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My name is Utaro Hayashi. I have been in other yahoo group but my study of interest is
very much with Gann's original work so I decided to join this group. I see some of the
familiar names from other group already joined here.
There's been active discussions on SQ of 9 and Hexagon charts. I have wrote some of the
Gann's chart in Excel so I will post it here. I intentionally wrote the chart with some of
the numbers tilted vertically to avoid format error due to too narrow column width. You
will see what I mean when you open it. I see Brian Sklenka posted the Sq of 9 Excel
earlier. The Sq of 9 that I'm going to post is the same with slight revision. I hope posting
of the file will help the members to further enhance and share the knowledge of Gann's
For time study on the chart, please be sure to input in YYYY/MM/DD format. It will
display in YYMMDD format. In the beginning you may feel uncomfortable on this
format, but this is done intentionally to cover various places of the world with different
date formats to come up with one unity. Actually you see Gann used this format in some
of his writings.

Gann was astrological all the way. His greatest "hero" was Judah Touro. This man made
MILLIONS in the cotton markets in New Orleans. He gave away universities, hospitals,
and large endowments to the city of New Orleans and to several cities
on the east coast. Judah Touro is famous for NEVER having a losing trade on the New
Orleans cotton market. Judah Touro was heavily into Astrology and Masonic teachings.
His material is "hidden" New Orleans. Gann studied Judah Touro's
work extensively while in New Orleans. Judah Touro was such a philanthropist that
several books have been written about his life.

Judah had a sad life and lost the only love of his life. The personal tragedy of the hero in
"Tunnel Thru the Air" is VERY similar to the real life story of Judah Touro. Reading this
book instantly reminds one of this great trader.

Gann also had a tragic personal life. His "religious" wife was offended by how he made
his millions. She taught her “religion" to her son. Gann's son also found Gann's work to
be offensive. Since Gann's work (Astrology) was so offensive to his relatives while he
was alive, he decided that they would NOT inherit his money when he died. Gann
designed his estate so that neither his wife nor his son would inherit his money. They
would NOT be contaminated by his "filthy lucre".

Bonnie Lee Hill

Norman, that'a a nice synopsis of Touro's public life. Touro was stationed in New
Orleans to handle that "leg" of the family shipping/trading business. He mainly handled
the cotton transactions. The article does mention Touro’s failed love life. Touro gave
money to everyone -- Jew and non-Jew alike. He gave a great deal of money to the
Catholic hospitals, churches, etc. He helped to rebuild
New Orleans after a terrible fire burned most of the town. The Jews in several towns have
built monuments to his generosity. His family had VERY close connections to the
Masonic Lodge. Very important people came to his father's
house while Judah was a child. Several books discuss the times that George Washington
visited Judah's Touro's father.

As you know, our founding fathers were ALL Masons -- real Masons -- not like the ones
you see today. The Masonic Lodge has always had a public face and a private face. The
public Masons are there to confuse the authorities. Years ago, the government would
occasionally round up the Masons.
Only the ignorant "sheep" were taken. In London you will find a magnificent building --
the Masonic Lodge. This is nothing but a show. In another part of the town, you will find
a plain townhouse with nothing but a house number.
IF you know where to find it and you know what to do when you get there, you can enter
the REAL Masonic Lodge. Probably 95% of the "Masons" in this world are not really
“Masons". Most Masons think that you must be a man -- that is not
true at all.


> Is there any Masonic material that is available to the public

> that would help or would I have to join a lodge to have access
> to it? If there is some public material available, could you
> recommend some books or papers?
> Thanks,
> Dan Donahue

No, there is no REAL Masonic material which is available to the public. If you join a
lodge, you will probably become one of the "sheep". However, you can learn Astrology
without becoming a Mason.

Most REAL Masonic material was written before the Civil War. For instance, the REAL
Masonic Bible is used to decode various information. Today's Masonic Bibles have been
changed, and are not useful. Places like Half Priced Books receive material from estate
sales. Members of the Masonic Lodge visit such stores once a week to remove any useful
books. A few years ago I heard of a three-volume set which was to arrive at a bookstore
early Monday morning. I arrived before the store opened, bought the books using cash,
and hurried out of the store. As I was leaving, I saw the Masonic Lodge representative
arriving to buy the same books. He was NOT happy that those books did not return to the


> Where did Gann's money go?

