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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

Ethiopian TVET-System

Model Curriculum



Level I

Based on
Occupational Standard (OS)

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum


The reformed Ethiopian TVET-System is an outcome-based system, meaning that it uses the needs of the labour
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard for TVET-Delivery. The
requirements from the world of work are analysed and specified – taking into account international benchmarking – as
Ethiopian Occupational Standards (EOS).

In the reformed Ethiopian TVET-System, Curricula and Curriculum Development play an important role with regard
to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate the learning process in a way, that learners acquire the set
of occupational competencies (skills, knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the
Ethiopian Occupational Standards (EOS).
This curriculum has been developed by TVET IT trainers from Amhara Region based on the Ethiopian Occupational
Standard “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE”. It has the character of a model curriculum and is an
example on how to transform the occupational requirements as defined in the respective Ethiopian Occupational
Standard into an adequate curriculum.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by the Amhara Region TVET
Agency-in line with one of its mandates to provide technical support to the Amhara regional TVET colleges and

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the policies and strategies of the Ethiopian
Government, technology transformation – by using international standards and international best practices as the basis,
and, adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element. TVET is given an
important role with regard to technology transfer. The new paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the
orientation at the current and anticipated future demand of the economy and the labour market.
The Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS) is - a core element of the Ethiopian National TVET-Strategy and an
important factor within the context of the Ethiopian TVET-Qualification Framework (ETQF).
They are national Ethiopian standards, which define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a
specific occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.
This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the Ethiopian Occupational Standard
comprised of Units of Competence.
A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity that would normally be undertaken by one person.

Units of Competence are documented in a standard format that comprises:

 Reference to Industry Sector, Occupational title, ETQF level
 Unit code
 Unit title
 Unit descriptor

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 Unit of Competence
 Elements and performance criteria
 Variables and Range statement
 Evidence guide
Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence:
 Describe a work activity
 Guide the assessor in determining whether the candidate is competent.
The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the respective occupation with all the key
components of a Unit of Competence:
 A chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective occupation (Unit of Competence Chart)
including the Unit Codes and the Unit of Competence titles
 A template for a Unit of Competence (Unit of Competence Standard) – this includes further directions on the
contents and format of the unit of competence
1. TVET-Programme Design
1.1. TVET-Programme Title: Information Technology Assistance
1.2. TVET-Programme Description
The programme is designed in line with the Ethiopian Occupational Standard (EOS). Therefore, trainees
participating and complete the programme successfully will be qualified in Information Technology Assistance
with competencies elaborated in the respective EOS. Graduates of the programme will have the required
qualification to work in the construction sector in the field of Information Technology Assistance.
In the programme special emphasis is given to Information Technology Assistance systems and devices of
designing, installing, configuring and maintaining of hardware and network equipments to the users. Graduates
are therefore expected to maintain and monitor Information Technology Assistance products in accordance
with the performance criteria described in the EOS.
The programme will be carried out as per the curriculum developed based on the EOS. The curriculum gives
details on the expected outcome, programme content, learning strategy, evaluation and assessment as well as
on the resource conditions of the programme.
1.3 TVET-Programme Learning Outcomes
The excepted output of this program is the acquisition and implementation of the following unit of competency in
Information Technology Support service level I.
ICT ITS1 01 0811 Operate Personal Computer
ICT ITS1 02 0811 Connect Hardware Peripherals
ICT ITS1 03 0811 Install Software Application
ICT ITS1 04 0811 Record Client Support Requirements
ICT ITS1 05 0811 Protect Application or System Software
ICT ITS1 06 0811 Maintain Equipment and Software Inventory and Documentation
ICT ITS1 07 0811 Apply Quality Standards
ICT ITS1 08 0811 Work with Others
ICT ITS1 09 0811 Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication
ICT ITS1 10 0811 Demonstrate Work Values
ICT ITS1 11 0811 Developing Understanding of Entrepreneurship
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1.4 Duration of the TVET-Programme

The programme will have duration of 700 plus training hours for common courses, which will be used both for
theoretical teachings and practical exercises.
Qualification Level and Certification Based on the descriptors elaborated on the National Qualification
Framework1 the qualification of this specific TVET programme will be “Level I.”
1.5 Target Groups
No special target group is assigned for the programme. Any citizen who meet the entry requirements and
capable of participating in the theoretical teachings and practical activities is entitled to take part in the
1.6 Entry Requirements
To enter the programme, a candidate shall at least successfully complete 10th grade general education.
1.7 Concept and Mode of Delivery
This specific TVET-programme can be characterized as a formal programme on middle technical level. As
long as the required learning / contact hours as specified in the curricula are retained, the training can be
flexibly adopted according to the prevailing conditions and provisions as far as organization, venue and
scheduling of the training in concerned. As far as feasible, preferred mode of delivery is co-operative training,
meaning that TVET-institutions and companies co-operate with regard to implementation. Involvement of
companies in TVET-delivery is highly recommended because it gives the learners exposure to the actual world
of work and enable them to get hands-on experience. Organization of in-company training depends on the
preferences and frame conditions of the respective companies. One of the options is organization of in-
company training in block-form. This has already been practiced in the past (industry attachment /
apprenticeship training) and is still relevant.

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Unit of Competence Module Number & Title Learning Outcomes Dura
Apply to start a computer, logging in 150
and access basic information systems.
Identify desk top icons and navigate
and manipulate desk top environment
Organize basic directories/folder
structure and files properly.
Apply system browse, select, open,
rename, move, copy, delete and
Operating Personal restore directories.
ICT ITS1 01 0811 Operate Personal Computer ICT ITS1 M01 0811
Computer Apply printing information by
selecting the correct printer setting.
Operate application software
Apply functions of technology to
assist in solving organizational

Confirm requirements of client 95

Connecting Hardware
Connect Hardware Peripherals Obtain required peripherals
ICT ITS1 02 0811 ICT ITS1 M02 0811 Peripherals
Attach hardware peripherals
Connect workstation to the internet
ICT ITS1 03 0811 Install Software Application ICT ITS1 M03 0811 Installing Software Determine software and upgrade 120
Application requirements
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
Obtain software or software upgrade
Install or upgrade software
Log requests for support 30
Record Client Support Recording Client Support
ICT ITS1 04 0811 ICT ITS1 M04 0811 Prioritize support requests with
Requirements Requirements
appropriate personnel
User account control 95
Protect Application or System Protecting Application or Detect and remove destructive
ICT ITS1 05 0811 ICT ITS1 M05 0811
Software System Software software
Identify and take action to stop spam
Maintaining Equipment Establish documenting and updating
Maintain Equipment and Software
ICT ITS1 06 0811 ICT ITS1 M06 0811 and Software Inventory inventory
Inventory and Documentation
and Documentation Store technical documentation
Assess own work 25
Assess quality of received articles
Applying Quality
ICT ITS1 07 0811 Apply Quality Standards ICT ITS1 M07 0811 Record information
Study causes of quality deviations
Complete documentation
Contribute to work group activities 25
ICT ITS1 08 0811 Work with Others ICT ITS1 M08 0811 Working with Others Develop effective workplace
Receive and Respond to Receiving and Follow routine spoken messages 25
ICT ITS1 09 0811 Workplace Communication ICT ITS1 M09 0811 Responding to Workplace Perform workplace duties following
Communication written notices
Define the purpose of work 25
Apply work values/ethics
Demonstrating Work Deal with ethical problems
ICT ITS1 10 0811 Demonstrate Work Values ICT ITS1 M10 0811 Maintain integrity of conduct in the

