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The Skinwalker

red headed human girl stands before her father, Origin
bruised and bloodied. Her father smirks, but
before he can open his mouth to speak his It's said the first skinwalker was born from the gravest of
daughter rises once more, in a form sins. He murdered his own brother, ashamed of his actions
incomprehensible, a form that's only his own but even more fearful of how his village would react... He
fault. attempted to eat the remains, and once he ate his brothers
The druid was shunned, blamed and exiled heart, the horrific ritual began.
for something that wasn't even his fault. He grits his teeth Now it is largely understood that one of the primary ways
and lets out a roar of anger... And the wilds respond with someone can become a skinwalker is to murder your own
ancient anger of their own, filling him with a newfound kin, and then eat the vital organs. There are other ways of
power. transformation but this is the most widely known way.
The villagers lock their doors and bar the windows, for it is
out this night... A looming beast of midnight fur and with the Skinwalker
skull of a deer. The elders called it the Wendigo, but only the This class offers a unique playstyle experience, allowing you
beast knew what it really was. to enter hybrid forms in which you augment your base
The elf stands in front of the orphanage that took him in, abilities and appearance with special ones based on various
tears staining his cheeks as he stares down the evictors... His monsters.
body writhes and primal forces fuel him, he will not allow any This class is highly adaptable to various scenarios, which is
harm to befall this place of good... Even if he has to do evil unique for a martial with no base casting. The ability to alter
things to preserve it. and choose how you Semishift allows for a lot of
customizability in every scenario.
Source of Power This class is perfect for people who want to build a primal
Skinwalkers derive their power from the forces of nature frontliner but feel that Barbarian is not for them, or people
much like druids, meaning their power is divine in origin... who were hoping that Beast barbarian could be a full class
However to call a Skinwalkers power holy is a grave mistake. rather than subclass.
Skinwalkers are the dark side of nature, the brutal and
predatory side of it. Quick Build
You can make a Skinwalker quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability score
followed by Wisdom, put any remaining points into
Constitution. Then take the acolyte background.

Level Bonus Limit Features

1st +2 - Semishift, Inner Beast
2nd +2 2 Genetic Alteration
3rd +2 3 Circle Choice
4th +2 4 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 5 Extra Attack
6th +3 6 Primal Strength
7th +3 7 Circle Feature
8th +3 8 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 9 Permanent Alteration (1)
10th +4 10 Circle Feature
11th +4 11 Natural Adaptation
12th +4 12 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 13 Monsters Endurance
14th +5 14 Permanent Alteration (2)
15th +5 15 Circle Feature
16th +5 16 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 17 Shredder
18th +6 18 Circle Feature
19th +6 19 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 20 Master of Change

Class Features Equipment

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Your Class gains the following features equipment granted by your background:
Hit Points (a) any melee martial weapon or (b) 2 simple weapons
Hit Dice: 1d10 (a) Leather Armor or (b) Hide Armor
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier (a) Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) an explorer's pack
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Any other items relevant to the class
modifier per Skinwalker after 1st. Alternatively, you may start with 4d4 × 10 gp to buy your
Proficiencies own equipment.
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics,
Deception, History, Intimidation, Nature, Perception,
Religion and Survival.
Semishift Circle Choice
Beginning at 1st level, you have begun to learn how to slightly Once you reach 3rd level, you must choose a circle that
shift and augment your body in fearsome ways. As a bonus represents the way you use your power. Choose either the
action on your turn, you may enter your Semishift state. Circle of the Beast, Fiend, Primordial, or Witch.
You decide entirely what your semishift looks like, and it
may look different each time you enter it-perhaps you cover Ability Score Improvement
yourself in feathers and resemble a bird monster, or you When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
become a looming wolf-man. 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
Your Semishift lasts for a number of minutes equal to half by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
your Shifter level (Rounded up) or until you are unconscious 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
or end it early as a bonus action on your turn. You gain the using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat (see
following benefits while Semishifted: Chapter 6 for a list of feats).
