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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the latte
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Participants arriving late are asked to 105. You can look at your electricity
enter the training seminar-------. usage--------logging on to your online
(A) quiet service account.
(B) quieting (A) for
(C) quieter (B) at
(D) quietly (C) over
(D) by

102. Our staff will accept grant proposals 106. This month, Mr. Choi has excelled at
------ March 3 to April 3. ------ processing incoming orders.
(A) past (A) typically
(B) from (B) tightly
(C) sometime (C) quickly
(D) in (D) lately

103. Randall Lee is a demanding critic, but 107. The university's vision is to increase
even--------is impressed with Schiff's Artisan graduates'-------in the global workplace.
Vanilla ice cream. (A) succeed
(A) he (B) successful
(B) him (C) successfully
(C) himself (D) success
(D) his

104. Please provide as many-------as possible 108. Former seasonal employees seeking to
when leaving a message for the technical- be rehired must-------a new application.
support team. (A) observe
(A) items (B) submit
(B) details (C) familiarize
(C) programs (D) inform
(D) individuals
109. The inspector will ensure that all newly she bought her tickets early.
------- commercial buildings comply with (A) unless
applicable codes and regulations. (B) finally
(A) constructing (C) because
(B) construct (D) although
(C) constructed
(D) constructive

110. Ms. Drew was able to attend the popular

summer marketing seminar in Lisbon -------
115. Ding's Cafe in Hong Kong-------to serve
the freshest possible seafood. 116. Dr. Abraham Lowery raised his national
(A) aims visibility with his-------on last year's Medical
(B) catches Association panel.
(C) provides (A) participated
(D) produces (B) participate
(C) participation
(D) participatory

111.--- -At Reyo Foods, we know that a 117--------all the nominations for board
healthy diet is important to consumers. members have been received, a complete list
(A) increase will be posted.
(B) increases (A) Daily
(C) increased (B) Afterward
(D) increasingly (C) Once
(D) Instead

112. Ms. Chang was promoted to section chief 118. Tsutomu Motohashi holds the company
------- only six months on the job. record for the highest sales figures in a
(A) besides ------- year.
(B) after (A) single
(C) until (B) singled
(D) about (C) singles
(D) singling

113. Poland Cell Tel is beginning a 119. Building public awareness of

multibillion-euro process to-------its network. environmental issues is the primary -------
(A) expanding of the Florida Conservancy Group.
(B) expand (A) mission
(C) be expanded (B) reason
(D) have expanded (C) arrangement
(D) reference

114. The agreement-------the two corporations 120. Karl Byquist's compelling presentation
will enable both to expand their business. ------ the management of Parkland Press to
(A) below hire his company.
(B) between (A) convince
(C) around (B) convincing
(D) above (C) convinced
(D) convincingly
121. The switch to the specialized database is 126. Among her many--------achievements,
------- scheduled for May 18, but it may Dr. Ahn wrote sixteen books and served as
need to be postponed. editor for three major journals.
(A) formerly (A) remarkable
(B) especially (B) remarkably
(C) regularly (C) remarked
(D) tentatively (D) remarking

122. Today, in place of spokesperson Hiro (D) herself

Ueda, President Akiko Nomura--------will
speak with reporters.
(A) she
(B) her
(C) hers
127. Agricomp plans to spend (A) over
$50 million to build additional (B) down
laboratories--------------------------the next six (C) along
months. (D) about

123. The proposed location for the bank 128. Product-------on the purchase order
branch is-------the most convenient for our should contain the dimensions of the new
customers, but also the most cost-effective. office furniture.
(A) even though (A) specify
(B) in case (B) specifications
(C) not only (C) specifically
(D) whether or not (D) specific

124. The Voz 900,------for consumers who 129. For the past five years, Bolting
want a large-screen television at a small- Technology Ltd. has been a creative-------in
screen price, is now available in stores. the communications industry.
(A) perfect (A) motion
(B) perfectly (B) fashion
(C) perfects (C) code
(D) perfecting (D) force

125. Research shows that,-------eating 130. Trees Across the World, a documentary
healthily, exercise is the most important factor film forest diversity, won a top prize at
in determining adult health. the arts festival.
(A) alongside (A) depiction
(B) indeed (B) depicts
(C) within (C) depicting
(D) primarily (D) depicted

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of
each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best
answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Question 131-134 refer to the following email.

