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Project Skywater

Jedediah S. Rogers
Historic Reclamation Projects
Bureau of Reclamation
Reformatted, reedited, reprinted by
Andrew H. Gahan
July 2013
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. i
Project Skywater ................................................................................................................. 1
The History of Rainmaking ................................................................................................ 2
Postwar Science and Legislation ........................................................................................ 8
The Politics of Project Skywater....................................................................................... 12
Technology, Testing, and Implementation ....................................................................... 19
Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 29
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 32
Government Documents ................................................................................................... 32
Secondary Sources ............................................................................................................ 33
Other Sources .................................................................................................................... 33

Project Skywater

In 1961 Congress allocated funding for the creation of a weather modification

program headed by the Bureau of Reclamation. Project Skywater came fifteen years after

Irving Langmuir, Vincent Schaefer, and Bernard Vonnegut of the General Electric

Laboratories in Schenectady, New York, successfully demonstrated that “seeding” clouds

with nucleating agents like dry ice (carbon dioxide) and silver iodide produced rain.

Skywater aimed to demonstrably prove that there was a practical basis for weather

modification, as it was popularly called, in terms of cost-benefit and environmental

sensibility. Nevertheless, the task was both daunting and singular. The science behind

rainmaking was embryonic and not thoroughly tested against the complex variables that

govern the weather. Moreover, never before had Reclamation embarked on such a

project: a program of taking water management to the skies, of extensive coordination

with government and non-government entities typically not involved in surface or ground

water issues, of collecting data over a large area, and of understanding a system as large,

unwieldy, and unpredictable as the weather.

In 1964 a report of the National Academy of Sciences produced by a panel of

experts from the scientific community and government agencies gave a grim diagnosis of

the changing of weather. The report critiqued “present efforts which emphasize the a

posteriori evaluation of largely uncontrolled experiments,” and instead proposed “patient

investigation of atmospheric processes coupled with exploration of the technological

applications.” It predicted that even after a very costly and lengthy period of study and

testing, not everything could possibly be known about the atmosphere. The program

required “integrated large-scale studies” on

the structure and dynamics of convective clouds, the physics of
precipitation, the initiation of convection in the boundary layer, the effects
of cirrus and dust layers on the radiation balance, the dynamics of severe
storms, such as thunder- and hailstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, and the
role of convection therein. 1

Reclamation’s Project Skywater was a cog in a larger wheel to address the need

for an integrated program on artificial changes in the atmosphere. Reclamation

concentrated studies and testing in the western states, principally in the upper Colorado

River basin and along the Sierra Nevada in California, for the purposes of managing and

mining water resources, as well as for national defense, public health, and technological

development. 2 Never well funded, the program had a decidedly mixed cost-benefit,

environmental, and operational record that never convincingly supported a sound basis

for a national, extensively funded weather modification program.

The History of Rainmaking

If the scientific basis behind rainmaking is a modern phenomenon, people, for

ages, have attempted to manipulate the weather. Primitive societies had rainmakers

employing a number of techniques to produce rain, from hanging frogs on trees to

blowing water from special pipes to other forms of homegrown weather magic. In some

American Indian societies native peoples offered human sacrifice in return for rain; in

China people used huge paper dragons to induce rain; in Italy rainmakers stripped statues

of wings or banished the statues of saints until rain appeared. Dr. David Livingstone

National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Scientific Problems of Weather Modification;
A Report of the Panel on Weather and Climate Modification, Publication 1236 (Washington, D.C.:
National Academy of Sciences, 1964), 1-4.
United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Project Skywater: An Introduction to
Rivers in the Sky, December 1973, 1; the stated purpose of the program was “to explore, develop and
determine the feasibility of applying the technology of weather modification to meet the Nation’s
increasing demand for clean water.”

reported that, in Africa, natives burned charcoal and other local materials to make rain.

Supplication to gods for rain has been with humans for centuries.

In time religious explanations for rain gave way to scientific or pseudo-scientific

observations. Sometimes the modern notions built on earlier ones. The idea that firing

artillery into the sky would induce rain, for instance, stemmed from the correlation noted

since antiquity that rain followed the battle. Rain came not because the gods found the

carnage offensive or because the blood, sweat, and tears from the slain produced the

condensation for rain. Rather, some believed that the sound of the cannon induced the

rain much as the crack of lightning produced the same result.

A common method of rainmaking was burning, but not until the nineteenth

century did weather modification experiments take on the air of scientific authority.

James Pollard Espy, considered by some to be the father of the U.S. Weather Bureau,

devised a theory of explaining how clouds formed that put him well ahead of his time.

Noting that hot air expanded as it rose, resulting in a drop in temperature and

condensation of air vapor, he predicted that man could generate a cloud if he created hot

air rising in a column. There he gave the scientific basis for the idea that burning/fire

created rain—a phenomenon observed since antiquity. Espy proposed burning large

areas of land—say, 40 acres of timber every twenty miles in a continuous line north to

south spanning the length of the country—and assured

that the farmers and mariners would always know in advance when the
rains would commence, or nearly so, and when they would terminate; that
all epidemic diseases originating from floods and droughts, would cease;
that the proceeds of agriculture would be greatly increased, and the health
and happiness of the citizens much promoted.”

No such schemes were carried out. After one petition came before the U.S. Senate, John

J. Crittenden of Kentucky urged his colleagues not to give Espy power to cause rain

because “he may also possess the power of withholding it, and in his pleasure, instead of

giving us a navigable river, may present us with rocks and shoals and sandbars.” It was

probably a good thing that Congress never funded Espy’s schemes since burning requires

a lot of fuel and energy for yielding, arguably, a scant inch of rain. 3

Espy conducted and proposed his methods in the eastern states, where natural

precipitation could support agriculture and water shortage was not acute. West of the

hundredth meridian, however, water manipulation became a matter of survival. The

usual method was to manipulate the water once it reached the ground. The Hohokam

civilization, in central Arizona, is a remarkable yet cautionary tale of the creation of a

complex hydraulic irrigation society in the Southwest that flourished until water scarcity

led, as archeologists believe, to a complete collapse in the fifteenth century.

