487.assignment 2 Frontsheet (2020 - 2021)

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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and

Unit 3: Human resource management

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student names & codes Final scores Signatures

1. Hứa Thành Đạt

2. Phạm Duy Quang Minh

Group number:
3. Ngô Minh Trung

4. Lâm Quang Vinh

5. Kiều Anh

Class GBS0902 Assessor name

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false
declaration is a form of malpractice.
Grading grid
P5 P6 P7 M4 M5 D3
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 1
II. MAIN CONTENT .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1 Porfolio ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Job specification/Job description ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Documentation of interview process ...................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Job offer .................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.4 Evaluation of the process ....................................................................................................................... 11
2 Proposed evaluation .......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1 The roles/the importance of that position in the company ................................................................. 12
2.2 Key elements of employments legislation ............................................................................................ 13
2.3 Employee Relations ................................................................................................................................ 15
III. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................ 18
FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as FPT Telecom) is currently one of
the leading telecommunications and Internet service providers in the region. With the mission
of pioneering in bringing the Internet, bringing connections to the people of Vietnam, with the
great desire that every Vietnamese family will use at least one service of the company. In this
group article, there will be a report on looking for personnel in the position of Head of
Telecommunication Sales and the detailed requirements needed to recruit in FPT telecom.


1 Porfolio

Portfolio professions are characterized by a wide range of industries and roles; they do not
pursue conventional career routes of rank advancement within a single position or
organization. Portfolio careers are often used to achieve a more flexible work-life balance by
including more part-time or contract occupations. Some people can work several jobs at the
same time.

1.1 Job specification/Job description

Title: Sales Manager in Ho Chi Minh City.

Work Overview:

Designing and implementing a strategic sales plan that expands the company's customer base
and ensures it's strong presence. Managing recruiting, objectives setting, coaching, and
performance monitoring of sales representatives.

The key missions:

Develop a plan to develop the market for Internet telecommunications subscribers and value-
added services on internet lines provided by FPT Telecom such as FPT Television, FPT Camera ...

Track, supervise, and implement methods to promote business activities to ensure the
assigned targets.
Responsible for management, assigning quotas, and professional training for staff under

Building a dynamic and professional working environment, creating motivation to motivate

employees to work effectively.

Coordinate with relevant departments to ensure business activities are conducted smoothly
and throughout.

Perform other jobs as requested by the Superior.

Plan, operate and manage sales department operations. Develop policies and strategies to
develop the market for internet telecommunications subscribers (ADSL / FTTH) and other value-
added services provided by FPT Telecom.

Responsible for Marketing, sales and customers.

Operate and optimize online channels: Facebook, Zalo, SEO Web, SEM, running Adword ...

Existing sales team management.

Participate in recruiting, training and developing employees.

Report, evaluate and propose sales policy to the Board of Directors.

If you have the ability to cover and gather forces, you will have the opportunity to advance to
the position of Branch Manager or higher.

Fundamental conditions:

- Age from 23 to 35.

- College graduate or higher, economic sectors or majors suitable for the vacancy.

- At least one year of experience working as a business manager, with a good understanding
of the business market in charge.

- Actively, decisively and creatively at work; good communication and presentation skills.

- Have skills in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating work efficiency.

- Candidate is knowledgeable about Telecom products and services, knowledgeable about

Marketing is an advantage.


-At least one year of experience working in promotions, branding, advertising, or other related
areas, with at least one year of experience working in the same location in multinational
businesses or large telecom firms.

-Had previous experience as a sales manager specialist in this or a similar job.

-Have familiarity with data collection and the application of targeting methods.


Setting sales goals

Managing individual and team quotas

Creating a sales plan and proactively experimenting to improve execution

Monitoring progress in real-time and analyzing data

Overseeing the organization’s sales training

Keeping an active watch over (and involvement in) key accounts

Mentoring individual sales reps and administering incentive programs

Recruitment, hiring and firing of sales reps

have experience in sales management and development in the fields of telecommunications,

Internet services, information technology or similar.

Ability to prepare, monitor and execute periodic business plans.

Ability to attract, organize, manage, train, and develop employees. Good leadership,
management and organization skills.

Ability to handle situations, solve problems and communicate effectively.

Foreign language proficiency: proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Have Toeic
certificate, .... Is advantageous.

Other requirements:

- Be involved, and consider how your work can benefit the group.

- A strong sense of belonging to a community.