You reduce all damage taken from nonmagical sources by
an amount equal to your proficiency bonus (If you have Extra Attack
resistance to the reduced damage type, the reduction is Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
applied before the resistance) whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
You may add half your wisdom modifier (Rounded down)
to attack and damage rolls made with your natural Primal Strength
weapons. Beginning at 6th level, you have learned how to pierce
through defenses and harden your own. Your natural
You may Semishift a number of times equal to your weapons now count as magical for the purposes of
Wisdom modifier (Minimum of 1) you regain all uses upon overcoming nonmagical resistances and immunities.
completing a long rest. Additionally, your damage reduction from your Semishift is
no longer stopped by magical weapons. However, silvered
Inner Beast weapons will still ignore it.
Additionally at 1st level, you begin to meld your gear into your
primal abilities. Over the course of 1-minute, you may target a Permanent Alteration
weapon you are proficient in. At the end of the minute, you Starting at 9th level, your body begins to adapt to its constant
fuse the targeted item into your being. transformations. Whenever you finish a long rest, you may
While fused with a weapon, you are able to use its damage choose any alteration that only costs 1 energy (Even if you do
dice as if it were a natural weapon, and you can release it as not know it)
apart of a bonus action (This may be the same bonus action The chosen alteration is permanently active, even while not
you use to enter your Semishift) in your Semishift state. You may change your chosen
You can not be disarmed of your natural weapons, and its alteration for a new one upon completing a long rest.
appearance must reflect its damage type (Tentacles for Once you reach 14th level, you may choose a second
bludgeoning, spikes for piercing, claws for slashing, ect) alteration to permanently have active upon finishing a long
You may have one weapon fused into your body at any rest. You may choose the same alteration twice if it allows
given time, fusing with a new one expels the old one into an you to.
unoccupied space within 5-feet of you.
Natural Adaptation
Genetic Alteration Once you reach 11th level, your ability to adapt to any
Beginning at 2nd level, you start to augment your Semishift scenario improves. At the beginning of your turn while
upon entering it. Whenever you enter your Semishift state, Semishifted, you may exchange one of your current
you may choose from a list of augmentations detailed at the Alterations for another one you already know.
end of this class to apply to it. You may apply any number of The chosen Alteration may not cost more Energy than the
augmentations to your Semishift, provided you do not exceed Alteration it replaced.
your Shifting Energy maximum, which equals your level.
You know a number of alterations equal to your wisdom
modifier (Minimum of 1) + half your level in this class.
Monsters Endurance
Starting at 13th level, the line between man and monster
begins to blur with you. When you take damage from a
nonmagical source, you may use your reaction to reduce the
damage to 0.
After using this feature, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. All
levels of exhaustion gained from this feature are removed
upon completing a long rest.
Once you reach 17th level, your inner desire to tear into
everything grows stronger. When you take the attack action
on your turn, if you miss any of your attacks you may make an
additional one as apart of the same action.
Master of Change
Finally at 20th level, you have perfected your abilities to
Semishift. You may now Semishift any number of times in
between rests.
Additionally, all Alterations have their Energy Cost reduced
by 1 (To a minimum of 1)
Circle of the Beast Lycanthropic Endurance
Skinwalkers apart of the Circle of the Beast are most similar Starting at 10th level, your ability to take hits improves
to Lycanthropes-a good portion may actually be lycanthropes drastically. Upon entering your Semishift, you gain temporary
in fact. But the key difference between a regular Lycanthrope hit points equal to your Skinwalker level that lasts for the
and a member of this Circle is the sheer dedication that a duration of your Semishift. Additionally while Shifted, you
Circle member has put into embracing and discovering the gain +1 AC.
potential of their lycanthropy. Members of this circle who are
not Lycanthropes instead choose to mimic the curse, often Spirits Permanence
leading to people mistaking them for Lycanthropes. Starting at 15th level, the power of your Spirit animal is
The Druidic circle related to this one would be the Circle of always with you.
the Moon. The Alterations you learned from your Spirit Animal choice
at 3rd level are always active, even if you are not currently in
Spirit Animal your Semishift. If you chose Sea and you already have
Once you take this circle at 3rd level, you must make a choice. Darkvision or Amphibious by default, you may choose
Choose one beast of CR 1/2 or lower, this beast is your spirit another alteration of the same cost to be permanent.
animal. If you are a lycanthrope, this animal should be the
origin of your lycanthropy. Beasts Healing
While Semishifted, you appear more similar to a humanoid Starting at 18th level, the spirit of the beast heals your while
hybrid of your Spirit animal. Depending on whether your shifted. While Semishifted, you gain the benefits of the
chosen animal is one of land, sea or sky, you gain a different Regeneration alteration and it does not count against your
benefit while Semishifted. energy limit.