The first Euro-Americans to traverse the plains region and the far West mostly

perceived the land as wind-swept and arid, largely unfit for settlement. In the plains

region the lack of water and wood made the plains unfit for agriculture and even modest-

sized populations. Although the explorer and map maker John C. Frémont suggested that

cattle and farmers could subsist on the native grasses and soil on the plains, overland

immigrants to the West famously passed over the plains with hardly a thought of

lingering. Yet old notions of what the land could support shifted as the East’s

populations moved westward following the call of boosters and agricultural enthusiasts

claiming that “rain followed the plow”—meaning that planting trees and crops altered

Clark C. Spence, The Rainmakers: American “Pluviculture” to World War II (Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press, 1980), 9-11, 15.

climate conditions creating more moisture. Congress even encoded in law the notion that

man could alter the western environment by passing the Timber Culture Act in 1873,

which gave ranchers an extra 160 acres of land if they agreed to plant trees on at least 40

acres of it. Indeed, some believed that empirical evidence proved the theory right, by the

fact that the late 1870s and early 1880s were wet years and hardly typical climatic

behavior on the plains. As climate conditions returned to normal, water was in short

supply, and farmers adapted to that reality by dry farming or using drought-resistant

crops or pumping irrigation water from shallow underground aquifers. 4

The idea to devise schemes to draw water from the sky stemmed from the age-old

need to locate a reliable water supply. The alluring profit of entering into the rainmaking

business brought people of varying background and knowledge to the task. Their

methods ran the gamut from burning and releasing chemicals into the atmosphere to

concussion and electricity. A common method was to release dirt, sulphuric acid, or salt

that latched onto condensation nuclei in the atmosphere. One idea on the plains was to

build a mammoth artificial ramp a mile high and miles across to lift air as it naturally

rises horizontally across the mountains. The problem was that the rain produced by the

artificial mount would leave other areas high and dry, to say nothing of the material and

money needed to build such a ramp. A number of other schemes ran head-on into

technical and financial improbabilities, such as ideas to use airplanes simultaneously to

blow air from their propellers into the atmosphere, or to warm air on the ground which

would then rise.

Howard R. Lamar, ed., The New Encyclopedia of the American West (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale
University Press, 1998), 447-8, 1114-5.

Some rainmakers gained special notoriety. During the drought years of the late

nineteenth century Frank Melbourne and Clayton B. Jewell made good money

convincing farmers that their chemicals induced rain. Another avid proponent of

rainmaking was Robert St. George Dyrenforth of the Department of Agriculture. No one

was more infamous than Charles M. Hatfield, so successful at making rain that according

to one historian “he was accused of washing out dams and credited with saving millions

of dollars worth of crops and defying not only the U.S. Weather Bureau but the elements

as well.” 5 Even after supposedly inducing 20 inches of rain in San Diego in 1916 and

escaping liability for resulting loss of life and property, Hatfield continued to collect

upwards of $4,000 for one inch of rain. 6

Probably some sincerely believed they could call upon the elements at will even

as they recognized the betting odds. The stories are rife with naivety, gullibility,

deception, faith in progress and science. It might appear perplexing in hindsight why

people would pay well for services of questionable validity, but water users facing

shortage and a failed crop might have seen rainmaking as a legitimate risk to take.

Moreover, although no one could prove the validity of rainmaking, neither could they

disprove it. Who was to say that sulfuric acid or other particulate did not bring down the

rain? How could a farmer desperate for water dismiss as fraud or luck the accurate

predictions of a rainmaker?

A reason these questions could not be answered, people believed, was because no

one had systematically studied the working of weather systems. Centuries of rainmakers

wielding magic, religion, and pseudo-science to modify the elements had relatively little

Spence, Rainmakers, 80.
D. S. Halacy, Jr., The Weather Changers (New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1968), 55-78.

to show for these efforts. Unfamiliar with weather systems and how they worked, most

rainmakers employed a healthy dose of guesswork, quackery, and fraud in their work.

Still, there was not a clear or discernable break between what may be called amateur and

professional rainmakers. Even as scientists gathered more data for understanding and

predicting the weather, the modern science of rainmaking, according to one historian,

owed a great deal to earlier inquiries into weather systems. 7

In 1930 three European scientists pushed the experiments and science further than

ever before. August Veraart of Holland triumphantly proclaimed that the dry ice he

dispersed into the clouds caused it to rain, but his voice was so loud and his claims so

extravagant that he was dismissed altogether. At the same time a duo from Scandinavia

and Germany experimented with freezing vapor on ice crystals in clouds and claimed that

“at comparatively slight expense, it will, in time, be possible to bring about rain


None of these men garnered much credit for the first successful cloud seeding.

That honor goes to Irving Langmuir, Vincent Schaefer, and Bernard Vonnegut of the

General Electric Laboratories in Schenectady, New York, in 1946. Langmuir’s work on

cloud seeding is a footnote in a long and storied career as a chemist and inventor. As a

researcher, associate director, and consultant at General Electric, he advanced many

fields and earned top honors for his work, including the Nobel Prize in 1932. Schaefer

was Langmuir’s assistant who gained recognition for having serendipitously discovered

how to form ice crystals in his home ice box—dry ice—which is solid carbon dioxide. In

November 1946 he confirmed, in a four-mile long stratus cloud,—what he tested in his

ice box—that ice crystals formed when clouds were cooled. Not long thereafter, the
Halacy, Weather Changers, 79.

younger Vonnegut found that silver iodide could be used to seed clouds to produce rain

and snow. 8

Postwar Science and Legislation

According to Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall, in a speech delivered before

the American Meteorological Society, the Bureau of Reclamation took interest in weather

modification in 1947, a year after Schaefer’s seeding demonstrations. 9 It was not entirely

surprising that Reclamation would jump into a new field of water management—not after

several decades of broadening water operations to power generation, urban water supply,

and recreation. After initial setbacks, the Great Depression and war era had remade

Reclamation, perhaps most of all by planting a sense of supreme confidence in

engineering and technology and human solutions. If Reclamation could construct the

world’s largest dams and power western cities with electricity, why could it not control

the weather?

