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Dirk Schadendorf, Alexander C J van Akkooi, Carola Berking, Klaus G Griewank, Ralf Gutzmer, Axel Hauschild, Andreas Stang, Alexander Roesch,
Selma Ugurel

Cutaneous melanoma causes 55 500 deaths annually. The incidence and mortality rates of the disease differ widely Lancet 2018; 392: 971–84
across the globe depending on access to early detection and primary care. Once melanoma has spread, this type of This online publication has
cancer rapidly becomes life-threatening. For more than 40 years, few treatment options were available, and clinical been corrected. The corrected
version first appeared at
trials during that time were all unsuccessful. Over the past 10 years, increased biological understanding and access on February 21,
to innovative therapeutic substances have transformed advanced melanoma into a new oncological model for 2019
treating solid cancers. Treatments that target B-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine-kinase (BRAF)V600 (Val600) Department of Dermatology,
mutations using selected BRAF inhibitors combined with mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitors have University Hospital Essen,
significantly improved response and overall survival. Furthermore, advanced cutaneous melanoma has developed Essen, Germany
(Prof D Schadendorf MD,
into a prototype for testing checkpoint-modulating agents, which has increased hope for long-term tumour
K G Griewank MD,
containment and a potential cure. These expectations have been sustained by clinical success with targeted agents Prof A Roesch MD,
and antibodies that block programmed cell-death protein 1 in locoregional disease, which induces prolongation of Prof S Ugurel MD); German
relapse-free, distant-metastasis-free, and overall survival times. Cancer Consortium,
Heidelberg, Germany
(Prof D Schadendorf,
Epidemiology New Zealand (4·7 per 100 000 person-years) and Australia K G Griewank, Prof A Roesch,
Incidence, mortality, and survival (4·0 per 100 000 person-years).1 In 2017, the estimated Prof S Ugurel); Department of
Worldwide, about 232  100 (1·7%) cases of all newly percentage of deaths due to cutaneous melanoma among Surgical Oncology, Netherlands
Cancer Institute Antoni van
diagnosed primary malignant cancers (excluding non- all skin-cancer deaths (excluding basal-cell and squamous-
Leeuwenhoek, Amsterdam,
melanoma skin cancer) are cases of cutaneous melanoma, cell carcinoma of the skin) in the USA was 72%.4 The Netherlands
and about 55 500 cancer deaths (0·7% of all cancer deaths) 5-year age-standardised relative survival for cutaneous (A C J van Akkooi MD);
are due to cutaneous melanoma annually. The incidence mela­noma diagnosed in 2000−07 in Europe ranged from Department of Dermatology
and Allergy, University
and mortality rates of cutaneous melanoma differ widely 74·3% (Eastern Europe) to 87·7% (Northern Europe).
Hospital Munich, Munich,
by country. In 2012, the age-standardised (world standard Relative survival was highest in Northern Ireland (90·7%) Germany (Prof C Berking MD);
population) incidence of cutaneous melanoma ranged and Switzerland (90·4%), and lowest in Bulgaria (49·6%) Department of Dermatology,
from 0·2 per 100 000 person-years in southeast Asia to and Poland (61·5%). Relative survival decreased with Hannover Medical School, Skin
Cancer Centre Hannover,
7·7 per 100 000 person-years in the Americas. Incidences patients’ age and was higher in women than men.5 In the Hannover, Germany
were highest in New Zealand (35·8 per 100 000 person- USA, the 5-year relative survival (without age standard­ (Prof R Gutzmer MD);
years) and Australia (34·9 per 100 000 person-years). The isation) is 92%. For primary melanoma without lymph Department of Dermatology,
incidence was 10·2 per 100 000 person-years in the EU node involvement, the 5-year relative survival in is 98% in University Hospital, Kiel,
Germany (Prof A Hauschild MD);
and 13·8 per 100 000 person-years in North America stage-1 melanoma and 90% in stage-2 melanoma.6 Centre of Clinical
(figure 1).1 The incidence of cutaneous melanoma has Epidemiology, Institute of
increased since the early 1970s in predominantly fair- Risk factors Medical Informatics, Biometry,
skinned populations (figure 2).2 Established risk factors for cutaneous melanoma include and Epidemiology, University
Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany
Age-cohort period analyses of melanoma incidence in ultraviolet radiation by sun exposure and subsequent (Prof A Stang MD); and
Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, the UK, and the Department of Epidemiology,
white population of the USA from 1982 to 2011 revealed School of Public Health, Boston
that the incidence increased about 3% annually, and will Search strategy and selection criteria University, Boston, MA, USA
(Prof A Stang)
further increase at least until 2022 in Norway, Sweden, We searched MEDLINE between Dec 1, 2017, and Correspondence to:
the UK, and the USA. Although melanoma incidence in Dec 19, 2017, with no language restrictions. We used the Prof Dirk Schadendorf,
New Zealand is still increasing, this incidence is projected search terms “melanoma” in combination with specific Department of Dermatology,
to decline in the next 5 years. In Australia, the incidence terms covering the different steps of diagnosis and University Hospital Essen,
has been decreasing since 2005. This decline might reflect Essen 45122, Germany
treatment as appropriate. We largely selected publications [email protected]
improved primary prevention and changing lifestyles, in the past 5 years, but did not exclude commonly
with people having a greater tendency to stay indoors referenced and highly regarded older publications. We also
nowadays than in the past.3 Of the ten leading cancer types searched the reference lists of articles identified by this
(excluding basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinoma of the search strategy and selected those we judged relevant.
skin), cutaneous melanoma was the fifth most common Review articles and book chapters are also cited to provide
malignancy in men and the sixth most common in readers with more details and references than this Seminar
women in the USA in 2017.4 was able to. We also added research from the 2016 and
In 2012, the estimated age-standardised mortality rates of 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology and European
cutaneous melanoma ranged from 0·1 per 100 000 person- Society for Medical Oncology conferences. Our reference list
years in South-East Asia to 1·5 per 100 000 person-years was modified based on comments from the peer reviewers.
in the EU. The highest mortality rates were observed in Vol 392 September 15, 2018 971


≥9·1 0·54–0·83
3·3–9·1 0·30–0·54
1·7–3·3 <0·30
1·1–1·7 No data
0·83–1·1 Not applicable