Understanding Entrepreneurship ICT ITS1 11 0811 Developing understanding Describe and explain the principles, 80
ICT ITS1 11 0811 of entrepreneurship concept and scope of
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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
 Discuss how to become
 Discuss how to organize an
 Discuss how to operate an
 Develop one’s own
business plan
The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.
Program Duration (Grand Total) 700 Hrs

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

nformation Technology Support service level I


In School training Co-operative

Level I
1X Connect Hardware Peripherals
2X Install Software Application
3X Record Client Support Requirements
4X Protect Application or System Software
5X Maintain Equipment and Software Inventory and Documentation
6X Operate Personal Computer
7X Apply Quality Standards 25

8X Work with Others 15

9X Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication 25
10X Demonstrate Work Values 25

Subtotal 610

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
Assessment, Assessment Criteria and Assessment Scheduling
In-TVET Institution Assessment as well as management and scheduling of occupational testing are within
the responsibility of TVET – Providers. In this regard, two types of assessment are to be carried out.
 In-TVET Institution Assessment: - it includes continuous assessment and final exams /
assessment. The criteria to sit for this internal type of assessment will be inline with applicable rules
and regulations of individual TVET-Providers. This type of assessment is often module-based and
done at institution level by the respective trainer/teacher based on the information deliberated in each
module and trainer’s manual.
 Occupational Assessment2: - Occupational assessment and certification of the achieved
occupational qualifications will be done according to occupational assessment guideline and
procedures. The smallest unit considered for external occupational testing is the basic function /Unit
of Competence stated in the respective EOS. Conducting occupational assessment is the
responsibility of either Centre of Competences or related satellites or accredited assessment centres.
Individual TVET-Providers are involved in the scheduling of occupational assessment, defining
when respectively at which points of the TVET-Programme occupational assessment is considered
as suitable.
1.3. Resources
TVET programme providers are expected to fulfil the required resources for the righteous delivery of the
training. Resources might be generally categorized in two main categories:
 Learning facilities/infrastructure: - These include physical structures like buildings and the
facilities required for the teaching –learning process, e.g. Model offices and workshops.
 Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM): - All types of materials suitable or
specifically designed and developed to support the occupational learning processes and thus helping
to achieve the desired learning outcomes are considered to be under this category.
TVET providers (and trainers/teachers) are also advised to appropriately select and organize additional resources
other than suggested in the respective module based on their prevailing conditions.
1.13 Trainer’s (Learning Facilitator’s) Profile
For this particular TVET programme and especially for the main modules, trainers (facilitators) are expected to
have 1st Degree in related fields of studies and satisfactory practical experiences, or equivalent qualifications and
relevant experience.
1.14. Customisation
The training providers have the option to customise the training programme according to their specific needs as
prescribed in the Curriculum Development Guideline, the applicable Ethiopian Occupational Standard and the
relevant rules and legislations.

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1.15. Generic Competences

Generic competences focus on the capacity to apply physical or mental attributes, essential for employability in
a large number of different qualifications (occupations) and industries. They are context independent and
important for work, learning and life in general.
Generic competences refer to overall performance outcomes, which have mostly been derived from identified
social, physical and personal environment related management requirements.
Acquired generic competencies are universal, immediately available personal capacities, which guide the
performance of skills / application of knowledge and do not require any adaptation to fit new work situations.
Generic competences include:
 Cognitive (problem solving) competences
 Meta-cognitive (intra-personal) competences
 Human resource management (interpersonal) competences
 Physical resource management (operational) competences
(Technology, Data, Supplies, Time, Money)
 Work readiness (educational) competences
 Work creativity and innovation (business) competences

1.16. Licensing and regulatory requirements

The qualification gained by completing the TVET training programme may not on its own be sufficient to
receive recognition by professional or industry bodies or government authorities. Recognition may be
conditional. These conditions may be in the form of additional required assessments and certifications / licences
to be obtained or defined training measures and probation periods to be successfully completed in order to be
able to practice the occupation.
Licensing and regulatory requirements that have to be met should be checked with the respective bodies and
authorities and need to be kept up-to-date.

Learning Modules
The Learning module information for this TVET programme is contained in the following template compilation.

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Module Title : Operating Personal Computer
MODULE DESCRIPTION:-This module covers the necessary skills and knowledge required
to operate a personal computers, including starting the pc, logging
in using and understanding desktop icons and their links to
understanding programs, navigating a directory structure, saving
work, printing, closing down the pc and word processing and use
new or upgraded technology.


At the end of the module the learner must be able to:
LO1 start the computer
LO2 access basic system information
LO3 navigate and manipulate desktop environment
LO4 organize basic directory/ folder structure and files
LO5 organize files for user and/or organization requirements
LO6 print information
LO7 operate application software
LO1. Start the computer
1.1. Introducing computer
1.1.1 Defining computer and its applications
1.1.2. Types and Generation of computer
1.2. Introduction to external hardware peripherals
1.2.1 Peripheral devices Input devices Output devices Secondary storage
1.3 Checking input voltage
1.4 Powering on and off the Computer.
2 Access basic system information
2.1 Creating user accounts
2.2 Setting security measures
2.3 Accessing basic system information
2.4 Using online help functions
LO3 Navigate and manipulate desktop environment
3.1 Customizing desktop icons
3.2 Working with icons
3.2.1 Selecting icons
3.2.2 Opening icons
3.2.3 Closing icons
4. Organize basic directory or folder structures
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4.1 Working with folders
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4.1.1 Creating directory structure support service level I
4.1.2 Accessing directory structures
Learning Strategies
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Explanation
 Demonstration
 Discussion
 Project
 Practical exercise

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
 Assessment Methods and Schedules
o Continuous assessment(test, group work, etc)
o Quiz
o Assignments
o Project work
o Final-exam
o Continuous assessment
o Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills,
may be assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or
other appropriate means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.

