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• A report is a written, factual account that objectively
communicates information about some aspect of

• A usually detailed account or statement of a judicial

(legal) opinion or decision.

• A report gives

Information Ideas

Recommendations &
Survey findings

What is a REPORT?
Purpose of Report

To monitor & control To help implement To comply with legal @ To document work
operations. policies & procedures. regulatory performed for a client.

To guide decisions on To obtain new business To get products, plans,

particular issues. @ funding. @ projects accepted
by others.
Characteristic of a good report

Clear and Documented

Complete Balanced logical properly
Information Include all Present all Clear To properly
is factually information sides of issue sentence document
correct and necessary for fairly and structure and give
error free. readers to equally and and good credit to
understand include all transitions to primary and
the essential help readers secondary
situation, information. move from sources used
problems or one point to in the
proposal. another. report.
Classifications of Business Reports
Reports are often classified by CRITERIA such as

Who initiates them

How often they are needed
AUDIENCE Where they are being sent

How much detail they contain

INTENT Whether they are designed to simply educate

or to present a decision and require action
Classifications of Business Reports

Routine @ periodic
Voluntary reports reports submitted
prepared on own on a recurring basis
initiative. (daily, weekly,

Special reports
Authorized reports present the result of
prepared at the specific, onetime
request of someone. studies @
Classifications of Business Reports

Long reports AUDIENCE Internal reports:
examine problem in for use within
detail and require organization. (less
extensive research & formal eg: memo
preparation time. format)

Short reports may External reports:

discuss just one part for use outside
of the problem and organization.
not require formal (letter/manuscript
research. format)
Classifications of Business Reports

Informational reports focus on facts &

INTENT are intended mainly to explain or to
educate readers.
Presents data and facts without analyses
@ recommendations.
Offering information but no analysis or
Analytical reports designed to solved
a problem by convincing readers that
conclusions and recommendations
reached are justified based on data,
analysis and interpretations.
Offering both information and analysis,
and perhaps recommendation
Features of Analytical and Informational


▪ Sometimes oral ▪ Mostly written

• Usually quite short • Vary in length, can range
• Subject matter maybe a routine between one page and a book
occurrence • Usually written on a particular
• Present factual information issue of problem
without analysis • Combine factual information
• Sometimes special preprinted with and evaluation
forms are provided • Usually in a fixed format
• May be in letter or memo form • Maybe in letter or memo format
• No conclusion or • Recommendations are given for
recommendation given making important decisions
Format of an Analytical Report
FRONT PAGE Title of report

Introduces your report to your audience

TABLE OF Indicates in outline form the coverage, sequence, and relative

CONTENT importance of the information in the report

Brief overview of the report’s most important points
Format of an Analytical Report
Background of
Provide some background information of the company or series of events
problems or that show how the problems developed

Purpose Objective, aim goal or mission

Scope The exact coverage of the problem

Method of How and where you obtain information


Limitations Problems or obstacles that you face

Format of an Analytical Report
FINDINGS/ Include all the relevant data, results, statistical information, accounts of
ANALYSIS observation.

Summarized the result and draw conclusion of your findings or result.

Could be opinions based on facts, comparisons of viewpoints.

RECOMMENDA Recommendation in solving the problems/issues.

TION E.g., suggestions for actions, suggestions for further investigation.
Format of an Analytical Report


• A report always contains information taken from secondary

sources such as books, journals, newspaper articles, magazine and
other online articles that you have referred to in your research.

• Your sources should include the following:

• Name of Author
• Year of publication
• Title of book, article, journal
• Name of publisher
• Place of publication
Format of an Analytical Report


• Two commonly known reference style

• APA – American Psychological Association,
• MLA – Modern Language Association

• Example of listing references

• Black, D & Wilson, J. (2004). Academic Report Writing. Pearson Prentice
• Azmin, Mohamad. (1994, June 20). The Year of Misery Asia Week, p 20-22
• Pang, E.S. (2003, October 20). Unemployment Among University
Graduates. The Star, p 76
• Special Committee on Language Teaching Practice (2001) Operations
Plan from
Format of an Analytical Report

• Questionnaires
• Sample of articles, newspaper cuttings, pictures
Planning Selecting
and Information Drafting Revising
Gathering and
Data Outlining

Report Writing : The Four Stage Method

Define the problem

• Planning involve 4 steps:

Step 1 : Determine the Limit problem definition
problem/issue to a realistic assessment

Do this by asking 5Ws

and 1 H – What, Why,
Where, Who, When,

• What is the issue of the problem?

• Why are you conducting the research?
• Where will you collect the data?
• Who will be your respondents?
• How will you collect the data?
Planning the Report • When is the timeframe for you to
conduct the research?
Ask yourself two questions:
• What do I need?
• Where can I get it?

Where can I get it?

• Primary Data
• Secondary Data
Step 2: Conducting the
Primary Data
• Questionnaires
• Interview
• Observation
• Experiment
Secondary Data
• Books, journals,
newspapers, internet
websites, etc
• Quote
The word analysis means
to look at the part of
things separately or in
relationship to the whole.

The various parts of your

Step 3: Analyzing the information are
data compared and contrasted
in an effort to develop

Facts and figures are

interpreted by explaining
what they mean
A good outline will help
you write clearly

Step 4: Preparing the


Outline performs the

following function:

Presents ideas in a logical order

Serves as a guide to writing the report
Keeps you focus on the main topics
Enables you to spot structural mistakes, such as explaining some ideas fully
Permits checking of relationships between all parts of the report
Verifies that conclusions and recommendations are supported
Serves as a detailed table of contents
Based on your analysis, you
Conclusion is an inference
can offer solution or
drawn from the facts of your
solutions to the problems
that you have researched.

Based on your conclusion, Conclusions and

you could state the recommendations must be
recommendation or based on findings and your
research solution. objective analysis.

Conclusions and Recommendations

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