurers's next Endurance,
• 1 goblin warrior, 1 guard drake, 3 goblin cutters
Stealth, or Thievery check.
Insight DC 10 (before 3 successes): You realize that Bonus XP: If you have time in your session, and your group
you are not alone in Undermountain, and that the natives
succeeded in the first part of the skill challenge, you can run
of Downshadow mi8ht be helpful in your search-if you can
a short combat and award the group experience for defeat-
fi8ure out which one to ask. Success reveals that Street-
ing the monsters (see Advancement and Rewards, page 2).
wise can be used in the challenge.
Success: After the adventurers have achieved six
successes, the adventur~rs enter the outer chamber. Go
to Part 2: Unlockin8 the Wards and place the adventurers
anywhere they would like in the outer chamber. Also,
the adventurers receive-as collected findings from their
delve through Undermountain-two potions ofhealin8'
various coins totaling 80 gp, and a level 2 magic item.
Failure: If the adventurers suffer three failures,
each member of the adventurers loses one healing
surge from the constant fighting in Undermountain.
Then, somehow, by the sheer luck that only adventur-
ers seem to possess, they find their destination anyway.
The adventurers make it to the outer chamber,·but they
have a minor run-in with some dungeon denizens along
the way (see the Undermountain Dan8ers sidebar below).


After the adventurers complete
the first part of the skill chal-
lenge and enter the outer
chamber, read the following:

Inside the chamber, a circular door

sculpted of stone lies set into the
floor atop a dais raised on stone
steps of varying height. The door
is tenfeet in diameter, of old black
stone carved with ancient, dusty
symbols. In the center of the door lies
a circle of six hand-sized hollows that are
free of dust. In each corner of the chamber stands a
small statue, like a gargoyle-the one in the southeast
corner lies in small bits.
Outside the chamber, where powerful wards blew
open the wall, lie the burned and bloodied bodies of
several adventurers who clearly met a gruesome end,
attesting to the price offailure. The aura of death lin-
gers about the place.

In this skill challenge, each success is met

with the appearance of a glowing arcane
rune in one of the hollows on the surface of
the door-all six form a circle.
When the adventurers achieve their first
success, read:

A spot of blue flame lights inside one of the six hollows, tracing Dungeoneering DC 12 or Insight DC 15 (limit one
its way into a fierce-burning arcane rune. success): You figure out that a certain balance of the people
standing around the door sets up a resonance that settles the
Now that the adventurers have located the entrance to the wards. When four of you stand at the four corners, a rune flares
Hidden Chambers, they must deactivate the wards on the brightly on the door. Failure on this check does not count
arcane-sealed portal that will allow them to enter. Bereft against the skill challenge.
of the command word that will open it, they must combine Perception DC 15 (limit one success): You spot a
their arcane and mechanical skills to find a way inside. hidden catch that-when pulled-releases a lock inside the door.
A blazing rune appears in one of the six hollows. Failure on
Level: 1 this check does not count against this skill challenge.
Complexity: 2 (6 successes before 3 failures) Religion DC 12 (limit one success): You recognize the
Primary Skills: Arcana, Dungeoneering, Insight, Percep- symbols over the door to the Hidden Chambers as belonging
tion, Religion, Thievery to those of Helm, a dead god of guardians. By speaking words
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Endurance sacred to his order, you cause another of the glowing symbols to
appear. Failure on this check counts against the skill chal-
Arcana DC 12 (additional attempts DC 15; limit lenge, as the wards respond angrily to blasphemy with a
two successes): You speak words of power and exert your will burst of radiant damage; the main participant takes radi-
over the wards. The door shivers, and a glowing rune appears ant damage equal to twice his or her level.
on the stone. Failure on this check counts against the Thievery DC 10 (second attempt DC 15; limit two
skill challenge and the lead character suffers psychic successes): You jimmy the door as best you can with your
damage equal to twice his or her level as the wards lash tools. A rune appears on the door. Failure on this check
out at the interloper. counts against this skill challenge and the would-be
thief's tools grow burning hot in his or her
hands, rendering them useless for the dura-
tion of the skill challenge.
Acrobatics DC 10 (limit 1 success): You
purposefully lure the wards' ener8ies into lashin8
out at you, then dod8e frantically whileyour com-
panions try toforce the door. Success at the check
grants a +2 bonus to the adventurers's next skill
check. Failure means the participants lose one
healing surge each.
Endurance DC 10 (limit 1 success): You
bear the wards' destructive power whileyour com-
panions work on the door. Success at the check
grants a +2 bonus to the adventurers's next skill
check. Failure means the participants lose one
healing surge each.

No matter whether they succeed or fail, the
adventurers are allowed to enter the Hidden
Chamber. However, failure carries with it a price.

Success: After the adventurers have

achieved twelve successes-six in part one,
six in part two-the door opens, admitting
them into the Hidden Chamber.
Failure: If the adventurers fail part two
of this skill challenge, they short-circuit the
wards, which strike them with a storm of
lightning and arcane fury, and the guard-
ians attack immediately. Each character
takes 4 lightning damage, and the adventur-
ers cannot take a short rest before the next
encounter. If the adventurers fail before
accumulating three successes, they are also
dazed until the end of their first turn after
initiative is rolled.
Once the skill challenge is complete, read:

Six 810win8 runes appear, one after another, on the

surface of the door, and with each one, you hear a
resonant click. Finally, when all six have appeared,
strands of arcane vines snake out from each of the
runes, coverin8 the door in'a fast-wowin8forest of
li8ht. Soon, the door vanishes in a burst Ofli8ht that
leaves you temporarily reelin8' When you re8ain
your senses, a staircase spirals down where the
door once lay. The way lies open.
Li8htflares above the door and resolves
itself into a small devilish creature hoverin8 on
bat win8s. You also hear smallwowls as the
statues about the room sprin8 to hideous life.

The session ends here, setting up a cliff-

hanger for the next session.
Encounter Level 2 (750 XP) If the adventurers attack or fail in the skill challenge,
roll initiative and begin the combat.
Level: 1
Imp (I)
Complexity: 1 (4 successes before 3 failures)
2 stonefist defenders (homunculus) (S)
Primary Skills: Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate;
Iron defender (homunculus) (D)
Rockslide (R) all failures count against the skill challenge.

This is the same room used in the second half of Arcana DC 12 (after at least 1 success; +2 bonus if the
Session 3. Read: player describes what the adventurer is talking about):
Success: You impress the imp with your arcane knowled8e
and power. "Ah," it says, "surely you are true apprentices of
The creature-a miniature devil, by its looks-hisses at you
the master." Failure: The imp snorts. "Are you jestin8? Only
anwily. "You," it says. "You serve the Master?"
an idiot would think THA T was important."
Bluff DC 10 (limit I success): Success: You alleviate the
BARGAINING WITH THE IMP imp's doubt that you serve Halaster. "I suppose the Master
CHALLENGE would have odd-lookin8 servants." Failure: The imp doesn't
seem convinced. "You hardly seem like his type-but then, he
The adventurers have an opportunity to interact with the
is insane. He took on that THING, after all." The imp shud-
guardians before they realize they aren't really Halaster's
ders. Note: if the adventurers ask about the "thing" the
apprentices or in service to the LostApprentice.
imp is referring to (the Lost Apprentice) they make a
If the adventurers attempt to talk, run the encounter
Diplomacy check with a +2 bonus on the roll.
as a level I skill challenge, and award 100 XP if they
Diplomacy DC 10 (after the first attempt DC
succeed. If they fail in the skill chal-
15; limit 1 success): Success: The imp seems at ease.
lenge or don't participate,
"Very well,I'll not kill you-for now. I see no reason to help,
the maximum XP they
thou8h." Failure: "Your honeyed words are as nothin8,flesh-
\ can earn as a group for
this encounter ba8s. Leave me be!"
is 650. Intimidate DC 15 (automatic failure unless the
adventurers have achieved at least 2 successes; DC 10
if the adventurers have achieved a successful Arcana
check): You cow the imp into quiescence. "Allri8ht, all ri8ht!
I'll tellyou what you want to know." Failure: The imp lau8hs
at your efforts to intimidate it. "You are pathetic cretins,
unworthy of the Master or his Apprentice!"

If the adventurers succeed, read: When the encounter finally devolves into combat (which
happens regardless of the success or failure in the skill
The imp seems convinced that you serve Halaster, and his initial challenge), read:
anBer subsides. Still wary, he looks at you expectantly. "Well, what
business have you in this place? That ThinB told me of no visitors." The imp snarls, wavinB its arm in a Besture of command. "Come,
my Buardians!" he shouts, before winkinB out of siBht, as thouBh
If the adventurers successfully convince the Imp to talk, he vanishinB into the air.
can impart secrets about the Lost Apprentice-who the imp The wards set on the portal awaken the three statues in the
calls "that Thing"-limited by his own knowledge. He does not corners, which shake off centuries of dust and reveal themselves
know anything more to identify the Apprentice than is dis- as an iron war-hound and two small stone warriors. The crea-
cussed in the below suggested questions and replies. He can tures sprinB to the attack.
also give the adventurers any of the information on Halaster
and Undermountain they could have obtained with a DC 15 The imp begins the combat invisible, though the adventur-
Arcana check. He does not know how much time has passed ers know where his original position was.
since he was last awakened (before the Spellplague), and will The rockslide activates automatically, rolling initiative
not realize the current state of events. The room will begin to as though it were just another creature.
shake after Id4+2 questions or when the adventurers attempt When the adventurers defeat the last opponent, read:
to enter the stairs, at which point the imp attacks anyway.
The shakinB in the chamber redoubles. Dust falls from above,
What lies beyond this door? and cracks spiderweb across the ceilinB' You look to the exit, but
"The chambers of my Master's apprentice-an awful ThinB. You the outer hall has already vanished in the fallinB rubble. You
do not want to venture down there."
have just enouBh time to descend the stairs before the cavern col-
lapses, sealinB off this entrance to the Hidden Chambers.
Who is your Master?
"The Archwizard Halaster, master of all thinBs in Undermoun-
tain. That ThinB is the Master's Apprentice."
The imp alternates between attacking and resuming its
Who/what is the Apprentice? invisibility. On the first round, it moves to an advanta-
The imp shudders. ''A terrible ThinB of powers none of you flesh- geous position (helping the stonefist defenders acquire
baBs should ever possess." their guard flanking bonus) and attacks. On the second
round, it becomes invisible and adjusts its position to pro-
What powers? vide a flank from a different square (and spoil an attempt
The imp looks pale indeed. "Soultheft," he says. ''That ThinB to attack it). On future rounds, it spends its action to turn
could absorb spells, memories, or souls at a touch. If not for its invisible for another round. It generally does not make
resistance .. ." The imp trails off. 100kinB wary. opportunity attacks (which would spoil its invisibility),
unless already visible or the opponent is bloodied.
What resistance?
The iron guardian and stonefist defenders are
"The Master was always testinB his Apprentice aBainst what he
attuned to guard the imp, which they can perceive
called the SpellplaBue, seekinB a cure. His attempts consumed
regardless of its invisibility. The iron defender attempts
him in the end."
to remain adjacent to the imp at all times (preferably
flanking), while the stonefist defenders attempt to get
When did the Apprentice come to Under mountain?
into flanking positions across from the imp. (Clever
"Shortly after the Master left us. Good riddance, too."
adventurers may be able to pinpoint the imp's location
Where did the Apprentice go? based on the homunculi's movements.)
"I do not know. There was a battle, and the wards in this place dam- When the stone fist defenders are destroyed or it is
aBed. Perhaps that ThinB is dead, and we are all the better for it." bloodied, the imp forgets about tactics in its desperation
and begins to attack in earnest. If the imp is destroyed,
When the allotted questions have been asked-or if the the remaining homunculi fight without order or pur-
adventurers decide to attack-read the following: pose, attacking the nearest opponent at random.

EnerBY Bathers about the door and the room beBins to shake.
OpeninB the door must have undermined the intewity of this
chamber, and it will all come crashinB down.
The imp assumes an anwy scowl. "Youfools! You've come so
far only to die!"

Roll initiative as combat begins.

