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Most cycle analysis is doing one thing. It is trying to find the turning point
of EVERY intermediate swing. For instance:

Here are some quotes from W.D. Gann taken from his last book,

How to Make Profits in Commodities

"TIME TO STAY OUT OF THE MARKET: This is something important for everyone to
know. You cannot make money by trading in the market every day or by getting in
and out every day. There comes a time when you should stay out, WATCH and WAIT
until you determine a DEFINITE CHANGE IN TREND. Long periods of rest and
relaxation protect your health and help your judgment which will result in
profits later."

"THE BEST WAY TO TRADE: The most money is made by swing trading, or in the long
pull trades, that is following a definite trend as long as the market trend is
up or down, you must learn by rules to wait until the market gets out of a rut
or a trading range.

Wait for a definite indication that it is going higher or lower, before you
take a position for a long pull trade. Always figure that YOU CAN BE WRONG and
that the market could reverse. Therefore, follow your profits up with a STOP
LOSS ORDER, or get out when you get a definite indication that the market has
reached a turning point and that the trend is changing."

"TIME is the most important factor of all and not until sufficient time has
expired does any big move start up or down. The TIME factor will overbalance
both Space and Volume. When TIME is up, space movement will start and large
volume will begin, either up or down. At the end of any important movement --
monthly, weekly or daily -- TIME must be allowed for accumulation or
distribution or for buying and selling to be completed.

"Never decide that the main trend has changed one way or the other without
consulting the RESISTANCE LEVELS from TOP to BOTTOM and without considering the
position of the market and the CYCLE of each individual Commodity.

"Always consider whether the main TIME limit has run out or not before judging
a reverse move. Do not fail to consider the indications on TIME, both from main

"...when the market has run out enough time, watch for the first time that the
market rallies a greater percentage than the last or first percentage, then it
indicates the trend is changing.

"But remember that the most important thing is the TIME PERIOD and when time
overbalances or shows a change in trend, it is much more important than a
percentage of prices. For example, after a prolonged advance, if a commodity
has never reacted more than two months or one month, the first time that it
exceeds this time period, it indicates a change in trend. Apply the same rule
on the DOWN side. The first time the time period exceeds the greatest time
period on the way down, consider the trend has changed, at least temporarily."

"When a decline in cents exceeds the greatest decline of a previous reaction by

one or more cents, it is an indication of a change in trend."

"When a campaign has run only 3 or 4 sections and the time period on a reaction
exceeds the greatest time of a previous reaction, consider that the main trend
has changed."

"When wheat or other commodities hold 2 to 6 weeks or 10 to 13 weeks in a

narrow range, then cross tops or break bottoms of previous weeks, the trend has
changed and you should go with it."

What I have discovered is that EVERY trader is trying to find the WRONG thing
in looking/searching for EVERY possible trade. I am right now, this week, going
over a set of rules that point you right to the center point of the STORM!
Making it a matter of TIME before you are ALWAYS winning.

And I have to say that a few people are just now seeing what I have been saying
for a long time at my site. Most that have come and gone are not going to see
this relationship with TIME and price. I am showing why Gann showed EVERYONE a
very simple cycle that is ALWAYS the main part of EVERY cycle in trading. Once
you have access to this analysis, trading should never be hard at all.

And what software am I using to reveal this cycle? FT/GT4:):):)

If any of my students are in this forum, they will indeed tell everyone that I
have opened many eyes over the past few days:):):) It has taken a while to do
this, but now they see why TIME IS MORE IMPORTANT!

This was the reason for introducing my new system. Most people do not
understand that they have to find only one thing to make trading a fun thing to
do. If you spend time trying to get every single swing, it is only going to
hurt the thing that most people want to get out of trading in the first place.
Just in the past few days has everyone began to see this one simple cycle. I
still have things that I`m going to bring to my students. All has not been
taught yet. This is just how long it takes to get everyone on the same page.
Now, most people have come into my site and gone. But what Gann taught is very
easy once you understand it was mostly about TIME.

