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Passport Re-issue Checklist

Applicant’s Name Passport no.

Email ID Mobile no. _ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _ _


Entry to BLS International Services Canada Inc., Indian Visa Application Centers (VAC):
 Due to the limited size of VACs, attorneys (those accompanying applicants), relatives, drivers, or friends are not allowed in the VAC.
 An applicant may however, bring one person to assist him/her if he or she is elderly, disabled, or a minor child.
 Applicants should bear in mind that they may stand outside the facilities for their turn, please dress according to the weather conditions on
the day of your visit.
 No passport or consular services are available to claimants of refugee status in BLS Centers.
 If you cannot visit the VAC, it is recommended that you use the postal service to submit your application. Alternatively, to book a pickup
and/or drop via Purolator, visit

 A Passport may be approved for re-issue when it has less than 1 year of validity remaining, or if the passport had been
issued for short validity (1 to 2 years).
 Please ensure that all data entries provided in your application match with your existing passport. If not, please
provide the supporting documentation.
 Please select the correct Indian mission based on the place where you reside in Canada, and the mission’s jurisdiction.
Mission jurisdiction can be viewed at:
 Online applications are only accepted if filled out in the current year.
 After submission online, no changes can be made. In case of an error, please fill a new online application form.

Please note:
 BLS International employees cannot edit or make any changes to your online application form.


- Online Application form

Application must be completed and submitted online by visiting:
- Please submit Annexure E :Link can be found here-
Please ensure to mention present Canadian address on Annex E.
- First time applicants need to register and make an account to be able to fill online application form. If registered already,
please log in and fill the application
- In ”Type of Application”, Please select “NORMAL” or “TATKAAL”(Additional charges)
- In “Type of passport booklet”, Please select “36 pages” or “60 pages”(for jumbo booklet-Additional charges)

Please note that following category of applicants can not apply under Tatkaal Passport Scheme :
(1) Lost/Damaged beyond recognition/Stolen Passport
(2) Change in Personal Particulars for:
Major Change in Name
Change in Sex
Change /Correction of DoB
Change/Correction of Place of Birth
Change in Appearance
Change in Signature
Change in Father/Mother name
Addition/Deletion of spouse name.
(3) Status expired (PR/Work Permit/Study Permit/Visitor Permit)
(4) People applying for Jumbo booklet(60 pages)

- Please ensure to mention 1 Indian and 1 Canadian address in online application form as mentioned below:

Passport printable Other address on form

Applicant has a work permit/PR Canadian Address Indian address

Applicant has a visitor permit/Study Indian address Canadian address


Signature of Applicant Checklist for Toronto jurisdiction only.

Passport Re-issue Checklist – Toronto Version 12.1 last updated SEP , 2021
Passport Re-issue Checklist
Applicant’s Name Passport no.
Email ID Mobile no. _ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _ _


 For Minors: Please fill in the below additional forms along with the online registration form & Annexure E.
- Annexure D:
- For single parent/ guardian or adoption/separation cases, or if one parent has not given consent, please also fill
Annexure C:

 For LOST/DAMAGED passport: Please submit Annexure F:

For Lost Passport, you are to also submit a detailed Police Report mentioning lost passport number and 2
photocopies of the lost Indian passport (first and last page)


 If your passport has expired for more than 1 year or Valid more than 1 year
- A declaration explaining reasons for delay beyond 1 year or early renewal is required.

2 photos of size 51mm x 51 mm.
o Photos must be compliant with specifications; refer to
o You can avail of this service at the VAC; go to:

- Sign on Page 1, inside the box, below your photograph and on pages 4. Signature must match with your last passport. If
the signature is different, please address a letter to the Consulate General of India, with an explanation on the same.
- Minor Applicant (Below 18 Years): (Refer to additional documents for minors on the next page of this checklist)
o If a minor cannot sign, using only blue or black ink, apply left thumb impressions for boys and right for girls, on page 1&4.
o Both parents must sign on page 4 of the online application form below the minor’s signature/thumb impression.

Provide the documents below, in original and photocopies on letter size paper.

