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PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
2-port switch; 100 Mbit/s; digital, analog and
complex signals

Version 1.3.1
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

© 2020 WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

All rights reserved.

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Hansastraße 27
D-32423 Minden

Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 0

Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 1 69

E-Mail: [email protected]


Technical Support

Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 4 45 55

Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 84 45 55

E-Mail: [email protected]

Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully
excluded, we always appreciate any information or suggestions for improving the

E-Mail: [email protected]

We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the
trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are
generally protected by trademark or patent.

WAGO is a registered trademark of WAGO Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Table of Contents 3
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Table of Contents
1 Notes about this Documentation .............................................................. 9
1.1 Validity of this Documentation.................................................................. 9
1.2 Copyright.................................................................................................. 9
1.3 Symbols ................................................................................................. 11
1.4 Number Notation .................................................................................... 13
1.5 Font Conventions ................................................................................... 13
1.6 Abbreviations and Terms ....................................................................... 14
2 Important Notes ........................................................................................ 17
2.1 Legal Bases ........................................................................................... 17
2.1.1 Subject to Changes ........................................................................... 17
2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications.................................................................... 17
2.1.3 Use of the 750 Series in Compliance with Underlying Provisions ..... 17
2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices ......................................... 18 Disposal ........................................................................................ 18 Electrical and Electronic Equipment ........................................ 18 Packaging ................................................................................ 19
2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions)................................................................... 20
2.3 Special Use Conditions for ETHERNET Devices .................................. 23
3 System Description .................................................................................. 24
3.1 Manufacturing Number .......................................................................... 25
3.2 Hardware Address (MAC ID) ................................................................. 26
3.3 Update ................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Storage, Assembly and Transport ......................................................... 27
3.5 Assembly Guidelines/Standards ............................................................ 28
3.6 Power Supply ......................................................................................... 29
3.6.1 Overcurrent Protection ...................................................................... 29
3.6.2 Isolation ............................................................................................. 29
3.6.3 System Supply .................................................................................. 31 Connection ................................................................................... 31 Dimensioning ................................................................................ 32
3.6.4 Field Supply ...................................................................................... 36 Connection ................................................................................... 36 Fusing via Power Supply Module ................................................. 37 Fusing External ............................................................................. 41
3.6.5 Supply Example ................................................................................ 43
3.6.6 Power Supply Unit ............................................................................. 45
3.7 Grounding .............................................................................................. 46
3.7.1 Grounding the DIN Rail ..................................................................... 46 Framework Assembly ................................................................... 46 Insulated Assembly ...................................................................... 46
3.7.2 Grounding Function ........................................................................... 47
3.8 Shielding ................................................................................................ 48
3.8.1 General ............................................................................................. 48
3.8.2 Fieldbus Cables................................................................................. 48
3.8.3 Shielded Signal Lines ........................................................................ 49
3.8.4 WAGO Shield Connecting System .................................................... 49

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4 Device Description ................................................................................... 50
4.1 Fieldbus Coupler Properties .................................................................. 51
4.1.1 General Specifications ...................................................................... 51
4.1.2 PROFINET IO Properties .................................................................. 51
4.1.3 Implemented Protocols and Services ................................................ 52
4.1.4 Supported Profiles for PROFINET IO................................................ 53
4.2 View ....................................................................................................... 54
4.3 Connectors............................................................................................. 56
4.3.1 Device Supply ................................................................................... 56
4.3.2 Fieldbus Connection.......................................................................... 57
4.4 Display Elements ................................................................................... 58
4.5 Operating Elements ............................................................................... 60
4.5.1 Service Interface ............................................................................... 60
4.5.2 DIP Switch ......................................................................................... 61
4.6 Technical Data ....................................................................................... 64
4.6.1 Device Data ....................................................................................... 64
4.6.2 System Data ...................................................................................... 65
4.6.3 Supply ............................................................................................... 65
4.6.4 Accessories ....................................................................................... 66
4.6.5 Connection Type ............................................................................... 66
4.6.6 Climatic Environmental Conditions.................................................... 67
4.7 Approvals ............................................................................................... 68
4.8 Standards and Guidelines...................................................................... 69
5 Mounting ................................................................................................... 70
5.1 Installation Position ................................................................................ 70
5.2 Overall Configuration ............................................................................. 71
5.3 Mounting onto Carrier Rail ..................................................................... 72
5.3.1 Carrier Rail Properties ....................................................................... 72
5.3.2 WAGO DIN Rails ............................................................................... 73
5.4 Spacing .................................................................................................. 73
5.5 Mounting Sequence ............................................................................... 74
5.6 Inserting and Removing Devices ........................................................... 75
5.6.1 Inserting the Fieldbus Coupler/Controller .......................................... 76
5.6.2 Removing the Fieldbus Coupler/Controller ....................................... 77
5.6.3 Inserting the I/O Module .................................................................... 78
5.6.4 Removing the I/O Module.................................................................. 79
6 Connect Devices....................................................................................... 80
6.1 Data Contacts/Local Bus ....................................................................... 80
6.2 Power Contacts/Field Supply ................................................................. 81
6.3 Connecting a Conductor to the CAGE CLAMP® .................................... 82
7 Function Description................................................................................ 83
7.1 Device Start-Up and Initialization ........................................................... 83
7.2 Switch Port Settings ............................................................................... 84
7.3 Identification and Maintenance Data Sets (I&M).................................... 85
7.4 Process Data Architecture ..................................................................... 86
7.4.1 Basic Structure .................................................................................. 86 Allocation of the Input and Output Data ........................................ 87
7.4.2 Process Data Qualifiers in Telegrams for PROFINET IO.................. 88

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler One Byte IOxS Process Data Qualifiers ....................................... 88 Two Byte IOxS Process Data Qualifiers ....................................... 88 Examples of One and Two Byte IOxS Process Data Qualifiers ... 89
7.5 Configuration Limits ............................................................................... 91
7.5.1 Minimum Configuration ..................................................................... 91
7.5.2 Maximum Configuration .................................................................... 91
7.6 Flexible Configuration of Digital I/O Modules ......................................... 92
7.6.1 Packaging Information from Digital Input and Output Modules ......... 92 Rules for Packaging Digital Information ....................................... 94 Example of Packaging Digital Information .................................... 95 Possible Errors when Packaging Digital Information .................... 96
7.7 Variation of Physical Peripheral Layout ................................................. 97
7.7.1 Modification with Active Placeholder Modules .................................. 98 Exemplary Maximum Configuration .............................................. 99 Physical Option Modules ....................................................... 100 Virtual Option Modules ........................................................... 100 Combination of Physical and Virtual Option Modules ............ 101 Station Characteristics using Option Modules ............................ 103 Connection Phase .................................................................. 103 Process Data Handling .......................................................... 103 Identification ........................................................................... 103 I&M Data Sets ........................................................................ 104 Diagnostics ............................................................................ 104
7.7.2 Modification via Configuration Data Sets ........................................ 105 Data Set Number 0X4101: Simple Bitwise Slot Definition .......... 106 Data Set Number 0X4102: Adaptation of the Physical Peripheral
Layout on the Basis of the Projected Maximum Configuration ... 108 Data Set Number 0X4103: Reconstruction of the Projected
maximum layout on the Basis of the Physical Peripheral Layout110 Reverting the Modified Peripheral Layout .................................. 112 Restoring Default Settings via DCP ....................................... 112 Restoring Default Settings via DIP Switch ............................. 112 Explicit Deletion by Writing an Empty Configuration Data
Set.......................................................................................... 113 Fault Cases ................................................................................ 113 Behavior of the Projected Peripherals in Productive Operation.. 114 Comparison of Target/Actual State During PROFINET
Connection Setup .................................................................. 114 Startup Parameterization ....................................................... 115 Process Data Exchange ........................................................ 115 Bus Module Diagnostics ........................................................ 115 Plugging a Physical Placeholder Module ............................... 115
7.8 Using Fail-Safe I/O Modules (PROFIsafe V2) ..................................... 117
7.9 Individual Parameterization of I/O Modules via iPar Server................. 118
7.10 Controlling Digital and Analog Output Modules per PROFIenergy ...... 120
7.10.1 Hardware ......................................................................................... 120
7.10.2 Functions ......................................................................................... 121
7.10.3 Addressing ...................................................................................... 122
7.11 Firmware Update ................................................................................. 123

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8 Commissioning....................................................................................... 125
8.1 General Procedure............................................................................... 125
8.2 Procedure Description ......................................................................... 125
8.3 Real Time Data Exchange Establishment ........................................... 126
8.4 Perform configuration steps ................................................................. 126
8.5 GSD File .............................................................................................. 129
8.6 Parameterization .................................................................................. 130
8.6.1 Parameterization of the Station Proxy (DAP) .................................. 130 Restart on K-Bus Failure ............................................................ 130 Diagnostics of External Module/Channel Errors ......................... 130 Internal Data Bus Extension ....................................................... 131 Response to PROFINET IO failure ............................................. 131 Response to K-Bus Failure ......................................................... 131 Activation of the integrated Webserver ....................................... 132 Activation of Firmware Updates .................................................. 132 Activation of the station-wide PROFIenergy Functionality .......... 132
8.6.2 Variable Peripheral Layout .............................................................. 133 Validation of the Configuration Data Sets ................................... 134
8.6.3 Parameterization of the I/O-Modules............................................... 134
8.7 PROFINET Connection........................................................................ 135
8.7.1 Structure of the Application and Communication Relationships (AR
and CR) ........................................................................................... 135 Connection Response with no Configuration Differences .......... 135 Connection Response with Configuration Differences ............... 135
8.7.2 Parameterization of Submodule’s Data Sets................................... 135
8.7.3 End of the Parameterization Phase and Operational Readiness .... 136
8.8 Data Exchange .................................................................................... 136
8.8.1 Send Cycle Times (Update Time) ................................................... 136
8.8.2 Connection Monitoring .................................................................... 137
8.9 Demand Data Exchange (acyclic communication) .............................. 138
9 Web-based Management (WBM) ........................................................... 139
9.1 General Structure of WBM Pages........................................................ 140
9.1.1 Status Area ..................................................................................... 141
9.2 Information ........................................................................................... 142
9.3 Ethernet ............................................................................................... 143
9.4 TCP/IP ................................................................................................. 145
9.5 Diagnostics .......................................................................................... 146
9.6 Administration ...................................................................................... 147
9.7 Connection Errors ................................................................................ 147
10 Diagnostics ............................................................................................. 148
10.1 LED Signaling ...................................................................................... 148
10.1.1 Evaluating the Fieldbus Status ........................................................ 149
10.1.2 Evaluating the Node Status ............................................................. 151
10.2 Error Response .................................................................................... 158
10.2.1 Fieldbus Failure ............................................................................... 158
10.2.2 Local Bus Failure............................................................................. 158
10.3 PROFINET IO Diagnostics .................................................................. 160
10.3.1 Diagnosis Data Sets ........................................................................ 160

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10.3.2 Structure of the Standardized Diagnosis Data Sets ........................ 161
11 Fieldbus Communication....................................................................... 162
11.1 Standard ETHERNET Protocols .......................................................... 162
11.1.1 IP, TCP and HTTP .......................................................................... 162
11.1.2 DCP ................................................................................................. 162
11.1.3 LLDP ............................................................................................... 162
11.1.4 MRP ................................................................................................ 163
11.1.5 SNMP .............................................................................................. 163
11.2 PROFINET IO ...................................................................................... 164
11.2.1 General ........................................................................................... 164
11.2.2 Cabling ............................................................................................ 165
11.2.3 PROFINET IO Device Classes........................................................ 165
11.2.4 Addressing ...................................................................................... 166
11.2.5 PROFINET Communication Principle ............................................. 167 Data Traffic ................................................................................. 167 Communication Connection ....................................................... 167 Application and Communication Relationship (AR, CR) ............. 168
11.2.6 System Start-Up .............................................................................. 168
11.2.7 Data Exchange ................................................................................ 169
11.2.8 Using Configuration Software.......................................................... 169 Hardware Configuration in the Configuration Software .............. 169 Parameterization in the Configuration Software ......................... 169 Communication Configuration in the Configuration Software ..... 169
12 I/O Modules ............................................................................................. 170
13 Use in Hazardous Environments .......................................................... 171
13.1 Marking Configuration Examples ......................................................... 172
13.1.1 Marking for Europe According to ATEX and IECEx ........................ 172
13.1.2 Marking for the United States of America (NEC) and Canada
(CEC) .............................................................................................. 176
13.2 Installation Regulations ........................................................................ 179
13.2.1 Special Notes including Explosion Protection ................................. 179
13.2.2 Special Notes Regarding ANSI/ISA Ex ........................................... 181
14 Appendix ................................................................................................. 182
14.1 Module and Submodule types of the I/O-Modules ............................... 182
14.1.1 Digital Input Modules ....................................................................... 182
14.1.2 Digital Output Modules .................................................................... 187
14.1.3 Digital Input/Output Modules ........................................................... 191
14.1.4 Analog Input Modules ..................................................................... 192
14.1.5 Analog Output Modules ................................................................... 194
14.1.6 Specialty Modules ........................................................................... 195 Up/Down Counter ....................................................................... 195 2-Channel Pulse Width Modules ................................................ 196 Distance and Angle Measurement Modules ............................... 196 Serial Interfaces .......................................................................... 197 DC-Drive Controller .................................................................... 198 RTC Module ............................................................................... 198 DALI/DSI Master and DALI Multi-Master Modules ..................... 199 AS-Interface Master Modules ..................................................... 199
Version 1.3.1
8 Table of Contents WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler RF Modules ................................................................................ 200 MP-Bus Master Modules ............................................................ 201 Vibration Monitoring .................................................................... 202 F I/O Modules ............................................................................. 202 Stepper Modules ........................................................................ 204 I/O-Link Master (from FW 03) ..................................................... 204 CAN Gateway (from FW 03) ....................................................... 204 Proportional Valve Module (from FW 03) ................................... 205 SMI Master Module (from FW 06) .............................................. 205 M-Bus Master Module (from FW 06) .......................................... 205
14.1.7 System Modules .............................................................................. 206 Power Supply Modules ............................................................... 206
14.2 Parameters of the I/O Modules ............................................................ 207
14.2.1 Digital Input Modules (DI) ................................................................ 207
14.2.2 Digital Output Modules (DO) ........................................................... 209
14.2.3 Digital Output Modules with Diagnostics (DO, DIA) ........................ 210
14.2.4 PROFIenergy Submodules (DO, PE) .............................................. 212
14.2.5 Analog Input Modules ..................................................................... 213
14.2.6 Special AI Module Types (AI, RTD, TC, HART) .............................. 216
14.2.7 Analog Output Module (AO) ............................................................ 223
14.2.8 Analog Output Module with Diagnostics (AO, DIA) ......................... 224
14.2.9 Special AO Module Types with Parameter Channel (AO, 562,
563) ................................................................................................. 226
14.2.10 PROFIenergy Submodules (AO, PE) .............................................. 229
14.2.11 Specialty Modules ........................................................................... 230
14.2.12 System Modules .............................................................................. 238
14.3 Record Data Sets................................................................................. 240
14.4 Detailed structures I&M 0-4 ................................................................. 243
14.5 Structure of the Standardized Diagnosis Data Sets............................. 245
14.5.1 Extended Channel Diagnostics ....................................................... 245 Fault Cases of I/O Modules with Diagnostics Capability ............ 250 Digital Input Modules ............................................................. 251 Digital Output Modules ........................................................... 251 Analog Input Modules ............................................................ 252 Analog Output Modules ......................................................... 254 Complex I/O Modules ............................................................ 255 PROFIsafe V2 iPar I/O Modules ............................................ 257
14.5.2 Difference between Real and Expected Configuration.................... 257
List of Figures .................................................................................................. 261
List of Tables .................................................................................................... 263

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Notes about this Documentation 9
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

1 Notes about this Documentation

Always retain this documentation!

This documentation is part of the product. Therefore, retain the documentation
during the entire service life of the product. Pass on the documentation to any
subsequent user. In addition, ensure that any supplement to this documentation
is included, if necessary.

1.1 Validity of this Documentation

This documentation is only applicable to the “PROFINET IO advanced ECO
Fieldbus Coupler” (750-377) and the variants listed in the table below.

Tabelle 1: Variations
Oder number/
750-377 Fieldbus coupler PROFINET IO advanced ECO
750-377/025-000 /T
(surrounding air temperature: -20 °C ... +60 °C)

Documentation Validity for Variants

Unless otherwise indicated, the information given in this documentation applies
to listed variants.

The product “PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler” (750-377) shall

only be installed and operated according to the instructions in this manual and
the system description for the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750.

Consider power layout of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750!

In addition to these operating instructions, you will also need the system
description for the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750, which can be downloaded at There, you can obtain important information including
information on electrical isolation, system power and supply specifications.

1.2 Copyright
This Manual, including all figures and illustrations, is copyright-protected. Any
further use of this Manual by third parties that violate pertinent copyright
provisions is prohibited. Reproduction, translation, electronic and phototechnical
filing/archiving (e.g., photocopying) as well as any amendments require the

Version 1.3.1
10 Notes about this Documentation WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
written consent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Minden, Germany.
Non-observance will involve the right to assert damage claims.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Notes about this Documentation 11
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

1.3 Symbols

Personal Injury!
Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury Caused by Electric Current!

Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury!
Indicates a moderate-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury!
Indicates a low-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury.

Damage to Property!
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.

Damage to Property Caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)!

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.

Important Note!
Indicates a potential malfunction which, if not avoided, however, will not result in
damage to property.

Version 1.3.1
12 Notes about this Documentation WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Additional Information:
Refers to additional information which is not an integral part of this
documentation (e.g., the Internet).

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Notes about this Documentation 13
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

1.4 Number Notation

Table 2: Number Notation
Number Code Example Note
Decimal 100 Normal notation
Hexadecimal 0x64 C notation
Binary '100' In quotation marks, nibble separated
'0110.0100' with dots (.)

1.5 Font Conventions

Table 3: Font Conventions
Font Type Indicates
italic Names of paths and data files are marked in italic-type.
e.g.: C:\Program Files\WAGO Software
Menu Menu items are marked in bold letters.
e.g.: Save
> A greater-than sign between two names means the selection of a
menu item from a menu.
e.g.: File > New
Input Designation of input or optional fields are marked in bold letters,
e.g.: Start of measurement range
“Value” Input or selective values are marked in inverted commas.
e.g.: Enter the value “4 mA” under Start of measurement range.
[Button] Pushbuttons in dialog boxes are marked with bold letters in square
e.g.: [Input]
[Key] Keys are marked with bold letters in square brackets.
e.g.: [F5]

Version 1.3.1
14 Notes about this Documentation WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

1.6 Abbreviations and Terms

Version 1.3.1
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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 4: Abbreviations and Terms Used in this Manual
Abbreviation/ Explanation Description
AIDA Automation Association of German automotive manufacturers using
Initiative of generally PROFINET IO in production plants.
ALCR Alarm CR Acyclic PROFINET IO real-time channel for transmission of
alarm messages.
API Application Addressing level in addition to the slots and subslots. This
Process Identifier addressing level allows you to handle different applications
individually to prevent overlap of data storage areas (slots and
subslots) and concurrent access.
AR Application Application relationship between IOC or IOS and IOD.
CAT5 Category 5 Cable category 5 according to EIA/TIA-568.
CCx Communication Communication channels according to TCI-conformance
channels for classes:
parameterization CC1: Conformance Class 1 via
local configuration interface
CC2: Conformance Class 2 via
TCP/IP using Service-Port 6626
CC3: Conformance Class 1 via
PROFINET IO supervisor connection
CPD Configuration, Configuration, parameterization and diagnostic (CPD) tools
Parameterization simplify navigation and communication with fail-safe
and Diagnostic F I/O modules for setting individual safety-related parameters.
CR Communication Communication relationship between IOC or IOS and IOD.
DAP Device Access Station proxy, network access point, a DAP represents the
Point (DAP) fieldbus interface and determines the essential properties of
the IO device.
DCP Discovery and PROFINET protocol used to set station names, IP settings and
basic other parameters.
DIP Dual in Line The DIP switch is comprised of a series of eight individual shift
Package switches.
GSD General Station Device description for configuring IO devices within the
Description engineering system.
GSDML General Station An XML-based language, GSDML is used as the language for
Description the device description file.
HTTP HyperText Data exchange protocol used for transmission of internet data,
Transmission e.g. transfer of websites. Web browsers communicate to web
Protocol servers via this protocol.
IOC IO Controller Master in the PROFINET IO network.
IOCR Input/Output CR Describes the connection for the PROFINET IO real-time
channel in the input and output direction.
IOD IO Device Slave in the PROFINET IO network
(here the fieldbus node or station, sometimes also used for the
fieldbus coupler as a station proxy à "DAP").
IOS IO Supervisor Programming device in the PROFINET IO network.
IOX IO station Station in the PROFINET IO network, "X" stands for "Device",
"Controller" or "Supervisor".

Version 1.3.1
16 Notes about this Documentation WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 4: Abbreviations and Terms Used in this Manual
Abbreviation/ Explanation Description
iPar Individual Individual parameterization of safety-related parameters for
parameter fail-safe F I/O modules.
The standardized Individual Parameter Server (iPar Server)
automatically restores the parameterization when replacing
IPv4 Internet Protocol IPv4 describes the 4th version of IP protocol which is used in
Version 4 internet to route network packets to its destination. Version 4
was specified in RFC 791 in 1981.
K-Bus Local bus Internal communication system (local bus) of series 750/753.
LED Light Emitting Indicator light signaling device states.
LLDP Link Layer According to IEC, standardized Layer 2 protocol that provides
Discovery the basis for PROFINET topology detection.
MCR Multicast CR Multicast Communication Relationship, exchange of
productive data with no intervention of an IO controller or IO
MIB Management Database of certain protocols, e.g. LLDP that can be read via
Information Base SNMP.
Module, module Module, module Respective data set in the configuration tool for various I/O
type type modules, types.
NIL Not In List The entry is not in the list.
RDCR Record Data CR Acyclic reading and writing of data sets.
RTA Alarm "Real-Time Acyclic real-time alarm transfer between IO controller and IO
Protocol Acyclic" device.
SEDI WAGO-Safety- WAGO tooling for individual parameterization
Editor 75x of F I/O modules.
SNMP V1/V2 Simple Network Standard protocol according to IEC used for the management
Management of ETHERNET devices in version 1 and 2.
Version 1/
Version 2
Submodule, Submodule, Respective selectable data set in the configuration tool for
submodule type submodule type various process data assignment options of the I/O modules,
TCI Tool Calling Open interface for integrating device tools in engineering
Interface systems.
TCP Transmission Protocol for data transmission.
Control Protocol
WBM Web-based HTTP-based management unit for configuration and
Management information purposes for ETHERNET devices.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Important Notes 17
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

2 Important Notes
This section includes an overall summary of the most important safety
requirements and notes that are mentioned in each individual section. To protect
your health and prevent damage to devices as well, it is imperative to read and
carefully follow the safety guidelines.

2.1 Legal Bases

2.1.1 Subject to Changes

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to provide for any
alterations or modifications. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG owns all
rights arising from the granting of patents or from the legal protection of utility
patents. Third-party products are always mentioned without any reference to
patent rights. Thus, the existence of such rights cannot be excluded.

2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications

All sequences implemented on WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750 devices may only be
carried out by electrical specialists with sufficient knowledge in automation. The
specialists must be familiar with the current norms and guidelines for the devices
and automated environments.

All changes to the coupler or controller should always be carried out by qualified
personnel with sufficient skills in PLC programming.

2.1.3 Use of the 750 Series in Compliance with Underlying

Fieldbus couplers, controllers and I/O modules found in the modular WAGO I/O
SYSTEM 750 receive digital and analog signals from sensors and transmit them
to actuators or higher-level control systems. Using controllers, the signals can
also be (pre-) processed.

The devices have been developed for use in an environment that meets the IP20
protection class criteria. Protection against finger injury and solid impurities up to
12.5 mm diameter is assured; protection against water damage is not ensured.
Unless otherwise specified, operation of the devices in wet and dusty
environments is prohibited.

Operating the WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750 devices in home applications without
further measures is only permitted if they meet the emission limits (emissions of
interference) according to EN 61000-6-3. You will find the relevant information in
the section “Device Description” > “Standards and Guidelines” in the manual for
the used fieldbus coupler or controller.

Appropriate housing (per 2014/34/EU) is required when operating the WAGO I/O
SYSTEM 750 in hazardous environments. Please note that a prototype test

Version 1.3.1
18 Important Notes WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
certificate must be obtained that confirms the correct installation of the system in
a housing or switch cabinet.

The implementation of safety functions such as EMERGENCY STOP or safety

door monitoring must only be performed by the F I/O modules within the modular
WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750. Only these safe F I/O modules ensure functional safety
in accordance with the latest international standards. WAGO's interference-free
output modules can be controlled by the safety function.

2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices

The devices to be supplied ex works are equipped with hardware and software
configurations, which meet the individual application requirements. These
modules contain no parts that can be serviced or repaired by the user. The
following actions will result in the exclusion of liability on the part of WAGO
Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG:

• Repairs,
• Changes to the hardware or software that are not described in the
operating instructions,
• Improper use of the components.

Further details are given in the contractual agreements. Please send your
request for modified and new hardware or software configurations directly to
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Disposal Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Electrical and electronic equipment may not be disposed of

with household waste. This also applies to products without
this symbol.

Electrical and electronic equipment contain materials and substances that can be
harmful to the environment and health. Electrical and electronic equipment must
be disposed of properly after use.
WEEE 2012/19/EU applies throughout Europe. Directives and laws may vary

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Important Notes 19
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Environmentally friendly disposal benefits health and
protects the environment from harmful substances in
electrical and electronic equipment.

• Observe national and local regulations for the disposal of electrical and
electronic equipment.

• Clear any data stored on the electrical and electronic equipment.

• Remove any added battery or memory card in the electrical and

electronic equipment.

• Have the electrical and electronic equipment sent to your local

collection point.

Improper disposal of electrical and electronic equipment can be harmful to the

environment and human health. Packaging

Packaging contains materials that can be reused.

PPWD 94/62/EU and 2004/12/EU packaging guidelines apply throughout
Europe. Directives and laws may vary nationally.

Environmentally friendly disposal of the packaging protects the environment and

allows sustainable and efficient use of resources.

• Observe national and local regulations for the disposal of packaging.

• Dispose of packaging of all types that allows a high level of recovery,

reuse and recycling.

Improper disposal of packaging can be harmful to the environment and wastes

valuable resources.

Version 1.3.1
20 Important Notes WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions)

For installing and operating purposes of the relevant device to your system the
following safety precautions shall be observed:

Do not work on devices while energized!

All power sources to the device shall be switched off prior to performing any
installation, repair or maintenance work.

Install device in only one suitable enclosure!

The device is an open system. Install the device in a suitable enclosure. This
enclosure must:

• Guarantee that the max. permissible degree of pollution is not exceeded.

• Offer adequate protection against contact.
• Prevent fire from spreading outside of the enclosure.
• Offer adequate protection against UV irradiation.
• Guarantee mechanical stability
• Restrict access to authorized personnel and may only be opened with tools

Ensure disconnect and overcurrent protection!

The device is intended for installation in automation technology systems.
Disconnect protection is not integrated. Connected systems must be protected by
a fuse.
Provide suitable disconnect and overcurrent protection on the system side!

Ensure a standard connection!

To minimize any hazardous situations resulting in personal injury or to avoid
failures in your system, the data and power supply lines shall be installed
according to standards, with careful attention given to ensuring the correct
terminal assignment. Always adhere to the EMC directives applicable to your

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Important Notes 21
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Ensure proper contact with the DIN-rail!

Proper electrical contact between the DIN-rail and device is necessary to
maintain the EMC characteristics and function of the device.

Replace defective or damaged devices!

Replace defective or damaged device/module (e.g., in the event of deformed

Protect the components against materials having seeping and insulating

The components are not resistant to materials having seeping and insulating
properties such as: aerosols, silicones and triglycerides (found in some hand
creams). If you cannot exclude that such materials will appear in the component
environment, then install the components in an enclosure being resistant to the
above-mentioned materials. Clean tools and materials are imperative for
handling devices/modules.

Clean only with permitted materials!

Clean housing and soiled contacts with propanol.

Do not use any contact spray!

Do not use any contact spray. The spray may impair contact area functionality in
connection with contamination.

Do not reverse the polarity of connection lines!

Avoid reverse polarity of data and power supply lines, as this may damage the
devices involved.

Version 1.3.1
22 Important Notes WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Avoid electrostatic discharge!

The devices are equipped with electronic components that may be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge when touched. Please observe the safety precautions
against electrostatic discharge per DIN EN 61340-5-1/-3. When handling the
devices, please ensure that environmental factors (personnel, work space and
packaging) are properly grounded.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Important Notes 23
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

2.3 Special Use Conditions for ETHERNET Devices

If not otherwise specified, ETHERNET devices are intended for use on local
networks. Please note the following when using ETHERNET devices in your

• Do not connect control components and control networks directly to an

open network such as the Internet or an office network. WAGO
recommends putting control components and control networks behind a

• In the control components (e.g., for WAGO I/-CHECK and CODESYS)

close all ports and services not required by your application to minimize the
risk of cyber attacks and to enhance cyber security.
Only open ports and services during commissioning and/or configuration.

• Limit physical and electronic access to all automation components to

authorized personnel only.

• Change the default passwords before first use! This will reduce the risk of
unauthorized access to your system.

• Regularly change the passwords used! This will reduce the risk of
unauthorized access to your system.

• If remote access to control components and control networks is required,

use a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

• Regularly perform threat analyses. You can check whether the measures
taken meet your security requirements.

• Use “defense-in-depth” mechanisms in your system's security configuration

to restrict the access to and control of individual products and networks.

Version 1.3.1
24 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3 System Description
The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 is a modular, fieldbus-independent input/output
system (I/O system). The configuration described here consists of a fieldbus
coupler/controller (1) and the modular I/O modules (2) for any signal shapes that
form the fieldbus node together. The end module (3) completes the node and is
required for correct operation of the fieldbus node.

Figure 1: Fieldbus Node (Example)

Fieldbus couplers/controllers are available for different fieldbus systems.

The ECO coupler contains the fieldbus interface, electronics and a power supply
for the system. The fieldbus interface forms the physical interface to the relevant
fieldbus. The electronics process the data of the bus modules and make it
available for the fieldbus communication.

I/O modules for diverse digital and analog I/O signals as well as special functions
can be connected to the fieldbus coupler/controller. The communication between
the fieldbus coupler/controller and the I/O modules is carried out via a local bus.

The components of the WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750 have clear termination points,
light emitting diodes for status display, plug-in mini WSB tags and group marker
cards for labeling.

The 1, 2 or 3 wire technology supplemented by a ground wire connection allows

for direct sensor or actuator wiring.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 25
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.1 Manufacturing Number

The serial number indicates the delivery status directly after production. This
number is part of the labeling on the side of each component.

Figure 2: Marking Area for Serial Numbers

There are two serial numbers in two rows in the side marking. They are left of the
release tab. The first 10 positions in the longer row of the serial numbers contain
version and date identifications.

Example structure of the rows: 0114010101…

01 14 01 01 01 (additional positions)
Calendar Year Firmware Hardware Firmware Internal information
week version version loader

The row order can vary depending on the production year, only the longer row is
relevant. The back part of this and the shorter row contain internal administration
information from the manufacturer.

In addition, the serial number is printed on the front on the cover cap of the
service interface, so that it can also be read when installed.

Version 1.3.1
26 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.2 Hardware Address (MAC ID)

Each PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler has an internationally
unambiguous physical address, referred to as the MAC-ID (Media Access Control

As part of the labeling on the right side of this component, the MAC ID is printed
in the block diagram of the fieldbus coupler/controller.
In addition, the MAC ID is located on the paper strip with two self-adhesive peel-
off strips on the left side of the fieldbus coupler/controller.
The MAC ID has a fixed length of 6 bytes (48 bits) which are presented
hexadecimal. The first three bytes identify the manufacturer (e.g. 00:30 DE for
WAGO). The second 3 bytes comprise the unique serial number of the hardware.

This MAC ID is the physical device MAC address for the interface.
In addition, each switch port of the fieldbus coupler has its own MAC address.

The MAC address of the switch ports can be determined by adding port instance
to the interface MAC.
The MAC ID for port 1 is defined by adding "1", the MAC ID of port 2 is obtained
by adding "2" to the serial number of the interface MAC ID.

If the interface MAC ID ends to "FE", then the following port MAC IDs arise:

MAC ID of Interface: "00 : 30 : DE : 01 : FF :FE"

MAC ID of port 1: "00 : 30 : DE : 01 : FF :FF"
MAC ID of port 2: "00 : 30 : DE : 02 : 00 :00"

The port MAC IDs are used by LLDP and MRP telegrams.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 27
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.3 Update
For products that can be updated, the side inscription has a prepared matrix in
which the current update data can be entered in columns.

Up to 2015, the matrix has rows to enter the “NO” work order number (or “BA” to
CW 13/2004), “DS” update date, “SW” software index (optional), “HW” hardware
index and “FWL” firmware loader index (optional).

Figure 3: Update Matrix up to 2015

From 2016, the matrix has rows to enter the “FA” production or work order
number and to enter the “PD” production date and “AZ” item number.

Figure 4: Update Matrix from 2016

Table 5: Legend for Figure “Update Matrix from 2016”

FA Production order number, 10-digit
PD KW = calendar week
YY = year
AZ FW = firmware index
HW = hardware index
FL = firmware loader index

For factory updates to a head station, the current production or work order
number is also printed on the cover cap of the service interface.

The original manufacturing information on the product housing remains


3.4 Storage, Assembly and Transport

Whenever possible, the components are to be stored in their original packaging.
Likewise, the original packaging provides optimal protection during transport.

Version 1.3.1
28 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
When assembling or repacking the components, the contacts must not be soiled
or damaged. The components must be stored and transported in appropriate
containers/packaging. Thereby, the ESD information is to be regarded.

3.5 Assembly Guidelines/Standards

• DIN 60204 Electrical equipment of machines

• DIN EN 50178 Electronic equipment for use in power installations

(replacement for VDE 0160)

• EN 60439 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 29
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.6 Power Supply

3.6.1 Overcurrent Protection

Possible fire hazard due to insufficient overcurrent protection!

In the event of a fault, insufficient overcurrent protection can present a possible
fire hazard. In the event of a fault, excessive current flow in the components can
cause significant overheating. Therefore, you should always dimension the
overcurrent protection according to the anticipated power usage.

The system and field voltage of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEMs 750 is supplied on the
head stations and bus supply modules.
For components that work with extra low voltage, only SELV/PELV voltage
sources should be used.

A single voltage source supplying multiple components must be designed

according to the component with the strictest electrical safety requirements.
For components which are only allowed to be supplied by SELV voltage sources,
these requirements are listed in the technical data.

Most components in the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 have no internal overcurrent

protection. Therefore, appropriate overcurrent production must always be
implemented externally for the power supply to these components, e.g. via fuses.
The maximum permissible current is listed in the technical data of the
components used.

3.6.2 Isolation
Within the fieldbus node, there are three electrically isolated potentials:

• Electrically isolated fieldbus interface via transformer

• Electronics of the fieldbus couplers/controllers and the I/O modules (local


• All I/O modules have an electrical isolation between the electronics (local
bus, logic) and the field electronics. Some digital and analog input modules
have each channel electrically isolated, please see catalog.

Version 1.3.1
30 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 5: Isolation (Example)

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 31
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.6.3 System Supply Connection

The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 requires a 24 V direct current system supply.

The power supply is provided via the fieldbus coupler/controller and, if necessary,
in addition via internal system supply modules 750-613. The power supply is
reverse voltage protected.

Do not use an incorrect voltage/frequency!

The use of an incorrect supply voltage or frequency can cause severe damage to
the components.

Figure 6: System Supply

Table 6: Legend for Figure “System Supply”

Pos. Description
1 System supply 24 VDC (−15% / +20%)
2 System supply 0 V

The fed-in 24 VDC supplies all internal system components, e.g. fieldbus
coupler/controller electronics, fieldbus interface and I/O modules via the local bus
(5 VDC system voltage). The 5 VDC system voltage is galvanically connected to
the 24 VDC supply voltage.

Version 1.3.1
32 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

System supply only with appropriate fuse protection!

Without overcurrent protection, the electronics can be damaged.
If you implement the overcurrent protection for the system supply with a fuse, a
fuse, max. 2 A, slow-acting, should be used.

Figure 7: System Voltage (Example)

Only reset the system simultaneously for all supply modules!

Reset the system by switching the system supply simultaneously at all supply
modules (fieldbus coupler/controller and potential supply module with bus power
supply) off and on again. Dimensioning

A stable power supply cannot always be assumed. Therefore, you should use
regulated power supplies to ensure the quality of the supply voltage.

