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Astha school of management

2nd semester


Module –ll (Mcqs)

1. DBMS is a collection of _____ that enables user to create and maintain a


A Keys
B Program
C Translators
D Language Activity
Ans: B
2. In a relational schema, each tuple is divided into fields called
A Relations
B Queries
C Domains
D All of the above

Ans: A
3. Processed data is called _____

A Raw data
B Source
C Information
D Useful data
Ans: C

4. In an ER model,_____ is described in the database by storing its data.

A Entity
B Attribute
C Relationship
D Notation
Ans: A
5. DFD stands for
A Data Flow Document
B Data File Diagram
C Data Flow Diagram
D Non of the above

Ans: C

6. Data items grouped together for storage purposes are called a

A record
B string
C title
D list
Ans: A

7. A top-to-bottom relationship among the items in a database is established by


A Hierarchical schema
B Network schema
C Relational Schema
D All of the above
Ans: A

8. ____ table store information about database or about the system.

B System
C Nested
D None of these
Ans: B

9. ______defines the structure of a relation which consists of a fixed set of

attribute-domain pairs.

A Instance
B Program
C Schema
D Super Key
Ans: C

10. A logical schema

A is the entire database

B Describes how data is actually stored on disk.
C is a standard way of organizing information into accessible parts.
D All of the above
Ans: C

11. A relational database developer refers to a record as

A an attribute
B a tuple
C a criteria
D a relation
Ans: B

12. The relational model is based on the concept that data is organized and
stored in two-dimensional tables called ______

A Fields
B Records
C Relations
D Keys
Ans: C

13. ______ keyword is used to find the number of values in a column.

Ans: C

14. ______contains information that defines valid values that are stored in a
column or data type.
A Default
B Index
C Rule
D View
Ans: B

15. The collection of information stored in a database at a particular moment is

called as ......

A schema
B instance of the database
C data domain
D independence
Ans: B

16. Data independence means

A data is defined separately and not included in programs.

B programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data
C programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data
D both B and C
Ans: D

17. Key to represent relationship between tables is called

A primary key
B secondary key
C foreign key
D none of the above
Ans: C

18. DBMS helps achieve

A Centralized control of data

B Data independence
C Both A and B
D Neither A nor B
Ans: C
19. Drop Table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a ______ constraint.

A Primary Key
B Local Key
C Foreign Key
D Composite Key
Ans: C

20. The set of all values that can be taken by the attribute is called as _______ of
the attribute.

A Tuple
B Cardinality
C Degree
D Domain
Ans: D

21. The ______ key of a relation is the attribute (column) or collection of attributes,
which uniquely identify a given tuple.

A Primary
B Foreign
C Candidate
D Alternate
Ans: A

22. E-R Modeling is achieved by using ____ diagrams

B Flowcharts
C Gantt Charts
Ans: D

23. What were the two main streams of research that led to the evolution and
development of the concept of Decision Support Systems?
A). Theoretical studies of organizational decisionmaking and technical work on
interactive computer systems.
B). Theoretical studies of organizational behavior and technical work on relational
data bases.
C). Empirical studies of graphical displays and technical work on artificial
Ans: A

24. What should be a major characteristic of a DSS?

A). Automates decision making.
B). Includes a spreadsheet model.
C). Responds quickly to the changing needs of decision makers.

25. In which of Steven Alter's categories of DSS would you place data
A). Analysis Information systems.
B). Accounting and financial models.
C). Data analysis systems.
D). Suggestion models.

26. What would one conclude after visiting DSS-related sites on the World-Wide
A). There is limited support for DSS researchers and practitioners on the World-Wide
B). The Web is where the DSS research and development action is occurring.
C). The quality and value of DSS-related Web sites is outstanding.

27. What is a data warehouse?

A). A database application that searches for hidden patterns in a data base.
B). A database designed to support decision making in organizations. It is batch
updated and structured
for rapid on-line queries and managerial summaries.
C). An interactive computer based system which helps decision makers utilize data
and models to
identify and solve problems and make decisions.