Illumination: The warded portal glows brightly, bath-
ing the chamber in bright light. The cave outside is dark.
Unstable Ceiling: The ceiling is 10 feet (2 squares) up.
A DC 10 Nature or Dungeoneering check notices that the
ceiling of the outer chamber is unstable, potentially lead-
ing to a rockslide.
Shattered Wall: The room is accessed from greater
Undermountain through a wall that has been shattered by
a blast of strong warding magic. Bodies lie strewn about
the opening.
Treasure: The adventurers can locate a potion of heal-
ins and coins totaling 70 gold pieces with a search of the
bodies (DC 10 Perception check).

Imp (I) Level 3 Lurker

Tin immortal humanoid (devil) XP 150
Initiative +8
HP 40; Bloodied 20
Senses Perception +13; darkvision
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 15, Will 15
Resist 15 fire
Speed 4, fly 6 (hover)
CD Bite (standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d6+1 damage.
+ Tail Sting (standard; recharges when the imp uses vanish) .• Poison
+8 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage, and the imp makes a secondary attack
against the same target. Secondary Attack: +5 vs. Fortitude; the
target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and a -2 penalty to will
defense (save ends both).
Vanish (standard; at-will) .• Illusion
The imp becomes invisible until the end of its next turn or until
it attacks.
Alignment Evil languages Common, Supernal

• Skills Arcana +9, Bluff +9, Stealth +9

Str 6(+0) Dex 12(+3) Wis 11(+2)
Con 15(+4) Int1(-3) Cha8(+1)

Iron Defender (D) Level 3 Soldier

Medium natural animate (construct, homunculus) XP 150
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
HP 47; Bloodied 23
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 1S, Will 13
Immune disease, poison
Speed 6

+6 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage.

+ Guard Creature (immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemy
~ CD attacks
Bite (standard;
the creature
guarded [the imp] by the iron defender; at-will)
~ The iron defender makes a bite attack against the enemy.

When the iron defender makes an opportunity attack, it shifts 1

~ Pursue
Attackor after the attack.
Alignment Unaligned languages -
Str16(+4) Dex15(+3) Wis 11(+1)
Con 15(+3) Int 5(-2) Cha 8(+0)
Stonefist Defender (S) Level 2 Skirmisher Rockslide (R) Level1 Lurker
smaWnatural animate (construct, homunculus) XP 125 Hazard XP 100
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +4, darkvision Hazard Rocks tumble down to a target square and make a
HP 38; Bloodied 19 burst 3 attack.
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 14 Perception 1;
Speed 8 Characters can't use Perception to detect this hazard.
CD Spiked Fist (standard; at-will) Additional Skills Nature or Dungeoneering
+7 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage. A DC 10 Nature or Dungeoneering check notices a rock
Guard Creature formation is unstable.
A stonefist defender gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against any Initiative +3
enemy adjacent to its guarded creature (the imp). Trigger
Synchronized Flank See setup.
While a stonefist defender is flanking an enemy with its guarded Attack Standard Reaction Close burst 3
creature (the imp), its attacks deal 1d6 extra damage against the +4 vs. Reflex; 2d6+ 2 damage
flanked enemy. Miss: Half damage.
Tumble (move; at-will) Sustain Standard: The rockslide continues for 1 d4 rounds. The
The stonefist defender shifts 3 squares. burst area is difficult terrain during and after the rockslide.
Alignment Unaligned languages - Countermeasures
Skills Acrobatics +9
A character in the area can take advantage of natural
Str 12(+2) Dex 17(+4) Wis 17(+4)
openings in the slide to avoid damage by making a DC 15
Con 14(+3) Int 11(+1) Cha 7(-1)
Nature or Dungeoneering check. With a successful check, a
character takes half damage (no damage on a miss).

I .•.
- .•.

I "'- PC
••• - -~.-- ~~ - CD

Illumination: The chamber is lit with blue-glowing
Treasure: Amidst a bunch of tattered rags, a +1
Sessions 5-8 delve into the secrets of the Hidden Cham-
mantle of the apprentice (see page 9) hangs on a dusty
bers, and contain hints as to the identity of the Halaster
coat rack near the stairs (DC 15 Perception check).
apprentice who dwelt here. Solving this riddle gives the
adventurers an upper hand in the final battle of the chapter
(though it isn't strictly necessary, for those who haven't been
The door to the south leads to a bedchamber in which
attending every session).
Note that once the adventurers have encountered the the Lost Apprentice lived. As soon as the adventurers
enter, read:
black specter, they are unable to take an extended rest until
it is defeated. The specter fills their dreams with terrible,
The bedchamber within is larae, as such thinas ao, but little of it
bloody nightmares that deny them the chance to rest. The
female spirit features prominently in these dreams, univer- is reserved for creature comforts. The cluttered room is a mess of
discarded books, withered scrolls, and melted candles, all hidden
sally as the target of the specter's murderous predations.
under a thick coat of dust. Some of them have been crinkled and
The first opportunity they have to rest is at the end of the
placed in odd piles like small huts. The smallfeather bed has
chapter (end of Session 8, before descending the staircase).
been torn open and most of its contents sttiffed under the frame.

SESSION 5: As you enter, cold seeps across your skin as you see two shad-
owy forms on the bed: one a lithefemale composed of blue mist,
BIRTH OF THE ApPRENTICE Iyina beneath a formless creature of black smoke. At first, they
appear to be romantically embracina, but then it becomes clear
The adventurers gain the Major Quest: Clear Out the
that the female ahost is struaalina to escape while the other
First Level when they begin Session 5.
seems to be drawina her essence into itself-feedina on her.


If the adventurers restrain themselves a moment, they can
When the session begins, read:
make the following skill checks.
Arcana DC 12: The black creature was usina some sort of
The spiral staircase ends in an odd-shaped chamber that liahts
necromantic ability to siphon off some of the other one's eneray
up with blue-burnina candles as you enter. Doors in the north
for sustenance, like a vampire drinkina a human's blood.
and east walls are sealed shut while the door in the south wall
Insight DC 10: A number oflarae rats must dwell in the
stands sliahtly cyar.
room, as evidenced by the torn feather bed and scrolls turned to
As you take the last step off the stairs, an ancient spell nestina materials.
buzzes active and a cheery female voice speaks, echoina around
Perception DC 15: Severallarae rodents are hidina under
the chamber. "Welcome and well met, honored visitors-unless
the bed, as thouah waitina in ambush.
you be intruders. Speak the Master's Blessina tofind the way, or
Perception DC 18: A small imp-like creature lurks atop the
else you'll not leave this place."
dresser opposite the bed, usina its stone-like appearance to blend in.
The ancient ward flickers into slumber aaain.
Religion DC 12: The female creature is definitely a ahost-
the formless one appears to be a specter.
None of the doors have a clear way of opening, much
less a lock, and requires a special key to open each one. If the adventurers approach within 3 squares or make
The south door, on the other hand, stands slightly open, any move to attack, interrupt the action and read:
making a logical first step. It leads to H3.
If the adventurers attempt to open one of the other The shadowy thinajerks its head up, sees you, and hisses sound-
doors, allow them to roll skill checks, but the doors will
lessly. It fades away into the wall, abandonina its prize, which
not respond to mundane thieves' tools.
collapses weakly onto the bed and lies there as thouah exhausted.
Arcana DC 10: The place veritably buzzes with ancient, On the wall above it, letters beain toform, written in drippina
awakened maaic. The ward that just spoke to you was a cen- blood: "M-A-E-R."
tury-old maaic mouth spell.
Insight DC 15: The curious phrase "speak the Master's
The female ghost lingers two rounds, unmoving and unre-
Blessina" miaht not refer to some bestowed password, but
sponsive to anything the adventurers do-seemingly dead.
rather to the Apprentice's name-the "blessina" aiven at birth.
Then it evaporates into the air, leaving behind a gleaming
Perception DC 15: You detect some manner of maaic-
silver object on the bed. An adventurer must be adjacent
powered trap on the stairs, but it looks to be beyond your skills
to investigate the object, prompting the rats to attack the
to activate. A particular command word miaht do the trick.
creatures invading their home.
Go to Encounter 2-1: Home Invasion when an adven-
hIrer attacks or moves to a square adjacent to the bed.


When the adventurers approach the eastern door, read:

Just as the northern door did, the eastern door

responds to the enchanted key you are carryin8
and opens without bein8 touched. It hesi-
tates, openin8 slowly and ominously.
A set of si8ils set into
the stone in a 10foot by 20
foot antechamber 810w with
a dull crimson li8ht. Before
you,just beyond the 8'owin8
si8ils, the dark stretches twenty
SESSION 6: feet up a set of wooden steps into a room that is
black as ink. Stale air sifts down the corridor.
THE ApPRENTICE The room defies any attempt to see inside. The magical
darkness blocks darkvision, torches and other artificial
The adventurers enter the apprentice's spellcasting cham-
light, and any light spell power oflower than 5th level. If
ber, triggering the persistent wards that summon a series
the adventurers attempt to explore the room before acti-
of strange and exotic creatures that the apprentice used as
vating the wards (see below), they find absolutely nothing
targets for arcane attacks. in the chamber but foul-smelling darkness. The adven-
turers cannot disable the magical trap by any means.
H4. SPELLCASTING CHAMBER The adventurers can make the following skill checks.
When the adventurer with the key comes within 10 Arcana DC 15: The si8ils appear to be part of some sort
feet of the northern door, read: of persistent ward. You sense an aura of coryuration and evo-
cation about the chamber.
As you step dose to the northernmost door, the key you discov- Perception DC 10 (from the room above): The floor
ered in the Apprentice's bedchamber resonates with a cheerful is pitted and burned, as thou8h from lon8-a80 ma8ical battles.
hum, and be8ins to 810w warmly. Without bein8 touched, the Perception DC 15: There appear to be no traps in the cham-
door slides open with a deep Bfindin8 sound. ber, but you suspect the si8ilsmi8ht be tied to some sort of effect.
The chamber within resembles a wizard's workroom of sorts,
albeit thorou8hly scoured. Bits of dusty, crinkled paper litter As soon as the last adventurer steps on the magical
the place, particularly around a shattered table, in the midst of sigHs, a ward is activated and the door (and the entire
which sparkles somethin8 metallic. room) is sealed by a wall of force, trapping the adventur-
The splintered remains of an empty coat rack stand near the ers inside. (This wall is mainly to prevent the captive
door, cut in halfby a ma8ical blast. Severalstran8e crystal rock eladrin from damaging the complex.) The spell also
formations stand near the end of the room, near a lar8e pit about awakens the containment device, which appears in the
twenty feet deep. center of the room and begins to glow, revealing an
At the southeastern cor~er of the room, a short fli8ht of steps eladrin maiden inside.
lead to a raised plaiform ten feet in hei8ht. When the last adventurer steps into the room
onto one of the sigH-marked spaces, read:
When an adventurer enters three or more squares into the
room-certainly if they approach the metallic glint-five As the last of you steps onto the si8ils, their 810w turns sud-
fell taints materialize and attack. Go to Encounter 2-2: denly bri8ht blue. A shimmerin8 barrier of blue force appears
Target Practice. over the door, blockin8 all attempts to escape.
Up the stairs in the chamber, you hear a hiss that turns into a
rapidly escalatin8 buzz. A new source Ofli8ht has appeared there,
somethin8 that 810ws as bri8htly as the risen sun.
If an adventurer is already standing in the upstairs In response to his silent call, wraiths boil up from the shadows
chamber or when the adventurers climb the stairs, and several zombies limp down the staircase.
begin Encounter 2-3: Plague Resistant.
Begin Encounter 2-4: Tainted Servants.
When the adventurers defeat the specter, the wards around
The identity of the shadow creature from session 5 is
the Lost Apprentice's hidden chambers break. permitting
revealed: an unseen servant maintained by the necroman- extradimensional travel once more. The adventurers earn a
tic siphoning ritual the adventurers read ofin the earlier
major quest award for cleansing and completing exploration
encounter. The shadow summons up a group of undead. of the first level of the hidden chambers.
Announcing the identity of the Lost Apprentice allows the
Also, if they puzzled out the name of the Lost
mysterious female ghost to fight back against the unseen ser-
Apprentice and used it in the battle. the adventurers
vant, negating its lifedraining aura, thus balancing the fight.
earn a minor quest award. What have they unwittingly
unleashed upon Faerun?
When the adventurers return to the stairwell hall, read:
With the destruction of the specter, the adventurers can
You step into the entry hall, only tofind two aspects of it altered.
once again rest easy without terrible nightmares. They
The first and less pressin8 is that the hatch in the northeast wall
should take an extended rest before they descend the
stands open, revealin8 a spiral staircase that drops away into
stairs to the lower level of the hidden chambers. where
darkness. Second, the amorphous shadow creature with eyes
Chapter 3: Escape begins.
of crimson flame stands before you, pointin8 a lon8, accusin8
fin8er in your direction.
Encounter Levell (575 XP) TACTICS
The rats attack the nearest creatures, favoring opponents
SETUP who have hit them.
2 dire rats (D) The clay scout waits until defenders and strikers are
4 giant rats (G) busy in combat, then attacks any adventurers who remain
Rat swarm (S) in the back row or approach the broken table where its
Clay scout (homunculus) (C) guarded object (the journal) can be found.