2, 8:52 a.m.
e update
d everyone that repairs to the building's air-conditioning system will begin tomorrow. -------. They will do their best notoffice operation

r jobs and refer any questions or concerns to me.

Members of my team will be touring the buildingthe day on Wednesday to ensure

that the I work is being carried out properly. I ask that everyone be patient until the repairs

have been completed.

Thank you in advance for yourin this matter.

Nigel Hobbs, Maintenance Supervisor

131. 133.
(A) The maintenance department will begin (A) since
repairs a week from Wednesday. (B) concerning
(B) There will be contractors working in (C) against
various parts of the building. (D) during
(C) We will request cost estimates for a new
air-conditioning system.
(D) Your manager will supply you with
further information.

132. 134.
(A) disturbed (A) guidance
(B) having disturbed (B) cooperation
(C) to disturb (C) interest
(D) disturbs (D) choice
Question 135- 138 refer to the following letter.

February 10

Wayne Alvarez, District Manager Belton Appliances

26 Oak Road Belton, SC 27015 Dear Mr. Alvarez,
I purchased a flat-screen television from Belton Appliances thata defect a month after its
warranty expired. The volume became so quiet that it was difficult to hear anything.

When I telephoned your service department to tell them I was having trouble with the, the
associate, Jill, informed me that several other people had also complained about this problem.

------. In fact, the technician arrived a little earlier than the appointed time. He fixed the problem
in less than one hour and did not charge me for the repair. I am writing to let you know that I

have told all my friends about theservice I received from your company.

Sincerely, Vanessa Kwan

135. 137.
(A) develop (A) The problem has not yet been resolved.
(B) developing (B) She scheduled a repair for the following day.
(C) development (C) The company will offer a refund.
(D) developed (D) I am waiting for an answer from the service
136. 138.
(A) power (A) excellent
(B) lighting (B) poor
(C) sound (C) extreme
(D) size (D) disappointing
Question 139- 142 refer to the following letter.

29 August


Director of Human Resources
Farsten Products, Ltd.
549 Castor Boulevard
Winnipeg MB R3E 2S2

Dear Mr. Mangubat,

I am writing to apply for the mechanical engineer position advertised on your Web site. I

think I have much to offer Farsten Products’design as an employee.


------. I am currently an engineer at Yount Systems, where I have worked on machine and
engine designs for the last six years--------that, I was employed by Zelenka Industries, where I
helped develop efficient methods for recycling scrap steel.

I have enclosed my résumé, which-------more details about my work history and my

educational background. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss how my skills and

experience can benefit Farsten Products.


Gail Paek

139. 141.
(A) phase (A) Regarding
(B) department (B) Following
(C) consultant (C) Contrary to
(D) expertise (D) Prior to

140. 142.
(A) Your Web site also listed an internship (A) give
that would be a great opportunity. (B) gave
(B) The job description said that applicants (C) gives
should have an advanced degree. (D) is giving
(C) My manager replied to your request last
(D) My extensive experience makes me an
ideal fit for your company.
Question 143-146 refer to the following letter.

February 12

Dr. Joan. Aghazarian

President, Florida Association of Dental Care Professionals
1999 Dade Avenue
Miami, FL 33133

Dear Dr. Aghazarian:

I want to let you know that we are holding our-------career fair on Saturday, March 2.
This is always our biggest event of the year.------. We expect even more participants this year.

Attending the fair is a terrific way for your-------to network with others in the industry
and learn about opportunities at our twelve clinics throughout the state. The event is

open to public, but professionals affiliated with your association receive free admission.

I have enclosed a list of events that-------at this year’s fair. If you have questions, please contact
me at 555-0181.