LO1 Start the computer
 Peripheral device connections for correct position are checked
 Input voltage for the device based on the OHS standards are checked
 Power at both the power point and computer are switched on
LO2 Access basic system information
 User name and password are inserted as prompted and noted access, privacy, security and
related conditions of use displayed on introductory screens
 Operating system are navigated to access system information to identify system
configuration and application versions in operation
 On-line help functions are used as required
LO3 Navigate and Manipulate desktop environment
 Desktop icons are created and customized
 8Desktop
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application programs
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 Application windows are manipulatedsupport
and desktop returned to original conditions
service level I
LO4 Organize basic directory/ folder structure and files
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

ICT ITS1 01 0111 Operating Personal Computer

Item No. Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
 Teacher’s made
1. CBLM  Job sheet 25 1:1
 Information sheet
 Operation sheet
2. Textbooks 25 1:1
3. Reference Books 1:10
Journals/Publication/Magazine - ICT journals(Monthly)
4. 1:25
Learning Facilities &
- 8x12m; equipped with IT
1 Lecture Room 1:25
equipment and internet
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5
4. Locker - wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet - metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank Disk 5 1:4
- Whiteboard marker,
2. Stationery
printing paper, printer ink
D. Tools and Equipments
1 Samples  Inventory Record
Operating systems -Windows XP, Vista,7, Lnux - -
Application Software

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3 ISP Service  Broadband

4 UPS  750 Volt Am per 25

 American socket
5 Divider 13
- w/15 inch flat monitor and
Desktop Computer including
6 120 GB Hard disk; RAM 25 1:1
its peripherals
size 1GB; 3Gz or above
7 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 Per section
- Capability of A3 printing
8 Printer 1 Per section
- color printing capability
9 Network toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
10 Maintenance toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
11 Scanner - HP 2055 2 1:13
12 Web cam -8piexel and above 2 1:13

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MAIN MODULE 01 Logo of TVET Provider

NOMINAL HRS: : 95 hrs
Module Code: ICT ITS1 M02 0811
Unit Descriptor: This unit defines the competence required to connect hardware peripherals
according to instructions and a workstation or networked computer to the internet.


At the end of the module the learner must be able to:
LO1 Confirm requirements of client
LO2 Obtain required peripherals
LO3 Connect hardware peripherals
LO4 Connect workstation to the internet

LO1 Confirming requirements of clients
1.1 Introduction to the Module
1.2 Introduction to hardware peripherals and connecting peripherals
1.3 Defining terms related to hardware and peripherals
1.4 Identifying Categories of hardware and peripheral devices
1.2.1 Input devices
1.2.2 Output devices
1.2.3 Processors
1.2.4 Storage devices
1.5 Identifying Hardware connectivity devices
1.5.1 Ports

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1.5.2 Terminals
1.5.3 Connectors
1.6 Informing safety rules and tools to work with, in hardware connectivity
1.7 Tools needed to perform connecting hardware peripherals
1.8 Identifying procedures involved in hardware peripherals connection
1.9 Understanding hardware peripheral device connection instruction
1.10 Identifying client peripherals and confirming after comparing with organizational

LO2 Obtaining required peripherals

2.1 Obtaining peripherals using instruction from appropriate person
2.2 Entering peripherals into equipment inventory according to organizational standards
2.3 Checking the contents of delivered components
2.3.1 Matching the packing list and resolve if there is mismatch
2.3.2 Reading and understanding Vendor manual
2.3.3 Selecting storage place for peripherals based on the instruction on the manual
LO3 Connecting hardware peripherals
3.1 Verifying timeframe (allocating time) schedule with client
3.2 Using Operating health and safety (refer module V)
3.3 Removing old peripherals or replacing
3.4 Minimizing interruption of client while removing and replacing
3.5 Connecting new peripherals with minimum interruption
3.6 Resolving conflicts in information with stakeholders
3.7 Configuring the computer to make it accept the new peripherals
3.8 Enabling it in the peripheral management of the computer and make necessary settings
3.9 Testing hardware peripherals after configuration
3.10 Confirming client satisfaction with particular attention to the impact on other systems
making required adjustment on the impact
LO4 Connect workstation to the internet
4.1 Connecting workstations to the computer having internet connection
4.2 Sharing the internet connection
4.3 Connecting workstations to the internet through the computer hosting the internet
4.4 Using internet browser software and launching
4.5 Safety
4.5.1 Safe working procedures and OHS regulations

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4.5.2 Use of personal Protective Equipment(PPE)
4.6 Handling materials safely


Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecture
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise

 Training, Teaching and learning materials
 Trainer’s Guide
 Reference manuals
 Text books
 Reference Books
 Internet connections ,personal computers with proper software package
 Modules

Learning Facilities (infrastructure)

 Visual training media (LCD projector, Black board, White Board, )
 computer laboratory
 Required building facilities (Class rooms, workshops )
 Budget for further training of teachers/instructors

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the

 Assessment Methods and Schedules

 Continuous assessment(test, group work, etc)
 Quiz
 Assignments
 Project work

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 Final-exam
 Continuous assessment
 Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may
be assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other
appropriate means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.
Assessment criteria
LO1: Confirm requirements of client
 Client peripherals are identified requirements and confirmed
 Client requirements and peripherals needed are documented in line with
organizational standards
 Client requirements are verified with appropriate person in line with organizational
standards and reporting procedures
 Action must be taken to ensure client support expectations are covered by vendor
warranty and support services
LO2: Obtain required peripherals
 Peripherals are obtained under instruction from appropriate person
 Peripherals are entered into equipment inventory according to inventory
 Validate that contents of delivered components and physical contents match the
packing list
 Peripherals are stored according to vendor/manual guidelines
LO3: Connect hardware peripherals
 Timeframe for installation schedule is verified with the client in accordance with
the organization requirements
 Old peripherals are removed and/or replaced with minimum disruption to clients
taking into account environmental considerations and OHS standards
 New peripherals are connected with minimum disruption to clients and taking into
account the operating system procedures
 The computer is configured to accept the new peripherals
 Hardware peripherals are tested and confirm client satisfaction
LO4: Connect workstation to the internet
 Workstations are connected to the internet through the existing internet connection
and functionality confirmed
 Internet browser software is launched to enable access to the internet and
functionality confirmed

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ICT ITS1 M02 0111 Connect Hardware Peripherals

Item Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. CBLM - Trainer’s made     handouts 25 1:1
2. Textbooks If available 25 1:1
The Winn L. Rosch Hardware
Bible (6th Edition)
Winn L Rosch

The A+ Certification & PC

Repair Handbook (Networking
Christopher A. Crayton Joel
Z. Rosenthal Kevin J. Irwin
3. Reference Books 5 1:5
Maintenance Planning and
Scheduling Handbook, 2nd
Edition (McGraw-Hill
Richard Palmer

Hardware connectivity
4. Manuals and procedures 1:1
5 Internet and virtual library 25 1:1
Learning Facilities &
1 Workshop - 8x12m; equipped with IT 1 1:25
2. Library - Multipurpose

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3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5
4 White Board 1.50 X 1.50 1
5 Cabinet - metal 1
High speed Internet
6 Internet and Virtual library 1 1:25
E-VDO, Broad Band
C. Consumable Materials
1 Blank CD - CD-R/RW 5 1:5
- Whiteboard marker, printing
2 Stationery
paper, printer ink
3 Flash disk San disk or similar 4GB 5 1:5
Terminals, converters, splitters
4 Connectors 13 1:2
e.g SATA to IDE, USB splitter
5 Lead 1m 2 1:13
D. Tools and Equipments
 Hardware installation
1 Samples 5 1:5
procedure publications
 At least 80 GB, 3.4Ghz, P
2 Computer IV 25 1:1
 With Expandability
3 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 2
4 Divider  American socket supporter 14
5 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 1:25
6 Printer Laser Jet 1
7 Network Tool Kit Full set 5 1:5
8 Maintenance Tool Kit Full set 12 1:2
9 Desk jet Printer Color 1 1:25
10 Video Camera Digital 1 1:25
11 Web Camera Desk top fixable 5 1:5
Video card, Modem Card,
12 Expansion Cards 5 1:5
Network Card, TV Card
Internal HDD of any capacity
13 Hard Disk SATA 1:5
14 Scanner Image and Text support 1 1:25
15 RAM Different types 13 1:2
16 Network Switch 24 port 2 1:13
17 Network Hub 12 port 5 1:5

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MAIN MODULE 2 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET - PROGRAM TITLE: Information Technology Support Service

Level I
MODULE TITLE: Installing Software Application
MODULE DESCRIPTION: - This module covers the Competency of skills and knowledge
required to carry out install or upgrade basic software applications
Using a commercial application programs.


