READING TEST 005 Parts 6-7

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Part 6

Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text. Four
answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then
mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 41-44 refer to the following notice.

This notice (41)_______ your reservation for two double rooms, with check-in on Sunday, March 5, and
checkout on Thursday, March 9. I see here that you have a special request for one extra set of blankets and
two extra pillows in each room; please note (42)_______ the items will be placed in each room, on top of the
dresser. There will be no extra charge for this request.
(43)_______, check-in time is at 3:00 P.M., and checkout is at noon. Some people wish to check in at an
earlier time or check out at a later time. (44)_______. This will help us ensure that we can accommodate
your scheduling needs. We look forward to having you stay with us.
41. (A) will be confirmed 43. (A) Apparently
(B) confirms (B) As a reminder
(C) is a confirmation (C) In an emergency
(D) confirm (D) However

42. (A) which 44. (A) If these days suit you, please let us know so we can reserve a shuttle
(B) what for you.
(C) these (B) For example, some people need a reservation with all meals included.
(D) that (C) If this is your case, please give us a call 24 hours in advance of your
(D) You can always request a wake-up call by contacting the receptionist.
Questions 45-48 refer to the following e-mail.

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: November 15
Re: Updates to Office Layout

Dear Claims Specialists:

On January 1, Cheapsure will begin offering homeowners insurance as well as automobile insurance. This
exciting (45)_______ will require a surge in hiring and adjustments to the layout of our office space.
Tomorrow, I will hold a meeting at 2:00 P.M. in the main conference room to discuss the (46)_______
changes. We have (47)_______ flexibility with the floor plan and would like your input. (48)_______. .

Lee Greenberg Facilities Administrator

45. (A) performance 47. (A) some

(B) merger (B) each
(C) relocation (C) overly
(D) addition (D) very

46. (A) necessarily 48. (A) Some current employees will switch departments.
(B) necessity (B) Attached is a map of our new desk assignments.
(C) necessary (C) Your attendance is thus strongly encouraged.
(D) necessities (D) Productivity is expected to double afterward.
Questions 49-52 refer to the following instructions.

Before making travel arrangements, all Saffler Bank employees (49)_______ authorization. Only after
approval has been granted can travel plans be made. To request authorization, fill out the first side of the
Travel Reimbursement Form. Here you will provide the reason for your (50)_______. Next, submit the form
(51)_______ an estimate for the cost of travel to your destination. Upon returning, do not forget to fill out the
second side of the form, where you will report mileage and expenses. Inclusion of receipts is required.
Expenses for which you cannot show a receipt, such as parking meters and tips, are also reimbursable.
49. (A) will receive 51. (A) along with
(B) must receive (B) taken from
(C) had received (C) according to
(D) are receiving (D) in the event of

50. (A) trip 52. (A) It is customary to leave a tip.

(B) decision (B) Parking is limited, so arrive early.
(C) situation (C) These expenses should be supported with a written statement.
(D) appointment (D) However, routine travel does not require managerial approval.

Part 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails,
and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 53-54 refer to the following contract.

Pinnacle Sports Club Membership Agreement

Member Name: Mary Swansone
Membership Type: 12 months
Begin Date: September 5
Enrollment Fee: $25
Monthly Dues: $32 per month
Payment Method: Credit card
Thank you for joining Pinnacle Sports Club. As a club member, you have unlimited access to all gym
equipment, fitness classes, and the swimming pool. Please present your membership card to the front-desk
attendant upon entry. If for any reason you need to discontinue your membership before the 12-month
contract period has expired, you must write a letter and send it by mail to the Pinnacle Sports Club, 171 Aqua
street, Germantown, California 95913. A penalty will apply.
Signed: Mary Swansone

53. What is suggested about Ms. Swansone?

(A) She recently moved to California.
(B) She has not paid her enrollment fee.
(C) She is an instructor in a fitness class.
(D) She has entered into a one-year contract.
54. Why would Ms. Swansone be required to submit a letter?
(A) To cancel her membership
(B) To gain access to special equipment
(C) To pay with a different credit card
(D) To receive a replacement membership card

Questions 55-56 refer to the following text-message chain.