Figure 1: Estimated age-standardised worldwide incidence of cutaneous melanoma in both men and women in 2012
Incidences are expressed as the number of cases per 100 000 person-years. Data are from GLOBOCAN 2012.1

Australia Canada Netherlands New Zealand

members on one side of the family who had melanoma,
Spain Sweden UK USA a family member that has had more than one melanoma,
Men Women or a family member that had melanoma and pancreatic
45 cancer might have inherited a gene mutation. However,
40 although tests for gene mutations are now available,
Incidence per 100 000 person - years

35 these tests are not recommended because clinical benefit

has not been shown so far.13,14
Regarding ultraviolet exposure as the most important
risk factor of cutaneous melanoma, molecular and
epidemiological data support two distinct aetiological
15 mechanisms.15 Early sun exposure and proneness to naevi,
10 promoted by host factors and intermittent sun exposure,
5 tends to result in a B-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine-
kinase (BRAF)-associated naevus-prone path­way, which is
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 characterised by young age at diagnosis, absence of chronic
Year Year sun damage of the skin, superficially spreading melanoma,
Figure 2: Trends in age-standardised incidence of cutaneous melanoma for men and women in selected
and melanoma occurrence on the trunk. Accumulated sun
countries, 1970−2007 exposure results in the so-called chronic sun-exposure
All rates are age-standardised (world standard population) and expressed as the number of cases per pathway, which is characterised by NRAS proto-oncogene
100 000 person-years. Data are from CI5.2 GTPase (NRAS) mutations, without any association with
naevus count or neval remnants.
sunburns,7 indoor tanning (especially before age
35 years),8 the presence of melanocytic or dysplastic Mechanisms and pathophysiology
naevi,9 a personal history of cutaneous melanoma,10 a The malignant transformation of melanocytes into
family history of cutaneous melanoma,9 phenotypic metastatic melanoma is the result of a process that
characteristics including fair hair, eye, and skin colours requires a complex interaction between exogenous and
and the tendency to freckle,9 and a high socioeconomic endogenous triggers as well as tumour-intrinsic and
status.11 A systematic review of 34 guidelines from immune-related factors. Although melanocytes only rarely
20 countries for the identification, screening, and divide (less than twice per year),16 the proliferative index
follow‑up of individuals at high risk of primary cutaneous steadily increases as melanocytic neoplasms sequentially
melanoma revealed that high-risk characteristics that evolve, a process accompanied by a constant increase of
prompt screening or surveillance include many melano­ point mutations and copy-number alterations.17 Cross-
cytic naevi, dysplastic naevi, and a personal and family cancer genetic-landscape analyses revealed that cutaneous
history of melanoma.12 Gene mutations account for only melanomas carry a particularly high mutational load
a small proportion of melanoma cases. Patients with a (>10 mutations per megabase) and harbour a high
personal history of more than one melanoma, several number of ultraviolet-signature mutations, such as C→T

972 Vol 392 September 15, 2018


(caused by ultra­violet B) or G→T (caused by ultraviolet A)

A Normal melanocyte
transitions.18−20 Although many pathogenetically relevant
Growth factor
mutations in melanoma are assumed to originate from
a direct mutagenic effect of ultraviolet B and ultra­ RTK

violet A,19−22 indirect effects such as the production of free

radicals resulting from the biochemical interaction of P PIP2 PIP3
ultraviolet A with melanin23 also cause mutations and PI3K PTEN AKT Survival
genetic aberrations.24 NF1 RAS
Similarly to other cancers, malignant transformation AKT
into melanoma follows a sequential genetic model that RAF Cyclin D Metabolism
CDK4/6 pRB
results in constitutive activation of oncogenic signal Cell-cycle control
MEK p53
transduction. The frequently found activating BRAFv600
(Val600) mutation is already a typical feature of benign ERK MDM2
naevus formation. Further progression into inter­
mediate lesions and melanomas in situ requires p16 p14
additional mutations—eg, mutations in the telomerase Transcription factors
reverse-transcriptase (TERT) promoter. To gain invasive CDKN2A

potential, tertiary mutations in cell-cycle controlling

genes (cyclin-dependent kinase-inhibitor 2A [CDKN2A])
or chromatin-remodelling (AT-rich interaction domain
[ARID]1A, ARID1B, ARID2) are required. Finally, meta­ B Melanoma
Growth factor
static melan­ oma progression is associated with mu­
tations in phos­ phatase-and-tensin homologue (PTEN) RTK
or tumour-protein p53 (TP53).17,19,22,25 At the protein
level, these genetic alterations yield a reciprocal over­ P PIP2 PIP3
stimulation of the affected cellular pathways, mainly NF1
del AKT

the mitogen-activated-protein-kinase (MAPK) pathway NRAS Q61L/R PDK1
and the phospho­ inositide-3-kinase (PI3K), protein- AKT
kinase-B (AKT), PTEN, and mammalian-target-of-rapa­ BRAFV600E ampl Invasion
Cyclin D
mycin (mTOR) pathway (figure 3). Melanoma cells also mut
CDK4/6 ampl pRB
evade the immune system, for example, by reinforcing Metabolism
MEK p53 mut

immune checkpoints that physiologically prevent the Cell-cycle control

organism from escalating immune responses (eg, during ERK MDM2
viral infections). The interferon, Janus-kinase (JAK), and m
mut m
p16 silenced
sil p14
signal-transducer-and-activator-of-trans­cription (STAT)
Transcription factors CDKN2A
pathway is a major regulator of the programmed-cell-
death-protein-1 (PD-1) immune checkpoint (figure 3).
Upon tumour antigen recognition by T cells, released
interferons trigger JAK-STAT-mediated expression of
PD-1 ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2 on the surface of C Adaptive immune resistance
melanoma cells. Binding of PD-L1 and PD-L2 to PD-1

