Ocean Engineering: Zili Zhang, Bei Chen, Søren R.K. Nielsen, Jan Olsen

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Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

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Ocean Engineering
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Gyroscopic power take-off wave energy point absorber in irregular sea states MARK
a,⁎ b c d
Zili Zhang , Bei Chen , Søren R.K. Nielsen , Jan Olsen
Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark
Key Laboratory for Wind and Bridge Engineering, Hunan University, 410082 Changsha, China
Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark
JOLTECH, Langbrogade 3, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark


Keywords: The Gyroscopic power take-off (GyroPTO) wave energy point absorber has the operational principle somewhat
Gyroscopic power take-off similar to the so-called gyroscopic hand wrist exerciser. Inside the float of the GyroPTO, there is a mechanical
Rigid body dynamics system made up of a spinning flywheel with its spin axis in rolling contact to a ring. At certain conditions, the
Magnetic coupling ring starts to rotate at a frequency equal to the peak angular frequency of the wave excitation. In this
Irregular sea states
synchronized state, the flywheel is running at almost constant speed, so the generated power from the generator
Linear wave theory
becomes constant as well. In this paper, the performance of GyroPTO in irregular sea waves is investigated. To
improve the stability (synchronization) margin of the device, a magnetic coupling mechanism has been added
between the spin axis and the flywheel, which also makes the semi-active control of the device possible.
Theoretical modeling of the GyroPTO is carried out using analytical rigid body dynamics, and a 4-DOF
nonlinear model is established. Further, linear wave theory has been applied to calculate the hydrodynamic
moments acting on the float. Rational approximation is performed on the frequency response function of the
radiation damping moments, leading to an extended state vector formulation of the coupled structure- wave
system. Simulation results show that magnetic coupling successfully improves the stability of the flywheel in
irregular sea states. With given significant wave height and peak frequency, it is shown that the synchronization
of the device is more easily obtained in narrow-banded wave than in broad-banded wave. As a result, larger
values of generator gain can be chosen in narrow-banded waves, leading to larger power output. Making use of
both the generator and the magnetic coupling, semi-active control algorithm might further improve the
performance of the GyroPTO in real sea.

1. Introduction et al. (2013). Different types of point absorber have been proposed,
such as the Wavestar point absorber and heave absorber Nielsen et al.
As an important renewable energy source, wave energy has recently (2013). The device is typically equipped with an electric power
received significant attention in energy and policy agendas. A wave generator via a hydraulic force system. The reaction forces from the
energy converter (WEC) is defined as a dynamic system for converting hydraulic system are usually used to actively control the motion of the
the energy in waves into mechanical energy stored in the oscillating point absorber in such a way that a maximum mechanical energy is
system. Several types of WEC devices have been proposed Falnes supplied to the absorber. With a certain loss due to friction in the
(2002), leading to some commercial WEC projects that use different actuator, the control forces are then transferred to the generator, where
buoy concepts, such as the Oscillating-water-column (OWC) plants, the they are converted into electric energy. For almost all point absorbers,
Pelamis WEC Pelamis, 2004, overtopping WEC type like the Wave the instantaneous absorbed energy varies significantly with time,
Dragon Wave Dragon, 2010, the SEAREV device Ruellan et al. (2010), making the expensive additional power electronics mandatory before
and point absorber approaches as used for the Wavestar device Wave the power can be supplied to the grid. This motivates a search for an
Star, 2003; Sichani et al. (2014). alternative device which is able to deliver a more constant power to the
Among others, point absorbers are the most widely investigated grid without introducing power electronics.
WEC devices. A point absorber is a WEC that is capable of absorbing The Gyroscopic power take-off (GyroPTO) wave energy point
energy from waves propagating in any direction, and with horizontal absorber is a possible solution Nielsen et al. (2015). The general idea
dimensions much smaller than the dominating wave length Nielsen is to use the gyroscopic moment on a spinning flywheel inside a floating

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Z. Zhang), [email protected] (B. Chen), [email protected] (S.R.K. Nielsen), [email protected] (J. Olsen).

Received 28 February 2017; Received in revised form 21 June 2017; Accepted 17 July 2017
0029-8018/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

a b



Spin axis Ring


Fig. 1. The GyroPTO point absorber. a) Schematic view. b) Scaled model of the GyroPTO device in the lab.