28. What general type of DSS would iinclude file drawer systems, data
warehouses, on-line
analytical processing (OLAP) systems, and Executive Information Systems?
A). Communications-Driven DSS
B). Data-Driven DSS
C). Document-Driven DSS
D). Knowledge-Driven DSS

29. What type of computerized system recordes current information and

emphasizes data
integrity and consistency?
A). Data Analysis System.
B). File Drawer System
C). Transaction Processing System
Ans: C

30. What is the most important component of a Decision Support System?

A). Architecture and network design.
B). Database.
C). Mathematical models and analytical tools.
D). User interface.
Ans: D

31. Internal information for MIS may come from any one of the following

a. Customers care department

b. HR department
c. Marketing department
d. Production department
Ans: a
32. MIS normally found in a manufacturing organization will not be suitable in the

a. Service sector
b. Banking sector
c. Agriculture sector
d. All of the above
Ans: a
33. _______ details are given by Management to Marketing Service System.
a. Customer
b. Employee
c. Supplier
d. None of the above
Ans: c

34. The basic component(s) of DSS is (are)

a. Database
b. Model base
c. DSS software system
d. All of the above
Ans: d

35. GDSS is the short form of

a. Group Decision Support System

b. Group Discussion Support System
c. Group Decision Service System
d. Group Discussion Support Source
Ans: a

36. The growth of corporate intranets, extranets, as well as the web, has
accelerated the development and use of “executive class” information delivery
and decision support software tools by lower levels of management and by
individuals and teams of business professionals. This dramatic expansion has
opened the door to the use of which of the following tool?
A) Business intelligence (BI) B) Business Knowledge (BK)
C) Business Ideas (BI) D) Busyness Intelligent (BI)
Ans: A

37. According to your textbook, the Decision support systems use all of the
following EXCEPT:
A) Analytical models, B) Specialized databases C) Online
Transaction processing
D) A decision maker’s own insights and judgments, and
E) An interactive, computer-based modeling process to support the making of semi-
structured Business decision.
Ans: C
38. ____________________ are types of boundary-spanning systems.

a. DSS and Expert systems

b. Office Automation and Collaboration systems
c. Functional area and Global Information systems
d. All of the above.
Ans: d

39. Functional area information systems can be a(n) ___________.

a. TPS.
b. MIS.
c. EIS.
d. All of the above.
Ans: d
40. Information systems support an organization's business operations,
managerial decision making and strategic competitive advantage. Such
system is called

A. Business process reengineering

B. Globalization
C. Roles of information systems
D. Competitive advantage
Ans: C

41. Mistakes made in the system analyses stage show up in

A. System design
B. System development
C. Implementation
D. All of these
Ans: C

42. The document listing all procedure and regulations that generally govern an
organization is the

A. Administrative policy manual

B. Personal policy book
C. Procedures log
D. Organization manual
Ans: D

43. Generally, the top management of an organization is more interested in

A. Tactical decisions
B. Day-to-day operations
C. Strategic decisions
D. All of these
Ans: C

43. The first computer virus is --------

A. I Love You
B. Blaster
C. Sasser
D. Creeper

________ can occur at the

individual, group, organizational
or extra-organizational level.
1. Planning
2. Controlling
3. Organizing
4. Scheduling
________ can occur at the
individual, group, organizational
or extra-organizational level.
1. Planning
2. Controlling
3. Organizing
4. Scheduling
Ans: D

44. MCAfee is an example of

A. Photo Editing Software

B. Quick Heal
C. Virus
D. Antivirus
Ans: D

45. Which of the following is known as Malicious software?

A. illegalware
B. badware
C. malware
D. maliciousware
Ans: C

46. To protect a computer from virus, you should install -------- in your computer.

A. backup wizard
B. disk cleanup
C. antivirus
D. disk defragmenter

________ can occur at the

individual, group, organizational
or extra-organizational level.
1. Planning
2. Controlling
3. Organizing
4. Scheduling
Ans: C

47. VIRUS stands for

A. Very Intelligent Result Until Source

B. Very Interchanged Resource Under Search
C. Vital Information Resource Under Slege
D. Viral Important Record User Searched
Ans: C

48. Which of the following is not an antivirus software?

B. Avast
C. Code Red
D. MCAfee
Ans: C
49. What is short for malicious software (is software designed to disrupt computer
operation, gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to
computer systems)?

A. Malware
B. Moleculewar
C. Malisoft
D. Malairasoft
Ans: A

50. Which of the following is/are threats for electronic payment systems?

A. Computer worms
B. Computer virus
C. Trojan horse
D. All of the above
Ans: D

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