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India: Extent Of Applicability Of The Provisions Of Code Of Civil

Procedure, 1908 In Arbitration Proceedings
29 August 2017
Tanuka De
Singh & Associates

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Relevant provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996

Act (hereinafter referred to as "the
Act") in this
context have been reproduced as
follows, Section 19-

"Determination of rules of procedure.—

1. The arbitral tribunal shall not

be bound by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908) or the
Indian Evidence Act,
1872 (1 of 1872).
2. Subject to this Part, the parties
are free to agree on the procedure to be followed by the arbitral
tribunal in
conducting its proceedings.
3. Failing any agreement referred to
in sub-section (2), the arbitral tribunal may, subject to this
Part, conduct the
proceedings in the manner it considers
4. The power of the arbitral
tribunal under subsection (3) includes the power to determine the
admissibility, relevance,
materiality and weight of any

Section 5-

"Extent of judicial intervention.—notwithstanding

anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, in
matters governed by this Part, no judicial authority shall
intervene except where so provided in this Part."

From a combined reading of the provisions, it can be clearly

inferred that the legislative intent was to curtail
interference of the civil courts which are infamous for their long,
costly and delayed proceedings.
Further, it also satisfies the
primary objective of the Act which was to minimize the supervisory
role of courts
in the arbitral process and expeditious disposal of

So far as the application of Civil Procedure Code (herein after

referred to as "the Code") in the
proceedings is concerned, Section 19 of the Act exempts
the arbitral tribunal from the shackles of the Code as
also the
rules of evidence contained in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and
empowers it to formulate its own
rules of procedure.1
However, the Act itself in sections 36 and 37 of the Act provide
for resorting to civil
courts. The Delhi High Court, putting rest
to the contradictory provisions, correctly said that the parties
required to proceed to the civil courts either for setting
aside the award or its effective enforcement under
section 36 or
Section 37 of the Act only once the arbitral proceedings are
complete and an arbitral award is
made.2 However, the
question whether all the features and provisions of CPC will be
applicable to an
arbitration proceeding still remains unresolved.
This issue has come up before the Apex Court and High
Courts in a
number of cases.

High Court of Bombay in the year 2002 held that

"In Sub-section (1) of

Section 19, the Act has prescribed that the Arbitral Tribunal shall
not be bound by the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908 or by the
Evidence Act, 1872. These are words of amplitude and not of
restriction. These words
do not prohibit the Arbitral Tribunal from
drawing sustenance from the fundamental principles underlying the
Procedure Code or Evidence Act, but free the Tribunal from
being bound, as would a Civil Court, by the requirement
observing the provisions of the Code and the law relating to
evidence with all its rigour."3

The Supreme Court in its landmark judgment while examining the

issue whether a revision petition under
Section 115 of the Code
lies to the High Court as against an order made by a civil court in
an appeal preferred
under Section 37 of the Act held that
"....there is always a strong presumption that the
civil courts have the jurisdiction to decide all questions of civil
nature, therefore, if at all there has to be an inference the same
should be in favour of the jurisdiction of the court
rather than
the exclusion of such jurisdiction and there being no such
exclusion of the Code in specific terms except
to the extent stated
in Section 37(2), we cannot draw an inference that merely because
the Act has not provided the
CPC to be applicable, by inference it
should be held that the Code is

So what can be inferred is that unless the statute expressly or

implicitly provides, the jurisdiction of a civil
courts cannot be

Affirming the law laid down by the Apex Court in the case
Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. International Security
Intelligence Agency5 the High Court of Karnataka in
the case of Syko Bag Industries, Proprietor, Mr. T.K. Yahoo
Mrs. K. Zubaida Vs. ICDS Limited rep. by its GPA Holder, K.
Balakrishna Rao and Sri B.I. Sharma, Advocate and
Arbitrator6 took a similar view that

"The applicability of the provisions of the Code of

Civil Procedure to the Arbitral proceedings under the Arbitration
and Conciliation Act shall be subject to affecting any rights of a
party under special law or local law in force in
relation to the
arbitration proceedings." and that "the
provisions of Civil Procedure Code can be applied if they are
inconsistent with the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation

While all of the above judgments were regarding the application

of CPC post arbitration award, the High Court
of Bombay in the case
Sahyadri Earthmovers Vs. L and T Finance Limited and
Anr.7 examined the scope of
applicability of CPC
during the arbitration proceedings and held that although the Code
and the Evidence Act
are not applicable strictly, (Section 19), but
their settled principles do apply. The court further took the view

"Section 19 of the Arbitration Act, which is reproduced

contemplates when the parties agree on a particular
procedure to be
followed by the Arbitral Tribunal, all are bound to follow the
same, but in its absence, the Arbitral
Tribunal is bound to conduct
the proceeding in the manner it considers appropriate. It also
means that the
Arbitrator has power to determine the
admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight in evidence though
provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and/ or Indian
Evidence Act, are not binding upon the Tribunal.

The principles of natural justice, fair play, equal

opportunity to both the parties and to pass order, interim or
based upon the material/evidence placed by the parties on
the record and after due analysis and/or appreciation of
the same
by giving proper and correct interpretation to the terms of the
contract, subject to the provisions of law, just
cannot be

The division bench of the Supreme Court in Mahanagar

Telephone Nigam Ltd. Vs. Applied Electronics
Ltd.8 had
raised doubt over the
correctness of judgment in ITI Ltd. vs. Siemens Public
Communications Network Ltd.
wherein it was held that that the
applicability of the Code is not prohibited in an arbitration
proceedings under Section 37 of the Act. The matter has now
been referred to a larger bench for
reconsideration. Until then,
the Apex court judgment in the ITI Ltd. case will continue to be
the binding

Conclusion :
The Code will be applicable to an arbitration proceeding to the
extent the Act expressly allows (section 36 and
section 37 of the
Act). Moreover, the original jurisdiction of the Civil Courts will
not be barred unless otherwise
provided by the statute.
Furthermore, although an Arbitration proceedings does not have to
strictly follow the
provisions of CPC and Evidence Act, yet it
should be conducted keeping in mind the basic principles of fair
and evidence appreciation which in turn are rather derivative
of the fundamental principle of natural justice.
These principles
are also the fundamental pillars of CPC and Evidence Act which
cannot be overlooked in an
Arbitration dispute as well. However,
the pending case in the Apex court will bring the much needed
regarding the extent of applicability of CPC once it is
resorted to under section 36 or section 37 of the Act.


1 Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited Vs.
Applied Electronics Ltd. ; AIR2014Delhi182

2 Ibid.

3 Maharashtra State Electricity Board Vs. Datar

Switchgear Ltd. ; 2003(105(1))BOMLR937

4 I.T.I. Ltd. Vs. Siemens Public Communications

Network Ltd. ; AIR2002SC2308

5 AIR2002SC2308

6 2007(4)KCCRSN240

7 2011(7)ALLMR279

8 Supra 1

The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

Tanuka De
Singh & Associates

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