I had a feeling this would be the next question which surfaced about Gann. Here is the
real scoop:

Gann made a GREAT deal of money which he did NOT want his wife and kids to inherit.
Gann had a house in Florida, and his neighbour was an international lawyer. The lawyer
told Gann to move his money overseas and set up a trust. Initially,
Gann moved over $50,000,000 to the Bahamas. The money can NOT be touched until a
certain date -- a date on which his wife and son will DEFINITELY be dead. Over time,
Gann moved additional funds. He only kept about $150,000 in his checking account for
"mad money". When Gann "suddenly" died, he family rushed to the bank and found
about $150,000. They were furious! The money is still safely tucked away.

Gann put his best notes in a special chest. Upon Gann's death, the lawyer was to retrieve
the chest and burn all Gann's other notes. This was done except for some "trash" which
was not burned. The chest of notes is currently in the Bahamas. All of Gann REAL notes
were written in code. Gann called this code the "Bell, Book, and Candle". This code is
SO difficult to break that a form of this code was used in WWII to send military
messages. The only "clear text" notes can be found in the "Tunnel Thru the Air" and
certain other courses. ALL Gann's personal notes were in CODE -- never clear text. He
did NOT want people to learn his techniques by snooping through his papers.


> That was an excellent bio on Mr. Gann. I have heard similar stories
> from very reliable sources such as yourself.
> Was the unburned "trash" some of what currently floats around as
> extra Gann material?

Yes, most of the "extra Gann material" was unburned trash. Gann visited several areas of
the country. He had piles of notes/trash in those areas. When Gann died suddenly, the
Florida lawyer burned what was in Gann's Florida home. He did not burn what was in
Wisconsin, etc.

Gann's original forecasting method does still exist and I will tell you exactly where it is.
Around 1948 Gann sold his forecasting business named W.D. Gann Research Inc. which
included the true secrets of his Master Time Factor and his famous annual forecasts. This
business and the secrets changed hands one more time and ended up in St Louis. MO.
The company is still named W.D. Gann Research Inc and now sells an options advisory
letter using the Master Time Factor. I subscribed to that options letter in the past but not
now. I am going to try and contact them and subscribe again. Below is their address and
if anyone has a phone number or web site for this company please post it. At this time I
am not sure if they are still in
business because I can only make contact by slow paper mail.

This company, W.D. Gann Research Inc, has the only authentic and complete
Gann material which shows the Master Time Factor forecasting method. When I
was around in the early days of the modern Gann era in the late 70's early 80's I had on
going contact with Billy Jones and Lambert Gann publishing. At that time an individual
involved with W.D. Gann Research Inc. let their guard down and revealed at least part of
the MTF which they purchased from Gann. I have never known if what I learned was the
whole MTF forecasting method or just part of it. One of the other people who I know
learned what I learned was a British broker who returned to Britain to become a
successful investor. I have never done much with the MTF because I am an civil engineer
not a professional investor but if I can get a new subscription to the W.D. Gann Research
Inc options letter I will get out my old notes and post what I know about the MTF. Maybe
we can have a discussion about it.

W.D. Gann Research Inc
P.O. Box 8508
St. Louis, MO 63126

Robert Holt

NW: You may have heard of the husband and wife team of Robert Krausz and
Jeanne Long?
According to RK, Robert used to be a T-Shirt merchant in London and traveled
to Indian regularly on business. After learning about Gann, Robert went to a
village in India where Gann was rumoured to have visited. He tracked down the
local village Astrologer who acknowledged that a Mr Gann had visited there.
A few years back, Jeanne Long reported that she did the Gann pilgrimage to the British
Museum Library. She managed to get special permission for access to the library. The
library keeps very good records of everyone who comes there. Jeanne found Gann's
records and checked out the same books he did.

So, I guess Gann went to those places.



What you have stated about Gann going to India and England is pop culture lies told by
vendors to sell their books and seminars. You really believe that Robert Krausz just
happened to find the one man out of 1 billion Hindu who remembers Gann. That is a total
BS story. Last time I talked to one of Jeanne Long advanced students the student told me
directly that Jeanne Long made the story up about going to England to add spice to her
book Universal Clock. Gann never went to England and Gann never went to India.