structure, so that almost constant power output from the generator can acting on the float are calculated as superpositions from the quasi-
be obtained from the absorbed wave energy, as proposed by Kanki static buoyancy moment, the radiation moment and the external wave
et al., (2009, 2006) and Bracco et al., (2011, 2010). excitation moment. Rational approximation is performed on the
The operational principle of the GyroPTO device is somewhat frequency response function of the radiation damping moments,
similar to the so-called gyroscopic hand wrist exerciser Powerball resulting in an extended state vector formulation of the GyroPTO-wave
Gulick and O'Reilly (2000). As shown in Fig. 1a, it consists of a float system. Simulation results show that the introduced magnetic coupling
rigidly connected to a lever. In the other end the lever is supported by a mechanism successfully improves the stability of the GyroPTO in
hinge, which allows for rotations around a horizontal axis and a vertical irregular sea waves. With given significant wave height and peak
axis. Inside the float is a mechanical system made up of a ring, a frequency, synchronization of the device is more easily maintained in
spinning flywheel and a generator. The ring is free to rotate in a plane narrow-banded waves than in broad-banded waves. This means larger
orthogonal to the lever, while the spin axis of the flywheel is supported values of the generator gain can be chosen in narrow-banded waves,
by a track in the ring with a width slightly larger than the diameter of leading to larger power output. Finally, influence of the generator gain
the axis. This track forms a guidance for the precession of the spin axis, and the damping constant of the magnetic coupling on the performance
which is assumed to roll on the inner side of the track during rotations of the GyroPTO has been evaluated, considering different values of the
of the ring without slip. To start up the device, the generator of the significant wave height. This study also enables further investigation of
device is used as an electric motor, with which the flywheel can be semi-active control of the GyroPTO device for optimal performance in
accelerated to a prescribed spinning speed. In operational conditions, irregular sea waves.
the wave induced pitch and roll motions of the float produce a time-
varying rotation of the ring, which combined with the spinning velocity
2. Modeling of the GyroPTO point absorber with magnetic
of the flywheel creates a gyroscopic moment. This moment produces
the necessary contact force between the spin axis and the inner side of
the track, to provide the friction force making the rolling of the spin
Based on rigid body dynamics, a 4-DOF nonlinear model is to be
axis possible. Therefore, the gyroscopic moment enforces a kinematical
established for the GyroPTO device with magnetic coupling. The DOFs
constrain between the rotational velocities of the spin axis and the ring.
are φ11(t ), φ31(t ), ψ (t ) and ω(t ), where φ11(t ) and φ31(t ) represent the
When synchronization of the angular frequency of the ring to the peak
rotations of the lever and float (the external structure), ψ (t ) represents
frequency of the wave loading takes place, the responses of the ring and
the rotational angle of the ring and ω(t ) represents the rotational angle
the flywheel become almost harmonic. This phenomenon is the basic
of the flywheel.
reason for the functioning of the system. At synchronization, this
means that the generated electric power becomes almost constant in
time, making the need for additional power electronics unnecessary 2.1. Kinematic constrain due to the gyroscopic moment
before the power can be supplied to the grid. In our previous study
Nielsen et al. (2015), it is shown that the GyroPTO device performs well As show in Fig. 1, the GyroPTO point absorber consists of a lever
in monochromatic waves, and at synchronization the rotational speed rigidly connected to a float with a ring and a flywheel inside. In the
of the ring is equal to the wave angular frequency. However, synchro- other end the lever is simply supported at a point O. The float of the
nization of the device is easily lost in irregular sea waves. GyroPTO device is made up of two semi-spheres (diameter d)
In this paper, the performance of the GyroPTO point absorber in connected with a cylindrical part (height c), see Fig. 2. The spin axis
irregular sea waves is investigated. In order to improve the stability of the flywheel has the radius r1, and the inner radius of the ring is r2. If
(synchronization) margin of the device, a magnetic coupling mechan- the ring is set in motion with an angular frequency (angular velocity)
ism is added between the spin axis and the flywheel, which acts as a ψ˙ (t ), a gyroscopic moment J14ω˙ (t )ψ˙ (t ) on the spinning flywheel is
linear viscous damping mechanism on the flywheel. Theoretical generated according to the law of moment of momentum, where J14
modeling of the GyroPTO with magnetic coupling has been carried is the polar mass moment of inertia and ω˙ (t ) is the angular spin
out by means of analytical rigid body dynamics, and 4-degree-of- frequency of the flywheel. This moment produces the necessary contact
freedom (4-DOF) nonlinear model is established. The damping con- force between the spin axis and the inner side of the track, providing
stant of the magnetic coupling and the generator gain turn out to be the the friction force to make the rolling of spin axis possible. With the sign
two design parameters that influence the stability of the device, which definitions given in Fig. 3, the no-slip rolling of the spin axis on the
in principle make the semi-active control of the device possible. track implies the following non-holonomic constrain between the
Furthermore, based on linear wave theory, the hydrodynamic moments angular frequencies of the spin axis and the ring:

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

Fig. 2. Geometry of the GyroPTO point absorber and definition of the (x11, x 21, x31) -coordinate system fixed to the float.

Fig. 3. Rolling contact between the precessing ring and the spinning flywheel due to the gyroscopic moment.

θ˙(t ) = Nψ˙ (t ) (1) always orthogonal to the plane of the ring. Furthermore, the mass of
r2 the lever and float is denoted m1, and the principal axis mass moment
where N = ≫ 1 is the gear ratio, θ˙(t ) is the angular frequency of the
r1 of inertia at rotations around the xj1-axis is denoted Jj1. Obviously,
spin axis. J11 = J31 due to the rotational symmetry of the device.
Due to the constraint in Eq. (1), the internal dynamics of the device Under sea waves, the lever and float is undergoing rotational
can be described by two degrees of freedom ψ (t ) and ω(t ), rather than motion with the angular velocity vector φ˙ (t ). The components of φ˙ (t )
three. in the (x11, x 21, x31)-coordinate system are denoted φ˙11(t ), φ˙21(t ), φ˙31(t ),
respectively. No rotations take place around the x21-axis, so φ˙21(t ) ≡ 0 .
2.2. Rigid body dynamics of the lever and float Hence, φ11(t ) and φ31(t ) represent the degrees of freedom of the external
structure (the lever and float), as illustrated in Fig. 2.
Four different principal axes coordinate systems attached to four Correspondingly, the translational velocity vector v̇(t ) of G1 has the
rigid bodies moving relative to each other are to be introduced for following components in the (x11, x 21, x31)-coordinate system:
deriving the equations of motion of the device. The components of a
⎡ v˙1(t )⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤
vector defined with regard to the kth principal axes coordinate system ⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢−aφ˙3 (t )⎥
(x1k , x 2k , x3k ) are indicated with an upper k, where k = 1, 2, 3, 4 . ⎢ v˙21(t ) ⎥ = ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥
Therefore, the jth component of a vector v in the kth principal axes ⎢⎣ v˙3 (t ) ⎥⎦ ⎣ aφ˙1 (t ) ⎦ (2)
coordinate system is denoted as vjk. Furthermore, the mass of the kth
rigid body is denoted mk, and the mass moment of inertia of the kth Then, the kinetic energy of the lever and float T1 becomes:
rigid body around the axis xjk is denoted Jjk.
1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2
First, an (x11, x 21, x31)- principal axes coordinate system is introduced T1 = m ((v1̇ (t )) + (v31̇ (t )) ) + J11(φ1̇ 1(t )) + J31(φ3̇ 1(t ))
2 2 2
to be fixed to the float with origin at G1, where G1 is the mass center of 1 2 2
gravity of the lever and float as shown in Fig. 2. Due to the rotational = (J11 + m1a 2 )((φ1̇ 1(t )) + (φ3̇ 1(t )) )
2 (3)
symmetry of the device, the centerline of the lever forms a principal
axis chosen as x21, which is orientated in the direction away from O. G1
is placed on this centerline a distance a from O. In the referential 2.3. Rigid body dynamics of the precessing ring
position, the x31− axis is horizontal and orientated outward (Fig. 2). The
ring is precessing around the x21-axis, so the plane of the flywheel is Next, an (x12 , x 22, x32 )- principal axes coordinate system is introduced

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

Fig. 4. Definition of the (x12, x 22, x32 )-coordinate system fixed to the ring.

