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Journal of Dental Sciences 16 (2021) 1274e1280

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Original Article

Comparative study of pulpal responses to

ProRoot MTA, Vitapex, and Metapex in
canine teeth
Woojin Kwon ay, Ik-Hwan Kim ay, Chung-Min Kang a,
Byurira Kim a, Yooseok Shin b,c, Je Seon Song a,b*

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Oral Science Research Center, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Department of Conservative Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of

Received 9 November 2020; Final revision received 25 December 2020

Available online 8 January 2021

KEYWORDS Abstract Background/purpose: ProRoot MTA, Vitapex, and Metapex are widely used for pulp
ProRoot MTA; treatment of primary tooth. The aim of this study was to compare the pulpal responses to Pro-
Vitapex; Root MTA, Vitapex, and Metapex in a canine model of pulpotomy.
Metapex; Materials and methods: Pulpotomy procedure was performed to 34 teeth (21 incisors and 13
Pulpal response premolars) and ProRoot MTA, Vitapex or Metapex was applicated to artificially exposed pulp
tissues. After 13 weeks, the teeth were extracted and processed with hematoxylin-eosin stain-
ing for histologic evaluation. All specimens were evaluated in several categorys related to
calcific barrier, inflammatory responses and the area of calcific barrier formation was
Results: Most of the specimens in the ProRoot MTA group developed a calcific barrier at the
pulp amputation site and showed a low level of inflammatory response. However, in compar-
ison to ProRoot MTA group, a small amount of calcific barrier formed in Vitapex and Metapex
Conclusion: This in vivo study found that Vitapex and Metapex induced similar pulpal responses
but showed poor outcomes compared with using ProRoot MTA. Vitapex and Metapex are there-
fore not good substitutes for ProRoot MTA in direct pulp capping and pulpotomy.
ª 2021 Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China. Publishing services by Elsevier
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

* Corresponding author. Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, 03722, Republic of Korea.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.S. Song).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
1991-7902/ª 2021 Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Journal of Dental Sciences 16 (2021) 1274e1280