Harry Matthews (11:25 A.M.) Really? I hope I didn’t delete it. Did you accidentally send the e-mail to
Harvey Mattson?
Linhan Xu (11:28 A.M.) Oh, wait - it looks like I forgot to attach it! I’ll send it over now.
Harry Matthews (11:30 A.M.) I just got it. Thanks!

55. What is the purpose of the text-message chain?

(A) To determine whether information has been sent
(B) To understand why a decision has changed
(C) To provide instructions on deleting a file
(D) To decide who will deliver a presentation
56. At 11:25 A.M., what does Mr. Matthews imply when he writes, “Really?”
(A) He needs the documents right away.
(B) He deleted the sales-calls records.
(C) He cannot find the attachment.
(D) He sent the attachment to Mr. Mattson in error.

Questions 57-58 refer to the following email.

From: [email protected]
To: asvoboda@
Date: 5 May
Subject: Financial consulting

Dear Mr. Svoboda:

My name is Jovanie Blum, and I am a consultant with Messick Financial Management Company. My
company specializes in international funds, and we have experts on tax law in France and Germany. As your
computer firm expands its operations into Germany, our experts can provide valuable advice to your
employees who will be sent to Berlin.
To find out more about what we can do for your employees, please contact me at your earliest convenience at

Jovanie Blum

57. Why does Ms. Blum most likely want to meet with Mr. Svoboda?
(A) To apply for a job in Berlin
(B) To sell her company’s services
(C) To discuss business opportunities in Asia
(D) To review changes in a city’s tax code
58. How could Messick Financial Management help Mr. Svoboda’s company?
(A) By providing information about the German computer industry
(B) By recruiting employees to work in Europe
(C) By recommending international travel services
(D) By giving financial advice to his company’s staff

Questions 59-61 refer to the following customer review.

12 April
Elena Patterson
My company recently held a banquet at the Calla Courtyard, and it was the perfect venue for our event.
Initially, I was hesitant to book the space because it had only recently opened to the public and there were no
customer reviews yet. — [1] — . I decided to give it a try anyway.
Although it was a little expensive, the setting was absolutely stunning. — [2] — . The Calla Courtyard has a
magnificent view of the bay. The staff had arranged the seats in the hall so that the guests could view the
sunset through the large glass windows.
One thing to note is that while the facility does have a kitchen available for use, it is quite small and not well-
stocked. — [3] — .
All in all, I was pleased with my decision and would definitely consider this place again for future events. —
[4] — .
59. What is indicated about the Calla Courtyard?
(A) It is a relatively new rental space.
(B) It was recently renovated.
(C) It is a popular venue for business events.
(D) It features an outdoor seating area.
60. What was Ms. Patterson particularly impressed by?
(A) The friendliness of the staff
(B) The low cost of the rental
(C) The seating capacity of the hall
(D) The beauty of the surroundings
61. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“For this reason, it might be wise to hire a full-service catering company.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

Questions 62-64 refer to the following postcard.

Hartridge University School of Business

Dear Ms. Wu:

As the Hartridge University School of Business prepares the 100 th-anniversary edition of the Alumni
Directory, we are reviewing the information we have on file for all graduates of our programs. We need your
assistance in checking the accuracy of the records we have for you. We want to be certain that your
biography, career summary, and contact information are up-to-date.
Please call us at 207-555-0125 between 9 A.M. and 9 P.M. Monday through Friday. At the voice prompt,
enter this unique number: 293883. A representative will then go over your file with you and record any
corrections or updates that you give.
Note that we need to hear from you by March 31. Thank you for your time and attention.

Jutta Verhoeven
Director of Alumni Relations

62. Why is Ms. Verhoeven contacting Ms. Wu?

(A) To issue an invitation to an anniversary party
(B) To request verification of some information
(C) To provide advice on a career opportunity
(D) To offer a discount on a publication
63. What does the postcard indicate about Ms. Wu?
(A) She teaches at Hartridge University.
(B) She is writing a biography of a business leader.
(C) She plans to make a donation to the alumni association.
(D) She is a graduate of Hartridge’s business school.
64. According to the postcard, what must Ms. Wu provide at the start of the call?
(A) A new phone number
(B) An old account password
(C) A personal identification number
(D) A payment confirmation code

Questions 65-68 refer to the following online chat discussion.