to be fixed to the precessing ring with origin at G2, as shown in Fig. 4. ⎡ ψ˙ 2(t )⎤ ⎡ 1 1 ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ cosψφ˙1 (t ) − sinψφ˙3 (t )⎥
G2 is the mass center of gravity of the ring and is placed along the x21- ⎢ ψ˙ 2(t )⎥ = ⎢ ψ˙ (t ) ⎥
axis at a distance b from G1. G2 is also the mass center of gravity of the ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ 1 1 ⎥
sub-structure made up of the spin axis and the flywheel. The x22-axis is ⎢⎣ ψ˙32(t )⎥⎦ ⎣ sinψφ˙1 (t ) + cosψφ˙3 (t ) ⎦ (6)
co-directional to the x21-axis, and the x12-axis is placed along the spin
axis which is rotated from the x11-axis by an angle ψ (t ) around the x22- Then, the kinetic energy of the ring T2 becomes:
axis. Therefore, ψ˙ (t ) denotes the angular velocity of the precessing ring. 1 2 1 2 2 1 2
T2 = m ((v1̇ (t )) + (v31̇ (t )) ) + J12(ψ1̇ 2(t ))
In a similar way, the mass of the ring is denoted m2, and the 2 2
principal axis mass moment of inertia at rotations around the xj2-axis is 1 2 1 2
1 + J22(ψ2̇ 2(t )) + J32(ψ3̇ 2(t ))
denoted Jj2. It is seen that J12 = J32 = 2 J22 , with J22 signifying the polar 2 2
moment of inertia of the ring. 1⎛1 ⎞ 2 2
= ⎜ J22 + m 2(a + b )2⎟((φ1̇ 1(t )) + (φ3̇ 1(t )) )
The translational velocity vector v̇(t ) of G2 has the following 2⎝2 ⎠
components in the (x11, x 21, x31)-coordinate system: 1
+ J22(ψ̇ (t ))2
2 (7)
⎡ v˙1(t )⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢−(a + b )φ˙3 (t )⎥
⎢ v˙2 (t ) ⎥ = ⎢
0 ⎥
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥ 2.4. Modeling of the magnetic coupling and the flywheel
⎢⎣ v˙3 (t ) ⎥⎦ ⎣ (a + b )φ˙1 (t ) ⎦ (4)
In stead of a rigid connection, the spin axis is connected to the
Using coordinate transformation, the components of the angular flywheel via a magnetic coupling mechanism, which allows for a
velocity vector φ˙ (t ) of the float in the (x12 , x 22, x32 )-coordinate system are relative rotation between the spin axis and the flywheel. The idea of
given by: introducing this mechanism is to reduce the fluctuation of ω˙ (t ), and
hence stabilize the synchronization of the GyroPTO device under
⎡ φ˙ 2(t )⎤ ⎡ φ˙ 1(t )⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎡ cosψ 0 −sinψ ⎤⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ cosψφ˙1 (t ) − sinψφ˙3 (t )⎥
1 irregular sea waves. Fig. 5 shows the details of the coupling. The upper
⎢ φ˙ 2(t ) ⎥ = ⎢ 0 1
⎥⎢ 1 ⎥ =
0 ⎥ φ˙2 (t ) ⎢ 0 ⎥ circular plate (grey) is fixed to the spin axis, and the lower circular plate
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥ (red) is fixed to the flywheel. The flywheel and the lower plate are not in
⎢⎣ φ˙32(t ) ⎥⎦ ⎣ sinψ 0 cosψ ⎦⎢⎣ φ˙31(t ) ⎥⎦ ⎣ sinψφ˙1 (t ) + cosψφ˙3 (t ) ⎦
(5) contact with the spin axis, so the spin axis is free to rotate relative to
the flywheel. A magnetic field is present between the plates, which
Correspondingly, the components (ψ˙12, ψ˙22, ψ˙32 ) of the angular velo- produces a torque Mc(t) on the spin axis and the flywheel. The
city vector ψ˙ (t ) of the ring in the (x12 , x 22 , x32 )-coordinate system magnitude of Mc(t) is proportional to the relative angular velocity of
become: the flywheel with respect to the spin axis, or the so-called slip
ω˙ (t ) − θ˙(t ):

a b

Fig. 5. The magnetic coupling. a) Technical details: the upper plate (grey) is fixed to the spin axis and the lower plate (red) is fixed to the flywheel. b) Schematic principle.