Gann was born 1878 and was 20 in 1898. I assume Gann did not travel the world before
the age of 20 because he was not born rich and would not have had money or knowledge
of the financial markets as a teenager. From the age of 20 to 27 that is 1898 to 1905 is the
only seven year time period I have not been able to track down. The rest of Gann's life
can be tracked by his employment and his personal life such as his marriages. We also
have the records of his life in his books and courses. On top of all that there were two
world wars. I assume Gann did not travel to England during a world war.
The stories of Gann going to England originally came from the 1909 interview Gann
gave to the Ticker magazine in which Gann made one small reference to going to the
British museum in London. This statement by Gann in 1909 was not true and Gann never
mentioned it again in his entire life. I believe Gann said this to make himself look more
worldly and educated because he was not a great success at that time in his life. He was
still struggling to get noticed by the financial community at large in 1909. Given that the
chance Gann ever crossed the Atlantic is extremely small the people who say that he did
need to provide some proof or at least give an exact date. These people will never give an
exact date because they know Gann researchers like myself can provide proof of Gann's
location for most of his life so they will not take the chance of getting caught in a lie.

Robert Holt.

It is true I can not track Gann's life from 1898 - 1905 but maybe someone else can. I
believe I am not out on a limb because for the past 20 years there have been people
saying Gann went to Egypt, India and England and they have never given a date. If I had
one dollar for each time I read a magazine article which said Gann discovered the Square
of Nine in the pyramid in Egypt I could buy a car. They have had the benefit of the doubt
for 20 years. It is not on me to provide proof Gann did not go during that 7 year period
because it is impossible to prove a negative. The people making the claim he went must
provide proof of the positive claim. They have not provided proof or a date in 20 years
and they will not. So I am no where
near the limb. Also in 1909 Gann was not known in the financial world out side of the
brokerage firm that he worked for. He had only gained a small amount of notoriety by
providing trading tips to his firms clients and doing some good trading himself. The 1909
interview was the biggest thing to happen to Gann up to that point in his life. His
forecasting methods were not fully developed at that time and he did not make his first
annual forecast until 10 years later in 1919 when he was 40. He did not publish his first
book until 1923 when he was 45 which he had to self publish and sell on consignment in
local book stores. In 1909 he was still struggling to break out on his own.

If anyone has any info in Gann's location from 1898 to 1905 please post it.

Robert Holt.

Henry, Robert,

This is just another rumour but it is possible to check it positively for someone living in
the NY area, and I hope somebody will and post the result of the investigation into this

According to the rumour Gann was listed in the NY telephone directory as an astrologer
before he started his forecasting services. This could very well have been in the missing
years. Try to get some old Telephone directories for NY from the early 1900´s and check
if Gann is listed, and see if there are any remarks about his profession.

I do not claim him to have been doing this, but it is a hypothesis that is testable.


> If anyone has any info in Gann's location from 1898 to 1905
> please post it.
> Regards
> Robert Holt.

As a young man, Gann sold drinks and sandwiches on a train which ran from eastern
Texas to Lousianna. This train took Texans to Louisianna in order to gamble. Although
illegal, people gambled during the train ride. Gann also gambled while on the train. One
day a dispute arose, and Gann fought a man. Gann killed the man (accidentally, we
assume), and fled Texas to avoid the law. He left his sweetheart behind, and she was
probably the only "love of his life". (Sounds like the "Tunnel" doesn't it.) Gann decided
to "hide" in large cities like New Orleans, etc. Since he was a fugitive from Texas law, I
seriously doubt that he obtained a passport or visa during that time. Although there was
never a serious manhunt for Gann, he stayed hidden until he was sure that the "coast was

Later on, Gann was quite wealthy and traveled to Cuba and South America regularly. He
had a female pilot who would fly him where he wished to go.


On June 21 there is going to be a perihelion between Mars and Earth.

On Jan 3 2001 when Greenspan did a surprise rate cut, Earth was at Perihelion to the Sun.

Regards, Utaro Hayashi

Correction on my terminology. Perihelion according to Webster's collegiate dictionary.

Etymology: New Latin, from peri- + Greek hElios sun the point in the path of a celestial
body (as a planet) that is nearest to the sun 
So, I should have just used plain English saying Mars is closest to Earth.