Even still, Reclamation did not immediately take part in the flurry of weather

modification schemes in the wake of General Electric’s cloud seeding tests. Rather,

Langmuir coordinated with the Army Signal Corps, the Air Force, and the Navy to

initiate Project Cirrus. The cloud seeding project reportedly produced numerous

successful rainmaking demonstrations and gathered statistical information that other

government and private entities later used. During the same period, a disparate

community of enterprising meteorologists and privately funded individuals constituted

what one critic called “a flock of quick-buck artists who traveled around the countryside

Halacy, Weather Changers, 80, 87-88.
“Water Resources in the Sky: an address by Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall,” Congressional
Record, 112 (January 29, 1966): 1489.

convincing water-hungry farmers that they had the secret to the old Indian Rain Dance.” 10

Farmers, public utility companies (Bonneville Power Administration paid $59,000 for

rainmaking services), the sugar industry, aluminum companies, and others spent millions

hiring contractors to seed the skies with carbon dioxide and silver iodide. In 1951 one

seeding company had under contract over 300,000,000 acres in the United States. 11

The rush to these rainmaking ventures seemingly reflected the confidence in the

new cloud seeding technology and potential. The men advocating and profiting from the

new era in weather modification tended to be meteorologists—men like Irving P. Krick, a

member of the U.S. Army Weather Board that forecast the weather for the D-Day

invasion, who after the war built a lucrative cloud seeding company and a name in

statistical and long-range weather forecasting. 12 In those early years following the war,

weather scientists and lay persons alike spoke of weather control enthusiastically and

assuredly. Vannevar Bush, president of the Carnegie Institution, told a congressional

subcommittee, “I have become convinced that it is possible under proper circumstances

to make rain.... we are on the threshold of an exceedingly important matter, for man has

begun for the first time to affect the weather in which he lives, and no man can tell where

such a move will finally end.” 13

Although experts came to believe that weather modification was possible, it was

still unclear when and how often the proper conditions existed to make rain or whether

rainmaking could be undertaken on a scale large enough to significantly impact the

“Drought in Western States and in Florida: Remarks by Senator Peter H. Dominick of Colorado,”
Congressional Record, 117 (August 6, 1971): 30626.
“Committee to Study and Evaluate Public and Private Experiments in Weather Modification,”
Congressional Record, 97 (October 8, 1951): 12738; “Research and Experimentation in Weather
Modification,” Congressional Record, 98 (June 21, 1952): 7777.
Halacy, Weather Changers, 95-96.
Congressional Record, 98 (June 21, 1952): 7777.

economy. Also sketchy was the impact of cloud seeding agents in local areas or areas

even as far as 3,000 miles away, as Langmuir believed. To answer these questions

required no less than a massive data-driven program under auspices of a larger apparatus

than private interests could provide. The need for a national, closely coordinated effort to

develop the technology, test the methods, and evaluate the outcomes was acute.

In 1951 ten senators—eight from the Reclamation western states—sponsored a

bill in Congress that called for creation of an independent committee to evaluate the

enormous body of data generated by private and public weather modification experiments

in the country. Initially, the act included a controversial amendment that gave

government agencies authority to indemnify contractors for experiments conducted for

the government. Fearing that the amendment “might expose the Government to

substantial damage suits arising from the experimentation,” lawmakers removed section

10 from Senate Bill S. 2225 while considering the bill. 14 However, law makers felt it

essential for the government to take the lead in developing the science and technology to

address the efficiency and feasibility of weather control. The government might help to

protect farmers from kooks and scam artists, against fraudulent claims and promises, and

against too much water derived from rainmaking. A significant step in a government role

came in 1953 with creation of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control, patterned

after the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. 15

Like the nation’s vast groundwater stores, which by mid-century had increasingly

become valued as sources of agricultural and domestic water, water resources in the

atmosphere provided a common good. The question was how to regulate and manage a

Congressional Record, 98 (June 21, 1952): 7778; “Joint Resolution of Legislature of New Mexico,”
Congressional Record, 101 (May 5, 1955) :714.
Congressional Record, 97 (October 8, 1951): 12738; Congressional Record, 98 (June 21, 1952): 7777.

resource that belonged collectively to the public. No legal, scientific, or physical means

existed to control or regulate rainmaking. And no political mechanism to regulate

weather manipulation could be created until more data existed on how various agents

reacted to different atmospheric conditions, etc. Still, in the minds of some, the

government could not hesitate any longer to intervene in the “uncontrolled and

indiscriminate efforts of many groups and persons to modify climates.” In March 1955

the New Mexico Legislature passed a senate joint memorial urging the Congress to pass a

law prohibiting cloud seeding or other methods of rain induction until there was enough

information to regulate it. Reportedly, “a good many people in the Southwest” believed

that rainmaking may be partly to blame for recent drought. Although there was no

evidence to support this hypothesis, tinkering with the weather made some people

nervous. 16

The Advisory Committee on Weather Control, created by Congress in 1953,

reported at the end of 1957 that the program of rainmaking required more basic

information and practical experimentation. It recommended sponsoring a research

program through grants and contracts to various federal agencies, universities, industries,

and research institutions. Senator Francis H. Case of South Dakota subsequently

supported a bill giving the National Science Foundation authority to build a research

program, but it was a start and absorbed only a tiny fraction of the 1959 federal

expenditure of $7.4 billion for scientific research and development. Proponents of

tapping the atmosphere for water commonly compared the miniscule public funding of

rainmaking to the massive NASA program. As Admiral Luis de Florez of the U.S. Navy

Reserve commented in 1961, “I do not imply that we should curtail our space programs
Congressional Record, 101 (May 5, 1955): 5714.

in any way, but I do mean that our atmospheric conditions constitute the greatest single

factor controlling the existence of life on earth, and that reshaping the conditions of inner

space to our own advantage should accompany the attempts to master outer space.” 17

The Politics of Project Skywater

A long and varied history of rainmaking, then, preceded Project Skywater.

Reclamation did not originate the idea of rainmaking or usher it into the modern era.

Rather, it gradually assumed a leading role in determining how extensively rainmaking

would be used in the future. In 1961 Congress appropriated $100,000 out of the 1962

Public Works Appropriations Bill for research to increase rainfall through cloud seeding.

The project was an experimental program designed to bring together the best minds in

meteorology and the physical sciences in the public and private sectors. The initial and

subsequent appropriations to Skywater went in large part to universities and private

research organizations contracted out to perform the research. A team of physical

scientists, meteorologists, electronic engineers, technicians, administrative personnel, and

others based in the Engineering Research Center in Denver, Colorado, headed the

program from Reclamation’s end.

Project Skywater complemented the general research program already initiated by

the National Science Foundation as well as the specific weather programs studying

hurricanes at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and fog

dispersal at the departments of Defense and Transportation. The difference was

Skywater directed most of its attention to augmenting the nation’s water supply. In the

early years the project did laboratory work to use previously acquired information to

“Weather—Take It or Make It,” An address by Adm. Luis de Florez of the U.S. Navy Reserve,
Congressional Record, 107 (April 3, 1961): 5433-34.

develop cloud seeding techniques. Reclamation later tested this information when it

developed larger field experiments and programs to test the practical application of

seeding technology. Reclamation conducted tests in the West’s mountains to increase

winter snowpack and, later, on the high plains and other areas to develop cloud seeding

techniques in the summer months. In addition, Reclamation performed theoretical and

intellectual work on economic, environmental, and sociological aspects of weather-

altering technology. Project Skywater was essentially a whirlpool of ideas, centrally

directed by Reclamation across a broad area, with cooperation and coordination on the

national, state, and local levels.

