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Path of the Conqueror Presence of the Conqueror

What happens when a barbarian agrees with the tenets of Additionally at 3rd level, your mere presence inspires awe
conquest and tries to uphold them? A Path of the Conqueror and fright in those around you. By expending a usage of your
barbarian is born. Wielding a level of brutality even higher rage as a bonus action, you gain the following benefits for 10
than that of other barbarians, Conqueror's seek to expand minutes:
their influence and might across the lands, becoming a figure You may use your strength modifier in place of charisma
of legend and fear for all those who have heard their name. for any charisma based check (Deception, Intimidation,
Performance, and Persuasion)
Hemorrhage You and all allies within 15-feet of you have advantage on
Beginning at 3rd level, your weapon attacks become truly saving throws against the frightened condition as your
lethal. When you deal damage with a melee weapon with the presence sooths.
heavy property, you may choose to Hemorrhage them,
causing deep bleeding. Consecutive strikes will cause further You also gain these benefits while your rage is active.
hemorrhaging, up to a maximum amount on one creature
equal to your proficiency bonus.
For every level of hemorrhage on a creature, they suffer 1 Armor Shredder
necrotic damage at the beginning of each of their turns. A Beginning at 6th level, you have realized that people get more
creature is relieved of all levels of hemorrhage when they frightened when being shown that hiding behind armor is
receive magical healing or when they or a creature within 5- useless. While your Presence of the Conqueror is active or
feet of them uses their action to make a medicine check to while you are raging, you reduce the AC of all creatures of
patch them up. The DC is equal to 8 + Your Strength Modifier your choice within 15-feet of you by an amount equal to half
+ Your Proficiency bonus. of your proficiency bonus.
Brutal Sweep
Once you reach 10th level, you learn a technique with your
heavy weapons to further obliterate foes. While wielding a
heavy melee weapon in two hands, you may use your action
to sweep it in a devastating blow.
All creatures within 10-feet of you must succeed on a
dexterity saving throw (Using the previous DC calculation
method) creatures within 5-feet of you automatically succeed
on this saving throw as they avoid the most dangerous part of
your weapon.
On a failed save, creatures suffer two levels of hemorrhage
and take damage equal to double your weapons normal
damage dice. On a successful save they receive half this
damage and only receive one level of hemorrhage. Creatures
within 5-feet of you take bludgeoning damage as opposed to
the weapons normal damage type.
Vertical Guillotine
Finally at 14th level, you have perfected a swift and
devastating blow to invoke fear in everyone around you. As an
action you make a special attack using a heavy melee weapon
you are wielding, choose a target within 30-feet of you as the
recipient, you leap towards them, landing in a spot within 5-
feet of them.
Make an attack roll against the chosen target, this attack is
guaranteed to be a critical hit. If the target is a creature and
they are suffering from the maximum amount of hemorrhage
stacks, this attacks critical damage is tripled instead of
If this reduces the target to 0 HP and they were a creature,
you viciously execute them, splitting them down the middle.
You may then immediately use this ability again as apart of
the same action, targeting a new creature within range.
If you miss with this special attack, you may not use it
again for another minute. If you hit with it, you may not use it
again until you complete a long rest.
Credits and Thanks!
Artist Credit Patron Thanks!
I am no artist, just someone with a lot of homebrew ideas and This homebrew was supported for by my patrons on
a vague ability in graphic design. All artwork I use in this If you wish to support me
document is credited below, please show respects to the or encourage me to make more things like this or update this
artist and if the original artist sees this and feels I did not in the future, that's the best way to do it!
properly credit them/does not wish for their artwork to be A thank you to my current supporting patrons! Their
used, contact me at u/Zellorea and I will rectify this as soon names are listed below as a show of my immense
as possible. appreciation towards them.
Art belongs to Tuấn Việt on Artstation! Renowned Hero: InsaneInsanity
Stain Credit Folk Hero: EmrysMerlin
In all of my homebrew I use watercolor stains created by
u/flamableconcrete aka Jared Ondricek. These brews and
PDFs would not look nearly as nice without his creations, so
huge thank you to him! You can find all stains I use on his

Other Homebrew
You may recognize me for other homebrews such as the
Siphoner class and my project to turn every league of legends
champion into a subclass, if you want to be alerted as soon as
all of those are publically available, join the discord!

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