Mario Lizzardi (11:09 A.M.) Team, sorry to bring this up early on a Monday, but the due date to submit our
end-of-year report is coming up. We should aim to have each of our sections done by Wednesday so we can
put everything together before the Friday deadline. I am almost done with the information for the technology
Karthik Durav (11:14A.M.) I have already written up descriptions of the program’s major
accomplishments. I just need to add the number of participants and organizers involved in each. It won’t take
very long.
Paola Rossi (11:15 A.M.) I have finished the Future Goals section. I still need to finish the Predicted Budget
Needs section, but I’d like to consult with some of you first.
Mario Lizzardi (11:15 A.M.) I can’t help you with that. I don’t have access to that information—only you
and Human Resources have access to the participant lists.
Karthik Durav (11:17 A.M.) Don’t worry, Mario. Paola, I could help to outline budget needs with you
tomorrow. Anything else?
Paola Rossi (11:18 A.M.) That’s it. Depending on how much we finish, we could develop a timeline for
finalizing the report this week.

65. For what aspect of the project is Mr. Lizzardi most likely responsible?
(A) Production
(B) Budget
(C) Technology
(D) Personnel
66. Why does Mr. Lizzardi decline to help out?
(A) He does not have time to work with Ms. Rossi.
(B) He has to attend a technology meeting.
(C) He cannot access the budget.
(D) He does not have information on participants.
67. When does Mr. Durav suggest meeting?
(A) On Monday
(B) On Tuesday
(C) On Wednesday
(D) On Thursday
68. At 11:18 A.M., what does Ms. Rossi most likely mean when she writes, “That’s it”?
(A) She does not need any other help.
(B) She found the file she needs.
(C) She selected a new team logo.
(D) She has finished the end-of-year report.

Questions 69-72 refer to the following article.

Iwoni Media in the News

TORONTO (1 May) - Publisher Iwoni Media announced on Friday morning that new issues of Energy Run
would not be released according to the book’s regular monthly publishing schedule. — [1] —.
The company’s decision is connected to plans to modernize its printing facility by replacing the now-obsolete
machinery on which the legendary comic book is printed. — [2] —.
As the word spread on Friday of the decision to halt publication, fans rushed to buy what many feared might
be the last issue. — [3] —. Iwoni Media’s online store is reportedly the only place where the publication is
still available.
Iwoni Media’s spokesperson, Jon Emanuel, stated that the new printing facility should be up and running
within four months and that the next issue of Energy Run will arrive on newsstands shortly after that. — [4]
“Fans should not worry,” Mr. Emanuel said. “Their favourite characters will be back soon.”

69. What is the purpose of the article?

(A) To summarize the plot of a popular comic book
(B) To publicize the opening of an online Store
(C) To report on a company’s recent earnings
(D) To describe a change in a company’s operations
70. What is suggested about sales of Energy Run ?
(A) They increased suddenly.
(B) They will be reported online.
(C) They were expected to be low.
(D) They were calculated incorrectly.
71. What did Mr. Emanuel announce?
(A) A new character will be introduced.
(B) A publication will become available again.
(C) Some newsstands will be closed.
(D) Some book prices will be reduced.
72. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“To that end, the company has invested $100,000 in new equipment.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

Questions 73-75 refer to the following notice.