What Skywater needed to get up and running was a healthy infusion of cash, but

no such expenditures were forthcoming. Project proponents pointed to the abysmal

funding in the early years. In 1965 Reclamation received a mere $1.1 million for weather

modification, and the next year another $3 million, largely for research in the Colorado

River basin. The enormous expenditures on the space program and even ocean, land, and

other atmospheric studies frustrated proponents of weather modification and Project

Skywater in particular. Senator George McGovern spoke of the congressional funding

for Skywater as “a pittance compared to the billions we are pouring into space

exploration and, more recently, the development of a supersonic transport plane of

questionable utility.” 18

Weather modification received a boost in 1966 with Interior Secretary Stewart

Udall’s speech before the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society in

Denver. Udall cited the crisis of polluted air and water and the desperate need to clean

United States Senate, Committee on Appropriations, Public Works Bill, 1962, S.Rpt. 1097, 87th Cong., 1st
sess., September 20, 1961, 28; “Rainfall increased over non-mountainous areas by South Dakota
scientists,” Remarks by Senator George McGovern, Congressional Record, 114 (January 31, 1968): 1683.

the nation’s skylines, rivers, and lakes. These, he argued, were common goods and

essential resources which needed protection for future generations. Udall spoke in the

tradition of conservationists who advocate environmental ethic not for protection’s sake

but for nature’s utility to man. To that end he put faith in human solutions and


The secretary reminded his audience that for decades the government had been at

the forefront in damming, diverting, and powering water on the earth’s surface, in taking

water where it pools and channeling it to a field or a power generating plant or a city for

drinking water. “Yet with all our planning and building and looking ahead to try to

outguess the future,” Udall claimed, “we find ourselves still at the mercy of the weather.”

The secretary pressed the point that society had not achieved total control over nature,

particularly the elements. Udall continued,

[W]e must make progress in orders of magnitude greater than we are now
making. Many ways of hastening this progress are open to us and we
cannot afford to neglect any of them. But to my mind the most logical and
challenging is the one which most stirs the imagination. This is
worthwhile utilization of the water resources of the sky.

Then Udall waxed eloquent about “the idea of enormous rivers of water flowing

over us in the atmosphere; of huge pools of moisture poised above our heads; of

enormous reservoirs in vaporous state sailing majestically over mountains, or pumping

into them and dropping their precious burdens too soon.” What might it take to tap into

and manipulate that enormous water supply? No less than total control over the

knowledge of water in the atmosphere by bringing together the best minds, the latest

technologies, and mapping out weather patterns. The secretary urged Congress to

recognize the national importance for this research claiming, “We have no alternative but

to be knowledgeable of the water budget of the atmosphere, day-in and day-out, over any

part of the United States, over the Nation as a whole, over this entire continent and the

oceans which bound it.” Then, in issuing the challenge he evoked the spirit of

Reclamation emphasizing that it was not a question of “‘Can we do it?’ but rather, ‘How

soon can we do it?’” 19

Udall was not the lone voice of support in the early years of Project Skywater.

Politicians, Reclamation’s commissioner, and others spoke of the good and necessary

step to fund fully the nation’s weather modification programs. Floyd Dominy, in a

speech given in 1967, spoke of “[t]he wealth of water in both ocean and atmosphere,

evident to all, [that] has, through history, just evaded mankind’s eager grasp.” “We have

been like the legendary Tantalus, who was doomed to stand neck deep in water which

flowed away as he bent his head to drink it, and to reach everlastingly for luscious fruit

hanging just before his mouth, only to have it swung away out of reach by the breeze,” he

said. Dominy emphasized the great strides researchers had made, “Now we are near to

breaking the spell and winning the prizes both from the limitless sea and from brackish

inland waters and from the atmosphere that carries moisture above our heads.” 20 Many

were sure that the day was not far distant before humankind tapped these waters. Utah’s

senator Frank E. Moss spoke of the need for the largest proposed distribution system in

the world—the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWPA)—because he took

it for granted that water would be artificially engineered from the oceans. 21

Udall speech, Congressional Record, 112 (January 29, 1966): 1488-90.
Floyd Dominy, An address before the annual Rivers and Harbors Congress Convention in Washington,
D.C., June 1967, Congressional Record, 113 (June 21, 1967): 16708-09.
Senator Frank Moss, An address at the Conservation Congress for the Pacific Northwest, Wenatchee,
Washington, March 7, 1967, Congressional Record, 113 (March 21, 1967): 7487.

In its early years, Project Skywater gave some reason for optimism such as when,

in 1968, the South Dakota School of Mines Institute of Atmospheric Science generated

evidence that increasing precipitation over a non-mountainous area was possible. 22

Nevertheless, for all the talk of the future of rainmaking, the data to support claims or

provide irrefutable proof was not there. At first Reclamation engineers said, vaguely and

quite imprecisely, little more than that weather modification might augment water supply

in drought ridden areas or, conversely, prevent rainfall in flood-prone zones. Directly

correlating rainmaking efforts in the sky to water storage and distribution on the ground

was essential to winning support and situating rainmaking in the context of

Reclamation’s mission, but no one could say for certain how that correlation worked and

what the benefits were. Reclamation’s best guess was that weather modification in some

areas had the potential to increase surface water by 10-20 percent. In the Colorado River

basin alone they claimed cloud seeding could add two million acre feet to the Colorado

River. 23

Even after several years into the project, all this seemed a long way off.

Nevertheless, a number of supporters of Project Skywater remained convinced that the

problem lay in the lack of government funding. But the project, like Johnson’s Great

Society, became a casualty of the Vietnam War and shrinking government budgets. Even

still, expert coordination and liberal funding was unable to solve every problem. A

Skywater press release on March 17, 1968, reported the challenges the project faced.

Progress, while quite substantial, has served also to identify many problem
areas which must be solved before operational capability can be achieved.

McGovern speech, Congressional Record, 114 (January 31, 1968): 1683.
Dominy speech, Congressional Record, 113 (June 21, 1967): 16709; McGovern speech, Congressional
Record, 114 (January 31, 1968): 1683.

