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When trust shattered

Betrayals with Sikh nation by India

By : Ajmer Singh Randhawa

(i) Price Rs. 250/- only

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certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Operation Bluestar-
When trust shattered

©Ajmer Singh Randhawa

First Edition : 2020

Price : Rs. 250-/ (In India)

$ 18.00 (Out Side India)

Sajag Prakashan
D-123, Anand Vihar

Printed by : Ocean Trading Company

132, Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi-110092

There are three types of people, 1st those who confess their own
faults and mention the excellence of others, the highest type, 2nd there are
those who highlight their own excellence and decry the faults of others, they
are worse, and third, those who parade their own faults as excellence and
deride the excellence in others as faults, they are the worst. The last type is
most common nowadays and most rampant.
Indira Gandhi was of this last type and now the Govt. of India
represents this same category.
Please keep in mind that this book is a collection of reports received
from different reliable authenticated sources as news was censored,
journalists were banned to reporting on Panjab. This book reveals treachery
with Sikh nation, hate, racism, terrorising, discrimination, cowardness,
suppression attempts under Superior complex other than valor of Khalsa
and its craze of martyrdom to defend their religious places of worship by
keeping alive the Khalsa tradition at holy Darbar Sahib and to save honor
and pride of Supreme seat of Sikh faith-Akal Takhat by handful Sikhs
against mighty one hundred thousand strong Indian army equipped with
modern and sophisticated weapons. Indian army won this battle but in fact it
had lost its pride when these handful Sikh youths stopped its advance and
not permitted it to move an inch from its position for 72 scorching
heat of month of June 1984.
This book is dedicated to all of the Sikh men, women and children
martyred in “operation Bluestar” and in the subsequent “operation
Woodrose” in defending the sacred sanctorum “Darbar Sahib,” also known
as the Golden Temple from the invading Indian army in June 1984 and also
to those innocent Sikhs massacred in the Sikh genocide of November 1984
in Delhi and other parts of India, organized by the government of India and
it's ruling “Congress party,” in the aftermath of the assassination of late PM
Indira Gandhi, who was responsible for attack on Amritsar.
“An undeclared, unilateral ruthless war _ against hundred of
innocent defenseless men and women in far- away tiny villages of Punjab
from where their voices do not reach the rest of India.In the name of curbing
terrorism, unabashed state terrorism has been unleashed on the Sikhs
branding them as criminals, arbitrary arrests and McCarthy style witch-
hunt, sadistic torture...shooting down of young men in false encounters are
common occurrences; even village women are not spared, they are being
harassed and beaten up, dishonored and taken away to Police Stations or to
unknown destinations. The eye witnesses witnessed the use of gas by the
Army, the pile of dead bodies on the `Parikarma,' the arrival of tanks which
some of them thought were the ambulances, the hovering of helicopter at
night, throwing their search light on targets which were bombed, the
wanton destruction of the Akal Takht (the Eternal Throne), the Research
Library and the Museum. Today, it is the State itself which openly indulges
not only in murder and assault but also in inhuman torture, molestation of
women...and false encounters leading to gruesome death. Our visit was
almost like lifting the corner of a veil to discover a face - an amazing face
full of conflicting emotions, suffering yet defiant, anguished yet
challenging, tortured yet proud." (Judge V M Tarkunde, et al, Oppression in
Punjab: Report to the Nation, New Delhi: Citizens for Democracy, 1985,
pp.8-10, 18-19)

Ajmer Singh Randhawa.

email: [email protected]

Indira Gandhi was debarred through a historical verdict by Chief
Justice Jagmohan Lal Sinha of Allahabad high Court in 1975 and
subsequently banned from contesting in any election for the next six years
but this cunning criminal, rather than follows the Court's orders, declared
"state of emergency" in India and became self appointed dictator of India.
Furthermore, all the most important senior leaders of opposition parties
were arrested and quickly shuffled behind bars. Press was immediately
censored. The propagandist department under "Congress party
government; the Home Ministry, issued anti-democratic slogan, "INDIA
Today the "great India" still exists but where is this "Indira?"

I am grateful to Sardar Ranbir Singh Sandhu from USA who
inspired me to write this book as he wrote a very truthful reply to white
paper published by Govt of India to justify attack on Golden Temple also
known as Darbar Sahib at Amritsar(India) in June 1984, killing nearly
15,000 stranded Sikh pilgrims on the martyrdom day of fifth Guru of Sikh
religion being commemorated in large gathering by Sikhs at holiest shrine
in tremendous sun. I read his reply and decided to write a book and bring
this hidden truth, a conspiracy against Sikh nation in the knowledge of
every Sikh how he/she was betrayed by India to keep them suppressed and
slaved forever.
Every citizen is asked what he has done for the nation but nobody
can dare to ask this question from Sikhs as 93% sacrifices are made by Sikhs
in freedom struggle of India and the credit to protect its border goes to Sikhs
only. It’s not any hearsay but Sikhs proved it when Major General Fazal
Muqeem Khan of Pakistan himself revealed in his book, ‘Pakistan’s crisis
of Leadership’ that….. “The major reason for our defeat, are Sikhs. We
are simply unable to do anything before them despite our best efforts.
They are very daring people and are fond of martyrdom. They fight
courageously and are capable of defeating an army much bigger than
The Pakistan lost the battle due to their bad luck as they confronted
with Sikhs who shattered their dreams.

What else does India wants from Sikhs?

Ajmer Singh Randhawa.

Sant Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

Major General Shabeg Singh

About the author - Ajmer Singh Randhawa.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fathe!!

I, Ajmer Singh Randhawa am a theologist, history researcher, Sikh
pracharak, a freelance writer, a commentator and blog writer, connected
with print and electronic media but in this growing age i have focused
myself to aware the Sikh nation worldwide on injustice and atrocities faced
by them in India. The Indian govt. shields the perpetrators of Sikh genocide
since 1984. None of Chief organizers is ever punished; such is the poor
performance of Indian judiciary. I also raise my voice for Indian PoWs
languished in Pakistani jails since 1965/71 who have been seen or their
presence in Pakistan is leaked/ revealed but Pakistan govt. never released
those unfortunate Indian soldiers and the civilians.
I have worked as spokesperson of Mission Netaji Uttrakhand,
Dehra Dun and has written the book revealing death of Neta ji Subhash
Chandra Bose. It was published by Mission Netaji, Uttrakhand and
distributed free of cost. The title of the book was ‘ANTIM SATYA
SUBHASH BOSE’. It can also be read at in two parts.
By the grace of God, i got success in exposing the famous Indian cine
star on his role in his real life during Sikh genocide 1984. Amitabh Bacchan who
incited Hindus to spill blood of Sikhs in 1984 by his hatred slogan demanded
blood of Sikhs as KHOON KA BADLA KHOON. He is chased in every part of
world by me and a large protest is made on his visit to any nation other then India
because Indian govt. has destroyed all evidences against him.
Now my mission will be to see all the Indian PoWs free from
Pakistan jails and i shall raise this voice at every platform i get. I wonder
within two years of arrest of 97000 Pakistani soldiers by Indian army in
1971, the Pakistan govt. issued a postal stamp in which agony of people was
described through image and the attention of world powers was invited for
their safe release but the same Pakistan is blind, deaf and dumb on release of
54 Indian army personals other then a few caught on unmarked border in
Punjab and other border states with Pakistan. The full detail with evidences
obtained can be read at
Therefore i appeal to UNO, Human Rights Organizations and the
govt. of Pakistan to free these unfortunate Indians, many would have died in
enemy land and others might be knocking doors of death in near future.
Kindly send them back in the name of Allah to pass their rest of life with
their families.
I recently came to know that many Sikh prisoners still languish in
Indian jails whose awarded punishment by any court of law is completed
but they are deliberately not released from Indian jails due to discrimination
with their religion. Their only fault is that they are turbaned Sikhs wearing
all the five mandatory religious artifacts of their faith, hence not released.
Few of them have passed more than 20 years in jails withoutany pairole.
I request the Indian govt to stop animosity with Sikhs as this will be
suicidal for India. If such atrocities, tyrannies, discrimination, injustice and
anti-Sikh lobby continues than certainly the Sikhs in India shall have no
option other than demanding their own homeland. We the Sikhs had chosen to
stay in India in 1947 but not at the cost of our religion, our lives or on the safety
of future generations. We can not compromise on any anti-Sikh policy.
So it should release all these illegally imprisoned Sikh prisoners
immediately (all others too if there is really any). It violates the human
rights and fundamental rights of the citizens of India.
ON DEMOCRACY” is already published and available on order at my
mail address [email protected]
By the grace of Lord Akal Purakh Waheguru ji, this book will give a
complete analysis of operation Bluestar, the army invasion on Darbar Sahib
in June 1984 in which nearly 15000 innocent stranded Sikh pilgrims of all
ages and both genders were brutally killed by Indian army in frustration on
seeing the heavy casualties of their troops. I tried to collect evidences to
prove that it was an attack on sovereignty of Khalsa to keep them
suppressed in India. It was resisted and repulsed by untrained Sikhs of all
ages present inside the Darbar Sahib. All of them numbering just in between
200-250 They presented an example of unmatched valor, fearlessness and
craze to martyrdom, they sacrificed but none surrendered. Those who
surrendered were just the stranded pilgrims, arrested and pushed behind
bars to project them as terrorists.
What did Indira or India gain by attacking Darbar Sahib in
June 1984?
On the 36th anniversary of the Operation Bluestar, the invasion on
Darbar sahib also known as Golden Temple at Amritsar in Indian Punjab in
June 1984, India lost its more than 25000 soldiers other than killing of the
innocent Sikh pilgrims stranded within complex and shot dead by army in
its frustration to see the heavy casualties.
Lieut. Gen. Sunder ji had revealed in an interview at Chandigarh
that his 20% army was killed.
Major General Kuldip Singh Brar revealed death of Indian soldiers
as 15307 and wounded 17897 in his book ‘SAAKA NEELA TAARA’.
And Indira was in her zeal to see Bhindranwala deat at the cost of whole
Amritsar? Was it her stupidity or enmity with Sikhs that she took this
disastrous step which proved fatal and marked a black spot forever on India?
Removal of dead bodies: the dead bodies of the Indian armed
personnel were carried in the Military and other means of the transportation
to the Amritsar airport wherethe heavy Air Force Transport planes were
parked. Dead armed personnel bodies were airlifted to Bikaner, Jodhpur
and other places in Rajsthan for their last, according the personnel who made
the blueprints for the 'Operation Bluestar'. The frogmen of the Indian Navy
Services were used to recover the bodies of the soldiers which had been
floating the 'Sarovar or the tank of the nectar'. However the losses of the Indian
personnel exceed far beyond the calculations of the blue print makers.
According to the reliable sources, the Indian army's casualities
were more than 26,000 (Sekhon 2000 Int J Sikh Affairs vol. 10 ISSN 1481-
5435). Sekhon states that to know the exact figure of army's casualties; one
has to go through the 'discharge and/ or missing records'of the Ministry of
Defence of India for the month of June-October 1984.
As far as the bodies of the Sikh pilgrims and other Sikhs are
concerned, it is learnt that before the Governmental administration could
make arrangements for their removal from the premises of the Darbar Sahib
complex only, it took more than three days. Dead bodies had started decaying,
blood and flesh could be seen all around the Darbar Sahib complex.

Whether all the awards given to her like ‘Bharat Ratna’ not be taken
back if India wants to wash the black stains?


2). AMRIK Singh Presidents Sikh Students Federation
3). Gen. Subeg Singh Retired Army General along with 160
Singhs of Damdami Taksal, 17 Singhs of Babbar Khalsa 20
Singhs from Hazoor Sahib (Hazoori Singhs), 18 Singhs from
Kar Sewa (Jatha Baba Sheesha Singh Ji), 7 Singhs from Baba
Bidhichand Dal (Nihang Singhs), 8 Singhs from Tarna Dal
Harianbela and 12 Singhs from AISSF.
The arms said to be recovered from a well behind Akal Takhat
blamed on Sikh defenders to dump them. I may ask the govt. of India that
these Sikh youths who had stopped Indian army and not allowed it to move
an inch further from their position for 72 hrs, whether they had the time in
rain of bullets to dump their weapons when they needed every weapon and
bullet to shower it on Indian army?
Only a stupid will believe the govt version.
Please go through every page and get yourself introduced with
valor of Sikh youths, the power of nectar flowing in their blood, inherited in
their veins by their last human Guru-the Guru Gobind Singh ji which makes
them fearless, encourage them to sacrifice life to protect their religion and
their Gurudwaras (religious places of worship).
Those brave who sacrificed their lives proved it that they were not
terrorists but DEFENDERS OF FAITH.
This 3rd book is dedicated to the BRAVE FIVE SIKHS. Their
names from left to right are;
1. Mandeep Singh Sandhu,
2. Dilbag Singh,
3. Harjit Kaur,
4. Barjinder Singh Sangha,
5. Lakhbir Singh (Also known as Karanvir Singh).
Fifth person Lakhbir Singh was convicted by the southwark Crown
Court, on March 21 (2014) for causing ‘gravious bodily harm’ with intent.
He was awarded sentence to serve 10 years in prison who in 2013 in the
U.K. attempted to take vengeance upon Maj. Gen. K.S. Brar, the man
responsible for the atrocities, humiliation, defamation, attempted
suppression, and killing of more than 15000 Sikh pilgrims during
“Operation Blue Star” in June 1984 in an invasion by the Indian army at the
Golden Temple in Amritsar India.

On the 13th of April 1919 when Acting Brigadier-General

Reginald Dyer ordered troops of the British Indian Army to fire their rifles
into a crowd of unarmed Indian civilians in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar,
Punjab, killing at least 400-1000 people. The purpose behind this massacre
and subsequent shoot-out was to threaten and suppress the native Indians so
that they may never dare to criticize the British govt. or protest ever again.
A young man named Udham Singh from a village known as
“Sunam” also went there to pay homage to these martyrs. On seeing the
blood spread all over the ground, he took an oath to avenge this massacre.
Twenty years later, he applied for a passport in the fake name of “RAM
MUHAMMAD SINGH” and embarked on a journey to England.
Unfortunately on the same date in 1940, the British were honoring Michel
O’Dyre for his distinguished services in Caxton Hall, London when Udham
Singh drew out a pistol and shot the Michael O' Dwyer, the former
Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab in India, on 13 March 1940. The
assassination was in revenge for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar
in 1919 that was consequently killed on the spot. Udham Singh did not
attempt to escape, more willingly he surrendered himself to British Police.
He was executed on the 31st of July 1940 for killing Michel O’Dyer.
(O'Dwyer, aged 75, was shot dead at a joint meeting of the East India
Association and the Central Asian Society (now Royal Society for Asian
Affairs) in Caxton Hall in Westminster, London, on 13 March 1940, by an
Indian activist, Udham Singh, in retaliation for the massacre in Amritsar),
Further innocent Sikh blood was spilled in June 1984 in Amritsar at
the Golden Temple, situated just 100 meters away from “Jalianwala Bagh,”
The Indian army had invaded this holy place of worship and demolished the
historical supreme seat of Sikh faith – The “Akal Takhat Sahib,” which had
been built by the 6th Guru of the Sikh religion. Subsequently, Sikhs pledged
to avenge this attack from all those responsible for this disrespect, the
demolition of the “Akal Takhat” and the killing of more than 15000
innocent devotees (pilgrims) in the complex of the “Golden temple.” These
innocent Sikhs had been made captives due to the onslaught of the Indian
army at the orders of then Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi – she
was responsible for this attack as she had ordered the Commander-in-Chief
of Indian army Arun Sridhar Vaidya as….
"I don't give a damn if the Golden Temple and whole of
Amritsar are destroyed, I want Bhindranwale dead." (Indira Gandhi,
the Indian Prime Minister, said in her communication with Gen.
Vaidya during "Operation Blue Star.")
On 31st October 1984 she was assassinated by two valiant Sikhs
Beant Singh and Satwant Singh at her official residence in Delhi. Her son
Rajiv Gandhi was unanimously elected as next PM. The first thing he did in
this nation was to successfully organize pogrom of Sikhs which continued
for 72 hrs (3 days and 3 nights) in Delhi and other parts of India. More
than 20000 innocent Sikhs were killed brutally by garlanding them with the
Tyres around their necks to burn them alive which were most probably
drenched in kerosene or by means of a coating of a rapidly flammable
powder or cream (later it was discovered that this inknown powder was
banned chemical substance WHITE PHOSPHOROUS.
On the contrary, two Sikh youths killed the retired Commanding-
in-Chief A.S. Vaidya in Pune, these two valiant Sikhs were Bhai Harjinder
Singh Jinda and Bhai Sukhdev Singh Sukha. They were arrested after
sometime and executed on the charge of murder on the 9th Oct.1992. They
were also responsible for the murder of Arjan Dass, the person responsible
for orchestrating the Sikh genocide in 1984, after the assassination of Indira
Gandhi in Delhi.

Bhai Hrjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha

More than 35 years have passed since this attack on the Golden
Temple, code named “Operation Blue Star,” that took place in June 1984.
The Sikh people loathe all those to blame for this assault, it should also be
noted that upon the death of former Sikh General RS Dayal, who himself
commanded this operation, proper Sikh last rites for his departed soul were
denied, required as per Sikh religion. Not a single priest offered his services
to perform his last rites. Even the elected body, the “SGPC,” or “Shiromani
Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee” too backed up this decision.
There was criticism of UK Court for awarding ‘harsh’ punishment
to the convicts. Various Sikh bodies raised the concerns that court has acted
harshly while granting sentences to the Sikhs convicted in this case.
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fathe !! (The Khalsa is army
of almighty Akal Purakh, its victory belong to thyself).
Ajmer Singh Randhawa.
New Delhi (India).
Page no.
About the author
Preface …………………………………….…………….…… 1- 7
Foreword …………………………….………………….…… 8 - 19
Introduction ………………………………………….....…… 20 - 32

Chapter-1..............................................................................… 33-45
Attack on Golden Temple was under plan,
Regardless of assurance by DC to arrest
anyone inside Golden Temple
Plan to attack Golden temple first revealed in
British press within one week in June 1984
Margarete Thacher, PM, Britain helped India to raid on
Golden Temple in 1984

Chapter-2..............................................................................… 46-59
The attack was not last resort by Lt. Gen. SK Sinha
Strategy on Operation Bluestar
Changing scenarion in Panjab in 1982
Animosity of Indira against Sikhs
Justification of attack by Salman Khurshid
(Minister of External affairs)as revenge of 1947
Roots of attack and defamation of Akalis
By Indira to justify attack in future
Confession of soldiers died in Operation Bluestar
By Maj. Gen, KS Brar in his book
Massacre of Sikh youths after the attack in Amritsar

Chapter-3..............................................................................… 60-103
Valor of Sikh youths and defeat of Indian army
Giani Puran Singh’ eye witness account
Eye witness account of Giani Sahib Singh ji

Eye witness account by a Ft. Lt. of IAF
Attack on Akal Takhat (Supreme seat of Sikh faith)
Siukh soldiers in the eys of Pakistyani Generals
Unmatched example on valor of Sikhs
Defamation of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and false
propaganda against Sikh nation by Indira, murder of
DIG Atwal outside Golden temple
Warning to religious people
Invitation to Indira to attack on Golden Temple
by Parkash Singh Badal and Logowal
Letters to various Sikh leaders by indira
Eight fruitless secret meeting in between Akalis
and Indira before Operation Bluestar
Nirankaris massacred 13 Sikhs in Amritsar

Chapter-4.............................................................................… 104-133
Partiality given to Sikhs by India and false accusations of
killing Hindus in Panjab upon Sikhs
What happened on June 1984?
Complete censorship on all types of media
Allegations against the Indian army of
Human Rights Violations
Whether Sant Jarnail Singh and his
associates were terrorists?
Letter written by Sant Jarnail Singh ji to Indira

Chapter-5..............................................................................… 134-162
The truth regarding allegations against
Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale
Hate and killing of persons of Hindu community
Introduction in the ideology of separatism
Criminals in Sacred places of worship
Opposition to Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale
Instructions to Indian troops about Amritdhari Sikhs

A message to all critics of Sant Jarnail Singh ji
Allegations on Sant Jarnail Singh shifting to Akal Takhat
Letter to President of India by Bhagat Pooran singh
The tales of tyrannies by Indira
Militants stockpiled weapons
Statement of Akali leader Balwant Singh Ramuwalia

Chapter-6..............................................................................… 163-218
Operation Bluestar 10 days June 1984
The Bridge of sighs
(Rapes upon helplesss Sikh girls by Army soldiers)
Torching of Sikh Reference Library by Army
The last moments of Sant Jarnail Singh ji
The govt targeted Amritdhari Sikhs and reaction of
Sikh soldiers to desert Indian army
Tale of horror narrated by a detainee Canadian Sikh woman
Massacre of Sikh youths by frustrated Indian army

Chapter-7..............................................................................… 219-228
Creamation sant Jarnail Singh ji by eye witness
SAD patronage post 1997
Former Genral VK Singh on operation bluestar
Sikh deserts held by arm


Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fathe!!

This is our second presentation in English language soon after our
recently published book “SIKH GENOCIDE INDIA- 1984, A BLACK
SPOT ON DEMOCRACY” to aware new generation the hidden facts on
Operation Bluestar in which Sikhs are held responsible for creating
circumstances unavoidable of attack. Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwala, a
holy person who was compelled to be armed and resist the mighty Indian
army whose strength was counted one hundred thousand in Amritsar during
Operation Blusestar without any fear but by establishing the tradition of
martyrdom of Khalsa to save his religious places and the religion as well
without fearing the large number of enemy. This battle of Amritsar, fought
in between the holy, handful religious Sikh people outnumbered in
comparison to mighty Indian army, had stopped it’s advance completely for
72 hrs by not allowing to move an inch from it’s position in the tremendous
sun of the month of June in northern hemisphere. The mighty Indian army
which defeated Pakistan twice was compelled to walk on knees fighting
with this handful untrained Sikhs of all ages, from 10 years old to 72 years
of their age.
This saga of great battle of Amritsar in between Sikhs of Guru and
the regime of Delhi was at par with the battle of Chamkaur in Indian Panjab
fought in 1705, in between Mogul army having strength of one million
against Guru Gobind Singh ji with his 48 followers. None surrendered but
43 Sikhs of Guru got martyred. It was an unparallel war of no match; history
was repeated in 1984 when the same tradition was once again represented
by the Sikhs when they were attacked by one hundred thousand strong force
of Indian army.
Operation Bluestar was the code name of army invasion on the
holiest shrine of Sikh faith in Indian Panjab at Darbar Sahib (Golden
Temple) in Amritsar in June 1984. The Indira Gandhi was than the Prime
Minister of India and the invasion was against the holy Sikh saint having
control of shrine with his 200-250 followers as claimed by the Indian govt
in its white paper published soon after the invasion to justify the attack.
Whereas the Sikh saint Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala had gained
control of supreme seat of Sikh faith for two reasons;
1. Having view point of his own safety at a safest place, and,

2. To stop blood bath and to avoid direct clashes with Panjab police.
The Govt of India invaded this shrine in June 1984, Sikh saint
Jarnail Singh Bhindranawala had entered to gain control this Supreme seat
of Sikh faith- the Akal Takhat in December 1983. The Lt. Gen. S K Sinha
have revealed in his book “LAST RESORTS” that the Indian army
started giving training to its soldiers sometimes in Mid 1982 on a replica of
Darbar Sahib at a deserted hill station converted into training to fight on
high altitude known as Chakrata, 90 kms away from Dehra Dun in
Uttrakhand province of northern India.
The Govt of India justified the attack by stating the army entered
Darbar Sahib to flush out Sikh militant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala and his
followers. But many questions arises on this claim to bring govt of India
into question box, like when there was no FIR against Saint Bhindranwala,
how could govt label him falsely a terrorist? Could the Indian govt. clarify
why during that period, when its forces were getting training to attack on
Golden Temple, the senior political leaders like Subrahmaniyam Swamy,
Farooq Abdullah, Imam Abdullah Bukhari of Jama Masjid Delhi and many
others, Press reporters, photographers and journalists kept on visiting
Darbar Sahib to meet Sant ji to interview him during that time? Their
pictures of meeting with saint are frequently available on internet. Whether
their visits were not to get interview of an extremist? Why did the govt of
India not object and stop them?
Sant Jarnail Singh ji daily used to sit on roof of the Langar hall
(Community kitchen) and met visitors at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib. Journalists
interviewed him to make the headlines of their news papers or to air on
Radio daily. When he used to sit on roof in open, couldn’t he be shot with
any telescopic rifle if he was a threat to nation? If it was so easy, what was
the need of an army invasion on Golden temple and nearly 40 other
Gurudwaras to be desecrated in Punjab? We could not gather the reports of
loss of life from other Gurudwaras spread all over the Punjab but we were
successful to gather it from an eye witness who narrated his horrific account
of killing of innocent Sikh devotees at Gurudwara Dukh Niwaran at Patiala,
given in this book in a different chapter.
If Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala was an extremist —- as the
Indian govt. propagates, we Sikhs demand an evidence to prove it. The
govt. of India should give an evidence to prove it whether Sant ji was
summoned to appear in any Court of India where he didn’t or any warrant
issued/pending against him or whether he was declared an offender by any
Court of Law where he didn’t appear or if the Govt. itself declared him an
extremist through its any order or whether the Parliament was also taken in
trust to declare him an extremist?
Why a specific day was chosen to attack when whole Sikh nation
commemorates the martyrdom day of their fifth Guru of the Sikh religion?
It has also been well answered in this book.
The number of casualties was hidden from public but a senior army
General had said in an interview that the number of death of soldiers was
much higher than the casualties Indian army had suffered total in all the
three wars it had with Pakistan and China.
The death toll of Sikh pilgrims inside the Darbar Sahib complex
and in its adjoining buildings like Sarai Guru Ram Das and other supporting
places like a dera very close to Darbar Sahib etc. counted more than 15000.
The exact number of pilgrims stranded inside could be counted only after
the operation was over. The army destroyed all the evidences by disposing
off these bodies of civillians in hurry but it missed to destroy the shoe racks
where every devotee removed his/her shoes before entering the shrine.
These unaccounted shoes numbered 10,000 whose wearer never returned to
claim, other casualties occurred outside the main complex where devotees
can walk freely wearing their shoes.
It’s also an agony that army failed to protect these stranded pilgrims
whereas it was their duty to protect and escort them to nearest safest place,
instead it killed them brutally just because they were having adorned all
signs of artifacts of Sikh faith on their body and wearing turbans. It shows
army personal were brainwashed against Sikh community, they were
biased, having hatred opinion against Sikhs. The army was not there to flush
out terrorists but it was sent to suppress the brave Sikh community forever
by teaching them a lesson of being faithful to Indian govt or may prepare
itself to face such brutalities and massacre in future again.
Indira Gandhi had planned finally to attack in June 1984. To justify
attack, the plan was divided in two parts;
1. To defame Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale, his associates
and the staunch Sikhs (Amritdhari or strict followers of Sikh
2. To accomplish their target, it was necessary to commit those
acts which may benefit Indira govt. and causes defamation to
radical Sikhs.
Indira Gandhi had given such orders to General Vaidya, the
Commander-in-Chief of Indian army as;
“I don’t give a damn if the Golden Temple and whole of Amritsar
are destroyed, I want Bhindranwale dead.” (Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime
Minister, communicating with Gen. Vaidya during “Operation Blue
To kill Sant Bhindranwale she was ready to destroy whole of
Amritsar-the most sacred place of worship of Sikh religion? It shows her
loss of mental balance. Only Sikhs do not reside in this holy city but this
ancient city is known as hermitage of Balmiki where Sita, wife of Lord
Rama lived after her seperation and gave birth to her both the sons Luv and
Kush. Hindus reside in large numbers in this city but stupid Indira was
ready to destroy whole of Amritsar in her zeal to kill a holy saint against
whom she had nothing to prove of his involvement in any anti-national
In any case, at the time of the attack, there was no court case or
summons pending against Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale. Is it
reasonable for a government to send in the Army to devastate a
religious place because it is allegedly controlled by a person against
whom it has no legal charges?
Is it criminal to be popular? Should a person and all his
associates be condemned to death for this crime? We need to ponder
over it.
To make the attack acceptable to the general public in India, the
Saint had to be shown up as a Frankenstein. When governments have to kill
popular persons, they have to first criminalize them in the eyes of the public.
Even in the case of Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib, the government at that
time described him as a dacoit engaged in plunder to justify his beheading.
In the case of Sant Bhindranwale, this was systematically done with
cooperation from the Akalis. The massacre of Sikhs that followed was to
teach a lesson to this troublesome minority.
According to Joyce Pettigrew; “The army went into Darbar Sahib
not to eliminate a political figure or a political movement but to suppress the
culture of a people to attack their heart, to strike a blow at their spirit and
The govt. had no intention to arrest Sant Jarnail Singh ji but Indira
had made up her mind to kill Sant ji and get credit in minds of majority
Hindus as she was their only protector. It could benefit her to rule all over
India and to weaken opposition in all states. Before the attack the DC of
Amritsar was called by Governor of Punjab Mr. Pande that if the object was
to arrest Bhindranwale, there was no need for the Army to act and that he
could do it; the Governor is said to have replied: “That is not the point”.
And when Gurdev Singh refused to sign and approve military action,
history books and the SGPC’s own whitepaper recorded that Ramesh Inder
Singh, an IAS officer was brought in as Amritsar deputy commissioner
(DC) just before the launch of the military assault on Sri Harmander Sahib
after his predecessor Gurdev Singh Brar was made to proceed on leave
when he refused to sign and approve military action. Yet, following
Operation Bluestar, Ramesh Inder was appointed CM Badal’s principal
secretary when he came into power in 1997 and then became the chief
secretary when the Shiromani Akali Dal returned to power in 2007. After
retirement, he was appointed the chief information commissioner (CIC) of
Now the question is…. what the Indian govt. gained by killing
these innocent, they may be the soldiers or the civilians, the death toll is
somewhat in between 35-40,000 as 20,000 soldiers were said to be killed in
Amritsar. Whether after these killings- the peace, harmony and normalcy
returned in India? No! In fact, if we look back on next 10 years, we find the
Sikh militancy on its extreme. The Beant Singh govt (the Congress govt in
Punjab state ruled by Chief Minister Beant Singh) killed more than a
hundred of thousand Sikh youths in fake encounters. A complete Sikh youth
generation in the age group of 18-35 was then wiped out.
To day the Sikh nation is in dilemma whether to call this nation as
their home or not? The Sikhs in India are in dire need of a fearless but strong
leader, whenever they get, the answer to this question shall be found if
future of Sikh nation is within India or not? But can you imagine picture of
India without Sikhs? Earlier this nation has been divided on religion;
Muslims got their own nation—The Pakistan. Sikh leaders had given their
consent to join India on assurances given to them by Jawaharlal Nehru and
Mahatma Ganoe though the option to go with Pakistan or India or to have
their own nation was open on cards. They gave their consent only on good
faith and due to the common bond of mutual trust in both communities for
centuries, No conditions were laid down by Sikh community to join India
whereas they had lucrative offer by Jinnah to share power on a ratio of 60%-
40% in Pakistan but they refused the offer, joined India but what did the
Sikh community got in return other than betrayals by India? If such
atrocities, indiscrimination and betrayals continued with Sikh community
then India should be ready for its one more division and then we Sikhs must
not be blamed but only the majority Hindus and Congress be alleged for the
next division.
The religious order passed by Akal Takhat in June 1984 itself is the
evidence that the Sikhs in and around Darbar Sahib in Amritsar were given
orders to repulse the attack of Indian army and sacrifice their lives to
maintain sanctity of Shrine.
It also exposes Govt of India which falsely propagated a planned
attack to pacify Sikh army personals to prepare them to go on a war against
defenders of Sikh faith.
If we go on to these words of Govt. in that case we will have to
see if Head of Supreme seat of Sikh faith – the Jathedar of Akal Takhat
was also an extremists who passed this order and issued it on 2nd of

June in 1984.
This shows that Sikhs denied to consider this nation India as their
home because their holiest Shrine was invaded by Indian army and they
were killed by their own forces to settle a political score by Govt of India
which had one motto only – to suppress Sikhs and gain the power in Punjab
by hook or crook.
Sant Jarnail Singh ji along with his determined fighters sacrificed
their lives but traitors like Longowal, Tohra, Ramoowalia surrendered;
Parkash Singh Badal was on the run to provoke army personals to leave
their barracks as he is accused of inviting Indira to attack on Darbar Sahib
(Golden Temple) also.
I am sure the readers will get every answer of the question they
have in mind, I tried my best to present you a truthful account of
treachery, falsehood, jeopardize, religious disharmony, valor of
Khalsa, it’s fearlessness, traditional quality of fighting skill and their
affection to martyrdom.
May the Khalsa always be in its high spirit.
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fathe !!
Ajmer Singh Randhawa. e-mail: [email protected]

While writing this book and collecting the horrific stories relating
to army invasion on Gurudwaras in Panjab, I came to know about 40+
Gurudwaras invaded by army but its detail could not be collected. Therefore
despite our best efforts we are unable to give you a detailed report on killing
of innocent Sikhs in other Gurudwaras by this brutal, biased force which
entered in gurudwaras not only to kill the Sikhs but to teach a lesson to brave
Sikhs on patriotism by suppressing them forever.
And when searching on attacks on Gurudwaras other than the
Golden Temple or Darbar Sahib, Amritsar, we could find only one eye
witness account report on Gurudwara Dukh Niwaran Sahib, Patiala which
was penned down by Mallika kaur, a renowned writer, lawyer in US. We
are grateful to her and republishing her report in her own words. We fully
agree with the contents given in this report as being a Sikh youth in 1984, the
writer of book was also aware of it. Many other eye witnesses have also
given their account but unfortunately while writing this book, we missed to
recollect them.
As 100,000 Army men had sealed Amritsar, Punjab by June 1,
1984, worshipers and visitors were trapped not only inside Darbar Sahib,
but also in other gurudwaras (prayer centers and community centers)
hundreds of kilometers away from Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala —
against whom there was no arrest warrant or legal case at the time.
Indira, her Mogul background and result of her animosity with
Sikh nation;
After 35 years of Operation Blue star when we watch closely the
reasons of this attack as it was not planned upon the Supreme seat of Sikh
faith and a world famous Sikh shrine where nine out of ten Sikh Guru
blessed the sacred place of worship but more than 40 other Gurudwaras
(Sikh religious places of worship) were also attacked simultaneously at the
same time.
No doubt army was sent by than Prime Minister of India, Mrs.
Indira Gandhi but the decision to invade this holiest shrine was not taken
over in a night. It was on cards for the past many years. Lt. Gen. (No 2 to
GOC in C) SK Sinha revealed in his book ‘Last Resorts’ that the Indian
army was giving training to its soldiers on a replica of Darbar Sahib at
Chakrata, 90 kms away from Dehra Dun, presently the capitol of
Uttrakhand province in northern India. It proves a disastrous plan was

already planned by Indira Gandhi and the senior army officers were also
taken into confidence to implement it.
The govt of India stated that the army was sent to flush out the
terrorists at Darbar Sahib in Amritsar. The alleged terrorists were none
other than devoted Sikhs who made Akal Takhat to provide safety to a holy
man Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala who had taken shelter in Akal Takhat
to avoid any direct clash with Panjab police whose officers wanted Sant ji
be taken into custody to settle personal scores. Before this there had been
many clashes with police in past. His base at Chowk Mehta was also raided
by police in past and few Sikh youths lost their lives in indiscriminate and
provocative police firing. The Sant came in picture when the Nirankari
Mission killed 13 innocent, unarmed Sikhs in Amritsar but the master of cult
was given safe escape to adjoining state Haryana, no action on gruesome
murders of 13 Sikhs was taken by Panjab, even the court case was shifted to
Karnal, a city of Haryana in which the master of Nirankari faith and his
armed men were acquitted from all charges. This fuelled in fire and Sant too
started wearing weapons, copying the master of Nirankari cult.
Before this Sikhs had never thought if Indira Gandhi be having any
animosity with them, they also supported Indira in 1980 elections to mark a
win. But soon her real face was exposed in-between 1978-1984. In 1982,
Shiromani Akali Dal had passed Anandpur Resolution giving more rights to
states like Federal structure of USA. Before this it was very common for
Indira Gandhi to uproot any state govt. by misusing Article 356 of
Constitution of India, ruled by other than Congress party, falsely defaming
the state on failure of Law and Order. But if Anandpur Resolution had been
accepted by Indira and implemented, the states could prosper without any
fear of interference by central govt. at Delhi.
Indira refused to implement this Anandpur Resolution as it could
end her interference in state matters. Shiromani Akali Dal started
DHARAM YUDH MORCHA or to be called a protest to pursue center.
Daily arrests begun and SAD (Shiromani Akali Dal) started sending groups
of 100 people to be arrested daily. It appears now that Indira shattered of
this wave against her and she immediately decided to teach a lesson to Sikhs
who earlier had opposed similarly during her Emergency rule. Indira
Gandhi had imposed emergency in 1975 after she was barred to contest any
election for 6 years by Allahabad High Court. She arrested every leader of
opposition, even the Narendra Modi, now PM of India had run away in
guise of a Sikh to hide himself escaping his arrest. Only the Sikhs were there
to oppose her dictatorship rule of emergency. Therefore she finally decided

to avenge with Sikhs and thus it was necessary to use army to suppress a
martial nation.
Hence she took her loyal and trustworthy senior army officers in
confidence and made a diabolical plan to attack the holiest shrine in which
the Shiromani Akali Dal and the mini Parliament of Sikh nation- Shiromani
Gurudwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) having offices and function
their political moves from there and soon army started giving training to
soldiers at a safest place, a base for training army and para military forces
for high altitude at Chakrata near Dehra Dun which was earlier a hill
station but in 1962 when India was attacked by China, it was occupied by
army and converted into a training center for high altitude training.
Therefore Sikhs could not get any information of this disastrous and
diabolical plan, they were purely Indian by heart until India attacked their
holiest shrine in June 1984.
When the Sikh intelligentsia looked back in past, they found out
the missing joints of the broken chains on attack on Darbar
Sahib. They were amazed to see that Indira had animosity with
Sikhs for decades as she was not a Hindu but converted Muslim
and loyal to Babur than Sikh Gurus. It was unbelievable but true.
Former Foreign Minister K Natwar Singh made an interesting
revelation about Indira Gandhi's affinity to the Mughals in his book
“Profile and Letters” (ISBN: 8129102358). It states that- In 1968 Indira
Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India went on an official visit to
Afghanistan. Natwar Singh accompanied her as an IFS officer in duty. After
having completed the day's long engagements, Indira Gandhi wanted to go
out for a ride in the evening. After going a long distance in the car, Indira
Gandhi wanted to visit Babur's burial place, though this was not included in
the itinerary. The Afghan security officials tried to dissuade her, but she was
adamant. In the end she went to that burial place. It was a deserted place. She
went before Babur's grave, stood there for a few minutes with head bent
down in reverence. Natwar Singh stood behind her. When Indira had
finished her prayers, she turned back and told Singh “Today we have had
our brush with history.” Worth to mention that Babur was the founder of
Mughal rule in India, from which the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty have
We now shall have to find out reasons of her love to Moguls as she
was the only Indian PM who went to the tomb of Babar in Kabul to pay her
reverence in due respect. What was that which came through the words she
spoke that she brushed with history after centuries by paying reverence to a
Mogul king who is known to establish Mogul kingdom in Indian sub-
Her connection with Moguls thus revealed, the people of India had
forgot that she converted into Islam before independence at London and had
her nikah (wedding) with a Parsi Muslim Firoz Gandhi. The full report of
her Islamic connection is given ahead and we tried to prove her animosity
with Sikhs which finally caused the Operation Bluestar. She also had to pay
a heavy price for this mistake by her life in Nov 1984.
Bahadur Shah Zafar was the last Mogul king in 1857 but where the
Moguls disappeared after they lost to British in 1857? I am sure Indira was
the descendent of the Mogul kings, her father Jawaharlal Nehru has lied
with the nation while giving her family history as Kashmiri Pandits.