At the end of the module the learner must be able to:
 Determine software and upgrade requirements
 Obtain software or software upgrade
 Install or upgrade software

LO1 Determining software and upgrade requirements
1.1 Introduction to software
1.1.1 Terminologies related to Software
1.1.2 Types of Software
1.1.3 Concepts Application Software
1.1.4 System Software(OS) Definition of Operating System
1.1.5 Introducing software installation procedures(steps)
1.1.6 Analyzing Hardware requirements for installation of the application
1.2 Communication skills in relation to the presentation of information
1.2.1. Communication types and advantages
1.2.2. Report writing

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1.2.3. Documenting and reporting client requirements to appropriate person in accordance
with the workplace standard
1.2.4. Acting on instructions to meet client requirements in line with organizational
LO2 Obtain software or software upgrade
2.1 Investigating and selecting Application program that best conforms to requirements and
organizational policies
2.2 Obtaining application program under instruction from appropriate person
2.3 Determining Licensing requirements and record in line with organizational guidelines
2.4 Ensuring target computer to conform with the minimum hardware and operating system
requirements of the application program

3. Install or upgrade software

3.1. Installation of Operating System and Application Software
3.1.1. Installation Process
3.1.2. Testing Possible Impact
3.2. Upgrade Software
3.2.1. Installing Vs Upgrading
3.2.2. Upgrading


Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecturer
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise
 Training, Teaching and learning materials
o Trainer’s Guide
o Reference manuals
o Reference books
 A+ Training Guide
 PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide
 Text may also be supplemented with:
 Handouts prepared by the instructor
o From Internet

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
o Text books
o Models and Charts
o Modules
 Learning Facilities (infrastructure)
o Visual training media (OHP, transparencies, Black board, White Board, Flip chart)
o Basic computer maintenance tool kit,
o Computer,
o Software
o safety tools
o Required building facilities (Laboratory rooms, workshops )
o Budget for further training of teachers/instructors

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the

 Assessment Methods and Schedule

o Practical assessment
o Interview
o Simulation/Role-plays
o Observation
o Theoretical exam
o Portfolio Assessment (Eg Certificate from training providers)
o Project work
o Final-exam
o Continuous assessment
o Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may be assessed
in a closely simulated work environment, or other appropriate means that clearly meet industry
competency requirements.
Assessment Criteria
LO 1 Determine software and upgrade requirements
 Client requirements are documented and reported to appropriate person in accordance with the
workplace standard
 Act on instructions to meet client requirements in line with organizational requirements
LO 2 Obtain software or software upgrade
 Application program that best conforms to requirements and organizational policies are
investigated and selected
 Application program under instruction is obtained from appropriate person

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 Licensing requirements and record are determined in line with organizational guidelines
 Target computer is ensured to conform with the minimum hardware and operating system
requirements of the application program
LO 3 Install or upgrade software
 New or upgraded software are installed in accordance with appropriate person or organizational
 Installation process is completed efficiently and effectively with minimal disruption
 Testing and acceptance are carried out in line with corporate guidelines, paying particular
attention to possible impact on other systems
 Ensure client requirements are satisfied in accordance with the organizational standard
Outstanding client issues are referred to appropriate person as necessary

MAIN MODULE 3 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE :Information Technology Support Service
Level 1
MODULE TITLE: Recording Client Support Requirements
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the skill and knowledge required to provide
advice and support to clients including the communication of
Compressive technical information.


At the end of the module the trainees will be able to
LO1 log requests for support
LO2 prioritize support requests with appropriate personnel
LO1 Log requests for support
1.1 Gather information on basic analytical concepts
1.2 Record client support requests and requirements according to organizational standards
1.3 Review client support history and details
1.4 Check the information and requesting for accuracy and urgency according to organizational
LO2 Prioritize support requests with appropriate personnel
2.1 Identify relevant guidelines for prioritizing or rating client requests
2.2 Prioritize client requests based on its criticality or impact on the business
2.3 Refer requests to an appropriate person or department for assistance
2.4 Communication appropriate persons involved with client support are to be communicated
Learning Strategies

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support service level I
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecture
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise.
 Training, Teaching and learning materials
o Trainer’s Guide
o Reference Manual and Reference Books
o Text books
o Models and Charts
o Modules
 Learning Facilities (infrastructure)
o Visual training media (LCD projector, Black board, White Board )
o Computer Laboratory
o Required building facilities (Class rooms, workshops )
o Budget for further training and skill gap of teachers/instructors

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
 Assessment Methods and Schedules
1 .Exam
1.1 Theoretical
1.2. Practical
2. Continuous assessments
2.1 Assignment
2.2 Quiz
2.3 Class Practice/Model office practice
2.4 Group work
 Assessment Conditions
Class room and work place
Assessment Criteria
LO 1 Log requests for support
o Client support requests and requirements are recorded according to organizational
o Client support history and details are reviewed
o The information is checked and requested for accuracy and urgency according to
organizational standards

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LO 2 Prioritize support requests with appropriate personnel

 Relevant guidelines are identified for prioritizing or rating client requests
 Client requests are prioritized based on its criticality or impact on the business
 Requests are referred to an appropriate person or department for assistance
 Appropriate persons involved with client support are to be communicated

ICT ITS1 M04 0111 Record Client Support Requirements

Item d Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity (Item:
A. Learning Materials
1. CBLM - Teacher’s made     handouts 25 1:1
2. Reference Books 1:5
Learning Facilities &
- 8x12m; equipped with
1 Workshop Networked Computers, 1:25
Internet & Reference material
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5
4 White Board 1.50 X 1.50 1
5 Cabinet - metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
- Whiteboard marker, printing
1 Stationery Material
paper, printer ink
2 Flash disk 4GB 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1 Laptop  80 GB, 3.4Ghz, P IV 1
2 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 1
 American socket
3 Divider 2
4 Multimedia projector - LCD 1
5 Printer Laser jet 1

