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Richard Baker
Editor: Miranda Horner
Creative Director: Ed Stark
Cover Illustration: Todd Lockwood
Interior Illustrations: Dennis Cramer
Cartography: Todd Gamble
Typography: Erin Dorries
Graphic Design: Sherry Floyd, Scan Glenn
Art Director: Dawn Murin
Project Manager: Josh Fischer
Production Manager: Chas DeLong
Playtesters: Monte Cook, Brace R. Cordell, Miranda Horner, Gwendolyn Kestrel, Scott Magner,
Dave Mendez, Eric Mona, Jon Pickens, John D. Rateliff, Ed Stark, Jonathan Tweet, Anthony Valterra,
Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, and James Wyatt

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson,
and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

Table of Contents
lntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sidebar: Vision in the
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Glitterhame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Adventure Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sidebar: Troglodyte Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Adventure Synopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sidebar: Watch Those Claws! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Sidebar: The Town of Blasingdell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Sidebar: Mold and You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Character Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sidebar: Ropers and Low-Level
The Forge of Fury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Player Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
The Stone Tooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Sidebar: Negotiating Passage? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Sidebar: The Wilderness and Camping . . . . . . . . 4 Sidebar: Illusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Entering Khundrukar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sidebar: Idalla’s Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Sidebar: Dungeon Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Sidebar: Summary of Defenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ending the Character Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Sidebar: Prisoners and Where to Next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Player Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Appendix: Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30


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Each encounter is rated with an encounter level to

INTRODUCTION help you figure out how powerful the encounter should
be for your party of adventurers, and to determine expe-
rience point rewards.
Two centuries past, the dwarven smith Durgeddin the
Black carved a secret stronghold from the caverns rid-
dling a hill known as the Stone Tooth. Laboring cease- ADVENTURE BACKGROUND
lessly in their halls under the mountain, Two centuries ago, the great dwarven smith Durgeddin
The Town of Durgeddin’s clan forged enchanted weapons the Black was driven from his home by a horde of fierce
Blasingdell for use in their vendetta against the orcs that orcs and trolls. They plundered his ancestral halls and
While the Stone Tooth is a had driven them out of their old homes. slew all they could catch. Fleeing his enemies, Durgeddin
remote and lonely place, there Durgeddin and his followers are long dead, led the destitute remnants of his clan in search of a new
is a human town not too far but the dwarf-hold is not empty. Deadly home. After years of wandering, the dwarves discovered
away. Blasingdell lies about 30 peril waits in the caverns beneath the Stone a great cavern system beneath the Stone Tooth, which
miles south of the Stone Tooth, Tooth, as well as Durgeddin’s hidden armory is a rugged, forested hill crowned by a bare rocky crag.
a journey of three days on foot of matchless weaponry. There Durgeddin and his followers founded the secret
or two days on horseback due The Forge of Fury is a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® stronghold of Khundrukar—the Glitterhame.
to the surrounding rugged ter- adventure suitable for four 3rd-level player About one hundred years ago, one of Durgeddin’s clans-
rain and dense forests. While characters. Player characters who survive the men was captured by orcs during a raid, and a powerful
it isn’t close enough for the entire adventure advance to 5th level with orc tribe learned the secret of their enemy’s stronghold.
player characters to use it as good play. Lower level characters can handle The orcish chieftains raised a great army and marched on
a base camp for their explora- the early portions of the adventure with luck Khundrukar. In a hard-fought siege lasting months, the
tion of the Glitterhame, it’s and caution, while you can make the adven- orcs tunneled around the dwarven defenses and stormed
still useful as a place to pur- ture suitable for higher level characters with the place, putting all within to the sword. The monsters
chase equipment, stock up on some minor modifications. abandoned the scene, carrying off wagonloads of booty.
supplies, and rest in between In the years since the great battle, various goblin or
excursions into the caverns. orc bands have occupied the Glitterhame and used the
Blasingdell (large town): PREPARATION dwarf-hold as a base for their raids. At other times, the
Conventional; AL NC; 5,000 You should have a copy of the Player’s Handbook, caverns have lain empty except for the mindless and
gp limit; Assets 505,000 gp; the DUNGEON MASTER’S Guide, and the Monster bloodthirsty monsters that haunt such places. Today
Population 2,021; Integrated Manual to play this adventure. Before you legends of Durgeddin’s Vengeance, the Smith’s War,
(human 37, halfling 20, elf 18, run this adventure for your players, you and the extraordinary blades he forged in anger still
dwarf 10, gnome 7, half-elf 5, should read through it once to get an idea surface from time to time in the lands near the Stone
half-orc 3). of what’s supposed to happen. If you plan to Tooth.
Authority Figure: Sir Miles play as a player character in this adventure,
Berrick, male human Ari6. you shouldn’t read it now—play the adven-
Important Characters: Khelde- ture first with someone else as the Dungeon ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS
gan Tolm, male dwarf Exp7 Master, and when you’re done with that The Forge of Fury is a dungeon crawl, or site-based adven-
(proprietor of Tolm’s Superior game, you can get ready to run your own. ture, describing the ruined stronghold of Khundrukar.
Outfitting and Dry Goods); You should read or paraphrase text that The characters come to the Stone Tooth in search of a
Constable Dara Whitewood, appears in shaded boxes to
female human War6; Sister the players. This information
Alonsa, female human Clr5; summarizes the scene as the
Sergeant Grendar Kuln, male characters first encounter it,
half-orc (watch-captain) Ftr4; providing the players with
Sarel Bankdown, female half- the information their charac-
elf Exp2 (proprietor of The Grif- ters gain simply from enter-
fon’s Nest inn and tavern). ing the room. In many cases,
Others: Town guards, War3 the characters may discover
(2); Militia, War1 (101); Clr2 hidden treasure or lurking
(2); Ftr2 (2); Exp3 (2); Exp1 monsters by exploring the
(56); Ari3 (2); Aril (10); Com1 area at greater length. Boxes
(1,838). outside the running text
contain special information
for you, the Dungeon Master.
Areas with monster encounters
include a set of “spot” statistics, just
enough information for you to run a
combat with these creatures without
2 referring to another source. Extended
monster statistics are provided in the
appendix in alphabetical order.

hidden cache of Durgeddin’s superior blades. They find characters learn that fierce orc raiders have been pil-
the old stronghold inhabited by a number of dangerous laging isolated farmsteads and camps in the hills north
monsters. The complex consists of five different levels: of the town. One orc warrior, left for dead by his com-
The Mountain Door: The entrance to the Glitterhame, rades, was placed under the influence of a charm spell
the Mountain Door is the uppermost level of the cavern by the town’s mage. He then divulged the location of
complex. It is inhabited by a tribe of fierce orcs, led by a the monsters’ lair, a lonely hill called the Stone Tooth.
brutal ogre-king known as the Great Ulfe. The characters are offered a bounty of 25 gold pieces per
The Glitterhame: The largest level of Khundrukar, the orc they slay or capture, plus the eternal gratitude of the
Glitterhame is a broad expanse of beautiful natural cav- townsfolk for quelling the threat.
erns. Troglodytes and cave-dwelling monsters infest
this region. From here, the characters can ascend to the
Foundry or climb down into the Sinkhole.
The Sinkhole: Streams in the Glitterhame descend to
an underground river, which includes a corner of the
caverns forgotten by the denizens above.
The Foundry: Beyond the Glitterhame lie the dwarven When you’re ready to begin play, read or paraphrase the
halls of Khundrukar itself, a complex of chambers and following information to the players. This is what their
passageways carved by Durgeddin’s folk. A small band of characters have heard about Durgeddin and his lost
duergar (gray dwarf) warriors currently hold Durgeddin’s stronghold before setting out in search of the dwarf’s
hall, working to uncover the secret of the smith’s lost stronghold. This text assumes that you’ve decided
ancient forge. A great crevasse leads to the Black lake. to use The Map as your hook for getting the characters
The Black Lake: The most dangerous denizen of the cav- to the adventure; if that’s not the case, you might need
erns under the Stone Tooth lairs in the cold, still waters to change the text to fit.
of the Black Lake. Nightscale, a black dragon, discovered
a passage into the lake through an underwater siphon The legend of the smith Durgeddin the Black is well
connecting to a bog on the far side of the hill. The young known in this region. In each of the small, scattered
dragon has claimed the ancient wealth of Khundrukar as towns you’ve passed through, you’ve heard stories
the beginning of her own hoard, and she defends her lair to of wondrous treasure hidden in long-lost dwarven
the death. vaults and a pitiless war of vengeance between dwarf
and orc a hundred years past.
Durgeddin was a master smith who forged blades
CHARACTER HOOKS of surpassing quality and power. Centuries ago,
You can place the Stone Tooth and its caverns anywhere Durgeddin’s home was sacked by orcs. Durgeddin
you like in your campaign world. The Forge of Fury works led the remnants of his clan to a new stronghold in
particularly well if you pick a remote range of rugged the mountains north of the town of Blasingdell and
hills or highlands several days from the nearest town. established a small, secret stronghold somewhere in
Your next task is to figure out why your players will the trackless wilderness.
want their characters to brave this adventure. How did From his hidden redoubt, he waged a decades-long
the party learn about Khundrukar, and how did they vendetta against all orc-kind, until one day his ene-
discover its location? Pick one of the following options mies discovered his fortress and attacked it. Durged-
that best suits your game, or make up an explanation of din and his followers perished, and much wealth was
your own. (If you don’t know which one to use, go with carried away by the conquering hordes. But it’s said
The Map—it’s easy). that the deepest and best-hidden vaults and armories
The Map: The party has acquired a map showing the escaped the looting, and that some of Durgeddin’s
location of a secret dwarven stronghold named Khun- extraordinary blades still wait in the darkness for a
drukar. Perhaps the characters discovered the map dur- hand bold enough to claim one.
ing a previous adventure, or maybe a character with a stu- You’ve come to Blasingdell, a small mining town
dious bent such as a wizard or a priest discovered the map on the northern frontier, to see if there’s anything
in a forgotten corner of his or her favorite library before to these stories. Your map shows that the old dwarf-
this adventure starts. It doesn’t really matter how the hold lies about three days’ march to the north of the
characters got their hands on it—they can use the map town. Dark, deeply forested hills rise beyond the
to reach the Stone Tooth and begin their explorations. town’s outskirts.
A Broken Blade: Baron Althon, a local nobleman,
hires the party to search for the legendary cache of
weapons forged by Durgeddin the smith. He shows This is a good time to ask the players if their characters
the characters a broken blade bearing the smith’s mark, would like to make any special preparations before
and tells them that it was discovered near a rocky hill beginning the adventure. Buying equipment and sup-
called the Stone Tooth. Baron Althon provides the party plies for an expedition into the wilderness might be a
with directions to the Stone Tooth and offers a reward good idea.
of 500 gold pieces above market value for each blade of When the players are ready, move on to The Stone 3
Durgeddin’s the party recovers for him. Tooth. The trek to the peak passes without event.
Captured Raider: In the town of Blasingdell, the

someone in the party must succeed in an Intuit Direction

THE STONE TOOTH check (DC 15). If the characters succeed, tell the play-
When you’re ready to begin play, read or paraphrase ers in which direction the Chimney (the source of the
the following information to the players. Again, this smoke) lies from their present position. Otherwise, ask
text assumes that the players are beginning with The the players which direction they wish to travel in (north,
Map as their hook for involvement and that they have northeast, etc.) but don’t tell them whether or not they are
already set forth on their journey. moving directly toward the smoke. They may head in the
right general direction, but without a successful Intuit
As you travel, you pass through brooding pine for- Direction check, they could find themselves wandering
ests and deep vales several days’ travel north of the the mountain for quite some time.
mining town of Blasingdell. From where you stand A. The Mountain Door: The front entrance to the
now, you catch sight of a tall, steep hill that rises to Glitterhame is located here. The old dwarf-path leads up
a prominent bare knob of rock—the Stone Tooth. A to a bare shoulder of rock and then turns into a deep cleft
thin spire of smoke rises from some unseen point in the hillside. Go on to area 1 of the Mountain Door.
high on the hill’s slopes, and you can make out a B. The Chimney: When the characters reach this
steep, narrow road or track that runs back and forth square on the map, they can discover the source of the
across the face of the mountainside. smoke. A natural rock chimney leads down into the cav-
erns below, and a thin stream of smoke rises through
Refer to the map. The characters have three basic it. Actually locating the chimney takes a bit of work; a
options open to them. They can follow the path, they party of climbers could pass within 50 feet of the fissure
can try to locate the source of the smoke or scout the and not spot it through the dense thickets and boulders
surrounding area, or they can find a place to wait and covering the hillside. The smoke is diffused as it comes
observe to see if anything happens. up through the ground and isn’t as easy to track down as
it sounds.
The Wilderness and The Path If the characters deliberately search for the source of
Camping At the foot of the Stone Tooth, a carefully con- the smoke, one of them needs to make a Search check
The trek from Blasingdell structed path winds up the hillside to some (DC 13) to find the rock chimney. If they pass through
to the Stone Tooth is an unseen height above. Durgeddin’s clan cut this area by accident, allow each character a Spot check
excellent place to insert an the path carefully to conceal its presence as (DC 20) to notice the fissure.
encounter with a monster much as possible, but years of wind and rain Should the player characters descend the chimney, go
common to cold forests. See have eroded away its cover, leaving it exposed on to the description of area 7 of the Mountain Door.
the appropriate section in the and visible from the valley floor below. C. The Orc Tunnel: On the other side of the Stone
DUNGEON MASTER’S Guide for The path climbs directly to The Mountain Tooth, a few hundred yards from the Mountain Door,
an encounter chart. Door section. This is also the route used by
During the initial part of the the orcs in Great Ulfe’s tribe to come and go
adventure, the dangers that from their lair.
the characters face may cause If someone checks the trail for tracks, have
them to retreat back outside the player roll a Search check (DC 17). If
to recuperate. In this case, the successful, the character determines that a
characters can find any num- party of four humanoids came down the trail
ber of defensible campsites within the last day and headed into the for-
in the forest near the Stone est. This trail seems to disappear after half a
Tooth. As long as the charac- mile or so.
ters keep a vigilant watch, they
should have no problems rest- Search the Hill
ing outside the dungeon. Ambitious characters might choose to
ignore the path and scale the Stone Tooth’s
slopes. This is very hard going, and requires
a great deal of care to avoid dangerous slips or falls.
The characters must deal with steep slopes and heavy
undergrowth, reducing their local movement rate to
1/4 normal (50 feet per minute, 75 feet per minute, or
100 feet per minute for a base speed of 20, 30, or 40,
respectively). The map scale is 150 feet per square, so the
characters could easily take hours to thoroughly explore
the hillside.
If the characters try to climb up to the origin of the
smoke rising from the hilltop, they soon discover that the
smoke is invisible from the slopes of the Stone Tooth—
4 the heavy woods block the view up the slope. To move
directly toward the source of the smoke (The Chimney),

the orc army burrowed into the hillside to circumvent the Read the following text aloud, adjusting as necessary
dwarven defenses. The tunnel is still passable, although its for the circumstances in which the characters meet the
entrance is choked with brush and debris. If the characters orcs.
enter this square of the map, they discover the orc tunnel
with a successful Search check (DC 18). They discover Four hunched humanoids in dirty scale armor
the tunnel automatically with a more thorough search approach along the trail, snarling and muttering to
of this area; it leads to area 21 of the Glitterhame. each other in a guttural tongue. Yellow tusks jut from
The tunnel entrance is about 6 feet high and 4 feet their bestial faces.
wide. Any characters who search this area may attempt
a Search check (DC 18) to spot old tracks passing in and The orcs charge to attack if they spot a sentry. (The orcs
out of the tunnel—numerous large birdlike prints (the roll Spot checks against the sentry’s Hide check result,
troglodytes from the Glitterhame) and the paw prints of a if the sentry chooses to conceal himself.) If the orcs
very large bear. come across the camp and aren’t spotted, they attempt
D. The Hilltop: An hour or two of hard hiking brings to sneak up to the sentry and ambush the character
the party to the summit of the Stone Tooth. The last 100 on watch, or creep into the camp to attack sleeping
feet or so are a sheer point of rock, requiring a Climb characters. Refer to the Helpless Defender rule in the
check (DC 15) to negotiate successfully. The Stone Player’s Handbook. As a full-round action, the attacker
Tooth is about 1,450 feet in height, which towers over may instead execute a Coup de Grace. This automati-
the neighboring hills by 500 feet or more. The view is cally scores a critical hit, and the defender must make
spectacular, but the hilltop is otherwise unremarkable. a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or die on the
E. The Dark Mere: The eastern slopes of the Stone spot.
Tooth descend into a damp valley where water is trapped Orcs (4): hp 8, 6, 5, 4.
by the terrain. A dark tarn nestles under the hill’s slopes, If the orc patrol slips past the characters or fights its
surrounded by numerous meres and smaller lakes. The way through, note that area 14 will be reinforced by any
large lake has a hidden drainage channel deep under- patrol survivors when the characters begin their explo-
water that connects to the Black Lake. The dragon ration of Khundrukar.
Nightscale uses the dark mere as its preferred entrance Captured orcs can describe in some detail the general
to its underground lair. Player characters exploring the arrangement of the Mountain Door. They don’t know
area near the lake can’t find this underwater outlet unless anything about the rest of the Glitterhame, or that it’s
they conduct extensive dives to plumb the mere’s depths possible to enter through the chimney. A captured orc
(Swim DC 10). Remember that every 5 pounds of gear tries to convince the player characters to ransom it back
that a PC carries causes him or her to suffer a –1 pen- to its tribe. However, the Great Ulfe doesn’t actually
alty to the Swim check. Also, failure by 5 or more points pay to ransom any of his followers, and he refuses to
causes the PC to start drowning.
The tunnel is about 40 feet deep, and it lies about 100
feet from the western lakeshore. If any characters are
capable of diving this deep and conduct a thorough
search of the lake, they’ll discover the passage with a
successful Search check (DC 23). Naturally, if the char-
acters can’t swim this deep or don’t search the lake, the
passage remains hidden.

Wait and Watch

The characters might choose to observe the path and
keep watch for some amount of time before braving the
Stone Tooth. When the characters arrive, two foraging
squads of four orcs each are away from the Great Ulfe’s
tribe. The first patrol returns two days after the charac-
ters arrive, and the second returns three days later.
Creatures (EL 2): Player characters keeping watch
from the spot marked “Start” on the Stone Tooth map
may encounter the returning orcs. These orcs sleep by
day and travel by night, so they arrive in the party’s
vicinity just before dawn. If the party sets up their camp
at least 60 feet from the path, the returning orcs pass by
them without spotting the camp. Otherwise, the orcs
notice the camp when they come within 60 feet (or 300
feet if a campfire is burning).
A sentry whose post overlooks the trail is entitled to a
Spot check (DC 10) to detect the approaching orcs (or 5
Listen DC 10). Characters with darkvision automati-
cally spot the orcs when they approach within 60 feet.