Doug Goertz
Recruiter, Sunnyside Dental Services


143. 145.
(A) first (A) students
(B) private (B) members
(C) annual (C) patients
(D) only (D) salespeople

144. 146.
(A) Last March we had more than 200 (A) were taking place
attendees. (B) took place
(B) Let me know if you will be able to (C) takes place
attend. (D) will take place
(C) Tickets are available online.
(D) Interviews will be held in Miami.

Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions.
Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer

Question 147-148 refer to the following form.


Product Return Form

Dear Customer:
a product is damaged, or you are not satisfied for any reason, please return the item with the receipt and this completed form. A repla

Name: George P. Silva

Address: 2038 Water Street. Lowry, MO 64763
Problem description: Parts of the item are missing.

Action requested: Replacement Credit account

147. What product did Mr. Silva most likely 148. What problem is Mr. Silva reporting?
buy? (A) Some pieces were not included.
(A) An accounting book (B) Some instructions are incorrect.
(B) A piece of clothing (C) The wrong product was delivered.
(C) A bicycle (D) The product was damaged during
(D) A game shipping.
Question 149-150 refer to the following e-mail.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: re: Early check-in

Date: May 16, 1:30 P.M

Dear Mr. Norn,

We received your e-mail about early check-ins. To answer your question, at the Parker
Square Hotel early check-in are available between 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. for an
additional $25. Guests are requested to contact us at least one day ahead of time so that we
can make arrangements and have a room ready for them in the morning. Because you'll be
arriving tomorrow, could you please reply today by 6:00 P.M. to confirm that you are
interested in checking in earlier?

With best regards,

Lisa Murata
Front Desk Manager, Parker Square Hotel

149. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 150. When is the latest that Mr. Noro should
(A) To explain a policy contact Ms. Murata?
(B) To offer a room upgrade (A) By 10:00 A.M.
(C) To advertise a special rate (B) By 1 :30 P.M.
(D) To confirm a reservation (C) By 2:00 P.M.
(D) By 6:00 P.M
Question 151-152 refer to the following e-mail.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Date: July 2

Re: Request

Dear Mr. Tan.

The Westerville Small Business Owners Association (WSBOA) is exploring the

possibility of booking a meeting space at the Brookhill Community Center. The event has
been scheduled for August 12 from 8 to 11 a.m.

In addition to chairs and tables for 50 to 80 members, we will need a laptop, a projector,
and a screen. We are also considering hiring a catering company to provide coffee,
pastries, and fruit for the event. Would we be expected to contract with the Center's own
catering service, or could we arrange to provide our own?

Please be so kind as to provide me with the requested information by Friday afternoon.

Thank you,

Nicole Durand
Event Manager, WSBOA

151. Why did Ms. Durand write the e-mail? 152. What is indicated about the
(A) To inquire about renting a facility WSBOA meeting?
(B) To suggest a new date for a meeting (A) It is held once a year.
(C) To propose changes to a rental policy (B) It includes refreshments.
(D) To inform members of a special event (C) It requires a registration fee.
(D) It takes place in the afternoon.
Question 153-155 refer to the following press release.


October 15

CHARLOTTE, NC—Barnet Investments held a ceremony today to inaugurate its new

office building at 186 South Chowan Street. The company began in Cork, Ireland, ten
years ago. Since then, it has expanded to offices throughout Europe, and last year, it
opened its African headquarters in Johannesburg. The new headquarters in Charlotte
marks the first North American location for the company.

Barnet Investments, a leading investment firm specializing in technology and

electronics start-ups, includes Arno Technological Services and Karlon Electronics
Superstores in its client list, along with other prominent businesses.

The headquarters will serve all clients in both North and South America. More than 500
employees have been hired to staff the location. Barnet Investments vice president Liam
O'Malley will lead the new office during its first year before returning to Cork.

For further information, contact Maxine Wilton in Public Relations at 980-555-0184 or

at [email protected].

153. What event took place at 186 South 155. What is indicated about Mr. O'Malley?
Chowan Street? (A) He was formerly the president of Arno
(A) A financial seminar Technological Services.
(B) An electronics show (B) He is working in Charlotte temporarily.
(C) An opening celebration (C) He is one of 500 newly hired workers.
(D) A hiring fair (D) He began his career at a retail store.

