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The Mathematics Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report was developed before the 2015 release
of the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework. As a result, you will find references in this
report to items associated with its predecessor; the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning
Framework, published in 2010. Please know that the domains and domain elements of the Head Start
Child Development and Early Learning Framework are still applicable for reviewing effective curricula.

Introduction 2 Prioritizing Components 8

Purpose No Curriculum Is Perfect
Target Audience Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Program
Overview of the Report Process of Prioritizing

Included Mathematics Preschool Curricula 3 Enhancing a Curriculum 9

Selection Criteria Suggestions for Ways to Enhance a Curriculum to Meet the Needs of Your Program
Definition of Curriculum
Availability of Curriculum Curricula Ratings 9
How to Read Tables
Background 4 Overall Table—Ratings for all Curricula for all Components
Components of an Effective Mathematics Curriculum 4 Individual Curriculum Tables—Description and Ratings
Limitations 10
Component 1: Curriculum is Evidence Based
Component 2: Curriculum Shows Effects on Child Outcomes Curricula Reviews 11
for Mathematics Knowledge & Skills Overall Table
Component 3: Comprehensive across Mathematics Knowledge & Big Math for Little Kids
Skills Domain Elements Building Blocks Pre-K
Component 4: Depth for Each Covered Mathematics Knowledge & Everyday Mathematics®
Skills Domain Element Growing With Mathematics
Component 5: Specific Learning Goals for Mathematics Knowledge & Skills Harcourt School Publishers (HSP) Math
Component 6: Well-Designed Learning Activities for McGraw-Hill My Math©
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills Number Worlds
Component 7: Responsive Teaching Numbers Plus Preschool Mathematics Curriculum
Component 8: Supports for Individualized Instruction Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum
Component 9: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive
Component 10: Ongoing Assessments for Mathematics Knowledge & Skills References 50
Component 11: Professional Development Opportunities
Appendices 52
Component 12: Family Involvement Materials
Appendix A: Details about Review Process
Appendix B: Detailed Description of Included Tables
Appendix C: List of Curriculum Resources
Appendix D: Depth of Coverage for Domain Elements

SPRING 2015 1
The Mathematics Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report provides information and
guidance for Head Start programs as they select curricula based on the strengths
and needs of their participating children and teachers. The curricula reviewed in this
report were rated for their implementation in center-based programs, and each
includes elements designed to strengthen the teaching and learning of children’s
mathematics skills. This report is intended to complement the Preschool Curriculum
Consumer Report (2014), which reviewed comprehensive curricula that covered multiple
Head Start learning domains (i.e., Language Development, Literacy Knowledge &
Skills, Mathematics Knowledge & Skills, Social & Emotional Development). In this report,
additional curricula are reviewed that focus on the domain of mathematics.
Programs should decide whether a domain specific curriculum might be needed in
addition to their comprehensive curriculum. This decision is made based on whether
or not school readiness goals and child outcome goals are being met. If they are,
there may not be a need to add additional domain specific curricula. If goals are not
being met, mainly in the area of mathematics, this Mathematics Preschool Curriculum
Consumer Report can help you choose a mathematics curriculum that best meets your
needs. A mathematics curriculum, paired with a comprehensive curriculum, could
increase the number and quality of mathematics activities that are being implemented.

Target Audience
This report is primarily designed for Head Start grantees, early childhood education
(ECE) specialists, preschool center directors, and others who are making decisions
about curricula.

Overview of the Report

Included in this report are descriptions of 12 components of an effective mathematics
preschool curriculum; guidance on curriculum selection; and a set of ratings for
9 mathematics curricula on the 12 components of an effective curriculum. The
introductory material in this report provides information that is essential to interpreting
the curriculum ratings and using the ratings to help make curricular decisions.

SPRING 2015 2
Selection Criteria Availability of Curriculum
A curriculum was considered for inclusion in this report if it addressed the A key criterion of the review was that a curriculum must be commercially available
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills learning domain in the Head Start Child to be considered for inclusion, either at no cost online or for purchase from a
Development and Early Learning Framework (HSCDELF) and met the following publisher. We therefore excluded curricula that were described as part of a research
inclusion criteria: intervention study but were not publicly available for consumers. After curricula were
• The curriculum meets the definition of a curriculum, as defined by the identified for review, we requested materials from publishers of curricula that were
Head Start Program Performance Standards. not fully available online.

• The curriculum’s main emphasis includes explicit mathematics instruction.

• The curriculum is commercially available, and curriculum materials were
provided to the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning (NCQTL)
by the publishers.

Definition of Curriculum
In this report, ‘mathematics curriculum’ was defined as a curriculum that addressed
the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills learning domain, as specified by the HSCDELF.
The curricula reviewed in this report address the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills
learning domain in an explicit way and state that improving children’s mathematics
knowledge and skills is a primary goal.

SPRING 2015 3
The Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report (2014) rated comprehensive curricula on Since the focus of this report is on Mathematics Knowledge & Skills, the components
13 components. Nine of the components were drawn from the document, Choosing examined for comprehensiveness and depth are specific to this domain. We also
a Preschool Curriculum. These include: comprehensive domains of learning; specific do not rate whether the curricula are grounded in sound child development
learning goals; well-designed learning activities; responsive teaching; culturally and principles as defined by Head Start, as these are more applicable to comprehensive
linguistically responsive teaching; individualized instruction; ongoing assessment; curricula. The 12 components used to rate each curriculum are described in the
family involvement; and appropriateness for program staff, children, and families. following section.
In addition, the Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report (2014) also rated whether the
curriculum is: grounded in child development principles, is evidence-based, shows
effects on child outcomes, and shows depth for each covered learning domain.


Overview Component 1: Curriculum Is Evidence-Based
For this report, we considered the components of an effective curriculum in the context Rigorous studies, including randomized controlled trials, are needed to test the
of the HSCDELF Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain and domain elements: effectiveness of a curriculum. Multiple, diverse samples provide evidence that the
• Number Concepts & Quantities: The understanding that numbers represent curriculum is suited for many programs and children.
quantities and have ordinal properties (number words represent a rank order, Questions for review:
particular size, or position in a list). • Has the curriculum been investigated in a preschool sample using a rigorous
• Number Relationships & Operations: The use of numbers to describe design (e.g. quasi-experimental, randomized control trial)?
relationships and solve problems. • Are there studies that include measures of fidelity of implementation? Fidelity
• Geometry & Spatial Sense: The understanding of shapes, their properties, and of implementation is the extent to which the curriculum is being implemented
how objects are related to one another. in the manner that was intended by the developers. Do the measures of fidelity
• Patterns: The recognition of patterns, sequencing, and critical thinking skills indicate moderate to high levels of implementation?
necessary to predict and classify objects in a pattern. • Has the curriculum been studied in more than one preschool sample? If so, do
• Measurement & Comparison: The understanding of attributes and relative these samples allow the findings to be extended to diverse groups of children in
properties of objects as related to size, capacity, and area. terms of ethnicity/race and socio-economic status (SES)?

SPRING 2015 4
Component 2: Curriculum Shows Effects on Child Outcomes for Skills for Mathematics Knowledge & Skills Domain Elements:
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills • Number Concepts & Quantities
The highest-quality research studies are completed independently from the
–– Recognizes numbers and quantities in the everyday environment
curriculum publisher and are published in a peer-reviewed journal (Joseph &
–– Recites numbers in the correct order and understands that numbers come
Strain, 2003) or by a large research organization (e.g., Westat, Child Trends, and
“before” or “after” one another
Mathematica). Rigorous studies (i.e., quasi-experimental, experimental designs)
which reflect a diverse or under-represented sample, provide evidence that the –– Associates quantities and the names of numbers with written numerals
curriculum improves child outcomes. –– Uses one-to-one counting and subitizing (identifying the number of objects
without counting) to determine quantity
Questions for review:
–– Uses the number name of the last object counted to represent the number of
• What is the strength of the curriculum’s effect on child outcomes?
objects in the set
• How many studies indicated moderate effects on child outcomes?
• Number Relationships & Operations
Component 3: Comprehensive across Mathematics Knowledge & –– Uses a range of strategies, such as counting, subitizing, or matching, to
Skills Domain Elements compare quantity in two sets of objects and describes the comparison with
Curricula that cover multiple domain elements within a particular domain are terms, such as more, fewer, greater than, less than, or equal to
comprehensively addressing children’s skills within that domain. For the Mathematics
–– Recognizes that numbers (or sets of objects) can be combined or separated to
Knowledge & Skills learning domain, a curriculum can address all of the domain
make another number through the grouping of objects
elements including: Number Concepts & Quantities, Number Relationships &
–– Identifies the new number created when numbers are combined or separated
Operations, Geometry & Spatial Sense, Patterns, and Measurement & Comparison.
Question for review: • Geometry & Spatial Sense
• How many domain elements are covered by the curriculum? –– Recognizes and names common shapes, their parts, and attributes
–– Combines and separates shapes to make other shapes
Component 4: Depth for Each Covered Mathematics Knowledge &
–– Compares objects in size and shape
Skills Domain Element
–– Understands directionality, order, and position of objects, such as up, down,
The depth for each learning domain is made clear through an organized scope
in front, behind
and sequence for each domain element, or a curricular map that identifies how the
curriculum covers each domain element in a sequenced, progressive manner. • Patterns
Questions for review: –– Sorts, classifies, and serializes (puts in a pattern) objects using attributes,
such as color, shape, or size
• Does an organized scope exist that covers multiple skills within a particular
–– Recognizes, duplicates, and extends simple patterns
domain element? (See Appendix D for a table summarizing depth of coverage of
domain elements, across curricula). –– Creates patterns through the repetition of a unit

• Is there an organized sequence for the learning domain element that links skills • Measurement & Comparison
to individual learning activities? –– Compares objects using attributes of length, weight, and size (bigger, longer,
taller, heavier)
–– Orders objects by size or length
–– Uses nonstandard and standard techniques and tools to measure and compare

SPRING 2015 5
Component 5: Specific Learning Goals for Mathematics Knowledge & Skills Component 7: Responsive Teaching
Clearly defined goals enable teachers and families to focus on what they are trying The most effective curricula provide support to teachers to intentionally use
to accomplish and what skills are being measured. In addition, clear goals help responsive teaching, where teachers purposefully use a combination of child-focused
establish alignment between the goals of the program and the goals of the and direct teaching strategies to make learning more appropriate to children’s needs
curriculum, which leads to more cohesive and complete instruction. (Galinsky, 2006). Higher quality emotional and instructional teacher-child interactions
Questions for review: have been linked to improvements in preschool children’s academic and language
skills (Mashburn et al., 2008).
• Are there specific, measurable, child-focused, and developmentally appropriate
goals for each learning activity? Questions for review:

• Is there alignment between the learning goals of the learning activity and the • Do the learning activities include both child-focused and teacher-directed
content within the learning activity? strategies?

• Is there alignment between learning goals for each learning activity and the • Is support provided within learning activities for how to engage in high-quality
scope and sequence? interactions with children?

Component 6: Well-Designed Learning Activities for Component 8: Supports for Individualized Instruction
Mathematics Knowledge & Skills Effective curricula address individual differences among children (Ramey & Ramey,
Effective programs and curricula include well-designed, engaging learning 1992). By providing guidance in how to adapt activities, materials, and the learning
experiences that support specific learning goals and objectives (Chambers et environment for children with special needs, the curriculum facilitates accessibility to
al., 2010). Young children learn best with highly interactive, experiential learning the learning activities for all children.
activities (Chambers et al., 2010; Galinsky, 2006). Additionally, clear and well-designed Questions for review:
activities prompt and encourage teachers to use various strategies and interactive • Do learning activities provide activity-specific support for children who are
materials to further engage children in learning and development. below as well as for children who are above cognitive/academic expectations?
Questions for review: • Are there guidelines on how to adapt learning activities for children with
• Are the learning activities easy to follow, and do they follow a similar pattern physical and/or emotional needs?
across different activities? • Are there guidelines for ways to adapt the materials and/or environment to meet
• Are multiple supports provided to facilitate implementation (e.g., guidelines for different levels of need?
success or teacher’s tips, list of materials for each activity, instructions for setting
up the environment)?
• Does the curriculum prompt teachers to use multiple strategies and interactive
• Is the purpose of the activity clear and meaningful?