Introduction Use Committee of Yonsei University Health System (certi-

fication #2017-0085).
Pulpectomy is used instead of vital pulp therapy when an The teeth were allocated randomly to three pulpotomy
infection spreads to the root canal and the pulp is infected. treatment groups: ProRoot MTA (control group, n Z 12),
The success of endodontic therapy applied to primary teeth Vitapex (n Z 11), and Metapex (n Z 11).
is influenced by the reduction of the bacteria present in the
root canal.1 Such bacteria can be eliminated by mechanical Surgical procedure
debridement and chemical reactions using antibacterial
agents and materials for filling the root canal. The surgical procedures were performed in a sterile oper-
Vitapex (Neo Dental, Tokyo, Japan) and Metapex (Meta ating room. Zoletil (5 mg/kg; Virbac Korea, Seoul, Korea),
Biomed, Cheongju, Korea) are premixed pastes of calcium xylazine (0.2 mg/kg; Rompun, Bayer Korea, Seoul, Korea),
hydroxide and iodoform that are universally used as canal- and inhaled isoflurane (Gerolan, Choongwae Pharmaceu-
filling materials for primary molars because their resorption tical, Seoul, Korea) were used to induce general anes-
rates are similar to that of the primary root, and are also thesia. To prevent infection, enfloxacin (5 mg/kg) was
strongly antiseptic, easy to fill into root canals, and easy to injected subcutaneously just before and after treatment,
remove if necessary.2 The use of Vitapex or Metapex is and amoxicillin clavulanate (12.5 mg/kg) was administered
reportedly associated with high clinical and radiological intraorally for 5e7 days postoperatively.
success rates in the pulpectomy of primary teeth.3,4
However, even when the pulp tissue is debrided, pulp Pulpotomy procedure
tissue remaining in the root canal will come into contact
with the filling material. Anatomical variations in roots
All procedures were carried out under sterilization. The
include the presence of accessory root canals and root
pulpotomy procedure first involved inducing local anes-
canals showing anomalous canal shapes.5,6 In addition,
thesia using lidocaine (2% lidocaine hydrochloride with
when pulpectomy was performed, the apical pulp tissue
epinephrine 1:100,000; Kwangmyung Pharmaceutical,
may not be completely removed, and partial pulpectomy
Seoul, Korea). After performing occlusal reduction in each
may be performed unintentionally. The presence of
tooth, the pulp was mechanically exposed by making
remaining pulp tissue means that filling the root canal with
occlusal cavities using a high-speed carbide bur (No. 330,
Metapex or Vitapex during a pulpectomy procedure will
H7 314 008, Brasseler, Lemgo, Germany) with simultaneous
result in direct contact area between the material and the
lubrication provided by water spray. After exposing the
pulp tissue.
coronal pulp tissue, the pulp chamber was removed at the
Unlike the pulpectomy, pulpotomy of primary teeth is a
level of the cementoenamel junction. The orifice was then
procedure that removes coronal pulp only. In the past,
rinsed with sterile saline, and hemostasis was achieved by
formocresol was mainly used in pulpotomy of primary
placing a cotton pellet moistened with normal saline over
teeth, but recently there has been a tendency to use
the exposure site for 2 min. Vitapex, Metapex, or ProRoot
mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) or calcium silicate cement
MTA was then placed over the exposure site to a thickness
instead of formocresol. MTA has been recognized as a
of 1 mm, with cotton pellets moistened with saline used to
bioactive material that is hard-tissue conductive, hard-
facilitate the adaption of the materials onto the pulp
tissue inductive, and biocompatible.7 The success rate of
wound area. The cavities were restored with conventional
MTA pulpotomy has been reported to be over 90%.8,9
glass-ionomer cement (Ketac-Molar, 3M ESPE, Seefeld,
Representative components of MTA include calcium oxide,
Germany). The animals were euthanized 13 weeks after the
silicon dioxide, and bismuth oxide, and MTA is used in
various applications such as internal/external root resorp-
tion and perforation as well as vital pulp therapy.10
Previous studies of Vitapex and Metapex have been Histological analysis
limited to investigating root apical responses in the pul-
pectomy model,11 and there have been no in vivo experi- The teeth were extracted using extraction forceps and the
ments of the pulpal reactions that occur during direct apical third of each root was sectioned using a high-speed
contact with pulp tissue. Therefore, the aim of this study diamond bur. Buffered formalin (10%; SigmaeAldrich, St
was to compare the pulpal responses to Vitapex, Metapex, Louis, MO, USA) was used to fix the specimens for 48 h, and
and ProRoot MTA (Dentsply, Tulsa Dental Products, Tulsa, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (pH 7.4; Fisher Scientific,
OK, USA) in a canine model of pulpotomy. Houston, TX, USA) was applied for demineralization. The
specimens were then embedded in paraffin, sectioned at a
thickness of 3 mm in the buccolingual direction, and stained
Materials and methods with hematoxylin-eosin. We made two slides for each
tooth, each containing four histological sections. The
Animal model specimens were observed with the aid of an optical mi-
croscope (BX40, Olympus Optical, Tokyo, Japan), and
Thirty-four canine teeth (21 incisors and 13 premolars) from imaged using a CCD digital camera (Infinity 2.0, Lumenera,
two beagles were used in the study. The beagles were 6 Ottawa, ON, Canada) and image-analysis software (Inner-
months old and the animals had intact dentition and a View 2.0, InnerView, Seongnam, Korea).
healthy periodontium. All procedures performed in this Blind assessments were performed to ensure that each
study were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and section was evaluated fairly. Five investigators (W.K., I.-