- At work, enthusiastic and constructive. Ability to keep track of time and delegate tasks, as
well as the ability to perform under pressure.

- Adapts well to the electronics and telecommunications industry's technical climate and


- Income package commensurate with capacity (monthly salary, 13th month salary, business
performance bonus, quarterly and yearly bonus ...).

- Continuously trained Professional and Management Skills, participating in professional

training programs.

- Transparent, friendly, open, dynamic and youthful working environment.

- Corporate culture is diversified and plentiful; gratitude activities, caring for the spiritual life
of employees and relatives, Teambuilding, Cultural Festival, Summer Vacation.

- Benefits: Annual health examination; Health insurance, social insurance; Specialized health
insurance package FPT Care (budget> 65 million / year / employee for inpatient and outpatient
examination and treatment).

Submitting application:

Please send your application form (including English & Vietnamese languages) to Human
Resources via email:

Human resources department: [email protected]

HR Manager: Ms. Yen, email: [email protected]

Profile when applying:

Narrative curriculum vitae: full of personal information (full name, date of birth, permanent
residence, current residence, education, existing work experience, family information, phone
number , email contact).

Profile should attach 01 latest photo.

1.2 Documentation of interview process
Unlike Sales Directors, Sales Managers are not specifically responsible for the company's long-
term success. They should, though, have a broad outlook and be capable of carrying out the
Sales Director's plan. They might also be potential Sales Directors, but they could think in the
same way. They should be methodical, metric-driven, well-organized, and persistent.

Recruitment rules are as follows:

At FPT telecom, there are 2 forms of recruitment that are recruiting through online tests and
direct paper writing

Candidates will have to go through 2 exams: The first exam is the knowledge of the candidate
position as well as the logical thinking of the sales manager, the GNAT calculation ability test,
and the second test. is a test of management skills and English proficiency.

Human Resources Department will select 5 people with the highest score out of the total
number of candidates for the round of direct interviews with the Board of Directors.

Psychometric testing offers a wide range of psychometric tests (aptitude tests, personality
tests, and skill tests) with different difficulty and complexity levels. The combination of
psychometric tests you will take and their level of difficulty are typically matched to that of a
manager role in sales and business development.

Ground 1: Skills test & IQ test

- Test on soft skills like communication skills, Each question accounts for 1.5-1.75
problem-solving skills, teamwork skills, etc. points.
There are also basic requirements for Candidates with outstanding scores will be
computer skills, word, and excel. These are promoted to the next round, which is a
essential skills that a Sales manager should face-to-face interview made on paper at the
have. Candidates will be asked to answer 20 headquarters of the FPT telecom company.
questions including 10 questions related to There will be 5 contestants in the next
software skills and 10 questions about solving round, these 5 contestants will be the ones
situations. This test takes 35/100 points. with good soft skills knowledge and the
highest IQ among the candidates
-An IQ test is an essential skill that a Sales participating in the application. There will
Manager should have. to measure the ability be a total of 30 questions in the online
to calculate, think, reason logic ... round for contestants

Candidates will be asked to answer 10
related questions. This test scores 15/100

Ground 2: face-to-face interviews and paper Competency assessment is based on:

tests Professional skills, Convincing answer,
- Fluency, confidence, professionalism, way c,
The Board of Directors will be the ones who First attitude towards the Company, ... in
directly assess candidates' abilities and skills by addition, professional assessment also has
the way they answer questions. The interview Other assessment objectives such as
includes questions about the employee's self, administration, development, work
professional questions, and situational completion
questions (No limit to the number of
questions) A few basic questions for an Employees' expertise and skills are rated
interview on a 5-point scale from 1 to 5. After
About employee collecting all ratings from the Board of
1. What are your biggest Directors
weaknesses/strengths? Directors, candidates with the most 5
2. What salary and benefits are you looking points will be recruited
for? and became the Head of Sales
3. Why were you leaving your previous job? Department of the FPT telecom company.
4. If you can work at VINAMILK, tell us about
your objectives?
5. What do you know about FPT telecom, as
well as the company's activities in the field of
telecommunications networks today?
6. What made you choose FPT telecom
instead of other telecom companies?
7. If you are employed, as the sales manager,
how long do you think you will be able to do,
what will you contribute to FPT telecom as
soon as you take over the position?
8. Tell us about the working principles of
A few more advanced (for reference only)
cases questions:
What types of teams have you worked with,
including work-related and outside teams and
Do you have experience or certifications in
working with CRM software to prioritize leads
and develop marketing campaigns?