SPRING 2015 6
Component 9: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Component 11: Professional Development Opportunities
The most effective curricula provide support so that teachers can be responsive to Individualized consultation and regular feedback are most effective in improving
the cultural and linguistic needs of children, families, and communities (Galinsky, preschool teachers’ use of instructional strategies (Pianta et al., 2008). By offering
2006). Children in preschool programs, in which teachers speak the children’s home professional development in a variety of ways, the curriculum can facilitate teachers
language, show better development of social skills (Chang et al., 2007). Programs that and staff with both initial and ongoing training.
support both the development of English and of the children’s home languages can Questions for review:
help low-income children who are dual-language learners increase their proficiency
in both languages (Winsler et al., 1999). • Does the curriculum provide comprehensive initial as well as ongoing training?

Questions for review: • Are there a variety of levels of individualization provided?

• Does the curriculum provide materials for use inside the classroom and for • Is professional development (PD) available for staff members other than
families in languages other than English? teachers?
• Do materials present diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity, gender, etc.? Are they • Are there multiple modes (e.g., initial group, supplemental webinars) of PD that
incorporated throughout most learning activities? are available at different entry points (e.g., initial, ongoing, mastery)?
• Is there guidance provided to teachers in how to assist dual-language learners? • Is there evidence that the PD supports have a positive change on a teacher’s
• Is there guidance provided to teachers in how to adapt the learning activities to implementation practices?
meet a specific program’s cultural and linguistic needs?
Component 12: Family Involvement Materials
Component 10: Ongoing Assessments for Mathematics Knowledge & Skills The most effective programs and curricula include strong family education and/
The most effective programs and curricula include an ongoing assessment or support components (Galinsky, 2006; Barnard, 2004). Incorporating families into
component (Barnett, 2008). Effective curricular assessments link to both the learning the classroom is an essential part of engaging families in their children’s learning.
goals of the activities and to children’s learning outcomes. In order to facilitate use Materials provided to families suggest ways to extend classroom learning into
and meaningfulness, assessments should be user-friendly and provide guidance for the home.
how teachers and programs analyze and interpret assessment data to help teachers Questions for review:
tailor future instruction to increase children’s learning and development (Galinsky,
• Are materials provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what
2006). Additionally, evidence of validation provides support that the assessment is
children are learning in the classroom?
linked to child outcomes.
• Are strategies provided for families to review and extend learning outside of the
Questions for review:
• Are the assessments based on sound child development principles?
• Is guidance provided on how teachers can link learning goals to home?
• Are the assessments aligned with learning goals covered in learning activities?
• Are there suggestions for how to incorporate parent and family volunteers in the
• Do the assessments measure children’s skills on outcomes that are aligned with
• Are there suggestions for how to establish and maintain a positive family-
• Are the assessments easily accessible, user-friendly, and efficient to implement?
teacher relationship?
• Does the curriculum provide support for how teachers should analyze and
interpret assessment results, in order to adapt future learning activities?
• Is there research evidence that the assessments are linked to child outcomes?

SPRING 2015 7
No Curriculum Is Perfect Process of Prioritizing
Each mathematics curriculum presented in this report has its strengths and Of the 12 components of an effective curriculum presented in this report, a program
weaknesses. We make no specific recommendations or endorsements for any of the must prioritize which ones are more important according to the needs of the
curricula presented. No single curriculum will be the best fit for all programs. Prior program. Here are two scenarios to consider.
to selecting a curriculum, individuals from the program need to assess the strengths • If a program has many teachers with little experience teaching preschool, one
and weaknesses of their program resources (e.g., staff, curriculum). consideration might be to choose a curriculum that has a strong evidence
Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Program base for supporting child outcomes (Component 2), clear organization of
Evaluating program strengths and weaknesses is an important step to take in order goals (Component 5), activities (Component 6), assessments (Component 10),
to choose a curriculum that best fits classroom needs. One suggestion is to create and guided, prompted support for implementation. Extensive initial training
a curriculum-focused self-assessment team that may include staff, families, policy and professional development opportunities should be available as well
group members, and community members. This team can assist in identifying areas (Component 11).
that need improvement based on child outcome data. Component 1 (Curriculum is • If a program’s self-assessment suggests that children are getting a lot of
Evidence Based) and Component 2 (Curriculum Shows Effects on Child Outcomes) exposure to Number Concepts & Quantities, but not the other Mathematics
address whether rigorous research has been conducted on the curriculum, and Knowledge & Skills domain elements, one consideration might be to choose
whether there is evidence of impact of the curriculum on children’s outcomes. Using a curriculum that shows comprehensiveness across domain elements
this information, a program might select a curriculum where there is evidence of (Component 3) and depth for each covered domain element (Component 4).
positive child outcomes in mathematics.
Another suggestion is to explore the resources available on the Early Childhood
Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) website that may help assess your current
curriculum or curricula. See Appendix C for a list of resources.

SPRING 2015 8
Suggestions for Ways to Enhance a Curriculum to Meet the Needs of
Your Program • Find opportunities throughout the day to extend math concepts in ways that
After a program has decided on a curriculum or a set of curricula, the work is not represent diversity in children’s culture and ethnicity. For example, look for
yet complete. To meet the unique needs of the teachers, children, and families in patterns in fabrics from children’s cultural backgrounds; ask children to “share
a program, a curriculum needs to be enhanced to best fit these needs both at the fairly” or pass out equal portions of foods from different cultures.
beginning of the year and on an ongoing basis throughout the year. By enhancing a
• Look for high-quality mathematics professional development materials and activities
curriculum, the content or scope and sequence is not significantly altered, rather it is
to help teachers become more comfortable and gain knowledge in this area.
tailored to meet the specific needs of the program. If a significant change is made, it
may influence the outcomes a program is expecting. A curriculum can be enhanced • Incorporate opportunities for teachers and teacher aides to plan together, in
to meet the needs of a specific program: order to better support and facilitate mathematics small group learning.
• Encourage teachers to plan together within the same age level and across
different age levels. This helps to better align children’s mathematics
experiences and support mathematics development across different ages.

How to Read Tables Individual Curriculum Tables—Description and Ratings
The curricula ratings are presented in two ways. The first is in an overall table, which For each individual curriculum, there are two tables. The first table provides a general
includes ratings for all curricula across all components. The second is in individual description of the curriculum, including target population, delivery format, cost per
curriculum tables, which includes information about the curriculum, as well as ratings classroom, domain elements covered, training, and materials reviewed by raters.
and a brief rationale for each rating. The mathematics curricula are presented in This table also indicates whether a specific domain element (e.g., Number Concepts
alphabetical order in these tables. Numeric ratings from 1 to 4 were assigned. & Quantities) is covered with sufficient depth. If the majority of skills for a particular
These were converted to star ratings. domain element were covered (see skills listed in Component 4), this is indicated with
a symbol next to the domain element. If the majority of skills were not covered,
Overall Table—Ratings for all Curricula for all Components this is with a x next to the domain element.
The overall table is set up with the 12 components of an effective curriculum listed
The second table includes the ratings for the curricula across the 12 components of
in columns, and the curricula that have been reviewed listed (in alphabetical order)
an effective curriculum, as well as a brief rationale for each rating. For a more detailed
in rows. These tables provide the reader with an overview of ratings at a glance.
description about the sections of each table, see Appendix B.

SPRING 2015 9
This document contains a set of 12 components of an effective curriculum, as effort was made to ensure that all available and published curricula that met the
identified by a careful review of literature and consultation with child development inclusion requirements and were used by at least some Head Start programs were
and early education specialists from NCQTL. Although we believe these components included in the report. Although a stringent and extensive review occurred for each
fully address what is necessary for inclusion in a high-quality, effective domain- curriculum (see Appendix A), ratings should be considered as only one factor in
specific curriculum, we make no claims that these are the only components of an making a decision about a curriculum. Other factors included in the decision process
effective curriculum. Systematic reviews of preschool curricula may use other criteria, may be cost, available materials, specific program needs, and familiarity with a
sometimes more rigorous or more restricted. In our review, we sought to balance curriculum.
the need for a research-based curriculum with supporting evidence with other
programmatic concerns, such as meeting the needs of enrolled children. A diligent

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 10

Number Worlds
Name of Curriculum

Pre-K Mathematics
Building Blocks Pre-K
Big Math for Little Kids

McGraw-Hill My Math©
Everyday Mathematics®

Numbers Plus Preschool

Growing With Mathematics

No evidence
Harcourt School Publishers (HSP)

Effects on Child

Across Domain

Minimal evidence
Depth for Each
Covered Domain

Specific Learning

Learning Activities


Some evidence
Supports for

Culturally and


Solid, high-quality evidence

Family Involvement



Big Math for Little Kids Curriculum Description

Big Math for Little Kids is a comprehensive mathematics program that builds upon what
young children already know and are capable of doing mathematically. It is based on
research and field testing in early childhood classrooms.
Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). Big Math for Little Kids.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Preschool children, ages 3–4 • Small Group Instruction
• Whole Group Instruction

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

Classroom Kit (English): $488.97 Number Concepts & Quantities
Classroom Set (Spanish): $500.47
Number Relationships & Operations
Pre-Kindergarten Manipulative Kit: $283.97
Story Book Collections (English): $62.47 Geometry & Spatial Sense
Story Book Collections (Spanish): $62.47 Patterns
Teacher’s Guide (English): $97.47 Measurement & Comparison
Teacher’s Guide (Spanish): $97.47

Retrieved from:


No training provided

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Classroom Kit • Pre-Kindergarten Manipulative Kit • Story Book Collections • Teacher’s Guide

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 12

Evidence-Based At the time of this review, there was one research study conducted on Big Math for Little Kids (BMLK).
• Research Rigor: Presser et al. (2015) investigated the curriculum effectiveness over two years, using a cluster-randomized controlled
designed study.
• Curriculum Implementation: Presser et al. (2015) found that the majority of teachers (69% in year 1 and 85% in Year 2 of the study)
implemented the curriculum with high levels of fidelity.
• Replication/Generalization: BMLK has been studied in a racially/ethnically and linguistically diverse sample, which allows findings to be
generalized in terms of ethnicity/race and language spoken.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: Presser et al. (2015) assessed children’s mathematics knowledge using the Early Childhood Longitudinal
Outcomes Study-Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) Direct Mathematics Assessment. The BMLK children significantly outperformed children in the control group
with a medium effect size (Cohen’s d=0.32). In addition, BMLK children showed indications of improved mathematical language on piloted
language tasks.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: BMLK covers all five of the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills learning domain elements:
Across Domain Number Concepts & Quantities: Unit 1
Number Relationships & Operations: Unit 5
Geometry & Spatial Sense: Unit 2
Patterns: Unit 3
Measurement & Comparison: Unit 4

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: BMLK covers all five of the Number Concepts & Quantities skills identified
Covered Domain in the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework (HSCDELF). There is a clear instructional sequence that presents multiple
Element skills linked to individual learning activities in the Program Overview.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: BMLK covers all three of the Number Relationships & Operations skills
identified in the HSCDELF. There is a clear instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities in the
Program Overview.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: BMLK covers all four of the Geometry & Spatial Sense skills identified in the
HSCDELF. There is a clear instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities in the Program Overview.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: BMLK covers all three of the Patterns skills identified in the HSCDELF. There is a clear
instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities in the Program Overview.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: BMLK covers two out of three (Compares objects using attributes of length,
weight and size; Uses nonstandard and standard techniques and tools to measure and compare) of the Measurement & Comparison skills
identified in the HSCDELF. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities in
the Program Overview.

SPRING 2015 13

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: BMLK provides goals for each learning activity that are specific, measurable, child-focused, and developmentally
Goals appropriate.
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: There is evidence of a match between the learning goals and the activity, but it is not
clear what specific parts of the activity are aligned with which goals.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals for each learning activity
and the scope and sequence in the Program Overview.