Dungeon Features allow the characters to enter the Mountain When the characters move around the corner onto the
The following features are true Door to negotiate. ledge, they may notice a row of cleverly hidden arrow slits
unless otherwise noted in a Treasure: Each orc carries coinage totaling in the rocky walls about 15 feet overhead. Ask players for
specific area description. 4d6 sp and 1d10 gp. a Spot check (DC 18) to notice the slits when their charac-
Doors: Unless noted other- Development: Regardless of how much ters move into a position from which they might see the
wise, average doors have the longer the characters wait, no more dun- slots, and lower the check (DC 13) if the character deliber-
following qualities: geon denizens emerge during their vigil, ately examines the east wall of area 1.
Wooden Doors: 1 in. thick; and no more monsters appear after the Creatures (EL 1): Two orcs stand guard here, though
hardness 5; hp 10; AC 5; break second patrol returns (use the same statis- they aren’t paying as much attention to their duties as
DC 18. tics and guidelines for the encounter with they should. Wark and Thark, as they’re called, are cur-
Player characters can attempt the second patrol). The next step is to find rently muttering to each other in the Orc language about
any number of activities before a way in. some being named Ulfe. Because of their laxness in duty,
opening a door, including lis- they receive a –4 penalty to Spot and Listen checks. The
tening at it and checking for
traps. If characters elect to lis-
ENTERING party (or their advance scout) is near the point marked
“X” on the map when they spot the orcs at the points
ten at a door, check the keyed KHUNDRUKAR marked “O”. Unless the characters have previously
encounter of the room beyond Once the party is ready to enter Khundrukar, encountered orcs, be sure to describe them instead of
to determine if any creatures go to the appropriate area description. simply telling the players that they’re orcs.
inhabit the area on the other Wark and Thark (2): hp 5, 4.
side. You may want to set a The Mountain Door Tactics: If attacked or confronted by more than one
DC and have the characters As the uppermost level of Khundrukar, the character, Wark and Thark call out a warning to the orcs
check, just to keep the players Mountain Door is a natural cavern expanded in area 4 as soon as they get a chance to act. They stand
guessing. If the room beyond and improved upon by Durgeddin’s folk into their ground against one character, but flee to area 3
provides no instructions other- a series of halls and guard-chambers protect- otherwise. If the characters are disguised as orcs, the
wise, set the DC at 14, and ing the entrance to his realm. The entrance two don’t call out a warning until their second action
if very soft noises might be itself is still well fortified. comes up.
heard, set the DC at 22. The caverns and chambers of this dwarven Wark and Thark aren’t the only enemies here. See area
Light: Once within the con- strongpoint are now occupied by a band 4 for more details.
fines of Khundrukar, many of orc raiders, led by a powerful ogre who
rooms are lightless, unless calls himself Great Ulfe. Ulfe’s raiders use 2. The Dwarf-Door
specifically noted otherwise in the Mountain Door as stronghold from From the ledge at area 1, the trail turns south and ascends
a room’s description. A light which to hunt and pillage the surrounding steeply through a deep cleft or fissure in the rock, turn-
source is required for charac- area, although they’re many miles from the ing into the mountainside in a grand entrance of stone.
ters to see without darkvision. nearest settlements and outposts. The fierce
Ventilation: All keyed rooms tribe has blocked access to the lower levels Broad, shallow steps lead up a steep fissure to the
contain an adequate air sup- of Khundrukar, and they have no dealings south and turn east into the mountainside. Here,
ply, unless noted otherwise. with the other denizens of the cave system. a broad entrance has been carved out of the stone.
The air is renewed from small Ulfe’s rule extends as far as his reach. Marble steps cracked with age and veined with green
vents leading to the surface. moss lead up to a strong double-door of carved stone, 8
These vents are individually 1. The End of the Trail feet wide and almost 10 feet tall. Two arrow slits high
too small for any but Fine crea- The old dwarven path winds up to a cleft in on the north and south walls command this area.
tures to navigate. the hillside, wrapping around a shoulder in
the hillside and leading in to the front door The door may stand ajar, or it could be sealed shut—your
of Khundrukar. Two orcs stand guard near- call. If the orcs know the player characters are coming,
by. Read or paraphrase the following text to the players they will eventually shut the door. However, the door
when they approach this area: may be open otherwise. Be warned: If the door isn’t ajar,
the player characters will have a difficult time entering
The path climbs up one last steep switchback toward the mountain this way.
a bare shoulder of rock. The hillside climbs steeply The danger to the player characters here is simple: If
on your right and drops away precipitously on your the orcs know the heroes are coming, they’ll be pelted
left. Debris and rubbish lie scattered over the last with arrows until they retreat or force their way through
hundred yards or so of the path—discarded water the door into area 3.
skins, bits of charred bone, and splintered casks or If the characters silenced the orcs in area 1 and moved
kegs discarded carelessly from the path. Up ahead, past the orcs in area 4 by using stealth or a disguise, they
the path opens up onto a wide ledge and then dou- find the door at the top of the marble stairs standing open.
bles back sharply into the mountainside. On the other hand, if the characters allow the orcs in
Two bestial humanoids in scale armor stand watch area 4 to discover their presence and don’t move quickly
on the ledge. They appear to be inattentive and bored to reach the door, the orcs shut it in their faces. Opening
the door once it has been shut is very hard, as it is barred
6 with their duty.
on the other side. A Strength check (DC 25) is neces-

sary to force it. A knock spell or an Open Lock check taneously pushing in two concealed stone Summary of Defenses
(DC 20) can lift the bar much more easily. plates about a foot above the floor. Getting in through the Moun-
Development: The characters may be repelled in Creatures (EL 2): Two orcs guard the tain Door may be difficult.
their attack. If they leave and return later, two orcs from eastern side of the room. They do every- Here’s what happens if the
area 11 are now in this area, standing watch, while the thing in their power to prevent the charac- player characters storm in
orc shaman from area 9 moves to area 4 in order to add ters from reaching their side. shooting:
to the firepower of the orcs on watch there. It doesn’t Orcs (2): hp 8, 6; longbow (1d8/×3),
get any easier for the characters to rush the Mountain greataxe, 1d10 gp, 4d6 sp. Round 0: The characters
Door on subsequent tries! Tactics: The orcs use the rock pillars in the meet the orcs in area 1.
room for shelter, providing 50% cover. They Round 1: The orcs sound
3. The Rift Hall use their bows to attack characters trying to the alarm and flee 60 feet
The Rift Hall once served as the last line of defense for cross the bridge, then those casting spells, south to area 2.
Glitterhame’s dwarves. then characters shooting back at them Round 2: The orcs in area
with missile weapons. The archers gain a 4 fire at any exposed charac-
The great door opens into a large hall. You are +2 attack bonus when firing at characters on ters in area 1 if alerted by the
standing on a narrow ledge overlooking a deep, the bridge, and the targets lose any Dexterity sentries. Wark and Thark flee
dark crevasse that cuts the room in two, completely bonus to AC. Each hit forces the balancing through the door into area 3.
obstructing passage to the opposite side. A dangerous character to make a Balance check (DC 8) or Round 3: Wark and Thark
looking rope bridge, frayed and thin, spans the gap. risk a fall, just as if he’d missed his climbing cross the rope bridge. The
Water gurgles and rushes somewhere far below. Two check by a margin of 5 or more. orcs in area 4 continue to fire
copper braziers burn brightly on either side of the If a PC gets two-thirds of the way across at characters in areas 1 or 2. If
door, illuminating this half of the room. You can just the bridge, one orc breaks cover to run up no characters are exposed, one
barely make out the opposite platform on the other and destroy the rope bridge, using a battle- orc from area 4 runs up to the
side of the chasm. axe to sever the support ropes. The orc secret door leading to area 3.
must cut two ropes, each with 8 hit points. Round 4: Wark and Thark
If any of the characters possess darkvision, low-light If one is cut, the checks to cross the bridge slip through to area 5 to
vision, or a means of illuminating the other side of the increase to DC 13. If both are cut, the end spread the alarm. The third
room, add: of the bridge plummets into the crevasse. orc from area 4 moves to the
Characters on the bridge sustain 2d6 points door at area 2 and starts to
In the shadows of the natural rock of the chamber’s of subdual damage from the impact and shut it, or engages any char-
far side, two porcine humanoids stand watch before must make Reflex saves (DC 13) or lose acters who are already there.
another stone door. They snarl a challenge, revealing their grips and fall into the crevasse. Round 5: The orc at the door
yellowed tusks, and raise their bows to fire on you! Development: If the bridge is destroyed, in area 2 shuts the door. The
the Great Ulfe’s followers rebuild it in orcs remaining in area 4 con-
Rope Bridge: Crossing the bridge is difficult enough three days. If the characters raid the rooms tinue to fire at exposed charac-
to warrant a Balance check at DC 8 (don’t forget the beyond, kill the Great Ulfe or 50% of his ters. The orcs in the eastern
check modifier for heavy armor). Each success allows a followers, then retreat, the survivors cut half of area 3 cut the rope
character to traverse a distance equal to half her or his the bridge and do not rebuild it in order bridge and prepare to defend
Speed as a full action, or one-quarter her or his Speed as to protect themselves against future raids. the door leading to area 5.
a partial action. Any orcs killed here are replaced by orcs Round 8: The orcs in area
Climbers who fail their checks make no progress. If from area 11. 14 come to area 3 to join in
they fail by 5 or more, they may fall from the bridge. the defense of the complex if
Allow characters a second Balance check (DC 18) to 4. The Archers’ Gallery warned.
catch themselves; otherwise, they plummet almost 200 The dwarves carved out this chamber to Round 12: Great Ulfe and
feet to the underground river below, striking the rocky provide a place from which archers could the four orcs from area 11
walls along the way. The damage of the fall is 20d6, and rain arrows down on any attackers in the move to area 5 to ready a
the river sweeps away anyone who somehow survives approaches to the front door of their strong- counterattack if warned.
into a light-less, airless torrent of churning water. The hold. It is impossible to enter this room
characters can prevent fatal falls by roping themselves through the arrow slits unless the character
together before crossing. Of course, this may be diffi- trying to wriggle in is 2 feet tall or smaller and can get up
cult with the orcs firing arrows at them every round. 15 feet to them. The characters must discover the secret
Secret Doors: Two secret doors on the north and south doors in area 3 to reach these rooms. Once the charac-
walls lead to areas 4 and 4a. The doors are well made (DC ters open the door, read or paraphrase the following:
20 for Search checks), although characters who take 20
should eventually find them. Remember, elf characters The secret door slides aside to reveal a narrow passage
who simply pass within 5 feet of these doors are entitled descending a flight of stairs to open up into a small
to Search checks to detect them, even if they’re not delib- chamber below. Light from outside slants into the
erately searching the area. The doors operate by simul- room through a series of narrow embrasures, posts
for archers watching the entrance to the dwarf-halls.

Depending on how the characters fared in area 1 and 2, Of course, characters could also run past the slits, in
these orcs may have already engaged them in combat, which case the orcs definitely notice them and shoot at
firing through the arrow slits. them as they pass. They fire at the characters in area 2 if
The galleries are littered with debris, cobwebs, and rat they miss the opportunity to fire on them in area 1.
droppings. The orcs who stand watch here don’t bother The arrow slits provide the orcs behind them with
to keep it clean, so poorly cured hide blankets and well- 90% cover against missile fire and make it impossible
gnawed bones from orc meals are scattered all over. to reach them with melee weapons (the slits are at least
A secret door at the northern end of the gallery leads 15 feet off the ground and only about 6 inches wide on
to area 14 (DC 23 Search checks). The orcs are unaware the outside). When the characters turn the corner into
of this passage and so do not use it. area 2, the orc in area 4a may begin to fire on them,
Creatures (EL 3): Three orcs guard area 4, the north- too, while one of the orcs from area 4 circles around
ern archer’s gallery; one orc guards area 4a, the south- through the secret door to shut the door from area 2 to
ern archer’s gallery. These are the same orcs mentioned area 3. It takes the orc 2 rounds to reach the door, and a
in area 1 and 2, so if the characters defeat some or all of third round to shut it.
the hidden archers in those encounters, there may be If the heroes find the secret doors leading to the
fewer orcs left here to fight them. archers’ galleries and attack, the orc archers use their
Orcs (4): hp 8, 7, 6, 3; longbow (1d8/×3), heavy flail bows on characters descending the stairs, then switch
(1d10+2, crit 19–20), 1d10 gp, 4d6 sp. to heavy flails and move up to fight at the bottom of
Tactics: The archer gallery here overlooks the stairs the stairs. Since the stairs are only 5 feet wide, only one
leading up to area 2, and the orcs here can fire missiles character at a time can engage the orcs in melee if the
at party members anywhere in the shaded area. They orcs occupy the foot of the stairway.
join the fray 1 round after the orcs in area 1 call for help, Remember to keep track of any orcs who are van-
but they’re not particularly vigilant. quished throughout areas 2, 3, and 4.
If the party takes care of Wark and Thark quietly, the Development: If the characters defeat these orcs and
orcs in area 4 may not notice them at all. Characters in then withdraw from the dungeon, the orcs are replaced
disguise may pass to area 2 without danger, provided by orcs from area 14 and reinforced by the shaman
the orcs did not raise the alarm. Characters who attempt from area 9.
to sneak past the row of arrow slits must attempt Move
Silently checks with a +4 bonus (the orcs aren’t paying 5. Orc Cave
attention). To detect the sneaking characters, the orcs The second patrol, currently out of the dungeon, lairs here.
in area 4 must equal or beat the worst Move Silently
result achieved by the player characters. This chamber is a natural cave with carefully
smoothed walls and floor. Wet stone gleams, and you
can discern at least four exits leading off into dark-
ness. Red coals glow in the darkness of the far right-
hand passageway, and a crude wooden cage bars the
closer right-hand passageway. The room is littered
with orcish sleeping furs, loot, and rubbish.

Once a masterful piece of dwarf-work tunneling, this

chamber was carefully carved out to preserve the natu-
ral beauty of the cavern while providing access to the
rest of the complex. The cage door to the south leads
to area 6, where two prisoners languish under the orcs’
indifferent care; the prisoners leap to their feet and
rush to the cage door to cry for help when the charac-
ters enter the room.
Treasure: The crates and sacks in this room contain
mundane supplies—flour, grain, nails, and so on. The
total value is about 20 gp for about 500 pounds of mate-
rial. Additionally, if characters are held captive in area 6,
their equipment rests within an unlocked chest here.
Development: When the second orc patrol returns
(five days after the characters arrive at the Stone Tooth),
they take up residence here. Add four orcs to this room
after their return.

6. Prisoner Cave
The orcs occasionally capture miners, settlers, and
8 merchants traveling through the forests north of
Blasingdell. This is where they keep them until they
put the hapless captives to death or ransom them.

A row of rough-hewn sapling trunks forms a crude 8. Orc Commons

but serviceable cage across the mouth of this small
cave. A door locked with an iron padlock secures the Haphazard stacks of crates, barrels, sacks, and bundles
room. Inside, you see two filthy prisoners dressed litter this long, narrow cavern. The orcs appeared to
in tattered rags, crowding close to the door. “Thank have had some success in their raids of the small
Yondalla!” the first one cries out. “We’re rescued!” settlements and mountain roads in the area. To the
north, two finished stone passageways lead east and
The prisoners are a pair of travelers named Geradil and west; to the south, an old well is full of murky water.
Courana. They hail from a small settlement a few miles
from Blasingdell, and the orcs have held them captive The stores and plunder filling this cavern consist of
for almost a month now. A party of orcs captured them high-bulk, low-value materials such as foodstuffs, ale,
with the idea of holding them for ransom, but neither’s blankets, tools, timber, pitch, nails, wool, and similar
family could raise the gold demanded by the raiders, goods. The orcs raid small settlements and
and so both are awaiting a terrible death at the orcs’ merchant wagons on the road, carrying off Prisoners and Player
hands. anything they can get their hands on. Characters
Geradil (Com2): hp 5. The passage leading east (area 8a) is com- If any player characters have
Courana (Com1): hp 3 pletely blocked by tightly packed crates and been killed earlier in the
Opening the cage door requires an Open Lock check sacks of flour. The orcs blocked this off to adventure, area 6 is a great
(DC 13), the key from Old Yarrack’s pocket, or a sharp prevent the stirges in area 10 from getting out. place for the rest of the party
axe and a little time. Geradil and Courana are extremely If the characters move this material out of the to find replacement charac-
grateful for their rescue, but they will not join the PCs way, they find that the passage leads another 20 ters. The orcs are keeping
in their quest—neither person is skilled at fighting, feet to the east, ending in an iron gate stuffed their equipment in area 5.
and they’d much prefer to slip away while the orcs are with straw pallets.
busy with the characters. The passage to the southeast leads to a secret
If the characters free the prisoners and escort them door, cleverly constructed to resemble the natural rock
back to their homes (a trip of about a day’s travel each of the cave. A successful Search check (DC 18) discov-
way) the travelers’ families reward the heroes with ers the door.
four potions of cure light wounds. Taking the time to see Treasure: A small locked strongbox hidden behind a
Geradil and Courana to safety allows the monsters a loose stone contains 180 gp and a flask of holy water.
chance to prepare for the characters’ next visit.
Development: Any characters captured by the orcs 9. Orc Shaman
eventually wind up in the cage in area 6, unless they Burdug the shaman commandeered this chamber as
demonstrate that they’re too much trouble to be left her private domain, living apart from the rest of Old
alive. Yarrack’s band with three followers. She makes a great
show of employing her magic at every opportunity,
7. The Chimney keeping Yarrack docile and amenable to her sugges-
The irregular chamber known as the Chimney holds tions on how things should be run.
the main cooking fire of the tribe, since a crevice in its The secret door leading into area 9 is marked with various
ceiling actually winds up through the rock to an exit on orc hexes and curses on its west-facing side. A Search check
the hilltop above. (DC 13) is required to find the hidden door.