The rats are hiding under the bed, where they have cover FEATURES OF THE AREA
from all attacks. The clay scout is hiding atop the dresser
Illumination: The room is dark but for the glow
in the opposite corner of the room (DC 15 Perception
of the blue ghost. While the ghost is present, the
check)-it is attuned to guarding the Lost Apprentice's
bed shines as brightly as a torch. When the ghost
journal (see Scrolls and Notes).
disappears, the bed radiates a persistent glow that illu-
When one or more adventurer enters a square adjacent
minates all adjacent squares.
to the bed, the rats attack. Place the clay scout only when
Shiny Object on the Bed: This object is a magi-
an adventurer becomes aware ofits presence.
cally-tuned key that unlocks the north door (see Session
6: Power of the Apprentice, page 27). Other than this use,
as a magical curiosity, it is worth 5 gp to the right buyer.
Treasure: In their nest (DC 10 Perception check to
find), the rats have a collection of gold and
silver worth a total of 10 gp.
Scrolls and Notes: If the adventur-
ers search the mess thoroughly (DC 10
Perception check), they find two scrolls
- one contains the Magic Mouth ritual, and the
other contains the Purify Water ritual. They also
discover what appears to be the Lost Apprentice's
journal, which is largely indecipherable. The parts
that are legible speak of an arrival in Waterdeep and
apprenticeship with the legendary Halaster, who was
impressed by the author's arcane potential. The Lost
Apprentice was-apparently-a spellcasting prodigy of
sorts. Also, the book contains notes regarding a nec-
\ romantic ritual designed to sap energy from other
creatures, but no instructions for casting the
actual ritual.
Also, the adventurers find an insightful pas-
sage. Read:
"Over the last few days, my servant has BYown oddly ...
forward. This requires castigation, which shall dispense at
the first opportunity ... Lyn."
The last three letters (L-Y-N) appear to be part of a word,
the rest of which is hopelessly illegible.


Should the adventurers ever figure out the Lost Appren-
tice's identity they gain the Minor Quest: The Name of
the Apprentice. If they name her aloud (Maerlyn), they
receive the minor quest award. See Advancement and
Rewards, (page 2).
Dire Rat (D) Level 1 Brute
Medium natural beast XP 100
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision
HP 38; Bloodied 19
AC 15; Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 11
Immune filth fever (see below)
Speed 6, climb 3
CD Bite (standard; at-will) • Disease
+4 vs_AC; 1d6+2 damage, and the target contracts filth fever
(see below).
Alignment Unaligned languages- I
Skills Stealth +7
Str 14(+2) Dex 15(+2) Wis 10(+0) PC I
Con 18(+4) Int 3(-4) Cha 6(-2) START AREA r
-r-r I


Giant Rat (G) Level 1 Minion Clay Scout (C) Level 2 Lurker
Small natural beast XP 25 Small natural animate (construct, homunculus) XP 125
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision Initiative +7 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damage a minion. HP 31; Bloodied 15
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 12 AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 15
Speed 6, climb 3 Immune disease, poison
CD Bite (standard; at-will) Speed 6, fly 3 (clumsy)
+6 vs. AC; 3 damage. CD Bite (standard; at-will) • Poison

Alignment Unaligned languages - +3 vs. AC; 1d6 damage and the homunculus makes a secondary
Str 12(+1) Dex 17(+3) Wis 10(+0) attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: +2 vs. Fortitude;
Con 12(+1) Int 2(-4) Cha 6(-2) the target is slowed (save ends)_See also 8uard object.
;Y Mind Touch (standard; at-will). Psychic
+5 vs. Reflex; 1d6+3 psychic damage, and the target is dazed
Rat Swarm (S) Level 2 Skirmisher (save ends); see also 8uard object.
Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 125 Guard Object
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision The clay scout gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against targets
Swarm Attack aura 1; the rat swarm makes a basic attack as a free adjacent to or carrying its guarded object (the journal, see setup).
action against each enemy that begins its turn in the aura. limited Invisibility. Illusion
HP 36; Bloodied 18 The clay scout is invisible to dazed creatures.
AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 11 Redirect (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a melee or ranged
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 attack; at-will)
against close and area attacks The clay scout makes an attack against the attacker; +4 vs. Will;
Speed 4, climb 2 the targeting attack targets a creature adjacent to the clay scout
CD Swarm of Teeth (standard; at-will) instead (as chosen by the clay scout).
+6 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage, and ongoing 3 damage (save ends). Alignment Unaligned languages -
Alignment Unaligned languages - Skills Stealth +8
Str 12(+2) Drx 17(+4) Wis 10(+1) Str 10(+1) Dex 15(+3) Wis 10(+1)
Con 12(+2) Int 2(-3) Cha 9(+0) Con 13(+2) Int 10(+1) Cha 16(+4)

Filth Fever level 3 Disease Endurance improve DC 16, maintain DC 11, worsen DC 10 or lower

Ie m
The target Initial Effect: The target The. target takes a -2 penalty CI Final State: The target takes a -2 penalty to
is cured. loses a healing surge. to AC, Fortitude defense, and AC, Fortitude defense, and Reflex defense.
Reflex defense. The target loses all healing surges and
cannot regain hit points.

Encounter Levell (525 XP) FEATURES OF THE AREA
Illumination: The room is brightly lit by everburn-
SETUP ing blue candles.
2 fell taint pulsars (P) Metallic Glint: Among the shattered remnants of
2 fell taint lashers (L) the table, the adventurers can find a key similar to the
1 fell taint thought eater (1') one that allowed entrance to this room. It is keyed to H4
and worth 5 gp.
The adventurers' starting position varies, based on where Platform: The steps lead up to a 10 foot by 10 foot
they moved in the room. stone platform, which stands 10 feet in the air. The rail-
When the encounter begins, read: ing on one end has long ago crumbled away. The Lost
Apprentice used this platform to fire spells down at foes
Your presence awakens a frenzied buzzin8 sound, and you see from a position of relative safety.
the air ripplin8 as bizarre creatures like somethin8 out of a Pit: The pit is 20 feet deep. Anyone who falls in suf-
ni8htmare materialize in the chamber. Drawn to your bodies, fers 2d 10 falling damage. Climbing out requires a DC
they float forward maliciously. 10 Athletics check.
Rock Formations: These odd clusters of rock
TACTICS provide cover.
Shattered Table: The remains of the table make for
The fell taints have no real strategy, attacking the near-
difficult terrain. Amongst the scraps of dusty paper the
est adventurer in their hunger for sustenance. They are
adventurers can find with a DC 15 Perception check sev-
maintained by the magic of the room and respawn after
eral pages torn out of the Apprentice's journal. Among
an extended rest (through the adventurers can only gain
the indecipherable words, the adventurers find another
experience from this encounter once). The pulsars are
hint about the Apprentice's identity. See the sidebar.
intelligent enough to take cover behind the rock forma-
Treasure: Leaning against the wall by the shattered
tions, and any of the fell taints might fly over the pit to
coat rack is a +1 staff of the apprentice, which looks like
make themselves hard to reach.
an old, gnarled staff. A DC 10 Arcana check detects
Starting at the beginning of the second round of battle,
have each adventurer at the start of their turn roll a DC 15 that it is magical. Hidden in an iron maiden in the west
part of the room (DC IS Perception check) is a secret
Perception check until one adventurer succeeds, then read:
compartment containing a potion ofhealin8 and two
moonstones (worth 25 gp each). A DC 10
Ice drips down your spine and you realize you are bein8 watched.
Thievery check is required to keep
Previously unnoticed, the shadowy 8host from the bedchamber is
the iron maiden from swinging
observin8 the battle silently. closed when the chest is dis-
turbed, inflicting IdlO+2
The specter materializes at least three squares away from
damage to anyone
any combatant (his favorite locations being the balcony,
touching the chest
the door, or behind one of the rock formations). Regard- and restrained
less, he does not attack and his aura is inactive. He
and ongoing 5
remains until attacked (no damage) or the end of the next
turn of the adventurer who noticed him. Then he fades damage (save
ends both).
away into the air.
If the adventurers find the staff of the apprentice (see
Treasure). then the female shadow from the bedchamber
appears and emulates casting attack spells for two rounds.
The ghost targets any remaining enemies or the nearest
adventurer. No attacks actually happen, but this hints that
the female ghost-not the male shadow-is an echo of the
Apprentice. Note: If the specter has manifested at the
time, he immediately vanishes.
SCRAP FROM THE ApPRENTlCE'S JOURNAL Fell Taint Lasher (L) Level1 Soldier
Small aberrant ma ical beast XP 100
"My thoughts dwell on that poor creature in the hot Initiative +3 Senses Perception +8
chamber, caught in my master's mad schemes to test HP 20; Bloodied 10
my resistance to this 'spell plague' he's always mumbling AC 15; Fortitude 12, Reflex 12, Will 14
about. I only hope I can one day bring her peace. -Maer." Resist insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 psychic
The last four letters appear to be part of a signature, Speed 1, fly 6 (hover)
CD Tendril Caress (standard; at-will)· Psychic
which is mostly obscured, leaving only the beginning vis-
+5 vs. Reflex; 1d6+4 psychic damage.
ible: M-A-E-R.
+ Tendrils of Stasis (standard; at-will)· Psychic
+5 vs. Will; 1d4+4 psychic damage, and the target is immobilized
Fell Taint Pulsar (P) Level1 Artillery until the end of the fell taint lasher's next turn.
Small aberrant ma ical beast XP 100 Fell Taint Feeding (standard; at-will)· Healing
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +8 Targets a helpless or unconscious creature; the fell taint lasher
HP 18; Bloodied 9 loses insubstantial and its fly speed until the end of its next turn,
AC 12; Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 14 and it makes a coup de grace against the target. If the lasher kills
Resist insubstantial; Vulnerable S psychic the target, it regains all of its hit points.
Speed 1, fly 6 (hover) Flowing Tendrils (free, when the fell taint lasher makes an opportu-
CD Tendril Caress (standard; at-will)· Psychic nity attack; at-will)
+4 vs. Reflex; 1d4+3 psychic damage. The lasher shifts 1 square.
@ Tendril Pulse (standard; at-will)· Psychic Alignment Unaligned languages -
Ranged 20; +6 vs. Reflex; 2d4+3 psychic damage. Str 11(+0) Dex 12(+1) Wis 16(+3)
::r Tendril Flurry (standard; recharge [;i] [j]). Psychic Con 13(+1) Int 4(-3) Cha 10(+0)
Ranged 10; targets one, two, or three creatures; +4 vs. Reflex;
2d4+ 1 psychic damage.
Fell Taint Feeding (standilrd; at-will)· Healing
Fell Taint Thought Eater (T) Level 2 Controller
Small aberrant ma ical beast XP 125
Targets a helpless or unconscious creature; the fell taint pulsar Initiative +2 Senses Perception +6
loses insubstantial and its fly speed until the end of its next turn,
HP 26; Bloodied 13
and it makes a coup de grace against the target. If the pulsar kills
AC 14; Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 15
the target, it regains all of its hit points.
Resist insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 psychic
Alignment Unaligned languages -
Speed 1, fly 6 (hover)
Str 11(+0) Dex 14(+2) Wis 16(+3)
CD Tendril Caress (standard; at-will)· Psychic
Con 13(+1) Int4(-3) Cha 10(+0)
+6 vs. Reflex; 1d6+5 psychic damage.
::r Spirit Haze (standard; at-will)· Psychic
Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; 1d4+5 psychic damage, and the target is
dazed until the end of the fell taint thought eater's next turn .
•~ Thought Fog (standard; recharge [;i] [DJ). Psychic, Charm
Close burst 5; targets enemies; +5 vs. Will; the target is slowed
(save ends). First Failed SavinB Throw: The target is immobilized
instead of slowed (save ends).
Fell Taint Feeding (standard; at-will)· Healing
Targets a helpless or unconscious creature; the fell taint thought
eater loses insubstantial and its fly speed until the end of its
next turn, and it makes a coup de grace against the target. If the
thought eater kills the target, it regains all of its hit points.
Alignment Unaligned languages -
Str 11(+1) Dex 12(+2) Wis 10(+1)
Con 13(+2) Int 5(-1) Cha 16(+4)


