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Dynamic optimization of COVID-19 vaccine

prioritization in the context of limited supply

Hongjie Yu  (  [email protected] )
School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education,
Fudan University, Shanghai 200030, China
Shasha Han 
Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University
Jun Cai 
School of Public Health, Fudan University
Juan Yang 
School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education,
Juanjuan Zhang 
School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education,
Qianhui Wu 
School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education,
Wen Zheng 
School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education,
Huilin Shi 
School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education,
Marco Ajelli 
Indiana University School of Public Health
Xiao-Hua Zhou 
Peking University


Keywords: Coronavirus, COVID-19, vaccination

Posted Date: March 3rd, 2021


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Version of Record: A version of this preprint was published at Nature Communications on August 3rd,
2021. See the published version at
Dynamic optimization of COVID-19 vaccine prioritization in the context of
limited supply
Shasha Han1,2*, Jun Cai3*, Juan Yang3, Juanjuan Zhang3, Qianhui Wu3, Wen Zheng3, Huilin
Shi3, Marco Ajelli4,5#, Xiao-Hua Zhou1,6#†, Hongjie Yu3,7,8,9#†

1. Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University, Beijing, China
2. Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.
3. School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety,
Ministry of Education, Shanghai, China
4. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Indiana University School of Public Health,
Bloomington, IN, USA
5. Laboratory for the Modelling of Biological and Socio-technical Systems, Northeastern
University, Boston, MA, USA
6. Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking University, Beijing, China
7. Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
8. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Infectious Diseases and Biosafety Emergency Response,
Shanghai, China
9. Shanghai Institute of Infectious Disease and Biosecurity, Fudan University

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

These authors are joint senior authors contributed equally to this work.

To whom correspondence should be addressed to:

X.-H. Z. ([email protected]) and H.Y. ([email protected]).


Strategic prioritization of COVID-19 vaccines is urgently needed, especially in light of the

limited supply that is expected to last for most, if not the entire, 2021. Dynamically adapting the

allocation strategy to the evolving epidemiological situation could thus be critical during this

initial phase of vaccine rollout. We developed a data-driven mechanistic model of SARS-CoV-2

transmission to explore optimal vaccine prioritization strategies in China that aim at reducing

COVID-19 burden measured through different metrics. We found that reactively adapting the

vaccination program to the epidemiological situation (i.e., allocate vaccine to a target group

before reaching full coverage of other groups with initial higher priority) can be highly beneficial

as such strategies are capable to simultaneously achieve different objectives (e.g., minimizing the

number of deaths and of infections). The highest priority categories are broadly consistent under

different hypotheses about vaccine efficacy, differential vaccine efficacy in preventing infection

vs. disease, vaccine hesitancy, and SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility. Our findings also suggest that

boosting the daily capacities up to 2.5 million courses (0.17% rollout speed) or higher could

greatly reduce COVID-19 burden should a new wave start to unfold in China with reproduction

number equal to 1.5 or lower. Finally, we estimate that a high vaccine supply in the early phase

of the vaccination campaign is key to achieve large gains of strategic prioritizations.

Words: 2210


Vaccination is promising to end the COVID-19 pandemic while allowing restoring social

activities 1,2. However, the anticipated global vaccine capacity in 2021 would not be enough to

vaccinate every human being on the planet 3,4. The situation may be worse if we account for

possible failures of vaccine candidates, financing shortfalls, logistical challenges 5, or difficulties

in expanding manufacturing capacity 6. Moreover, because of unavoidable inequalities among

countries, more than half of the world’s population would probably remain unvaccinated until

2023 3.

For 2021, China targets to reach a daily supply of about 2.78 million courses for a two-dose

vaccine (Supplementary Table 1), corresponding to 0.19% rollout speed. Therefore, a

considerable fraction of the Chinese population will not be covered until 2022. The long-term

shortfall in daily supply calls a strategic prioritization. Although optimal prioritization strategies

are estimated to provide a larger reduction of COVID-19 burden compared to a random mass

vaccination 7,8, they remain elusive and intrinsically connected to the target of the program (e.g.,

averting deaths vs. reducing the strain on the healthcare system) designed offline.

In this context of limited vaccine supply, it is of paramount importance for governments to set up

effective vaccination campaigns as COVID-19 cases can grow at a far higher pace than

immunity accumulates in the population. Therefore, defining vaccination strategies able to adapt

to the evolving epidemiological situation on the ground may be highly beneficial 8,9. Here we

propose a data-driven allocation model coupled with SARS-CoV-2 transmission to optimize the

prioritized allocation of vaccines to averting the largest possible number infections, symptomatic

cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths.