A large, smoky fire crackles in the center of this The secret door pivots in its center, revealing a
room, Battered pots and kettles are stacked all over; chamber of finished stonework about 30 feet deep
clearly, this serves as a crude kitchen. You notice a and 15 feet wide. The room is cluttered with crude
distinct draft drawing the smoke up through a rough furnishings, and the air is hazy with the smoke of
hole in the ceiling of the chamber. a small cooking fire. Dozens of yellowed skulls are
suspended from the ceiling by fraying ropes strung
If the characters attempt to descend the chimney from through holes punched in the bone. An orc in a
above, they’ll need to do some climbing. The shaft is ragged black robe looks up from her work with her
about 80 feet high; it is irregular and rough but slip- face twisted in an expression of sheer rage!
pery (Climb DC 10). It’s possible to anchor a rope at
the top of the shaft and climb down the rope (DC 5). The door to area 10 is locked, but the key is actually
Remember to add in armor check penalties. If a charac- sitting in the keyhole on this side of the door. Burdug
ter fails his Climb check by 5 or more, he may make one doesn’t open it because she knows the stirges are just
Climb check to catch himself (DC 20) or fall the rest of on the other side (she calls them her “little stingies”
the way down the chimney, incurring standard falling and occasionally captures one to use in her potions and
damage, plus 1d6 due to the hot coals. A careful climber brews).
can easily avoid the fire on the way down. Note that the Creatures (EL 4): Burdug and two orc females attempt
crash of a character into the fire brings any orcs in area to repel any intruders. Even if the characters have some-
5 to investigate. how negotiated for passage through the orc-held areas, 9
Burdug does not tolerate interruptions of any sort.

Burdug: hp 20; 3 flasks of alchemist’s fire. Creatures (EL 2): The stirges are hungry for blood.
Orcs (2): hp 5, 3; light mace (1d6+2). They attack the player characters indiscriminately. If a
Tactics: Burdug orders her two followers to engage stirge attaches to a victim via touch attack, it causes 1d4
the characters while she attempts to weaken the party points of Constitution damage per round until it has
with a sleep or cause fear spell. After she uses her magic, drained 4 points, and its AC decreases to AC 12. Sated
she’ll throw alchemist’s fire at the party; she has three stirges flap off to digest their meal down in area 17 of
flasks. the Glitterhame.
If the fight goes poorly, Burdug flees into area 10, seiz- Stirges (4): hp 8, 5, 5, 3.
ing a smoking brand beforehand to ward off the stirges. Large quantities of smoke or fire discourage the stirg-
She’ll return to area 14 and seek help from Yarrack. es and keep them from approaching within 5 feet of
Treasure: Two leather sacks among the clutter the source of the smoke (a single torch or lantern is not
(Search DC 10) contain 160 sp each. enough). Characters set on fire by the trap described
below don’t have to worry about the stirges.
10. The Grand Stair Trap (EL 2): Opening the door to the north trig-
The Grand Stair room formerly served as the main gers a murderous trap. When the door is pulled open, a
entrance to the Glitterhame, which includes the great counterweight mechanism pumps burning alchemist’s
natural caverns lower in the hillside. fire from the spouts, dousing any character standing
The iron gate blocks entry from area 8. Its lock is north of the dotted line marked on the map. Burning
rusted shut; it can be picked with an Open lock (DC characters can be extinguished by the actions of their
23), or forced open with a Strength check (DC 15). comrades.
The orcs stuffed it with blankets and pallets to make it After the door is opened, the counterweight pulls it
stirge-proof. If the characters enter the room, read the shut again in 2 rounds. Fast-thinking characters can
following aloud: jam it open to inspect the small room behind it. The
only contents of the trap room are the counterweight
The ceiling soars 30 feet high in the center of this mechanism, piping for the alchemist’s fire, and two
impressive chamber, and the walls are carved in almost-empty copper drums containing about 20 gal-
images of dwarves at their forges. Two large stone lons of reagents for alchemist’s fire (the liquids are
doors exit to the north and south. Several old skele- mixed and then sprayed out, as alchemist’s fire ignites
tons lie scattered near the northern door. A gate of on contact with air). Piping runs out through the small
wrought iron stands in the western wall. channels to the southeast and southwest to the spouts
In the center of the floor, a natural rift descends overlooking the kill zone.
sharply. Dozens of stone steps lead down into dark- To manufacture alchemist’s fire from the reagents
ness. From far below you can hear the distant sound in the tanks, the characters must first puncture and
of running water, and a curious buzzing sound. drain each tank, then combine the reagents safely.
This requires about 2 hours of tedious work, and a suc-
If the characters make any sounds, allow the stirges to cessful Alchemy check (DC 18) to recover 3d4 batches
make a Listen check. Read the following aloud if the of alchemist’s fire. If the character fails the Alchemy
stirges hear the characters: check, the reagents ignite during the process and burn
away. If the character fails by 5 or more, he’s caught in
The buzzing grows louder, and then four large flying the fire and suffers the normal effects for being struck
things—birds, insects, bats, it’s hard to say—emerge by alchemist’s fire.
from the stairwell and arrow toward you! Fire Trap: CR 2; alchemist’s fire causes 4d6 points
of damage in first round, then causes 1d6 points of dam-
The door to area 9 is locked from the other side. Charac- age each round after that until 10 rounds pass; Reflex
ters in this room can pick the lock (Open Lock DC save each round halves damage first round and negates
23), but only by pushing the key out first (this warns damage after first round (DC 23), no saves needed after
Burdug that someone’s coming). first successful save; Search (DC 23); Disable Device
The door to the north is a deadly trap. The door is (DC 23), takes 2d4 rounds.
carved in the image of a glowering dwarven face. On Development: If the characters allow the door to the
either side of the northern door, eight small spouts trap room to shut, the trap resets. Fortunately, it only
about 10 feet above the floor are carefully worked into has enough fuel for only one more spray.
the stonework design. (The small circles on the map
mark their location.) These spouts are part of the fire 11. Orc Quarters
trap, but they might be spotted by any character using Four of the orcs following the Great Ulfe live in this
a Search check (DC 18) on these wall sections. old dwarven guardroom. When the characters open the
The skeletons are orcs killed by the trap during the door, read the following:
end of the old battle; they’re dressed in the rusted Barrels, crates, and sacks of foodstuffs line the walls
remnants of chain hauberks that show signs of severe of this chamber. Among the loot, four oversized straw
scorching. Rusted axe-heads lie near the bodies, with
10 no sign of the weapons’ hafts.
pallets and other simple furnishings show that this
room now serves as a bunkroom. Four bestial human-
This room leads down to area 15. oids with feral eyes are cleaning their weapons

and mending their gear; they spring to their feet and booms as it rushes at you. “Vak! Thrag! At them!”
roar in challenge! The humanoid drops the chains, the wolves spring
forward, and the being charges with a roar of rage!
The supplies stockpiled in this room are essentially the
same as those in’ area 8—low value, high bulk trade Creatures (EL 4): The ogre and his pet wolves aren’t
goods and staples raided from the settlements to the interested in negotiating and attack immediately.
south over the last few months. Great Ulfe: hp 44
The two orcs stationed in area 3 live here when they’re Wolves (2): hp 15, 12.
off-duty. Tactics: The ogre and his wolves pursue the char-
Creatures (EL 2): Unless these monsters were sum- acters as closely as possible, fighting
moned by orcs fighting in area 8, they’re engaged in a furiously. Clever players might consider Vision in the
variety of mundane tasks when the characters appear. retreating back down the stairs to force Glitterhame
Orcs (4): hp 7, 5, 5, 4; heavy flail (1d10+2, crit the ogre and the wolves to descend to Range of vision is important
19–20), short sword (1d6+2, crit 19–20), javelin, 1d10 the passageway outside, where they can in the PCs’ exploration of
gp, 4d6 sp. be flanked or outmaneuvered. this level. Human characters
Tactics: These orcs fight dirty. They team up into two Great Ulfe neither asks nor gives quar- rarely carry light sources
pairs; one orc in the pair attempts to trip the character ter, but Vak and Thrag aren’t entirely permitting more than 30 or
the pair is fighting (a melee touch attack), while the stupid. If the ogre falls, the wolves run 60 feet of illumination, and
other orc holds its action until after the trip attack so off, moving through or over player char- many of the chambers and
that he can strike at a character who may have been acters if necessary. (This may provoke passages in the Glitterhame
knocked prone. (See the Player’s Handbook for more attacks of opportunity.) are much larger. Don’t tell
details on trip attacks and prone details.) Note that an Development: If the characters defeat the players about perils their
orc can choose to drop his flail if the defender would the Great Ulfe but fail to defeat all of the characters can’t see from
trip him instead; these orcs carry short swords as sec- orcs, one of the surviving orcs claims their current location.
ondary weapons in case they’re disarmed. leadership of the tribe. If the characters
Development: If the characters raid the complex and kill at least thirteen orcs in addition to
depart, two of these orcs will be posted to area 2 to guard Ulfe, the survivors abandon the Mountain Door and
the entrance of the dungeon against future attacks. head for the hills as soon as the characters leave this
Treasure: The orcs have 210 gp stashed in an old portion of the dungeon.
iron cauldron hidden under one vermin-infested bed. Treasure: Great Ulfe keeps his treasure in two large
A small pouch concealed in another orc’s bedding con- wooden chests against the south wall. His hoard con-
tains a topaz worth 200 gp and two onyx stones worth sists of 440 gp, 1,600 sp, a potion of spider climb, and a
200 gp each. +1 rapier. (Great Ulfe thinks the rapier is just too small
for an ogre to use with any dignity.)
12. Great Ulfe
Great Ulfe is a fierce ogre who leads the orcs and 13. Dwarven Statue
the orcs of the Mountain Door. This chamber once The dwarven statue area is another trap to discomfit
belonged to the dwarf watch-captain, but Great Ulfe invaders of the citadel. A pressure plate in the floor
rules here now. about 5 feet in front of the statue triggers a gas trap.

A short flight of stairs leads up to a large, ironbound At the end of this passageway stands the statue of a
door. A bloodstained human skull is fixed to the cen- fierce-looking dwarf in heavy mail armor. The stone
ter of the door by an iron spike. warrior holds a sword in one hand and a smith’s ham-
mer in the other. The statue stands on a large stone
The door is not locked, but it is heavy and hard to move pedestal; the whole structure is about 7 feet tall and
(unless you’re an ogre). must weigh many hundreds of pounds.
Ironbound Door: 1 in. thick; hardness 6; hp 25; AC
5; break DC 25. If any player character approaches for a closer look (and
If the characters try the door and fail to open it on the fails to disarm the trap), continue with the text below:
first go, Great Ulfe realizes he’s about to be attacked. He
releases the two wolves and uses a readied action (a par- Suddenly, you feel a small click from the floor
tial charge against the first enemy to enter the room). beneath your feet. The statue’s bearded face slides
open, rather like an oversized nutcracker, and green-
Beyond the door lies a small chamber covered in
ish gas billows forth!
poorly cured animal hides and illuminated by smok-
ing torches in bronze sconces. The smell is indescrib-
able. A monstrous creature of about 10 feet in height Trap (EL2): All of the denizens of the Mountain
with warty, brown skin and greasy dark hair steps for- Door know about the trap and avoid stepping on the
ward, a massive axe in one hand. Two huge wolves pressure plate. The gas used to be much more debilitat-
ing, but it has lost some potency with age.
strain at chains held closely in the other hand. “You
think to challenge the Great Ulfe?” the creature

Poison Gas Trap: CR 2; poison gas creates a 20-foot Old Yarrack carries the key to the cage door in area 6.
cone, initial Strength damage of 1d4 points, secondary Old Yarrack: hp 22.
Strength damage of 1d4 points; Fort save negates all Orcs (4): hp 6, 6, 4, 3.
(DC 13), second save negates secondary damage (DC Development: In two days, the first patrol of four
13); Search (DC 23); Disable Device (DC 13). orcs returns and reinforces this room. Any orcs slain in
area 4 are replaced by orcs from this room. The charac-
14. Bunkroom ters might encounter as many as nine orcs in this room
Once the principal bunkroom for dwarf guards posted if they wait too long before entering the dungeon.
in this part of the dungeon, this chamber has been Treasure: The orcs on patrol chose to take most of
appropriated by Great Ulfe’s orcs. A total of eleven of their wealth with them, but a loose stone on the south
the creatures live here, but at the moment a band of wall conceals a sack of 250 sp, 40 gp, and a potion of
them are out raiding the countryside nearby, while cure light wounds. Yarrack conceals a sack of gold in
three are on duty in area 4; only Old Yarrack and four area 8, since he feels certain he would be murdered by
other orcs are at home. his followers if they ever learned where he kept his
This large chamber is filled with rough-hewn bunks,
tables, and chairs, and the floor is strewn with filthy The Glitterhame
pelts. At a glance it appears that perhaps a dozen or so Below the Mountain Door lies the Glitterhame, a large
humanoids might live here. series of natural caverns in the heart of the Stone Tooth.
The caverns are beautiful; the walls sparkle and glisten
The orcs don’t know about the secret door in the west- with flecks of semiprecious stone, and millennia of
ern wall, but player characters searching this area can water sculpting have created sheets of fluted flowstone,
discover it with a Search check (DC 20). delicate stalactites, and picturesque stalagmites. The
Creatures (EL 4): Once the characters make their Glitterhame is a living cave, and water streams down
presence known, Yarrack and his orcs attack! Old through the caverns toward the underground river far
Yarrack hangs back, trying to avoid the melee while below.
hurling axes (he has three of them) at disengaged play- The Glitterhame is now home to a band of troglodytes,
er characters. If the battle seems to be going poorly, he dangerous reptilian savages that haunt underground
orders an orc to break off and run to area 9 for help. If places. The troglodytes and the humanoids of the Great
the fight’s going very badly, he sends an orc to area 11 to Ulfe’s tribe maintain an uneasy peace, although short
summon the orcs. If all else fails, Old Yarrack retreats to skirmishes are common. For the most part, the troglo-
area 12 to cower under Great Ulfe’s protection. dytes use the old tunnel in area 21 to reach the surface
and hunt, leaving the orcs alone. In turn, the Great
Ulfe’s followers rarely invade the troglodytes’ domain.

15. The Cold Stream

The passage leading from area 10 to area 16 is inter-
sected here (area 15) by a subterranean stream.

The narrow crevasse winds down quite a long ways,

twisting and turning. The floor has been cut into
hundreds of shallow steps, but the walls and ceiling
are still natural rock. About 60 feet down a rushing
stream spills down from a narrow crack to your left
and crosses the stairway, disappearing into a narrow,
winding tunnel to your right. The rill is only about
2 or 3 feet wide.

If the characters decide to explore the stream passage,

they have to go single file. The stream drops sharply;
the characters must use the Climb skill to descend (DC
10 due to the fast-moving water). If a character slips and
falls, he drops 2d10 feet, taking normal falling damage.
Creatures (EL 3): About halfway down the passage
lies the main stirge nest (area 15a), in a small vertical
cave overlooking the stream. The deep fissures at the
back of the cave run all the way to the surface, almost
150 feet distant at this point—but only a creature as
small as a stirge could crawl through.
12 Stirges (6): hp 5 each.
The stirges in the nest are sleeping, but any noise or light
from a party descending the streambed wakes them.

Each round 1d4 stirges wake and attack, until all the stakes along the cavern walls, and you spot a pair of
stirges have awoken. orc corpses treated in the same fashion.
Treasure: On the floor of the stirge cave lies the desic-
cated corpse of a dwarven explorer who died here many Allow any PC in the room to attempt a Spot check
years ago. A leather pouch on the corpse contains 35 gp (DC 19) to detect the troglodytes before they attack.
and a wand of light with 20 charges remaining. Otherwise, the PCs will be surprised:

16. The High Cavern Suddenly, two grotesque figures—fierce, scaly-

The high cavern is the first chamber of the Glitterhame skinned humanoids of some sort—leap down from
proper. It is haunted by stirges from the nest at area 17. hiding places nearby and hurl huge darts at you!
The descending fissure opens up abruptly into a very The creatures are troglodytes. The characters can’t
high cavern, with a ceiling easily 40 feet or more over- avoid a fight once they enter this room; the troglodytes
head. The stairway continues to wind down, descend- are very aggressive in defending their territory. They
ing a ledge along the north wall of the chamber. A attack once two characters have entered the room.
fast-moving stream about 5 feet wide runs across Creatures (EL 2): The troglodytes are hiding at the
the floor of the chamber and disappears under a low points marked “T” on the map.
stone overhang to the south, while larger passage- Troglodytes (2): hp 13, 12.
ways exit to the southeast and the northeast. Tactics: Both of these troglodytes are Troglodyte Attacks
armed with two javelins. In the first round, Troglodytes can attack with
Creatures (EL 2): Four stirges are clinging to the cham- they hurl one javelin each at the characters. two claws and a bite, one
ber walls high overhead. The small monsters spot the In the following round, they throw their spear and a bite, or a thrown
party the moment someone brings a light source into second volley. After that, the troglodytes javelin.
this chamber, but they are very hard to spot in turn: close to attack with claws and teeth.
Allow the players a Spot check (DC 23) to notice the Troglodytes in battle produce a fearsome stench. Any
small, dark objects clinging to the wall above. This character within 30 feet of a troglodyte in combat must
drops to DC 13 if a player tells you he or she is spe- make a Fortitude save (DC 13) or be weakened by nau-
cifically looking for danger somewhere overhead. If sea, taking 1d6 points of Strength damage for the next
the stirges spot the characters without being spotted 10 rounds. (Smelling two troglodytes does not cause
themselves, they have surprised the party. 2d6 points of Strength damage.)
Stirges (4): hp 7, 6, 5, 3.
The Trog Crawl: At the southern end of this cavern lies The Troglodyte Door. The troglodytes blocked the south-
the entrance to the troglodytes’ lair. The stream exits west passage leading to area 18 with a door-plug made
the High Cavern through a passage only 3 feet tall, half of mud wattle. It’s heavy and crude, but stronger than
filled by the stream. Those who search this area (Search it looks. A Strength check (DC 8) is required to pull it
DC 13) discover numerous reptilian or birdlike tracks open. This increases to DC 18 if the troglodytes secure
(troglodyte footprints) and slither marks around the the door from the other side.
banks of the stream on this side. Clearly, something The Pool: The stream winds through the center of the
crawls in and out of here regularly. In order to reach cavern, growing somewhat wider and deeper until it
area 17, characters must crouch and wade or crawl reaches the southeast corner of the room. The pool is
through the stream. about 20 feet across and about 10 feet deep in the mid-
Player characters trying this path drown their torches dle. At the eastern end of the pool, a passage leading to
and lanterns, as the lowest point of the ceiling is only area 23 has been blocked up with loose rubble and mud
about 6 inches above the surface of the water. wattle, creating a rough stone wall.
Treasure: The grisly trophies decorating this room
17. Troglodyte Cavern represent about two or three weeks of carnivorous
The troglodytes infesting the Glitterhame use this feasts for the troglodyte tribe. The troglodytes like to
chamber as a common room and food storage area. let their meat age a bit before eating, and most of the
They defend it against all intruders. Heroes coming carcasses here are appallingly decayed.
from area 16 may have no light and might not see
everything at first. Read the following text, adjusting as 18. Troglodyte Warren
necessary (allowing for Listen and Spot checks): Most of the troglodytes dwell in this low, dismal cav-
Floundering through the cold, swift stream, you
emerge in a large new cavern. The ceiling must be The passage opens into a long, low cavern that quickly
30 feet overhead, and the far end of the cave is lost in breaks up into narrow, twisting passages leading off
darkness. A foul stench assaults your nostrils immedi- into darkness. The ceiling is only about 5 feet in
ately. Someone or something lives here; the remnants height, and numerous rock columns meet the stone
of butchered game animals hang from crude wooden