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

MAIN MODULE 04 Logo of TVET Provider


Unit Descriptor: This unit defines the competence required to keep application or system software working
effectively. It includes detecting and removing destructive software
At the end of the module the learner must be able to:
LO1 ensure user accounts are controlled
LO2 detect and remove destructive software
LO3 identify and take action to stop spam
LO1 Ensuring user accounts are controlled
1.1 Modify Default User Setting
1.1.1 Define User Account
1.1.2 Define User Account Control Setting
1.1.3 Types Of User Account
1.1.4 Change User Account Name And Password
1.1.5 Enable And Disable User Account
1.2 Modify User Security Policy
1.2.1 Enforce Password History
1.2.2 Assign Minimum And Maximum Password Age
1.2.3 Define Minimum Password Length
1.2.4 Set Password Complexity Requirement
LO2. Detect And Remove Destructive Software
2.1 Types Of Common Destructive Software
2.2 Computer Virus And Its Protection
2.2.1 Definition Of Virus
2.2.2 Types Of Virus
2.2.3 Definition And Common Types Of Antivirus
2.2.4 Install And Configure Antivirus
2.3 Update Antivirus
2.4 Configure Software Security Setting

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
2.4.1 Firewall Setting
2.4.2 Antivirus Setting
2.5 Schedule Virus Protection Software
2.6 Detect Destructive Software
LO3 Identifying and take action to stop spam
3.1 Defining and identifying common types of spam
3.2 Configuring and using Spam filters
3.3 Reporting and documenting spam
3.3.1 Identifying the security threats
3.3.2 Performing recommended action
3.4 Monitoring service packs and service releases,
3.4.1 Automatic online updates
3.4.2 Virus scanning engine Updates and Virus definition updates
Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecture
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise

Training, Teaching and learning materials
 Trainer’s Guide
 Reference manuals
 Text books
 Reference Books
 Internet connections ,personal computers with proper software package
 Modules

Learning Facilities (infrastructure)

 Visual training media (LCD projector, Black board, White Board, )
 computer laboratory
 Required building facilities (Class rooms, workshops )
 Budget for further training of teachers/instructors

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning outcomes
with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the occupation.

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

Assessment Methods and Schedules

 Continuous assessment(test, group work, etc)
 Quiz
 Assignments
 Project work
 Final-exam
 Continuous assessment
 Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
Assessment Conditions
Aspects of competency, including the attainment of relevant knowledge and skills, may be
assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated work environment, or other appropriate
means that clearly meet industry competency requirements.
Assessment Criteria
LO1. Ensure user accounts are controlled

 Modify default user settings to ensure that they conform to security policy
 Previously created user settings are modified to ensure they conform to updated security policy
 Ensure legal notices displayed at logon are appropriate
 Appropriate utilities are used to check strength of passwords and consider tightening rules for
password complexity
 Emails are monitored to uncover breaches in compliance with legislation
information services are accessed to identify security gaps and take appropriate action using hardware
and software or patches
LO2: Detect and remove destructive software
 Common types of destructive software are defined and identified
 Virus protection compatible with the operating system in use are selected and installed
 Advanced systems of protection are described in order to understand further options
 Software updates on a regular basis are installed
 Software security settings are configured to prevent destructive software from infecting computer
 Virus protection software are run and/or scheduled on a regular basis
 Detected destructive software are reported to appropriate person and remove the destructive
LO3. Identify and take action to stop spam
 Common types of spam are defined and identified
 Appropriate action is taken in order to protect unauthorized access of spammers
 Spam filters are configured and used

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
 Spam are reported and documented to identify the security threats and be able to perform
recommended action

ICT ITS1 M03 0111 Protect Application or System Software

Item Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity (Item:
A. Learning Materials
1. CBLM - Teacher’s made     handouts 25 1:1
2 Reference Books
Learning Facilities &
- 8x12m; equipped with
1 Workshop networked computer, Internet 1:25
& Reference materials
2. Library - Multipurpose
4 Shelves - wooden or metal 5
5 White Board 1.50 X 1.50 1
6 Cabinet - metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1 Blank Disk - CD-R/RW 5 1:5
- Whiteboard marker, printing
2 Stationery
paper, printer ink,
3 Flash disk San disk or similar 1 or 2GB 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1 Samples
antivirus software , operating
system (Linux 7.0 or above,
Windows 2000 or above,
2 Software 25 1:1
Apple OS X or
above ),recovery software
Application Software
3 UPS  750 Volt 1
 American socket
4 Divider 12 1:2
5 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 1:25
6 Printer Laser Jet 1
7 Computer 80GB HDD, 1GB RAM, 25 1:1

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
3Ghz and above CPU

MAIN MODULE 6 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Information Technology Support Service Level I

MODULE TITLE: Maintaining Inventories of Equipment, Software and



MODULE DESCRIPTION This module defines the competence required to record and store
details of software, hardware and technical documentation.


At the end of the module the learner must be able to:
LO1 document and update inventory
LO2 store technical documentation
This Module covers the following Units of Competence from the EOS:

LO1 Document and update inventory
1.1 Introduction to inventory and documentation
1.2 Maintain hardware inventory
1.3 Maintain and update software inventory and licenses
1.4 Record and organize storage of user document action/technical manuals
Lo2 Store technical documentation
2.1 Ensure software ,hardware and equipment not in use
2.2 Store technical manuals
2.3 Store technical documentation securely
2.4 Access and disseminating technical documentation

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Learning Strategies
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Explanation
 Demonstration
 Discussion
 Project
 Practical exercise

Training, Teaching and learning materials
 Trainer’s Guide
 Reference manuals
 Reference Books
 Text books
 Internet
 modems or other connectivity devices
 hard drives
 Personal computer, Printer, Mouse and keyboard, Monitor
 Ms-windows 2000/xp software
 Ms-office software and advanced technologies
 Modules
 Learning Facilities (infrastructure)
 Visual training media (LCD projector, Black board, White Board, )
 computer laboratory room
 Budget for further training of teachers/instructors

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the

 Assessment Methods and Schedules

 Interview
 Written Test
 Oral Questioning
 Observation
 Demonstration

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ICT ITSS1050111 Maintaining Equipment and Software Inventory and Documentation
Ethiopia TVET
Item System Model curriculum d Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
No. (Item:
Schedules: Trainee)
 Continuous assessment
A. Learning Materials
 Final examination (theory & practical) at the end of the module
 Assessment Conditions  Teacher’s made
Aspects of competency, including the attainment handouts
of relevant knowledge and skills, may
1. CBLM  Job sheetwork environment, or 25
be assessed in a relevant workplace, a closely simulated other 1:1
appropriate means that clearly meet industry competency
Information sheet
 Operation sheet
Textbooks If Available 25 1:1
LO1 Document3. andReference
update inventory
Books 1:10
 Hardware inventory is maintained that creates- aICT
Journals/Publication/Magazine profile or description of each piece of
equipment s 1:25
 Software inventoryFacilities
Learning and licenses
& are maintained and updated, as required, particularly when
upgrading software
 Storage of user documentation or technical manuals
- 8x12m; areequipped
recorded and
1 Lecture Room 1:25
LO2 Store technical documentation equipment and internet
2. Library - Multipurpose
 Action Shelves
3. is taken to ensure software, hardware -and equipment
wooden not in use, stored in a manner
or metal 5 as
4. by
Locker technical manuals - wooden or metal 2
 EnsureCabinet
5. technical documentation is stored securely
- metal 1
Technical documentation are accessed and disseminated as required by clients
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank Disk 5 1:4
- Whiteboard marker,
2. Stationery printing paper, printer ink

