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Movie Review

Pursuit of Happiness
In movie of pursuit of happiness, director by Gabriele Muccino it’s about the
Christopher Gardner’s life story a single parent father and his son that trying to
survive in economic difficulties. At starting, they have a very happy family but
Christopher Gardner as a salesman he has invested and trying to sold the bone
density scanner machine to doctors and hospital but the issue is it functioning better
than other machine but the prices is double of them. Even he has hardworking and
trying to promote his product everyday but it still no business and profit from it. His
wife, Linda is also working for double shift to help paying home bills, but they still owe
money on the rent of house. During that time, the financial pressure is one of their
family issue. Chris have made a decision that in addition to become a salesman, he
also intends to become a stockbroker, but his wife can’t continue to stay with him and
decide to leave him and in the same time landlord had chased them away from the
rent house because of they didn’t pay it for few months. After that they must move
out and stay in motel. After that he was trying to look for job as stockbroker and of
course he proved himself with talent and success to get the chances as an intern.
But this opportunity is unable to solve his current financial issue because he has to
consider if he became an intern there is no salary for him. In order to alleviate the
current situation, he still need to continue as a salesman and bringing his son and
continue promoting bone scanner machine.

In this movie, Chris have motivated his child, Christopher and encourage his child
and for us we are also motivated, few words that he told to Christopher is “ Don’t let
somebody tell you can’t do something” If we have dream we need to protect it , so if
you want something, go get it.” As a stockbroker, usually they have to spend 9 hours
in phone to contact others but Chris as a father he having more responsibilities and
need to complete the task earlier than others. With the spirit of not giving up and
attitudes he finally getting an opportunity for himself but still only one step from
success because of he is still new company and unable to gain trust. Even Chris
have faced many failure & frustrations, but he is still trying to do the best before the
end of intern. In the last day he manages to do well than others and proved himself
and get the approval from boss to gain a formal work as a stockbroker.

From this movie’s story we earn a few things that its related to organization
behavior’s subject which is emotional and moods, attitudes and motivation. In this
movie the most common word that we heard is to be happy, happiness. It is an
important emotion that will highly affect our moods to become a positive people. Not
only this, we are able to learn and complete our tasks more quickly and better. Just
like Chris Gardner he stay positive everyday even his life was struggles during
working he still maintain a good attitude towards his customer not only this in
workplace he can improve the relationship with his boss and superior with his
likeable behavior, he was able to get many opportunity to success.

Other than that, in attitudes, Chris have very high job satisfaction because of his
personality and responsibilities. He knew he have a son and must give him a good
life. After having high job satisfaction, Chris has a higher job performance and
working more effective than others. As stockbrokers sometimes they had to make
customer happy and serve them well. After having good job satisfaction, performance
of workers will rise and they will serve customer and customer will also positive
become satisfaction to having strong relationship with him just like Chris he
accompany customers to watch the baseball games together.

In motivation sides, Christopher become the motivation of Chris because he is

trying to give the best to his child even on the road to success many difficult things
were encountered and he still having 3 elements in motivation which are Intensity,
Direction and Persistence. Due to the goal setting theory by Chris’s organization it
have highly increase Chris’s performance to be success, the tasks are difficult and
required more patient to complete but to earn the entry to become formal worker, he
accepted this challenges.

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