These areas include knowledge of—what atmospheric conditions are best
suited for seeding, the amount of artificial nuclei required to achieve best
results for given conditions. The behavior of nuclei inside real clouds,
measuring and evaluating the effects of seeding, determining
meteorological side effects, and the legal, social, biological, and other
implications of precipitation management. 24

Thus, by the late 1960s a shift occurred in the rhetoric praising the potential of

tapping the “rivers in the sky.” In the late 1950s Science Newsletter reported that in a

poll of meteorologists nearly half believed humans could prevent hail and lightning

within ten years and steer tornados and hurricanes within 50 years. 25 They predicted no

less than total lordship over the elements in less than two generations. Years later the

scientists who held that view revised their thinking as they confronted studies and data

pointing to the highly unstable, unpredictable, and complex nature of weather. Moreover,

a sea of change in the basic assumptions of how water management operated washed over

the Reclamation’s operations. It was becoming clear that the best places to dam and

distribute water were running low; that the quest to control every western water system

alone was ineffective in solving the water crunch; that water managers must consider the

impact of their operations on ecosystems and the health of water systems and living

organisms. These new realities and societal assumptions began to chip away at the

traditional enthusiasm for technology’s capacity to control nature. Not that the notion of

rainmaking was necessarily wrongheaded or technically impossible. Evidence suggested

that making rain or dispersing fog clouds was possible, but others schemes like steering

hurricanes were less probable. The disappointment and disillusionment of total control

Colorado River Basin Project Act, Remarks by Senator Frank Moss, Congressional Record, 114
(September 9, 1968): 26153.
de Florez speech, Congressional Record, 107 (April 3, 1961): 5434.

formed the basis of a new weather modification plan, more tempered and down-to-earth

than originally conceived. 26

Even as scientists and policy makers acknowledged all that they did not know,

weather modification remained big business in the private sector and a preferred strategy

to confront the nation’s growing water crisis in public government. Reportedly, in 1965

seventy-nine weather modification projects operated in the United States and other

countries of the western hemisphere—sixty for rainmaking, the others for fog dispersal

and hail reduction. Private commercial firms seeded clouds for farmers, increased

snowpack above dams for power companies, abated hail for ranchers, and dissipated fog

for airlines. 27

In 1967 when Senator Peter H. Dominick of Colorado introduced legislation to

fund weather modification efforts in the upper Colorado River basin, he acknowledged

that “we have much to learn about the effect of weather modification upon ecology and

we must be equally aware of the legal ramifications.” Accordingly, he proposed twice as

much funding to study the results and effects of the program than for the practical

experimentation of weather modification. His plan attempted to complement Project

Skywater by enlarging the scope of research and direct application of increasing rainfall

and snowfall in the upper basin. Dominick and other politicians sympathetic to the idea

of increasing the nation’s water supply by cloud seeding frequently argued their case by

stating enough information existed to verify that weather modification was possible and

See Scientific Problems of Weather Modification, 3-4.
Halacy, Weather Changers, 4-5.

potentially beneficial, but the project required sufficient funding to come to a satisfying

conclusion. 28

Technology, Testing, and Implementation

Project Skywater had been designed to develop weather modification technology

and methods and to assist other entities working in the field. The project did not,

however, have the congressional charter to extend beyond research and development to

operation and implementation. If state or county entities hoped to implement weather

modification in their locales, they had to fund it from state or county sources. Since none

of the research projects could extend indefinitely, and the fact that Reclamation had no

authority or funding to implement programs put the project on life support. Within three

decades of its first congressional appropriation, it had been discontinued.

The criticism that federally sponsored weather modifications never made it past

the drawing board was directed to, in Senator Dominick’s words, “a persuasive

bureaucratic attitude—in segments of both the government and academia—that it must

remain in the category of a research project—perhaps ad infinitum.” In the senator’s

1971 speech to his colleagues, he pointed out that twenty-five years of study produced

ample evidence that cloud seeding was feasible on a large scale. Instead, he claimed,

scientists “sit on cloud seeding as if it were some kind of illegitimate egg.” The senator

derisively referred to an “expert” from Reclamation who stated that “maybe by 1974” the

time was ripe to transition to actively using weather modification technology to fight

drought and other water problems.

“Colorado River Basin Legislation,” Remarks by Senator Peter H. Dominick of Colorado, Congressional
Record, 113 (June 29, 1967): 18010; “S. 2826—Introduction of Bill Relating to Weather Modification,”
Remarks by Senator Peter H. Dominick of Colorado, Congressional Record, 115 (August 12, 1969):

Dominick noted the rest of the world had taken weather modification seriously.

Russia annually spent millions to reduce hail and increase rain. Using the services of a

U.S. firm, in 1967 Iran ran an intense cloud seeding project and consequently broke a six-

year drought. The same firm also aided Newfoundland’s chief forester to fight raging

forest fires and Cyprus to end a drought over a large portion of the island. All this

occurred at a time when the United States government sat on its hands. Dominick

blamed Congress for allotting only a small portion of the hundreds of millions of dollars

earmarked to atmospheric research in the last quarter century to development of cloud

seeding technology. For instance, in fiscal 1971 eight agencies working on research and

development of cloud seeding shared only about $10 million. The senator urged

Congress to act on this issue to predict and prevent drought crises in the future. 29

Skywater never provided the kind of national umbrella advocated by Dominick,

who in fact did not believe the program ought to be run by the Bureau of Reclamation

anyway. Rather, he saw the project was highly regional and local. When interested

parties convened at the Skywater Conference VII in Denver on March 2-3, 1972, the

unanimous decision was to keep it local and especially to divest as much local control of

individual projects as possible. 30 Even still, Skywater was part of a national attempt to

collect in a systematic manner atmospheric data by testing cloud seeding technology on a

local scale and evaluating it against broader patterns in weather behavior. To do this

required a sweeping program that drew on the latest technology and techniques

developed over the years.