154. What is mentioned about Barnet

(A) It serves clients on more than one
(B) It is considered a leader in personal
(C) Its Charlotte office was designed by a
leading architectural firm.
(D) Its Charlotte office building is ten years
Question 156- 157 refer to the following letter.

March 23
Mr. Vardhan Patel
Sky High Solar
Panels 732 East
Bridge Road
Orlando, Florida 32803

Dear Mr. Patel,

Waterton's Office of Engineering is looking for ways to decrease the town's energy expenses.
To this end, we are interested in having solar panels installed on our municipal buildings. After
researching several solar energy companies, we believe that yours might best fit our needs.

We would like to request a consultation to determine the approximate cost, including

installation, for a system of ACF34 panels on our buildings. May I ask you to please contact me
at 407-555-0173 to schedule a consultation? I look forward to hearing from you.

Dalia Peralta
Chief Engineer
Waterton, Florida

156. Why was the letter written? 157. What information does Ms. Peralta want?
(A) To negotiate a discount (A) Product dimensions
(B) To order a company catalog (B) A price estimate
(C) To set up an appointment (C) Maintenance instructions
(D) To revise a construction plan (D) Client references
Question 158-161 refer to the following letter.

41 Main St.
North Windsor, CT 06075

Mr. Donald Bertram March 1

19 Belles Lane
South Windsor, CT 06074
Account Number: 8321

Dear Mr. Bertram:

Enclosed you will find the tickets for your April 18 flight to Brazil. We suggest
you arrive at the airport two hours before your flight is scheduled to depart. Along
with your plane tickets, I have enclosed a copy of your final itinerary and the
luggage tags you will need for your tour. Everything has been charged to your
credit card, as you requested. Please not that a charge of $110.00 has been added
for the meal plan you chose for the week at the hotel. We would like to remind you
that you are responsible for obtaining travel visas. Feel free to contact me so that I
can go over the information with you or answer any questions you might have.

GloriA FArelli
Gloria Farelli

158. Who most likely wrote this letter? 160. What is NOT enclosed with the letter?
(A) A hotel clerk (A) Suitcase labels
(B) A travel agent (B) A tour schedule
(C) A tour guide (C) Travel visas
(D) A flight attendant (D) Airplane tickets

159. According to the letter, what will happen 161. For what has Mr. Bertram been charged
on April 18? extra money?
(A) The itinerary will be finalized. (A) A meal plan
(B) The tour will be advertised to the public. (B) A replacement ticket
(C) Mr. Bertram’s credit card will be (C) Transportation to the airport
charged. (D) Heavy luggage
(D) Mr. Bertram will leave for Brazil.
Question 162-165 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Kathleen Vern (10:12 A.M.)

Our Australian partners have requested a video call to review the tile designs.

Mateus Ribero (10:14 A.M.)

OK. Do we have a plan yet?

Kathleen Vern (10: 16 A.M.)

I'm setting it up for 7 p.m. tomorrow, our time, in room 2C. The late start is because of the time
difference between Perth and Winnipeg.

Natalia Kovac (10:17 A.M.)

Could we call in to the meeting from home?

Kathleen Yern (10:19 A.M.)

I'm afraid not. The security policy states that we can't take anything out of the building, and our
partners are counting on seeing the tile designs.

Natalia Kovac (10:20 A.M.)

OK. That makes sense. Now we just need approval from Ms. Feld to be here after hours.

Mateus Ribero (10:22 A.M.)

Let's check with her now. Ms. Feld, we would like to have a conference call with our partners in
Perth tomorrow. Is it all right if we stay late to show them the new designs? We will be using
room 2C since it has the audiovisual equipment.

Janice Feld (10:24 A.M.)

Yes, that's fine. I'll tell security so they won't lock the building until you've finished.

Kathleen Vern (10:25 A.M.)

Thanks, Mr. Ribero, for reaching out to Ms. Feld.