For each risk metric (infections, cases, hospital admissions, ICU admissions, and deaths), we

minimize the total incidences over 400 days. We consider 2.0 million courses supplied per day

(0.14% rollout speed), as estimated from manufacturing data in China. Daily allocation decisions

are coupled with the transmission dynamics of an epidemic spreading under the hypothesis the

non-pharmacological interventions (NPIs) are capable to keep SARS-CoV-2 reproduction

number R at 1.5.

When the vaccination program aims to minimize the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections, we

estimate that the optimal strategy prioritizes individuals aged 15-39 year until 46.6% coverage is

reached; then, vaccines are administered to individuals aged 40-64 years until 26.9% coverage is

reached (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1). Different age-prioritizations are identified if the goal

is to reduce SARS-CoV-2 severe outcomes. For example, to minimize the number of deaths,

individuals aged 65 years and older are identified as the first priority until 58.6% coverage is

reached, followed by aged 40-64 until 18.5% coverage and then aged 65+ until an almost full

coverage is achieved (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1). To minimize the number of ICU

admissions, first priority is given to individuals aged 65+ years and nearly all of them need to be

vaccinated before moving to other age groups (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1).

Optimal prioritization strategies, although performing best to achieve their specific goals, are

capable of dramatically reducing COVID-19 burden, preventing 618-628 million infections

(87.8-89.3% reduction), 167-169 million symptomatic cases (88.5-89.4% reduction), 55.3-55.8

million hospital admissions (88.6-89.5% reduction), 3.62-3.81 million ICU admissions (88.2-

92.7% reduction), and 5.83-6.15 million deaths (87.4-92.3% reduction) (Fig. 2a-e). We compare

the five optimal prioritization strategies with a uniform strategy (random mass vaccination)

where vaccines are allocated proportionally to the size of the unvaccinated susceptible

population in each age group. We estimate that the optimal prioritization strategies perform

dramatically better than the uniform strategy with respect to any risk metric (more than 87%

reduction vs. less than 70%; Fig. 2f).

We conduct a univariate analysis to explore the impact of key parameters on the definition of the

priority groups and coverages as well as the benefits of the optimal prioritization strategies. We

estimate that, for each optimal strategy, the two age categories with the highest priority are

broadly consistent under different hypotheses on vaccine supply, vaccine efficacy, differential

vaccine efficacy in preventing infection and disease, vaccine hesitancy, and SARS-CoV-2

transmissibility. Not only the identified priority orders are identical (See Fig.1, Extended Data

Figs. 3, 6 and 9), but also the associated coverages show only little variations in most cases

(Extended Data Fig.7). However, if vaccination programs target at minimizing symptomatic

cases or hospitalizations, the identified priory orders may change when we consider alternative

small R (Supplementary Fig. 5b and c).

Considering R=1.5, we estimate that the advantage of optimal prioritization strategies over a

uniform mass vaccination increases with vaccine supply 2.0 million courses per day (0.14%

rollout speed) is reached and decreases as the supply further increases. When the supply is

sufficiently large (3.5 million courses; 0.24% rollout speed), also a uniform mass vaccination

would be sufficient to avert nearly all deaths as compared with an epidemic controlled with NPIs

only (R=1.5). The advantage of the optimal strategies with respect to a uniform vaccination

remain unaltered for variations in all other parameters regulating the vaccination, namely vaccine

efficacy, differential vaccine efficacy in preventing infection vs. disease, and vaccine hesitancy

(Fig. 3 and Extended Data Fig. 8).

Considering alternative values of R (and thus different levels of NPIs) greatly affects the

effectiveness of these strategies, and thus the relative advantages of optimal strategies to the

mass vaccination. The benefits are negligible when R = 1.25, as all strategies can reduce the

epidemic burden by almost 100%. For R larger than 1.5, the benefits may depend on the program

targets, e.g., only those aiming at minimizing deaths and ICUs performing markedly better than

the random mass vaccination in averting deaths or ICUs (Fig. 3e and Extended Data Fig. 8d).

We also test an alternative vaccine model, replacing the baseline all-or-nothing mechanism (i.e.,

vaccines provide full protection for a fraction of vaccinated individuals with fractions given by

the vaccine efficacy), with the “leaky model”, where all vaccinated individuals are exposed to a

lower risk of infection corresponding to the vaccine efficacy (see Methods). The leaky model

identifies optimal prioritization strategies highly similar to those for the all-or-nothing model

(Extended Data Fig. 9). However, the estimated effectiveness of the vaccination strategies is

remarkably lower, especially for low levels of vaccine supply (Supplementary Figs. 2 and 3).