Land. Your movement speed increases by 10-feet while When benefiting from Regeneration this way, it functions
Semishifted, and you learn the Pack Tactics Alteration. This even if you are above half your HP maximum. If you have
Alteration does not count against your maximum known. taken damage from a silvered weapon since the beginning of
Sea. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking your last tun, this ability does not function.
speed while Semishifted, and you learn the Amphibious,
Camouflage and Darkvision Alterations. These Alterations do Beast Only Alterations
not count against your maximum known. Only a member of the Circle of the Beast may learn these
Sky. Your jump distance triples while Semishifted, and you Alterations.
learn the Glider Alteration. This Alteration does not count Animal Communication (Energy Cost: 1). While
against your maximum known. Semishifted, you are able to commune with beasts as if under
Beastly Sense the Speak with Animals spell.
Beasts Revenge (Energy Cost: 3). When you are hit by an
Additionally at 3rd level, your senses begin to heighten and attack, if the attacker is within range of your natural weapons
become more sensitive. You gain proficiency in the you may make one attack with them against the attacker as a
Perception skill if you are not already, if you are you instead reaction.
add double your proficiency bonus to it. Blood Sense (Energy Cost: 2). As an action while
Semishifted, you may open up your senses to detect blood. If
Beast Walker there is any creature within 240-feet of you that is missing all
Starting at 7th level, you learn how to enter the form of your their hit points, you know their exact location. This feature
Spirit Animal. As an action and by expending a usage of your does not work on creatures without blood.
Semishift, you turn into your spirit animal. Its stats replace all Infection (Energy Cost: 3). Whenever you deal damage to
of yours except for your mental ones, you are unable to speak a creature with your natural weapons, that creature must
in this form, however you can use your fused weapon and succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your
extra attack. Skinwalker DC or be cursed with the lycanthropy of your
You may remain in this form for a number of hours equal to Spirit Animal.
half your Skinwalker level (Rounded up), or until you end it Terrain Crosser (Energy Cost: 2). While Semishifted, you
early as a bonus action. ignore nonmagical difficult terrain caused by natural means.
Such as ice or thick shrubbery.
Life Burn
Circle of Hellfire Finally at 18th level, you learn how to turn your own life
Branded by fire and forged in the abyss, Skinwalkers of this essence into a more powerful form of Hellshift. As an action,
Circle draw their power from the lower planes and fiends. you may enter a Hellshift without expending a use of your
Whether it be from Demons, Devils or Yugoloths, their power Semishift feature. When entered this way, your Hellshift has
doesn't differ too much from other members of the circle of the following changes:
The Druidic circle related to this one would be the Circle of The fire damage dealt by all parts of it is increased to
the Wildfire. twice your proficiency bonus.
You become immune to fire damage not caused by your
Hellshift Hellshift.
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your Semishift You are unable to recover hit points, unless it is caused by
becomes much more aggressive and dangerous. When you your Restorative Pyre feature.
Semishift, you may turn it into a Hellshift instead. Hellshift's
function identically as a Semishift, except for the following
change: Once you use this feature, you may not use it again until
you complete a long rest.
You no longer reduce damage taken from nonmagical
sources as apart of your Semishift. Instead, whenever you Hellfire Only Alterations
take damage from a melee weapon attack, the attacker
suffers fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Only a member of the Circle of Hellfire may learn these
At the end of your turn, you and all creatures of your Demonic Durability (Energy Cost: 5). When you enter
choice within 5-feet of you suffer fire damage equal to your Semishift, your HP and HP maximum is increased by
your proficiency bonus. The damage done to you can not an amount equal to twice your level. This increase fades upon
be reduced in any way. leaving your Semishift.