Describe your previous company's culture. As
a sales manager, how did you encourage your
team to get involved?
How would you manage critical recognition
for top salespeople, support staff and most
improved sales performances?
Can you give specific examples of how you
got to know members of your team well
enough to assign prioritized sales leads

Interview Evaluation Form of FPT Telecom

1.3 Job offer

FPT Corporation respectfully sends job offer at FPT telecom!

Dear [Candidate_name],

Good day!

We were all very excited to meet and get to know you over the past few days. We have been
impressed with your background and would like to formally offer you the position of Sales

We were all very excited to meet and get to know you over the past few days. We have been
impressed with your background and would like to formally offer you the position of Sales
Management. This is a full time position [mention working days and hours.] You will be
reporting to the head of the HR department. [If applicable: Please note that FPT Telecom is an
at-will employer. That means that either you or FPT Telecom are free to end the employment
relationship at any time, with or without notice or cause.]

We will be offering you an annual gross salary of $1000 and Packing correspondingly from 14 -
17 months salary (13th month salary bonus, business salary, age congratulatory money, annual
bonus, quarter ...).You will also have Annual health care; Specialized health insurance package
FPT Care (personal health care budget> 65 million / year / employee - Free medical examination
and treatment at all hospitals) and Promotion opportunities in positions of the Board of
Your expected starting date is 15/03/2021. You will be asked to sign a contract of
[contract_duration, if applicable] and [mention agreements, like confidentiality, nondisclosure
and noncompete] at the beginning of your employment.

We would like to have your response by 10/03/2021.In the meantime, please feel free to
contact me or Huynh Ai Van (HR Manager) via email or phone on [email protected],
should you have any questions.

We are all looking forward to having you on our team.

Best regards,

Vo Thi Kim Hong

10 | P a g e
Human resouces department, FPT telecom

1.4 Evaluation of the process

In term of the strengths:

These recruiting jobs will be posted on the company's website and on recruitment forums
"REQUIRES Sale knowledge to understand business in the telecommunications industry". The
requirement this time is much higher and stricter than in previous years. Since the era of
technology is increasingly advanced, this leads to if we do not actively seek customers such as
large contractors, we will experience a decrease in sales. Sales manager has extensive
experience in the environment, and requires sufficient computer and telecommunications
knowledge to meet the job.

It's a pretty cool thing the company is considered to be strong points. The company receives
online resumes, which helps the company reach more applicants through the internet. The
company will have more choice of candidates than direct recruitment. And the most important
thing is to save hiring time for companies and candidates, easy to screen candidates by
calculating competency test scores and online logic.

Just recruiting candidates with a lot of experience is beneficial to the organization because
they will have a clear view of the advantages and disadvantages of each business plan, which
will lead to increased profits. a change in the right direction

Prioritizing the recruitment of employees with a wide range of soft skills would assist the
organization in forming a technical squad. Candidates with sufficient soft skills and
environmental skills would assist the organization in general, and the sales department in
particular, in being more agile without devoting too much time to prepare. Time for
preparation and coaching, as well as a reduction in construction time, would enable the sales
department to take on more projects.

Offering many attractive benefits to increase competitiveness with other businesses. Letting
candidates negotiate salaries instead of disclosing recruitment information will help the
company easily consider and compare among candidates.

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Nothing is perfect. Same with online recruitment. Candidates can ask those with creative and
logical thinking ability to take the online test for them. This will be very unfair for candidates
who accidentally fall out of the top 5 recruitment. And the HR department will have to compose
and prepare more professional questions for candidates, to ensure they have recruited the
right people. Because if you hire the wrong leader, it will make the sales department go down,
and it will be the whole company if for a long period of time.

Methods for improvement.

ALways innovating questionnaires for application rounds 1 and 2. HR department should

prepare questionnaires more of a company nature than questions just for preliminary inquiries.

Remove all unacceptable CVs from the start and then screen applicants who have CVs that are
most appropriate for the job.

Plan the recruiting process 2-3 months ahead of time so that prospective hires have time to
prepare and the organization has time to analyze and assess their true capabilities.

2 Proposed evaluation
2.1 The roles/the importance of that position in the company
During its operation, FPT has always strived with the highest goal of bringing customer
satisfaction through the best services, products, and technology solutions. At the same time,
FPT is constantly researching and pioneering new technology trends, contributing to affirming
Vietnam's position in the 4th Industrial Revolution - Digital Revolution. FPT will be a pioneer in
providing comprehensive digital transformation services for organizations and enterprises on a
global scale.