overhead. The air is thick with troglodyte stench, and tolerates no rivals. The door to this chamber is another
the floor of this cavern is littered with refuse from mud-and-wattle barrier wedged in place; a Strength
the monsters’ meals and gnawed bones of dubious check (DC 13) is required to pull it aside.
Something scrapes and hisses in the darkness, and Glowing coals in a crude hearth illuminate this large
you hear the soft padding of scaly feet on rock. cave. The ceiling here rises about 15 feet above the
floor, and a collection of rubbish and skins marks
If the characters are carrying any bright lights (torches, this place as the abode of a particularly important
lanterns, and so on) or making a lot of noise in the first creature. A lizard the size of a small horse rises and
cave, the troglodytes of areas 18a and 18c creep up and slithers toward you!
rush them within 2 rounds, trying to overwhelm the
party with a sudden assault from the cave mouths. If the characters make a lot of noise or tip off their pres-
Stealthy heroes can catch the troglodytes unawares. ence to Kaarghaz in some other way, the troglodyte
18a. West Cave: The west cave is home to two warriors. begins this encounter invisible—don’t read the follow-
They are asleep when the characters enter area 18, but ing text. Otherwise, proceed:
they wake quickly if the characters make noise or show
lights in the outer cavern. Neither of these troglodytes are Behind the lizard, a hulking, scaly-skinned creature
armed, but their claws and teeth are dangerous enough. easily a foot taller than any of the others you’ve seen
18b. The Hatchery: The large cave marked 18b is the hatch- roars in rage and snatches up a spear and shield, clash-
ery. Troglodytes are oviparous, and the females raise the ing them together in challenge.
hatchlings. Six females defend this chamber with claw
and tooth (they possess the same statistics as warriors, but This chamber is strewn with the ostentatious trap-
have only 1+1 Hit Dice and 6 hit points each). pings of power—skulls, bones, and weapons taken
Two dozen hatchlings in this chamber attempt to avoid from defeated foes, the hides of rivals, and other such
combat, scurrying away from intruders and fleeing at the things. Coinage and other valuables are mixed in with
first opportunity. They cannot attack effectively and have the mess.
only 2 hit points each. Ruthless characters may destroy Creatures (EL 5): Kaarghaz attacks any intruders,
the nest, but they receive no XP for doing so. although it is conceivable that a character fluent in Dra-
18c. South Cave: Area 18c is home to three warriors conic can open negotiations with the chieftain. (Other
armed with javelins and longspears. These creatures troglodytes don’t offer to negotiate because they know
are devouring what’s left of a small deer killed out on that Kaarghaz would kill them if he learned that they
the mountain slope. were speaking for the tribe or showing fear before out-
Creatures (EL 5): Two troglodyte warriors live in area siders.) Ruthless characters might ransom the females
18a; three live in 18c; and six troglodyte females and and hatchlings in exchange for the chief’s treasure, but
about two dozen hatchlings live in area 18b. The war- Kaarghaz will almost certainly try to recover his wealth
riors attack fiercely and respond to any obvious incur- as soon as he gets the chance to, rounding up a party of
sions. The females avoid combat unless the characters warriors to trail the characters and ambush them.
enter area 18b; then they defend the hatchery to the Kaarghaz: hp 38.
best of their ability. Giant Lizard: hp 25.
Troglodyte Warriors (3): hp 13 each; long spears Tactics: If the troglodyte chief heard the party
and javelins. coming, he casts invisibility on himself, followed by
Troglodyte Warriors (2): hp 13 each; unarmed. mage armor on his pet lizard (increasing the lizard’s
Troglodytes (6): hp 6 each; unarmed. AC to 19). Kaarghaz uses his advantage of invisibility
Troglodyte Hatchlings (12): hp 2 each; unarmed. to attack a weak-looking player character by surprise.
Tactics: If the characters attack one group of warriors, In the following rounds, he alternates between melee
the other group responds to the sounds of battle, join- attacks, turning invisible, and casting sleep to even the
ing the fray from the appropriate direction in the third odds. Kaarghaz’s breastplate gives the troglodyte a 25%
round of combat. If the characters attack the females chance of spell failure.
and hatch-lings, both groups of warriors join the fray in Meanwhile, the lizard attacks anyone it can reach,
the third round of combat. but especially characters who are put to sleep by the
As long as the characters aren’t physically blocking chieftain’s magic. (Remember to apply the Helpless
access to area 19, the troglodytes attempt to send a war- Defender rules!)
rior away from the fight to summon the chieftain. The If the heroes reduce Kaarghaz to half his hit points
messenger and the chief return 5 rounds after the mes- or less, the troglodyte attempts escape invisibly. He’ll
senger disengages from the fight. round up help from any surviving troglodytes and lead
Due to the low ceiling, any character over 5 feet tall a war party of the survivors to track down and exact
must stoop to fight. This adds a –2 penalty to attack rolls. revenge from the player characters.
Treasure: The characters can find a battered old
19. Chieftain’s Cave wooden chest with leather hasps that holds 1,500 sp,
14 The leader of the troglodytes is a chieftain called plus a small square of black silk hiding a ruby worth
Kaarghaz, a particularly large and vicious specimen that 300 gp.

20. Lizard Lair The bear attacks any character opening the Watch Those Claws!
The lizard lair is the home of the troglodytes’ secret cage door. It doesn’t like the troglodytes If the bear hits with its claw
weapon—a freshly captured subterranean lizard. much, but it knows better than to turn on attack, it deals normal dam-
its handlers. age with the attack. Then it
The swift stream passes over a steep slab of bedrock The animal is hostile toward strangers, attempts to start a grapple
before this cave entrance. The cave beyond is perhaps but someone with the Animal Empathy as a free action without pro-
40 feet wide and 20 deep, with an uneven ceiling skill might change the bear’s attitude. If voking an attack of opportu-
about 10 feet high. In the southern end of the room, the bear’s attitude is improved to unfriend- nity (see Grapple in Chapter
a large white-scaled lizard hisses and snaps, but you ly and no troglodytes are left in the cham- 8: Combat in the Player’s
can see that a sturdy chain on its hind leg tethers it in ber, the characters can release it safely Handbook). No initial touch
place. The agitated creature twists in frustration. (provided no character stands in between attack is required, and a
On the south wall, about 10 feet from the lizard’s the bear and the tunnel exit). successful hold does not
reach, lie a couple of iron chests. Creatures (EL 5): Two troglodytes deal any additional damage.
are hiding in this chamber at the points Improved grab works only
The chests are marked on the map by the appropriate marked on the map. With their camou- against opponents who are
symbols. The heavily shaded area marks the Lizard’s flage abilities, a Spot check (DC 19) is at least one size smaller than
range of motion. The monster can attack any character required to detect them. the bear. Each successful
who sets foot in this area. The lightly shaded area marks Troglodytes (2): hp 14, 13; 2 javelins grapple check the bear makes
a region just as dangerous—the range of the lizard’s each. during successive rounds
sticky tongue. Brown Bear: hp 43. automatically deals the claw
Creature (EL 3): Unfortunately, the only way that One of the troglodytes waits for an oppor- damage listed.
the characters can discover that the lizard has a 10-foot- tune moment to attack any intruders. The When a bear gets a hold
long sticky tongue is by stepping within range of the one at the entrance to area 21a waits for its after an improved grab
attack. At that moment, the subterranean lizard does its comrade to begin an attack, and then moves attack, it pulls the opponent
best to capture a player character and drag him or her over to the gate and opens it. This releases into its space. This does not
within reach of its deadly jaws. a young brown bear that the troglodytes provoke attacks of opportuni-
Subterranean Lizard: hp 45. have trained to attack intruders. The bear ty. The bear is not considered
Refer to the description of the subterranean lizard charges 1 round after a troglodyte opens grappled while it holds the
in the appendix. Note that the player characters are the door. If the troglodyte on the east wall opponent, so it still threat-
ens adjacent squares and
caught flat-footed if the lizard’s unexpected attack can’t get to the cage door, its comrade tries
retains its Dexterity bonus.
begins the combat. to move over and release the bear.
It can even move (possibly
If the lizard is freed by undoing the chain around
carrying away the opponent),
the stake (a difficult feat while the creature is awake), Note that this encounter is a lot easier if
provided it can at least drag
it immediately runs off toward the sinkhole (area 25), the player characters don’t let the troglo-
the opponent’s weight.
dragging any character in its mouth along with it. dytes open the cage.
Treasure: The two chests contain 2,200 sp, a potion of
jump, and a potion of swimming. 22. Fungus Cavern
This cave is filled with a large amount of innocuous
21. The Orc Tunnel fungi, and a patch of particularly dangerous mold.
A hundred years ago, the orcs besieging Khundrukar
tunneled into the dwarven stronghold here. The cavern A trickle of water seeping down from the hillside
is a beautiful natural cave much like the main chamber above reaches this irregular cavern, nourishing a
of the Glitterhame (area 24), but it now serves as a guard profusion of fungus—weird puffballs, tall caps,
post and mustering point for troglodyte raiders. Read and patches of fuzzy mold in a variety of colors. A
the following, adjusting as necessary for point of entry: golden-brown carpet of mold covers an old skeleton
in rusted mail in the southern part of the room, and
Several passages branch away from this large, high- a narrow passageway leads to another small room
ceilinged cavern. To the north, a 10-foot wide, square- beyond this one. A surprisingly bright sword gleams
mouthed tunnel shows that someone or something in the skeleton’s bony grasp.
has been at work in these caves. A strong gate of
rough-hewn timber blocks a small passage to the Nothing in the first cavern, aside from the yellow
northeast. Three other passageways wind off towards mold on the skeleton, is dangerous, unless a character
the south. A heavy, animal smell lingers in the air. decides to eat the fungus. The skeleton itself is that of
a dwarf.
The tunnel to the northwest runs about 500 feet and Yellow Mold: CR 6; spores disperse in 10-foot-
opens up high on the hillside (see Search the Hill at the diameter cloud, initial 1d6 Con damage, secondary (1
start of the adventure). The troglodytes use this passage minute later) 2d6 Con damage; Fort save negates (DC
to reach the surface for hunting parties and raids. 15), second save negates secondary damage (DC 15);
Area 21a. Bear Cage: A very sturdy timber gate seals Knowledge (nature) or Wilderness Lore identifies dan-
the bear pen, and a simple latch holds the gate closed. ger (DC 23 or DC 13) or Nature Sense (automatic). 15

tress stronghold beneath the Stone Tooth. Ironically,

only a handful of the dwarves were ever interred
here, since most died fighting when the orcs stormed
The troglodytes have a superstitious fear of this part
of the Glitterhame and refuse to set foot in this portion
of the cavern. They will not pursue player characters or
attack them here.
If the player characters investigate the tombs at greater
length, continue with the text below (read the material
in italics only if a character can read Dwarven writing):

Twenty-three sepulchers stand in this upper ledge of

the great cave. Each consists of a stone vault of mar-
ble 6 feet long, 4 feet high, and 3 feet wide. The lids
are carved in the likeness of grim dwarves in armor.
The dwarf-runes proclaim the occupant’s name
and the names of his ancestors on the front of the
tomb. Empty space below the name is reserved to
record the dwarf’s deeds and manner of death (left
blank on most of the tombs). Finally, dire dwarf
curses threaten doom and retribution on any who
dare to defile the honorable dead.
Only three sepulchers appear to have been used:
the tombs of Borgol the Old, Gharin Orc-Doom, and
Numik the Unlucky. Each of these three lists a date
of death and describes the dwarf’s fate. Borgol died of
old age; Gharin died in battle; and Numik was killed
Mold and You The sword is actually a +1 bastard sword, an by molten iron in a foundry accident.
Yellow mold is described in enchanted weapon bearing Durgeddin’s mark.
Chapter 4 of the DUNGEON From the middle of the first chamber, it’s pos- Despite the dire nature of the curses and warnings,
MASTER’s Guide. It can be sible to spot a second skeleton in the back of there is no danger in this room. Even if the characters
extremely deadly (3d6 points the second chamber. Like the first, this one is disturb Borgol, Gharin, or Numik, all they find are old
of Con damage will kill many covered by yellow mold. The second skeleton bones—no undead rise up to punish them. Opening a
characters) so you might has no magical arms or armor, but it wears a fine sepulcher requires a Strength check of DC 23 to slide
want to warn the players by steel helmet chased with silver, which is worth aside the lid.
emphasizing the mold-cov- 110 gp. Sepulcher Lid: 6 in. thick; hardness 8; hp 90; AC
ered skeletons. 5; break DC 35.
23. Dwarven Sepulchers Treasure: The three dwarfs were buried with little
The upper portion of the great cavern was intend- funerary wealth; Durgeddin’s folk believed in honor-
ed to be the final resting place of Durgeddin’s clan. ing their dead with stone, not gold. Borgol’s remains
include a ring of gold in the shape of a dragon clasping
You gaze out into an extremely large cave faintly lit its tail in its mouth, worth 120 gp, and Gharin was bur-
by natural phosphorescence. It must be 200 or more ied with a masterwork warhammer.
feet in length, and almost half as wide, with a ceil-
ing 50 feet high in places. Bright crystals glimmer 24. The Glitterhame
softly in the eerie light Weird, beautiful flows and This is the central cave of the entire complex.
structures of delicate stone grace the chamber. The
western portion of the great cave, where you stand This great cavern extends almost 200 feet in length.
now, is divided from the rest by a steep bluff or drop- The ceiling glimmers with a faint phosphorescence
off 20 feet high; the ceiling here is half the height of almost 50 feet overhead, and your torchlight strikes
the rest of the chamber. dazzling glints from bright flecks and gleaming
A couple of dozen large stone sepulchers line the stone structures in the distance. Patches of strange
cavern walls, each painstakingly carved with intricate fungi dot the floor, including capped stalks standing
reliefs and designs. Dwarven runes mark each one. as tall as a human and glowing puffballs almost a yard
Durgeddin and his followers knew that their war High ledges rise 15 to 20 feet above the floor on the
against orc-kind would ultimately claim them all. They north, south, and western walls. Narrow passageways
built their tombs as the first step in carving out a for-

lead off to the north and the south, and a flight of cavern floor in this area, which slopes down toward the
carved stone stairs descends from the western ledge stream. When a character moves into this area, allow
to a path that meanders through the center of the the player a Spot check (DC 23) or Wilderness Lore
chamber toward a small, iron door in the eastern check (DC 18) to notice the dangerous combination.
wall. The entire chamber sighs with a soft, cool (Druids can use Nature Sense to see the potential dan-
breeze rising toward the surface far above. ger.) If the check is successful, advise the player that
the floor looks very slippery, and the rock floor slopes
While the fungal growth may be a little alarming, it’s toward the stream.
perfectly harmless. In fact, the stalks are edible, and the Characters who miss or ignore the danger must make
puffballs can be distilled into an odd greenish liquor Balance checks (DC 18) each round they attempt to
that packs quite a wallop. The danger in this room move in the shaded area or slip and fall. When charac-
lies in the grick nest overlooking the path at the point ters fail this skill check, they slide quickly down to the
marked on the map. stream and are carried toward the waterfall at a rate of
Creatures (EL 5): Two gricks wait in the shadows of 30 feet per round. If characters in the stream try to grab
the steep rockfall spilling down from area 26 to make a a rock or brace themselves to keep from going over the
meal out of anything passing below. They attack with edge, allow Strength checks (DC 13) to hold their posi-
surprise unless detected by a Spot check (DC 21). The tion for 1 round. Each subsequent round, characters
gricks attack any character attempting to climb the must attempt a new check at a DC of 13 + 1 per round
slope or passing by underneath. It’s possible for char- of holding or be washed away (the rocks in the stream
acters to reach the ledge of area 26 without climbing are covered with slippery moss, too).
the slope by means of magic, in which case the gricks Anyone going over the waterfall lands in the pool in
might not be able to interfere with the characters’ area 28 of the Sinkhole after a fall of about 60 feet, sus-
movement (The gricks abandon their hiding places taining 2d6 points of damage and 2d3 points of subdual
and climb up the slope to attack characters in area 26 if damage.
they all desert area 24.)
Gricks (2): hp 16, 12. 26. Grick Lair
Tactics: The gricks are wedged into spaces between The loathsome gricks menacing the cavern floor below
boulders, 6 to 8 feet above the cavern floor. This pro- have their lair here, in a side cavern that winds north
vides 50% cover, and it may place the monsters out of from the ledge. Add the gricks if the characters haven’t
the reach of Small characters. The monsters’ tentacles already encountered them in area 24.
are long enough to reach characters standing on the
path. The ledge sits at the top of a steep, irregular slope of
Gricks have damage reduction of 15/+1. This means rockfall about 20 feet high. The mouth of a side cav-
that they ignore the first 15 points of damage inflicted ern leads into darkness beyond.
by an attack, unless the attacker wields a magic weapon
of +1 value or better. If the characters don’t have any Treasure: The gricks have simply discarded the ined-
magical weapons at their disposal, they can still beat the ible portions of their victims in the back of the cave.
gricks— spells and magical items function against the Anyone rooting through the grisly remains discovers
monsters, and nonmagical energy attacks such as fire or a suit of scale mail (for Medium-size humanoids) and a
acid damage gricks normally. scattered collection of coinage totaling 200 cp, 180 sp,
Area 26 contains the remains of the gricks’ previous and 60 gp.
27. The Iron Door
25. Long Cavern The entrance to Durgeddin’s halls and forges lies
This chamber runs from the troglodyte warrens to a behind this sturdy door.
natural rockshaft leading down to the Sinkhole. The
underground stream empties into this shaft in a sub- Cut into the cavern wall stands a small but very
terranean waterfall, while a narrow, winding stairwell strong-looking door of iron plate, about 5 feet tall
leads down to the level below. and 4 feet wide. Heavy rivets stud its surface, and a
tarnished silver rune — Durgeddin’s smith-mark—
The thunderous roar of falling water fills this long, gleams on the door’s rusted face.
low chamber, and a damp, humid spray makes every-
thing slick and wet. A fast-rushing stream winds Iron Door: 2 1/2 in. thick; hardness 13; hp 75; AC
through the center of the cavern, emerging from 5; break DC 28.
beneath a crude dam or barrier of rock and mud in The door consists of two pieces of sheet iron bolted to
the western wall. The stream disappears into a dark a strong frame, with a pintle fitted through the door’s
shaft at the cavern’s eastern end. A rough, winding interior. No hinges are exposed for easy disassembly.
path follows the stream toward the east. Characters can pick the lock with a successful Open
Lock check (DC 30). The key to this door is in area 34
Slippery Slope: The shaded area on the map is actually of the Sinkhole. The heroes can also use a simple knock 17
quite dangerous. A thin mossy slime covers the smooth spell to get through this obstacle.

