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AVPFILMS LLC PO 101781 Denver, CO 80250 303.303-‐4179 720.863.1956 [email protected]



hour period. Last minute or rush time where other work must be
___________ referred to as the “Customer or Producer”, agrees postponed, may be billed at overtime rate.
to purchase editorial and creative services and materials as
specified below from AVPfilms LLC , Tony Pfau referred to as the Additional Charges: The following additional charges may apply
EDITOR based upon the following terms and conditions; to some projects.

Description / Dates • Plug-‐ins requested -‐stock footage as used.

• Outsourcing for specialized services such as: final color
Firm Booking-‐ Booked Time: correction, animation, rotoscoping or special equipment as
may be required.
__________ to _______________ • Additional Equipment or layback services may be necessary
for RED, HDCAM workflow or delivery.
Prepaid Amount____________. • NOTE: 4k & 5k RED footage and other codecs of that type
(i.e. uncompressed, 4444 etc) may require rental of
(all booked time is billable, additional time necessary to complete appropriate components (Red Rocket Card) to work with be
billed as used) transcoded to proxy work files.
• Any & All editor paid costs subject to 20% handling fee.
Deliverables: Project file and trimmed project with media on • For FCPX projects-‐ additional time may be need to
client provided “thunderbolt” compatible hard drive. conform for other services such as “Baselight” or for
archiving in another application.
Project Specifics:
Editor will attempt to advise customer of additional charges in
Editor works on: advance, but, due to the nature of the process, some charges or
___ approved customer provided system needs are not revealed until in the edit is underway.
___ editor provided system
___ both Flat Rate Renegotiation:
Platform: Editor will be using one or all of the following: If the parties have entered into a flat rate agreement, the
following shall apply.
MAC / Adobe Premiere CS6 / AfterEffects MAC/FCPX
Editor reserves right to repeal flat rate if the material
Media Type: subsequently provided is shown to have too many problems.
These problems have to do with media being provided that isnot
up professional standards or requires excessive amounts of time
Delivery Specs: to correct sound, picture, varied codecs etc., or excessive and
unreasonable changes, disorganization that drastically increases
*Customer hereby advised that editor does NOT work on AVID or the amount of time the editor must spend to accommodate,
PC, material provided that is from PC may require extra time to editor shall give customer option to continue with billing on
convert, or in some cases in in-‐accessible and customer may standard terms, or cancel this agreement.
need to outsource to provide usable media.
If this agreement is canceled due to the above, editor shall be paid
for the time spent through the cancellation on day rate terms and
Rate for Editorial: upon payment, all material and work created to date of
cancellation delivered to the customer.
Standard Rate: $750.00 Per 10 hour day, including 1 hour prep
and 1 hour wrap up/maintenance. Changes billed in ½ day Editor shall notify customer of the problems upon discovery and
increments. cease any work until a decision to continue or abort is made.
A day is 8 hours of editorial work, 2 hours of prep and backup Customer / Producer Provides:
within a 24 hour period. A week shall consist of 5 days, 40 hours
of editing and 10 hours of maintenance, backups etc.
Script, storyboards, transcriptions, all visual elements in format
Editing with Production Services: $850 per day will apply for necessary for editing, audio mix, music scores, Photoshop,
editorial & if editor agrees to provide producer type services, illustrator high res files on a Thunderbolt or Firewire 800 Mac
research and obtaining media that would typically be done by formatted hard drive and:
a producer or production company.
Customer will furnish a Liaison representative who will have full
Standard Rate Weekly Prepay Rate: $3375.00 Weekly rate for power to act for the customer, Including full authority to give
approvals and authorize payment to Editor binding upon the
bookings of 1 week or more requires 1 week prepayment, then
customer as requested by Editor at various stages during the
billed weekly thereafter with a 7 day due date on weekly billings.
course of development. The official Liaison is
Overtime – If editor is not on a flat deal, overtime shall apply at 1.5x ______________________________
daily rate divided by 10 for hours beyond 10 hours in one 24
Requests made directly to editor via customer’s client or
customer shall be binding upon above named customer. The first day of any project is for editor prep and organizing

Unless previously agreed, editor shall NOT be required to provide Technology/ compatibility. Customer is advised that video
producer/ production services to research stock footage, produce technology changes almost daily, many released before they’ve
or coordinate shooting operations, estimate talent / licensing been debugged. These changes can affect workflow and time.
payment and usage or produce other elements necessary for edit.
Billing-‐ Payment:
Use for Demo & Project Clone: Unlimited and irrevocable license
use for editor demonstration / reel is hereby granted for any Billing is done in advance per booking then additional fees
work edited. Regarding SAG/Aftra licensing, those clips will be invoiced weekly. Payments are due within 14 calendar days of
used, but not available to public on world wide web, only the invoice date. For longer projects invoice date will be the date
accessible by users issued login and password to view. when the work started.

Permission is granted for editor to make and maintain a clone of Delivery of final masters, project archive may be held until after
the entire project file and media at editor’s discretion. final payment received.

Editor shall not reuse, sell, distribute any customer provide media Any or all flat rates, discount rates will be void if customer
and agrees to keep any copies secure on editor owned local hard becomes past due, resulting in a new invoice recalculated at
drives at all times. standard rates for editing, services, and markup. 30 day net will
only be available for projects billed at the standard rate, overtime,
Customer owned systems: If editor determines customer and markup. Accounts are turned over to an attorney, or sold to
owned system is not suitable to complete work necessary, editor collection agency, for collection if the account becomes 30 days
shall not be required to work on such and project shall be done past due.
on editor’s system.
Collection: Attorney Collection fees. Should the balance due not
The following are considered part of normal editorial services: be paid as agreed, or account becomes past due, customer shall
pay all legal fees associated with the collection of outstanding
• Editing video from storyboards, provided balances.
footage, scripts, or themes,
• Making revisions as requested by producer or Non Disclosure: Editor agrees in advance to treat all information
producer’s client and work done for this project, while in production, as
• Conforming video for other finishing processing -‐ confidential. Editor reserves right to reference customer as a
color, sound. work reference and will credit customer when demos of work
• Laying in built animation sequences from different done are shown to others by producer.
• Conforming digital media from different codecs for use
• Ingesting existing media Additional Provisions:
• Basic compositing
• Ingesting customer provided media
• Suitable audio mix as available within editing software.

The following are NOT considered normal editorial services

and may require outsourced services to complete:
This order and agreement is cancelable only by mutual and
satisfactory agreement by both parties, immediate payment to
• Color Correction editor for work done through that date, and sets forth the entire
• Graphics Design & Animaitons agreement between parties. All prior negotiations and
• Audio Sweetening-‐Final Mix understandings are merged herein and no change hereof or
• Managing music, stock footage licensing, talent addition hereto shall be of any effect unless in writing and signed
fees etc.
by both parties.
• Animation, logo design, Artwork Design
• Production Services
• Rotoscoping -‐ Advanced compositing requiring NUKE
or other proprietary systems, 3d or complex VFX work
requiring hardware outside of the scope of normal
video editing.
• Final Color Grading
• Dubs/ Dubbing/ Web compression transcoding or
Company / Title

Prep: Additional prep time to help coordinate production, Date

research processes and test are billed hourly or in ½ day
increments as outlined on attached job/rate sheet.

AVPFilms LLC- Editorial Deal Memo

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