Finally, we investigate the vaccine supply needed for a prioritized vaccination campaign to keep

the total number of deaths under 10,000. We estimate that, for R=1.5 and all-or-nothing vaccine,

the minimal daily supply corresponds to 3.5 million courses (0.24% of the population).


Our results show that COVID-19 vaccination strategies able to adapt to the evolving

epidemiological situation can greatly reduce COVID-19 burden. The optimal vaccination

strategies with specific program targets (e.g., minimize the number of deaths) are shown to be

driven by the targeted risks of population segments as epidemic unfolds. Benefits of optimal

strategies as comparison to random mass vaccination is substantial when the supply is modestly

low, or the transmission is modestly high. Nonetheless, the random mass vaccination may

potentially represent an alternative to targeted vaccination strategies should the supply be

sufficiently high (Extended Data Fig. 2a), the transmissibility R controlled be at a very low level

(Extended Data Fig. 2c), or the vaccine be administered to individuals aged 15-64 years only

(Extended Data Fig. 5c) – i.e., the age groups for which the administrated vaccine in the early

phase has proved to be safe and efficacious.

Given the uncertainty still surrounding many of the key parameters regulating the vaccination

process, we tested several scenarios on vaccine supply, vaccine efficacy, differential vaccine

efficacy in preventing infection vs. disease (Extended Data Fig. 4), and vaccine hesitancy of the

population (Extended Data Fig. 5) as well as two alternative vaccine mechanisms (“all-or-

nothing” vs. “leaky” vaccine; Extended Data Fig. 9). We found that all those factors have little

effect in determining the optimal prioritization strategies. Although this increases the confidence

in our findings, it is important to stress that the identified optimal strategies could be sensible to

variation in SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility for certain program targets (e.g., minimizing

hospitalizations). This highlights the need to potentially adapt vaccination choices to the

implemented NPIs.

Our findings suggest that boosting the daily capacities into 2.5 million courses (0.17% rollout

speed) or higher could greatly reduce COVID-19 burden would a new wave start to unfold in

China. Moreover, we estimate that a high vaccine supply in the early phase of the vaccination

campaign is key to achieve large gains of strategic prioritizations. All strategies result in a much

larger disease burden when vaccine rollouts gradually increase over time (although the same

total amount of courses is administered; Supplementary Fig. 4).

It is key to remark that our baseline results are obtained by assuming R=1.5, with NPIs

implemented throughout the entire vaccine rollouts. As a consequence, our results neither

provide estimates of the herd immunity threshold for COVID-19 nor can be used to estimate the

overshoot of the epidemic after the herd immunity threshold is reached.

Our study adds to the literature in several ways. First, although investigating dynamic vaccine

allocation is not novel, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation at the

population level and in a data-driven context accounting for estimates of vaccine supply.

Dynamic vaccine allocation allows the campaign to track the eligible population and adapt the

targeted vaccination populations to the evolving epidemiological situation, and thus protect

individuals who are at the highest risks at each time. Second, previous studies have shown that

optimal prioritization strategies for single objectives (e.g., minimize the number of death) may

sacrifice secondary objectives (e.g., minimize the number of infections) 10. Instead, our results

show that, thanks to the data-driven dynamic allocations, the sacrifices are lower than previously

estimated. Indeed, the dynamic optimal allocations can quickly react to changes in age-specific

risks (e.g., of infection, hospitalization) over time. This finding supports the relevance of both

direct and indirect protection of the population11 to define prioritized vaccination strategies. Our

findings are of particularly relevance for China at this early phase of vaccine rollout when

vaccination is restricted to people mainly aged 18-59, due to the lack of vaccine safety and

efficacy thus far.

To properly interpret our findings, it is important to consider the limitations of the performed

analysis. First, the analysis is based on a deterministic model and does not consider the

stochasticity of the real-world infection transmission process, although the former can be

considered as a good approximation of the latter when the number of infections is large. In the

early phase of the epidemic, the stochastic variability may affect the timing of the epidemic peak,

resulting in inaccuracy in the estimated effectiveness of vaccination programs. Also, we consider

average values of model parameters (e.g., the contact matrix, age-specific estimates of the

susceptibility to infection). Despite we recognize lack of estimates of the uncertainty around our

point projections, we have conducted extensive sensitivity analysis showing to what extent

model parameters affect the obtained results. Second, we leveraged contact data collected before

the COVID-19 pandemic to model SARS-CoV-2 transmission through 2021 and accounted for

the impact of NPIs on contact numbers though a reduction on R, but the future contact pattern by

age remains elusive. Moreover, we used the contact pattern data collected in Shanghai and

extrapolated it into the entire China. Although this surely represents a limitation, several

independent studies showed little variation in age-mixing patterns across China 12–14 . Third, for

model tractability, we optimize allocation of only the first dose of the two-dose vaccines and

simply require that the second dose to be administrated following the schedule, although this

may not be optimal from the mathematical point of view.