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~ ~
Encounter Level 2 (625 XP) Read:
The attack lands, and the sphere shudders in its wake. Cracks spread
SETUP along the sphere of blueflame, and it splits open likean egg. Inside
lies afrail eladrin woman, who blinks dazedly up at you.
Plaguechanged eladrin (P)
"Save me," she pleads. "Save me!"
Protective orb (0)
Then her eyes blaze with the same bright flame, rippling
down her arms, and she attacks savagely.
Place the protective orb (large size) first as marked on the map.
The e1adrin appears only when the orb is broken (Le.bloodied).
A DC 10 Insight check identifies that the e1adrin's pleas of
"save me!" mean to slay her and end her suffering. A DC 10
In the center of the room is a sphere-shaped, magic-pow-
Arcana check identifies her blue fire as spellplague-imbued,
ered containment device, holding bound a plague-changed
and a DC 15 check identifies her as plaguechanged.
eladrin. Back before the Spellplague, Halaster trapped her
When the adventurers reduce the pla-
in the field and subjected her to pure wild magic, seeking

guechanged eladrin to 0 hit points, read:
to emulate the coming apocalypse. He then used her to
test his new apprentice, whom he was trying to make resis-
tant/immune to the Spellplague. Read:
The in
out final
and 'Thank
she slumps
Then she speaks a command word in an ancient
crying I~_o0

Light awakens in the center of the chamber, spreading fearsome

language you do not recognize. A distant growl of
radiance to all corners of the room. A ten foot orb that glows as
stone comes to your ears, as of something unlocking.
brightly as a miniature star appears in the center, swirling with
'The way below is open," the eladrin says. "Go, and
blue fire. It spins rapidly, then gradually slows, casting flaring honor her."
arcs of blue fire from itself at random. This fire picks up along
Finally, you see the shimmering wall offorce fade
the walls, casting haunting shadows through the room.
from around the chamber.
You hear a voice screamingfrom within the orb, but can't
make out the words.
The wall of force dissipates when the eladrin
dies, and the distant unlocking sound is that of
I ~t
The 10 foot orb begins to attack the adventurers imme-
the stairs down in the Entry.Hall (H2), which the
diately. A DC 10 Arcana check identifies the blue fire as
eladrin activated by use of the command word.
originating from the spell plague. A DC 20 Arcana check
suggests that it is not real spell plague, but rather a fabrica-
If the adventurers linger in the room two
tion created by the great wizard Halaster. more rounds, read:

TACTICS After a moment, as silent as a breeze, the ghostly

When the attack begins, the plaguechanged eladrin is trapped woman appears, kneeling over the fallen eladrin and
inside a glowing sphere of blue flame. Its initial position allows cradling her head in her arms. The eladrin grasps
it to take advantage of the defensive properties of the binding a locket around her neck and whispers something.
circle. The sphere does not move, but Simply ~ttacks all within Then she sighs for the last time.
range. Even adventurers who take cover in the SigH-marked The ghost, woman looks up at you, nods, and vanishes.
squares are within range ofits lightning arc attack.
The sphere cracks ope~ when bloodied. Also, the If nearby adventurers succeed on a DC 15 Perception
adventurers can attempt to force the sphere open with check, they hear the name whispered: Maerlyn.
three DC 20 Arcana checks. If successful, reduce the pla-
guechanged eladrin to her bloodied value.
When the sphere is first bloodied or when the
adventurers succeed on the skill challenge to open it,
the sphere cracks open, revealing the power source:
the plaguechanged eladrin.
When the orb is bloodied, it shifts form. The fire fades and
the orb bursts open, revealing an e1adrin maiden seemingly
clad in blue flames. Trapped in this room for a century, sus-
f tained by the device, she has long gone mad. She pleads with
the adventurers to n~ease her and continues attacking.
Medium fe humanoid
Eladrin (P)
Level 2 Solo Controller
XP 625
Illumination: The room is dark as pitch until the Initiative +5

adventurers activate the ward. The sigHs shed light enough Senses Perception +3
Wreath of Spellflame (fire, poison) aura 2; before bloodied; any
to illuminate their own squares and those adjacent.
creature who starts its turn in the aura takes 5 fire and poison
Binding Circle: A yellow-glowing pattern marks the
damage; spellscarred creatures take 7 damage.
binding circle that holds the plaguechanged eladrin inside Awful Pleas (psychic) aura 2; while bloodied; any creature who
her orb of blue flame. All creatures standing in the circle starts its turn in the aura takes 5 psychic damage and suffers -2
gain +1 to all defenses. on attack rolls until the start of its next turn.
Treasure: The locket worn by the e1adrin is shaped like a HP 164; Bloodied 82
AC 16; Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 15
pyramid set with seven stars. A DC 15 Religion check identi-
Resist fire 5
fies this as the old symbol of the dead goddess Mystra. A DC
Saving Throws +5
10 Thievery or Strength check allows the adventurers to open Speed 0; teleport 6 after break free (see below)
the locket, which contains a small painted portrait of a pretty Action Points 2
human girl of about twenty or thirty years with long dark CD Spell plague lash (standard; at-will) • Fire, Poison
hair that curls about her as thought alive. The adventurers Reach 2; targets one or two creatures; +7 vs. AC; 1d6+4 fire and
can make nothing poison damage and knock prone.

1 else out about the

picture; it is faded
<. lightning Arc (minor; at-will) • lightning
Close Burst 10; targets one or two creatures in burst; +6 vs.
Reflex; 1d6+4 lightning damage and target is slowed until the
from time. (This is
end of plaguechanged eladrin's next turn.
the only surviving <. Spell plague Burst (standard; recharge ~ [1]; and immediate reac-
portrait of the Lost tion when first bloodied) • Fire

J Apprentice herself-
Maerlyn.) The locket
Close bust 3; +6 vs. Reflex; 2d6+ 1 fire damage
pushed 2 squares.
and target is

is worth 100 gp. Break Free (immediate reaction; when first bloodied)
The eladrin The plaguechanged eladrin gains a teleport speed 6 but cannot
cross the wall of force (and leave the chamber) or other force effects.
also has in her pos-
Spellfire Absorption (immediate reaction; when hit by fire attack;

session a level 5

I iI magic item. Its prop- The plaguechanged eladrin takes no damage from the attack and

____ ..J
1. erties do not affect
her statistics above.
recharges its burning fey step.
Fey Step (while bloodied;
When the plaguechanged
eladrin teleports, each creature adja-
cent to its starting and ending squares takes 5 fire damage.
Threatening Reach
The plaguechanged eladrin threatens all squares within reach of
its spell plague lash.
Spellscarred Vulnerability
The plaguechanged eladrin has a -2 to all defenses against the
attacks of spellscarred creatures.
Alignment Chaotic Evil languages Common, Elven
Str 12(+2) Dex 18(+5) Wis 15(+3)
Con 20(+6) Int 22(+7) Cha 18(+5)
Equipment keepsake of the Apprentice


Encounter Level 3 (850 XP) TACTICS
The specter attempts to catch as many opponents as pos-
SETUP sible in its aura, relying on its wraith minions and the
Lifedrinker specter (L) zombies to absorb potential attacks. It alternates between
4 wisp wraiths (W) turning invisible in the middle of combat (so that its aura
Corruption corpse (C) has full effect but it is relatively safe) and attacking with
3 zombies (Z) combat advantage while invisible. The specter is clearly
the leader in the battle, and all the other creatures will
The specter has animated the corpses of the slain sacrifice themselves to protect it as necessary.
adventurers and summoned a number of souls trapped The zombies and wisp wraiths stay in a swarm around the
in the complex. Unless the adventurers took steps to specter, while the relatively intelligent corruption corpse goes
keep the slain adventurers in HI from rising, they rec- after adventurers who stay outside the main melee.
ognize the creatures as the hapless souls who perished When the specter and the undead are destroyed, read:
before they arrived.
This is the toughest encounter the adventurers have As the specter and his minions fade away, destroyed, you hear a deep
faced yet. If they are having too much trouble and haven't rumble as of the wards around the hidden chambers giving way.
been able to use the Apprentice's name in their support As the dust settles, you see thefemale spirit from the bed-
(see Tactics), have Maerlyn's spirit appear anyway at an chamber standing amongst the battlefield, like a specter of death
appropriate moment. herself. She surveys the devastation you have wreaked, then-as
you watch-her soft, gentle blue gives way to a deeper purple before
erupting with the bright red of blood. She makes a sound for the
first time-a terrible, haunting cackle that shakes you to the bone.
Then-casting you a look that is both grateful and not a little
bit hungry-she fades away into the air like dispersing mist.

\ f···



THE LOST APPRENTICE'S NAME Lifedrinker Specter (L) Level 4 Lurker
Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 175
If the adventurers have determined the Lost Apprentice's Initiative +8 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
identity and invoke her by name during the battle, then life Drain (Necrotic) aura 2; an enemy who starts his or her turn in
the spirit appears and deactivates the specter's aura. Read: the aura takes 5 necrotic damage.
HP 30; Bloodied 15

The blue-alowina female ahost appears in the midst of the Regeneration 5 (if no targets have been damaged by the specter's life
drain aura since its last turn or the specter suffered radiant damage
melee, and the specter shrinks back in terror. Calmly and
since the end of its last turn, regeneration doesn't function this turn)
silently, she raises her hands and the specter's stolen power AC 16; Fortitude 16, Reflex 16, Will 17
flows out of it and back into her. Satisfied, Maerlyn's ahost Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic, insubstantial;
remains and watches the continuina battle. Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed fly 6 (hover); phasing
The specter's aura no longer functions, until the end of the CD Spectral Touch (standard; at-will) • Necrotic
encounter. Maerlyn's ghost takes no further actions and +7 vs. Reflex; 1d6+2 necrotic damage.
::r life Vacuum (standard; encounter) • Necrotic
does not take damage from any attack.
Close burst 2; targets enemies; +7 vs. Will; 2d6+2 necrotic damage,
After the specter's aura is deactivated, it loses all con- and the target is weakened until the end of the specter's next turn.
trol of the undead, which cease to fight with any particular The specter regains 2 hit points for each target damaged in this attack.
tactics and instead attack the nearest living creature. Invisibility (standard; at-will) • Illusion
The specter becomes invisible until it attacks or is hit by an attack.
FEATURES OF THE AREA Alignment Chaotic Evil
Skills Stealth +9
languages Common