Indira Gandhi? No... She was 'Maimuna Begum.’

Indira Gandhi's real name was 'Maimuna Begum'. She lived like a
Muslim all her life. The Sultan of Saudi Arabia had invited her to Mecca. It
is noteworthy that only Muslims are allowed to visit Mecca. She once told
Shri. M.O. Mathai, the personal secretary of Nehru, her father, ‘I hate
Hindus. I will never marry a Hindu.' - (Ref.:

Not 'Indira Feroze Gandhi' but 'Indira Feroze Khan’!

Feroze Gandhi is considered a Parsi because his mother was a Parsi
before her marriage to his Muslim father Nawab Khan; but since she
converted to Islam before her marriage, their son Feroze Khan was a
Muslim and not a Parsi by birth. This was the reason why Kamala Nehru
opposed Indira's marriage to him.
Despite a Muslim wedding (nikah) with Feroze in a London
Masjid, a fake picture of their marriage in Vedic style was published to fool
the Indians!
Feroze Khan married Indira in a Masjid in London. Well-known
English newspapers publicized this event. When the couple returned to
India, it was arranged to get a photograph of the couple married in Vedic
style for publishing in India. Later all these photographs were exhibited in
Shri M.O. Mathai, Nehru's personal secretary has written this in his
book, 'Reminiscences of the Nehru Age' (now banned by the Indian
Government) that 'due to some inevitable reason the otherwise prudent
Nehru allowed this wedding to be performed in Vedic style despite knowing
that performing an inter-caste and an inter-religious marriage in Vedic style
was illegal.'
With the advice of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru changed the name of
‘Feroze Khan' to 'Feroze Gandhi.’
When Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi learnt that Indira had
embraced Islam he immediately summoned Nehru and advised him to
change the name of his son-in-law from Feroze Khan to Feroze Gandhi. The
purpose in this was to fool Indians that he was Parsi and not a Muslim. This
was done by a renowned lawyer from Allahabad, Sir Sapru, a close
associate of Motilal Nehru, in a Mumbai court by presenting an Affidavit.
Even today, mystery shrouds Feroze Gandhi's death!
The truth is that after the birth of Rajiv Gandhi, Indira and Feroze
were living separately, but did not separate legally. Feroze Gandhi
perpetually harassed Nehru for money and also interfered in his political
maneuvers. Nehru was fed up of Feroze' ways and had given instructions to
deny access to Feroze Gandhi to his official residence ‘Teenmurti Bhavan'.
In his book Shri. Mathai writes, 'both Nehru and Indira Gandhi heaved a
sigh of relief after the death of Feroze Gandhi'. Just as Feroze Gandhi
started getting some political acclaim, suddenly in 1960 he expired. Even
today his death is a mystery. Feroze Gandhi had even contemplated a
second marriage, but he died before that.
The book “The Nehru Dynasty” by K. N. Rao states that the
second son of Indira (or Mrs. Feroze Khan) known as Sanjay Gandhi was
not the son of Feroze Gandhi. He was the son of another Muslim gentleman
named Mohammad Yunus. Interestingly Sanjay Gandhi’s marriage with the
Sikh girl Menaka took place in Mohammad Yunus’ house in New Delhi.
Apparently Yunus was unhappy with the marriage as he wanted to get him
married with a Muslim girl of his choice. It was Mohammad Yunus who
cried the most when Sanjay Gandhi died in plane crash. In Yunus’ book,
“Persons, Passions & Politics” (ISBN-10: 0706910176) one can discover
that baby Sanjay was circumcised following Islamic custom. It is a fact that
Sanjay Gandhi used to constantly blackmail his mother Indira Gandhi, with
the secret of who his real father is. Sanjay exercised a deep emotional
control over his mother, which he often misused. Indira Gandhi chose to
ignore his misdeeds and he was indirectly controlling the Government.
When the news of Sanjay Gandhi’s death reached Indira Gandhi,
her first question was “Where are his keys and his wrist watch?” Some
deep secrets about the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty seem to be hidden in those
objects. The plane accident was also mysterious. It was a new plane that
nosedive to a crash and yet the plane did not explode upon impact. It
happens when there is no fuel. But the flight register shows that the fuel tank
was made full before take-off. Indira Gandhi using undue influence of PM’s
office prohibited any inquiry from taking place. So, who is the suspect? KN
Rao gives full detail from the grand father of Jawaharlal Nehru to Rajiv and
Sanjay. Ganga Dhar was the grand father of Jawaharlal. He gives his real
name as Gyasuddin Gazi who changed his name soon after the mutiny of
1857 when he shifted from Delhi to Agra.

Some hidden facts about the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty

The Nehru-Gandhi dynasty starts as per autobiography of Jawahar
lal Nehru with the Mughal man named Ghiyasuddin Ghazi. He was the City
Kotwal i.e. police officer of Delhi prior to the uprising of 1857, under the
Mughal rule. After capturing Delhi in 1857, in the year of the mutiny, the
British were slaughtering all Mughals everywhere. The British made a
thorough search and killed every Mughal so that there was no future
claimant to the throne of Delhi. The Hindus on the other hand were not
targeted by the British unless isolated Hindus were found to be siding with
the Mughals, due to past associations. Therefore, it became customary for
many Mohammedans to adopt Hindu names. So, the man Ghiyasuddin
Ghazi (the word means kafir-killer) adopted- a Hindu name Gangadhar
Nehru and thus saved his life by the subterfuge. Ghiyasuddin Ghazi
apparently used to reside on the bank of a canal (or Neher) near the Red Fort.
Thus, he adopted the name ‘Nehru’ as the family name. Through out the
world, we do not find any descendant other than that of Gangadhar, having
the surname Nehru. The 13th volume of the “Encyclopedia of Indian War
of Independence” (ISBN:81-261-3745-9) by M.K. Singh states it
The Government of India has been hiding this fact.

City Kotwal was an important post like today’s Commissioner of

Police. It appears from Mughal records that there was no Hindu Kotwal
employed. It was extremely unlikely for a Hindu to be hired for that post.
Compulsorily only Mohammedans of foreign ancestry were hired for
such important posts.
Jawaharlal Nehru's second sister Krishna Hutheesing also
mentions in her memoirs that her grandfather was the city Kotwal of Delhi
prior to 1857’s uprising when Bahadur Shah Zafar was still the sultan of
Delhi. Jawaharlal Nehru, in his autobiography, states that he has seen a
picture of his grandfather which portrays him like a Mogul nobleman. In
that picture it appears that he was having long & very thick beard, wearing a
Muslim cap and was having two swords in his hands. Jawaharlal Nehru
also states in his autobiography that on their way to Agra (a seat of
Mogul influence) from Delhi, the members of his grand father’s family
were detained by the British. The reason for the detention was their
Mogul features. They however pleaded that they were Kashmiri
Pandits and thus got away.
The Urdu literature of the 19th century especially the works of
Khwaja Hasan Nizami, are full of the miseries that the Moguls and
Mohammedans have to face then. They also describe how Moguls escaped
to other cities to save their lives. In all probability, Jawahar Nehru's Mogul
grandfather and his family were among them.
Jawaharlal Nehru was a person that India adores. He was
undoubtedly a very sound politician and a gifted individual. But, the
Government of India has not built a memorial of Jawaharlal Nehru at his
birth place 77 Mirganj in Allahabad, because it is a brothel. The entire
locality is a well known red light area since long. It has not become a
brothel recently, but it has been a brothel even before Jawaharlal Nehru’s
birth. A portion of the same house was sold by his father Motilal Nehru to a
prostitute named Lali Jaan and it came to be known as “Imambada”. If you
have some doubt, you may visit the place. Several dependable sources and
also & Wikipedia say this. Motilal Nehru along with his
family later shifted to Anand Bhawan. Remember that Anand Bhawan is
Jawaharlal Nehru’s ancestral house and not his birth place.
As per the book “The great divide: Muslim separatism and
partition” (ISBN-13:9788121205917) by S.C. Bhatt— Jawaharlal
Nehru’s sister Vijaya Lakshmi eloped with her father’s employee Syud
Hussain. Then Motilal Nehru forcefully took her back and got her married
with another man named Ranjit Pandit.
Indira Priyadarshini perpetuated immorality in the Nehru dynasty.
Intellectual Indira was admitted in Oxford University but driven out from
there for non-performance. She was then admitted to Shantiniketan
University but, Guru Dev Rabindranath Tagore chased her out for bad
After driven out of Shantiniketan, Indira became lonely as father
was busy with politics and mother was dieing of tuberculosis in
Switzerland. Playing with her loneliness, Feroze Khan, son of a grocer
named Nawab Khan who supplied wines etc to Motilal Nehru’s household
in Allahabad, was able to draw close to her. The then Governor of
Maharashtra, Dr. Shriprakash warned Nehru, that Indira was having an
illicit relation with Feroze Khan. Feroze Khan was then in England and he
was quite sympathetic to Indira. Soon enough she changed her religion,
became a Muslim woman and married Feroze Khan in a London mosque.
Indira Priyadarshini Nehru changed her name to Maimuna Begum. Her
mother Kamala Nehru was totally against that marriage. Nehru was not
happy as conversion to Muslim will jeopardize her prospect of becoming
Prime Minister.
So, Nehru asked the young man Feroze Khan to change his
surname from Khan to Gandhi. It had nothing to do with change of religion
from Islam to Hinduism. It was just a case of a change of name by an
affidavit. And so Feroze Khan became Feroze Gandhi, though it is an
inconsistent name like Bismillah Sarma. Both changed their names to fool
the public of India. When they returned to India, a mock Vedic marriage was
instituted for public consumption. Thus, Indira and her descendants got the
fancy name Gandhi. Both Nehru and Gandhi are fancy names. As a
chameleon changes its colour, this dynasty has been changing its name to
hide its real identity.
Indira Gandhi had two sons namely Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay
Gandhi. Sanjay was originally named as Sanjiv that rhymed with Rajiv, his
elder brother's name. Sanjiv was arrested by the British police for a car theft
in the UK and his passport was seized. On Indira Gandhi’s direction, the
then Indian Ambassador to UK, Krishna Menon misusing his power,
changed his name to Sanjay and procured a new passport. Thus Sanjiv
Gandhi came to be known as Sanjay Gandhi.
It is a known fact that after Rajiv's birth, Indira Gandhi and Feroze
Gandhi lived separately, but they were not divorced. The book “The Nehru
Dynasty” (ISBN 10:8186092005) by K. N. Rao states that the second son
of Indira (or Mrs. Feroze Khan) known as Sanjay Gandhi was not the son of
Feroze Gandhi. He was the son of another Muslim gentleman named
Mohammad Yunus.
Interestingly Sanjay Gandhi's marriage with the Sikh girl Menaka
took place in Mohammad Yunus’ house in New Delhi. Apparently Yunus was
unhappy with the marriage as he wanted to get him married with a Muslim
girl of his choice. It was Mohammad Yunus who cried the most when Sanjay
Gandhi died in plane crash. In Yunus’ book, “Persons, Passions & Politics”
(ISBN-10: 0706910176) one can discover that baby Sanjay was
circumcised following Islamic custom.
The book “The Life of Indira Nehru Gandhi” (ISBN:
9780007259304) by Katherine Frank sheds light on some of Indira
Gandhi’s other love affairs. It is written that Indira’s first love was with her
German teacher at Shantiniketan. Later she had affair with M. O. Mathai
(father’s secretary), then Dhirendra Brahmachari (her yoga teacher) and at
last with Dinesh Singh (Foreign Minister).
Note: We do not want to go on her love affairs but to find out her
Mogul connection. We very well know that she had animosity with Sikhs
by heart. We are trying to find her Mogul connection to prove that she
invaded holiest Sikh shrine to satisfy herself by taking avenge from Sikhs.

Evidences of her animosity with Sikh nation;

1. The most important evidence needs to be quoted here; the
former President of Hockey Federation of India Ashwini Kumar.
Detail is given ahead in book.
Through this we get a glimpse of Indira Gandhi’s stubborn
nature, but she was also a figure among ciphers. It was revealed by none
other then by President of Bhartiya Janta Party in his book, ‘my country
my life’ as…. “He persuaded Indira to attack on Golden temple”
On the contrary the Akali Dal in Punjab was also on conflict
against Sant Jarnail Singh. Though its leader Parkash Singh Badal was
weaker against Sant Jarnail Singh but he is a shrewd politician. He brought
ahead the religious leader Sant Longowal and proposed Gurcharan Singh
Tohra as next Chief Minister of Punjab. Now Sant Longowal and
Gurcharan Singh Tohra had become the functionaries of Badal. Badal
played several malicious moves to down the increasing popularity of Sant
Jarnail singh ji Bhindran among Sikh masses (By AR Darshi, ex-joint
Secretary, Punjab in his book, ‘The gallant defender’).
The operation was truly a terror inflicted upon a minority living in
a “democratic” state. The government did not keep track when it
slaughtered its own people in that fearsome army operation. Indian
government still claims that the Operation Woodrose never happened but
the cold hard facts presented in Cynthia Mahmood’s book “fighting for
faith and nation” negates those claims completely. The Hindustan Times
correspondent Chand Joshi alleged that the army units “acted in total
anger” and shot down all the suspects rounded up from the temple complex.
Mark Tully and Satish Jacob, in Amritsar; “Mrs. Gandhi’s Last Battle”,
criticized the Army for burning down the Sikh Reference Library, stating
that it did this to destroy the culture of the Sikhs. In The Sikhs of Punjab,
Joyce Pettigrew alleges that the army conducted the operation to “suppress
the culture, and political will, of a people”. Similar accusations of high
handedness by the Indian Army and allegations of human rights violations
by security forces in Operation Blue Star and subsequent military
operations in Punjab have been leveled by Justice V. M. Tarkunde.
Attack on Golden Temple and its follow-up Operation Woodrose,
concealed from public eye with great treachery, were two of the most
inhumane acts committed by the Indian government. It is not surprising that
this legacy of ill-will and bloodshed produced a sense of alienation among
the Sikhs. In search of political gain, countless Sikhs were murdered and no
one was held accountable.
In our Sikh religion, we have been taught that if everything else
fails, it is righteous to take the sword. That is Sikh history. It may not be
politically correct but this is what a true Sikh is supposed to do. There are
thousands of arm chair statesmen and so called experts, but very few put
their money where their mouth is. They are scared for their lives. Nobody
likes to face the wrath of the powers that be, by speaking the truth. That is a
fact. Bhindranwale was an icon; he fought against injustice and died as a
martyr. At the end of the day, as long as the injustice continues, the fight
shall continue, that is just history.
2. The Panjab state was divided on linguistic formula in
1966. Many Panjabi speaking areas were not included in Panjab but
given to Haryana and Himachal (to shorten size of Panjab), which
were created out of its division. The control of its water and
electricity not given to Panjab, its capitol Chandigarh, which was
built on Panjabi speaking villages, is kept as Union territory. The
justice never given to Panjab till date and Operation Blusestar
should also be seen in a chain of this injustice and suppression of
Panjabi-Sikh community.


Lt. Gov. Sinha on Operation Blue Star

The revelations on army invasion on Golden Temple in 1984 by
orders of the Government of India, as revealed by Lieutenant General
(Retd) Srinivas Kumar Sinha He disclosed in his book “LAST RESORTS”.

4. The animosity of Indira Gandhi with Sikh community and

how she reacted on several times. An example of Ramlila
Ground Delhi is also received by us who we need to share with
our readers.
Here it is;
“Sangat ji, all this was happened only due to following reasons in
Delhi! Soon after this, the Govt., got against Damdami Taksal and
Sikhs in Punjab. Result—Sikh genocide of 1984……”
A Sikh that marries his daughter to a Sikh and does not take any
money/dowry, he is a true Sikh of mine and will reach my abode in
Sachkand. (Bhai Sahib Singh Rehatnama, p.160)
The second point that he clarified was that ‘We want to ask
Indira Gandhi who achieved the rule of the Delhi government? If
you have come here to prostrate to Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur you have
done no great act. If Guru Jee had not become martyred, the master
of this throne would have been a Muslim and everywhere all would
be greeted with Salaam Walekum. You yourself would have been
under a Burka (Hijab).

This incident with Baba Kartar Singh ji shows us how Indira

Gandhi got irritated when she was reminded of the sacrifice of Guru
Teg Bahadur ji to save Hindu religion. Nobody thought that she had
Mogul blood in her veins and could avenge in future with Sikhs.

*Former General VK Singh, chief of army staff revealed in his

book ‘Couarge and Conviction’ that Indira took a political decision to
attack and flush out the militants and army had to compromise.
(By: General VK Singh with Kunal Verma Aleph book Company.
Rs. 595, PP 363).
Over three decades after the deadly events, I sat listening to a man,
who reminded me about the sights and smells I imagined as a child
whenever I heard the sanitized term “Blue Star”:
“You know how when a turban is washed, and then you wring it out,
and water splatters out, just think about that…but with blood, so much
blood. All these blood soaked turbans. Blood everywhere…we could not
even estimate how many bodies this had come from. Because there were no
bodies there, just the blood….and the loosened soil below had porously
retained so much blood.”
[Mallika Kaur is a lawyer and writer who focus on gender and
minority issues in the U.S. and South Asia. She has a JD from the UC
Berkeley School of Law, where she is a Lecturer and MPP from Harvard
Kennedy School of Government].

All details given in this book.

There is no doubt that the Indira Gandhi had animosity with Sikhs.
She was very annoyed with whole Sikh community specially with AKALIS
as had opened a large protest against emergency in 1975. It’s very clear from
her converstation with Arun Sridhar Vaidya that to kill Sant Jarnail Singh
Bhindranwala, she could destroy whole of Amritsar. That means not only
the Supreme seat of Sikh fauth Akal takhat (though she had blown it by
tanks during the invasion) but also to Darbar Sahib also known as Golden
temple other than a number of Sikh religious heritage sites. The readers may
have a different opinion on animosity and her connection with Moguls but
what the author finds fit, has expressed his views.
In any case the Operation bluestar was planned and implemented
under hate, racism, superior complex and with a mission to keep Sikh
community suppressed forever which the martial community could never
tolerate as she too had to pay a heavy price by her own life.
Ajmer Singh Randhawa.
[email protected]

Operation Bluestar – conspiracy with Sikh nation by India

Darbar Sahib, Amritsar

1984-Conspiracy against the Sikh nation by Indian govt.

Indira Gandhi had planned to invade Darbar Sahib two years before
it was finally attacked in June 1984.To justify attack, the plan was divided in
two parts;
1. To defame Sant Jarnail Singh ji bhindranwale, his
associates and the staunch Sikhs (Amritdhari or strict
followers of Sikh religion).
2. To accomplish their target, it was necessary to commit
those acts which may benefit Indira govt. and causes
defamation to radical Sikhs.

(a). May 1985 Magazine Surya on page 42 writes something

like this “Mrs. Gandhi had decided that she was to take
on the new role in her life the role of the protector of
Hindus…. She had planned that there shall be a conflict
between the Hindus & Sikhs, in which the grand strategy
was that the Hindus shall be first left unprotected, let
them be killed for a while, let them become angry, so
angry that they will seek revenge. The Hindus & Sikhs
will then go at each other’s throat. And then I will tell the
Hindus, ‘Look I can only protect you.”
(b). An incredible story based on exclusive information
provided by the officers of the RAW (research analysis
wing/Indian military intelligence agency/Indian state
terrorist agency) was published by the ‘Surya’ in its
issue— of September, 1984;

It revealed the story about a super intelligence agency called the

‘Third Agency’. It noted: “We focus pre-Blue Star Punjab. The Third
Agency’s assignment was to mid and abet the murders and killings in
Punjab. The Third Agency kept the supply of lethal weapons flowing into
the Golden Temple. The Third Agency allowed 47 railway stations be
blown up. The Third Agency incited violence in Punjab. And for their
gallant roles, senior officers of the Third Agency have been rewarded with
police medals and prize foreign postings.”
Source: INDIA COMMITS SUICIDE by G. S. Dhillon. 1992.

(C) The murder of DIG Atwal at the entrance of Darbar

Sahib was also part of this conspiracy and he was not
killed by any Sikh follower but a handy work of govt.
agencies. Sant Jarnail singh was accused of this killing
but he denied.
There is no clear indication as to who killed Avtar Singh Atwal.
Possibly, if the confidential files of Punjab Police and of the Home
Ministry at New Delhi become public, we might learn more about
the tragic murder.
Atwal’s murder has routinely been included in the list of killings
attributed to Sant Bhindranwale and his men. In this context, we
might find the following information useful.
Sant Bhindranwale had good reason to disapprove of Atwal’s
conduct at the Mehta Chowk arrest on 20 September 1981 and
some other incidents. Atwal was the SSP on duty that day and had
ordered the firing that killed eighteen persons [I have been told that
he did this under direct orders from the IG Police]. Also, Sant
Bhindranwale mentioned his role in a case of a girl being stripped
and paraded.
According to the Sant [A conversation with Surinderjit Singh
Bains of Vancouver, Canada, January 1983]:
“In the Ghall Khurd Police Station, a daughter of poor Sikhs whom
we sometimes describe as Jheoor, from Dauke village situated on
the border in District Amritsar, was stripped naked and Swaran
Singh the D.S.P. held her by her breast and paraded her through the
village. A Commission was set up [to inquire into the matter]. The
Commission submitted its report that he was guilty. The S.S.P. of
that time, Avtar Singh Atwal, said that it had been done under his
orders. Let us accept that he [Swaran Singh] was set free, why was
Atwal not questioned? The punishment Atwal received for
stripping a poor Sikh girl was that he was promoted from S.S.P. to
D.I.G. of Jalandhar Range.”
When Atwal was killed, Sant Bhindranwale condemned the act.
However, it is worth noting that in March 1983, 19 year old Hardev
Singh and some of his companions traveling in a jeep were killed
by the police. The real target was the Sant himself who was
scheduled to make the trip but canceled it at the last moment and
sent Hardev Singh in his place. Atwal was conducting an inquiry
into the deaths. His murder was in highly suspicious circumstances
and some people believe it was carried out by Government
agencies who thought Atwal had warned the Sant about the plan
and was acting as his informer. India Today published details of the
suspicious circumstances at that time. Atwal was killed in the
Darbar Sahib Complex so Bhindranwale could be conveniently
blamed because of the background explained in 1 above.
Who actually did what is unknown and we should not rush to

(d). The Hindu passengers in Buses or Sikh youths in fake

encounters were also part of this plan to unrest the state and
terrorize people so that people of state may blame Sant Jarnail
singh for such murders and disappearances of their kins.
(e). Tribune newspaper on 11-11-83 printed a report called
‘Discovery of Turbans’ written by Dr. Lalawati & I.S
Iyangar thought to believe in this that the passengers
“Hindus” were dragged out of the bus and killed was not
work of the real Kharku’s (Militants) but work of the non-
kharkus who happens to be dressed like Sikhs and were
wearing Turbans. As Darbar Sahib Complex was
garrisoned along with other Gurudwara’s every person
going in and out was searched properly including ration as
it was believed that so called Terrorists were hiding in the
Darbar Sahib Complex and they would come out and kill
innocent Hindus and go back in hiding. List of 40 Singh’s
with proper names was sent to center Govt. and C.R.P,
B.S.F & Punjab police along with few intelligence
agencies were on the spot to catch these Singh’s but during
18 months of Garrison they failed to arrest or catch EVEN
one Singh with so called weapons or Singh’s killing any
innocent Hindu.
(f). Sarab Hind Congress issued a report ‘Conspiracy
Exposed’ and was printed in Indian Express dated
September 4, 1984 which stated “Pakistani agents
disguised as Sikh were trained in Kasur area of Pakistan by
brigadier artillery regiment. These men, in batches of 300
– 400 were given there to four months intensive training.
Most of those trained in these camps & training centers
were smugglers, proclaimed offenders and criminals….”
There were other active centers and they were brought in
via Rajsthan border.
(g). S.M. Sathananthan Managing editor Transatlantic
India on 15-12-83 wrote under article “Hindu-Sikh
Conflict in Punjab, causes and cure” in this he writes
‘Sikh leaders claim that the recent killings of innocent
Hindus in the bus, near the border were not committed by
the Sikhs, appears to be credible and thought provoking’
(h). Before attack on Darbar Sahib Government had
Targeted Amritdhari Sikhs.

The following quote is from an Indian Army circular which was

distributed in June 1984. This excerpt from the official document
exposes that in fact all practicing Sikhs were considered terrorists and
were targeted by the government:
“Some of our innocent countrymen were administered an oath in
the name of religion to support extremists and actively participated in the
act of terrorism. These people wear a miniature kirpan round their neck
and are called “Amritdharis”. They have to be subdued to achieve the
final aim of restoring peace in the country. Any knowledge of the
“Amritdharis” who are dangerous people and pledged to commit murder,
arson and acts of terrorism should be immediately brought to the notice of
the authorities. These people may appear harmless from outside but they
are basically committed to terrorism (Page 157).
The Indira had made her mind to attack the supreme seat of Sikh
faith not only to flush out any militant but to suppress whole Sikh nation. So
preparation was started on her plan two years ago. Former Retd General SK
Sinha in his book writes that the attack was not last resort.

Lt. Gov SK Sinha on Operation Blue Star;

A fascinating perspective in the June 1984 attack on the Golden
Temple, the Indian Government ordered Lieutenant General (Retd.)
Srinivas Kumar Sinha, he candidly discusses the political circumstances
and motivations that lead up to the attack. Interestingly, he was actually a
friend with Major General Shabeg Singh who led the fortifications of the
Darbar Sahib complex.
Indira Gandhi first asked Lt. Gen. S.K. Sinha, then Vice-Chief of
Indian Army and who was to succeed as the Army chief, to prepare a
position paper for assault on the Golden Temple. Lt. Gen. Sinha advised
against any such move, given its sacrilegious nature according to Sikh
tradition. He suggested the government adopt an alternative solution. A
controversial decision was made to replace him with General Arun Shridhar
Vaidya as the Chief of the Indian army. General Vaidya, assisted by Lt. Gen.
K Sundarji as Vice-Chief, planned and coordinated Operation Blue Star.
The attack on the Golden Temple was in plans even before the
armed Sikh militants fortified it.
S K Sinha was the General Officer Commanding Western
Command, a prestigious appointment in the early eighties, and was
transferred to Delhi as the Vice Chief of Army Staff, with the expectation
that he would succeed General K. V. Krishna Rao as the Army Chief.
He was supposed to familiarize himself with the office of the Army
Chief. It was a surprise when he was superseded and Lt.-Gen. A. S. Vaidya,
the GOC-in-C Eastern Command was appointed as the Chief of Army Staff.
General S. K. Sinha submitted his resignation and elected to lead a retired life.
Then GOC of the Indian Army, S.K. Sinha, who was sacked on the
eve of the attack for being critical of it, had criticized the Government’s
projection of the attack as “Last resort”; and stated that the attack was in
plans 1 year and 6 months prior to the actual day of attack. S. K. Sinha and
Mark Tully report that the army had been rehearsing the attack for this time
in the replica of Golden Temple they had built at a secret location near
Chakrata Cantonment in the Doon Valley.
He disclosed in his book, that the preparations to attack on this
holiest shrine were being made for the last 18 months. A model of this shrine
was temporarily built at Chakrata, a hill station 90 kms. far from Dehra
Dun where the army was rehearsing to attack and a complete information
was given of the inside of this complex of Golden temple to soldiers, made
them familiar with topography of the complex when it attacks. In other
meanings, the strategy to attack on holiest shrine was planned much before
the Sant Jarnail Bhindranwala shifted to Sri Akal Takhat and made its Head
Quarter. The Govt itself created such circumstances through false
propaganda and provocations in Punjab to justify the army attack and to
teach a lesson to Sikh nation whereas the need was to learn a lesson by
Indira herself and the Indian govt.
Indira Gandhi had first asked Lt. Gen. S.K. Sinha, then Vice-Chief
of Indian Army who was then slated to succeed as the Army chief, to prepare
a position paper for assault on the Golden Temple. Lt. Gen. S K Sinha
advised against any such move, given the sacrilegious outlook from Sikhs
and non-Sikhs around the world–the shrine is unique in the world that it is
not only open to people of all faiths, but revered by all as well.
He suggested the government adopt an alternative solution. A
controversial decision was made to replace him immediately with Gen.
Arun Vaidya as the Chief of the Indian Army.
Gen. Vaidya was assisted by Lt. Gen. K. Sunderjee as Vice-Chief.
Operation Blue Star was eventually planned and controlled by them.
“Indian government was training Indian army at least 18 months
before the attack” is from Major Gen Brars book “The true Story-
Operation Blue Star” If you read this book, you will not be left with any
doubt about the crimes committed by Indian Army and Indian government.
Indira Gandhi had given such orders to General Vaidya, the
Commanding officer in chief of Indian army as;
“I don’t give a damn if the Golden Temple and whole of Amritsar
are destroyed, I want Bhindranwale dead.” (Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime
Minister, communicating with Gen. Vaidya during “Operation Blue Star”)
In any case, at the time of the attack, there was no court case or
summons pending against Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale. Is it
reasonable for a government to send in the Army to devastate a religious
place because it is allegedly controlled by a person against whom it has no
legal charges?
Is it criminal to be popular? Should a person and all his associates
be condemned to death for this crime? We need to ponder over it.
To make the attack acceptable to the general public in India, the
Sant had to be shown up as a Frankenstein. When governments have to kill
popular persons they have to first criminalize them in the eyes of the public.
Even in the case of Siri Guru Tegh Bahadur Saihb, the government at that
time described him as a dacoit engaged in plunder to justify his beheading.
In the case of Sant Bhindranwale, this was systematically done with
cooperation from the Akalis. The massacre of Sikhs that followed was to
teach a lesson to this troublesome minority.
According to Joyce Pettigrew; “The army went into Darbar Sahib
not to eliminate a political figure or a political movement but to suppress the
culture of a people, to attack their heart, to strike a blow at their spirit and
The govt. had no intention to arrest Sant Jarnail Singh ji but Indira
had made up her mind to kill Sant ji and get credit in minds of
majority Hindus as she was their only protector. It could benefit her
to rule all over India and to weaken opposition in all states. Before
the attack the DC of Amritsar was called by Governor of Punjab
Mr. Pande that if the object was to arrest Bhindranwale, there was
no need for the Army to act and that he could do it; the Governor is
said to have replied: “That is not the point”. And when Gurdev
Singh refused to sign and approve military action, history books
and the SGPC’s own whitepaper recorded that Ramesh Inder
Singh, an IAS officer was brought in as Amritsar deputy
commissioner (DC) just before the launch of the military assault on
Sri Harmander Sahib after his predecessor Gurdev Singh Brar was
made to proceed on leave when he refused to sign and approve
military action. Yet, following Operation Bluestar, Ramesh Inder was
appointed CM Badal’s principal secretary when he came into power
in 1997 and then became the chief secretary when the Shiromani
Akali Dal returned to power in 2007. After retirement, he was
appointed the chief information commissioner (CIC) of Punjab.
The attack was to take place regardless Sardar Gurdev Singh,
District Magistrate at Amritsar until shortly before the invasion, is on record
(letter addressed to I.K. Gujral, dated 26 January 1996, published in
Abstract of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh, October-December 1996, pp.
106-111) as having assured the Governor of the state That he could arrest
anyone in Darbar Sahib at any time.
According to Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
India, S.M. Sikri, “Operation Bluestar is a massive, deliberate and planned
onslaught to the life, property and honor of a comparatively small, but
easily identifiable minority community.”
But we have to see the reasons of this animosity of Indira Gandhi
having with Sikhs? Why did she go so deadly against Sikhs that she and
than her son Rajiv Gandhi made all attempts to eliminate the Sikhs?
Indira Gandhi was debarred by a historical verdict by Chief Justice
Jagmohan Lal Sinha of Allahabad high Court in 1975 and banned her to
contest any election for the next six years but this cunning lady instead of
following the Court orders declared emergency in India and became a
dictator. All the important senior leaders of opposition were arrested and
sent behind bars. Press was censored. The propagandist department of
Congress govt—the Home Ministry gave a slogan ….INDIA IS INDIRAAND
INDIRA IS INDIA but the great India is still there but where is this Indira?
Now there was no opposition and not a single voice against her in
free India due to emergency rule. The brave Sikhs couldn’t bear this tyranny
and they raised a voice against her atrocities. They started an agitation
against her. They offered their arrest in batches of 100 persons in each batch
and filled the jails. Now Indira was in question so she decided to free the
arrested leaders but as a voice was raised from Punjab and by Sikhs so since
then she started to have enmity with Sikhs. She had decided to teach a lesson
to fearless Sikhs. In this hate she committed an unforgettable historical
mistake that she had to pay the price by her own life. She not only ended the
enmity against Sikhs here but since after the army attack on Golden Temple,
she knew that the brave Sikhs shall never forgives her so she started to play
dangerous and malicious moves against Sikhs in her last days.
Veer Sanghvi— an editor of India’s leading news paper ‘The
Hindustan Times’ once interviewed Sonia Gandhi– the daughter in law of
Mrs. Gandhi. This video is available on youtube also. In this interview
Sonia Gandhi herself admits that Indira used to give tips to her son Rajiv
Gandhi to what to do in case of her sudden death as she was feared of her
assassination by Sikhs who could avenge the attack on Golden temple with
her life so she used to give lessons to her son to how to avenge Sikhs after
her sudden demise. The highly decorated posts were already being
adorned by her trustworthy appointed faithful bureaucrats and other senior
posts in Police, Army and ……..Security Forces. These trustworthy officers
could give their services to fulfill the ambitions of Rajiv Gandhi and help
him to achieve his goal.
“The Sant’s following grew as he successfully regenerated the
‘good’ life of purity, dedication and hard work by reviving these
fundamental values of the Sikh religion’s way of life.” (Vandana Shiva:
The Violence of the Green Revolution, Research Foundation for
Science and Ecology, Dehra Dun, 1989).
Even his critics admit that. Tavleen Singh tells us that he
preached ‘Nashey chaddo, Amrit chhako, Gursikh bano’. (To drop usage of
drugs, initiate Amrit to be pure Khalsa and be a true Sikh of Guru).
And Sd. Khushwant Singh writes: ‘Bhindranwale’s amrit
prachar was a resounding success. Adults in their thousands took oaths in
public to abjure liquor, tobacco and drugs and were baptized. Video
cassettes showing blue films and cinema houses lost out to the village
gurdwara. Men not only saved money they had earlier squandered in self-
indulgence, but now worked longer hours on their lands and raised better
crops. They had much to be grateful for to Jarnail Singh who came to be
revered by them as Baba Sant Jarnail Singhji Khalsa Bhindranwale.’
Sant Bhindranwale did not get involved in politics. He was a
simple preacher and had no political ambitions. On the other hand, it was
politicians who surrounded him and, in killing him, also destroyed all the
good work he had done in his parchar. I understand that today Punjab leads
every other state in India in consumption of alcohol and drugs. Sant
Bhindranwale was a scapegoat dubbed as Congress agent by the Akalis
while he lived and eventually killed by the Congress government along with
the revival he had so ably led.
His popularity among Sikh youths grew so fast that it scared the
Hindu fanatic organization RSS which is keen to declare this nation a ‘Hindu
nation’. It has one motto only Hindi, Hindu and Hindustan. They consider
Sikh religion as a sect of Hindu religion and this is the base of conflict.
Now with growing popularity feared as their goal to declare India
as Hindu nation was challenged and it couldn’t be possible if Sikhs had been
initiated into Khalsa, they could restrict them and crush their dream. So the
leader of opposition Lal Krishan Adwani pressurized Indira to attack on
Darbar Sahib and stop growth of Sikh religion by all means.
Indira already had the bad feeling about Sikhs as during emergency
when she had imprisoned all the leaders of opposition, and when there was
no one to oppose her dictatorship, the Sikhs in Punjab stood against her and
challenged the emergency rule. Hundreds of thousands were arrested but
the protest continues for more then one year so she was fed up their
opposing her. And here she got a golden opportunity when main opposition
party was there to support her on her decision and stood beside her so she
finalized the plan.
Sant Ji never ordered murder of any innocent person and he
consistently condemned violence against innocent people. However, he
did name certain police officers who had been guilty of torturing and killing
innocent people whose only crime was that they belonged to the
Bhindranwale Jatha. In this context, please permit me to quote from my
book “Struggle for Justice” my conversation with I.K. Gujral in 1987
by a Sikh scholar Ranbir Singh Sandhu.
“Hindu leaders were content to go along with the Government or
indeed to demand more strict action against the Sant. They paid no heed to the
Sant’s complaints of violation of human rights in Punjab. Typical of this
attitude was a statement by Gujral who said, in the course of an eloquent
speech, that the Sikh struggle had been peaceful but was taken over by violent
elements. This writer (Ranbir Singh Sandhu) asked him if he was referring to
Sant Bhindranwale as the violent elements’. He agreed. This writer reminded
him that Sant Bhindranwale, in one of his speeches, had mentioned that over
140 persons had been killed and another one thousand crippled in police
torture up to that date and that the Sikhs had tried persuasion with the police,
legal action in the courts and appeals to the national leaders and the press but
that nobody had made any effort to stop the torture and the killings in custody,
and that the Sant had then gone on to ask the public as to how long the Sikhs
should continue to quietly suffer without defending themselves?
This writer asked Gujral as to whether, in his opinion or according
to his information, Sant Bhindranwale was lying and if not, what did leaders
like him do about the killings and torture by the police and what should the
Sant have done in the face of this oppression?
Gujral replied that he had never thought about the problem from
that point of view.”
Incidentally, RS Sandhu sent Gujral a copy of the above with a
request that he may correct him if his notes of the conversation were not
correct. He did not get a reply.
It is well referenced that the then Rajya Sabha member and
prominent leader of the BJP, Mr LK Advani wrote in his subsequent
memoirs that: “On May 3 (1984) Atalji, along with Charan Singh, led a
contingent of demonstrators the next day. I raised the issue in Parliament,
charging the government with abdication of its responsibility in the face of
unprecedented challenge to national unity and rule of law… the Prime
Minister was ultimately forced to use the military to liberate the Golden
Temple from its anti-national occupants.”
This was not the only reason but the victory of India in war against
Pakistan, Indira had witnessed the command, valor and operational
qualities of Sikhs. She knew that the Sikhs eliminated Mogul rule in India
and fought against British also. The sacrifices made by Sikhs in freedom
movement. The Sikhs contributed 93% while forming only 1.5 % of
population of India. Out of 121 total executions of freedom fighters 93 were
Sikhs other then sent to life imprisonment the number of total prisoners
were 2646, the Sikhs were 2147.
The operation was truly a terror inflicted upon a minority living in a
“democratic” state. The government did not keep track when it slaughtered
its own people in that fearsome army operation. Indian government still
claims that the Operation Woodrose never happened but the cold hard facts
presented in Cynthia Mahmood’s book “fighting for faith and nation”
negates those claims completely. The Hindustan Times correspondent
Chand Joshi alleged that the army units “acted in total anger” and shot down
all the suspects rounded up from the temple complex. Mark Tully and Satish
Jacob, in Amritsar; “Mrs. Gandhi’s Last Battle”, criticized the Army for
burning down the Sikh Reference Library, stating that it did this to destroy
the culture of the Sikhs. In The Sikhs of Punjab, Joyce Pettigrew alleges that
the army conducted the operation to “suppress the culture, and political
will, of a people”. Similar accusations of high handedness by the Indian
Army and allegations of human rights violations by security forces in
Operation Blue Star and subsequent military operations in Punjab have
been levelled by Justice V. M. Tarkunde.
Attack on Golden Temple and its follow-up Operation Woodrose,
concealed from public eye with great treachery, were two of the most
inhumane acts committed by the Indian government. It is not surprising that
this legacy of ill-will and bloodshed produced a sense of alienation among
the Sikhs. In search of political gain, countless Sikhs were murdered and no
one was held accountable.
In our Sikh religion, we have been taught that if everything else
fails, it is righteous to take the sword. That is Sikh history. It may not be
politically correct but this is what a true Sikh is supposed to do. There are
thousands of arm chair statesmen and so called experts, but very few put
their money where their mouth is. They are scared for their lives. Nobody
likes to face the wrath of the powers that be, by speaking the truth. That is a
fact. Bhindranwale was an icon; he fought against injustice and died as a
martyr. At the end of the day, as long as the injustice continues, the fight
shall continue, that is just history.
The animosity of Indira Gandhi with Sikh community and the
way she reacted on several times, this is an example of Ramlila Ground
Delhi received by us which we need to share with our readers.
Here it is;
“Sangat ji, all this was happened only due to following reasons in
Delhi! Soon after this, the Govt., got against Damdami Taksal and Sikhs in
Punjab. Result—Sikh genocide of 1984……”
In Delhi on 7 December 1975 AD to commemorate the 300th
anniversary of the Shaheedi of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee, in the Ram Lila
ground, a procession of 2.2 million people arrived and P.M. Indira Gandhi
came onto the stage. In the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, all those
on the stage arose to welcome and respect her, but it was only Baba Kartar
Singh Jee who remained seated. On the stage Baba Jee spoke passionately
about this anti-Sikh act. Many leaders who spoke on the stage said that P.M.
Indira Gandhi had built an excellent relationship with Punjab, after which
she said, “..The Delhi government got Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur martyred and
today the Delhi government prostrates to Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee. The
same Delhi government who gave reports against the Sikhs, today respects
and reveres Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Jee.”
Baba Jee’s time to speak was after P.M. Indira Gandhi, he stated:
‘Earkier Rajput Kings used to give their daughters to get rewards.
Today Sikhs are disgracing themselves if they do the same. For this reason no
Sikh is to marry their daughter to a Mona or a patit and the rehatnama says:

A Sikh that marries his daughter to a Sikh and does not take any
money/dowry, he is a true Sikh of mine and will reach my abode in
Sachkand. (Bhai Sahib Singh Rehatnama, p.160)
The second point that he clarified was that ‘We want to ask
Indira Gandhi who achieved the rule of the Delhi government? If you have
come here to prostrate to Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur you have done no great act.
If Guru Jee had not become martyred, the master of this throne would have
been a Muslim and everywhere all would be greeted with Salaam Walekum.
You yourself would have been under a Burka (Hijab).
The number of hairs that are on the body of the P.M., even if she was
to cut her head off that many times and placed at the feet of Guru Jee, she
still would not be able to remove the debt owed to Sri Guru Tegh Bahaur Jee.
Regardless of how powerful the P.M., ‘no one is more powerful than our
Guru. She should prostrate to our loved one, the light of the 10 Kings – Sri
Guru Granth Sahib Jee, not require that we get up and pay respect to her.’
Following this, Jaikaras (Hails) were heard from all areas of the arena.
Due to the truth being spoken by Baba Kartar Singh Jee, this led to
disputes being raised by P.M. Indira Gandhi with the Damdami Taksal. If anyone
disrespected Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee he never tolerated it. Thus he spoke up
against the Nakali Nirankaris and led programs to tackle their onslaught on Sikhi.
Baba Kartar Singh Jee served as the Jathedar of Damdami Taksal
for 8 years and did much Gurmat Parchar in this time. On August, 3rd, 1977,
he was traveling from Maleeha (Jalandhar) to Solan and at the station
Hussaainpur, where his car crashed into a tree causing him critical injuries.
He was taken to the C.M.C. Hospital. He ascended to Sachkhand here on
August 16th, 1977. He was cremated at Gurdwara Gurdarshan Parkash at
Mehta on August, 21st, 1977.
These evidences are enough to give us an indication of her (Indiras)
Mogul roots, she was enemy of Sikhs and avenged with Sikhs till her last
breath. Sikhs were not aware of it as they took it a political avenge as
Shiromani Akali Dal was basically a religious party which entered into
politics to take care of Sikh interests and to connect them with mainstream
politics. Sikhs are a warrior class, they can face the enemy in front of them
but they are not shrewed or cunning. Hence they couldn’t recognize their
enemy who had deep influence in their community. Its still there as we see
Congress again ruling Panjab through its stooges who are unfortunately
Sikhs. If Sikh people want to rule themselves, they will have to be cautious
of enemy hidden within them. They lost their Sikh kingdom due to
treachery and few traitors in guise of the Sikhs within them, now they find it
difficult to establish their kingdom due to reincarnation of those traitors and
holding trust in Sikh community once again.
Please beware of them.
Waheguru the Akal Purakh may shower his blessings and give
wisdom to his khalsa. It needs to always be in its high spirit to stop injustice,
indiscrimination, to punish anti social elements and protect and honor its
women as they only can water the roots of religion, and their children are the
future of nation. India killed them brutallly for a full decade and tried to
suppress and discourage them, we need to make them stout, brave, healthy,
educated, wiser and warriors again. We pray almighty Waheguru may
return the glory and protect his Khalsa.