W. Kwon, I.-H. Kim, C.-M. Kang et al.

H.K., C.-M.K., B.K., Y.S., and J.S.S.) selected a single

Table 1 Scores used during the histological analysis of
representative histological section for each tooth for the
calcific barriers and dental pulp.
evaluation. The histopathological analysis included assess-
ing the calcific barrier formation (continuity, morphological Scores Calcific barrier continuity
aspects, and thickness), extent of the inflammatory reac- 1 Complete dentin bridge formation
tion (chronic or acute, number of cells, and extent), hy- 2 Partial/Incomplete dentin bridge
peremia, and the formation of an odontoblast layer. All formation extending to more than one half
findings were scored from 1 to 4 using a previously reported of the exposure site but not completely
scoring system (Table 1).12e15 The final score was deter- 3 Initial dentin bridge formation extending
mined based on the majority consensus of the investigators. to not more than one half of the exposure
Statistical analysis 4 No dentin bridge formation
Scores Calcific barrier morphology
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software
1 Dentin or dentin associated with irregular
(version 25, SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). One-way analysis of
hard tissue
variance (P < 0.05) and the post-hoc Scheffé test (Bonfer-
2 Only irregular hard tissue deposition
roni correction, P < 0.017) were applied to analyze the area
3 Only a thin layer of hard tissue deposition
of the newly formed calcific barrier.
4 No hard tissue deposition
Scores Tubules in calcific barrier
1 No tubules present
After excluding specimens that failed during teeth extrac- 2 Mild (tubules present in <30% of calcific
tion or histopathological processing (including pulpal tissue barrier)
amputation), histopathological evaluations were performed 3 Moderate to severe (tubules present in
for 8, 10, and 10 root specimens treated with Vitapex, >30% of calcific barrier)
Metapex, and ProRoot MTA, respectively. The score per- 4 No hard tissue deposition
centages for each material are presented in Tables 2e4. Scores Inflammation intensity
Overall, ProRoot MTA showed better biocompatibility than
1 Absent or very few inflammatory cells
Vitapex and Metapex.
2 Mild (an average of <10 inflammatory
Calcific barrier formation 3 Moderate (an average of 10e25
inflammatory cells)
Fig. 1 shows a newly formed calcific barrier. The score 4 Severe (an average > 25 inflammatory
percentages for calcific barrier formation for the three cells)
materials are listed in Table 2. A complete calcific barrier
Scores Inflammation extensity
formed in 50% of the specimens in the ProRoot MTA group. A
calcific barrier that was similar to dentin formed in 70% of 1 Absent
the specimens in the ProRoot MTA group, while no barrier 2 Mild (inflammatory cells next to dentin
formed in only one specimen in that group. Quality and bridge or area of pulp exposure only)
quantity of newly formed calcific barrier were lower in the 3 Moderate (inflammatory cells observed in
Metapex and Vitapex groups than the ProRoot MTA group, one third or more of the coronal pulp or in
with none of the specimens in the Vitapex group having a the midpulp)
score of 1 for the morphology of the calcific barrier (Table 4 Severe (all of the coronal pulp is
2). infiltrated or necrotic)
Scores Inflammation type
Pulp reaction 1 No inflammation
2 Chronic inflammation
No inflammation occurred in 60% and 20% of the specimens 3 Acute and chronic inflammation
in the ProRoot MTA and Metapex groups, respectively, 4 Acute inflammation
whereas all of the specimens in Vitapex group showed mild-
Scores Dental pulp congestion
to-moderate inflammation. Most specimens in the ProRoot
MTA group showed no or only mild dental pulp congestion, 1 No congestion
whereas most specimens in the Vitapex and Metapex groups 2 Mild (enlarged blood vessels next to dentin
showed mild-to-moderate dental pulp congestion (Table 3). bridge or area of pulp exposure only)
3 Moderate (enlarged blood vessels
Odontoblastic cell layer observed in one third or more of the
coronal pulp or in the midpulp)
4 Severe (all of the coronal pulp is
There were no odontoblast cells or odontoblast-like cells in
infiltrated with blood cells)
70% of the specimens in the Metapex and ProRoot MTA
groups, and 50% of those in the Vitapex group. Only 10% of

Journal of Dental Sciences 16 (2021) 1274e1280

Table 1 (continued )
Scores Odontoblastic cell layer
1 Palisade pattern of cells
2 Presence of odontoblast cells and
odontoblastlike cells
3 presence of dontoblastlike cells only
4 Absent

the specimens in the Metapex and ProRoot MTA groups

showed a palisade pattern of cells (Table 4).

