HRM Module 1 MCQs

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18 MBA 203


1) ___________ is concerned with policies and practices that ensure the best use of the human
resources for fulfilling the organizational and individual goals.

a) Human Resource Management

b) Human Resource Planning

c) Human Resource Development

d) Human capital management

Answer- A

2) Which of the following does not indicate the objectives of HRM?

a)To utilize the available human resources effectively.

b) To develop and maintain the quality of work life (QWL)
c) To establish and maintain cordial relations between employees and management.
d) To maintain all forms of employee discrimination and differences in an organization.

Answer- D

3)___________is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them

to apply for jobs in the organisation. 

a) Selection
b) Employee counseling
c) Job Search
d) Recruitment

4) The operative functions of HRM includes_________

a) Procurement
b) Development
c) Compensation
d) All of these

Answer- D

5) Which of the following represents the scope of HRM?

a) Personnel,Welfare,Industrial relations
b) Industrial relations, employee relation, employee legislation
c) Employee welfare, employee relations, employee legislation
d) Personnel, judicial, employee relations.


6) According to Dave Ulrich,HR plays______________ roles.

a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 4


7)_____________ is a unified, comprehensive and integrated plan that relates the strategic
advantages of the firm to the challenges of the environment.

a) Policy
b) Principle
c) Strategy
d) Practice


8)__________ links corporate strategy and HRM, and highlights the integration of HR with the
business and its environment.

d) None of these.


9) ______________is the process by which the management determines how an organization should
move from its current to desired manpower position.

a) Recruitment
b) Corporate Restructuring
c) Human Resource Planning
d) Change management.


10) Human resource departments are___________________

a) Line departments
b) Service departments
c) Functional department.
d) Planning department

Answer- B

11) What are the factors responsible for the growth of HRM?

a) Development of scientific management and awakened sense of social responsibility.
b) The problem of how the available human resource could effectively minimize the cost and
maximize the production.
c) Technical factors, awakening amongst workers, attitude of the government, cultural and social
d) All of the above.

Answer- D

12) Directing is one of the important functions of HRM which comes under___________.
(a) Managerial function
(b) Operative function
(c) Technical function
(d) Behavioral function

13) ___________ provides information on the human attributes in terms of education, skills,
aptitudes, and experience necessary to perform a job effectively.
(a) Job description
(b) Job specification
(c) Job analysis
(d) Job evaluation
Answer- B

14) The process of helping unwanted present employees find new jobs with other firms called
(a) Outplacement
(b) Replacement
(c) Placement
(d) Employment
Answer- A
15) Selection is-
(a) A process of picking up individuals with requisite qualifications & competence to fill jobs in the
(b) A process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify & hire those with a greater
likelihood of success in a job
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

16. Skills inventory, replacement charts, Markov analysis, regression analysis all are types of
a) redundancy plan
(b) training plan
(c) retention plan
(d) forecasting methods

17. The factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job is known as
(a) Job description
(b) Job specification
(c) Job analysis
(d) Job evaluation

Answer- A

18. MPDQ stands for_____________.

(a) Management Position Description Questionnaire
(b) Management Process Descriptive Questions
(c) Methods for Personality Development Questions
(d) Modern Positions Developed Qualitatively
Ans. A

19. To calculate the need for manpower on the basis of the average loss of manpower due to leave,
retirement, death, transfer, discharge, etc. is known as____________.
(a) Trend analysis
(b) workforce analysis
(c) job analysis
(d) Markov analysis
Ans. (b)

20. Job specification includes _____________.

(a) Physical characteristics
(b) Psychological characteristics
(c) Personal characteristics
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)

21.___________ provides information on the human attributes in terms of education, skills,

aptitudes, and experience necessary to perform a job effectively.
(a) job description
(b) job specification
(c) job analysis
(d) job evaluation
Ans. (b)

22.Which of the following is a method of collection of information for job analysis?

(a) Questionnaire method
(b) Ratio analysis
(c) Optimisation models
(d) Trend analysis
Ans. (a)

23. Job analysis, HR planning, recruitment, selection, placement, inductions and internal mobility
are few important functions which come under the heading of______________ of HRM.
(a) integration function
(b) development
(c) maintenance
(d) procurement function
Ans. (d)
24.Human Resource planning is compulsory for ______________.
(a) effective employee development programme
(b) base for recruitment
(c) base for selection policy
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)

25.Managers use _______________ to measure the HR function’s effectiveness and efficiency in

producing employee behaviors the company needs to achieve its strategic goals.

(a) Job evaluation methods

(b) Forecasting tools
(c) Skills inventory
(d) HR balance scorecard
26.Which of the following tasks related to recruiting and hiring is not typically handled by HR
(a) specify necessary job qualifications
(b) develop pool of qualified applicants
(c) conduct initial screening interviews
(d) administer tests .


27. Which of these activities are not included in the scope of human resource management?
(a) Job analysis and design
(b) Motivation and communication
(c) Safety and health
(d) Organizational structure and design


28. The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on _______ and supervision.

(a) Training
(b) Recruitment
(c) Work quality
(d) None of the above
Answer- A

29. Rearrange the following steps of recruitment.

I. Searching
II. Evaluation and control
III. Planning
IV. Screening
V. Strategy development

(a) III, II, I, V, IV
(b) III, V, I, IV, II
(c) IV, V, III, I, II
(d) II, I, IV, V, III

Answer- C

30. Which of the following are the decisions to be made while devising the strategies to hire?

(a) Geographic distribution of labour markets comprising job seekers

(b) Make or buy employees
(c) Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process
(d) All of the above

Answer- D

31. While recruiting for non - managerial, supervisory and middle - management positions
which external factor is of prime importance?