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

Fig. 7. Definition of the (x14, x 24, x34 ) -coordinate system fixed to the flywheel (including
Fig. 6. Definition of the (x13, x 23, x33) -coordinate system fixed to the upper plate of the the lower plate).
magnetic coupling.
1 3 1 2 2 1 3 2
T3 = m ((v1̇ (t )) + (v31̇ (t )) ) + J13(θ1̇ (t ))
2 2
1 2 1 2
Mc(t ) = cc(ω˙ (t ) − θ˙(t )) = cc(ω˙ (t ) − Nψ˙ (t )) (8) 3
+ J23(θ2̇ (t )) + J33(θ3̇ (t ))
2 2
1 2 2 1 2
As shown in Fig. 5, Mc is considered positive when acting in = m3(a + b )2((φ1̇ 1(t )) + (φ3̇ 1(t )) ) + J13(ψ1̇ 2(t ) + θ (̇ t ))
2 2
opposite direction of ω˙ (t ). Hence, this coupling acts as a linear viscous 1 2 2
+ J13((ψ2̇ 2(t )) + (ψ3̇ 2(t )) )
damping mechanism on the flywheel, with the damping constant cc 4
depending on the strength of the magnetic field. 1⎛1 ⎞ 2 2
= ⎜ J13 + m3(a + b )2⎟((φ1̇ 1(t )) + (φ3̇ 1(t )) )
In Fig. 6, an (x13, x 23, x33)- principal axes coordinate system is 2⎝2 ⎠
introduced to be fixed to the spin axis, with its origin placed at G2.
2 2
+ J13((ψ̇ (t ))2 + (cosψφ1̇ 1(t ) − sinψφ3̇ 1(t )) +4(cosψφ1̇ 1(t ) − sinψφ3̇ 1(t ))θ (̇ t ) + 2(θ (̇ t )) )
Along with the spin axis, the x13-axis is co-directional to the x12-axis.
The x22- and x32- axes are rotated into the x23- and x33- axes by the
rotational angle θ (t ) around the x12-axis. θ˙(t ) is the angular velocity of Finally, an (x14 , x 24 , x34 )- principal axes coordinate system is intro-
the spin axis, which follows the kinematic constrain in Eq. (1). The total duced to be fixed to the spinning flywheel with origin at G2, as shown in
mass of the spin axis and the upper plate is denoted m3, and the Fig. 7. The x14-axis is co-directional to the x12- and x13- axes. The x22-
principal axis mass moment of inertia around the xj3-axis is denoted and x32- axes are rotated into the x24- and x34- axes by the rotational
Jj3. Due to the symmetry property J23 = J33 = 2 J13, where J13 signifies the angle ω(t ) around the x12-axis. ω˙ (t ) is the angular velocity of the
polar moment of inertia of the spin axis and the upper plate. flywheel.
The translational velocity vector of the spin axis and upper plate is The mass of the flywheel (with the lower plate fixed to it) is denoted
identical to that of the ring and is given by Eq. (4). m4, and the principal axis mass moment of inertia around the xj4-axis is
Using coordinate transformation, the components of the angular 1
denoted Jj4. It is seen that J24 = J34 = 2 J14 , where J14 signifies the polar
velocity vector ψ˙ (t ) of the ring in the (x12 , x 22 , x32 )- and (x13, x 23, x33)- moment of inertia of the flywheel.
coordinate systems are related as: The translational velocity vector of the flywheel is identical to that
of the ring as given by Eq. (4).
⎡ ψ˙ 3(t )⎤ ⎡ ψ˙ 2(t )⎤ ⎡ ψ˙12(t ) ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎡1 0 0 ⎤⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ The components of ψ˙ (t ) in the (x12 , x 22, x32 )- and (x14 , x 24 , x34 )-coordi-
⎢ ψ˙ (t )⎥ = ⎢ 0 cosθ sinθ ⎥⎢ ψ˙ (t )⎥ = ⎢ cosθψ˙ (t ) + sinθψ˙ (t ) ⎥
3 2 2 2 nate systems are related in a similar way as in Eq. (9):
⎢ 2 ⎢
⎥ ⎣ ⎥ ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ 2 3 ⎥
0 −sinθ cosθ ⎦⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢
⎢⎣ ψ˙33(t )⎥⎦ ⎣ ψ˙3 (t )⎦ ⎣−sinθψ˙2 (t ) + cosθψ˙3 (t )⎥⎦
2 2
(9) ⎡ ψ˙ 4(t )⎤ ⎡ ψ˙ 2(t )⎤ ⎡ ψ˙12(t ) ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎡1 0 0 ⎤⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
3 3 3 ⎢ ψ˙ 4(t )⎥ = ⎢ 0 cosω sinω ⎥⎢ ψ˙ 2(t )⎥ = ⎢ cosωψ˙ 2(t ) + sinωψ˙ 2(t ) ⎥
Hence, the components (θ˙1 , θ˙2 , θ˙3 ) of the angular velocity vector ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ 2 3 ⎥
0 −sinω cosω ⎦⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢
⎢⎣ ψ˙34(t )⎥⎦ ⎣ ψ˙3 (t )⎦ ⎣−sinωψ˙2 (t ) + cosωψ˙3 (t )⎥⎦
2 2
θ˙(t ) of the spin axis and upper plate in the (x13, x 23, x33)-coordinate (12)
system become:
Correspondingly, the components (ω˙ 14 , ω˙ 24 , ω˙ 34 ) of the angular
⎡ ˙3 ⎤ ⎡ ψ˙12(t ) + θ˙(t ) ⎤
⎢ θ1 (t ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ˙ (t ) of the flywheel in the (x14, x 24, x34 )-coordinate system
velocity vector ω
⎢ θ˙ 3(t )⎥ = ⎢ cosθψ˙ 2(t ) + sinθψ˙ 2(t ) ⎥ become:
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ 2 3 ⎥
⎢⎣ θ˙ 3(t ) ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣−sinθψ˙ 2(t ) + cosθψ˙ 2(t )⎥⎦
3 2 3 (10) ⎡ ω˙ 4(t )⎤ ⎡ ψ˙12(t ) + ω˙ (t ) ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ω˙ 24(t ) ⎥ = ⎢ cosωψ˙2 (t ) + sinωψ˙3 (t ) ⎥
2 2
Then, the kinetic energy of the spin axis and upper plate T3 ⎢ 4 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
becomes: ⎢⎣ ω˙ 3 (t ) ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣−sinωψ˙22(t ) + cosωψ˙32(t )⎥⎦

Then, the kinetic energy of the flywheel T4 becomes:

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

T4 =
1 4 1 2 2 1
m ((v1̇ (t )) + (v31̇ (t )) ) + J14(ω̇14(t ))
Qψ (t ) = NMc(t ) = Ncc(ω˙ (t ) − Nψ˙ (t )) ⎫ ⎪

2 2 ⎬
1 2 1 2 Qω(t ) = − Mc(t ) − Mg(t ) = − cc(ω˙ (t ) − Nψ˙ (t )) − Mg(t )⎭ ⎪

+ J24(ω̇ 24(t )) + J34(ω̇ 34(t ))
2 2
1 2 2 1 2 Further, the reaction of the generator torque on the stator, and
= m 4(a + b )2((φ1̇ 1(t )) + (φ3̇ 1(t )) ) + J14(ψ1̇ 2(t ) + ω̇ (t ))
2 2 hence on the float, is positive, when acting in the positive x12-direction.
1 2 2
+ J14((ψ1̇ 2(t )) + (ψ2̇ 2(t )) ) The components in the (x11, x 21, x31)-coordinate system follow from the
inverse coordinate transformation given in Eq. (5):
1⎛1 ⎞ 2 2
= ⎜ J14 + m 4(a + b )2⎟((φ1̇ 1(t )) + (φ3̇ 1(t )) )
2⎝2 ⎠ ⎡Q φ˙ 1(t )⎤ ⎡ ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎡ cosψ 0 sinψ ⎤⎡ Mg(t )⎤ ⎢ cosψMg(t ) ⎥
⎢Q φ˙ 1(t ) ⎥ = ⎢ 0 ⎥⎢ ⎥=
1 2
+ J14((ψ̇ (t ))2 + (cosψφ1̇ 1(t ) − sinψφ3̇ 1(t )) +4(cosψφ1̇ 1(t ) − sinψφ3̇ 1(t ))ω̇ (t ) + 2(ω̇ (t ))2) 1 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥
4 ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢−sinψ 0 cosψ ⎥⎢
⎢⎣Q φ˙ 31(t ) ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ 0 ⎦ ⎢⎣−sinψMg(t )⎥⎦
(14) (20)
In the present paper, an asynchronous generator with the following
characteristic is used Simoes and Farret (2015):
2.5. Equations of motion
Mg(t ) = cgω˙ (t ) (21)
The total kinetic energy of the GyroPTO device is obtained by
where cg is a gain factor, the value of which depends on the electronic
adding the contributions defined in Eqs. (3), (7), (11) and (14):
field between the rotor and the stator of the generator.
T = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 Finally, inverting the kinetic energy given by Eq. (15) into the left-
1 2 2 1 hand side and the work-conjugated moments into the right-hand side
= J1[(φ1̇ 1(t )) + (φ3̇ 1(t )) ] + J2(ψ̇ (t ))2
2 2 of Eq. (17), the equations of motion of the 4-DOF model are obtained:
1 2
+ J3[(cosψφ1̇ (t ) − sinψφ3̇ (t )) + 4Nψ̇ (t )(cosψφ1̇ 1(t ) − sinψφ3̇ 1(t ))]
1 1
⎛ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
2 ⎜J1 + ⎜J3 + J4⎟cos2ψ ⎟φ¨11 − ⎜J3 + J4⎟cosψ sinψφ¨31
1 2 ⎝ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
+ J4[(cosψφ1̇ 1(t ) − sinψφ3̇ 1(t )) + 4ω̇ (t )(cosψφ1̇ 1(t ) − sinψφ3̇ 1(t ))
4 ⎛ 1 ⎞
+J32N cosψψ¨ + J4cosψω¨ − ⎜J3 + J4⎟(sin(2ψ )φ1̇ 1 + cos(2ψ )φ3̇ 1)ψ̇
+2(ω̇ (t ))2 ] ⎝ 2 ⎠
(15) −J32N sinψ (ψ̇ )2 − J4sinψωψ
̇ ̇ = cosψcg(t )ω̇ (t ) + Mφ 1(t ) (22)
where the kinematic constrain in Eq. (1) has been used. Further, the
following quantities have been introduced: ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎞
−⎜J3 + J4⎟sinψ cosψφ¨11 + ⎜J1 + ⎜J3 + J4⎟sin2ψ ⎟φ¨31
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎠
J1 = J11 + 2 J22 + 2 J13 + 2 J14 + m1a 2 + (m 2 + m3 + m 4 )(a + b )2 ⎫
1 1 1
⎪ ⎛ 1 ⎞
1 1 ⎪ −J32N sinψψ¨ − J4sinψω¨ −⎜J3 + J4⎟(cos(2ψ )φ1̇ − sin(2ψ )φ3̇ 1)ψ̇
J2 = J22 + (N 2 + 2 )J13 + 2 J14 ⎪ ⎝ 2 ⎠