In every large company, almost all must have a Sales Manager, while FPT must have a Head of
Telecommunication Sales because they are responsible for the sales of products and services of
the business, as well as looking for ways to increase sales and customer base. Location can work
at a local, regional or national level. And for FPT, the sales manager is one of the most
important positions to manage and develop the company.

The job of the sales manager in FPT seems to be very easy, but it is not. The biggest
responsibility of the sales manager is how to increase the revenue of the business. Managing a
company's business really takes investment and meticulous attention. Whether a company can
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thrive or not is due to its investment in an effective sales manager. Being a sales manager has
many different roles and requires many different skills. For FPT, the role of a sales manager is:

Plan, operate, and manage sales department operations. Domestic telecommunications

services business development (Service: Leased line, Technology application solution, IT
equipment sale/lease) according to assigned market segments.

Operate and optimize online channels of FPT to attract customers and bring necessary
information to customers such as Facebook, Zalo, SEO Web, SEM, running Adword ... This role is
one of the important parts because today almost everyone in the world is using smart devices,
social networks and it is the fastest means of social public to advertise and expand to everyone
knows about FPT products and services.

Reporting, reviewing, and proposing sales policy to the Board of Directors is an essential role
that almost any Sales Manager needs to do. Also, analyzing the needs of customers to use
products, For public products, whether the company's products sell a lot or not depends a lot
on the needs of customers. If the product you manufacture does not match the needs of the
customer, it will not be sold. So the sales manager needs to consult more about the needs of

For businesses' business, there will be questions or problems from customers. In these cases,
the manager must be the one to solve the problem. In short, the role of the head of the
telecommunications sales department in the company is of primary importance. In addition to
the main roles mentioned above, this position will help the company increase its competitive
advantage and improve the quality of the marketing team at FPT.

2.2 Key elements of employments legislation

Discrimination law

In 2020, FPT is the place to gather talented young people as well as solve employment
problems with more than 22,000 employees in many different fields of the company. FPT's staff
is diverse in terms of age, gender, ethnicity as well as religion. Because of the diversity of
employees, FPT's environment is modern and built with a diverse culture that is never
discriminated against and all employees are equal. FPT's policies all bring benefits to
employees, train professional staff and have opportunities for long-term advancement.

Equal remuneration law

All FPT employees are paid according to the labor contract agreed in advance, the bonus is
based on the provisions of the Vietnamese labor law. FPT Company pays employees based on 3
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forms: Position - each person's position will have different salary levels, FPT will pay salary
according to the performance of each employee, Performance: Company will evaluate the
performance of the employee's job and give a suitable salary with the performance of their job.
In addition, the company will base on the company's business results to reward and this unit
will advance 13 salary bonus payment, however, the salary will be adjusted each year to ensure
fair competition for each company.

Safety and health law

- FPT will have a small branch for the main staff, FPT care. During the medical examination, the
drug costs of FPT staff will be paid according to FPT Care benefits and hospital prescriptions.

_Health check is a compulsory regulation and company policy to monitor and detect health
problems of employees early, improve treatment capacity, avoid complications, save time and

_For FPT female employees, during the next month, they will have a 30-minute break during
the working process

_ The company will annually check the health of employees starting from May or June

About working time:

- No more than 8 hours a day and no more than 48 hours a week

- Each employee is entitled to at least 12 days off per year

_ After 4 hours of working, all employees get 2 hours of rest

Family-friendly employment laws

_All FPT employees will benefit from the company during Tet holidays and holidays.

_The staff will receive gifts for each of their birthdays

_ For children, FPT employees will enjoy benefits from the FPT education school as well as gifts
on the Mid-Autumn Festival and International Children's Day.

_Giving gifts to female staff: International Women's Day, Vietnamese Women's Day.

The national minimum wage

FPT is also complying with the provisions of the law on salaries for employees. Actual current
state salary in Vietnam is only: 3,750,000 VND / month, but most of the positions in the

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company will have a higher salary than the minimum wage issued by the state and do not have
other allowances

2.3 Employee Relations

“Employee relations concerns matters of overarching employment or collective workforce
policy, particularly where it concerns broad matters of bargaining (the traditional focus of
industrial relations), the governance of the employment relationship…and arrangements for the
distillation and expression of the collective voice of employees… [the] approach in this arena is
profoundly affected by the prevailing national system of employee relations, and in particular by
the social regulation of work by unions and national and regional governments”

Obligations owned by employers to employees:

A general duty of care:

FPT always commits to comply with the terms of the labor contract, especially salary, bonus and
welfare regimes. Every year, based on the CPI of the State, the government brings and buys the
salary market survey reports of Mercer and Nevigos to refer to FPT's salary policy adjustment.
FPT also has its own income structure based on competency so employees will receive worthy of
what they contribute to FPT. That is also the reason why FPT is one of the 5 most attractive
companies in Vietnam.