Illumination: The chamber is lit with blue-glowing candles. Str 10(+2) Dex 15(+4) Wis 8(+1)
Spiral Staircase: A character knocked prone or Con 13(+3) Int 6(+0) Cha 15(+4)
moved onto the battered staircase leading down must
attempt a DC 10 Acrobatics check or tumble down 10
feet, suffering Idl0 falling damage. Returning to the Wisp Wraith (W) Level 1 Minion
room costs a move action. Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 150
Treasure: If none of the adventurers found it Initiative +3 Senses Perception +0; darkvision
HP 1; a miss never damages a minion.
already, amidst a bunch of tattered rags, the +1 mantle of
AC 13; Fortitude 11, Reflex 15, Will 12
the apprentice (see Treasure in Session 5, page 26) hangs
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic, insubstantial; Vulner-
on a dusty coat rack near the stairs leading up (DC able 5 radiant
15 Perception check). If they missed the coin on the Speed fly 6 (hover); phasing; see also shadow 8lide
adventurers' bodies (see Treasure in Encounter 1-4, CD Shadow Caress (standard; at-will) • Necrotic
page 24), they can take it now. An adventurer that has +4 vs. Reflex; 4 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until
received any of these pieces of treasure from earlier is the end of the wisp wraith's next turn.
Shadow Glide (move; encounter)
not eligible to receive the treasure again.
The wisp wraith shifts up to 6 squares.
Skills Stealth +8
Corruption Corpse (C) Level 4 Artillery
Alignment Chaotic evil languages Common
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 175
Str 3(-4) Dex 17(+3) Wis 10(+0)
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
Con 13(+1) Int 4(-3) Cha 15(+2)
Grave Stench aura 1; living enemies in the aura take a -5 penalty to
attack rolls.
HP 46; Bloodied 23; see also death burst.
Regeneration 5 (if the corruption corpse takes radiant damage, Zombie (Z) Level 2 Brute
regeneration doesn't function on its next turn) Medium natural animate (undead) XP 125
AC 17; Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 14 Initiative -1 Senses Perception +0; darkvision
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant HP 40; Bloodied 20; see also zombie weakness.
Speed 4 AC 13; Fortitude 13, Reflex 9, Will 10
CD Slam (standard; at-will) Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
+8 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage. Speed 4
::r Mote of Corruption (standard; at-will) • Necrotic CD Slam (standard; at-will)
The corruption corpse hurls a black glob of necrotic filth. Ranged +6 vs. AC; 2d6+2 damage.
10; +7 vs. Reflex; 2d6+3 necrotic damage, and the target is weak- + Zombie Grab (standard; at-will)
ened (save ends). +4 vs. Reflex; the target is grabbed (until escape). Checks made
Death Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) • Necrotic to escape the zombie's grab take a -5 penalty.
The corruption corpse explodes. Close burst 1; +7 vs. Fortitude; Zombie Weakness
2d6+3 necrotic damage. Any critical hit to the zombie reduces it to 0 hit points instantly.
Alignment Unaligned languages - Alignment Unaligned languages -
Str 16(+5) Dex 13(+3) Wis 12(+3) Str 14(+3) Dex 6(-1) Wis 8(+0)
Con 16(+5) Int 4(-1) Cha 3(-2) Con 10(+1) Int 1 (-4) Cha 3(-3) ...
- ---"---~~_.---'\'-
, .. :"4, SESSION 9:
_,<,_,,~c.~,).,: •..;~,
3: ..ESCAPE,,"
•..._:~_~,.' ''''''"'._<
",' "';, .. /~
,. '.,'.'
The adventurers descend to the next level of the hidden cham·
The adventurers have freed themselves from the hidden bers. Fayne appears out of a portal, followed shortly by Xeres,
chambers, but they have yet to face the climax of the who kidnaps her and sets his creatures-an elf scout, two
adventure. Slaying the specter drops the wards around guard drakes, and a stunted beholder-on the adventurers.
the hidden chambers, and in short order Fayne appears Then he flees through the complex, daring them to follow.
through a portal in H6, offering to assist the adventurers
in completing their task. No sooner does she arrive, how· H6. BROKEN TOWER
ever, than Xeres appears, takes her hostage, and looses his When the adventurers descend the stairs, read:
minions on the adventurers while he makes a break for it.
You descend the spiral staircase down nearly a hundredfeet
KEEP1NG UP THE CHASE before they open into a vast empty darkness. A bridBe leadinB
The adventurers can take an extended rest at any point in down connects the stairs to the ruins of an ancient dwarven
Chapter 3, but if they do, they allow Xeres to get too far tower that rises from a vast chamber of Under mountain. There
ahead so that he is better prepared at the end and Fayne does not appear to be any way down into the tower.
is absent (see Session 11, page 40). The adventurers sac· The Breat cavern fills with the sound of rushinB water. A
rifice the chance to rescue Fayne and thus win a minor dozen chillinB waterfalls cut the darkness into shards, and
quest award. If the adventurers take an extended rest at standinB on the creakinB stone of the tower, you have a spec·
any point, ignore the paragraphs in Sessions 10, 11, and 11 tacular if unsettlinB view.
marked "Chasing Xeres." Nearby, you see a cracklinB blue portal bounded in rune·
carved stone. Farther away, on the opposite side of the tower roof.
a new-lookinB bridBe leads to the north and east.

The adventurers can make the following skill checks.

Arcana DC 10: This portal is one of the oldest maBical
devices in Faerun-one of the semi-permanent teleportation por-
tals that endured the SpellplaBue.
History DC 15: This tower dates back to the Melairkyn
clan of dwarves, who settled this area before even Halaster came.
It must have been repurposed for the Lost Apprentice.
Perception DC 10: Behind the portal is a small bureau, as
thouBh to hold travelinB supplies.

When the adventurers approach within three

squares of the portal, read:

The portalflickers to life, its hum announcinB an imminent

arrival. You ready yourself for battle, but the fiBure that emerBes
from the pool of maBic is none other than Fayne. She looks
around dazedly for a moment, then beams at you. "You made it'"

The adventurers have three rounds to interact with Fayne;

tick off one round for each question asked. She has been
trying to teleport into the hidden chambers sporadically
along their quest, and has only now been able to do so
successfully, now that they have dropped the wards pre-
venting teleportation into or out of the chambers. She
has come to help them finish their exploration, and then
escape by means of this very portal.
When three rounds have elapsed, or if the adventur-
ers attempt to enter the portal, go to Encounter 3-1:
Xeres's Betrayal. During the encounter, the adventur-
ers receive the Major Quest: Defeat Xeres and the
Minor Quest: Save Fayne.
MVCONID INFESTATION The adventurers venture through a back room into an
undead-filled chamber that was used for practicing dark
The adventurers chase Xeres through a wizard's labora-
necromantic rituals. Many undead creatures have been
tory overrun by myconids, which feed upon some of the
spawned here over the last century, their flesh rotted away
arcane experiments being grown here. Some of the chemi-
to leave only bones.
cals can make for grenade-like splash weapons.

Read the following:
When the adventurers approach the door, read:
This is a small room behind the wizard's laboratory, which looks
Throu8h the door, which han8s sli8htly ajar, you see a dim room
like it was used for disposal of waste. The smells emer8in8from
lit by weird blues, weens, and pinks. You see Xeres fleein8 across
a covered pit-now open-are truly foul: old, molderin8 death. A
throu8h a door opposite the entrance, a stru88lin8 Fayne slun8
ladder, recently used, leads down into darkness.
across his shoulder. As you approach, he ducks into a darkened
back room.
There is nothing ofinterest in this room, other than the pit
the Apprentice used to dump refuse. A pile of skulls to one
HI WIZARD'S LABORATORY side of the pit hints at the undead horrors to come.
When the adventurers enter the room, read:
The aroma of rot min8led with sulfur, searin8flesh, and other
If the adventurers are still chasing Xeres, read:
smells you can't reco8nize assails your nostrils, promptin8
cou8hs. The room is lit by dim blue-burnin8 candles, as well as
The ladder shakes sli8htly, as thou8h someone is climbin8 down
the bri8ht 810win8 contents of beakers, vials, and all sorts of
below. Dimly, you hear Fayne cryin8 out for your aid.
alchemical implements on the central table. The rest of the labo-
ratory is choked with fun8us and moss.
Go to Encounter 3·2: Rotten Scrolls, Fouled Potions. When the adventurers enter, read:

This series of natural caverns must have been rarely-if cver-

visited by the Apprentice herself, hence the natural shape of the
chamber. The north end is elevated above a 20 foot canyon in the
middle, sli8htly sloped so that bodies dropped down the pit will
roll into the hollow in the center. A ladder formerly led down into
the pit, but now leads out the other side. Bones and the stench of
death fill the chamber.

Xeres's flight through this room stirred up the undead,

who have had at least several rounds to prepare-spe-
cifically, they have attempted to hide amongst the other
discarded bones. A DC 18 Perception check detects the
sounds of rattling bones, as of animated skeletons. Failure
causes the adventurers to be surprised.

Go to Encounter 3-3: Restless Experiments.

Xeres has fled to the deepest point in the Lost After Xeres is gone and his minions are defeated,
Apprentice's chambers: a water filled cavern cut into the adventurers receive a major quest award for
pieces by a fast moving river of icy-cold water. It is defeating Xeres and completely exploring the
here that the final battle will be fought-while the life chambersin. If Fayne remained unconscious during
of Fayne hangs in the balance-and the exploration of the final fight, she awakens now and gives the
the Hidden Chambers accomplished! adventurers their reward (250 gp).
If they revived Fayne during the fight (and do
HID. UNDERGROUND SHORE not kill her now), they also receive a minor quest
This small natural cavern lies between the Charnel award for saving her.
Pit and the River Crossing. Water bleeds into it in Read the final closing. The mini-campaign
pools at the south end. Undermountain: Halaster's Lost Apprentice and the
D&D Encounters season is complete!
When the adventurers enter, read:
"My heroes," Fayne says with a scandalous smile. "I
The sickly rottin8 smell of the charnel pitfades behind you, hope we'll work t08ether a8ain sometime soon." Then
replaced instead by the sharp tan8 of a watery cave. The her features ripple and she becomes a demonic eladrin,
sounds of a TUshin8 riversurround you,fillin8 the natural her hair as vivid red as fresh blood,from which curl a
cavern in a dull, constant roar. You see pools of water 8'eamin8 set of 8raceful white antlers. She offers you a sly wink
with their own dull silvery li8ht in the corner of the chamber. and teleports away, leavin8 you with your payment.

The water in the room is blisteringly cold, inflicting 2 OPT10NAL CLOS1NG

cold damage to any creature that touches it. This section is optional, and should be used if you
A cavern choker is hiding in this chamber (see the DM want to bring the story to a full close.
Encounter 3-4: Showdown with Xeres). Once she is awakened, Fayne-horrified at being
the "damsel in distress" for real, this time-offers a
If the adventurers pause, they may make the follow- few last parting words and answers a few lingering
ing skill checks. questions, if the adventurers ask.
Insight DC 15: You suspect that Xeres is leadin8
you into a trap of some sort-you should be careful not to Are you really Xeres's sister?
follow heedlessly. "Unfortunately," she admits. "We share a particu-
Perception DC 18: A creature of some kind is hidin8 by larly fiendish father, thou8h we sprin8 from different
one of the pools,blendin8 into the wall by the colorof itsflesh. mothers. It's probably the source of our mutual antip-
athy. All was 80in8 accordin8 to my plan, but he had
If the adventurers detect the choker, it attempts to flee to foil it-typical, really. He is such a prat."
into the Waterfall chamber (HI I). If prevented, it will
fight to the death. No matter the sounds of battle, Xeres Plan? What Plan?
and his minions will not come to investigate. "To explore these chambers, of course. I hired those
thu8s to assault me in the alley, so as to elicit your
CHASING XERES sympathy. Sorry about that, but since I owe you my
If the adventurers are still chasing Xeres when life, I'd like to make it up to you by payin8 double.
they enter HI0, read the following: You've no objection, I trust?"
At the end of a line of bloody footprints, you see Xeres, a
stru88lin8 Fayne slun8 over one shoulder. He offers you a What do you mean "is"? Xeres died, didn't he?
fearsome 8lare and disappears around a corner. You hear Fayne looks bemused. "Mayhap, but I suspect
damp boards BToan under hisfeet. we've not seen the last of him. I myself have tried
to slay him a dozen times, and every time, he just
HIt. WATERFALL comes back to annoy me all the more."
This is the final chamber, a natural cavern filled with
a tributary of an underground river that falls deeper into
But if you're Xeres's sister, why don't you look
Undennountain. Xeres awaits the adventurers on a rick- like him? Are you a fiend as well?
Fayne 8azes at you slyly for a moment. Then
ety bridge, sword drawn, Fayne captive at his feet.
her features ripple and she becomes a demonic
The adventurers must fight Xeres for the Portal
eladrin, her hair as vivid red as fresh blood. Then
Key,taking care not to fall into the river and be swept·
she offers you a lewd wink and teleports away,
away into the dark crevasses of Under mountain. Go to
Encounter 3-4: Showdown with Xeres. leavin8 you with your payment.
Encounter Level 2 (625 XP) FEATURES OF THE AREA
Illumination: The battlefield is dimly illuminated by
SETUP the lingering glow of the glowing runes around the cur-
Beholder runt (B) rently inactive portal.
2 elf scouts (E) Tower Edge and Bridges: The broken tower rises
Guard drake (G) against a 50-foot fall into a watery doom below. Edges as
Fayne (not shown on map) marked around the tower are safe, and creatures cannot
Xeres (not shown on map) be forced over them. The bridges, however, afford no such
protection. Creatures who fall suffer 5dlO falling damage.
When the encounter begins, read: Climbing back up the tower consumes 5 minutes (the time
it takes for a short rest).
Fayne's smile falters as the portal flares a8ain, si8nalin8 the Portal: Xeres's use of the portal
arrival of sixfi8ures. The first-a re8al eladrin with a rack of curl- drained it of its power, and it is
in8 antlers-strides forth, drawin8 a sword that 81eams with bri8ht currently dormant and unusable.
crimson li8ht. Treasure: The dresser behind
"Xeres!" Fayne says, steppin8 into the man's path. "Ware-" the portal is filled with dusty
The demon eladrin blasts Fayne with a spell from his sword, old cloaks and traveling equip-
knockin8 her senseless. He points the blade at your BToup. "Kill ment, along with a level 4 magic
them all," he commands. item (feet or head slot item only).
When searched (DC 5 Percep-
Fayne has fallen unconscious; place her body somewhere tion check), the pockets of the
in the center of the room, within a few squares of the cloaks yield coins and small
adventurers. Place Xeres within 6 squares of Fayne. gems worth 60 gp.
The beholder runt is included in the encounter for
shock value-many players will not be expecting to fight
such a creature, even ifit is far less powerful than normal.
The creature resembles a crude, unfinished mold of a
beholder, being stunted by birth defects and in constant
psychic pain, trapped in a ruined body.