Figure 3: Selected key signalling pathways and therapeutic T cell
targets in melanoma
(A) MAPK, PI3K-AKT signalling, and cell-cycle regulation under normal conditions PD1
permits balanced control of basic cell functions. (B) In melanomas, genetic PD-L1
alterations lead to constitutive pathway activation with loss of cellular
homeostasis. (C) The PD-1-PD-L1 immune checkpoint is primarily regulated by Melanoma cell
interferon-γ signalling. AKT=protein kinase B. BRAFV600E=B-Raf proto-oncogene
serine/threonine-kinase (Val600Glu). CDK=cyclin-dependent kinase. JAK1/2
ERK=extracellular signal-regulated kinase. IFNR= interferon receptor.
IFNγ=interferon γ. MAPK=mitogen-activated protein kinase. MDM2=mouse STAT1
double-minute-2 homologue. MEK=mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase. PD-L1
NF1=neurofibromin 1. NRAS=NRAS proto-oncogene GTPase. P=phosphorylated.
PD-1=programmed cell-death protein 1. PDK1=phosphoinositide-dependent Transcription factors, e.g. IRF1 PD-L1
protein kinase. PD-L1=programmed cell-death ligand 1. PIP=phosphatidylinositol
phosphate. PI3K=phosphoinositide-3 kinase. pRB=retinoblastoma protein.
PTEN=phosphate and tensin homologue. RTK=receptor tyrosine kinase.
STAT1=signal transducer and activator of transcription 1. Vol 392 September 15, 2018 973


leads to the suppression of T-cell effector activity and mechanisms include the down­regulation of tumour-
inhibits the antitumour immune response (adaptive associated antigens and class-1 major histo­compatibility
immune resistance).26 Further immuno­ suppressive complex, and the secretion of inhibitory factors like
tumour growth factor β.27
Melanoma classification and genetic alterations
T classification Histopathological classification
T1 Melanoma is diagnosed histopathologically, with sub­
A <0·8 mm thickness, no ulceration sequent treatment decisions being based on histo­logical
B 0·8–1 mm thickness (<0·8 mm with ulceration) classification and risk calculation. Classification is
T2 established with tumour thickness (T stage; Breslow
A >1–2 mm thickness, no ulceration staging),28 lymph node involvement (N stage), and presence
B >1–2 mm thickness with ulceration of metastasis (M stage). The majority of melanomas are
T3 diagnosed before lymph node or distant metastases
A >2–4 mm thickness, no ulceration occur (N0 and M0 stage).29,30 According to Breslow,28 the
B >2–4 mm thickness with ulceration most crucial criterion for assessing prognosis and further
T4 treatment, including required safety margins and sentinel
A >4 mm thickness, no ulceration lymph node biopsy, is tumour thickness. Ulceration is
B >4 mm thickness with ulceration another relevant histopathological marker that is inde­
N classification pendently associated with poor prognosis and is also
N0 No regional lymph nodes affected incorporated in the T stage (table 1, 2).29,30
N1a–c One lymph node affected, micro-metastasis or The American Joint Committee on Cancer classification
macro-metastasis, or in-transit or satellite metastasis of melanoma was updated to the eighth edition in 2017.31
N2a–c Two to three lymph nodes affected, or at least one lymph Histopathologically, mitotic counts are no longer relevant
node affected and in-transit or satellite metastasis
for staging, and tumour depth is rounded to tenths of
N3a–c At least four lymph nodes affected or at least millimetres. Prediction of patient survival, particularly in
two lymph nodes affected and matted nodes
low-risk melanoma stages, has been improved (table 1, 2).
M classification
Tumours are classified less frequently as stage 2, and
M0 No evidence of distant metastasis
more frequently as stage 3.31 Advancing therapeutic
approaches, including more effective adjuvant treat­
a Distant metastasis to skin
ments, will probably result in further improvement of
b Distant metastasis to lung
melanoma-specific survival rates in the future.
c Distant non-CNS metastasis
Different histological subtypes of melanoma can
d CNS metastasis
also be distinguished, including superficial spreading,
Table 1: TNM classification according to the American Joint Committee nodular, acral lentiginous, and lentigo-maligna mela­
on Cancer eighth edition staging manual, 201730 noma;32 however, these tumour types are less relevant for
establishing prognosis and further treatment.
T classification N classification M classification
Genetic classification
Stage 0 Tis N0 M0 The past decade has brought about a detailed
Stage 1A T1a or T1b N0 M0 understanding of the genetic basis of melanoma.22,33,34
Stage 1B T2a N0 M0 Disease progression is associated with an acquisition of
Stage 2A T2b or T3a N0 M0 gene alterations. Benign naevi frequently harbour only
Stage 2B T3b, T4a, or T4b N0 M0 one activating mutation, mostly BRAFV600E (ie, Val600Glu).
Stage 2C T0 N1b and N1c M0 Additional events such as TERT promoter mutations or
Stage 3A T1a–b to T2a N1a of N2a M0 CDKN2A losses are frequently detected in borderline
Stage 3B T0 N2b, N2c, N3b, or N3c M0 lesions, and multiple gene alterations are observed in
Stage 3B T1a–b to T2a N1b–c or N2b M0 melanoma.17
Stage 3B T2b–T3a N1a–N2b M0 The Cancer Genome Atlas analysis22 of a large cohort
Stage 3C T1a–T3a N2c or N3a–c M0 of melanoma tissue samples made use of modern
Stage 3C T3b–T4a Any N ≥N1 M0 molecular techniques and applied bioinformatic algor­
Stage 3C T4b N1a–N2c M0 ithms to introduce the delineation of four different
Stage 3D T4b N3a–c M0 genetic melanoma subtypes on the basis of activating
Stage 4 Any T and Tis Any N M1 gene mutations (figure 4). These subtypes are: BRAF-
mutant melanomas, which represent around 50% of
Table 2: Pathological stage group according to the American Joint
melanomas; N-Ras, K-Ras, and H-Ras-mutant melan­
Committee on Cancer eighth edition staging manual, 201730
omas, which represent around 25% of melanomas;

974 Vol 392 September 15, 2018


NF1-mutant melanomas, which represent around 15% of BRAF Ras NF1 Wild-type or other GNAQ GNA11
melanomas; and triple-wild-type melanomas, which Cutaneous
represent around 10% of melanomas.22 Other frequent
genetic alterations include activating TERT-promoter
mutations,41−43 found in 30−80% of melanomas. Addition­
ally, various tumour suppressors are frequently altered,
including CDKN2A, PTEN, TP53, and ARID2.22,33
The frequency of mutations and copy-number alter­
ations varies considerably depending on the melanoma
type. BRAF mutations are most common (50−60%) in
cutaneous melanomas, arising on intermediate sun-
damaged skin.44 BRAF mutations are rare and mutations
occur frequently in melanomas that arise in heavily sun-
damaged skin,35,45 as well as mucosal46 and acral47 sites.
Non-ultraviolet-exposed acral and mucosal melanomas
have considerably fewer mutations but more frequent
chromosomal alterations.33,44 Acral Mucosal