(a) Political - Legal
(B) Unemployment rate
(c) Labour market
(d) Growth and Expansion
Answer- C

32. Which of the following strategies requires a company to concentrate its efforts in one or more
narrow segments instead of a broad based strategy?

(a) Cost-Leadership strategy
(b) Differentiation strategy
(c) Focus strategy
(d) None of the above
Answer- C
33. When managers use metrics to assess performance and then develop strategies for corrective
action, they are performing the _____ function of management.

(a) planning
(b) leading
(c) staffing
(d) controlling
Answer- D

34. The _____ measures the rate at which employees leave the company.

(a) turnover costs
(b) turnover rate
(c) time to fill
(d) cost per hire
Answer- B

35. _____ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and
attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

(a) Human Resource Management

(b) Labor Relations
(c) Organizational Behavior
(d) Organizational Health and Safety Management
Answer- A

36. What are the benefits of human resource planning?

(a) Achieve economy in hiring new workers.

(b) Match personnel activities and future organization objectives efficiently.
(c) Improve the utilization of human resources.
(d) All of the above


37. Which of the following is the internal source of recruitment?

(a) Advertisement
(b) Job posting
(c) Walk-Ins
(d) None of the above
Answer- B

38. Role of Human Resource Manager is_________

(a) Advisory
(b) Mediator Role
(c) Representative Role
(d) All of the above

39. In __________, the interviewer uses pre-set standardized questions which are put to all

(a) Unstructured interview
(b) Structured interview
(c) Behavioral interview
(d) Mixed interview
Answer- B

40. Which country uses the graphology test to select candidates?

(a) U.S
(b) India
(c) Germany
(d) China
Answer- A

41. Which test assesses an individual's achievement and motivational levels?

(a) Thurstone Temperament Survey 
(b) Minnesota Multiphase Personality
(c) Thematic Apperception Test
(d) Guilford - Zimmerman Temperament Survey
43. A process that is used for identifying and developing internal people with the potential to fill key
business leadership positions in the company is called_________

(a) Highly talented personnel creation

(b) Investing in human resources
(c) Succession planning
(d) None of the above
Answer- C

44. The process of forecasting an organizations future demand for, and supply of, the right type of
people in the right number is called.
(a) Human Resource Planning
(b) Recruitment
(c) Human Resource Management
(d) Human Capital Management
Answer- A

45.A test that seeks to predict success or failure through ones handwriting is called
(a) Polygraph 
(b) Graphology
(c) Projection Test
(d) None of the above
Answer- B

46. Which one of these is an unethical method of recruiting candidates?

a. Poaching
b. Social media Advertisement
c. Outsourcing
d. Head hunters.

Answer- A

47. One of the following is not included in job descriptions:

(a) Job title

(b) Location
(c) Penal actions
(d) Duties
Answer- C

48. Recruitment means___________

(a) Total number of inquiries made

(b) Total number of applications received
(c) Total number of persons short listed
(d) Total number of selections made

Answer- B

49. Delphi technique is used in______________

(a) Organising
(b) Directing
(c) Staffing
(d) Forecasting
Answer- D

50. Which of the following statements about the recent trends in HRM is not correct?

(a) Employer branding is attempted to be achieved through HRM practices.

(b) Competency mapping is a recent trend in HRM.
(c) Measurement of HR through balanced scorecard has taken shape.
(d) Performance and Knowledge Management are not related to strategic HRM.
Answer- D

51. Job analysis includes:

(a) Job description and job enlargement

(b) Job enlargement and job enrichment
(c) Job description and job specification
(d) All of the above

Answer- C

52. In this method, the views of different experts related to the industry are taken into
consideration and then a consensus about the Human Resource requirement is arrived at.

a. Delphi Method
b. Work study Method
c. Markov Model
d. Managerial Judgement.
Answer- A
53. _____________ tests are found useful for the organizations that are highly vulnerable to theft or
swindling. Examples of such organizations are departmental stores, banks, jewellery shops, etc.

a. Graphology
b. Achievement Test
c. Interest Test
d. Polygraph

Answer- D

54. _________is a process of introducing the new employees to the organization and
its policies, procedures and rules.

(a) Orientation
(b) Socialisation
(c) Job Evaluation
(d) Employer Branding
Answer- A

55. Campus Selection is a _________ source of recruitment.

(a) Internal
(b) External
(c) Both
(d) None of these.

Answer- B

56.__________is not an internal source of recruitment.

(a) Promotion
(b) Transfer
(c) Walk-Ins
(d) Job posting

Answer- C

57. Which is not an advantage of external recruitment?

(a) Less expensive

(b) More competition
(c) New blood
(d) More diversity
Answer- A

58. The ______ and the job applicant are interrelated at each step in the selection
(a) Job specification

(b) Job evaluation

(c) Both (A) and (B)

(d) None of the above

Answer- A

59. The firm must go to external sources for______

(a) Lower entry jobs

(b) For expansion

(c) For positions whose specifications cannot be met by present personnel.

(d) All of the above

Answer- D

60. Which mode of recruitment is through advertisements, newspapers and want ads?
(a) Direct
(b) Indirect
(c) On payroll
(d) None of the above

Answer- B


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