Devilish Tongue (Energy Cost: 1). While Semishifted, you
Lower Planar Influence have advantage on Deception checks made on non-hostile
Additionally at 3rd level, your ties to the lower planes grows. Devils Sight (Energy Cost: 1). You must have darkvision
You learn your choice of either the Abyssal or Infernal in order to use this Alteration. Magical darkness no longer
language. If you chose Abyssal, you gain proficiency in the impedes your darkvision for the duration of your Semishift.
Intimidation skill. If you chose Infernal, you gain proficiency Hell-Not Fire (Energy Cost: 3). When you enter your
in the Deception skill. Hellshift, you may replace all instances of fire damage this
subclass refers to with another one of the following damage
Restorative Pyre types: Acid, Cold, or Lightning.
Once you reach 7th level, your Hellshift's flames begin to Shield of Ash (Energy Cost: 2). When you enter your
restore your vitality. When you would suffer fire damage as a Semishift, ash drifts up and swirls around you. The area
result of your Hellshift, you may instead negate this damage within 10-feet of you is considered to be lightly obscured, you
(No action required) and recover health equal to twice the are unaffected by this however.
amount of damage you would've taken.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
Wisdom Modifier (Minimum of 1), you regain all expended
uses upon completing a long rest.
Flaming Veins
Starting at 10th level, the fire in your veins begs to be
unleashed. When you take the attack action, you may replace
any number of the attacks with a ranged spell attack, as you
fling a mote of flame at the target.
The attacks range is 120-feet, you use your wisdom
modifier for it. On a hit, it deals 2d6 + Your Wisdom Modifier
fire damage.
Damage dealt by this feature ignores fire resistance.
Hungering Flames
Beginning at 15th level, your Hellshift's flames threaten to
engulf all of your foes. While in a Hellshift, if a creature
damages you in any way (Be it ranged weapon, spell, ect) they
suffer your Hellshift's fire damage.
Circle of the Witch Quickened Ritual
Skinwalkers apart of the Circle of the Witch are the foul Starting at 10th level, you learn how to sacrifice your own
users of blackmagic that most people familiarize Skinwalkers vitality to speed up the ritual process. When casting a ritual,
with. They steal the skin of people in order to impersonate you may sacrifice any number of hit die during the casting
them, and they use this impersonation to further their process. For every hit die expended, the time taken for the
unknown goals. ritual is reduced by 10 minutes, to a minimum of the spells
The Druidic circle related to this one would be the Circle of normal cast time.
the Land. You may also sacrifice a willing creatures hit die, or an
unconscious ones, provided they are within 5-feet of you.
Skincloak Vile Wardrobe
Beginning at 3rd level, you have learned how to fashion a Once you reach 15th level, your cloaks begin to retain their
cloak from your fallen foes. Over the course of 1-hour (This potency. You may now have a number of Skincloaks made at
may be done as apart of a short rest) you may fashion a cloak once equal to your Wisdom modifier (Minimum of 2)
from a humanoid corpse within 10-feet of you. You use their
skin, teeth, hair, and any other bits of them in the making of
this cloak. Supreme Ritual
While wearing this cloak, you gain a new usage for your Starting at 18th level, you have learned a master ritual.
Semishift. You may expend a use of your Semishift to instead Choose a spell of 7th level or lower from the Druids spell list.
take on the appearance of the humanoid used in fashioning This spell gains the ritual tag if it did not have it already, and
the cloak. You appear identical to them, however your voice you permanently add it to your ritual book.
remains the same as in your normal form. This When ritual casting this spell, the casting time adds 8
transformation lasts for a number of hours equal to half your hours to the normal casting time rather than only 1 hour.
Skinwalker level (Rounded up). You can not apply Alterations Much like the two rituals learned from Ritualist, this spell
to this transformation. will be automatically added to any new ritual book you make.