The supply capacity of the fieldbus coupler/controller or the internal system

supply module can be taken from the technical data of the components.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 33
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 7: Alignment
Internal current consumption*) Current consumption via system voltage
(5 V for electronics of I/O modules and
fieldbus coupler/controller).
Total current for I/O modules*) Available current for the I/O modules.
Provided by the bus power supply unit.
See fieldbus coupler/controller and internal
system supply module
*) See current catalog, manuals, Internet

Version 1.3.1
34 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler


Calculating the current consumption on a 750-343 PROFIBUS DP ECO


Internal current consumption 350 mA at 5 V

Residual current for bus modules 650 mA at 5 V
Sum I(5 V) total 1000 mA at 5 V

The internal current consumption is indicated in the technical data for each bus
terminal. In order to determine the total requirement, add together the values of
all I/O modules in the node.

Please note the aggregate current for I/O modules. It may be necessary to
supply potential!
When the sum of the internal current consumption for the I/O modules exceeds
their aggregate current, you must use a supply module with bus power supply.
Install it before the position where the permissible aggregate current would be


Calculating the total current on an ECO Coupler:

A node with a PROFIBUS DP ECO coupler 750-343 consists of:

10 relay modules (750-517) and 20 digital input modules (750-405).

Internal current consumption 10 * 90 mA = 900 mA

20 * 2 mA = 40 mA
Sum 940 mA

The PROFIBUS DP ECO coupler 750-343 can provide 650 mA for the bus
modules. Consequently, an internal system supply module (750-613), e. g. in the
middle of the node, should be added.

Utilize the smartDESIGNER feature WAGO ProServe® software to configure
fieldbus node assembly. You can test the configuration via the integrated
plausibility check.

The maximum input current of the 24 V system supply is 500 mA. The exact
electrical consumption (I(V)) can be determined with the following formulas:

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 35
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Fieldbus coupler or controller

I(5 V) total = Sum of all the internal current consumption of the
connected I/O modules + internal current consumption of
the fieldbus coupler/controller
Internal system supply module
I(5 V) total = Sum of all the internal current consumption of the
connected I/O modules at internal system supply module

5V I(5 V) total
Input current I(24 V) = ×
24 V η
η = Efficiency of the power supply at nominal load 24 V

Activate all outputs when testing the current consumption!

If the electrical consumption of a power supply point for the 24 V system
supply exceeds 500 mA, then the cause may be an improperly
dimensioned node or a defect.
During the test, you must activate all outputs.

Version 1.3.1
36 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.6.4 Field Supply Connection

Sensors and actuators can be directly connected to the relevant channel of the
I/O module in 1, 2, 3 or 4 conductor connection technology. The I/O module
supplies power to the sensors and actuators. The input and output drivers of
some I/O modules require the field side supply voltage.

For the field side power, a power supply module is necessary.

Power supply modules with or without fuse holder and diagnostic capability are
available for the power supply of other field potentials (24 VDC,
0 … 230 VAC/DC, 120 VAC, 230 VAC). The power supply modules can also be
used to set up various potential groups. The connections are connected in pairs
to a power contact.

Figure 8: Field Supply (Sensor/Actuator)

Table 8: Legend for Figure “Field Supply (Sensor/Actuator) for ECO Fieldbus Coupler”
Field supply
1 24 V (-15 % / +20 %)
2 0V
3 Optional ground potential (functional earth)
Power jumper contacts
4 Potential distribution to adjacent I/O modules

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 37
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

In exceptional instances, I/O modules can be directly connected to the

field supply!
The 24 V field supply can be connected also directly to a bus module, if the
connection points are not needed for the peripheral device supply. In this case,
the connection points need the connection to the power jumper contacts.

Re-establish the ground connection when the connection to the power

jumper contacts is disrupted!
Some I/O modules have no or very few power contacts (depending on the I/O
function). Due to this, the passing through of the relevant potential is disrupted. If
you require a field supply via power jumper contacts for subsequent I/O modules,
then you have to use a power supply module.
Note the data sheets of the I/O modules.

Use a spacer module when setting up a node with different potentials!

In the case of a node setup with different potentials, e.g. the alteration from
24 VDC to 230 VAC, you should use a spacer module. The optical separation of
the potentials acts as a warning to heed caution in the case of wiring and
maintenance works. Thus, you can prevent the results of wiring errors. Fusing via Power Supply Module

Internal fusing of the field supply is possible for various field voltages via an
appropriate power supply module.

Table 9: Power Supply Modules

Order No. Field Voltage
750-601 24 VDC, Supply/Fuse
750-609 230 VAC, Supply/Fuse
750-615 120 VAC, Supply/Fuse
750-617 24 VAC, Supply/Fuse
750-610 24 VDC, Supply/Fuse/Diagnosis
750-611 230 VAC, Supply/Fuse/Diagnosis
750-606 Supply Module 24 VDC, 1.0 A, Ex i
750-625/000-001 Supply Module 24 VDC, 1.0 A, Ex i (without diagnostics)

Version 1.3.1
38 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 9: Supply Module with Fuse Carrier (Example 750-610)

Observe the maximum power dissipation and, if required, UL requirements!

In the case of power supply modules with fuse holders, you must only use fuses
with a maximum dissipation of 1.6 W (IEC 127).
For UL approved systems only use UL approved fuses.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 39
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
In order to insert or change a fuse, or to switch off the voltage in succeeding I/O
modules, the fuse holder may be pulled out. In order to do this, use a screwdriver
for example, to reach into one of the slits (one on both sides) and pull out the

Figure 10: Removing the Fuse Carrier

Lifting the cover to the side opens the fuse carrier.

Figure 11: Opening the Fuse Carrier and Changing the Fuse

Version 1.3.1
40 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 12: Changing the Fuse and Closing the Fuse Carrier

After changing the fuse, the fuse carrier is pushed back into its original position.

Figure 13: Push Back the Fuse Carrier

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 41
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Fusing External

Field supply only with appropriate fuse protection!

Without overcurrent protection, the electronics can be damaged.
If you alternatively implement the overcurrent protection for the field supply with
an external fuse, an F 10 A fuse should be used.

For the external fusing, the fuse modules of the WAGO series 282, 2006, 281
and 2002 are suitable for this purpose.

Figure 14: Fuse Modules for Automotive Fuses, Series 282

Figure 15: Fuse Modules for Automotive Fuses, Series 2006

Figure 16: Fuse Modules with Pivotable Fuse Carrier, Series 281

Version 1.3.1
42 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 17: Fuse Modules with Pivotable Fuse Carrier, Series 2002

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 43
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.6.5 Supply Example


The system supply and the field supply shall be separated!

You should separate the system supply and the field supply in order to ensure
bus operation in the event of a short-circuit on the actuator side.

Figure 18: Supply Example

Version 1.3.1
44 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 10: Legend for Figure “Supply Example for Fieldbus Coupler/Controller”
Pos. Description
1 Power Supply on fieldbus coupler/controller via external Supply Module
2 Power Supply with optional ground
3 Internal System Supply Module
4 Separation Module recommended
5 Supply Module passive
6 Supply Module with fuse carrier/diagnostics

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 45
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.6.6 Power Supply Unit

The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 requires a 24 VDC voltage (system supply).

A stable power supply cannot always be assumed everywhere. Therefore, you
should use regulated power supplies to ensure the quality of the supply voltage.

Buffer for system power supply!

The system power supply must be buffered to bridge power outages. As the
power demand depends on the respective node configuration, buffering is not
implemented internally.
To achieve power outages of 1 ms to 10 ms according to IEC61131-2, determine
the buffering appropriate for your node configuration and structure it as an
external circuit.

The power demand must be determined individually depending on the entry point
of the field supply. All loads through field devices and I/O modules must be taken
into account. The field supply also impacts the I/O modules because the input
and output drivers of some I/O modules require the voltage of the field supply.

System and field supply must be isolated!

The system supply and field supply must be isolated to ensure bus operation in
the event of short circuits on the actuator side.

Power supply units are available in the eShop.

You can find suitable power supply units, e. g. from the EPSITRON series, in the
eShop on

Version 1.3.1
46 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.7 Grounding
3.7.1 Grounding the DIN Rail Framework Assembly

When setting up the framework, the carrier rail must be screwed together with the
electrically conducting cabinet or housing frame. The framework or the housing
must be grounded. The electrical connection is established via the screw. Thus,
the carrier rail is grounded.

Ensure sufficient grounding is provided!

You must take care to ensure the flawless electrical connection between the
carrier rail and the frame or housing in order to guarantee sufficient grounding. Insulated Assembly

Insulated assembly has been achieved when there is constructively no direct

ohmic contact between the cabinet frame or machine parts and the carrier rail.
Here, the earth ground must be set up via an electrical conductor in accordance
with valid national safety regulations.

The optimal setup is a metallic assembly plate with grounding connection which
is electrically conductive linked to the carrier rail.

The separate grounding of the carrier rail can be easily set up with the aid of the
WAGO ground wire terminals.

Table 11: WAGO Ground Wire Terminals

Order No. Description
283-609 1-conductor ground (earth) terminal block make an automatic
contact to the carrier rail; conductor cross section:
0.2 mm² … 16 mm2
Note: Also order the end and intermediate plate (283-320).

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.7.2 Grounding Function

The grounding function increases the resistance against electro-magnetic
interferences. Some components in the I/O system have a carrier rail contact that
dissipates electro-magnetic interferences to the carrier rail.

Figure 19: Carrier Rail Contact (Example)

Ensure sufficient grounding is provided!

You must take care to ensure the direct electrical connection between the carrier
rail contact and the carrier rail.
The carrier rail must be grounded.
For information on carrier rail properties, see section “Mounting” > … > “Carrier
Rail Properties”.

The bottom CAGE CLAMP® connectors of the supply modules enable optional
connection of a field-side functional ground. This potential is made available to
the I/O module arranged on the right through the spring-loaded contact of the
three power contacts. Some I/O modules are equipped with a knife-edge contact
that taps this potential. This forms a potential group with regard to functional
ground with the I/O module arranged on the left.

Version 1.3.1
48 System Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.8 Shielding
3.8.1 General
Use of shielded cables reduces electromagnetic interference and thus increases
signal quality. Measurement errors, data transmission errors and interference
due to excessive voltage can be prevented.

Connect the cable shield to the ground potential!

Integrated shielding is mandatory to meet the technical specifications in regards
to measuring accuracy. Connect the cable shield and ground potential at the inlet
to the cabinet or housing. This allows induced interference to dissipate and to be
kept away from devices in the cabinet or housing.

Figure 20: Cable Shield at Ground Potential

Improve shielding performance by placing the shield over a large area!

Higher shielding performance is achieved via low-impedance connection
between shield and ground. For this purpose, connect the shield over a large
surface area, e.g., WAGO shield connecting system. This is especially
recommended for large-scale systems where equalizing current or high impulse-
type currents caused by atmospheric discharge may occur.

Keep data and signal lines away from sources of interference!

Route data and signal lines separately from all high voltage cables and other
sources of high electromagnetic emission (e.g., frequency converter or drives).

3.8.2 Fieldbus Cables

The shielding of fieldbus lines is described in the respective configuration
guidelines and standards of the fieldbus system. Information on this can be
provided by the corresponding fieldbus organization or specialist literature.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 System Description 49
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

3.8.3 Shielded Signal Lines

Use shielded signal lines!

Always use shielded signal lines for analog signals and I/O modules which are
equipped with shield clamps. Only then you can ensure that the accuracy and
interference immunity specified for the respective I/O module can be achieved
even in the presence of interference acting on the signal cable.

On some WAGO devices you can directly clamp the shield. For all other devices
use the WAGO shield connecting system.

3.8.4 WAGO Shield Connecting System

The series 790 WAGO shield connecting system consists of shield clamping
saddles, busbars and various mounting carriers. These components can be used
to achieve many different configurations.

Figure 21: Examples of the WAGO Shield Connecting System

Figure 22: Application of the WAGO Shield Connecting System

Version 1.3.1
50 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4 Device Description
The fieldbus coupler 750-377 connects the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 to
PROFINET IO, the open, real-time industrial ETHERNET automation standard.

Any combination of supported digital, analog and complex I/O modules of the
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 can be used here.

In the context of PROFINET IO, the fieldbus coupler represents the connected
peripheral as a distributed field device and assumes the role of an IO device.

Thanks to the integrated 2-port switch it is possible to setup cost-effective line

topologies without the need for additional infrastructure components.

A DIP switch can optionally be used to address the station referring to

PROFIBUS DP devices. Thus a DCP based software tool could be unnecessary.
Furthermore the factory settings of the fieldbus coupler can be restored by
means of the DIP switch.

The diagnostic concept is fully compliant to PROFINET IO Standard IEC 61158.

Standard LEDs ensure an extensive point-of-care-testing and simplify the
commissioning of the node.

The familiar commissioning tools such as WAGO-I/O-CHECK can connect to the

fieldbus coupler via existent service interface.

The lines for supplying the required operating voltages are connected via the
CAGE CLAMP® connections.

Unsupported I/O modules!

Please note that the following I/O modules are not supported:
• KNX/EIB/TP1 module 75x-646
• LON® FTT module 75x-648
• F I/O modules (V1) 750-660/000-001 and 750-665/000 001.
With firmware version 01 and 02, the following I/O modules cannot be operated:
• Proportional Valve Module 75x-632
• 4-channel IO-Link Master 75x-657
• CAN Gateway 75x-658.
Starting from firmware version 03, the HART values of the 2-channel analog
input modules HART 75x-482 and 75x 484 can be configured to the input
process image.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 51
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.1 Fieldbus Coupler Properties

4.1.1 General Specifications
The fieldbus coupler has the following specifications:

• 2 × RJ-45 100BaseTX via integrated switch

• Transmission speed up to 100 Mbit/s full-duplex or half-duplex with and

without auto-negotiation

• Flexible configuration of digital I/O modules

• Variation of the physical peripheral layout by using active spacer modules

(starting from FW 03)

• Event granular channel diagnosis

• Configurable substitute value behavior for each output channel in the event
of failure

• Configurable substitute values for each output channel in the event of


4.1.2 PROFINET IO Properties

The fieldbus coupler as a station proxy of the IO device has the following
properties and specifications.

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52 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 12: PROFINET IO Properties and Specifications
PROFINET IO Properties and Specifications
RT communication (RT_CLASS_1) acc. to Conformance Class B Yes
• Send Clock 1 ms
• Min. Send Cycle 1 ms
• Max. Send Cycle 512 ms
IRT communication (RT_CLASS_3) acc. to Conformance Class C Yes (FW 03)
• Send Clock 1, 2, 4 ms
• Min. Send Cycle 1 ms
• Max. Send Cycle 64 ms
Media Redundancy using Ring Topology (MRP) Yes (FW 03)
No. of IO controller application relationships (IOCAR) 1
• No. of RT_CLASS_3 of these 1 (FW 03)
No. of IO supervisor application relationships (IOSAR) 1
Device access or implicit application relationship (Implicit AR) Yes
No. of communication relationships (IOCR) for input data per IOCAR and IOSAR 1
No. of communication relationships (IOCR) for output data per IOCAR and IOSAR 1
No. of multicast communication relationships (IOMCR) as provider 0
No. of multicast communication relationships (IOMCR) as consumer 0
"Shared Device" functionality No
"Shared Input" functionality No
Max. number of modules incl. station proxies (DAP, slot 0) 65 (0-64)
No. of submodules of the station proxy (DAP, slot 0) 4
No. of submodules per module (slot 1-64) 1
Max. user data length of the provider telegram incl. process data qualifier (IOxS) 388
in bytes
Max. user data length of the consumer telegram incl. process data qualifier (IOxS) 388
in bytes
Max. application data length for inputs without process data qualifier (IOxS) in 256
Max. application data length for outputs without process data qualifier (IOxS) in 256

4.1.3 Implemented Protocols and Services

In addition to the PROFINET IO specific protocols RT, IRT (FW 03), DCP and
CLRPC the following ETHERNET based protocols and services are available:

• MRP (FW 03)
• IPv4
- ICMP (ping)
• SNMP V1/V2 (MIB-2)
• http

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 53
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

More information on supported protocols!

You can learn more about supported protocols in the respective sections of the
"Fieldbus Communication" chapter.

4.1.4 Supported Profiles for PROFINET IO

The fieldbus coupler also supports the following profiles in conjunction with the
particular I/O modules:

• PROFIsafe V2.4

• iPar-Server V1.0.1

• PROFIenergy V1.0

More information on supported profiles!

You can learn more about supported profiles in the "Function Description"
chapter in the sections "Using Fail-Safe I/O Modules (PROFIsafe V2)",
"Controlling Digital and Analog Output Modules per PROFIenergy" or "Individual
Parameterization of I/O Modules via iPar Server".

Version 1.3.1
54 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.2 View
The view shows the different units of the device:

• On left side there is a DIP switch at the top, in middle area the device
supply for the system supply is located and below that the fieldbus
connection (X1, X2).
• On right side there are LEDs at the top for operation status of the bus
communication, for error messages and diagnostics, as well as the service
interface behind the flap is located below.

Figure 23: View fieldbus coupler PROFINET IO advanced ECO

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 55
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 13: Legend for Figure “View Fieldbus Coupler PROFINET IO”
Pos. Meaning Details see Section
RUN, BF, “Device Description“ >
1 Status LEDs Fieldbus
DIA, I/O “Display Elements“
Marking possibility on four miniature WSB
2 --- ---
"Connect Devices" > "Data
3 --- Data contacts
Contacts/Local Bus"
"Mounting" >
4 --- Unlocking lug "Inserting and Removing
"Device Description" >
5 --- Service interface (open flap)
"Operating Elements"
„Device Description“ >
6 X1, X2 Fieldbus connection 2 x RJ-45 as 2-Port Switch
“System Description”
7 24 V, 0 V CAGE CLAMP® Connections System Supply
>”Voltage Supply”
„Mounting“ > „Plugging and
8 --- Locking Disc
Removal of the Device“
"Device Description" >
10 --- DIP Switch
"Operating Elements"

Version 1.3.1
56 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.3 Connectors

4.3.1 Device Supply

The device is powered via terminal blocks with CAGE CLAMP® connections.

The device supply generates the necessary voltage to power the electronics of
the device and the internal electronics of the connected I/O modules.

The fieldbus interface is galvanically separated to the electrical potential of the


Figure 24: Device Supply

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.3.2 Fieldbus Connection

The fieldbus is connected via two RJ-45 plugs.
Via these plugs the ports of the integrated switch are physically connected to the
network by cable stated below.
The integrated switch works in cut-through operation.
The PHYs of each port support the transmission rates 10/100 Mbit as well as the
transmission modes full-duplex, half-duplex and autonegotiation.
The wiring of the RJ-45 plugs corresponds to the specifications for 100BaseTX.
The PROFINET standard prescribes a category 5 twisted pair cable to be used.
Cable types S-UTP (Screened Unshielded Twisted Pair) and STP (Shielded
Twisted Pair) with a maximum segment length of 100 m or approximately
328.08 feet can be used.
The socket is arranged physically lower, allowing the coupler to fit in an 80 mm
high enclosure after plug connection.

Figure 25: RJ-45 Connector

Table 14: RJ-45 Connector and RJ-45 Connector Configuration

Contact Signal
1 TD + Transmit +
2 TD − Transmit −
3 RD + Receive +
4 free
5 free
6 RD − Receive −
7 free
8 free

Do not use in telecommunication circuits!

Only use devices equipped with ETHERNET or RJ-45 connectors in LANs.
Never connect these devices with telecommunication networks.

Version 1.3.1
58 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.4 Display Elements

The operating condition of the fieldbus coupler or the node is displayed with the
help of illuminated indicators in the form of light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
The LED information is routed to the top of the case by light guides. In some
cases, the LEDs are multi-colored (red, green or orange).

Figure 26: Display Elements


For the diagnostics of the different domains fieldbus, node and supply voltage,
the LEDs can be divided into three groups:

Table 15: Display Elements Fieldbus Status

LED Color Meaning
RUN green provides information on the operational readiness of the fieldbus
coupler and the PROFIenergy status of the station.
BF red/green provides information on the current status of the PROFINET IO data
exchange (red) and it is used for device identification (green).
DIA red indicates the upcoming diagnoses as well as differences between the
expected and real configuration.

Table 16: Display Elements Node Status

LED Color Meaning
I/O red/green/ indicates a state of start-up (orange) as well as the operation of the
orange node (green) and signals via a blink code (red) faults encountered.

More information about the LED Signaling

Read the detailed description for the evaluation of the displayed LED state in the
section “Diagnostics” > … > “LED Signaling”.

The LEDs on the two RJ-45 fieldbus connection sockets display the network

Figure 27: Display Elements Fieldbus Connection RJ-45


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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 59
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 17: Display Elements Fieldbus Connection RJ-45
LED Color Meaning
LNK green indicates the connection to the physical network (Link)
ACT green indicates network activities

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60 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.5 Operating Elements

4.5.1 Service Interface

The service interface is located behind the flap.

The service interface is used for the communication with the WAGO-I/O-CHECK
and the WAGO-SEDI.

No firmware update via configuration interface!

Note that a firmware update via the service interface using FBC update is not

Figure 28: Service Interface (Closed and Opened Flap)

Table 18: Legend for Figure “Service Interface (Closed and Opened Flap)”
Number Description
1 Open closed
2 View Service Interface

Device must be de-energized!

To prevent damage to the device, unplug and plug in the communication cable
only when the device is de-energized!

The connection to the 4-pin header under the cover flap can be realized via the
communication cables with the item numbers750-920 and 750-923 or via the
WAGO radio adapter with the item number 750-921.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.5.2 DIP Switch

Figure 29: DIP Switch

The DIP switch can be used to assign a device name to the fieldbus coupler,
which can be selected from two pre-defined character strings and can be
instantiated each. It is also possible to reset the fieldbus coupler to the factory

DIP switch settings only applied after reset!

Please note that any settings made are only applied during start-up, i.e. after
switching on the supply voltage (hardware reset) or in operation after software
reset. If one of the specified resets is not carried out, changes to the switch
settings are not applied during operation!

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62 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 19: DIP switch - Explanation of the 8 Slide Switches
Slide Explanation Description
No. 8 Specification of the The position of slide switch No. 8 determines the process for
process for station station naming.
naming In the ‘OFF’ position, the device uses the name saved in
persistent memory represented as an empty character string (NIL,
“”) in the default setting. The “DCP Set” service must be used to
change the name of the device in the EEPROM.
In the ‘ON’ position, the device uses the instance of sections of
two predetermined device names determined by slide switch No.
1 … 7 as listed below.
No. 7 Specification of the Provided that station naming is activated via the DIP switch (slide
predefined device switch No. 8 in position ‘ON’), the position of slide switch No. 7
name section determines the fixed part of the device name.
In the ‘OFF’ position, the device uses the character string
“wago-750-377” as the fixed part of the device name.
In the ‘ON’ position, the character string “wagox750x377” is used.
No. 6 Reset to factory If all slide switches except No. 6 are in position ‘OFF’ the fieldbus
settings coupler waits after start-up for the operation of any slide switch to
reset the factory settings before finally starting the firmware. While
waiting the RUN-LED is flashing at a frequency of 1 Hz. After
operation of at least one slide switch the RUN-LED flashes at 2
Hz while persistent data structures are initialized. Subsequent an
automatic restart of the firmware is initiated. All PROFINET IO
specific settings, e.g. the persistent device name or the persistent
IP settings, contain the delivery states afterwards.
No. 1…6 Specification of the Slide switches 1 … 6 specify the instance of the predefined device
device name name section.
instance If all slide switches are in the ‘OFF’ position, nothing (NIL) is
added to the specified character string.
In any other case, a separator is added depending on the position
of slide switch No. 7, either “-“ (OFF) or “x” (ON). That is followed
by a decimal point formed from the positions of slide switches No.
1 … 6.
This decimal value of the device name instance is based on the
following rule:
Instance = ∑ Switch position (n) * 2 (n-1)
In the ‘ON’ position, the respective switch position takes the value
“1” and in the ‘OFF’ position, the value “0”.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

The following example of a DIP switch setting illustrates the structure of the
respective device name.
Slide switch Nos. 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 are moved to the ON position.

Table 20: Example DIP Switch Setting

Slide Position Description
No. 8 ON The device uses the instances specified via slide switch No. 1 … 7.
No. 7 ON The device uses character string “wagox750x377”.
No. 1 ON The “x” separator is added (slide switch No. 7 ‘ON’).
No. 2 ON Based on the following rule:
No. 3 OFF
No. 4 ON
No. 5 OFF Instance = ∑ Switch position (n) * 2 (n-1)
No. 6 OFF n=1
The decimal value of the device name instance results:
Instance = 1*20 + 1*21 + 0*22 +1*23 + 0*24 + 0*25
= 11

The device name “wagox750x377x11” results from the example DIP switch

Assigning the address via DCP!

The station is normally named as part of the configuration by assigning the
device name via DCP.
More information is available in the section “Fieldbus Communication” >> … >>

Version 1.3.1
64 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.6 Technical Data

4.6.1 Device Data

Table 21: Technical Data – Device data
Width 50 mm
Height (from upper-edge of DIN 35) 65 mm
Length 97 mm
Weight 110 g
Degree of protection IP 20
Max. input process image 256 bytes
Max. output process image 256 bytes
Number of I/O modules 64
Configuration via PC
PROFINET IO features Integrated 2-port switch;
Auto-negotiation, Auto-MDIX;
Isochronous Real Time Communication
(FW 03);
Send clock: 1 ms (RT); 1, 2, 4 ms (IRT);
Device replacement without programming
Protocols Topology detection / LLDP,
Network diagnostics / SNMP / MIB-2,
Media redundancy / MRP (FW 03),
Web server / http
ID code Vendor-ID: 0x011D;
Device-ID: 0x02EE;
Module-ID: 0x01000179 (FW 01/02),
0x02010179 (FW 03/04)
0x02020179 (FW05),
0x06000179 (FW06)

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 65
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.6.2 System Data

Table 22: Technical Data – System data
No. of couplers connected to limited by PROFINET specification
IO controller
Transmission medium Twisted Pair S-UTP 100 Ω cat.
Max. length of fieldbus segment 100 m between switch and 750-377;
max. length of network limited by
PROFINET specification
Baud rate 10 Mbit/s (ETHERNET protocols),
100 Mbit/s full duplex (PROFINET IO)
Transmission method 100Base-TX
Buscoupler connection 2 x RJ-45
PROFINET IO standard V2.2 (V2.3 ready) (until FW 05)
V2.3 (from FW 06)
Conformance Class B
Conformance Class C (from FW 03)

4.6.3 Supply
Table 23: Technical Data – Supply
Power supply DC 24 V (-25 % … +30 %)
Power failure time acc. IEC 61131-2 Depending on external buffering
Efficiency of the power supply (typ.) 90 %
at nominal load (24 V)
Input current (typ.) at rated load 280 mA
(24 V)
Internal current consumption (5 V) 450 mA
Total current for I/O modules (5 V) 700 mA
Isolation 500 V system/supply

Buffer for system power supply!

The system power supply must be buffered to bridge power outages. As the
power demand depends on the respective node configuration, buffering is not
implemented internally.
To achieve power outages of 1 ms to 10 ms according to IEC61131-2, determine
the buffering appropriate for your node configuration and structure it as an
external circuit.

Version 1.3.1
66 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.6.4 Accessories
Table 24: Technical Data – Accessories
Miniature WSB Quick marking system

4.6.5 Connection Type

Table 25: Technical Data – Field Wiring
Wire connection CAGE CLAMP®
Cross section 0.08 mm² … 1.5 mm² / AWG 28-16
Stripped lengths 5 mm … 6 mm / 0.22 in

Table 26: Technical Data – Power Jumper Contacts

Power jumper contacts Spring contact, self-cleaning

Table 27: Technical Data – Data Contacts

Data contacts Slide contact, hard gold plated, self-

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 67
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.6.6 Climatic Environmental Conditions

Table 28: Technical Data – Climatic Environmental Conditions
Surrounding air temperature 0 °C … 55 °C
Surrounding air temperature −20 °C … +60 °C
(operation) for components with
extended temperature range
Surrounding air temperature (storage) −25 °C … +85 °C
Surrounding air temperature (storage) −40 °C … +85 °C
for components with extended
temperature range (750-xxx/025-xxx)
Operating altitude 0 … 2000 m
Relative humidity Max. 5 % … 95 % without condensation
Pollution degree 2
Protection type IP20
Resistance to harmful substances Acc. to IEC 60068-2-42 and
IEC 60068-2-43
Maximum pollutant concentration at SO2 ≤ 25 ppm
relative humidity < 75 % H2S ≤ 10 ppm
Special conditions • Ensure that additional measures for
components are taken, which are
used in an environment involving:
– dust, caustic vapors or gases
– ionizing radiation

• Ensure that the permissible

temperature range of the connecting
cable is correct dimensioned
depending on the installation position
and current intensity, because the
clamping point temperature at 10 A
can be up to 25 °C above the
expected surrounding air temperature.

Version 1.3.1
68 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.7 Approvals

More information about approvals.

Detailed references to the approvals are listed in the document “Overview
Approvals WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750”, which you can find via the internet under:  DOWNLOADS  Documentation  System Description.

The following approvals have been granted to the basic version and all variations
of 750-377 fieldbus couplers/controllers:

Conformity Marking


Korea Certification MSIP-REM-W43-FBC750

The following Ex approvals have been granted to the basic version and all
variations of 750-377 fieldbus couplers/controllers:

TÜV 14 ATEX 148929 X

II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc
IECEx TUN 14.0035 X
Ex nA IIC T4 Gc


Class I, Div2 ABCD T4

The following ship approvals have been granted to 750-377 and 750-377 /025-
000 fieldbus coupler/controller:

GL (Germanischer Lloyd) Cat. A, B, C, D (EMC 1)

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 69
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

4.8 Standards and Guidelines

750-377 meets the following requirements on emission and immunity of

EMC CE-Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2

EMC CE-Emission of interference EN 61000-6-3

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70 Mounting WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5 Mounting
5.1 Installation Position
Along with horizontal and vertical installation, all other installation positions are

Use an end stop in the case of vertical mounting!

In the case of vertical assembly, an end stop has to be mounted as an additional
safeguard against slipping.
WAGO order no. 249-116 End stop for DIN 35 rail, 6 mm wide
WAGO order no. 249-117 End stop for DIN 35 rail, 10 mm wide

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5.2 Overall Configuration

The maximum total length of a fieldbus node without fieldbus coupler/controller is
780 mm including end module. The width of the end module is 12 mm. When
assembled, the I/O modules have a maximum length of 768 mm.


• 64 I/O modules with a 12 mm width can be connected to a fieldbus


• 32 I/O modules with a 24 mm width can be connected to a fieldbus



The number of connected I/O modules also depends on the type of fieldbus
coupler/controller is used. For example, the maximum number of stackable I/O
modules on one PROFIBUS DP/V1 fieldbus coupler/controller is 63 with no
passive I/O modules and end module.

Observe maximum total length of a fieldbus node!

The maximum total length of a fieldbus node without fieldbus coupler/controller
and without using a 750-628 I/O Module (coupler module for internal data bus
extension) may not exceed 780 mm.
Also note the limitations of individual fieldbus couplers/controllers.

Increase the total length using a coupler module for internal data bus
You can increase the total length of a fieldbus node by using a 750-628 I/O
Module (coupler module for internal data bus extension). For such a
configuration, attach a 750-627 I/O Module (end module for internal data bus
extension) after the last I/O module of a module assembly. Use an RJ-45 patch
cable to connect the I/O module to the coupler module for internal data bus
extension of another module block.
This allows you to segment a fieldbus node into a maximum of 11 blocks with
maximum of 10 I/O modules for internal data bus extension.
The maximum cable length between two blocks is five meters.
More information is available in the manuals for the 750-627 and 750-628 I/O

Version 1.3.1
72 Mounting WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5.3 Mounting onto Carrier Rail

5.3.1 Carrier Rail Properties
All system components can be snapped directly onto a carrier rail in accordance
with the European standard EN 60175 (DIN 35).

Do not use any third-party carrier rails without approval by WAGO!

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG supplies standardized carrier rails that
are optimal for use with the I/O system. If other carrier rails are used, then a
technical inspection and approval of the rail by WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH &
Co. KG should take place.

Carrier rails have different mechanical and electrical properties. For the optimal
system setup on a carrier rail, certain guidelines must be observed:

• The material must be non-corrosive.

• Most components have a contact to the carrier rail to ground electro-

magnetic disturbances. In order to avoid corrosion, this tin-plated carrier rail
contact must not form a galvanic cell with the material of the carrier rail
which generates a differential voltage above 0.5 V (saline solution of 0.3 %
at 20°C).

• The carrier rail must optimally support the EMC measures integrated into
the system and the shielding of the I/O module connections.

• A sufficiently stable carrier rail should be selected and, if necessary,

several mounting points (every 20 cm) should be used in order to prevent
bending and twisting (torsion).

• The geometry of the carrier rail must not be altered in order to secure the
safe hold of the components. In particular, when shortening or mounting the
carrier rail, it must not be crushed or bent.

• The base of the I/O components extends into the profile of the carrier rail.
For carrier rails with a height of 7.5 mm, mounting points are to be riveted
under the node in the carrier rail (slotted head captive screws or blind

• The metal springs on the bottom of the housing must have low-impedance
contact with the DIN rail (wide contact surface is possible).

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5.3.2 WAGO DIN Rails

WAGO carrier rails meet the electrical and mechanical requirements shown in the
table below.

Table 29: WAGO DIN Rails

Item No. Description
210-112 35 × 7.5; 1 mm; steel; bluish, tinned, chromed; slotted
210-113 35 × 7.5; 1 mm; steel; bluish, tinned, chromed; unslotted
210-197 35 × 15; 1.5 mm; steel; bluish, tinned, chromed; slotted
210-114 35 × 15; 1.5 mm; steel; bluish, tinned, chromed; unslotted
210-118 35 × 15; 2.3 mm; steel; bluish, tinned, chromed; unslotted
210-198 35 × 15; 2.3 mm; copper; unslotted
210-196 35 × 8.2; 1.6 mm; aluminum; unslotted

5.4 Spacing
The spacing between adjacent components, cable conduits, casing and frame
sides must be maintained for the complete fieldbus node.

Figure 30: Spacing

The spacing creates room for heat transfer, installation or wiring. The spacing to
cable conduits also prevents conducted electromagnetic interferences from
influencing the operation.

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74 Mounting WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5.5 Mounting Sequence

Fieldbus couplers, controllers and I/O modules of the WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750
are snapped directly on a carrier rail in accordance with the European standard
EN 60175 (DIN 35).

The reliable positioning and connection is made using a tongue and groove
system. Due to the automatic locking, the individual devices are securely seated
on the rail after installation.

Starting with the fieldbus coupler or controller, the I/O modules are mounted
adjacent to each other according to the project design. Errors in the design of the
node in terms of the potential groups (connection via the power contacts) are
recognized, as the I/O modules with power contacts (blade contacts) cannot be
linked to I/O modules with fewer power contacts.

Risk of injury due to sharp-edged blade contacts!

The blade contacts are sharp-edged. Handle the I/O module carefully to prevent
injury. Do not touch the blade contacts.

Insert I/O modules only from the proper direction!

All I/O modules feature grooves for power jumper contacts on the right side. For
some I/O modules, the grooves are closed on the top. Therefore, I/O modules
featuring a power jumper contact on the left side cannot be snapped from the
top. This mechanical coding helps to avoid configuration errors, which may
destroy the I/O modules. Therefore, insert I/O modules only from the right and
from the top.

Don't forget the bus end module!

Always plug a bus end module (750-600) onto the end of the fieldbus node! You
must always use a bus end module at all fieldbus nodes with WAGO I/O
SYSTEM 750 fieldbus couplers or controllers to guarantee proper data transfer.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Mounting 75
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5.6 Inserting and Removing Devices

Do not work when devices are energized!

High voltage can cause electric shock or burns.
Switch off all power to the device prior to performing any installation, repair or
maintenance work.

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76 Mounting WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5.6.1 Inserting the Fieldbus Coupler/Controller

1. When replacing the fieldbus coupler/controller for an already available
fieldbus coupler/controller, position the new fieldbus coupler/controller so
that the tongue and groove joints to the subsequent I/O module are

2. Snap the fieldbus coupler/controller onto the carrier rail.

3. Use a screwdriver blade to turn the locking disc until the nose of the locking
disc engages behind the carrier rail (see the following figure). This prevents
the fieldbus coupler/controller from canting on the carrier rail.

With the fieldbus coupler/controller snapped in place, the electrical connections

for the data contacts and power contacts (if any) to the possible subsequent I/O
module are established.

Figure 31: Release Tab Standard Fieldbus Coupler/Controller (Example)

Figure 32: Release Tab of Extended ECO Fieldbus Coupler (Example)

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Mounting 77
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 33: Release Tab ECO Coupler

5.6.2 Removing the Fieldbus Coupler/Controller

1. Use a screwdriver blade to turn the locking disc until the nose of the locking
disc no longer engages behind the carrier rail.

2. Remove the fieldbus coupler/controller from the assembly by pulling the

release tab.

Electrical connections for data or power contacts to adjacent I/O modules are
disconnected when removing the fieldbus coupler/controller.