Molecular markers of prognosis and therapy

Despite considerable advances in understanding the
genetic underpinnings of melanoma, the use of genetic
alterations for diagnostic, prognostic, or therapeutic pur­
poses remains limited. BRAF mutation status is crucial to
decide whether a patient will benefit from BRAF inhibi­
tor therapy.48 The other attractive thera­ peutic approach
is immunotherapy.49,50 Despite con­ siderable debate, the
most widely used test to predict therapy response is PD-L1
Conjunctival Uveal
immunohistochemistry (PD-L1 expression is clearly
associated with response rate, progression-free survival,
and overall survival in melanoma);51,52 however, this test
has in most cases no influence on treatment decisions.
Genetic approaches that estimate responses to immuno­
therapy by establishing neo-epitopes or overall mutational
load are still experimental, and not in routine clinical
use.53,54 The clinical value of two recently introduced
commercial gene expression assays aiming to predict
melanoma prognosis remains to be verified.36,55
Figure 4: Distribution of activating mutations in different melanoma
Screening and clinical diagnosis subtypes
Screening and melanoma surveillance Genetic classification with distribution of tumour types according to the
People at an increased risk for melanoma (ie, those who activating gene mutation. Mutations with a frequency of more than 5% are
have a fair skin type, multiple atypical moles, or a family shown. Frequencies are as reported for cutaneous,23 acral,32 mucosal,35
conjunctival,36 and uveal37−40 melanoma. BRAF=B-Raf proto-oncogene
history of melanoma) should be screened at regular serine/threonine kinase.
intervals. The screening populations and methods differ
between countries, and often no exact guidelines exist. melanomas,57 with no effect on patient survival.58 To this
Generally, screening for melanoma includes a total body end, the benefit of regular screening on melanoma
skin examination supported by dermoscopy or other mortality has not yet been shown, and randomised trials
imaging techniques, with both examinations performed on regular versus no skin cancer screenings are absent.
by an experienced physician. Screening is usually not Thus, skin cancer screening programmes are differ­
restricted to melanoma, and is useful for early detection of entially implemented between countries; for example, in
all types of skin cancer, including biopsy and histo­ Germany, regular skin cancer screenings are recom­
pathological diagnosis in case of suspicious lesions. One mended for individuals over age 35 years,59 whereas in
advantage of regular skin cancer screenings is that they the USA, skin cancer screenings are not generally
can lead to the diagnosis of melanomas with lower recommended.60 To date, no evidence has suggested that
invasion depths than melanomas detected by patients nationwide skin cancer screening programmes decrease
or other caregivers.56 However, regular screenings skin cancer-associated mortality.58,61 A crucial evaluation of
have been argued to lead to an overdiagnosis of thin the German skin cancer screening programme is awaited Vol 392 September 15, 2018 975


within the next years. recommended for in-situ melanomas, 1 cm margins for
Many clinical guidelines recommend that people at tumours with a thickness of up to 2 mm, and 2 cm
high risk of melanoma receive regular surveillance to margins for tumours thicker than 2 mm. Several
improve survival through early detection and to reduce studies analysed narrow versus wide margins, and
unnecessary excisions. Results of an Australian study although they found a reduction in local recurrences
comparing risk-adapted specialised skin surveillance for wide margins, they did not show any subsequent
with regular skin surveillance suggest a higher rate of overall survival effect.70−73 An update of the UK study
detection of melanomas at an earlier stage together with seemed to show a survival benefit after long-term
lower cost per patient for the specialised approach.62,63 follow-up, but this study was criticised for not routinely
using sentinel node staging, which might have
Clinical diagnosis introduced a bias.74 Therefore, modifications with
The majority of high-risk melanomas are readily detected reduced safety margins are acceptable for functional
and diagnosed by visual inspection by an experienced areas (ie, melanomas on the joints) or for cosmetic
physician because of their prominent pigmentation and reasons (ie, facial melanomas).
morphological pattern. However, for thin or non-pig­ Elective lymph-node dissection has not shown any
mented (amelanotic) melanomas, supportive imaging significant survival benefit and is not recommended.75−78
techniques have been shown to improve diagnostic Sentinel lymph-node biopsy is recommended for primary
accuracy. The most widely used technique is dermoscopy, melanomas with a tumour thickness of at least 1·0 mm.
also known as epiluminescence microscopy, a magnifying Primary melanoma of less than 1·0 mm are considered
handheld optical device that uses a light source to inspect only if additional risk factors such as ulceration and
skin lesions unobscured by skin surface reflections. Use young age are found together. Sentinel node staging is
of dermoscopy requires considerable training, but when considered of high relevance for adequate staging, risk
appropriately used, this method substantially enhances assessment, and potentially also for choosing the right
the diagnosis of unclear or doubtful lesions that are follow-up and adjuvant treatment strategy.
suspected to be melanoma.64 This easy-to-use technique In a study in patients with intermediate and thick
can be additionally equipped with a digitisation device, melanoma, the Multicentre Selective Lymphadenectomy
enabling storage and comparisons of dermoscopy Trial (MSLT)-179 did not shown any survival benefit after
images over time (digital video dermoscopy). This long-term follow-up for wide local excision with sentinel
methodology has been shown to reduce unnecessary lymph node biopsy versus wide local excision with nodal
surgical procedures in benign lesions and to detect observation only.
melanomas of clinically atypical appearance.65,66 Other Completion lymph node dissection for patients who
imaging techniques, such as in-vivo reflectance confocal had sentinel lymph node biopsy was considered the
laser microscopy,67 computer-aided multispectral digital appropriate treatment until 2017. However, both the
analysis,68 and electrical impedance spectroscopy69 are German DeCOG-SLT study80 and the international MSLT-2
available to assist the physician in the differentiation of study81 did not find any significant improvement in
melanoma and its precursors from benign lesions. melanoma-specific survival when comparing routine
Generally, approximately 70% of melanomas are correctly complete lymph node dissection to periodic ultrasound
diagnosed using clinical inspection by a dermatologist; observation of the sentinel node−lymph node basin.
with dermoscopy, this detection proportion can be Complete lymph node dissection did (logically) improve
increased to up to 90%. About 10% of melanomas are not regional nodal relapse-free survival (RFS), but did not
reliably detected by these methods. improve relapse-free and overall survival. Complete lymph
After the histopathological diagnosis of an invasive node dissection provides additional staging information,
melanoma is made, palpatory and sonographical exam­ because approximately 20% of patients who are positive
ination of the regional lymph-node basin should be done for sentinel lymph node biopsy involvement will have
before further surgical procedures to exclude macroscopic additional non-sentinel node involvement that can be
lymphogenic metastatic spread. In case of any evidence found by complete lymph node dissection. However, this
for metastasis, or in patients with high-risk primary additional information does not necessarily lead to
tumours of a least 4-mm invasion depth, radiographic upstaging, because only a maximum of 6% of patients will
imaging using CT or MRI should be done to exclude subsequently move to a higher stage.82,83 Thus, immediate
distant metastatic spread. complete lymph node dissection for sentinel lymph node
biopsy-positive disease should not be done.84 Finally, in
Management case of clinically detectable (macroscopic, non-sentinel
Primary tumour: surgical excision and lymph node biopsy node) regional disease, therapeutic lymph node dissection
The primary treatment of localised disease (primary is considered the standard of care. In the future, results of
tumours) consists of wide local excision with different neoadjuvant treatments85 might lead to less extensive
safety margins, depending on the Breslow22 thickness surgery (and subsequently less morbidity) in people who
of the melanoma. Usually, 0·5 cm margins are have a complete response.