Ajmer Singh Randhawa.


Perhaps govt. of India and its army is unaware that Amritdhari Sikh
severs all worldly alliances but that of allegiance Khalsa.
“Ik ongkar satnam karta purakh nirbhau nirwair Akal moorat
ajuni saibhang gur Prasad”.

After Amrit initiation, one from amongst the five beloved ones
should explain to the initiates the discipline of the order: * Today
you are reborn in the true Guru's household, ending the cycle of
migration, and joined the Khalsa Panth (order). *Your spiritual
father is now Guru Gobind Singh and spiritual mother, Mata
Sahib Kaur. *Your place of birth is Kesgarh Sahib and your
native place is Anandpur Sahib. You, being the sons of one father,
are inter-se yourselves and other baptized Sikhs, spiritual
brothers. You have become the pure Khalsa, having renounced
your previous lineage, professional background, calling
(occupation), beliefs, that is, having given up all connections
with your caste, descent, birth, country, religion, etc. You are to
worship none except the One Timeless Being (Waheguru) no
God, Goddess, incarnation or prophet. You are not to think of
anyone except the ten Gurus and anything except their gospel as
your savior.

So religious prism it is for the devout who honor and respect

their vow and oath of initiation.
But what is the status of Sikh Qaum (nation) in India to-day,
whether we are given equal rights, whether we are second class citizens,
whether Sikhs are criminals, whether Sikhs with their articles of faith (five
mandatory religious signs) are terrorists as ………..This excerpt from the
official document exposes that in fact all practicing Sikhs were considered
terrorists and were targeted by the government?
In June 1984, “Some of our innocent countrymen were
administered an oath in the name of religion to support extremists and
actively participated in the act of terrorism. These people wear a miniature
kirpan round their neck and are called “Amritdharis”. They have to be
subdued to achieve the final aim of restoring peace in the country. Any
knowledge of the “Amritdharis” who are dangerous people and pledged to

commit murder, arson and acts of terrorism should be immediately brought
to the notice of the authorities. These people may appear harmless from
outside but they are basically committed to terrorism (Page 157).
I need to remind those ignorant Sikhs among us who foolishly
seek to justify the Indian Government's actions against the Sikh Nation. I
challenge my brothers and sisters who make such ridiculous comments to
spend some time to seek out the facts. This was an organized and
calculated attempt by Indira Gandhi to commit genocide against the Sikh
nation. Why must we have to explain this to our own, 36 years after the
Though enough has been written on Sikh genocide of 1984 but
every writer has his own vision and wisdom to assume the ongoing before
he/she explains but my views are entirely different as I have decided to
introduce the viewers with malicious game plan of the congress
party—which is ruling as govt. of India. I shall try to explain them truthfully so
that all citizens of this nation may come to know how an elected govt.-by
people for the people in fact went against the people and secretly tried to
eliminate the brave Sikh nation in India in 1984. To play with the lives of
thousands of innocent people of its own nation just to gain power in states,
you will not find the dirtiest game other than in India, the Congress which
calls it secular but is most communal party of India. India is the biggest
racist nation.
The opposition party Bhartiya Janta Party has itself declared a
Hindu party to itself so that is basically a communal Hindu party. It’s also
involved in killing of more then 2000 thousand Muslims in riots in 2002 in
Gujrat state of India. Both the major political parties are anti-minority in
nature. Whenever there is any thing concerned to Hindu religion, both
these rival parties function in one manner with same motto, there internal
disputes and differences gets over and both these parties becomes
enemies of minorities and quench their thirst with blood of innocents in
India. Their faces may be different at times but while functioning, they
both behave in a similar manner. Hence it becomes difficult to know their
real faces.
This is not the first instance in history where the govt. of any nation
went against its own people and killed them to terrorize others, there are
number of such disgusting evidences like in Yugoslawia where Muslims
were killed, in Germany—Yahudis were killed by Hitler in gas Chambers,
Hosni Mobarak of Egypt killed more then 900 civilians in a coup against
him at Tahrir square, China killed more than 3000 students protesting at

Tinanmin squire but in India which was liberated from British colony only
37 years ago and the credit to maximum sacrifices goes to Sikh nation in its
freedom movement. The Sikhs were betrayed by these killing of
innocents twice in 1984 by Govt of India. Though thousands were killed
and more were again made homeless after 1947 but the moral of Sikh
nation was not shaken despite a major attempt to eliminate it. The Sikhs
are again in their high spirit blessed by their 10th master of religion-Guru
Gobind Singh.
Then the question arises what did the Indian govt. gained by killing
of these innocents? Whether after killing the peace, harmony and normalcy
returned in India? No! In fact, if we have a look on next 10 years, we find the
Sikh militancy on its extreme. The Beant Singh govt. (the Congress govt. in
Punjab state ruled by Chief Minister Beant Singh) killed more than
hundreds of thousands Sikh youths in fake encounters. A complete Sikh
youth generation in the age group of 18-35 was thus wiped out. To day
the Sikh nation is in dilemma whether to call this nation as their home or not.
The Sikhs in India are in dire need of a fearless but strong leader, whenever
it gets the answer to this question shall be found whether the future of
Sikhs is within India or not? But can you imagine any picture of India
without Sikhs? Earlier this nation has been divided on religion and
Muslims got their own nation—The Pakistan. But I am sure if none of
these perpetrators of Sikh genocide not punished, if govt continues
discrimination and injustice with Sikhs, then India should be ready for its
one more division and then we Sikhs shall not be held responsible for this
division. Only the majority Hindus and Congress shall be alleged for this
Though the same Congress was also responsible for the division of
India in 1947 but if its leaders had a will to keep it united, this nation would
have not been divided. The Indian sub-continent would have not to
witness the killing of more then one million people out of the total
population of 330 million in United India. More then 10 millions were
made homeless in their own nations and called refugee. Even then this
Indian national congress learnt no lesson—if it had learnt, it could not
dare to kill Sikhs brutally.
At the time of the partition of India in 1947, the Sikhs as a
community had decided to be part of India as it had been promised
autonomous powers as a reward for the pivotal role it had played during the
Indian independence movement. However those promises were soon back
tracked upon by the Congress party when it came to power. The Sikhs were

not recognized as a separate religion in the Indian constitution and instead
regarded as an extension of the majority Hindu faith.
The blatant secret policy against the Sikhs continued right from the
dawn of so-called independence. If you read the role played by Suhrawardy,
with Gandhi's blessings, which held discussions with Pakistani leaders,
these dealers had the cheek to describe Sikhs, who suffered most because of
the partition, as 'impossible'. S Kapur Singh speech on betrayal of Sikhs in
the Indian parliament must be on the record. It is a matter of shame that
Akalis continued to have faith in Indian democracy in spite of S. Kapur
Singh's strong messages.
And readers may note that there were only two Sikh Divisional
Commissioners in Punjab, one Sirdar Kapur Singh ji at Kangra and the
other at Gurgaon. So this circular must be noticed by other Sikh DC too but
he might have ignored it but Sirdar kapur Singh ji objected to it by sending a
protest letter. Kindly read the book to know more truth.
In 1947, the governor of Punjab, Mr. C.M. Trivedi, in defference to
the wishes of the Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru and Sardar Patel, the
Deputy Prime Minister, issued certain instructions to all the Deputy
Commissioners of Indian Punjab...These were to the effect that: "without
reference to the law of the land, the Sikhs in general and Sikh migrants in
particular must be treated as a "criminal tribe". Harsh treatment must be
meted out to them… the extent of shooting them dead so that they wake
up to the political realities and recognize "who are the rulers and who the
(Kapur Singh, Sachi Sakhi, Amritsar: SGPC, 1993, p. 4-5 ").
Other DCs could not have dared to tell about this letter full of
prejudice against the Sikhs. It was only Kapur whose conscience was awake
and dare to protest against it and paid a heavy price for.
“Extracts from "The Knights of Falsehood"--- The Congress is
said to epitomize the ‘Brahmanical conspiracy’ that the Akalis have blamed
for the consistent ‘humiliation’ and ‘persecution’ of the Sikhs. A leading
Akali, Hukum Singh, who wrote in 1952: "Pandit Nehru is, to say the least,
the spearhead of militant Hindu chauvinism who glibly talks about
nationalism, a tyrant who eulogises democracy and a Goblian [i.e., like
Goebbels] liar - in short, a political cheat, deceiver and double dealer in the
services of Indian reaction."Nehru to silent the Hukam Singh i.e., Sikh
voice, made him join the Congress Party, and eventually became Speaker of
the Lok Sabha. But the fact remains, for all to see as reported above for the
gradual decrease of the numbers of the Sikhs, in the successive census of
India. The Congress has doubled up its efforts."
Indira Gandhi was the Prime minister of India in 1984. She was also
the daughter of India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. She attacked
the highest temporal seat of Sikh nation—the Akal Takhat at Sri Darbar
sahib, also known as Golden Temple or Swarn Mandir. This attack was very
well planned, full detail of this attack is given in this book in a different
chapter but here some reasons of those circumstances are necessary to write
here to which the Indian govt. attacked on this holiest shrine and blew it off
by Tanks which the Sikh nation could never forget—this holocaust is
The attack was to take place regardless Sardar Gurdev Singh,
District Magistrate at Amritsar until shortly before the invasion, is on record
(letter addressed to I.K. Gujral, dated 26 January 1996, published in
Abstract of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh, October-December 1996, pp. 106-
111) as having assured the Governor of the state That he could arrest
anyone in Darbar Sahib at any time. When Sardar Gurdev Singh told
Governor Pandey that if the object was to arrest Bhindranwale, there was
no need for the Army to act and that he could do it; the Governor is said to
have replied: “That is not the point”. And when Gurdev singh refused to
sign and approve military action, history books and the SGPC’s own
whitepaper recorded that Ramesh Inder Singh, an IAS officer was
brought in as Amritsar deputy commissioner (DC) just before the launch
of the military assault on Sri Harmander Sahib after his predecessor
Gurdev Singh Brar was made to proceed on leave when he refused to sign
and approve military action. Yet, following Operation Bluestar, Ramesh
Inder was appointed CM Badal’s principal secretary when he came into
power in 1997 and then became the chief secretary when the SAD
returned to power in 2007. After retirement, he was appointed the chief
information commissioner (CIC) of Punjab.
An incredible story based on exclusive information provided by the
officers of the RAW (research analysis wing / Indian military intelligence
agency / Indian state terrorist agency) was published by the ‘Surya’ in its
issue— of September, 1984. It revealed the story a bout a super intelligence
agency called the ‘Third Agency’. It noted: “We focus pre-Blue Star Punjab.
The Third Agency’s assignment was to mid and abet the murders and
killings in Punjab. The Third Agency kept the supply of lethal weapons
flowing into the Golden Temple. The Third Agency allowed 47 railway
stations be blown up. The Third Agency incited violence in Punjab. And for
their gallant roles, senior officers of the Third Agency have been rewarded

with police medals and prize foreign postings”
Source: (INDIA COMMITS SUICIDE by G.S.Dhillon. 1992).
In any case, at the time of the attack, there was no court case or
summons pending against Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale. Is it
reasonable for a government to send in the Army to devastate a
religious place because it is allegedly controlled by a person against
whom it has no legal charges?
Is it criminal to be popular? Should a person and all his associates
be condemned to death for this crime? We need to ponder over it.
To make the attack acceptable to the general public in India, the
Sant had to be shown up as a Frankenstein. When governments have to kill
popular persons they have to first criminalize them in the eyes of the public.
Even in the case of Siri Guru Tegh Bahadur Saihb, the government at that
time described him as a dacoit engaged in plunder to justify his beheading.
In the case of Sant Bhindranwale, this was systematically done with
cooperation from the Akalis. The massacre of Sikhs that followed was to
teach a lesson to this troublesome minority.
According to Joyce Pettigrew; "The army went into Darbar Sahib
not to eliminate a political figure or a political movement but to suppress the
culture of a people, to attack their heart, to strike a blow at their spirit and
Marry Ann Weaver disclosed visits of two high officials of
British govt. to help Indian govt. to seek expertise in attack on Golden
Temple. But there was no internet and Sikhs in India couldn’t come to know
about it. Why British Sikhs ignored it, they might know better but if Sikhs in
India had been informed, the circumstances were not in their favor as whole
govt. machinery was against them and was keen to eliminate them which
was proved in a very short time in November 1984 when a pogrom was
organized by ruling party Congress against Sikhs in India. But that s not our
subject, we are focused on events happened before and after Operation
Blustar in June 1984.

Punjab, the Sikh homeland, was cut-off from the rest of the world
and the Indian para-military forces unleashed ruthless killings, sadistic
torture, calculated ill-treatment of women and children and fake encounters
on an unprecedented and massive scale in June 1984 and the weeks and
months that followed.
Mary Anne Weaver, a British correspondent of the ‘Sunday Times’
noted back in 1984:
“Last weeks assault on the Golden Temple took place after months
of preparations by the Indian army, which included advice from British
experts in counter-insurgency sources in Delhi say that two officers of
India's secret service, Garry Saxena and R.N. Kay of the Research and
Analysis Wing (RAW) made several trips to London to seek expertise. The
Indian army then selected 600 men from different units and sent them to
rehearse the assault on a life-size replica of the Golden Temple, built at a
secret training camp in the Chakrata Hills, about 150 miles north of Delhi.
The assault troops were alerted to invade the temple no fewer than five
times during the past three months, but each time Mrs Gandhi vetoed an
"A case of nerves," according to a senior aide.- (Sunday Times,
London, June 10th, 1984).
British PM Margaret Thatcher order SAS to ‘collude’ with Indian
government in deadly raid on Golden Temple in 1984.
Newly-released British government papers suggest then-PM
Margaret Thatcher responded positively to an Indian government request
for advice on planning the attack and sent an officer from the elite SAS
special air service to help draw up a plan.

The papers, released under the 30-year rule and published on the
Stop Deportations blog, indicate that Mrs Thatcher was aware of the
involvement of an SAS officer in drawing up a plan - although it is not clear
whether the Indian army operation had followed this advice.
The request for British advice is disclosed in a letter, dated
February 23 1984, from Brian Fall, private secretary to then foreign
secretary Geoffrey Howe, to Hugh Taylor, his counterpart under home
secretary Leon Brittan.
The letter said: 'The Indian authorities recently sought British
advice over a plan to remove Sikh extremists from the Golden Temple in
PM Margaret Thatcher gave full support over Golden Temple raid,
the letter shows.
Thatcher also, reassured Gandhi that British police were "devoting
considerable resources" to safeguarding Indian government personnel in
Other documents in the file make clear Whitehall's interest in
lucrative arms sales to India at this time. A secret Foreign Office briefing
dated 22 June 1984, which was sent to Downing Street, stressed that British
"commercial interests" in India were "very substantial. It is a large and
growing market for both commercial and defense sales. British exports in
1983 exceeded £800m and since 1975 India has bought British defense
equipment worth over £1.25bn,"
One main revelation omitted from the investigation,” As revealed
by B. Raman, former head of RAW’s counter-terrorism division, in his 2007
book The Kaoboys of RAW, two MI-5 intelligence liaison official at the
British high commission had scouted the Golden Temple complex in as far
as back December 1983.
They briefed a senior SAS officer sent by the UK to Delhi in Feb
1984 who deemed the special operation feasible.
I may remind you all that 1984 was Genocide of the Sikhs. More
than 100,000 Sikhs were killed. The whole world watched on live TV, as
silent perpetrators, the manner the Sikhs’ holiest shrine was demolished.
Sikhs’ men had tyres in their necks and torched live, Sikh’s young ladies
were gang raped and then killed, Sikh’s babies and toddlers were thrown
live from the balconies to their death. These killings happened in Delhi too.


* Today on 4th February 2014, in the UK Parliament, during an

almost two-hour long debate, the UK Government’s involvement in the
planning of the attack thirty years ago on Sri Harmandar Sahib, was
clarified. William Hague answered questions on the Cabinet Secretary’s
report released today, which looked into the documents from that period and
interviewed those that were in the government at the time in question. MP’s
from both sides of the house, expressed in no uncertain terms, that the Sikh
community to this day is still seeking justice for the thousands of innocents
who perished in the deadly attack and the truth about the events that
occurred during and in the aftermath–when thousands more were tortured,
raped, murdered and ‘disappeared’. Inadequacies in the report were also
highlighted by some MP’s, who stated that after reading and digesting it, the
Sikh community may feel it has not gone far enough.
Two letters released under the 30-year rule. A 1984 letter from the
prime minister's office stated that a British adviser had "visited India
and drawn up a plan" which had been approved by the Indian
At the time of Bluestar, Girish (Gary) Saxena headed the R&AW.
But the legendary Rameshwar Nath Kao was the security adviser to Mrs
Gandhi and was closely associated with the handling of the Punjab issue.
Even though India was supposed to be close to the Soviet Union, the R&AW
headed by Kao was firmly aligned with the western camp. It had, in any
case, been set up through the recommendations of British advisers in the
1960s, and had liaised with the US in matters related to China, such as the
infamous Nanda Devi caper. US personnel were involved in training the
Special Services Bureau, now the border guarding force for the Nepal
border. At that time, the SSB was seen as a "stay behind" force to conduct a
guerrilla war against putative Chinese occupiers.
The failings of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office 30 years ago
is likely to come under particular scrutiny for failing to protect its own
British citizens and their families in 1984 by warning them not to travel to

the Punjab given direct knowledge and intelligence of the military build up
of 150,000 troops.
The Sikh Federation (UK) has also appealed to prominent Sikh
organizations in Canada, USA, Australia and Malaysia to look into whether
their governments also failed to protect their Sikh citizens and residents 30
years ago.
It is understood these governments also remained silent and did not
warn its Sikh citizens or residents of the Indian authorities’ plans for making
Punjab a military state with shoot to kill orders. They were not alerted they
should not travel to Punjab and did not arrange for those who were there to
be immediately evacuated.
Whereas Canada is concerned, it was silent on atrocities upon its
Sikh citizens. We have a recorded evidence of Mai Harinder Kaur of Seattle
who was molested during interrogation in Amritsar in June 1984. This will
also be given in full detail in coming days.
Sikh Lawyers from Canada and USA have told the Sikh Federation
(UK) they are also hoping to explore with their respective governments if
legal action can be taken against the UK Government for killing its Sikh
citizens who would have also travelled to Punjab.
Sikh Lawyers have suggested their may also be a case that
Sikhs who were in India from the UK, Canada, USA, Australia,
Malaysia etc. in November 1984, especially citizens of those countries
and survived or lost family members may also challenge why their
respective governments failed to act against the Indian authorities at
the time to provide them protection and assistance to return home
without delay.
With the release of these documents, General Brar is exposed. He
is a liar. He lied with nation when he refused the visit of a senior officer of
British Elite services to help India to plan attack on Darbar Sahib. How
could Brar show any information when he was nowhere in planners of
attack? In his words, he says that he was called by Indira on 25th May in
1984 and ordered to report at HQ of western command in Chandigarh. He
had to cancel his leave and plan the attack? He means that the Indian army
had no plan before that but we have many evidences that Indian army
made a replica in Chakrata hills in Doon valley and training was given to
soldiers to learn topography of complex of Darbar Sahib for the last 18

It was first revealed by Mary Anne Weaver in London the same
year, soon after the Operation Bluestar and then Gen SK Sinha too
disclosed in his book, “Last Resorts” revealed it. That proves him
(Gen. Brar a liar).



Lt. Gov. Sinha on Operation Blue Star

A fascinating perspective about the army invasion on the Golden
Temple in June 1984, by the Indian Government stated by Lieutenant
General (Retd) Srinivas Kumar Sinha. He candidly discusses the political
circumstances and motivations that lead up to the attack. Interestingly that
he was actually friends with Major General Shabeg Singh who lead the
fortifications of the Darbar Sahib complex.
Indira Gandhi first asked Lt. Gen. S.K. Sinha, then Vice-Chief of
Indian Army and who was to succeed as the Army chief, to prepare a
position paper for assault on the Golden Temple. Lt. Gen. Sinha advised
against any such move, given its sacrilegious nature according to Sikh
tradition. He suggested the government adopt an alternative solution. A
controversial decision was made to replace him with General Arun Shridhar
Vaidya as the Chief of the Indian army. General Vaidya, assisted by Lt. Gen.
K Sundarji as Vice-Chief, planned and coordinated Operation Blue Star.
The attack on the Golden Temple was in plans even before the
armed Sikh militants fortified it.
S K Sinha was the General Officer Commanding Western
Command, a prestigious appointment in the early eighties, and was
transferred to Delhi as the Vice Chief of Army Staff, with the expectation
that he would succeed General K. V. Krishna Rao as the Army Chief.
He was supposed to familiarize himself with the office of the Army
Chief. It was a surprise when he was superseded and Lt.-Gen. A. S. Vaidya, the
GOC-in-C Eastern Command was appointed as the Chief of Army Staff.
General S. K. Sinha submitted his resignation and elected to lead a retired life.
Then GOC of the Indian Army, S.K. Sinha, who was sacked on the
eve of the attack for being critical of it, had criticized the Government's
projection of the attack as "Last resort"; and stated that the attack was in
plans 1 year and 6 months prior to the actual day of attack. S. K. Sinha and
Mark Tully report that the army had been rehearsing the attack for this time
in the replica of Golden Temple they had built at a secret location near
Chakrata Cantonment in the Doon Valley.
He disclosed in his book, that the preparations to attack on this

holiest shrine were being made for the last 18 months. A model of this shrine
was temporarily built at Chakrata, a hill station 90 kms. away from Dehra
Dun where the army was rehearsing to attack and a complete information
was given of the inside of this complex of Golden temple to soldiers, made
them familiar with topography of the complex when it attacks. In other
meanings, the strategy to attack on holiest shrine was planned much before
the Sant Jarnail Bhindranwala shifted to Sri Akal Takhat and made its Head
Quarter. The Govt itself created such circumstances through false
propaganda and provocations in Punjab to justify the army attack and to
teach a lesson to Sikh nation whereas the need was to learn a lesson by
Indira herself and the Indian govt.
Indira Gandhi had first asked Lt. Gen. S.K. Sinha, then Vice-Chief
of Indian Army who was then slated to succeed as the Army chief, to prepare
a position paper for assault on the Golden Temple. Lt. Gen. S K Sinha
advised against any such move, given the sacrilegious outlook from Sikhs
and non-Sikhs around the world - the shrine is unique in the world that it is
not only open to people of all faiths, but revered by all as well.
He suggested the government adopt an alternative solution. A
controversial decision was made to replace him immediately with Gen.
Arun Vaidya as the Chief of the Indian Army.
Gen. Vaidya was assisted by Lt. Gen. K. Sunderjee as Vice-Chief.
Operation Blue Star was eventually planned and controlled by them.
"Indian government was training Indian army at least 18 months
before the attack" is from Major Gen Brars book "The true Story- Operation
Blue Star" If you read this book, you will not be left with any doubt about the
crimes committed by Indian Army and Indian government.
Former General VK Singh, chief of army staff revealed in his book
‘Couarge and Conviction’ that Indira took a political decision to attack and
flush out the militants and army had to compromise.
(By: General VK Singh with Kunal Verma Aleph book Company.
Rs. 595, PP 363).
But question arises whether Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale and
his followers were terrorists? If so, who and when declared them terrorist?
Was any warrant pending against Sant Jarnail Singh or whether he was
wanted by any Court of law or Indira Gandhi levelled him a terrorist just for
her vested interests to see Congress rule in Punjab? What is the criteria to
call one terrorist in India, whether any popularity of a person makes him
throne in eyes of PM and Ministry of home affairs that they just defame a
saintly person as a terrorist?
Who will answer them?
Operation Bluestar

By the end of May 1984, the situation in Punjab was becoming

extremely tense. In May 1984, Indira Gandhi called for a conference at her
residence. It was attended by the chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Arun
Sridhar Vaidya, the DGMO, General CM Somanna, and the Western Army
Commander who had come down from Chandi Mandir, Lieutinent General
Krishnaswamy Sunderji.
Indira Gandhi had discussed the situation within the Golden
Temple, and asked the Western Army commander if the entire group of
militants could be flushed out, General Sunderji had responded positively,
reportedly saying that if there was a requirement to clear the golden Temple,
he would have it cleared in no time.
Sunderji belligerent stance put the COAS in an awkward situation.
As the chief, with General Somanna by his side, began to explain the
reasoning behind this advice, Indira Gandhi impatiently cut him short and
asked him why he was anticipating problems when the army commander on
the ground was confident of resolving the issue.
General Sunderji always looked to be a man in a tremendous hurry
and it was felt that he was too willing to do things without getting into the
details of the matter.
This set the ball rolling for what was to be one of India’s darkest
chapters – Operation Blue star. Indira Gandhi also unwittingly created a
situation where army HQ now had to play a secondary role to Western
Command in planning the operation.
The moment General Sunderji pulled the carpet from under the
COAS’s feet, military logic had been compromised and each subsequent
decision was guided by political rather than operational logic.

But if General VK Singh is believed on planning of attack in end of
May 1984, then why Genral SK Sinha revealed in his book ‘Last resort’ as
the army was giving training to it’s soldiers in Chakrata (Doon valley) 18
months before the attack? But we believe the version of attack being political
and the specific day of operation on martyrdom day of fifth guru of Sikh
religion to give a cover to army personals in complex to reach safely and take
possession of Sri Akal Takhat which failed. General Sunderji had assured that
the army will take over the control within no time but it was stopped for 72 hrs
to cover a distance of only 200 meters. The army was compelled to use heavy
Arty and Armor to demolish the historical building of supreme and temporal
seat of Sikh religion and to kill the last 14 Sikh militants.
General Malik didn’t clarify if the attack on Golden temple by
Indian army was justified and on Sikh genocide in November why army
couldn’t be deployed in Delhi and other parts of India where the Sikhs were
killed brutally in large numbers. Why did the troops, sent from Agra and
Meerut couldn’t reach Delhi in three days whereas the same Indian army by
same Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was sent to Sri Lanka in just six hours on
demand of the President Jaywardhne?
The Generals of Indian army was given only six hours for
preparation and leave to Sri Lanka, they obliged in 1985.
General Shabeg Singh had also come to know about training of
Indian soldiers in Chakrata. He was decorated with Mahavir Chakra, a
military honor given during war, for his gallantry in Bangla Desh Liberation
war in 1971 by Govt. of India. He knew that the govt. of India under rule of
Indira Gandhi shall not change its decision and they must attack on Sikh
youths to eliminate them. They may make their base anywhere in Punjab.
The training to soldiers was being given much prior to shifting his base to
Sri Akal Takhat by Sant Jarnail Singh ji.
Hence he too decided to give army training to these Sikh youths of
all ages. As per the valor of Khalsa which inherits in vein of every Sikh, a
Sikh never surrender and he gives a befitted reply to his enemy and here the
enemy was none other then mighty and a largest force-the Indian army. So
he first fortified the complex of Golden temple as they were totally
outnumbered in front of Indian army. They were less in number but greater
in courage because they had a motto to defend the religion and get
martyrdom defending the supreme temporal seat of Sikh faith to which
Indira was keen to invade. Had he not given training to these Sikh youths,
the army would have flushed them out in minutes but this battle shall always
be remembered in history where outnumbered Sikh youths against a mighty
force stopped advance of Indian army for 72 hrs and didn’t allow it to
proceed an inch until its Infantry division surrendered, Generals swept and
took the decision to deploy heavy Armor and Tanks to demolish historical
building of Sri Akal Takhat to kill last remaining only 14 militants.
Army tanks were used to break down the steps leading to the
Parkarma from the hostel side and an 8-wheeled Polish-built armored
personnel carrier made its way towards the Akal Takht. Six or more
Vijayanta tanks enter the temple complex crushing the delicate marble
inlays of the Parkarma and plough their way towards the Akal Takht. Orders
arrive and the tanks start firing their large 105mm cannons equipped with
high explosive squash-head shells into the Akal Takht, trampling,
destroying the structure and killing a large number of Sikhs.
The Helicopters and planes of Army and Air force were also used
the divers from the Indian Navy. This battle was at PAR WITH THE
On the other hand, Sant ji had to fight another battle with Akali
leadership who were doing jeopardize in faith. The Akali leadership had one
motto only—to be in power of Punjab by hook or crook. They could use
anybody to achieve their mission and this time they tried to use popularity of
Sant ji.
Mr. AR Darshi, ex-joint Secretary of Punjab (a Brahmin by his
religion) revealed the truth of Sant Jarnail Singh and honored him TRUE
DEFENDER OF SIKH RELIGION. He revealed conspiracy of senior
Akali leadership with Sant ji. Parkash Singh Badal a shrewd Akali leader
wanted to be Chief Minister but there were three big hurdles on his way.
First was Gurcharan Singh Tohra, (an Akali stalwart), he was sworn in
President of Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee for 27 times.
It’s also called as Sikh mini-parliament. It’s said whosoever will control it,
shall rule Punjab.
The second was Sant Harchand Singh Longowal, President of
Akali Dal. Akali dal started DHARAM YUDH MORCHA and Sant ji gave
his full support for its success. The main focus of this agitation was to bring
more fame and popularity to Akali leadership. Daily 100 volunteers
produced themselves for arrest and it continued for over one year. The main
demand of this agitation was to implement Anandpur Sahib Resolution
drafted and passed by Akali Dal in 1973 at Anandpur Sahib, it grants more
power to states like a Federal system but Indira opposed it and accused
Akali Dal on weakening the center.
The third main person was Sant Jarnail Singh ji of Bhindran. He
was only a Sant. He had no political ambition but he wanted everyone

should follow his/her religion without any interference. He preached
Hindus to be Hindu, Sikhs to be Sikhs and Muslims to be Muslims by heart
and his popularity took him on high peaks within a very short time. The
Indira Gandhi was also scared of his popularity.
Parkash Singh Badal played a con move. He assured Gurcharan
Singh Tohra and offered him to be Chief Minister of Punjab and the
President of SGPC to Sant Harchand Singh Longowal. He decided to be
President of Akali Dal. And Sant Jarnail Singh had no wish. He was a
preacher, and head of Damdami Taksal, a religious school, his only wish
was to see Sikh religion in its high spirit and youths following faiths.
Thousands of Sikh youths in Punjab had given up drugs and use of Alcohol
and followed Sikh religion, this worried many Hindu fanatic organizations
like RSS (Rashtriya Swaynsewak Sangh) and BJP (Bhartiya Janta Party).
They too started defaming Sant Jarnail Singh and opposing him, lead
protest march to pressurize Indira to take action against Sant Jarnail Singh
and his followers. It’s said on their advice Indira made a secret plan, a
replica of Akal Takhat was made at Chakrata, 90 kms away from Dehra Dun
and training was started given to soldiers of Indian army much prior to
before Sant Jarnail Singh occupied Sri Akal Takhat in late 1983. The senior
army Generals have also confirmed about training.
The changing scenario in Punjab brought Parkash Singh Badal
closer to Lal Krishan Adwani, President of BJP. LK Adwani writes in his
book, “my country my life’ that he pressurized Indira to attack on golden
temple. We have the evidences of Parkash Singh Badal also who made secret
meetings with center and invited Indira Gandhi to take military action against
Sant jarnail Singh.It shows aboutt LK Adwani and PS Badal were hands in
glove. Now BJP and Akali Dal are in alliance for decades in Punjab.
To conclude, the invasion on Golden temple is story of lust of
power, treason by Akali Dal, betrayals by Akali leaders for vested interests,
animosity of Indira Gandhi with Sikhs, Govt. desire to eliminate Sikhs, to
suppress them and teach a lesson so that their martial spirit may die forever
and they may not walk with their heads high but in humiliation, show the
power of army against its own citizens.
Ashwin kumar, the former President of Indian hockey Federation
and who was a DIG in Border Security Force, he revealed in April 2006 in a
seminar organized to honor 10 Sikh Hockey Olympians which is evidence
and approves Indira had enmity with Sikhs.
In fact Indira had animosity with Sikhs in general as they were the
only community who opposed the emergency in 1975 when all his

opponents were terrorized by her. Sikhs protested in large numbers and
filled jails in Punjab.


"In 1974 when I was an Inspector-General in the Border Security

Force I received a call from the Prime Minister’s Office that Mrs Indira
Gandhi wanted to see me urgently that evening.
“I was on an inspection visit to some border posts in Kashmir near
Gulmarg. I was stunned at this SOS from the PMO. A chopper flew me from
Gulmarg to Srinagar from where I took a regular flight of the Indian Airlines
to New Delhi.
"I could not guess the reason for the summons. There was not much
happening in either the Border Security Force or Jammu and Kashmir.
Anyway, I reached Delhi and went to call on the Prime Minister at the
appointed time.
"After a formal exchange of greetings, I mustered some courage to ask
the Prime Minister: ’Madam, you asked for me. Is there anything specific?’
"No! nothing much. The only reason I have called you here is to tell
you that the Education Minister recently pointed out to me that you have
been recruiting too many Sikh hockey players,’ said Mrs Gandhi.
"I kept quiet though I was very upset. I returned to the guest house
and signed my letter of resignation from the post of president of the Indian
Hockey Federation (IHF) and sent it immediately to the then President of
the Indian Olympic Association, Raja Bhalinder Singh. All my friends in
sports in general and hockey in particular advised me against this step. But I
was determined. I had so much faith and trust in my hockey players, most of
whom were Sikhs. I could not have left them down.
"The contribution of Sikhs to Indian hockey has always been
immense and I salute them."
This is a part of the speech Mr Ashwani Kumar, who was once the
doyen of Indian hockey, made at a function held in the union capital in April,
2006, to felicitate the top 10 Sikh hockey Olympians of India. The second
part of his speech was how he and other members of his family fought
violent protestors and arsonists during the anti-Sikh riots in Delhi in 1984.
He then eulogized the contribution of great Sikh hockey players like Sahib
Singh, Sarup Singh, Udham Singh, Harmik Singh and Ajitpal Singh to
Indian hockey.