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities. Activities are
Learning Activities in a logical order, progressing so that skills build on one another.
• Ease of Implementation: There are multiple supports provided to facilitate the implementation. There are clear instructions given to
teachers for getting ready, setting up, and carrying out activities. There are also instructions for suggested pacing, group size, and language
to use for each activity.
• Variety: The curriculum prompts teachers to use multiple activity formats (i.e., large group, small group, individual) and interactive materials
to meet a wide variety of learning styles. Activities use varied materials.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: BMLK identifies objectives which include a stated purpose.

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: The majority of activities are primarily teacher-directed, but there is some evidence of child-focused strategies.
One of the few mentions of child-focused strategies includes a statement that some field-test teachers left activity materials in a center for
children to use; however this is presented as a general example and is not connected to any specific activities.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: BMLK provides a strong support for teachers on how to provide high-quality interactions that
are embedded within learning activities. For example, in the “Building Language, Literacy, & Communication Skills” section of the Program
Overview, there are suggestions for encouraging discussion and having children predict what will happen in stories.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support for
Individualized differentiating for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations. For example, the “Field-test Notes” that accompany many
Instruction of the activities include suggestions for adapting activities for children who may have difficulty with the activity. Similarly, the “Focused
Assessments” that accompany some of the activities include a ”Re-teaching and Practice” section that provides suggestions for giving low
performing children extra support.
• Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support for
differentiating for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations. Each activity features a “More to Do” section which provides
suggestions on ways to extend or broaden the explorations of children who would benefit from greater challenges.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: No guidelines are provided.
• Material Adaptation: There are multiple guidelines for ways to adapt the materials to meet different levels of need.
• Environment Adaptation: There are some guidelines provided for how to adapt the environment to meet different levels of need.

SPRING 2015 14

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: BMLK provides multiple materials in languages other than English, for use inside the classroom
Linguistically and for families. For example, the Family Letters and Take-Home activities for each unit are available in both English and Spanish. The
Responsive storybooks for use in the classroom are also available in Spanish (for additional purchase).
• Materials Represent Diversity: Multiple materials represent diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity, gender, etc., but are limited to only some
learning activities. For example, the storybook illustrations represent cultural diversity in the characters portrayed.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: There are minimal prompts provided for the teacher to support dual-language learners (DLLs) in
the classroom. For example, the Program Overview provides a very general guidance for “Meeting the Needs of English Language Learners”.
There is also an “ELL/ESL Strategies” section at the beginning of each unit; however, these short sections seem to only provide highlights of
which strategies that already exist in each activity suit DLL’s needs instead of addressing how teachers can support DLLs beyond that.
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: No guidance is provided.

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: There is evidence that the assessments align with learning goals covered in learning activities.
Within each Unit Guide, there are assessment records provided at the end of each unit that indicate which activities link to the specific unit goals.
• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: The assessments measure children’s skills on outcomes that are fully aligned with the
HSCDELF Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements.
• Using Assessment Information: The curriculum provides support for how to reflect on assessment results in order to adapt future learning
activities. For example, a “Re-teaching and Practice” section is provided with each Focused Assessment, providing guidance on how to
proceed with children who did not score well on the assessment.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: The assessments are easily accessible, user-friendly, and efficient to implement. The Program Overview
describes three types of assessment with details on how to conduct them and where they are located within the curriculum materials.
• Validated Assessments: The assessments are based on sound child development principles; however, there is no evidence that they have
been validated and linked to children outcomes.

Professional • Initial Training: No initial training is provided.

Development • Continued Professional Development: No continued professional development is provided.
Opportunities • Level of Individualization: No level of individualization is provided.
• Other Program Staff: No professional development is provided.
• Multiple Modes: No professional development is provided.
• Evidence of Validation: No professional development is provided.

Family • Materials: There are materials (e.g., “Dear Family” newsletter) provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what children are
Involvement learning in the classroom and provide strategies for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom.
Materials • Teacher Guidance: There is general guidance given in the Program Overview booklet section “Involving the Family”. In addition, teachers
are provided with activities and storybooks that are aligned with classroom activities to send home for families to use with their children.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: No guidance is provided.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: BMLK provides some suggestions for how to establish parent-teacher relationships, but does not instruct
teachers on how to maintain the relationships throughout the year.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 15

Building Blocks Pre-K Curriculum Description

Building Blocks Pre-K is designed for use with preschool children, and embeds
mathematical learning in Pre-K students’ daily activities. Building Blocks Pre-K ranges from
designated math activities to circle and story time to help children relate their informal
math knowledge to more formal mathematical concepts.
McGraw Hill Education. (2014). Building Blocks.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Preschool children, ages 3–4 • Small Group Instruction
• Whole Group Instruction
• Learning centers

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

Teacher Package: $421.20 Number Concepts & Quantities
Teacher Edition, Volume 1: $98.25
Number Relationships & Operations
Teacher Edition, Volume 2: $98.25
Teacher Resource Book: $61.35 Geometry & Spatial Sense
Assessment Guide: $37.44 Patterns
Manipulative Kit: $358.4 Measurement & Comparison
Retrieved from:

No training provided

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Teacher Edition, Volumes 1 & 2 • Teacher Resource Book • Assessment Guide • Storybooks

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 16

Evidence-Based At the time of this review, there are many rigorous research studies of the Building Blocks curriculum (Clements & Sarama, 2007, 2008; Clements,
Sarama, Wolf, & Spitler, 2013; Sarama, Lange, Clements, & Wolfe, 2013; Weiland et al., 2013).
• Research Rigor: Several studies have used a randomized control trial to examine Building Blocks (Clements & Sarama, 2007, 2008; Clements
et al., 2013; Sarama et al., 2013). In addition, more recent research studies that incorporated the Building Blocks curriculum also used multiple
measures to investigate math outcomes (Weiland et al., 2013).
• Curriculum Implementation: One study found that teachers implemented the curriculum with a medium to high level of fidelity (Clements
& Sarama, 2007). Another study used a fidelity rating scale, measured from 0 to 4, and found that teachers who implemented Building Blocks
averaged a score of 3.0 (Clements & Sarama, 2008).
• Replication/Generalization: Studies of Building Blocks have included racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse samples.
Weiland et al. (2013) tested Building Blocks at-scale in the Boston Public Schools.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: There are multiple studies that indicate strong effects on child outcomes. For example, Clements et al. (2011)
Outcomes found that children in the Building Blocks group learned more mathematics, using the Research-Based Early Mathematics Assessment, than
the children in the control group (effect size = 0.72). Results also suggest that effects of the Building Blocks curriculum persist beyond pre-k,
especially when kindergarten and first grade teachers receive mathematics training. Clements et al. (2013) used a cluster-randomized trial
designed to evaluate the persistence of effects of Building Blocks.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: Building Blocks covers all five of the domain elements. The Teacher Edition, Volume 1 outlines
Across Domain the learning trajectories addressed in the Building Blocks curriculum. The learning trajectories clearly align with HSCDLF’s Mathematics
Elements Knowledge & Skills domain elements.

Number Concepts & Quantities: Volume 1 and Volume 2

Number Relationships & Operations: Volume 1 and Volume 2
Geometry & Spatial Sense: Volume 1 and Volume 2
Patterns: Volume 1 and Volume 2
Measurement & Comparison: Volume 1 and Volume 2

SPRING 2015 17

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: Building Blocks covers all five Number Concepts & Quantities skills
Covered Domain throughout the curriculum, and there is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning
Element activities. The Building Blocks Teacher Edition, Volume 1 outlines the learning trajectories addressed in the curriculum. In the Teacher Edition,
the authors of the curriculum share the math learning trajectories and provide a detailed description of the trajectory a child would follow
in mastering the steps within that skill area. The trajectories are aligned with the HSCDELF at the domain element level, and many go deeper
within the skill levels that make up that domain element.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: Building Blocks for Math covers all three of the Number Relationships
& Operations skills throughout the curriculum. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual
learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: Building Blocks for Math covers all four Geometry & Spatial Sense skills
throughout the curriculum. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: Building Blocks for Math covers all three Patterns skills throughout the curriculum. There is an
identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: Building Blocks for Math covers all three Measurement & Comparison skills
throughout the curriculum. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: Building Blocks provides goals for each learning activity that are specific, measurable, child-focused, and
Goals developmentally appropriate. There are objectives listed for each week, and these objectives are cross-walked with each activity. The
objectives are developmentally appropriate and the activities allow students to follow a developmental path throughout the curriculum.
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: here is evidence of alignment between the learning goals of the learning activity
and the activities within the learning activity. The overview and weekly planner sections of each week’s activities within the Building Blocks
curriculum gives the teacher “big ideas” for the week ahead, objectives, how children meet these objectives, and various other ideas for
preparing the activities. The learning objectives are aligned with the activities and the day-to-day planners provide details on the various
components of the activities that meet those objectives.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals for each learning activity
and the scope and sequence.

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities. There is an
Learning Activities overview section that previews center activities, Learning Trajectories, objectives for the week, and a summary of daily activities.
• Ease of Implementation: Multiple supports are provided to facilitate implementation, including a weekly overview with “big ideas”,
teaching tips to increase teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge, guidelines for helping teachers understand where children’s skills
are falling on the learning trajectory, and information on how to prepare for center activities.
• Variety: Building Blocks prompts teachers to use multiple activity formats and interactive materials to meet a wide variety of learning styles.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: The purpose of each activity is well-defined and appears to be a meaningful part of the
overall curriculum.

SPRING 2015 18

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: Although whole group activities are generally teacher directed, the Building Blocks curriculum includes a combination
of child-focused and direct teaching strategies.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: Building Blocks provides teachers with general information on teacher-child interactions. In addition, each
activity includes a reflection component with open-ended questions that indicate high instructional interactions between teachers and students.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Learning activities provide activity-specific support for
Individualized differentiating for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations. The “Monitoring Student Progress” boxes provide ideas on
Instruction how teachers can differentiate instruction to a child’s academic level. Appendix A in the Teacher Volumes also includes an overall and specific
direction on how to differentiate instructions for children who may need more support to meet the learning trajectories.
• Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support for
differentiating for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations. The “Monitoring Student Progress” boxes located throughout
the curriculum includes a section, “if children excel then”; giving ideas on how teachers can differentiate instruction to a child’s academic
level if they are performing above the learning trajectories.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: No guidelines are provided.
• Material Adaptation: There are multiple, clear guidelines for ways to adapt the materials to meet different levels of need. The Building Blocks
curriculum encourages teachers to consider the adaptation of materials, including altering presentation of materials, adding other materials,
and changing questioning techniques. Details are provided for specific activities for children who are still developing fine motor control, as
well as incorporating additional materials to provide scaffolding for children.
• Environment Adaptation: There are multiple, clear guidelines for ways to adapt the environment to meet different levels of need. For example,
the curriculum provides guidelines on how to adapt posters, create a visual schedule, and create visual placemats for children to use.

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: Building Blocks offers materials for families in languages other than English. In the Teacher’s
Linguistically Resource Guide, there are newsletters for sending home to families each week. These appear to be available in Spanish via the ConnectED
Responsive component of the curriculum (Building Blocks brochure, see
• Materials Represent Diversity: There are multiple materials that represent diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity, gender, etc., but they are
limited to only some learning activities. There are numerous books provided within the curriculum kit that include representation of various
races and cultures.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: Building Blocks provides guidance and specific strategies for how English-speaking teachers can
communicate with children who speak languages other than English. The curriculum provides a Teacher’s Resource Guide, which provides a
section on “English Learner Support.”
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: Building Blocks provides suggestions for how to adapt the learning activities to meet a
specific center’s cultural and linguistic needs. The curriculum supports gathering information from families regarding their home cultures to
develop meaningful environments and activities for the children.