The real threat in this fight is the beholder runt. As an
artillery creature, its hit points are moderate, but unless
dealt with quickly, it could inflict a great deal of damage
to the adventurers. Its bloodied madness ability may divert ,
some ofits attention later in the fight. ,
The drake sticks close to the beholder runt, attacking any
,1 __ .PC
opponent that comes close.The elf scouts favor hit and run tac-
tics, and prefer softer targets such as controllers and strikers. " START
,'-ARE-A- J,
Fayne's Abduction: Roll initiative for Xeres (he has a +6 il
bonus). On his turn, Xeres (statistics can be found in Encoun-
ter 3-4) attempts to move to Fayne, pick her up (minor
action), and then teleports to the far ledge on the other side of ,: - I t
the room. He is only interested in escaping with Fayne, and _-.,---4
indeed does not pause to attack the adventurers. No matter
what, he should escape to harry the adventurers in the final · ~ J :@
encounter; ifhe manages to be unable to abduct Fayne, you'll
I I ~ .
need to adjust the future encounters slightly.
When the last creature is defeated, read:

You hear, beyond the brid8e, the sound of poundin8 boots and
- I Ii

Fayne cryin8 outfor help. The brid8e leads to another tower,

where a door han8s ajar.

Elf Scout (E) Level 2 Skirmisher Beholder Runt (B) Level 2 Elite Artillery
Medium fe humanoid XP 125 Small aberrant beast XP 250
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +10; low-light vision Initiative +5
Group Awareness aura 5; non-elf allies in the aura gain a +1 racial Senses Perception +6; all·around vision, darkvision
bonus to Perception checks. Psychic Pain (Psychic) aura 1; any enemy that starts it turn in the
HP 39; Bloodied 19 aura suffers 5 psychic damage and grants combat advantage until
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 13 the end of its next turn. If the beholder runt is bloodied, the crea·
Speed 6; see also wild step ture is also dazed until the end of its next turn.
CD longsword (standard; at·will) • Weapon HP 84; Bloodied 42; see also agony burst and bloodied madness
+7 vs. AC; 1d8+4 damage. AC 16; Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 14
CD Short Sword (standard; at·will) • Weapon Saving Throws +2
+7 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage. Speed fly 6 (hover)
+ Two-Weapon Rend (standard; encounter) • Weapon Action Points 1
The elf scout makes a longsword attack and a short sword attack CD Bite (standard; at·will)
against the same target. If both attacks hit, the elf scout deals an +9 vs. AC; 1d6+5 damage
additional 4 damage. ::r Jaundiced Central Eye (minor; at-will)
Elven Accuracy (free; encounter) Ranged 8; target gains vulnerable 5 psychic and any attack that
The elf can reroll an attack roll. It must use the second roll, hits and deals psychic damage to the target also dazes it until the
even if it's lower. end of its next turn.
Combat Advantage ::r Stunted Eye Rays (standard; at·will) • See text
An elf scout that has combat advantage deals and extra 1d6 The beholder runt can use up to two of its eye ray powers
damage with its attacks. (chosen from the list below), at least one of which must be its
Wild Step psychic agony ray. Each attack targets a separate creature.
The elf ignores difficult terrain when it shifts. l-Agony Ray (Psychic): Ranged 8; +7 vs. Will; 2d6+1 psychic damage.
Alignment Evil languages Common, Elven 2-Telekinesis Ray: Ranged 8; +7 vs. Fortitude; target slides 4 squares.
Str 12(+2) Dex 18(+5) Wis 14(+3) 3-Fear Ray: Ranged 8; +7 vs. Will; the target moves its speed
Con 15(+3) Int 10(+1) Cha 12(+2) away from the beholder runt by the safest route possible and
Equipment chainmail, longsword, short sword takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
4-Dissolving Ray (Acid): Ranged 8; +7 vs. Reflex; 2d6+ 1 acid damage.
Bloodied Madness (when bloodied)
When the beholder runt is bloodied, it cannot distinguish
between friend and foe. Determine its targets randomly.
Close Combat Blaster
The beholder runt does not provoke opportunity attacks when
using ranged attacks.
Agony Burst (when first bloodied and again when beholder runt is
reduced to 0 hit points) • Psychic
Close burst 2; +7 vs. Reflex; 2d6+ 1 psychic damage.
Alignment Chaotic Evil languages -
Str 15(+4) Dex 16(+5) Wis 8(+1)
Con 18(+6) Int 6(+0) Cha 16(+5)

Guard Drake (G) Level 2 Brute

small natural beast (re tile) XP 125
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +7
HP 48; Bloodied 24
AC 15; Fortitude 15, Reflex 13, Will 12
Immune fear (while within 2 squares of an ally)
Speed 6
CD Bite (standard; at-will)
+6 vs. AC; 1d10+3 damage, or 1d10+9 damage while within 2
squares of an ally.

® Alignment
Str 16(+4)
Con 18(+5)
Unaligned languages-
Dex 15(+3)
Int 3(-3)
Wis 12(+2)
Cha 12(+2)


l L
Encounter Level 3 (807 XP) chemicals as the table. Treat any attack against one of the
bookshelves as being an explosive attack with no second-
SETUP ary burst (see below).
Explosive Attacks: Adventurers may attack one of the
2 myconid rotpriests (R)
bookshelves or a square on the central table for explosive
2 myconid guards (M)
results. Breaking one of the beakers requires a successful
3 myconid gas spores (G)
attack against AC 12 (other defenses 10), which releases a
1 green slime (5)
close burst] attack (origin the target square): +7 vs. Reflex,
5 acid and fire damage. If the burst came from a square on
When the adventurers enter the room, read:
the central table, n the next round, the rest of the chemi-
cals ignite and explode, attacking all squares adjacent to
As you watch, several mushroom-like figures rise up from where
the central table; +7 vs. Reflex, 10 acid and fire damage.
they were resting, disturbed by Xeres's flight. They fix their
Slime Spot: The green-slime marked squares are dif-
beady eyes on you and roar in challenge.
ficult terrain. In addition, any creature who steps onto
the spot is attacked by the clinging slime: +7 vs. Fortitude;
Place the myconids immediately when the adventurers enter
target is restrained (save ends).
the room. Do not place the slime (hidden on the ceiling)
Treasure: The myconids have little interest in treasure,
unless an adventurer makes a DC 16 Perception check.
but the room can be canvassed with a DC 15 Perception
check to reveal two potions of healing and a total of 80 gp.
The myconids stay close together, fighting as a team
against the invaders. The gas spores never move more than
3 squares away from one of the plant creatures, but gener-
ally try to get in the thick of the battle as much as possible,
the better to hit as many enemies as they can with their
spore burst when killed.
The green slime readies an action to drop upon the first
creature to enter a square under it. This is considered a charge
attack. If this does not occur on the first round, the slime
moves along the ceiling to the nearest adventurer, then drops.


Illumination: The central table and the squares adjacent
are brightly lit, but the rest of the room has dim illumination.
Alchemical Table: A creature may hop up on the table
with a DC ]0 Acrobatics or Athletics check. The tabletop
is considered difficult terrain, but any creature on top of
the table gains combat
,::LJ- ~ -
- -

advantage against a
creature not on the I PC
table. If a creature on
the table takes fire,
force, or acid damage
or is knocked prone,
treat this as a success-
ful explosive attack •.'
against that square (see
Bookshelves: The
shelves are filled with

, books and vials of

the same explosive

Myconid Rotpriest (R) Level 3 Brute (Leader) Myconid Guard (M) Level 4 Soldier
Medium fe humanoid ( lant) XP 150 Medium fe humanoid ( lant) XP 175
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +3; tremorsense 10 Initiative +5 Senses Perception +3, tremorsense 10
HP 48; Bloodied 24; see also life burst. HP 56; Bloodied 28
Regeneration 5 AC 18; Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 14
AC 15; Fortitude 16, Reflex 13, Will 16 Speed 6
Vulnerable radiant (ifthe myconid rotpriest takes radiant damage, its CD Spiny Strike (standard; at-will)
regeneration does not function until the end of the rotpriest's next turn) +11 vs. AC; 2d6+ 3 damage.
Speed 5 <~ Pacification Spores (standard; at-will) • Poison
CD Stipe Staff(standard; at-will). Weapon Close burst 1; +9 vs. Will; 1d6+3 poison damage, and the target
+6 vs. AC; 2d10+3 damage. cannot take a standard action until the end of the myconid
<~Decomposing Spray (standard; at-will) • Necrotic guard's next turn.
Close burst 3; +6 vs. Fortitude; 1d1 0+3 necrotic damage. Roots of the Colony (free, when the myconid rotpriest is hit by an
<~life Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points) • Healing attack while a myconid ally is within 5 squares of it; at-will)
Close burst 1; targets living creatures; the target regains 10 hit points. The rotpriest takes half damage from the attack, and the myco-
Roots of the Colony (free, when the myconid rotpriest is hit by an nid ally takes the same amount of damage.
attack while a myconid ally is within 5 squares of it; at-will) Alignment Unaligned languages -
The rotpriest takes half damage from the attack, and the myco- Str 18(+6) Dex 16(+5) Wis 12(+3)
nid ally takes the same amount of damage. Con 16(+5) Int 8(+1) Cha 10(+2)
Sacrifice for the Colony (free, when a myconid ally uses roots of the
colony to deal damage to the myconid rotpriest; at-will)
Myconid Gas Spore (G) Level 4 Minion Skirmisher
The rotpriest takes the damage dealt to the ally, and the ally Medium fe beast ( lant) XP 44
takes none.
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +2, blindsight 10
Alignment Unaligned languages-
HP 1; a missed attack never damage a minion; see also spore burst.
Str 10(+1) Dex 12(+2) Wis 15(+3)
AC 16; Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15
Con 18(+5) Int 10(+1) Cha 18(+5)
Speed fly 2 (hover)
CD Acidic Slam (standard; at-will) • Acid
Melee 1; +9 vs. AC; 4 acid damage.