Version 1.3.1
78 Mounting WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5.6.3 Inserting the I/O Module

1. Position the I/O module so that the tongue and groove joints to the fieldbus
coupler or controller or to the previous or possibly subsequent I/O module

Figure 34: Insert I/O Module (Example)

2. Press the I/O module into the assembly until the I/O module snaps into the
carrier rail.

Figure 35: Snap the I/O Module into Place (Example)

With the I/O module snapped in place, the electrical connections for the data
contacts and power jumper contacts (if any) to the fieldbus coupler or controller
or to the previous or possibly subsequent I/O module are established.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

5.6.4 Removing the I/O Module

1. Remove the I/O module from the assembly by pulling the release tab.

Figure 36: Removing the I/O Module (Example)

Electrical connections for data or power jumper contacts are disconnected when
removing the I/O module.

Version 1.3.1
80 Connect Devices WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

6 Connect Devices
6.1 Data Contacts/Local Bus
Communication between the fieldbus coupler/controller and the I/O modules as
well as the system supply of the I/O modules is carried out via the local bus. The
contacting for the local bus consists of 6 data contacts, which are available as
self-cleaning gold spring contacts.

Figure 37: Data Contacts

Do not place the I/O modules on the gold spring contacts!

Do not place the I/O modules on the gold spring contacts in order to avoid soiling
or scratching!

Ensure that the environment is well grounded!

The devices are equipped with electronic components that may be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge. When handling the devices, ensure that the environment
(persons, workplace and packing) is well grounded. Avoid touching conductive
components, e.g. data contacts.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Connect Devices 81
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

6.2 Power Contacts/Field Supply

Risk of injury due to sharp-edged blade contacts!

The blade contacts are sharp-edged. Handle the I/O module carefully to prevent
injury. Do not touch the blade contacts.

Self-cleaning power jumper contacts used to supply the field side are located on
the right side of most of the fieldbus couplers/controllers and on some of the I/O
modules. These contacts come as touch-proof spring contacts. As fitting
counterparts the I/O modules have male contacts on the left side.

Figure 38: Example for the Arrangement of Power Contacts

Field bus node configuration and test via smartDESIGNER

With the WAGO ProServe® Software smartDESIGNER, you can configure the
structure of a fieldbus node. You can test the configuration via the integrated
accuracy check.

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82 Connect Devices WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

6.3 Connecting a Conductor to the CAGE CLAMP®

The WAGO CAGE CLAMP® connection is appropriate for solid, stranded and
finely stranded conductors.

Only connect one conductor to each CAGE CLAMP®!

Only one conductor may be connected to each CAGE CLAMP®.
Do not connect more than one conductor at one single connection!

If more than one conductor must be routed to one connection, these must be
connected in an up-circuit wiring assembly, for example using WAGO feed-
through terminals.

1. For opening the CAGE CLAMP® insert the actuating tool into the opening
above the connection.

2. Insert the conductor into the corresponding connection opening.

3. For closing the CAGE CLAMP® simply remove the tool. The conductor is
now clamped firmly in place.

Figure 39: Connecting a Conductor to a CAGE CLAMP®

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 83
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7 Function Description

This chapter describes the essential functions of the fieldbus coupler.

• Device start-up and initialization

• Switch port settings
• Identification and maintenance data sets (I&M)
• Process data structure
• Configuration limits
• Flexible configuration of digital I/O modules
• Variation of physical peripheral layout
• Use of failsafe I/O modules (PROFIsafe V2)
• Individual parameterization of I/O modules using iPar-Server
• Control of digital and analog output modules by means of PROFIenergy
• Firmware Update

7.1 Device Start-Up and Initialization

After a restart the fieldbus coupler does several hardware tests, e.g. the check of
memory components.

Successfully passed those tests it initializes the internal communication system

local bus to identify the arranged I/O modules and to exchange information with
them. This phase is indicated by the I/O LED, which flashes red at 10 Hz.
Subsequent to the successful local bus initialization the I/O-LED changes to
green on-state.

The fieldbus coupler then switches to the “Fieldbus Start” state in which it waits
for the connection with the higher-level control system (IO controller) as an IO

If an error occurs during start-up, the I/O LED flashes red and a blink code
indicates the respective error message.

Version 1.3.1
84 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 40: Fieldbus Coupler Operating System

More information about the LED Signaling

Read the detailed description for the evaluation of the displayed LED state in the
section “Diagnostics” > … > “LED Signaling”.

7.2 Switch Port Settings

You have the option of using the two ports of the fieldbus coupler in the following
connection settings:

• Auto-Negotiation (default)
• 100 MBit/s full-duplex, Auto-Negotiation
• 100 MBit/s full-duplex
• deactivated

The port settings are made as part of the configuration and applied to the fieldbus
coupler via standardized data sets. The settings are stored in non-volatile

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 85
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.3 Identification and Maintenance Data Sets (I&M)

The I&M data sets are used in PROFINET IO for unique identification of a device
in the plant.

I&M 0 provides basic information about the manufacturer, revision level and
properties of the device. This data set is readable only.

Data sets I&M 1-4 contain system-specific information. These data sets can be
described individually for you, e.g. to specify the function of the field device in the
installation environment.

The table below describes the structure of the data sets, as well as the content
and its meaning.

Table 30: Identification and Maintenance Data Sets (I&M)

Data set Index Access Content Description
I&M 0 0xAFF0 Read Order ID Default basic information
MAC Address about the device.
Hardware Revision
Software Revision
Device Type
(25 characters)
Vendor ID
I&M Support
I&M 1 0xAFF1 Read and Device Function Description of the
Write (32 characters) function of the device and
Device Location its location of use
(22 characters)
I&M 2 0xAFF2 Installation Date Installation data of the
(16 characters) field device in the system
I&M 3 0xAFF3 Description Individual short
(54 characters) description of the field
I&M 4 0xAFF4 Signature Security attribute, e.g. for
(54 characters) verification of a specific

More information on the I&M data sets!

More information on the I&M data sets is available in the appendix in chapter
“Detailed Structures of I&M 0-4”.

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86 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.4 Process Data Architecture

7.4.1 Basic Structure

A node can consist of a mixed arrangement of analog and digital, system and
special function modules.

For the configuration only I/O modules are taken into account, which exchange
process data on the local bus with the fieldbus coupler (data width or bit width
greater than 0).

The input and output process images which are exchanged with the respective
IOC using real time frames are only available on a successful connection
establishment to the particular IOC.

Additional Information
For the number of input and output bits or bytes of the individual I/O modules,
refer to the corresponding description of the I/O modules.

For the local input and output process data image, the data of the configured I/O
modules is stored in the order of its position next to the fieldbus coupler in the
respective process image.

The size of the process image is determined by the configuration data of the
fieldbus coupler and of the I/O modules connected to it.
If the maximum size is exceeded in the respective process image, an error
message appears in the configuration software being used.

The process image is limited to 256 bytes of input or output data. Thus, as many
I/O modules can be connected to the fieldbus coupler until the process image
reaches a maximum size of 256 bytes in the input and/or in the output direction.

More information on configuration limits!

For additional information to the configuration limits refer to “Configuration
limits” section.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 87
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Allocation of the Input and Output Data

The process data is exchanged via the PROFINET IO using the higher-level
controller (IO controller).
The output data including all process data qualifiers (IOPS and IOCS) is
transferred cyclically from the IO controller to the fieldbus coupler. The fieldbus
coupler sends the input data including all process data qualifiers (IOPS and
IOCS) cyclically to the IO controller.

When configuring the fieldbus node, the individual I/O modules are configured in
accordance with their physical arrangement (slot-oriented).
These can be found as part of the configuration based on individual requirements
in the hardware catalog of the configuration software. All specific information on
the relevant I/O modules is contained in the associated GSD file.

More Information on module-type allocation of the I/O modules!

Allocation of the I/O modules for the different module types and selectable
submodule types is listed in the appendix. A tabular listing contains the section
“Module and submodule Types of the I/O Modules”.

Figure 41: Allocation of the Input and Output Data

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88 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
In productive data exchange, one or two byte IOXS process data qualifiers are
available for each configured module providing information on the validity of the
submodule data. The process data qualifiers are an integral part of the maximum
length of the telegram with the provider and consumer data and must therefore
be considered when installing the modules.

More information on process data qualifiers and configuration limits!

For additional information to the process data qualifiers refer to “Process Data
Qualifiers in Telegrams for PROFINET IO” section. For additional information to
the configuration limits refer to “Configuration limits” section.

7.4.2 Process Data Qualifiers in Telegrams for PROFINET IO One Byte IOxS Process Data Qualifiers

In cyclic telegrams, one byte process data qualifiers each are available for
PROFINET IO in the IO controller (IOPS) direction and in the IO device (IOCS)
direction for submodule types carrying the input or output data.
The amount of data in the real-time telegrams is always one byte more than the
respective process data length for these submodule types. Two Byte IOxS Process Data Qualifiers

If the submodule types carry both input and output data, two byte process data
qualifiers each are available in cyclic telegrams for PROFINET IO in the IO
controller (IOxS) direction and in the IO device (IOxS) direction.
The amount of data in the telegram is always two bytes more than the respective
process data length for these submodule types.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 89
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Examples of One and Two Byte IOxS Process Data Qualifiers

• Example 1:
Process data qualifiers for 2-channel digital input modules without
diagnostics and with diagnostics and diagnostic acknowledgement.

Table 31: Example 1 for Process Data Qualifiers for 2-Channel Digital Input Modules without
Diagnostics and with 1-Bit Diagnostics and Diagnostic Acknowledgement.
Telegram direction
PNIO submodule IOD  IOC (Provider) IOC  IOD (Consumer)
type (input data) (output data)
1 2 2 1 2
7 0 15 8 23 31 39 32 47 40 7 0 15 8 31 39 32 47 40
6 4 3 6 4
2DI (+ 6 BIT I/O), DIA,
2DI (+14 BIT I/O),
DIA, Ackn.
2DI (+30 BIT I/O),
DIA, Ackn.
2DI (- 2 BIT I/O), DIA,

• Example 2:
Process data qualifiers for 2-channel digital output modules with

Table 32: Example 2 for Process Data Qualifiers for 2-Channel Digital Output Modules with
Telegram direction
PNIO submodule IOD  IOC (Provider) IOC  IOD (Consumer)
type (input data) (output data)
1 2 2 1 2
7 0 15 8 23 31 39 32 47 40 7 0 15 8 31 39 32 47 40
6 4 3 6 4
(+ 6 BIT I/O)
(+14 BIT I/O)
(+30 BIT I/O)
( 2 BIT I/O)

• Example 3:
Process data qualifiers for 2-channel analog input and output modules.

Table 33: Example 3 for Process Data Qualifiers for 2-Channel Analog Input and Output Modules
Telegram direction
PNIO submodule IOD  IOC (Provider) IOC  IOD (Consumer)
type (input data) (output data)
2 1 1 3 3
7 0 15 8 31 24 39 32 47 40 55 48 63 56 7 0 15 8 23 24 32 47 40 55 48 63 56
3 6 6 1 9

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90 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
• Example 4:
Process data qualifier for special-purpose modules, e.g. SSI sensor

Table 34: Example 4 for Process Data Qualifiers for Special-Purpose Modules, SSI Sensor Interface
Telegram direction
PNIO submodule IOD  IOC (Provider) IOC  IOD (Consumer)
type (input data) (output data)
2 1 1 3 2 3
7 0 15 8 31 24 39 32 47 40 55 48 63 56 7 0 15 8 23 32 47 40 55 48 63 56
3 6 6 1 4 9

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.5 Configuration Limits

7.5.1 Minimum Configuration
The minimum configuration is used when you only configure the station proxy
In this case, the application does not include any user data. The length of the
application data is zero.
The provider telegram contains the provider status of the submodules for
Interface, Port 1, Port 2 and station proxy (DAP). The provider telegram length is
64 bytes.
The consumer telegram contains the consumer status of the submodules for
Interface, Port 1, Port 2 and station proxy (DAP). The consumer telegram length
is also 64 bytes.

7.5.2 Maximum Configuration

Due to one of the following boundary conditions, you can achieve the maximum

• Maximum of 64 modules or submodules

• Maximum input data length of 256 bytes configured

• Maximum output data length of 256 bytes configured

• Maximum provider data length of 388 bytes in the real time telegram

• Maximum consumer data length of 388 bytes in the real time telegram

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92 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.6 Flexible Configuration of Digital I/O Modules

7.6.1 Packaging Information from Digital Input and Output
Digital input modules and/or digital output modules occupy a data volume of 1 or
2 bits per channel in the process image. Depending on the number of channels,
the scope of the process data of the respective I/O modules ranges from 2 bits to
2 bytes.

Data management of processing systems such as PCs or controllers is normally

byte-, word- or double word-oriented.
To ensure processing on these systems is as efficient as possible, you can
flexibly arrange process data from digital input modules and digital output
modules in byte, word or double word data structures. This can be accomplished
by using corresponding submodule types in the configuration:

• Submodule types that allocate data

(in byte, word or double word sizes)
• Submodule types that do not allocate any data
(whose information is classified in previously allocated data ranges)

Submodule types that allocate data

To map process data from digital input and output modules to larger data
structures, you can select submodule types that allocate a corresponding number
of additional bits for each digital I/O module in addition to the data volume of the
physical channels, so that you achieve the required data structure size.

Submodule types for allocation of 8, 16 or 32 bits are available to you.

The name of the allocating submodule types contains the "+" character plus the
remaining available number of bits of the process input and/or output data.

The "2DE, DIA (+14 BIT I/O)" submodule type is suitable for a module with
2 digital inputs with diagnostics capability and each one bit diagnostic
acknowledgement per channel in the output image, whose data should be
processed with the data of subsequent digital input and/or output modules
in a 16-bit structure in the input and output data area. Up to 14 bits of input
and output information can be allocated with the processed data of the
submodule types described below.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Submodule types that allocate no data

If data volumes larger than actually required to represent the physical channels
are always used for digital I/O modules, data processing is very inefficient as
data without any actual information also has to be transmitted.

For subsequent use of additional allocated areas, submodule types are available
that occupy this process data and allocate no data area themselves.
The name of these submodule types contains the "-" character plus the quantity
of information used by the submodule.

The "4DE (-4 BIT I)" submodule type allocates no new data area and is
suitable for a module with 4 digital inputs, whose data should be assigned
an input data area previously allocated.

You can efficiently "package" the process data of digital inputs/outputs by using
both allocating and non-allocating submodule types.

More information on the module and submodule types!

The appendix contains a list of module types with possible submodule types and
assignment of the respective I/O modules with information about data values in
the chapter "Module and Submodule Types of the I/O Modules".

Version 1.3.1
94 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Rules for Packaging Digital Information

Only allocated data can be processed.

If a submodule type allocates more data than immediately required, the surplus
data volume can be occupied by submodule types that allocate no data. The data
volume of these submodule types, however, cannot be greater than that
previously allocated.

The following rules apply for allocating and occupying data:

• Assignment is separate for inputs and outputs.

• The assignment takes the order into account.

I/O modules, for which non-allocating submodule types have been
configured, can only occupy data previously made available by an
allocating submodule.

• Assignment is section by section.

Once another I/O module is configured, whose submodule type allocates
input and/or output data, a new section begins. I/O modules with non-
allocating submodule types can only occupy data in the last allocating
section. The allocated data in preceding sections cannot be used

• When assigning, only I/O modules with digital input and output data are
taken into account.
I/O modules with analog input/output data are ignored even when
physically between the digital input/output data according to the

• When assigning, I/O modules are ignored, for which an incorrect

submodule type has been configured, i.e. for which the submodule type
does not match the I/O module physically inserted.

Allocated areas that are not occupied are handled as followed by the fieldbus

• Output data that has been allocated, but not occupied, is ignored by the
fieldbus coupler (DAP).
• Input data that has been allocated, but not occupied, is set to zero ("false")
by the fieldbus coupler (DAP).

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 95
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Example of Packaging Digital Information

In addition to the fieldbus coupler (DAP), a station consists of the following I/O
modules in the order shown:

Table 35: Example for a station with the following selected submodules
Slot Module Submodule
0 Fieldbus coupler PROFINET IO
1 75x-401 2DI 2DI (+ 14 BIT I)
2 75x-504 (/0..-…) 4DO 4DO (+ 12 BIT O)
3 75x-550 2AO, 0-10V INT16[4] O
4 75x-530 (/0..-…) 8DO 8DO (- 8 BIT O)
5 75x-403 4DI 4DI (- 4 BIT I)
6 75x-501(/0..-…) 2DO 2DO (+ 6 BIT O)

The digital submodule at slot 1 allocates a total of 2 bytes in the input process
image and occupies 2 bits of that.
The digital submodule at slot 2 allocates a total of 2 bytes in the output process
image and occupies 4 bits of that.
There is an analog output submodule at slot 3 that plays no role in packaging
digital I/O modules.
The digital submodule at slot 4 requires 8 bits that are included in the output data
area allocated from slot 2. 4 bits of slot 2 are still available for additional output
The digital submodule at slot 5 requires 4 bits that are included in the input data
area allocated by slot 1. 10 bits are still available from slot 1 for additional input
The digital submodule at slot 6 allocates an additional output data area of 1 byte.
The area of slot 2 is closed and remains unused. The free bits do not reach the

The figures below show the packaged user data in the real-time PROFINET IO
telegram each in the output and input direction.

Figure 42: Output process data in the frame IOC  IOD

Figure 43: Input process data in the frame IOD  IOC

Version 1.3.1
96 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Possible Errors when Packaging Digital Information

When connecting ("Connect"), the fieldbus coupler checks the configuration of

the connected I/O modules. Identified violations of the configuration rules are
reported to you in the form of module differences ("ModuleDiffBlock").

Process image optimization of digital information leads to module differences in

the following cases:

• Configuration of incorrect submodule types, i.e. one or more submodule

types does not match the I/O modules physically inserted. The module
status of the affected module slots is listed as "substitute", the submodule
status as "wrong".

• In one or more sections, the data volume provided by the configured

allocating submodule types is inadequate to meet the requirement for
process data of the following non-allocating submodule types. For these
modules, the module status "proper module" and submodule status "wrong"
are entered.

Example of module differences:

A section consists of 6 modules.
The first submodule allocates 16 bits and of that occupies 2 bits. 14 bits are
still available.
The subsequent 5 submodules do not allocate and each requires 4 bits.
The second, third and fourth submodule can occupy the required data
volume of 4 bits each, i.e. 12 bits.
For the fifth submodule, only 2 bits are available. The fifth module is
marked as wrong the data is not fully allocated.
Because there was not already enough information available for the
preceding module and the allocated area has been declared as
"exhausted" by the fieldbus coupler, no allocated area is available for the
sixth submodule. This module is also marked as wrong.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 97
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.7 Variation of Physical Peripheral Layout

With firmware version V2.1.x (03) and above, the physical peripheral layout of the
fieldbus node can be modified within a projected maximum configuration.

The standard way to do this is by using active placeholder modules on the

PROFINET IO fieldbus coupler. The presence of at least one active placeholder
module implicitly enables the reconfiguration of the maximum configuration.

With firmware version V2.3.x (06) and above, the physical peripheral layout of the
fieldbus node can be modified; placeholder modules are not even necessary.

To achieve this, after setting up the connection, configuration data sets are sent
to the station proxy (DAP, slot 0, subslot 1), which then determine the physical
node configuration that is actually present.

This extended functionality must be enabled explicitly in advance with the

“Variable peripheral layout” attribute of the station proxy.

The default setting of this attribute is “with placeholder module(s).”

Further information on the “Variable peripheral layout” attribute:

You can find further information on the “Variable peripheral layout” attribute in the
section “Commissioning” >> “Parameterization” >> “Parameterization of the
Station Proxy (DAP) >> “Variable Peripheral Layout.”

Version 1.3.1
98 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.7.1 Modification with Active Placeholder Modules

The “Variable peripheral layout” attribute of the station proxy is set to the value
“with placeholder module(s)” by default.

For modification with active placeholder modules, reconfiguration of the maximal

layout is enabled if at least one of the active placeholder modules is present in
the fieldbus node configuration.

The sequence of the physical structure is mapped one-to-one, with the exception
of the bus modules that are not present or not used.

Placeholder modules with the following item numbers should be used for these:

• 753-1629:
Placeholder module, active (without connector)
• 753-1629/000-001:
Placeholder module, active/without power jumper contacts (without

In the process, the fieldbus coupler performs a milder configuration test. The
following options are available for the fieldbus node composition:

• Physical option modules:

Currently unused bus modules of the maximum configuration are each
represented by an active placeholder module within the fieldbus node.

• Virtual option modules:

An arbitrary number of bus modules of the maximum configuration can be
omitted at the end of the fieldbus node, i.e. directly before the end module.
All unoccupied bus modules are treated as virtual, assuming an active
placeholder module is represented in the structure.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 99
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Exemplary Maximum Configuration

The following figure illustrates an exemplary maximum configuration for the

fieldbus coupler 750-377.

Figure 44: Exemplary maximum configuration

Version 1.3.1
100 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Physical Option Modules

Physical option modules are usually represented by active spacer modules.

The following node is rearranged within the maximum configuration, so that the
following I/O modules are obsolete:
- at slot 2 the 2-channel digital output module 750-501,
- at slot 4 the 4-channel digital output module 750-504 and
- at slot 5 the 2-channel digital input module 750-418.

The I/O modules are located inside the node, i.e. not directly arranged before the
end module. Therefore they have to be represented by an active spacer module

Figure 45: Exemplary usage of physical option modules Virtual Option Modules

Are there obsolete I/O modules in a configuration variation, which are located
next to the end module, they can be omitted if at least one active spacer module
is part of the arrangement.
In this use case the following I/O modules are not required:
- at slot 10 the 2-channel analog output module 750-550,
- at slot 11the 2-channel analog input module 750-467 as well as
- at slot 12 the 2-channel relay output module 750-517.

To enable the extenuated configuration check of the fieldbus coupler the first of
these I/O modules (at slot 10) has to be represented by an active spacer module.
The I/O modules located at slot 11 and 12 can be omitted and are processed as

Version 1.3.1
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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 46: Exemplary usage of virtual option modules Combination of Physical and Virtual Option Modules

This use case excludes the following I/O modules:

- at slot 7 the PROFIsafe V2 module 750-662/000-003 and
- at slot 12 the 2-channel relay output module 750-517.

The PROFIsafe V2 module (at slot 7) is represented by a physical option module.

The I/O module at slot 12 can be considered as virtual and thus be omitted
because it is located next to the end module and the extenuated configuration
check is already enabled by the active spacer module at slot 7.

Figure 47: Usage of option module without physical slot reservation

Should it be possible to replace the physical option module (at slot 7) by the real
24 mm wide PROFIsafe V2 module, it is recommended to bypass the missing slot
space of 12 mm using a passive spacer module (type 753-629/020-000). Thus an
optional later use of the PROFIsafe V2 module without shifting the succeeding
I/O modules by 12 mm is ensured.
To reserve the slot 12 physical as an option, the above mentioned passive spacer
module (type 753-629/020-000) can be plugged again.
Version 1.3.1
102 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

The resulting station layout is shown in the following figure.

Figure 48: Usage of option module with physical slot reservation

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 103
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Station Characteristics using Option Modules Connection Phase

There are significant differences in checking real against expected configuration

during connection establishment to an IO device comprising optional modules.

The option modules assume the identity of the configured I/O module at the
particular slot. Thus no module difference is notified for a slot containing an
active spacer module. Even a change of the expected configuration doesn’t result
in module differences during configuration check.

Are there more configured I/O modules than physically plugged, the missing I/O
modules can be virtually appended. Such virtual option modules don’t cause
module differences to be notified by the fieldbus coupler, even if a reconfiguration
in the section of virtual option modules is initiated and the connection is
established again.

The non-option modules plugged are checked against the expected configuration
as usual. Any module differences are reported to the IO controller during
connection establishment. Process Data Handling

The handling concerning the PROFINET IO process data is the same for physical
and virtual option modules:

• The input data of the represented I/O module provided to the IO controller
is set to zero.

• The output data provided to the represented I/O module by the IO controller
is filtered by the fieldbus coupler.

The PROFINET IO provider or consumer states (IOXS) are controlled depended

to the local bus state and the access right of the AR to the particular I/O module.
This corresponds to the behavior of non-option modules. Identification

PROFINET IO offers the opportunity to request the real configuration of an

IO device independent to an established IOxAR.

In general, option modules are represented by the ModuleIdentNumber

0x00008404. The distinction between physical and virtual option modules is done
by the SubmoduleIdentNumber

If there is no IOxAR established after restart of the station, the data set
„RealIdentificationData“ delivers the ModuleIdentNumber 0x00008404 and the
SubmoduleIdentNumber 0x01000000 for slots mounted with physical option
modules. There are no virtual option modules available in this operating state.

Version 1.3.1
104 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Is an IOxAR already established to the station the data set
„RealIdentificationData“ delivers the ModuleIdentNumber and the
SubmoduleIdentNumber of the represented I/O module for an option module slot.
For option modules which are not owned by the established IOxAR, the
ModuleIdentNumber 0x00008404 and the appropriate SubmoduleIdentNumber is
registered within data set.

The table below shows the delivered ModuleIdentNumber or

SubmoduleIdentNumber for option modules in dependence to the current
operating state of the station.

Table 36: Real Identification of Option Module Slots

Option Module IOC ModuleIdentNumber SubmoduleIdentNumber
Type Access
Physical No 0x00008404 0x01000000
Yes Corresponds to the Corresponds to the
configured module configured submodule
Virtual No 0x00008404 0x02000000
Yes Corresponds to the Corresponds to the
configured module configured submodule I&M Data Sets

For non-option modules which bear its own I&M data and are represented by
physical of virtual option modules, I&M data of the station proxy is delivered. Diagnostics

In case an option module represents an I/O module with diagnostics no

notifications will be sent to the IO controller, even if the channel diagnosis is
For option modules there are no flash sequences concerning an error indicated
on the IO-LED of the fieldbus coupler.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 105
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.7.2 Modification via Configuration Data Sets

If the “Variable peripheral layout” attribute of the station proxy is set to the value
“via configuration data sets,” no placeholder modules are necessary, but they
are possible as an option.

For modification via configuration data sets, special data sets are received by the
station proxy and retained persistently.

Every further time modified or additional configuration information is received, a

one-time automatic restart of the station occurs. A precondition is that the
corresponding configuration data set has been declared plausible by the station
After the new connection is set up by the IO controller, the peripheral is enabled
by the station proxy

The “Validation of the configuration data sets” attribute in the parameter data of
the station proxy is used to specify whether additional diagnostic information
concerning the peripheral layout is provided via configuration data sets that can
be used for troubleshooting (see section “Fault Cases” for details).

Three configuration data sets are available with the following data set numbers:

• Data set number 0x4101:

Simple, bitwise slot definition

• Data set number 0x4102:

Adaptation of the physical peripheral layout on the basis of the
projected maximum configuration

• Data set number 0x4103:

Reconstruction of the projected maximum layout on the basis of the
physical peripheral layout

These are described in the following sections.

Data set number 0x4100 for reading out the target/actual assignment of a
bus module diagnosis!
Note that you can read out and identify the physical slot of a bus module via the
data set with data set number 0x4100 if it outputs a diagnosis on a projected
You can find further details on this in the section “Behavior of the Projected
Peripherals in Productive Operation” >> “Bus Module Diagnosis.”

Version 1.3.1
106 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Data Set Number 0X4101: Simple Bitwise Slot Definition

This configuration data set is used to provide bit information that represents one
slot per bit.

Each slot is declared occupied (‚1‘ or ‚true‘) or unoccupied (‚0‘ or ‚false‘)

depending on the state of the associated bit.

The respective bit position in the data set corresponds to the slot in the projected
target configuration. This proceeds bytewise, beginning with slot 1. The
ascending assignment starts/continues with the lowest-order bit in each case.
The order of the physical bus module assignment of the station is relevant in
each case.

In this way, the physical node configuration is matched to the projected maximum
layout. The data set length determines the number of available target slots in the
optional node configuration.

However, the maximum number of bus modules that can be operated on the
fieldbus coupler and of projected slots must not exceed 64.

The variable peripheral layout that can be configured via this data set can also be
read back via the same data set number. If no modification was performed,
reading to this data set number is rejected with an error.

For example, if the length of the the configuration data set is one byte, eight slots
of the projected maximum configuration are evaluated.

All 56 other possible slots are considered not physically connected and thus
reported as “unoccupied” via PROFINET.

The following example shows further modification of the peripheral layout.

Five bus modules are physically connected to the fieldbus node.

The projected target configuration contains 12 bus modules.

The five real bus modules declared with ‚1‘ within the target configuration are
projected onto the marked slots in sequence. The bus modules declared with “0”
represent the desired option. Virtual proxy modules are inserted for this purpose.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 107
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 … 1.7 2.0...7.7

Datensatz 0x4101
1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Länge ≥ 2 Byte

Figure 49: Bitwise Activation of the Slots (Example)

Version 1.3.1
108 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Data Set Number 0X4102: Adaptation of the Physical Peripheral

Layout on the Basis of the Projected Maximum Configuration

Using this configuration data set, the projected maximum layout (target layout)
can be adapted to the physically assembled fieldbus node (actual layout).
Unlike bitwise slot activation, in this case it is also possible to modify the physical
assignment of the bus modules.

The physical bus node assignment of the station can be selected freely.

The data set length follows from the number of projected bus modules plus the
station proxy slot (slot 0). Thus a maximum length of 65 bytes is possible.

As an example, this configuration data set is sent to the station proxy with a
length of 13 bytes.

The first byte (byte 0) of the configuration data set represents the station proxy
itself and must always be set to ‚0‘.

Slots of bus modules that are physically present are assigned to the projected
slots 1 … 12 according to the content of bytes 1 … 12.

If bus modules are not physically present, slot 255 is assigned to them. Slot 255
is invalid for physically present bus modules. The station proxy then inserts
“virtual” placeholder modules into the actual configuration for each of them.

In general, physically present bus modules or slots can only be referenced once
in the configuration data set.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 109
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13...64

Datensatz 0x4102
0 5 1 255 255 255 2 3 255 255 255 255 4 255
Länge ≥ 13 Byte

Figure 50: Mapping the Projected Station Layout onto the Physical Layout

Version 1.3.1
110 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Data Set Number 0X4103: Reconstruction of the Projected maximum

layout on the Basis of the Physical Peripheral Layout

Using this configuration data set, the projected maximum layout (target layout)
can be reconstructed on the basis of the physically assembled fieldbus node
(actual layout).

The physical bus node assignment of the station can be selected freely.

The data set length follows from the number of physically present bus modules
plus the station proxy.

The first byte (byte 0) in the data set defines the number of bus modules in the
projected maximum layout.
When the configuration data set is compiled, the information on each physically
present bus module is represented by one byte in the data set.

However, the maximum number of bus modules that can be operated on the
fieldbus coupler and of projected slots must not exceed 64.

The byte offset corresponds to the number of the physical slot; the byte content
contains the number of the slot in the projected target configuration.

For example, in a station structure consisting of a fieldbus coupler and four bus
modules, the length is five.

If the content of byte 2 (physical slot 2) is set to the value 6, for example, the
physical bus module is projected from slot 2 to slot 6 after restart of the station.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

0 1 2 3 4 5

Datensatz 0x4103
12 2 6 7 12 1
Länge = 13 Byte

Figure 51: Mapping a Physical Station Layout onto the Projected Station Layout

Version 1.3.1
112 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Reverting the Modified Peripheral Layout

If a saved modification is deleted by reverting, this functionality is considered

deactivated, and the real fieldbus node configuration is then mapped to the
PROFINET device model one-to-one again.

There are three different methods for reverting the modified peripheral layout:

• Restoring default settings via DCP

• Restoring default settings via DIP switch
• Explicit deletion by writing an empty configuration data set

These are described in the following subsections. Restoring Default Settings via DCP

A peripheral layout that was set via the configuration data sets can be reverted
with the following DCP write queries:

• Suboption FACTORY_RESET (Legacy)

with the qualifiers

The actual definition of the peripheral layout is not applied to the PROFINET
device model until after a manual restart of the fieldbus coupler. No automatic
restart of the fieldbus coupler occurs. Any diagnostics that may be pending in
connection with the modification of the physical peripheral layout also persist until
the restart.

A diagnosis is sent indicating that a device restart is necessary. Restoring Default Settings via DIP Switch

If the DIP switch is adjusted during the startup of the station – slide switch 6:
“Reset to factory settings” – the modified peripheral layout can also be reverted.
No interaction with the fieldbus coupler is necessary in the process. After the
automatic restart, all settings are in their initial state as when delivered again.

Further information on reverting via the DIP switch

You can find further information on the settings of the DIP switch for reverting to
the default settings in the description of slide switch 6 in the section
“Device Description” >> “Operating Elements ” >> “DIP Switch.”

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 113
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Explicit Deletion by Writing an Empty Configuration Data Set

Writing one of the three configuration data sets 0x4101, 0x4102, or 0x4103 with
data length 0 deletes the active modified peripheral layout. The fieldbus coupler
then restarts automatically.

If the peripheral layout was not modified previously via one of the configuration
data sets, writing with a data length of 0 is rejected with the error “0xDF80B800
(invalid param).” Fault Cases

If the station proxy identifies errors when reading the configuration data sets, no
change is made to the existing configuration settings. Furthermore, no automatic
restart of the station is initiated.

The following tables describe reactions to incorrect access operations and

expanded channel diagnostics for incorrectly compiled configuration data sets.

The diagnostics persist until a correct configuration data set has been written or
the functionality has been disabled and a restart of the station has occurred.

Table 37: Errors When Accessing Configuration Data Sets

Data Set
Number Access Fault Description
0x4100 W Data set not available.
(invalid index)
0x4101 W Data set length greater than 8 bytes.
(invalid range)
0x4102 W Data set length greater than 65 bytes.
(invalid range)
0x4101 Data set length equals 0 for inactive variable 0xDF80B800
0x4102 peripheral layout. (invalid param)
0x4101 W A slot not equal to 0 and/or a subslot not equal to
0x4102 R 1 was addressed.
(invalid index)
0x4102 W Data set inconsistent.
(invalid param)
No corresponding configuration data set could be 0xDE80B000
0x4102 R
written previously. (invalid index)
Data set length unequal to the physical station 0xDF80B700
0x4103 W
structure. (invalid range)
The slot assigned in the data set is greater than 0xDF80B800
0x4103 W
64. (invalid param)

The “Validation of the configuration data sets” attribute in the parameter data of
the station proxy is used to specify whether additional diagnostic information
concerning the peripheral layout is checked and provided via configuration data
sets that can be used for troubleshooting.
The default setting of this attribute is “Diagnostics for under-assignment and

Version 1.3.1
114 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Further information on the attribute “Validation of the configuration data

You can find further information on the attribute “Validation of the configuration
data sets” attribute in the section “Commissioning” >> “Parameterization” >>
“Parameterization of the Station proxy (DAP)” >> “Validation of the Configuration
Data Sets.”

Table 38: Diagnostics of Incorrect Configuration Data Sets

Error type “Variable module configuration” (0x0101)
Extended Error Additional Value Description Applies to
Type (32 Bits) Data Set
(16 Bits)
Multiple assignment of physical slot xx
1st reference to byte offset nn 0x4102,
0x0001 0xppmmnnxx
1st duplicate to byte offset mm 0x4103
A total of pp duplicates were found.
Physical slot xx is not referenced in the 0x4101,
0x0002 0x0000ppxx configuration data set. A total of pp 0x4102,
unreferenced physical slots were identified. 0x4103
The bit or byte offset nn references slot xx,
which is not physically present. A total of pp
0x0003 0x00ppnnxx 0x4102,
references to slots that are not present were
Entry xx at byte offset nn is invalid. A total of pp 0x4102,
0x0004 0x00ppnnxx
invalid entries were found. 0x4103
The fieldbus coupler must be restarted to
0x0005 0x00000000 0x4102,
activate the original module configuration.
0x4103 Behavior of the Projected Peripherals in Productive Operation

The behavior of the involved PROFINET modules/submodules of a modified

peripheral layout is described below. Comparison of Target/Actual State During PROFINET Connection


During the setup of the connection, the projected bus modules are compared to
the physically connected ones. This comparison is generally independent of
whether the peripheral layout is modified or not. If a configuration data set has
already been activated, the referenced bus module goes through the same tests
as in conventional operation, i.e. it is possible that a difference will be reported
between the target and actual layouts of the station. No differences can occur for
slots of the maximum configuration that have been declared “not plugged” via
“virtual” placeholder modules, since the proxies take over the identification from
the target configuration of the IO controller.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 115
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Startup Parameterization

The parameterization data sent during the startup phase of the IO controller is
only tested and applied by the bus modules that are physically present.

On slots that the station proxy has occupied with “virtual” placeholder modules,
the received parameter data is ignored. Process Data Exchange

During ongoing exchange of process data, the incoming and outgoing process
data of the physically occupied slots is exchanged with the corresponding bus

For unoccupied slots, i.e. “virtual” placeholder modules, the incoming data is
always delivered to 0, and the outgoing data is discarded.