Please provide copies of your first, last and any observatory pages along with your original last held Indian passport

VALID STATUS IN CANADA: Please submit the below documents as applicable (only copy);
- PR Card

 If PR Card has expired, please submit the below documents;

- Letter from CIC stating that your application for Permanent Residency in Canada is approved
- Expired PR Card
- Landing Paper/COPR (mandatory to be submitted for PR cards issued without the immigration category on the
- PR Card renewal receipt

- Landing paper/COPR – (mandatory to be submitted for PR cards issued without the immigration category on the
- In case your landing paper/COPR is misplaced, please obtain a ‘Status of Verification’ document from CIC, clearly
mentioning the immigration category.

- Valid Work Permit/Study Permit

- Visitor Visa :For Applicants on Visitor Visa kindly provide photocopies of the below documents of the person who
sponsored you;
- Their Passport (If acquired foreign citizenship, their current passport and surrendered Indian passport)
- Their Status in Canada (PR Card, valid Work Permit, etc.).
- Proof of address in Canada
- A self declaration stating your relationship with the sponsor.

Signature of Applicant Checklist for Toronto jurisdiction only.

Passport Re-issue Checklist – Toronto Version 12.1 last updated SEP , 2021
Passport Re-issue Checklist
Applicant’s Name Passport no.
Email ID Mobile no. _ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _ _

Driver’s License or Ontario Government issued photo ID card or Utility Bill (must be less than 6 months old).
Please note: Proof of address must match the same as ‘Address to be printed on the passport’.

 For applicants on Visitor Record/study permit, please enter the Indian address under ‘Address to be printed’ and
current Canadian address under ‘Other addresses on the online form. (If the address is the same as the Indian address
mentioned in your recent Indian passport, Indian address proof is not required, but you are required to provide proof of your
current Canadian address). If the Indian address differs from the one printed in your Indian passport, please provide
address proof of your new Indian address and Canadian address.
 For PR card holders/work permit, please enter your Canadian address under ‘Address to be printed on the passport’
and your Indian address under ‘Other addresses. Please provide your Canadian address proof.


 If the Date of Birth varies:
- Declaratory Court Order, issued by First Class Magistrate in India, instructing CGI to correct the date of birth.
- New Registered Birth Certificate, issued by issued by Local Municipal Office in India, attested by MEA (Ministry of
External Affairs), New Delhi.

 If Place of Birth varies:

- Registered Birth Certificate, issued by local Municipal Office in India, and attested by MEA (Ministry of External Affairs,)
New Delhi.

As per extant rules, ALIAS/AKA/LATE can not be a part of name(Applicant’s/Spouse/Parent’s name) on passport. Applicant
will need to use either of the aliases as follows:

Allowed Allowed
name name
OLD PASSPORT variation 1 variation 2

Anthony Kuttu Alias Anthony Thomas

Thomas Xavier Kuttu Xavier

 If the name is sought to be changed:

- Please ensure that the form is filled as per the desired name.
- In case of applicants residing abroad continuously for over 3 years and having Permanent Resident/Work Permit, in that
case two public documents in the changed name issued by Canadian authorities may also be accepted. In other cases
applicant needs to provide two public documents issued in the changed name by Indian authorities or the Gazette
- Original Newspaper Advertisement from any two leading newspapers notifying change: See format below:
o One advertisement should be from the area of the applicant’s permanent address in India.
o Other from applicant’s present address in Canada.
o Must be in English Language and less than 6 months old.
o Provide full page in original; no cuttings.

Format for Newspaper Notification for Adults:

I, ____, son/daughter of ____, holder of Indian Passport No. ____, issued at ____, on ____, permanent resident of ____
(full address in India), and presently residing at ____, (full address in Canada) do hereby change my name from ____ to
____, with immediate effect.
Format for Newspaper Notification for Minors:
I,____, father of___, holder of Indian Passport No___, issued at ____,on____, permanent resident of____(full address in
India) and presently residing at____, (full address in Canada), do hereby change the name of my son/daughter from
____to____, with immediate effect.

Signature of Applicant Checklist for Toronto jurisdiction only.