Dominick speech, Congressional Record, 117 (August 6, 1971): 30626-28.
Archie M. Kahan, “Project Skywater – A Progress Report,” 11,

Reclamation’s Project Skywater was just such a program, and although modestly

funded in its first years it had become poised to lead the national effort. Project planners

used the latest technology such as a computer-drafted cloud model that by inputting the

dimensions and characteristics of cloud formations was able to predict the behavior of the

cloud to modification stimuli. The model used atmospheric pressure, cloud height, air

temperature, and other variables to predict outcomes. Take for instance a cloud with a

radius of one kilometer in Amarillo, Texas. Given all the variables, the computer model

projected 0.138 inches more rainfall if seeded than would ordinarily fall under natural

conditions. 31

Skywater featured a series of pilot projects across the western states to study

seeding in different environments at different times of the year. The earliest push in

cloud seeding was in winter cloud research. The Desert Research Institute in Nevada

headed Skywater’s first winter storm studies in the Sierra Nevada. The Institute used a

specially fitted plane, mountain-top radar, precipitation gauges, snow towers, and other

instruments and technology to understand the convective cloud system over the Sierra

Nevada and determine when and under what conditions it rained. Part of the program

was to test silver concentrations to show how dispersal of silver iodide makes its way into

the weather system in the air and the snow. The program lasted four seasons. The

Institute’s research at Pyramid Lake demonstrated, according to a Skywater report, that

“under optimum conditions—cloud seeding could add up to 129,000 acre-feet of new

water to the Truckee [River] annually.” 32

Reclamation, Project Skywater: An Introduction to Rivers in the Sky, 3-4.
Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada System, Project Skywater: Final Report of the Desert
Research Institute, July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1972, under contract for the Division of Atmospheric Water
Resources Management of the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior, Reno, Nevada,

The largest winter cloud-seeding program was the Colorado River Basin Pilot

Project (CRBPP), beginning in the winter of 1970-71. In implementing this research

pilot project Reclamation was sensitive to state laws governing the use of weather

modification in Colorado. Back in 1951 the Colorado state legislature passed the

Weather Control Act, granting the state the right to claim increased snowfall from

weather modification activities. The Colorado Weather Modification Act of 1972

clarified the powers of the Department of Natural Resources, established an advisory

board, and required a permit and license for cloud seeding. Later, during the droughts of

the 1970s the state legislature appropriated funds to the Department of Natural Resources

for winter seeding programs to alleviate water scarcity in the state. Reclamation worked

with the state and relied on the expertise of other agencies and organizations in carrying

out the work. The Geological Survey supplied stream flow data; the National

Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and National Center for Atmospheric

Research provided special aircraft for studies; the Department of Transportation,

Colorado State Highway Department, and the Colorado Highway Patrol shared

information with avalanche researchers; and the Soil Conservation Service collected and

measured snow samples. 33

The pilot program worked something like this. From field headquarters in

Durango, Colorado, project meteorologists determined the right conditions to fire up the

cloud seeding generators located at the base of the mountain slopes. Scientists in Denver,

using models, determined how wind currents lifted particulates from generators on the

1973, iv, 1; Gilbert Stamm, speech at the 27th Annual Nevada Water Conference held in Carson City,
“Reclamation—1973 and in the Future,” Congressional Record, 119 (November 15, 1973): 37430-31.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Division of Atmospheric Water Resources
Management, Final Environmental Statement for Project Skywater, Denver, Colorado, 1977, 1-22–1-34.

ground into the storm clouds above. After the seeding, contractors hired by Reclamation

then collected data at over 200 monitoring sites to determine how much snowpack

accumulated as a result of seeding and whether increased snowpack might have an

impact on the ecology of the area and on avalanches. Scientists also examined how cloud

seeding affected natural processes and species, testing, for instance, soil samples to

determine concentration of silver from the cloud-seeding silver iodide. 34

In general, Project Skywater had the blessing of locals. Some, however, worried

about impacts on snow levels and avalanches, damages from heavy snowfall, costs of

snow removal, and other related issues. Residents from Telluride and Ouray and other

communities on the western slope worried about avalanche danger and other problems

associated with excess snow. They were concerned about the effects of snow and runoff

on hunting, fishing, jeeping, agriculture, and ranching. The anxiety was so high that one

miner even threatened sabotage, saying, “If those weathermen screw up life around here

they may suddenly discover their equipment blown to bits.” A man from Silverton,

Colorado, commented that regardless of the actual results of Skywater, Reclamation may

shoulder the blame for weather accidents. Reclamation officials like Archie Kahan, chief

of Reclamation’s office of atmospheric water resources in Denver, countered these

criticisms by attempting to assure locals that the bureau was making every effort to study

the ecological, social, and economic impacts of cloud seeding before implementing a

long-term project. 35

Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Snowpack Augmentation Research Needs: A History of
Weather Modification in Colorado, Bureau of Reclamation Cooperative Agreement No. 9-07-85-V0027,
Denver, Colorado, June 1982, 1-3; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Mountain
Skywater: The Story of the Colorado River Basin Pilot Project in the San Juan Mountains of Southwestern
Colorado, VHS, Reclamation, [no date].
Roger Rapoport, “Some Tough Westerners Say: ‘No Snow Job for Us!’” Sports Illustrated, (June 29,
1970), online.

In the end, no long-term weather project was established in the Colorado River

basin, despite the generally positive conclusion that seeding from 20 to 40 percent of the

winter storms and that over half of those yielded higher precipitation. 36 The pilot project

in the Colorado River basin was one piece of a puzzle spread across the western states.

Project engineers and researchers developed or planned to develop technology and

smaller winter cloud seeding projects in Montana’s Bridger Range, Utah’s Uinta

Mountains, New Mexico’s Jemez Mountains, California’s Sierra Nevada, and

Wyoming’s Medicine Bow Mountains. 37

Reclamation had high hopes that the Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project in the

American River basin would bring together the latest technology to direct the possibilities

of atmospheric water management in the Sierra Nevada. Armed with the mission to find

a safe and clean way to enrich the area’s natural precipitation, Reclamation began by

collecting environmental data. The Center for Regional Environmental Studies at

California State University in San Diego received the contract to review the

environmental effects of the project. Together with the Forest Service the project

eventually produced a report situating weather management into the larger ecological

picture: soil water, plant growth, steam and lake biota, and animal migration. 38 The

project aimed to develop technology to predict the nature and cloud-seeding potential of

winter clouds; evaluate when to seed, potentially to avoid contributing to avalanche or

flooding danger; uncover potential legal, economic, and social consequences of cloud

seeding. However, the project never made it past planning and was never carried out. 39

Kahan, “Project Skywater,” 8.
Reclamation, Final Environmental Statement for Project Skywater, 1-19; Kahan, “Project Skywater,” 13.
Reclamation, Final Environmental Statement for Project Skywater, 1-18–1-19, 1-20 –1-21.
Reclamation, Final Environmental Statement for Project Skywater, 1-20–1-21.