The PROFINET IO process data qualifiers are also directed to the “virtual”
placeholder module depending on the internal data bus status and/or the access
right of the connected IO controller. Thus this corresponds to the behavior of the
bus modules that are physically present. Bus Module Diagnostics

No diagnostics are reported for “virtual” placeholder modules, even if these have
been activated in the corresponding parameter data.

Physically connected bus modules generate diagnostics if they have been

activated in the parameter data. Diagnostic alarms are signaled according to the
modified slot.

The physical slot of a bus module in the fieldbus node configuration can be
identified through data set access to the modified slot.

As an example, the modification as in the previous section “Data Set Number
0x4101: Simple Bitwise Slot Definition” is illustrated in the figure “Bitwise
Activation of the Slots (Example).”
In the projected target configuration, slot 5 is assigned to the bus module located
on physical slot 3.
If a diagnosis is then reported on slot 5, the physical slot of the bus module – slot
3 in this example – can then be identified via a read query to data set 0x4100. Plugging a Physical Placeholder Module

If a physical placeholder module (item no.: 753-1629 or 753-1629/000-001) is

inserted into the fieldbus node, its slot, as a proxy of a projected bus module,
behaves identically to the slot of a “virtual” placeholder module.

Version 1.3.1
116 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Support for virtual option modules no longer possible after modification

via configuration data sets
Note that after the modification of the peripheral layout via configuration data
sets, it is no longer possible to represent multiple projected bus modules in the
form of “virtual placeholder modules” at the end of the fieldbus node through a
physical placeholder module (see section “Virtual Option Modules”).

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 117
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.8 Using Fail-Safe I/O Modules (PROFIsafe V2)

The fieldbus coupler allows you to operate all F I/O modules of the 750 and 753
series with the respective item number extension “.../000-003”.
This extension indicates that it is a 3rd generation PROFIsafe I/O module.

You can activate diagnostics channel-by-channel using the fieldbus coupler

750-377. Module diagnostics, e.g.
F parameterization error or iPar client message, are activated globally.

The submodules of the F I/O modules allow storage of module-specific

parameters, i.e., safety-related parameters (individual parameters) on an
available iPar server of the higher-level control.
That is a significant advantage when a module has to be replaced. Initially, the
I/O module just installed has the default settings. The previously saved individual
parameterization is automatically set via the non-secure functionality of the
respective iPar server function block. This ensures that productive data exchange
can be included again immediately after the exchange.

In the event that no iPar server is available or you want to operate the
F I/O modules using the factory default parameterization (“out of the box”), the
“F_iPar_CRC” of the submodules are already preset with values in the GSD file.
These values correspond to those of the factory settings. Use of the WAGO-SEDI
is thus not required.

More Information on the F I/O modules!

More information on the F I/O modules is available in the respective manuals of
the F I/O modules of the 750 and 753 series. You can download these manuals
free of charge from the WAGO Internet site at:

Version 1.3.1
118 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.9 Individual Parameterization of I/O Modules via

iPar Server
The iPar server provides services for saving and restoring individual parameters
for quick device replacement without using additional manufacturer tools for
parameterization of device functions.
The iPar server is a function block or available as a system function within the
non-safety related part of the safe PLC.

Currently, you can only use the iPar server mechanisms with F I/O modules with
an item number extension of /000-003.
To parameterize device functions of these I/O modules, the individual parameters
are used that have to be set at start-up using a manufacturer tool due to the
current definitions.

Figure 52: iPar Server

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 119
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 39: Legend for the iPar server figure
No. Explanation
1 Instantiation of the “iPar Server” function
2 CDP Tool Start and parameter transfer (e.g., node address)
3 Individual parametrization and start-up, test and release
4 Transfer of individual parameters backup (signature) to the host
5 During start-up, transfer of the signature to F-slave (Prm_Telegram)
6 Message to iPar server about diagnostic agent (alarm/status)
7 iPar server polls the diagnostic function block (Diag-FB) and starts “Save” if
8 iPar server polls the diagnostic function block (Diag-FB) and starts
“Restore” if required

The WAGO parameterization tool WAGO-SEDI is used for fail-safe

parameterization and can be executed from the configuration environment of the
IOCs used. To call up SEDI, three different communication paths are available
that correspond to the TCI conformance classes:

1 Local configuration interface (TCI CC1)

The SEDI is called up via WAGO-I/O-CHECK.

2 TCP/IP communication via WAGO service port 6626 (TCI CC2)

The SEDI is called up via WAGO-I/O-CHECK.

3 IOS connection (TCI CC3)

The SEDI is called up directly via the communication server of the
configuration environment.

More Information on the TCI conformance classes!

More information on the TCI conformance classes is available in the quickstart
guide of the PROFINET IO fieldbus coupler. You can download the quickstart
guide free of charge from the WAGO Internet site at:

More Information on the iPar server!

More information on the iPar server is available in the manuals for F I/O modules
of the 750 and 753 series. You can download these manuals free of charge from
the WAGO Internet site at:

Version 1.3.1
120 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.10 Controlling Digital and Analog Output Modules per

PROFIenergy is an energy management profile based on the communication
mechanisms of PROFINET IO.
Encouraged by the Automation Initiative of German Automobile Manufacturers
(AIDA), a specification was developed by PROFIBUS & PROFINET International
and standardized in the form of a general profile.
The PROFIenergy implementation of the fieldbus coupler is based on profile
version 1.0.

PROFIenergy devices can be switched between predefined energy saving

modes using standardized commands. The switching characteristics do not fall to
the specification, but are manufacturer specific.

7.10.1 Hardware
The concept of the energy saving measures is based on PROFIenergy-specific
substitute values of the digital and analog output modules available to you when
using the respective PROFIenergy submodule for the configuration. These
submodules are marked with “PE” in the designation. You can configure the
PROFIenergy substitute values within the framework of the available output value
range. Currently, parameterization of one PROFIenergy substitute value per
signal channel is possible.

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 121
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.10.2 Functions
The fieldbus coupler supports the following PROFIenergy commands:

• Control commands
- PE_Start_Pause
- PE_End_Pause

• Status commands:
- PE_List_Energy_Saving_Modes
- PE_Get_Mode
- PE_PEM_Status
- PE_Identify

The functionality of the PROFIenergy protocol can only be described using

control commands.

Each PROFIenergy submodule has a configurable minimum pause time after

which it should switch from the application to the PROFIenergy “Pause” state, i.e.
outputs the configured PROFIenergy substitute values.

If a PROFIenergy submodule receives the “PE_Start_Pause” command with the

required pause time as a parameter, the required pause time and configured
minimum pause time of the PROFIenergy submodule are compared.
If the required pause time is greater than or equal to the minimum pause time of
the addressed PROFIenergy submodule, the energy-saving PROFIenergy
substitute values are applied.

The PROFIenergy submodules do not exit the PROFIenergy “Pause” state

independently. The operational state is only activated upon receipt of the
“PE_End_Pause” control command.

The status commands provide information on the current state of the

PROFIenergy submodule or its supported PROFIenergy commands.

Version 1.3.1
122 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.10.3 Addressing
You can control the PROFIenergy submodules either separately via the
respective submodule slot or together via submodule slot 1 of the fieldbus

In the first case, you configure the standard DAP and the PROFIenergy settings
apply that you made on the part of the configured PROFIenergy submodules. In
this configuration, only the configured PROFIenergy submodules of the
respective digital and analog output modules can be reached via the
PROFIenergy profile. Standard DAP submodule 1 is inaccessible.

In the second case, you use the PROFIenergy DAP of the fieldbus coupler. Only
the minimum pause time of the PROFIenergy DAP submodule is relevant for
initiating the pause state. The minimum pause times of the above mentioned I/O
modules have no relevance in this operating situation. Access is limited to
PROFIenergy DAP submodule 1 accordingly.
If the pause time requested per the “PE_start_pause” control command is
greater than or equal to the configured minimum pause time of the PROFIenergy
DAP, all configured PROFIenergy submodules are moved to the “Pause” state.

Since the DAP submodule of the fieldbus coupler can only be connected to one
IO controller, control of PROFIenergy submodules is always submodule based
via the connection to a second IO controller without access to the DAP
submodule. Control of the PROFIenergy submodules is station-wide or
submodule based depending on the DAP selected via the connection to the first
IO controller. Parallel initiation of PROFIenergy commands via the DAP and the
respective submodules within a connection (AR) is not possible.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Function Description 123
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

7.11 Firmware Update

The device firmware is updated via the ETHERNET interface only and has to be
carried out using the “WAGO Ethernet Update” firmware update tool.

Firmware update tool only available on request!

Please note that the “WAGO Ethernet Update” firmware update tool is only
available on request. Contact Technical Support by e-mail at:
[email protected].

The steps required to update the firmware are explained in the “WAGO Ethernet
Update” online help.

The following requirements must be met to successfully update the firmware:

• TCP port 6626 is available for the WAGO Service interface.

TCP port 6626 is enabled by default after each restart of the fieldbus
coupler. It can only be temporarily disabled for PROFINET IO via
parameterization of the station proxy (DAP).

• The fieldbus coupler has a valid device name.

The device name can be specified using a DCP service tool or via
available DIP switch.

• The fieldbus coupler has appropriate IP settings.

A DCP service tool can be used to make the IP settings or temporarily

using the address resolution of the connected IOX.

• The IP settings remain after restarting the fieldbus coupler as part of the
firmware update or are made available again.

After the required firmware has been uploaded to the fieldbus coupler, it is
checked for consistency and persistently stored. The firmware is applied
by restarting via “WAGO Ethernet Update”. The tool then attempts to
initiate extraction of the internal file system for the web server. This
requires that the IP settings used previously are available.
If the device name or IP settings are no longer available after restarting
due to an only temporary assignment, they have to be reassigned to the
fieldbus coupler using the procedures mentioned above to successfully
complete the update process.

Version 1.3.1
124 Function Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Restart after loading invalid firmware!

Please note that inadvertently uploading invalid firmware or firmware not
intended for the device leads to an error message in terms of the “WAGO
Ethernet Update” and to error signaling on the 'I/O' LED of the fieldbus coupler.
In such case, restart the fieldbus coupler.
The previous firmware version starts, thus allowing the user to try updating the
firmware again.

Impacts to MRP functionality (starting from FW 03) combined with FWL 03

Please note that firmware update to FW 03 combined with firmware loader FWL
03 installed on the device leads to following restriction. Startup of the device as
part of an MRP ring causes IOC connection loss of other ring participants even if
the connection monitoring is configured sufficiently (greater than 200 ms).
Should this issue impact your application in a negative way, return the fieldbus
coupler for FWL upgrade to index 04 to WAGO.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Commissioning 125
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

8 Commissioning
8.1 General Procedure
If you have assembled the requested peripheral of the fieldbus coupler using the
corresponding I/O modules and established the required power supply
connections you can proceed with commissioning of the node within IOC
engineering. The specific procedure depends on the configuration software used.

Therefore, this chapter does not describe the use of any specific application in
terms of the configuration software. Instead, this chapter provides a brief
overview of the process and steps required for commissioning.
Subsequent chapters provide the details of each step for commissioning.

More Information on commissioning!

Specific step-by-step instructions are available in the quickstart guide for the
PROFINET IO fieldbus coupler.
How an installed and connected fieldbus coupler is configured to the point that it
is ready for use is described based on the configuration software.
You can download the quickstart guide from the WAGO Internet site at:

8.2 Procedure Description

To start the hardware configuration of the IO device you have first to import or to
install the GSD file (see also chapter "GSD file") into the engineering software of
the IOC. The GSD file contains all properties of the fieldbus coupler and the I/O
modules to perform e.g. the configuration and parameterization of the IO device.

First, configure the fieldbus node that defines the structure of the process image
for the input and output data.
The size of the process images is determined by the sum of all configured
modules or submodules input and output data. The content of the process
images is exchanged in productive data traffic with the IO controller.
To create the configuration data, transfer the physical structure of the station to
the configuration software. The fieldbus coupler and each related I/O module are
available in the hardware catalog of the configuration software as a module entry.
For the various entries of the I/O module types, you can select different data
representations in terms of submodule types for digital, analog and to a certain
extend for complex I/O modules.
By specifically selecting suitable submodule types for the digital I/O modules, you
have the option of optimizing the structure of the process images for the input
and output data. The flexible configuration of the digital I/O modules is described
in the section “Flexible Configuration of the I/O Modules”.

For a station consisting of the fieldbus coupler and the connected I/O modules,
arrange the I/O modules in the configuration software according to the physical

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The position and slot assignment of passive I/O modules that provide no data are
not taken into account here.
If the configured arrangement differs from the physical arrangement, e.g. wrong
modules or submodules or missing modules or submodules at the end of the
fieldbus node, the fieldbus coupler reports the difference as an error.
The error is also indicated by the "DIA" LED.

Subsequent to the configuration of the IO device you have to do the

parameterization of the fieldbus coupler as station proxy and the connected I/O
modules where applicable.
As part of the parameterization, you can make specific settings for the attributes
for each configured submodule that carries parameterization data.
Details about parameterization the station proxy and I/O modules, as well as
parameter descriptions are available in the chapter "Parameterization".

Next you have to define the communication class, RT (RT_CLASS_1) or IRT

(RT_CLASS_3), as well as the send clock and send cycle to be used at the
interface submodule.

The communication class IRT is available to you starting from fieldbus coupler
FW 03. Using IRT communication you have to define the sync domain and
commit the network topology to the engineering software. Setup the physical
connections of the ports at the port submodules of the IODs to be used and the
IOC. The announcement of the network topology is also required if a toolless
device replacement should be possible, i.e. without setting the station name by
any software tool once again.

Thanks to the MRP functionality (starting from FW 03) the fieldbus coupler can be
part of a redundant ring structure as MRP client. To use this operating mode
activate the media redundancy role at the interface submodule and define the
MRP domain. After saving the project you upload the configuration data to IOC.

8.3 Real Time Data Exchange Establishment

The IO controller assigns the configured IP address to the fieldbus coupler based
on the station name assigned in advance. The PROFINET connection can then
be established by the IO controller and the IO device can receive the configured

The fieldbus coupler then makes the respective parameter settings of the I/O

After completing the parameterization phase, cyclic data exchange is initiated

between the IO controller and IO device.

8.4 Perform configuration steps

The particular steps in configuration after complete installation of the IO device
composed of the fieldbus coupler and the I/O modules are listed hereinafter:

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1. Import or install the GSD file into the configuration environment
(see also the chapter „GSD file“).

2. Generate an instance of the fieldbus coupler from hardware catalog into a

previously opened project space for the particular IO controller.

3. Check and adjust the proposed device name or the assigned IP settings if

4. Proceed with the hardware configuration. Select thereby the I/O modules to
be used from hardware catalog and adapt the I/O data representation by
using the particular submodule if necessary
(see also the chapter „Flexible Configuration of digital I/O Modules“).

5. Adapt the global station settings at the DAP submodule of the fieldbus
coupler if necessary (see also the chapter „Parameterization of the Station
Proxy (DAP).”

6. Adapt the module or submodule parameterization of the configured I/O

modules if necessary
(see also the chapter „Parameterization of the I/O Modules”).

7. Select the communication class RT_CLASS_1 (RT) oder RT_CLASS_3

(IRT) at the interface submodule of the fieldbus coupler. In case of IRT the
fieldbus coupler becomes SYNC slave. Using IRT operation adapt the
name of the SYNC domain if necessary.

8. Check the update time or the send cycle and the monitoring time of the
connection to the IO controller and adapt the settings if necessary.

9. If the station is part of an media redundant network (ring structure) assign

the MRP client role to the fieldbus coupler and adapt the name of the MRP
domain if necessary.

10. Check the connection settings at the port submodules of the fieldbus
coupler and adapt these if necessary
(see also the chapter „Port Configuration”).

11. Build the expected network topology using on-board means of the
engineering tool. This is mandatory if the fieldbus coupler runs within an
IRT domain. The IO device replacement without using any tool is also only
possible if the expected network topology is known to the IO controller. On
match of expected and real network topology it is possible to pass on the
tool based station name assignment even during the first commissioning.

12. Switch on the fieldbus coupler power supply

(see also the chapter „Device Start-Up and Initialization”).

13. Alternative to the topology based station name assignment the station
name can be set by a DCP tool (see also the chapter „DCP“) or be defined
using the available DIP switch
(see also the chapter „DIP switch“).
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14. Upload the system data subsequently onto the IO controller.

After a successful connection establishment between the IO controller and the IO

device the state of productive data exchange is entered.

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8.5 GSD File

The GSD file describes the properties of the fieldbus coupler and I/O modules
required for a configuration such as the data length in the respective process
image or the parameter data.

This file is created by the device manufacturers and made available to the user.
The GSD file is required to configure the IO controller for active data exchange
with the fieldbus coupler. It is imported or installed into the configuration software.

An XML-based language, GSDML is used as the language for the device

description file.
Structure, content and coding of this device master data are standardized so the
software of various manufacturers can be used for the configuration.

More information on the GSD files

The GSD file can be obtained at
When installing this file, refer to the information provided in the documentation of
the configuration software which you are using.

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8.6 Parameterization
Before data can be exchanged between IO controller and IO device,
parameterization is required in addition to the hardware configuration in the
configuration software. The default attribute values are highlighted in "bold".

The configuration is used to set the parameters (attributes) for the fieldbus
coupler as a station proxy (DAP) and for the I/O modules based on the device
description (GSD). The individual parameters are set via selectable textual

8.6.1 Parameterization of the Station Proxy (DAP)

The following list provides an overview of configurable attributes for the station
proxy and descriptions of the individual parameters are listed in the subsequent

Table 40: Parameterization – Overview of attributes for the station proxy (DAP)
Attributes for the station proxy (DAP)
- Restart on K-Bus failure
- Diagnostics of external module/channel errors
- Internal data bus extension
- Response to PROFINET IO failure
- Response to K-Bus failure
- Activation of the integrated web server
- Activation of the WAGO TCP service port
- Activation of the station-wide PROFIenergy functionality *)
- Variable peripheral configuration (starting from FW 06)
- Validation of the configuration data records (starting from FW 06)
*) only for DAP with suffix “PE-DAP” Restart on K-Bus Failure

Table 41: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Restart on K-Bus failure

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
After any errors have been corrected the K-Bus
POWER ON RESET (local bus) can be returned to operation by resetting
Restart on K-Bus
the fieldbus coupler’s hardware or software.
The K-Bus (local bus) is returned to operation
automatically after any errors have been corrected. Diagnostics of External Module/Channel Errors

Table 42: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Diagnostics of External Module/Channel Errors

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Pending diagnostic messages are not reported to
0 (false) the respective IO controller irrespective of the
Diagnostics of external submodule parameterization.
module/channel errors Pending diagnostic messages are reported to the
1 (true) respective I/O controller depending on the
submodule parameterization.

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Table 43: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Internal Data Bus Extension

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
The settings are made according to the unlock
EEPROM-setting is
value saved in the EEPROM.
(Default until FW 05)
Internal data bus The internal data bus (local bus) is operated at the
extension is not used standard transmission rate.
(Default starting from FW 06)
The internal data bus (local bus) is operated at the
is used
reduced transmission rate. Response to PROFINET IO failure

Table 44: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Response to PROFINET IO failure

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
For all output submodules parameterized
Output image is
"according to device settings" (default), the output
data last valid before the fault remains valid.
Response to Substitute values The substitute values parameterized on the part of
PROFINET IO failure are switched the output submodules are output.
For all output submodules parameterized
Output image is
"according to device settings" (default), the output
data is set to zero. Response to K-Bus Failure

Parameter combination affects PROFIsafe modules!

Note that the combination of parameters “Restart on K-Bus Failure” =
“AUTORESET” and “Response to K-Bus failure” = “Make input image invalid” for
PROFIsafe modules can have the effect that reintegration of the PROFIsafe
modules is no longer possible after a field power supply failure.

Table 45: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Response to K-Bus Failure

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
PROFINET IO Any existing IO controller application relationships
communication is (IOAR) are terminated.
stopped (Default until FW 05)
Response to K-Bus Existing IO controller application relationships
failure (IOAR) are not terminated. However, the process
Input image gets
data qualifiers of all provider (IOPS) and consumer
data (IOCS) are set to the "BAD" status.
(Default starting from FW 06)

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Table 46: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Webserver

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
TCP/UDP port 80 is disabled.
0 (false)
Webserver The web server is inaccessible.
(TCP Port 80) TCP/UDP port 80 is enabled.
1 (true)
The web server is accessible.

The web server of the fieldbus coupler is disabled by default and can only be
enabled by the DAP parameterization data set.
Activity is terminated after any hardware or software reset of the fieldbus coupler. Activation of Firmware Updates

Table 47: Parameterization DAP – Attribute WAGO-Service (TCP Port 6626)

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
WAGO TCP service port 6626 is disabled. The
0 (false) device software cannot be updated by a firmware
WAGO Service update via ETHERNET.
(TCP Port 6626) WAGO TCP service port 6626 is enabled. The
1 (true) device software can be updated by a firmware
update via ETHERNET.

The WAGO service port of the fieldbus coupler is enabled by default and can
only be disabled by the DAP parameterization data set.
Inactivity is terminated after any hardware or software reset of the fieldbus
coupler. Activation of the station-wide PROFIenergy Functionality

This setting is only available with DAP for PROFIenergy (with the "PE-DAP"

Table 48: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Minimal pause time (PROFIenergy)

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
10 sec
1 min
10 min Pauses requested by the PROFIenergy profile are
Minimal pause time 1h only introduced during pause times greater than or
10 h equal to the setting made.

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8.6.2 Variable Peripheral Layout

The extended functionality of the variable peripheral layout must be enabled in
advance with the “Variable peripheral layout” attribute of the station proxy.

Table 49: DAP Parameterization – “Variable peripheral layout” Attribute

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
The peripheral layout is modified using at least one
placeholder module.
The physical station layout is mapped one-to-one in
the existing sequence, with the exception of missing
with placeholder
bus modules. These are represented by a single
placeholder module at the end of the fieldbus node.
This rejects configuration data sets with a
specification of the physical station layout sent to the
Variable Peripheral
station proxy.
The peripheral layout is modified with the help of
configuration data sets. A placeholder module is not
necessary for this purpose, but is possible as an
via configuration data option.
sets This receives and persistently retains configuration
data sets with a specification of the physical station
layout sent to the station proxy. The station then
restarts automatically.

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The “Validation of the configuration data sets” attribute in the parameter data of
the station proxy is used to specify whether additional diagnostic information
concerning the peripheral layout is provided via configuration data sets that can
be used for troubleshooting.

Table 50: DAP Parameterization – “Validation of the configuration data sets” Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Disabled The configuration data set is merely checked to verify
the valid number of slots and bits or bytes.
Diagnostics in the The configuration data set is checked for physically
event of under- present but unaddressed bus modules. The result of
assignment the check is reported through corresponding
Validation of
Diagnostics in the The configuration data set is checked for references
configuration data
event of over- to bus modules that are not physically present. The
assignment result of the check is reported through corresponding
Diagnostics in the Both references to bus modules that are not
event of under- physically present and unaddressed but physically
assignment and present bus modules within the configuration data set
over-assignment are reported via corresponding diagnostics.

8.6.3 Parameterization of the I/O-Modules

The configurable attributes for the various I/O module types are listed in the

More information on the I/O module parameters!

The individual attribute values and descriptions are available in the appendix in
the respective subchapters under the chapter "Parameters for the I/O Modules".

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8.7 PROFINET Connection

In addition to the implicit application relationship, one IOAR and one IOSAR are

Connecting an IOAR beyond that is acknowledged negatively by the fieldbus


8.7.1 Structure of the Application and Communication

Relationships (AR and CR)
Once the IO controller has identified the fieldbus coupler by the device name on
the fieldbus and then assigned the configured IP settings to it, the fieldbus
coupler receives the IO controller’s request to establish a connection.

The request contains various request blocks:

• An "ARBlockReq"
• An "IOCBlockReq" for input data
• An "IOCBlockReq" for output data
• An "ExpectedSubmoduleBlockReq" for each configured module or
submodule slot (incl. slot 0 of the DAP)
• An "AlarmCRBlockReq" Connection Response with no Configuration Differences

If the specified configuration can be adapted to the existing actual configuration,

the communication relationships (CRs) are established by the fieldbus coupler
and the blocks for the communication relationships acknowledged positively in
the response from the fieldbus coupler ("IOCBlockRes").
Since there is no difference, there is also no "ModuleDiffBlock" in the response
from the fieldbus coupler. Connection Response with Configuration Differences

If there are differences in the configurations, the fieldbus coupler returns a

"ModuleDiffBlock" in the response to the connection in which all submodules are
listed with one ore more of the following properties, e.g.:
• DAP revision level incompatible
(byte 2 and/or 3 of the module ID differ)
• Wrong DAP
(byte 0 and/or 1 of the module ID differ)
• One or more incorrectly configured or incorrectly populated module slots
• One or more incorrectly configured or incorrectly populated submodule

8.7.2 Parameterization of Submodule’s Data Sets

After a connection is established between fieldbus coupler and the respective IO
controller, the IO controller parameterizes the configured submodules. This can

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occur in the form of several write tasks (up to three write requests per
submodule) or by one write task (WriteMultiple request for all submodules).
Submodules identified in the "ModuleDiffBlock" as "wrong" in the connection
acknowledgement do not get any parameterization data from the IO controller.

8.7.3 End of the Parameterization Phase and Operational

After writing the parameterization data sets from the IO controller to the
submodules, the fieldbus coupler acknowledges the end of the parameterization
phase ("EndOfParameterization") of the IO controller with the "DControl.req"

After processing the parameterization data sets, the fieldbus coupler signals
operational readiness of the PROFINET IO application ("ApplicationReady") to
the IO controller.
Beforehand, the fieldbus coupler sends already valid input data (provider data) to
the IO controller, which is identified by the "GOOD" status (0x80) of the user data
qualifier (IOXS).

8.8 Data Exchange

After the PROFINET IO application of the fieldbus coupler has signaled
readiness, the input data are transmitted to the IO controller by provider
telegram. At the same time, the fieldbus coupler monitors transmission of the
output data as the consumer by the IO controller.

8.8.1 Send Cycle Times (Update Time)

Also called "SendCycle" in PROFINET IO, the update times can take the
following values on the part of the provider and consumer.

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Table 51: Send cycle time as a function of RT class, transmit clocking and scaling factor
RT class Transmit
Scaling factor Send cycle time [ms]
clocking [ms]
1 (RT) 1 1 (20) 1
2 (21) 2
4 (2 )
2 4
8 (23) 8
16 (24) 16
32 (25) 32
64 (26) 64
128 (27) 128
256 (28) 256
512 (2 )
9 512
3 (IRT) 1 1 (20) 1
2 (21) 2
4 (2 )
2 4
8 (23) 8
16 (24) 16
2 1 (20) 2
2 (21) 4
4 (22) 8
8 (2 )
3 16
16 (24) 32
4 1 (20) 4
2 (2 )
1 8
4 (22) 16
8 (23) 32
16 (2 )
4 64

8.8.2 Connection Monitoring

Monitoring interval (provider data holds)

The monitoring interval is determined by the "DataHoldFactor".

If the provider data of the IO controller fail, the fieldbus coupler signals
termination of the application relationship with an RTA alarm after a specific time
(T) with the reason "DataHoldTimer expired".

The time (T) is determined as follows:

T = („DataHoldFactor“ + 1) * send cycle time

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8.9 Demand Data Exchange (acyclic communication)

In addition to cyclic data communication (PROFIBUS IO standard in compliance
with IEC 61158), PROFIBUS IO also offers acyclic communication services.
These services can be initiated in parallel to productive data exchange.

The fieldbus coupler makes the so-called record data sets available for
parameterization purposes or for diagnostic requests.
The various data sets are used, for example, for identification and maintenance.

More information on record data sets for parameterization!

The table in the appendix provides a list of special record data sets for
parameterization of the modules/submodules in the chapter "Record Data Sets".

More information on record data sets for diagnostics!

You can read more about special record data sets in the context of diagnostics.
The structure of standardized diagnostic data sets and channel-specific
diagnostics are explained in the chapter "PROFINET IO Diagnostics".

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9 Web-based Management (WBM)

The fieldbus coupler has web pages with status information that you can access
via the integrated web server.

Access to the web pages requires activation of http port 80 as part of configuring
the fieldbus coupler (see section “Commissioning” > … > “Activating the
Integrated Web Server”).

The web pages can then be accessed via an Internet browser. Your browser
must support (enabled) JavaScript to display the web pages correctly.

Maximum three simultaneous client connections to one web page!

Please note that performance can drop with an increasing number of web clients
accessing a web page. Therefore, it is recommended that there be no more than
three simultaneous client connections to one web page. Up to 20 TCP/IP socket
connections to the web server of the fieldbus coupler are possible. The maximum
number of persistent socket connections to a web server differs for each browser
(typically between 2 and 8).

1. To open the WBM, launch a web browser (e. g., Microsoft Internet Explorer
or Mozilla Firefox).

2. Enter the IP address of the fieldbus coupler into the address bar.

3. Enter your user name and password in the query dialog (default: user =
“admin”, password = “wago”).

You can access the following WBM pages via the links given in the navigation
• Information
• Ethernet
• Diagnostics
• Administration

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9.1 General Structure of WBM Pages

Figure 53: Structure of WBM pages, example: WBM page "Information"

1 The left side contains a list of links use to navigate between the individual
WBM pages.

2 The WBM pages are displayed in the middle area.

These are explained in the in the following chapters.

3 The top right contains the status area and [Signal] button.
This status area appears on every navigation level and displays initial
information about the fieldbus coupler. This area is automatically refreshed
at 3-second intervals.

The [Signal] button can be used to activate the node flashing test of the

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9.1.1 Status Area

Figure 54: WBM pages – Status area

Table 52: Legend for the indicators in the status area

Status Description
WBM green The green status indicator signals activation of the web page.
Indicates that there is a connection on the link level (layer 2) to
ETHERNET port 1.
Link Eth0
Indicates that there is no connection on the link level (layer 2) to
ETHERNET port 1.
Indicates that there is a connection on the link level (layer 2) to
ETHERNET port 2.
Link Eth1
Indicates that there is no connection on the link level (layer 2) to
ETHERNET port 2.
none There are no diagnostics for this device.
There is diagnostic information for this device.
pending You can display with web page with diagnostic information in one step by
clicking on the word "pending".

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9.2 Information
The WBM page "Information" contains an overview of all important information
about your fieldbus coupler.

Figure 55: WBM page "Information"

Table 53: Parameter description of WBM page "Information"

Coupler Details
System Description Displays the detailed product description of the fieldbus coupler.
Order Number Displays the item number of the fieldbus coupler.
Firmware Revision Displays the current revision of the firmware.
Hardware Revision Displays the current revision of the hardware.
Device Information
Station Name Displays the current PROFINET IO device name.
Device Function Displays the device function of the PROFINET IO I&M data set.
Device Location Displays the device location of the PROFINET IO I&M data set.
Date of Installation Displays the date of installation of the PROFINET IO I&M data set.
Device Description Displays the description of the PROFINET IO I&M data set.

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9.3 Ethernet
The WBM page "Ethernet" contains information about the physical connection to
the ETHERNET network and packet statistics for both ETHERNET ports of the
fieldbus coupler. The area for packet statistics is automatically refreshed at 3-
second intervals. The page has to be reloaded to refresh any other data.

Figure 56: WBM page "Ethernet"

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Table 54: Description of the parameters of the WBM page "Ethernet"
Ethernet Interface
MAC Address Displays the MAC address, which helps identify and
address the fieldbus coupler.
Port Details
Port 1 Port 2
MAC Address Displays the port MAC address.
Link State Displays the current link status (up/down) of the port.
Link Speed Displays the current transmission rate of the port (10 Mbit/s or
100 Mbit/s), (full-duplex / half-duplex).
Link Mode Displays the current ETHERNET transfer mode of the network.
Autonegotiation Displays if the Autonegotiation function is enabled for this port.
Auto MDIX Displays if the Auto MDIX function is enabled for this port.
Port Statistics
Port 1 Port 2
Dropped RX Packets Displays the number of dropped receive packets.
Bad RX Packets Displays the number of bad receive packets.
RX Packets Displays the total number of receive packets.
Dropped TX Packets Displays the number of dropped transmit packets.
Bad TX Packets Displays the number of bad transmit packets.
TX Packets Displays the total number of transmit packets.

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9.4 TCP/IP
The WBM page "TCP / IP" contains information about the currently existing IPv4

Figure 57: WBM page "TCP/IP"“

Table 55: Description of the parameters of the WBM page "TCP/IP"

Active used TCP/IP Configuration
IP address Displays the current IP address of the fieldbus coupler.
Subnet mask Displays the current subnet mask of the fieldbus coupler.
Gateway Displays the current gateway address of the fieldbus coupler.
Permanent stored TCP/IP Configuration
IP address Displays the IP address of the fieldbus coupler stored in non-
volatile memory.
Subnet mask Displays the subnet mask of the fieldbus coupler stored in non-
volatile memory.
Gateway Displays the gateway address of the fieldbus coupler stored in
non-volatile memory.

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9.5 Diagnostics
In the event of an error, the WBM page "Diagnostics" displays diagnostic
messages in the form of a log.

The [Refresh] button can be used to refresh the list of diagnostic information.

For evaluation, the item number of the module affected by the error, slot, error
code and respective error description are displayed.

The user is referred to the device manual if there is no detailed error description
for a diagnostic on the fieldbus coupler.

Figure 58: WBM page "Diagnostics"

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9.6 Administration
On the WBM page "Administration", the [Change Password] button can be used
to change the administrator password or the [Restore default] button to restore
the default password.
All changes are immediately active without having to restart the fieldbus coupler.

Rule for valid passwords!

Note that for valid passwords up to 16 characters are allowed, consisting of
letters and numbers, no special characters!

Figure 59: WBM page "Administration"

Table 56: Parameter description of the WBM page "Administration"

Change admin password
New Password Enter the new password.
Confirm Password Enter the new password again to confirm.

9.7 Connection Errors

In the event of an error connecting to a WBM page, "wbm error" is displayed
instead of any valid data.

Connection errors may occur due to the following factors:

• The physical ETHERNET connection to the device has been interrupted. In

this case, a PROFINET IO diagnostic message should appear. There may
be a failure of the entire device.

• The IP connection has been interrupted. Causes may include:

- Reparameterization of the IP address of the device
- Failure of the PC network card

• The maximum number of connections (3) to the WBM page has been

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10 Diagnostics
In addition to diagnostics via the WBM (see previous section “Web-based
Management”), there are two other options for diagnostics for the fieldbus
The listed diagnostic options are described below:

• LED signaling
for onsite diagnostics
(see section “LED Signaling”)

• PROFINET IO diagnostics
by reading the diagnostic data sets (records)
(see section “PROFINET IO Diagnostics”)

10.1 LED Signaling

For on-site diagnostics, the fieldbus coupler has several LEDs that indicate the
operational status of the fieldbus coupler or the entire node (see following figure).

Figure 60: Display Elements

Figure 61: Display Elements Fieldbus Connection RJ-45

The diagnostics displays and their significance are explained in detail in the
following section.

The LEDs are assigned in groups to the various diagnostics areas:

Table 57: LED Assignment for Diagnostics

Diagnostics area LEDs
Fieldbus status • BF
Node status • I/O

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10.1.1 Evaluating the Fieldbus Status

The top three LEDs (RUN, BF and DIA) are used to indicate the operating status
of PROFINET IO communication.

Table 58: Fieldbus Diagnostics – Solution in Event of Error

LED Explanation Solution
green The power supply is ON. -
green Part of or the entire fieldbus node is 1. Use the PROFIenergy "End Pause"
flashing in energy-saving mode or output command to exit energy-saving
mode due to the PROFIenergy modes.
"Start Pause" command.
OFF The power supply is OFF. 1. Check the power supply
(24 V, 0 V).
green 1 Hz, pulse-no-pulse ratio 1:1 (for 3 -
flashing sec.):
Node flashing test (DCP Control
Signal FlashOnce).
With repetitive node flashing tests
in succession, the indicator light
can briefly capture the status of the
group fault display (red).
red There is no ETHERNET connection 1. Check the network cable.
red There is an ETHERNET connection 1. Check the connection between IO
flashing on at least one port. A PROFINET controller and IO device.
connection (IOAR) is not 2. Check if the right device name has
established. been assigned for the IO device.
3. Check if the connected network
infrastructure ETHERNET link is
100 Mbit/s full-duplex compliant.
OFF At lease on application relationship -
has been established to an IO
controller (IOAR).
red Parameterization error, module 1. Check the parameter settings and
differences or diagnostics display. fieldbus node setup or evaluate the
diagnostics display.

Evaluating the diagnostics display!

A detailed description of the diagnostics display analysis
is available in the chapter "PROFINET IO Diagnostics"!

The integrated LNK and ACT LEDs display the physical fieldbus connection and
network activity on the RJ-45 fieldbus connections directly.