The Sinkhole (DC 15) each round or sustain 1d3 points of subdual
The stream flowing through the Glitterhame descends damage. If characters achieve a success of 18 or bet-
through the chasm in area 25 to an even lower level ter and there is a ledge within 5 feet, they can pull
of caverns—the Sinkhole. Here a large, fast-moving themselves out. Otherwise, they are swept 60 feet
underground river races through dark, dank caverns downstream.
and forgotten dwarven storerooms. At the west end of the cavern, the ceiling descends
None of the monsters living elsewhere in the dun- to meet the surface of the river. Characters swept past
geon regularly visit this place, although the dragon this point are in dire peril—they’re trapped in an airless
Nightscale sometimes swims through the submerged torrent of water with no chance of escape. The damage
portions of the river passage, using this as a back door increases to 1d6 points of real damage each round, and
to its lair. the victim begins to drown (Swim DC 20). Even char-
Characters can also enter this area via the orc tunnel acters with the ability to breathe water are eventually
(see Search the Hill at the beginning of the adven- battered to death.
ture). The stream runs for about 5 miles before emerging
in a large spring on a hillside to the west of the Stone
28. Waterfall Cavern Tooth.
The stream flowing from area 25 in the Glitterhame
pours down into this chamber, creating a good-sized 30. Old Storeroom
pool that drains out to the river in area 29. The door to this room has swollen shut. A Strength
check (DC 15) is required to force it open. Durgeddin’s
A loud waterfall spills down the northwest wall of folk formerly used this large chamber as a storeroom,
this cavern into a deep pool. The rocky walls glisten stockpiling food and supplies here.
with spray, and a weird array of colorful minerals Swollen Door: 2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 30; AC 5;
and strange lichens lend an unearthly beauty to this break DC 18.
spot. Another stream runs south from the pool at
the base of the falls, and a natural passage heads in The door gives way grudgingly, revealing a low-
that direction. A set of narrow stairs cut through the vaulted chamber of dressed stone 30 feet wide and
rock wind upward to the north, and two old wooden about as long. Two open archways in the far wall
doors stand in a wall of dressed stone to the east. show a similar room beyond, and you can barely
make out two more archways beyond that. This
The pool is populated by an interesting array of blind chamber is filled with what appear to be rotten
cavefish and white crayfish, but nothing dangerous foodstuffs—barrels of salted meat gone bad, sacks
lives inside. The stream leading from the pool is about of flour or grain covered in russet-colored mold,
5 feet wide and 2 to 4 feet deep. Any character knocked tons of cider that reek of vinegar. The room stinks
unconscious or killed by a fall into the pool from the of rot, and the floor under the first archway gleams
upper levels drifts down the stream to the river in area wetly in the party’s light.
29 in 1d4+4 rounds. Once in the river, a single round is
enough to sweep the hapless character into the airless None of the supplies in here are salvageable; the pass-
underground channel, never to be seen again. ing years have destroyed them all. If the characters
attempt to search the entire room, they discover that
29. River Cavern the old storeroom holds its own peculiar danger: a gray
The dominant feature here is the underground river, ooze. When the gray ooze attacks, read the following
which flows swiftly from east to west through this room. aloud, adjusting as necessary:

This long, narrow cavern is half-filled with a power- The spot on the floor that looked wet suddenly gains
ful underground river, racing along at a breakneck liquid mass and whips out to slam you!
pace. The chamber is about 20 to 30 feet in width;
you stand on a narrow ledge overlooking one side of Creatures (EL 4): This monster is currently located
the river. A bridge of stone spans the river, leading in the middle vault of the old storeroom. It looks very
to a larger ledge on the south side. It looks as if the much like a patch of wet stone, and it effectively hides
southern ledge might follow the course of the river (Spot DC 18). It strikes at the first character to enter the
some distance to the east. middle room, surprising its victim(s) if the heroes fail
their Spot checks.
The bridge is sturdy and sound; there’s no danger in Gray Ooze: hp 22.
crossing it. The ooze attempts to grapple a character. If it succeeds
The stream flows at a rate of about 60 feet per round. in grappling a victim, it constricts its prey, automati-
Characters who fall or wade into the stream must attempt cally scoring both slam and acid damage each round.
Strength checks (DC 13) or be washed away, provided Note that the gray ooze may destroy the armor of any
they are within 5 feet of one of the ledge-banks. Other- character it hits in melee, and any weapons striking it
18 wise, characters who fail are automatically swept away. may be destroyed. The ooze attacks until the characters
Characters in the water must attempt a Swim check kill it or abandon the scene.

31. Empty Storeroom If the characters approach without being Ropers and Low-Level
This chamber resembles area 30, but it is empty. The detected by the roper, continue with the Player Characters
orcs broke in and carried off most of its contents during following text: A roper is far more than a
the fall of Khundrukar, leaving nothing behind. Like party of 3rd- and 4th-levei
area 30, the door is swollen shut and requires a Strength Currently, an unusual strand coming characters can handle without
check (DC 15) to open! from the stalagmite has a thrashing fish hard losses. This encounter
Swollen Door: 2 in. thick; hardness 5; hp 30; AC 5; in its hold. As you watch, the strand pulls is placed here so that you can
break DC 18. the fish toward the stalagmite. Then a give the players an important
gaping fang-filled maw opens into the lesson: Sometimes you need
32. Flooded Storeroom rocklike creature, and it devours the cave to avoid encounters you
A year or so ago, a season of heavy rains on the surface fish in one bite. can’t talk your way through.
raised the level of the subterranean river to create a If, despite the warning signs,
minor flood on this level. Even if the characters didn’t succeed at the characters attack the
sneaking into this area, allow the charac- creature, they should be pre-
A short flight of stone steps leads down to another ters a Spot check (DC 10) to notice that a pared to lose a party member
wooden door, but this one is standing half-open. Dark, fish twitches weakly near the bank of the to the monster.
stagnant water stands in the small landing at the base stream. If you know that your
of the steps and in the doorway, presumably filling The roper is located at the spot marked group of players will assault
the room beyond as well. The room smells of rot. on the map. It has been here for a couple the roper, it might be best
of weeks, feeding on cavefish in the nearby to omit this encounter alto-
While the characters may dread the notion of aquatic stream. gether.
monsters lurking beneath the surface, nothing here If any of the players tell you that they’re
will attack them. However, wading or swimming in looking closely at the stalagmite, have them
the water is decidedly unhealthy. The water is about 5 make Spot checks against the roper’s Hide check (DC
feet deep and is tainted by a disease organism akin to 28). Characters who equal or beat the roper realize that
the shakes (see Disease in Chapter 3 of the DUNGEON the stalagmite is a living creature; otherwise, tell the
MASTER’S Guide). player it’s just a stalagmite. Of course, this does not
Every exposed character must make a Fortitude save apply if they saw the monster eat the fish.
(DC 10) or suffer 1d8 points of temporary Dexterity The roper attacks if any character gets at least 20 feet
damage one day later. Each day thereafter, they must into the room, if at least three characters enter the
attempt another Fortitude save or suffer another 1d8 room, or (assuming it hasn’t attacked already) if the
points of temporary Dexterity damage. This continues characters begin to leave the room. Naturally, it replies
until ailing characters make a successful Fortitude save in kind if the characters commence an attack of their
on two consecutive days, become motionless through own. The roper might attack with surprise if the charac-
loss of ability points, or are magically cured of the ters don’t notice or ignore it. Read the text below when
disease. the creature attacks:
Treasure: Submerged in the corner of the eastern
vault lies the skeleton of an orc champion killed in a The stalagmite shudders and moves! Abruptly, it
squabble for loot a hundred years ago. The skeleton lies opens a glaring red eye and gaping maw. Then it
atop a rotted leather pouch containing a potion of water shoots out long sinewy strands at you! “Well, well,”
breathing and a potion of invisibility. the monster roars. “Dinner has arrived!”

33. Roper’s Cavern Creature (EL 10): The roper attacks as described in the
The narrow stairway at the east end of area 29 climbs Monster Manual. If it drags a victim closer with its ten-
over the stream and then descends immediately to a tacles, the victim is probably pulled off the ledge and into
second cavern very much like the first, only smaller. the stream, which flows westward at 60 feet per round.
This is the home of an extremely dangerous monster, a Characters in the water aren’t washed downstream as long
creature known as a roper. as the roper holds them with at least one strand, but they
If the player characters approach stealthily (despite the gain a +4 bonus to their attempts to escape the strand due
roper’s Alertness feat and Listen check), they discover: to the force of the water.
It’s very likely that a victim will be caught, dragged
The rocky stairs climb steeply, turn north for about into the stream, then break free only to be washed all
20 feet, and then descend toward the east. You find the way back to area 29. This isn’t an easy escape; the
a cavern very much like the one you just left, but roper’s Strength drain may make it impossible for weak-
smaller. A ledge along the river continues east about ened characters to drag themselves out of the stream
60 feet, leading to a door, while the river rushes to before they are washed into the airless part of the tunnel
your right, separating you from a ledge on the south- (see area 29 for details on climbing out of the stream).
ern side. There is a large, strange-looking stalagmite If the characters attempt to negotiate with the roper,
allow player characters to make Diplomacy checks. Since
in the middle of the southern ledge.
the roper isn’t very hungry right now, it can be satisfied 19
with a simple change of fare (see Tactics).

Roper: hp 85. The door in the north wall is a sturdy dwarven door
Tactics: Once the roper starts dragging one charac- of iron plate, but it stands open. Inside you see a
ter to its ledge through the stream, it either settles for short passageway with three small, iron doors on
devouring that unfortunate soul while allowing the the west wall. The first two also stand open, but the
other characters to flee or listens to any pleas to save door at the end of the hall is closed.
the character. It isn’t hungry enough to eat a whole
humanoid, though it would like a snack that doesn’t Iron Door: 2 1/2 in. thick; hardness 13; hp 75; AC
consist of cavefish. Of course, it defends itself against 5; break DC 28.
any additional attacks the characters make and contin- The first two cells are empty. The door to the northern
ues to fight as long as they do. cell is locked (Open Lock DC 23), but a casual search
The roper is perfectly capable of conversation and around this area (Search DC 10) reveals an old jailer’s
heeds a call for parley after it has secured its first key lying in the grime of the floor nearby.
possible victim. Ruthless players might realize that it Inside the northern cell are the skeletal remains of a
is possible to bypass the roper by providing it with a dwarf in rusted old half-plate armor. This was one of
humanoid meal and arranging a short truce. As long as Durgeddin’s chief lieutenants; the orcs captured her
the meal is alive, the roper isn’t picky, so an orc prisoner during the final battle and threw her in this cell for
or promise of a different creature would do (even some- later interrogation, and the unfortunate warrior was
thing the characters hunt and bring back from outside simply left to starve. The armor is too corroded to be of
the cave). You can allow the player characters to leave if any value, but a small silk purse under the breastplate
they promise food, but if they return without the food, contains 8 pp and a key, which opens the Iron Door
the roper definitely attacks to secure a meal from the (area 27).
ranks of the party members.
Treasure: In its stony gizzard the roper holds a ring The Foundry
of wizardry (1st-level spells) and six gemstones: a ruby Durgeddin’s followers lived and worked in a large
worth 1,000 gp; two emeralds worth 400 gp each; and series of halls and chambers beyond the Glitterhame,
three serpentines worth 60 gp apiece. carved out of the living rock of the Stone Tooth. Most
of this level was thoroughly ransacked in the fall of the
34. Dwarf Gaol dwarven citadel.
If the characters defeat the roper in area 33 (or pro- Unlike the Mountain Door or the Glitterhame, which
vide it with a meal, willingly or unwillingly) they offer easy exits to the surface world, the Foundry is bur-
can explore this room. In Durgeddin’s day, it was ied so deeply that no monsters dependent on surface
Khundrukar’s prison. raiding would willingly dwell here. The Foundry is not


abandoned, though. Undead monsters wait in its dark- nately, it isn’t trapped or sealed and can be Negotiating Passage?
est recesses, and dwarven traps still work perfectly well opened easily. This was formerly Durged- The duergar begin this encounter
despite their age. Finally, a small number of duergar— din’s throne room, banquet hall, and center with a hostile attitude. but
evil gray dwarves—have come here to breathe life into of authority. they’re waiting to see if the
Durgeddin’s old forges and decipher the secrets of the characters attack or back down.
master smith’s work. You find a mighty dwarven hall, fully Ghared speaks for the group;
If the characters come to this area from the Dark Mere 100 feet in length and 50 feet wide, lined she’s suspicious, greedy, and
(see the beginning of the adventure), go to area 38. with ten great pillars carved into fantastic arrogant, but she’s not stupid. A
images—giants and dragons straining to successful Diplomacy check (DC
35. Chamber of Statues support the massive vaulted ceiling, thir- 20) may change their attitude to
From the Iron Door (area 27), a flight of steep stone ty feet above. Guttering orange torches unfriendly; add a +1 bonus to
stairs climbs 30 feet to this room. set in sconces 10 feet above the floor illu- the check per 20 gp offered as a
minate the room, and a mighty throne sits bribe (maximum +10).
The stairs open up into an octagonal chamber about on a dais at the opposite end. The walls If the characters successfully
30 feet across. The floor is inlaid with cracked, dusty were once covered with tile frescoes, but engage them in negotiations,
blue tiles, and the walls are dressed with polished these are long gone, smashed into tiny the duergar may — in exchange
marble. Large doors of ironbound oak exit to north- fragments and replaced by Orcish graffiti. for gold — tell them several
west and northeast. You can see five doors, not counting the facts:
Three cast bronze statues almost 10 feet in height one you’re standing in.
stand on the west, north, and east walls. Each repre- A small fire smolders on the floor in  The doors to the north lead
sents a dwarven warrior armed for battle; the east front of the dais, and a half-dozen sleep- to halls infested with undead
and west carry axe and shield, and the center statue ing pallets lay empty there, surrounded and cursed magic.
is armed with two axes. The ceiling rises in a dome by packs and supplies. Hammers ring on  A dragon lives in a large lake
almost 30 feet above the floor. iron somewhere beyond the doors to the cavern deep below.
Somewhere in the distance, you can hear the faint south.  The door to the southeast
ringing of hammer on anvil. Suddenly a harsh voice calls from the leads into the old kitchens,
shadows of the pillars: “Go back the way guarded by more cursed
The sound of the anvil can be localized with a successful you came! This is the only warning you’ll magic.
Listen check (DC 18); it comes from somewhere beyond get!”  The subterranean river flows
the east wall. Any PC closely examining the floor notic- from the lake through other
es that the dust is somewhat disturbed. Characters may The graffiti consists of random epithets parts of the complex below
attempt a Wilderness Lore check (DC 18) to discern an detailing how unfit and bad dwarves are. the Glitterhame. It’s fed from
infrequently used trail leading from the stairs to the Feel free to create your own! a lake on the surface.
stone wall behind the east statue—a dead giveaway that Two duergar warriors and the duergar
there might be a secret door present. rogue Ghared stand watch here. They’re The duergar avoid telling the
Trap (EL 1): The obvious exits are false doors invisible and enlarged, since they were characters anything about area
leading into blank stone. They’re also the triggers of warned of the characters’ approach by the 37 or 39, unless they see an
a deadly trap. If either door is opened, the axes of the magic mouth in area 35. If the characters opportunity to send the charac-
statues are released to drop across the area just in front somehow passed through area 35 without ters after the dragon.
of each false door. Any character in the shaded areas is triggering the magic mouth, the duergar If bribed, Chared and the
subjected to two greataxe attacks. don’t have time to use their invisibility pow- other duergar are willing to allow
Statue Trap: CR 1; two +8 melee (1d12+2/×3 crit); ers and are caught out in the open; the duer- the party to enter the rooms to
Search (DC 23); Disable Device (DC 25). gar are emaciated, gray-skinned dwarves the north. The duergar might
Secret Stairwell: The secret door behind the east statue is armored in mail. be persuaded to escort the PCs
well hidden, requiring a Search check (DC 23) to find. The throne is unremarkable; it’s simply a through area 37 to the chasm
Any creature climbing the stairs beyond triggers short bench or seat of stone that might have in area 38 in order to enter the
a magic mouth spell when it steps on the 13th step. been decorated at some point in the past. dragon’s territory. Chared will
The spell calls out a phrase in Dwarven: “Alert! Alert! Creatures (EL 4): The duergar would arrange passage and escort the
Intruders approach!” This warns the duergar guards prefer to chase off the party without a fight. PCs through area 37.
in area 36. The only way for the characters to discover They give the party 1 round to retreat down The duergar will not allow the
the spell before it goes off is to use a detect magic spell the stairs, and then they attack unless the PCs to pass through the door to
to examine the stairs after opening the door, and then characters back down or open negotiations 37 without an escort, nor will
avoid it by using a silence spell or a dispel magic spell, or with them. they allow them to go to area 39
by stepping over the step—all in all, a fairly unlikely Duergar Warriors: hp 11, 10; 60 gp without a fight.
sequence of events. each.
Ghared: hp 19.
36. The Great Hall Tactics: The duergar wait 1 round to see if the party
The door leading to this room from area 35 is another retreats, and then they open up with their crossbows,
stone door carved with a glowering dwarf face. Fortu- using the pillars for cover. Ghared is behind the second