-~~. C Spore Burst (when reduced to 0 hit points)· Poison

Close burst 3; targets non plant creatures; +7 vs. Fortitude; 5 poison
damage. Effect: Each plant creature in the burst regains 5 hit points.
Alignment Unaligned languages -
Str 6(+0) Dex 12(+3) Wis 11(+2)
Con 15(+4) Int 1 (-3) Cha8(+1)

Senses Perception +2; blindsight 10;

tremorsense 10
HP 47; Bloodied 23
AC 20; Fortitude 23, Reflex 17, Will 20

.•.. - Immune gaze; Resist 5 acid; Vulnerability

Speed 4, climb 4
CD Engulf (standard; at-will) • Acid
5 fire, 5 radiant

+7 vs. Reflex; 1d6+3 acid damage, and the target is engulfed (save
ends). While engulfed, the target takes ongoing 5 acid damage
and is restrained. While a target is engulfed, attacks that target
the green slime deal half damage to the slime and half damage to
the engulfed creature. While it has a creature engulfed, the slime
can make attacks only against the engulfed creature.
Rapid Dissolution
A green slime's attacks deal 1d6 extra acid damage to a creature
that is taking ongoing acid damage.
Alignment Unaligned languages - Skills Stealth +11
Str 11(+2) Dex 16(+5) Wis 11(+2)
Con 17(+5) Int 3(-2) Cha 1 (-3)

Encounter Level 3 (775 XP) CHASING XERES
If the adventurers are still chasing Xeres when they com-
SETUP plete the encounter, read:
Blazing skeleton (B)
The sounds of stru88lin8 draw your attention: up the other
Witherling (W)
2 skeletons (S) side of the miniature canyon, you see the shadows of Fayne
and Xeres stru88lin8, and hear them ar8uin8. Xeres cries out
4 tomb motes (T)
in pain and you hear somethin8 clink to the floor. Then there
Crown of the apprentice (C)
is a sharp meaty smack as Xeres slaps the woman, and Fayne
(dropped by Fayne later in the encounter)
Bfoans in pain. He hefts her and keeps runnin8, this time
When the adventurers descend into the canyon, read: makin8 for the southwest, past the charnel pit.

Fayne has torn the crown of the apprentice

As you land upon the stone, animated skeletons rise up around
you. disturbed by Xeres's J1i8ht and your own arrival.
(see page 9) from Xeres's head and
dropped it in the marked square. If the
TACTICS adventurers have taken too long and do PC
not qualify to hear this description START ARE
The skeletons stride forward thoughtlessly to the attack, (Le. not chasing Xeres), then the crown
while the witherling and the tomb motes keep moving is not present.
about the battle, constantly seeking combat advantage.
The blazing skeleton remains on the high ground of the
opposite ledge, attacking any approaching opponent, par-
ticularly one who makes for the ladder.


Illumination: Darkness, except for soft light filtering
down from the pit the adventurers climbed down (illumi-
nates a burst 2) and dim torchlight on the other end of the
chamber (the south end).
Canyon: The canyon is 20 feet below the upper ledge
(2d 10 falling damage). The rough wall requires a DC 10
Athletics check to climb, DC 5 with a secured rope.
Ladder: Xeres, not needing a ladder (thanks to his fey'ri
step), nevertheless moved the ladder to discourage pursuit.
The ladder can be picked up with a DC 5 Strength check
and occupies both a character's hands. Treat each square
of the ladder as difficult terrain (Le., it costs 4 squares total
to climb or descend it).
Open Pits: The pits in the northeast corner and south
end of the chamber are ten feet deep (ldlO falling damage)
and require a DC 10 Athletics check to climb out o(
Treasure: If Fayne has taken the crown of the apprentice
from Xeres, it is here.
Blazing Skeleton (B) Level 5 Artillery Witherling (W) Level 4 Skirmisher
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 200 Small natural animate (undead) XP 175
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +4; darkvision Initiative +8 Senses Perception +2; low-light vision
Fiery Aura (Fire) aura 1; any creature that starts its turn in the aura HP 56; Bloodied 28
takes 5 fire damage. AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 15
HP 53; Bloodied 26 Speed 8, climb 6
AC 19; Fortitude 15, Reflex 18, Will 16 CD Claw (standard; at-will)
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 fire, 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant +9 vs. AC; ld6+2 damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Speed 6 + Double Attack (standard; usable only when bloodied; at-will)
CD Blazing Claw (standard; at-will) • Fire The witherling makes two claw attacks.
+8 vs. AC; ld4+1 damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Combat Advantage
® Flame Orb (standard; at-will) • Fire A witherling deals 1 d6 extra damage on attacks against any crea-
Ranged 10; +8 vs. Reflex; 2d4+4 fire damage, and ongoing 5 fire ture granting combat advantage to it.
damage (save ends). Blood Dance (move; usable only while bloodied; at-will)
Alignment Unaligned languages- The witherling shifts 2 squares.
Str 13(+3) Dex 18(+6) Wis 15(+4) Pack Attack
Con 17(+5) Int 4(-1) Cha 6(+0) A witherling's melee attacks deal 2 extra damage against any
enemy that has two or more of the witherling's allies adjacent to it.
Sudden leap (move; at-will)
1 The witherlingjumps 4 squares. During the jump, it gains a +5
bonus against opportunity attacks, and any enemy that misses
the witherling with an opportunity attack grants combat advan-
tage to it until the end of the witherling's turn.
Alignment Evil languages Abyssal, Common
Str 11(+1) Dex 19(+6) Wis 11(+1)
Con 16(+5) Int 7(+0) Cha 11(+3)

Skeleton (S) Level 3 Soldier

Medium natural animate (undead) XP 150
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
HP 45; Bloodied 22
AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 15
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 5
CD longsword (standard; at-will) • Weapon
+ 10 vs. AC; ld8+2 damage, and the target is marked until the
end of the skeleton's next turn; see also speed of the dead.
Speed of the Dead .
When making an opportunity attack, the skeleton gains a +2
bonus on the attack roll and deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Alignment Unaligned languages -
Str 15(+3) Dex 17(+4) Wis 14(+3)
Con 13(+1) Int 3(-3) Cha 3(-3)
Equipment chainmail, heavy shield, longsword

Tomb Mote (T) Level 3 Minion Skirmisher

Tin natural animate (un dead) XP 38
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +4; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damage a minion.
AC 17; Fortitude 13, Reflex 18, Will 14
Speed 8
CD Bite (standard; at-will) • Necrotic
+8 vs. AC; 3 necrotic damage, and ongoing 2 necrotic damage
(save ends).
Tomb Tacties
When a tomb mote hits a target adjacent to three or more tomb
motes, it instead deals 6 damage and ongoing 5 necrotic damage
(save ends)
Alignment Unaligned languages- Skills Stealth 14
Str 8(+0) Dex 16(+9) Wis 16(+4)
Con 17(+4) Int 4(-1) Cha 14(+3)
Encounter Level 4 (900 XP) TACTICS
IfXeres wins initiative, he readies an action to use IiBht-
SETUP ninB bindinB on the first opponent who comes within range,
Xeres (X) hoping to pull him or her into the empty air above the fast-
Deathjump spider (D) moving river. From there, the target is entitled to a saving
2 elf archers (E) throw-on a success, the target grabs hold of the nearest
Cavern choker (C) section of bridge and is hanging from the edge. Xeres read-
Fayne (unconscious) (F) ily attacks hanging or prone opponents, hoping to knock
them into the river. He reserves his hellfire spiral for an
When the opportunity to hit at least two opponents, pushing them in
adventurers enter, read: if possible. He uses his basic melee attack to knock foes in,
and uses sword burst when surrounded.
You turn the corner and see Xeres standinB upon a riekety net- The spider remains hidden and readies an action to leap at
work of wood bridBes, 10nBwithered with aBe and water damaBe. the first adventurer to approach with a death from above attack,
Fayne lies unmovinB at hisfeet-unconscious or dead, you do not preferring to land behind the adventurer on the bridge. On
know. He holds up his sword in challenBe. their turn, the archers reveal themselves and attack immedi-
"Come and die then, lesser creatures," he calls. Then, in his ately (gaining combat advantage for being hidden previously),
other hand, he raises the portal key. "Or stay back and starve to preferring targets that present a clear shot.
death in this place, if you be cowards." Attacked from Behind: The cavern choker waits until
As he stands defiant, a series of spectral swords composed the second round of combat to attack, or attacks if any
of crimson IiBht appear around him,flickerinB and slashinB adventurers linger on the shore.
at the air.
When the adventurers
Waking Fayne: When the adventurers
enter, place only Xeres
wake Fayne, read:
and Fayne (prone) as
marked. Xeres's archers
are hidden in their tac- Fayne stirs, and her eyes Bleam with crimson IiBht.
She raises her hand toward Xeres, and speaks words of
tical positions (DC 12
maBie. The BleaminB swords ofliBht wink out around
Perception check), while
him like burst stars. Then, with a s(ysmile,she van-
the deathjump spider
ishes into the air in a puff of red-pink dust.
lurks on the ceiling (DC
15 Perception check).
Fayne has deactivated Xeres's aura until the end
The choker lurks in
of the encounter. A DC 15 Arcana check identi-
the location specified,
fies this spell as dispelmaBie. She then activated
attempting to hide (DC
her fey'ri deception and teleported to a safe
18 Perception check).
square within 5 squares, becoming invisible
and remaining so for the rest of the encounter
(she does not take further standard actions).

Xeres is Defeated: When an attack reduces

Xeres to 0 or fewer hit points, read: 1

The final blow lands, and Xeres reels back, BaspinB

for air. He Bazes about wild(y-lookinBfor Fayne-
and one word forms on his lips: "sister."
Then he staBBers and falls into the river, where
the current snaps his body alonBlike a doll cauBht in
a storm. He vanishes down the pit at the end of the
, river in an iII-soundinB crunch.

Go to Chapter 3 Finale.
Illumination: The river shines with an inner light,
bathing all within 3 squares with bright illumination.
Underground River: The river thunders down a
waterfall at its source and speeds along under the rickety
bridge. A creature that starts its turn in the water is sub-
ject to the river's current (save ends). While subject to the
river's current, the creature is restrained, takes ongoing
4 cold damage, and is pushed 2 squares along the river
toward the waterfall pit (see below). If a creature saves, it
may immediately shift out of the river.
Caught Bodies: At one bend in the river, a pair of
fresh elf bodies are caught amongst the rocks. A crea-
ture being swept through this square stops here. A
creature in this square gains a +2 bonus to saving
throws against the river's current.
Waterfall Pit: The river falls away into the dark-
ness of a deep pit. Any creature that falls into the pit
falls 20 feet, suffering 2dlO falling damage. At the
DM's discretion, survivors of this ordeal may encoun-
ter more adventures deeper in Undermountain.
Fayne: Fayne lies unconscious as marked on the map.
The adventurers can wake Fayne with a DC 10 Heal
check (must be adjacent) or a power with the heal-
ing keyword. If the adventurers took an extended
rest at any point during Chapter 3, Fayne is magi-
cally stunned and cannot be awakened until the
end of the encounter.
Rickety Bridge: The bridge occupies
squares as marked, and is so ancient as to
require caution. Moving more than two
squares in a turn on the bridge requires
a creature to make a DC 10 Acrobat-
ics check or fall prone. If a creature is
forced off the edge of the bridge, it is
entitled to a saving throw; if success-
ful. it falls prone.
Treasure: Xeres's sword, which is
a +1 vicious broadsword, is the treasure
in the encollnter. The adventurer select-
ing this item may choose to change it to
another legal weapon when it is selected. In
addition, if the adventurers did not retrieve the
crown of the apprentice froin Encounter 3-3, it
is here as well.
Xeres (X) Level 4 Elite Soldier Elf Archer (E) Level 2 Artillery
Medium fe humanoid (eladrin) XP 350 Medium fe humanoid (elf) XP 125
Initiative +6 Initiative +5 Senses Perception +11; low-light vision
Senses Perception +3 Group Awareness aura 5; non-elf allies in the aura gain a +1 racial
Offensive Warding (Radiant) aura 2; any creature who starts its bonus to Perception checks.
turn in the aura takes 5 radiant damage. If Xeres is bloodied, the HP 32; Bloodied 16
creature also suffers -2 to attack rolls and grants combat advan- AC 15; Fortitude 11, Reflex 13, Will 12
tage until the start of its next turn. Speed 7; see also wild step.
HP 98; Bloodied 47 CD Short Sword (standard; at-will) • Weapon

