Challenges 3 Test 1

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NAME_________________________ SURNAME___________________________


GROUP A DATE___ / 12.2021

MARK 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
POINTS 0-9 10-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40
1-Sort the letters to make words for animals. 2p/
1 FOABULF _______________
2 PHONYT _______________
2-Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You can use some words more than once. 5p/
about for in on to
1 Jenny lives _______________ Scotland.
2 I want you to write _______________ your holidays.
3 How much did you pay _______________ that dress?
4 You don’t need to worry _______________ anything.
5 We travelled _______________ Australia last year.
3-Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 5 p/
1 We _______________ (not have) a maths lesson every day.
2 What _______________ (you / do) at the moment?
3 He often _______________ (ride) his bike to school.
4 They usually _______________ (play) basketball, but today they _______________ (play) tennis.
4-Complete the text with the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 4p/
The band waspractisingwhen the phone 1_______________ (ring).Dave, the guitarist, 2_______________ (answer) the
phone. It wasa music producer offering them a contract to make an album with his company! While Dave was talking to
the producer, the other band members 3_______________ (notlisten) to the conversation.When Dave 4_______________
(put) the phone down and toldhis friends, they were all very excited.

5-Linking with when andwhile .Each line has one mistake. Find the mistake and write the correct word on the line.
1 While the bus arrived, we all got on it. _____
2 When I was waiting for the bus, I saw an old friend. _____
6-Complete the dialogue with already, yet, never or ever. You can use some words more than once. 5p/
A Have you started your geography project about Russia 1 _______________ ?
B Yes, I’ve 2 _______________ started it. What about you?
A I haven’t started it 3 _______________ , but I’m going to do it tonight.
B Have you 4 _______________ been to Moscow?
A No, I’ve 5 _______________ been there.

7-Complete the text with the words in the box. 12p/

As could practising in interested more performing put on stage take part take up trick when

The Mysterious Ching Ling Foo

Magic is as old 0 asrecorded history with evidence of magicians 1 _______________ nearly 5000 years ago in ancient
Egypt, and then ancient Greece and Rome. Until about 1750 most magic shows were watched in streets and marketplaces
across Europe. But 2 _______________ these started to close, magicians started working 3 _______________ public
houses or rented rooms. Finally, rich people became 4 _______________ in magic and magic shows were 5
_______________ in theatres.
Born in 1854 in Beijing, China, Ching Ling Foo studied traditional Chinese magic. His show went to the United States in
1898 where he was very successful. His most famous 6 _______________ was producing a huge bowl full of water from
under a piece of cloth and then pulling a child out from the bowl of water. While he was in America, he offered a reward
to anyone who 7 _______________ produce a child from a bowl of water as he did. Ching didn’t expect anyone to 8
_______________ the challenge, but an American called William Elsworth Robinson did.
He came from New York and had started 9 _______________ magic when he was fourteen years old. Ching was furious
when Robinson accepted the challenge and he refused to 10 _______________ in the contest. Robinson changed his name
to Chung Ling Soo and called himself ‘The Original Chinese Conjuror’. He even refused to speak English, pretending that
he was really Chinese. He became even 11 _______________ famous than the man he copied, but he died on 12
_______________ doing one of his tricks. He tried to catch a bullet from a gun but unfortunately, he failed. He died from
a bullet in the chest in 1918, four years before Ching Ling Foo died.
8-Write an emailto your friend and tell him about your holiday. Use these ideas and remember to use linking
words. (60-80 words)
 location
 activities
 people
NAME_____________________ SURNAME_____________________
GROUP B DATE ____ / 12/2021
MARK 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
POINTS 0-9 10-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40
1-Sort the letters to make words for animals. 2p/
1 FRIFAGE _______________
2 GORONAKA _______________
2-Verbs with prepositions.Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You can use some words more than
once. 5p/
about for in on to
1 I’m working _______________ that maths problem now.
2 I’m thinking _______________ going to America.
3 He likes listening _______________ different types of music.
4 What did you learn _______________ at school today?
5 She’s waiting _______________ her friend.
3-Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 5 p/
1 We _______________ (go) on a school trip every month.
2 I _______________ (walk) to school today because my bike is broken.
3 She _______________ (not prepare) for her exam. She _______________ (watch) TV.
4 She _______________ (love) all animals. She’s got lots of pets at home
4-Complete the text with the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 4p/
The band _______________ (practise) when the phone rang.Dave, the guitarist, answeredthe phone. It
_______________ (be) a music producer offering them a contract to make an album with his company! While Dave
_______________ (talk) to the producer, the other band members weren’t listeningto the conversation.When Dave
putthe phone down and 4_______________ (tell) his friends, they were all very excited.

5-Linking with when and while. Each line has one mistake. Find the mistake and write the correct word on the line.
1 While I was live in London, I learned English. _____
2 I made myself a drink while I got home from school. _____
6-Complete the dialogue with already, yet, never or ever. You can use some words more than once. 5p/
A Have you started your geography project about Russia 1 _______________ ?
B Yes, I’ve 2 _______________ started it. What about you?
A I haven’t started it 3 _______________ , but I’m going to do it tonight.
B Have you 4 _______________ been to Moscow?
A No, I’ve 5 _______________ been there.

7- Complete the text with the words in the box. 12p/

As could practising in interested more performing put on stage take part take up trick when
The Mysterious Ching Ling Foo
Magic is as old 0 asrecorded history with evidence of magicians 1 _______________ nearly 5000 years ago in ancient
Egypt, and then ancient Greece and Rome. Until about 1750 most magic shows were watched in streets and marketplaces
across Europe. But 2 _______________ these started to close, magicians started working 3 _______________ public
houses or rented rooms. Finally, rich people became 4 _______________ in magic and magic shows were 5
_______________ in theatres.
Born in 1854 in Beijing, China, Ching Ling Foo studied traditional Chinese magic. His show went to the United States in
1898 where he was very successful. His most famous 6 _______________ was producing a huge bowl full of water from
under a piece of cloth and then pulling a child out from the bowl of water. While he was in America, he offered a reward
to anyone who 7 _______________ produce a child from a bowl of water as he did. Ching didn’t expect anyone to 8
_______________ the challenge, but an American called William Elsworth Robinson did.
He came from New York and had started 9 _______________ magic when he was fourteen years old. Ching was furious
when Robinson accepted the challenge and he refused to 10 _______________ in the contest. Robinson changed his name
to Chung Ling Soo and called himself ‘The Original Chinese Conjuror’. He even refused to speak English, pretending that
he was really Chinese. He became even 11 _______________ famous than the man he copied, but he died on 12
_______________ doing one of his tricks. He tried to catch a bullet from a gun but unfortunately, he failed. He died from
a bullet in the chest in 1918, four years before Ching Ling Foo died.
8-Write a description of a weekend stay in your town/city( 60-80 words). Include: 5p/
 Method of transport to your city
 Accommodation offered
 Day 1tour
 Day 2tour
 Extra things to do if you have time

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