976 Vol 392 September 15, 2018


Adjuvant treatment with stage-3A–C melanoma showed not only a significant

Recurrence of melanoma after definitive surgery is a RFS benefit (HR 0·47) but also an overall survival benefit
substantial risk for patients with stage-2B, stage-2C, (HR 0·57) when compared with oral placebo. The
stage-3, and resectable stage-4 melanoma. In these COMBI-AD trial93 had a considerably longer follow-up
tumour stages, an adjuvant treatment, which makes use than the Checkmate-23891 and EORTC-05492 studies, and
of agents already approved or in clinical trials, should be explains why this adjuvant study showed an effect on
considered to prevent disease relapse and spread to overall survival. Notably, no unexpected toxicities were
distant organ sites, and ultimately to improve overall found with BRAF-MAPK kinase (MEK) inhibition in the
survival. A meta-analysis of trials that investigated the adjuvant setting. A trial comparing vemurafenib to
efficacy of interferon-α treatment versus no treatment placebo (BRIM-8 trial)94 did not show favourable
revealed a significant effect on RFS, but only a small treatment outcomes for monotherapy with a BRAF
benefit on overall survival with a 3% in survival after inhibitor.94
5 years.86 The EORTC-18071 trial87 on the adjuvant use of In conclusion, nivolumab (for all comers) and
the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein-4 (CTLA-4)- dabrafenib and trametinib (for patients with BRAF-
blocking antibody ipilimumab (10 mg per kg for 3 years) mutated melanoma) will become the new standards of
compared with placebo in 951 patients with stage-3 care in stage-3 melanoma in 2018.
melanoma showed a clear improvement of RFS87 and
overall survival,88 establishing an active regimen for the Metastatic disease
adjuvant treatment of stage-3 melanoma. On the basis of Targeted therapy in stage-4 melanoma
these results, the US Food and Drug Administration For BRAFv600-mutated melanoma, oral small-molecule
(FDA) licensed ipilimumab for patients with stage-3 kinase inhibitors are approved for first-line therapy of
melanoma after lymphadenectomy. The ipilimumab locally advanced and metastatic disease. Several random­
scheme showed substantial toxicity, including life- ised phase 3 clinical trials95−100 have shown unprecedented
threatening autoimmune events and treatment-related objective response rates to BRAF inhibitors of approx­
deaths.87,88 Therefore, the US intergroup trial ECOG-160989 imately 50%, which could be increased to 70% when
tested ipilimumab 10 mg per kg versus 3 mg per kg over combined with MEK inhibitors. Although complete
just 1 year. Preliminary results indicate no difference for responses were reported in only 16% of patients, the
RFS (hazard ratio [HR] 1·0).89 A new finding in adjuvant disease control rate (complete response, partial response,
melanoma was established by a meta-analysis, and or stable disease) exceeded 90%, meaning that all
suggested that RFS is a valid surrogate marker for overall patients benefit initially from this treatment. Additionally,
survival if the HR for RFS is 0·77 or less.90 since median progression-free survival (PFS) increased
Following in the path of checkpoint blockade as active from 7−9 months with single-agent BRAF inhibitors
therapy in stage-4 disease, in September, 2017, another to 11−14·9 months with BRAF and MEK inhibitors,
trial result was released after a median follow-up of combination therapy has become an established standard
1·6 years: Checkmate-23891 compared ipilimumab 10 mg regimen. Another positive effect of adding a MEK
per kg administered every 3 weeks to nivolumab 3 mg per inhibitor was the reduction of paradoxical activation of the
kg given every 2 weeks over 1 year. This trial is the first to MAPK pathway by BRAF inhibitor monotherapy, resulting
compare a new drug for adjuvant treatment (nivolumab) in reduced skin toxicity and the development of non-
to an already approved and active agent (ipilimumab) in melanoma skin cancer lesions.95−100
patients with stage-3B, stage-3C, and resected stage-4 Two BRAF-MEK inhibitor combinations are presently on
melanoma. RFS significantly improved with nivolumab the market: vemurafenib and cobimetinib, and dabrafenib
(HR 0·65), and this benefit was consistent in all sub­ and trametinib. Another combination, encorafenib and
groups.91 Nivolumab showed excellent tolerability with binimetinib, is expected shortly (table 3). Essentially,
just 4% treatment-related discon­ tinuations compared the efficacy data for these treatment combinations are
with 30% discontinuations for ipilimumab. Nivolumab highly comparable, whereas their pharmacokinetics and
received US FDA approval for adjuvant use in toxicity profiles differ in some regards. For instance,
December, 2017, and approval in Europe in August, 2018. the vemurafenib-cobimetinib combination can be taken
The results of another randomised trial on the PD-1 with or without food and is more commonly associated
antibody pembrolizumab versus placebo in patients with with increased photo­sensitivity, whereas the dabrafenib-
stage-3 melanoma (the EORTC 1325/Keynote-054 trial)92 trametinib combi­ nation should be taken under fasting
were released in April, 2018. Pembrolizumab showed a conditions and is more commonly associated with pyrexia,
clear RFS benefit (HR 0·57) compared with placebo after which is the most common reason for interruption and
a median follow-up of 15 months.92 dose modification of the medication.
The first adjuvant use of targeted therapies in patients A rapid response within days to a few weeks regardless
with BRAFV600E/K mutations (the COMBI-AD trial)93 was of tumour burden and localisation of metastasis is a
published after a median follow-up of 2·8 years. The typical feature of all BRAF inhibitor-based therapies,
combined use of dabrafenib and trametinib in patients which can be particularly beneficial for patients with Vol 392 September 15, 2018 977