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Table 59: Diagnostics of the Fieldbus Status on the Fieldbus Connection – Solution in
Event of Error
LED Explanation Solution
Connection to physical network
green -
OFF No connection to physical network. 1. Check the network connection.
yellow Network activity. -
OFF No network activity. -

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10.1.2 Evaluating the Node Status

The I/O LED indicates the operating status of communication between the
fieldbus coupler and I/O modules.

Table 60: Node Status Diagnostics – Solution in Event of Error

LED Status Explanation Solution
green Data cycle on the local bus. Normal operating conditions.
The boot loader is copying the device
firmware from the flash memory to the -
working memory of the fieldbus coupler.
red Fieldbus coupler has a hardware defect Replace the fieldbus coupler.
Flashing at approx. 10 Hz points to Note the following blinking sequence.
initialization of the local bus or to a
general local bus error.
Up to three successive blinking Evaluate the blinking sequences based
sequences indicate local bus errors. on the following blink code table. The
red There are short intervals between the blinking indicates an error message
cyclical sequences. comprised of an error code and error
flashing argument.

OFF No data cycle on the local bus. The fieldbus coupler supply is off.

After switching on the power supply, the boot loader copies the device firmware
to the working memory, the I/O LED lights up orange.

The device firmware then starts and initializes the local bus. This is indicated by
red flashing at 10 Hz for 1-2 seconds.

After starting up without any errors, the I/O LED lights up green.

In the event of error, the I/O LED flashes red.

The flash codes are used to indicate detailed error messages. An error is
indicated by up to 3 cyclical flash sequences.

After eliminating the error, restart the fieldbus node by switching the fieldbus
coupler power supply off and on again.

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Figure 62: Node status - I/O LED signaling

Figure 63: Error message coding

Example of a module error:

• The I/O LED starts the error display with the first flash sequence (approx.
10 Hz).

• After the first pause, the second flash sequence (approx. 1 Hz) starts:
The I/O LED flashes four times.
Error code 4 indicates "data error internal data bus".

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• After the second pause, the third flash sequence starts (approx. 1 Hz):
The I/O LED flashes twelve times.
Error argument 12 means that the local bus is interrupted behind the twelfth
active I/O module.

The thirteenth I/O module is either defective or has been removed from the

Table 61: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 1
Error code 1: “Hardware and configuration error”
Error Error Description Solution
Invalid check sum in 1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
- the parameter area of 2. Replace the fieldbus coupler.
the fieldbus coupler. 3. Turn the power supply on again.
Overflow of the 1. Turn off the power for the node.
internal buffer 2. Reduce the number of I/O modules.
memory for the 3. Turn the power supply on again.
attached I/O modules. 4. If the error persists, replace the fieldbus controller.
1. Determine the faulty I/O module by first turning off the
power supply.
2. Plug the end module into the middle of the node.
3. Turn the power supply on again.
4. - LED continues to flash? -
Turn off the power supply and plug the end module into the
middle of the first half of the node (toward the fieldbus
I/O module(s) with
2 - LED not flashing? -
unknown data type
Turn off the power and plug the end module into the middle
of the second half of the node (away from the fieldbus
5. Turn the power supply on again.
6. Repeat the procedure described in step 4 while halving the
step size until the faulty I/O module is detected.
7. Replace the faulty I/O module.
8. Inquire about a firmware update for the fieldbus controller.
Unknown module
1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
type of the
3 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
Flash program
3. Turn the power supply on again.
Fault when writing in 1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
4 the Flash program 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
memory. 3. Turn the power supply on again.
1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
Fault when deleting
5 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
the Flash memory.
3. Turn the power supply on again.
The I/O module
configuration after
from the configuration 1. Restart the fieldbus controller by turning the power supply
determined the last off and on.
time the fieldbus
controller was
powered up.
1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
Fault when writing in
7 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
the serial EEPROM.
3. Turn the power supply on again.

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Table 61: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 1
Error code 1: “Hardware and configuration error”
Error Error Description Solution
1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
Invalid hardware-
8 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
firmware combination.
3. Turn the power supply on again.
1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
Invalid check sum in
9 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
the serial EEPROM.
3. Turn the power supply on again.
1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
10 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
initialization error
3. Turn the power supply on again.
1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
Fault when reading in
11 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
the serial EEPROM.
3. Turn the power supply on again.
Timeout during 1. Turn off the power supply for the node.
12 access on the serial 2. Replace the fieldbus controller.
EEPROM 3. Turn the power supply on again.
1. Turn off the power for the node.
Maximum number of
2. Reduce the number of corresponding modules to a valid
14 gateway or mailbox
modules exceeded
3. Turn the power supply on again.

Table 62: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 2
Error code 2: -not used-
Error Error Description Solution
- Not used -

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Table 63: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 3
Error code 3: “Protocol error, internal bus”
Error Error Description Solution
- Are passive power supply modules (750-613) located in the
node? -
1. Check that these modules are supplied correctly with
2. Determine this by the state of the associated status LEDs.

- Are all modules connected correctly or are there any

750-613 Modules in the node? -
1. Determine the faulty I/O module by turning off the power
2. Plug the end module into the middle of the node.
3. Turn the power supply on again.
4. - LED continues to flash? -
Turn off the power supply and plug the end module into the
Local bus
middle of the first half of the node (toward the fieldbus
communication is
- faulty, defective
- LED not flashing? -
module cannot be
Turn off the power and plug the end module into the middle
of the second half of the node (away from the fieldbus
5. Turn the power supply on again.
6. Repeat the procedure described in step 4 while halving the
step size until the faulty I/O module is detected.
7. Replace the faulty I/O module.
8. If there is only one I/O module on the fieldbus coupler and
the LED is flashing, either the I/O module or fieldbus
coupler is defective. Replace the I/O module with a
pretested, properly functioning I/O module. If the LED no
longer flashes, the replaced I/O module was faulty.
Replace this I/O module.
9. If the LED continues to flash, the fieldbus coupler is faulty.
Replace the fieldbus coupler.

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Table 64: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 4
Error code 4: “Physical error, internal bus”
Error Error Description Solution
1. Turn off the power supply to the node.
2. Plug the end module behind the fieldbus coupler.
3. Turn the power supply on.
4. Observe the error argument signaled.

- Is no error argument indicated by the I/O LED? -

5. Replace the fieldbus coupler.

- Is an error argument indicated by the I/O LED? -

6. Identify the faulty I/O module by turning off the power
7. Plug the end module into the middle of the node.
8. Turn the power supply on again.
9. - LED continues to flash? -
Local bus data
Turn off the power and plug the end module into the middle
transmission error or
of the first half of the node (toward the fieldbus coupler).
- interruption of the
- LED not flashing? -
local bus at the
Turn off the power and plug the end module into the middle
fieldbus coupler
of the second half of the node (away from the fieldbus
10. Turn the power supply on again.
11. Repeat the procedure described in step 6 while halving the
step size until the faulty I/O module is detected.
12. Replace the faulty I/O module.
13. If there is only one I/O module on the fieldbus coupler and
the LED is flashing, either the I/O module or fieldbus
coupler is defective. Replace the I/O module with a
pretested, properly functioning I/O module. If the LED no
longer flashes, the replaced I/O module was faulty.
Replace this I/O module.
14. If the LED continues to flash, the fieldbus coupler is faulty.
Replace the fieldbus coupler.
Interruption of the
1. Turn off the power supply to the node.
local bus behind the
n* 2. Replace the (n+1) I/O module containing process data.
nth I/O module with
3. Turn the power supply on.
process data
* The number of light pulses (n) indicates the position of the I/O module.
I/O modules without data are not counted (e.g., supply modules without diagnostics)

Table 65: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 5
Error code 5: “Initialization error, internal bus”
Error Error Description Solution
Error in register 1. Turn off the power supply to the node.
n* communication during 2. Replace the (n+1) I/O module containing process data.
local bus initialization 3. Turn the power supply on.
* The number of light pulses (n) indicates the position of the I/O module.
I/O modules without data are not counted (e.g., supply modules without diagnostics)

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Table 66: Blink Code Table for the 'I/O' LED Signaling, Error Code 6
Error code 6: -not used-
Error Error Description Solution
- Not used

Table 67: Blink Code Table for the 'I/O' LED Signaling, Error Code 7 … 8
Error code 7 … 8: -not used-
Error Error Description Solution
- Not used

Table 68: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 9
Error code 9: “CPU Trap error”
Error Error Description Solution
1 Illegal Opcode
2 Stack overflow Fault in the program sequence.
3 Stack underflow 1. Please contact the I/O Support.

Table 69: Blink code table for I/O LED signaling, error code 10…11
Error code 10…11: -not used-
Error Error description Remedy
- not used -

Table 70: Blink Code Table for I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 12
Error code 12 “Initialization error, internal bus”
Error Error description Remedy
1. Switch off the power for the node.
Error with parameter
2. Ensure that the nth module with process data is
n* communication during
supplied with power at the field side.
local bus initialization
3. Switch the power on.
* The number of light pulses (n) indicates the position of the I/O module.
I/O modules without data are not counted (e.g. supply modules without diagnostics)

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10.2 Error Response

10.2.1 Fieldbus Failure
A fieldbus failure is indicated if the IOC is switched off or the fieldbus cable is
interrupted. An error in the IOC can also lead to a fieldbus failure.

A fieldbus failure is displayed on the "BF" LED either red flashing or red

More information on the "BF" LED display!

You can get display breakdown of the "BF" LED in the chapter "Evaluating the
Fieldbus Status" in the table "Fieldbus diagnostics – solution in event of error".

If PROFINET IO data exchange fails, e.g. physical connection to the IO controller

terminated or in the "STOP" state of the respective control, the fieldbus coupler
outputs the configured substitute values to the respective I/O modules depending
on the configured substitute value strategy to the values shown in the table

The same behavior is applied if the IOC sets the provider states of respective
submodules to 'BAD'. On start-up of the node process values corresponding to
output values zero are output.

Table 71: Diagnosis of fieldbus failure

Substitute value strategy Value (bit-oriented) Substitute value strategy
write output process image to 0 0 or 4 mA, 0 V
hold last valid output process last output state last output value
substitute value 0 or 1 0/4 - 20 mA, -10 - +10 V

The values are set by the fieldbus coupler to the local bus output data process

Once the PROFINET IO connection has been reestablished, the respective

output modules receive their process data again from the IO controller

10.2.2 Local Bus Failure

'I/O' LED indicates a local bus failure.

'I/O' LED flashed red:

When a local bus failure occurs, the fieldbus coupler generates an error message
(error code and error argument).
A local bus failure occurs, for example, if an I/O module is removed.
If the error occurs during operation, the output modules operate as they do during
a local bus stop.
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If the local bus error is resolved, the process data transfer can be continued,
according to the DAP parameter setting (attribute "Restart on K-bus (local bus)
failure") either immediately or by turning the power off and restarting the fieldbus

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10.3 PROFINET IO Diagnostics

PROFINET IO allows exact diagnostics of the type and source of an occurring
error by reading the record data sets for the diagnostics.

The respective configuration software / IO supervisor is normally used, which

provides graphical processing of the diagnostic data (e.g. STEP 7, etc.).

In addition to the record data sets for module/submodule parameterization, a

number of record data sets are available for acyclic communication for
diagnostics (listed in the following section).
The structure of the standardized diagnostic data sets and channel-specific
diagnostics are then explained.

Standard and manufacturer-specific diagnostic data sets are mapped according

to the extended channel diagnostics.

10.3.1 Diagnosis Data Sets

The diagnostic information of the fieldbus coupler (IO device) can be read
acyclically using standard diagnosis data sets (records). The structure of the data
sets is defined in the PROFINET IO specification.
More details are available in the specification under “IODReadReq” or
The data set number (index) makes it possible to distinguish between the
diagnostics level (device, module, submodule or channel error) and the
diagnostics structures.

The list of diagnosis data sets listed below provides the respective message
structures in the case of pending diagnostics.

Table 72: Retrievable record data sets for diagnostics

Daten set number Description Available on
(index) slot
0x800A 32778
Standardized channel diagnostics of a submodule slot
0x800B 32779 0…64
(subslot specific).
0x800C 32780
0xC00A 49162 Channel diagnostics of a slot (slot specific); currently
0xC00B 49163 identical with the data set number 800A, as only one 0…64
0xC00C 49164 submodule can exist for each module.
Deviations in the specified and actual configuration of the
0xE002 57346 0
submodules assigned to the IO controller (IOAR).
0xE00A 57354 Channel diagnostics of all signal channels allocated to a
0xE00B 57355 connection (AR), contains all channel diagnostics structures 0
0xE00C 57356 of the submodule slots.
0xF00A 61450 Channel diagnostics of all signal channels allocated to the
0xF00B 61451 application profile 0 (API 0)1), contains all channel 0
0xF00C 61452 diagnostics structures of the individual submodule slots.

1) Several connections (ARs) can be established to an application profile (API).

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10.3.2 Structure of the Standardized Diagnosis Data Sets

The diagnosis data sets consist of several structure elements. The first element
in the data set is the head of the structure. It describes the version and the length
of the following data. An identifier (BlockType) specifies the structure of the
diagnosis data.

The identifiers listed below are currently used by the fieldbus coupler:
• 0x0010: Channel diagnostics
• 0x8104: Difference between expected/real configuration

The version enables you to see if the process type (Application Process Identifier
– API) follows immediately after the head structure or not:
• Version 1.0: Data set does not contain the API
• Version 1.1: Data set contains the API

The head of the structure has a length of 6 bytes for the description of the version
and length of the following data and is structured as follows:

Table 73: Structure Head for the Diagnostic Data

Data type Description
0/1 WORD Database contents
0x0010 Extended channel diagnostics
0x8104 Difference between expected/real configuration
2/3 WORD Length of the data set in bytes
Length of the version in bytes including
4/5 BYTE 0x01 Version (major) = 1
BYTE Version (minor)
0 Diagnostic data follows
1 API follows

6/7 0x00 0x00 API = 0

8/9 0x00 0x00 Only available in version 1.1

The “API” process type has a data length of 4 bytes. Depending on the version of
the data set, the diagnostic data follows at byte offset 6 (version 1.0) or byte
offset 10 (version 1.1).
The description of the diagnostic data in the subsections, depending on the
“BlockType”, begins back with byte offset 0.

More information on extended channel-specific diagnostics!

More information on extended channel diagnostics is available in the appendix in
the section “Channel-Specific Diagnostics”.

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11 Fieldbus Communication
Fieldbus communication between IOC of the control application and fieldbus
coupler occurs via the application protocol PROFINET IO.

In addition, there are also other standard ETHERNET protocols implemented,

which on the one hand provide the basis for the PROFINET IO communication
and on the other hand, serve the reliable data transmission and the network

All available protocols are briefly described in the following sections.

11.1 Standard ETHERNET Protocols

11.1.1 IP, TCP and HTTP
• IP
The fieldbus coupler supports the Internet Protocol (IPv4) acc. to RFC791.

The fieldbus coupler supports the TCP Protocol acc. to RFC 675, RFC 793,
RFC 1122, RFC 2581, RFC 5681.

The implemented HTTP server is used for reading out the HTML pages,
which are stored in the fieldbus coupler. The HTML pages provide
information about the fieldbus coupler, such as status and configuration.
The HTTP server uses port number 80.

11.1.2 DCP
Via DCP, to still unaddressed devices in a PROFINET IO system can be
distributed addresses and names, so that they are then accessible and able to
communicate via the IP protocol in the network. DCP provides various services
for request and assignment of address information, such as the DCP_Identify
request and the DCP_Get and DCP_Set services.

After the first supply voltage application, the fieldbus coupler is in state of factory
setting, that means the device name (Name Of Station) is not available (empty
string, NIL) and the IP settings “address”, “subnet mask”, and “default gateway”
each are set to

The fieldbus coupler is only reachable via ICMP if a device name and valid IP-
settings are assigned via DCP_Set services.

11.1.3 LLDP
The layer 2 protocol LLDP enables a device on the local network (LAN) to send
information about themselves and to receive information from neighboring
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The device stores the received information in its “LLDP MIB”, from which the
information then can be queried by a network management system using SNMP.

LLDP is sent in periodic intervals to a specific MAC address (MAC-ID: 01-80-C2-

00-00-0E with the ether type = 0x88CC).

It is a one-way transmission, because communication to other devices is not

established. Emitted data packets are not acknowledged by receiving packets.
Sending and receiving takes place independently.

11.1.4 MRP
MRP is specified according to IEC 62439 and enables the changeover of the
communication paths for TCP/IP and RT_CLASS_1 traffic within 200 ms on error.
To applicate such method there are one Media Redundancy Manager (MRM)
such as one or more Media Redundancy Clients (MRC) required, which are
connected as a ring structure. Thus the installed devices must have at least 2
Ethernet ports. The MRM, which is commonly implemented on an IO controller or
a PROFINET IO switch, separates the ring into a virtual line structure while
sending the frames to the connected devices only via one port during proper
Furthermore it checks the configured ring for potential breaks using rotating test
frames, which are only forwarded to the connected neighbor device by MRC.
Does the MRM not receive the test frame sent on a first port via the second one it
detects the location of ring’s break and sends the frames of no longer via a first
port reachable devices on the second port.

11.1.5 SNMP
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is responsible for
transporting the control data that allows the exchange of management
information as well as status and statistic data between individual network
components and a management system.

An SNMP management workstation polls the SNMP agents to obtain information

on the relevant devices.

SNMP is supported in versions 1/2c.

This represents a community message exchange in SNMP versions 1 and 2c.

The community name of the network community must thereby be specified.

The device data, that can be accessed or modified by an SNMP agent, is called
SNMP object. The sets of SNMP objects are stored in a logical database called
Management Information Base (MIB); this is why these objects are typically
known as "MIB objects".

The SNMP of the fieldbus coupler includes the general MIB acc. to RFC1213

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11.2.1 General
In the field of industrial automation technology, productive data exchange
between higher-level control systems and remote I/O modules is increasingly
handled by ETHERNET-based communication systems. This allows you to
implement integrated information exchange from the management level to the
process-oriented installed I/O units on existing infrastructures.

PROFINET (Process Field Network) represents systematic further development

of the global fieldbus system PROFIBUS based on ETHERNET. It takes
advantage of the many benefits offered by the open industrial ETHERNET

By using ETHERNET, the transmission rate is increased from 12 Mbit/s half-

duplex for RS-485 to 100 Mbit/s full-duplex for PROFINET.
For parameterization, configuration and diagnostics, PROFINET uses the UDP
protocol. The requirements for connecting to higher levels, e.g. to Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) or to the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) are

PROFINET not only applies IT standards, but also supports fail-safe applications
and covers the complete range of drive engineering through its real-time feature.

For PROFINET IO, remote field devices (IO devices) are connected to the central
(IO controller). A WAGO fieldbus node with the PROFINET IO fieldbus coupler
handles the function of an IO device in a PROFINET IO network. The familiar I/O
view of PROFIBUS is maintained in doing so. The properties of the field device
are declared to Engineering based on GSD files. The respective GSD file is
available from the device manufacturer.

PROFINET IO uses RT (Real-Time) communication for high-performance

transmission of process data.

For increased requirements for determinism, IRT (Isochronous Real Time)

communication allows you to implement, e.g. applications with motion control.

In addition, PROFINET IO makes it possible to move the devices in the network

(IO devices) independently at different update times (“Send Cycles”) based on
their performance capability. This is accomplished by scaling the global send
cycle (“Send Clock”) in multiple communication phases.

Investment protection of existing systems plays a significant role for PROFINET.

Therefore, the plan has been to integrate existing fieldbus systems such as
PROFIBUS, INTERBUS, etc. from the beginning.

Standard network topologies such as star, tree, line and ring can be implemented
using PROFINET. That way, the specific demands of Ethernet networks can be
met in industrial environments.

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A high standard of quality is ensured through inspections conforming to
standards carried out within the PROFINET network and the certification of
PROFINET devices.

More information on PROFIBUS and PROFINET!

Much more information on PROFIBUS and PROFINET such as technical
descriptions and guidelines is available on the web site of the “PROFIBUS &
PROFINET International (PI)” umbrella organization at:

11.2.2 Cabling
A network for PROFINET IO is based on fast ETHERNET transmission at 100
Mbit/s over cooper lines or fiber optic cables in star, tree, line or ring topology.

If PROFINET fieldbus nodes have integrated switches, a network for PROFINET

IO can be set up in a linear structure.

If the connection between two field devices by integrated switches in a line

(similar to PROFIBUS) is interrupted, the field devices located after the
interruption are no longer accessible. To ensure the high availability of nodes in
an automation system, redundant communication paths should be considered
during system planning.

More information on PROFINET cabling!

A description of PROFINET cabling is available in the “PROFINET Installation
Guide”. The guide is available for download free of charge on the PROFIBUS
user organization web site:

11.2.3 PROFINET IO Device Classes

With PROFINET IO, process data is exchanged based on the provider/consumer
model. The provider gives the process data to a consumer for processing (PLC
with an application program or IO controller). The same applies in the opposite
direction (output data of the IO controller to the IO device).

The following device classes are defined for better structuring of field devices in

• IO Supervisor

• IO controller

• IO Device

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Figure 64: PROFINET Principle

• (1) Use of the IO supervisor is initially only needed temporarily at the

beginning of the configuration of the PROFINET I/O controller. The IO
supervisor (e.g. an engineering station) is typically a programming device
(PD), personal computer (PC) or Human Machine Interface (HMI) device
for commissioning or diagnostics.

• (2) The IO controller is used to configure IO devices and to exchange

process data and alarms with the IO devices. The IO controller is part of a
higher-level controller (PLC) in the PROFINET network in which the
automation program is running (compared with PROFIBUS that would be
the functionality of a class 1 master). The IO device is a remote IO device
coupled via PROFINET IO (compared with PROFIBUS, this corresponds to
the function of a slave). In a PROFINET network, there is at least one IO
controller and one or more IO devices.

• (3) The IO supervisor can carry out individual parameterization (iPar) of

specific modules on the IO devices (e.g. safety by means of WAGO SEDI)
directly. It can also take over status and control tasks for the IO devices
and be used for diagnostics of IO devices in the network.

11.2.4 Addressing
The physical MAC address of a device is used to uniquely address a PROFINET
IO field device (IO device) within a network. In addition, each switch port in a field
device is identified by a separate port MAC address, so that a 2-port field device
has a total of 3 MAC addresses.

The additional MAC addresses of the ports are only used in conjunction with
LLDP for topology determination.

With addressing to the MAC address, an IO device first receives a device name
as part of the configuration (station naming) using DCP. The IO device stores this
unique device name in non-volatile memory.

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The device name enables the IO controller to allocate the station proxy with an IP
address, subnet mask and standard gateway for establishing productive data
exchange when starting the system.

Alternatively a device name instance can predefined in the WAGO fieldbus

coupler PROFINET IO via the DIP switch.

11.2.5 PROFINET Communication Principle Data Traffic

Various types of data traffic are used for PROFINET communication.

• Cyclic real-time data traffic (RT/IRT)

In cyclic data exchange, the I/O data of the individual I/O modules
(modules/submodules) takes a proportionate share (subslots) in the
provider and consumer telegram. The I/O data is transmitted
unacknowledged between the IO controllers and associated IO devices, but
each subslot contains additional status information that provides
information on the validity of the information transferred. If cyclic message
traffic fails, connection monitoring of both devices ensures that the
established application relationship is terminated.

• Acyclic real-time data traffic (RTA)

Events such as fault conditions on I/O module peripherals, e.g.
“undervoltage” or “short circuit”, user limits exceeded or failure of the
process data connection and transferred per associated alarm between the
IO controllers and associated IO devices.

• Data cross traffic

Cyclic data transmission from one provider to several nodes is
implemented as data cross traffic. With PROFINET IO, this type of
transmission is called Multicast Communication Relation (MCR).

• Reading and writing data sets (records)

Demand data, e.g. I/O module parameterizations, device identification and
maintenance information, as well as extended channel and module
diagnostics, are transferred via the RPC protocol over the UDP channel. Communication Connection

To establish a communication link between the IO controller and an IO device,

the communication paths must be established.
They are established during system start-up by the IO controller based on the
configuration data received from the configuration software. All data exchange is
embedded in a “Application Relationship” (AR). A precisely specified relationship
(AR) is established between the IO controller and IO device. “Communication
Relationships” (AR) uniquely specify the data within the AR. Multiple ARs from
different IO controllers can be set up for one IO device.

Version 1.3.1
168 Fieldbus Communication WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Application and Communication Relationship (AR, CR)

The IO controller initiates an application relationship during system start-up. In

addition to general communication parameters, all data for device modeling is
loaded into the IO device. At the same time, the communication channels for
cyclic/acyclic data exchange (IO Data CR, Record Data CR), alarms (Alarm CR)
and multicast communication relationships (MCR) are set up.

Within an AR, communication relationships (CR) must be established for data

exchange. A unique communication channel between a consumer and provider is

11.2.6 System Start-Up

After power-on or reset, the IO controller initiates start-up of the PROFINET IO
system. From the user's perspective, the system start-up is completely

During system start-up, the IO controller uses the “connect frame” to initiate the
connection and transfers all data required to establish an AR and the required
The data contains the relevant parameterization data, as well as the sequence,
process data traffic and monitoring time for system start-up.
The transmission frequency of the cyclic IO data is determined when configuring
the I/O controller.
At the same time, the cyclic IO data, alarms, exchange of acyclic read/write
services, expected modules/submodules and possibly required cross
connections between IO devices are also determined.

With specific “write frames”, the IO controller parameterizes the configured

submodules that represent the data interface for the process.

When all parameters are loaded into the IO device, the IO controller signals
parameterization to be complete with the “DControl.req” frame
The user software then creates the final data structures and updates the
submodule status.

When all data structures have been created in the IO device and the required
tests have been performed, the IO device sends a “CControl.req” to the IO
controller to indicate readiness for productive data exchange (“Application
Ready”). From the perspective of the IO device, communication has been
With acknowledgement from the IO controller to “Application Ready”,
communication is established again from the perspective of the IO controller.

The IO device reports errors discovered during parameterization to the IO


After the first successful exchange of IO data the system start-up is complete.

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11.2.7 Data Exchange

After successful system start-up, IO controllers and associated IO devices can
exchange cyclic process data, alarms and acyclic demand data.

11.2.8 Using Configuration Software Hardware Configuration in the Configuration Software

The hardware configuration in the configuration software used is used to

configure and parameterize the hardware of an automation project.

The hardware modules are selected from an electronic catalog and assigned to
the associated slots in the fieldbus node. Channel-granular assignment is
possible using subslots.
Configuration of additional nodes is identical. Parameterization in the Configuration Software

Parameterization can begin when the hardware configuration is completed.

• Parameterization of the IO controller:

Properties such as start-up characteristics and cycle time monitoring can
be set for the IO controller. These settings are stored on the IO controller.

• Parameterization of the IO devices:

Input masks can be used to set various parameters for each module within
an IO device, i.e. for DAP and IO modules. The IO device is automatically
parameterized during system start-up of the IO controller. The IO device
can be replaced without having to parameterize the IO device again. Communication Configuration in the Configuration Software

Configuration settings for communication, settings for time-controlled cyclic and

even-driven data transmission and for the display mode of system diagnostics
can be made in the configuration software.
For the IO controller, for example, additional information can be displayed for
diagnostics, e.g. cause of an error in a user program, display of the cycle time
(longest, shortest and last cycle), display of used or free memory, options for and
utilization of communication or even display of performance data (e.g. number of
possible inputs/outputs, times, etc.).

Version 1.3.1
170 I/O Modules WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

12 I/O Modules
For modular applications with the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750, different types of I/O
modules are available

• Digital Input Modules

• Digital Output Modules

• Analog Input Modules

• Analog Output Modules

• Communication Modules, Supply and Segment Modules

• Function and Technology Modules

For detailed information on the I/O modules and the module variations, refer to
the manuals for the I/O modules.

You will find these manuals on the WAGO web pages under

More Information about the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM

Current information on the modular WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM is available in the
Internet under:

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 171
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

13 Use in Hazardous Environments

The WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750 (electrical equipment) is designed for use in Zone
2 hazardous areas and shall be used in accordance with the marking and
installation regulations.

The following sections include both the general identification of components

(devices) and the installation regulations to be observed. The individual
subsections of the “Installation Regulations” section must be taken into account if
the I/O module has the required approval or is subject to the range of application
of the ATEX directive.

Version 1.3.1
172 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

13.1 Marking Configuration Examples

13.1.1 Marking for Europe According to ATEX and IECEx

Figure 65: Marking Example According to ATEX and IECEx

Figure 66: Text Detail – Marking Example According to ATEX and IECEx

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 173
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 74: Description of Marking Example According to ATEX and IECEx
Marking Description
TUEV 07 ATEX 554086 X Approving authority resp. certificate numbers
IECEx TUN 09.0001 X
II Equipment group: All except mining
3D Category 3 (Zone 22)
Ex Explosion protection mark
tc Type of protection: Protection by enclosure
IIIC Explosion group of dust
T135°C Max. surface temperature of the enclosure
(without a dust layer)
Dc Equipment protection level (EPL)
I Equipment group: Mining
M2 Category: High level of protection
Ex Explosion protection mark
d Type of protection: Flameproof enclosure
I Explosion group for electrical equipment for
mines susceptible to firedamp
Mb Equipment protection level (EPL)
II Equipment group: All except mining
3G Category 3 (Zone 2)
Ex Explosion protection mark
nA Type of protection: Non-sparking equipment
IIC Explosion group of gas and vapours
T4 Temperature class: Max. surface temperature
135 °C
Gc Equipment protection level (EPL)

Version 1.3.1
174 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 67: Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module According to ATEX and IECEx

Figure 68: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module According to ATEX and

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 175
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 75: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module According to ATEX and
Marking Description
TUEV 12 ATEX 106032 X Approving authority resp. certificate numbers
IECEx TUN 12 0039 X
II Equipment group: All except mining
3 (1) D Category 3 (Zone 22) equipment containing a safety
device for a category 1 (Zone 20) equipment
Ex Explosion protection mark
tc Type of protection: Protection by enclosure
[ia Da] Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): Associated apparatus with intrinsic safety
circuits for use in Zone 20
IIIC Explosion group of dust
T135°C Max. surface temperature of the enclosure
(without a dust layer)
Dc Equipment protection level (EPL)
I Equipment Group: Mining
M2 (M1) Category: High level of protection with electrical
circuits which present a very high level of protection
Ex Explosion protection mark
d Type of protection: Flameproof enclosure
[ia Ma] Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): Associated apparatus with intrinsic safety
electrical circuits
I Explosion group for electrical equipment for mines
susceptible to firedamp
Mb Equipment protection level (EPL)
II Equipment group: All except mining
3 (1) G Category 3 (Zone 2) equipment containing a safety
device for a category 1 (Zone 0) equipment
Ex Explosion protection mark
ec Equipment protection by increased safety “e”
[ia Ga] Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): Associated apparatus with intrinsic safety
circuits for use in Zone 0
IIC Explosion group of gas and vapours
T4 Temperature class: Max. surface temperature
135 °C
Gc Equipment protection level (EPL)

Version 1.3.1
176 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

13.1.2 Marking for the United States of America (NEC) and Canada

Figure 69: Marking Example According to NEC

Figure 70: Text Detail – Marking Example According to NEC 500

Table 76: Description of Marking Example According to NEC 500

Marking Description
CL I Explosion protection (gas group)
DIV 2 Area of application
Grp. A B C D Explosion group (gas group)
op temp code T4 Temperature class

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 71: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module According to NEC 505

Table 77: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module According to NEC 505
Marking Description
CI I, Explosion protection group
Zn 2 Area of application
AEx Explosion protection mark
nA Type of protection
[ia Ga] Type of protection and equipment protection
level (EPL): Associated apparatus with intrinsic
safety circuits for use in Zone 20
IIC Group
T4 Temperature class
Gc Equipment protection level (EPL)

Figure 72: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module According to NEC 506

Table 78: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules According to NEC 506
Marking Description
CI I, Explosion protection group
Zn 2 Area of application
AEx Explosion protection mark
nA Type of protection
[ia IIIC] Type of protection and equipment protection
level (EPL): Associated apparatus with intrinsic
safety circuits for use in Zone 20
IIC Group
T4 Temperature class
Gc Equipment protection level (EPL)

Version 1.3.1
178 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

Figure 73: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules According to CEC 18
attachment J

Table 79: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules According to CEC 18
attachment J
Marking Description
Ex Explosion protection mark
nA Type of protection
[ia IIIC] Type of protection and equipment protection
level (EPL): Associated apparatus with intrinsic
safety circuits for use in Zone 20
IIC Group
T4 Temperature class
Gc Equipment protection level (EPL)
X Symbol used to denote specific conditions of use
Ex Explosion protection mark
nA Type of protection
[ia Ga] Type of protection and equipment protection
level (EPL): Associated apparatus with intrinsic
safety circuits for use in Zone 0
IIC Group
T4 Temperature class
Gc Equipment protection level (EPL)
X Symbol used to denote specific conditions of use

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 179
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

13.2 Installation Regulations

For the installation and operation of electrical equipment in hazardous areas, the
valid national and international rules and regulations which are applicable at the
installation location must be carefully followed.

13.2.1 Special Notes including Explosion Protection

The following warning notices are to be posted in the immediately proximity of the
WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750 (hereinafter “product”):




Before using the components, check whether the intended application is

permitted in accordance with the respective printing. Pay attention to any
changes to the printing when replacing components.

The product is an open system. As such, the product must only be installed in
appropriate enclosures or electrical operation rooms to which the following

• Can only be opened using a tool or key

• Inside pollution degree 1 or 2

• In operation, internal air temperature within the range of 0 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +55 °C

or −20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +60 °C for components with extension number …/025-xxx
or −40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +70 °C for components with extension number …/040-xxx

• Minimum degree of protection: min. IP54 (acc. to EN/IEC 60529)

• For use in Zone 2 (Gc), compliance with the applicable requirements of the
standards EN/IEC/ABNT NBR IEC 60079-0, -7, -11, -15

• For use in Zone 22 (Dc), compliance with the applicable requirements of

the standards EN/IEC/ABNT NBR IEC 60079-0, -7, -11, -15 and -31

• For use in mining (Mb), minimum degree of protection IP64 (acc. EN/IEC
60529) and adequate protection acc. EN/IEC/ABNT NBR IEC 60079-0 and

• Depending on zoning and device category, correct installation and

compliance with requirements must be assessed and certified by a “Notified
Body” (ExNB) if necessary!

Version 1.3.1
180 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Explosive atmosphere occurring simultaneously with assembly, installation or
repair work must be ruled out. Among other things, these include the following

• Insertion and removal of components

• Connecting or disconnecting from fieldbus, antenna, D-Sub, ETHERNET or

USB connections, DVI ports, memory cards, configuration and
programming interfaces in general and service interface in particular:

• Operating DIP switches, coding switches or potentiometers

• Replacing fuses

Wiring (connecting or disconnecting) of non-intrinsically safe circuits is only

permitted in the following cases

• The circuit is disconnected from the power supply.

• The area is known to be non-hazardous.

Outside the device, suitable measures must be taken so that the rated voltage is
not exceeded by more than 40 % due to transient faults (e.g., when powering the
field supply).

Product components intended for intrinsically safe applications may only be

powered by 750-606 or 750-625/000-001 bus supply modules.

Only field devices whose power supply corresponds to overvoltage category I or

II may be connected to these components.

Version 1.3.1
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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

13.2.2 Special Notes Regarding ANSI/ISA Ex

For ANSI/ISA Ex acc. to UL File E198726, the following additional requirements

• Use in Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D or non-hazardous areas only

• ETHERNET connections are used exclusively for connecting to computer

networks (LANs) and may not be connected to telephone networks or
telecommunication cables

• WARNING – The radio receiver module 750-642 may only be used to

connect to external antenna 758-910!

• WARNING – Product components with fuses must not be fitted into circuits
subject to overloads!
These include, e.g., motor circuits.

• WARNING – When installing I/O module 750-538, “Control Drawing No.

750538” in the manual must be strictly observed!

Additional Information
Proof of certification is available on request.
Also take note of the information given on the operating and assembly
The manual, containing these special conditions for safe use, must be readily
available to the user.

Version 1.3.1
182 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14 Appendix
14.1 Module and Submodule types of the I/O-Modules
14.1.1 Digital Input Modules
The module/submodule types are listed for the digital input modules and the
substitute I/O modules assigned in the tables below.
The subsequent tables for the submodule types and data lengths list the number
of data bits allocated in the respective process image for the individual
submodules (in bytes) and furnished with information (in bits).
The respective number of bytes of the telegrams in the send and receive
direction is also specified as input IODIOC (provider) and output IOCIOD

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 183
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
The group of digital input modules is divided into eight module types.

