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Anarchist Roguish Super Mega Death Time!

Finally at 17th level, you are able to deliver the big

Archetype KABLOWEY! As a bonus action on your turn, you may
Rogue Subclass become excited if you are not already. If you are already
Anarchy and chaos are natural things of everyday life, there excited, the effects of the speed increase is doubled.
must be a foil to law and order after all. Most rogues tend to The excitement from this ability lasts for a minute, however
lean a bit more towards the anarchist and chaotic side of life you may end it early as an action. If you do so, you unleash a
as is the natural of illicit activities, but as someone who has wave of anarchy around you. All unattended objects within
adopted this roguish archetype you have gone above and 30-feet of you suffer damage equal to a roll of your sneak
beyond the "normal". attack (This benefits from Blow it All Up!)
Additionally upon ending it early, you may make an attack
Get Excited roll against every creature of your choice within 30-feet of
you. You may use sneak attack against up to 3 different
Upon choosing this archetype at 3rd level, the thrill of creatures when done via this action. Upon making all attacks,
destruction energizes you. Upon reducing a creature or you appear in an unoccupied space of your choice within 30-
object to 0 HP, you become Excited until the end of your next feet of you.
turn. Upon using this ability, you may not do so again until you
While excited, you gain the following benefits: finish a long rest.
Your speed increases by an amount equal to 5 times half
your rogue level (Rounded up) What does Pow-Pow think?
Provided you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll, If your setting has firearms, then you are proficient
you may use your sneak attack. with them upon choosing this archetype at 3rd
Creatures have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity
against you.

Blow it All Up!

Additionally at 3rd level, you know exactly how to destroy
manmade objects. You deal double damage against objects
and structures.
Upon reaching 13th level, this increases to triple damage.
Lasting Excitement
Upon reaching 9th level, your excitement is more prolongued
and drawn out. Your excitement now lasts a number of turns
equal to your dexterity modifier (Minimum of 2)
Additionally, if a creature you have damaged within the
past round is reduced to 0 HP by a source other than you,
you still become excited.
Thrill of Carnage
Upon reaching 13th level, your excitement reaches terrifying
levels. Whenever you become Excited on your turn, you may
choose to make an additional attack. This additional attack
can benefit from sneak attack, even if you have already used
sneak attack this turn.
You can not make this attack unless you would've entered
your excitement on the turn (So you can't make it on the extra
turns granted by Lasting Excitement unless you begin it
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
Dexterity modifier (Minimum of 1) you regain all expended
uses upon completing a long rest.
Credits and Thanks!
Artist Credit Patron Thanks!
I am no artist, just someone with a lot of homebrew ideas and This homebrew was supported for by my patrons on
a vague ability in graphic design. All artwork I use in this If you wish to support me
document is credited below, please show respects to the or encourage me to make more things like this or update this
artist and if the original artist sees this and feels I did not in the future, that's the best way to do it!
properly credit them/does not wish for their artwork to be A thank you to my current supporting patrons! Their
used, contact me at u/Zellorea and I will rectify this as soon names are listed below as a show of my immense
as possible. appreciation towards them.
Art belongs to Dr Grizscald on Deviantart! Savior: Amelia Strange
Stain Credit Renowned Hero: InsaneInsanity
In all of my homebrew I use watercolor stains created by Mercenary: Deathknight
u/flamableconcrete aka Jared Ondricek. These brews and Folk Hero: Nate Meyer
PDFs would not look nearly as nice without his creations, so
huge thank you to him! You can find all stains I use on his

Other Homebrew
You may recognize me for other homebrews such as the
Siphoner class and my project to turn every league of legends
champion into a subclass, if you want to be alerted as soon as
all of those are publically available, join the discord!

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