(3−4%), close monitoring is needed. In clinical practice,

Type of inhibitor Dosage
dose modifications or switching to another available
Dabrafenib combined with trametinib BRAF-MEK inhibitor combination is common to manage
Dabrafenib* BRAF inhibitor 150 mg administered orally two times per day adverse events, whereas permanent discontinuation of
Trametinib* MEK inhibitor 2 mg administered orally once per day drug intake is rarely necessary.95−99
Vemurafenib combined with cobimetinib For patients with BRAF wild-type melanoma, the
Vemurafenib* BRAF inhibitor 960 mg administered orally two times per day options for targeted therapies are scarce. In an open-label
Cobimetinib* MEK inhibitor 60 mg administered orally once per day (days 1–21); repeat day 29 phase 2 trial,107 patients with NRAS-mutated advanced
Encorafenib combined with binimetinib melanoma treated with the MEK inhibitor binimetinib
Encorafenib*† BRAF inhibitor 450 mg administered orally once per day showed an overall response rate of 20%. In a subsequent
Binimetinib*† MEK inhibitor 45 mg administered orally two times per day phase 3 trial, the efficacy of binimetinib was supported,
Imatinib combined with nilotinib with a 15% overall response rate and a median PFS of
Imatinib‡ KIT inhibitor 400–800 mg administered orally once per day 2·8 months.108 Even though these results were better
Nilotinib‡ KIT inhibitor 400 mg administered orally two times per day than those achieved with chemotherapy with dacarbazine,
which had a response rate of 7% only and a median PFS
BRAF=B-Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine kinase. MEK=mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase.
KIT=KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase. *Only in the case of a BRAFV600 mutation. †Approval awaited. ‡Only of 1·5 months, median overall survival (11 months vs
in the case of a KIT mutation (exons 9, 11, 13, 17, and 18); not yet approved. 10·1 months) was not significantly different between the
two groups.108 Hence, targeted therapy in BRAF wild-type
Table 3: Kinase inhibitor combinations frequently used in melanoma therapy
melanoma is not a first-line option, and new agents or
combinations are urgently needed for this patient
symptomatic melanoma with rapidly progressing population, especially if those who do not respond to
tumours. Additionally, efficacy on melanoma metastases immunotherapy.
in the brain has been shown, with intracranial response In the rare subgroups of melanomas in which KIT
rates of up to 55% using dabrafenib and trametinib.101 proto-oncogene-receptor tyrosine kinase (KIT) is mutated,
Caution should be taken when applying concurrent tyrosine kinase inhibitors with potent c-kit inhibition—ie,
radiation therapy, because increased toxicity when imatinib mesilate, dasatinib, sunitinib malate, and
combining BRAF inhibitor and radiation treatment has nilotinib—have shown a small amount of clinical activity
been reported, including cases of severe dermatitis, in selected cases and small clinical trials.109−112 Imatinib
radionecrosis, and follicular cystic proliferation.102 mesilate achieved a 23% response rate and
Median overall survival in patients with stage-4 30% stable disease with KIT mutations in exons 11 and
melanoma either untreated or treated with BRAF 13, the most sensitive to treatment.110 Similarly, a
inhibitor and MEK inhibitor is between 22−25 months, 26% response rate and 46% stable disease was found for
and 3−5-year overall survival has reached 40%.103,104 nilotinib.111 However, our clinical experience showed that
Normal lactate dehydro­genase concen­trations, less than the duration of response is usually short.
three metastatic sites, and good Eastern Cooperative
Oncology Group performance were associated with Checkpoint blockade in stage-4 melanoma
a favourable prognosis.103,104 Nevertheless, one major The improvement of systemic therapy in advanced
problem with targeted therapy in BRAF-mutated melanoma has been further driven by checkpoint
melanoma is the development of resistance while on inhibitors against CTLA4 (ipilimumab) and PD-1
therapy. Multiple mechanisms of resistance against (pembrolizumab and nivolumab). Melanoma is the lead
BRAF and MEK inhibitors have been identified, which indication for the approval of checkpoint inhibitors
eventually lead to reactivation of the MAPK signalling because of their superior efficacy compared with
pathway or activation of the PI3K-AKT pathway. Among chemotherapy (table 4). Initial studies showed that
these mechanisms, BRAF gene amplifications and MEK1 ipilimumab treatment increased the percentage of
and MEK2 mutations are the best described.105,106 long-term survival (beyond the third year) in patients
BRAF-inhibitor and MEK-inhibitor combination therapy with metastatic melanoma to around 20%.127 These
has a good safety and tolerability profile. Common adverse studies also reported a range of inflammatory side-
events comprise gastrointestinal symptoms, such as effects associated with checkpoint inhibitor therapy,
nausea (36−41%), diarrhoea (31−56%), vomiting (21−30%), so-called immune-related adverse events (irAE). With
arthralgia (26−32%), fatigue (29−39%), photosensitivity ipilimumab, irAEs mainly affect the gastrointestinal
(28%), increase in creatine kinase (23−31%) and liver system (colitis and diarrhoea), skin (dermatitis and
transaminases (23%), pyrexia (18−59%), peripheral pruritus), liver (hepatitis and increased liver function
oedema (22%), headache (22−34%), rash (14−39%), tests), and endocrine organs (hypophysitis and
alopecia (9−14%), hyper­ keratosis (7−14%), and palmo­ thyroiditis), and are dose dependent.115 Subsequently,
plantar skin reactions (9%). Although less common, in guidelines for monitoring and managing ipilimumab
case of the occurrence of retinopathy (12%), cardiac left treatment-associated irAE have been developed.128
ventricular dysfunction (8%), and QT-interval prolongation Nivolumab and pembrolizumab that target the PD-1