You may only have one cloak fashioned at a time, if you
fashion a new one, your old one loses its power permanently. Witch Only Alterations
Ritualist Only a member of the Circle of the Witch may learn these
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain access to a special book of Blind Troupe. (Energy Cost 3). As an action while
rituals. You learn two 1st level spells of your choice with the Semishifted, you may willing blind yourself. If you do so, all
ritual tag. You may cast these spells as rituals, however when creatures of your choice within 5-feet of you must succeed on
cast this way you add an additional hour to the casting time a Charisma saving throw against your Skinwalker DC. On a
rather than 10 minutes. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability failed save, they also become blinded.
for these rituals. You may end this blindness on yourself as a bonus action,
Whenever you find a spell scroll with a ritual spell on it, affected creatures are no longer blinded once you are no
you may add it to your ritual book by expending 50 gold and 2 longer blinded.
hours of time per spell level. Cursed Constitution. (Energy Cost 1). You are immune
If you lose your ritual book, you can no longer cast these to curses and disease while Semishifted.
ritual spells, and must turn a spellbook into your new ritual Horrific Appearance (Energy Cost 2). As an action while
book. You add your original chosen spells to the new ritual Semishifted, you may force all creatures within 30-feet of you
book, however any scribed spells remain lost. that can see you to make a Wisdom saving throw against
your Skinwalker DC. On a failed save, they become
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
Starting at 7th level, your disguise from your skincloak has Magic Resistance (Energy Cost 5). You have advantage
grown in strength. You may now apply Alterations to your on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
transformation from Skincloak, however some may alter the Mimicry (Energy Cost 3). You can mimic sounds you have
form slightly to accomodate them (Such as growing wings heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds can
from gaining a flight speed) tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight)
check opposed by your Charisma (Deception) check.
Genetic Alterations Exoskeleton (Energy Cost: 3)
Whenever you enter your semishift, you may apply any You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while shifted.
number of known Genetic Alterations to your shift provided it You may take this Alteration multiple times when you shift,
is within your Energy Limit! gaining another point of AC for each additional time.
However, each subsequent taking of this Alteration costs an
additional 1 Energy.
Aggressive (Energy Cost: 2)
As a bonus action, you can move up to your speed towards a Flyby (Energy Cost: 5)
hostile creature that you can see. You do not provoke opportunity attacks when you fly out of an
enemy's reach.
Amphibious (Energy Cost: 1)
You can breathe air and water. Glider (Energy Cost: 3)
You have ray-like fins or wings that you can use to slow your
Camouflage (Energy Cost: 1) fall or allow you to glide. When you fall and aren't
Choose a type of natural terrain, such as stone, wood, or dirt. incapacitated, you can subtract up to 100 feet from the fall
You have advantage on stealth checks while pressed against when calculating falling damage, and you can move up to 2
your chosen terrain type. feet horizontally for every 1 foot you descend.
Charge (Energy Cost: 1) Grappler (Energy Cost: 1)
The first time you move 30 or more feet in a straight line When you deal damage with your natural weapons, instead of
towards a target on your turn, your next attack against that dealing damage to the target you may instead choose to
target deals an additional 1d6 damage. grapple them.
You may take this Alteration multiple times when you shift,
gaining an additional 1d6 damage on your next attack. Instincts (Energy Cost: 2)
However subsequent takings of this Alteration cost 2 Energy Choose a skill based on Strength, Dexterity or Wisdom. You
instead of 1. gain proficiency in that skill for the duration of your
Darkvision (Energy Cost: 1) You may take this Alteration multiple times when shifting,
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were choosing a different skill each time.
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't
discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Iron Hide (Energy Cost: 3)
Choose either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. You
Dominus (Energy Cost: 5) gain resistance to this damage type while in your Semishift.
Your size increases by one category while you are This functions against magical weapons but not silvered
Semishifted (From medium to large for example) While in ones.
this enlarged state, you gain an additional 5-feet of reach with You may take this Alteration multiple times when shifting,
your natural weapons, and your natural weapons deal an choosing a different damage type each time.
additional 1d6 damage on hit.
You may take this Alteration multiple times when you shift, Keen Senses (Energy Cost: 1)
stacking the benefits for each use. Choose either sight, smell, or hearing. You have advantage on
perception checks involving that sense.