In sum, our analysis identified optimal COVID-19 vaccination prioritizations as the epidemic

unfolds. Our model-based evaluation highlights the benefit of these strategies in simultaneously

minimizing different objectives (e.g., number of deaths and infections). Finally, the modeling

framework presented here general enough to be adopted by other countries to identify optimal

vaccine prioritization strategies conditional on the country-specific socio-demographic features,

evolving epidemiological situation and vaccine supply.


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Fig. 1 | Estimated vaccine coverages over time for different prioritization strategies (0.14% rollout speed, R = 1.5). a-e, Five optimal prioritization
strategies minimizing the total incidence of infections, symptomatic cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths, respectively. f, Uniform vaccination
strategy. Shaded area refers to vaccine administration to the general populations. Lines refers to the vaccinated proportions including essential workers. Keys and
labels apply to all panels.

Fig. 2 | Risk incidences for different prioritization strategies and the scenario with no vaccination (0.14% rollout speed, R = 1.5). a, Number of averted
infections under the scenario with no vaccination, uniform vaccination strategy, and the five optimal prioritization strategies we identified. b-e, As panel a, but
for the number of symptomatic cases, hospitalizations, ICUs, and deaths, respectively. f, Averted proportion of infections, symptomatic cases, hospitalizations,
ICUs, and deaths for the six vaccination strategies as compared to the scenario with no vaccination. Keys apply to all panels.

Fig. 3 | Effectiveness of alternative vaccination strategies under alternative assumptions. a, Averted proportion of deaths for different strategies (uniform
vaccination and the five optimal strategies) as compared to no vaccination for different values of the daily vaccine supply. b, As a, but for different values of the
vaccine efficacy. c, As a, but assuming that the vaccine may have a lower efficacy in preventing the infection (namely 60% and 70%) than in preventing the
disease (which is kept fixed at 80%). d, As a, but considering possible vaccine hesitancy. In particular, we consider three alternative scenarios: i) “Whole
population”, i.e., all individuals are willing to accept the vaccine; ii) “Chinese survey”, i.e., on average 83% of the population is willing to accept the vaccine as
estimated in a survey conducted on the Chinese population 15 (age-specific estimates reported in Extended Data Table 2); iii) “Global survey”, i.e., on average
61% of the population is willing to accept the vaccine as estimated in a survey at the global level 16. e, As a, but for different values of the reproduction number.
Keys and labels apply to all panels. Results for other risk metrics are similar and displayed in Extended Data Fig.8.



We model SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics using an age-structured compartmental model

with 17 age groups {0-4,5-9,10-14,15-19,20-24,25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-

64,65-69,70-74,75-79,80+; total number of age groups denoted with J}. For each age group, the

population is divided into five compartments: unvaccinated susceptible individuals (S),

vaccinated individuals (V), unprotected individuals who received the vaccine (U), infectious

individuals (I), and immune individuals (either recovered from the infection or protected by the

vaccine) (R) (Extended Data Fig. 1). Note that the infectious compartment (I) includes both

asymptomatic and symptomatic infections as no statistical difference in transmissibility was

found between them 17 and we are not explicitly simulating interventions that act differently on

those two groups.

The transmission depends on contacts between susceptible and infectious individuals and the risk

of infection given a contact (). Contacts are modeled through the use of a contact matrix Ci,j

representing the mean number of contacts that an individual in age group i has with individuals

in age group j. Contact patterns are estimated by relying on 2017/2018 survey data for Shanghai
. We use bootstrap (sample with replacement where the sampling weights are given by the

distributions of age groups in China) to estimate mixing patterns at the country level 18. We

estimate the contact patterns using the package ‘socialmixr’ in R version 4.0.3 19. The resulting

contact matrix is shown in Supplementary Fig. 6. The number of individuals in each age group is

taken from Chinese statistical year book 2019 20 and denoted with Ni.

We also consider age-specific susceptibility to infection si as estimated in reference 17. For

simplicity, we denote the contact matrix multiplied by the susceptibility to infection by age as

Csi,j= siCi,j. The mean generation time is set at 5.5 days 17 (and the rate of transition, which is the

inverse of the generation time, is denoted with ).

We consider 1/w days from the administration of the first vaccine dose to maxim protection 21

(and denote the transition rate with w); ei represents the vaccine efficacy for age group i. Further,

we denote by vi(t) the allocation decision variables for age group i on the day t. We consider “all-

or-nothing” mechanism, where vaccines are assumed to provide fully immunity for ei

proportions of vaccinated individuals.