Bill Meridian has written an article, “Johndro's Astrology," in Issue 97, June/July 2001 of
the Mountain Astrologer.
The article is about L. E. Johndro, (1882-1951).

Through a relationship that Bill Meridian developed with Charles A. Jayne Jr, Mr.
Meridian learned about Johndro's techniques.

Johndro began his astrological studies in 1903. In 1935 Johndro and Kenneth Brown
began collaborating to give financial astro advice to businessmen.

Meridian states that Jayne told him that...

"the pair (Johndro & Brown) did all of the stock market work for W.D. Gann....."

Some Johndro techniques discussed in the Meridian article are

Vertex & Anti-Vertex

The 24th Harmonic

Fixed Stars

Solar Arc, direct & converse

Techniques discussed by Charles A. Jayne, Jr, heir apparent, to carry on Jondro's work:

Solar Declination Arcs

Vertex and Ascendant Arc


The 24th Harmonic is an important Johndro method because as Meridian points out in his
article, that after discussing the 24th harmonic division with John
Addey, they concluded that the 24th harmonic had a "Saturn-Uranus," flavor, ruling it a
“change-of-trend" indicator.

Jondro divides the zodiacal circle into 24 parts, giving 15* (degree) divisions.

He then uses multiples of 15* or 75*, 105*, 165*, etc.

Johndro considered the 15, 75, 105, 165 degree angles to be aspects. As Meridian states,
"...He believed that planets must be connected by some 15* multiple in
order to considered in contact."

Johndro used the "Campanus" house system, as well.

Bill Meridian uses an orb of 3* to 5*, although Johndro never discussed orb separation.

Secondly, by drawing solar arcs to the “eclectrical Ascendant" Johndro and Jayne
concluded that the, "...the opposite point in the zodiac was more sensitive...Today, we
know this point as the Vertex. Jayne felt that this point was fated and represented matters
beyond oyr control."

These conclusions were based on Johndro's original work called the "GEM Theory," with
g= gravity, e= electrical and m= magnetism. Johndro then related
'g' with the meridian and the Midheaven, 'e' with “the electical Ascendant (Anivertex &
Vertex), and 'm' with the horizon and the Ascendant.

Finally, Johndro wrote two books in 1929:

"The Earth in the Heavens"

"The Stars: How and Where They Influence,"

both are available from Sun Publishing, PO Box 5588,

Santa Fe, NM 87502.


> After your first seminar, rumour had it you would not do
> another. Can you explain why that is?

I was very surprised by the responses I received to my lecture. The "experts" at the
conference told me that I should not "give away the good stuff". The neophytes at
the conference wanted to "trade like I did, but did not want to do the work that I did". As
with any group of people, many wanted to argue whether Gann used Astrology.
Since they knew NOTHING about Astrology, they were the perfect "experts" to
recognise its use in Gann's material.
I had hoped to meet other "Gann experts" and exchange material. Most of the "experts"
attended the conference in order to sell their books/courses.

> What is your opinion on some of the recent Gann geometry

> related posts?

Some of the material seems much too complicated. Please remember that Gann did not
have a computer. He had to work with a sliderule, a Square of Nine, and a pencil.
Therefore, he devised "math tricks" and "chart tricks" in order to calculate (or
approximate) the calculation he REALLY wanted to perform. This is similar to
integrating the area under a curve by drawing the curve, cutting out the area under the
curve, and then weighing the paper on a scale. If you compare the weight of the area to
the weight of a "unit" piece of paper, you can “integrate" the area under the curve.

Today WE have computers which can instantly calculate values that Gann could only
dream about. If you understand WHAT Gann was really calculating, you can perform the
operation MUCH easier using a computer.

Bonnie Lee Hill

> As for MM, MIND GAMES!! I hate intellectual dishonesty. Anyone who holds
> themself out as a teacher is in a position of a sacred trust. The student is
> at their mercy and should not be deceived.
> ok off my soapbox.
> Best Wishes,
> Norman

I worked with Murrey since he started Murrey Math. I received one of the first copies of
his course. I sent him a list of over 60 errors in the books. He never corrected those
errors. I found that his "starting dates" were not consistent, and he did not correct them.
He could not or would not respond to my basic questions about “his" system.

