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Coimbatore Master Plan - 2041

Coimbatore Local Planning Authority 1

Coimbatore Master Plan - 2041

Coimbatore Local Planning Authority 2

Coimbatore Master Plan - 2041


Coimbatore Local Planning Authority 1

Coimbatore Master Plan - 2041

Table Of Contents

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List Of Tables

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List Of Figures

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10.1. Introduction
Tamil Nadu has a rich cultural legacy and historical significance dating back over 200
years. The picturesque splendour of nature in and around Tamil Nadu, in the form of forests,
wildlife sanctuaries, hill stations, and the long bio-diverse coastline, is second only to the
pilgrimage and heritage sites. These destinations offer a wealth of sightseeing, enjoyment,
and leisure options to visitors of all types including adventure tourists. The city of
Coimbatore is rich in fauna and flora due to its location in the Western Ghats, a UNESCO
World Heritage Site and biodiversity hotspot. The city's most popular attractions are its
magnificent temples, which are actual edifices of a vast and old civilization that is still alive
and well today.
The British arranged Coimbatore in its current form in the early nineteenth century. The
region's industrialization began in 1888 and lasted through the twentieth century. Due to the
fall of the cotton sector in Mumbai, the city experienced a textile boom in the 1920s and
1930s. Coimbatore was established as a corporation in 1981. Old structures may be found in
Sukrawarpet and Range Gowder Streets in the city, along with the Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Forest College, GASS Forest Museum, Victoria Hall, and Sarvajana Higher
Secondary School (where Rabindranath Tagore himself had come and sung the National
Anthem in 1926).
Tourism has become one of the most important areas of the economy in developing cities
like Coimbatore, generating a significant share of GDP and job possibilities. Tourism is one
of the country's fastest growing service businesses, with huge potential for expansion and
diversification. The tourism industry is critical to a country's economic success as it
contributes greatly to the country's efforts to create jobs for a vast number of people.
Furthermore, with its potential, it is one of the most essential engines for attracting more
foreign exchanges.

10.2. Acts and Policies

10.2.1. Heritage International
Table 10-1 Protecti on for World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972

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Coimbatore Master Plan - 2041

Policies Objectives Features

General Policies Policy making Policy for the integration of a sustainable
Regarding the Integrated Planning development perspective into the processes of
World Heritage Foster Peace and Security the world heritage convention
Convention Inclusive of Social Development
Inclusive of Economic Development
Protecting heritage during conflict
Policies Regarding Identification of OUV Identification of cultural and natural heritage
Credibility Of The Authenticity and Integrity through analysing the seven attributes developed
World Heritage Protection and Management and they’re
List Types of world heritage Authenticity of Design, workmanship, materials,
properties culture, place.
Integrity in terms of natural and/or cultural
heritage and its attributes

Policies Regarding Ensure the effective Protection, conservation and Management

Conservation of Conservation of World Heritage Tourism and visitor management
World Heritage Properties Sustainable development
Policies Regarding Education and Awareness Awareness-raising activities for local population
Communities programme and surrounding communities - communication,
Interpretation education, research, training
Source: Revathi.G, Thesis Research

Funding will be made available by the World Heritage Fund, Global Heritage Fund, State
Parties contributions (mandatory), Contributions from people and private property owners.
Localities and neighbouring areas will benefit from the increased employment prospects and
new company growth. There will be an increase in the selling of locally made goods.
Infrastructure upgrades, both physically and socially will be undertaken. Placement of new
and additional infrastructure at the location will occur.  Transportation improvements will be
made at all important locations along with the location's economic viability. National
Table 10-2 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act (or AMASR Act)

Policies Objectives Features

National Cultural Protection and Retain visual identity
Heritage Conservation Restoration/ Replication/ Rebuilding
Conservation Management systems Employment generation
Policy Participatory planning To strengthen partnership of the private
Integrated Planning ownership, local communities for
Improve partnership sustainable development of our cultural
approach heritage.
Integrated conservation
Adaptive re-use
Sustainable development

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Source: Revathi.G, Thesis Research State
Table 10-3 State Heritage Acts


The Tamil Nadu Protection and Retain visual identity
Ancient and Historical Conservation Restoration/ Replication/ Rebuilding
Monuments and Management Legislative measures
Archaeological Sites systems Rules and regulations on archaeological sites
and Remains Act, 1966 and monuments.