AC 21; Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 15 +5 vs. AC; 1 d6+4 damage.
Resist radiant 5 ":>r longbow (standard; at-will) • Weapon
Saving Throws +2 Ranged 20/40; +7 vs. AC; ldl0+4 damage; see also archer's mobility.
Speed 6; see also fey'ri deception Archer's Mobility
Action Points 1 If an elf archer moves at least 4 squares away from its original
CD Vicious Broadsword (standard; at-will) • Weapon position, it gains a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls until the start
+11 vs. AC; 1dl 0+4 damage (crit +1 d12) and slide target 1 square. of its next turn.
, .• Sword Burst (standard; at-will) • Weapon Elven Accuracy (free; encounter)
Close bust 1; +11 vs. AC; ldl0+4 damage (crit +ld12). The elf can reroll an attack roll. It must use the second roll, even
if it's lower.
lightning Binding (standard; at-will) • lightning
Ranged 5; +11 vs. AC; 1dl 0+4 lightning damage and target is pulled Not so Close (immediate reaction, when an enemy makes a melee
4 and immobilized until the end of its next turn. attack against the elf archer; encounter)
, .• Hellfire Spiral (standard; encounter; recharges when first The elf shifts 1 square and makes a ranged attack against the enemy.
bloodied) • Fire Wild Step
Close burst 3; +9 vs. Reflex; 2d6+3 fire damage, and target is pushed The elf ignores difficult terrain when it shifts.
2 and knocked prone. Alignment Evil languages Common, Elven
Skills Nature +11, Stealth +10
, .• Aegis of Striking (minor; at-will) • Radiant
Close burst 2; targets one enemy; target is marked until the end Str 13(+1) Dex 18(+5) Wis 16(+4)
of Xeres's next turn. If target marked by ae8is of strikin8 makes Con 14(+3) Int 11(+1) Cha 11(+1)
an attack that does not include Xeres on its turn, target takes Equipment leather armor, short sword, longbow, quiver of 30 arrows
5 radiant damage.
Fey'ri Deception (move; encounter)
Xeres teleports 5 squares and becomes invisible until the end of his
next turn or until he attacks.
Alignment Chaotic Evil languages Common, Elven, Infernal
Str 16(+5) Dex 18(+6) Wis 13(+3)
Con 17(+5) Int 10(+7) Cha 14(+5)
Equipment +1 vicious broadsword, crown of the apprentice (unless he
lost it previously, see Chasin8 Xeres in Session 11), leather armor.

Deathjump Spider (D) Level 4 Skirmisher

Medium natural beast (s ider) XP 175
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +9; tremorsense 5
HP 55; Bloodied 27
AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 16
Resist 5 poison
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb); see also pradi8ious leap.
CD Bite (standard;at-will) • Poison
+6 vs. AC; 2d6+3 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 poison
damage and is slowed (save ends both).
+ Death from Above (standard; at-will) • Poison
The deathjump spider leaps at its prey, shifting 6 squares and
making a bite attack. On a hit, it deals an extra 1d6 damage and
also knocks the target prone.
Prodigious leap (move; encounter)
The deathjump spider shifts 10 squares.
Soft Fall
The deathjump spider ignores the first 30 feet when determining
damage from a fall.
Alignment Unaligned languages -
Skills Athletics +10 (+20 when jumping), Stealth +11
Str 17(+5) Dex 18(+6) Wis 14(+4)
Con 15(+4) Int 1(-3) Cha 8(:+-1)
Cavern Choker(C) Level4 Lurker
Small natural humanoid XP 17S
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 17 (see also chameleon hide); Fortitude 15, Reflex 1 S, Will 13
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)
CD Tentacle Claw (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +9 vs. AC; 1d8+3 damage, and the target is grabbed
(until escape). A target trying to escape the grab takes a -4 pen-
alty to the check.
+ Choke (standard; at-will)
Grabbed target only; +9 vs. Fortitude; 1d8+3 damage.
Body Shield (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a melee or
ranged attack against Reflex or AC; recharges when the choker
makes a successful tentacle claw or choke attack)
The cavern choker makes it grabbed victim the target instead.
The choker cannot use this power to redirect attacks made by a
creature it is currently grabbing.
PC Chameleon Hide (minor; at-will)
START AREA The cavern choker gains concealement until the start of its next turn.
'1 It can't use this power while grabbing a creature or while grabbed.

I r
Str 17(+5)
Unaligned Languages Common
Dex 17(+5) Wis 13(+3)
... Con 12(+3) Int 6(+0) Cha 6(+0)
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Character Name

Abilities and Skills Combat Statistics Class:__________________ Level:��������������

Race:__________________ Gender:������������
Strength Modifier  Check Initiative Speed
Strength measures your physical power. Roll initiative to determine Your speed is the number of
the turn order in combat. squares you can move with Languages:��������������������������������
Athletics  Trained Misc.  Check a move action.
Constitution Modifier  Check
Constitution represents health, stamina, and vital force.
Armor Class (AC)
Endurance  Trained Misc.  Check AC measures how hard it is to physically land an attack on you.

Dexterity Modifier  Check Fortitude

Dexterity measures coordination, agility, and balance. Fortitude measures your toughness and resilience.
Acrobatics  Trained Misc.  Check
Stealth  Trained Misc.  Check
Reflex measures your ability to deflect or dodge attacks.
Thievery  Trained Misc.  Check

Intelligence Modifier  Check
Will measures your strength of will, self-discipline, and devotion.
Intelligence describes how well you learn and reason.

Arcana  Trained Misc.  Check

Attack Bonus Weapon / Power  Damage
History  Trained Misc.  Check

Religion  Trained Misc.  Check

Attack Bonus Weapon / Power Damage

When you attack, roll a d20 and add your attack bonus. Compare
Wisdom Modifier  Check the result to the monster’s defense to see if you hit. If you do hit,
Wisdom measures common sense, self-discipline, and empathy. roll damage.

Dungeoneering  Trained Misc.  Check

Hit Points Bloodied

Heal  Trained Misc.  Check Your hit points measure the damage you can take before falling
unconscious. Your bloodied value is half of your hit points
Insight  Trained Misc.  Check (rounded down).

Nature  Trained Misc.  Check Healing Surge Value

Perception  Trained Misc.  Check Surges Per Day
When you spend a healing surge, you regain hit points equal to
Charisma Modifier  Check your healing surge value, which is one-quarter of your hit points
(rounded down).
Charisma measures force of personality and leadership.

Bluff  Trained Misc.  Check Current Hit Points

Diplomacy  Trained Misc.  Check

Intimidate  Trained Misc.  Check

Temporary Hit Points Surges Used
Streetwise  Trained Misc.  Check

Powers and Feats

�������������������������������������� Equipment and Magic Items
�������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������
�������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������
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�������������������������������������� Use this space however you like: to record what happens on your
adventures, track quests, describe your background and goals,
�������������������������������������� note the names of the other characters in your party, or draw a
Actions in Combat picture of your character.

On your turn in combat, you can take three actions:

F A standard action, which is usually an attack
Wealth F A move action, which involves movement Experience Points (XP)
F A minor action, which is simple and quick
You can give up an action to take another action from lower on
the list, so you can take a move or a minor action instead of a
standard action or a minor action instead of a move action. XP for next level: _________________

Permission is granted to photocopy this character sheet for home game use only. TM & ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Character Creation: You may create a 1st-level character in the standard method using any published Wizards of the Coast 4th Edition D&D®
books, with the following restrictions. Races: You may only choose a race that has received a full write-up, such as presented in the Player’s
Handbook series. Other Information: You cannot start play with magic items (consumables are OK, if you can afford them). You also might want
to create a character that feels like it has a place in the FORGOTTEN REALMS®, to make it easy to draw your character into the adventure.

Session 1 Play Session 2 Play Session 3 Play

Starting XP 0 Starting Gold _____ Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____ Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____
XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____ XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____ XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____
Total XP _____ Total Gold _____ Total XP _____ Total Gold _____ Total XP _____ Total Gold _____

Starting Renown Points ______ Starting Renown Points ______ Starting Renown Points ______
Renown Points Gained ______ Renown Points Gained ______ Renown Points Gained ______
Current Renown Points ______ Current Renown Points ______ Current Renown Points ______

Notes (Including Magic Items Gained) Notes (Including Magic Items Gained) Notes (Including Magic Items Gained)
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

DM Name ________________________ DM Name ________________________ DM Name ________________________

DM Number ______________________ DM Number ______________________ DM Number ______________________

Session 4 Play Session 5 Play Session 6 Play

Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____ Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____ Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____
XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____ XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____ XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____
Total XP _____ Total Gold _____ Total XP _____ Total Gold _____ Total XP _____ Total Gold _____

Starting Renown Points ______ Starting Renown Points ______ Starting Renown Points ______
Renown Points Gained ______ Renown Points Gained ______ Renown Points Gained ______
Current Renown Points ______ Current Renown Points ______ Current Renown Points ______

Notes (Including Magic Items Gained) Notes (Including Magic Items Gained) Notes (Including Magic Items Gained)
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

DM Name ________________________ DM Name ________________________ DM Name ________________________

DM Number ______________________ DM Number ______________________ DM Number ______________________


Many accomplishments are awarded only once per season. Check off those accomplishments as they are earned below. The
amount of points earned for each accomplishment is available on the Renown Point Tracker and will be awarded by your DM.
When you earn 10 Renown Points, you receive the Delver Reward. At 30 Renown Points, you qualify for the Explorer Reward.
At 50 Renown Points, you qualify for the Adventurer Reward. Check with your organizer or DM for more details.

Complete an Encounter 1/Session Create a Character Builder Character Revive a Dying Adventurer Ally
Hit a Milestone 2/Chapter Choose a Player’s Handbook 3 Race or Class Hit for 15+ Damage vs. 1 Enemy
Complete All Quests Choose a Player’s Handbook 3 Feat Kill 3 Minions in 1 Attack
Moment of Greatness Survive 8+ Sessions without Dying Take 50 Enemy Damage in 1 Session
Character Creation: You may create a 1st-level character in the standard method using any published Wizards of the Coast 4th Edition D&D®
books, with the following restrictions. Races: You may only choose a race that has received a full write-up, such as presented in the Player’s
Handbook series. Other Information: You cannot start play with magic items (consumables are OK, if you can afford them). You also might want
to create a character that feels like it has a place in the FORGOTTEN REALMS®, to make it easy to draw your character into the adventure.

Session 7 Play Session 8 Play Session 9 Play

Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____ Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____ Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____
XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____ XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____ XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____
Total XP _____ Total Gold _____ Total XP _____ Total Gold _____ Total XP _____ Total Gold _____

Starting Renown Points ______ Starting Renown Points ______ Starting Renown Points ______
Renown Points Gained ______ Renown Points Gained ______ Renown Points Gained ______
Current Renown Points ______ Current Renown Points ______ Current Renown Points ______

Notes (Including Magic Items Gained) Notes (Including Magic Items Gained) Notes (Including Magic Items Gained)
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

DM Name ________________________ DM Name ________________________ DM Name ________________________

DM Number ______________________ DM Number ______________________ DM Number ______________________

Session 10 Play Session 11 Play Session 12 Play

Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____ Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____ Starting XP _____ Starting Gold _____
XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____ XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____ XP Gained _____ Gold Gained _____
Total XP _____ Total Gold _____ Total XP _____ Total Gold _____ Total XP _____ Total Gold _____

Starting Renown Points ______ Starting Renown Points ______ Starting Renown Points ______
Renown Points Gained ______ Renown Points Gained ______ Renown Points Gained ______
Current Renown Points ______ Current Renown Points ______ Current Renown Points ______

Notes (Including Magic Items Gained) Notes (Including Magic Items Gained) Notes (Including Magic Items Gained)
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

DM Name ________________________ DM Name ________________________ DM Name ________________________

DM Number ______________________ DM Number ______________________ DM Number ______________________


Many accomplishments are awarded only once per season. Check off those accomplishments as they are earned below. The
amount of points earned for each accomplishment is available on the Renown Point Tracker and will be awarded by your DM.
When you earn 10 Renown Points, you receive the Delver Reward. At 30 Renown Points, you qualify for the Explorer Reward.
At 50 Renown Points, you qualify for the Adventurer Reward. Check with your organizer or DM for more details.

Complete an Encounter 1/Session Create a Character Builder Character Revive a Dying Adventurer Ally
Hit a Milestone 2/Chapter Choose a Player’s Handbook 3 Race or Class Hit for 15+ Damage vs. 1 Enemy
Complete All Quests Choose a Player’s Handbook 3 Feat Kill 3 Minions in 1 Attack
Moment of Greatness Survive 8+ Sessions without Dying Take 50 Enemy Damage in 1 Session

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