In the VERY early days of Murrey Math, THM would tell how he found an old Gann
trading course. When he put his grandmother into a nursing home, he went through all
her papers. His grandfather had purchased a trading course. Murry studied this course,
and "invented" MM. Several years have passed, and Murrey has “forgotten" where he
originally obtained the material. NOW, THM invented the system without any help from

Bonnie Lee Hill

> Hello Bonnie,

> You mentioned about Gann's work in the following excerpt,
> He had to work with a sliderule, a Square of Nine, and a pencil.
> Therefore, he devised "math tricks" and "chart tricks" in
> order to calculate (or approximate) the calculation he REALLY wanted
> to perform.
> I recall using a sliderule when I was a child for tasks other than simple
> arithmetic. My curiosity that rose from your comment on Gann is that he must
> used it for certain repetitive task that is too complex done by hand.
> Did Gann use spherical trigonometry or trigonometry?
> Best Regards, Utaro Hayashi

Try to get a copy of "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac" which is

published by the US Naval Observatory. Read through a few formulae, and you will
understand the spherical math involved.


Hello Bonnie,
Thank you for your response.
In George Bayer's "Stock and Commodity Traders' Handbook of Trend Determination" It
has a section you need to have a Nautical Almanac to get distance for perihelion and
aphelion of underlying planets. I was thinking to get it manually through geocentric and
heliocentric coordinates. I'm sure this book will help me to investigate other possibilities
of measuring the inter planetary relationships.
Thank you very much
Utaro Hayashi

> Good post Bonnie, BUT, with all our sophisticated computer programs,
> is there anyone out there that has come close to Gann's ability to
> accurately predict where prices will go in the short term and the
> long term? If so, why hasn't the Wall Street Journal done any
> articles on them similar to the Ticker? Tell me where I'm wrong.
> Thanks
> ML
Yes, I know of several people who are VERY good at accurately predicting prices in the
short term (even down to 5 minutes) and in the long term. These people do NOT want
publicity. They don’t want to be hounded.


> The people that are able to do this sort of prediction bonnie
> do they use astrology or other methods ?????
> Jayson

At least 90% of the techniques are astronomically/astrologically based.


> I am not speaking for Bonnie, but the way I look at it, Gann's 90%
> use of Astrometry ( solar system body geometry ) is probably more
> correct then the name Astrology? Just a thought. Jeff

I agree with you. The word "Astrology" has been relegated to the nonsense printed in the
newspapers. You can forget most of the modern "personal" astrology. That is not REAL
Astrology. I also tell people that they must learn Astronomy FIRST in order to
understand Astrology. I tell them to learn to cast a horoscope TOTALLY by hand. That
requires one to learn the math behind the work. Perhaps the word astronomy/astrology
would be a better one to use. When I use the word “astrology", I am referring to the fact
that the planets DO affect people and stock prices. For instance, lunar declination can be
a very handy tool if used correctly. Is it "astronomy" or "astrology"? It depends on you
definition of the words.


> Bonnie - your statement that "planets do affect people and stock
> prices" is where I have difficulty with the "astro" people. It is
> one thing to say that the plantets are like giant clocks marking
> time and that Gann used a cycle of Saturn for example to mark
> a time. It is quite another to say that the planet itself
> actually has an effect on people.

I think you are worrying about symantics. You can say that a THING affects people, and
planets JUST HAPPEN to exactly coincide with that THING. Or, you can say "planets
affect people" and mean the same thing. Science can NOT predict the
behaviour of a single electron. However, science CAN predict the average behaviour of a
group of electrons. Astrology can predict the behaviour of a group of traders. I studied
wheat prices back to 1259. I analysed over 750 MAJOR turns in the wheat market. The
"astrological triggers" were correct 100% of the time for these major turns. The "triggers"
were planets. Therefore, I usually say that "a planet doing X will cause the price of wheat
to do Y". Does the planet AFFECT the price of wheat? That's a question for the
philosophers. HOWEVER, it had not been wrong since 1259!