The Tamil Nadu To identify, Identification, preservation, conservation or

Heritage Commission restore and restoration of heritage buildings.
Act, 2012 preserve of Preparation of classification of buildings in
heritage certain grades of heritage buildings
building Alternation, modification or relaxation of any
law for development, control and conservation
Source: Revathi.G, Thesis Research

The funds will be granted from the Grants by the Government (CENTRAL AND STATE)
Fund of the Commission (CENTRAL AND STATE). It will create opportunities for
employment. As a plan, it will help develop the town by applying heritage conservation.  It
will help taking state heritage to the next level (i.e., competing in the national market). It will
help in increasing the number of business options available in the area and encourage people
to go on vacations more. It would create a place that is both sustainable and inclusive.

10.2.2. Tourism International
Table 10 – 4 Nati onal Tourism Organisati on Act 1996


Tourism To pursue tourism growth or remain Planning,
Policy Council competitive, in the case of mature Legislation and Regulation
destinations. Facilitation of Tourism
To spatialize dimensions of tourism and its Development
impacts on land use dynamics Tourism Taxation
To provide a safe, satisfying, and fulfilling Education and Training
experience for visitors. Marketing
Tourism governance and policy-making

Source: Revathi.G, Thesis Research

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Coimbatore Master Plan - 2041

Revenue through Taxation, Taxes on commercial tourism products, Taxes imposed on

consumers in the act of being tourists, National Tourism Organisations (NTO) – of countries,
UNWTO, WTTC. With marketing and product development, income and employment are
generated at the regional and local levels. Construction of infrastructure will instigate better
economy and the preservation of cultural heritage will be taken in to account. Protection of
the environment will be given more importance. National
Table 10 -5 Nati onal Policies For Tourism


National Tourism Positioning and maintaining tourism Welcome
Policy 2002 development as a priority activity. Information
Focus on benefits of tourism for local Cleanliness
communities. Infrastructure
Develop a safe, secure, clean, hygienic and development
inviting environment for tourists Cooperation
Create an enabling environment for Safety
investment in tourism and tourism-related Facilitation
infrastructure (hard and soft).

Source: Revathi.G, Thesis Research

The required funding’s will be granted by Ministry of Tourism, Central Financial Assistance
(CFA) and the Ministry of Railways. It will make foreign currency exchange easily
accessible to more people. Increased opportunities for employment and Exchange of various
cultures will take place. It brings about stability in the economy, increase in development of
infrastructure and integrated development through the use of tourism as a strategy for urban
development. State
Table 10 -6 State Policies For Tourism


Tamil Nadu Integrated development Information
Tourism Policy Participatory planning approach Cleanliness
2019 - 2020 Development of Coastal Tourism Infrastructure
Enhanced connectivity, utilities and tourist services development
Environmentally, socially ,culturally Inclusive Cooperation
Tourism Safety
Participation in Domestic and International Facilitation
Marketing meets.
Transportation connectivity
Source: Revathi.G, Thesis Research

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The required funds will be granted from the State Funded Schemes, The Infrastructure
Development Investment Program for Tourism (IDIPT-TN). An increased possibilities for
work in the tourism-related service industries and viability in terms of money will be evident.
There will be an improvement in the infrastructure development. Though the region will be
promoted, there is less innovation in the tourism industry. There is less clarity in the policy
note regarding distinguishing factors between international tourists and domestic tourists).
The available resources are limited. Traveling to certain tourist destinations is inconvenient
due to transportation issues.

10.3. Tourist Comfort And Safety

Safety & Hygiene Tourism Trends: Since the outbreak of COVID, a number of
tourism trends are emerging, including enhanced cleanliness, socially distant seating,
the provision of hand gel, and the enforcement of masks in specific contexts. This is
now an important aspect of tourism marketing, as businesses must clearly state their
hygiene and safety regulations, as well as the steps they are taking to keep their clients

Growth of Contactless Payments: By allowing contactless payments, tourism

businesses have been able to eliminate friction and quicker check-in and check-out
times. With the outbreak of the coronavirus, contactless payments are more popular
than ever, as employees and customers mostly prefer avoiding currency handling.