1 3
J3 = 2 J1 ⎪ −J32N cosψ (ψ̇ )2 − J4cosψωψ
̇ ̇ = − sinψcg(t )ω̇ (t ) + Mφ 1(t ) (23)
⎪ 3
4 ⎪
J4 = J1 ⎭ (16)
1⎛ 1 ⎞ 2 2
J32N cosψφ¨11 − J32N sinψφ¨31 + J2ψ¨ + ⎜J3 + J4⎟[sin(2ψ )((φ˙11) − (φ˙31) )
As mentioned, φ11(t ), φ31(t ),
ψ (t ) and ω(t ) make up the four degrees of 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
freedom of the system. +2cos(2ψ )φ˙11φ˙31] + J4ω˙ (sinψφ˙11 + cosψφ˙31) = Ncc (ω˙ (t ) − Nψ˙ (t ))
The equations of motion follow from the Lagrange equation Pars
and Treatise (1979):
⎫ J4cosψφ¨11 − J4sinψφ¨31 + J4ω¨ − J4(sinψφ˙11 + cosψφ˙31)ψ˙
d ⎛ ∂T ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = Q φ 1(t ) ⎪ = − cc(ω˙ (t ) − Nψ˙ (t )) − cgω˙ (t )
dt ⎝ ∂φ˙ 1 ⎠
⎪ (25)
⎛ ⎞ ⎪
d ∂T ⎪ Mφ 1(t ) and Mφ 1(t ) are the external hydrodynamic moments work
⎜ ⎟ = Q φ 3(t )
dt ⎝ ∂φ˙ 3 ⎠ ⎪ 1 3
⎬ conjugated to φ11(t ) and φ31(t ), which will be described in the next
⎛ ⎞ ⎪ section.
d ∂T
⎜ ⎟ −
= Q ( t ) ⎪
dt ⎝ ∂ψ˙ ⎠ ∂ψ ψ

⎪ 3. Hydrodynamic moments in irregular sea states
d ∂T
( ) = Q ω (t ) ⎪
dt ∂ω˙ ⎭ (17)
Due to the symmetry property of the device, no self-induced
where Q φ 1(t ), Q φ 3(t ), Qψ (t ), Qω(t ) denote the external conservative and
1 1 couplings take place between the hydrodynamic moments Mφ 1(t ) and
non-conservative moments work-conjugated to the degrees of freedom 1
1 1
φ1 (t ), φ3 (t ), ψ (t ) and ω(t ), respectively. Mφ 1(t ), i.e., Mφ 1(t ) only depends on the degree of freedom φ11(t ) and
3 1
The generator has a stator fixed to the ring and a rotor fixed to the Mφ 1(t ) only depends on the degree of freedom φ31(t ). Assuming linear
flywheel. Hence, the power output depends on the angular spin velocity wave theory, Mφ 1(t ) and Mφ 1(t ) may be written as superpositions from
ω˙ (t ) of the flywheel relative to the ring. Moreover, the generator torque
1 3
the quasi-static buoyancy moment, the radiation moment and the
Mg(t) must be acting in the opposite direction of the spin, i.e. in the external wave excitation moment:
negative x14-direction. Assuming virtual rotations δψ (so δθ = Nδψ )
and δω , the virtual work (done by the non-conservative moments) Mφ 1(t ) = − k1φ11(t ) − Mr1(t ) + Me1(t ) (26)
related to δψ and δω can be written as:
Mφ 1(t ) = − k 3φ31(t ) − Mr3(t ) + Me3(t ) (27)
δW = Mcδθ − Mcδω − Mgδω
= NMcδψ − (Mc + Mg )δω (18) where k3 denotes the buoyancy stiffness coefficient at small rotation
φ31(t ) around the static equilibrium state. k1 is an artificial mechanical
Therefore, the work-conjugated moments Qψ (t ) and Qω(t ) in Eq. spring stiffness introduced to the device in order to prevent drift in the
(17) become: unsupported degree of freedom φ11(t ). Mr1(t ) and Mr3(t ) are the radiation

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

moments generated by the motions of the float in still water, which ⎡ y (t ) ⎤

⎢ d ⎥
remove mechanical energy by generating a wave train propagating ⎢ dt y(t ) ⎥ ⎡0⎤
away from the float. Me1(t ) and Me3(t ) are the wave excitation moments ⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢0⎥
caused by the wave action. ⎢ d y (t ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ dt 2

z r j (t ) = ⎢ ⋮ ⎥ , br = ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ d n −2 ⎥ ⎢0⎥
⎢ n −2 y(t )⎥ ⎢⎣ 1 ⎥⎦
⎢ dt ⎥
3.1. Radiation moments and related rational approximations ⎢ d n −1 y(t )⎥
⎣ n −1
dt ⎦ (35)
The radiation moments Mr1(t ) and Mr3(t ) may be written in terms of
⎡ 0 1 0 ⋯ 0 0 ⎤
the differential-integro form as follows Faltinsen (1990): ⎢ 0 0 1 ⋯ 0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
Ar j = ⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥
Mrj (t ) = −Jhjφ¨ 1j (t ) − Mrj,0(t )
⎢ 0 0 0 ⋯ 0 1 ⎥
t ⎢⎣−qn −qn −1 −qn −2 ⋯ −q2 −q1⎥⎦ (36)
= −Jhjφ¨ 1j (t ) − ∫ hrjφ1̇ (t − τ )φ1j̇ (τ )dτ , j = 1, 3
−∞ j (28)
The output differential equation, Eq. (32), can also be written in the
where Jhj is the added mass moment of inertia at infinite high frequency vector form:
with respect to the degree of freedom φj1(t ), j=1,3. Mrj,0(t ) in the Mrj,0(t ) = pr zrj(t ), j = 1, 3
j (37)
convolution integral form is the radiation damping moment, where
hrjφ̇1(t ) is a causal impulse response function for the radiation moment where
brought forward by the angular velocity φ˙ 1j (t ), j = 1, 3. The correspond- pr = [pm pm−1 ⋯ p1 p0 0 ⋯ 0]
j (38)
ing frequency response function (FRF) is given by:

Hrjφ˙1(ω) =
∫0 e−iωt hrjφ˙1(t )dt ,
j = 1, 3
(29) 3.2. Wave excitation moments

The convolution integral Mrj,0(t ) (the radiation damping moment) The sea-surface elevation process {η(t ), t ∈ R} is modeled as a zero-
can be replaced by an equivalent system of coupled first-order mean, stationary Gaussian process defined by the following one-sided
differential equations, which is solved along with the equations of JONSWAP spectrum Hasselmann et al. (1973):
motion of the 4-DOF GyroPTO model. This method is based on a
⎛ −4 ⎞
Hs2 β ⎛ ω ⎞ 5⎛ ω ⎞
replacement of the actual FRF Hrjφ̇1(ω) by an approximating rational
j Sη(ω) = α γ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ exp⎜ − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟
function H͠ r φ̇1(ω), given in the form: ωp ⎝ ωp ⎠ ⎜ 4⎝ω ⎠ ⎟
j j ⎝ p ⎠ (39)
P (s ) where
H͠ rjφ̇1(s ) = , s = iω, j = 1, 3
j Q (s ) (30)
α= ⎫

0.230 + 0.0336γ −
⎪ 1.9 + γ
P(s ) = p0 s m + p1s m −1 + ⋯ + pm −1s + pm ⎫

⎛ ⎛ ω − ω ⎞2 ⎞ ⎬
⎬ ⎪
β = exp⎜⎜ − 2 ⎜ σω ⎟ ⎟⎟ ⎪
n n −1 1 p
Q(s ) = s + q1s + ⋯ + qn −1,1s + qn ⎪ ⎭ (31) ⎝ ⎝ p ⎠
⎠⎭ (40)
Such a replacement is always possible, because the impulse where ω is the angular frequency in rad/s. σ = 0.07 for ω ≤ ωp and
response function is causal. The parameters p0 , p1 , …, pm −1 , pm and 2π
σ = 0.09 for ω > ωp . ωp = is the peak angular frequency with Tp being
q1, …, qn −1, qn of the polynomials P(s) and Q(s) are all real. The order of Tp

the rational function as given by (m, n ) can be chosen freely as long as the peak period. Hs is the significant wave height. γ is the so-called
m ≤ n − 1. Further, all poles must have negative real parts to ensure the peak enhancement parameter which controls the bandwidth of the
rational filter to be asymptotic stable. Then, Mrj,0(t ) may be obtained as spectrum.
output of the following system of differential equations: From linear random vibration theory, the two-sided auto-spectral
density functions of the wave excitation moments SMe Me (ω) and
1 1
d my d m −1y dy SMe Me (ω) can be written as Nielsen and Zhang (2017):
Mrj,0(t ) = p0 + p1 m −1 + ⋯ + pm −1 + pm y, j = 1, 3 3 3
dt m dt dt (32) 1
SMe Me (ω) = |Hejη(ω)|2 Sηη(ω) = |He η(ω)|2 Sη(ω), j = 1, 3
j j 2 j (41)
n n −1
d y d y dy where Hejη(ω), j = 1, 3, is the FRF relating the wave excitation moment
+ q1 n −1 + ⋯ + qn −1 + qny = φ˙ 1j (t ), j = 1, 3
dt n dt dt (33) Mej (t ) to the sea-surface elevation η(t ).
The hydrodynamic parameters and functions k3, Jh1, Jh3 , Hr1φ̇ 1(ω),
where y(t) is an auxiliary function, which cannot be related with any 3
Hr3φ̇ 1(ω), He1η(ω) and He3η(ω) have all been calculated by the program
physical interpretation. The filter differential equation, Eq. (33), may 3

be written in the following state vector form: WAMIT, which is based on the boundary element method WAMIT,
d From Eq. (41) and considering first-order wave theory, the realiza-
zr (t ) = Arj zrj(t ) + br φ˙ 1j (t ), j = 1, 3
dt j (34) tions of the stationary wave excitation moments Me1(t ) and Me3(t ) may
be obtained by the following random phase model Nielsen and Zhang
where (2017):

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

In the present paper, rational approximation of the order
Mej (t ) = ∑ 2 aj, k cos(ωk t + Φk ), ωk = k Δω, j = 1, 3 (m, n ) = (2, 3) is performed on both Hr3φ̇ 1(ω) and Hr1φ̇ 1(ω) using
k =1 (42) 3 1
Matlab toolbox Mathworks (2011), and the results for Hr3φ̇ 1(ω) are
where illustrated in Fig. 8. It is seen that even a rational filter with low order
(m, n ) = (2, 3) can lead to a good agreement. Similar results have been
aj , k = 2SMe Me (ωk )Δω = |Hejη(ωk )|2 Sη(ωk )Δω , j = 1, 3
j j (43) obtained for the rational approximation of Hr1φ̇ 1(ω).
Three different values of the peak enhancement parameter γ in the
K denotes the total number of harmonic components in the spectral
JONSWAP spectrum have been considered, and the corresponding
decomposition. a1, k and a3, k are the standard deviations of the
one-sided auto-spectral density functions are shown in Fig. 9. It is seen
harmonic components with angular frequency in the interval
that as γ increases from 1 to 50, the sea wave changes from broad-
]ωj , ωj + Δω]. Φk are the random phases, which are mutually indepen-
dent and uniformly distributed in [0, 2π ]. banded process to be narrow-banded process. For all three curves, the
areas below are the same, which correspond to the variance of the sea-
surface elevation and are equal to 16 Hs2 .
3.3. Extended state vector equation of the structure-wave system
Fig. 10 shows the generated realizations of the wave excitation
moments Me1(t ) and Me3(t ) using Eq. (42) with K=4000, when the peak
Combining Eqs. (22), (23), (24), (25), (26), (27), (34) and (37), the
enhancement parameter γ = 5. As expected, the wave excitation in this
following extended state vector equation of dimension Nst = 8 + 2n is
case is neither very narrow-banded nor very broad-banded. It is also
seen that Me3(t ) is slightly more narrow-banded than Me1(t ), owing to
d the properties of the FRFs He1η(ω) and He3η(ω) that have been calculated
z(t ) = g(z(t ), Me1(t ), Me3(t ), t )
dt (44) from WAMIT. Similarly, realizations of the wave excitation moments
corresponding to γ = 1 and γ = 50 can be generated in a same manner
(not shown here), which turn out to be broad-banded and narrow-
⎡ y( t ) ⎤ banded, respectively.
⎢ ⎥
⎢ y˙(t ) ⎥ T
z(t ) = ⎢ z (t ) ⎥ , y(t ) = [φ11(t ), φ31(t ), ψ (t ), ω(t )]
r1 4.2. Performance of the GyroPTO device under irregular sea states
⎢ ⎥
⎣ zr3(t )⎦ (45)
With fixed geometry of the scaled model, there are two design
⎡ f(z(t ), Me (t ), Me (t ), t )⎤ parameters that can be varied, namely the damping constant cc of the
⎢ 1 3