Hello all,
Here is my 2 cents.
To best of my knowledge I don't know of anyone else using this technique. This is my
I was able to forecast the US bond bottom in price for both June and September contracts.
June was the leading month until last week. Now it is September.I will show you how I
did it.
Method: Applied Square of 9
My thinking is that Bond futures is a product of interest rate so why calculate in price? I
tested many ways in price but I could not get any satisfactory result. So what I did was
convert the price into theoretical current yield. Current yield is derived by coupon divided
by price expressed in percent. Since the new Bond contract has 6 (%) coupon I divided
the coupon by the most recent highest price. Gann said there is always a mathematical
counterpart to the highs and lows. In June contract this was 107-08/32 and in September
contract this was 106-25/32. Using June contract 6(%) / 107-08/32 is 5.5944 (%). Using
the sqaure of 9, square rooting the 559.44 and adding 1 or 180 degrees to the unit and re-
squaring will be 607.745. To convert to price you need to divide 6(%) by 6.07745 and
this is 98.725. Converted to 1/32 under the decimal place will be 98-23/32. May 15th low
during the late afternoon ACE session low was 98-24/32. Off by 1 tick, damn close. Now
going to the September contract, the high was 106-25/32. 6(%) / 106-25/32 =
5.61896(%). Square root of 561.896 adding 1 point or 180 degrees is 610.30469.
Reconverting to price using same method as above is 98.3116. Converting to 32nd below
the decimal place it will become 98-10/32. May 15th low was 98-11/32 off by 1 tick,
again damn close.
I knew May 31st is going to be the turning day (bottom) using astro but this I don't want
to show right now. Also, it is still under testing stage.
I hope many people can benefit from this info.
Utaro Hayashi

Hello Bill,
>wonder why did you choose in advance to use 180 degrees.  Why, for example, did
>you not use 90, or 360, or 270, etc.?
I did think that the first 90 deg could be a potential support but then this was 102-27/32
and the market blew right through it and closed weaker than I thought. Also, 270 deg will
project to 94.27. Too low because back in Nov. 8 the Dec contract held at 98-11/32.
There was enough consolidation in this area looking at the past which I believed will stop
the price from further sliding at least for that moment. Then the second sell off to 98-
13/32 low had no volume with strong bullish divergence. Without astro there was enough
clue of potential double bottom coming. With the use of astro even better.
I have attached another example. This one is from cash point of view in daily yield. It is
interesting to see the low to high (looking in yield so inverse to the price relationship)
relationship is 270 deg versus 180 deg in the futures market. Both held at different square
degrees is a good example that this method works and it is not a mere coincidence.
I am watching June 5th as an important date. Geometry and astro cycles converge on this
I hope this explains.

> What was Bayer all about ?, did he trade successfully ? his books
> are full of factual and historical errors no sane person in
> possession of a homeopathic portion of wits [pun intended] would
> write. I have all his books and I know there are some interesting
> astro rules but how proven is the question.

I have two very important rules you should remember:

Rule #1: When Bayer sounds like he is telling the truth, he is actually LYING.

Rule #2: When Gann sounds like he is lying, he is actually TELLING THE TRUTH.
Bayer and Gann both wrote their material EXACTLY as they intended. The "errors" and
"nonsense" are DEFINITELY intentional. If you think that Bayer had scores of different
"rules", then you did NOT understand the material in his books.

Bonnie Lee Hill

> Was Bayer reputed for his trading ?

> Regards,
> Serge

I have found his predictions to be quite good. He is reputed to have made quite a bit of
money. Bayer did have one problem --he did not know about the outer planets. Both
Bayer and Gann could "see" the effects of the outer planets. Bayer added “points" and
shifted planetary locations in an attempt to give a "definition"
to these unknown planets. Gann rotated the birthtime of the CBOT for exactly the same

Bonnie Lee Hill

Randy........I live in California, not overseas,I was a broker in London and was the oil
analyst (among other things)for a Dutch bank.
Haythem and Richard.....hi guy's I'd be happy to share the info with you. The first thing
that put me on to Lindsay was when I found a free sample of the Jerry Favors
analysis.....please check it out I learned more from that than anything I've read for a long
I then plugged in dates into the RC calculator that Gregory recommended (you see we
can help each other out!!) and came up with the 2 dates I gave. Lindsay's book is called:
The Selected Articles by George takes some going through but is very
interesting. I got the book from Investor's Intelligence (914)632-0422
it cost $27.50 (I think) including US priority mail. I will be honest to say his 107 days has
not worked out....but I trade the S&P not the Dow.....but his other work on
Advance/Decline is MA's, no guesswork. No
Hope this helps

I will post a way to generate your own ephemeris for free out of Swiss Ephemeris which
is the most accurate program known today.
This is a copy of my message I posted in another private group. Here goes.
No.1 Go to and click Download area from left of the

No.2 Look for a folder called programs and then click swetest.exe. It will ask you where
to download so assign root directory. Choose C: if you have single drive.