A duty to provide work:

At FPT, when employees return to work after a long time of giving birth, illness or occupational
accidents will be greatly supported in hospital costs through the FPT Care system and they can
return to work. most effective without being bothered much by other problems.

A duty to provide support to employees:

Each FPT staff member learns and improves their knowledge and skills by themselves through
MOOCs. 100% of new employees can participate in orientation training courses to get acquainted
with the job and understand more about FPT's core values. FPT regularly organizes training

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courses to update new technology trends, training for certification exams of leading technology
firms in order for the technology team to improve their qualifications and creativity. In addition,
FPT's 72-hour experience program creates an environment to help employees understand more
about the history of formation, people, cultural values, and the spirit of FPT. Creating a teamwork
activity between FPT employees from many member units in the corporation, thereby building
and developing the FPT family in a sustainable manner.

A duty to provide safe systems of work:

FPT's health care policy is specially designed for employees to always have the best condition,
thereby promoting creativity and improving work efficiency such as: Free periodic health check
once a year, the employee welfare insurance program (FPT Care) aims to reduce economic
pressure and access high quality medical services when workers are at risk. accidents, illnesses
and illnesses with a total expenditure of more than 20 billion VND, encouraging employees to
exercise health through physical training and sports, sports clubs, construction of gymnasiums
and an on-site swimming pool.

Main obligations owned by employees to employers:

A duty to corporate:

-Each individual working at FPT must comply with the labor contract, the collective labor
agreement and legal agreements signed with the employer.

- FPT employees must abide by the labor discipline and labor regulations; comply with the
management, administration and supervision of the employer.

- FPT employees must comply with regulations of law on labor, employment, vocational
education, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and occupational
safety and sanitation.

- FPT employees are not allowed to disclose internal information inside the organization to the
outside that affects the interests of the organization.

-Pay attention to the common interests and common assets of the organization
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A duty to exercise reasonable care and skill:

Every FPT rookie working at FPT will be supported a lot to be able to get used to the new
working environment as well as practice personal skills. Employees at FPT need an obligation to
continuously learn and develop themselves, and continuously update their technology
knowledge. As a technology company, new technology ideas are always essential, so FPT
employees should develop new technology ideas to improve their professional skills as well as
devote ideas to the organization.

share. At FPT, subordinates can speak directly to their superiors, regardless of their positions,
low positions, and narcissistic relationships. We accept everyone as they are, both the
strengths, the weak sides, the good and the incomplete, and at the same time, create the
maximum conditions for the members to be themselves, to fulfill their ambitions. All FPT
members are cared for, helped, shared and united towards a common goal "for the success of
the customer and the everlasting development of the company". FPT employees are constantly
learning from customers, partners and colleagues to avoid thinking along the way, leading
efforts in new technology, new products, new management / business methods.

The selection criteria of FPT telecom are: commensurate with work results, contributing to
FPT, competing according to the market, encouraging results and quality of work, fairness and
transparency. Through the above article, we can see and understand clearly the regulations and
methods of applying for FPT. These policies help HRM team find talented people to benefit and
help the company grow stronger and stronger.

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fpt.com.vn, 2021. Quy trình tuyển dụng. [online] Fpt.com.vn. Available at:
<https://fpt.com.vn/vi/co-hoi-nghe-nghiep/quy-trinh-tuyen-dung> [Accessed 8
March 2021].
Phần mềm 1Office - Nền tảng quản lý tổng thể doanh nghiệp. 2021. Mô tả công việc
Trưởng phòng Kinh doanh (có thể dùng được ngay). [online] Available at:
duoc-ngay/> [Accessed 8 March 2021].
Tuyendung.fptshop.com.vn. 2021. FPT Retail Tuyển Dụng - Trang tuyển dụng của
FPT Shop. [online] Available at: <https://tuyendung.fptshop.com.vn/chinh-sach-
phuc-loi> [Accessed 8 March 2021].

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