SPRING 2015 19

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: There is evidence that suggested assessments align with learning goals covered in learning
activities. The Building Blocks curriculum includes a teacher workbook on “Assessment” that contains: Weekly Record Sheets (for tracking
which lessons the teacher has completed and when); Small Group Record Sheets (for tracking the small group participation and performance
of each child); Learning Trajectory Records (for “…identifying children’s proficiency in each area of mathematics”); and Trajectory Progress
Chart that are completed for each child to track progress in these developmental areas.
• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: The assessments measure students’ skills on outcomes that are fully aligned with the
HSCDELF Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements. All domain elements are covered in the Leaning Trajectory Records.
• Using Assessment Information: The curriculum provides support for how to reflect on assessment results in order to adapt future learning activities.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: The assessments are easily accessible, user-friendly, and efficient to implement. The Building Blocks
Assessment manual contains direction for administering the various assessment tools. The curriculum website contains information
regarding the online assessment and tracking capabilities of the Building Blocks software, which also notes that teachers can use various
mobile devices, their computer or pen-paper to gather and enter the assessment information into the online system.
• Validated Assessments: The assessments are based on sound child development principles; however, there is no evidence that the
assessments have been validated and linked to children’s outcomes.

Professional • Initial Training: No initial training is provided.

Development • Continued Professional Development: No continued professional development is provided.
• Level of Individualization: No level of individualization is provided.
• Other Program Staff: No professional development is provided.
• Multiple Modes: No professional development is provided.
• Evidence of Validation: No professional development is provided.

Family Involvement • Materials: Building Blocks provides materials for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what children are learning in the classroom
Materials and provide strategies for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom. The curriculum also provides a weekly “Math News”
letter for teachers to send home to families that are in both English and Spanish.
• Teacher Guidance: Building Blocks provides guidance to teachers on how to link learning goals to home in a meaningful way. In the Teacher
Resource Guide, each “Math News” letter includes the week’s learning goals and a section “Help-at-Home Math Tips” with activities for the
family to complete with the child that extends each week’s learning goals to learning at home.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: There are suggestions provided for how to use parent and family volunteers when they
come into the classroom.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: Building Blocks mentions the importance of parent-teacher relationships, but does not provide specific
instructions about ways to establish or maintain the relationships.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 20

Everyday Mathematics® Curriculum Description

Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive Pre-K through Grade 6 mathematics program engineered
for the Common Core State Standards. Developed by The University of Chicago’s School Mathematics
Project, Everyday Mathematics was designed to help students build conceptual understanding,
computational fluency, and real-world, problem-solving skills. The curriculum reinforces math
concepts through real-world applications and reinforces math concepts across learning progressions.
McGraw Hill Education. (2012). Everyday Mathematics.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Pre-K–Grade 6 • Small Group Instruction
• Whole Group Instruction
• Learning centers

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

Pre-K Teacher’s Guide to Activities: $57.36 Number Concepts & Quantities
Pre-K Basic Classroom Manipulative Kit: $257.73
Number Relationships & Operations
Grade Pre-K Math Mats (Sets of 3): $34.02
EC Teacher’s Reference Manual: $53.16 Geometry & Spatial Sense
EC Home Connections Handbook: $24.84 Patterns
PK Math Masters: $30.39
Measurement & Comparison
PK Resources for the PK Classroom: $50.64
PK Assessment Handbook: $11.85
PK Minute Math: $11.85
CRP Grade PK: $176.16
Retrieved from:

Web-based resources including webinars videos are available free of charge. For purchases of $20,000 or more, a full-day initial training is provided for all teachers using the curriculum.
Additional in-person training is available for $2,500 per day.

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Pre-K Teacher’s Guide to Activities • EC Teacher’s Reference Manual • Pre-K Assessment Handbook • Pre-K Resources for the Pre-K Classroom • EC Home Connections Handbook •
Pre-K Math Masters • Mathematics at Home • Pre-K Minute Math

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 21

Evidence-Based • Research Rigor: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool sample of children.
• Curriculum Implementation: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.
• Replication/Generalization: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
Outcomes sample of children.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: Everyday Mathematics curriculum covers all five of the learning domain elements within the
Across Domain Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain of the HSCDELF.

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: Everyday Mathematics covers all five of the Number Concepts & Quantities
Covered Domain skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities. The curriculum states
Element that the eight topics covered, “…are not ‘units’ that you should work through from beginning to end. Rather, choose and intersperse activities
from all of the topic areas over the course of the year…” (p. xxix). However, there are three levels of activities within each topic (“Beginning,”
“Building,” and “Expanding”) and the curriculum materials do state that these levels indicate the order in which children should acquire the skills
covered. In that sense, there is a defined sequence within each topic, even if teachers are not limited to going through one topic at a time.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: Everyday Mathematics covers all three of the Number Relationships &
Operations skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: Everyday Mathematics covers all four of the Geometry & Spatial Sense skills.
There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: Everyday Mathematics covers all three of the Patterns skills. There is an identifiable instructional
sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: Everyday Mathematics covers all three of the Measurement & Comparison
skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: Everyday Mathematics provides goals for each learning activity that are specific, measurable, child-focused,
Goals and developmentally appropriate. The beginning of each activity includes a broad objective at the top. Each activity also includes a
“Key Mathematics Concepts and Skills” section that lists goals for that lesson that are specifically linked to the grade-level goals for
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals for each learning activity
and the activities within the learning activity. For this curriculum, there is only one objective per activity, so it is implied that the entirety of
the activity is aligned with that objective.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals for each learning activity
and the scope and sequence. The objectives for each activity are connected to the sequence for each topic in the “Activities in Perspective”
section for each topic.

SPRING 2015 22

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities, and this
Learning Activities pattern is described in the Teacher’s Guide to Activities Introduction.
• Ease of Implementation: There are multiple supports provided to facilitate implementation. All activities begin with a list of materials
needed, an indication of the activity’s format (i.e., whole group, small group, partners, or center), and detailed instructions for carrying out
the activity. Additionally, “Planning Tips” and “Note Boxes” are often included for further support.
• Variety: Everyday Mathematics prompts teachers to use multiple group formats and interactive materials to meet a wide variety of learning styles.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: The purpose of each activity is well-defined and appears to be a meaningful part of the
overall curriculum. The purpose for each group of activities is given in the introduction to each topic.

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: There is a presence of both child-focused and teacher-directed strategies, and the curriculum provides room for
incorporating children’s perspectives. The Teacher’s Guide to Activities book includes a section labeled “Mathematics All Around” which details
the importance of providing a balance between child-initiated and teacher-directed activities. The Teacher’s Reference Manual and the
Resources for the Pre-kindergarten Classroom includes information about how to set up the classroom to encourage children’s exploration
and help teachers recognize and expand on children’s natural explorations.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: Everyday Mathematics provides strong support regarding how to provide high-quality
interactions that are embedded within learning activities.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Some learning activities provide support for differentiating
Individualized for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations.
Instruction • Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Some learning activities provide support for differentiating
for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations specific to the activity.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: No guidelines are provided.
• Material Adaptation: There are multiple, clear guidelines for ways to adapt the materials to meet different levels of need. The activities
include specific guidance on ways to adapt the materials to meet the needs of children.
• Environment Adaptation: There are multiple, clear guidelines for ways to adapt the environment to meet different levels of need.

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: The curriculum provides materials in English only.
Linguistically • Materials Represent Diversity: Most materials represent a single, majority culture, but occasionally materials are incorporated that
Responsive represent diversity. Examples that include diversity are pictures in the Mathematics at Home books, Home Connection Handbook, and
Resources for the Pre-Kindergarten Classroom.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: There are minimal prompts provided for teachers to support dual-language learners in the
classroom. In the Teacher’s Guide to Activities book, there is some support in the sidebar section labeled “Developing Oral Language”;
however, this support for dual-language learners is limited to mathematics vocabulary.
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: No guidance is provided.

SPRING 2015 23

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: There is evidence that suggested assessments align with learning goals covered in
learning activities. The individual Profiles of Progress provided in the Assessment Handbook align with the goals listed in the Teacher’s Guide
to Activities.
• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: The assessments measure children’s skills on outcomes that are fully aligned with the
HSCDELF Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements.
• Using Assessment Information: There is minimal instruction provided for teachers to reflect on the assessment information.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: The assessments are easily accessible and efficient to implement; however, there are numerous pieces to
organize and strands/goals to track, which may require teachers some time to learn to implement.
• Validated Assessments: The assessments are based on child development principles, but there is no evidence of validation.

Professional • Initial Training: A full-day initial training is available and includes content on implementing the curriculum.
Development • Continued Professional Development: The curriculum provides opportunities for ongoing professional development through a
Opportunities Curriculum Specialist who meets with teachers onsite or via webinar, and an online learning community, which includes access to message
boards, classroom videos, and webinars.
• Level of Individualization: Professional development is individualized to meet specific needs (e.g., mini-sessions on observing students for
differentiation needs, observing for assessment, setting up centers).
• Other Program Staff: Additional content is available for administrators and other staff (e.g., classroom assistants/aids) as requested.
• Multiple Modes: Customized in-person and web-based professional development is available.
• Evidence of Validation: There is no evidence of validation.

Family Involvement • Materials: Materials are provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what children are learning in the classroom and provide
Materials strategies for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom. However, there is no support provided for ways to adapt materials
to best meet the specific needs of the classroom. The curriculum provides a “Home Connection Handbook” as a guide for how to involve
families/caregivers in their child’s school experience. “Home Links” handouts, with math activities for children and their families, are provided
for distribution.
• Teacher Guidance: There is guidance provided to teachers on how to link learning goals to home in a meaningful way. For example,
guidance is provided for which “Family Connection” worksheet teachers may want to send home to coincide with classroom activities.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: There are suggestions provided for how to use parent and family volunteers when they
come into the classroom. The Home Connection Handbook includes a section on “Parents in the Classroom”, which presents ideas for
welcoming and incorporating family visits and for soliciting feedback.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: There are suggestions provided for how to establish and maintain positive parent-teacher relationships.
For example, the Home Connection Handbook includes guidelines for school events, things to send home, displays for parents, and using
parents in the classroom.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 24

Growing with Mathematics Curriculum Description

Growing with Mathematics Pre-K program integrates the practices of both early childhood
education and mathematics education. Its development was informed by research on how
young children learn and the factors that make early mathematics education effective and
McGraw Hill Education. (2014). Growing with Mathematics.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Preschool children, ages 3–4 • Small Group Instruction
• Whole Group Instruction

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

Classroom Kit: Grade Pre-K © 2001: $1,537.86 Number Concepts & Quantities
Manipulative Kit: Grade Pre-k © 2001: $498.69 Number Relationships & Operations
Comprehensive Classroom Kit (includes Classroom Kit and Manipulative Kit): Geometry & Spatial Sense
Grade Pre-K © 2002: $1,983.18 Patterns
Retrieved from: Measurement & Comparison

No training provided

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Comprehensive Classroom Kit

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 25

Evidence-Based • Research Rigor: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool sample of children.
• Curriculum Implementation: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.
• Replication/Generalization: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
Outcomes sample of children.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: Growing with Mathematics covers all five of the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills learning domain elements.
Across Domain Number Concepts & Quantities: Unit 6
Elements Number Relationships & Operations: Units 8, 9, and 10
Geometry & Spatial Sense: Unit 11
Patterns: Unit 11
Measurement & Comparison: Units 5 and 10

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: Growing with Mathematics covers all five of the Number Concepts &
Covered Domain Quantities skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities. The units
Element are ordered numerically with a specified sequence of topics and a specified sequence of activities within the topics.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: Growing with Mathematics covers all three of the Number
Relationships & Operations skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual
learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: Growing with Mathematics covers all three of the Geometry & Spatial Sense
skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: Growing with Mathematics covers all four of the Patterns skills. There is an identifiable
instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: Growing with Mathematics covers all three of the Measurement and
Comparison skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: Growing with Mathematics provides goals for the large group activities that are specific, measurable, child-focused, and
Goals developmentally appropriate. The goals are listed in the “Learning Expectations” sections in the introduction to each topic booklet. However,
there are no goals listed for the small group activities, center activities, and free choice activities.
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: There is evidence of a match between the learning goals and the activity for the large
group activities; however the small group activities, center activities, and free choice activities are not linked to specific goals for the week or
the topic as a whole.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: There is evidence of alignment between units and scope and sequence at a broad
level. The scope and sequence align with the subdivision of the “expectations” listed on topic divider cards (i.e., algebra, measurement, etc.);
however, these expectations only broadly align, and are not the same as the Learning Expectations listed in each topic booklet. The Learning
Expectations within each topic booklet are not explicitly linked to the scope and sequence.