No.3 Go back one level and look for a folder ephe.  At this point, to make it easy for
later, create a folder

c:\sweph\ephe and download sepl_18.se1 to \sweph\ephe

for years between 1800AD to 2400AD. If you want to add moon's ephemeris then you
also need to download semo_18.se1 to the same folder.

No.4 Go to your Windows Acceessories and open Note Pad. Write the following.

c:\swetest -hel -b1.1.1915 -n31412 -head -eswe -speed -g, -fPtl -p2 >mercury.txt  (here
-p2 is for planet Mercury and later you will edit this for other planets all the way to -p9
for Pluto - you need to change the name of the output file accordingly like venus.txt and
so on)

This will create a file of mercury heliocentric longitude from 01/01/1915 thru 12/31/2000
in YYMMDD format. with

1) planet name 2) date in YYMMDD format 3) heliocentric longitude

Save the file under file name c:\swetest.bat and save. Ingnore any format if it asks.

No.5 Go to commnad prompt from the windows by going to Start - Run then type
command c:\swetest.bat then click OK. Use filemanager such as Explorer and see if
there is a file named mercury.txt in the root directory. If there is then you got the
ephemeris. You can import this file into Excel by going to Excel and click File Open and
choose *.txt file in C:\ and look for mercury.txt. Open it and click comma delimited and
go next and click comma in the blank box. Go Next and when you see a date format box,
click the date box and also click the upper bar of the second row to highlight all the dates
then choose YMD format and click Finish.

No.6 Go back to notepad and reopen the swetest.bat file and edit the -p2 to -p3 for venus
and also change the >mercury.txt to >venus.txt until -p9 which is Pluto.

No.7 For each successive files of different planetary longitudes, you can import to a new
Excel Workbook and later open all and copy and paste to combine them on single Work
I have attached a sample batch file named swetest.bat that you can edit using word
pad. Also, a help file you need to read before going through all this.

I hope this helps.


Hello Norman,

I am not teasing. There will be no book or trading system for sale. I never sold anything
and never will just simply because I don't need to sell anything.I am not pulling" veiled
secret knowledge tease ". If you think I am teasing when stating IMO that the bible has
the "key" is not me who says is Gann..if you read page 83 and 84 of TTA you
will understand how important the bible in Gann
trading system..Gann end chapter"7" by saying"How few people are willing to STUDY
the bible in order to understand the SIGNS and discern the future and profit by it"

Someone has asked a question and I answered it IMO without giving everyone on the
internet a free lunch...I don't believe in a free lunch and I will not do it.

If you don't believe of what Gann said above then I will understand why you interpret my
reply I posted to Lee and Joe as "teasing".

One last thing I would appreciate your "honest" answer:

What would you do if you have found the "key" to decode "entire" TTA ?
for me I will keep my mouth shut, trade and try to help others to go in the right direction..



This may not be all of it, but is one thing I believe is definitely involved. The sign of the
prophet Jonah is that he was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the whale.  The parallel is
that Jesus was 3 days and 3 nights in the tomb before the resurrection.    I have heard
good teaching at church from some Messianic Christians ( Jewish believers in Christ )
that the moon is also many times compared to Jesus and also to believers in Christ, since
the moon "dies" and is "reborn" over a period of 3 days around the time of the new moon.
Also, the moon displays light only as a REFLECTION from the light from the Sun
( compared to God the Father ).     The implication I would draw from this is that timing
is probably related to SOLAR and LUNAR calendar periods, with distinct emphasis on
the MOON.     This is also supported by the fact that the primary Jewish calendar is
LUNAR in nature.
Personally, I'm not as convinced about the reasoning for using various PLANETS, but
that is what I believe about the Jonah concept.


I did and all the roads lead to Rome.But in order to understand Gann astro system you
must understand the "signs" specifically ONE sign in the bible and if you do you will
know EVERYTHING Gann knew about astrology and you will know his entire astro
system from Tunnel Thru The Air.



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