D. Tools and Equipments

1 Samples  Inventory Record

Operating systems 1:25


Current Internet
3 ISP Service Technologies
(E-VDO, Broadband)
4 UPS  750 Volt Am per 25
 American socket
5 Divider 13
- w/15 inch flat monitor and
Desktop Computer including
6 120 GB Hard disk; RAM size 25 1:1
its peripherals
1GB; 3Gz or above
7 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 Per section
- Capability of A3 printing
8 Printer 1 Per section
page 29 of Copyright Info/ - color
TVET printing capability
Programme title: Version and Year:
53 9 Network toolkit
Authorship: - set/caseTechnology Assistance
Information 5 Jan, 2011 1:5
10 Maintenance toolkit - set/case
support service level I 5 1:5
11 Scanner - HP 2055 2 1:13
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum


TVET – PROGRAMME TITLE : Information Technology Support Service

Level 1
MODULE TITLE: Applying Quality Standards



MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the skills and knowledge required in applying quality
standards in providing information technology support service.
LEARNING OUTCOMES (Objectives) At the end of the module the trainees must be able to:
LO1 Assess own work
LO2 Assess quality of received articles
LO3 Record information
LO4 Study causes of quality deviations
LO5 Complete documentation
LO1 Assessing own work
1.1 Introduction to the module

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
1.2 Checking complete work with workplace standards
1.3 Completing work activities
1.4 Indentifying and isolating final products with company policies and procedures
1.5 Recording and reporting faults and causes
LO2 Assess quality of received articles
2.1 Chatting materials articles and final products with workplace procedures
2.2 Measuring materials articles and products with workplace procedures
2.3 Identifying and correcting actions
LO3 Record information
3.1 Recording basic information in the quality performance
3.2 Maintaining records of work quality
LO4 Study cause of quality deviations
4.1 Investigating and reporting causes of devastations
4.2 Recommending suitable preventive actions on workplace standards
LO5 Complete documentation
5.1 Recording information on quality and other indictors of production performance
5.2 Recording all production processes and outcomes


Learning Strategies
 Learner-centred
 Flexible
 Off- and on-job-training integrated
 Consideration of both individual vs. group based practices/exercises
 Holistic projects
Learning Methods
 Discussion
 Lecturer
 Demonstration
 Project
 Practical exercise


 Training-, Teaching- and Learning Materials

Reference Books and Manuals
Visual Training Media

o Overhead Projector (OHP) + Transparencies

o Blackboard (preferably magnetic)
o Whiteboard
o Flipchart
o Illustrations
o Pictures
o Models
o computer

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

 Required building facilities (classrooms, workshops, and laboratories) tools, machines, equipment
and materials of the course as needed.

 Budget for training operations, maintenance, repair and replacements.

 Budget for Regular Visits to work shop Exhibitions and garage for technology updates.


Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning outcomes
with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the occupation.

Competency may be accessed through:

 Practical assessment
o Interview
o Oral
o Observation
 Theoretical exam
Portfolio Assessment (E.g. Certificate from training providers)

Assessment Criteria
LO 1 Assess own work
 Completed work is checked against workplace standards relevant to the operations being
 An understanding is demonstrated on how the work activities and completed work relate to the
next process and to the final appearance of the activity.
 Faulty pieces or final products are identified and isolated in accordance with company policies
and procedures
 Faults and any identified causes are recorded and reported in accordance with workplace

LO 2 Assess quality of received articles

 Received materials, articles or final product are checked against workplace standards.
 Materials, articles or products are measured using the appropriate measuring instruments in
accordance with workplace procedures
 Causes of any identified faults are identified and corrective actions are taken in accordance with
workplace procedures

LO 3 Install or upgrade software

 Basic information on the quality performance is recorded in accordance with workplace

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 Records of work quality are maintained according to the requirements of the company

ICT ITSS1 07 0111 Applying Quality Standards

Recommended Ratio
Item No. Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
 Teacher’s made
1. CBLM 25 1:1
- Computer Hardware: Quality &
Compliance Manuals,
3. Reference Books 1:10
standard (ISO 14971) to
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
- 8x12m; equipped with IT
1 Lecture Room 1:25
equipment and internet
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5
4. Locker - wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet - metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank Disk 5 1:4
- Whiteboard marker, printing
2. Stationery paper, printer ink

3 Flash disk San disk or similar 16GB 8 1:1

D. Tools and Equipments
 Sample Daily work plans
1 Samples  Sample Project plans
 Sample Resource plans 7 1:25
Any operating system that has
Operating systems
2 multi-user ability, Linux, Mac
OS, Windows XP or above
3  Current Internet
ISP Service Technologies

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
4 UPS  750 Volt Am per 25
5 Divider  American socket supporter 13
- w/15 inch flat monitor and 120
Desktop Computer including its
6 GB Hard disk; RAM size 1GB; 25 1:1
3Gz or above
7 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 Per section
- Capability of A3 printing
8 Printer 1 Per section
- color printing capability
9 Network toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
10 Maintenance toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
11 Scanner - HP 2055 2 1:13
12 Web cam -8piexel and above 2 1:13

Logo of TVET
TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Information Technology Support Service Level I
MODULE TITLE: Working with Others
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes
required to develop workplace relationship and contribute in workplace activities
Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
 Contribute to work group activities
 Develop effective workplace relationship

LO1 Develop effective workplace relationship
1.1 Over view of Working with others
1.1.1 Legislation that affects operations
1.1.2 Importance of cooperation and good relationships
1.1.3 Identify and prioritize personal development opportunities and options
1.2 Duties and responsibilities
1.2.1 Job description and employment arrangements
1.2.2 Organization’s policy relevant to work role

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
1.2.3 Organizational structures
1.2.4 Supervision and accountability requirements including OHS
1.2.5 Code of conduct
1.3 Assisting workgroup
1.3.1 Supervisor or manager
1.3.2 Peers/work colleagues
1.3.3 Other members of the organization
1.4 Encouraging, acknowledging and acting upon feedback
1.4.1 Formal/Informal performance appraisal
1.4.2 Obtaining feedback from supervisors, colleagues and clients
1.4.3 Personal, reflective behavior strategies
1.4.4 Routine organizational methods for monitoring service delivery
1.5 Respecting and acknowledging differences in personal values
LO2 Contribute to work group activities
2.1 Providing Support to team members
2.1.1 Explaining/clarifying
2.1.2 Helping colleagues and providing encouragement
2.1.3 Providing feedback to another team member
2.1.4 Undertaking extra tasks if necessary
2.2 Contributions to workgroup goals according to organizational requirements
2.2.1 Goals, objectives, plans, system and processes
2.2.2 Legal and organization policy/guidelines
2.2.3 OHS policies, procedures and programs
2.2.4 Ethical standards
2.2.5 Defined resources parameters
2.2.6 Quality and continuous improvement processes and standards
2.3 Sharing relevant information