The model is represented by the following system of differential equations:

dSi (t) Ij (t)
= -vi (t)-(Si (t)-vi (t))⋅β ∑ Ci,j𝑠
dt Nj
dVi (t) Ij (t)
= vi (t)-w(Vi (t)+vi (t))-(1-w)(Vi (t)+vi (t))⋅β ∑ Ci,j𝑠
dt Nj
dUi (t) Ij (t) (1)
= (1-ei )⋅w(Vi (t)+vi (t))-Ui (t)⋅β ∑ Ci,j𝑠
dt Nj
dIi (t) Ij (t)
= (Si (t)+Ui (t)+(1-w)Vi (t)-wvi (t))⋅β ∑ Ci,j𝑠 - Ii (t)
dt Nj
dRi (t)
= Ii (t)+ei ⋅w(Vi (t)+vi (t)).

We consider five types of epidemiological interest: infections, symptomatic cases,

hospitalizations, ICUs, and deaths, that we refer to as “risk” metric. We then use the model to

minimize the total risk incidence, namely the sum of daily new risk incidences over T days, for

each of the five risk metrics. Mathematically, this can be written as

T-1 J

min ∑ ∑ rtype
i ∙ (Ii (t+1)-(1-γ)Ii (t)),
t=0 i=1

where ritype, type {symp, hosp, ICU, death, infec}, represents that, among infections, the risks of

symptomatic infections, requiring hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths in age group i,

with riinfec simply set to 1 for all age groups.

Baseline scenario

We assume that the vaccine efficacy to prevent the infection is the same as the vaccine efficacy

in preventing the disease. The efficacy of the vaccine currently administrated in China was

estimated to be 80% for the age group 15-59 years 22; for the other age groups we used a 25%

reduction 23,24 (i.e., 0.7580%). We assume that the first dose is given upon allocation and does

not confer protection 21,23. Vaccinated people may get protection after the second dose take

effect, 14 days after its administration plus 21 days after the first dose (i.e., w=1/(14+21) day-1)

. We also assume the vaccines has a long-term immunity (i.e., longer than the full study period

T, T = 400, days).

The transmission rate  is calculated using the next-generation matrices approach 25,

R∙ 
 = max{engen values (Cs )} (3)

As baseline value, we assume the reproduction number R to be1.5, to account for the effect of

NPIs. Other values are explored as sensitivity analysis.

The age-specific probabilities of developing symptoms, hospitalization, requiring ICU

admission, and death are taken from the literature 26,27,28 and reported in Extended Data Table 2.

All the parameters in the study are calibrated based on state-of-the-art knowledge of COVID-19

epidemiology and vaccination in China. Extended Data Table 1 summarizes the parameters.

Sine only sporadic local transmission reported in China 29, we consider the vaccination starts at

the same time of an extensive epidemic outbreak with locally transmitted SARS-CoV-2

infections. The simulations are arbitrarily initialized with one infectious individual in each age

group. Since Wuhan was the only location in China that has experienced prolonged local SARS-

CoV-2 transmission, we assume a fully susceptible population at the beginning of the simulation.

Vaccination parameters

We estimate the daily vaccine supply at 2.0 million courses (0.14% rollout speed) by scaling

down the daily breakdowns from the targeted production capacity in 2021, accounting for

possible financing shortfalls, logistical challenges, and difficulties in expanding production

capacity (Supplementary Table 1).

Each age group is stratified into two categories: essential workers (tier 1) and other individuals

(tier 2). Essential workers include healthcare workers (either front-line or not) and workers in the

following sectors: law enforcement and security, nursing home and social welfare institutes,

community, energy, food and transportation 30. Vaccination is administered to essential workers

first 30,31. Then, we investigate optimal vaccine allocation strategies to the general population.

Optimization methods

We explore a two-step optimization strategy to solve model ( 2 ). First, we solve the problem

using the myopic strategy where we minimize daily outcomes iteratively for 400 days. Second,

we use the dynamics from the myopic strategy to construct an approximation counterpart and

solve it over the full period. Although the myopic strategy does not attempt to minimize the total

outcomes over the full period, they greatly reduce the total outcomes, performing close to the

optimal solutions in similar problems 32,33.

Due to the tier constraint in vaccine allocation, we break down the vaccine allocation for each

age group vi(t) into two variables, as

vi (t)= ∑ vi,k (t) ,


for each i = 1, …, J.

The optimization method is divided into the two following steps.