Table 80: Module types – Digital Input Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
1-Channel Digital Input Modules,
1DI, DIA 750-435
1 bit diagnostics
75x-400, 75x-401, 75x-405,
75x-406, 75x-407, 75x-410,
2DI 2-Channel Digital Input Modules
75x-411, 75x-412, 75x-416,
75x-427, 75x-429, 750-438
2-Channel Digital Input Modules, 75x-419, 75x-421, 75x-425
1 bit diagnostics per channel
2-Channel Digital Input Modules,
2DI, DIA, Ackn. 1 bit diagnostics per channel, 75x-418
1 bit diagnostics confirmation per channel
75x-402, 75x-403, 75x-408,
75x-409, 75x-414, 75x-415,
75x-422, 75x-423, 75x-424,
4DI 4-Channel Digital Input Modules 75x-428, 75x-432, 75x-433,
75x-440, 750-1420,
75x-430, 75x-431, 75x-434,
75x-436, 75x-437,
8DI 8-Channel Digital Input Modules
750-1415, 750-1416,
750-1417, 750-1418
8-Channel Digital Input Modules,
8DI, DIA, DIA DIS 1 bit diagnostics per channel, 750-439
1 bit diagnostics disabling per channel
8-Channel Digital Input Modules,
8DI, DIA, DI DIS 1 bit diagnostics per channel, 750-1425
1 bit input disabling per channel
750-1400, 750-1402, 750-1405
16DI 16-Channel Digital Input Modules
750-1406, 750-1407, 750-1408

Digital input modules receive the consumer status (IOCS) as process data
qualifiers from the IO controller and supply it with the provider status (IOPS) of
the existing input and optional diagnostic information.

Version 1.3.1
184 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 81: Submodule types and data lengths – Digital Input Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
1DI (+30 BIT I), DIA in I-PI 1 2 0 0 2 1
bit field
1DI (+14 BIT I), DIA in I-PI 2 2 0 0 3 1
bit field
1DI (+6 BIT I), DIA in I--PI 4 2 0 0 5 1
bit field
1DI (-2 BIT I), DIA in I-PI - 0 2 0 0 1 1

2DI (+6 BIT I) 1 2 0 0 2 1
bit field
2DI (+14 BIT I) 2 2 0 0 3 1
bit field
2DI (+30 BIT I) 4 2 0 0 5 1
bit field
2DI (-2 BIT I) - 0 2 0 0 1 1

2DI, DIA (+6 BIT I) 1 2 0 0 2 1
bit field
2DI, DIA (+14 BIT I) 2 2 0 0 3 1
bit field
2DI, DIA (+30 BIT I) 4 2 0 0 5 1
bit field
2DI, DIA (-2 BIT I) - 0 2 0 0 1 1
2DI (+4 BIT I), DIA in I-PI 1 4 0 0 2 1
bit field
2DI (+12 BIT I), DIA in I-PI 2 4 0 0 3 1
bit field
2DI (+28 BIT I), DIA in I-PI 4 4 0 0 5 1
bit field
2DI (-4 BIT I), DIA in I-PI - 0 4 0 0 1 1

2DI, DIA, Ackn.

2DI (+6 BIT I/O), DIA, OctetString[1],
1 2 1 2 3 3
Ackn. bit field
2DI (+14 BIT I/O), DIA, OctetString[2],
2 2 2 2 4 4
Ackn. bit field
2DI (+30 BIT I/O), DIA, OctetString[4],
4 2 4 2 6 6
Ackn. bit field
2DI (-2 BIT I/O), DIA,
- 0 2 0 2 1 1
2DI (+4 BIT I, +6 Bit A), OctetString[1],
1 4 1 2 3 3
DIA in I-PI, Ackn. bit field
2DI (+12 BIT I, +14 BIT O), OctetString[2],
2 4 2 2 4 4
DIA in I-PI, Ackn. bit field
2DI (-4 BIT I, -2 BIT O), OctetString[4],
4 4 4 2 6 6
DIA in I-PI, Ackn. bit field

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 185
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 81: Submodule types and data lengths – Digital Input Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
4DI (+4 BIT I) 1 4 0 0 2 1
bit field
4DI (+12 BIT I) 2 4 0 0 3 1
bit field
4DI (+28 BIT I) 4 4 0 0 5 1
bit field
4DI (-4 BIT I) - 0 4 0 0 1 1

8DI 1 8 0 0 2 1
bit field
8DI (+8 BIT I) 2 8 0 0 3 1
bit field
8DI (+24 BIT I) 4 8 0 0 5 1
bit field
8DI (-8 BIT I) - 0 8 0 0 1 1


8DI, DIA, DIA DIS 1 8 0 0 3 3
bit field
8DI (+8 BIT I/O), DIA, DIA OctetString[2],
2 8 1 0 4 4
DIS bit field
8DI (+24 BIT I/O), DIA, DIA OctetString[4],
4 8 4 8 6 6
DIS bit field
8DI (-8 BIT I/O), DIA, DIA
- 0 8 0 8 1 1
8DI (+8 BIT O), DIA in I-PI, OctetString[2],
2 16 1 8 4 4
DIA DIS bit field
8DI (+16 BIT I,
+24 BIT O), DIA in I-PI, DIA 4 16 4 8 6 6
bit field
8DI (-16 BIT I, -8 BIT O),
- 0 16 0 8 1 1


8DI, DIA, DI DIS 1 8 0 0 3 3
8DI (+8 BIT I/O), DIA, DI OctetString[2],
2 8 1 0 4 4
DIS Bitfeld
8DI (+24 BIT I/O), DIA, DI OctetString[4],
4 8 4 8 6 6
DIS Bitfeld
8DI (-8 BIT I/O), DIA, DI
- 0 8 0 8 1 1
8DI (+8 BIT O), DIA in I-PI, OctetString[2],
2 16 1 8 4 4
DI DIS Bitfeld
(+16 BIT I, +24 BIT O), DIA 4 16 4 8 6 6
(-16 BIT I, -8 BIT O), DIA in - 0 16 0 8 1 1

Version 1.3.1
186 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 81: Submodule types and data lengths – Digital Input Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output

16DI 2 16 0 0 3 1
bit field
16DI (+16 BIT I) 4 16 0 0 5 1
bit field
16DI (-16 BIT I) - 0 16 0 0 1 1

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 187
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.1.2 Digital Output Modules

The module/submodule types are listed for the digital output modules and the
substitute I/O modules assigned in the tables below.
The subsequent tables for the submodule types and data lengths list the number
of data bits allocated in the respective process image for the individual
submodules (in bytes) and furnished with information (in bits).
The respective number of bytes of the telegrams in the send and receive
direction is also specified as input IODIOC (provider) and output IOCIOD

The group of digital output modules is divided into eight module types.

Table 82: Module types – Digital Output Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
75x-501, 75x-502, 75x-509,
2DO 2-Channel Digital Output Modules 75x-512, 75x-513, 75x-514,
75x-517, 750-535, 750-538
2 (1)-Channel Digital Output Modules, 75x-507, 75x-508, 75x-522,
1 bit diagnostics per signal channel 750-523 (1 DO)
2-Channel Digital Output Modules, 75x-506
2 bits diagnostics per signal channel
75x-504, 75x-515, 75x-516,
4DO 4-Channel Digital Output Modules
75x-519, 75x-531, 75x-540
4-Channel Digital Output Modules, 75x-532, 750-539
1 bit diagnostics per signal channel
75x-530, 75x-534, 75x-536,
8DO 8-Channel Digital Output Modules
750-1515, 750-1516
8-Channel Digital Output Modules, 75x-537
1 bit diagnostics per signal channel
750-1500, 750-1501, 750-1504,
16DO 16-Channel Digital Output Modules

Digital output modules without diagnostics information in the input process image
receive the provider status (IOPS) from the IO controller and supply it with the
consumer status (IOC) of the existing output information.
The process data qualifiers are also transmitted in the opposite direction should
the diagnostics of the respective modules appear in the process image of the
inputs of the IO controller.

Version 1.3.1
188 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 83: Submodule types and data lenghts – Digital Output Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
2DO (+6 BIT O) 0 0 1 2 1 2
bit field
2DO (+14 BIT O) 0 0 2 2 1 3
bit field
2DO (+30 BIT O) 0 0 4 2 1 5
bit field
2DO (-2 BIT O) - 0 0 0 2 1 1
2DO, PE 0 0 1 8 1 2
bit field

2DO, DIA (75x-506, 75x-507, 75x-508)

2DO (+6 BIT O), DIA 0 0 1 2 1 2
bit field
2DO (+14 BIT O) , DIA 0 0 2 2 1 3
bit field
2DO (+30 BIT O) , DIA 0 0 4 2 1 5
bit field
2DO (-2 BIT O) , DIA - 0 0 0 2 1 1
2DO, DIA, PE 0 0 1 8 1 2
bit field
2DO (+6 BIT I/O), OctetString[1],
1 2 1 2 3 3
DIA in I-PI bit field
2DO (+14 BIT I/O) OctetString[2],
2 2 2 2 4 4
DIA in I-PI bit field
2DO (+30 BIT I/O) OctetString[4],
4 2 4 2 6 6
DIA in I-PI bit field
2DO (-2 BIT I/O)
- 0 2 0 2 1 1
2DO, DIA in I-PI, PE 1 8 1 8 3 3
bit field

2DO, DIA (75x-506) additionally

(+6 BIT O, +4 BIT I), 1 4 1 2 3 3
bit field
(+14 BIT O, +12 BIT I), 2 4 2 2 4 4
bit field
(+30 BIT O, +28 BIT I), 4 4 4 2 6 6
bit field
(-2 BIT O, -4 BIT I), - 0 4 0 2 1 1

4DO (+4 BIT O) 0 0 1 4 1 2
bit field
4DO (+12 BIT O) 0 0 2 4 1 3
bit field

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Table 83: Submodule types and data lenghts – Digital Output Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
4DO (+28 BIT O) 0 0 4 4 1 5
bit field
4DO (-4 BIT O) - 0 0 0 4 1 1
4DO, PE 0 0 1 8 1 2
bit field

4DO, DIA (75x-532, 750-539)

4DO (+4 BIT O), DIA 0 0 1 4 1 2
bit field
4DO (+12 BIT O), DIA 0 0 2 4 1 3
bit field
4DO (+28 BIT O), DIA 0 0 4 4 1 5
bit field
4DO (-4 BIT O), DIA - 0 0 0 4 1 1
4DO, DIA, PE 0 0 1 8 1 2
bit field
4DO (+4 BIT I/O), OctetString[1],
4 4 1 4 3 3
DIA in I-PI bit field
4DO (+12 BIT I/O), OctetString[2],
2 4 2 4 4 4
DIA in I-PI bit field
4DO (+28 BIT I/O), OctetString[4],
4 4 4 4 6 6
DIA in I-PI bit field
4DO (-4 BIT I/O),
- 0 4 0 4 1 1
4DO, DIA in I-PI, PE 1 8 1 8 3 3
bit field

8DO 0 0 1 8 1 2
bit field
8DO (+ OctetString[2],
0 0 2 8 1 3
8 BIT O) bit field
8DO (+24 BIT O) 0 0 4 8 1 5
bit field
8DO (-8 BIT O) - 0 0 0 8 1 1
8DO, PE 0 0 1 8 1 2
bit field

8DO, DIA 0 0 1 8 1 2
bit field
8DO (+8 BIT O), DIA 0 0 2 8 1 3
bit field
8DO (+24 BIT O), DIA 0 0 4 8 1 5
bit field
8DO (-8 BIT O), DIA - 0 0 0 8 1 1
8DO, DIA, PE 0 0 1 8 1 2
bit field
8DO, DIA in I-PI 1 8 1 8 3 3
bit field

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190 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 83: Submodule types and data lenghts – Digital Output Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
8DO (+8 BIT I/O), DIA in I- OctetString[2],
2 8 2 8 4 4
PI bit field
8DO (+24 BIT I/O), DIA in I- OctetString[4],
4 8 4 8 6 6
PI bit field
8DO (-8 BIT I/O), DIA in I-
- 0 8 0 8 1 1
8DO, DIA in I-PI, PE 1 8 1 8 3 3
bit field

16DO 0 0 2 16 1 3
bit field
16DO (+16 BIT O) 0 0 4 16 1 5
bit field
16DO (-16 BIT O) - 0 0 0 16 1 1
16DO, PE 0 0 2 16 1 3
bit field

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14.1.3 Digital Input/Output Modules

The module/submodule types are listed for the digital input/output modules and
the substitute I/O modules assigned in the tables below.
The subsequent tables for the submodule types and data lengths list the number
of data bits allocated in the respective process image for the individual
submodules (in bytes) and furnished with information (in bits).
The respective number of bytes of the telegrams in the send and receive
direction is also specified as input IODIOC (provider) and output IOCIOD

There is one module type for the digital input / output modules.

Table 84: Module types – Digital Input/Output Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
8DIO 8-Channel Digital Input/Output Modules 750-1502, 750-1506

Digital input/output modules receive the provider status (IOPS) of the available
output information as well as the consumer status (IOCS) of the received input
information from the IO controller. They provide the IO controller with the
consumer status (IOCS) of the received output information as well as the provider
status (IOPS) of the available input information.

Table 85: Submodule types and data lengths – Digital Input/Output Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
8DIO 1 8 1 8 3 3
bit field
8DIO (+8 BIT I/O) 2 8 2 8 4 4
bit field
8DIO (+24 BIT I/O) 4 8 4 8 6 6
bit field
8DIO (-8 BIT I/O) - 0 8 0 8 1 1
8DIO, PE 1 8 1 8 3 3
bit field

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192 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.1.4 Analog Input Modules

The module/submodule types are listed for the analog input modules and the
substitute I/O modules assigned in the tables below.

The subsequent tables for the submodule types and data lengths list the number
of data bytes provided in the respective process image for the individual
submodules. The respective number of bytes of the telegrams in the send and
receive direction is also specified as input IODIOC (provider) and output
IOCIOD (consumer).

The group of analog input modules is divided into three module types, which are
divided into five submodule types.

Table 86: Module types – Analog Input Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
2AI 2-Channel Analog Input Modules, 75x-452, 75x-454, 75x-456,
16 bits input data per signal channel 75x-461, 75x-462, 75x-464,
75x-465, 75x-466, 75x-467,
75x-469, 75x-470, 75x-472,
75x-473, 75x-474, 75x-475,
75x-476, 75x-477, 75x-478,
75x-479, 75x-480, 750-481,
75x-483, 750-484, 750-485,
750-487, 75x-491, 75x-492,
plus all variations
3AI 3-Channel Analog Input Modules, 75x-493,
16 bits input and output data plus control byte plus all variations
and status byte per signal channel, access to the
register structure via cyclic data exchange
4AI 750-450, 75x-453, 75x-455,
75x-457, 75x-459, 75x-460,
4-Channel Analog Input Modules,
75x-463, 75x-464, 75x-468,
16 bits input data per signal channel
75x-471, 750-486,
plus all variations
8AI 750-451, 750-458, 750-496,
8-Channel Analog Input Modules,
16 bits input data per signal channel
plus all variations
3PMM 3-Phase Power Measurement Module, 75x-494, 75x-495
16/32 bits data composition plus all variations

Analog input modules receive the consumer status (IOCS) from the I/O controller
and supply it with the provider status (IOPS) of the existing input information if
only the actual user data is replaced. If all existing information is available in the
process image of the inputs and outputs, the process data qualifiers are also
transmitted in the opposite direction.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 87: Submodule types and data lengths – Analog Input Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
2AI, INT16[2] I Integer16 4 0 5 1
2AI, {UINT8, INT16}[2] I/O 6 6 8 8
2AI HART (from FW 03)
2[AI +1HV], {Integer16,
12 0 13 1
{INT16, FLOAT32}[2] I Float32}
2[AI +2HV], {Integer16,
20 0 21 1
{INT16, FLOAT32[2]}[2] I Float32[2]}
2[AI +3HV], {Integer16,
28 0 29 1
{INT16, FLOAT32[3]}[2] I Float32[3]}
2[AI +4V], {Integer16,
36 0 37 1
{INT16, FLOAT32[4]}[2] I Float32[4]}
Unsigned8, 12 12 14 14
INT16}[3] I/O
4AI, INT16[4] I Integer16 8 0 9 1
{UINT8, INT16}[4] I/O 12 12 14 14
8AI, INT16[8] I Integer16 16 0 17 1
{UINT8, INT16}[8] I/O 24 24 26 26
3PPM, {UINT8, INT8[23]}
Unsigned8[23] 24 24 26 26

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194 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.1.5 Analog Output Modules

The module/submodule types are listed for the analog output modules and the
substitute I/O modules assigned in the tables below.
The subsequent tables for the submodule types and data lengths list the number
of data bytes provided in the respective process image for the individual
submodules. The respective number of bytes of the telegrams in the send and
receive direction is also specified as input IODIOC (provider) and output
IOCIOD (consumer).

The group of analog output modules has two module types divided into four
submodule types.

Table 88: Module types – Analog Output Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
2AO 2-Channel Analog Output Modules, 75x-550, 75x-552, 75x-554,
16 bits output data per signal channel 75x-556, 75x-560, 75x-562,
75x-563, 750-585, 750-586,
plus all variations
4AO 4-Channel Analog Output Modules, 75x-553, 75x-555, 75x-557,
16 bits output data per signal channel 75x-559,
plus all variations
8AO 8-Channel-Analog Output Modules,
16 bits output data per signal channel

Analog output modules receive the provider status (IOPS) from the I/O controller
and supply it with the consumer status (IOCS) of the existing output information if
only the actual user data is replaced. If all existing information is available in the
process image of the inputs and outputs, the process data qualifiers are also
transmitted in the opposite direction.

Table 89: Submodule types and data lengths – Analog Output Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
2AO, INT16[2] O Integer16 0 4 1 5
2AO, {UINT8, INT16}[2] {Unsigned8,
6 6 8 8
I/O Integer16}
4AO, INT16[4] O Integer16 0 8 1 9
4AO, {UINT8, INT16}[4] {Unsigned8,
12 12 14 14
I/O Integer16}
8AO, INT16[8] O Integer16 0 16 1 17
8AO, {UINT8, INT16}[8] {Unsigned8,
24 24 26 26
I/O Integer16}

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.1.6 Specialty Modules

The module/submodule types are listed for the special-purpose modules and the
substitute I/O modules assigned in the tables below.

The subsequent tables for the submodule types and data lengths list the number
of data bytes provided in the respective process image for the individual
submodules. The respective number of bytes of the telegrams in the send and
receive direction is also specified as input IODIOC (provider) and output
IOCIOD (consumer). Up/Down Counter

The group of up/down counters has two module types divided into three
submodule types.

Table 90: Module types – Up/Down Counter

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
1(2)CNT 1(2)-Channel Up/Down Counter, 75x-404, 75x-633,
32(16) bits input and output data plus plus all variations
control byte and status byte per signal
channel, Access to the register structure
via cyclic data exchange
2- Channel Up/Down Counter,
16 bits input and output data plus control
2CNT byte and status byte per signal channel, 75x-638
Access to the register structure via cyclic
data exchange

For up/down counters, provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of the input
or output information are exchanged between the IO controller and IO device in
both directions.

Table 91: Submodule types and data lengths – Up/Down Counter

Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
1(2)CNT, {UINT8, UINT8, {Unsigned8,
UINT32} I/O Unsigned8, 6 6 8 8
2CNT, {UINT8, UINT8, {Unsigned8,
UINT16[2]} I/O Unsigned8, 6 6 8 8
2CNT, {UINT8, UINT16}[2] {Unsigned8,
6 6 8 8
I/O Unsigned16}

Version 1.3.1
196 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler 2-Channel Pulse Width Modules

The group of 2-channel pulse width output module has one module type divided
into two submodule types.

Table 92: Module types – 2-Channel Pulse Width Output Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
2PWM 2-Channel Pulse Width Output Modules, 75x-511,
16 bits output data per signal channel plus all variations

Pulse width output modules receive the provider status (IOPS) from the IO
controller and supply it with the consumer status (IOCS) of the received output
information in case only the actual user data is exchanged. If all existing
information is available in the process image of the inputs and outputs, the
process data qualifiers are also transmitted in the opposite direction.

Table 93: Submodule types and data lengths – 2-Channel Pulse Width Output Module
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
2PWM, INT16[2] O Integer16 0 4 1 5
2PWM, {UINT8, INT16}[2] {Unsigned8,
6 6 8 8
I/O Unsigned16} Distance and Angle Measurement Modules

The group of distance and angle measurement modules includes three module

Table 94: Module types – Distance and Angle Measurement Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
1SSI SSI Transmitter Interface, 75x-630,
32 bits input data plus all variations
Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
1ENC Incremental Encoder Interface, 75x-631, 75x-634, 75x-637,
32 bits input and output data plus control byte plus all variations
and status byte per signal channel, access to
the register structure via cyclic data exchange
Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
1DII Digital Impulse Interface, 75x-635
24 bits input and output data plus control byte
and status byte per signal channel, access to
the register structure via cyclic data exchange

For the distance and angle measurement modules, the provider and consumer
status (IOPS, IOCS) of the input or output information are exchanged between
the IO controller and IO device in both directions. With the SSI interface 75x-630,
there is also an option to transmit the input data of the transmitter only. In this
case, the IO device only receives the consumer status (IOCS) from the IO
controller and supplies it with the provider status (IOPS) of the available input
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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 95: Submodule types and data lengths – Distance and Angle Measurement Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
1SSI, UINT32 I Unsigned32 4 0 5 1
Unsigned8, 6 6 8 8
1ENC, {UINT8, INT16} I/O 6 6 8 8
1DII, {UINT8, UINT8[3]} I/O 4 4 6 6
Unsigned8[3]} Serial Interfaces

The group of serial interfaces has two module types divided into seven
submodule types.

Table 96: Modultypen – Serial Interfaces

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
1SER Serial Interfaces 75x-650, 75x-651, 75x-653, 75x-
plus all variations
Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
DXCH Data Exchance Modules 75x-654

For the serial interfaces, the provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of the
input or output information are exchanged between the IO controller and IO
device in both directions.

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198 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 97: Submodule types and data lengths – Serial Interfaces
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
1SER, {UINT8, UINT8[3]} {Unsigned8,
4 4 6 6
I/O Unsigned8[3]}
1SER, {UINT8, UINT8[5]} {Unsigned8,
6 6 8 8
I/O Unsigned8[5]}
Unsigned8, 8 8 10 10
UINT8[6]} I/O
Unsigned8, 24 24 26 26
UINT8[22]} I/O
Unsigned8, 48 48 50 50
UINT8[46]} I/O
DXCH, {UINT8, UINT8[3]} {Unsigned8,
4 4 6 6
I/O Unsigned8[3]}
DXCH, {UINT8, UINT8[5]} {Unsigned8,
6 6 8 8
I/O Unsigned8[5]} DC-Drive Controller

The group of DC drive controllers has one module and one submodule type.

Table 98: Module types – DC-Drive Controller

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
DC-Drive DC-Drive Controller
plus all variations

For the DC drive controller, the provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of
the input or output information are exchanged between the IO controller and IO
device in both directions.

Table 99: Submodule types and data lengths – DC-Drive Controller

Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
DC-Drive, {Unsigned8,
6 6 8 8
{UINT8, UINT8[5]} I/O Unsigned8[5]} RTC Module

The group of RTC modules has one module and one submodule type.

Table 100: Module types – RTC Module

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
RTC RTC Module 75x-640

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
For the RTC module, the provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of the input
or output information are exchanged between the IO controller and IO device in
both directions.

Table 101: Submodule types and data lengths – RTC Module

Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
RTC, {UINT8, UINT8[5]} {Unsigned8,
6 6 8 8
I/O Unsigned8[5]} DALI/DSI Master and DALI Multi-Master Modules

The group of DALI master modules has two module and submodule types.

Table 102: Module types – DALI/DSI Master and DALI Multi-Master Modules
Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
DALI/DSI DALI/DSI Master Modules 75x-641
DALI DALI Multi-Master Modules 75x-647

For the DALI/DSI master module and the DALI multi-master module, the provider
and consumer status (IOPC, IOCS) are exchanged between the IO controller and
IO device in both directions.

Table 103: Submodule types and data lengths – DALI/DSI Master and DALI Multi-Master Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
DALI/DSI, {Unsigned8,
6 6 8 8
{UINT8, UINT8[5]} I/O Unsigned8[5]}
DALI, {UINT8, UINT8[23]} {Unsigned8,
24 24 26 26
I/O Unsigned8[23]} AS-Interface Master Modules

The group of AS-Interface Masters has one module type divided into six
submodule types.

Table 104: Module types – AS-Interface Master Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
ASi-Master AS-Interface-Master 75x-655

With the AS-Interface Master, the provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of
the input or output information are exchanged between the IO controller and IO
device in both directions.

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200 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 105: Submodule types and data lengths – AS-Interface Master Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
Unsigned8, 6 6 8 8
UINT8[10]} I/O
Unsigned8, 20 20 22 22
UINT8[18]} I/O

ASi-M, {UINT8, UINT8, {Unsigned8,

Unsigned8, 24 24 26 26
UINT8[22]} I/O

ASi-M, {UINT8, UINT8, {Unsigned8,

Unsigned8, 32 32 34 34
UINT8[30]} I/O

ASi-M, {UINT8, UINT8, {Unsigned8,

Unsigned8, 40 40 42 42
UINT8[38]} I/O

ASi-M, {UINT8, UINT8, {Unsigned8,

Unsigned8, 48 48 50 50
UINT8[46]} I/O
Unsigned8[46]} RF Modules

The group of radio receiver I/O modules has two module types divided into four
submodule types.

Table 106: Module types – RF Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
RF-RCV EnOcean RF-Receiver EnOcean 75x-642
Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
Bluetooth Bluetooth® RF-Transceiver 750-644

For the radio modules, the provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of the
input or output information are exchanged between the IO controller and IO
device in both directions.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 107: Submodule types and data lengths – RF Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
RF-RCV EnOcean
ENOCEAN, {Unsigned8,
4 4 6 6
{UINT8, UINT8[3]} I/O Unsigned8[3]}
BT, {UINT8[2], UINT8[10]} {Unsigned8 [2],
12 12 14 14
I/O Unsigned8[6]}
BT, {UINT8[2], UINT8[22]} {Unsigned8[2],
24 24 26 26
I/O Unsigned8[22]}
BT, {UINT8[2], UINT8[46]} {Unsigned8[2],
48 48 50 50
I/O Unsigned8[46]} MP-Bus Master Modules

The MP-Bus Master module has one module and one submodule type.

Table 108: Module types – MP-Bus Master Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
MP-Bus Master MP-Bus Master Modules 75x-643

For the MP-Bus Master modules, the provider and consumer status (IOPS,
IOCS) of the input or output information are exchanged between the IO controller
and IO device in both directions.

Table 109: Submodule types and data lengths – MP-Bus Master Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
MP-Bus Master
MP-BUS-M, {Unsigned8[2],
8 8 10 10
{UINT8[2], UINT8[6]} I/O Unsigned8[6]}

Version 1.3.1
202 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Vibration Monitoring

The group for vibration monitoring has one module and one submodule type.

Table 110: Module types – Vibration Monitoring

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
2-Channel Vibration Velocity / Bearing
VIB I/O 75x-645
Condition Monitoring VIB I/O

For the 2-channel vibration velocity/bearing condition monitoring VIB I/Os, the
provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of the input or output information are
exchanged between the IO controller and IO device in both directions.

Table 111: Submodule types and data lengths – Vibration Monitoring

Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
VIB-IO, {UINT8, UINT16 Unsigned16
12 12 14 14
UINT8, UINT8}[2] I/O Unsigned8,
Unsigned8[2]} F I/O Modules

The group of F I/O modules has one module and one submodule type.

Table 112: Module types – F I/O modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
4FDI iPar
8FDI iPar 75x-662/000-003
F I/O modules iPar
4FDI/2FDO iPar 75x-666/000-003
4FDI/4FDO iPar 75x-667/000-003
4FDI/4FRO iPar 750-669/000-003

For the F I/O modules, the provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of the
input or output information are exchanged between the IO controller and IO
device in both directions.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 113: Submodule types and data lengths – F I/O modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
PROFIsafe V2
4FDI iPar, {Unsigned8,
5 5 7 7
{UINT8, UINT8[4]} I/O Unsigned8[4]}
8FDI iPar, {Unsigned8,
5 5 7 7
{UINT8, UINT8[4]} I/O Unsigned8[4]}
4FDI/2FDO iPar, {Unsigned8,
5 5 7 7
{UINT8, UINT8[4]} I/O Unsigned8[4]}
4FDI/4FDO iPar, {Unsigned8,
5 5 7 7
{UINT8, UINT8[4]} I/O Unsigned8[4]}
4FDI/4FRO iPar, {Unsigned8,
5 5 7 7
{UINT8, UINT8[4]} I/O Unsigned8[4]}

Version 1.3.1
204 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Stepper Modules

The group of stepper controllers has one module and one submodule type.

Table 114: Module types – Stepper Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
Stepper, Servo Steppercontroller, Stepperservo

For the stepper controllers, the provider and consumer status (IOPS, IOCS) of
the input or output information are exchanged between the IO controller and IO
device in both directions.

Table 115: Submodule types and data lengths – Stepper Modules

Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
Stepper, Servo
STEPPER, {Unsigned8[2],
{UINT8, UINT8, Unsigned8[7]}U 12 12 14 14
UINT8[10]}I/O nsigned8[3]} I/O-Link Master (from FW 03)

Starting from FW 03, the I/O-Link Master modules 75x-657 are supported.

Additional information about process data of I/O module!

For a detailed description of the process data of this module, please read in the
manual for this I/O module under: CAN Gateway (from FW 03)

Starting from FW 03, the CAN Gateway modules 75x-658 are supported.

Additional information about process data of I/O module!

For a detailed description of the process data of this module, please read in the
manual for this I/O module under:

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 205
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Proportional Valve Module (from FW 03)

Starting from FW 03, the Proportional Valve Modules 75x-632 are supported.

Additional information about process data of I/O module!

For a detailed description of the process data of this module, please read in the
manual for this I/O module under: SMI Master Module (from FW 06)

Starting from FW 06, the SMI Master Modules 75x-1630 and 75x-1631 are

Additional information about process data of I/O module!

For a detailed description of the process data of this module, please read in the
manual for this I/O module under: M-Bus Master Module (from FW 06)

Starting from FW 06, the M-Bus Master Modules 753-649 are supported.

Additional information about process data of I/O module!

For a detailed description of the process data of this module, please read in the
manual for this I/O module under:

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206 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
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14.1.7 System Modules Power Supply Modules

The group of power supply modules has one module type divided into four
submodule types.

Table 116: Module types – Power Supply Modules

Module type Description Substitute I/O modules
Power Supply Modules
Supply 750-610,
with 2 bits diagnostics

Power supply modules supply a provider status (IOPS) to the IO controller.

If the diagnostic data is available in the process image of the inputs, the power
supply modules receive the consumer status (IOCS) from the IO controller as
process qualifiers for the diagnostic data.

Table 117: Submodule types and data lengths– Power Supply Modules
Process data length [byte]/ Telegram
PNIO module type
allocation [bit] allocation [byte]
PNIO submodule type Data type Input (I-PI) Output (O-PI) Input Output
Supply, DIA - 0 0 0 0 1 1
Supply, OctetString[1],
1 2 0 0 1 1
DIA in I-PI (+6 BIT I) bit field
Supply, OctetString[2],
2 2 0 0 2 1
DIA in I-PI (+14 BIT I) bit field
Supply, OctetString[4],
4 2 0 0 3 1
DIA in I-PI (+30 BIT I) bit field

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14.2 Parameters of the I/O Modules

The following subchapters list the individual attribute values and descriptions for
parameterization of the various I/O modules. The default attribute values are
highlighted in "bold".

14.2.1 Digital Input Modules (DI)

All digital input modules that do not supply any diagnostic information do not
receive a parameter data set from the IO controller.

However, digital input modules with diagnostics capability receive a parameter

data set in the form of a record write request to the data set number or index
0x4000 or 16384.

This data set receives the following attributes channel-by-channel.

Table 118: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for Digital Input Modules with Diagnostics
Attributes for Digital Input Modules with Diagnostics (DI, DIA)
- Channel diagnosis
- Diagnosis: External fault
- Invert logic level

Table 119: Parameterization DI, DIA – Attributes "Channel diagnosis"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Any errors that may occur on the respective signal
channel do not cause transmission of a diagnostic
0 (false)
alarm nor entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.
Channel diagnosis Any errors that may occur on the respective signal
channel and the error type explicitly released entail
1 (true) transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The respective
error leads to an entry in the diagnostics database
of the station proxy.

Table 120: Parameterization DI, DIA – Attributes "Diagnosis: External fault"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An external error on the respective signal channel
does not cause transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: External
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) external error leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

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Table 121: Parameterization DI, DIA – Attributes „Invert logic level“
Attributname Attributwert Beschreibung
The corresponding digital input information is not
0 (false)
invert transmitted to the IO controller.
Invert logic level
The corresponding digital input information is invert
1 (true)
transmitted to the IO controller.

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14.2.2 Digital Output Modules (DO)

All digital output modules receive a parameter data set from the IO controller in
the form of a record write request.

For standard modules, the parameter data set is sent to the data set number or
index 0x4000 or 16384.

This data set receives the following attributes.

Table 122: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for Digital Output Modules (DO)
Attributes for Digital Output Modules (DO)
- Substitute value behavior
- Substitute value (1 Byte)

Table 123: Parameterization DO – Attributes "Substitute value behavior"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
If an established AR is disconnected to which the
submodule is assigned or when the status of the
"Provider State Flag" changes in the APDU status
of the consumer telegram from "RUN" to "STOP",
according to device
the parameterized substitute value behavior of the
station proxy is applied for the duration of missing
output data. The parameterized substitute value of
the respective output channel has no meaning in
this context.
If an established AR is disconnected to which the
submodule is assigned or when the status of the
"Provider State Flag" changes in the APDU status
Substitute value
of the consumer telegram from "RUN" to "STOP",
keep last valid value the last valid status of the respective output channel
is retained for the duration of the missing output
data. The parameterized substitute value of the
respective output channel has no meaning in this
If an established AR is disconnected to which the
submodule is assigned or when the status of the
"Provider State Flag" changes in the APDU status
set substitute value of the consumer telegram from "RUN" to "STOP",
the parameterized substitute value of the respective
output channel is output for the duration of the
missing output data.

Table 124: Parameterization DO – Attribute "Substitute value (1 Byte)"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
In the state of missing output data, status '0' is
0 (false) output on the respective output channel with the set
Substitute value substitute value behavior "Output substitute value".
(1 Byte) In the state of missing output data, status '1' is
1 (true) output on the respective output channel with the set
substitute value behavior "Output substitute value".

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14.2.3 Digital Output Modules with Diagnostics (DO, DIA)

If the digital output module provides diagnostic data, the following attributes can
also be set channel-by-channel during parameterization.

Table 125: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for Digital Output Modules with
Diagnostics (DO, DIA)
Additional Attributes for Digital Output Modules with Diagnostics (DO, DIA)
- Channel diagnosis
- Diagnosis: External fault
- Diagnosis: Short circuit
- Diagnosis: Line break
- Diagnosis: Undervoltage

Table 126: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Channel diagnosis"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Any errors that may occur on the respective signal
channel do not cause transmission of a diagnostic
0 (false)
alarm nor entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.
Channel diagnosis Any errors that may occur on the respective signal
channel and the error type explicitly released entail
1 (true) transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The respective
error leads to an entry in the diagnostics database
of the station proxy.

Table 127: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An external error on the respective signal channel
does not cause transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: External
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) external error leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

Table 128: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Short circuit"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A short circuit on the respective signal channel
does not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor to entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.
Diagnosis: Short circuit Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, a
1 (true) short circuit leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

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Table 129: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Line break"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A line break on the respective signal channel does
not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor to
0 (false)
entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: Line break Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, a line
1 (true) break leads to transmission of a diagnostic alarm
and entry in the diagnostics database of the station

Table 130: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Undervoltage"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An undervoltage on the respective signal channel
does not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor to entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) undervoltage leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

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14.2.4 PROFIenergy Submodules (DO, PE)

When configuring PROFIenergy submodules, an additional parameter data set is
sent to the data se number or index 0x5000 or 20480.

Regarding the PROFIenergy properties, the following attributes can also be

specified during parameterization.

Table 131: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for PROFIenergy Submodules (DO,
Additional Attributes for PROFIenergy Submodules (DO, PE)
- Minimal pause time
- Pause output state

Table 132: Parameterization DO, PE – Attribute "Minimal pause time"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
10 s Pauses requested by the PROFIenergy profile are
1 min only introduced during pause times greater than or
10 min equal to the setting made. If a PROFIenergy
submodule has been configured from the station
Minimal pause time 1h
proxy, the setting made here for the respective
10 h output module has no meaning.

Table 133: Parameterization DO, PE – Attribute "Pause output state"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
If the requested pause time of the PROFIenergy
"Start_Pause" command is greater than or equal to
0 (false)
the parameterized "Minimum pause time", the
respective output channel outputs status '0'.
Pause output state
If the requested pause time of the PROFIenergy
"Start_Pause" command is greater than or equal to
1 (true)
the parameterized "Minimum pause time", the
respective output channel outputs status '1'.

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14.2.5 Analog Input Modules

All analog output modules receive a parameter data set in the form of a record
write request to the data set number or index 0x4000 or 16384.