As winter cloud seeding research progressed, Project Skywater initiated a few

summer cumulus seeding research projects. Archie Kahan stated that summer projects

came “because many key problems remain in summer cumulus seeding and there is an

apparent rapid increase in public interest in summer seeding.” The summer cloud

seeding projects spread across the country. Research programs at the Institute of

Atmospheric Sciences at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology examined salt

and silver iodide in summer convective clouds. Skywater’s San Angelo Cumulus Project

near San Antonio, Texas, developed use of hygroscopic seeding to increase precipitation

in warm climates. In Illinois the state water survey teamed up with Skywater to develop

technology on frontal and squall-line storms. Skywater also worked with the governors

of Arizona, Texas, and Oklahoma and with the President’s Office of Emergency

Preparedness for drought-relief cloud seeding operations. Cloud seeding reportedly

produced increases in rainfall of 10-15 percent in Texas and Arizona and of 95,000 acre

feet in Oklahoma—strong evidence that further developments and research in the field

could result in large-scale benefits. 40

The largest summer seeding program was the High Plains Cooperative Program, a

research-driven field program designed to develop rainmaking technology for use on the

high plains. Reclamation established three field sites near Miles City, Montana, Colby-

Goodland, Kansas, and Big Spring-Snyder, Texas, where testing began in May 1975.

The program used some ground generators, like the CRBPP, and also airplanes to seed

the cumulus clouds with silver iodide and urea-ammonium nitrate. The planes were

specially equipped to monitor temperature, winds, humidity, and cloud updrafts.

Although the planes seeded areas no larger than a radius of 65 miles from the radar
Kahan, “Project Skywater,” 8, 11-12.

control station at each field location, the effects of that seeding might extend across a

broad geographical area. This was one of the challenges of analyzing and evaluating

weather data. 41

The program collected as much data as possible. Field teams monitored clouds

suitable for seeding, examined when and under what conditions seeding was applicable

using complex numerical models and hypotheses, and developed seeding techniques

appropriate to atmospheric conditions. Then, scientists evaluated the data. Just a few

years into the program scientists had collected essential atmospheric data on convective

rain cells and the percentage of cells acceptable for seeding. To be more precise, of the

20,000 convective cells expected to accumulate in the atmosphere during the five-month

summer season, 800 appeared suitable for seeding. 42

From the beginning of Project Skywater the concern was how cloud seeding

might affect “the balance of biological communities,” in the words of the National

Science Foundation. 43 Reclamation initiated ecological studies such as the Uinta Ecology

Project in Utah and the San Juan Ecology Project in Colorado and in some cases

produced environmental impact statements for its Skywater projects. The challenge, of

course, was that impacts to land, water, and air were not site specific. The size and

complexity of weather systems made the task of determining environmental

consequences highly difficult and imprecise.

There were also questions about a dark side of cloud seeding. Some wondered if

cloud seeding caused, or at least contribute to, the torrential flood that ripped through

Reclamation, Final Environmental Statement for Project Skywater, 1-6–1-14.
Reclamation, Final Environmental Statement for Project Skywater, 1-12–1-14.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, An Overview of the Skywater IX Conference on
Precipitation Management and the Environment: Discussion and Summary Reports, Denver, Colorado,
September 1977, 1.

South Dakota’s Rapid City in the summer of 1972. During the evening of June 9, Rapid

City residents thought little of the rising waters. Near midnight, however, the river tore

up Canyon Lake dam—the last defense—and the waters that had been building strength

all day laid waste to the city, claiming 250 lives and $100 million in property damage.

What was to blame for this catastrophe? Was it an act of nature or, as on one writer

called it, an “‘Act of God’—with a Few Grains of Salt?” Could the Institute of

Atmospheric Sciences at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology’s Project

Cloud Catcher, funded by a contract awarded by Reclamation, have been responsible for

producing rain “at an unusually heavy pace?” The director at the Institute of

Atmospheric Sciences denied any wrongdoing, and even a board of inquiry established

by the governor concluded that cloud seeding did not contribute to the disaster. One

article called into question conclusions weather modification scientists that there was no

connection. Ironically, they simultaneously acknowledged not knowing enough about the

weather system to definitely say how and when rainmaking works. James Crutchfield, an

economist at the University of Washington, stated, “When it gets to the point where there

is a possibility of really catastrophic side effects, and when these catastrophic side effects

are occurring close enough to the weather modification as to raise the possibility of a

cause-and-effect relationship, there is serious questions in my mind as to whether we

ought to be fooling around with it at all.” 44

Another problem with cloud seeding is the chemical, silver iodide, an inorganic

compound that can be toxic when ingested. According to one report, even at low

concentrations dispersed over a large area the agent might have negative consequences to

For details on the debate over the causes of the Rapid City flood, see “The Effects of Weather
Modification,” Congressional Record, 119 (May 31, 1973): 17628-34; quote by Crutchfield, Ibid., 17633.

freshwater microorganisms. Moreover, there was always a question of silver

accumulating in the atmosphere, plants, or the groundwater if cloud seeding became

widely practiced. A law professor in Arizona reportedly warned of the legal

ramifications stemming from pumping silver into the atmosphere—in however small

amounts. However, the workshop uncovered nothing incriminating. “There appears to

be no real threat from sliver iodide as a cloud seeding agent.... Public concern is probably

based on misunderstanding, not on actual damages.” Despite the assurance, it

recommended monitoring concentrations and left room for revision based on future

studies. 45

Reclamation’s environmental statement noted adverse effects in tentative terms.

Avalanches might occur, elk ranges could diminish, cropland may become subject to

erosion, but concluded nothing was certain to warrant immediate concern. It was this

tentativeness, this inconclusiveness, that had defined the project—not just the impact to

the environment but the very efficacy of the project itself.

To be sure, Skywater brought complex technical and technological issues to bear

on the question of altering the weather. The project required sophisticated statistical

designs, data collection, measurement, communications, field support and equipment,

analysis, and cooperative agreement between state and government agencies and the

public. It required adjusting variables in each area and considering the nature of the

atmosphere and other site-specific conditions over a broad geographic canvas. Skywater

consisted of many parts, seemingly disparate, spread across the western states. Project

Skywater designers hoped to integrate technologies and methods developed across the

Reclamation, Overview of Skywater IX Conference, 1-2, 13, 15.

region into a national effort, but this was not to be. Moreover, Skywater never received

the funding or congressional blessing that some supporters had hoped. 46

After 1940 some scientists and lay persons used the word “control” when

speaking of the possibility of changing the weather. Some optimistically believed that it

was possible to tinker with the weather system—to increase precipitation, disperse fog,

steer hurricanes, etc. The idea of Project Skywater derives from the human impulse to

modify the natural world to its own liking. When the technology and means became

available to tinker with the weather system, it was as though an infusion of adrenaline

shot into the scientific and meteorological communities. At long last the primal urge to

harness and control rain, snow, hail, fog and even hurricanes seemed within reach.