Step 1: Myopic optimal strategy. At the beginning of each day, we optimize vaccine allocation

to minimize the risk incidences on that day:

min  ∑ ri ∙ (Ii (t+1)-(1-γ)Ii (t)), (5𝑎)
2 J

s.t.  ∑ ∑ vi,k (t)≤c , (5b)

k=1 i=1

0≤ ∑ vi,k (t) ≤Si (t),            i=1,…,J, (5c)

Wi,k (t)=Wi,k (t-1)+vi,k (t-1),            i=1,…,J,  k=1,2, (5d)
Wi,k (t)≤Ni,k ⋅di,k ,            i=1,…,J,  k=1,2, (5e)

∑ vi,2 (t) ≤bi (t)⋅M, (5f) 


∑ vi,1 (t) ≤(1-bi (t))⋅(M+Wi,1 (t)-Nj,1 aj,1 ), (5g)


vi,1 (t)≥c⋅ ( -b (t)) ,            i=1,…,J, (5h)
∑j=1 Nj,1 i

bi ∈{0,1}, Si (t),Ii (t),Vi (t),Ui (t)≥0,         i=1,…,J,

where ritype, type {infec, symp, hosp, death, ICU}.

Constraint (5a) minimizes the total risk incidence across age groups on that day. Vaccine

allocations across tiers and age groups cannot exceed the daily supplied vaccines (constraint 5b)

or the unvaccinated susceptible populations (constraint 5c). Constraint (5d) tracks the cumulative

number of allocated vaccines for each age group within each tier, denoted by Wi,k(t), and

constraint (5e) limits the cumulative number of allocated vaccines, where di,k represents the

maximum coverage for age group i within tier k and Ni,k the population size for age group i

within tier k. Constraints (5f) and (5g) guarantee that people in the first tier are allocated prior to

people in the second tier. M is a large number, with M = c + Nj,1 in the implementation.

Constraint (5h) ensures that vaccines are uniformly allocated among age groups in the first tier.

Model ( 5 ) is a linear optimization problem with box constraints. Geometrically, the optimal

solutions rest at the corners of the polyhedron comprised by the box constraints. Note that

type Ij (t)
objective (5a) is equivalent to ∑Ji=1 ri (Si (t)+(1-w)Vi (t)+Ui (t)-w ∑2k=1 vi,k (t))⋅β ∑Jj=1 Csi,j . The

myopic optimization thus determines the prioritization based on the modeled risk metrics.

Namely, the myopic policy gives the highest priority to the age group that has the largest risk at

the time t. If the number of unvaccinated susceptible population is smaller than the daily supply

c, it then diverts to the age group that has the second largest risk. If there are vaccines left after

satisfying the first two groups, it further diverts to the third group that has the third largest risk,

and so forth. Moreover, because the myopic optimal strategy performs well and close to the

optimal solution in similar problems 32,33, the final optimal solutions is expected to share similar

properties to it.

The model was coded in Gurobi R interface with R version 4.0.3 19 and solved using Gurobi 9.10
. We simplify the implementation of the model by replacing the last three constraints on

vaccine allocation to groups in tier 1 with a pre-allocation. Specifically, we first allocate

uniformly to the age groups in tier 1, and then use the remaining vaccine supply, if there is any,

to optimize the allocation to the age groups in tier 2.

Using aggregated vi(t), i = 1, …, J, from the myopic solutions, we update all the states to get the

states status on day t + 1. We solve the equations using lsoda ODE solver from the package

‘deSolve’ 35 in R version 4.0.3 19. This iteration of optimization-updating procedure was repeated

from day 0 to day T, generating the myopic solutions for the full period.

Step 2: Approximated optimization. Using the myopic solutions from the Step 1, we explore

the approximation strategy and minimize the total outcomes of the targeted risk metric. The full

model is:

T-1 J
min ∑ ∑ ri ∙ (Ii (t+1)-(1-γ)Ii (t)) (6a)
t=0 i=1
2 J

s.t.  ∑ ∑ vi,k (t)≤c , t=0,…,T, (6b)

k=1 i=1

0≤ ∑ vi,k (t) ≤Si (t),            i=1,…,J, t=0,…,T, (6c)

Wi,k (t+1)=Wi,k (t)+vi,k (t),             i=1,…,J,  k=1, 2, t=0,…,T, (6d)
Wi,k (t)≤Ni,k ⋅di,k ,            i=1,…,J,  k=1, 2, t=0,…,T, (6e)

∑ vi,2 (t) ≤bi (t)⋅M,  t=0,…,T, (6f)


∑ vi,2 (t) ≤(1-bi (t))⋅(M+Wi,1 (t)-Nj,1 aj,1 ), t=0,…,T, (6g)


vi,1 (t)≥c⋅ ( -b (t)) ,            i=1,…,J, t=0,…,T, (6h)
∑j=1 Nj,1 i

J J Myopic(t)
Ij t() r j
|∑ Cri,j - ∑ Ci,j | ≤ϵ, t=0,…,T, (6i)
Nj Nj
j=1 j=1
Equations (1) with Ij (t) replaced by Ij , t=0,…,T,
bi ∈{0,1}, Si (t),Ii (t),Vi (t),Ui (t)≥0,        i=1,…,J, t=0,…,T.