162. What is the online chat discussion about? 164. What does Ms. Feld offer to do?
(A) Making a tile purchase (A) Create a video of the tile designs
(B) Planning a business trip (B) Contact some colleagues in Perth
(C) Arranging a meeting (C) Make sure that the office remains open
(D) Extending a deadline (D) Leave an extra set of keys in the office

163. At 10:20 a.m., what does Ms. Kovac 165. Why does Ms. Vern thank Mr. Ribero?
most likely mean when she writes, "That
(A) For obtaining approval
makes sense"?
(B) For attending a conference
(A) She knows about the time difference. (C) For setting up some equipment
(B) She agrees that building security has (D) For agreeing to lock the building
(C) She realizes that she will be working late.
(D) She understands why they must work at
the office.
Questions 166-168 refer to the following notice.


Please be advised that the Shinjuku branch office of Tokyo English Newspaper (TEN) is
closed for the summer as we undergo substantial improvements to our publishing offices.
The Shinjuku office of TEN will re-open on 1 September.
Note that TEN's Summer Journalism Internship program is being held at our Yoyogi Park
branch and runs from 1 July to 1 September. This program offers internship sessions of
one week, two weeks, and four weeks for those interested in writing articles and
editorials. Our Yoyogi Park branch is located across the street from the Yoyogi Park
metro station on the Chiyoda line.
TEN enjoys a circulation of more than 10,000 readers, a number that continues to grow.
For the past three years, Tokyo English Newspaper has been voted Top English
Newspaper in Japan by the editors of Global Travel Guide magazine. For more
information, visit or call 03-5521-5935.

166. Where would this notice likely be seen? 168. What is NOT indicated about
(A) In a listing of job openings TEN?
(B) On a university bulletin board (A) It is available only online.
(C) In the lobby of a travel center (B) It has more than one office.
(D) On the door of a newspaper office. (C) It has been praised in a magazine.
(D) It recruits summer interns.

167. Why has the Shinjuku branch of TEN

(A) The building has been sold.
(B) The workplace is being remodeled.
(C) The branch is moving to a new location.
(D) The establishment has gone out of
Questions 169-171 refer to the following email.

To: From: Date: Subject: June 30

Shipment arrival

d and verify that the quantities on the receipt are accurate. ---[2]---. In addition, please make sure that the bricks are stacked no more

169. What is the purpose of the e-mail? 171. In which of the positions marked [ 1], [2], [3],
(A) To provide instructions to an employee and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
(B) To address a mistake with a shipment
(C) To place an order for bricks "The manufacturer has informed me that the truck
To record the inventory for a shipment will be arriving at 7:30 A.M."

170. Why is Ms. Kwon concerned about the (A) [1]

shipment? (B) [2]
(A) It may arrive late. (C) [3]
(B) It contains breakable material. (D) [4]
(C) It was very expensive.
(D) It is for an important client
Question 172-175 refer to the following announcement.

Roger Wilkinson to Join

Pace and Brown Architects, Inc.
At Friday’s company-wide meeting, president and CEO
Cynthia Hu announced that, following a lengthy search, Pace
and Brown has selected Roger H.Wilkinson as the new
director of restoration projects. Beginning May 1 Mr.
Wilkinson will succeed Keira Powells, who retired on
January 3. Mr. Wilkinson is coming to Pace and Brown
from his position as a senior project designer at Bershire
Blakeburns in London, where he has lived for the last ten

Mr. Wilkinson will be responsible for representing the firm

externally and ensuring that the firm has a clear strategic
direction as it expands its work in restoration and historic
preservation. He brings with him many diverse talents and
more than 25 years of design and project management
experience. He is probably best known for his restoration
work on the historic 32-story Starsham Hotel in Melbourne,
for which he was awarded the Schills Medal, Australia’s most
prestigious design award.