I have found that showing people pictures that show TIME is the key to everyone
seeing the picture at all. Sound interesting? It is. Just think about that
statement. It has taken a long time for most people to get away from looking at
price. But, I`m telling you, once you stop looking at price, the trading will
become very simple to do.

I want to thank the people at Galactic Trader for making this GREAT software. I
am now able to produce something that took sometimes up to 4 different software
packages with pictures, to do what this software will do all in one:):):)

The Gann Wheel Man

You can read every book in town about Gann. But none will really explain Time!
Why is that? Gann didn`t explain everything. He left it up to everyone to do
their own research. Most people think that these mkts. have their own
individual cycles. They don`t They all work from the same time aspects. Most
think different planetary settings are needed when you do a time calc. You
don`t need that. Most people think you need price to confirm anything.

Gann statement: Time is more important.

My statement: Time is priceless! Trade TIME not PRICE in order to win! I don't
care about the price. If the time is right, the price will be right.

Do most people know that the main reason everyone gets out of trades is because
of the mkts. at those tops/bottoms keep whipping back and forth so much. And
they never really know that it is a top/bottom when they get into it at that
time! Most people spend so much time trying to get price and do not know that
is what the big hang up really is. If you are in any mkt. at the correct time
you will never need a protective stop! And I can prove that. This is a very
hard thing for most people to understand though. It is because most have not
seen how these mkts. are all doing what is called a balancing act. But, most
have not found this cycle balancer. I have:) Every single mkt. turns with the
same exact cycle! Every single time!

It's a mathematical sequence of events that once in motion, MUST complete the
equation that it has begun.

Read this below very slowly. It will tell you a story that you may not have
thought of before.

I asked Mr. Gann: "What is the cause behind the time factor?"

He smiled and said: "It has taken me twenty years of exhaustive study to learn
the cause that produces effects according to time. That is my secret and too
valuable to be spread broadcast. Besides, the public is not yet ready for it."

"Water seeks its level," continued Mr. Gann. "You can force it higher with a
pump, but when you stop pumping it requires no force to cause it to return to
its former level. Stocks and Commodities are the same. They can be forced above
their natural level of values to where lambs lose all fear, become charged with
hope and buy at the top. Then stocks are permitted to sink to a level where
hope gives way to despair and the most rampant bull becomes a bear and sells
out at a loss. My discovery of the time-factor enables me to tell in advance
when these extremes must, by the law of supply and demand, occur in stocks and

This is what I have found!!! Every single mkt. does it!!!


What I have been saying is that there comes a point in time, where the mkt. has
NO drawdown. This is the point I have found. And it works every single time:)
Most everyone that has seen the Gann trading records, has seen the drawdown in
his own trading. But, that is what drove me to discover the point at which
there is never any! If anyone can do something great and yet does have a loss
once in a while. Where is that point at which the loss never comes? That is the
place everyone wants to be! This is why I have found this cycle that tells you
where the mkt. will indeed never come back to! And it is all based on TIME:)


I have a site that is listed below.

I am just now teaching this cycle to my students. What I teach is sort of

backwards from what everyone else sees. Why? Because most of my focus is on
TIME and not so much on price. As stated before, if you get in at the correct
TIME, you don`t really need to be too worried about price. Why? Because these
mkts. are moving away from these cycle points so fast. Most people that try to
pick those tops/bottoms are going to get into those big skike moves that take
them out. My cycle points are spikes that are going in my direction:) Gann had
losses at top/bottom picking points. I have found that you don`t even have to
come close to those points!