magnetic coupling and the generator gain cg. Both parameters influ-
g(z(t ), Me1(t ), Me3(t ), t ) = ⎢ Ar1zr1(t ) + br1φ˙1 (t ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ence the response and stability of the system. Synchronization of the
⎢⎣ Ar3zr3(t ) + br3φ˙31(t ) ⎥⎦ flywheel to the peak angular frequency of the irregular wave can only be
achieved within certain ranges of cc and cg values.
y(t ) is the 4 degrees of freedom of the GyroPTO device. zr1(t ) and zr3(t )
Fig. 11 shows the responses φ11(t ) and φ31(t ) of the float under wave
are the state vectors from the rational approximation of the radiation excitation moments Me1(t ) and Me3(t ) as presented in Fig. 10, i.e.
damping moments. g is an Nst dimensional nonlinear vector function, Hs=0.283 m, γ = 5. The values of cc and cg are chosen as cc=0.052
and f is an 8 dimensional nonlinear vector function. Nms and cg = 3.5 × 10−4 Nms. It is seen that the horizontal motion φ11(t )
of the float has a slightly larger amplitude than the vertical motion
4. Numerical example φ31(t ). In the frequency domain, a clear spectrum peak around 1.3 rad/s
is observed for φ11(t ) as shown in Fig. 11b, corresponding to the
4.1. The scaled model and the irregular wave excitation eigenfrequency of the float in the horizontal direction due to the
artificial spring. Actually, the eigenfrequency of the float in the
A scaled model of the GyroPTO device as shown in Fig. 1b is horizontal direction can be approximately calculated as
considered in the numerical simulation. This scaled model was ω1 ≈
= 1.29 rad/s, where k1 is the spring stiffness, J1 is the
J1 + Jh1
constructed and tested in the wave basin (under regular waves) at
Aalborg University with a fully equipped device which included the equivalent mass moment of inertia as given in Eq. (16), Jh1 is the added
generator and power electronics Kramer et al. (2015). An “off the shelf” mass moment of inertia at infinite high frequency. It should be noted
generator was used and it was shown to perform as expected. The that the indicated angular frequency is merely a rough estimation of the
eigenfrequency for small horizontal vibration of the float. For both φ11(t )
structural and hydrodynamic parameters have been indicated in
Table 1. The numerical time-integration of the differential equations and φ31(t ), peaks around 3.14 rad/s are observed in the frequency
in Eq. (44) has been performed by a standard 4th order Runge-Kutta domain, resulting from the wave excitation, since the peak angular
scheme. frequency ωp of the irregular wave is 3.14 rad/s in this case.
The corresponding responses of the ring, the flywheel as well as the
Table 1
power output are shown in Fig. 12. In this case (cc=0.052 Nms,
Structural and hydrodynamic parameters of the scaled GyroPTO device. cg = 3.5 × 10−4 Nms), synchronization of the GyroPTO device is
obtained with respect to the peak angular frequency ωp of the wave.
Parameter Value Unit Parameter Value Unit The ring is rotating with an angular velocity around 3.14 rad/s equal to
ωp, although this angular velocity is oscillating between 2 rad/s to
a 0.9891 m m4 20.75 kg
b 0.0761 m J11 21.68 4 rad/s. This means the proposed magnetic coupling mechanism
kg m2
c 0.080 m J22 0.0952 successfully enables the synchronization of the ring to the wave
kg m2
d 0.550 m J13 0.0009208
excitation. Due to the kinematic constrain Eq. (1), the flywheel is
kg m2
r1 0.009 m J14 0.3671
spinning at almost constant angular velocity 3.14 × N = 71 rad/s,
kg m2
r2 0.203 m k1 146.7 Nm/rad
although oscillation also takes place from 60 rad/s to 75 rad/s, as
m1 20.27 kg k3 2945 Nm/rad shown in Fig. 12b. The resulting power output P(t) from the generator,
m2 5.270 kg Jh1 14.39 kg m2 which is calculated as P(t ) = cgω˙ (t ), is shown in Fig. 12c. It is clearly
m3 1.963 kg Jh3 32.16 kg m2 seen that the generated power output becomes almost constant over
time, with the mean value about 2.0 W. This is indeed the biggest

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

a b

Fig. 8. Rational approximation of order (m, n ) = (2, 3) to the radiation moment FRF Hr 3φ˙ 1(ω) . a) Real part of Hr 3φ˙ 1(ω) . b) Imaginary part of Hr 3φ˙ 1(ω) .
3 3 3

16.7 W, which is plotted as a red line in Fig. 12c. Comparison of this

red line with the power output P(t) implies that the efficiency of the
GyroPTO device is not very high. However, the clear advantage of
constant positive power output from the GyroPTO makes it a compe-
titive solution. It might be possible to increase the efficiency by semi-
active control of the flywheel rotational speed using changing values of
cg and cc. Moreover, a significant improvement may be obtained by an
active control of the motion of the float using an extra actuator, similar
to the one used for the Wavestar device Sichani et al. (2014).
Fig. 13 shows the corresponding results, when the generator gain cg
is increased to be cg = 1 × 10−3 Nms, with all other conditions un-
changed as in Fig. 12. In this case, synchronization of the device is
maintained for only 400 s and then lost, i.e. the angular velocities of the
Fig. 9. One-sided auto-spectral density function of the sea-surface elevation process for ring and the flywheel quickly drop to zero, so is the power output. On
γ = 1, 5, 50 . Hs=0.283 m, ωp=3.14 rad/s. one hand, as long as synchronization is maintained, the angular
velocity of the flywheel is always around 71 rad/s. Therefore, increasing
advantage of the GyroPTO device as mentioned in Section 1, that the value of cg is basically beneficial because the generated power
constant power can be delivered to the grid without additional power output is proportional to cg. However on the other hand, synchroniza-
electronics. Furthermore, it should be mentioned that the instanta- tion of the device will be lost when cg is increased to a certain value. As
neous power input to the float is completely related to the motion of the shown in Fig. 13c, during first 400 s of the time-series, the generated
float, and can be calculated as Pin(t ) = Me1(t )φ˙11(t ) + Me3(t )φ˙31(t ), which is power output is around 4 W, much larger than that in Fig. 12c because
oscillating dramatically around zero axis from −200 to 400W (not cg is increased. But this large value of cg does not guarantee
shown here). The mean value Pin of the instantaneous power input is synchronization (stability) of the device for a sufficiently long time

a b

c d

Fig. 10. Realizations of the wave excitation moments Me1(t ) and Me3(t ), Hs=0.283 m, ωp=3.14 rad/s, γ = 5. a) Time-series of Me1(t ) . b) Fourier amplitude of Me1(t ). c) Time-series of
Me3(t ) . d) Fourier amplitude of Me3(t ).