Snurrevin is a talented illusionist. Duergar favor

illusion magic, since they are largely immune to phan-
tasms and thus can use them in battle without fear of
distracting their comrades. As duergar go, Snurrevin is
mad as a March hare; he constantly babbles and mutters
to himself, carrying on conversations with people who
aren’t there and reviewing his plans and plots aloud.
Nimira, the duergar leader tolerates him because he is
occasionally useful.
Tactics: The duergar warriors move from their posi-
tion by the southern forge to guard the two bridges and
use their enlarge abilities. Snurrevin casts shield and uses
his invisibility ability. The rat hides in the dark shadows
by the northwest forge. In following round, Snurrevin
uses his silent image spell to create the image of a crawl-
ing swarm of venomous centipedes twining around the
feet of player characters hanging back out of the fray.
In following rounds, Snurrevin may use the following

 Cast minor image to create images of additional duer-

gar warriors racing up from area 38.
 Cast shocking grasp or chill touch through his familiar
and have the rat dart out from its hiding place to
make a touch attack on a PC
 Cast flaming sphere and then turn invisible in the
next round, guiding the sphere’s attacks while stay-
ing out of sight
 Use color spray to incapacitate a player character
pillar on the south wall; don’t forget to make use of her fighting one of the duergar warriors, potentially set-
sneak attack and her potion of cure light wounds. She ting up an attack on a helpless defender
may use the latter in battle.
If two duergar fall in battle, the survivor retreats to If the battle goes poorly for the duergar, they use their
area 37 or 39. invisibility power to break off the combat and try to
slip around the characters, back out to area 36. If pos-
37. The Bladeworks sible, they join Nimira and the other duergar in area 39.
The bladeworks was Durgeddin’s smithy and work- Otherwise, they head for the hills.
place. The duergar are currently engaged in forging Treasure: Snurrevin has found a little loot in his
blades here, hoping to capture a spark of the master explorations of the Foundry; in the cold forge in the
smith’s vengeful magic. northwest corner of the room, he has stashed 320 gp,
1,100 sp, a gold necklace set with ruby stones worth 900
The great doors lead into a barrel-vaulted foundry gp, and a potion of strength.
about 40 feet across and 70 long, although the east-
ern end of the chamber continues into a large, dark 38. The Chasm
cave. A stream of water rushes through the center of
the room, crossed by two stone bridges. A blast of The stream running through the old dwarven blade-
cold wind moans through this room from the east. works meanders into a natural cavern and finally
Straight ahead, on the other side of the stream, three tumbles into a great chasm, easily 100 feet long and
lean, gray dwarves are working at a roaring forge, 50 feet wide. You can see nothing but darkness below,
beating a white-hot blade into shape on an old anvil. although you think you hear the roar of distant waters
over the shrill sound of the waterfall beside you.
Allow these busy duergar a Spot check (DC 20) to Across the chasm, a second small ledge is partially
notice the party’s entrance. If the duergar fail to spot hidden by a spur of rock.
the characters, the party can surprise them.
Creatures (EL 5): The duergar are engaged in a secret Any character unlucky enough to fall into the chasm
project, and they object violently to intruders unless discovers that it’s about 120 feet to the bottom. (The fall
Ghared escorts the party. inflicts 12d6 damage, leaving the victim in area 50 of
Duergar Warriors (2): hp 11 each; 40 gp each. the Black Lake.)
Snurrevin: hp 18. Climbing down the slippery stone beside the waterfall
22 Browngnaw (rat familiar): hp 9. requires Climb checks (DC 18). If a character lowers a

rope to climb down instead, the climb is easier (DC 5). This room appears to be a bedchamber. In the far
Chain Ladder: On the northern ledge sits an old chain right corner stands the remains of a large wooden
ladder. It’s not immediately obvious from the southern sleeping compartment, badly gouged by axe blows
ledge; if a character in the southern part looks closely and partially burned. A table, bench, and writing
at the northern ledge, allow a Search check (DC 8) to desk have been similarly treated. In the middle of
make out the ladder. The ladder leads down to area 51 the far wall, a space has been cleared for a simple
of the Black Lake. sleeping pallet and a pair of large satchels. Two doors
exit the room to the north.
39. Council Chamber
Once the council room of Khundrukar, this room now If the party enters this room through the secret door in
serves as a guard post for the duergar. the closet, or somehow missed Nimira in area 39, she is
here, resting on the pallet. Otherwise, the room is empty.
The door behind the throne leads into a small audi- The door in the northwest corner leads to a bathroom,
ence chamber or council room. A large table consist- fitted with two small clay tanks for wash-water. The
ing of a single stone slab dominates the center of the northeast door leads to a closet containing nothing but
room, and the remains of old tapestries still cling to the mildewed remnants of several cloaks.
the walls. A single door in the far wall is carved into The satchels contain nothing but mundane sup-
the image of the fierce dwarf that you’ve seen else- plies— extra clothes, food, lamp oil, and similar stuff.
where in this complex. Nimira carries most of her valuables.
One gray-skinned dwarf in chainmail stands watch Secret Door: The east wall of the closet conceals a secret
by the far door. He silently raises his crossbow. door. The door is not very well hidden (Search DC 13).

Creatures (EL 6): Unless the party is under Ghared’s 41. The Kitchens
protection, the duergar fights to the death to protect his A century ago, one of Durgeddin’s chief advisors was a
leader. Stealthy characters may slip past the guard, but high-level cleric of Moradin who prepared many defen-
chances are a fight will break out. sive spells in and around the Foundry. One of the surpris-
Nimira, the duergar leader, is resting in area 40. If the es he left was an animated object—a large table—in this
characters engage the duergar guard, she turns invisible, room, with orders to attack any nondwarf who entered.
enlarges herself, and comes out to investigate in the
third round of the battle. At the top of the stairs, you find a corri- Illusion
dor heading south that opens up into Characters can’t be hurt by
Duergar Warrior: hp 11; 20 gp.
a large room lined with hearths. Pots, Snurrevin’s illusions, but they
Nimira: hp 41.
pans, cauldrons and kettles lie scattered might waste time and actions
Tactics: Nimira fights with a two-bladed sword. Her
throughout the room, and an archway to trying to fight them. A charac-
combat feats allow her to make two attacks per round,
your right leads into a pantry filled with ter who attacks a silent image
one with each end of the weapon; she’s murderous in
rotted foodstuffs. This room once served or minor image can make a
close combat, especially when using the duergar enlarge
as the kitchen for the dwarven smiths. saving throw at the spell’s
Suddenly, you hear a scraping sound, normal DC to figure out that
If her guard is killed and Nimira finds herself facing
and a big wooden table shudders and the illusion is not real. If a
at least three enemies, she breaks off the battle and
begins to move, heading right for you! character realizes the illusions
retreats into area 40. She knows about the secret door
aren’t real and communicates
and uses it to escape, circling through area 46 and 42 to
this to other characters inter-
get back out to the Great Hall. Creatures (EL 3): The cleric’s exact
acting with the images, those
While Nimira is an extremely good fighter, she is also orders to the table were: “Attack any nond-
characters gain a +4 bonus to
willing to negotiate—under the right circumstances. warf who enters this room, unless a dwarf
their saving throws against
She is pragmatic and indifferent, and never shows tells you to stand still.”
the images.
anger. If the characters seem weak, Nimira simply Animated Table: hp 22.
attacks. If they seem strong, she does what she can to The table has a hardness of 5, which
divert them to some other part of the complex while means that 5 points are subtracted from the damage
planning an ambush that would allow her and her fol- inflicted by any attack against it (see Attack an Object
lowers to meet the party on equal (or superior) footing. in Chapter 8 of the Player’s Handbook).
The table will not attack a dwarf character under any
40. Durgeddin’s Quarters circumstances. If a dwarf character orders it to stop,
Durgeddin preferred a spartan lifestyle, eschew- remain still, or hold still, the table immediately goes
ing rich decorations and treasures in his personal rigid and remains so for 10 minutes or until the dwarf
rooms. Nimira, the duergar leader, has appropri- leaves the room. The player of the dwarf character
ated this room for her own use. She knows of the must tell you specifically that he or she is ordering the
secret passage to the east and uses it if pressed. table to stop moving to command the table, unless by
some chance the player speaking in character happens
to shout something that the table might interpret as a
command. (“Hold still, darn it!” works.) 23

Treasure: The party can collect dozens of old, rusty ment behind the altar rests a sack with 280 gp and a
iron pots, pans, knives, forks, and other cooking uten- scroll with web and spider climb.
sils, none of which are particularly valuable.
43. The Dwarf-Halls
42. Desecrated Shrine The dwarves of Khundrukar lived in the private rooms to
Durgeddin made his last stand in this very chamber, lay- the north of the Great Hall. The orc horde pillaged most
ing about with his sword until his orc enemies finally of these rooms, cutting down all the dwarves they found
overwhelmed him. The orc war-priests wanted to make and carrying off the treasure. This area, area 46, and all
sure that their terrible enemy would never return; they the rooms marked 44 are now the demesne of another
pronounced dire curses over the remains of their hated undead dwarf—the cleric Arundil, who now exists as a
foe. Then they chose a fierce orc warrior to remain here wretched allip, a spectre of madness and despair.
forever in undeath to slay any who found this place.
The door leading to this room from area 36 is The door opens into a chamber about 30 feet to a
inscribed in Orcish: “Beyond this door the Maker of side. A dark pool sits in the center of the room, and
Death is chained. May he gnaw on his own hate until hallways lead off to the east and the west. There is
the sun dies and all things end.” a strange sound in here—a weird moaning slowly
takes on the form of words in Dwarven. The moaning
This room was once a shrine to the dwarven gods. grows louder, taking on a crazed intensity of gibbered
The walls are carved in their dour images, and a low phrases and shouting, as a strange, ghostly creature
stone altar stands at the western end of the room. drifts into the room from the hall to the east!
Stone benches once stood in even rows on the floor,
but the pews have been smashed and thrown askew, Creature (EL 3): Any character who retreats at this
and the icons of the gods have been defaced. point may do so safely; anyone remaining in the room
Atop the altar, arms folded over his chest, lies the must make a Will saving throw (DC 16) or fall under
corpse of an old dwarven warrior in half-plate armor. the influence of the allip’s babble attack, which equals a
Bones lie scattered around the altar’s base, and hypnotism spell in effect. Each affected character stands
the leathery remains of an orc in half-plate armor and stares at the allip, taking no actions for 2d4 rounds
crouches at the foot of the altar. or until the allip attacks that character or the character
is shaken out of it by anally.
The wight and skeletons lurking in this room animate Arundil: hp 24.
and attack 1 around after a character sets foot in the Characters hypnotized are flat-footed for the allip’s first
room. Continue with the following text: attack, after which the monster’s hostile action snaps
them out of it. If turned or damaged, the allip flees and
You sense an evil presence in this room—a cold hides in one of the empty rooms (any area 44 room) for
whisper of death and dark magic. Then the bones at 1d4 hours before emerging again to stalk the party.
the altar’s foot stir and form into towering skeletons, It is possible that the player characters ventured here
rising up with bronze maces in their bony grasp. The from the secret doors leading to area 46. If this is the
dead orc warrior looks up at you and grins evilly, case, then see area 46 for more information.
green fire burning in its hate-filled eyes!
44. Looted Rooms
Creatures (EL 4): The orc champion is now a wight, These chambers were living quarters, drawing rooms, bar-
an undead monster hungering for the blood of the liv- racks, armories, storerooms, and so on. All of these rooms
ing. The piles of bones are two large skeletons, who contain nothing more than the debris of the final attack
were ogres slain during the last battle and later ani- — smashed furniture, orc graffiti, sometimes the skeletal
mated to join the orc warrior in his watch. corpse of a dwarf or orc. Roll twice on the table below for
Wight: hp 30. the contents of any given room keyed to this number.
Large Skeletons (2): hp 13 each.
The orc champion still wears the half-plate armor in LOOTED ROOM TABLE
which he was slain, so his armor class is much better 1d8 Result
than normal for a wight. He and the skeletons attack 1–3 Nothing
any intruders relentlessly, although they cannot pursue 4 1d4 orc corpses, stripped
them outside the room. 5 1d2 dwarf corpses, stripped
Remember, any character struck by the wight’s 6–7 1d4 pieces of smashed furniture
8 Art object worth 1d10×10 gp (Search DC 13)
slam attack must add one negative level. Refer to the
DUNGEON MASTER’S Guide for rules on draining levels. A handful of small valuables—combs, mirrors, jew-
Treasure: While this room was thoroughly looted elry, and so on—escaped the general looting. If the roll
during the fall of Khundrukar, a handful of adventur- indicates that one of these is present in the room, the
ers in the years since have found their way to this room item in question turns up only if the characters search
only to fall to the wight’s wrath. In a hidden compart- the room thoroughly.

45. Skeleton Room decorated with tapestries and furnished comfortably,

The skeleton room once served as a small barracks although age has taken its toll on the room’s contents.
room. Haifa dozen dwarves perished and were later A beautiful rug easily 20 feet across covers the floor in
animated by Arundil, who was insane with grief by that the center of the room, and a simple bed and writing
point. He ordered them to defend their post against all desk stand in the southwest corner of the chamber.
intruders just before he died.
Creature (EL 5): This room conceals a deadly peril—a
This room might once have been a bunkroom or bar- very dangerous animated object. Arundil animated the
racks chamber. Six old wooden bunks lean against rug and gave it orders to kill any nondwarf who sets
the walls, burned and hacked by pillagers, and half foot on it. Since the rug covers all of the room except
a dozen skeletal dwarf corpses lie here and there on for a 5-foot-wide strip around the walls, any characters
the floor. With clicking and scraping sounds, the investigating this room must walk across the carpet and
skeletons rise from the floor and advance on you! potentially activate its murderous command.
Animated Rug: hp 44.
Creatures (EL 2): These monsters attack any living Chances are good that the characters won’t have any
creatures who enter the room. They do not pursue any- idea that the rug might attack them, so unless they take
one outside of this chamber. unusual precautions, the rug achieves surprise on the first
Medium Skeletons (6): hp 6 each. round. The rug attacks by attempting to grapple up to
Treasure: Another member of the expedition that three characters currently standing on top of it. Remem-
perished here decades ago lies in this room. (Her com- ber, surprised characters are flat-footed and may not make
panions can be found in area 15 and area 42.) This was attacks of opportunity against the grapple. Characters
the party’s thief; her desiccated corpse lies half-buried who aren’t caught flat-footed gain an attack of opportu-
under wrecked furniture. A masterwork scimitar is nity when the rug tries to grab them; if they hit and score
clutched in her hand, and a pouch at her belt contains damage, the rug’s grapple fails for that character only.
670 sp. Any character grabbed by the rug must then make
an opposed grapple check against the rug (the rug’s
46. Common Room grapple check bonus is +15). If the rug wins, the victim
Once a gathering place for the denizens of Khundrukar, is sustains 2d6+7 points of damage and is held. In each
this chamber was the site of a pitched battle between following round, the rug automatically inflicts 2d6+7
dwarves and orcs. points of constriction damage to each held victim, no
check required. Constricted victims may escape or
The hallway leads to a second open chamber about reply as described in the grappling rules (Chapter 8 of
30 feet deep and 40 wide. Three doors open into this the Player’s Handbook).
room, and another dark pool waits in a low stone Treasure: Beneath the bed lies a small wooden chest
basin in the center of the chamber. This room is lit- containing 1,200 sp, 3,000 cp, and a square of silk in
tered with the remains of old warriors. No less than which are folded a star sapphire worth 500 gp and a pair
seven dwarven corpses lie where they fell a hundred of matched blue topaz stones worth 90 gp each.
years ago, surrounded by at least a dozen orc war-
riors. Someone went to the trouble to strip the dead 48. Looted Armory
of their arms and armor, leaving behind a handful of This armory was looted long ago. The door to this room
broken weapons and shattered shields. is made of iron plate, but the lock was broken during
the pillaging—it can be forced with a Strength check
If the party approaches this room from the secret door (DC 18).
to the south, Arundil the allip confronts them here. Iron Door: 2 1/2 in. thick; hardness 13; hp 75; AC
Refer to the description of the allip encounter in area 5; break DC 28.
43. Otherwise, there is nothing dangerous or valuable
in this room. Rows of empty weapon racks and a dozen or more
stands for missing suits of armor indicate that this
47. Arundil’s Chambers room was once an armory. Some debris litters the
The leading priest of Khundrukar lived in this spacious floor—wrecked stands and hacked arming dummies,
room. During the final assault, Arundil used his magic but nothing of value is readily apparent.
to escape the slaughter, returning later to find all his
kinfolk dead. He tried to repair some defenses for the Creature (EL 2): Arundil animated an arming
complex, animating dead warriors and various objects dummy (man-shaped stands on which suits of armor
to kill any intruders who returned, and perished a few once were stored) and ordered it to defend the room
weeks later. against any intruders. If any characters enter the room,
the stand animates and attacks.
Surprisingly, this room has not been looted. These Arming Dummy: hp 11.
were once the personal quarters of an important dwarf, The dummy is a Medium-size animated object. It is
made of wood, which provides it with a hardness of 5 25