172. Where would this announcement 174. How long has Roger Wilkinson lived in
most likely appear? London?
(A) In a newspaper advertisement (A) For 10 years
(B) In a business textbook (B) For 15 years
(C) In a telephone directory (C) For 25 years
(D) In a company newsletter (D) For 32 years

173. Who is Keira Powells? 175. According to the announcement, what is

(A) A past president of a business Roger Wilkinson known for?
(B) A former director of a business (A) Directing restoration projects at Pace and
(C) A successful clothing designer Brown
(D) A well-known historian (B) Being Bershire Blakeburn’s longest-serving
(C) Renovating a historic building in
(D) Winning a major design award in London
Question 176-180 refer to the following e-mail and advertisement.

To: Franklin Realty <[email protected]>

From: Damian Davis <[email protected]>
Date: July 7
Re: Apartments for

Rent Franklin Realty:

I have heard that you have apartments for rent in Southern California. Sarting in
September, I will be working at the Woodlane Heights University, and I need to rent
a one-bedroom apartment nearby. I would like to know what you have available in
the vicinity. I do not have a car and will be relying on public transportation. Can you
contact me with information about any suitable apartments?

I will be visiting Clifornia next month, and I want to arrange an appointment to

visit apartments during my visit. You can e-mail any relevant information to this
address or fax it to me at 330-555-3864.

Damian, Davis.


ud to announce the GRAND OPENING of four housing developments located throughout Southern California:

edroom apartments. Conveniently located ten minutes outside of bustling Stoneybrook. Cable TV available. Prices start at $650 a mon

oom, one-barthroom apartments. Perfectly situated in downtown Woodlane Heights. Access to community swimming pool. Prices start

m, one-bathroom villas. Located in peaceful Lincoln Village. Apartments with private balcony. Prices start at $950 a month.

om, two-bathroom apartments. Located within walking distance of downtown Amber Beach. Access to private beach. Prices start at $1

at for additional information.

l 818-555-2837, or visit our office at 25 Grover St., Stoneybrook, CA 73910.

176. What is Mr. Davis most concerned 179. What is implied about the apartments in
about? Lincoln Village?
(A) The price of the apartments (A) They are quiet.
(B) The location of the housing complex (B) They are near a beach.
(C) The size of the apartments (C) They have private garages.
(D) The facilities in the housing complex (D) They have been remodeled.

177. Why is Mr. Davis moving? (A) He needs more space.

(B) He will be a student at a university. 180. Which is NOT mentioned as a method of
(C) He wants to live near his family. contacting Franklin Realty?
(D) He will start a new job. (A) E-mail
(B) Telephone
(C) Fax
(D) In person

178. In what housing complex will

Mr. Davis most likely be interested?
(A) Parker Apartmenst
(B) Emerald Gardens
(C) Princess Villas
(D) Amber Beach
Question 181-185 refer to the following e-mails.

Date: January 25
From: Tori Ray <[email protected]>
To: Paul Han <[email protected]>
Subject: Update on the workshop on Friday, February 3

Hi Paul,

Thank you for agreeing to conduct a workshop for us at Alverton Finance Corporation. We
are excited to hear about your new software program, which may be a beneficial tool for our

In my previous e-mail, I said the workshop would be held in room 135, but it has been
changed to room 455. Please stop at the security desk when you get here, and give the
security guard that room number. The guard will issue you a guest pass and escort you to the

If you have any handouts that you want us to copy before the workshop, my assistant, Hilary
Rigby, can make them. If you send her your handouts electronically by Wednesday,
February 1, she will have the copies ready for you. Her e-mail address is
[email protected].

If you have any questions, please let me know, I look forward to seeing you at the workshop.
Tori Ray

   6 

Date: From: To: Subject:

January 27
Paul Han > Tori Ray <>
Re: Update on the workshop on Friday, February 3

our employees how our software can help you with your client database. I am confident that you will find this software quite useful.

o will take care of the technical issues. He is one of the computer programmers who developed this software, so he will be able to ans

re will only be a few pages, as most of the demonstration will be given on a computer that we will bring with us.