SPRING 2015 26

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities. Each topic
Learning Activities booklet includes overviews for each week with material lists and preparation instructions. Each topic booklet also includes sections on
mathematics background for teachers, learning expectations, assessment, and cross-curricular connections. Individual tasks are laid out in
the same order across topics and use color-coding to help organize different sections.
• Ease of Implementation: There are multiple supports provided to facilitate implementation. Each topic booklet includes a table of contents
and overview for each week of the topic, which has materials lists and preparation instructions for individual activities. There are also other
supports for teachers, such as sections on transition ideas related to each topic.
• Variety: Everyday Mathematics prompts teachers to use multiple activity formats and interactive materials to meet a wide variety of learning
styles. In addition, songs, art projects, and games are incorporated through activities.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: The purpose of each activity is well-defined and appears to be a meaningful part of the
overall curriculum. A “Mathematical Background” section for teachers is provided at the beginning of each topic. The section includes links
between specific tasks children will complete and their overall development of math skills.

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: There is a presence of both child-focused and teacher-directed strategies, and the curriculum provides room for
incorporating children’s perspectives.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: Growing with Mathematics provides strong support regarding how to have high-quality
interactions that are embedded within learning activities. For example, the Overview Booklet provides guidance for asking questions that
challenge students to use language to describe their thinking, and encourages teachers to create opportunities for students to engage in
active exploration where they can construct and modify ideas.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Some learning activities provide support for differentiating
Individualized for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations specific to the activity. Each topic booklet includes an “Additional Support”
Instruction section at the front suggesting extra support for each week; however, it is not clear whether or not these suggestions are for use with the
entire class or a subset of children.
• Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Some learning activities provide support for differentiating
for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations specific to the activity. Each topic booklet includes an “Extension” section at
the front suggesting additional challenges for children who are performing above expectations. However, these guidelines are only tied to
some specific activities.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: No guidelines are provided.
• Material Adaptation: Some guidelines are provided for how to adapt the environment to meet different levels of need. The general
guidelines are mostly in the Additional Support section that share guidance for altering materials (or supplementing materials—usually
adding manipulatives) to help children learn the concepts.
• Environment Adaptation: No guidelines are provided.

SPRING 2015 27

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: The curriculum provides multiple materials for use inside the classroom and for families to use
Linguistically at home (e.g., discussion books, family newsletter, calendar kits) in both English and Spanish.
Responsive • Materials Represent Diversity: Multiple materials represent diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity, gender, etc.; however, there are no
suggestions for selecting culturally responsive materials.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: The curriculum provides high-quality guidance and specific strategies for how English-speaking
teachers can communicate with children who speak languages other than English. Additionally, the curriculum provides guidance in how
teachers can model English. There is also guidance for teachers who speak the home language of the children, and information is included
for ways to encourage development of the home language.
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: There are suggestions provided for how to adapt the instruction to meet a specific center’s
cultural and linguistic needs, but they are not activity specific.

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: There is evidence that assessments align with learning goals covered in learning activities.
Each assessment item also indicates the particular activity the item is tied to.
• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: The assessments measure children’s skills on outcomes that are fully aligned with the
HSCDELF Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements.
• Using Assessment Information: There is no instruction provided on how to use the assessment information.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: The assessments are easily accessible (in a separate spiral bound notebook) and user-friendly, with clearly
labeled check boxes and spaces for writing notes. The assessments also appear to be efficient to implement, as prompts for teachers to use
are carefully scripted.
• Validated Assessments: The assessments are based on child development principles, but there is no evidence of validation.

Professional • Initial Training: No initial training is provided.

Development • Continued Professional Development: No continued professional development is provided.
• Level of Individualization: No individualization of professional development is provided.
• Other Program Staff: No professional development is provided.
• Multiple Modes: No professional development is provided.
• Evidence of Validation: No professional development is provided.

Family Involvement • Materials: There are math newsletters provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what children are learning in the
Materials classroom and provide strategies (e.g., games) for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom.
• Teacher Guidance: There is guidance provided to teachers on how to link learning goals to home in a meaningful way. The teachers are
instructed when to distribute home activities, which align with classroom learning goals.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: No guidance is provided.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: No guidance is provided.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 28

Harcourt School Publishers (HSP) Math Curriculum Description

HSP Math offers an assortment of learning materials designed to provide students with
meaningful and diverse educational experiences.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. (2014). Harcourt School Publishers Math.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Preschool children, ages 3–4 • Small Group Instruction
• Whole Group Instruction

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

$98.40 Number Concepts & Quantities
Quote sent from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 8/19/14 Number Relationships & Operations
Geometry & Spatial Sense
Measurement & Comparison

No training provided

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Teacher Edition • Pre-K Activity Book • Math Concept Readers • Interactive Poster Pack • Storybooks

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 29

Evidence-Based • Research Rigor: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool sample of children.
• Curriculum Implementation: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.
• Replication/Generalization: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
Outcomes sample of children.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: HSP Math covers all five of the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements:
Across Domain Number Concepts & Quantities: Unit 2
Elements Number Relationships & Operations: Unit 7
Geometry & Spatial Sense: Units 3 and 5
Patterns: Unit 4
Measurement & Comparison: Unit 6

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: HSP Math covers all five of the Number Concepts & Quantities skills. There
Covered Domain is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities. The units and lessons are laid
Element out sequentially and there is a unit planner provided at the beginning of each unit, specifying the order in which lessons and accompanying
activities should be used. Skills presented within units build on those previously covered.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: HSP Math covers all three of the Number Relationships & Operations
skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: HSP Math covers all four of the Geometry & Spatial Sense skills. There is an
identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: HSP Math covers all three of the Patterns skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence
that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: HSP Math covers all three of the Measurement & Comparison skills. There is
an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: HSP Math provides a weekly goal on the unit planner page provided at the beginning of each unit, and objectives
Goals are listed on the first page of each weekly lesson; however, there is no evidence of daily goals. The learning goals are child-focused and
developmentally appropriate but they are stated in a more broad way, i.e. “compare and sort objects” and “match objects that are alike.”
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: There is evidence of a match between the learning goals and the activity, but pieces of
the activity are not labeled to match components of the objective. There is no indication of which objective is addressed by each individual
activity within the lesson.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals for each learning activity
and the scope and sequence. The learning goals for each week are provided within the scope and sequence, and then broken down into
more specific objectives for each week.

SPRING 2015 30

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities. For example,
Learning Activities each unit is introduced in the same way, with a “unit at a glance” section, a “unit planner”, and a description of center activities. Individual
lessons are all organized in the same way, listing materials first followed by bulleted instructions for the teacher.
• Ease of Implementation: There are multiple supports provided to facilitate implementation. For example, there is a list of vocabulary for each
lesson and materials at the beginning of each activity. Teacher tips are also provided in the margin of each lesson to help facilitate activities.
• Variety: The curriculum prompts teachers to use multiple group formats and interactive materials to meet a wide variety of learning styles.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: HSP Math identifies the purpose for the unit or week as a whole, but not for individual lessons.
Each weekly lesson has an “about the math” section that provides the purpose of that week’s activities.

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: There is a presence of both child-focused and teacher-directed strategies. Children are allowed some, although
limited, opportunities to incorporate their ideas.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: HSP Math provides strong support regarding how to provide high-quality interactions that is
embedded through suggested questions and comments for each activity.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide support for differentiating
Individualized for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations. Each lesson provides a “differentiated instruction” section with guidance for
Instruction either making an activity “easy” for children performing below cognitive expectations or to “enrich” it for those performing above academic
expectations, but not both for any one lesson.
• Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Some learning activities provide support for differentiating
for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations specific to the activity.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: No guidance is provided.
• Material Adaptation: There are multiple, clear guidelines for ways to adapt the materials to meet different levels of need.
• Environment Adaptation: Some guidelines are provided for how to adapt the environment to meet different levels of need. For example,
drawing a number line on the board could help children who may be having a difficulty.

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: HSP Math provides multiple materials for use inside the classroom and for families in both
Linguistically English and Spanish.
• Materials Represent Diversity: There are multiple materials that represent diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity, gender, etc., but they are
limited to only some learning activities.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: HSP Math provides high-quality guidance and specific strategies for how English-speaking teachers
can communicate with children who speak languages other than English. Guidance for working with dual-language learners is included
within each lesson in the “Differentiated Instruction: ELL” segments. Concrete suggestions for modifying activities and modeling English
are provided.
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: HSP Math provides high-quality suggestions for how to adapt instruction to meet a specific
center’s cultural and linguistic needs, but does not address gathering information from families or other outside sources.

SPRING 2015 31

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: There is evidence that the assessments align with learning goals covered in learning
activities. Each assessment is linked to an Individual Record Form that provides a table with each lesson’s learning goal for recording
• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: The assessments measure children’s skills on outcomes that are fully aligned with the
HSCDELF Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements.
• Using Assessment Information: No information on using assessments is provided.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: The assessments are easily accessible, user-friendly with clear instructions, including materials needed and
questions to guide observations. The assessments also appear to be efficient to implement, as most of the activities around the assessments
seem short.
• Validated Assessments: There is evidence that the assessments are based on sound child development principles, but there is no evidence
of validation.

Professional • Initial Training: No initial training is provided.

Development • Continued Professional Development: No continued professional development is provided.
• Level of Individualization: No individualization of professional development is provided.
• Other Program Staff: No professional development is provided.
• Multiple Modes: No professional development is provided.
• Evidence of Validation: No professional development is provided.

Family Involvement • Materials: There are materials (e.g., newsletters called School Home Connections) provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that
Materials review what children are learning in the classroom and provide strategies for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom.
• Teacher Guidance: There is minimal guidance provided to teachers on how to link learning goals to home. The School Home Connections
newsletter encourages teachers to send materials home at various time points.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: No guidance is provided.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: No guidance is provided.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 32

McGraw-Hill My Math © Curriculum Description

McGraw-Hill My Math is designed to develop conceptual understanding, computational
proficiency, and mathematical literacy. It has been specifically designed as a foundation for
the Common Core State Standards. The Teacher Edition contains explanations of the math
background that serves as the premise for each lesson as it pertains to the progression of a
student’s understanding.
McGraw Hill Education. (2013). McGraw-Hill My Math.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Preschool children, ages 3–4 • Small Group Instruction
• Whole Group Instruction

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

Complete System © 2013: $673.92 Number Concepts & Quantities
Retrieved from: Number Relationships & Operations
Geometry & Spatial Sense
Measurement & Comparison

Web-based resources including webinars videos are available free of charge. Custom webinars are available for $1,000 and in-person training can be provided for $2,500 per day.

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Teacher Edition • Flipbook

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 33

Evidence-Based • Research Rigor: At the time of this review, there are no available research studies in published, peer-reviewed journals.
• Curriculum Implementation: At the time of this review, there are no available research studies in published, peer-reviewed journals.
• Replication/Generalization: At the time of this review, there are no available research studies in published, peer-reviewed journals.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: At the time of this review, there are no available research studies in published, peer-reviewed journals.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: My Math covers all five of the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements:
Across Domain Number Concepts & Quantities: Weeks 1–4
Elements Number Relationships & Operations: Weeks 24–26
Geometry & Spatial Sense: Weeks 5–6
Patterns: Weeks 10–11
Measurement & Comparison: Partially covered throughout (see component number 4)

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: My Math covers all five of the Number Concepts & Quantities skills.
Covered Domain There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
Element • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: My Math covers all three of the Number Relationships & Operations
skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: My Math covers all four of the Geometry & Spatial Sense skills. There is an
identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: My Math covers all three of the Patterns skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence
that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: My Math covers all three of the Measurement & Comparison skills.
There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: My Math specifies goals for each learning activity that are specific, measurable, child-focused, and developmentally
Goals appropriate.
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals and the learning activities.
It is indicated which pieces of each activity meet which goals. The objective stated at the beginning of each lesson aligns with the activities in
that lesson.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: There is evidence of clear alignment between the learning goals for each learning
activity and the scope and sequence.