 Learner centered
 Flexible
 Off and on-job training integrated
 Consideration of both individual and group based practices / exercises
 Holistic project
 Lecture/presentation/demonstration
 Lab practice
 Tutorials
 Discussion
 Assignments
 Co-operative

Assessment of the module should be based on the evaluation of the attainment of the learning
outcomes with the reference to the performance criteria indicated in the respective EOS for the
 Assessment Methods and Schedules

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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
 Continuous assessment (test, group work, etc)
 Quiz
 Assignment
 Mid exam
 Project work
 Final exam
 Mid exam
 Final exam
 Project work
 Assessment conditions
 Classroom
 Home environment
 Work place
 Demonstration room
 Oral questioning
 Written test

ICT IT S18 0111 Working with Others

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
 Teacher’s made     handouts
1. CBLM 25 1:1

2. Textbooks If available 25 1:1

Success in communication
3. Reference Books
(Stuart Sillars)
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
- 8x12m; equipped with IT
1. Lecture Room 1:25
equipment and internet
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. (etc.)
C. Consumable Materials
- Whiteboard marker, printing
1. Stationery paper, printer ink

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support service level I
Ethiopia PROGRAM
System Model : Information Technology Support Service
Level - 1
MODULE TITLE: Receiving and Responding to Workplace Communication
ICT IT S1 09 0111 ReceivingThis and unit
covers thetoknowledge,
and attitudes required to receive,
respond and act on verbal and written communication
Learning Outcomes(Objectives) d Ratio
Item No. Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity
At the end of the module the learner will be able to: (Item:
LO1 follow routine spoken messages Trainee)
A. LO2 perform
Learning Materials
workplace duties following written notices
MODULE CONTENTS:  Teacher’s made
1. CBLM handouts 25 1:1
LO1 Follow routine spoken messages
2. 1.1 Introduction to work place communication
Textbooks If available 25 1:1
1.1.1. Organizational Success in communication
3. Reference Books 5 1:5
(Stuart Sillars) Information documentation procedures
Learning Facilities &
B. Company policies and procedures
Infrastructure Organization manuals
- 8x12m; equipped with IT
1. Lecture Room Service manual 1:25
equipment and internet
2. 1.2.1Library
Ethical work practices in -handling
3. 1.2.2(etc.)
Communication process
C. Consumable Materials
1.2 Gathering and interpreting required information/instruction
- Whiteboard marker, printing
1. 1.3 Recording instructions/informationpaper, printer ink
1.4 Acting up on Instructions
1.5 Clarification of instruction/information from workplace supervisor
LO2 Perform workplace duties following written notices
2.1 Reading and interpreting Written notices and instructions
2.1.1. Handwritten and printed material
2.1.2. Internal memos
2.1.3. External communications
2.1.4. Electronic mail
2.1.5. Briefing notes
2.1.6. General correspondence
2.1.7. Marketing materials
2.1.8. Journal articles
2.2 Following routine written instruction
2.3 Giving feedback to workplace supervisor


LEARNING of Copyright Info/ TVET Programme title: Version and Year:
 53
Learner cantered Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
 Flexible support service level I
 Off and on-job training integrated
 Consideration of both individual and group based practices / exercises
 Holistic project

TVET System Information Technology support service (Level - I )
Model curriculum

MODULE TITLE: Demonstrating Work Values


MODULE DESCRIPTION: This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude in
demonstrating proper work values.

Learning Outcomes(Objectives)
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Define the purpose of work
LO2 Apply work values/ethics
LO3 Deal with ethical problems
LO4 Maintain integrity of conduct in the workplace
LO1 Define the purpose of work
1.1 Introduction to Work values/ethics/concepts
1.1.1 Commitment/ Dedication
1.1.2 Sense of urgency
1.1.3 Sense of purpose
1.1.4 Love for work
1.1.5 High motivation
1.1.6 Orderliness
1.1.7 Reliability and Dependability
1.1.8 Competence
1.1.9 Goal-oriented
1.1.10 Sense of responsibility
1.1.11 Being knowledgeable
1.1.12 Loyalty to work/company
1.1.13 Sensitivity to others
1.1.14 Compassion/Caring attitude
1.1.15 Balancing between family and work
1.1.16 Sense of nationalism
1.2 Defining one’s unique sense of purpose for working
1.3 Defining the ‘whys’ of work
1.4 Harmony personal mission with company’s values
LO2 Apply work values/ethics
2.1 Clarifying and affirming work values/ethics/concepts
2.2 Undertaking Work practices
2.2.1 Quality of work
38 of
page Punctuality
2.2.2 Copyright Info/ TVET Programme title: Version and Year:
53 Efficiency Authorship:
2.2.3 Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
support service level I
2.2.4 Effectiveness
2.2.5 Productivity
2.2.6 Resourcefulness
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

ICT IT S1 10 0111 Demonstration of Work Values

Item No. Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
 Teacher’s made
1. CBLM 25 1:1
2. Textbooks If available 25 1:1
3. Reference Books
Learning Facilities &
- 8x12m; equipped with IT
1. Lecture Room 1:25
equipment and internet
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. (etc.)
C. Consumable Materials
- Whiteboard marker, printing
1. Stationery paper, printer ink

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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
support service level I
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

LEARNING MODULE 11 Logo of TVET Provider

TVET PROGRAM TITLE: Information Technology support service (Level - I )

MODULE TITLE: Developing Understanding of Entrepreneurship
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers skills, knowledge and attitude
required to understand the principles, functions, strategies and methods of
entrepreneurship. It also covers identifying and developing the major
entrepreneurial competences.
At the end of this module the trainee will be able to
LO1:Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of entrepreneurship
LO2:Discuss how to become entrepreneur
LO3:Elaborate how to organize an enterprise
LO4:Discuss how to operate an enterprise
LO5:Develop one’s own business plan
LO1:Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of
entrepreneurship(15 hours)
1.1 Defining enterprising ,enterprises, entrepreneurship and, entrepreneurs
1.2 Common concepts and terminologies of entrepreneurship and enterprising
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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
support service level I
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
1.3 Principles of entrepreneurship and enterprising
1.4 Peculiar characteristics of entrepreneurs and enterprises
1.5 Kinds of entrepreneurs and enterprises
1.6 The roles of enterprises and entrepreneurs to the society
1.7 Functions of enterprising and entrepreneurship
1.8 Scope of enterprising and entrepreneurship

LO2:Discuss how to become entrepreneur (10hours)

2.1Meaning of self employment
2.2Self employment vs. paid employment
2.3Advantage and disadvantage of self employment
2.4How to assess own potential to be future entrepreneurs
2.5Basic competencies of entrepreneurs
2.6The motives to become an Entrepreneur

LO3:Elaborate how to organize an enterprise(20 hours)

3.1 Meaning of micro, small and medium businesses
3.2 The importance and role of micro, small and medium business
3.3 Facts about micro, small and medium enterprises
3.4 Key success factor in setting up micro, small and medium business
3.5 Factors affecting the success of micro, small and medium business
3.6 SWOT analysis
3.7 Technology opportunities and threats in micro, small and medium
3.8 Generating business ideas
3.5.1 Techniques and steps of generating business idea
3.9 Business opportunities
3.10 identifying and selecting suitable market for business
3.11 Major factors to consider in selecting a location for a business
3.12 Basic types of business ownership
3.13 Financial requirements of business operation
3.14 Sources of finance; advantages and disadvantages of each source