He complimented Sikh hockey players for their devotion,
commitment, sincerity and hard work.
Now you can see the game of Hockey is ruined in India, and who is
responsible for this lost charm to which Sikh youths were fascinated once.
India’s Minister of External Affairs justified the genocide of Sikhs
as he is happy to get avenge from Sikhs on their role in 1947 and held them
responsible for killing of Muslims. He alleges both the communities—the
Hindus and Sikhs to kill Muslims in 1947 but in his book he discloses his
views on justification of killing of Sikhs. He writes in his book ‘AT HOME IN
INDIA’ that Sikhs paid the price for blood of Indira but it seems his another
wish is not fulfilled that Hindus have not paid any price yet? His desire of
elimination of Hindus also reveals, when he talks of avenging. You may read
this para below in the picture and assume yourself what he means?

Indira Gandhi was debarred by a historical verdict by Chief Justice
Jagmohan Lal Sinha of Allahabad high Court in 1975 and banned her to
contest any election for the next six years but this cunning lady instead of
following the Court orders declared emergency in India and became a dictator.
All the important senior leaders of opposition were arrested and sent behind
bars. Press was censored. The propagandist department of Congress
govt—the Home Ministry gave a slogan ….INDIA IS INDIRA AND
INDIRA IS INDIA but the great India is still there but where is this Indira?
Now there was no opposition and not a single voice against her in
free India due to emergency rule. The brave Sikhs couldn’t bear this tyranny
and they raised a voice against her atrocities. They started an agitation
against her. They offered their arrest in batches of 100 persons in each batch
and filled the jails. Now Indira was in question so she decided to free the
arrested leaders but as a voice was raised from Punjab and by Sikhs so since
then she started to have enmity with Sikhs. She had decided to teach a lesson
to fearless Sikhs. In this hate she committed an unforgettable historical
mistake that she had to pay the price by her own life. She not only ended the
enmity against Sikhs here but since after the army attack on Golden Temple,
she knew that the brave Sikhs shall never forgives her so she started to play
dangerous and malicious moves against Sikhs in her last days.
Veer Sanghvi— editor of India’s leading news paper ‘The
Hindustan Times’ once interviewed Sonia Gandhi– the daughter in law of
Mrs. Gandhi. This video is available on youtube also. In this interview
Sonia Gandhi herself admits that Indira used to give tips to her son Rajiv
Gandhi to what to do in case of her sudden death as she was feared of her
assassination by Sikhs who could avenge the attack on Golden temple with
her life so she used to give lessons to her son to how to avenge Sikhs after
her sudden demise. The highly decorated posts were already being
adorned by her trustworthy appointed faithful bureaucrats and other senior
posts in Police, Army and …….. Security Forces. These trustworthy
officers could give their services to fulfill the ambitions of Rajiv Gandhi and
help him to achieve his goal.
The roots of 1984 go back to independence and partition of India.
Prior to 1984 Sikhs weren't calling for independence. Actually they were
campaigning for things like better access to water and electricity,
recognition of the Punjabi language, the right to broadcast radio from Sri
Harmander Sahib and the state capital being located within the state!
Akali Dal is the only largest political and religious party of Sikhs in
India which has the responsibility to safe guard interests of the Sikhs
worldwide. Due to changing political scenario in Punjab and by
discrimination with Sikhs and then due to interference of Central govt. of
Delhi into state matters, it tabled a draft of Anandpur Sahib resolution while
the core of the basic resolutions passed by its working committee at
Anandpur Sahib in 1973 (October 16-17, 1973) namely attainment of
special Constitutional state for the Sikhs to ensure their growth in
accordance with their own socio-spiritual traditions and tenets was fully
endorsed by the General House of the Shiromani Akali Dal, the scope of the
greater autonomy to the state of Punjab for the aforesaid purpose was
widened to include all the states.
It was endorsed in the form of a succession of resolutions at the 18th
All India Akali Conference of the Shiromani Akali Dal at Ludhiana on 28-
29 October, 1978.
Thus, the shape and scope of the Anandpur Sahib resolution as tit finally
emerged out of the Ludhiana meet of the Shiromani Akali Dal envisaged;
1. the attainment of pre-eminence of the Khalsa, through special
constitutional safeguards and powers for the Sikhs.
2. Greater autonomy to all the states by recasting the Centre-State
relations on the basis of limited powers for the Centre.
Resolutions adopted, in the light of the Anandpur Sahib Resolution,
at open session of the 18th All India Akali Conference held at Ludhiana on
October 28-29, 1978, under Jathedar Jagdev Singh Talwandi as President.
It was not accepted by govt. of India. If it had been accepted the
interference of center in State matters would have stopped with immediate
effect. Earlier the govt of many states were fallen by the misuse of article 356
by center and president rule was imposed. All this was intentionally done for
re-election in states and then pave way for Congress to return in power.

This resolution was refused by Indira govt.
Now some efforts were made to normalize the relations of the state
with center by Akalis. Whenever a meeting was held, the Akali Dal always
gave its consent to all the proposals but the Indira govt. always ignored
those proposals in later stage and blamed the Akalis for breakaway of
commitments. And then Sikhs and Akali Dal were defamed by govt.
controlled All India Radio and the TV Doordarshan. In the end Sikhs were
sure of betrayals by Indira and her cabinet so they concluded that Indira was
not having any interest to sort out the Punjab problem but in fact her govt.
was blood thirsty of Sikhs.
Due to her this mean thoughts, she tried to justify the attack of army
on Golden Temple and that she wanted to flush out the Sikh militants
(extremists) from this sacred place and thus army action was necessary.
Whether the govt. would like to answer if the army attack on Golden temple
was to wipe out extremists from this sacred place then why did it attack on
more then 40 other important historical Gurudwaras all over the Punjab at
the same time , this was given the code name ‘Operation Wood rose’? Why
the Amritdhari Sikhs (The persons of Sikh religion wearing all the five
mandatory signs of a Sikh) of all ages, male and females were killed in every
corner of Punjab?
Former Foreign Minister K Natwar Singh made an interesting
revelation about Indira Gandhi's affinity to the Mughals in his book
“Profile and Letters” (ISBN: 8129102358). It states that- In 1968 Indira
Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India went on an official visit to
Afghanistan. Natwar Sing accompanied her as an IFS officer in duty. After
having completed the day's long engagements, Indira Gandhi wanted to go
out for a ride in the evening. After going a long distance in the car, Indira
Gandhi wanted to visit Babur's burial place, though this was not included in
the itinerary. The Afghan security officials tried to dissuade her, but she was
adamant. In the end she went to that burial place. It was a deserted place. She
went before Babur's grave, stood there for a few minutes with head bent
down in reverence. Natwar Singh stood behind her. When Indira had
finished her prayers, she turned back and told Singh “Today we have had
our brush with history.” Worth to mention that the Mogul emperor
Baabar was the founder of Mogul rule in India, from which the Nehru-
Gandhi dynasty have descended.
I would like to remind you that Babar was an invader and founder of
Mogul kingdom in India.
The British built the HOLWEL memorial in Calcutta to
commemorate the brutalities of Indians upon British but our agony is … we
even can’t build a memorial to commemorate the martyrdom of our
brothers, sisters and children in this country even after their brutal deaths
after 28 years are gone by. The Indian govt. objects to it. Why? Whether the
Sikhs shall forget the atrocities faced by them in 1984, the rapes on their
women, the killing of their brothers, children or the brutality of army? No,
we shall never forget 1984.
Hence through this book, we shall reveal the malicious moves of
Congress, its political ambitions, Indira’s greediness to form its congress
govt. in Punjab by hook or crook, discrimination with Sikhs and betrayals
by pro Hindu officers and disclose to our readers whether the army attack on
golden temple was required and justified or if there is any improvement in
lives of Sikhs after 28 years are gone of Sikh genocide in 1984, all that shall
be discussed in this book.
Lieutinent General Kuldip Singh Brar (Major General then) who
himself was born in a Sikh family but had discarded his parents religion
commanded it. He disclosed the number of wounded and died in his book,
“Saaka Neela Taara” in Punjabi language as follows;

Kindly see this picture showing a page description of his book where
he disclosed the dead soldiers 15307 and wounded 17897, 43 officers were
also killed whereas the number of civilians killed by army was also in
thousands but the Sikh youths who stopped the advance of Indian army for 72
hrs were only numbering in 200-250 only. They retaliated consequently for 72
hrs. They had not got any army training, If the youngest among was only 10
years old, the oldest was above 70 years of age. They were given training by a
retired Sikh Major General Shabeg Singh(also known as Shubeg Singh) who
was senior to KS Brar Shabeg singh ji trained Mukti wahini of Bangla Desh
(East Pakistan) in 1971 war and he was master in gurilla war tactics.
There is no doubt that Indian army suffered a heavy loss due to
Indira Gandhi’s decision to attack on Golden emple. I remember the

Military hospital all over northern India were full with wounded soldiers.
General K Sunder ji also confirmed the number of high causality. In a press
conference soon after the Operation blue Star on June 7 at Chandigarh, he
admitted in a very sad tone that his 20% army is killed in this operation. And
that the army had not got such loss in all its previous battles fought with
Pakistan. He also paid his homage by his words of appraisal in honor to
these Sikh warriors as… “If any army has such brave warriors, it won’t
lose any battle.”
He meant to say that the 20% army personals deployed out of total
one hundred thousands was killed. It approves the disclosure made by
general KS Brar who gave a full account of dead and wounded. It’s very close
to that account. Army action (Operation Blue star) to attack Darbar Sahib,
popularly known abroad as Golden Temple was conducted in June 1984 not
only to cleans the Golden Temple from the Sikh militants as propagated by
Govt of India but also to destroy evidence of the 3rd agency's involvement
Army Casualties;
1). According to the reliable sources, the Indian army's casualties
were more than 26,000 (Sekhon 2000 Int J Sikh Affairs vol. 10 ISSN 1481-
5435). Sekhon states that to know the exact figure of army's casualties; one
has to go through the 'discharge and/ or missing records'of the Ministry of
Defence of India for the month of
June-October 1984.
2). Brar revealed 15307 and 18000 wounded,
3). Lt. Gen. K Sunderji, GOC in C western Command revealed his
20% army was killed, about one hundred thousand army was deployed in
Amritsar. That comes about 20000.
In a press conference organized by Army Officers on 7th November 1984
at army HQ, western command at Chandi Mandir, Chnadigarh, Gen Sunder ji also
revealed while answering a question to press reporters that the army suffered heavy
loss. It was more than that it suffered more than in all 3 wars.
As per govt records, India lost 8145 soldiers in the battles fought
with China and Pakistan in 1962, 1965 and 1971.
These valiant Sikh youths though less in numbers got martyred in
this operation but none of them surrendered before army. The total casuality
suffered by Indian army was much higher then it suffered during all its three
major wars fought twice with Pakistan and once with China.
General Shahbeg Singh was a war hero of 1971 in Bangle Desh. He
trained the Indian soldiers and Mukti Wahini of Bangla Desh in Gurilla
tactics as stated earlier also but the day before his retirement, he was
dishonored by a false allegation and terminated from Army —- remember
just one day before his retirement….? He felt humiliated and then to avenge
from Indira Gandhi and from Indian govt, he reached Amritsar and provided
his services to Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwala by showing his loyalty to
Sikh religion. He wanted to avenge his termination and his trained Sikh
youths fought so valiantly under his command which Indian army shall
never forget in its war history. He had given training to only 200-250 Sikh
youths but they proved disastrous for Indian army and completely wiped
out the army regiments in this battle of Amritsar.
The Indian army couldn’t bear this huge loss of lives. In frustration it
started killing of innocent civilians in Punjab. Wherever it saw a Sikh in turban
and with his five mandatory articles of faith, it killed him/her on the spot.
According to Geneva treaty: the army has to behave properly with
all the arrested soldiers of enemy but here our own army carried atrocities
upon Sikhs that when we read it, we get stunned to read and know about
their tyrannies. We feel ashamed of calling ourselves as Indians. We can’t
believe if Indian army could really carry such atrocities on fellow Indian
civilians of this same nation? On an eye witness account, I give a report page
written by famous journalist Harbir Bhanwar as follows;
There is hundreds of years old Dera behind Akal Takhat sahib
known as Baba Sham Singh Da Dera in Atta Mandi. Daily in the morning
before the day breaks, the Deg of Kadah Parsad was prepared and sent to Sri
Darbar sahib every morning and then Langar is prepared during the day
time. When the BSF personals covered this Dera and entered in it, the
sevadars (volunteers) were preparing langar (Community food for free of
cost) at that time inside the Dera. First the soldiers looted the Dera. A Sikh
devotee Daulat Singh had sold his land near Chandigarh and an amount of
Rs. 60,000 was kept in an almirah in a room, it was also looted and taken
away by soldiers but kept on beating the Sikhs by their Rifle Buts. After this
man handling, all the 19 Sikhs were tied their hands at their back with their
turbans and brought them in the bystreet. They were about to shoot when an
elder Sikh requested the officer to pray them before they are killed.
They were granted the permission, Sikhs prayed before the
almighty Waheguru, did their final prayer (ardas) and when they said

All of them were shot dead.

DSP city Apar Singh Bazwa had cremated the bodies of these innocent
Sikhs after three days.

Valor of Sikh youths and the defeat of

Indian army;

The infantry division of Indian army had surrendered before the

valiant Sikh youths. The fierce fight was fought continuously for nearly 72
hrs had stopped the advance of a mighty and best army in world which had
earlier defeated Pakistan and captured its 93000 soldiers, was not able to
fight with these handful Sikh youths.
The distance from Clock tower entrance to Sri Akal Takhat in
complex of Darbar sahib is hardly 200 meters. The Army generals were sure
to take over the Akal Takhat within half an hour but this largest army which
had already covered up whole of Punjab couldn’t cover this distance of
merely 200 meters for 72 hrs, it marked a question on their valor. It had to
face such a heavy resistance. The Indian army could never think of od such
stiff resistance, it had not thought the handful Sikh youths who were not
properly trained shall stop the mighty Indian army. The Generals of Indian
army had forgot that the Sikhs have a charm to get martyrdom since their
childhood and they feel proud to offer their heads to their Guru and getting
martyred in battlefield.
The Sikh youths were fighting those who had invaded with a
malicious thought to destroy their holiest shrine, to protect the house of lord
and to make it’s sanctity, these Sikh youths had one motto only—-to
sacrifice for a good cause, and to get martyred, they practically proved in the
battlefield the prophetic prononuncement of Guru Gobind Singh ji that “
“Chirian to main baaz tudaun, Gidran to main sher banun, Sawa lakh seek
laraun, Tbhai Gobind Singh naam kahaun”, means “ only if I can make
sparrows fight against hawks, make lions out of jackals, and make one
person fight against 1.25 lakh (one hundred twenty five thousand)
enemies—only then I deserve to be called Gobind Singh”. These Sikh
youths sacrificed their lives to prove these words whereas the soldiers of
Indian army were just obeying the orders of their queen Indira.
The Generals of Indian army had deliberately selected the
martyrdom day of fifth Guru of Sikh religion to attack Darbar sahib while
making strategy because on such day the Sikhs arrives in large numbers to
Gurudwara along with their families. The Indian army could use their large
gathering of congregation to achieve their mission of capturing Akal
Takhat. It could deliver two benefits:-
First— by presence of large congregation the army could reach
Akal Takhat easily in cover of these innocent Sikhs, if the army opened fire,
the chances were of killing innocent Sikhs from either side, the Sikhs may
be from devotees or the followers of Sant Jarnail Singh ji or from
congregation. Soldiers take cover of animals and hide them to reach their
target but here this strategy was failed as the Sikh youths were alert and
aware of this tactic.
Second—the army could reach their target at Akal takhat as
assured by its Generals to Indira Gandhi, hence the stranded pilgrims were
used as sacpe goats and they got killed in firing from both sides. The army
had chosen a wrong day for its operation. It was the moral duty of army to
save the stranded pilgrims but it killed them brutally.
The Generals of Indian army too made the same strategy that their
soldiers shall capture Sri Akal Takhat within half an hour by getting safe
cover of congregation of devotees there because these generals were sure
that the Sikh youths shall never fire on their brothers, sisters or the children
in congregation but the brave warriors inside the shrine had got Gurilla
training from retired Maj. General Shubeg Singh who was expert in such
wars. These brave Sikhs finished the first attack in minutes. All those
soldiers who were sent inside at periphery of Darbar sahib were killed by
indiscriminate firing.
The fierce fight to capture Akal Takhat was continued for nearly 72
hrs but when infantry division of Indian army failed to proceed a few
meters, than Armored personal carrier vehicles was brought into service to
ferry the soldiers safely to Akal Takhat but such an APC vehicle was blown
off by a missile.
The Generals of Indian army too made the same strategy that their
soldiers shall capture Sri Akal Takhat within half an hour by getting safe
cover of congregation of devotees there because these generals were sure
that the Sikh youths shall never fire on their brothers, sisters or the children
in congregation but the brave warriors inside the shrine had got Gurilla
training from retired Maj. General Shubeg Singh who was expert in such
wars. These brave Sikhs finished the first attack in minutes. All those
soldiers who were sent inside at periphery of Darbar sahib were killed by
indiscriminate firing.
The fierce fight to capture Akal Takhat was continued for nearly 72
hrs but when infantry division of Indian army failed to proceed a few
meters, than Armored personal carrier vehicles was brought into service to
ferry the soldiers safely to Akal Takhat but such an APC vehicle was blown
off by a missile. (61)
Some truth on Operation Blue star as only faslehood is propagated by
Indian govt. and its army
Carvan published an interview of Col. Israr khan who led the troops
(10 Guards) in Darbar sahhib by Hartoshh Bal.
Here is the analysis of this interview, kinldy see how this Muslim
officer tried to hide the facts and proagated only falsehood?
On this night in 1984, the Golden Temple in Amritsar was
stormed by Indian army troops. They had been summoned by Indira
Gandhi to disarm and dislodge Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale—head of
the Damdami Taksaal, a prominent insurgent voice in the orthodox Sikh
community and a former ally of the Congress—who was operating from
and residing in the Darbar Sahib Complex. While the intent of Operation
Bluestar, as this was termed, was to clear Bhindranwale’s armed
insurgents from the premises of the Golden Temple, the operation took a
devastating turn. In this excerpt from ‘The Shattered Dome,’ from our
May 2014 issue, Hartosh Singh Bal reports on the violent events that
transpired that night.
According to the memoir of PC Alexander, principal secretary to
the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi made up her mind to summon the army
on 25 May, relying on the reassurances of General AS Vaidya, chief of the
army staff. Vaidya explained that he would move troops into different
locations in Punjab simultaneously, surrounding gurdwaras occupied by
extremists and cutting off their supplies and movement. A similar siege
would be mounted around the Golden Temple, with a large number of
troops. Alexander writes that Gandhi “repeatedly told the general that in any
operation no damage should be done to the temple buildings and
particularly to the Harmandir Sahib.” Vaidya assured her that there would
be “a maximum show of force, but a minimum use of it.”
Vaidya met with Gandhi again on 29 May, and suggested some
changes in the plan. They would ensure that the temple would not be
damaged—but they would need to enter it. This proposal was the result of
Vaidya’s meeting with Lieutenant General K Sundarji, who had direct
command of operations. Alexander writes that Vaidya convinced Gandhi
that he had weighed the pros and cons of the plan with his senior colleagues;
they had all agreed that a siege would prolong the operation and destabilise
the surrounding countryside.
“Vaidya spoke with such confidence and calmness that the new
plan he was proposing appeared to be the only option open to the Army,”
Alexander writes. “I can definitely state on the basis of the clear knowledge

of Indira Gandhi’s thinking at that time that she agreed to the revision of the
earlier plan at the eleventh hour strictly on the assurance given to her that the
whole operation would be completed swiftly and without any damage to the
buildings within the Golden temple complex.”
A week later, on the night of 5 June, Lieutenant Colonel Israr
Rahim Khan commanded the first batch of troops that stormed the Darbar
Sahib complex.
Khan reported directly to Major General Kuldip Singh “Bulbul”
Brar, who was in overall command of the operation and in touch with
Sundarji. (The major general, like Bhindranwale, was a Brar Jatt, and the
two men came from villages close to each other’s, but there the similarities
between them ended. Brar came from a distinguished military family and
the gulf of class and education between him and Bhindranwale was deep; he
had little time for the sort of orthodoxy Bhindranwale espoused.)
(Here Khan calls illiterate to the Sikh preacher Sant jarnail
Singhh Bhindranwala who was master in religious studies if not
inworldly education. Who so ever came to interview him or visited to
know his views always got so impressed that he became his follower like
Swami Subramaniyam Farooq Abdullah and so on).
When I met him in his home, Khan, who retired as a brigadier, at
first said he had little to add to Brar’s account of the operation, published in
his 1993 book Operation Bluestar—The True Story. I said I wanted to hear
a view from the ground, from a soldier who was actually part of the
In spite of his graying hair, it was easy to see in Khan the dashing
soldier Brar had sent into the complex. Once he began to speak, it was
evident he remembered the action as though it had taken place yesterday.
“From our debussing area, near Jallianwalla Bagh”—the famous park is a
short distance away from the Darbar Sahib—“we were to approach the
Darshan Deori, the main entrance. We were in the open, and
they”—Bhindranwale’s men—“were all secure, with their weapon
emplacements in place. There was not an inch of ground in the gully outside
the Darshan Deori that was not covered by the firing.”
(In fact Darshani Deori is known the gates from where devotees
enter the main sanctum sanctorum Darbar sahib in middle of thhe
sacred pond. this place whichh is referred by Col. israr Khan is known
as Ghantaghar).
Shahbeg Singh’s plan of defence for the Darbar Sahib was so
effective that, three decades later, Khan recalled it with something like

admiration. The complex was guarded by an outer ring of emplacements
positioned on the vantage points of its high buildings—the Hotel Temple
View on one side, and the gumbads, or domes, on the other—and an inner
ring on the parikrama, within the temple itself. At the Darshan Deori, Khan
and his men descended the stairs into the complex unaware of loopholes in
the walls that had been turned, he said, into “weapon pits.”
“My boys were climbing down the stairs in the darkness, because
the electricity was cut. It was totally dark, and we were wondering where
this fire was coming from. It takes a little time to think. It was coming from
under the stairs.” The bullets hit Khan’s soldiers below the knee. “The
boys,” he said, “fell tumbling down.”
The memory made Khan pause. “In which war have we
suffered such heavy casualties?” he asked. “From my battalion, in the
first hour—from 10.30 to 11.30 at night—we had already lost nineteen. In
the ’71 war, in Shakargarh sector, I tell you, Hartosh, in the whole ten to
fifteen days, my battalion, the 10 Guards, lost four men. What a gruesome
battle it was in the Golden Temple.”
The army was hemmed in at close quarters, in a heavily built-up
area—which meant, Khan said, that there was no way collateral damage
could be avoided. “I read somewhere that Mrs Gandhi was told there would
be no casualties. No person in the right frame of mind would give such an
assurance to the PM.”
If there were any expectations that the security forces would meet
no resistance, they were rendered utterly false. “They knew,” Khan said.
“How can you build brick and mortar key emplacements overnight? It was
beautifully planned. You could not close up anywhere near the temple
without being hit by a bullet.”
“The commandos were grouped with me. A company each of the
SFF”—the R&AW unit, the Special Frontier Force—“and 1 Para
Commando was grouped with 10 Guards. We were to give them safe
passage through the parikrama, until the periphery of the Akal Takht, and
they were meant to capture Bhindranwale from the Akal Takht. So I grouped
them, with my leading company going ahead. We entered first and made
place for them to enter. We gave them a safe corridor through the parikrama
till the end. There were twelve rooms in a row; we kept clearing, room by
room by room.” Every room was manned.
(As per the statements given by eye witnesses I find Israr Khan
giving an account of operation on night of 5th June Before that army
had taken over whole complex other then Akal Takhat. Khan also

admits that he cleared the room by room which were all manned It was
only massacre of stranded pilgrims who had taken shelter in those
rooms to save their lives It was duty of army to save their lives but killer
Indian army was on mission to suppress Sikh nation so it brutally
murdered all the unarmed but innocent pilgrims inside those rooms
and in the complex).
By 1 am, Khan says, his company had captured the northern wing
of the parikrama and opened it up to the Special Forces, but they were
unable to make headway. “The moment they would close up near the Akal
Takht they would come under heavy fire. They were very badly mauled. So
they would fall back on the parikrama, and get in touch with Bulbul to tell
him that they had lost so many men.”
“I won’t blame them professionally. Their men were dying, and all
the fire was coming at them. But why some other methods were not adopted,
or what they had rehearsed, is not known to me.”
At two o’clock in the morning, Brar called. “Bulbul told me on the
set: ‘Israr, have a Carl Gustav’”—an anti-tank missile—“‘fired at the dome
of the Akal Takht and see what effect it has.’ I set up the Carl Gustav myself;
I couldn’t take anyone else’s report for granted. From the first floor, which
we had captured, I fired a Carl Gustav and—Hartosh, can you believe it,
what a beautiful building it was, that dome was so strong—it just ricocheted
like a .303 bullet being fired into that wall. Even that leaves a one-inch dent;
but nothing was visible on that dome.” Khan radioed back to tell Brar that
the missile had had no effect.
“Then I don’t know what transpired between the Special Forces
and Bulbul, that they found no other way. They were scared that after
sunrise, all of Punjab would surround the Golden Temple. So whatever had
to be achieved, had to be achieved before dawn. They decided on rolling
down three tanks inside, and eventually used the main gun of the tank. It
pierced through the dome, and there were gaping holes. That was a horrific
sight. My own assessment now is that if the main gun of the tank had not
been used, perhaps the Sikh psyche wouldn’t have been hurt so much.”
Almost every commitment that Vaidya made to the prime
minister went unkept. The operation took at least a full night; it resulted in
the decimation of the Akal Takht; and the casualties far outstripped any
estimate Gandhi had been given. There are still no credible explanations for
why no intelligence on the situation was available or forthcoming to the
army. Neither are there answers for why the army did not ask for more
time to plan, especially as an operation at the Darbar Sahib had been
under consideration since February.
(Either Khan hiding the facts or tryig to give a cover by
speaking false on preparation time army was given to attack. Genral
SK Sinha disclosed in his book “Last resorts” that army was giving
special training to its soldiers in Chakrata near Dehra Dun 18 months
prior to the invasion on Darbar sahib than how much more time it
[It’s the same army which was ordered to prepare and then air
dropped in just six hours to Sri Lanka in 1985?]
In 1984, the day marking the martyrdom of Guru Arjan fell on 3
June, two days before Operation Bluestar began. The choice to begin
hostilities on 5 June was highly problematic, because a curfew had been
imposed around the complex days before the attack, effectively
trapping a large number of pilgrims, who had nothing to do with the
militants, inside the temple.
(Why the curfew was imposed and trapped pilgrims were not
permitted to come out of Darbar Sahib, the intention of army is clearly
mentioned here. It trapped them in large numbers so that in operation
army may use them as a cover to move to capture Akal Takhat these
trapped pilgrims were thus killed in cross firing in periphery other then
killed by granade attack in rooms where they had taken the shelter).
(This strategy of army is well explained in the bottom at “Valor of
Sikh youths and defeat of indian army” and cleared why the army chose
auspicious day of martyrdom day of fifth guru Aran dev‘s martyrdom day
for attack).
Indira Gandhi had given such orders to General Vaidya, the
Commanding officer in chief of Indian army as;
“I don’t give a damn if the Golden Temple and whole of Amritsar
are destroyed, I want Bhindranwale dead.” (Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime
Minister, communicating with Gen. Vaidya during “Operation Blue
Over the years, evidence has emerged of crimes committed within
the premises by security forces. Brigadier Onkar Goraya’s 2013 book,
Operation Bluestar and After, An Eyewitness Account, provides, for the
first time, some clarity on the number of pilgrims inside the complex during
the operation. Goraya, the head of the Admin branch of the 15th Infantry
division posted in Punjab, was tasked with “lifting civilian casualties,
disposal of the dead and evacuation of the wounded to the hospitals,
apprehending the militants, guarding them in make-shift jails in the
Cantonment, and arranging for their logistics.” He placed the casualties,

based on the number of bodies disposed, at seven hundred, and stated
that another 2,200 persons were rounded up and interned.
(Here Goraya also lies, the exact number may not be possible to
reveal but approximate and very near to actual is obtained. There were
10,000 innocent pilgrims killed inside the Darbar sahib periphery
other than those killed in surrounding buildings as these figure was
taken from shoe store (Joda Ghar) where every devotee deposit his/her
shoes before entering the sacred sanctorum. There were 10.000
unclaimed shoes inside this joda ghar whose claimanants never
returned to claim. Nearly 15,000 innocent pilgrims were killed in
Darbar Sahib Complex only).
Even by the most exaggerated count, Bhindranwale’s men
numbered no more than 250. Were they all counted among the dead, with
another hundred from other militant organisations included for good
measure, it would mean that, even by the most conservative estimate, the
operation resulted in the deaths of over 350 people who had nothing at all to
do with Bhindranwale. Considering that many people slipped out of the
complex through the numerous doors leading to alleyways surrounding it, it
is safe to say the number of people inside was far higher than the three
thousand or so accounted for by the numbers of those dead, injured or
The army has consistently maintained that pilgrims inside the
complex were given ample opportunity to leave. But Goraya makes it clear
that most never heard the army’s requests to surrender and come out. A day
before the operation began; he found a district administration van outside
the complex broadcasting announcements in Punjabi: “All those who are
stranded inside the Darbar Sahib complex are requested to come out with
their hands raised above their head. They will not be fired at.” The van was
parked eighty yards from the main entrance. “The devotees and pilgrims,
for whose benefit the announcements were being made, were well beyond
its reach,” Goraya writes.
The scene within the complex after the operation was gruesome.
Goraya writes of the stench of rotting bodies in the June heat: the task of
disposing of them was so onerous that the municipal workers who
eventually cleared them away did so only because they were permitted to
strip the bodies of their belongings. The bodies of Bhindranwale and
Shahbeg Singh were recovered from the basement of the Akal Takht on the
morning of 7 June, almost two days after the operation began.
Bhindranwale’s body was identified by his brother and quickly cremated in
the presence of a few officers and jawans.
Goraya’s book confirms an allegation of long standing: that
security forces shot at least a few men in cold blood. Evidence has already
been published of at least one execution: a 2006 book by Harminder Kaur –
Blue star over Amritsar – contains the post-mortem report of a young man
shot through the chest with his hands tied behind his back. Goraya’s story
strengthens the claim that there were multiple killings of this kind. “On 7th
June, around mid-day, I saw about 90 detainees sitting on the hot marble
floor of the Southern wing of Parikrama,” he writes. “They were naked
except for the long underwear and their hands were tied behind their
(We have eye witness accounts how army personals killed the
amritdhari Sikhs wearing all five mandatory signs of Sikh faith in cold
blood by tying their hands at their back and shot them in frustration as
army suffered very heavy loss. The casualities it had in Operation Blue
Star was much much higher than combined loss of lives it had in all
three maor wars fought against China and Pakistan).
“Most of them appeared to be militants. Though subjugated they
retained their defiant spirit. Instead of looking down, some of them dared to
look into the eyes of their captors. A second Lieutenant of the unit who had
fought these militants the previous night and lost a few comrades, could not
stomach such defiance. When he asked them to look down one of them spat
at him. The officer lost his cool and shot him in the forehead.”
(That shows the hate of Sikhs towards invading army which
attacked their supreme shrine and killed the innocent, the Sikh youth was
certainly fearless as he was sure that he will be killed so he spat in extreme
hate and conveyed his message before he was shot.
Kudos to the fearless Sikh).
On 23 June, when Indira Gandhi visited the Darbar Sahib for the
first time after the operation, Goraya was at the tail end of the group
surrounding her as she walked around the parikrama. As she looked at the
Akal Takht, Goraya claims, she said to General Sundarji beside her: “I
didn’t ask you to do this.”
An edited excerpt from “The Shattered Dome,’ published in
The Caravan’s May 2014 issue. Read the story in full here.
Hartosh Singh Bal is the political editor at The Caravan, and is
the author of Waters Close over Us: a Journey along the Narmada. He
was formerly the political editor at Open magazine.

Valor of Sikh youths and the defeat of Indian army;
The infantry division of Indian army had surrendered before the
valiant Sikh youths. The fierce battle was fought continuously for 72 hrs
stopped the advance of a mighty and best army in world which had earlier
defeated Pakistan and captured its 93000 soldiers, was not able to fight with
these handful Sikh youths.
The distance from Clock tower entrance to Sri Akal Takhat in
complex of Darbar sahib is hardly 200 meters. The Army generals were sure
to take over the Akal Takhat within half an hour but this largest army which
had already covered up whole of Punjab couldn’t cover this distance of
merely 200 meters for 72 hrs, it marked a question on their valor. It had to
face such a heavy resistance.
The Indian army could never think of such stiff resistance, it had
not thought the handful Sikh youths who were not properly trained shall
stop the mighty Indian army. The Generals of Indian army had forgot that
the Sikhs have a charm to get martyrdom since their childhood and they feel
proud to offer their heads to their Guru and getting martyred in battlefield.
The Sikh youths were fighting those who had invaded with a
malicious thought to destroy their holiest shrine, to protect the house of lord
and to make it’s sanctity, these Sikh youths had one motto only—-to
sacrifice for a good cause, and to get martyred, they practically proved in the
battlefield the prophetic prononuncement of Guru Gobind Singh ji that “
“Chirian to main baaz tudaun, Gidran to main sher banun, Sawa lakh
seek laraun, Tbhai Gobind Singh naam kahaun”, means “ only if I can
make sparrows fight against hawks, make lions out of jackals, and make one
person fight against 1.25 lakh (one hundred twenty five thousand)
enemies—only then I deserve to be called Gobind Singh”.
These Sikh youths sacrificed their lives to prove these words
whereas the soldiers of Indian army were just obeying the orders of their
queen Indira.
The Generals of Indian army had deliberately selected the
martyrdom day of fifth Guru of Sikh religion to attack Darbar Sahib while
making strategy because on such day the Sikhs arrives in large numbers to
Gurudwara along with their families. The Indian army could use their large
gathering of congregation to achieve their mission of capturing Akal
Takhat. It could deliver two benefits:-
First— by presence of large congregation the army could reach
Akal Takhat easily under cover of these innocent Sikhs, if the army
opened fire, the chances were of killing of innocent Sikhs from

either side in cross fire, the Sikhs may be from devotees or the
followers of Sant Jarnail Singh ji. Indira Gandhi had also issued
such orders that whether whole of Amritsar is destroyed but
Bhindranwala must not be left alive. Thus, the Indian army had
planned to proceed safely towards Sri Akal Tkhat taking cover of
innocent devotees and then to attack there like the soldiers proceed
in battle fields under cover of buffalows or other animals to save
their lives.
Second — It entered Darbar sahib complex to suppress Sikh nation
so killing the Sikhs in large numbers was under their plan and they
meant it to terrorize the Sikh nation in coming years.
It achieved nothing other than killing of innocent pilgrims gathered
their on that martyrdom day of their fifth Guru but Sikh nation was never
terrorized, they still feel the pain of killings but whole Sikh nation could
never forget the betrayals by India by attacking their holiest shrine till date.
The Generals of Indian army too made the same strategy that their
soldiers shall capture Sri Akal Takhat within half an hour by getting safe
cover of congregation of devotees there because these generals were sure
that the Sikh youths shall never fire on their brothers, sisters or the children
in congregation but the brave warriors inside the shrine had got Gurilla
training from retired Maj. General Shubeg Singh who was expert in such
wars. These brave Sikhs finished the first attack in minutes. All those
soldiers who were sent inside at periphery of Darbar sahib were killed by
indiscriminate firing.
The fierce fight to capture Akal Takhat was continued for nearly 72
hrs but when infantry division of Indian army failed to proceed a few
meters, than Armored personal carrier vehicles was brought into service to
ferry the soldiers safely to Akal Takhat but such an APC vehicle was blown
off by a missile.
And after the Infantry surrendered, the heavy armor and Artillery
was brought in, Tanks fired 80 shells on Akal Takhat whereas last reports
revealed that only 14 Sikhs were left alive in Akal takhat but the army
generals were sweating and had left their patience. They had assured indira
to take control of Akal takhat within half an hour and every attempt was
made to kill Sant ji as Indira had ordered them. She didn’t want to capture
him alive.
Finally these brave last 14 Sikhs were killed and then only indian
army could enetr the building and took over the control. None of these brave
Sikh youths was caughht alive or surrendered but they sacrificed their lives

to protect sanctum Sanctorum Darbar Sahib from invasion and set the
example of valor of Sikhs as per their tradition for centuries.
Hats off to all of them.