181. What is the purpose of Ms. Ray’s e-mail? 184. Who is Josh Morton?
(A) To confirm the details of a presentation (A) An administrative assistant
(B) To place an order for computer software (B) A security guard
(C) To explain the changes in a security policy (C) A computer programmer
(D) To change the date of a workshop (D) A sales representative
182. What should Mr. Han do when he arrives 185. What will Mr. Han do on Monday?
at Alverton Finance Corporation? (A) Demonstrate a new software program
(A) Call Ms. Ray at her office (B) Print copies of handouts
(B) Pick up a security pass (C) Send documents to Ms. Rigby
(C) Go to room 135 (D) Introduce Mr. Morton to a client
(D) Contact Ms. Ray’s assistant

183. When will Ms. Ray and Mr. Han meet?

(A) On January 25
(B) On January 27
(C) On February 1
(D) On February 3
Question 186-190 refer to the following job posting, e-mail, and information.

The Brimstone is Hiring!

The Brimstone has been a main feature in the Palm Springs community for thirty years.
We have a reputation for excellent food and even better customer service. We are
currently in need of a new server to join our team at The Brimstone. If you are a
friendly and outgoing person with exceptional people skills then we want to hear from
you! Previous experience working as a server is desirable, but not a necessity. We will
train the right candidate. You must be sixteen years of age or older and be willing to
work morning, afternoon, and evening shifts during the week and on weekends. If you
are interested, please visit the restaurant at 1771 Coleman Avenue and ask to speak to
the manager, Richard Zimmerman.

To: From: Date: Subject: Attached:

Martha Forshee >
Richard Zimmerman > October 19
Welcome to the team! Employee manual

at addition to our restaurant.

ailed information regarding the specific roles and responsibilities will be explained to you during your training after you’ve started. You
Employee Manual
 Breakfast shifts are from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M
 Lunch shifts are from 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
 Dinner shifts are from 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
 Night shifts are from 6:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M.
All time off must be requested and approved by a manager, in writing, in advance.
If employees cannot make their scheduled shifts, it is their responsibility to find a
replacement from our employees.
The standard clothing for all servers at The Brimstone restaurant is a pair of running shoes,
black pants (or a skirt), and a red top with The Brimstone's logo printed on it.

186. What is indicated about The Brimstone? 189. When does Ms. Forshee's shift start on
(A) It is looking to hire several new her first day?
(B) It recently opened a second location. (A) 7:00 A.M.
(C) It will open a cooking program. (B) 11 :00 A.M.
(D) It has been in business for three decades. (C) 4:00 P.M.
(D) 6:00 P.M.

187. What can be inferred about Ms. Forshee? 190. What is NOT stated about employees of
(A) She is at least sixteen years old. the restaurant?
(B) She is working in a restaurant for the first
time. (A) They are advised to wear a uniform.
(C) She will be interviewing Mr. McCormick. (B) They need to write a request for a
(D) She is training to be a chef. vacation.
(C) Every shift lasts for four hours.
(D) Schedule changes are allowed between
188. Where can Ms. Forshee get more
information than what Mr. Zimmerman sent?
(A) In the employee handbook
(B) On the company Web site
(C) At employee training
(D) In a follow-up e-mail.
Question 191-195 refer to the following Web pages and letter.

Current Promotions for Salto Alliance Members

From 1 July to 31 December, earn points when staying at any of the following Salto
Alliance hotels.

Egidio Hotel, Florence, Italy Halinski Hotel, London, England

Earn 40 points when you reserve a Earn 60 points when you reserve a
single room. double room.

Celova Inn, Siena, Italy Neves Pousada, Lisbon, Portugal

Opens 3 March! Earn 70 points Earn 60 points when you reserve a
when you reserve a single room. double room.

• Members receive free shuttle service to select local attractions and the main airport. Check
with the front desk for scheduling.
• Members who rent a car from Avini Rentals receive a 10 percent discount on car rentals.

Ready to use your points?

• 500 points: Get 50 percent off a meal of up to €100 at any Salto Alliance hotel restaurant.
• 600 points: Receive a room upgrade.
• 1,000 points: Enjoy a free overnight stay at any participating Salto Alliance hotel.