SPRING 2015 34

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities. For example, the
Learning Activities activities follow a similar pattern with objectives, vocabulary, and resources needed, as well as the developmental “What’s the Math” section.
• Ease of Implementation: There are multiple supports provided to facilitate implementation. For example, each activity provides a Resources
section that includes materials needed, manipulatives, and books to use. In addition, there are clear instructions provided for each activity
along with sample questions and prompts to use with children.
• Variety: My Math prompts teachers to use various activity formats (whole, group, small group, transitions) and a variety of interactive materials.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: The purpose of each activity is well-defined and appears to be a meaningful part of the
overall curriculum. The “Chapter Overview” provided at the beginning of each chapter describes the purpose of the activities within that
chapter and is meaningfully connected to the content within the chapter.

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: There is a presence of both child-focused and teacher-directed strategies. Children are allowed some, although
limited, opportunities to incorporate their ideas.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: My Math provides strong support regarding how to provide high-quality interactions that is
embedded within learning activities.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support for
Individualized differentiating for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations. For example, there is guidance for differentiated instruction
Instruction provided throughout each chapter, including “Stepping Back” sections that provide guidance for learners “approaching” the level of the
main lesson.
• Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support for
differentiating for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations. For example, there is guidance for differentiated instruction
provided throughout each chapter, including “Going Farther” sections that provide guidance for learners “beyond” the level of the main lesson.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: No guidelines are provided.
• Material Adaptation: There are multiple, clear guidelines for ways to adapt the materials to meet different levels of need.
• Environment Adaptation: No guidelines are provided.

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: Songs and visual vocabulary cards are available in Spanish, but the majority of materials,
Linguistically including those for families, are available only in English.
• Materials Represent Diversity: Materials provided (the Teacher Edition and Flipbook) portray diversity; however, there is no mention of
selecting culturally responsive materials.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: The curriculum provides high-quality guidance and specific strategies for how English-speaking
teachers can communicate with children who speak languages other than English. For example, the “English Language Learners” sections
provided throughout each chapter provide guidance for teachers, including how to model vocabulary.
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: No guidance is provided.

SPRING 2015 35

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: There is evidence that the assessments align with learning goals covered in learning
activities. The “Progress Checklists” assess the same skills that are the stated objectives for each chapter.
• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: The assessments measure children’s skills on outcomes that are fully aligned with the
HSCDELF’s Mathematics Knowledge & Skills.
• Using Assessment Information: My Math provides support for how to reflect on assessment results in order to adapt future learning
activities. The end of each lesson includes a “Let’s Assess” section with guidance for teachers to assess the class’s progress.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: The assessments, Let’s Assess and Progressive Checklists, are easily accessible, user-friendly, and efficient to
• Validated Assessments: None provided.

Professional • Initial Training: On-site and web-based initial trainings are available.
Development • Continued Professional Development: On-site and web-based continued professional development is available.
• Level of Individualization: Customized webinars and on-site professional development are available.
• Other Program Staff: PD is available for other program staff to attend.
• Multiple Modes: Professional development is available in-person and online.
• Evidence of Validation: There is no evidence that professional development is validated.

Family Involvement • Materials: There are materials provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what children are learning in the classroom and
Materials provide strategies for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom. The curriculum provides Family Letters and Trip Talk
handouts to be sent home at the beginning of each chapter. These include activities for families to do with their children to extend their
learning. There is no guidance for adapting materials for different classrooms.
• Teacher Guidance: There is minimal guidance provided to teachers on how to link learning goals to home.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: No guidance is provided.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: No guidance is provided.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 36

Number Worlds Curriculum Description

Number Worlds (Level A, Pre-K) is designed to prepare students to meet Common Core
State Standards. Number Worlds Weekly Planners map out the week of lessons. Teachers
can access all digital planning tools and resources online. Number Worlds uses interactive
games, embedded activities, digital resources, and project-based learning. Every Number
Worlds activity is tied to a Key Common Core State Standard. A variety of assessment
options can be used to evaluate student proficiency.
McGraw Hill Education. (2013). Number Worlds.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Preschool children, ages 3–4 • Small Group Instruction
• Whole Group Instruction
• Individual computer work

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

Prevention Package, 6-year subscription for Level A, Number Worlds: $676.02 Number Concepts & Quantities
Student License, 1-year subscription, 5 students, for Level A, Number Worlds: $60.00
Number Relationships & Operations
Assessment Level A, Number Worlds: $51.00
Manipulative Plus Pack Level A, Number Worlds: $165.36 Geometry & Spatial Sense
Retrieved from: x Patterns
x Measurement & Comparison
No training provided

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Teacher Edition • Implementation Guide

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 37

Evidence-Based • Research Rigor: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool sample of children.
• Curriculum Implementation: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.
• Replication/Generalization: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
Outcomes sample of children.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: Number Worlds covers all five of the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills learning domain elements.
Across Domain Number Concepts & Quantities: Weeks 1–4
Elements Number Relationships & Operations: Weeks 24–26
Geometry & Spatial Sense: Weeks 5–6
Patterns: Weeks 10–11
Measurement & Comparison: Throughout

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: Number Worlds covers all five of the Number Concepts & Quantities skills.
Covered Domain There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities. The “Contents” pages
Element list topics by week and within each week activities are numbered to indicate order. The Implementation Guide provides Developmental
Learning Trajectories for math skills, which coincide with the order of topics presented in the Contents.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: Number Worlds covers all three of the Number Relationships &
Operations skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: Number Worlds covers three out of four of the Geometry & Spatial Sense
skills. Understands directionality, order, and position of objects, such as up, down, in front, behind, is not covered. There is an identifiable
instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: Number Worlds covers one of out of three of the Patterns skills. Recognizes, duplicates, and
extends simple patterns is not covered. Creates patterns through the repetition of a unit is not covered. The Learning Trajectories provided in
the Implementation Guide include levels for patterning and early algebra, but the content on patterning is not reflected in the curriculum’s
lessons with the exception of two project activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: Number Worlds covers one out of three of the Measurement & Comparison
skills. In the scope and sequence section, it is stated that length, capacity, weight is not addressed until elementary school. Orders objects by
size or length is not covered. Uses nonstandard and standard techniques and tools to measure and compare is not covered.

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: Number Worlds specifies goals for each learning activity that are specific, measurable, child-focused, and
Goals developmentally appropriate.
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals of each learning activity
and the activities within the learning activity. It is indicated which pieces of the activity meet which goals.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: There is evidence of alignment between units and scope and sequence at a broad level.

SPRING 2015 38

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities.
Learning Activities For example, each week includes four lessons, one “review” lesson and a “project-based learning” activity.
• Ease of Implementation: There are multiple supports provided to facilitate implementation. There are clear instructions provided for each
activity, and the materials needed for activities are listed in each of the Weekly Planner sections as well as the sidebar for each lesson.
There are also Teacher’s Note boxes within some lessons with additional tips on instruction.
• Variety: Number Worlds prompts teachers to use multiple setting and interactive materials to meet a wide variety of learning styles.
While the main activities vary in setting, each lesson often begins with a group activity.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: The purpose of each activity is well-defined and appears to be a meaningful part of the
overall curriculum.

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: The activities are primarily teacher-directed, but there is some evidence of child-focused strategies where teachers
are encouraged to solicit children’s perspectives and choices of activity on review days.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: Number Worlds provides strong support regarding how to provide high-quality interactions
that are embedded within learning activities.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support
Individualized for differentiating for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations. For example, each activity includes an “interactive
Instruction differentiation” section with ideas for independent and supported practice.
• Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support
for differentiating for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations. Some activity cards include a “Challenge” section that
suggests variations to make activities more challenging. In addition, the curriculum software used for individual practice includes interactive
differentiation which makes activities more challenging for students who demonstrate mastery.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: There is minimal support provided for children with
different physical or emotional needs.
• Material Adaptation: There are multiple guidelines provided for adapting materials.
• Environment Adaptation: There are some guidelines provided for adapting the environment.

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: The curriculum offers materials for families in both English and Spanish.
Linguistically • Materials Represent Diversity: There are multiple materials that represent diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity, gender, etc.; however,
Responsive there is no guidance for selecting classroom materials.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: Number Worlds provides high-quality guidance and specific strategies for how English-speaking
teachers can communicate with children who speak languages other than English. The English Learner Support Guide (a separate booklet)
provides teachers with specific strategies to support DLLs. There is general guidance provided in the way of best practices for teaching DLLs,
as well as supplemental weekly lessons directly tied to the content the whole class is learning that week.
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: Number Worlds provides high-quality suggestions for how to adapt the instruction to meet
a specific center’s cultural and linguistic needs, but not in a manner that is specific to the learning activities. The majority of guidance is
provided in the form of support for DLLs with some additional comments about differences other than language. However, there is no
mention of talking to families about their culture or including their input.

SPRING 2015 39

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: There is evidence that assessments align with learning goals covered in learning activities.
The formal assessments (weekly and cumulative) within the Assessment Guide align with the standards and the learning objectives listed for
each week.
• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: The assessments measure children’s skills on outcomes that are fully aligned with
HSCDELF’s Mathematics Knowledge & Skills.
• Using Assessment Information: Number Worlds provides support for how to reflect on both the informal and formal assessment results in
order to adapt future learning activities.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: The assessments are easily accessible, user-friendly, and efficient to implement. The “implementation
guide” includes an introduction to the various levels of assessment, as well as the online component. The “placement test guide” and the
assessment guide offers guidance and support for teachers to implement and use the assessments.
• Validated Assessments: The assessments are based on child development principles; however, there is no evidence that they have been
validated and linked to children’s outcomes.

Professional • Initial Training: No initial training is provided.

Development • Continued Professional Development: No continued professional development is provided.
• Level of Individualization: No individualization of professional development is provided.
• Other Program Staff: No professional development is provided.
• Multiple Modes: No professional development is provided.
• Evidence of Validation: No professional development is provided.

Family Involvement • Materials: There are materials provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what children are learning in the classroom and
Materials provide strategies for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom. Each weekly planner directs teachers to give each child a
“Letter to Home” which includes an activity that teacher’s complete with children in class and then encourage them to share this activity
at home.
• Teacher Guidance: There is minimal guidance provided to teachers on how to link learning goals to home.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: No guidance is provided.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: No guidance is provided.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 40

Numbers Plus Preschool Mathematics Curriculum Description

Numbers Plus Preschool Mathematics Curriculum is a comprehensive set of detailed plans
Curriculum for small- and large-group activities with ideas for extending mathematics learning
throughout the program day.
HighScope Educational Research Foundation. (2014). Numbers Plus.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Preschool children, ages 3–4 • Small Group Instruction
• Whole Group Instruction

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

Numbers Plus Preschool Mathematics Curriculum: $274.95 Number Concepts & Quantities
Retrieved from: Number Relationships & Operations
Geometry & Spatial Sense
Measurement & Comparison

A six-week online training is offered for $250. The course, “… will introduce you to the importance of math learning for preschool children and use of the Numbers Plus Preschool
Mathematics Curriculum.” (

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Teacher’s Manual • Activity Cards • Parent Booklets

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 41

Evidence-Based • Research Rigor: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool sample of children.
• Curriculum Implementation: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.
• Replication/Generalization: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
sample of children.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: At the time of this review, there were no available published research studies conducted with a preschool
Outcomes sample of children.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: Numbers Plus covers all five of the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements:
Across Domain Number Concepts & Quantities
Elements Number Relationships & Operations
Geometry & Spatial Sense
Measurement & Comparison

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: Numbers Plus covers all five of the Number Concepts & Quantities skills.
Covered Domain The Introduction in the Teacher’s Manual acknowledges the importance of children needing to learn foundational math skills before
Element proceeding to the next level; however, this curriculum “…sequence[s] learning and instruction within each activity” and says that the
activities can be taught in any order with a few exceptions. For the purpose of this evaluation, this is not considered to be “sequenced”
for this domain element.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: Numbers Plus covers all three of the Number Relationships & Operations
skills. There is not a sequence for teaching Number Relationships & Operations (see Number Concepts & Quantities for description).
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: Numbers Plus covers all three of the Geometry & Spatial Sense skills.
There is not a sequence for teaching Geometry & Spatial Sense (see Number Concepts & Quantities for description).
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: Numbers Plus covers all three of the Patterns skills. There is not a sequence for teaching Patterns
(see Number Concepts & Quantities for description).
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: Numbers Plus covers all three of the Measurement & Comparison skills.
There is not a sequence for teaching Measurement & Comparison (see Number Concepts & Quantities for description).