Constraint (6i) bounds the error of approximation.  is a small number to control the

approximation errors.

To choose the candidate myopic optimal solutions (denoted with IjMyopic(t)) for constructing the

approximation counterpart in the second step, we use the "try and error" method to test varying

di,k. We found that the myopic strategy with di,k set around 80% performs well. In particular, we

found that the myopic solution minimizing the incidence of infections perform relatively well on

the other four risk metrics as well. We therefore use the myopic solutions from the scenario to

construct the approximation counterparts where we set di,k = 1, i = 1,…, J, k = 1, 2, in (6e). The

model was coded in Gurobi Python interface with Python 3.9.0 36, and solved using Gurobi 9.10

Sensitivity analyses

We designed a variety of sensitivity analyses to evaluate the robustness of optimal prioritization

strategies and to estimate their benefits.

Vaccine supply
We explore different levels of vaccine supply c = 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 million courses per

day. Moreover, as vaccine production capacity may increase over time, we consider a scenario

where the vaccine supply linearly increases from 1.5 million courses on the first day to 2.5

million courses at day 400.

Reproduction number
We explore different levels of R = 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0.

Vaccine efficacy
While more evidence about vaccine efficacy is collected, we test alternative levels of vaccine

efficacy: ei = 0.6, 0.7, 0.9, for i = 4, …., 12 and ei = 0.6  0.75, 0.7  0.75 or 0.9  0.75 for i  3

or i  14.

Vaccine hesitancy
People may be hesitant to accept a COVID-19 vaccine for a variety of reasons 37. To model

vaccine hesitancy, we let di,k in (6e) to be equivalent to the vaccine acceptancy, ai,k. We estimate

ai,k by using the data from a large-scale telephone survey conducted on June 2020 18. The

potential acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine within the first tier was estimated to be 96%. The

estimated potential acceptance in the second tier is relatively stable by age, ranging from 78% to

89% (see Extended Data Table 2). Further, we conduct an analysis assuming 61% as vaccine

acceptance for all age groups, as estimated in reference 16 where a global-scale survey was


Differential vaccine efficacy in preventing infection vs. disease
In baseline, we have assumed the vaccine efficacy is the same in preventing both the infection

and the disease. Here we conduct an alternative analysis with 60% efficacy for preventing the

infection, but three efficacy levels in preventing the disease, namely: 60%, 80% and 90%.

Specifically, we set ei = 0.6, ei Symp = 0.6, 0.8 or 0.9, for i = 4, …., 12, and ei = 0.6  0.75, ei Symp =

0.6  0.75, 0.8  0.75 or 0.9  0.75 for i  3 or i  14. This feature is incorporated into the model

by defining new risk of disease after vaccination, riVac_symp, by adjusting the risk of developing

symptoms as follows:

Symp Symp
Vac_Symp ri ∙(1-ei )
ri = Symp Symp Symp Asymp
ri ∙(1-ei )+(1-ri )∙(1-ei )

where ei Asymp is calculated by rearranging the following equation:

𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑝 𝐴𝑠𝑦𝑚𝑝 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑝 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑝

𝑒𝑖 = (1 − 𝑟𝑖 ) × 𝑒𝑖 + 𝑟𝑖 × 𝑒𝑖 .

Following the same arguments used in the baseline scenario (see Methods), we update the risk of

requiring hospitalization, ICU admission, and death as well (riVac_hosp, riVac_ICU, riVac_death).

Excluding individuals aged under 15 years and over 65 years in vaccine rollout
Because optimal prioritization strategy aiming to minimize infections does not allocate to people

under 15 and over 65, we test the scenario where these age groups are excluded in vaccinations.

Leaky mechanism
We also consider a variant of model ( 1 ) where, for each age group i, instead of assuming a fully

protective vaccine for ei proportion of vaccinated individuals, we consider that vaccination

induces an ei reduction of the risk of infection (“leaky” vaccine) for all vaccinated individuals.