Energy Resistance (Energy Cost: 2) You may take this Alteration multiple times when shifting,
Choose a damage type other then bludgeoning, piercing, or choosing a different sense each time.
slashing. You gain resistance to this damage type while in
your Semishift. Leaper (Energy Cost 1)
You may take this Alteration multiple times when you shift, Your jump distance increases by 5-feet.
choosing a different damage type each time. You may take this Alteration multiple times when shifting.
Endoskeleton (Energy Cost: 3) Longstrider (Energy Cost: 1)
The damage you reduce while shifted is increased by 1. You gain 5-feet of movement while shifted.
You may take this Alteration multiple times when you shift, You may take this Alteration multiple times when shifting.
reducing damage by 1 more for each additional time.
However, each subsequent taking of this Alteration costs an
additional 1 Energy.
More Arms (Energy Cost: 3) Spider Climb (Energy Cost: 2)
You gain an additional arm that you can use as if it were a You must have a climbing speed to take this Alteration.
regular arm. You can manipulate objects with it, hold You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on
equipment such as shields, and use it for the purposes of two ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
handed weaponry.
This arm does not give you additional attacks or actions. Spindly Limbs (Energy Cost: 2)
You may take this Alteration multiple times when shifting, Your attacks made with natural weapons have their range
gaining yet another arm for each additional time. increased by 5-feet.
Movement Adaptation (Energy
Cost: X)
You adapt your movement in your new form. Choose a
movement speed from the following: Climbing, Swimming,
Flying, or Burrowing. You gain the respective speed chosen,
and it is equal to your normal walking speed.
If the chosen speed is Climbing or Swimming, this
Alteration costs 1 Energy. If it is Burrowing, it costs 3. If it is
Flying, it costs 5.
You may take this Alteration multiple times when you enter
your Semishift, choosing a different movement speed each
Pack Tactics (Energy Cost: 3)
You have advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at
least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the
ally isn't incapacitated.
Powerful Build (Energy Cost: 1)
You count as one size larger when determining your carrying
capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Projectile Spikes (Energy Cost: 3)
While shifted, you gain an additional natural weapon: A spike
attack. You may shoot out a spike from your body as an
attack, it is a ranged attack that uses your choice of Strength
or Dexterity.
The spike attacks short range is 40 feet and its long range
is 120 feet. Its damage dice is 1d6, it deals piercing damage.
Rampage (Energy Cost: 2)
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee
attack on your turn, you may immediately take a bonus action
to move up to half your speed and make an attack with your
natural weapons.
Regeneration (Energy Cost: 3)
While under half your HP maximum and having at least 1
HP, you regain a number of hit points equal to your Wisdom
modifier (Minimum of 1) at the start of each of your turns.
Relentless (Energy Cost: 2)
The first time you would be reduced to 0 HP while in your
shifted state, you are instead reduced to 1.
Credits and Thanks!
Artist Credit Patron Thanks!
I am no artist, just someone with a lot of homebrew ideas and This homebrew was supported for by my patrons on
a vague ability in graphic design. All artwork I use in this If you wish to support me
document is credited below, please show respects to the or encourage me to make more things like this or update this
artist and if the original artist sees this and feels I did not in the future, that's the best way to do it!
properly credit them/does not wish for their artwork to be A thank you to my current supporting patrons! Their
used, contact me at u/Zellorea and I will rectify this as soon names are listed below as a show of my immense
as possible. appreciation towards them.
Cover Page Art by: Jason Chan on A Lot of Places Mercenary: Deathknight
1st Page Art by: Maiarcita on Deviantart Renowned Hero: InsaneInsanity
4th Page Art by: Kinixuki on Deviantart Folk Hero: Nelm
6th Page Art by: Richard Thomas on Artstation
9th Page Art by: Vshen on Deviantart

Stain Credit
In all of my homebrew I use watercolor stains created by
u/flamableconcrete aka Jared Ondricek. These brews and
PDFs would not look nearly as nice without his creations, so
huge thank you to him! You can find all stains I use on his

Other Homebrew
You may recognize me for other homebrews such as the
Siphoner class and my project to turn every league of legends
champion into a subclass, if you want to be alerted as soon as
all of those are publically available, join the discord!


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