How Does USB 3.0 Achieve The Extra Performance?

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1. How does USB 3.0 achieve the extra performance?

USB 3.0 achieves the much higher performance by way of a number of technical changes.Perhaps the
most obvious change is an additional physical bus that is added in parallel with theexisting USB 2.0
bus. This means that where USB 2.0 previously had 4 wires (power, ground,and a pair for differential
data), USB 3.0 adds 4 more for two pairs of differential signals(receive and transmit) for a combined
total of 8 connections in the connectors and cabling.These extra two pairs were necessary to support
the SuperSpeed USB target bandwidthrequirements, because the two wire differential signals of USB
2.0 were not enough.Furthermore, the signaling method, while still host-directed, is now
asynchronous instead of polling. USB 3.0 utilizes a bi-directional data interface rather than USB 2.0's
half-duplexarrangement, where data can only flow in one direction at a time. Without getting into
anymore technical mumbo jumbo, this all combines to give a ten-fold increase in
theoreticalbandwidth, and a welcome improvement noticeable by anyone when SuperSpeed USB
productshit the market.
2. Isn't USB 2.0 fast enough?
Well, yes and no. USB 2.0 for many applications provides sufficient bandwidth for a variety
of devices and hubs to be connected to one host computer. However, with today's ever
increasingdemands placed on data transfers with high-definition video content, 
terrabyte storagedevices
high megapixel count digital cameras
, and multi-gigabyte mobile phonesand
portable media players
, 480Mbps is not really fast anymore. Furthermore, no USB 2.0connection could ever come close to
the 480Mbps theoretical maximum throughput, makingdata transfer at around 320 Mbps - the actual
real-world maximum. Similarly, USB 3.0connections will never achieve 4.8Gbps, but even 50% of
that in practice is almost a 10ximprovement over USB 2.0.
3. What other improvements does USB 3.0 provide?
The enhancements to SuperSpeed USB are not just for higher data rates, but for improving
theinteraction between device and host computer. While the core architectural elements areinherited
from before, several changes were made to support the dual bus arrangement, andseveral more are
notable for how users can experience the improvement that USB 3.0 makesover USB 2.0:

More power when needed
50% more power is provided for unconfigured or suspended devices (150 mA upfrom 100 mA), and
80% more power is available for configured devices (900 mA

up from 500 mA). This means that more power-hungry devices could be buspowered, and battery
powered devices that previously charged using bus powercould potentially charge more quickly.
A new Powered-B receptable is defined with two extra contacts that enable adevices to provide up to
1000 mA to another device, such as a 
Wireless USBadapter
. This eliminates the need for a power supply to accompany thewireless adapter...coming just a bit
closer to the ideal system of a wireless linkwithout wires (not even for power). In regular wired USB
connections to a hostor hub, these 2 extra contacts are not used.

Less power when it's not needed
Power efficiency was a key objective in the move to USB 3.0. Some examples of moreefficient use of
power are:
Link level power management, which means either the host computer or thedevice can initiate a
power savings state when idle
The ability for links to enter progressively lower power management stateswhen the link partners are
Continuous device polling is eliminated
Broadcast packet transmission through hubs is eliminated
Device and individual function level suspend capabilities allow devices toremove power from all, or
portions of their circuitry not in use

Streaming for bulk transfers is supported for faster performance

Isochronous transfers allows devices to enter low power link states between serviceintervals

Devices can communicate new information such as their latency tolerance to the host,which allows
better power performanceTo paint an accurate picture, not everything in USB 3.0 is a clear
improvement. Cable length,for one, is expected to have a significant limitation when used in
applications demanding thehighest possible throughput. Although maximum cable length is not
specified in the USB 3.0specification, the electrical properties of the cable and signal quality
limitations may limit thepractical length to around 3 metres when multi-gigabit transfer rates are
desired. This length,of course, can be extended through the use of hubs or
signal extenders
.Additionally, some SuperSpeed USB hardware, such as hubs, may always be more expensivethan
their USB 2.0 counterparts. This is because by definition, a SuperSpeed hub contains 2hubs: one that
enumerates as a SuperSpeed hub, and a second one that enumerates as aregular high-speed hub. Until
the USB hub silicon becomes an integrated SuperSpeed USB + Hi-Speed USB part, there may always
be a significant price difference.Some unofficial discussion has surfaced on the web with respect to
fiber-optic cabling forlonger cable length with USB 3.0. The specification makes no mention of
optical cabling, so weconclude that this will be defined in a future spec revision, or left to 3rd party
companies toimplement cable extension solutions for SuperSpeed USB.
4. Will my existing peripherals still work? How will they co-exist?
The good news is that USB 3.0 has been carefully planned from the start to peacefully co-exist

with USB 2.0. First of all, while USB 3.0 specifies new physical connections and thus new cablesto
take advantage of the higher speed capability of the new protocol, the connector itself remains the
same rectangular shape with the four USB 2.0 contacts in the exact same locationas before. Five new
connections to carry receive and transitted data independently are presenton USB 3.0 cables and only
come into contact when mated with a proper SuperSpeed USBconnection.
5. Where are those SuperSpeed USB 3.0 products?
USB 3.0 silicon such as USB host controllers, peripheral chipsets and hubs compliant with
theSuperSpeed bus have arrived in the latter half of 2009. Since then, a handful of 
external harddrives
flash drives
, storage docks,
Blu-ray optical drives
, high-end notebooks, and
in both PCI Express and ExpressCard have begun appearing on retail shelves. Othercompanies have
shown their plans to roll out

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