978 Vol 392 September 15, 2018


checkpoint were investigated, and showed superior treatment (vs 8% with nivolumab) in Checkmate-067.121 In
efficacy compared with ipilimumab and chemotherapy the Keynote-006 study,125 ipilimumab caused treatment-
(table 4), with lower toxicity rates. Compared with related grade-3 and grade-4 adverse events in 20% of
nivolumab 3 mg per kg administered every 2 weeks, patients and treatment discontinuations in 9%, whereas
ipilimumab 3 mg per kg given as four administrations in pembrolizumab 10 mg per kg given every 2 or 3 weeks
3-week intervals resulted in 28% of patients having caused treatment-related grade-3 and grade-4 adverse
grade-3 and grade-4 treatment-related adverse events events in 17% of patients and treatment discontinuation
(versus 21% for nivolumab) and 16% discontinuing in 7−11%.125 PD-1 inhibitor-associated irAEs more often

Design Treatment groups and Overall Duration of Progression-free survival (median, Overall survival (median, months)
regimen response rate response months)
(%) (median, months)
Hodi et al Pretreated patients; Ipilimumab 3 mg per kg 5·7% vs 11·5 months vs Ipilimumab + gp100 2·76 months Ipilimumab + gp100 10·0 months
(2010)113 double-blind, phase 3 trial + gp100 (n=403) vs 11·0% vs NR vs NR (HR vs gp100 0·81, p<0·05); ipilimumab (HR vs gp100 0·68, p<0·001);
ipilimumab 3 mg per kg 1·5%, p=0·04 2·86 months (HR vs gp100 0·64, ipilimumab 10·1 months (HR vs gp100
(n=137) vs gp100 p<0·001); gp100 2·76 months 0·66, p=0·003); gp100 6·4 months
Robert et al Untreated patients; Ipilimumab 10 mg per kg 15·2% vs 19·3 months vs Median survival in both groups similar, 11·2 months vs 9·1 months, HR 0·72,
(2011)114 double-blind, phase 3 trial + dacarbazine (n=250) vs 10·3%, 8·1 months, HR 0·76, p<0·006 in favour of p<0·001
placebo + dacarbazine p=0·09 p=0·03 ipilimumab + dacarbazine
Ascierto et al Pretreated and untreated Ipilimumab 10 mg per kg 15% vs 12% ·· 2·8 months vs 2·8 months, HR 0·89, 15·7 months vs 11·5 months,
(2017)115 patients; double-blind, (n=364) vs ipilimumab p=0·16 HR 0·84, p=0·04
phase 3 trial (CA184-169) 3 mg per kg (n=362)
Ribas et al Untreated patients; Tremelimumab (n=328) 10·7% vs 35·8 months vs ·· 12·6 months vs 10·7 months,
(2013)116 open-label, phase 3 trial vs chemotherapy 9·8% 13·7 months, HR 0·88, p=0·127
(n=327) p=0·0011
Robert et al Untreated patients (with Nivolumab (n=210) vs 40·0% vs NR vs 6·0 months 5·1 months vs 2·2 months, HR 0·43, NR vs 10·8 months, HR 0·42, p<0·001
(2015)117 melanoma without BRAF dacarbazine (n=208) 13·9%, p<0·001
mutation); double-blind, p<0·001
phase 3 trial (Checkmate 66)
Weber et al Patients pretreated with Nivolumab (n=272) vs 27% vs 10% 31·9 months vs 3·1 months vs 3·7 months, HR 1·0 15·7 months vs 14·4 months, HR 0·95
(2015)118 and ipilimumab and BRAF chemotherapy (n=133) 12·8 months
Larkin et al inhibitor; open-label,
(2018)119 phase 3 trial
(Checkmate 37)
Weber et al Untreated and pretreated Nivolumab followed by 56% vs 31% NR vs NR ·· NR vs 16·9 months, HR 0·48
(2016)120 patients; open-label, ipilimumab (n=68) vs
phase 2 trial ipilimumab followed by
(Checkmate 64) nivolumab (n=70)
Larkin et al Untreated patients; Nivolumab + ipilimumab 58% vs NR vs NR vs Nivolumab + ipilimumab 11·5 months Nivolumab + ipilimumab NR
(2015)49 and double-blind, phase 3 trial (n=314) vs nivolumab 44% vs 19% 19·3 months (HR vs ipilimumab 0·43, p<0·001; HR vs (HR vs ipilimumab 0·55, p<0·001; HR
Wolchok et al (Checkmate 67) (n=316) vs ipilimumab nivolumab 0·78, 95% CI 0·64–0·96); vs nivolumab 0·85, 95% CI 0·68–1·07);
(2017)121 (n=315) nivolumab 6·9 months (HR vs nivolumab 37·6 months
ipilimumab 0·55, p<0·001); ipilimumab (HR vs ipilimumab 0·65, p<0·001);
2·9 months ipilimumab 19·9 months
Postow et al Untreated patients; Nivolumab + ipilimumab 59% vs 11%, NR vs NR NR vs 3·0 months, HR 0·36, p<0·0001 Crossover from ipilimumab to
(2015)50 and double-blind, phase 2 trial (n=95) vs ipilimumab p<0·0001 nivolumab allowed; median overall
Hodi et al (Checkmate 69) (n=47) survival NR in both groups, HR 0·74,
(2016)122 p=0·26
Ribas et al Patients pretreated with Pembrolizumab 2 mg per 22% vs 28% 22·8 months vs Pembrolizumab (2 mg per kg) Crossover allowed; pembrolizumab
(2015)123 and ipilimumab and BRAF kg (n=180) vs vs 4%, NR vs 6·8 months 2·9 months (HR vs chemotherapy 0·57, (2 mg per kg) 13·4 months (HR vs
Hamid et al inhibitor; open-label, pembrolizumab 10 mg p<0·0001 p<0·0001); pembrolizumab (10 mg per chemotherapy 0·86, p=0·117);
(2017)124 phase 2 trial (Keynote 2) per kg (n=181) vs kg) 2·9 months (HR vs chemotherapy pembrolizumab (10 mg per kg)
chemotherapy (n=179) 0·50, p<0·0001); chemotherapy 14·7 months (HR 0·74, p=0·011);
2·7 months chemotherapy 11·0 months
Schachter Untreated and pretreated Pembrolizumab once 37% vs 36% NR vs NR vs NR 5·6 months vs 4·1 months vs Pembrolizumab once every 2 weeks NR
et al (2017)125 patients; double-blind, every 2 weeks (n=279) vs vs 13% 2·8 months; pooled pembrolizumab (HR vs ipilimumab 0·68, p=0·0009);
and Robert phase 3 trial (Keynote 6) pembrolizumab once groups vs ipilimumab HR 0·61, pembrolizumab once every 3 weeks NR
et al (2015)126 every 3 weeks (n=277) vs p<0·0001 (HR vs ipilimumab 0·68, p=0·0008);
ipilimumab (n=278) ipilimumab 16·0 months

NR=not reached. HR=hazard ratio.