For details on promotions and points, go to

Salto Alliance

3 August

Elsa Dolanski
238 Rose Hill

Dear Ms. Dolanski,

Thank you for staying at a Salto Alliance hotel. Enclosed you will find the Salto Alliance
membership card that you requested during your recent stay in Florence. We have already
applied the 40 points that you earned during your one-night visit, but you will need to
activate your card to keep accruing points. To do so, go to our Web site at, click "My Account," and follow the instructions provided.

We look forward to hosting you again in the near future.

The Guest Relations Team
Salto Alliance
Ms. Dolanski, thank you for completing the survey regarding your stay at Celova Inn, 4-5 October. To show our apprec

Salto Alliance Membership Card: 2378273

Total Accrued Points: 510

To redeem your points, visit

191. What is mentioned about Salto Alliance 194. What is probably true about Ms. Dolanski?
hotels? (A) She stayed at a new hotel.
(A) They have three room sizes to choose from. (B) She rented a car from Avini Rentals.
(B) They prepare free breakfasts for guests. (C) She was unable to activate her card.
(C) They provide coupons for nearby (D) She lost her membership card.
(D) They offer members free transportation to
local sites.

192. At what hotel did Ms. Dolanski 195. Why did Ms. Dolanski receive bonus
request a membership card? points?
(A) Egidio Hotel (A) For recommending a shuttle service
(B) Halinski Hotel considered
(C) Celova Inn (B) For filling out a survey
(D) Neves Pousada (C) For extending her hotel stay
(D) For checking out early
193. In the letter, the word "keep" in
paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to
(A) place
(B) continue
(C) delay
(D) hold
Question 196-200 refer to the following job posting, e-mail, and letter.

Richmond Engineering is hiring. We are looking for certified structural engineers to

manage several building projects at our firm.

Necessary Qualifications
• Bachelor of Science degree in engineering
• Licensed by the Professional Engineering Association (must submit proof)
• Familiarity with various engineering design databases
• Successful passing of an engineering skills test

• Assess weak buildings and provide recommendations for their structural integrity
• Make drawings, specifications, and computer models of structures

Application Procedure
Please e-mail your cover letter and résumé along with a copy of your engineering
license to [email protected] prior to March 15. The engineering skills
test will be held for all candidates on March 16. After the tests have been scored,
specific candidates will be brought in for interviews on March 19.

sition. I recently graduated from a competitive engineering program. If hired, I believe I would be an asset to your organization.

rnship at a construction company. Now that I have obtained my degree and license, I would very much like to apply my skills to a

t is possible to take the test on a different day. I will be away for a field survey on the day. However, I am available on both the 17th an
Nate Patel
4481 Elkview Drive
Jupiter, FL

33478 Dear Mr.



You scored the highest on our engineering skills test and your interview was
impressive as well. We would like to offer you the position of structural engineer.
There's one thing I need you to do before you sign the contract, though. As part of
your initial application, I received your cover letter and résumé, but the third
document was missing. Because it is a key requirement of the position, I cannot
send you a contract until we have received it. Could you please send a copy to me
before the end of the week? After I have it on file, we can move forward with your
job offer.



196. What is NOT mentioned as a 199. What is the purpose of the letter?
requirement of the position? (A) To answer an inquiry about a job posting
(A) A passing score on an exam (B) To schedule a candidate for an interview
(B) Several years' experience (C) To give a job offer to a candidate
(D) To provide training information to a new
(C) A university degree in engineering
(D) Understanding of design software

197. According to Mr. Patel, what day 200. What can be inferred about Mr. Patel?
is he unavailable? (A) He was the first candidate to e-mail his
(A) March 16 résumé.
(B) March 17 (B) He interviewed on a different day than
(C) March 18 other applicants.
(D) March 19 (C) He had to rearrange his vacation schedule.
(D) He didn't attach proof of his license.
198. According to the e-mail, what has Mr.
Patel done?
(A) He has taken a skills test.
(B) He has completed a field investigation.
(C) He has received reference letters from
his internship.
(D) He has received a university degree.

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