I find it really interesting that with the way these mkts. work, I can take my
system and lose 10 times in a row and still win big time with only 1 win:) That
is how wild these mkts get once they get past this cycle point!
Musical Music Numbe Elemen
Planet Color Day Metal Sign
note Frec r t
Sun C Yellow 4,1 36=6x6 Sunday Fire Gold Leo
Moon F Violet 7,2 81=9x9 Monday Water Silver Cancer
Mars G Red 9 25=5x5 Tuesday Fire Iron
Wednes Virgo/G
Mercury E Orange 5 64=8x8 Air
day emini
Thursda Sagittari
Jupiter B Blue 3 16=4x4 Air/Fire Tin
y us/Pices
Earth/W Taurus/
Venus A Green 6 49=7x7 Friday Copper
ater Libra
Saturda Earth/W
Saturn D Indigo 8 9=3x3 Lead rn/Aqua
y ater

n 2000
Whole Numbe
Note Freq Diff Diff Note Color Planet
num r
DO 288 24 1 1.00 D RED Mars
RE 324 36 27 3 9/8 1.13 E Mercury
MI 360 36 30 3 5/4 1.25 F Sun
FA 384 24 32 2 4/3 1.33 G GREEN Venus
SOL 432 48 36 4 3/2 1.50 A BLUE Jupiter
LA 480 48 40 4 5/3 1.67 B Saturn
TI 540 60 45 5 15/8 1.88 C Moon
DO 576 36 48 3 2 2.00 D RED Mars

Ernesto Laban

Interesting FACT:

From continuous contract high date on 6/4, going 45^ clocwise... is 6/19. And
6/19 is 1 trading day from the high on 6/22! Also 144^ clockwise from 6/4 high
date is 327!!! ONLY 1 NUMBER OFF:) High price on 6/22 @ 326.70!!!:):):) Now,
EVERYONE do your own homework. Because I have just taught EVERYONE how to use
the Gann Wheel for FREE!!!

And for more confluence/coincidence:) From 12/10 low date going 45^ counter-
clockwise, is 326 in price and 216^ clockwise is 7/17, 3 trading days before
the 7/22 turn:)


Using the wheel is so simple:) Just take a look at the low date from continuous
contract. 12/12/00 @ 696 in price. 22.5^ CLOCKWISE FROM THAT DATE OF 12/12 IS
the price of 696, to within 1 number!!! Now, do the work from that date for the
high. You will find all of this using these other TIMEDATES too... 7/9 window
using 4/10 90CD and 1/22 120CD. Also, 7/12-15 window using these TIMEDATES...
1/15 180CD, 3/14 120CD, 10/18 270CD and 2/20 144CD. How easy can this be:):):)
Once again, do the work and you will succeed! TIMEDATES are to be used 2
trading days prior and 3 trading days after the STATED dates. So, you can have
many turns within one window. So, TRADE TIME, NOT PRICE! Trade the confirmation
of the swings!

I guess this is a second mkt. that has been nailed by the TIMEDATE window.
Nailed by the 1/15 180CD TIMEDATE @ 45^ mark:) Both windows collided here for
this mkt. Kind of a nice situation:) About 1/2 of a number off @ 1825 1/2:)
This mkt. has another TIMEDATE slated for 7/19-22 window. 1/22 180CD, 90CD 4/23
and 10/4 288CD. Remember... Trade TIME and not price.

The search for TIME has been going on since Gann died. How does TIME really
work on any PRICE chart? It is very difficult to show, since most people are
only interested in what the top/bottom PRICE will be, in advance. But, think
about this one little tid bit...

What if you knew where the TIME WINDOW begins? You see, this is what is so
difficult for most people to understand. Once you know when the TIME WINDOW
begins, then you find the TIME PATTERN. Once the TIME PATTERN comes, PRICE is
soon to follow! What most people do NOT understand is that there are TIME
PATTERNS that are repeated over and over again. And the markets are ALL turning
in these SAME TIME WINDOWS. Once you can DEFINE the actual trend, then the
entry, of the direction, is very simple. Why? Because once you understand TIME,
you not only know when the market is ready to go, you know how long it MUST also
take. By this, I mean, that in order for it to be a trend at all, it MUST go
for at least a certain length of TIME. Or it is not a trend at all!

So, by determing the true direction of the trend, according to TIME, you have
unlocked the great mystery of Gann. Always looking for the TIME PORTAL!

"When wheat or other commodities hold 2 to 6 weeks or 10 to 13 weeks in a

narrow range, then cross tops or break bottoms of previous weeks, the trend has
changed and you should go with it."

And as you begin to see TIME, you just by COINCIDENCE, begin NAILING


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