Calcific barrier area

Since the coronal pulpal width differed between the tooth,

the measured area of newly formed calcific barrier was

Table 2 Score percentages for calcific barriers. Figure 1 Hematoxylin-eosin staining for the evaluation of
Scores 1 2 3 4 the histomorphologic characteristics of the newly formed
Calcific barrier continuity (%) calcific barrier (CB) after 13 weeks ((AeC): scale
ProRoot MTA 50 (5/10)a 40 (4/10) e 10 (1/10) bars Z 250 mm, (DeF): scale bars Z 50 mm).
Vitapex 12.5 (1/8) 50 (4/8) e 37.5 (3/8)
Metapex 30 (3/10) 30 (3/10) e 40 (4/10) divided by the coronal pulpal width of each specimen to
Calcific barrier morphology (%) ensure objective comparisons. There was a statistically
ProRoot MTA 70 (7/10) 20 (2/10) e 10 (1/10) significant difference between the ProRoot MTA and Vita-
Vitapex e 25 (2/8) 37.5 (3/8) 37.5 (3/8) pex (P Z 0.019), and Metapex (P Z 0.035) (Fig. 2).
Metapex 50 (5/10) 10 (1/10) e 40 (4/10)
Tubules in calcific barrier (%) Discussion
ProRoot MTA 50 (5/10) 40 (4/10) e 10 (1/10)
Vitapex 12.5 (1/8) 12.5 (1/8) 37.5 (3/8) 37.5 (3/8)
This study evaluated and compared the pulpal responses to
Metapex 30 (3/10) 20 (2/10) 10 (1/10) 40 (4/10)
Vitapex, Metapex, and ProRoot MTA using a canine pul-
Number of teeth receiving the score/total number of teeth potomy model. The use of ProRoot MTA resulted in the
evaluated. formation of a calcific barrier that was of higher quality and
larger and exhibited a better inflammatory response
compared with using Vitapex and Metapex, with no signif-
icant differences between the latter two groups.
Table 3 Score percentages for inflammatory responses.
MTA has good physical properties and biocompatibility,
Scores 1 2 3 4 it stimulates tissue regeneration as well as a good pulp
Inflammation intensity (%) response,16,17 and has an excellent long-term sealing abil-
ProRoot MTA 50 (5/10)a 20 (2/10) e 30 (3/10) ity. MTA is the optimum material for vital pulp therapy, and
Vitapex e 25 (2/8) 25 (2/8) 50 (4/8) it is better than calcium hydroxide, which has traditionally
Metapex 10 (1/10) 30 (3/10) 20 (2/10) 40 (4/10) been used.18 In previous in vivo studies, ProRoot MTA
Inflammation extensity (%) showed better calcific barrier generation and pulpal
ProRoot MTA 60 (6/10) 30 (3/10) e 10 (1/10) response than TheraCal (Bisco, Schamburg, IL, USA) and
Vitapex e 25 (2/8) 37.5 (3/8) 37.5 (3/8) Endocem zir (Maruchi, Wonju, Korea), as well as other
Metapex 20 (2/10) 30 (3/10) 20 (2/10) 30 (3/10) types of MTA such as RetroMTA (BioMTA, Seoul, Korea),
Inflammation type (%) Ortho MTA (BioMTA), and Endocem MTA (Maruchi) in canine
ProRoot MTA 60 (6/10) 30 (3/10) 10 (1/10) e pulpotomy models.12e14 The verified biocompatibility of
Vitapex e 50 (4/8) 50 (4/8) e ProRoot MTA meant that it was suitable to use in the pre-
Metapex 10 (1/10) 50 (5/10) 40 (4/10) e sent study as a positive control. The results showed that the
Dental pulp congestion (%) pulpal response was better for ProRoot MTA than for Vita-
ProRoot MTA 40 (4/10) 50 (5/10) 10 (1/10) e pex and Metapex, which implies that ProRoot MTA has
Vitapex 12.5 (1/8) 37.5 (3/8) 50 (4/8) e better tissue affinity than Vitapex and Metapex in direct
Metapex 20 (2/10) 60 (6/10) 20 (2/10) e pulp capping and pulpotomy procedures where pulp tissue
a and the material are in direct contact.
Number of teeth receiving the score/total number of teeth
Vitapex and Metapex are widely used as canal filling
materials for primary teeth because of their radiopaque,