Passport Re-issue Checklist – Toronto Version 12.1 last updated SEP , 2021
Passport Re-issue Checklist
Applicant’s Name Passport no.
Email ID Mobile no. _ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _ _

 If given name or surname is only sought to be split:

- Please ensure that the form is filled as per the desired name
- In case of applicants residing abroad continuously for over 3 years and having Permanent Resident/Work Permit, in that
case two public documents in the changed name issued by Canadian authorities may also be accepted. In other cases
applicant needs to provide two public documents issued in the changed name by Indian authorities
- Written declaration explaining the reason you want your name split

 For any name variation in parent’s names:

- For minor change in name eg, one letter incorrect in the spelling please provide a copy of the parent’s Indian passport
and a written declaration explaining the variation in the parent’s name
- If the name change is major or last names are to be added/deleted it would be considered as a name change, hence two
public/school documents issued in the desired/applied changed name and the news paper advertisement in India and
Canada, along with affidavit would be required.


 IF MARRIED / ADDITION OF SPOUSE NAME: (applicable to those whose spouse’s name was not printed in their
last Indian passport)
If married, the spouse name will be printed by default in your new passport. Therefore, please ensure that the online
form is filled as per the spouse’s name on their current valid passport
 IF RE-MARRIED, please submit the divorce certificate from your previous marriage and your latest marriage certificate
copy, along with your current spouse’s passport copy and ensure that the name of your spouse is filled as per their
current passport copy
 If DIVORCED, please submit a copy of the Divorce Certificate
 In case your spouse has DECEASED, please submit a copy of the Death Certificate.

 For women changing their surname after marriage, please fill in the new surname on the online application form
kindly attach:
- Spouse’s passport copy
- Registered Marriage Certificate


Please provide the below additional documents of both parents;

- Status of parents in Canada: PR Card, Work Permit, Visitor Visa or Student Visa.
- Indian / Foreign Passport photocopy of first and last page of both parents. In case, the passport is expired of any one
parent, along with the passport photocopy, please bring 2 valid photo ID’s, issued by Government of Canada.
- Landing papers/COPR - (Please note: For PR cards issued, without the category on the back, please provide the
photocopy of the PR cards and landing papers/COPR of both parents and the minor applicant).

- Proof of Address in Canada of either parent – Driver’s License or Utility Bill.(the latter should be valid for 6 months)

 If either or both parents are in India and have never landed in Canada, please provide;
- A No Objection Affidavit from a lawyer in India
- Original Notarized copies (first and last page and observation page, if any) of Indian Passports of parent/s who are in
- If you have a legal guardian in Canada, provide his/her Passport (Copy), along with their status in Canada and proof
of address, along with Annexure C

 If either or both parents are outside of Canada, other than India, please provide;

Signature of Applicant Checklist for Toronto jurisdiction only.

Passport Re-issue Checklist – Toronto Version 12.1 last updated SEP , 2021
Passport Re-issue Checklist
Applicant’s Name Passport no.
Email ID Mobile no. _ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _ _

- A No Objection Affidavit.Visit:

- Indian Passports – valid copies of both parents, duly certified by Indian Mission abroad.

 If parents are divorced:

- Divorce Certificate issued by the Court duly attested by the ministry of relevant country.
- Government Order Granting Sole Custody.

FEES: Refer to fee schedule at:

- Enclose a certified cheque/Bank draft, in favor of ‘BLS International Service Canada Inc.’ to include:
o HCI/CGI Passport Fee.
o ICWF Consular Surcharge Fee.
- Enclose a separate certified cheque/Bank draft, in favor of ‘BLS International Service Canada Inc.’ to include:
o BLS Processing Fee.
o Add: Return Courier charges.

 For Walk In Applications at the Centers:

Payment can be accepted by cash or debit card only.

The above guidelines are defined by the High Commission of India, Canada, for consular services for India, and must be strictly
followed. The High Commission of India, Canada Information and Application Centre will not accept applications which do not meet
above guidelines. They also reserve the right to ask for a personal interview. BLS International Services Canada Inc. have no say on
whether you will be granted a visa/passport/PIO card/OCI card for India, as this is entirely the prerogative of the High Commission of
India, Canada. The Mission may also request for additional documentation at anytime during or after the submission of the application.

Undertaking: I certify that my documents are arranged and submitted to BLS International Services as per this Checklist. I have been
informed that any insufficiency in documentation, not provided, as mentioned in the Checklist may lead to a delay in the processing or
rejection of my application. I understand that the Consulate General of India may require additional documents, which are not a part of
this Checklist.

Signature of Applicant Checklist for Toronto jurisdiction only.

Passport Re-issue Checklist – Toronto Version 12.1 last updated SEP , 2021

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