SDLC Security Framework For Software Startups: S. Jeyapriya, C. Rekha

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020

SDLC Security Framework for Software Startups

S. Jeyapriya, C. Rekha

Abstract: A major issue for software startup firms failing to Traditionally several companies are familiar with software
develop strong security programs is that the perceived start-up Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that could be a series of
price to hold it out. Secure software Development Life Cycle steps followed to produce a framework backed by proper
(SDLC) framework used for software developers, in saving the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. after
project cost throughout the first integration of design. As several
developing and simply before deploying the application live
developers advocate, software organizations usually adopt atop-
down approach to implement secure SDLC methodologies. into the market, several firms notice the security loopholes
Interview was finished with developers within the software and choose a Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration
startups presently used in industry to explore real-life software Testing, traditionally called VAPT, to seek out the security
security practices throughout every stage of the development vulnerabilities present within the software. Software
lifecycle. The aim of the proposed framework is to assist Development life cycle (SDLC) could be a religious model
developers in startups to explore real-life software security utilized in project management that defines the stages
practices throughout every stage of the development lifecycle. included in an information system development project,
from an initial feasibility study to the maintenance of the
Keywords: Software, SDLC, Framework, Security, Startup. finished application. There are different software
development life cycle models specify and design, that are
I. INTRODUCTION followed throughout the software development phase.
Even today, several organizations do not include These models are known as "Software Development
information Security (IS) personnel within the choices process Models." Every method model follows a series of
created throughout the Software Development Life Cycle phase distinctive to its type to make sure success within the
(SDLC) till they are able to implement a completely step of software development that is shown in figure1.
developed application. Several software developers, system
analysts, software architects, business analysts, and project
managers believe that information security is that the
responsibility of the network administration employees, and
as long as servers, firewalls, routers, and other hardware are
organized properly, and that operating system is organized
properly and patched frequently, then any applications they
deploy on those servers, behind the firewalls, will be
secure. Standards organizations like the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO), The National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), The
Software Engineering Institute (SEI), The Open web
Application Security Project (OWASP), et al are providing
guidance and standards for application security for years. A
number of these organizations (NIST, ISO) have the facility Fig. 1.Various SDLCModels
to enforce the standards they publish, a minimum of for a
restricted audience, whereas others merely plan to give Startups are agents of modification that bring in
guidance and help for those desire to make safer innovations and realize solutions to issues at numerous
applications (OWASP). However, because most of the scales. An all-rounded engineering team may be a key
guidance provided by these organizations does not have the driver for the power to execute the entrepreneurial ambition,
rule of law behind them, not like those made by a from building a minimum viable product to later stages of
legislative or regulatory agency, the impact they had on product vision (Devadiga, 2017). Startups face a dynamic
creating safer applications is tough to accurately assess. environment and want to beat many challenges so as to
Project start-up is defined as a short-term systematic become successful. One among these challenges is related to
method resulting in project execution. Literature so far the software requirement process (Chanin, 2017).
lacks emphasis on a definition of the project start-up phase Pompermaier (2019) presents a proposal of a minimal
and also the tasks conducted throughout this phase (Land Viable Development process for be used throughout the, 2019). MVP dev The goal is to create security so as to reduce the
chance that people with malicious intent are able to
manipulate applications and access, steal, modify, or delete
sensitive and vital data. for several years, security was an
afterthought in softwaredesign.
Revised Manuscript Received on April 16, 2020.
Correspondence Author
S.Jeyapriya, Department of Computer Applications, Madurai
Kamaraj University College, Madurai, India.Email:
C.Rekha, Department of Computer Applications, Madurai
Kamaraj University College, Madurai, India.Email:

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F8125038620/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F8125.059120 406 & Sciences Publication
Sdlc Security Framework for Software Startups