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

a b

c d

Fig. 11. Responses φ11(t ) and φ31(t ) of the float, Hs=0.283 m, ωp=3.14 rad/s, γ = 5, cc=0.052 Nms, cg = 3.5 × 10−4 Nms. a) Time-series of φ11(t ) . b) Fourier amplitude of φ11(t ) . c) Time-
series of φ31(t ) . d) Fourier amplitude of φ31(t ) .

duration, making the increased power output during the first 400 s function of cc and cg. The significant wave height Hs and peak angular
meaningless. Nevertheless, by properly changing the value of cg in real frequency of the wave ωp are fixed. Each simulation has been carried
time using a certain semi-active control law, synchronization might be out with a time length of 2000 s, from which the mean power output P
maintained. This will be investigated in the future research. is calculated. The mean power output is calculated and plotted in
Fig. 14 on condition that synchronization is maintained during this
4.3. Parametric study 2000 s. It is noticed that when cg is increased to certain large values,
synchronization is lost and P is not plotted anymore.
Parametric study is carried out in this subsection, where different In Fig. 14a, the results for γ = 1 corresponding to very broad-
values of cc and cg are considered to evaluate the performance and banded wave is illustrated. In this case, synchronization of the device is
stability of the GyroPTO device in irregular sea waves with three hardly maintained. For each fixed value of cc (cc = 2 × 0.052 and
different bandwidths (γ = 1, 5, 50 ). cc = 3 × 0.052 ), P increases monotonously with cg until cg reaches the
Fig. 14 shows the mean power output from the GyroPTO device as a value of 1.5 × 10−4 , where synchronization is lost. The maximum mean

a b c

Fig. 12. Responses of ring and of the flywheel, and the power output. Hs=0.283 m, ωp=3.14 rad/s, γ = 5, cc=0.052 Nms, cg = 3.5 × 10−4 Nms. Synchronization maintained. a) Time-
series of the angular velocity of the ring ψ˙ (t ) . b) Time-series of the angular velocity of the ring ω˙ (t ) . c) Time-series of the power output, together with the mean value of the power input Pin
to the float (red line).

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

a b c

Fig. 13. Responses of ring and of the flywheel, and the power output. Hs=0.283 m, ωp=3.14 rad/s, γ = 5, cc=0.052 Nms, cg = 1 × 10−3 Nms. Synchronization lost. a) Time-series of the
angular velocity of the ring ψ˙ (t ) . b) Time-series of the angular velocity of the ring ω˙ (t ) . c) Time-series of the power output, together with the mean value of the power input Pin to the float
(red line).

power output can be obtained is about 0.62 W, which is very small Finally, four different values of the significant wave height Hs are
comparing with the mean power input (about 16 W, not shown here). It considered. Fig. 15 shows the maximum mean power output Pmax as a
should also be noted that synchronization is always lost when cc=0.052 function of Hs and cc, where the maximum possible cg for synchroniza-
and therefore the mean power output is not plotted. Fig. 14b and c tion is used. As expected, the power output from the GyroPTO device
present the corresponding results when γ = 5 and γ = 50 , respectively. increases monotonously as Hs increases, since the variance and thus
Similarly, for a given value of cc, P increased almost linearly with power of the sea wave is proportional to Hs2. Again, the device
increased cg, but the stability margin is larger comparing with Fig. 14a. performs much better in narrow-banded waves (γ = 50 ), where the
On the contrary to Fig. 14a, for both γ = 5 and γ = 50 , synchronization maximum mean power output of 18 W can be obtained when
can be maintained when cc=0.052 and is more easily lost when Hs=1.132 m and cc=0.052 Nms.
cc = 3 × 0.052 . The maximum mean power output is obtained at 1.6
W (when cc=0.052, cg = 3.5 × 10−4 ) for γ = 5, and at 3.5 W (when 5. Conclusions
cc=0.052, cg = 7.5 × 10−4 ) for γ = 50 , respectively. Therefore, both cc
and cg influence the stability and performance of the device, and the The performance of the GyroPTO point absorber in irregular sea
value of them need to be optimized in different sea states. Further, the waves is investigated in this paper. Inside the float of the GyroPTO
general conclusion is that synchronization (stability) of the GyroPTO device, in stead of a rigid connection, the spin axis is connected to the
device is more easily maintained in narrow-banded sea waves than flywheel via a magnetic coupling mechanism. The idea of this mechan-
broad-banded case, leading to larger value of cg and thus larger power ism is to reduce fluctuation of the spinning velocity of the flywheel, and
output. The reason for this can be revealed from the auto-spectral hence stabilize the synchronization of the GyroPTO device. Nonlinear
density functions in Fig. 9, where more energy of the sea wave is equations of motion of the GyroPTO have been derived based on a 4-
concentrated around the peak wave frequency ωp for the narrow- DOF rigid body model, and the wave loading on the float is determined
banded case. Only the wave energy around this angular frequency can from the first-order wave theory. The frequency response functions of
be absorbed by the flywheel since it's operating at the same angular the two radiation damping moments are approximated by rational
velocity. For broad-banded waves, energies are more evenly distributed functions, resulting in an extended state vector formulation of the
to other frequencies, which can not be absorbed by the GyroPTO GyroPTO-wave system. The wave excitation moments are then gener-
device. ated by random phase model using the JONSWAP spectrum.

a b c

Fig. 14. Mean power output as a function of cc and cg. Hs=0.283 m, ωp=3.14 rad/s. a) γ = 1. b) γ = 5. c) γ = 50 .

Z. Zhang et al. Ocean Engineering 143 (2017) 113–124

a b c

Fig. 15. Maximum mean power output as a function of Hs and cc, where the maximum possible cg is used. ωp=3.14 rad/s. a) γ = 1. b) γ = 5. c) γ = 50 .

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