Giani Puran Singh’s Eyewitness Account of Operation Bluestar

Singh Sahib Giani Singh Sahib, the head Granth of Sri Darbar
Sahib, had his residence in Shaheed Bunga Street on the back side of Sri
Darbar Sahib. Indian forces had initiated their attack on Sri Darbar Sahib at
4:45 AM on the morning of June 4. Under the battle conditions and intense
exchange of fire, Singh Sahib fulfilled his duties on June 5 until noon.
However, on June 6 he was unable to attend to his duties. Other Giani
Sahibans, including Giani Mohan Singh Ji and Giani Puran Singh Ji, were
forced to remain inside, even after the completion of their regular duties on
the evening of June 5. They simply could not leave the premises. The
following is an excerpt from an interview by Harbir Singh Bhanwer with
Singh Sahib Giani Sahib Singh.
HARBIR SINGH: When were you able to first return to Sri Darbar
Sahib after Operation Bluestar and what were the conditions as you saw?
SINGH SAHIB: Giani Mohan Singh Ji and Giani Puran Singh Ji,
accompanied by some soldiers, reached my house around 5:00 AM on June
7. They informed me that General Sahib had summoned me, and instructed
me to get ready in 15 minutes to accompany them. I left escorted by the
The Atta Mandi, Katdha Dal Singh and back anteroom (Deodhi) of
Sri Darbar Sahib was full of soldiers. There were thousands of soldiers
everywhere. We were stopped at every place and questioned, "Who is he?
Kill him!" Soldiers escorting me responded, "He is the head priest."
Upon reaching inside the Darbar Sahib complex, I saw Sikhs seated
all over the parikarma with their hands tied behind their backs with their
own turbans. Among them were the Gurdwara employees. Giani Sujan
Singh, Sant Bhindranwale's helper and SGPC member, was among the
detained Sikhs.
At the foot-steps of the parikarma, we were met by an arrogant Sikh
Colonel. When the accompanying soldiers informed him about me, he
promptly ordered "If he is the head Granthi, bring him inside." The
parikarma had 6-7 tanks on it. Dead bodies were everywhere. I inquired
from the Sikh Colonel if I could meet with the detained Sikhs. He replied
that his orders did no allow it. However, when I informed him that our own
staff was among the detained, he suggested that I could watch but not speak
with them. He further emphasized that if I talked with anyone, I will be
Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed's Bunga was full of detained Sikhs. As
they saw me, they started crying. Some requested if I could seek permission
for them to drink water from the sarowar. Whoever spoke was mercilessly
beaten by soldiers with gun butts and subjected to derogatory verbal abuse
saying, "Sala asks for water!" I informed the Sikh Colonel that Gursikhs
regularly organize "Shabeels" to distribute water, and requested permission
to distribute water among the detained Sikhs.
Indian forces could be seen in all buildings of Sri Darbar Sahib. The
reference library was burning at this moment. The whole parikarma was in
bad shape, covered with blood, ammunition shells, and broken glass. There
was no place to put your foot down. The soldiers accompanying me
suggested that I wear my shoes. However, I refused and proceeded bare-
At the Shabeel corner someone fired at me. Fortunately, I escaped.
Now the soldiers escorting me were yelling "He is the head priest!", but no
one was listening to anyone. I was shot at once again near the Lachi Baer
Gurdwara. This bullet missed and hit the ground near me. Near Lachi Baer
Gurdwara, Sri Akal Takhat's courtyard was filled with dead bodies. Soldiers
were everywhere. The Darshani (Deori) anteroom, Janda Bunga, New
anteroom-- soldiers were positioned everywhere with entrenched machine
guns and LMGs.
The historical Lachi Baer tree was badly brutalized. The nearby
room for Palki Sahib was badly littered with scattered rumalas. With a
deeply saddened heart and great difficulty, I reached here. The Darshani
(Deori) anteroom was full of drunken soldiers who were smoking
cigarettes. When these soldiers saw me, they started hurling derogatory
verbal abuses at me, "Who is this Sala?" Almost all soldiers were abusive.
They could not utter any words without using derogatory terms.
From the doorsill to the bridge, the Darshani anteroom was filled
with rubbish. The bridge was heavily guarded with armed soldiers. Sri
Harimandir Sahib was also heavily guarded. The situation inside Sri
Harimandir Sahib was no better. The carpets used for June 5 could not be
replaced on June 6. Ammunition shells and broken glass littered the insides
as well.
There were 6-7 Sikh soldiers, including a granthi and two Colonels,
when I reached inside. They informed me that General Sahib had left after a
long wait for me. They instructed me to conduct Sri Guru Granth Sahib's

Prakash and initiate kirtan and other services. By now I had been informed
by other Singh Sahibans that the sacred copy of Sri Guru Granth Sahib had
been hit by a bullet.
HARBIR SINGH: The sacred copy of Sri Guru Granth Sahib that
was hit by a bullet, was that in use in the main hall or on the first story?
SINGH SAHIB: This copy was in prakash in Sri Harimandir
Sahib. At Har-Ki-Paudi a Sikh was reading from Guru Granth Sahib, when a
bullet hit a window and broke its glass. A piece of that glass cut Pathi Sikh's
hand. It is this Sikh's blood that you find on the rumalas.
The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) had previously riddled
Sri Darbar Sahib with bullets from all corners on June 1. The next day, June
2, was not any better either. In consultation with Tohra Sahib, on the
morning of June 4, all Akhand Paths were concluded and all sacred copies
of Sri Guru Granth Sahib were moved in for safekeeping, after their
'sukhasan'. However, the Akhand Path at Har-Ki-Paudi was allowed to
continue and completed on the morning of June 6. Because of the curfew
imposed by the Indian forces, our employees could not reach Sri Darbar
Sahib to assume their duties. As a result most pathis had to recite Path for 8-
10 hours continuously.
HARBIR SINGH: When was Sri Guru Granth Sahib's Prakash
SINGH SAHIB: First of all we cleaned the insides of Sri
Harimandir Sahib. The Sikh soldiers helped me with this task. Sukhasan of
the sacred copy of Sri Guru Granth Sahib that was hit by a bullet was
conducted next. Then the Sri Guru Granth Sahib copy was brought from
Lachi Bazer Gurdwara and the prakash was completed around 10:00 AM.
There was no Kara Prashad served. A Sikh Subedar brought some sweet-
meat prepared from sugar from somewhere, which was served instead.
HARBIR SINGH: Then which Shabad's kirtan was initiated?
SINGH SAHIB: When the two Colonels inside Sri Harimandir
Sahib, Shamindar Singh and Sharma, asked me to organize shabad kirtan, I
expressed the need for a significant staff to conduct such program. They
asked me in return where to get the required staff, upon which I informed
them of the Gurdwara employees among the detained Sikhs outside and
asked for their release. They agreed to my suggestion and escorted me to
where the Sikhs were detained. As I pointed out our staff members, their
hands were sniffed.
HARBIR SINGH: (Astonished) why did they sniff their hands?
SINGH SAHIB: I did not know either. Apparently, the hands used
in firing guns can be identified through smell. It can also be identified from
the fingers. Based on my request 15 Sikhs were released. The rest were
considered prisoners and sent to camps. Among the released were Hajuri
Ragi Mohinder Singh's tabla companion Bhai Gurcharan Singh (who could
perform kirtan as well), Surma Singh Karamjeet Singh who could play
tabla, and Sant Bhindranwale's Ragi Bhai Harbhajan Singh. For several
days these individuals conducted the kirtan. The information regarding
kirtan being performed by military personnel in your diary is inaccurate.
HARBIR SINGH: Who did the Ardas?
SINGH SAHIB: This too was done by Sri Darbar Sahib's Ardassia
Bhai Harpal Singh. All these individuals stayed in my house for several
days. Upon seeking their release I took them to my house. Several of them
had blood stains on their cloths. They bathed and washed their clothes.
Several of them had to use my clothes.
HARBIR SINGH: Shabad kirtan started being relayed on the
radio on June 8, who organized this program?
SINGH SAHIB: The radio and electricity workers arrived on June
7. They installed the necessary wires, etc. Military personnel brought a
loudspeaker from some Hindu individual. We returned it afterwards.
HARBIR SINGH: When were the dead bodies removed?
SINGH SAHIB: Giani Zail Singh was to arrive on June 8. So the
Indian forces removed all dead bodies from the parikarma path from Ghanta
Ghar anteroom towards Baba Budha's Baeri tree. But the bodies were left
elsewhere. Even the sarowar had 10-12 floating bodies. I witnessed on June
7 that a Sikh ran out from a room along the parikarma and jumped into the
sarowar. The soldiers immediately opened fire and killed him in the sarowar
HARBIR SINGH: Did you learn anything about Sant Bhindranwale?
SINGH SAHIB: We learned on June 7 that his dead body was
displayed in the Ghanta Ghar's enteroom. However, we weren't allowed to
go there.
HARBIR SINGH: Tell us about Giani Zail Singh's visit?
SINGH SAHIB: On the day of Giani Zail Singh's visit, some
soldiers took me towards the Langar building. All stories of this building
were filled with soldiers. Dogra regiment was stationed here. Colonel
Bajwa and one other Colonel informed me that some Sikhs were still in
Ramgharia Bunga. They had taken one Captain Doctor under hostage.
Furthermore, these Sikhs had conveyed that if 5 Singh Sahibans asked them
to drop their weapons they will comply. Giani Puran Singh was with me.
As we approached the bunga, we saw two Gursikhs seated with
their backs tied to each other in front of the Bunga. We asked the Colonels
that if the Sikhs drop their weapons would they not shoot them? They
promised that if these Sikhs have not killed any of their men, they will be
spared. Within the Ramgharia Bunga, approaching from Baba Kharak
Singh's Dera side we spoke with the Sikhs over a small loudspeaker. We told
them "If you have any military hostages, release them and come out, you
will not be killed."
We could hear some noises but could not understand what was
being said. Finally, we heard that they did not have any hostages. Upon
hearing this, the Colonel asked us to leave and said they will handle it from
here. Giani Zail Singh's arrival was fast approaching.
HARBIR SINGH: Was firing ongoing when Giani Zail Singh
SINGH SAHIB: Firing was continuously going on at one place or
another. However, your report that a security person in Giani Zail Singh's
escort was shot is inaccurate. When Giani Zail Singh arrived, one of his
escorts had an umbrella covering him. I sent a sewadar and asked for the
removal of the umbrella. They obliged. Giani Zail Singh paid respect upon
reaching Harimandir Sahib.
The question of honoring him with saropa simply did not arise. He
asked some officer to contact me. Upon meeting me, Giani Zail Singh first
inquired about the Jathedar of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, Giani Kirpal Singh. I
told him that he was safe. Then he asked about the attack. I summarized the
events. Further I told him that the soldiers were moving around with naked
heads, with boots, and continuously drinking and smoking within the
premises. Their behavior was inappropriate and derogatory.
Whenever they see a Sikh, they kill him without asking any
questions. Hundreds of Sikhs have been killed this way. Additionally, the
sacred places are being abused by them. They have done worse things than
the Mughals. How could all this happen under a Sikh President?
Giani Zail Singh told me that Mrs. Gandhi did not tell him
anything. He said that he wanted to visit on June 7 but could not. He said,
"Even today I have managed to come after great difficulty."
I told Giani Zail Singh that the soldiers misbehaved with me and
my staff. They make our job difficult. Why not arrest us too? He
immediately ordered the four generals, Sundar Ji, Dayal, Baradh, and
Jamwaal to provide security. I further explained that the soldiers have
looted the homes of our staff including Giani Sahibans. Giani Mohan Singh

has been badly beaten, arrested and taken away. They wanted to burn the
markets behind Sri Darbar Sahib Complex.
I later learned that the military had planned to burn the whole street
around my house and the Kolsar Bazar. They were saved by Giani Zail
Singh. Giani Zail Singh saw the sacred copy of Guru Granth Sahib that was
punctured by a bullet. He also witnessed the state inside Sri Harimandir
Sahib. Thus, upon reaching Delhi, he immediately sent a package of
Rumalas. I thought even though Giani Zail Singh is a Sikh, the rumalas are
government property, and therefore did not use them.
HARBIR SINGH: Sardar Bhan Singh and Sardar Abinashi Singh
were brought from camps by soldiers for Sri Darbar Sahib's visit, when
were they brought for the first time?
SINGH SAHIB: They were probably brought on June 8. Interior
Minister, Butta Singh, first arrived on June 9, and subsequently visited
everyday. On June 9, I, Giani Kirpal Singh Ji, Sardar Bhan Singh, and
Sardar Abinashi Singh met with Butta Singh inside Sri Harimandir Sahib
and exchanged views about various things. Committees were then
organized to take care of the treasury (Tosha Khana), Museum, and
historical weapons. Slowly, things started improving. I had informed the
military on June 7 that five Singh Sahibans will collectively make all
decisions, and take any actions. However, the Jathedar of Sri Akal Takhat is
the supreme authority. He can take any decision individually. Until June 16,
all the Singh Sahibans had gathered together.
HARBIR SINGH: Your interview on Doordarshan, was that given
of your free will or under the pressure of the military's guns?
SINGH SAHIB: The situation in Punjab was very dangerous at
that moment. Giani Kirpal Singh had already read his views on TV.
Whatever I said was done in consultation with our organizers, Sardar Bhan
Singh and Sardar Abinashi Singh, etc. This was done to normalize the
situation. However, all statements were checked and approved by the
military authorities. They were constantly saying, "There is nothing here!
Write more statements."
HARBIR SINGH: When was the sacred maryada of Sri
Harimandir Sahib restored?
SINGH SAHIB: On September 29, the complex was handed over
to us. The interrupted maryada was restored from Oct. 1 onwards. (The first
Akhand Path at Har-Ki-Paudi was initiated for Giani Sahib Singh Ji)

1984 Eyewitness:

By a Young Flight Lieutenant in the Indian Air Force


Every time the topic of the Indian Government’s invasion of the

Darbar Sahib is touched upon in my family, one aspect which always
dominates the discussion is my father’s chilling recollection of the events
that unfolded in the scorching hot first week of June, 1984.
Then a young Flight Lieutenant in the Indian Air Force, trained to
fly supersonic jets, my father had taken the abrupt and surprising decision of
side-stepping to helicopters. The unit to which he got posted bore the proud
history of being raised in the “resplendent heights of Leh”–it comprised of
the rugged Cheetahs and Chetaks, and had been stationed in Jammu since
long. He was regularly sorting to the Siachen glacier, where the Indian
government had got embroiled in a messy cartographic skirmish a year
As he returned from one of the trips, the commanding officer
directed him to take a Chetak (the Cheetahs were better suited to the
dizzying altitudes of Siachen) and headed towards Amritsar. He landed in
the city on June 5. Around a dozen helicopters from various units had
descended there to assist the army.
The invasion was already underway and my father got busy in
ferrying senior commanders to nearby villages. While Harmandar Sahib
was being raided, Brigadier-level officers were committing similar
atrocities in the rural areas. Villagers were being rounded up in
systematically conducted search-and-seizure procedures.
A poignant scene that remained with him was how hordes of frail
old menfolk and children as young as eleven or twelve years (those who
could not be even remotely connected to militancy, were being rounded up –
their hands were tied at the back with disrobed turbans and they were
thrown into the scorching fields.
The avid photographer that he was, my father had just bought a
swanky new Yashica Electro-35. He had clicked thousands of panoramic
aerial shots and instinctively brought the camera for that ominous trip as
Gliding low over Darbar Sahib on June 5, carrying another Army
functionary out on a survey, my father saw the Akal Takht in flames and the
parkarma mauled by tanks, littered with bodies here and there. Not realizing
the intensity or enormity of the spectacle, he released the shutter three-four
Returning to Jammu after twenty sorties, as the soldier within took
a backseat, the very magnitude of the incident got to him.
Now, before I go on, it must be said that my father doesn’t fit into
the caste or class stereotype that plagues the Punjab peasantry today. He
came from an impoverished family of tailors from Tarn Taran, some 25
kilometers from Amritsar. They could never have imagined one of their
own, (after surviving on scholarships throughout his life), joining the ranks
of an elite government service.
It was a coup of sorts. The proximity to poverty helped my father
see through subtle societal constructs. Though he persevered to remain a
proper Sikh, when donning the pilot’s helmet over uncut hair became a
particular problem, my father exhibited a strange sort of inward
agnosticism, a healthy aversion to religious symbolism.
So, when he narrated his account of the Amritsar tour to my mother,
it was with a dispassionate understanding of spiritual politics and minus any
prejudice, that my father murmured prophetically, “Jo mai dekheya hai,
mainun nai lagda ke hun Sikhi kattadta zyada der chupp rahegi” (After
what I saw, I don’t think the staunch yeomanry of the Sikhs will keep quiet
for very long).
Indira Gandhi was indeed executed for her crimes less than
six months later …by members of an elite Indian government security force
sworn to uphold and defend the Indian Constitution.
[Excerpt from, and courtesy of NewsLaundry.
Army attacked more than 40 other Gurudwaras in Panjab, if govt
sent army inside Darbar Sahib to flush out terrorists, why army raided these
40+ Gurudwaras all over Panjab and massacred the innocent there? Here is
a special report on attack on Gurudwara dukh Niwaran at Patiala, Panjab.
While writing this book and collecting the horrific stories relating
to army invasion on Gurudwaras in Panjab, I came to know about 40+
Gurudwaras were invaded by army but its detail could not be collected.
Therefore despite our best efforts we are unable to give you a detailed report
on killing of innocent Sikhs in other Gurudwaras by this brutal, biased force
which entered in gurudwaras not only to kill the Sikhs but to teach a lesson
to brave Sikhs on patriotism by suppressing them forever.
While searching on attacks on Gurudwaras other than the Golden
Temple or Darbar Sahib, Amritsar, we could find only one eye witness
account report on Gurudwara Dukh Niwaran sahib, Patiala which was
penned down by Mallika kaur, a renowned writer, lawyer in US. We are
grateful to her and republishing her report in her own words. We fully agree
with the contents given in this report as being a Sikh youth in 1984, the
writer of book was also aware of it. Many other eye witnesses have also
given their account but unfortunately while writing this book, we missed to
recollect them.
As 100,000 Army men had sealed Punjab by June 1, 1984,
worshipers and visitors were trapped not only in Darbar Sahib, but also in
other gurudwaras (prayer centers and community centers) hundreds of
kilometers away from Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala — against whom
there was no arrest warrant or legal case at the time.
Over three decades after the deadly events, I sat listening to a man,
who reminded me about the sights and smells I imagined as a child
whenever I heard the sanitized term “Blue Star”:
“You know how when a turban is washed, and then you wring it
out, and water splatters out, just think about that…but with blood, so much
blood. All these blood soaked turbans. Blood everywhere…we could not
even estimate how many bodies this had come from. Because there were no
bodies there, just the blood….and the loosened soil below had porously
retained so much blood.”
With a team of volunteers from the1984 Living History Project,
recording testimonies and memories of the watershed year, here I was
listening to a man I had never met recount the macabre sights and smells
from the premises of Dukh Nivaran (meaning “Eradictor of Suffering”). His
house had been 250-350 meters from the boundary wall of Dukh Nivaran
Gurudwara in Patiala, he said.
My father’s relative’s home in Patiala had been farther away from
the Gurudwara. He lived to tell the story of witnessing, from his rooftop, the
Army move into the city. He recounted hearing three to four loud explosions
then continuous firing for many hours, seeing parts of the Gurudwara lit up
in flames, and then, he said, hearing a persistent growl, like that of a large,
wounded animal before it dies. Perhaps thankfully, rather than visualizing
the bullet-ridden bodies of trapped pilgrims who had slept the night before
on the cooler marble floor of Dukh Nivaran Sahib in the sweltering Punjabi
June heat, my child’s mind had imagined only a monstrous howl, which my
relative’s testimony re-awoke.
For many of those who saw it first-hand, the monstrosity was
overwhelming. Jadish Kaur, the principal of a Nursing College in 1984,
explained how her husband came back home after a week and remained

“mentally tortured” by what he had seen happen in Patiala. They both soon
quit their government jobs, and migrated to the United States. It was only
years later that their children could join them and the family could be
“Darbar Sahib was one…but what of the other 37 gurudwaras? It
means this attack was in fact to destroy all Sikh morale,” she summarizes.
There remain varying estimates of the total number of other
Gurudwaras attacked in north India in June 1984: 41 (Reduced to Ashes), 75
(Politics of Genocide), 38 (The Guardian). The Indian government’s
official White Paper, released hurriedly after June 1984, divulges 42 other
identified Gurudwaras. The casualties at Dukh Nivaran, just one of these
many, were recorded at 257 by Justice Tiwana. Tiwana was appointed by the
Punjab government in 1985 to investigate the fate of various Sikh boys and
men picked up on the immediate heels of Operation Blue Star and tortured
in detention at Ladda Kothi, southwest of Patiala, just one of many
notorious jails.
Growing up, we had heard, including from doctors in Rajindra
Hospital, Patiala, the fate of those killed during the attack. Our relative had
made his way, through back roads, to the home of friends who lived right
across the gurudwara and who had a young child forced to go without food
or milk for days. As he handed a small drum of milk to the petrified family,
he heard stories about the Lorries they had been counting, each laden with
dead and almost dead bodies before wobbling their way out of the city
Years later, I listen to Manjit Kaur’s testimony on YouTube. She
speaks of the reddened earth in the Patiala gurudwara, and later the
overwhelming smell the locals inhaled, coming from the village of
Badoongar. “The smell gave us the idea of what was really going on…what
was really going on was the mass burning of the bodies,” She recounts. The
dead of Patiala were whisked away, just like the bodies from Amritsar were
recorded being carted away in garbage trucks to be disposed of through
quiet mass cremations. They left the earth red in their trace.
Get first-read access to major articles yet to be released, as well as
links to thought-provoking commentaries and in-depth articles from our
Asia-Pacific correspondents.
Says the eyewitness who as a boy counted bloody turbans: “[The]
Indian mass population doesn’t know this… they didn’t let this come out at
all… If anyone else from Patiala listening to this can come forward, they
too can add a wall to this foundation, so we can build toward the facts.”

Instead of accounting or remembrance, what Punjab sees again this
June is reporting on shrill political maneuvering in Amritsar, under the
hawk-eyed watch of the central government troops. Once again, we see a
violence-centric, selective telling of the Punjab story. This telling does little
to amplify the voices of ordinary citizens, or to diminish antagonisms, or
respond to the prevailing intolerance that prevents any human rights
remedies for the wrongs committed under the guise of Blue Star.
[Our special thanks to Mallika Kaur, a lawyer and writer who
focus on gender and minority issues in the U.S. and South Asia. She has a
JD from the UC Berkeley School of Law, where she is a Lecturer and
MPP from Harvard Kennedy School of Government].

Akal Takhat demolished by Tanks in
June 1984.

Now the Generals were sweating as their all strategies were failed.
The fight which they imagined to be finished within half an hour had been
continued for 72 hrs and not stopped. Leave the humiliation or defeat, the
causality army suffered was very heavy. The Generals had assured Indira to
capture Akal takhat within half an hour but there was no end to it. Therefore
the Generals now sent a request to use heavy armor and artillery to attack,
than in the wee hors on 6th June, the permission to use tanks was given. As
per reports given by Mark Tuli (BBC correspondent) there were only 14
Sikhs in the Akal Takhat at that time but the infantry had been so frustrated
and weak that they surrendered. It was not possible for them to continue
fight with these last 14 valiant Sikh youths.
Therefore in the end these Generals of Indian army took the
decision to use the Tanks to get control on Akal Takhat. They fired 80 shells
on Akal Takhat and demolished this highest temporal seat of Sikh religion
and blew it off this sacred historical building. All the brave 14 Sikh youths
thus martyred.
The entire world was stunned on this tyranny. There were tears in
eyes of Sikhs but not flowing, dried due to disgust, unbelievable on
demolition of Akal Takhat. It seemed as there was no blood in veins of

Sikhs. They were just amazed, had no words to condemn. If it had been in
their hands, they would have formed their own nation on that day. Sikhs all
over the world were very angry upon Indian army, Indira Gandhi and they
had fired 80 shells on Akal Takhat and destroyed this highest temporal seat
of Sikh religion and blew it off this sacred building. All the brave 14 Sikh
youths thus martyred.
The Helicopters and planes of Army and Air force were also used
for s thedivers from the Indian Navy. This battle was at PAR WITH THE
BATTLE OF CHAMKAUR fought under command of 10th Guru Gobind
Singh ji along with his 40 followers against one million, mighty and strong
army of Moguls.
Then in disgust and anger, Sikh nation took a sad decision.
Now it was the turn of Indira Gandhi whose end was finalized by
the Sikh Martials.
Before this attack, Sikhs were also a part of Indian army. In both the
previous world wars, they fought in Italy, France, Malayaisa, Africa, Burma
etc (In whole of Europe, Middle East and south Asian countries) and proved
their valor. Even now memorials are built in these nations to commemorate
their memories. 83005 Sikhs were martyred and more than one hundred
thousand got wounded.
There was a majority of Sikh soldiers and officers in Indian
National Army (INA), they formed 60% of INA.
The contribution of Sikhs in India’s freedom struggle can not be
ignored. Hindus may form majority in this nation but their own contribution
in its freedom struggle was very low, almost outnumbered, this is a bitter
truth which was also accepted by the ruling Congress party published in its
magazine. This was published by Maulana Abul Kalaam Azad. (Book
source: "History of Indian National Congress").
Kindly see the figures provided by him as follows;

Punishment Suffered

Imprisoned for life (KALA PANI)

Killed at Jalianwala Bagh
Killed at Budge Budge Ghat
Killed in Kooka Movement
91…………. NIL…………..91
Killed in Akali Movement

Grand Total
3697……… 1074…….....4771

Being a part of Indian army, the Indian army could never realize the
valor of Sikhs. It never had any opportunity to face might of Sikhs before
operation blue star in 1984. The enemies of this nation have faced and
penned down the valor of Sikhs in their own words in books.

Sikh soldiers in the eyes of Pakistani generals;

Let us go through a brief narration of the brave Sikh soldiers of
present day Indian Army from a retired Major General Mukeem khan of
Pakistan army. What he has penned down about the Sikh soldiers is
available on page 250 in his book ‘Crisis of leadership’. This book is written
by him about Indo-Pak war of 1971.
‘….the main reason of our defeat was Sikhs fighting facing us.
We were helpless to do anything in front of them. Sikhs are very
brave and they have great craving for martyrdom also. They fight
so fiercely that they are capable to fight an army many times
bigger than them,’
‘…..On 3rd December 1971 we fiercely and vigorously attacked
the Indian army with our infantry brigade near Hussaini wala
border. This brigade included Pakistan army’s fighter Panjabi
regiment together with the Balooch regiment. Within minutes we
pushed back the Indian army quite far back. Their defence fell
under our control. The Indian army was retreating back very fast
and Pakistani army was moving forward with a great speed. Our
army reached near the Kausre-hind post. There was a small
segment of Indian army appointed to defend the post and their

soldiers belonged to the sikh regiment. A small number of the Sikh
regiment stopped our way forward like an iron-wall. They loudly
greeted with the ovation of ‘Bole-so-Nihaal’, and attacked us like
the blood thirsty hungry lions and hawks. All those soldiers were
Sikhs. There was even a fierce and dreadful hand to hand battle.
The sky filled with the roars of ‘Yaa Ali’ and ‘Sat –Sri-Akal’. Even
in this hand to hand fighting the Sikhs fought so bravely that all our
desires, aspirations and dreams were shattered.’
“…….In this war Lt. Colonel Gulab Hussain of Baloach regiment
got killed. With him Major Mohammad Zaeef and Capt. Ari Alim
also died. It was difficult to count the number of our soldiers who
got killed. We were astonished to see the courage of those handfuls
handful of Sikh soldiers. When we seized the possession of of three
storey defence post made of concrete, the Sikh soldiers went onto
the roof of the defence post and kept on persistently opposing us..
The whole night they kept on showering fires on us and continued
shouting the loud ovation of Sat-Sri-Akal. These Sikh soldiers kept
on the encounter till the next day, when the Pakistani tanks
surrounded this post and bombarded it with guns. Those handfuls
of Sikhs got martyred in this encounter while resisting us, but other
Sikh soldiers then destroyed our tanks with the help of their
artillery. Fighting with great bravery, they kept on marching
forward and thus our army lost its foothold.”
“…..Alas a handful of Sikhs converted our great victory into a big
defeat and shattered our confidence and courage. The same thing
happened with us in Dhaka (Bangla Desh). In the battle of Jaissur
the Singhs opposed the Pakistani army so fiercely that our
backbone was broken and our foothold was lost. This became the
main and important reason of our defeat and Sikh’s fancy for
martyrdom and mockery with death for the sake of safety and honor
of the country, became the sole cause of their victory.

One more example of unmatched valor of Sikhs is presented here;

On 12th Sept. 1897, 21 Sikh soldiers of 36th Sikh Regiment were
beseized by ten thousand Afreedi Pathans (who claims to be the
descendants of mighty king Faridun of Persia) at Saragarhi near fort
Lockhart, district Kohat of NWF Province (now in Pakistan). The fierce
battle known by the natives as ‘Teera battle’ or Saragarhi battle was fought
on 12th Sep. 1897 under the command of havildar Ishaer Singh who caused
maximum casualties of the invaders. According to the accounts of Afreedi
Pathans, more then two hundred pathans were killed in this battle and more
then more then one thousand seriously injured. At the fag end of the battle
only Havildar Isher Singh was left alone with twenty bodies of his brave
fellow fighters Amritdhari Gursikh soldiers lying all around him.
Unfrustrated by the attack of huge enemy, the lone soldier fought the battle
for hours in the spirit of Chardi-kalaa (high spirit) and showing exemplary
courage unparallel in the history of wars, continued firing and fighting till
the last drop of blood kept him alive. He and twenty of his other brave Sikh
soldiers practically proved in the battlefield the prophetic pronouncement
of Guru Gobind Singh that’ Sava lakh se ek laraoon, Tabhai Gobind Singh
naam kahaoon’, All these twenty one Sikh soldiers who laid down their
lives heroically were awarded the highest gallantry award —— the
INDIAN ORDER OF MERITT (IOM) equalent to existing PARAM
VEER CHAKRA for their supreme valor and sacrifices by British govt.
The highest gallantry awards were given on that day to 21 Sikh soldiers who
were the highest in strength awarded for any single day anywhere in world.
When the news of that peerless sacrifice reached England, all the
members of the British Parliament in their special session paid glowing
tributes to the most daring Sikh soldiers and two minutes silence was
observed in their sweet memory. The members of the house while
eulogizing the remarkable acts of bravery of the brave Sikh soldiers of
Saragarhi battle said, “the English as well as Indian subjects are proud of
36th Sikh Regiment and it is no exaggeration to record that the armed forces
which posses valiant Sikhs can not face defeat in any war.”

Below is the extract from a draft publication written in 2002,

about Anglo-Sikh relations?
It provides useful briefing material for projects like the
Wellington Arch Sikh Exhibition in London, in January 2009.

The Epic of Saragarhi 12th September 1897

“Fighting against overwhelming numbers, they all died at their
posts, with unflinching loyalty and devotion to their oath while
upholding to the very last, the traditional bravery of the Sikh
nation”. (The Commander-in-Chief, India).

This was one of the most heroic actions in recorded history fought
by a small detachment of 21 jawans of the 36th Sikh (since redesignated as
the 4th Battalion of the Sikh Regiment of the Indian Army). The action was
fought at Saragarhi in North West Frontier Province, now in Pakistan and
close to the Afghanistan border. Saragarhi was a small army post, a small
square stone blockhouse built on a high ridge called the Samana Ridge. The
post provided vital communication between Fort Lockhart and Fort
Gulistan on either side of the Saragarhi post. One hundred and twenty-one
jawans of the 36th Sikhs were in Fort Lockhart and 175 in Fort Gulistan at
the time. You need to remember that communication those days was by
visual signaling equipment.
Several thousand Pathan tribesmen attacked this small post on the
morning of 12th September 1897. They surrounded the post so that no help
from the other units could reach in time. These jawans under the command
of Havildar (sergeant) Ishar Singh fought a memorable battle killing over
three hundred attacking tribesmen. The last person to join the battle was the
signaler, Sepoy (soldier) Gurmukh Singh, who had until then kept the
battalion headquarters informed of the situation. He asked permission from
headquarters to stop signalling took up his rifle and fell fighting single-
handed. The valor of these heroes of Saragarhi won wide acclaim and they
were posthumously awarded the highest military honors for gallantry.
Battle Honors were also awarded to their battalion, 36th Sikhs.
It is not surprising that following epics like the battle of Saragarhi
and the earlier Anglo-Sikh wars, the gallantry of the Sikh battalions became
legendary. The military fame of the Sikhs spread worldwide. The Sikh units
of the Indian army became role models for others. They provided a source of
inspiration for others while convincing the British commanders that the
soldiers from the Indian subcontinent could stand their ground against the
best in the world. It is with this background that we need to assess the
contribution of the Sikhs to the two World Wars fought for the freedom of
mankind, a contribution, which is sometimes forgotten by the politicians or
overlooked by the military historians.
So Indian army had never got any opportunity to taste the valor of
Sikhs, the operation Blue star was only the first time when the mighty
Indian army, well equipped with sophisticated and modern weapons faced
handful untrained Sikh youths. There were nearly one hundred thousand of
army was deployed to face the 200-250 Sikh youths only equipped with
their traditional weapons and with some old already used in Second World
War —-Machineguns, Grenades and Rifles but they had a motto to save
their holiest shrine from invasion and to lay down their lives for holy cause.
They (Sikh youths) had a will to get martyrdom but only after teaching a
lesson to these soldiers of Indian army. These Sikh youths proved a steel
wall in front of mighty Indian army and stopped their advance for 72 hrs.
The pride of mighty Indian army was shattered within minutes when they
faced a fierce full fight with these handful untrained warriors of 10th master
Guru Gobind Singh ji.
The Generals of Indian army had assured the then Prime Minister
of India, Indira Gandhi that they will get control of Akal Takhat sahib within
just half an hour only and arrest Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwala dead or
alive. Indira Gandhi had given such orders to General Vaidya, the
Commanding officer in chief of Indian army as;
"I don't give a damn if the Golden Temple and whole of Amritsar are
destroyed, I want Bhindranwale dead." (Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime
Minister, communicating with Gen. Vaidya during "Operation Blue Star")
Punjab govt. had issued a circular soon after India got
independence in 1947, (circular was issued in October 1947) with the
consent of trio—the Jawahar Lal Nehru, Gopi Chand Bhargava Chief
minister of Punjab and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel the Home Minister of
India and declared Sikhs as with criminals history (Jarayampesha) and
district Magistrates of Punjab were ordered to deal with Sikhs strictly. This
needs to be remembered that just a couple of weeks before Sikhs were
compelled to leave their fertilized lands and flourished businesses, their
homes, their movable and immovable properties in west Punjab due to
partition of India. Nearly Ten hundred thousands were killed out of total
population of 350 million of India. These rich people were made penniless
and homeless, starving of hunger but instead of any help, these homeless,
migrated Indians were called Refuzee and then criminals. It was a great
humiliation to whole community which had contributed a largest share in
India’s freedom being one percent of total population, their contribution
was 93%. All this described in detail further in this book.
Now the daughter of this Prime Minister Nehru—the Indira Gandhi
(who was also sworn in as PM of India) has expressed her enmity and hate
with Sikhs in these words. According to these words…. “Whole of Amritsar
are destroyed but …”
Means without any concrete evidence against Sant Jarnail Singh
Bhindranwala, she wanted to kill this holy saint and for that purpose she
could destroy whole holy city which is the center of Sikh religion, it’s base,
where Sikh gurus preached the religion, where Sikh Gurus spread message
of equality and love to all human race without any discrimination of caste,
religion, race, creed or gender? By having bias thoughts to destroy this holy
city, either this lady was a crook or mental or she couldn’t hide her enmity
and hate with Sikhs. To destroy whole city of Amritsar meant to eliminate

Sikhs then before she could repeat any such drastic act in future, it was
better to get rid of this mad woman to save their religion and nation and then
Sikhs took an unpleasant decision to kill her —-no doubt , they took a timely
correct decision.
The other most famous personality of Congress known as Father of
nation —- Mohan das Karamchand Gandhi had also taken to save Muslims
in Calcutta at the cost of lives of Hindus of this nation, see this historical
Before this Mahatma Gandhi had spoken the similar words in favor
of Muslims in 1947 …….written by Richard Beniar (with courtesy from
The Gandhi nobody knows, March 1983, ——
“I shall be not amazed if whole of Calcutta sinks in blood, for me it
will be like offering the blood of innocents by myself ——— see even then
…. This man is called Mahatma.”
Through this we get a glimpse of Indira Gandhi’s stubborn
nature, but she was also a figure among ciphers. It was revealed by none
other then by President of Bhartiya Janta Party in his book, ‘My
country my life’ as…. “He persuaded Indira to attack on Golden
Sant Ji never ordered murder of any innocent person and he
consistently condemned violence against innocent people. However, he did
name certain police officers who had been guilty of torturing and killing
innocent people whose only crime was that they belonged to the
Bhindranwale Jatha. In this context, please permit me to quote from my
book “Struggle for Justice” my conversation with I.K. Gujral in 1987 by a
Sikh scholar Ranbir Singh Sandhu.
“Hindu leaders were content to go along with the Government or
indeed to demand more strict action against the Sant. They paid no heed to
the Sant's complaints of violation of human rights in Punjab. Typical of this
attitude was a statement by Gujral who said, in the course of an eloquent
speech, that the Sikh struggle had been peaceful but was taken over by
violent elements. This writer (Ranbir Singh Sandhu) asked him if he was
referring to Sant Bhindranwale as the violent elements’. He agreed. This
writer reminded him that Sant Bhindranwale, in one of his speeches, had
mentioned that over 140 persons had been killed and another one thousand
crippled in police torture up to that date and that the Sikhs had tried
persuasion with the police, legal action in the courts and appeals to the
national leaders and the press but that nobody had made any effort to stop
the torture and the killings in custody, and that the Sant had then gone on to

ask the public as to how long the Sikhs should continue to quietly suffer
without defending themselves? This writer asked Gujral as to whether, in
his opinion or according to his information, Sant Bhindranwale was lying
and if not, what did leaders like him do about the killings and torture by the
police and what should the Sant have done in the face of this oppression?
Gujral replied that he had never thought about the problem from that point
of view.”
Incidentally, RS Sandhu sent PM I K Gujral a copy of the above
with a request that he may correct him if his notes of the conversation were
not correct. He did not get a reply. (Full detail is given ahead in this book).
It is well referenced that the then Rajya Sabha member and
prominent leader of the BJP, Mr LK Advani wrote in his subsequent
memoirs that:
“On May 3 (1984) Atalji, along with Charan Singh, led a
contingent of demonstrators the next day. I raised the issue in
Parliament, charging the government with abdication of its
responsibility in the face of unprecedented challenge to national
unity and rule of law... the Prime Minister was ultimately forced to
use the military to liberate the Golden Temple from its anti-national
Then why did the President of Bhartiya Janta Party persuaded
Indira? There are may be many reasons behind it but there is no doubt that he
fuelled in fire just because of his biased thoughts of anti Sikh views. The
effect of Sant Jarnail Singh was noticed upon Sikh youths, they dropped use
of intoxications and followed true path of Sikh religion by embracing Sikh
religion through Amrit initiation. Thousands of youths flocked for Amrit
initiation daily in Sikh Gurudwaras, it increased tension on fanatic Hindu
organization—the Rss (Rashtriya Swaynsewak Sangh) because it wanted to
merge Sikh religion as sect of Hinduism, and because the conflict between
true (Radical) Khalsa and Brahminic Hindus (high class Hindus) was on
high esteem, both are against each other. The Sikh religion de-recognizes its
high class status in society and opposes idol worship. Hence these fanatic
Hindus found their grip loosing on Sikh youths. Thus the Lal Krishan
Adwani got a golden opportunity to avenge from Sant Jarnail Singh ji
Bhindranwale and incited Indira Gandhi to invade on greatest Sikh shrine
—-the Golden Temple by Indian army.
However, it must be admitted that he was a devout Sikh and
baptized thousands of people into manifold of Khalsa.
"The Sant's following grew as he successfully regenerated the

'good' life of purity, dedication and hard work by reviving these
fundamental values of the Sikh religion's way of life." (Vandana Shiva:
The Violence of the Green Revolution, Research Foundation for
Science and Ecology, Dehra Dun, 1989.)
I hope I have made clear that Sant Bhindranwale did not get
involved in politics. He was a simple preacher and had no political
ambitions. On the other hand, it was politicians who surrounded him and, in
killing him, also destroyed all the good work he had done in his parchar. I
understand that today Punjab leads every other state in India in
consumption of alcohol and drugs. Sant Bhindranwale was a scapegoat
dubbed as Congress agent by the Akalis while he lived and eventually killed
by the Congress government along with the revival he had so ably led.
Even his critics admit that. Tavleen Singh tells us that he preached
‘Nashey chaddo, Amrit chhako, Gursikh bano'. (To drop usage of drugs,
initiate Amrit to be pure Khalsa and be a true Sikh of Guru).
And Sd. Khushwant Singh writes: 'Bhindranwale's amrit prachar
was a resounding success. Adults in their thousands took oaths in public to
abjure liquor, tobacco and drugs and were baptized. Video cassettes
showing blue films and cinema houses lost out to the village gurdwara. Men
not only saved money they had earlier squandered in self-indulgence, but
now worked longer hours on their lands and raised better crops. They had
much to be grateful for to Jarnail Singh who came to be revered by them as
Baba Sant Jarnail Singhji Khalsa Bhindranwale.'
There is no clear indication as to who killed Avtar Singh Atwal.
Possibly, if the confidential files of Punjab Police and of the Home Ministry
at New Delhi become public, we might learn more about the tragic murder.
Atwal's murder has routinely been included in the list of killings
attributed to Sant Bhindranwale and his men. In this context, we might find
the following information useful.
1) Sant Bhindranwale had good reason to disapprove of Atwal's
conduct at the Mehta Chowk arrest on 20 September 1981
and some other incidents. Atwal was the SSP on duty that
day and had ordered the firing that killed eighteen persons [I
have been told that he did this under direct orders from the IG
Police]. Also, Sant Bhindranwale mentioned his role in a
case of a girl being stripped and paraded. According to the
Sant [A conversation with Surinderjit Singh Bains of
Vancouver, Canada, January 1983]:
"In the Ghall Khurd Police Station, a daughter of poor Sikhs
whom we sometimes describe as Jheoor, from Dauke village
situated on the border in District Amritsar, was stripped
naked and Swaran Singh the D.S.P. held her by her breast and
paraded her through the village. A Commission was set up
[to inquire into the matter]. The Commission submitted its
report that he was guilty. The S.S.P. of that time, Avtar Singh
Atwal, said that it had been done under his orders. Let us
accept that he [Swaran Singh] was set free, why was Atwal
not questioned? The punishment Atwal received for
stripping a poor Sikh girl was that he was promoted from
S.S.P. to D.I.G. of Jalandhar Range."
2). When Atwal was killed, Sant Bhindranwale condemned
the act. However, it is worth noting that in March 1983, 19
year old Hardev Singh and some of his companions
traveling in a jeep were killed by the police. The real target
was the Sant himself who was scheduled to make the trip
but canceled it at the last moment and sent Hardev Singh in
his place. Atwal was conducting an inquiry into the deaths.
His murder was in highly suspicious circumstances and
some people believe it was carried out by Government
agencies who thought Atwal had warned the Sant about the
plan and was acting as his informer. India Today published
details of the suspicious circumstances at that time. Atwal
was killed in the Darbar Sahib Complex so Bhindranwale
could be conveniently blamed because of the background
explained in 1 above.