W. Kwon, I.-H. Kim, C.-M. Kang et al.

excess.29,30 However, there are some reports in the litera-

Table 4 Score percentages for the odontoblastic cell
ture that adding calcium hydroxide to another antibiotic
preparation has deleterious effects on growth inhibition,
Scores 1 2 3 4 and combining any two antimicrobial medicaments pro-
Odontoblastic cell layer (%) duces no additive or synergistic effects.31 The compositions
ProRoot MTA 10 (1/10)a 20 (2/10) e 70 (7/10) of Vitapex and Metapex are almost identical, with the main
Vitapex e 12.5 (1/8) 37.5 (3/8) 50 (4/8) difference being the composition ratio of calcium hydrox-
Metapex 10 (1/10) 10 (1/10) 10 (1/10) 70 (7/10) ide and iodoform. An in vitro study found that the anti-
a bacterial activity was lower for Metapex than for Vitapex as
Number of teeth receiving the score/total number of teeth
well as ZOE (a combination of zinc oxide and eugenol) and
calcium hydroxide.32,33 However, an in vivo study found
that Vitapex and Metapex showed similarly good periapical
reactions in the canine pulpectomy model.11
The pulpectomy procedure ideally involves removing all
pulp tissues from the root canal, but unfortunately this is
seldom achieved by debridement performed using physical
and chemical methods. Pulp tissue may remain in the apical
area, and also on the root canal wall if the curvature of the
root canal is severe or there are accessory root canals that
cannot be accessed. In particular, primary molars have
many accessory canals in the furcation area compared with
permanent teeth. This means that the Vitapex or Metapex
used for pulpectomy will be in direct contact with pulp
tissue at the apical end, on a severely curved root wall, or
in the furcation area.5,6 These situations prompted the
present study to investigate the pulpal responses to Vitapex
and Metapex, which revealed similar pulpal responses, with
Metapex dominating calcific barrier formation but there
was not a statistically significant difference. However, the
above-mentioned study and the present study involved
teeth without inflammation, and thus the obtained results
may differ from actual clinical results.
Figure 2 Calcific barrier area/coronal pulpal width for each The pulpal responses to ProRoot MTA obtained in this
material after 13 weeks. When the calcific barriers were study were worse than those obtained in previous studies
standardized by coronal pulpal width, ProRoot MTA had a with similar designs.12e14 This might have been due to the
significantly higher value than Vitapex and Metapex. One-way animals in the present study being euthanized after 13
ANOVA (P < 0.05) and the post-hoc Scheffé test (Bonferroni weeks, in contrast to previous studies obtaining the
correction, P < 0.017) were performed for statistical analyses. analyzed specimens at 4e8 weeks after the procedure.
Considering that both the previous and present studies
using conventional glass-ionomer cement (Ketac-Molar) for
coronal sealing, the sealing efficacy for crown restorations
infection control, and absorbency properties. The clinical may have decreased due to the longer application period in
success rate when using Vitapex and Metapex is reportedly the present study. It has been reported that failure of root
90.5e100%.19e23 The two main components of these prod- canal treatment is related to poor restoration of the
ucts are calcium hydroxide and iodoform. It is thought that crown,34 and the findings of several studies of the success
calcium hydroxide was first used clinically for root canal or failure of root canal treatment suggest that apical
filling by Rhoner in 1940.24 The most important reasons for leakage is not the most important factor influencing the
using calcium hydroxide are that it maintains the health of failure of endodontic treatment, with coronal leakage
periapical tissue, promotes healing, and exerts antimicro- instead being far more likely to be the main determi-
bial effects. The mechanism of action remains unclear, but nant.35,36 Using resin-modified glass ionomer or composite
it is known that free hydroxyl ions with a very high pH resin is more advantageous in terms of microleakage or
activate repair and calcification, neutralize lactic acid strength than using glass ionomer cement, and can improve
produced by osteoclasts, and prevent the dissolution of the stability of crown restorations.37
dental mineralized components.25e27 This study is the first to investigate the pulpal responses
Products with several additives have been developed to Vitapex and Metapex in animal experiments. A canine
with the aims of improving the physiochemical properties pulpotomy model was designed, and ProRoot MTA was used
and radiopacity of calcium hydroxide, maintaining the as a positive control. However, This study has a limitation in
consistency and pH of the applied paste, and facilitating its that reliability may be lowered because the sample size is
clinical application.28 Along with calcium hydroxide, iodo- small and the calcific barrier is analyzed in two dimensions.
form is the other main constituent of Vitapex and Metapex, Also, this study was performed in a noninfectious model,
and has been used because of its antibacterial effect, which does not accurately reflect the clinical situation of
healing properties and ability of resorption when in inflammation being present in the pulp. Additional

Journal of Dental Sciences 16 (2021) 1274e1280

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