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: Numbers Plus provides objectives for each activity; however, they are global and do not always correspond to the
Goals content of the activity.
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: The learning goals are provided in chunks (i.e., lists associated with categories, such as
Counting), and therefore, all do not apply for each activity that specifies those goals.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: Although no sequence was identified, there is a match between the learning goals
within each topic and activities within the topic, but pieces of each activity are not labeled.

SPRING 2015 42

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities, as described in
Learning Activities the Teacher’s Manual. There is a built-in progression of skills within activities.
• Ease of Implementation: There are multiple supports provided to facilitate implementation. There are strategies for supporting children’s
skills provided in the introduction for each topic area. In addition, each activity card includes a list of materials and clear direction, including
specific prompts teachers can use with children.
• Variety: Numbers Plus prompts teachers to use multiple strategies and interactive materials to meet a wide variety of learning styles.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: Numbers Plus identifies a purpose at the beginning of each unit, but not individual lessons.

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: There is a presence of both child-focused and teacher-directed strategies, and the curriculum provides room for
incorporating children’s perspectives.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: Numbers Plus provides strong support regarding how to provide high-quality interactions, both
within the Teacher’s Manual and individual activities.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support
Individualized for differentiating for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations. Although the curriculum does not use the term
Instruction “expectations,” teaching a range of skill levels is addressed in every activity in the “Developmental Range: Supporting children at different
levels” section on the back of each activity card.
• Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Most learning activities provide activity-specific support for
differentiating for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: No guidelines are provided.
• Material Adaptation: There are multiple, clear guidelines for ways to adapt the materials to meet different levels of need. For example, there
are multiple activity cards that include directions for altering the use of materials to help children grasp the mathematical skills targeted by
the activity.
• Environment Adaptation: No guidelines are provided.

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: The curriculum offers materials and instructions for conducting a parent workshop in both
Linguistically English and Spanish; however, the materials for use in the classroom are only provided in English.
Responsive • Materials Represent Diversity: There are multiple materials that represent diversity in terms of culture, ethnicity, gender, etc. but are
limited to only some learning activities.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: None provided.
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: None provided.

SPRING 2015 43

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: No assessments are provided.

• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: No assessments are provided.
• Using Assessment Information: No assessments are provided.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: No assessments are provided.
• Validated Assessments: No assessments are provided.

Professional • Initial Training: There is an initial training provided to teachers in either a two-day, on-site workshop or a six-week online training.
Development • Continued Professional Development: No continued professional development is provided.
• Level of Individualization: Numbers Plus provides some opportunities for individualization. For example, teachers can choose from a
menu of content areas and can engage in either in-person or online training. In addition, the description of the training implies some
individualization of content based on teachers’ needs; however, there do not seem to be any options for more intensive one-on-one help.
• Other Program Staff: Other adults are invited to participate in the professional development, but there is no modified content.
• Multiple Modes: The training is available as either a two-day, on-site workshop or as a six-week online training.
• Evidence of Validation: There is no evidence of validation.

Family Involvement • Materials: There are materials provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what children are learning in the classroom and
Materials provide strategies for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom. For example, a parent workshop and take-home booklet,
“Helping Your Young Children Learn about Mathematics” convey the big ideas of what children are learning and give strategies for helping
children at home.
• Teacher Guidance: There is guidance provided on how to link learning goals to home, but in a general format.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: No guidance is provided.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: No guidance is provided.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 44

Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum Curriculum Description

Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum is designed to be used with 4-year-old children. The
Curriculum Book used with the Curriculum Kit provides math lessons and manipulatives.
The curriculum is designed to reinforce children’s understanding of mathematical
Pearson Education, Inc. (2014). Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum.
Retrieved from:

Target Population Delivery

Preschool children, ages 3–4 • Small Group Instruction

Cost per Classroom Domain Elements Covered

Numbers Plus Preschool Mathematics Curriculum: $274.95 Number Concepts & Quantities
Retrieved from: Number Relationships & Operations
Geometry & Spatial Sense
Measurement & Comparison

No training provided

Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters

Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum Book

No evidence Minimal evidence Some evidence Solid, high-quality evidence

SPRING 2015 45

Evidence-Based • Research Rigor: Pre-K Mathematics has been investigated using an experimental design. Klein et al. (2008) used a randomized, controlled
trial to determine whether Pre-K Mathematics was effective in Head Start and state preschool classrooms. In the Effects of Preschool
Curriculum Programs on School Readiness (Preschool Curriculum and Evaluation Research Consortium, 2008) report, Pre-K Mathematics was
investigated using block randomization where Head Start and public preschools were randomly assigned to either the treatment condition
(Pre-K Mathematics supplemented with DLM Early Childhood Express Math software) or the control condition.
• Curriculum Implementation: Klein et al. (2008) indicated that the overall fidelity scores for Pre-K Mathematics small-group activities across
the year were found to be, on average, high (.90).
• Replication/Generalization: Pre-K Mathematics has been studied in more than one sample (e.g., Klein et al., 2008; PCER, 2008) and the
sample demographics allow findings to be generalized to diversity in terms of ethnicity/race or SES.

Effects on Child • Evidence of Child Outcomes: Klein et al. (2008) found that children in the intervention group, compared with children in the control group,
Outcomes had a greater increase in Child Math Assessment (CMA) scores across the pre-kindergarten year. The effect size for the change in CMA scores
from fall to spring was 0.89 for the control group and 1.43 for the intervention group with the difference of 0.55 representing the effect size of
the curricular intervention.

Comprehensive • Number of Domain Elements Covered: Pre-K Mathematics covers all five of the Mathematics Knowledge & Skills learning domain elements:
Across Domain Number Concepts & Quantities
Elements Number Relationships & Operations
Geometry & Spatial Sense
Measurement & Comparison

Depth for Each • Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Concepts & Quantities: Pre-K Mathematics covers four out of five of the Number Concepts &
Covered Domain Quantities skills. The curriculum does not cover the skill: Recites numbers in the correct order and understands that numbers come “before”
Element or “after” one another. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Number Relationships & Operations: Pre-K Mathematics covers all three of the Number Relationships &
Operations skills. There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Geometry & Spatial Sense: Pre-K Mathematics covers all four of the Geometry & Spatial Sense skills. There is
an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Patterns: Pre-K Mathematics covers all three of the Patterns skills. There is an identifiable instructional
sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.
• Organized Scope and Sequence – Measurement & Comparison: Pre-K Mathematics covers all three of the Measurement & Comparison skills.
There is an identifiable instructional sequence that presents multiple skills linked to individual learning activities.

Specific Learning • Goals or Objectives: Pre-K Mathematics specifies goals for each learning activity that are specific, measurable, child-focused, and
Goals developmentally appropriate.
• Alignment between Goals and Learning Activities: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals of the learning activity and
the activities within the learning activity. It is indicated which pieces of the activity meet which goals.
• Alignment between Goals and Scope and Sequence: There is evidence of alignment between the learning goals for each learning activity
and the scope and sequence. The Sample Curriculum Plan, which describes the scope sequence, coincides with activity goals.
SPRING 2015 46

Well-Designed • Organization of Learning Activities: The learning activities are logical and follow a similar pattern across different activities. For example, all
Learning Activities units and individual activities are organized with the same headings and sections.
• Ease of Implementation: There are multiple supports provided to facilitate implementation. All activities include detailed instructions
for implementing the activity, along with “Teacher Tips,” activity set-up, and necessary materials. Activities also include extensive model
prompts for teachers to use.
• Variety: Pre-K Mathematics prompts teachers to use multiple strategies and interactive materials to meet a wide variety of learning styles.
• Purpose of Activity Is Clear and Meaningful: The purpose of the activities is well-defined and appears to be a meaningful part of the
overall curriculum.

Responsive Teaching • Variety of Strategies: All of the classroom and home activities are adult/teacher-directed.
• Guidelines for Teacher-Child Interactions: Most learning activities include guidance, such as scripts and visuals, for teachers on how to
introduce and implement the activity. There are specific questions for teachers to ask children to facilitate learning, as well as guidance on
how to make the activity less challenging or more challenging, depending on the child’s developmental level.

Supports for • Support for Children Performing below Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Learning activities provide activity-specific support for
Individualized differentiating for children who are below cognitive or academic expectations. For example, each activity includes a “Downward extension”
Instruction section that has ideas for modifying the activity to make it less challenging for children.
• Support for Children Performing above Cognitive/Academic Expectations: Learning activities provide activity-specific support for
differentiating for children who are above cognitive or academic expectations. For example, each activity includes an “Upward Extension”
section that has ideas for modifying the activity to make it more challenging for children.
• Differentiating Support for Children with Physical and/or Emotional Needs: No guidelines are provided.
• Material Adaptation: There are multiple, clear guidelines for ways to adapt the materials to meet different levels of need.
• Environment Adaptation: No guidelines are provided.

Culturally and • Materials Represent Diversity of Language: The curriculum provides materials in English only.
Linguistically • Materials Represent Diversity: Most materials represent a single, majority culture, but occasionally materials are incorporated that
Responsive represent diversity. For example, one of the few examples of diversity is the cover of the curriculum book, which portrays children of different
races and genders.
• Support for Dual-Language Learners: No guidance is provided.
• Meeting Cultural Needs Specific to a Center: No guidance is provided.

SPRING 2015 47

Ongoing Assessments • Meaningful Alignment to Learning Activities: There is evidence that the assessments align with learning goals covered in learning
activities. Assessment Record Sheets are provided for each activity.
• Meaningful Alignment to Head Start Outcomes: The assessments measure students’ skills on outcomes that are fully aligned with the
HSCDELF Mathematics Knowledge & Skills domain elements.
• Using Assessment Information: There are minimal instructions or prompts provided for a teacher to reflect on assessment information.
• Teacher-friendly Assessments: The assessments are easily accessible, user-friendly, and efficient to implement.
• Validated Assessments: There is evidence that the assessments are based on child development principles; however, they have not been
validated and linked to children’s outcomes.

Professional • Initial Training: No professional development is provided.

Development • Continued Professional Development: No professional development is provided.
• Level of Individualization: No professional development is provided.
• Other Program Staff: No professional development is provided.
• Multiple Modes: No professional development is provided.
• Evidence of Validation: No professional development is provided.