Dear Customers,
After 45 years in business, Ghearey Garden Goods locked its doors for the final time on Saturday, January
10. As many of you know, I purchased a farmhouse in the country several years ago, and I had been driving
three hours a day to get to the store and back. While I am saddened to walk away from this business, it is just
no longer sustainable for me to spend so much time in transit.
My grandfather, Timothy Ghearey, who built the business nearly 60 years ago before handing it off to me,
always said that his favorite part about running a retail store was serving the needs of his community. I echo
this sentiment. Words cannot express how much joy I have received from interacting with all of you, and I
want you to know how much I value your dedicated support over all these years.
Thank you for understanding what a truly difficult decision this was. But while the physical Ghearey Garden
Goods location is closing, will remain a resource for home gardeners through our
Web site. I will keep adding educational blog posts and articles as I have time.
Thank you for your support!
Jerry Sanderson
Jerry Sanderson
Ghearey Garden Goods

73. Why did Ghearey Garden Goods close?

(A) The building is being renovated.
(B) The rent costs became too expensive.
(C) The commute was too long for the owner.
(D) An open management position could not be filled.
74. What does Mr. Sanderson indicate in the notice?
(A) New competitors have entered the marketplace.
(B) The business was founded by a family member.
(C) The store’s staff members are reliable.
(D) The demand for gardening supplies has increased.
75. What will people continue to find on the Web site?
(A) Photographs of a farmhouse
(B) Discount coupons
(C) Instructions for gardeners
(D) A list of recommended stores

Questions 76-77 refer to the following article.

CHICAGO (January 8)—Local retailer Derbyshire Company, which sells clothes, household goods, and
other items through its twelve Illinois stores, announced today that it will be buying the popular bookseller
Lillard, Inc. The two companies will remain independent of each other until April 30, when all Lillard’s
merchandise—books, music, and other media—will be transferred to the Derbyshire Company stores.

Derbyshire Company CEO, Cynthia Schulman, stated that her company “could not be more pleased to bring
customers the expanded selection of merchandise gained from this merger with Lillard, Inc.”

Meanwhile, Lillard’s president Steven Paulson announced that “from our point of view, this was a perfect
opportunity for collaboration.” Paulson will stay on after the acquisition with a job title yet to be announced.
The companies said they began talks eleven months ago but waited until the new year to announce the news.

76. What is the purpose of the article?

(A) To announce the selection of a new CEO at Derbyshire Company
(B) To describe events at a store’s anniversary
(C) To notify the public of a business acquisition
(D) To attract applicants for job openings
77. What is indicated about Mr. Paulson?
(A) He is taking on a role at Derbyshire Company.
(B) He is retiring from Lillard, Inc.
(C) He is starting a new company.
(D) He is moving to Chicago.

Questions 78-81 refer to the following notice

Welcome to the Smythe and Lewes team! We look forward to helping you build a career with us. We pride
ourselves on the professionalism of our employees. Therefore, we offer the following tips to help you serve
customers better and make your work as productive as possible.

We specialize in well-made formal and business attire for men and women from respected manufactures. We
expect employees to wear similar attire at work, and we encourage you to wear products from our stores.
Therefore, we offer you a 40% discount on all merchandise including shoes and accessories at all Smythe and
Lewes locations. This will allow you to promote our store and, at the same time, to develop a professional
wardrobe of your own.

It will also introduce you to the products and fashions we carry. As you can imagine, customers expect
Smythe and Lewes employees to be knowledgeable about our inventory. Please make an effort to familiarize
yourself with it. This task is best reserved for periods when there are fewer customers in the store- in the
morning for weekday shifts and, for weekend shifts, at night before closing. As our inventory changes from
week to week, this needs to be an ongoing process. With a little effort, you will soon be able to answer
questions from our customers confidently!

78. For whom is the notice intended?

(A) Clothing manufactures
(B) Smythe and Lewes customers
(C) Newly hired employees
(D) Smythe and Lewes executives
79. What is probably NOT sold at Smythe and Lewes store?
(A) Men’s accessories
(B) Business suits
(C) Formal shoes
(D) Athletic apparel
80. What will Smythe and Lewes give to recipients of the notice?
(A) A discount on store products
(B) Sample items from manufacturers
(C) Two breaks during every shift
(D) Free delivery on large orders
81. What are recipients encouraged to do?
(A) Avoid wearing business attire
(B) Study the store’s inventory
(C) Return defective products
(D) Replenish the stock regularly

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