This alternative model is represented by the following system of equations:

dSi (t) s Ij
= -vi (t)-(Si (t)-vi (t))⋅β ∑ Ci,j
dt Nj
dVi (t) s Ij
= vi (t)-w(Vi (t)+vi (t))-(1-w)(Vi (t)+vi (t))⋅β ∑ Ci,j
dt Nj
dUi (t) s Ij
(t) (7)
= w(Vi (t)+vi (t))-Ui (t)⋅(1-ei )⋅β ∑ Ci,j
dt Nj
dIi (t) Ij (t)
= (Si (t)+Ui (t)⋅(1-ei )+(1-w)Vi (t)-wvi (t))⋅β ∑ Csi,j - Ii (t)
dt Nj
dRi (t)
= Ii (t).

The full analysis conducted for the baseline scenario (all-or-nothing vaccine, R = 1.5) is repeated

for the leaky vaccine model. To further investigate the discrepancies between the two models, we

explore different levels of vaccine supply c = 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 million courses per day for

leaky model. Compared to the all-or-nothing model, the averted incidences under the leaky

model are sustainably smaller with small supply, but close with large supplies for optimal

prioritization strategies (3.5 million; Supplementary Fig. 2). Uniform strategy needs even larger

supplies to achieve close performances under the two models, e.g., 2.5 million under R = 1.25

(Supplementary Fig. 3).

Data and code availability

The data analyzed in this study are presented in the online methods and supplementary information.

Codes will be made available on GitHub upon manuscript acceptance.


This study was supported by funding from the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young

Scholars (No. 81525023), Key Emergency Project of Shanghai Science and Technology

Committee (No. 20411950100), and the grants from National Science Fund of China (No.

82041023, No. 81773546).

Author contributions

H.Y. designed the study. M.A., X.-H.Z., and H.Y. supervised the work. S.H. developed the model.

S.H. and J.C. conducted the research. J.C., J.Z., Q.W., W.Z., and H.S. collected data. S.H., J.C.,

J.Y., M.A., X.-H.Z., and H.Y. interpreted the findings. S.H., J.C., and M.A. wrote the manuscript.

J.Y., X.-H.Z., and H.Y. commented on and revised the manuscript. All authors approved the final

manuscript as submitted.

Competing interests

M.A. has received research funding from Seqirus. H.Y. has received research funding from Sanofi

Pasteur, GlaxoSmithKline, Yichang HEC Changjiang Pharmaceutical Company, and Shanghai

Roche Pharmaceutical Company. None of those research funding is related to COVID-19. All

other authors report no competing interests.


Figure 1

Estimated vaccine coverages over time for different prioritization strategies (0.14% rollout speed, R = 1.5).
a-e, Five optimal prioritization strategies minimizing the total incidence of infections, symptomatic cases,
hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths, respectively. f, Uniform vaccination strategy. Shaded area
refers to vaccine administration to the general populations. Lines refers to the vaccinated proportions
including essential workers. Keys and labels apply to all panels.
Figure 2

Risk incidences for different prioritization strategies and the scenario with no vaccination (0.14% rollout
speed, R = 1.5). a, Number of averted infections under the scenario with no vaccination, uniform
vaccination strategy, and the ve optimal prioritization strategies we identi ed. b-e, As panel a, but for the
number of symptomatic cases, hospitalizations, ICUs, and deaths, respectively. f, Averted proportion of
infections, symptomatic cases, hospitalizations, ICUs, and deaths for the six vaccination strategies as
compared to the scenario with no vaccination. Keys apply to all panels.
Figure 3

Effectiveness of alternative vaccination strategies under alternative assumptions. a, Averted proportion of

deaths for different strategies (uniform vaccination and the ve optimal strategies) as compared to no
vaccination for different values of the daily vaccine supply. b, As a, but for different values of the vaccine
e cacy. c, As a, but assuming that the vaccine may have a lower e cacy in preventing the infection
(namely 60% and 70%) than in preventing the disease (which is kept xed at 80%). d, As a, but
considering possible vaccine hesitancy. In particular, we consider three alternative scenarios: i) “Whole
population”, i.e., all individuals are willing to accept the vaccine; ii) “Chinese survey”, i.e., on average 83%
of the population is willing to accept the vaccine as estimated in a survey conducted on the Chinese
population 15 (age-speci c estimates reported in Extended Data Table 2); iii) “Global survey”, i.e., on
average 61% of the population is willing to accept the vaccine as estimated in a survey at the global level
16. e, As a, but for different values of the reproduction number. Keys and labels apply to all panels.
Results for other risk metrics are similar and displayed in Extended Data Fig.8.

Supplementary Files
This is a list of supplementary les associated with this preprint. Click to download.

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