This data set receives the following attributes that can be set during
parameterization depending on the I/O module type (item number).

Table 134: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for Analog Input Modules (AI)
Attributes for Analog Input Modules (AI)
- Channel diagnosis
- Diagnosis: External fault
- Diagnosis: Measuring range overflow
- Diagnosis: Measuring range underflow
- Diagnosis: Short circuit
- Diagnosis: Line break
- Diagnosis: Overload
- Diagnosis: Lower user limit value exceeded
- Diagnosis: Upper user limit value exceeded
- Lower user limit value
- Upper user limit value

Table 135: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Channel diagnosis"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An error on the respective signal channel does not
0 (false) lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor entry
in the diagnostics database of the station proxy.
Channel diagnosis An error on the respective signal channel leads to
transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The respective
1 (true)
error leads to an entry in the diagnostics database
of the station proxy.

Table 136: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An external error on the respective signal channel
does not cause transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: External
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) external error leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

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Table 137: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Measuring range overflow"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An overrange on the respective signal channel
does not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: Measuring
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
range overflow
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) overrange leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

Table 138: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Measuring range underflow"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An overrange on the respective signal channel
does not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: Measuring
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
range underflow
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) undershoot leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

Table 139: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Short circuit"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A short circuit on the respective signal channel
does not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor to entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.
Diagnosis: Short circuit Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, a
1 (true) short circuit leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

Table 140: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Line break"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A line break on the respective signal channel does
not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor to
0 (false)
entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: Line break Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, a line
1 (true) break leads to transmission of a diagnostic alarm
and entry in the diagnostics database of the station

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Table 141: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Overload"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An overload on the respective signal channel does
not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor to
0 (false)
entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: Overload Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) overload leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

Table 142: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Lower limit value exceeded"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Falling below the lower user limit on the respective
signal channel does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false)
process alarm. The lower user limit is set in another
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
Diagnosis: Lower user
respective signal channel has been activated,
limit value exceeded
falling below the lower user limit leads to
1 (true) transmission of a process alarm. No entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy is not
made. The lower user limit is set in another

Table 143: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Upper limit value exceeded"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Exceeding the upper use limit on the respective
signal channel does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false)
process alarm. The upper user limit is set in
another attribute.
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
Diagnosis: Upper user
respective signal channel has been activated,
limit value exceeded
exceeding the upper user limit leads to
1 (true) transmission of a process alarm. No entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy is not
made. The upper user limit is set in another

Table 144: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Lower user limit"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Based on the value range of the input signal, a
0 … 32767
lower limit value of the input signal can be specified
Lower user limit value -32767 … 32767
that can lead to the abovementioned event of a
0 … 65535
process alarm.

Table 145: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Upper user limit"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Based on the value range of the input signal, an
0 … 32767
upper limit value of the input signal can be specified
Upper user limit value -32767 … 32767
that can lead to the abovementioned event of a
0 … 65535
process alarm.

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14.2.6 Special AI Module Types (AI, RTD, TC, HART)

In addition the the attributes described above, there are other attributes for the
standard modules with no item number extension and for the variants with item
number extension "/003-000" depending on the I/O module type.

Table 146: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for Special AI Module Types (2/4 AI,
Additinal Attributes for Special AI Module Types (2/4 AI, RTD, TC, HART)
- User scaling (depends on module type)
- Offset (depends on module type)
- Gain (depends on module type)
Vendor scaling (depends on module type)
- Watchdog (depends on module type)
- Vendor scaling (depends on module type)
- Status flags (depends on module type)
- Filter (depends on module type)
- Filter constant (depends on module type)
- Filter time (depends on module type)
- Sensor type (depends on module type)
- Overrange protection (depends on module type)
- Connection type (depends on module type)
- Wire break detection (depends on module type)
- Check lower measurement range limit (depends on module type)
- Cold junction compensation (depends on module type)

Table 147: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "User scaling"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481,
User scaling 75x-469

Table 148: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "User offset"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481,
Offset -32767 … 0 …32767 75x-469

Table 149: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "User gain"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481,
-32767 … 256
Gain 75x-469

Table 150: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Vendor scaling"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481,
Vendor scaling 75x-469

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Table 151: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Watchdog timer"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481,
Watchdog 75x-469

Table 152: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Vendor scaling"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Twos complement See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481,
Vendor scaling 75x-469
Signed amount

Table 153: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Status flags"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481,
PI diagnosis 75x-469

Table 154: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Filter"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481,
Filter 75x-469

Table 155: Parameterization AI, RTD 461– Attribute "Filter constant"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
400 Hz, 15 ms
200 Hz, 32 ms
100 Hz, 65 ms
See manual for I/O module 75x-461
Filter constant 60 Hz, 110 ms
50 Hz, 125 ms
25 Hz, 250 ms
12,5 Hz, 500 ms

Table 156: Parameterization AI, RTD 481– Attribute "Filter constant"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
1000 Hz, 16 ms
400 Hz, 40 ms
200 Hz, 80 ms
See manual for I/O module 750-481
Filter constant 100 Hz, 160 ms
60 Hz, 270 ms
50 Hz, 320 ms
25 Hz, 640 ms

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Table 157: Parameterization AI, TC – Attribute "Filter constant"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
200 Hz, 80 ms
100 Hz, 160 ms See manual for I/O module 75x-469
Filter constant
50 Hz, 320 ms
25 Hz, 640 ms

Table 158: Parameterization AI, HART 482, 484 – Attribute "Filter time"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
10 ms
20 ms
40 ms
See manual for I/O module 75x-482,
80 ms
Filter time 750-482/0..-001, 750-484, 750-484/0..-001
160 ms
320 ms
640 ms
1280 ms

Table 159: Parameterization 2AI, RTD 461, 481 – Attribute "Sensor type"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
RTD Pt100
RTD Ni100
RTD Pt1000
RTD Pt500
RTD Pt200
RTD Ni1000 See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481
Sensor type
RTD Ni120
R 5k
R 1k2
RTD Pt100
RTD Ni100

Table 160: Parameterization 2AI, RTD – Attribute "Overrange protection"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481
Overrange protection

Table 161: Parameterization 2AI, RTD 463 – Attribute "Sensor type"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
PT 1000 (IEC 751)
NI 1000 (DIN 43760)
See manual for I/O module 75x-463
Sensor type NI 1000 (TK 5000)
KTY 81 110
KTY 81 210

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Table 162: Parameterization 4AI, RTD 464 – Attribute "Sensor type"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
PT 100 (IEC 751)
NI 100 (DIN 43760)
PT 1000 (IEC 751)
PT 500 (IEC 751)
PT 200 (IEC 751)
NI 1000 (DIN 43760)
See manual for I/O module 75x-464
Sensor type NI 120 (Minco)
NI 1000 (TK 5000)
10R … 5k (linear)
10R … 1.2k (linear)

Table 163: Parameterization 4AI, RTD 464/020-000 – Attribute "Sensor type"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
NTC 10k
See manual for I/O module 75x-464
Sensor type NTC 20k
NTC-Thermokon 10k

Table 164: Parameterization 2AI, RTD 464 – Attribute "Connection type"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
2-wire connection See manual for I/O module 75x-464
Connection type
3-wire connection

Table 165: Parameterization AI, PM 494 – Attribute "DC measurement"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-494
DC measurement

Table 166: Parameterization 2AI, RTD 461, 481 – Attribute "Connection type"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
3-wire See manual for I/O module 75x-461, 750-481
Connection type

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Table 167: Parameterization 2AI, TC – Attribute "Sensor type"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
TC Type L
TC Type K
TC Type J
TC Type E
TC Type T
TC Type N By selection of the used sensor type, the
Sensor type TC Type U corresponding curve for the TC signal channel for
TC Type B the AI, TC is set.
TC Type R
TC Type S
+/-30 mV
+/-60 mV
+/-120 mV

The 2-channel / 4-channel analog input modules for resistance sensors 75x-464,
the 4-channel analog input modules for resistance sensors 75x-463 and the
3-phase power measurement modules 75x-494 and 75x-495 still receive a
parameter set in the form of a record write request to the data set number or
index 0x2000 or 8192.

This data set receives the following attributes that can be set during
parameterization depending on the I/O module type (item number).

Table 168: Parameterization AI, TC – Attribute "Wire break detection"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
If a wire break on the respective signal input is
detected, a corresponding diagnostic alarm is
transmitted and an entry made in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Wire break detection
If a wire break on the respective signal input is
detected, no corresponding diagnostic alarm is
transmitted and no entry is made in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.

Table 169: Parameterization AI, TC – Attribute "Check lower measurement range limit"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
If the lower limit of the respective measuring range
is reached, a corresponding diagnostic alarm is
transmitted and an entry is made in the diagnostics
Check lower
database of the station proxy.
measurement range
If the lower limit of the respective measuring range
is reached, no corresponding diagnostic alarm is
transmitted and no entry is made in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.

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Table 170: Parameterization AI, TC – Attribute "Cold junction compensation"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
The cold junction compensation of the respective
Cold junction signal channel is activated.
compensation The cold junction compensation of the respective
signal channel is deactivated.

Table 171: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Watchdog"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495

Table 172: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Nom. frequency power supply"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Nom. frequency power 50 Hz See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
supply 60 Hz

Table 173: Parameterization AI, 3 PM 495 – Attribute "Identifier Rogowski coils"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
RC70 (starting
Identifier Rogowski from FW 03) See manual for I/O module 75x-495
coils RC125 (starting from
FW 03)
RC175 (starting from
FW 03)

Table 174: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Peak value phase"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
Peak value phase L2

Table 175: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Autoreset min./max. value"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Autoreset min./max. disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
value enabled unter:

Table 176: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "User scaling"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
disabled See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
User scaling

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Table 177: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Scaling energy consumption"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
1 mWh
0.01 Wh
0.1 Wh
Scaling energy See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
1 Wh
0.01 kWh
0.1 kWh
1 kWh

Table 178: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Scaling energy consumption"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
5 mWh
0.05 Wh
0.5 Wh
Scaling energy See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
5 Wh
consumption unter:
0.05 kWh
0.5 kWh
5 kWh

Table 179: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Storage interval energy [s]"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
See manual for I/O module Busklemme 75x-494,
Storage interval energy
60 … 255 75x-495

Table 180: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Current transformer ratio"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Current transformer
0, 1 … 255
ratio, LB See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
Current transformer
0 … 255
ratio, HB

Table 181: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Peak value meas. interval [HW]"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Peak value meas. See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
6 … 10 … 254
interval [HW]

Table 182: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Min./Max. reset interval [200ms]"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Min./Max. reset interval See manual for I/O module 75x-494, 75x-495
0 … 10 … 254

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14.2.7 Analog Output Module (AO)

All analog output modules receive a parameter data set from the IO controller in
the form of a record write request.

For standard modules, the parameter data set is intended for the data set
number or index 0x4000 or 16384.

This data set receives the following attributes.

Table 183: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for Analog Output Modules (AO)
Attributes for Analog Output Modules (AO)
- Substitute value behavior
- Substitute value (2 Byte)

Table 184: Parameterization AO – Attribute "Substitute value behavior"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
If an established AR is disconnected to which the
submodule is assigned or when the status of the
"Provider State Flag" changes in the APDU status
of the consumer telegram from "RUN" to "STOP",
according to device
the parameterized substitute value behavior of the
station proxy is applied for the duration of missing
output data. The parameterized substitute value of
the respective output channel has no meaning in
this context.
If an established AR is disconnected to which the
submodule is assigned or when the status of the
"Provider State Flag" changes in the APDU status
Substitute value
of the consumer telegram from "RUN" to "STOP",
keep last valid value the last valid status of the respective output channel
is retained for the duration of the missing output
data. The parameterized substitute value of the
respective output channel has no meaning in this
If an established AR is disconnected to which the
submodule is assigned or when the status of the
"Provider State Flag" changes in the APDU status
set substitute value of the consumer telegram from "RUN" to "STOP",
the parameterized substitute value of the respective
output channel is output for the duration of the
missing output data.

Table 185: Parameterization AO – Attribute "Substitute value (2 Byte)"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
In the state of missing output data, the set
Substitute value -32767 … 0 substitute value is output on the respective output
(2 Byte) … 32767 channel with the set substitute value behavior
"Output substitute value".

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224 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.2.8 Analog Output Module with Diagnostics (AO, DIA)

If the analog output module provides diagnostic data, the following attributes can
also be set channel-by-channel during parameterization.

Table 186: Parameterization – Overview of additional Attributes for Analog Output Modules with
Diagnostics (AO, DIA)
Additional Attributes for Analog Output Modules with Diagnostics (AO, DIA)
- Channel diagnosis
- Module diagnosis
- Diagnosis: Short circuit
- Diagnosis: Undervoltage
- Diagnosis: Overtemperature
- Diagnosis: Error
- Diagnosis: External fault

Table 187: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Channel diagnosis"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
If the analog output module provides diagnostic
0 (false) data, the following attributes can also be set
channel-by-channel during parameterization.
Channel diagnosis
If the analog output module provides diagnostic
1 (true) data, the following attributes can also be set
channel-by-channel during parameterization.

Table 188: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Module diagnosis"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A module error does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false) diagnostic alarm nor to entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Module diagnosis A module error leads to transmission of a
diagnostic alarm. The respective error leads to an
1 (true)
entry in the diagnostics database of the station

Table 189: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Short circuit"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A short circuit on the respective signal channel
does not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor to entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.
Diagnosis: Short circuit
A short circuit on the respective signal channel
leads to transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The
1 (true)
respective error leads to an entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.

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Table 190: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Undervoltage"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A low voltage on the respective signal channel does
not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor
0 (false)
entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: proxy.
Undervoltage A low voltage on the respective signal channel
leads to transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The
1 (true)
respective error leads to an entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.

Table 191: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Overtemperature"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An overtemperature in the output driver of the
respective signal channel does not lead to
0 (false)
transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy.
An overtemperature in the output driver of the
respective signal channel leads to transmission of a
1 (true) diagnostic alarm. The respective error leads to an
entry in the diagnostics database of the station

Table 192: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Error"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An external or internal error on the respective signal
channel does not cause transmission of a
0 (false)
diagnostic alarm nor entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: Error
An error on the respective signal channel leads to
transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The respective
1 (true)
error leads to an entry in the diagnostics database
of the station proxy.

Table 193: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An external fault on the respective signal channel
does not cause transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: External proxy.
fault An external fault on the respective signal channel
leads to transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The
1 (true)
respective error leads to an entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.

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226 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.2.9 Special AO Module Types with Parameter Channel (AO,

562, 563)
For standard modules equipped with a parameter channel, another parameter
data set is sent to the data set number or index 0x2000 or 8192.

Depending on the I/O module type (item number), the following additional
attributes can then be set during parameterization.

Table 194: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for Special AO Module Types with
Parameter Channel(AO, 562, 563)
Additional Attributes for Special AO Module Types with Parameter Channel
(AO, 562, 563)
User scaling (depends on module type)
- Calibration (depends on module type)
- Number representation (depends on module type)
- Operating mode (depends on module type)
- On exceeding user limits (depends on module type)
- Output (depends on module type)
- Behavior on K-Bus timeout (depends on module type)
- Switch-on delay [s] (depends on module type)

Table 195: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "User scaling"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
The entries in the "User Offset" and "User Gain"
attributes are used to calculate the value range.
User scaling
The entries in the "User Offset" and "User Gain"
attributes are not used to calculate the value range.

Table 196: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Calibration"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
User See corresponding manual for I/O modules
Calibration 75x-562, 75x-563

Table 197: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Number representation"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Twos complement See corresponding manual for I/O modules
Number representation 75x-562, 75x-563
Value plus sign

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Table 198: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Operating mode"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
0-10 V
See corresponding manual for I/O module
(0 … 65535)
+/-10 V
(0 … 65535)
0-20 mA
(0 … 65535)
4-20 mA
(0 … 65535)
6-18 V
(0 … 65535)
Operating mode
0-10 V
See corresponding manual for I/O module
(-32768 … 32767)
+/-10 V
(-32768 … 32767)
0-20 mA
(-32768 … 32767)
4-20 mA
(-32768 … 32767)
6-18 V
(-32768 … 32767)

Table 199: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "On exceeding user limits"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
No limitation of
See corresponding manual for I/O modules
On exceeding user output value
75x-562, 75x-563
limits Limitation of output

Table 200: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Output"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
in parameterized See corresponding manual for I/O modules
Output operating mode 75x-562, 75x-563

Table 201: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Behavior on K-Bus timeout"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description

output 0 V

hold last output value See corresponding manual for I/O modules
Behavior on K-Bus
75x-562, 75x-563
timeout output factory
substitute value
output user substitute

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228 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 202: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Switch-on delay [s]"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description


0.30 See corresponding manual for I/O modules

Switch-on delay [s] 75x-562, 75x-563



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14.2.10 PROFIenergy Submodules (AO, PE)

When configuring PROFIenergy submodules, an additional parameter data set is
sent to the data se number or index 0x5000 or 20480.

Regarding the PROFIenergy properties, the following attributes can also be

specified during parameterization.

Table 203: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for PROFIenergy Submodules (AO,
Additional Attributes for PROFIenergy Submodules (AO, PE)
- Minimal pause time (additionally)
- Pause output value (additionally)

Table 204: Parameterization AO, PE – Attribute "Minimal pause time"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
10 s Pauses requested by the PROFIenergy profile are
1 min only introduced during pause times greater than or
10 min equal to the setting made. If a PROFIenergy
submodule has been configured from the station
Minimal pause time 1h
proxy, the setting made here for the respective
10 h output module has no meaning.

Table 205: Parameterization DO, PE – Attribute "Pause output value"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
If the requested pause time of the PROFIenergy
0 … 32767 "Start_Pause" command is greater than or equal to
Pause output value -32767 … 0 … 32767 the parameterized "Minimum pause time", the
0 … 65535 respective output channel outputs the specified
pause output value.

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230 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.2.11 Specialty Modules

Nearly all special-purpose modules receive a parameter data set in the form of a
record write request to the data set number or index 0x4000 or 16384.

This data set receives the following attributes.

Table 206: Parameterization SF, DIA – Attribute "Channel diagnosis"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An error on the respective signal channel does not
0 (false) lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor entry
in the diagnostics database of the station proxy.
Channel diagnosis An error on the respective signal channel leads to
transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The respective
1 (true)
error leads to an entry in the diagnostics database
of the station proxy.

Table 207: Parameterization SF, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An external fault on the respective signal channel
does not cause transmission of a diagnostic alarm
0 (false)
nor entry in the diagnostics database of the station
Diagnosis: External
Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) external fault leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm and entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.

Table 208: Parameterization SF, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Error"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An internal or external error on the respective signal
channel does not cause transmission of a diagnostic
0 (false)
alarm nor entry in the diagnostics database of the
station proxy.
Diagnosis: Error Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, an
1 (true) internal or external error leads to transmission of a
diagnostic alarm and entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.

Table 209: Parameterization SF, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Undervoltage"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A low voltage on the respective signal channel does
0 (false) not lead to transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor
Diagnosis: entry in the diagnostics database of the station proxy.
Undervoltage A low voltage on the respective signal channel leads
1 (true) to transmission of a diagnostic alarm and entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy.

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Table 210: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Diagnosis: Sampling error"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A sampling error does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false) diagnostic alarm nor entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: Sampling
Provided that the channel diagnostics has been
activated, a sampling error leads to transmission of
1 (true)
a diagnostic alarm and entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.

Table 211: Parameterization SF, ENC – Attribute "Diagnosis: Upper limit value exceeded"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An overflow of the receiver buffer does not lead to
0 (false) transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: Upper
Provided that the channel diagnostics has been
limit value exceeded
activated, an overflow of the receive butter leads to
1 (true)
transmission of a diagnostic alarm and entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy.

Table 212: Parameterization SF, ENC – Attribute "Sensor or load voltage missing"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Absence of the power supply does not lead to
0 (false) transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy.
Sensor or load
Provided that the module diagnostics has been
voltage missing
activated, absence of the power supply leads to
1 (true)
transmission of a diagnostic alarm and entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy.

Table 213: Parameterization SF, ASi – Attribute "Diagnosis: Bus fault"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A bus fault does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false) diagnostic alarm nor entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: Bus fault Provided that the channel diagnostics has been
activated, a bus fault leads to transmission of a
1 (true)
diagnostic alarm and entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.

Table 214: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Baud rate [kHz]"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
See manual for I/O module 75x-630
Baud rate [kHz] 125.0

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232 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
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Table 215: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "SSI frame"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
32 Bit
See manual for I/O module 75x-630
SSI frame acc. to SSI clocks
(125 kHz only)

Table 216: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "SSI clocks"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
See manual for I/O module 75x-630
SSI clocks 1 … 32

Table 217: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Relevant data length [bit]"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Relevant data length See manual for I/O module 75x-630
0 … 24 … 32

Table 218: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute Synchronous operation

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Synchronous 0 (false) See manual for I/O module 75x-630
operation 1 (true)

Table 219: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Gray-Dual code conversion"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Gray-Dual code 0 (false) See manual for I/O module 75x-630
conversion 1 (true)

Table 220: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Single-turn evaluation"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Single-turn 0 (false) See manual for I/O module 75x-630
evaluation 1 (true)

Table 221: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Disable frame error detection"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Disable frame error 0 (false) See manual for I/O module 75x-630
detection 1 (true)

Table 222: Parameterization SF, SER – Attribute "Transmission rate area [baud]"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
1200 to 19200

Version 1.3.1
234 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Transmission rate See manual for I/O module 75x-650, 75x-653
38400 or 57600
area [baud]

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 223: Parameterization SF, SER – Attribute "Transmission rate [baud]"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Transmission rate 4800 See manual for I/O module 75x-650, 75x-653
[baud] 9600/38400

Table 224: Parameterization SF, SER – Attribute "Data frame"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
8O1 See manual for I/O module 75x-650, 75x-653
Data frame

The RS-232/RS-485 75x652 serial interface receives an additional parameter

data set from the IO controller in the form of a record write request to the data set
number or index 0x2000 or 8192.

The PROFINET IO parameters of this I/O module are documented in the 75x-652
I/O module manual at

The Bluetooth® RF Transceiver (750-644) and AS-Interface Master (75x-655)

receives an additional parameter data set from the IO controller in the form of a
record write request to the data set number or index 0x2000 or 8192.

This data set receives the following attributes.

Table 225: Parameterization SF, ASi 655, BT 644 – Attribute "Mailbox length"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
See manual for I/O module 75x-655
No mailbox
See manual for I/O module 750-644, 75x-655
6 Byte
Mailbox length
See manual for I/O module 75x-655
10 Byte
12 Byte

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236 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
See manual for I/O module 750-644, 75x-655
18 Byte

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Table 226: Parameterization SF, ASi 655, BT 644 – Attribute "Cross-fading of mailbox"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Cross-fading of disabled See manual for I/O module 750-644, 75x-655
mailbox enabled

Table 227: Parameterization SF, ASi 655 – Attribute "Use of free PI areas"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
(with ASi V2.1) See manual for I/O module 75x-655
Use of free PI areas
Analog values
(starting ASi 3.0)

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238 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.2.12 System Modules

All system modules with diagnostics capability receive a parameter set in the
form of a record write request to the data set number or index 0x4000 or 16384.

Depending on the I/O module type (item number), the following attributes can be
set during parameterization.

Table 228: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for System Modules with Diagnostics (PS, DIA)
Attributes for System Modules with Diagnostics (PS, DIA)
- Module diagnosis
- Sensor or load voltage missing
- Diagnosis: Fuse blown/open
- Diagnosis: Undervoltage
- Diagnosis: External fault

Table 229: Parameterization PS, DIA – Attribute "Module diagnosis"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An error does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false) diagnostic alarm nor entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
The respective error leads to an entry in the
Module diagnosis diagnostics database of the station proxy if module
diagnostics is enabled. An error leads to
1 (true)
transmission of a diagnostic alarm. The respective
error leads to an entry in the diagnostics database
of the station proxy.

Table 230: Parameterization PS, DIA – Attribute "Sensor or load voltage missing"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
Absence of the power supply does not lead to
0 (false) transmission of a diagnostic alarm nor entry in the
diagnostics database of the station proxy.
Sensor or load voltage
Absence of the power supply leads to transmission
of a diagnostic alarm. The respective error leads to
1 (true)
an entry in the diagnostics database of the station
proxy if module diagnostics is enabled.

Table 231: Parameterization PS, 750-610, 750-611 – Attribute "Diagnosis: Fuse blown/open"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
A defective fuse does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false) diagnostic alarm nor entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: Fuse
A defective fuse leads to transmission of a
diagnostic alarm. The respective error leads to an
1 (true)
entry in the diagnostics database of the station
proxy if module diagnostics is enabled.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 232: Parameterization PS, 750-606 – Attribute "Diagnosis: Undervoltage"
Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An undervoltage does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false) diagnostic alarm nor entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
An undervoltage leads to transmission of a
diagnostic alarm. The respective error leads to an
entry in the diagnostics database of the station
proxy if module diagnostics is enabled. An
1 (true)
undervoltageg leads to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm. The respective error leads to an entry in the
dagnostics database if module diagnostics is

Table 233: Parameterization PS, 750-606 – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault"

Attribute Name Attribute Value Description
An external fault does not lead to transmission of a
0 (false) diagnostic alarm nor entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: External
An external fault leads to transmission of a
diagnostic alarm. The respective error leads to an
1 (true)
entry in the diagnostics database of the station
proxy if module diagnostics is enabled.

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240 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.3 Record Data Sets

For acyclic access, the fieldbus coupler has so-called record data sets listed in
the following table.
The table contains the index, description, access rights and addressing level of
the respective data set.
For indices 0x0000 - 0x7FFF, the PROFINET IO specification involves
manufacturer indices only used for manufacturer-specific parameterization of the
IO device.

In this area, the bus-module-specific, fieldbus-coupler-specific, and

PROFIenergy-specific parameter sets are located on indices 0x2000, 0x4000,
0x4100, 0x4101, 0x41012, 0x4103, and 0x5000.
Data set numbers 0x4100, 0x4101, 0x41012, and 0x4103 are available with
FW 06 and above and only apply to the station proxy.

All indices from 0x8000 are standardized and mandatory for the fieldbus coupler
for FW 03 and above. More information about the structure of the standardized
data sets is available in the PROFINET IO specification.

More information on record data sets!

You can read more about special record data sets in the context of diagnostics.
The structure of standardized diagnostic data sets and channel-specific
diagnostics are explained in the chapter “Channel-Specific Diagnostics”.

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 234: Record data sets
Data set Access Level

2000 Parameter data, administrated by I/O module r/w

4000 Parameter data, administrated by fieldbus coupler w *)
Data set for determining the current physical slot of a modified
4100 target configuration r
(administration via fieldbus coupler)
Configuration data set for simple bitwise slot definition
4101 w Submodule
(administration through fieldbus coupler)
Configuration data set for adapting the physical peripheral
4102 layout on the basis of the projected maximum configuration w
(administration via fieldbus coupler)
Configuration data set for reconstructing the projected
4103 maximum layout on the basis of the physical peripheral layout w
(administration via fieldbus coupler)
PROFIenergy parameter data, administrated by fieldbus
5000 w

8000 ExpectedIdentificationData for one sub-slot r

8001 RealIdentificationData for one sub-slot r
800A Diagnosis in channel coding r
800B Diagnosis in all codings r
800C Diagnosis, Maintenance, Qualified and Status r
8010 Maintenance required in channel coding r
8011 Maintenance demanded in channel coding r
8012 Maintenance required in all codings r
8013 Maintenance demanded in all codings r
8028 RecordInputDataObjectElement r
8029 RecordOutputDataObjectElement r
802A PDPortDataReal r
802B PDPortDataCheck r/w
802C PDIRData for one subslot r/w
802D Expected PDSyncDatawith SyncID value 0 r/w Submodule
802F PDPortDataAdjust r/w
8050 PDInterfaceMrpDataReal r
8051 PDInterfaceMrpDataCheck r/w
8052 PDInterfaceMrpDataAdjust r/w
8053 PDPortMrpDataAdjust r/w
8054 PDPortMrpDataReal r
8071 PDInterfaceAdjust r/w
8072 PDPortStatistic r
8080 PDInterfaceDataReal r
AFF0 I&M0 r
AFF1 I&M1 r/w
AFF2 I&M2 r/w
AFF3 I&M3 r/w
AFF4 I&M4 r/w

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242 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

C000 ExpectedIdentificationData for one slot r

C001 RealIdentificationData for one slot r
C00A Diagnosis in channel coding r
C00B Diagnosis in all codings r
C00C Diagnosis, Maintenance, Qualified and Status r Module
C010 Maintenance required in channel coding r
C011 Maintenance demanded in channel coding r
C012 Maintenance required in all codings r
C013 Maintenance demanded in all codings r

E000 ExpectedIdentificationData for one AR r

E001 RealIdentificationData for one AR r AR
E002 ModuleDiffBlock for one AR r
E00A Diagnosis in channel coding r
E00B Diagnosis in all codings r
E00C Diagnosis, Maintenance, Qualified and Status r
E010 Maintenance required in channel coding r
E011 Maintenance demanded in channel coding r
E012 Maintenance required in all codings r
E013 Maintenance demanded in all codings r
E040 MultipleWrite w

F000 RealIdentificationData for one API r

F00A Diagnosis in channel coding r
F00B Diagnosis in all codings r
F00C Diagnosis, Maintenance, Qualified and Status r
F010 Maintenance required in channel coding r
F011 Maintenance demanded in channel coding r
F012 Maintenance required in all codings r
F013 Maintenance demanded in all codings r
F020 ARData for one API r

F80C Diagnosis, Maintenance, Qualified and Status for one device r

F820 ARData r
F821 APIData r
F830 LogBookData r
F831 PdevData r Device
F840 I&M0FilterData r
F841 PDRealData r
F842 PDExpectedData r
FBFF Trigger index for the RPC connection monitoring r
*) writable once for each connection

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14.4 Detailed structures I&M 0-4

The following tables describe the I&M data sets 0-4 in detail.

Table 235: Data set I&M 0

N Octet N Octet N+1 Meaning generally Meaning for the fieldbus coupler
0 0x00 0x20 Block type Block type
2 0x00 0x38 Block length (without Block length = 56 bytes
4 0x01 0x00 Block version Block version 1.0
6 0x01 0x1D Manufacturer ID Manufacturer ID WAGO
8 0x37 0x35 Manufacturer specific Item number WAGO filled out with blanks
10 0x30 0x2D item number “750-375 …“ or “750-377 …“
12 0x33 0x37 (visible string,
14 0x35 0x20 length 20 bytes)
16 0x20 0x20
... ... ...
26 0x20 0x20
28 0x30 0x30 Manufacturer specific MAC-ID WAGO filled out with blanks
30 0x33 0x30 production number “0030DEKLMNOP …”
32 0x44 0x45 (visible string,
34 0xKK 0xLL length 16 bytes)
36 0xMM 0xNN
38 0xOO 0xPP
40 0x20 0x20
42 0x20 0x20
44 0x00 0x01 IM hardware version Hardware 01
46 0x56 0x01 IM software version ’V’ 1.1.x (FW 01/02)
48 0x01 0xNN ’V’ 2.1.x (FW 03)
50 0x00 0x01 IM version counter
52 0x00 0x00 IM profile ID IO device without profile implementation
54 0x00 0x05 IM profile specific type Interface module
56 0x01 0x01 IM version 01.01
58 0x00 0x1E IM support IM1 … IM4 are supported

Table 236: Data set I&M 1

N Octet N Octet N+1 Meaning generally Meaning for the fieldbus coupler
0 0x00 0x21 Block type Block type
2 0x00 0x38 Block length (without Block length = 56 Byte
4 0x01 0x00 Block version Block version 1.0
6 ? ? I&M function User-specific function description filled out
… … … (visible string, with blanks.
36 ? ? length 32 bytes)
38 ? ? I&M location
User-specific location for installation filled
… … … (visible string,
out with blanks.
58 ? ? length 22 bytes)

Version 1.3.1
244 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 237: Data set I&M 2
N Octet N Octet N+1 Meaning generally Meaning for the fieldbus coupler
0 0x00 0x22 Block type Block type
2 0x00 0x12 Block length (without Block length = 18 Byte
4 0x01 0x00 Block version Block version 1.0
6 ? ? I&M function User-specific installation date filled out
… … … (visible string, with blanks.
20 ? ? length 16 bytes) The date ist formatted as follows:

Table 238: Data set I&M 3

N Octet N Octet N+1 Meaning generally Meaning for the fieldbus coupler
0 0x00 0x23 Block type Block type
2 0x00 0x38 Block length (without Block length = 56 Byte
4 0x01 0x00 Block version Block version 1.0
6 ? ? I&M description User-specific description filled out with
… … … (visible string, blanks.
58 ? ? length 54 bytes)

Table 239: Data set I&M 4

N Octet N Octet N+1 Meaning generally Meaning for the fieldbus coupler
0 0x00 0x24 Block type Block type
2 0x00 0x38 Block length (without Block length = 56 Byte
4 0x01 0x00 Block version Block version 1.0
6 ? ? I&M signature User-specific security code filled out with
… … … (visible string, blanks.
58 ? ? length 54 bytes)

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 245
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

14.5 Structure of the Standardized Diagnosis Data Sets

The diagnosis data sets consist of several structures.

The first element in the data set is the head of the structure. It describes the
version and the length of the following data. The "BlockType" specifies the
structure and content of the data set. The following "BlockTypes" are used by the
fieldbus coupler.

Table 240: "BlockTypes"

BlockType Description
0x0010 Diagnostic data
0x8104 Real/expected configuration mismatch

The head of the structure has a length of 6 bytes and is structured as follows:

Table 241: Head of the structure

Data type Description
0/1 WORD Content of the "BlockType" data set
0x0010 Diagnostic data set
0x8104 Configuration data set specified/actual

2/3 WORD Length of the data set in bytes (BlockLength)

Including length of the version in bytes

BYTE 0x01 BlockVersion (major) = 1

BYTE 0x01 BlockVersion (minor) = 1

The version of the data set is 1.1. As a consequence the existing Application
process idenficator (API) is always set to zero (default API) and has a data length
of 4 bytes.

14.5.1 Extended Channel Diagnostics

The "BlockType" in the head structure corresponds to the value for a diagnostic
data set (0x0010). The length of the data set results from the following diagnostic
objects for fault submodules or channels.

The diagnostic entries are initiated by a "ExtChannelDiagnosis" structure. The

respective "ExtChannelDiagnosisData" diagnostic objects then follow for the
respective submodules or channels. The "ExtChannelDiagnosis" structure has a
size of 14 bytes and is structured as follows.

Version 1.3.1
246 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 242: „ExtChannelDiagnosis“ structure
Data type Description

0/1 0x00 0x00

DWORD API (Application Process Identifier) = 0
2/3 0x00 0x00

4/5 WORD Slot-faulted module (SlotNumber)

Value 0 … 64
6/7 WORD 0x00 0x01 Slot-faulted submodule (SubslotNumber)= 1

8/9 WORD 0x80 0x00 Diagnosis on submodule level (0x8000)

BYTE 0x08 Specification = Error pending (0x08)

10 / 11
BYTE 0x00 Constant (0x00)

12 / 13 WORD Diagnostic structure (UserStructureIdentifier)

0x8002 Extended channel diagnostics

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 247
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
The "UserstructureIdentifier" diagnostic structure carries the identifier for
extended channel diagnostics (0x8002).

Each instance of the existing "ExtChannelDiagnosisData" diagnostic objects have

a size of 12 bytes and is structured as follows.