Table 4: Randomised trials on the effect of checkpoint inhibitors in palliative therapy of melanoma Vol 392 September 15, 2018 979


affect the lung (pneumonitis) and the thyroid gland such as PD-L1 expression,140 presence and location of
(hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) than ipilimumab. tumour infiltrating lymphocytes,141 or activity of the
Guidelines for managing and monitoring irAEs interferon-γ signalling pathway in tumour cells.142,143
associated with PD-A inhibitors were developed by Composition of the microbiome in the gut and other
several interdisciplinary groups.129,130 Nivolumab (3 mg sites might also represent a biomarker for efficacy of
per kg every 2 weeks or a flat dose of 480 mg every checkpoint inhibitors.138,144
4 weeks) and pembrolizumab (2 mg per kg every 3 weeks
or a flat dose of 200 mg every 3 weeks) were approved for Conclusion
the treatment of metastatic melanoma, and melanoma Prevention, early detection, and the arrival of effective
guidelines recommend the preferred use of PD-1 adjuvant treatment strategies in stage-3 melanoma will
inhibitors over ipilimumab (eg, the National Compre­ increase overall survival and cure rates for patients with
hensive Cancer Network guideline for melanoma).131 melanoma. Using PD-1-based treatment algorithms and
Nivolumab followed by ipilimumab was also superior to targeted agents in BRAFv600-mutant melanoma, 5-year
ipilimumab followed by nivolumab in the Checkmate-64 overall survival rates for metastatic melanoma have
study.120 increased substantially from less than 10% to up to
In a pivotal phase-3 study, the Checkmate-067 study,132 40−50% today in countries that have access to these
nivolumab monotherapy, ipilimumab monotherapy, and innovations.145 Patients with high tumour burden, brain
the combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab were metastasis, and elevated lactate dehydrogenase still have
compared.121 The efficacy of the combination was superior a poor prognosis (3-year survival <10%).146 There is con­
to the monotherapies (table 4), which resulted in the siderable interest in combining active agents independent
approval of nivolumab combined with ipilimumab for of their mode of action. One strategy is combining MEK-
the treatment of metastatic melanoma. However, treat­ inhibitors with or without BRAF-inhibitors and checkpoint
ment-related grade-3 and grade-4 adverse events occurred inhibitors (PD-1-blocking or PD-L1-blocking antibodies)
in 56% of patients, and 30% of patients needed to in clinical phase-3 registration studies (NCT02967692,
discontinue nivolumab and ipilimumab because of EuDraCT-Nr:2016-002482-54). Ano­t­her strategy is to focus
adverse events.121 Health-related quality of life was on applying PD-1 antibodies as a standard of care and
comparable in the group treated with nivolumab and in adding other immune-modulating or microenvironment-
the group treated with nivolumab and ipilimumab.132 modulating agents such as LAG3 antibodies, which are
More intense monitoring is recommended for the also being tested in phase 3 studies. Particularly with
combination therapy than for monotherapy.133 Com­ checkpoint inhibition, the optimal duration of treatment
parison of patients who needed to discontinue nivolumab is unknown in the adjuvant and metastatic setting.
and ipilimumab versus patients who received the Further­ more, numerous clinical trials are investigating
planned treatment schedule showed a similar efficacy in other molecules usually with a standard of care of PD-1
both groups.134 Both monotherapy with PD-1 inhibitors antibodies or BRAF-MEK inhibition. Additionally, further
and the combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab are questions include whether a full combination is always
considered the standard of care at this time. However, needed as a first-line treatment (with all its inherent
since multiple and irreversible irAEs are more common toxicity) or whether giving one drug after the other (ie, the
during combination therapy compared with PD-1 sequencing approach) could lead to a comparable overall
monotherapy, an intense discussion is ongoing with survival. Several main challenges to treating the metastatic
regards to which patients require combination therapy. stage remain, which include establishing the most reliable
Combination therapy appears to be more efficacious study endpoint (median PFS, median overall survival, or
in patients with poor prognostic factors, such as PFS or overall survival at defined landmarks) to judge
an increased lactate dehydro­ genase concentration,121 whether relevant progress has been made after initial
mucosal melanoma as a primary tumour,135 asymptomatic release of clinical study results leading to a changing
brain metastases,136,137 and PD-L1 expression on less than standard of care. Lastly, developing treatment options for
1% of melanoma cells.121 patients who do not initially respond to systemic therapy
Approximately 60% of patients show primary (de-novo) will be crucial to increase the number of long-term
resistance to PD-1 checkpoint inhibition (table 4), and survivors.
20−30% of initial responders will develop secondary Contributors
(acquired) resistance. Increased understanding of All authors contributed equally to this manuscript.
resistance mechanisms helps to develop biomarkers for Declaration of interests
prediction of efficacy and for future therapeutic DS reports personal fees from Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim,
strategies,138 although no biomarker is widely accepted Leo Pharma, Roche, Merck-MSD, Novartis, Incyte, Regeneron,
4SC, AstraZeneca, BMS, Pierre Fabre, Merck-EMD, Pfizer, Philogen,
for routine clinical use. Potential biomarkers assess and Array outside the submitted work. ACJvA declares advisory board,
immunological tumour-cell recognition, such as speaker’s honoraria, and travel support from Amgen, Merck-MSD,
mutational load and neoantigen expression,139 and the Merck-Pfizer, and Novartis, and an educational grant from Amgen and
presence of an immune-permissive tumour environment, Novartis. CB reports personal fees for consultancy, speaker’s honoraria,

980 Vol 392 September 15, 2018


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