Family Involvement • Materials: There are materials provided for teachers to distribute to caregivers that review what children are learning in the classroom
Materials and provide strategies for families to review/extend learning outside of the classroom. The curriculum manual includes “Home Activities”
where parents are given information about a child’s goal for the activity, key vocabulary, materials needed as well as directions on how to
implement the activity.
• Teacher Guidance: There is minimal guidance provided to teachers on how to link learning goals to home.
• Incorporating Family Volunteers in Classroom: No guidance is provided.
• Parent-Teacher Relationships: No guidance is provided.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 48

Barnard, W. M. (2004). Parent involvement in elementary school and educational attainment. Children & National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. (2010). Choosing a Preschool Curriculum. Retrieved
Youth Services Review, 26(1), 39–62. from Head Start: An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood Learning
& Knowledge Center website:
Barnett, W. S. (2008). Preschool education and its lasting effects: Research and policy implications.
Retrieved from Boulder and Tempe: Education and the Public Interest Center & Education Policy
Research Unit website: National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. (2011). Curriculum, Assessment, and the Head Start
Framework: An Alignment Tool. Retrieved from Head Start: An Office of the Administration for
Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2002). Effects of a preschool mathematics curriculum: Research on the
Children and Families Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center website:
NSF-funded Building Blocks Project. University at Buffalo State University of New York.
Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2007). Effects of a preschool mathematics curriculum: Summative research
National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning (2014). Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report.
on the Building Blocks project. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 38(2), 136–163.
Retrieved from Head Start: An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Early Childhood
Clements, D.H., & Sarama, J. (2008). Experimental evaluation of the effects of a research-based preschool Learning & Knowledge Center website:
mathematics curriculum. American Educational Research Journal, 45, 443–494. practice/curricula/research.html
Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2011). Early childhood mathematics intervention. Science, 333, 968–970. National Research Council [NRC]. (2009). Mathematics learning in early childhood. In C. T. Cross, T. A.
Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Spitler, M. E., Lange, A. A., & Wolfe, C. B. (2011). Mathematics learned by young Woods, & H. A. Schweingruber (Eds.). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
children in an intervention based on learning trajectories: A large-scale cluster randomized trial. Pianta, R. C., Mashburn, A. J., Downer, J. T., Hamre, B. K., & Justice, L. (2008). Effects of web-mediated
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 42(2), 127–166. professional development resources on teacher-child interactions in pre-kindergarten classrooms.
Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Wolfe, C. B., & Spitler, M. E. (2013). Longitudinal evaluation of a scale-up model Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23, 431–451.
for teaching mathematics with trajectories and technologies: Persistence of effects in the third year. Presser, A., Clements, M., Ginsburg, H., & Ertle, B. (2015). Big Math for Little Kids: The effectiveness of a
American Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 812–850. preschool and kindergarten mathematics curriculum. Early Education and Development.
Chambers, B., Cheung, A., Slavin, R. E., Smith, D., & Laurenzano, M. (2010). Effective early childhood Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research Consortium (2008). Effects of Preschool Curriculum Programs
education programs: A systematic review. Retrieved from CfBT Education Trust, Reading, England, on School Readiness. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Research.
website: Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Chang, A., Crawford, G., Early, D., Bryant, D., Howes, C., Burchinal, M., Barbarin, O., Clifford, R., & Pianta, R. Ramey, S. L., & Ramey, C. (1992). Early educational intervention with disadvantaged children—To what
2007. Spanish-speaking children’s social and language development in pre-kindergarten classrooms. effect? Applied and Preventive Psychology, 1, 131–140.
Early Education and Development, 18(2), 243–69.
Sarama, J., Lange, A., Clements, D. H., & Wolfe, C. B. (2012). The impacts of an early mathematics
Galinsky, E. (2006). The economic benefits of high-quality early childhood programs: What makes the curriculum on emerging literacy and language. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27, 489–502.
difference? Washington, DC: The Committee for Economic Development.
Sarama, J., Clements, D., Starkey, P., Klein, A., & Wakeley, A. (2008). Scaling up the implementation of
Griffin, S. (2004). Building number sense with Number Worlds: A Mathematics program for young a pre-kindergarten mathematics curriculum: Teaching for understanding with trajectories and
children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19,173–180. technologies (Pre-K Mathematics). Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 1(2), 89–119.
Joseph, G., & Strain, P. (2003). Comprehensive evidence-based social-emotional curricula for young children: Starkey, P., Klein, A., & Wakeley, A. (2004). Enhancing young children’s mathematical knowledge through
An analysis of efficacious adoption potential. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 23(2), 65–76. a pre-kindergarten mathematics intervention. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 99–120.
Klein, A., Starkey, P., Clements, D., Sarama, J., & Iyer, R. (2008). Effects of a pre-kindergarten mathematics Weiland, C. and Yoshikawa, H. (2013), Impacts of a Prekindergarten Program on Children’s Mathematics,
intervention: A randomized experiment. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 1, 155–178. Language, Literacy, Executive Function, and Emotional Skills. Child Development, 84, 2112–2130.
Mashburn, A. J., et al., (2008). Measures of classroom quality in prekindergarten and children’s Winsler, A., Diaz, R. M., Espinosa, L., & Rodriguez, J. L. (1999). When learning a second language does
development of academic, language, and social skills. Child Development, 79(3), 732–749. not mean losing first: Bilingual language development in low-income, Spanish-speaking children
attending bilingual preschool. Child Development, 70(2), 349–362.

SPRING 2015 49
Big Math for Little Kids Number Worlds
Presser, A., Clements, M., Ginsburg, H., & Ertle, B. (2015). Big Math for Little Kids: The effectiveness of a Griffin, S., Case, R. (1997). Re-Thinking the Primary School Math Curriculum: An Approach Based on
preschool and kindergarten mathematics curriculum. Early Education and Development. Cognitive Science. Issues in Education, 4(1), 1–51.
Griffin, S. (2004). Building number sense with Number Worlds: A mathematics program for young
Building Blocks Pre-K children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19,173–180.
Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2002). Effects of a preschool mathematics curriculum: Research on the NSF-
funded Building Blocks Project. University at Buffalo State University of New York. Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum
Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2007). Effects of a preschool mathematics curriculum: Summative research Klein, A., Starkey, P., Clements, D., Sarama, J., & Iyer, R. (2008). Effects of a pre-kindergarten mathematics
on the Building Blocks project. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 38(2), 136–163. intervention: A randomized experiment. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 1, 155–178.
Clements, D.H., & Sarama, J. (2008). Experimental evaluation of the effects of a research-based preschool Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research Consortium (2008). Effects of Preschool Curriculum Programs
mathematics curriculum. American Educational Research Journal, 45, 443–494. on School Readiness. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Research.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2011). Early childhood mathematics intervention. Science, 333, 968–970.
Sarama, J., Clements, D., Starkey, P., Klein, A., & Wakeley, A. (2008). Scaling up the implementation of
Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Spitler, M. E., Lange, A. A., & Wolfe, C. B. (2011). Mathematics learned by young
a pre-kindergarten mathematics curriculum: Teaching for understanding with trajectories and
children in an intervention based on learning trajectories: A large-scale cluster randomized trial.
technologies (Pre-K Mathematics). Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 1(2), 89–119.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 42(2), 127–166.
Starkey, P., Klein, A., & Wakeley, A. (2004). Enhancing young children’s mathematical knowledge through
Clements, D. H., Sarama, J., Wolfe, C. B., & Spitler, M. E. (2013). Longitudinal evaluation of a scale-up model
a pre-kindergarten mathematics intervention. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 99–120.
for teaching mathematics with trajectories and technologies: Persistence of effects in the third year.
American Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 812–850.
Sarama, J., Lange, A., Clements, D. H., & Wolfe, C. B. (2012). The impacts of an early mathematics
curriculum on emerging literacy and language. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27, 489–502.
Weiland, C. and Yoshikawa, H. (2013), Impacts of a Prekindergarten Program on Children’s Mathematics,
Language, Literacy, Executive Function, and Emotional Skills. Child Development, 84, 2112–2130.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 50
Selection of Reviewers Review Process
Curriculum reviewers were required to have an advanced degree (either MA or PhD) Two reviewers, who were not associated with the curriculum, independently
in Early Childhood Education, Child Development, or a related field. They were also reviewed all curricular materials thoroughly. Each used the rubric to determine a
required to have research or field experience in early childhood education or early rating for each criterion within each of the 12 components. Additionally, the reviewer
childhood development. In total we had two reviewers rate each curriculum. wrote a rationale for each rating. Component ratings were determined by averaging
the evidence across the criteria within the respective component. Each reviewer
Training of Reviewers spent approximately 8 to 10 hours reviewing, scoring, and writing rationales for each
Reviewers were required to complete 10 to 15 hours of training before rating any curriculum.
of the curriculum. Reviewers were first required to read the following background
material: Ratings and rationales were provided to the NCQTL core curricula team at the
University of Virginia. An individual who did not serve as a reviewer compiled the
• Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework ratings and rationales for each curriculum. A core rater reviewed both sets of ratings
• A checklist of Steps on How to Evaluate Pre-K Curricula and justifications. If discrepancies existed between the two sets of ratings, then a
• Sections from the National Research Council’s 2009 book, Mathematics Learning core rater reviewed curricular materials in order to determine a final rating for each
in Early Childhood component.

Reviewers then carefully reviewed the rating rubric. Once reviewers felt that they
understood the rating rubric, they were given a “practice curriculum” to review and
rate. This curriculum had been previously, independently reviewed by three core
reviewers. These reviewers met together and came to a consensus for each rating of
this curriculum and provided a detailed justification for each criterion within each
component. Reviewers compared their individual ratings and justifications with this
consensus rating. Trainees met with one of the core raters to discuss issues that arose
from this practice training. Once all questions were clarified, raters were provided
with curriculum to independently review.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 51
The first table includes:
• Curriculum Description: A brief description of the curriculum
• Delivery: how the curriculum is administered (e.g. whole group, small group, individuals, pairs)
• Covered Learning Domain Elements: If the majority of skills for a particular domain element (see Appendix E) were covered, this is indicated with a symbol next to the
domain element. If the majority of skills were not covered, this is indicated with a x next to the domain element.
• Target Population: Intended audience of the curriculum
• Cost per Classroom: Total cost of curricular materials (e.g. manipulative kit, assessment materials, total curriculum package)
• Training: Professional development opportunities offered by the publishers, as well as the cost
• Curriculum Materials Reviewed by Raters: Curricular materials included in the review

The second table includes:

• Ratings for each of the 12 components
• A rationale for the rating

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 52
Following is a list of resources that are available to help programs choose and • Services to Children with Disabilities
implement an early childhood education curriculum: This page describes differentiation for children with various disabilities. This
resource can be helpful in understanding Component 8.
• Linguistically and Culturally Relevant Early Childhood Environments
The importance of culturally and linguistically diverse environments is described.
This resource can be used to better understand Component 9. • Planning and Curriculum
Learners/ecd/supportive_environments/Linguisticallyan.htmlinguistic/Dual%20 This page has information on the definition and requirements of curriculum,
Language%20Learners/ecd/supportive_environments/Linguisticallyan.htm planning to choose a preschool curriculum, the roles of staff/parents in
curriculum, and teaching strategies for children who are advanced or perform
• Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework—
below average. This resource can be used to understand Components 8, 11, and
Head Start Approach to School Readiness
The importance of family and community involvement in the education
of children is addressed. This resource can be used to better understand • Curriculum, Assessment and The Head Start Framework:
Component 12. An Alignment Review Tool
This resource is designed to help programs determine how well an early
• Head Start Approach to School Readiness—Overview
childhood assessment or curriculum aligns with the domains and domain
A full report on the School Readiness approach is included on this page. Part
elements identified in the HSCDELF.
of school readiness depends on having the appropriate curriculum, along with
various other elements.
• Choosing a Preschool Curriculum
• Office of Head Start Summit—On the Road to School Readiness
This guide is designed to help programs make informed decisions about
This page describes the Head Start Summit from February 2011. These is
choosing a preschool curriculum and assuring high-quality implementation of
information on school readiness, the roles of curriculum, ongoing assessment
the curriculum in their programs.
and instruction, and using data for program self-assessment/improvement.

• Using What You Learn from Observation—A Form of Assessment

This page describes the purpose of ongoing assessment and observation. This
resource can be used to better understand Component 10.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 53

Number Concepts Number Relationships Geometry & Spatial Measurement &

Name of Curriculum Patterns
& Quantities & Operations Sense Comparison

Big Math for Little Kids

Building Blocks Pre-K

Everyday Mathematics®

Growing With Mathematics

Harcourt School Publishers (HSP)


McGraw-Hill My Math©

Number Worlds x x
Numbers Plus Preschool
Mathematics Curriculum

Pre-K Mathematics Curriculum

x See pages 5 for a list of skills for each

Curriculum covered the majority of skills for the domain element Curriculum did not cover the majority of skills for the domain element domain element.

NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764

This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.
SPRING 2015 54
NCQTL For more information, contact us at: [email protected] or 877-731-0764
This document was prepared under Grant #90HC0002 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start,
by the National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.

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