II. BACKGROUNDLITERATURE nature along these lines they ought to be changed over into
quantitative measure with the assistance of measurements
Startup companies have become a significant provider of
(Banerjee, 2014). In the present data age, programming
innovation and software intensive products. The
is assaulted intentionally bringing about break of security
adaptability and responsiveness of start up companies
and individuals' trust. These malevolent assaults give
empowers quick advancement and launch of innovative
mischief to people, associations, and the world everywhere
products(Klotins, 2019). Scientists contend that Design
(Banerjee, 2016). As figuring has become some
Thinking can add to software development by offering
portion of every human action, our interests about the
support on the best way to comprehend client needs so as to
security of so¬ftware system have developed (Fenton
infer arrangement and item choices, though Lean Startup
&Bieman, 2014).The data frameworks controlling our basic
assists with finding out about business and scaling strategies
foundation are helpless against cyber attack. cyber war is in
(Dobrigkeit, 2019).software startups create innovative
this manner unavoidable except if we improve our digital
products through which they scale their business quickly,
protections. The best way to do this is by building security
and in this way, offer some benefit to the economy,
into system at the design stage (McGraw,2013).A absence
including job generation. However, most startups fail inside
of security measurements connotes that it is beyond the
two years of their launch because of a poor problem-
realm of imagination to expect to gauge the success of
solution work and negligence of the learning method
security strategies, mechanisms and implementation, and
throughout minimum viable product (MVP) development
security can't, thus, be improved if it can't be estimated
(Tripathi, 2019). There are numerous root causes of
(Mellado, 2010).
software failures. Few years agone, software used to fail
chiefly due to functionality related bugs. That used to
happen because of demand misunderstanding, code issues
and lack of practical testing. plenty of work has been done The objective is to incorporate safety efforts with
in past on this and software engineering has matured over applications, so as to minimize the probability that people
time, because of that software’s hardly fail because of with vindictive goals will have the option to manipulate
functionality related bugs (Chhillar & Sharma, 2019). applications and access, steal, change, or erase sensitive and
Cloud computing may be a terribly rapidly growing
significant information. For many years, security was an
technology with a lot of facilities however also with a lot of
problems in terms of vulnerabilities before and after untimely idea in software design. Indeed, even today, many
deploying the applications into the cloud (Vijayakumar & organizations do exclude Information Security (IS) faculty
Arun, 2019). Expanding awareness and research in the decisions made during the Software Development
concentrated on the cyber security scene has brought about Life Cycle (SDLC) until they are ready to execute a
an enormous push for "shifting security left" in the SDLC. completely evolved application.Standards associations, for
With security designing groups connected before and all the example, the International Organization for
more frequently all through the SDLC, security issues will Standardization(ISO), the National Institute of Standards
be found and fixed before, which builds efficiency while and Technology (NIST), the Software Engineering Institute
bringing down expense and overhead (Nguyen and Dupuis,
(SEI), the Open Web Application Security Project
2019). A prologue to data security is given, trailed by a
study hall case of an fictitious company, Fun and Fitness, (OWASP),and others have been giving direction and
during the time spent refreshing its web based business benchmarks to application security for years. A portion of
website for class enrollments (Spears and Parrish, 2019). these associations (NIST, ISO) have the ability to enforce
Gathering secure estimation is the initial move toward the the measures they distribute, in any event for a restricted
created of comprehensive secured software. Security is an crowd, though others simply attempt to give direction and
immaterial measure additionally considered as a non- help to those wishing to make more secure
practical credit which should be evaluated in some way applications(OWASP).
utilizing devices and strategies during the primer stages,
i.e., the necessities in building phase of software Requirement Phase:
development process (Poonia, 2020).People peoples Examples of software system wellbeing prerequisites
use software bearing in mind that it is reliable and can be incorporate risky modes, for example,
trust upon and the activity they perform is made sure about. • Out-of-sequence;
Presently,if these product have exploitable security gap at • Inappropriatesize;
that point how might they be alright for use (Banerjee& • Inadvertentorder;
Pandey, 2009). Security usage in software during its • Adverse condition;
beginning times ofimprovement guarantees flaw free • Wrongdeadlocking;
programming. The security necessities are subjective in
• Failure to order.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F8125038620/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F8125.059120 407 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020

Fig. 2. SDLC Security Framework

transmit data over an open system and the criticality rating
A portion of these modes, for example, out-of-sequence and for the confidentiality of that records is high, at that point
wrong deadlocking,are inherently inside the software some will control, comprehensive use encryption or a
system themselves; others identify with out-of range data or virtual non-open network may turn into a piece of the
figuring results that may emerge from a blend of software appropriate response. As the developed gadget , testing of
and data entry errors; others identify with the earth or each control is must to guarantee that the controls complete
setting inside which the software system worksThese asplanned.
conditions can be overseen legitimately through the gadget Code Development and Testing Phase:
designers and programmers, and others can also be out in During this stage, the system is carried out and arranged
their control anyway ought to be anticipated and in the structure that it should be worked. In this segment
represented in the design.A technique and obligations for testing is also important , especially to check whether the
risk management, and reporting the starter realized risks is planned security controls are operational inside the joined
accommodated Key exercises that must occur sooner or condition. The system proprietor needs to guarantee whether
later of this stage join setting up. In any event the records the endorsed controls, including any real or procedural
ought to be distinguished by the mission administrators , controls, are in the past region to the system going
and organize dangers to the gadgets. This framework should live.Static frameworks arevery gadget are expected.The
comprise of distinguishing resources for be secured and intends is fundamental and it is notable setup the executives
doling out their criticality in expressions of secrecy, system permits us to make certain changes to the gadget
respectability, and accessibility; deciding the dangers and hardware,software or supporting techniques are evaluated
coming about peril to those property, as appropriately as the and endorsed preceding usage. The subsequent exchange to
overall or arranged controls to reduce that chance. The the danger posture of the machine is the piece that is from
mission supervisors organize to concentrate assets on time to time ignored .Any substitute to a framework can
districts with the most elevated chance.The necessities and diminish the viability of existing controls, or to in some
specs must be changed to comprise of new necessities for other case have some effect at the classification,
extra assurance controls distinguished during this stage accessibility, or respectability of the machine.A risk
when it isrequired. evaluation step is secured in assessing system alterations is
Design Phase: the solution.
Right now, necessities are converted into solution, so
precise characterization of benefit criticality and intentional
controls are essential to effective improvement or
procurement. For instance, if a system with an interest to

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F8125038620/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F8125.059120 408 & Sciences Publication
Sdlc Security Framework for Software Startups

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a further developed Security measures for contrasting
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SDLC for large projects in newcompanies.

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Published By:
Retrieval Number: F8125038620/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F8125.059120 409 & Sciences Publication

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