Version 1.3.1
248 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 243: "ExtChannelDiagnosisData" instance structure
Data type Description

0/1 WORD Diagnostic instance (ChannelNumber)

... Channel 0 … 7
0x8000 Submodule

2/3 WORD Channel-/Submodule properties (ChannelProperties)

27 ... 20 Type
0x00 Instance = Submodule
0x01 1 bit
0x02 2 bit
0x03 4 bit
0x04 8 bit
0x05 16 bit
0x06 32 bit
0x07 64 bit
... Reserved
28 No collective channel error = '0'
210, 29 Maintenance request = '00'
212, 211 Pending diagnosis = '01'
215 ...
Channel Properties, Direction
'000' Manufacturer specific
'001' Input
'010' Output
'011' Input/Output
... Reserved

4/5 WORD Channel Error Type

0x0000 Reserved
0x0001 Short circuit
0x0002 Undervoltage
0x0003 Overvoltage
0x0004 Overload
0x0005 Overtemperature
0x0006 Line break
0x0007 Upper limit value exceeded
0x0008 Lower limit value undershot
0x0009 Error
0x000A Reserved
0x0010 Parameterization fault
0x0011 Power supply fault
0x0012 Fuse blown/open
0x0013 Communication fault
0x0014 Upper user limit value exceed
0x0015 Lower user limit value undershot
0x0016 Sampling error
0x0017 Threshold exceeded or fallen below

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 249
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 243: "ExtChannelDiagnosisData" instance structure
Data type Description
0x0018 Output disabled
0x0019 Safety event
0x001A External fault
0x001B Frame error
0x001C Cycle time error
0x001D Manufacturer specific
0x0020 Reserved for common profiles, e.g. PROFIsafe,
... see manuals of F I/O modules (PROFIsafe V2)
0x0050 Reserved for common profiles, e.g. PROFIsafe
0x0100 Local fault
0x0101 Manufacturer specific
0x0200 See manuals of F I/O modules (PROFIsafe V2)
0x0221 Manufacturer specific
0x0300 See manual of 4-Channel IO-Link Master
… 75x-657
0x0320 See manuals of Analog Input Modules
… 75x-450 and 75x-451
0x0340 Manufacturer specific

0x03F0 See manual of CAN Gateway 75x-658

0x0400 See manual of Proportional Valve Module
… 750-632
0x0420 Manufacturer specific

0x5081 See manual of 4-Channel IO-Link Master
… 75x-657
0x5802 Manufacturer specific

0x8000 Data transmission impossible
0x8001 Remote mismatch
0x8002 Media redundancy mismatch
0x8003 Sync mismatch
0x8004 Isochronous Mode mismatch
0x8005 Multicast CR mismatch
0x8006 Reserved
0x8007 Fiber optic mismatch
0x8008 Network component function

Version 1.3.1
250 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 243: "ExtChannelDiagnosisData" instance structure
Data type Description
0x8009 Time mismatch
0x800A Reserved

6/7 WORD Extended Channel Error Type

... Extended error description, dependent on Error
0xFFFF Type

DWORD Extended Channel Additional value
10 / 11
... Additional description to the error

Errors in the local bus system are reported on the basis of manufacturer-specific
error type 0x0100. Additional error information is available in the following table.

Table 244: Additional error information for Error Type "Internal bus fault"
Error Type "Internal bus fault (0x0100)"
Extended Extended Description
Channel Channel
Error Type Additional
0x0001 0x00000106 The module configuration that has been determined on the local
bus after AUTORESET differs from the configuration performed
before the local bus fault occurred.
0x0003 0x01100300 Local bus protocol error due to internal bus RESET fault.
0x0003 0x01110300 Local bus protocol error due to command fault.
0x0003 0x01120300 Local bus protocol error due to faulty input data.
0x0003 0x01140300 Local bus protocol error due to faulty output data.
0x0003 0x01180300 Local bus protocol error caused by timeout.
0x0004 0x011204xx Local bus interruption after module slot xx (xx = 0 … 64).
0x0005 0x011005xx Local bus initializing error because of an abortive register
communication with the module on slot xx (xx = 1 … 64).

All other errors are supplied with extended error type 0x0001 and additional value
0x00000000. Fault Cases of I/O Modules with Diagnostics Capability

The following lists contain the respective error types and their meaning for I/O
modules with diagnostics capability sorted by digital input/output modules, analog
input/output modules and complex I/O modules.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 251
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Digital Input Modules

Table 245: Fault cases of digital input modules with diagnostics capability
Item Data Error type Explanation
number format
75x-418, BIT 0x001A / 26 External fault Short circuit of the transmitter power
75x-419, supply
75x-425, BIT 0x001A / 26 External fault Signal line to transmitter interrupted or
750-435, short circuit
1425 Digital Output Modules

Table 246: Fault cases of digital output modules with diagnostics capability
Item Data Error type Explanation
number format
75x-506 BIT 0x0001 / 1 Short circuit Signal output short circuit

0x0002 / 2 Overvoltage Field voltage to the signal output

0x0006 / 6 Line break signal line to the actuator interrupted or
not connected
75x-507, BIT 0x001A / 26 External fault Short circuit of the signal output against
75x-532, +24V or GND, signal line to the actuator
75x-537 is interrupted or not connected or excess
temperature through overloading.
75x-522, BIT 0x001A / 26 External fault External fault (broken wire, overload or
750-523 short circuit, manual operation)

Version 1.3.1
252 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Analog Input Modules

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 253
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 247: Fault cases of analog output modules with diagnostics capability
Item Data Error type Explanation
number format
75x-460, WORD 0x0006 / 6 Line break Signal line to transmitter interrupted
75x-461, 0x0008 / 8 Lower limit value Measurement range undershoot or signal
75x-469 undershot line to the transmitter has a short circuit
750-481 0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error (e.g. hardware error)
75x-450, WORD 0x0001 / 1 Short circuit Signal line to transmitter short circuit
75x-451, 0x0006 / 6 Line break Signal line to transmitter interrupted
75x-463, 0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value Upper measurement range end value
75x-464, exceeded exceeded
750-496, 0x0008 / 8 Lower limit value Lower measurement range end value
750-497 undershot undershot
0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error (e.g. hardware error)
0x0014 / 20 Upper user limit Upper user limit value exceeded
value exceeded
0x0015 / 21 Lower user limit Lower user limit value undershot
value undershot
75x-471 WORD 0x0004 / 4 Overload Signal line to transmitter overloaded
0x0006 / 6 Line break Signal line to transmitter interrupted
0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value Upper measurement range end value
exceeded exceeded
0x0008 / 8 Lower limit value Lower measurement range end value
undershot undershot
0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error (e.g. hardware error)
0x0014 / 20 Upper user limit Upper user limit value exceeded
value exceeded
0x0015 / 21 Lower user limit Lower user limit value undershot
value undershot
750-482/ WORD 0x0001 / 1 Short circuit Signal line to transmitter short circuit
000-001, 0x0006 / 6 Line break Signal line to transmitter interrupted
750-484/ 0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value Upper measurement range end value
000-001 exceeded exceeded
0x0008 / 8 Lower limit value Lower measurement range end value
undershot undershot
0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error (e.g. hardware error)
75x-452, WORD 0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value Upper measurement range end value
75x-465, exceeded exceeded
75x-467, 0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error (e.g. hardware error)

Version 1.3.1
254 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 247: Fault cases of analog output modules with diagnostics capability
Item Data Error type Explanation
number format
75x-453, WORD 0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value Upper measurement range end value
75x-454, exceeded exceeded
75x-455, 0x0008 / 8 Lower limit value Lower measurement range end value
75x-456, undershot undershot
75x-457, 0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error (e.g. hardware error)
75x-491 WORD 0x0003 / 3 Overvoltage Maximum permissible bridge power
0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value Overrange bridge voltage
0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error (e.g. hardware error)
75x-493 WORD 0x0002 / 2 Undervoltage Low voltage threshold between L and N
75x-494, OTHER 0x0009 / 9 Error Error on at least one phase or I/O module
75x-495 faulty. Analog Output Modules

Table 248: Fault cases of analog output modules with diagnostics capability
Item Data Error type Explanation
number format
75x-553, WORD 0x0009 / 9 Error Output short circuit
75x-555, Internal error (e.g. hardware error)
75x-562, WORD 0x0001 / 1 Short circuit Output short circuit
75x-563 0x0002 / 2 Undervoltage 24V field power below 20V
0x0005 / 5 Overtemperature Permissible temperature of output driver
0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value Configured limit value exceeded
0x0008 / 8 Lower limit value Configured limit value undershot
0x0011 / 17 Sensor or load Field voltage too low
voltage missing
750-597 WORD 0x0002 / 2 Undervoltage 24V field power below 20V

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 255
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler Complex I/O Modules

Version 1.3.1
256 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 249: Fault cases of complex I/O modules with diagnostics capability
Item Data Error type Explanation
number format
750-606 BIT 0x0002 / 2 Sensor or load Output voltage too low
0x0011 / 17 voltage missing Field voltage not present or too low
0x001A / 26 External fault Output voltage short circuit
750-610, BIT 0x0011 / 17 Sensor or load Field voltage too low or not present
750-611 voltage missing
0x0012 / 18 Fuse defective Fuse defective or not present
75x-630 DWORD 0x0016 / 22 Sampling error An incorrect data frame exists, i.e. the
data frame is not terminated with zero
(possible wire break of clock lines).
0x001A / 26 External fault SSI has no power supply or data line
break, or D+ and D- have been inverted.
75x-635 OTHER 0x0009 / 9 Error Wave speed not set
inadequate stop pulses
the maximum wave speed exceeded
timeout, no measurement values exist,
measurement value invalid
error when setting the wave speed or zero
point has occurred
invalid transmitter selection, the selected
transmitter address is invalid because of
the missing initialization
75x-636 OTHER 0x0009 / 9 Error Status/error message.
75x-637 OTHER 0x00011 / 17 Sensor or load Loss of field power
voltage missing
75x-641 OTHER 0x0009 / 9 Error General module error, e.g. POST of the
internal flash memory,
0x001A / 26 External fault DALI bus error (continuous short circuit or
open circuit), but no faulty electronic
75x-642, OTHER 0x0007 / 7 Upper limit value The receiver buffer is completely full,
75x-650, exceeded there is a danger of loss of data
75x-643 OTHER 0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error (e.g. hardware error)
750-644 OTHER 0x0009 / 9 Error Non-existent or invalid process data
75x-645 OTHER 0x0009 / 9 Error Internal error, e.g. hardware defect
0x001A / 26 External fault External error (line break or short circuit)
75x-655 OTHER 0x00011 /172 Sensor or load Field power and/or AS-I supply faulty
voltage missing
0x0009 / 9 Error Field power and/or AS-I supply faulty and
AS interface master inactive
0x001D / 29 Bus communica- AS interface master inactive
tion faulty
750-632, See manual for I/O module 750-632,
750-657, 750-657, 750-658
75x-670, OTHER 0x0009 / 9 Error Error present.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 257
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 249: Fault cases of complex I/O modules with diagnostics capability
Item Data Error type Explanation
number format
75x- OTHER 0x0001 / 1 Short Circuit Signal line short circuit
1630, 0x0002 / 2 Undervoltage Low voltage below the threshold
1631 PROFIsafe V2 iPar I/O Modules

Item number:

The fault cases of the PROFIsafe V2 iPar I/O modules are described in detail in
the manuals for the respective I/O modules.

More information on the PROFIsafe V2 iPar I/O modules!

Detailed information on the PROFIsafe V2 iPar I/O modules and their fault case
descriptions is available in the I/O module manuals. They are available to
download from the WAGO website at:

14.5.2 Difference between Real and Expected Configuration

The fieldbus coupler provides diagnostic information in the event of module
differences in the form of a "ModuleDiffBlock" when there are deviations between
the module/submodule configuration of the IO controller and the IO modules
actually connected.

The "BlockType" in the head structure of the data set corresponds to the value for
module differences (0x8104). The length gives information on the differences
between the configured and connected modules/submodules.
The "ModuleDiffBlock" is initiated with the following head structure.

Version 1.3.1
258 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 250: Initial structure "ModuleDiffBlock"
Data type Description
0/1 WORD 0x00 0x01 Number of available APIs = 1

2/3 0x00 0x00

DWORD API (Application Process Instance) = 0
4/5 0x00 0x00

Number of slots with differences between real and

6/7 WORD
expected configuration
Depends on the amount of following entries

The entries for the incorrectly configured modules/submodules then follow. The
number of existing entries is stored in the preliminary structure of the

Table 251: Structure of the odd modules within the configuration

Data type Description

0/1 WORD Slot with odd module

Range 1 ... 255
2/3 Identification of the physically plugged module
4/5 ("ModuleIdentNumber")

6/7 WORD Module state

0x0000 Module not plugged
0x0001 ModuleIndentNumber wrong
0x0002 Module is okay, but at least one submodule is
locked, worng or missing
0x0003 Module is not the same as requested – but the
IO device was able to adapt by its own knowledge
... Reserved

Number of submodule slots with odd submodules,

8/9 WORD
otherwise 0

The entries for the incorrectly configured submodules follow a module entry.

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 259
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 252: Structure of the erroneously configured submodules
Data type Description

0/1 WORD 0x00 0x01 Subslot with odd submodule

2/3 0x00 0x00 Identification of the plugged submodule

4/5 0x00 0x00 (SubmoduleIdentNumber)

6/7 WORD Submodule state (Submodulstate.b15 = 0)

0x0000 No submodule present
0x0001 Wrong submodule
0x0002 Submodule locked by IO controller
0x0003 Reserved
0x0004 Application ready pending
0x0005 Reserved
0x0006 Reserved
0x0007 Submodule substituted
... Reserved

8/9 WORD Submodule state (Submodule state.b15 = 1)

'000' ---
'001' The submodule is not available for takeover

… Reserved
0 No channel of the submodule contains
1 At least one channel of the submodule
contains "QualifiedChannelDiagnosis".
0 No channel of the submodule requires
1 At least one channel of the submodule
demands maintenance.
0 No channel of the submodule demands
1 At least one submodule channel demands
0 There is no diagnosis data available/stored for
this submodule.
b6 1 There is diagnosis data available for this
submodule: It can be read with the
corresponding records.
'0000' This AR is owner of the submodule.
'0001' This AR is owner of the submodule but it is
blocked, e.g. parameter checking is pending.
'0010' This AR is not owner of the submodule. It is
blocked by superordinated means.
´0011' This AR is not owner of the submodule. It is

owned by another IOCAR.
'0100' This AR is not owner of the submodule. It is
owned by another IOCAR.
… Reserved

Version 1.3.1
260 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
'0000' Submodule OK
'0001' Submodule substituted
b11 '0010' Wrong submodule
… '0011' No submodule present
b14 '0100'
… Reserved
b15 1 Format indicator

The submodule entries follow directly one after the other. The number stored in
the module entry. The next module entry only follows after the submodule data

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 List of Figures 261
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

List of Figures
Figure 1: Fieldbus Node (Example) ..................................................................... 24
Figure 2: Marking Area for Serial Numbers ......................................................... 25
Figure 3: Update Matrix up to 2015 ..................................................................... 27
Figure 4: Update Matrix from 2016 ...................................................................... 27
Figure 5: Isolation (Example) ............................................................................... 30
Figure 6: System Supply ...................................................................................... 31
Figure 7: System Voltage (Example) ................................................................... 32
Figure 8: Field Supply (Sensor/Actuator) ............................................................. 36
Figure 9: Supply Module with Fuse Carrier (Example 750-610) .......................... 38
Figure 10: Removing the Fuse Carrier ................................................................ 39
Figure 11: Opening the Fuse Carrier and Changing the Fuse ............................. 39
Figure 12: Changing the Fuse and Closing the Fuse Carrier .............................. 40
Figure 13: Push Back the Fuse Carrier ............................................................... 40
Figure 14: Fuse Modules for Automotive Fuses, Series 282 ............................... 41
Figure 15: Fuse Modules for Automotive Fuses, Series 2006 ............................. 41
Figure 16: Fuse Modules with Pivotable Fuse Carrier, Series 281 ...................... 41
Figure 17: Fuse Modules with Pivotable Fuse Carrier, Series 2002 .................... 42
Figure 18: Supply Example .................................................................................. 43
Figure 19: Carrier Rail Contact (Example) ........................................................... 47
Figure 20: Cable Shield at Ground Potential ....................................................... 48
Figure 21: Examples of the WAGO Shield Connecting System .......................... 49
Figure 22: Application of the WAGO Shield Connecting System ........................ 49
Figure 23: View fieldbus coupler PROFINET IO advanced ECO ........................ 54
Figure 24: Device Supply ..................................................................................... 56
Figure 25: RJ-45 Connector ................................................................................ 57
Figure 26: Display Elements ................................................................................ 58
Figure 27: Display Elements Fieldbus Connection RJ-45 ................................... 58
Figure 28: Service Interface (Closed and Opened Flap) ..................................... 60
Figure 29: DIP Switch .......................................................................................... 61
Figure 30: Spacing ............................................................................................... 73
Figure 31: Release Tab Standard Fieldbus Coupler/Controller (Example).......... 76
Figure 32: Release Tab of Extended ECO Fieldbus Coupler (Example) ............. 76
Figure 33: Release Tab ECO Coupler ................................................................. 77
Figure 34: Insert I/O Module (Example) ............................................................... 78
Figure 35: Snap the I/O Module into Place (Example) ........................................ 78
Figure 36: Removing the I/O Module (Example) ................................................. 79
Figure 37: Data Contacts ..................................................................................... 80
Figure 38: Example for the Arrangement of Power Contacts .............................. 81
Figure 39: Connecting a Conductor to a CAGE CLAMP®.................................... 82
Figure 40: Fieldbus Coupler Operating System ................................................... 84
Figure 41: Allocation of the Input and Output Data .............................................. 87
Figure 42: Output process data in the frame IOC  IOD .................................... 95
Figure 43: Input process data in the frame IOD  IOC ....................................... 95
Figure 44: Exemplary maximum configuration .................................................... 99
Figure 45: Exemplary usage of physical option modules .................................. 100
Figure 46: Exemplary usage of virtual option modules ...................................... 101
Figure 47: Usage of option module without physical slot reservation ................ 101

Version 1.3.1
262 List of Figures WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Figure 48: Usage of option module with physical slot reservation ..................... 102
Figure 49: Bitwise Activation of the Slots (Example) ......................................... 107
Figure 50: Mapping the Projected Station Layout onto the Physical Layout ..... 109
Figure 51: Mapping a Physical Station Layout onto the Projected Station Layout
Figure 52: iPar Server ........................................................................................ 118
Figure 53: Structure of WBM pages, example: WBM page "Information".......... 140
Figure 54: WBM pages – Status area ................................................................ 141
Figure 55: WBM page "Information" .................................................................. 142
Figure 56: WBM page "Ethernet" ....................................................................... 143
Figure 57: WBM page "TCP/IP"“........................................................................ 145
Figure 58: WBM page "Diagnostics" .................................................................. 146
Figure 59: WBM page "Administration".............................................................. 147
Figure 60: Display Elements .............................................................................. 148
Figure 61: Display Elements Fieldbus Connection RJ-45 ................................. 148
Figure 62: Node status - I/O LED signaling ....................................................... 152
Figure 63: Error message coding ...................................................................... 152
Figure 64: PROFINET Principle ......................................................................... 166
Figure 65: Marking Example According to ATEX and IECEx ............................ 172
Figure 66: Text Detail – Marking Example According to ATEX and IECEx ....... 172
Figure 67: Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module According to ATEX
and IECEx ................................................................................................ 174
Figure 68: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module
According to ATEX and IECEx ................................................................. 174
Figure 69: Marking Example According to NEC ................................................ 176
Figure 70: Text Detail – Marking Example According to NEC 500 .................... 176
Figure 71: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module
According to NEC 505 .............................................................................. 177
Figure 72: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module
According to NEC 506 .............................................................................. 177
Figure 73: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules
According to CEC 18 attachment J .......................................................... 178

Version 1.3.1
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 List of Tables 263
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler

List of Tables
Tabelle 1: Variations .............................................................................................. 9
Table 2: Number Notation .................................................................................... 13
Table 3: Font Conventions ................................................................................... 13
Table 4: Abbreviations and Terms Used in this Manual ...................................... 15
Table 5: Legend for Figure “Update Matrix from 2016” ....................................... 27
Table 6: Legend for Figure “System Supply” ....................................................... 31
Table 7: Alignment ............................................................................................... 33
Table 8: Legend for Figure “Field Supply (Sensor/Actuator) for ECO Fieldbus
Coupler” ......................................................................................................36
Table 9: Power Supply Modules .......................................................................... 37
Table 10: Legend for Figure “Supply Example for Fieldbus Coupler/Controller” . 44
Table 11: WAGO Ground Wire Terminals ........................................................... 46
Table 12: PROFINET IO Properties and Specifications ...................................... 52
Table 13: Legend for Figure “View Fieldbus Coupler PROFINET IO” ................. 55
Table 14: RJ-45 Connector and RJ-45 Connector Configuration ........................ 57
Table 15: Display Elements Fieldbus Status ....................................................... 58
Table 16: Display Elements Node Status ............................................................ 58
Table 17: Display Elements Fieldbus Connection RJ-45 ..................................... 59
Table 18: Legend for Figure “Service Interface (Closed and Opened Flap)” ....... 60
Table 19: DIP switch - Explanation of the 8 Slide Switches ................................ 62
Table 20: Example DIP Switch Setting ................................................................ 63
Table 21: Technical Data – Device data .............................................................. 64
Table 22: Technical Data – System data ............................................................. 65
Table 23: Technical Data – Supply ...................................................................... 65
Table 24: Technical Data – Accessories ............................................................. 66
Table 25: Technical Data – Field Wiring .............................................................. 66
Table 26: Technical Data – Power Jumper Contacts .......................................... 66
Table 27: Technical Data – Data Contacts .......................................................... 66
Table 28: Technical Data – Climatic Environmental Conditions .......................... 67
Table 29: WAGO DIN Rails ................................................................................. 73
Table 30: Identification and Maintenance Data Sets (I&M) ................................. 85
Table 31: Example 1 for Process Data Qualifiers for 2-Channel Digital Input
Modules without Diagnostics and with 1-Bit Diagnostics and Diagnostic
Acknowledgement. ..................................................................................... 89
Table 32: Example 2 for Process Data Qualifiers for 2-Channel Digital Output
Modules with Diagnostics ........................................................................... 89
Table 33: Example 3 for Process Data Qualifiers for 2-Channel Analog Input and
Output Modules .......................................................................................... 89
Table 34: Example 4 for Process Data Qualifiers for Special-Purpose Modules,
SSI Sensor Interface .................................................................................. 90
Table 35: Example for a station with the following selected submodules ............ 95
Table 36: Real Identification of Option Module Slots ......................................... 104
Table 37: Errors When Accessing Configuration Data Sets .............................. 113
Table 38: Diagnostics of Incorrect Configuration Data Sets .............................. 114
Table 39: Legend for the iPar server figure ....................................................... 119
Table 40: Parameterization – Overview of attributes for the station proxy (DAP)

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264 List of Tables WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 41: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Restart on K-Bus failure ............... 130
Table 42: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Diagnostics of External
Module/Channel Errors............................................................................. 130
Table 43: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Internal Data Bus Extension ........ 131
Table 44: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Response to PROFINET IO failure
Table 45: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Response to K-Bus Failure .......... 131
Table 46: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Webserver ................................... 132
Table 47: Parameterization DAP – Attribute WAGO-Service (TCP Port 6626) . 132
Table 48: Parameterization DAP – Attribute Minimal pause time (PROFIenergy)
Table 49: DAP Parameterization – “Variable peripheral layout” Attribute .......... 133
Table 50: DAP Parameterization – “Validation of the configuration data sets”
Attribute ....................................................................................................134
Table 51: Send cycle time as a function of RT class, transmit clocking and scaling
Table 52: Legend for the indicators in the status area ....................................... 141
Table 53: Parameter description of WBM page "Information" ........................... 142
Table 54: Description of the parameters of the WBM page "Ethernet" .............. 144
Table 55: Description of the parameters of the WBM page "TCP/IP" ................ 145
Table 56: Parameter description of the WBM page "Administration"................. 147
Table 57: LED Assignment for Diagnostics ....................................................... 148
Table 58: Fieldbus Diagnostics – Solution in Event of Error .............................. 149
Table 59: Diagnostics of the Fieldbus Status on the Fieldbus Connection –
Solution in Event of Error.......................................................................... 150
Table 60: Node Status Diagnostics – Solution in Event of Error ....................... 151
Table 61: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 1 ................ 153
Table 62: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 2 ................ 154
Table 63: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 3 ................ 155
Table 64: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 4 ................ 156
Table 65: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 5 ................ 156
Table 66: Blink Code Table for the 'I/O' LED Signaling, Error Code 6 ............... 157
Table 67: Blink Code Table for the 'I/O' LED Signaling, Error Code 7 … 8 ....... 157
Table 68: Blink Code Table for the I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 9 ................ 157
Table 69: Blink code table for I/O LED signaling, error code 10…11 ................ 157
Table 70: Blink Code Table for I/O LED Signaling, Error Code 12 .................... 157
Table 71: Diagnosis of fieldbus failure ............................................................... 158
Table 72: Retrievable record data sets for diagnostics ...................................... 160
Table 73: Structure Head for the Diagnostic Data ............................................. 161
Table 74: Description of Marking Example According to ATEX and IECEx....... 173
Table 75: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module
According to ATEX and IECEx ................................................................. 175
Table 76: Description of Marking Example According to NEC 500.................... 176
Table 77: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Module
According to NEC 505 .............................................................................. 177
Table 78: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules
According to NEC 506 .............................................................................. 177
Table 79: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules
According to CEC 18 attachment J .......................................................... 178
Table 80: Module types – Digital Input Modules ................................................ 183

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 List of Tables 265
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 81: Submodule types and data lengths – Digital Input Modules .............. 184
Table 82: Module types – Digital Output Modules ............................................. 187
Table 83: Submodule types and data lenghts – Digital Output Modules ........... 188
Table 84: Module types – Digital Input/Output Modules .................................... 191
Table 85: Submodule types and data lengths – Digital Input/Output Modules .. 191
Table 86: Module types – Analog Input Modules ............................................... 192
Table 87: Submodule types and data lengths – Analog Input Modules ............. 193
Table 88: Module types – Analog Output Modules ............................................ 194
Table 89: Submodule types and data lengths – Analog Output Modules .......... 194
Table 90: Module types – Up/Down Counter ..................................................... 195
Table 91: Submodule types and data lengths – Up/Down Counter ................... 195
Table 92: Module types – 2-Channel Pulse Width Output Modules .................. 196
Table 93: Submodule types and data lengths – 2-Channel Pulse Width Output
Module ......................................................................................................196
Table 94: Module types – Distance and Angle Measurement Modules ............. 196
Table 95: Submodule types and data lengths – Distance and Angle Measurement
Modules ....................................................................................................197
Table 96: Modultypen – Serial Interfaces .......................................................... 197
Table 97: Submodule types and data lengths – Serial Interfaces ..................... 198
Table 98: Module types – DC-Drive Controller .................................................. 198
Table 99: Submodule types and data lengths – DC-Drive Controller ................ 198
Table 100: Module types – RTC Module ........................................................... 198
Table 101: Submodule types and data lengths – RTC Module ......................... 199
Table 102: Module types – DALI/DSI Master and DALI Multi-Master Modules . 199
Table 103: Submodule types and data lengths – DALI/DSI Master and DALI
Multi-Master Modules ............................................................................... 199
Table 104: Module types – AS-Interface Master Modules ................................. 199
Table 105: Submodule types and data lengths – AS-Interface Master Modules
Table 106: Module types – RF Modules ............................................................ 200
Table 107: Submodule types and data lengths – RF Modules .......................... 201
Table 108: Module types – MP-Bus Master Modules ........................................ 201
Table 109: Submodule types and data lengths – MP-Bus Master Modules ...... 201
Table 110: Module types – Vibration Monitoring ............................................... 202
Table 111: Submodule types and data lengths – Vibration Monitoring.............. 202
Table 112: Module types – F I/O modules ......................................................... 202
Table 113: Submodule types and data lengths – F I/O modules ....................... 203
Table 114: Module types – Stepper Modules .................................................... 204
Table 115: Submodule types and data lengths – Stepper Modules .................. 204
Table 116: Module types – Power Supply Modules ........................................... 206
Table 117: Submodule types and data lengths– Power Supply Modules .......... 206
Table 118: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for Digital Input Modules
with Diagnostics (DI, DIA)......................................................................... 207
Table 119: Parameterization DI, DIA – Attributes "Channel diagnosis" ............. 207
Table 120: Parameterization DI, DIA – Attributes "Diagnosis: External fault".... 207
Table 121: Parameterization DI, DIA – Attributes „Invert logic level“ ................. 208
Table 122: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for Digital Output Modules
(DO) ..........................................................................................................209
Table 123: Parameterization DO – Attributes "Substitute value behavior" ........ 209
Table 124: Parameterization DO – Attribute "Substitute value (1 Byte)" ........... 209

Version 1.3.1
266 List of Tables WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 125: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for Digital
Output Modules with Diagnostics (DO, DIA) ............................................ 210
Table 126: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Channel diagnosis" ............. 210
Table 127: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault".... 210
Table 128: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Short circuit"...... 210
Table 129: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Line break" ........ 211
Table 130: Parameterization DO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Undervoltage" ... 211
Table 131: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for PROFIenergy
Submodules (DO, PE) .............................................................................. 212
Table 132: Parameterization DO, PE – Attribute "Minimal pause time"............. 212
Table 133: Parameterization DO, PE – Attribute "Pause output state".............. 212
Table 134: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for Analog Input Modules
(AI) ............................................................................................................213
Table 135: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Channel diagnosis" ....................... 213
Table 136: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault".............. 213
Table 137: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Measuring range overflow"
Table 138: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Measuring range
underflow" ................................................................................................. 214
Table 139: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Short circuit"................ 214
Table 140: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Line break" .................. 214
Table 141: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Overload" .................... 215
Table 142: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Lower limit value
exceeded" ................................................................................................. 215
Table 143: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Diagnosis: Upper limit value
exceeded" ................................................................................................. 215
Table 144: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Lower user limit" ........................... 215
Table 145: Parameterization AI – Attribute "Upper user limit" ........................... 215
Table 146: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for Special AI
Module Types (2/4 AI, RTD, TC, HART) ................................................. 216
Table 147: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "User scaling" .............. 216
Table 148: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "User offset" ................. 216
Table 149: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "User gain" ................... 216
Table 150: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Vendor scaling" .......... 216
Table 151: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Watchdog timer" ......... 217
Table 152: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Vendor scaling" .......... 217
Table 153: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Status flags" ............... 217
Table 154: Parameterization 2AI, RTD, TC – Attribute "Filter" .......................... 217
Table 155: Parameterization AI, RTD 461– Attribute "Filter constant" .............. 217
Table 156: Parameterization AI, RTD 481– Attribute "Filter constant" .............. 217
Table 157: Parameterization AI, TC – Attribute "Filter constant" ....................... 218
Table 158: Parameterization AI, HART 482, 484 – Attribute "Filter time" .......... 218
Table 159: Parameterization 2AI, RTD 461, 481 – Attribute "Sensor type" ....... 218
Table 160: Parameterization 2AI, RTD – Attribute "Overrange protection" ....... 218
Table 161: Parameterization 2AI, RTD 463 – Attribute "Sensor type" ............... 218
Table 162: Parameterization 4AI, RTD 464 – Attribute "Sensor type" ............... 219
Table 163: Parameterization 4AI, RTD 464/020-000 – Attribute "Sensor type". 219
Table 164: Parameterization 2AI, RTD 464 – Attribute "Connection type" ........ 219
Table 165: Parameterization AI, PM 494 – Attribute "DC measurement" .......... 219
Table 166: Parameterization 2AI, RTD 461, 481 – Attribute "Connection type" 219

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WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 List of Tables 267
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 167: Parameterization 2AI, TC – Attribute "Sensor type" ........................ 220
Table 168: Parameterization AI, TC – Attribute "Wire break detection"............. 220
Table 169: Parameterization AI, TC – Attribute "Check lower measurement range
limit" ..........................................................................................................220
Table 170: Parameterization AI, TC – Attribute "Cold junction compensation" . 221
Table 171: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Watchdog" .......................... 221
Table 172: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Nom. frequency power supply"
Table 173: Parameterization AI, 3 PM 495 – Attribute "Identifier Rogowski coils"
Table 174: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Peak value phase" ............. 221
Table 175: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Autoreset min./max. value" 221
Table 176: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "User scaling" ...................... 221
Table 177: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Scaling energy consumption"
Table 178: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Scaling energy consumption"
Table 179: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Storage interval energy [s]" 222
Table 180: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Current transformer ratio"... 222
Table 181: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Peak value meas. interval
[HW]" ........................................................................................................222
Table 182: Parameterization AI, 3 PM – Attribute "Min./Max. reset interval
[200ms]" ...................................................................................................222
Table 183: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for Analog Output Modules
(AO) ..........................................................................................................223
Table 184: Parameterization AO – Attribute "Substitute value behavior" .......... 223
Table 185: Parameterization AO – Attribute "Substitute value (2 Byte)" ........... 223
Table 186: Parameterization – Overview of additional Attributes for Analog
Output Modules with Diagnostics (AO, DIA) ............................................. 224
Table 187: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Channel diagnosis" ............. 224
Table 188: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Module diagnosis"............... 224
Table 189: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Short circuit" ...... 224
Table 190: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Undervoltage" ... 225
Table 191: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Overtemperature"
Table 192: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Error" ................. 225
Table 193: Parameterization AO, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault" .... 225
Table 194: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for Special AO
Module Types with Parameter Channel(AO, 562, 563) ............................ 226
Table 195: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "User scaling" ............... 226
Table 196: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Calibration" ................. 226
Table 197: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Number representation"
Table 198: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Operating mode" ......... 227
Table 199: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "On exceeding user limits"
Table 200: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Output" ........................ 227
Table 201: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Behavior on K-Bus
timeout" ....................................................................................................227
Table 202: Parameterization AO, 562, 563 – Attribute "Switch-on delay [s]" .... 228

Version 1.3.1
268 List of Tables WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 203: Parameterization – Overview of Additional Attributes for PROFIenergy
Submodules (AO, PE) .............................................................................. 229
Table 204: Parameterization AO, PE – Attribute "Minimal pause time" ............. 229
Table 205: Parameterization DO, PE – Attribute "Pause output value" ............. 229
Table 206: Parameterization SF, DIA – Attribute "Channel diagnosis".............. 230
Table 207: Parameterization SF, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault" .... 230
Table 208: Parameterization SF, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Error" ................. 230
Table 209: Parameterization SF, DIA – Attribute "Diagnosis: Undervoltage" .... 230
Table 210: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Diagnosis: Sampling error"
Table 211: Parameterization SF, ENC – Attribute "Diagnosis: Upper limit value
exceeded" ................................................................................................. 231
Table 212: Parameterization SF, ENC – Attribute "Sensor or load voltage
missing" ....................................................................................................231
Table 213: Parameterization SF, ASi – Attribute "Diagnosis: Bus fault" ............ 231
Table 214: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Baud rate [kHz]"........... 231
Table 215: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "SSI frame" .................... 233
Table 216: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "SSI clocks".................... 233
Table 217: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Relevant data length [bit]"
Table 218: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute Synchronous operation .. 233
Table 219: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Gray-Dual code
conversion" ............................................................................................... 233
Table 220: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Single-turn evaluation".. 233
Table 221: Parameterization SF, SSI 630 – Attribute "Disable frame error
detection" .................................................................................................. 233
Table 222: Parameterization SF, SER – Attribute "Transmission rate area [baud]"
Table 223: Parameterization SF, SER – Attribute "Transmission rate [baud]" .. 235
Table 224: Parameterization SF, SER – Attribute "Data frame" ........................ 235
Table 225: Parameterization SF, ASi 655, BT 644 – Attribute "Mailbox length" 235
Table 226: Parameterization SF, ASi 655, BT 644 – Attribute "Cross-fading of
mailbox" ....................................................................................................237
Table 227: Parameterization SF, ASi 655 – Attribute "Use of free PI areas".... 237
Table 228: Parameterization – Overview of Attributes for System Modules with
Diagnostics (PS, DIA) ............................................................................... 238
Table 229: Parameterization PS, DIA – Attribute "Module diagnosis" ............... 238
Table 230: Parameterization PS, DIA – Attribute "Sensor or load voltage
missing" ....................................................................................................238
Table 231: Parameterization PS, 750-610, 750-611 – Attribute "Diagnosis: Fuse
blown/open" .............................................................................................. 238
Table 232: Parameterization PS, 750-606 – Attribute "Diagnosis: Undervoltage"
Table 233: Parameterization PS, 750-606 – Attribute "Diagnosis: External fault"
Table 234: Record data sets .............................................................................. 241
Table 235: Data set I&M 0 ................................................................................. 243
Table 236: Data set I&M 1 ................................................................................. 243
Table 237: Data set I&M 2 ................................................................................. 244
Table 238: Data set I&M 3 ................................................................................. 244

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750-377 PROFINET IO advanced ECO Fieldbus Coupler
Table 239: Data set I&M 4 ................................................................................. 244
Table 240: "BlockTypes" .................................................................................... 245
Table 241: Head of the structure ....................................................................... 245
Table 242: „ExtChannelDiagnosis“ structure ..................................................... 246
Table 243: "ExtChannelDiagnosisData" instance structure ............................... 248
Table 244: Additional error information for Error Type "Internal bus fault" ........ 250
Table 245: Fault cases of digital input modules with diagnostics capability ...... 251
Table 246: Fault cases of digital output modules with diagnostics capability .... 251
Table 247: Fault cases of analog output modules with diagnostics capability ... 253
Table 248: Fault cases of analog output modules with diagnostics capability ... 254
Table 249: Fault cases of complex I/O modules with diagnostics capability ..... 256
Table 250: Initial structure "ModuleDiffBlock" .................................................... 258
Table 251: Structure of the odd modules within the configuration ..................... 258
Table 252: Structure of the erroneously configured submodules ...................... 259

Version 1.3.1
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 2880 • D - 32385 Minden
Hansastraße 27 • D - 32423 Minden
Phone: +49 571 887 – 0
Fax: +49 571 887 – 844169
E-Mail: [email protected]

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