Idalla’s Story points. Each attack inflicts 5 points less dam- to search for the wizard who bound her. She might
If the characters talk to her,
age than normal against this construct. even try to steal a kiss (and use her energy drain attack)
Idalla checks (or continues
just before she leaves. Remember that if she drains a
to check) to see if any of
49. Idalla’s Den character, the victim must succeed at a Wisdom check
the characters might have
The last member of the previous expedition, a (DC 15) to even notice the drain. Just before she leaves,
good inclinations by using
cunning and malicious wizard, died near this she smirks at the characters and tells them that not
her detect good ability. Once
spot. Before he died, though, he summoned everyone is as they appear to be. Her eyes glow briefly
she has determined that a
and bound a succubus to the room with the as she does so, though it requires a Spot check (DC 10)
good character is present
condition that she is stuck here until some- for anyone to notice this.
(possibly pinpointing which
one of good intentions (meaning any good Idalla: hp 33.
ones are good), she plays her
alignment) attacks her or is foolish enough Tactics: If the characters attack Idalla in the room,
role as captive to the hilt. She
to give her verbal permission to leave. The and one of the attackers is of good alignment, Idalla
even allows herself to cry and
succubus, who will call herself Idalla, doesn’t plays with them a bit, perhaps starting with a charm per-
tremble, but only sparingly.
know why the wizard summoned her or that son spell, then kissing the charmed target. The moment
She can tell the characters the
he has since died. She does know, though, she takes any damage or has successfully drained one
following bits of information:
that she’s very bored and will do anything target, she leaves the area with her teleport without error
to get out of that room. Allow her to make ability. She uses the same tactics if the characters attack
 The wizard lives below this
a Listen check as the characters approach her after they have freed her from her binding. Groups
area. She hasn’t seen him
the room. She can prepare herself better if with no good-aligned characters who attack her inside
for a while, though. He
she knows the group is coming. Otherwise, the room may find themselves in a lot of trouble. Idalla
wants to use her for a study
adjust the following: continually tries to use her charm person ability to turn
on prolonging life. (These
party members against each other, and she can inflict
This room was once the library or study of quite a few negative levels.
are lies.)
a scholar. Bookshelves stand against the 49a. Bedchamber. Area 49a is the old bedchamber of the
 The wizard told her a bit of
walls. Several piles of books rest on read- dwarven scholar who lived here. This room is moldy
the history of Khundrukar
ing table in the middle of the room, and and very stuffy. Idalla tells the characters that she hasn’t
and the fate of Durgeddin
the room reeks of moldy paper. Two doors gone in there because it just reeks of mold, which is
(see area 42 for details),
exit to the east and the south. partially true. (She is bound to the library room, though
which she can pass on.
A slender woman of medium height and the stench in the bedchamber is enough to make any
(She has learned a little of
long, black hair sits in a chair at the table, curious person’s eyes water and nose object.) Those
the history from her read-
looking extremely sad. Her clothing looks who enter and look around can make Search checks
ing, not from the wizard.)
well worn, though it does little to detract (DC 20) to find the secret compartment.
A doppelganger haunts the
from the beauty of her appearance. Treasure: The former dwarf scholar amassed a small
Glitterhame. (This is a mali-
cious little lie thrown in for
amount of treasure, which he kept behind a hidden
the fun of it. She can use
If the characters look around the library compartment in the wall of the bedchamber. Inside are
this to her advantage later,
while interacting with Idalla (Search DC 20), 110 gp and a cat’s eye gem worth 70 gp. In the library,
if necessary.)
they may find some interesting scrolls (see the characters can find a scroll with the spells alarm,
 A dead dwarf haunts the
Treasure). change self, reduce, and shield.
halls, reduced to a gibber-
Creature (EL 9): If Idalla heard the char-
ing spectre of madness.
acters approach, she has already used her The Black Lake
 The wizard told her that a
detect good ability to see if any of the charac- The darkest and most remote corner of the Glitterhame’s
dragon’s lair lies below the
ters are good. She also immediately jumps up cavern system, the Black Lake is a large, winding cavern
foundry. (This is another
from her position once the door is open and filled with waters draining from the Dark Mere through
lie, but strangely enough,
begs to be released from her imprisonment. a long, submerged siphon. From the lake, the subterra-
she’s right.)
If she isn’t quite as prepared, the opening of nean river flows west through the Sinkhole, the bottom
 The books here are mostly
the door gives her a few seconds to change of the chasm in area 3, and then an additional 5 miles
boring, dry tomes about
form where she sits. She tries to distract the until it emerges at the surface again.
dwarven history. (The
party with her story while using her detect The dwarves of Khundrukar never settled these cav-
characters can find nothing
good ability. erns, although Durgeddin had his followers begin work
but history books and the
Idalla tells the characters that she is a cap- on an escape route through the depths.
scrolls listed in Treasure
tive of a wizard who resides below this level. The Black Lake is now the domain of Nightscale, a
here, unless you wish to
She uses all of her abilities to persuade the young black dragon. Nightscale has slowly collected most
introduce something here
characters to give her permission to leave the of the remaining loot from Khundrukar, beginning her
yourself. Idalla has already
room. (She knows of the conditions of her hoard. From here, Nightscale can swim to the Sinkhole,
told them the relevant his-
binding because the wizard who bound her climb up the stairs to the Glitterhame, or fly up to the
torical information.)
was a little too free with his thought before Foundry. The troglodytes fear and worship Nightscale,
he left the area completely.) She is quite will- while the duergar have negotiated an uneasy truce with
ing to play the part of a captive, even enjoy- the dragon, paying her a modest amount of tribute to
ing it. If the characters allow her to or want her to, she leave them alone with their work at the forges.
26 stays with them for a few minutes, then teleports away If the party enters via the Dark Mere, start at area 54.

50. The Cascade

The stream in area 38 flows into the chasm and pours
down to this chamber, more than 10 feet down. Any char-
acter who climbs (or falls) down the chasm ends up here.

A thundering spray of water fills this small chamber,

pooling and flowing out to join a larger river to the
north. The air is damp and the roaring of the water-
fall is deafening. A broad ledge heads north toward
the river and then turns out of sight to the east. The
muddy banks of the pool look like footprints or
tracks of some kind might have disturbed them.

The tracks are dragon tracks; allow Wilderness Lore

checks (DC 13) to identify them as the footprints of
a Medium-size reptilian creature with four feet and a
long tail. The tracks come from the hard stone of the
ledge to the north (where they can’t be seen anymore)
and disappear at the water’s edge.

51. Dwarf Bridges

Durgeddin’s followers built this bridge when they were
contemplating expanding into this level. The chain lad-
der from the north ledge of area 38 descends to a point
just south of the bridge.

A fast-moving underground river roars under an old

dwarven bridge, moving from east to west. On the
south bank a rusted old chain ladder leads up into
darkness, while on the other side of the bridge, the
ledge continues to the east. A second bridge seems to
cross the river again about 40 or 50 feet to the east, but
you’d first have to cross the river here to reach it.

The first bridge is perfectly safe, but the second bridge

(the one to the east) is not. It’s settled alarmingly, and
the stone blocks lean precariously outwards. The stone
itself has a curiously pitted appearance to it, as well,
which was caused by acid from Nightscale. Characters
can make Search checks (DC 20) to determine that,
despite appearances, it would be safe for all but the
heaviest characters. (They may guess that acid has
caused the pitting, but don’t tell them that up front.)
If any Medium-size character in heavy armor crosses
the bridge, the arch fails, cascading stonework and any
characters on the span into the water—unless they
succeed at Reflex saves (DC 16) to catch themselves on
the ledge. The fall inflicts 2d6 points of damage due to
timbers and stones falling on top of the victim, and the
current then sweeps away the character in the water at
a rate of 60 feet per round.
Characters in the water must attempt a Swim check
each round (DC 15) or sustain 1d3 points of subdual
damage. Those who achieve a success of 20 or better can
pull themselves out. Otherwise, they are swept 60 feet
further downstream. The stream submerges completely
at the west end of area 50, and it travels for about 120
feet before resurfacing at the east end of area 33 in the
Sinkhole. The roper in that room is more than happy to
pull a PC out of the water.... 27

52. Nightscale breaking off to leap back into the lake if dangerous
Nightscale is dozing on the island (area 53) when the fighters get anywhere near. Nightscale attacks with
characters arrive, but if they are carrying light sources one bite, two claws, and two wings in one attack action.
or trigger the fall of the bridge, the dragon wakes and As her breath weapon recharges, Nightscale blasts the
slips into the water, swimming over to investigate. fighter-types with acid from the cover of the lake.
Player characters who avoid advertising their presence Nightscale doesn’t have to make an attack every
don’t encounter the dragon until they reach the ledge round. It’s a perfectly valid tactic for the dragon to
south of area 53. break off melee using a double move on her action.
If Nightscale moves in, she swims to a point near the She avoids the attack of opportunity of any character
stepping-stone rocks, exposing just the top of her head threatening her, and dives back into the lake where
above the water. A PC watching the lake may make she can reposition herself for a renewed attack in the
a Spot check (DC 18) to catch a glimpse of a serpen- following round.
tine form moving in the darkness. Other characters This is a very tough encounter, especially since the
are allowed Listen checks against Nightscale’s Move dragon is perfectly at home in the water and can pick
Silently check (she gains a +4 bonus for moving in off characters with acid attacks from cover (add +4 to
water) to detect her approach and avoid surprise. Nightscale’s AC to reflect the effects of being mostly
submerged when she attacks in this fashion).
The dilapidated bridge leads to another ledge that
winds southeast alongside a very large lake, the 53. Nightscale’s Hoard
source of the underground river. The cavern is quite The dragon keeps her treasure on this small island in
large; the lake’s far shore is lost in shadow, and the the lake. If the party avoided attracting her attention in
echoes of water seem to indicate a very sizable cave. area 51 or 52, the dragon dozes here. Allow Nightscale
a Listen check against the party’s worst Move Silently
Player characters who travel along the lakeshore can result to see if she wakes when the characters reach
trigger this text: the south shore opposite her island. If not, the party
may surprise her in the first round (she’s not a helpless
As you pick your way along the lakeshore, you hear defender, but she can be caught flat-footed).
a small splash and catch a glimpse of a small green
light moving in the darkness. Then the water erupts In the center of the lake sits a small islet, about 30
in spray as a black-scaled dragon the size of a small feet across. Stalagmites thrust needle-sharp points at
horse bursts out of the water! the ceiling above, and the dark waters lap quietly at
its shores. Gold and steel glimmer in the darkness—
Creature (EL 4): Since she is fighting in defense of a great hoard of coins and arms carefully have been
her lair and her treasure, Nightscale is not inclined gathered together on the rocky island!
to parley with the characters unless they first retreat,
throw down their weapons in abject surrender, or dem- As one might expect, the dragon’s hoard is quite a find.
onstrate that they’re tougher than she is. In the first two Even a young dragon like Nightscale can accumulate a
instances, she is willing to allow the characters to live, fair amount of wealth.
provided they give her all of their treasure and throw Treasure: Scattered in tidy piles and stacks are 6,200
their arms and armor in the lake. sp; 1,430 gp; two garnets worth 20 gp each; a black
If the characters threaten her life, Nightscale may bar- pearl worth 50 gp; a wand of magic missiles (3rd-level
gain to buy time, planning to remove her hoard to the caster) with 32 charges; a +2 dwarven waraxe bearing
depths of the Dark Mere to keep it out of the party’s Durgeddin’s personal smith’s mark; a large steel +1
hands. In the last extremity, she abandons her treasure shield; a potion of cure light wounds; and a potion of levita-
to save her own life, escaping underwater through the tion.
siphon in area 54.
Nightscale: hp 85. 54. The Dragon’s Passage
Tactics: Nightscale isn’t particularly sporting. She This small pool contains an underwater passage link-
begins the fight by sticking about 2 to 3 feet of her ing the Black Lake to the Dark Mere on the east side of
head and neck above the water, approximately 20 feet the Stone Tooth. The passage is approximately 700 feet
from the shore, and breathes acid in a line designed long (all submerged). Nightscale can negotiate it easily
to catch as many characters as possible in the area of enough, but air-breathing characters find it much more
effect. Then she submerges and moves away, heading difficult.
west under the surface of the water.
In the following round, Nightscale climbs up on the
ledge behind the party (a move-equivalent action) and
then executes a partial charge to attack a character in
the rear of the party with her bite, claws, and wings.
She tries to engage weak-looking spellcasters in melee,

The legendary hoard of magical weapons doesn’t really
may lead into a mini-adventure, or ask open questions
about what the characters have done recently. This can
help establish their fame and provide the players with a
sense of a job well done.
exist, but diligent player characters may recover a Once the characters go to the party, they are greeted
couple of magical weapons now in the hands of the by Sir Miles himself, who invites them to mingle for
Glitterhame’s dangerous inhabitants. After they’ve con- a while. Local bards and musicians are playing music
quered Nightscale and looted the dragon’s lair, what for dancing, and the wine is flowing freely. (Feel free
comes next? to have any bard characters to perform.) About an hour
after the characters arrive at the party, the guests are
called into dinner. During the dinner, Sir Miles raises
ENDING THE CHARACTER a glass of wine to toast the characters (adjust text as
HOOKS necessary):
Depending on what got them here and how they leave,
the characters may find many endings to this specific Sir Miles stands up, raising his glass of wine and smil-
adventure. ing broadly. “Beside me sit some fine adventurers!
Their courage in the face of the orc threat allows us to
The Map continue enjoying a life free of the shadow of tyranny
If the characters went to Khundrukar because of a map and fear! Let their bravery be an example to us all!”
they found, chances are that they still passed through
Blasingdell. If they return by that route, allow them to The other guests raise their own glasses to the charac-
interact with the local folk a bit so that their fame as ters, calling or a speech. You can allow them to con-
adventurers can spread. See End of the Raider Threat tinue role-playing the rest of the party out, or they can
for some boxed text you can adapt. move along to the next section.
You can also have the characters find another map
leading them on to the next adventure. Depending on WHERE TO NEXT?
what you and your players want to do, the map can lead If the players want to stick around Blasingdell for a bit
to another dungeon, provide the barest hints of a trea- longer, you can create even deeper caverns beneath the
sure in an unknown location, or detail a city in some Sinkhole and the Black Lake, where a duergar city waits
land far away. in the darkness. Go back over the dungeon master’s
Guide to aid you in planning out how the duergar city
Returning to Baron Althon may work best for you and your players. Some things
If the characters came into this adventure because of you need to think about include the following ques-
Baron Althon, they may return to him with any news tions:
they have once the adventure is over. The +1 bastard
sword in area 22, the +2 dwarven waraxe in area 53, the  How did the duergar get there?
masterwork handaxe in area 14, and the masterwork  Did Durgeddin know of the city’s existence?
warhammer in area 23 all bear Durgeddin’s mark;  What do the duergar do down there?
Baron Althon pays 500 gold pieces above the market  Do the duergar have some of Durgeddin’s items?
price for each of these weapons the heroes are will-  If they have something of Durgeddin’s, who has it
ing to sell. Otherwise, they can keep the weapon and and are they guarding it or using it?
simply inform the baron that they can find a use for it.  Will the duergar see the characters as threats, or are
The baron gives the characters 20 gp each simply for they willing to parley with the characters?
bringing back the information about the whole com-  How many duergar live there?
plex. If the characters kept good maps, he pays them an  What would keep your players interested in explor-
additional 100 gp (lump sum) for the maps. ing a duergar city?

End of the Raider Threat You don’t need to create a detailed history about the
If the party decided to go for the orc bounty that Blas- duergar and their city, but you should certainly have a
ingdell set up, they can return throughout the adven- minimal background for it.
ture with their orcs. Once the characters have finished You can also end this adventure and use it to sow the
with the adventure completely and have decided to seeds of the next one. Perhaps the characters encounter
move on, Sir Miles Berrick sends a representative to the legend of a dwarf blade—possibly one of Durged-
them with a message inviting them to his house for an din’s—buried in the barrow of an evil knight. Maybe
elaborate dinner party. they find that Great Ulfe’s ogre clan is terrorizing a
If the player characters accept the invitation, allow small town somewhere nearby. They might even hear
them some time in the town to prepare for it. They may stories of an orc war-chieftain who carries a dwarven
need baths, new clothing, and other things to make urgrosh, a trophy of Khundrukar’s sack handed down
themselves more presentable at the party. During their through orc generations.
time in the town, be sure to have the local folk whisper It’s all up to you. 29
and point, approach them with minor problems that

Giant Lizard: CR 2; Medium-size animal; HD 3d8+9;

APPENDIX: hp 22; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft., swim 30 ft.; AC 15; Atk +5 melee
(1d8+4, bite); AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 17, Dex 15,
STATISTICS Con 17, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 2.
Skills and Feats: Climb +6, Hide +5, Listen +4, Move Silently +6,
Below are the statistics for any creatures or items that the charac- Spot +4.
ters might come across during their adventure. They are sepa- Gray Ooze: CR 4; Medium-size ooze; HD 3d10+10; hp 26;
rated into two categories: Monsters and Named Creatures (in Init –5 (Dex); Spd 10 ft.; AC 5; Atk +3 melee (1d6+1, slam plus
alphabetical order by name). A new creature called the subter- 1d6, acid); SA Improved grab, acid, corrosion, constrict; SQ
Blindsight, cold and fire immunity, ooze defenses; AL N;
ranean lizard is also described at the end of this appendix.
SV Fort +1, Ref –4, Will –4; Str 12, Dex 1, Con 11, Int —, Wis 1,
Cha 1.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab: Must hit with slam attack.
MONSTERS Acid: Any melee hit deals damage. Corrosion: 40 points of dam-
Animated Arming Dummy: CR 2; Medium-size con- age (Reflex negates DC 19). Constrict: Grapple check causes
struct; HD 2d10; hp 11 (average); Init +0; Spd 40 ft.; AC 14; automatic slam and acid damage, victim’s clothing and armor
Atk +2 melee (1d6+1, slam); SQ Hardness 5, construct defenses; suffer –4 penalty to Reflex saves against acid.
AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will –5; Str 12, Dex 10, Con —, Special Qualities: Blindsight: Can detect prey within 60 feet.
Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1. Grick: CR 3; Medium-size aberration; HD 2d8; hp 9 (aver-
Special Qualities: Construct Defenses: Immune to mind-influ- age); Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC 16; Atk +3 melee
encing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects; not subject to (1d4+2, 4 tentacles), –2 melee (bite 1d3+1); SQ Scent, damage
critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or reduction 15/+1; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 14,
death from massive damage. Dex 14, Con 11, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha 5.
Animated Rug: CR 5; Huge construct; HD 8d10; hp 44; Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Hide +4 (+12 camouflage),
Init –1 (Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 13; Atk +9 melee (2d6+7, slam); Listen +7, Spot +7; Alertness.
Face/Reach 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.; SA Constrict; SQ Construct Large Skeleton: CR 1; Large undead; HD 2d12; hp 13
defenses; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will –3; Str 20, Dex 8, (average); Init +5 (+1 Dex, + 4 Improved Initiative); Spd 40 ft;
Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1. AC 13; Atk +2 melee (1d8, heavy mace); Face/Reach 5 ft. by
Special Attack: Constrict: Deals automatic slam damage with 5 ft./10 ft.; SQ Undead, immunities; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +1,
successful grapple check against creatures up to one size larger Will +3; Str 14, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 11.
than itself, can make attacks against multiple creatures. Skills and Feats: Improved Initiative.
Special Qualities: Construct Defenses: Immune to mind-influ- Special Qualities: Undead: Immune to mind-influencing
encing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects; not subject to effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease; not sub-
critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or ject to critical hits, subdual, ability damage, energy drain, or
death from massive damage. death from massive damage. Immunities: Cold, not damaged by
Animated Table: CR 3; Large construct; HD 4d10; hp 22; piercing weapons, half damage from slashing weapons.
Init +0; Spd 40 ft.; AC 14; Atk +5 melee (1d8+4, slam); Face/ Medium Skeleton: CR 1/3; Medium-size undead;
Reach 5 ft. by 10 ft/5 ft.; SQ Hardness 5, construct defenses; HD 1d12; hp 6 (average); Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initia-
AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will –4; Str 16, Dex 10, Con —, tive); Spd 30 ft; AC 13; Atk +0 melee (1d8/19–20/×2 crit, long-
Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1. sword); SQ Undead, immunities; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +1,
Special Qualities: Construct Defenses: Immune to mind-influ- Will +2; Str 10, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 11.
encing effects, poison, disease, and similar effects; not subject to Skill and Feats: Improved Initiative.
critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or Special Qualities: Undead: Immune to mind-influencing
death from massive damage. effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease; not sub-
Brown Bear: CR4; Large animal; HD 6d8+24; hp 51; Init +1 ject to critical hits, subdual, ability damage, energy drain, or
(Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 15; Atk +11 melee (1d8+8, 2 claws), +6 melee death from massive damage. Immunities: Cold, not damaged by
(2d8+4, bite); SA Improved grab; SQ Scent; AL N; SV Fort +9, Ref piercing weapons, half damage from slashing weapons.
+6, Will +3; Str 27, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6. Orc: CR 1/2; Medium-size humanoid (orc); HD 1d8; hp 4
Skills and Feats: Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +14. (average); Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 14; Atk +3 melee (1d12+3/×3,
Special Attacks: Improved Grab: Must hit with claw attack. greataxe), +1 ranged (1d6+2, javelin); SQ 60-ft darkvision, light
Duergar Warrior: Male or female duergar dwarf War2; sensitivity; AL CE; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will –1; Str 15, Dex 10,
CR 2; Medium-size humanoid (duergar); HD 2d8+2; hp 11 Con 11, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 8.
(average); Init +0; Spd 15 ft.; AC 17; Atk +2 melee (1d8/×3, Skills and Feats: Listen +2, Spot +2; Alertness.
battleaxe), +2 ranged (1d8/19–20/×2 crit, light crossbow); SQ Roper: CR 10; Large magical beast; HD 10d10+30; hp 85;
Dwarven traits, enlarge, invisibility, immune to phantasms, paral- Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 10 ft.; AC 24;
ysis, and magical/alchemical poison, 120-ft. darkvision, light Atk +11 ranged (special, 6 strands), +8 melee (2d6+2, bite); SA
sensitivity; AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 11, Dex 10, Strands, attach, weakness; SQ Electricity immunity, cold resist-
Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6. ance 30, fire vulnerability; SR 28; AL CE; SV Fort +10, Ref +8,
Skills and Feats: Listen +2, Move Silently +7, Spot +4, Swim +1; Will +8; Str 19, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12.
Alertness, Iron Will. Skills and Feats: Climb +7, Hide +10 (+18), Listen +13,
Special Qualities: Dwarven Traits: +1 bonus to attack rolls Spot +13; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon
against orcs and goblinoids, +2 bonus to Will saves against spells Focus (strand).
and spell-like abilities, +4 dodge bonus against giants; stonecun- Special Attacks: Strands: Six strands fire up to 50 feet away (10
ning: +2 bonus to Appraise, Craft, or Profession checks that are points of damage from slashing weapon blow against AC 20 sev-
related to stone or metal; Enlarge: 1/day as wizard at 4th level; ers). Attach: Successful strand attack draws victim 10 ft. closer
Invisibility. 1/day as wizard at 4th level. each round; at 10 ft, roper has +4 bonus to bite attack, victim
30 Possessions: Chainmail, large shield. requires Escape Artist check (DC 23) or Strength check (DC