Skywater was an ambitious program that if seemingly fantastical today evoked in the Age

of Engineering a certain inevitable and climatic drama.

If Project Skywater and other like projects teach us anything it is that human

control of the atmosphere—nature, for that matter—is not as total as we sometimes think

possible. No sooner had meteorologists, policymakers, and agriculturalists set out on the

course of weather control than they confronted the immensity of the situation. The

weather system was just too large. U.S. scientists in Project Stormfury tested methods to

steer or disperse the energy in hurricanes, but by 1980 they had given up the quest.

Dropping a bomb in the ocean to break up the storm would “be like trying to stop a

freight train by placing a feather on the tracks,” according to one observer. Layering the

James V. Lunsford, “Water Potentials of Weather Modification,” Paper delivered at the New Mexico
Water Conference, March 27-28, 1969, 77,
Reportedly, in 1990 the project received a small infusion of funds $3.2 million, but by that late date the
project had already nearly expired, see Congressional Record, 136 (June 19, 1990): 14621.

ocean with a film to prevent moist air from rising and forming storms might work if the

ocean were not so big and were it possible to predict where storm clouds developed. 47

Simply, nature is too big and too complex to control. Modified, perhaps, or managed, but

even then not entirely to our liking. In fact, about the only method proven successful, at

least to some extent, is cloud seeding to increase precipitation.

Project Skywater’s history overlapped an important transitional period in

Reclamation’s history. It came as Reclamation entered an era of huge construction

programs and built dams on many major river systems in the West and, when under

Floyd Dominy, Reclamation enjoyed a reputation and elevated position within the

pantheon of the federal bureaucracy. That the bureau took the next step in its institutional

progression and turned to domination over the “rivers in the sky” should come as no

surprise. By the late 1960s, the consensus that supported big dam construction had

waned, and scientists tempered their optimism in weather modification possibilities. The

United States was entering a new era of resource management, and that had a tremendous

impact on Reclamation’s operations. By the time it had thoroughly transitioned from

dam builder to water manager, in the late 1980s, Reclamation no longer entertained

notions of total domination over the West’s water resources—not on ground nor in the


While scientists have faced the fact that the processes involved in rain formation

are complex, not all have given up the quest to alter the weather. Recently, Roelof

Bruintjes, of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, commented that

better monitoring and measuring technology may lead to developments in rainmaking.

Jack Williams, “Project Stormfury Attempted to Weaken Hurricanes in the 1960s and 70s,” USA Today,
April 18, 2006, online.

Even now, according to one account, there are more than 150 cloud seeding projects in

forty countries. In China the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) oversees a

major ongoing effort using anti-aircraft cannons to bombard the skies with silver-iodide

particles. The Chinese government claims the $100 million per year project created 250

billion metric tons of artificial rain over a seven-year period, but these figure cannot be

verified. China is one of many countries that use weather modification, however

scientifically suspect, to alleviate challenges related to crop damage from hail or from

severe water shortages. 48

All this continues to be met with skepticism by some in the scientific community

who insist that however far we have come in altering the weather, the dream is still a long

ways off. Would-be weather changers must confront scientific, ethical, cost-benefit, and

various questions if they are to make progress where Project Skywater and other early

projects began. Project Skywater played no small role in the ongoing effort by producing

a large body of experimental data for the field of meteorology and inching us closer to the

possibilities and limitations of altering the weather.

Rob Sharp, “Weather Modification: The Rain Makers,” The Independent, April 30, 2008.


Government Documents

Colorado Department of Natural Resources. Snowpack Augmentation Research Needs: A

History of Weather Modification in Colorado. Bureau of Reclamation
Cooperative Agreement No. 9-07-85-V0027. Denver, Colorado, June 1982.

Desert Research Institute/University of Nevada System. Project Skywater: Final Report

of the Desert Research Institute. July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1972. Under contract
for the Division of Atmospheric Water Resources Management of the Bureau of
Reclamation, U.S. Department of the Interior. Reno, Nevada, 1973.

National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Scientific Problems of

Weather Modification; A Report of the Panel on Weather and Climate
Modification. Publication 1236. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of
Sciences, 1964.

United States Congress. Congressional Record. 1951-90.

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. The Design of SCPP-1,
Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project. Denver: Office of Atmospheric Water
Resources, August 1982.

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. Final Environmental

Statement for Project Skywater. Three Volumes. Denver, Colorado, 1977.

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. Mountain Skywater:

The Story of the Colorado River Basin Pilot Project in the San Juan Mountains of
Southwestern Colorado. VHS, Bureau of Reclamation, [no date].

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. An Overview of the

Skywater IX Conference on Precipitation Management and the Environment.
Denver, Colorado: September 1977.

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. Project Skywater: An

Introduction to Rivers in the Sky. December 1973.

United Sstates Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation. “Project Skywater: A

Project Report.” By Archie M. Kahan, Chief of Division of Atmospheric Water
Resources Management, Engineering and Research Center, Reclamation, [1972?].
Available on the web at

Secondary Sources

Halacy, D. S., Jr. The Weather Changers. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1968.

Hemel, Eric I., and Clifford G. Holderness. An Environmentalist’s Primer on Weather

Modification. Stanford, California: Stanford Environmental Law Society,
September 1977.

Lamar, Howard R., editor. The New Encyclopedia of the American West. New Haven,
Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1998.

Rapoport, Roger. “Some Tough Westerners Say: ‘No Snow Job for Us!’” Sports
Illustrated. June 29, 1970. Online.

Sharp, Rob. “Weather Modification: The Rain Makers.” The Independent. April 30,

Spence, Clark C. The Rainmakers: American “Pluviculture” to World War II. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1980.

Williams, Jack. “Project Stormfury Attempted to Weaken Hurricanes in the 1960s and
70s.” USA Today. April 18, 2006. Online.

Other Sources

Lunsford, James V. “Water Potentials of Weather Modification.” Paper delivered at the

New Mexico Water Conference, March 27-28, 1969. Available on the web at


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