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Extra grammar practice extension A2 Unit

Past simple negative; Past simple 4 . He worked on

questions and short answers; Past his own.
continuous 5 . But I helped him.
6 . They saw the new
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
these verbs in the past simple negative. There is Bond film again.
one extra verb.
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
want  • ​give  • ​build  • ​work  • ​ask  • ​visit  • ​help these verbs. There is one extra verb.

1 The teacher us lots of homework stay  • ​not work  • ​study  • ​not see  • ​clap  • ​watch
1 They literature at university
2 My brother for a farmer
when they met the author.
last summer.
2 They still loudly when
3 We in my parents’ restaurant
the lights came on.
over the holidays.
3 I the ballet when my phone
4 I to be a cook when I was young.
rang. I was so embarrassed.
5 They the mechanic to fix the car.
4 He wrote the bestseller while he
6 The painter the studio himself. in Italy.

2 Find and correct the sentences with mistakes. 5 She as an actress when she met
Tick (✓) the correct sentences. the director.
1 She didn’t wanted to work in a hospital.
6 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of
2 The journalist didn’t write the story in time. these verbs and the correct short answer.
3 The footballer didn’t to play very well.
4 The waiter not brought the drinks we ordered. play  • ​not like  • ​eat  • ​not work  • ​not want  • ​enjoy
5 They didn’t enjoy working outdoors. ​eat  • ​come  • ​speak  • ​talk  • ​eat
6 I didn’t like being a shop assistant.

3 Put the words in order and put the verbs in the A: So, (1) you the theatre
correct form to make past simple questions. last night?
1 last year / finish / degrees / they / their B: Yes, it was very good. The actress who
? (2) Lady Macbeth was amazing.
2 she / want / to become / actor / an A: Great. Was it a traditional version of the play?
? B: No, it wasn’t. The actors wore modern clothes,
3 you / get / a / factory / job / in / the
which I (3) much, but the acting
? was excellent. They all (4) very
4 your / father / in a / work / busy office
A: (5) you before the show?
5 the chef / make / this food / all / today
B: No, we (6) . We (7)
after the show in a restaurant near the theatre. While
6 film / watch / they / a / last / night
we (8) we saw some of the
actors from the play. They (9) in
4 Match the answers to the questions in 3 and write to have dinner. They (10) and
the correct short answers.
1 . They are both A: Did you ask for a photo?
engineers now.
B: No, I (11) to interrupt them.
2 . Her ambition was to
They (12) after all. They were
be a writer.
there to relax. Even celebrities need their time off!
3 . I worked there over
the summer.

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