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19) to free self. Weakness: Fort save (DC 18) or suffer 2d8 points ject to critical hits, subdual, ability damage, energy drain, or
of temporary Strength damage. death from massive damage. Incorporeal: Harmed only by
Special Qualities: Fire Vulnerability: Double damage from fire other incorporeal creatures, +1 or better magic weapons, or
attacks unless save allows half damage; successful save halves magic (with 50% chance to ignore damage from corporeal
damage and failure doubles damage. source), can pass through solid objects, its attacks pass through
Stirge: CR 1/2; Tiny beast; HD 1d10; hp 5 (average); armor, always moves silently. Madness: Anyone using a mind-
Init +4 (Dex); Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average); AC 16; Atk +6 touch affecting ability against it takes 1d4 points of temporary
(1d3–4, touch); Face/Reach 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA Attach, Wisdom damage.
blood drain; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1; Str 3, Dex 19, Browngnaw: Rat familiar of Snurrevin; CR n/a; Tiny ani-
Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 6. mal; HD 4d4; hp 9; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 15 ft., climb 15 ft.; AC 16;
Skills and Feats: Hide +14; Weapon Finesse (touch). Atk +4 melee (1d3–4, bite); Face/Reach 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./
Special Attacks: Attach: Successful attack allows it to latch 0 ft.; SQ Scent, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link,
eight pincers into victim, giving it AC 12. Blood Drain: Causes touch spells; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 2, Dex 15,
1d4 points of temporary Con damage each round to a maximum Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 2.
of 4 points of Con damage. Skills and Feats: Alchemy +7, Balance +10, Climb +12, Concen-
Troglodyte: CR 1; Medium-size humanoid (reptilian); tration +9, Hide +18, Listen +5, Move Silently +10, Scry +7,
HD 2d8+4; hp 13 (average); Init –1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15; Search +4, Spellcraft +9, Spot +5; Weapon Finesse (bite).
Atk +1 melee (1d8/×3, longspear), +1 melee (1d4, 2 claws), Burdug: Female orc Adp3; CR 3; Medium-size humanoid
–1 melee (1d4, bite), +1 ranged (javelin, 1d6); SA Stench; (orc); hp 20; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 14; Atk +2 melee (1d4/
SQ 90-ft darkvision; AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref –1, Will +0; Str 10, 19–20/×2 crit, dagger); SQ 60-ft. darkvision, light sensitivity;
Dex 9, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10. AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 9,
Skills and Feats: Hide +6 (+14 underground), Listen +3; Wis 14, Cha 10.
Multiattack, Weapon Focus (javelin). Skills and Feats: Alchemy +0, Concentration +2, Hide +2,
Special Attacks: Stench: Those within 30 ft. must make Fort Listen +3, Move Silently +2, Spot +3; Alertness, Combat Casting.
saves (DC 13) or take 1d6 points of temporary Strength damage Spells Prepared (3/2): 0—cure minor wounds, ghost sound, guid-
(lasts 10 rounds). ance; 1st—cause fear, sleep.
Wight: CR 3; Medium-size undead; HD 4d12; hp 30; Ghared: Female duergar Rog3; CR 4; Medium-size human-
Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 22; Atk +3 melee (1d4+1 plus level oid (duergar); HD 3d6+6; hp 19; Init +3 (Dex); Spd 15 ft; AC 17;
drain, slam); SA Energy drain; SQ Undead; AL LE; SV Fort +1, Atk +2 melee (1d6/19–20/×2 crit, short sword), +6 ranged
Ref +2, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 12, Con —, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 15. (1d8+1/19–20/×2 crit, light crossbow); SA Sneak attack +2d6; SQ
Skills and Feats: Climb +5, Hide +8, Listen +8, Move Dwarven traits, enlarge, invisibility, immune to phantasms,
Silently +16, Search +7, Spot +8; Blind-Fight. paralysis, and magical/alchemical poison, 120-ft. darkvision,
Special Attacks: Energy Drain: Those slammed receive one neg- light sensitivity, evasion, uncanny dodge; AL LE; SV Fort +3,
ative level (Fort negates DC 14). Ref +6, Will +3; Str 11, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 9.
Special Qualities: Undead: Immune to mind-influencing Skills and Feats: Balance +3, Bluff +3, Climb +2, Disable
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease; not sub- Device +7, Hide +7, Jump +2, Listen +6, Move Silently +11,
ject to critical hits, subdual, ability damage, energy drain, or Open Lock +7, Pick Pocket +7, Search +5, Spot +6, Swim +2, Use
death from massive damage. Magic Device +3; Alertness, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot.
Possessions: Half-plate. Special Qualities: Dwarven Traits: +1 bonus to attack rolls
Wolf: CR 1; Medium animal; HD 2d8+4; hp 13 (average); against orcs and goblinoids, +2 bonus to Will saves against spells
Init +2 (Dex); Spd 50 ft.; AC 14; Atk +3 melee (1d6+1, bite); and spell-like abilities, +4 dodge bonus against giants; stonecun-
SA Trip; SQ Scent; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 13, ning: +2 bonus to Appraise, Craft, or Profession checks that are
Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6. related to stone or metal. Enlarge: 1/day as wizard at 6th level.
Skills and Feats: Hide +3, Listen +6, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Invisibility: 1/day as wizard at 6th level.
Wilderness Lore +1. Possessions: Chain shirt, potion of cure light wounds.
Special Attacks: Trip: Bite attack may trip opponent as free Great Ulfe: Ogre War1; CR 3; Large giant; HD 5d8+15;
action without provoking an attack of opportunity for making a hp 44; Init –1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 17; Atk + 8 melee (2d8+7/×3
touch attack (see Player’s Handbook for trip), failure to trip does- crit, greataxe); AL CE; SV Fort +8, Ref +0, Will +3; Str 21, Dex 8,
n’t allow foe to react. Con 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 9.
Special Qualities: Scent: +4 bonus to Wilderness Lore checks Skills and Feats: Climb +6, Handle Animal +2, Intimidate +3,
when tracking by scent. Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +6; Iron Will, Weapon Focus (great-
Possessions: Scale mail (Large), greataxe (Huge).
NAMED CREATURES Idalla: Succubus; CR 9; Medium-size outsider; HD 6d8+6;
Arundil: Allip; CR 3; Medium-size undead (incorporeal); hp 33; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average); AC 20; Atk +7
HD 4d12; hp 24; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd melee (1d3+1, 2 claws); SA Spell-like abilities, energy drain,
fly 30 ft. (perfect); AC 15; Atk +3 melee (1d4 Wisdom drain, summon tanar’ri; SQ Damage reduction 20/+2, tanar’ri defenses,
touch); SA Babble, Wisdom drain; SQ Undead, incorporeal, +2 alternate form, tongues; SR 12; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7;
turn resistance, madness; AL NE; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20.
Str —, Dex 12, Con —, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 18. Skills and Feats: Bluff +11, Concentration +7, Disguise +11
Skills and Feats: Hide +8, Intimidate +11, Intuit Direction +4, (+21), Escape Artist +7, Hide +7, Knowledge (the planes) +9,
Listen +7, Search +7, Spot +7; Improved Initiative. Listen +16, Move Silently +7, Ride +7, Search +9, Spot +16;
Special Attacks: Babble: All sane creatures within 60 ft. make Will Dodge, Mobility.
save (DC 16) or fall under hypnotism effect for 2d4 rounds. Wis- Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities: At will—charm monster,
dom Drain: Victim becomes helpless if all Wisdom is drained. clairaudience/clairvoyance, darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect
Special Qualities: Undead: Immune to mind-influencing thoughts, doom, ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 pounds of objects
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease; not sub- only), suggestion, and teleport without error (self plus 50 pounds of 31
©2000 Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast grants premission to photocopy this page for personal use only.

objects only); 1/day—unholy blight; all abilities work as the oid (orc); hp 22; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 18; Atk +5 melee
spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DCs are 15 + spell level). (1d6+1/×3, masterwork handaxe), +2 ranged (1d6+1, throwing
Energy Drain: Succubus’s kiss or embrace inflicts one negative axe); SQ 60-ft. darkvision, light sensitivity; AL CE; SV Fort +4,
level, victim must succeed at Wisdom check (DC 15) to notice, Ref +3, Will +4; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14.
Fort save to remove the negative level has a DC of 18. Summon Skills and Feats: Climb +3, Hide +6, Intimidate +3, Listen +4,
Tanar’ri: 1/day can attempt to summon one balor with a 10% Move Silently +6, Sense Motive +3, Spot +3; Alertness, Iron
chance of success. Will.
Special Qualities: Tanar’ri Defenses: Immune to poison and Possessions: Scale mail, large steel shield, masterwork hand axe,
electricity, cold, fire, and acid resistance 20. Alternate Form: Can 3 throwing axes.
assume any humanoid form of Small to Large size as a standard Snurrevin: Male duergar Wiz4 (illusionist); CR 5;
action, similar to the polymorph self spell but allows only human- Medium-size humanoid (duergar); hp 18; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 20
oid forms. Tongues: A succubus has a permanent tongues ability ft.; AC 13; Atk +3 ranged (1d8/19–20/×2 crit, light crossbow), +1
as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer. Can communicate tele- melee (1d4–1/19–20/×2 crit, dagger); SQ Dwarven traits,
pathically with any creature within 100 ft. that has a laguage. enlarge, invisibility, immune to phantasms, paralysis, and magi-
Kaarghaz: Male troglodyte Sor4; CR 5; Medium-size cal/alchemical poison, 120-ft. darkvision, light sensitivity;
humanoid (reptilian); HD 2d8+4d4+18; hp 39; Init +4 AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 9, Dex 13, Con 15,
(Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 21; Atk +5 melee (1d8+2/ Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 11.
×3, longspear) or +5/+5/+2 melee (1d4+2, 2 claws; 1d4, bite), +4 Skills and Feats: Alchemy +7, Concentration +9, Listen +5,
ranged (1d6+2, javelin); SA Stench; SQ 90-ft. darkvision; AL CE; Move Silently +7, Scry +7, Search +4, Spellcraft +9, Spot +5;
SV Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +5; Str 15, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 10, Alertness (from familiar), Combat Casting.
Wis 13, Cha 14. Special Qualities: Dwarven Traits: +1 bonus to attack rolls
Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Hide +7 (+15 underground), against orcs and goblinoids, +2 bonus to Will saves against spells
Intimidate +4, Listen +5, Spot +5; Combat Casting, Improved and spell-like abilities, +4 dodge bonus against giants; stonecun-
Initiative, Multiattack, Weapon Focus (javelin). ning: +2 bonus to Appraise, Craft, or Profession checks that are
Spells Known (6/7/3): 0—daze, detect magic, ghost sound, light, related to stone or metal. Enlarge: 1/day as wizard at 8th level.
ray of frost, read magic; 1st—mage armor, sleep, spider climb; Invisibility: 1/day as wizard at 8th level.
2nd—invisibility. Spells Prepared (4/5/4): 0—daze, detect magic, disrupt undead,
Possessions: Breastplate. mage hand; 1st—color spray (2), shield, shocking grasp, silent image;
Nightscale: Young black dragon; CR 4; Medium-size drag- 2nd—flaming sphere, invisibility, minor image, minor image.
on; HD 10d12+20; hp 85; Init +4 (Improved Initiative); Spd Possessions: Leather armor, scroll of protection from arrows and
60 ft., fly 150 ft. (poor), swim 60 ft.; AC 19; Atk +12/+7/+7/+7 chill touch.
melee (1d8+2/19–20/×2 crit, bite; 1d8+1, 2 claws; 1d4+1, wings);
SA Breath weapon; SQ Acid immunity, water breathing, dragon
immunities, 90-ft. blindsight, keen senses, 300-ft. darkvision; SUBTERRANEAN LIZARD
SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7; Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, The subterranean lizard is a large, fast carnivore combining the
Wis 11, Cha 10. worst features of a monitor and a chameleon. It makes its home
Skills and Feats: Bluff +4, Climb +5, Hide +7, Listen +12, Move underground, and it usually lives alone. A subterranean lizard
Silently +7, Search +10, Sense Motive +4, Spot +12; Improved has white scales and large, strong limbs. It uses its tail for bal-
Initiative, Power Attack, Improved Critical (bite). ancing purposes, though it can detach itself should the lizard
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon: Causes 6d4 acid damage find itself in a bad situation. The lizard eventually grows the tail
(Reflex half DC 17). back over the span of a year.
Special Qualities: Water Breathing: Can breathe underwater The subterranean lizard has a sticky tongue 10 feet in length,
and use breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while under- and usually begins a fight by attempting to grab its prey with a
water. Dragon Immunities: Immune to sleep and paralysis effects. tongue attack. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity
Keen Senses: Sees four times as well a human in low-light con- against the lizard. Attempting to begin a grapple is a melee
ditions and twice as well in normal light. touch attack. If this attack hits, the subterranean lizard and the
Nimira: Female duergar Ftr5; CR 6; Medium-size human- victim each make a grapple check (see Chapter 8 of the Player’s
oid (duergar); hp 41; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 15 ft.; AC 17; Atk +7/+5 Handbook). If the lizard wins, it successfully establishes a grap-
melee (1d8+1/19–20/×2 crit, two-bladed sword); SQ Dwarven ple, and the target sustains 1d4 points of subdual damage.
traits, enlarge, invisibility, immune to phantasms, paralysis, and After successfully grappling, the lizard then attempts to drag
magical/alchemical poison, 120-ft. darkvision, light sensitivity; its victim to its maw in subsequent actions. The lizard and the
AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 15, target make an opposed Strength check (+/–4 per size category
Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12. difference), and the target is dragged 1 foot closer for every
Skills and Feats: Bluff+2, Craft +6 (weaponsmith), Heal +1, point by which the lizard’s Strength check exceeds its own. if
Listen +3, Move Silently +6, Spot +4, Swim +4; Alertness, Iron the range is reduced to zero, the lizard immediately makes a bite
Will, Exotic Weapon (two-bladed sword), Ambidexterity, Two- attack against its grappled prey, negating any Dexterity adjust-
Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (two-bladed sword). ment to Armor Class.
Special Qualities: Dwarven Traits: +1 bonus to attack rolls The lizard can bite normally in melee instead of using its
against orcs and goblinoids, +2 bonus to Will saves against spells tongue attack.
and spell-like abilities, +4 dodge bonus against giants, stonecun- Subterranean Lizard: CR 3; Large animal (reptilian); HD
ning: +2 bonus to Appraise, Craft, or Profession checks that are 6d8+18; hp 45 (average); Init +3 (Dex); Spd 40 ft., climb 40 ft.;
related to stone or metal. Enlarge: 1/day as wizard at 10th level. AC 16 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural); Atk +7 melee (2d6+6, bite),
Invisibility: 1/day as wizard at 10th level. +6 ranged (1d4 subdual, tongue); SA Improved grab (tongue);
Possessions: Chainmail, potion of cure light wounds, 60 gp, a scroll AL N; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 2,
of protection from evil and lesser restoration (none of the duergar Wis 14, Cha 2.
can use the divine scroll). Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Hide +4, Listen +5, Spot +5.
32 Old Yarrack: Male orc War3; CR 3; Medium-size human- Notes: Advancement 7–9 HD.

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