Who actually did what is unknown and we should not rush to judgment.

Ranbir S. Sandhu
On the contrary the Akali Dal in Punjab was also on conflict against
Sant Jarnail Singh. Though its leader Parkash Singh Badal was weaker
against Sant Jarnail Singh but he is a shrewd politician. He brought ahead
the religious leader Sant Longowal and proposed Gurcharan Singh Tohra as
next Chief Minister of Punjab. Now Sant Longowal and Gurcharan Singh
Tohra had become the functionaries of Badal. Badal played several
malicious moves to down the increasing popularity of Sant Jarnail singh ji
Bhindran among Sikh masses (By AR Darshi, ex-joint Secretary Punjab
in his book, ‘The Gallant Defender’).

Warning to religious people:
Beware of politicians! My fellow Sikhs: learn from Sant
Bhindranwale's experience. Do not teach people to be good, do not become
too popular, and do not protest when they torture and kill your associates. If
you have tried all means for redress and no one comes to help; and
oppression, torture, and killings in custody continue, blame the victims for
provoking the perpetrators. In any case, do not invoke Sri Guru Gobind
Singh Sahib's Zafarnama and defend yourselves and your homes. It can be
viewed as a deadly crime in the "world's largest democracy".
1. Press Conference on 15 September 1983, reported in Surjit
Jalandhry's book "Bhindranwale Sant" page 66. Sant Bhindranwale said:
"Three murderous attempts were made on my life during the past
few days, but by God's grace, I escaped unhurt every time. The first attempt
on my life was made in the Parkarma. The assailant was waiting for me in
the stairs leading to the Temple. My disciples grew suspicious and caught
hold of him before he could take out his pistol. He was brought to Guru
Nanak Niwas where he confessed that he had a hand in the conspiracy to
murder me. He was let off after administering a warning. During the next
attempt, the assailant followed me up to Room No. 47 in Guru Nanak Niwas
but his pistol fell down on the way. The third attempt to kill me was made in
Gurdwara Manji Sahib."
2. Chand Joshi, Bhindranwale: Myth and Reality, Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi, page 118.
"It is obvious that some persons/organizations had mixed a certain
amount of poison in his food. But given the traditional Indian 'efficiency' it
was just not enough to kill him On 23 September, Bhindranwale's condition
was reported to be critical with his urine containing 40 percent blood".
3. Chand Joshi, Bhindranwale: Myth and Reality, Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, page 21. Joshi describes a 1 June 1984
attempt by the military to kill the Sant: "At a silent order four shots were
aimed in a vain effort to assassinate this fountainhead of terror"
The operation was truly a terror inflicted upon a minority living in a
"democratic" state. The government did not keep track when it slaughtered
its own people in that fearsome army operation. Indian government still
claims that the Operation Woodrose never happened but the cold hard facts
presented in Cynthia Mahmood's book "fighting for faith and nation"
negates those claims completely. The Hindustan Times correspondent
Chand Joshi alleged that the army units "acted in total anger" and shot down
all the suspects rounded up from the temple complex. Mark Tully and

Satish Jacob, in Amritsar; “Mrs. Gandhi's Last Battle”, criticized the
Army for burning down the Sikh Reference Library, stating that it did this to
destroy the culture of the Sikhs. In The Sikhs of Punjab, Joyce Pettigrew
alleges that the army conducted the operation to "suppress the culture, and
political will, of a people". Similar accusations of high handedness by the
Indian Army and allegations of human rights violations by security forces in
Operation Blue Star and subsequent military operations in Punjab have
been levelled by Justice V. M. Tarkunde.
Attack on Golden Temple and its follow-up Operation Woodrose,
concealed from public eye with great treachery, were two of the most
inhumane acts committed by the Indian government. It is not surprising that
this legacy of ill-will and bloodshed produced a sense of alienation among
the Sikhs. In search of political gain, countless Sikhs were murdered and no
one was held accountable.
Khushwant Singh (internationally renowned writer), Dr Ganda
Singh (eminent historian) and Sadhu Singh Hamderd (editor of Ajit)
returned their Padma Bhushan awards in protest. Four months and three
weeks after the operations, Indra Gandhi paid the ultimate price for the
planning and execution of Operation Blue star and Wood rose. She was shot
by her two Sikh body guards. This reaction of the Sikhs should not have
come as a surprise, but it did. Four years later these incidents Mrs. Gandhi
assassins, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, paid the penalty for their
vengeance being hanged to death in Tihar jail. Regrettably, 29 years have
passed yet the people behind 1984 massacre and killers of thousands of
Sikhs remain unpunished. In fact, the soldiers and generals involved in the
operations were presented with gallantry awards, honors, decoration strips
and promotions by the then government.
What a shame that in much hyped "secular" India there is one law
for Hindu majority and another for Muslims, Christens and Sikhs, who are
in minority. Indian government must not forget that India can never achieve
the pursuit of national glory unless her minorities feel safe and secure while
living there. It is high time that she may act as a true secular state and accord
the status as that of Hindus, to all minorities. India must realize that bad
beginnings can never have good endings.
A letter is often seen on internet which was written to personal
Secretary of Indira Gandhi, Shri RK Dhawan on 25th April 1984, in which
he mentioned all his previous correspondence, their meets and requested for
a quick army action against Sant Jarnail Singh ji.
Kindly see the photocopy of that letter;

Contents of the letter;
April 25, 1984.

Mr. R. K. Dhawan
Safdarjang Road,
New Delhi.
Respected Mr. Dhawan sahib,
As you know that Mr. Gurcharan Singh’s (Tohra) life is in great
danger, so I am writing you this letter. Sant Jarnail Singh is not going to give
up and now I strongly feel that we have to do what we planned earlier and
Sardar Parkash singh Badal has already explained to you in details. Most of
Bhindranwala (sic) men will run away when they see the army and most
probably he will too.
Major Genral Jaswant Singh Bhullar and Professor (sic) Manjit
Singh Sidhu have agreed to go to America. Full arrangements have been
made. Sardar Didar Singh Bains of America and Dr. Jagjit Singh Chauhan
will work with him. They have been told to stop Sikhs living abroad before
they get organize (sic) and start supporting Sant Jarnail Singh. Please let
your people know to support these men with all assistance in every form.
We will soon provide you the names of those Sikhs who live abroad
and supporting (sic) Sant Jarnail Singh. I am sure that our plan will work
and this ordeal will be over in no time.
Yours very sincerely,
Sant Harchand Singh Longowal.

In a major revelation that brings forth the details of Indira Gandhi’s

letter to Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, the then head of Damdami Taksal -
while on one side the former prime minister was preparing to drag out the
Sikh militants from within Sri Darbar Sahib, she was carrying out talks with
premier Sikh leaders of the time, on the other.
The groundwork for Operation Bluestar had begun by 1983,
however, the implementation only commenced on 3 June 1984, as per the
The recently out investigation report of the British government also
alleges that Indira Gandhi had asked for help from British PM Margaret
Thatcher for planning Operation Bluestar in 1983.
It was only after that the British premier deployed two advisors
from her army in Amritsar.
Congress hasn’t accepted till date that the Operation Bluestar was
pre-planned and claims to be executed at random.
What did Tohra say?
In a letter written to Indira Gandhi, senior Sikh leader Tohra had
said that if Indira accepts demands raised by him, proximity will only
further between Nehru family and Khalsa Panth. The letter, which
comprised of 9 demands, was written in May 1983.
The letters were written between Februarys to May 1983
Indira Gandhi had written various letters to Sikh letters between
Februarys to May 1983.
The first letter in the series was shot to Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale
at his Damdami Taksal, Mehta Chowk, at Amritsar address. One of the
letters was also written for incumbent head of Shiromani Akali Dal, Sant
Harchand Singh Longowal. Gandhi had asked him to help resolve the
burning issues in the letter.
The editor of a Punjabi daily, Bharpoor Singh Balbir, was
mediating the entire affair.
A letter written to the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak
Committee head Gurcharan Singh Tohra was also found.

Indira’s letter to Longowal:

Indira has written about sending the demand of Sikh Personal law
to Law Ministry in the letter to Longowal. She also wrote that Sarkariya
Commission has been established to look into the matters of the centre and
the state and added that a commission will work on the suggestions and
proposals provided by the Sikh leaders. The former prime minister also
asked the Sikh leaders to remain united with the rest of nation in wake of
impending fears of wars, hovering over the nation. She also lauded the
efforts of Sikhs for their contribution towards security of the country.

Indira’s letter on 21 February 1983

“I received your letter from Bharpoor Singh Balbir on 19-02-1983.
I completely agree with your views, as everyone should follow his/her
religious obligations with sincerity. Sardar Bharpoor Singh has appraised
me about your religious works in detail. As you already know, I am
concerned about my nation’s unity and security capabilities. For the very
reason, we all should find a peaceful solution to conflicts. The argument that
has taken birth between Sikhs and Nirankaris can affect a large section of
our society. I request you to play a part in resolving the issue at the earliest.
Lots of wishes and regards from my side.
Indira Gandhi”.

MP Rajinder Kaur, daughter of Akali stalwart Master Tara Singh

and chief of Istri Akali Dali, had also reiterated her allegations in the
January 1985 issue of her monthly journal 'Sant Sipahi' after her
suspension, which was reported by TOI on January 21, 1985.
"Several prominent Akali leaders were holding secret meetings in
Delhi with ruling party leaders for secret deals," Kaur was quoted as saying

by TOI. The 1985 news report about her suspension and controversy reads:
"She alleged that some Akali leaders met central leaders barely four days
before the Army action against terrorists in June."
In an article, 'Rajiv Gandhi 'te Sikh' (Rajiv Gandhi and Sikhs) Kaur,
who was editor of 'Sant Sipahi', wrote: "It is surprising that on May 26, three
Akali leaders, including Parkash Singh Badal and Gurcharan Singh Tohra,
met Indira Gandhi. On May 27, the Prime Minister decided to send the
Army inside Darbar Sahib. On May 28, Sant Jarnail Singh (Bhindrawale)
got the wind of this decision, and decided that if condition was so bad he
would come out and offer arrest, but on June 1 information was planted on
him that Army would besiege Darbar Sahib but would not attack it."
She wrote when Tohra went to meet Bhindrawale on June 3 and
hinted he should move out to prevent damage to Darbar Sahib, the Sikh
militant leader told him the Army would only surround the Golden Temple
complex and not attack. The editor-cum-Akali leader further wrote in the
article that Bhindranwale was deliberately given wrong "inside"
Akali-ex-MP-nailed-Badals-Blue-Star-lie-in 1985/articleshow/

Eight secret Akali-Centre meetings before Bluestar;

Chandigarh hosted three parleys, Delhi five, claims former Deputy

Commissioner Raghbir Singh
“I received a call from Chief Commissioner Krishna Banerji asking
me to see him immediately. As soon as I entered his room, he signalled all
those already present there to leave immediately. He told me to make
preparations for a top-secret meeting between some top politicians from the
Centre and Akali leaders lodged in the Burail jail. I was asked not to involve
anyone in the mission, and keep the police out of the loop.”
“I discussed various possibilities with Sub-Divisional Magistrate
TC Gupta. He managed to procure keys of a private house in Sector 2,
Chandigarh, for use as the venue of the talks on March 27, 1984.” Three
rounds of talks had already taken place between the Akalis and the Union
Government in Delhi and the fourth one was to be held in Chandigarh,
recalls the then city Deputy Commissioner Raghbir Singh.
Since it was a top-secret mission, it was decided to use a car without

a flag and replace the original number plates with fake ones. “I myself drove
the car to the Burail jail. As I was also the IG (Prisons) for Chandigarh,
being the District Magistrate, I knew the Jail Superintendent RD Sharma
was a smart cookie. I sent him to Ludhiana on a purchase assignment. I
opened the gate and huddled the Akalis into the car and ferried them to the
venue of the meeting,” he recalls. The meeting was held between senior
Akali leaders and the Home Minister PV Narasimha Rao-led Central team.
Most Akali leaders were mortally scared of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale,
who had become very powerful, thus depriving Akalis of their political
The Akalis wanted Bhindranwale neutralised, but till then they had
no inclination about the plans of the Centre (about Operation Bluestar).
After holding talks at a private residence in Sector 2, Chandigarh, on March
27 and 29, 1984, another meeting took place at the Chandigarh Airport on
April 21, 1984. However, no solution could be worked out.
Subsequently, the venue of the meetings shifted to Delhi and the
eighth and the final meeting took place in a guest house in Delhi on May 26,
1984, just days before Operation Bluestar.
For the talks that took place months before the Army action on the
Golden Temple, Parkash Singh Badal, who was detained in Delhi at that
time, accompanied PV Narasimha Rao, Parnab Mukherjee, CR
Krishnaswamy, MMK Wali, PC Alexander (Principal Secretary to Prime
Minister Indira Gandhi), Union Home Secretary Prem Kumar and Union
Minister Shiv Shankar in a special plane to Chandigarh.
At Chandigarh, Akali leaders, Surjit Singh Barnala, Balwant Singh
Ramoowalia, Gurcharan Singh Tohra and Ravinder Singh Cheema, then
lodged in the Burail Jail, were clandestinely brought out and taken to Sector 2.
Raghbir Singh said he received all orders from then Chandigarh’s
Chief Commissioner Krishna Banerji. He believes the meetings were aimed
at finding a solution to the Punjab tangle. “The homework done during
those meetings later took the shape of the Rajiv-Longowal Accord,” he
Giving specifics to suggest that the Army action was not discussed
with Akalis, he says during an overnight stay in Sector 5 here, Indira Gandhi
told senior leaders, “You all want a solution, but none of you tells me what
can be done to neutralize Bhindranwale.”
According to Raghbir Singh, Abinash Singh, the then secretary of
Harchand Singh Longowal (who was later gunned down, as was Longowal)
was the emissary between the Akalis and the Centre.
The talks that were
* The then Chandigarh Deputy Commissioner, Raghbir Singh,
claimed three rounds of talks had already taken place between the Akalis
and the Centre in Delhi before the venue was shifted to Chandigarh
* Two meetings were held at a private residence in Sector 2,
Chandigarh, on March 27 and 29, 1984, while the third took place at the
airport on April 21, 1984;
* The Akalis wanted Bhindranwale neutralised, but till then they
had no inclination about the plans of the Centre about Operation Bluestar
subsequently, the venue of the meetings shifted to Delhi
In his book Tragedy of Punjab, co-written with Khushwant
Singh, the partisan Hindu-Punjabi journalist Kuldip Nayar describes how

this came about;
Indira Gandhi’s son, Sanjay, “knowing how extra-
constitutional matters worked,” suggested a “sant” be put up to
challenge the Akali Dal government. Two Sikh preachers were short
listed for the task, and the final selection left to Sanjay. One did not look
“the courageous type.” The other was Bhindranwale. Sanjay’s friend,
the MP Kamal Nath, told Nayar, “Bhindranwale, strong in tone and
tenor, seemed to fit the bill. We would give him money off and on, but we
never thought he would turn into a terrorist.
[In November 1984, this very Kamal Nath, a Congress Party
stalwart, led murdering mobs in New Delhi, killing innocent Sikhs in
broad daylight. He has to this day never been brought to justice; instead,
he was rewarded with a cabinet post.]
By January 1980, when Indira Gandhi was voted back into power,
Bhindranwale had grown in stature and influence. During the election, he
canvassed for some of the Congress candidates in Punjab, and once even
shared a dais with Gandhi.
Sant Jarnail singh was a simple man and he couldn’t understand the
moves of conman Badal. He had only mission of his life to propagate Sikh
religion among youths and connect them to mainstream of Sikh religion.
Being a Sikh and Panjabi, he gave his consent to DHARAM YUDH
MORCHA started by Sant Longowal for more rights to Panjab by
implementing of “Anandpur sahib resolution’ which guaranteed the states
for more rights and to get rid of the fear of article 356 which was being
misused by Indira to gain control by removing state govt. and imposing
President’s rule forever. He had nothing to do with politics but he firmly
opposed the anti-Sikh policies of center which irritated Indira and Sant ji
became a thorn in her (Indira’s) eyes in a short span of time.
Gurbachan Singh, chief of Nirankari sect disrespected the eternal
guru of Sikh religion ...Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji an his religious gathering
(Samaagam) at Amritsar on holiest day of Baisakhi in 1978. When the
information of this disrespect was given to Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindran,
he dispatched a group of 13 Amritdhari Sikhs to go to samaagam (seminar)
and request the chief of Nirankari mission to give due honor to Guru Granth
sahib ji so that the tension may be over but as these unarmed 13 Sikhs
arrived at samagaam, they were brutally attacked by the volunteers/task
force of Nirankari mission with the consent of their chief and martyred on
the spot.

"Contrary to popular belief that he took the offensive, senior police
sources in the Punjab admit that the provocation came from a Nirankari
official who started harassing Bhindranwale and his men. There were two
or three Nirankaris in key positions in the Punjab in those days and they
were powerful enough to be able to create a lot of trouble."
There was an immediate reaction and uproar in Amritsar on brutal
murders of these 13 Sikhs by Nirankaris but Sikh organizations and the Sikh
community kept maintained the communal harmony and a FIR was lodged
in Police station but the Police was incapable to take any action against
Nirankari Chief. The Chief Secretary of Punjab Pannu was himself an
admirer of this Nirankari mission, he and Lala Jagat Narayan, owner of
Hindu Press, Jalandhar helped Nirankari chief to escape from Punjab safely
and reach Delhi.
There was anger in whole Sikh community against Nirankaris
throughout the world. A meeting was immediately called at Sri Akal Takhat
sahib by chief clergies and a resolution was passed to give a call to Sikhs of
social boycott of Nirankaris and to breakaway all social relations with
See how the partiality was done ….13 innocent Sikhs are killed
brutally in Punjab but the hearing of the case was shifted out of Punjab…?
Why? Have you ever witnessed any such atrocity and discrimination?
Permission of the hearing of this case in Punjab was not given by center; it
was arranged far from Punjab at Karnal in Haryana. All the accused
including chief of Nirankari mission Gurbachan Singh, were acquitted. The
mass murderers were thus freed.
On 4th November, 1978, the Nirankaris took out a procession in
Delhi in connection with their annual conference. The Sikhs retaliated with
a counter protest march that culminated in violence. The President of the
Delhi Akali Dal, Avtar Singh Kohli, was hit on the head by a police tear gas
shell and was killed. Besides him, Bhai Darshan Singh and a 13-year old
Sikh boy Maninder Singh were also killed. Nine Sikhs were also injured.
On 5th and 6th November, 1978, disturbances broke out in some parts of
Delhi and a curfew had to be imposed. Jan Sangh (BJP) workers provided a
protection force to enable the Nirankaris to continue their functions in spite
of disturbances in the city. Many Arya Samajist leaders, including Lala
Jagat Narain, gave speeches supporting the Nirankaris.
Sant Bhindranwale started keeping a pistol after the 1978 Nirankari
affair. He would argue that the Nirankaris had weapons and had killed so

many innocent protestors. Still. They had been let off and allowed to keep
their weapons. In the future, Sikhs too should keep weapons to protect
themselves and to seek justice. There are allegations that Santji traveled
with a retinue of armed people. His plea was that if Gurbachan Singh, the
Nirankari leader, can have an armed escort, why can’t he.
The weapons displayed by his men were all properly licensed and
Indian law permits any license-holder to carry his/her weapon in public. He
was not violating any laws in doing this. In any case, Sikhs have been told to
be “Shastardhari” by Siri Guru Gobind Singh ji Sahib. Would we call Guru
Sahib a “terrorist”?
Perhaps the Mughal government of the time and the hill Rajas


This was the justice full of partiality given to

Sikhs by govt of India (Indira govt).

By now the Sikhs and Sant ji had understood the anti Sikh views of
Indian govt and then they decided to do justice themselves. Some
courageous Sikh youths gunned down Lala Jagat Narayan near Ludhiana on
09th Sep 1981. At last the patronage of killers of 13 innocent Sikhs had to
meet his destiny. He was also playing his indirect part in their safe release.
Lala Jagat Narayan was owner of Hindu press, the central Govt and the
fanatic Hindu organizations gone mad.
Soon after this incident a Sikh youth Ranjeet Singh assassinated
Gurbachan Singh in his house with his gun. He was given highest award by
placing him as the Chief Jathedar of Sri Akal Takhat and thus shown their
love and honor to him. The mass murderer met his fate at last.
Sant Jarnail Singh ji was alleged of murders of duo father and son
—-Lala Jagat Narayan and Ramesh Chopra but it couldn’t be proved and
he was acquitted soon in lack of any witness. He was earlier arrested on
these allegations from his traditional Gurudwara of Damdami Taksal at
Chowk Mehta but Police had to release him soon. There was uproar in
Panjab on his arrest. The atrocities against Sikhs had thus begun by firing
at Chowk Mehta in which many Sikh youths were gunned down by
As part of this harassment, three members of Sant Bhindranwale's
Jatha were arrested on fictitious charges on 17 July 1982. When Thara
Singh and Amrik Singh sought to get them released, they too were arrested
on 19 July. This arrest became the trigger for start of Sant Bhindranwala
protest though he had been advised for a complete rest. After ishnaan in the
sarovar, at 5 p.m. he sent a Jatha of about fifty volunteers to "sit on the road"
in front of the Deputy Commissioner's residence. They were all arrested. He
came to Darbar Sahib that day even though he was very sick.
The Akalis took over the Morcha on 4 August 1980 and gave it the
name "Dharm Yudh Morcha". Akali leaders, along with Sant
Bhindranwale, did an Ardaas at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib for victory. In the
Ardaas (prayer), they pledged that they would not withdraw the Morcha

till the demands contained in the Anandpur Resolution were accepted and
that none of them would go and seek compromise with the Government
on this issue.
Sant Bhindranwale’s participation in the agitation was with the sole
aim of getting Amrik Singh and Thara Singh released. In August 1983,
when they were set free, Bhindranwale's main objective had been achieved.
After that the Morcha was entirely for Akali demands. However, problems
arose when the Akalis, fearful of Sant's rising popularity among the Sikh
youth, wanted to end the Morcha and negotiated with the Government in
violation of their own Ardaas at Shri Akal Takhat Sahib. Sant Bhindranwale
was adamantly opposed to this violation. To get over the situation, there
were attempts to assassinate the Sant possibly supported by Akalis and/or
the Government.
Sant Bhindranwale did support the demands contained in the
Anandpur resolution. This resolution demanded a certain amount of
autonomy for Punjab and was not a demand for dismemberment of India.
The Sant had not even seen the resolution till the middle of 1983. His
support was based solely upon his acceptance of the position of the Akali
leadership on the issue. He publicly stated many times that he had no
political ambitions and that the Akali Dal was the sole representative party
for Sikhs. Later, he opposed Akalis' softening stand regarding the
Resolution on the basis that they had said an Ardaas at Siri Akal Takhat
Sahib on 4 August 1982 (the day the Dharam Yudh Morcha started) where
they had invoked God and Guru's blessing and vowed not to accept
anything less than the resolution. He took the position that having said that
Ardaas, it didn’t behoove them as Sikhs to go against their vows. His
opposition was never violent. He only told the public that in case the Akalis
compromised on their Ardaas, he would let the public know about it and
then it would be up to the Sangat to decide what to do.
In our religion, we have been taught that if everything else fails, it is
righteous to take the sword. That is Sikh history. It may not be politically
correct but this is what a true Sikh is supposed to do. There are thousands of
arm chair statesmen and so called experts, but very few put their money
where their mouth is. They are scared for their lives. Nobody likes to face
the wrath of the powers that be, by speaking the truth. That is a fact.
Bhindranwale was an icon; he fought against injustice and died as a martyr.
At the end of the day, as long as the injustice continues, the fight shall
continue, that is just history.
Sant Jarnail Singh now had been declared number one enemy of

Indira Gandhi and the central govt, on the other side the Dharma Yudh
Morcha started by Sant Longowal was on it’s peak. More then one hundred
thousands had been arrested and thousands had been injured in baton
charges but their high spirit was continued. Sikhs were looking their future
safe by implementing Anandpur resolution only. It was the only reason that
this agitation was strengthening in grip to a common man. The govt. played
a new trick to get rid of its increasing popularity. So it employed few of it’s
trustworthy Punjabi Hindus and deployed them in Police and other Para-
military forces in guise of a Sikh (Though their religion was not changed).
They were given task to kill the innocent Hindus to fail this movement. The
only motto was to divide public of Punjab and defamation of Sikhs by
failure of this movement,,, a plan to side line Sikhs.
And it happened, many innocent Hindus were killed in moving
buses and the killers deliberately shouted Sikh slogans to blame these
killings on Sikhs. These killers left behind some signs of their being Sikhs
as evidence before their escape in dark. The Indian media too blamed Sikhs
without searching any evidence. Thus the Sikhs were unofficially declared
enemy of Hindus. This is not any hearsay … but I witnessed it in my family.
My one relative (my mother’s brother in relation) narrated me his personal
experience. He was a small sized political leader but had approach with high
ups. Once he searched a Sikh youth who was whisked away by Sikh
extremists but later on he was found in custody of BSF (Border Security
Force). The soldiers of this force had picked him up in guise of Sikhs. He
had to pay a heavy price (About three hundred thousands during those days)
and only he could get him safely released. The Sikh youth and his family
migrated from Punjab to other state. My relative is no more now but he
narrated me this true incident.
Tribune newspaper on 11-11-83 printed a report called 'Discovery
of Turbans' written by Dr. Lalawati & I.S Iyangar thought to believe in this
that the passengers "Hindus" were dragged out of the bus and killed was not
work of the real Kharku's (Militants) but work of the non- kharkus who
happens to be dressed like Sikhs and were wearing Turbans. As Darbar
Sahib complex was garrisoned along with other Gurudwara's every person
going in and out was searched properly including ration as it was believed
that so called Terrorists were hiding in the Darbar Sahib Complex and they
would come out and kill innocent Hindus and go back in hiding. List of 40
Singh's with proper names was sent to center Govt. and C.R.P, B.S.F &
Punjab police along with few intelligence agencies were on the spot to catch
these Singh's but during 18 months of Garrison they failed to arrest or catch

EVEN one Singh with so called weapons or Singh's killing any innocent
So now the Question is who were killing these innocent Hindus?
Comrades being revolutionaries yet the ass lickers of the Govt. of India
were on the pay roll to provide information of any Singh whom they did not
like so for job security they were giving names of innocent Sikh youths who
were taken to Police Stations, extorted for money, tortured and eventually
killed. State sponsored Terrorism was at it's best and to date properties of
these Singh's have been taken over by Police officials and few has been
turned into Police Stations or such. If Govt. of Punjab and Comrades are so
pure human being than why human rights organizations were not allowed in
Punjab to tell the world truth? Let's not forget Shahid Jaswant Singh Khalra
a human right's activist who exposed 25000 deaths of innocents from the
cremation grounds by the Punjab Police just in one district of Punjab. All
these boys and their families were extorted for money during repeated
arrests, tortured, female members of the family were gang raped, their are
living victims who have stated that they were stripped butt naked and were
forced to lie down on their father and much more went on and yet these
comrades are talking about bringing what revolution with their lies of
Kharku's killing innocent Hindus? Jaswant Singh Khalra revealed how a 3
yrs old boy was also cut open and peppers were stuffed in his wounds and
eventually boy died. And nobody would want to be repeatedly torture to
such extend or humiliated so few boys un willingly ran out of their homes
and joined the real Kharkus for revenge and gave the hell to the forces of
State sponsored terrorism now the deal was handful vs. the whole state
funded by A country and they gave the real MATCH for these goons in
uniforms. Back to Question how did some of the fake Kharkus that who
created them? Sarab Hind Congress i issued a report 'Conspiracy Exposed'
and was printed in Indian Express dated September 4, 1984 which stated
"Pakistani agents disguised as Sikh were trained in Kasur area of Pakistan
by brigadier artillery regiment. These men, in batches of 300 - 400 were
given there to four months intensive training. Most of those trained in these
camps & training centers were smugglers, proclaimed offenders and
criminals...." There were other active centers and they were brought in via
Rajsthan border.
S.M. Sathananthan Managing editor Transatlantic India on 15-12-
83 wrote under article "Hindu-Sikh Conflict in Punjab, causes and cure" in
this he writes 'Sikh leaders claim that the recent killings of innocent Hindus
in the bus, near the border were not committed by the Sikhs, appears to be
credible and thought provoking' May 1985 Magazine Surya on page 42
writes something like this "Mrs. Gandhi had decided that she was to take on
the new role in her life the role of the protector of Hindus.... She had planned
that there shall be a conflict between the Hindus & Sikhs, in which the grand
strategy was that the Hindus shall be first left unprotected, let them be killed
for a while, let them become angry, so angry that they will seek revenge.
The Hindus & Sikhs will then go at each other's throat. And then I will tell
the Hindus, 'Look I can only protect you."
It was a govt propaganda that the followers of Sant Jarnail Singh
Bhindranwale were killing Hindus in large numbers so the action against
them was necessary, hence army was ordered to flush them out of Darbar
But the data collected from different sources reveals the hidden
truth. The white paper issued by Govt of India reveals the toll of death from
March 1981 to June 1984 in Panjab was as follows;
Hindus: 132
Sikhs: 211
Nirankaris: 115 (including Policemen and other Hindus+ Sikhs.
Total: 458
Oh ! Where are the records of killing of thousands of Hindus
murdered in Panjab by Sikh militants due to which Darbar Sahib and nearly
40 other Gurudwaras had to be attacked and more than 50000 Sikhs
including women, children and aged people were killed brutally by army?
You can view the details of the people killed in UP during the same
period. Just compare yourself the difference in toll of death in these two
states during the same period.
It may be a Hindu or a Sikh, commemorates 1983 as there were
dance of death, hue and cry all around in Panjab, The govts of Panjab also
propagated if the killing of innocent had increased number of times,
therefore there was no other option other than attacking on Darbar Sahib.
When we look upon data collected on 1983, we find adverse results
against revelations of false claims on crimes. The crime rate was lowest in
Panjab in 1983, any act which is considered as crime.
The crimes recorded in 1983 on average population behind 100000
people in any single police station in Panjab were as follows, this data was
collected by the govt of India. There were only 79 incidents that could be
called crimes.
Have a look on crimes recorded in other states of India;

Madhya Pradesh 303
Jammu-Kashmir 272
Tripura 270
Maharashtra 238
Assam 232
Nagaland 228
Tamilnadu 227
Gujarat 222
Manipur 203
Karnatka 197
Rajsthan 195
Kerala 178
Odisha 162
Andhra 151
Bihar 147
Bengal 142
Uttar Pradesh 141
Haryana 121
Meghalaya 115
Himachal 98
Panjab 79
Sikkim 73
That shows the crime rate in Panjab was a little hire than Sikkim
only, than what were the reasons to attack on Darbar Sahib?
Possible it may help you to access the situation by reading the

Data reported in Times of India 9 February 1992
Sh. A P Chidmbaram was the state home minister in center in 1987;
militancy was on its peak in Panjab at that time. The former finance minister
of Panjab BS Ramoowalia met him to discuss on ongoing in Panjab. What
he replied, it needs to watch his each every word with care.
Whatever decision on Panjab is taken by center, shall be taken
viewing it’s impact on Hindus in other states, the message should go that the
terrorism in Panjab is being crushed. So far the problem of Panjab is not a
priority for us. We will see it only after the changes in cabinet. The message
gone out of Panjab was that the Panjab govt failed to curb terrorism and
Barnala govt was dismissed due to this reason only.
The people of Panjab must understand that issues of Panjab were
not viewed and discussed according to the people of Panjab but by viewing
how people of other states take them? The changes in cabinet were more
important for center than its any effort to solve ongoing issues of Hindus.
Therefore try to understand the reasons by going on facts to attack
on Darbar Sahib not on false assumptions.
Excerpts taken from the book ‘Politics of Panjab and Haryana and
the emergency’ by Sh. B K Chum.

See this data also;
The UP was populated six times higher than Panjab but the people
killed in violence in UP was many times higher than the people killed in
Panjab. This is also authenticated data released by the govt.

Why UP was not attacked especially when the attack on Darbar
sahib is justified by propagating killing of innocent people?

Who disturbed Panjab, whether Sikhs or Indira Gandhi and


It’s picture of an article of Surya magazine Sep.1984. It states how

Indira Gandhi used secret "the third agency" and it's agents to kill Sikhs and
Hindus to launch pretext to mass kill Sikhs in 1984 like an evil chess game.
It revealed the story about a super intelligence agency called the
‘Third Agency’. It noted as;

“We focus pre-Blue Star Punjab. The Third Agency’s assignment

was to mid and abet the murders and killings in Punjab. The Third
Agency kept the supply of lethal weapons flowing into the Golden
Temple. The Third Agency allowed 47 railway stations be blown
up. The Third Agency incited violence in Punjab. And for their
gallant roles, senior officers of the Third Agency have been
rewarded with police medals and prize foreign postings.”

There were few incidents when real Kharkus (Militants) countered

fake Kharkus to defame them and they were set to fire alive for doing the

evils. I think there was one incident that real Kharkus's were hiding close to
a village near Batala and nearby house had a wedding and fake Kharkus's
'black cats' landed at the house demanded food and shelter and eventually
started to miss-behave with the bride and her brother stepped forward and
he was shot down by these agent's of the Punjab Police at the gun shot real
Kharkus moved closer and without any en counter the agent's gave up and
started to beg at this they were brought out of the village given shower with
kerosene and set to fire to set an example that who ever will try to defame
them with such evil will meet such an end.
Now such false propaganda by few agents of fanatic Hindu
organizations forced me to write this and few Sikh youths have requested to
pull out such materials for the sake of humanity to educate the world.
Anyway now Sikhs had been declared the extremists. The Sikhs
—- once who were known as saviors of women of other religion also, who
saved Hindu women/girls and youths from clutches of Muslim invaders
were now declared extremists by the descendents of those Hindus in free
India. You may hardly find any such evidence of un-gratefulness and
betrayal by any other community.
Now Indira had begun her dirty game to attack on holiest Darbar
Sahib (golden temple). So the Indian army built a replica of parts of Darbar
Sahib at Chakrata near Dehra dun (90 kms) which was earlier a hill station
before 1962 but to give training to Indian soldiers to fight on high attitude,
this hill station was restricted for tourists but converted into army
Cantonment. It’s to be remembered there was not any such political
situation had been created in Punjab or at Amritsar before 18 months of the
attack in June 1984. This reveals the dirty bias thoughts in her mind.
General S K Sinha has disclosed in his book about training of these soldiers
at Chakrata. This general was going to be the next chief of Indian army but
when he refused to attack and blow the traditional gurudwara and centuries
old religious school —- Damdami taksal at Chowk Mehta, and replied that
by this attack the religious sentiments of Sikh soldiers in Indian army shall
hurt and he doesn’t want it.
He was not given the promotion. He had to pay a heavy price as his
junior Arun Sridhar Vaidya was given charge of Indian army. He (Genral SK
Sinha) resigned in protest. Alas a patriot general was discriminated due to
satisfy ego of Indira.
The news of attack in near future on Darbar sahib had been started
leak. A Sikh organization warned Indira by their letter written in February
1984 and informed her of it’s far sighted bad results but the stubborn Indira
ignored all.
Operation Blue Star was launched to silence these Sikh militants
who were beginning to become more vociferous over the ongoing human
rights violations, from CBS' 60 MINUTES and his camera crew had
personally interviewed Bhindranwale himself and the segment was
broadcast around the world.
20:00 hrs - 22:00 hrs

The army began preliminary shelling and destroyed seventeen

houses which the police believed Bhindranwale's followers occupied in the
alleys surrounding the Golden Temple. Nearby, a large building housing the
Brahmbuta Akhara was destroyed.
Then there were three main towers which rose well above the
surrounding buildings, and could be used as excellent observation positions
for tracking the movement of Indian troops in the narrow alleys surrounding
the temple. The tops of these towers were also destroyed in the preliminary
artillery fire.
22:00 hrs - 23:30 hrs

Between 10:00 and 10:30 pm on 5 June, Indian army commandos

from 1st Battalion were ordered to run down the steps under the clock tower
on to the parikarma (the marbled perimeter surrounding the pool and the
Harmandar, the sanctum sanctorum) and move quickly around the edge of
the sacred pool to the Akal Takht. As the paratroopers entered the main
gateway to the Temple, they were gunned down by light machine-gun fire
from both sides of the steps.
The few commandos who did get down the steps were driven back
by a barrage of fire from the building on the south side of the pool.
In the control room, a house on the opposite side of the clock-tower,
the commanding officer was waiting with two supporting officers to hear
confirmation that the commandos had established positions inside the
The few commandos left regrouped in the square outside and
reported back. He ordered them to make another attempt. The commandos
were then to be followed by the 10th Battalion of the Guards.
This second commando attack managed to neutralize the machine-
gun posts on both sides of the steps and get down on to the parikarma. They
were followed by the Guards who came under heavy fire and were not able

to make any progress. They radioed for permission to fire back at the
buildings on the other side of the tank. That would have meant that the
Golden Temple itself, which is in the middle of the pool, would have been in
the line of fire. Ultimately, the order was given, once reports poured in of
heavy casualties from the commander of the Guards.
23:30 hrs - 01:00 hrs

The army requested tanks after an Armored Personnel Carrier was

destroyed by a rocket fired by the Sikhs defending the attack on their
temple. The request was granted and seven tanks rolled into the Golden
Temple complex. They cleared the ramparts and later assaulted the main
temple in order to neutralize the defenders remaining in the structure. The
shelling achieved its objective and the primary target of removing militants
from the Akal Takht was achieved by 01:00. However, the secondary
objective of removing militants from other neighboring structures went on
for a further 24 hours.

Independent historians place the figure of those killed at:
Military: 700
Sikh: 5000.
The casualty figures from eye-witness accounts (such as Amnesty
International) were much higher.

An unspecified number of Sikh soldiers resigned from positions
across India in protest, with some reports of large-scale pitched battles
being fought to bring mutineers under control.
The operation also led to the assassination of Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi. The militants took the position that there was no other way of
holding a criminal head of state responsible for her heinous crimes,
especially since she committed them to consolidate further and enhanced

On 31 October 1984, two of her armed Sikh security officers shot her
Anti-Sikh pogroms were triggered by inflammatory statements
made by the new Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi (who oddly became her
successor to the "democracy" by the mere merit of being her son) and his
political goons, and fanned on by the government controlled media.
The widespread killing of innocent Sikhs, principally in the
national capital, New Delhi, but also in other major cities in North India, led
to major divisions between the Sikh community and the Indian Government
... especially with mounting evidence that political and government leaders
had led the mobs and police as well as military authorities had been
instructed to stay away.
General A. S. Vaidya, the Chief of Staff of the Indian army during
the outrages of Operation Blue Star, was also killed in retaliation in 1986 in
Pune by two militants, Harjinder Singh Jinda and Sukhdev Singh Sukha.