LO4:Discuss how to operate an enterprise(10 hours)

4.1 Alternatives means to become an entrepreneur(owner of a business)
4.2 Hiring and managing people
4.3 Time management
4.4 Managing sales
4.5 Supplier evaluation and selection
4.6 Business costs and their management
4.7 Financial record keeping
4.8 self-management and negotiation skills
4.9 Risk assessment and management of business enterprise
LO5:Develop one’s own business plan(25 hours)
5.1 Meaning and concepts of business plan
5.2 The rational for preparing business plan
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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
support service level I
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
5.3 Users of a business plan
5.4 Process of preparing/ writing a business plan
5.5 Standard structure and format of a business plan
5.6 Interpreting, assessing and analyzing findings of the business plan
5.7 feasibility study
5.8 Problems that may arise or encounter when starting a business
5.9 Techniques and procedures in obtaining and sourcing information


LO1: Describe and explain the principles, concept and scope of

1.1 The principles, concept and terminology of entrepreneurship are analyzed
and discussed
1.2 The different / various forms of enterprises in the community are identified
and their roles understood
1.3 The identified enterprises are categorized and classified
1.4 The terms and elements involved in the concept of enterprising, both on a
personal level and in the context of being enterprising in business are
identified and interpreted
1.5 Functions of entrepreneurship in business and how the entrepreneurs
improved business and economic environment are explained

LO2: Discuss how to become entrepreneur

2.1 Self-employment as an alternative option for an individual economic
independence and personal growth is discussed and analyzed
2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of self-employment are discussed and
2.3 Entrepreneurial characteristics and traits are identified and discussed
2.4 Self-potential is assessed to determine if qualified to become future
2.5 Major competences of successful entrepreneurship are identified and

LO3: Discuss how to organize an enterprise

3.1 The importance and role of business entrepreneurship in the society are
discussed and correlated to the operations of the economy
3.2 Facts about small and medium enterprises are discussed, clarified and
3.3 Key success factor in setting up small and medium business are identified
and explained
3.4 Business opportunities are identified and assessed
3.5 3.5 Business ideas are generated using appropriate tools, techniques and
3.6 Procedures for identifying suitable market for business are discussed and
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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
support service level I
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
3.7 Major factors to consider in selecting a location for a business are
identified and discussed
1.8 Basic types of business ownership are identified and explained
1.9 Amount of money needed to start an enterprise estimated and distinction
between pre operations and initial operation payments clarified
3.10 Advantages and disadvantages of using various sources of capital to start
an enterprise are identified

LO4: Discuss how to operate an enterprise

4.1 Disadvantages and advantages of three alternative means of becoming an
entrepreneur are identified and understood
4.2 Process of hiring and managing people is discussed and explained
4.3 The importance and techniques of managing time are discussed and
4.4 The techniques and procedures of managing sales are discussed and
4.5 Factors to consider in selecting suppliers and the steps to follow when doing
business with them are identified and discussed
4.6 Awareness of how new technologies can affect small and medium business
are developed
4.7 Characteristics of appropriate technology for use in small and medium
business are identified and explained
4.8 Different types of cost that occur in a business and how to manage them are
discussed and understood
4.9 Factors and procedures in knowing the cost of the enterprise are discussed
and understood
4.10 Importance of financial record keeping and preparing simple financial
statement are explained and understood
4.11 The application of self-management skills and negotiation skills are
discussed in operating a business
4.12 Risk assessment and management of business enterprise are performed

LO5: Develop one’s own business plan

5.1 Process of preparing/ writing a business plan is discussed and applied
5.2 Standard structure and format are applied in preparing business plan
5.3 Findings of the business plan are interpreted, assessed and analyzed
5.4 Feasibility of the business idea is made clear and understandable
5.5 Problems that may arise or encounter when starting a business are
identified and understand
5.6 Techniques and procedures in obtaining and sourcing information are
discussed and understood

 Discussion
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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
support service level I
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
 Demonstration
 Practical exercises
 Role playing
 Presentation
 Small group work
 Case study
 Individual assignment
 Projects and mini enterprises
 Brain storming
 guest speaker
 Games
 Coaching/mentoring

 Written test
 Demonstration
 Interview
 Direct Observation with Oral Questioning

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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

Resource Requirements

ICT ITS1 11 0811 Developing Understanding Entrepreneurship

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
CBLM - Trainer’s made
KAB handouts
1. 25 1:1
CEFE _Trainee hand books
2. Textbooks If available 25 1:1
1. Hisrich,
2. Thimons, New
Venture Creation
3. Gupta, Micro and
Small Business
4. Hailay
3. Reference Books 5 1:5
5. Gilkerson, self
employment from
dream to reality
6. Woretaw Bezabih
haric version)

Learning Facilities &

- 8x12m; equipped with
1 Demonstration room 1 1:25
IT facilities
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5
4 White Board 1.50 X 1.50 1
5 Cabinet - metal 1
6 Internet and Virtual High speed Internet 1 1:25
library Connection
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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
support service level I
Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum
E-VDO, Broad Band
C. Consumable Materials
1 Blank CD - CD-R/RW 5 1:5
- Whiteboard marker,
2 Stationery printing paper, printer
3 Flash disk San disk or similar 4GB 5 1:5
 Zope card  hard
 Flip chart  local
 Marker  white board and
 Scotch clours)
 Candy
 chocolate
D. Tools and Equipments
1 Samples  business plan 5 1:5
 At least 80 GB,
2 Computer 3.4Ghz, P IV 12 1:2
 With Expandability
3 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 2
 American socket
4 Divider 6
5 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 1:25
6 Printer Laser Jet 1
7 Desk jet Printer Color 1 1:25
8 digital Camera Digital 1 1:25
9 Scanner Image and Text support 1 1:25
10 Laptop Toshiba 5 1:5
11 Photo copier canon 1 1:25
12 Dart 5 1:5

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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
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Ethiopia TVET System Model curriculum

Edited By
NO FULL NAME Working place
1 Mingiziem Birhan Ayalew Debre Berhan PTC
2 Kefelegn Gulint Debre Berhan PTC
3 Mohammed Awol W/ro Siheen PTC
4 Husien Kassa W/ro Siheen PTC
5 Abdu Yimam W/ro Siheen PTC
6 Tewodros Bogale Kombolcha PTC
7 Selomon Dejene Kombolcha PTC
8 Seid Endris Kombolcha PTC

Revised By
NO FULL NAME Working place
1 Micheal Melaku Bahir Dar PTC
2 Misganaw Melkamu Addis Zemen Institute
3 Kedir Adege Kombolcha PTC
4 Sisay Hunegnaw Burie PTC
5 Selamyihun Kiflu Admas College (Dessie)

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53 Authorship: Information Technology Assistance Jan, 2011
support service level I

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