Develop Safety Regulations for Customers: Provide each passenger with a

comprehensive information package that outlines their policies and recommendations.
To maintain safety standards, they do not forget to repeatedly reiterating the
instructions throughout their trip often.

Train the staff in safety regulations : The staff must be trained and comfortable with
the new regulations in order to execute effectively the pandemic protocols, so that
establish a safe atmosphere for both employees and consumers.

Collaborate with Partners: To ensure that the customer's safety is maintained

throughout their experience it is critical to work with partners and key stakeholders,
properly apply protocols, and comprehend extra safeguards. They work closely with
the whole supply chain to ensure that like-minded protocols are implemented
completely and correctly.

Communicate Regulations: Effective communication and marketing are the best

ways to regain the travellers trust. To provide a safe travel experience, they must be
well informed of the newly adopted protocols and assurances using various channels
to communicate protocols both digitally and graphically.

Flexible and Reliable: As the tourism industry recovers, the regulations may alter.
Employees, customers, and suppliers should be made aware of the standards. The
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procedures must be kept open and transparent, at the same time ready for the

10.4. Sustainable Tourism

Tourism has the ability to contribute to all of the SDG goals, either directly or
indirectly. Goals 8, 12, and 14 on inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), and the Sustainable Use of
Oceans and Marine Resources, targets this. The 2030 Agenda includes a strong
focus on sustainable tourism. However, achieving this objective will necessitate a
well-defined execution strategy, sufficient funding, and investments in
technology, infrastructure, and human resources.

Fig 10.4.1: SDG Goals for tourism; Source:

All forms of tourism in all types of places, including mass tourism and specialist
tourism segments, can benefit from the sustainable tourism development
principles and management techniques. Thus, sustainable tourism should:

 Make the best possible use of critical environmental resources, while also
preserving crucial ecological processes and contributing to the conservation of
natural heritage and biodiversity as a component of tourism development.
 Facilitating an intercultural understanding and tolerance by respecting the
socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, preserving their built and live
cultural assets, and traditional values.
 Ensure long-term economic viability by delivering equitable socio-economic
benefits to all stakeholders, including steady employment and income-earning
possibilities for host communities, thereby contributing to their poverty

To enable broad engagement and consensus building, sustainable tourism

development necessitates refined participation from all important stakeholders as
well as strong political leadership. Sustainable tourism is a never-ending process
that necessitates ongoing monitoring of impacts and, when necessary, the
implementation of preventive and/or remedial measures.
Sustainable tourism should also maintain a high level of tourist satisfaction and
provide a meaningful experience for visitors, furthering their understanding of

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sustainability issues and encouraging them to participate in sustainable tourism


10.5. Tourism Analytics And Digital Initiatives

The UNWTO/IATA Destination Tracker : The first one-stop shop for global
information on COVID-19-related travel limitations. It intends to increase
traveller and business trust while also assisting policymakers by giving a
comprehensive overview of travel restrictions around the world.

UNWTO Tourism Recovery Tracker : As tourism progressively recovers in

an increasing number of nations, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
has created the first comprehensive tourism recovery tracker in the world,
which tracks a variety of key indicators as tourism recovers.

COVID-19: Measures to Support Travel and Tourism: This collection of

national and international policy responses attempts to communicate and track
global efforts to reduce the effects of the COVID-19 issue on the travel and
tourism industry and their speedy recovery.

Tourism Flows – Source markets and Destinations

Accommodation – Demand and Capacity
Country Profile – Outbound Tourism
Country Profile – Inbound Tourism

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Figure 1- 1 Karpagam Logo (Subti tle)

Figure1-2 Text( Subti tle)

Table 1-1 Text( Subti tle)

Table 1-2 Text( Subti tle)

Note: Paragraphs should start with word space

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1. Demography

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10.6. Study Area Delineation
10.7. Ikjkim
1.1.1 ibhbh

1.1.2 Regional Setting

In India, urbanization levels have increased vastly

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Figure 1-2 Karpagam Logo

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