The use of artillery in the congested inner city of Amritsar proved
deadly and reckless considering many civilians lived near the Golden
Temple. The media blackout throughout the Punjab resulted in widespread
doubt regarding the official stories and claims.
The operation is criticized on five main grounds: the attack was
unnecessary and could easily have been avoided; the choice of time of
attack by Government; heavy civilian and military casualties; loss of
historical and other property; and allegations of gross human rights
violations by the Army personnel.


The attack on the Golden Temple was in plans even before the
armed Sikh militants fortified it.
Then GOC of the Indian Army, S.K. Sinha, who was sacked on the
eve of the attack for being critical of it, had criticized the Government's
projection of the attack as "last resort"; and stated that the attack was in
plans 1 year and 6 months prior to the actual day of attack. S. K. Sinha and
Mark Tully report that the army had been rehearsing the attack for this time
in the replica of Golden Temple they had built at a secret location near
Chakrata Cantonment in the Doon Valley.

The timing of Operation Blue Star coincided with a busy Sikh
religious day, commemorating the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev (the same
Guru who oversaw the construction of The Golden Temple), and hundreds

of thousands of Sikhs from all over the world visit the temple on the days
around it.
Historians view the timing and attack by the Indian Army - under
pressure from the fundamentalist Hindu lobby which had by then infiltrated
the intelligence services of the country - as an attempt to inflict maximum
casualties on Sikhs in order to demoralize them. In fact, one of the main
reasons for heavy civilian casualty was the choice of the days of operation.
The Sikh community's anger and suffering was further increased by
comments from leading newspaper editors, such as Ramnath Goenka,
terming the operation as "A greater victory than the win over Bangladesh,
this is the greatest victory of Mrs. Gandhi".
After the operation, the great Sikh Reference Library located
within The Golden Temple was burnt down, but not until the rare books and
manuscripts had been looted and removed by the army personnel.
Though identified as being stored at various facilities, the
invaluable material is still to be restored to the Sikhs. Sadly, many of the
manuscripts - often in single pages - have surfaced in the clandestine
antique markets.

Before the attack by the army, a total media blackout was imposed
in Punjab. The Times (London) journalist Michael Hamlyn reported that
journalists were picked up from their hotels at 5 a.m. in a military bus, taken
to the adjoining border of the state of Haryana and "were abandoned there".
The main towns in Punjab were put under curfew, transportation
was banned, news blackout was imposed and Punjab was "cut off from the
outside world".
A group of journalists who later tried to drive into Punjab were
stopped at a road block at the Punjab border and were threatened to be shot if
they proceeded.
The Indian nationals who worked with the foreign media were also
The press criticized these actions by the Government as an
"obvious attempt to attack the temple without the eyes of the foreign press
on them".
The Associated Press correspondent for South Asia, Brahma
Chellaney, who somehow managed to stay back and hide in the city, and
report the operation, was later threatened and questioned by police.

Brahma Chellaney was the only foreign reporter who managed to
stay on in Amritsar despite the media blackout. His dispatches, filed by
telex, provided the first non-governmental news reports on the bloody
operation in Amritsar. His first dispatch, front-paged by the New York
Times, The Times of London and The Guardian, reported early on a death
toll of at least about twice of what the authorities had admitted.
According to the dispatch, about 780 militants and civilians and
400 troops had perished in fierce gun battles.
Mr. Chellaney also reported that "several" suspected Sikh
prisoners had been shot with their hands tied behind their backs. The
dispatch, after its first paragraph reference to "several" such deaths,
specified later that "eight to 10" men had been shot in that fashion.
In that dispatch, Mr. Chellaney interviewed a doctor who said he
was picked up by the army and forced to conduct post-mortems despite the
fact he had never done any post-mortem examination before.
The number of causalties reported by Mr. Chellaney was far more
than government reports, and the Indian government, which disputed his
casualty figures, accused him of inflammatory reporting.
The Associated Press stood by the reports and figures, the accuracy
of which was also "supported by Indian and other press accounts" according
to the Associated Press, as well as reports in The Times and The New York

C.K.C Reddy, an Indian journalist, writes:

"Whole of Punjab and especially the Golden Temple Complex was
turned into a murderous mouse trap from where people could neither escape
nor could they seek succour of any kind. The way the dead bodies were
disposed off adds to the suspicions regarding the number and nature of the
casualties. The bodies of the victims of military operation in Punjab were
unceremoniously destroyed without any attempt to identify them and hand
them over to their relatives. The government, after the operation, on the
other hand, did every thing in its power to cover up the excesses of the army
action. The most disturbing thing about the entire operation was that a
whole mass of men, women, and children were ordered to be killed merely
on the suspicion that some terrorists were operating from the Golden
Temple and other Gurdwaras."

Similar accusations of high handedness on the part of the Indian
Army and allegations of human rights violation by security forces in
Operation Blue Star and subsequent military operations in Punjab has been
levelled by Justice V.M. Tarkunde, Mary Anne Weaver, Ram Narayan
Kumar, a noted human rights lawyer, Joyce Pettigrew, a Swedish
Anthropologist and many others.
The Indian Army responded to such criticism by simply stating that
they "answered the call of duty as disciplined, loyal and dedicated members
of the Armed Forces of India ... our loyalties are to the nation, the armed
forces to which we belong, the uniforms we wear and to the troops we
Many other journalists and writers point out that a "wearing out"
approach and blockade tactics - often used by the authorities, always with
success - could have been resorted to, and the tragedy could easily have
been avoided.
More serious questions have surfaced since then, however ... and
they remain unanswered.

For example:
The involvement of the right-wing and fundamentalist Hindu
element in the critical and crucial decision-making processes of the
government suggests a concerted agenda to attack the very core of the Sikh
community and to eradicate its separate identity and philosophy, thus
causing an absorption of it back into the dark recesses of Hinduism -exactly
the way Buddhism, Jainism, and to a certain extent, Zorastrianism, had
already fared under Hindu hegemony. What role had the Indian State
played, and continued to play, in these nefarious matters?
Source: on_june_5_1984

Whether Sant Jarnail Singh and his
associates were extremists?

Sant Jarnail Singh ji Khalsa Bhindranwale

If Sant Jarnail Singh ji and his associating Sikhs were terrorists,
could Indian govt. clarify when its forces were getting training to attack on
golden temple, why the senior political leaders, Press reporters and
photographers, journalists were flocked to Darbar Sahib to visit Sant ji and
get his interview during that time whose pictures are frequently available on
internet. so whether they used to visit and for interview of an extremist ?
Sant Jarnail Singh daily used to sit on roof of Langar hall and then
started meeting visitors at Sri Akal Takhat Sahib. Journalists interviewed him
to make the headlines of news papers or to air on Radio daily. When he used to
sit on roof in open, couldn’t he be shot with any telescopic rifle if he was a
threat to nation? If it was so easy then what was the need of an army invasion
on Golden temple and nearly 40 other gurudwaras to be desecrated in Punjab?
And deliberately on auspicious day of martyrdom of fifth guru Arjan dev ji
when thousands flock to religious places to pay their obedience to their Guru?
If Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala was an extremist - as the Indian
govt. propagates then we Sikhs demand an evidence to prove it. The govt. of
India should give an evidence to prove it whether Sant ji was summoned to
be present in any Court of India and he didn’t or if any warrant issued
against him or pending or whether he was declared an offender by any Court
where he didn’t present or if the Govt. itself had declared him an extremist
through it’s any order or whether the Parliament was also taken in trust to
declare him an extremist?
Kindly give details if any?
The truth is the Sikh youths were highly impressed by personality
of Sant jarnail Singh ji, by his call they had given up the use of intoxicants,
drugs and alcohol from their lives and initiated into Khalsa religion. Those
who used to shorn their hairs or trim their beards, left it immediately and
became Sikhs by initiation with Amrit into Sikh religion. Many Muslim
youths were also lured to be Sikhs; we find many evidences in history when
Muslims initiated Sikh religion. Now with inspiration of Sant ji, many
Muslims came forward and offered themselves to be Sikh. They became trus
followers of Sant Jarnail Singh. They kept on fighting till their last breath with
other Sikh youths to save Golden temple from invading Indian army.

Sikhs do not believe in violence.

Speech by Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Jee Khalsa Bhindranwale
Perhaps she (Indira Gandhi) has forgotten that a Sikh does not
believe in violence. Sikh does not believe in destroying life. A Sikh always
upholds Nanak Naam Chardhi-Kala Therae Bhanae Sarbat Da Bhulla
"Nanak says: God's Name is glorious; there is good for all in accepting
your will". The Sikh follows this path. She has started to say so to give us a
bad name. Either her CID (Intelligence Division) has given her this
impression or she is deliberately being clever.
115,000 Have Volunteered To Die For The Faith. This Is Not A
There has been an announcement from the Akal Takhat regarding
115,000 volunteers ready to die. Among them I too have come to the stage
on two occasions. I too have come to the Guru's presence. All the mothers
and brothers who have come there to the presence of Siri Guru Granth Sahib
Ji, the True King; I have preached at length to them all and got them to make
a pledge to become extremists. She (Indira Gandhi) says there are a handful
of people. She should carefully note that 115,000 raised their arms.

Government Calls Devout Sikhs- "Extremists".

We are firm extremists but of what type? Those who act the way
Government says an extremist does. Who does the Government call
extremists? A person who takes Amrit (is formally initiated into the Sikh
Faith) and administers it to others; who reads Baani (Siri Guru Granth
Sahib) and teaches others to read it; who preaches unity and exhorts people
to work together; who turns people towards cooperation; who unites them
under the saffron Nishaan Sahib (the Sikh religious flag); who unites them
with Akal Takhat Sahib and Harmandar Sahib; who is desirous of seeking
justice (retribution) for the dishonor to our daughters and sisters, for the
spilt blood of innocent people, for the irreverence shown towards Siri Guru
Granth Sahib, the True King, and exhorts others to do the same - and we
have to get these rights - the present Government has started calling such
people extremists. Only Sikhs Of The Guru Have Volunteered. They Are
More Than A Fistful.
I had said these things when I asked people to raise their arms. He
who is a Sikh of the spinning wheel and the goat, a Sikh of the Radhaswamis
and Narkdharias (Nirankaris), a Sikh who waters the pipal tree and
sprinkles sandhoor on the Jand tree, should not raise his arm in the presence
of our Master (Siri Guru Granth Sahib). He who is a Sikh of Satguru Granth
Sahib, is a friend of the Panth (the Khalsa Brotherhood), has respect for the
honor of daughters and sisters, and has respect for the spilt blood of the
innocent and the brave, should raise his arms. This was the pledge I got from
the stage. They were 115,000. She should think it over. They were 115,000.
(One might say to her): "You are not the form of Guru Nanak that you can
include all of them in your fist. Your fist could not even contain Jagjiwan
Ram (a former Minister in the Government of India), not even Bajpai (a
Hindu leader) and others. They left you and departed. How will you hold
115,000 Sikhs in your fist through mere talk?" She says there is only a
handful! From one point of view it is even a good thing. So long as the fist is
closed the fist is formed, it is there. When we open the hand, it becomes a
slap. Fingers cannot hurt as much as a fist can. When the fingers are closed
they call it a fist. You know, in our language, what the fist can do. So, Khalsa
Ji, so long as our fist is closed, we are together. We desist from mutual
criticism. We are Guru's Singhs and work together. Let us stop saying "I am
a Congresi, I am an Akali, I am Bhindranwala, I am so and so." Giving these
up, one thing should penetrate the Sikh's mind: "I am a Sikh; I want to live in
Hindostan as a Sikh and not as a kesdhari Hindu (Hindu with uncut hair)."
When this thing enters our mind (we shall succeed). She says "they are a
handful." One hundred and fifteen thousand have made the pledge here.
Some friends have registered their names with me too. Some say: "Why
have they registered their names with you?" Some brothers talk like this too.
I do not wish to name them, may God give them good sense. I pray to the
Guru. I am not angry with them. That's all the wisdom they have. Friends
have registered their names with me too. Who are the people who have done
so? These were those who said:
“We are not going anywhere without you." The President, Sant
Baba Harchand Singh Ji Longowal, was asked. A request was made to
him:"Baba Ji, some Singhs think like this. You should tell us (what to do). If
tomorrow there is going to be a talk that (Bhindranwale is) forming his own
Akali Dal, then I shall request these people to go home. But if you so order, I
can register them." He said: "Get them registered." Persons between sixteen
and forty years of age have been registered. We have registered older
persons as well but that (list) is separate. In this age group, the count with me
is thirty thousand. She says they are a handful! Garja Singh and Bota Singh
(Sikh heroes from 18th century who defied the Imperial rulers) were two. It
will be good if the Guru has mercy, the Satguru is benevolent, and the job
gets completed in peace. We definitely are supporters of peace, but if the
train once starts then it will be known whether they are a mere handful or too
many even for (enclosing in a blanket) wrap.
A Muslim Police cop Bashir Mohammad was deputed as spy and
sent to Golden Temple in disguise of a Sikh. His mission was to collect
information on movement of Sikh youths in the group of Sant Jarnail Singh.
Though e on govt. duty but he got so much influenced and impressed to see
courage and life style of these Sikh youths that he himself appeared before
Sant ji and revealed his secrecy and wished to be a Sikh. He was then
initiated into Khalsa by Amrit initiation ceremony and a new name given to
him as Laxman Singh. He got martyred while defending Golden temple in
invasion by Indian army. His wife was pregnant for 8 months. She was
picked up by police after martyredom of her husband; she was killed with
her foetus in her uterus. We salute all these three and pay our tributes to
departed heroes of Sikh panth.

The Hindu press (Punjab Kesri) had declared these Muslim youths
as Pakistani soon after recovery of their dead bodies. The reason was — to
justify attack on Golden Temple by Indian army and to defame Sikhs. This
newspaper group had no evidence to prove but I give strong evidence here.
Kindly view the person in picture pasted below, how a Muslim youth
embraced Sikh religion and then became a general of freedom fighters also;
These Muslim youths were earlier circumcised before they
embraced Sikh religion, hence they were declared Pakistanis by Hind
Samachar Group whereas dead do not introduce themselves otherwise these
dead brothers would have been given their introduction of being Sikhs.

Another Muslim, a soldier of indian army too left his job and joined
Sant Bhindranwala to protect Darbar Sahib, When he was arrested, he was
aksed that his name should have been Pargat Khan. At this retorted back and
said the world will know him by his real Name Pargat Singh not Pargat Khan.
Not only Muslims, many Hindus too embraced Sikh religion and
participated in fighting to save Golden temple but the Hindu press never
revealed this secret. We could hardly receive a picture of Bhai Dula ji who
was a Hindu and he too got martyred fighting with Indian army in Golden
Temple. We bow our head in due respect to these Hindu brothers also and we
Sikhs feel proud on their martyrdom.

The brave Hindus, Bhai Dula Singh ji and Sh. Vikas Pandit ji
who joined Khalsa fauz of Sant Jarnail Singh ji and got martyred
defending Darbar Sahib durig Operation Bluestar.
The Brave Hindu brother, Bhai Dula Singh,who joined Khalsa fauj
of Baba Jarnail Singh ji and became a Shaheed fighting for defense of
Darbar Sahib in Operation Bluestar. He was just 17 that time. He had a Blue
Gol Dastar on his head during the Battle. He was given this name by Santji!
Dula means 'Beloved Son'.
The Hindu Brahmin brother, Hardev Singh(Bhola Pandit) who
sacrificed his life fighting for defense of Darbar sahib alongwith Khalsa
Neither we can assume without full information to conclude
anything nor can we share a detailed account of sacrifice by these Hindu or
Muslim brothers. All of these martyrs had joined the movement at their own
will to participate in holy war to save sanctity from invading Indian army.
Not many articles are written in their praise, no songs of their valor ever
sung but even then we salute their martyrdom.
Some facts are received about Bhai Roshan Lal Bairagi. It’s said
that he is the first Hindu brother who embraced Sikh religion on inspiration
by Sant Jarnail Singh ji. These bairagis are said to be followers of Baba
Banda Singh ji. Sant Jarnail singh ji ordered one of his followers Bibi
Nirpreet akur to marry him. She was only 16 years old at that time. She
bowed her head to the choice of her groom by Sant Jarnail Singh ji but
unfortunately Bhai Roshan lal was arrested in Delhi within 12 days of his
marriage and killed on the way when he was being brought to Punjab in a
fake encounter by Punjab Police. It was the first fake encounter. Bibi
Nirpreet kaur is now indulged in social service to these destitute families of
victims of 1984 since then. She has dedicated her life to this mission.
There are some more names revealed by Hindu media who
embraced Sikh religion, a few important names are as Pradeep Kumar alias
Sher Singh (After initiation amrit), Rakesh Kumar alias Ranjit Singh pappu
martyred in 1992, Balwant Rai alias Gurditt Singh Gullu martyred in 1992,
Ashok Kumar Billa. Ramesh Lal alias Kabul Singh martyr, Vikas Pandit
and his brother Ashok Kumar (Sukhvinder Singh), KC Sharma martyr,
Sushil Kumar martyr, Sham Sundar Shastri alias Ranjit Singh Bittu
martyred in1992, Bhai Des Raj Des Salem Tabri martyred in 1992, Tarsem
Raj escaped from Police and disappeared 1992 and Ram Swaroop Pandit
alias Surjit Singh martyr 1992.

Bhai Baldeep Singh was that brave martyr of Malwa region of
Punjab who glorified the Babbar Khalsa Organization.
Born in a Hindu family, the son of Vaidya Harbans Lal Sharma and
mother Balwant Kaur had adopted the Marxism movement in Budhlada of
Malwa under influence of Punjab Students Union, but later on he joined the
Babbar khalsa organization and got martyred on 8th August 1992 in a
fierceful fight at village Ramteerath in Talwandi Sabo along with another
brave militant Bhai Sukhdev Singh babbar. On this day the chief of this
militant Organization was arrested at Patiala and brought to Ludhaiana
before he was martyred
Bhai Baldeep Singh having his roots in Hindu family reminded us the
brave past of 18th century when the eldest son of the family was embraced in
Sikh region and offered to Guru. To-day when we hear the proud words of his
father Vaidya Harban Lal Sharma, we feel proud on the sacrifices of these
Hindu brothers who laid down their lives. His father is so proud of his
martyrdom that he says that “his son got martyred fighting with tyrant Indian
army in his efforts to establish Sikh kingdom”. In a straight forward manner
when he knows that the common enemy of the soil of Punjab is Delhi which
has suppressed the rights of Punjabis. He understands that the solution of all
the troubles of Punjab is creation of Sikh kingdom, therefore he feel proud that
his son sacrificed his life for a great mission of liberty to Punjab.
The younger brother (Harjeet Singh) of Bhai Baldeep Singh was
also picked up by Punjab police just after two months from his residence
that is disappeared since then like thousands of other Sikh youths in Punjab.
We bow our heads in due respect to these martyrs whose family members
can not perform any religious rights every year to commemorate their
memories or to pray the almighty to rest their souls in peace being poors. But
the Sikhs are not thankless; we do at our own and pray every moment for the
high spirit and prosperity of their families from almighty Akal Purakh
Waheguru ji. This can only be our true homage to these valiant Sikh youths.

In this picture Sant ji is seen with a group of Hindu girls who visited
to get his blessings. Sant ji called them as their daughters and assured them
of their safety in Punjab.
In fact, it’s very difficult to give full detail in lack of complete
information of these Punjabi Hindu brothers who participated in Dharam
Yudh Morcha because the full information is not available. We tried to
collect the information from net. We make our best efforts to collect the
maximum information about these brave brothers and to share with our
Though the Indian media is silent on their role but there were many
Hindu youth who were hurt on attack on Golden temple and by rejection to
implement Anandpur Sahib resolution because this demand of Anandpur
Sahib resolution was in the interests of whole Punjab not only in favor of
Sikhs. All the residents of Punjab were to be benefited by its
implementation. Therefore many of these Hindu youths embraced Sikh
religion in protest and sacrificed their lives fighting Indian army and other
para-military forces by fighting along with Sikh brothers shoulder to
The 10th master of Sikh religion had preached his followers that
…”Regard the other beautiful women as your sister, mother and daughter”
therefore the Khalsa should honor every women irrespective of her religion,
cast, color or creed as his mother, daughter or sister.
There were many among these who had received help from Sant ji
and were aware of the loss to Punjab by not implementation of Anandpur
Sahib resolution. They were also upset on demolition of Akal Takhat by
Indian army. They too wanted to pay the debt of their motherland by
fighting along with their Sikh brothers, shoulder to shoulder with their
common enemy—the Indian army and got martyred fighting valiantly. They
were fully aware that their forefathers had earlier betrayed with their
motherland but now they had decided to wash this blackspot with their blood.
There is one example when a Nepali Hindu youth embraced Sikh
religion and became an active member of Babbar khalsa.

Balbir Singh—Nepali Sikh

The senior Suprintendent of police Balbir Singh revealed that
Balbir Singh was a Nepali Hindu and he embraced Sikh religion few years
ago. He was arrested in 1996. It was this man Balbir Singh who helped Bhai
Jagtar Singh Hawara and others to escape from Budhail jail of Chandigarh
to Nepal.
Not only this, the Chrishtians in Punjab too participated in this
agitation. Khurram Masih alias Manjit Singh alias Kaala alias Akaal was a
Chrishtian who embraced Sikh religion. He was also companion of Neeta.
He got martyred in Dablehar village of RS Pura of Jammu on 28th
December 200. As per received information from police, he was a hitman in
Neeta’s gang. This Khurram Masih was responsible for nearly 20 blasts in
Punjab, Jammu and Delhi.
I still remember, Sh Jai Prakash Narain had reacted on a slogan
given by govt. of India as …. INDIA IS INDIRA INDIRA IS INDIA and
said ….”It’s in our constitution ….you say something, we listen, we say
something, you listen. The nation can prosper by saying and hearimng each
other but by being everything, one can’t be the fate of a nation.”
But the flatter bureaucrats had called Indira as India but see now
India is still there but where is Indira?

Sant Jarnail Singh ji had sent a letter in response to the letter received
from Indira Gandhi as follows;
Siriman Sant Jarnail Singh Ji,

I want to solve the knotty problem of Punjab, We shall find a

solution of the demands of Punjab with mutual talks, we will settle all your
demands within the constitution. Taking into account my personal security,
fix some time to meet me. Do not waste the potentiality of India in such
agitations (Morchas). Any dispute can be resolved with mutual talks. You
are patriotic, brave and hard working Punjabi. I hope you will make an
significant contribution towards the construction and prosperity of India.

With thanks,
Indira Gandhi

Reply from Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale to Indira.

IkOngKar Satgur parshad

Us kirpan khando kharg, tupak tabar ur tir.

Saif sarobi saithi yahai hamare pir ||

Sword, double-edged sword, bow and arrow are our guides of Gurus.

The main servant of India from political angle, Bibi Indira Ji,
I am expressing my thoughts which will reach your deaf ears. My
voice will reach to you expressing the discrimination against the Sikhs,
which have injured their feelings. It may let your deaf ears feel, what type of
language has been used. But in order to remove your deafness I want to
express myself in this letter. Read it carefully.
The enquiry of the death of Lala Jagat Narain, who was connected
with the Hindus was completed within three days, the same may be proved
from the warrants of my arrest, but the enquiry of the murder of the Guru of
the Sikhs, the destruction of wealth of the Sikhs collected in the form of
buses and the plunder of the Sikh wealth of three lakh at Chando Kalan was
stopped with a writ of a government offical because that enquiry was in the
hands of a Sikh judge, while my case was registered with a Hindu Juge. This
is an example of your deafness, because no Sikh had objected why my

inquiry was entrusted to a Hindu Judge.
The dead body of Lala Jagat Narian who was connected with the
majority Hindu community was handed over to Ramesh after post-mortem.
But the dead bodies of about one and half a dozen Sikhs at Mehta Chowk in
police firing were never handed over to their relatives . This is clear
example of discriminations.
None of the Hindus have gone to jail for Hindi Suba, none has
courted arrest for renaming a train after the name of a Hindu temple. No
one has ever gone to jail for getting the status of a sacred city for some
Hindu Railway station. None of the Hindus have made any sacrifice for the
preservation of a Hindu symbol. After independence they got everything
that suited their religion.
But contrary to this, after indepedence more than one lakh of Sikhs
have courted arrests and a large number of them has been martyred for
Punjabi speaking state, for installing a transmitter in Golden Temple, for a
status of a distinct nation, for getting the status of a sacred city of Amritsar
and for getting the right to adorn the Sikh Symbols. Even then your deaf ears
have not heard anything.
Sikhs have already faced the cruelty of the rulers with peace, but
you should know that when the patience is exhausted the Sikhs have
resorted to the armaments according to the advice of Siri Guru Gobind
When all the means of peaceful solution are exhausted
It is just to resort to arms (Zafar Nama) (Guru Gobind Singh letter
to Auranzeb)
But we have still no program to resort to arms, but if the injustice
with the Sikhs continues likes this under the intoxication of chair(state of
power) it will not be tolerated for many years or months, because our
patience has exhausted as we have been observing the peaceful means since
long. While asking the government to accede to our demands we have been
propagating that a Hindu should be perfect in his religious symbols i.e. he
should keep a tuft of hair unshorn on his head, should have a stick in his
hand, should wear Dhoti, should wear a sacred thread, should have 12
saffron marks(on head, chin, shoulders, cervix, palate etc). He should read
Geeta and worship shiv ling. He should go to temple and ring the holy bells,
and should not smoke tobacco. We think such a Hindu as our brother. A
Muslim should be perfect in his religion and Sikh should be a perfect Sikh.
That is what we preach. How far is it true to term such a person as a

Under the spell of false prestige of state power, many rulers have
tried to finish the Sikhs and there is no sign of them now. If you continue your
atrocities and tyranny I am afraid, you will meet the same end because
power and wealth never remain permanently with anybody. Our Holy
scriptures say:
The praise of wealth... does not compare God.
At long last people like the Ravan went barefoot
Putting off clothes of Sikh Girls and asking their father to have sex
with them, to put tobacco in the mouth of a Sikh and spitting in his mouth,
making a wound in the thigh and putting salt into the wound, putting the
houses of the Sikhs on fire, making false cases on SIkh Girls, arresting the
SIkh students, killing them in false encounters, and protecting the murderes
of Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the chief minister, S.P.D.R Bhatti Ludhiana,
D.I.G Mangat of Patiala and their companions are the glaring examples of
deafness. Everything is told her in brief.
Let the time come I ll will tell in detail the discrimination meted out
to the Sikhs.

Jarnail Singh Khalsa

(Courtesy with thanks: The Sunday Indian)

So the fate of Indira was also written the day Indian army attacked
on the Golden temple. Sikh people can forget everything but can never
forget that attack on their places of worship or disrespect to their Guru. Thus
Indira had signed herself her own death warrant by giving order of this
You might remember the General Dyer had massacred the innocent
Indians at Jalianwala (near Golden Temple) on Baisakhi day in 1919.
Nearly 1000 innocent people were killed in this massacre. A Sikh youth
Udham Singh had pledged to avenge this massacre and punish General
Dyer. He honored the nation taking avenge after 20 years in Britain when in
a felicitation ceremony General Dyer was shot by him. Thus he punished
the sinner. But it seems Indira had not studied the history otherwise she
could learn a lesson and assume the reaction of Sikhs after this army
invasion on Golden Temple.
But it seems that Indira had realized her fault and she had come to
know that her end was not far. But she never learnt a lesson from her

historical mistake instead she kept on giving the details to avenge with
Sikhs in case if she gets assassinated untimely — she kept on guiding and
kept the preparations on to avenge with Sikhs in secret meetings with her
trusted bureaucrats and high officials in army and Police. It’s evident from
the voter lists distributed to congress workers the next day of her
assassination on 1st November 1984. These voter lists had the details of
business houses, homes, factories of Sikhs and were marked. There were no
computers and not high speed Photostat machines at that time so these voter
lists were prepared after a hard work of months.
All these preparations were made secretly and the help of their
trustworthy people was only taken otherwise thousands of Sikhs and
Punjabi people are employed in Delhi administration and it could be
difficult to keep this secret. It seems this work was secretly done under
supervision of Ministry of Home Affairs.
These voter lists were seen in the hands of hired goons and killing
squads of Congress on 1st November 1984. Therefore it’s not difficult to
assume their preparations.
A report from the CBI, (India’s Central Bureau of Investigation)
shows the massacre was sanctioned and organized by the police and the
central government which then was headed by Indira Gandhi’s son, Rajiv
Gandhi. Voters lists were used to locate Sikh homes and shops, which were
marked with a ‘S.’ Lynch mobs amply armed with weapons and gasoline
etc. would then descend on these ‘targets’ to rape and kill. The organized
rapes and violence on Sikh women in rural Punjab continued even after
1984. As Human Rights Watch observes, 29 years on, the Government of
India has still not prosecuted those responsible. Indeed among them,
politicians from Rajiv Gandhi’s Congress party, the ruling party now
headed by his widow, have been predictably acquitted!
General Brar ——- when asked by reporters if large number of
Sikhs surrendered -HE SHOT Back that -"They fought very strongly-
nobody surrendered".



By Ranbir Singh Sandhu
In order to justify the invasion of the Darbar Sahib complex and
numerous other gurdwaras in Punjab in June 1984, the Indian Government
issued a 'White Paper'.
According to this:
"Bhindranwale and others operating directly from the Golden
Temple complex began to extol and instigate violence." The army action
was described as "operations taken to remove terrorists, criminals and their
weapons from sacred places of worship." It charged that "the tactics
employed by the secessionist and terrorist groups were: systematic
campaign to create bitterness and hatred between Sikhs and Hindus;
indoctrination in the ideology of separatism in militant terms behind the
facade of gurmat 2 camps; training in the use of modern weaponry; use of
terrorism against specific targets in the police and the administration of
Punjab; preparation of 'hit lists' of those who disagreed and organizing their
murder; random killing of persons of a particular community aimed at
creating terror and instigating communal violence; stockpiling of arms and
ammunition in places of worship; utilization of smugglers and anti-social
elements for procuring supplies of arms, ammunition and for looting banks,
jewelry shops and individual homes; and obtain covert and overt support
from external sources."
Indira Gandhi, the then Prime minister, described Jarnail Singh
Bhindranwale and his associates, as "a group of fanatics and terrorists
whose instruments for achieving whatsoever they may have in view are
murder, arson and loot."
These statements were intended to give Jarnail Singh
Bhindranwale a bad name and to justify the killing of thousands of Sikhs
branding them terrorists. This series examines the allegations in the light of
1. Dr Ranbir Singh Sandhu, the author of Struggle for Justice: Speeches and
Conversations of Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale. (Published by Sikh
Educational & Religious Foundation, P.O. Box 1553, Dublin, Ohio 43017. Email:
[email protected]
2. A Gurmat camp is a camp for religious instruction in the Sikh faith.
contemporary reports and Bhindranwale's public statements.
On Extolling and Instigating Violence
Bhindranwale repeatedly declared that he would never initiate a
dispute or a confrontation. Tavleen Singh reports:
"Contrary to the popular belief that he took the offensive, senior
police sources in the Punjab admit that the provocation came in fact from
a Nirankari official who started harassing Bhindranwale and his men.
There were two or three Nirankaris in key positions in the Punjab in those
days and they were powerful enough to be able to create quite a lot of
trouble. The Nirankaris also received patronage from Delhi."
Harry Reasoner of CBS News met Bhindranwale in May 1984.
About his conversation with Jarnail Singh, he reported: "A Sikh is never an
oppressor but only defends himself and his people. I have never, he said,
initiated any attack with my tongue or my pen or with my sword. I only
answer back or retaliate to actions initiated by the enemies of the Sikhs." 4
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, however, advised Sikhs that, as
required by their Gurus, they should keep weapons and be prepared to
respond to oppression. Consistent with this view that a Sikh should never
initiate a conflict but must respond to oppression5, Bhindranwale
advocated that if the Government were to attack Darbar Sahib, Sikhs must
resist. It is well known that even when the Indian army fired upon Sikhs in
Darbar Sahib complex killing several in the days preceding the general
attack in June 1984, those inside the complex did not respond.
Bhindranwale's instructions were that so long as the army was outside the
complex, they would not fire back. They were to fight only if the
surrounding army physically entered the complex. The Sikh reaction to
oppression must be totally defensive. Bhindranwale told the Sikhs:
"Do not commit any excesses, do not be unfair to anyone but just
as for a Muslim there is only wilderness after Mecca, for a Sikh of the
Guru, there is nothing but wilderness beyond Harmandar Sahib. We do
not go to anyone's home, we do not loot anybody's shop, nor do we lay
siege to any place. However, if someone intoxicated by his power as a ruler
attacks our home, we are not sitting here wearing bangles that we shall
continue to suffer as eunuchs and as lifeless people."
3. Tavleen Singh: Terrorists in the Temple, in The Punjab Story, edited by Amarjit Kaur et
al., Roli Books, New Delhi, 1984, page 32.
4. Harry Reasoner, CBS News 60 minutes, 10 June 1984. The quote is from the transcript
provided by CBS News.
5. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 31 December 1983.
6. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 18 May 1983.
Terrorism against Specific Targets in the Police and the
Administration of Punjab
As oppression against devout Sikhs escalated during 1982 and
1983, Sikhs from villages flocked to Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale seeking
redress. At first he felt that there were some unscrupulous police officials
who were responsible for the spate of arbitrary arrests followed generally
by brutal torture and often death in police custody. He sought redress from
higher authorities in the administration and from courts. Senior police
officials listened to him, assured him of fairness but took no action.
Referring to the assurances given by the Inspector General of Police in the
case of Harbhajan Singh and Harpreet Singh, Bhindranwale commented:
"Deviously, they keep telling the President on the phone that the
boys have not committed any offense. If they are innocent then why are they
kept there, for fun? How long are we going to suffer this oppression?"
The news media and the political leadership did not care to
investigate his charges of police brutality. The administration, instead of
punishing the guilty policemen, rewarded them with promotions. Jarnail
Singh found that the courts were powerless in enforcing their decisions.
Frustrated in his attempts to get the Government to inquire into incidents of
police excesses and to punish the guilty officials, the courts to provide
protection and the press and the public at large to call for an investigation
and redress, he declared:
"Khalsa Ji, one gets justice out of inquiries when there is room for
legal representation, argument, and appeal. Here [under the Indian
Government] it is outright injustice. They have decided to annihilate the
Sikhs, to insult their turban, and to destroy their Faith. Under this situation,
why do you need to use a lawyer and appeal?"
He publicly identified some of the most notorious culprits in the
police force. In a speech on 18 May 1983, he explained:
"We have no personal enmity with anyone; we are not jealous of
anybody. However, if someone tries to destroy our religion, we must be
steadfast in securing our rights. … We fight those who strip our sisters
naked, we fight those who dishonor our sisters, and we fight those who
insult our Satguru Granth Sahib. This fight will go on and no power in the
world can stop us until these things are stopped."

7. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 27 February 1983.

8. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 1 March 1983.
9. For example, Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speeches on 27 February 1983, 10
June 1983, 6 July 1983, and 19 July 1983.
Some of these officials were eventually killed, possibly by
surviving relatives of their victims. The Government and the news media
immediately held the Jarnail Singh Bhinderanwale responsible for "death
of conscientious police officers" without any evidence that he was
connected with these incidents in any direct manner. For example, he
protested that he had nothing to do with Atwal's murder in April 1983.
However, most writers continue to blame him for it. Later on, faced with
continuing torture and brutality, Bhindranwale declared that he would
shelter anyone who would punish the police officials guilty of torturing to
death people they knew to be innocent. Many reports appearing in the news
media have indicated that the few killings of police officers were selective
and only the worst perpetrators of torture were killed.
Preparation of 'Hit-Lists' and Organizing Murder
The Indian Government claimed that Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale
kept "hit lists of those who disagreed with him and organize their murder."
There never was such a list though many journalists bought the official line
and kept harping on it. Amarjit Kaur refers10 to "the barbaric acts, duly
sanctioned by the author of the 'hit-lists' living in the safety of Akal Takht."
Bhindranwale responded to this propaganda:
"If, from this stage, I say something naming someone they say:
'Bhindranwala has given out the name of such person, now this name has
come on the list.' This kind of gossip goes on." 11
"It is said that I have already made a list. I haven't made any so
far but the way these people are forcing us, it is quite possible that the
youth may have to start such a list. I have not made any."
He got upset upon learning that Indira Gandhi had accused him of
keeping 'hit lists' and said:
"I have challenged her and given a warning. Upon my life and upon
my breath, let her prove where did I get the paper for that hit list, where did I
get the pen, and the ink and the inkpot. She should get the C.B.I. to check
this out. If she proves that I have signed any paper; that I have signed for the
purpose of anybody's being killed; standing here in the presence of Hazoor ,
I declare that I shall cut off my head and place it before the congregation."
10. Amarjit Kaur: The Akali Dal, the Enemy Within, in The Punjab Story, edited by Amarjit
Kaur et al., Roli Books, New Delhi, 1984, page 24.
11. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 11 May 1983.
12. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 19 July 1983.
13. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 16 October 1983.
14. Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Sikh scripture
Hating and Random Killing of Persons of a Particular Community;
Instigating Communal Violence
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale emphasized the uniqueness of the Sikh
faith being founded upon its set of beliefs and practices, not upon hatred of
any religion. He advised everyone to be true in his or her own faith.
Bhinderanwale did not consider Hindus to be 'close' to the Sikhs in their
beliefs and practices. However, emphasizing the catholicity of the Sikh
faith, he pointed out that Siri Guru Granth Sahib includes verses composed
by some Hindu saints. Addressing the Hindus, he said:
"Who was Jaidev? Wasn't he a Hindu from amongst you? He was a
Brahmin. Jaidev is sitting here in Guru Granth Sahib. If a son of a Sikh has
made obeisance here he has done so at the feet of Jaidev, the Brahmin."16
Answering his critics who depicted him as a Hindu-baiter, he said: 17
"I have no enmity with the Hindus as such. If I were their enemy,
why would I rescue the daughter of a Hindu from Jalalabad?
Citing another incident, he said:
"Kailash Chander owns a retail shop here. His shop was burnt
down. The Retail Merchants Union asked him: 'Name Bhindranwale.' He
refused. That Hindu, along with two Sikhs - the three of them - came to see
me in my room. He came and started to cry. I asked him: 'what is the matter?
Why are you crying?' He said: 'My shop has been burnt down.' I asked him
what he wanted from me. He said: 'If you give me about a hundred rupees, it
will give me the excuse for making a collection.' I gave him five hundred
Nayar states: "Bhindranwale asked Longowal to give a call to the
Sikh masses to purchase motorcycles and revolvers to kill Hindus in
Punjab." 20 This accusation was based upon a public statement by Sant
Harchand Singh Longowal, President, Shromani Akali Dal, and was part of
the Akali campaign to defame Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Bhinderanwale
took Longowal to task for attributing to him something that he could never
even dream of, namely, killing members of a certain community. He
15. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 13 April 1984.
16. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech in early 1982 in Karnal.
17. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 20 September 1983
18. A young Hindu had kidnapped Hukam Chand's daughter and he sought assistance in
recovering the girl.
19. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 20 September 1983.
20. Kuldip Nayar and Khushwant Singh: The Tragedy of Punjab, Vision Books, New Delhi,
1984, page 79.
21. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 19 April 1984.
explained that he did not support killing of innocent people or destruction of
temples and that Sikhs have been building temples for Hindus and not
destroying them. 22
Indoctrination in the Ideology of Separatism
The Khalistan bogey was apparently a creation of the Indian
Government and the extremist factions among the Punjabi Hindus. The
Government alleged: "The obvious direction and thrust of the movement
was towards an independent Khalistan - fully supported by neighboring and
foreign powers. The terrorists led by Bhindranwale were perhaps only cogs
in the wheel. If the army action had not been resolute and determined, the
movement would have moved towards full scale insurgency which would
have crippled the armed forces in any future confrontation across the
borders." 23
Many Hindu writers joined in this chorus of wild and baseless
accusations. According to Chopra: "It is argued that all this would end when
shackles of slavery are broken. Bhindranwale never elaborated what he
meant by this. An obvious connotation is the achievement of sovereign
state."24 Nayar claims 25 that Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale said "the next
stage was to have a separate homeland, and for that the Sikhs must be ready
to fight."
There is no corroboration available for these speculative
statements. In fact, Jarnail Singh Bhinderanwale repeatedly declared that he
had no interest in political matters. He had not raised the slogan of
Khalistan.26 The gurmat camps were not organized by him and the only
ones he spoke to were those held within the Darbar Sahib complex. He
asserted that the Sikh religion had an identity of its own and was not a sect
within Hinduism. To misrepresent this as a demand for an independent state
is mischievous propaganda. Repeatedly questioned regarding the demand
for an independent state for Sikhs, he responded:
"I have given my opinion that we do not oppose Khalistan nor do
we support it. We are quiet on the subject. This is our decision. We wish to

22. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 16 October 1983

23. M.M.K. Wali: The Army Action at Golden Temple, Note dated 13 June 1984, in The
Fatal Miscalculation edited by Patwant Singh and Harji Malik, page 147.
24. Surendra Chopra: Ethnicity, Revivalism and Politics in Punjab, in Political Dynamics
and Crisis in Punjab, edited by Paul Brass and Surendra Chopra, Guru Nanak Dev
University, Amritsar, 1988, page 472.
25. Kuldip Nayar and Khushwant Singh: Tragedy of Punjab, Vision Books, New Delhi,
1984, pages 71-72.
26. For example: Bhindranwale pleads for IA hijackers, Indian Express, 5 January 1982.

live in Hindostan but as equal citizens, not as slaves. We are not going to
live stuck under the chappals. We have to live in freedom and with the
support of Kalghidhar. We wish to live in Hindostan itself. It is the Central
Government's business to decide whether it wants to keep the turbaned
people with it or not. We want to stay."
"How can a nation which has sacrificed so much for the freedom
of the country want it fragmented but I shall definitely say that we are not
in favor of Khalistan nor are we against it." 28
There were persons, some of them close to Sant Bhindranwale,
who supported an independent state. However, he himself had a neutral
attitude. Sant Longowal is said to have confirmed that, as late as 5 June
1984,30 Sant Bhindranwale refused to declare his support for an independent
state. He did, however, declare:
"I wish to say this with firm conviction that this time when this
place is attacked by the police, it will provide its own example to the world
in that Khalistan will be created. Khalistan will certainly be created the
day that the police come in here and wish to engage in some improper
activity." 31
The above statement only expressed his conviction that the
invasion would permanently alienate the Sikhs.
Getting Covert and Overt Support from External Sources
Raising the specter of 'the foreign hand' was Indira Gandhi's
favorite ploy. The accusation was added to other innuendoes against
Bhindranwale in order to mobilize public opinion. Jarnail Singh challenged
Indira Gandhi to provide proof.32 He did not seek funds even from Sikhs
living outside India. To those who wished to help the families of victims of
torture and extra-judicial killings by the police, his advice was:
"The foremost way of helping the martyrs is that if the
congregations in foreign countries collect some money, bring it
yourselves.…. The second alternative, if you cannot adopt the first, is that
I can give you the addresses of all the martyrs. You can take these and

27. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 19 July 1983.

28. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 11 May 1983.
29. For example: Harminder Singh (Sandhu), interview with Harry Reasoner of CBS News
60 Minutes, May 1984.
30. The day of the Indian army invasion of the Darbar Sahib complex.
31. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 27 March 1983.
32. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech on 23 May 1983.

directly send help to the martyrs, not through intermediaries. The third
alternative is that if you can trust the Jatha and you voluntarily wish to
send the moneys to the Jatha - I do not ask you for any money - you may
send it. I do not ask for it." 33
There was nothing underhanded or secretive about this at all. His
enemies interpreted, and continue to do so, this assistance to the victims of
government brutality as support of terrorism.
Procuring Supplies of Arms, Ammunition for Looting Banks, Jewelry
Shops and Individual Homes
Keeping weapons is part of the Sikh faith and has been for
centuries. The ideal lifestyle for a Sikh is that of a 'saint-soldier'.
Bhindranwale often reminded the Sikhs that, in line with the principles of
their faith, they should possess and carry arms and quoted Siri Guru Gobind
34 35
Singh Sahib's instructions. He explained that a Sikh does not keep
weapons for offense, for hurting others, or for personal gain. He reminded
Sikhs that the use of weapons is very well circumscribed by their Faith; they
are only for defense against oppression. He compared the Sikh concept of
keeping weapons with a nation's maintaining its defense forces in a state of
preparedness. He quoted from Siri Guru Granth Sahib:
'When the house is on fire, he [one who did not use his time to
prepare for the possibility] goes to dig a well to get water.'
He told the Sikhs that, following Siri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib's
teachings, they were never to seek conflict or confrontation but, when all
other means of redress fail, it is right to use weapons to defensively fight
oppression. This teaching, basic to the Sikh faith, was described by many
Hindus as 'cult of violence'. Explaining the Sikh attitude towards possession
of arms, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale expressly reminded his listeners that
being armed, there is no greater sin for a Sikh than attacking an unarmed
person, killing an innocent person, looting a shop, harming the innocent, or
wishing to insult anyone's daughter or sister. Also, being armed, there is no
sin greater than not seeking justice.
The Indian Government as well as the press has harped on the
circumstance that an armed retinue often accompanied Bhindranwale on his
travels in the country.
33. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Interview dated 22 February 1984 with a family
visiting from Canada.
34. For example: Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale, Speech on 27 March 1983.
35. For example: Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale, Speech on 14 May 1983.
36. For example: Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale, Speech on 20 October 1983.

It is not at all uncommon for important persons in India to have
armed escorts. All the weapons carried by Sant Bhindranwale and his men
were, at one time, duly licensed and he was not breaking any laws. There
have been no reports of any of Sant Bhindranwale's escort hurting anyone
with these weapons. On the other hand, the press never protested the fact
that the Nirankari Baba traveled with armed men with him and that, in
Amritsar on 13 April 1978, they fired upon an unarmed group of Sikh
protestors killing thirteen and injuring another seventy-eight.
The Indian Government's solution to the problem was to disarm the
victims, instead of protecting them. In 1981, responding to the clamor of the
extremist Hindu Press in Punjab, the licenses issued to Sant Bhindranwale
and his men were ordered canceled. In March 1983, after Hardev Singh's
murder, the Home Ministry asked the State Government to seize all
firearms in the possession of Jarnail Singh Bhinderanwale and his men.
When Sikhs launched a peaceful protest movement in August
1982, the Government’s response was beatings, torture, and killing the Sikh
youths in fake encounters. Bhindranwale placed 37 the number of persons so
killed at 113 in February 1983, about 140 in July 1983 and about 200 later
that year. Over two thousand were said to have returned from police stations
as cripples.
Much has been made of the Darbar Sahib complex having been
turned into an arsenal and a fort by Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Since 1982,
extremist Hindu factions had demanded that the Government forces should
enter the Darbar Sahib complex and arrest Bhindranwale. All the Sikh
leaders, including Bhindranwale, had made it clear that if the Government
invaded this center of the Sikh faith, they would resist with whatever means
they could muster. The list published by the Government shows that the
weapons recovered from them were World War I vintage, mostly obsolete,
and quite useless in fighting organized military units. The Government is
also alleged to have even arranged for weapons to be smuggled into Darbar
Sahib to heighten the scale of the conflict in order to justify the killing of as
large a number of Sikhs as possible without arousing a national protest
against the genocide and to ensure that after the invasion was complete,
these could be shown as having been recovered from the so-called 'rebels'.

37. Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale: Speech in May 1983, speeches on 16 August 1983,
20 September 1983, and 8 March 1984, and the interview on 22 February 1984

Criminals in Sacred Places of Worship
Bipan Chandra et al state: 38 "To protect himself, Bhindranwale
moved in July 1982 to the sanctuary of Guru Nanak Niwas, a building
within the Golden Temple complex from where he directed the campaign of
terrorism in Punjab." And: "Fearing arrest, in December 1983,
Bhindranwale moved into the safe haven of the Akal Takhat…" Khushwant
Singh speculates: "When Bhindranwale sensed that the Government had at
long last decided to arrest him, he first took shelter in the Golden Temple,
then occupied and fortified portions of the Akal Takht."
Why, one might ask these distinguished writers, would
Bhindranwale present himself, along with over fifty of his supporters, at the
Deputy Commissioner's residence on the day he moved to Guru Nanak
Niwas, if his purpose was to hide from the law? Gurdev Singh, District
Magistrate at Amritsar until shortly before the invasion, is on record as
having assured the Governor of the state that he could arrest anyone in
Darbar Sahib at any time.
Bhindranwale had apparently not committed any serious violation
of the law and, accordingly, had no need to 'hide'. No court of law had asked
for his personal appearance for any crime. He lived in a place of worship
open twenty-four hours a day.
In December 1983, a senior officer in Chandigarh confessed: "It's
really shocking that we have so little against him while we keep blaming
him for all sorts of things." The fact is that when the Government was in
the process of training army units in the planned invasion of Darbar Sahib,
the only charges against Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale were that his speeches
were 'objectionable'.
Apparently, Jarnail Singh Bhinderanwale was 'wanted' by the
'lawless' police and an oppressive government so that he could be killed, as
many other Sikhs had been, in order to silence the voice of protest and to
check the revival of the Sikh faith, which he led?
There were people who felt offended by Bhindranwale's views and

38. Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee: India After Independence,
Viking Penguin India, 1999, pages 330-331.
39. Kuldip Nayar and Khushwant Singh: The Tragedy of Punjab, Vision Books, New Delhi,
1984, page 10.
40. Gurdev Singh: Letter addressed to I.K. Gujral, dated 26 January 1996, published in
Abstract of Sikh Studies, Chandigarh, October-December 1996, pp. 106-111.
41. India Today, 31 December 1983, page 36.
42. Bharpur Singh Balbir: Speech at the annual meeting of the All India Sikh Students
Federation, September 22, 1983.
wanted him silenced. There were demands for his arrest after Baba
Gurbachan Singh's murder in April 1980 even though supporters of the
Home Minister of India were reported 43 to have said:
"Whatever Bhindranwale's involvement, the Government had no
concrete evidence and the ministry thought it inadvisable to arrest him on a
flimsy case only to have him acquitted and transformed into a hero."
His innocence was noted but stubbornly refused to be accepted.
Shourie conceded: "For all I know, he is completely innocent and is
genuinely and exclusively dedicated to the teachings of the Gurus."
However, he went on to state in the same paragraph: "It is not Bhindranwale
who triggers reflex actions in the tension that precedes a riot, it is this
apprehension and fear that he has invoked."
Why were these people frightened, one might ask, and so
apprehensive if he had committed no crime? Evidently, it was a self-
imposed dread of the revival of the Sikh faith and the popularity of Jarnail
Singh Bhinderanwale that worried them. Also, it is important to point out
that the riots mentioned by Shourie were, without exception, massacres of
Sikhs by mobs of Hindu hoodlums encouraged by the police.

Opposition to Jarnail Singh Bhinderanwale

People often ask why would a democratic government launch an
invasion against its own people unless they were engaged in some illegal
Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale's phenomenal success in
reviving the Sikh faith among the rural masses of Punjab was viewed with
concern by the established leadership. The Congress party under the
leadership of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty had always been suspicious of and
hostile towards the Sikhs. The secularists, including various communist and
socialist groups, viewed the revival of the Sikh faith as a reversal of the
ongoing process of weakening religious bonds. Noting how
enthusiastically people responded to Jarnail Singh's sermons, they feared
that under his leadership the Sikh religion might strengthen, spread and
possibly result in the emergence of a cohesive Sikh nation.
Even though many Hindus join in Sikh prayers, attend gurdwaras,
and regularly participate in Sikh religious ceremonies, the extremists
among them have been loud in their criticism of the Bhinderanwale as well
43. Vir Sanghvi: The Giani and Bhindranwale, Imprint, February 1986.
44. Arun Shourie: The consequences of pandering, Indian Express, May 13, 1982.

as of the Sikh tradition. They have misrepresented the centuries old daily
Sikh prayer as a call for Sikh domination and Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale's
emphasis upon the distinct identity of the Sikh religion as political
The traditional Sikh leadership was worried that even though
Bhindranwale insisted that he had no personal political ambition,45 he could
emerge as a kingmaker and jeopardize their hegemony over the Sikh
community. The Indian news media, by and large, joined in the witch-hunt
along with several well-known 'intellectuals'.
Each of these groups had a role in promoting misunderstandings
about the Sikh religion. All of them, with different perspectives and
interests, focused on a common target - Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.
The Government waged a campaign of character assassination. It
engaged in false apportionment of all crime to Jarnail Singh. It stage-
managed numerous crimes, for example, throwing cows' heads in a temple,
throwing bombs (innocuous ones) at the Chief Minister of the state and
rigging cases of extortion, all the time placing the blame on Jarnail Singh
despite his vehement protests and demands for impartial inquiry.
The police would enact a crime of violence and then pick up some
members of Bhinderanwale's entourage for torture, often resulting in death
of the victims. Often the bodies were not handed over to the families but
cremated without even an autopsy.
This encouraged mobs of frenzied Hindu zealots in perpetrating
violence against Sikhs while the police watched. When Bhindranwale
referred to these brutalities in his speeches and said that the Sikhs will not
tolerate them, it was depicted as instigation to violence. Unfortunately,
India's news media accepted the official view without question and
published what was fed to them through official channels.
Hindu extremists demanded Jarnail Singh's arrest even when he
had committed no cognizable offense. They had historically refused to
accept the Sikh identity; denied their own mother tongue, Punjabi, opposed
all Sikh institutions and traditions, created the concept of a 'moderate' Sikh
who would violate the Sikh Code of Conduct and be ready to mock his own
professed faith and insisted that linguistic identity implied political
separatism and a demand for secession.
The Akali leadership, which had joined hands with Bhinderanwale
45. Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa: For example: Speech in May 1983 and speeches on 16
August 1983, 20 September 1983, 8 March 1984, and the interview on 22 February

in August 1982, started to distance itself from him after September 1983 and
often misrepresented him, encouraged hostile behavior towards him and
finally is said to have invited the military intervention by the Indian
There were several attempts to murder Jarnail Singh. The Akalis
wanted to make a deal with the Government and Bhindranwale reminded
them that they had done Ardaas at Siri Akal Takhat Sahib on 4 August 1982
and could not, as devout Sikhs, go back on that. The Indian Government
waited until there was near unanimity for military action and then struck a
massive blow not only at Jarnail Singh but the entire membership of the
Sikh faith. In Joyce Pettigrew's words:
"The army went into Darbar Sahib not to eliminate a political
figure or a political movement but to suppress the culture of a people, to
attack their heart, to strike a blow at their spirit and self-confidence." 46
Widespread mopping up operations under the code name
"Operation Woodrose" followed the invasion. Mary Ann Weaver reported
this phase as:
"The pattern in each village appears to be the same. The Army
moves in during the early evening, cordons a village, and announces over
loudspeakers that everyone must come out. All males between the ages of
15 and 35 are trussed and blindfolded, then taken away. Thousands have
disappeared in the Punjab since the Army operation began. The
Government has provided no lists of names; families don't know if sons and
husbands are arrested, underground, or dead."

The Indian troops was instructed:

"Some of our innocent countrymen were administered oath in
the name of religion to support extremists and actively participate in the
act of terrorism. These people wear a miniature kirpan round their neck
and are called Amritdhari …. Any knowledge of the 'Amritdharis', who
are dangerous people and pledged to commit murders, arson and acts of
terrorism, should immediately be brought to the notice of the authorities.
These people may appear harmless from outside but they are basically
committed to terrorism. In the interest of all of us their identity and
whereabouts must always be disclosed."
46. Joyce Pettigrew: The Sikhs of the Punjab: Unheard Voices of State and Guerrilla
Violence, Zed Books Ltd., London, U.K. 1995, page 35.
47. Mary Ann Weaver: Christian Science Monitor, 15 October 1984.
48. Baat Cheet, A publication of the Department of Defense, Government of India, Serial
Number 153, July 1984; reproduced in Surya Monthly, October 1984, page 6
Considering that the word amritdhari denotes a person formally
initiated into the Sikh faith, this grievous misrepresentation was in essence
an order to kill all devout Sikhs.

Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwale stands out in Sikh history as
one of the great martyrs. Head of the premier Sikh institution for religious
training, he led a major wave of religious revival in the community.
His phenomenal success with the rural masses of Punjab was
viewed with concern by the established leadership, which finally used the
Indian army to wage war against the Sikh faith by eliminating those who
devoutly practiced it. Jarnail Singh, as the symbol of a religious
renaissance, became the most visible victim of the Government's policy,
which was shaped by its need to please the extremists among the Hindu
majority population.
The national leadership, seeking to consolidate its Hindu electoral
base, went along with the extremist Hindu propaganda and decided to
eliminate Bhindranwale and inflict a blow on the Sikh religion as
historically understood.
Waging a campaign of character-assassination, the Government
stage-managed acts of terrorism and sacrilege in order to blame Jarnail
Singh and promote hatred against Sikhs in general and Bhindranwale in
particular. All crime in Punjab was ascribed to Jarnail Singh and his
immediate retinue.
Members of the Damdami Taksaal were routinely picked up and
tortured at police stations. When Bhindranwale protested this oppression,
he was described as a rebel and a terrorist. Clearly, this farce was enacted to
prepare the general Indian public for the large-scale massacres of devout
Sikhs that were to follow.
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale never engaged in or encouraged
extortion or crime, or ask for the creation of a separate Sikh state. However,
this did not stop the Indian Government from blaming him for all of these
and more. What is worse is that the news media abdicated its responsibility
to report the truth and joined in the witch-hunt along with several well-
known 'intellectuals'.
Several questions come to one's mind.
Many people in the media and academia, who expect honesty from
state agencies and hold them accountable for their words and deeds, might

have to undertake a probing self-analysis. They might ask themselves,
where were they when the official media blitz of misinformation
completely distorted the truth? The Hindu populace might ask themselves
why they believed whatever they were told and did not try to find the truth.
The people of India might have to ask themselves whether their system of
government is indeed "the world's largest democracy" or merely a
majoritocracy in which religious minorities have no place.
The Sikhs have to ask themselves what their options are and if they
wish to be second-class citizens in the Indian majoritocracy, where they are
constantly forced to prove their allegiance to India by renouncing their
religion and see their faith forcibly ground into oblivion. The question they
need to answer is how and where their Faith can flourish free from
However, it must be admitted that he was a devout Sikh and
baptized many people.
Even his critics admit that. Talveen Singh tells us that he preached
‘Nashey chaddo, Amrit chhako, Gursikh bano' means, Give up drugs,
administer Amrit, be a Gursikh.
And S Khushwant Singh writes: 'Bhindranwale's amrit prachar was
a resounding success. Adults in their thousands took oaths in public to
abjure liquor, tobacco and drugs and were baptized. Video cassettes
showing blue films and cinema houses lost out to the village gurdwara. Men
not only saved money they had earlier squandered in self-indulgence, but
now worked longer hours on their lands and raised better crops. They had
much to be grateful for to Jarnail Singh who came to be revered by them as
Baba Sant Jarnail Singhji Khalsa Bhindranwale.'
It is generally alleged that Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale who
launched struggle for the achievement of Khalistan was himself settled at
Akal Takht at the time of Operation Bluestar alone.
It is amazing how a lie has been repeated and infinitum to malign an
innocent person with his followers and an entire community for respecting
him. Many people in India, not having access to sources, have been misled
to believe he was a terrorist bent upon dismemberment of their beloved
Another Sikh scholar KS Chawla states:
"Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale who launched struggle for the
achievement of Khalistan was himself settled at Akal Takht at the time of
Operation Bluestar alone. It is amazing how a lie has been repeated amid
infinitum to malign an Inocent person with his followers.

"Bhindranwale was heading the Damdami Taksal when he started
the campaign for Khalistan."
Indian Government gave it to the Sikhs; we shall accept it and not
repeat the mistakes of 1947." Apparently, he did not even know that at no
stage was Khalistan even considered in 1947.
Second lie is that he started the campaign for Khalistan when he
was heading the Damdami Taksal.
The first call of separate Sikh homeland was made by Master Tara
Singh before independence.
See the evidence pasted in following two pictures, in one Sikh
leader Master Tara Singh had demanded a separate Sikh state, in the next, a
news clip from Navbharat Times in 1944 shows the demand of separate
Sikh state on demand.
It was demanded again by Jagjit Singh Chauhan and did not have
the support of either Sant Bhindranwale or the large majority of Sikhs.
Earlier Sardar Khushwant Singh listed the requirements for survival of
Sikhi in his "History" (1963 edition). A specific region where Sikh heritage
would be respected and be part of educational curriculum was one of these.

Sant Bhindranwale did support the demands contained in the
Anandpur resolution. This resolution demanded a certain amount of
autonomy for Punjab and was not a demand for dismemberment of India.
The Sant had not even seen the resolution till the middle of 1983. His
support was based solely upon his acceptance of the position of the Akali
leadership on the issue. He publicly stated many times that he had no
political ambitions and that the Akali Dal was the sole representative party
for Sikhs. Later, he opposed Akalis' softening stand regarding the
Resolution on the basis that they had said an Ardaas at Siri Akal Takhat
Sahib on 4 August 1982 (the day the Dharam Yudh Morcha started) where
they had invoked God and Guru's blessing and vowed not to accept
anything less than the resolution. He took the position that having said that
Ardaas, it didn’t behoove them as Sikhs to go against their vows. His
opposition was never violent. He only told the public that in case the Akalis
compromised on their Ardaas, he would let the public know about it and
then it would be up to the Sangat to decide what to do.

The third lie in the report is that he had entrenched himself at the
Akal Takhat. He lived in Guru Nanak Niwas till, in December 1983, he was
challenged by the Babbar Khalsa and asked to vacate the rooms he and his
followers were occupying in that building. He never lived in the Akal
Takhat building. He occupied a room adjacent to the building. Also, Darbar
Sahib was under SGPC control at all times. In fact, in one of his speeches,
Sant Bhindranwale complained to the Sangat and asked them if they had
noticed that he never spoke from Manji Sahib Diwan Hall (after September
1983). He explained that he had been told not to do so. Evidently, the people
who barred his speaking in Manji Sahib Diwan Hall had control of the
premises and not the Sant.
Many other lies have been told about him and now, treating these
false accusations as facts, any one who knows better and shows him respect
is branded an extremist, a militant, and a terrorist.
So the fate of Indira was also written the day Indian army attacked
on the Golden temple. Sikh people can forget everything but can never
forget that attack on their places of worship or disrespect to their Guru.
Thus Indira had signed herself her own death warrant by order of this attack.
Many Sikhs awardees of Padamshree awards from govt. of India
returned them back in protest to attack on Golden Temple. Few names
which I remember wer Sadhu Singh Editor Daily Ajit, Jalandhar,
Khushwant Singh writer, and Bhagat Pooran Singh ji from Pingalwara,
DIG Simranjit Singh Mann resigned form his post and number of
Sikh regiment’s soldiers marched towards Amritsar to save the holiest place
from invasion. Many of them either killed midway or arrested. They didn’t
kill any civilian as they had one motto only to liberate the shrine from
invading Indian army. These soldiers were called Dharmi fauzi or Religious
soldiers in due respect by Sikh nation.

Bhagat Pooran Singh of Pingalwada Amritsar, sent a letter of
protest also to the President. The copy of letter sent to President is as follows;

The President of India,
Rashtrpati Bhavan,
Subject: Return of the award of Padam Shree against the in-human
army action at Sri Darbar Sahib Sri Amritsar.

Shriman ji,
Sending the armed forces into Sri Darbar Sahib for military action
has already produced countless painful results. As a result of this army action
the Sikh world has been deeply hurt. You have seen how painful has been the
effect of this army action on the Darshani Deodhi and the building of Sri Akal
Takhat. Army has perpetrated acts, which you could not have known. Up to
September 9, 1984, I have been investigating what I have heard from the
people. I have exercised much restraint and have not rushed to conclusions.
I will relate some of the happenings (that I have investigated).
1. Army-men arrested a scripture reader of Sri Darbar Sahib along
with his family. The entire family was not given either food or water
for the whole day. Rifle butts were administered on the scripture
reader’s hands the whole day. Another scripture reader of the shrine
was given the same treatment until his hands were swollen.
2. The sangat in Darbar Sahib Complex consisting of women, men
and children has been fired upon (and killed) as the mosquitoes are
wiped out with poisonous spray.
3. The pilgrims who had been arrested in Sri Darbar Sahib and Teja
Singh Samundari Hall around 12 noon on Tuesday were given
water by the Sikh army-men after thirty hours on Wednesday. The
children’s eyes were popping out with thirst and their mothers tried
to moist their lips with sweat. When some women asked for water
for the children the army-men told them that the children would
grow up and kill the army-men so why should they be given water?
On Tuesday the small quantity of water that was given to the
children had cigarettes thrown into it. They were told that this is the
prasad of their Guru. Army-men smoked cigarettes in Teja Singh
Samundari Hall and kept on blowing the smoke at the Sikhs. The

treatment meted out to the Sikhs in the name of army action has
deeply hurt the feelings of the Sikh world. Hands of the young
pilgrims, arrested from Darbar Sahib, were tied with their turbans,
their hair were untied and used to cover their eyes with. They were
forced to kneel down on the hot marble floor and to walk around on
their knees. Hands of the boys were tied behind them and they were
shot through their foreheads.
On the first of June 1984 the CRPF had commenced firing on Sri
Darbar Sahib Amritsar. On the first of June before the arrival of the
army, the CRPF had killed a scripture reader in attendance upon
Guru Granth Sahib and the volume itself was shot at. After it was all
over, the Sikh Reference Library and the Sikh Museum were set on
fire out of enmity and in pursuance of predetermined action. On
June 3, 1984, two Sikhs wearing yellow turbans and kirpans got off
at Batala bus stand. They were asked by the army-men to take off
their turbans. On their refusal to do so they were both shot dead.
Another Nihang was shot at and killed near Gumtala jail because he
had refused to surrender his kirpan. One Sikh in proper Sikh dress was
standing on the roof of his house in an area of Amritsar called Kittas.
Army-men killed him because he was wearing a yellow turban.
On the third of July a black turbaned and kirpan-wearing young
Sikh of about 25 years of age was walking past the Kitchlew traffic
island. The army arrived, handcuffed and arrested him although
nothing incriminating was found on his person. When army-men
went to arrest the President of the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak
Committee Sardar Gurcharan Singh Tohra from Teja Singh
Samundari Hall, one of them was smoking a cigarette. When Sardar
Tohra asked him not to smoke (in the holy precincts), his reply was,
“shut up old-man or I will shoot you dead. Tohra said ‘I am the
President of this place’ upon which the army-men became quiet.
Temple servants of Sri Darbar Sahib Muktsar, were made to lie face
downwards in the circumambulatory path around the sacred tank
and beaten mercilessly. As a result of this one of them died. All
those boys who had taken amrit were pulled out of their homes in
the villages and were beaten severely.
I am compelled to observe that the army has displayed bankruptcy
of character and has acted with hearts full of enmity and in a manner
indicating that it wanted to wipe out the Sikhs. Young-men from
villages have been troubled much after the army action. Apart from
the truth depicted above, I have received information about such
shameful incidents, to mention which is to violate the cultural norms.
After hearing of and seeing such happenings, I reject and return to
you the award of Padam Shree conferred upon me.
Puran Singh

Bhagat Puran Singh was honored in 1979 by the Government of

India with the Padma Shri award, given for exceptional and distinguished
service in any field.
He was among the citizens of India who returned their awards and
medals after the Indian army's attack on the Golden Temple in 1984.
From 1954 to 2013 [update], only 2577 people have received the
Padma Shri award.

The tales of tyrannies by Indira;

You must have read or heard about tyrannies of Moguls against
Sikhs and Hindus. If these Muslims had not forced Hindus to embrace Islam
forcefully under threat of life, in that Sikhs could be there but not the
amazing Khalsa. Khalsa was created to save Hindus from tyrannies of
Muslims and save Hindu religion. The first of Khalsa is to face a tyrant but
now here, it was not Moguls but our own —-the Hindu govt. which was
thankless and had a motto to eliminate Khalsa/Sikh religion.
All of you might be aware with Holwel memorial of Calcutta (Now
called Kolkata). This memorial was built by British to commemorate the
memories of 122 British women and men who were locked in a small sized
room of 10’x10’ by a Muslim ruler in Bengal. Most of them died due to
suffocation. We all condemn it and pray for the deceased but do you know
similar horrifc brutality was also carried out by Indian army in Golden temple?

See this eye witness account;

The well known journalist and writer Harbir Singh Bhanwar
mentions an eye witness account narrated by his one friend in his book
“Diary de panne jo itihas ban gaye’ as……..a close relative of Prof Dhawan
is employed in Military camp of Amritsar. He paid a visit in the camp of
(POWs) prisoners of war. He has informed that a large number of Sikhs are
locked in a small room. A govt. officer has also approved it by saying that
the Sikh prisoners are kept in a small room of newly built school building
which has no electricity and water. Nearly 60-70 prisoners are locked in
small room, there clothes are torn off, no treatment to wounds is given, and
there is no arrangement to treat them. (Page 57)
Sun is tremendous, no fan is there, two people suffered from Diaria,
they wanted to release them but there is no facility so they came out through
a small window to release them. They were immediately shot down by
army. They were alleged of escaping from there. Many others too were
killed by their hands tied at their back in a similar manner.
Now just compare yourself, Sikh religion is the only religion which
serves humanity without any discrimination of religion, caste, creed, color
or race. It serves food in a community kitchen without any discrimination
but the Indian army only could kill the thirsty, hungry or wounded persons.
A Khalsa could never do it.
Just watch out how a major difference is there in both communities
of Sikhs and Hindus?
It’s also necessary to mention here that the house of journalist
Harbir singh which was situated in the complex of Golden temple was also
looted by Indian invading army. The cash and gold ornaments of his wife
were looted and stolen by soldiers.
The real invasion (operation) on Golden temple was started on night
of 5th June 1984.Sant Longowal and Gurcharan Singh Tohra, President of
SGPC were also present in their offices respectively in complex which is
situated at Samundri Hall near Guru Ram Daas Saraai. The army started
massacre of Sikhs on night of 5th June inside the Golden temple complex.
Gurmeet Singh Cheema, publicity in-charge SGPC, who was
present there on that night, informs ….. ‘That every Sikh was a terrorist
for army.’ It was to be noted that every soldier was under influence of liquor
and out of senses. (Had he been is sense, he would have dared from god and
not killed the innocents, therefore a heavy doze of liquor was given to these
soldiers). They were provoked to attack on sacred Golden temple after they
had been given a heavy doze of liquor. A fierce fight was going on in the
complex. During this time, Sant Longowal and Tohra ji were present in the
room of President and we were in in our office inside samundri hall with
some friends. Whole of the Samundri hall and office of SGPC were over
crowded by the employees of SGPC and the devotees.
The fierce fight was going on in the complex of golden temple. The
Samundri hall was covered by army at about 3.45 am by army and fired
indiscriminately to terrorize all present inside. As soon as the army
personals came to know that Sant Longowal and Tohra ji were inside, they
shouted in a loud voice to inform their senior officers about their presence
and said that, “Longowal ji is here”.

To hear these sounds, Sant Longowal and Tohra came out of the
room. One army officer caught hold of them by their arms and took them
under his custody. After this a new chapter of atrocities by army started. We all
were searched, our holy mandatory signs were removed, our turbans were also
removed and pockets were emptied. All belongings were confiscated.
Then we were taken in the open lounge of Guru Ram Daas Saarai.
Nearly one thousand un-armed persons were kept there. It would be about
4.30 in the morning. We might have hardly made 5-6 lines but by that time
two grenades were thrown upon us from the top storey of guru Ram Das
Sarai. These grenades blasted among the crowed. The stampede was there
to be saved from this grenade attack and everyone was running to save
his/her life. In between army open indiscriminate firing upon crowed.
Hundreds of people were killed or wounded.
Then the remaining people were seated in the corridor sarai (Free
accommodation for pilgrims) by army. We were seated there among dead,
wounded and crying people. The army soldiers were killing people
mercilessly. We witnessed many were asked to run by raising their hands
and then shot from behind. There was not any room without dead bodies.
The army, to which every citizen is proud and feels secured, was today seen
in a new face. First a bomb to set fire in room was thrown and then soldiers
opened fire on people coming out of rooms. More then eight hundred people
were gunned down in saraai. The people present in gurudwara had not been
served a drop of water since 4th of June. There were 35 people in room no
five, 31 died of thirst out of these 35.

Have a look on this lounge in an old picture.

Can you have any such hope from your own army? This Indian
army itself shot those unarmed by bullets instead of saving them. Were
they not feeling ashamed on killing innocent, unarmed old men, children,
youths, girls and women of all ages? These merciless wolves killed them
in every room. Was Indira not responsible for killing of these innocents
who didn’t provide any opportunity or made no attempt for their safe
escape from complex?
If General Dyer who killed the unarmed, innocent Indians in
Jalianwala bagh was guilty and Sardar Udham Singh who killed this culprit
in England after 20 years was a freedom fighter and held high the heads of
Indians to save pride, and was called a martyr then the Sikhs who avenged
from Indira and killed her for her crime on attack on Golden temple and to
kill thousands of unarmed innocents were not martyrs then what were they?
Whether they were extremists? What is the parameter to declare patriotism
in this nation?
The ruling congress or any other govt in this nation has so far not
honored Neta ji Subhash Chandra Bose and he is never called a freedom
fighter by Ministry of home affairs? If it accepts —then only Gandhi and
Nehru or a few other Congress leaders are to be called freedom fighters.
Kindly read history of India and know this bitter truth yourself.

Mr. Ramoowalia also sheds light on an alleged execution of some
30 Sikh youth by the army — the certainty of which has always been
speculated. Talking about events in the wee hours of 6th June, when the
army was combing through the complex, the narrative states that a Major of
the 9 Kumaon regiment lined up some 20 Sikh youth and mowed them
down with a machine gun. Recalling the incident, Mr. Ramoowalia says:
“The captured Sikhs appeared to be from Kashmir and didn't look
like Punjabi Sikhs. An officer waved a handkerchief and they were
shot dead by the Army men with bullets which were sprayed on
them from left to right and then right to left. I have never seen
people being killed like that, with bullets. I have been a farmer and I
have cut the crop and made its bundles. The crests of these Sikh
youth collapsed similarly. No one moaned or uttered anything. I
know my statement will be called into questioning, but 28 years
after it happened, I am going on record on this.”
“The Army men were very angry, very abusive, and mad with rage.
Maybe they had lost their fellow Army men in the battle elsewhere

in the Complex. This happened between 3 a.m. and 3.30 a.m., after
the grenade blast nearby and after that it was my turn next as a part
of the next group of Sikhs which was being queued up for killing. I
was also told to sit down cross-legged and said my prayers. By
chance, I remembered that I had in my pocket my identity card as an
ex-Member of Parliament, of Lok Sabha. I flashed it and raised my
hand and said, I am Ramoowalia, a former Member, Lok Sabha. I
and all these persons, who are under your custody, belong to Sant
Harchand Singh Longowal. We are non-violent people, [have]
nothing to do with the armed struggle, we are here, just as a part of
Akali Dal’s peaceful morcha.’ He asked me, ‘what is your name?’ I
said, ‘my name is Ramoowalia.’ He asked me once again. I told
him, ‘I am not misguiding. Not misleading. This is my identity
card. Please check it up.’ God knows, the Army man was so angry,
he could have just shot and killed me. But he said, ‘stop’. The other
Army men lowered their guns. And two to three of them came up to
me… and pushed me to a side. Then the officer again asked me, ‘Are
you really Ramoowalia?’ I said, ‘I am really Ramoowalia.’ He said,
‘how are you here? You are not supposed to be here.’ I said, ‘why’? He
said, ‘you are supposed to be with Sant Longowal.’ I said, ‘Sant
Longowal is sitting in the adjoining room. I have come out’.”

Brigadier (retd) Onkar Singh Goraya, who was then Col Admn in
HQ 15 Corps, corroborates the incident saying that Bhan Singh the then
SGPC secretary also told him something similar, “He said the Army men in
Darbar Sahib have done something awful. He said that some Sikh youth
were lined up against a wall in the Golden Temple Complex and killed with
a machine gun. He also showed me the wall in the Complex which had the
bullet marks, when I went back for the second time in the afternoon,” he is
quoted as saying in the documentary.


In 2010 the BBC had done a one-hour documentary “1984- A Sikh
story”, which was never shown in India. Speaking to The Hindu, Mandeep
Bajwa a consultant for the BBC documentary said, “This is the most
authentic and credible account yet and I can see that the passage of time has
emboldened many eyewitnesses to speak the truth. It exposes many
fallacies like the one about arms and ammunition being planted in the
temple complex by the Army. Mr. Sandhu from TV Channel Day & Night
has not only provided a rough inventory of the military hardware stockpiled
inside but also detailed some instances of how they were smuggled in.”
Another revelation is that Maj Gen Shahbeg Singh (retd.), the
disgraced army man who joined Bhindranwale’s group and organized the
defenses died on the evening of 5th June, before the actual battle began. He
was killed by a sniper’s bullet and quoting Balwinder Singh Khojkipur a
close associate of Bhindranwale who survived the operation, the
documentary states that he was taken to the basement of Akal Takht where
he died with his head on Bhindranwale’s lap. His covered body lay in a room
there for a whole day until the armymen entered and cleared it the next day.
As for Bhindranwale himself —the Sikh seminary Damdami
Taksal that he headed refused to accept his death for many years — he died
at 8.45 am on 6th June after being shot at from an armored vehicle as he was
moving towards the ‘Darshni Deodi’ to offer his prayers to Guru Ram Das.
His body, contrary to reports of that time, was not identified by his brother
Harcharan Singh Rode then serving as the Subedar Major in 61 Engineers
Regiment in Jalandhar, but by the police and army doctors. Says
Rode,“This is totally wrong. I did not issue any contradiction because I had
got to see him and pay my last respects.”
The Hitler was left far behind if we compare the atrocities upon
Sikhs by Indian army, police and other para-military forces. A Sikh woman
who was a citizen of Canada, and had visited Shri Darbar sahib along with
her 13 year old son and her husband, was also arrested by Indian army and
taken to interrogation center. Being a human you will feel disgust upon
yourself when you come to know about her sufferings —she is still alive and
is a witness to that agony which she faced, to meanness and the wilderness
of these soldiers which they could do with a helpless person. Whatever
agony she faced, might have also been faced by hundreds of other
unfortunate Sikh women and girls who were tortured by these rascals. Only
god knows what would have happened with those sisters who could haven’t
faced these tortures, either they might be killed or gone insane or they might
have committed suicide.
Only god knows.
By going to the statement of Balwant Singh Ramoowalia, two
things gets cleared, one—that Ramoowalia was in touch with center and he
was assured of his life during attack, and second that he was a traitor in
touch with enemies of panth, he was working for govt of India and a party in
treason with Harchand Singh Longowal against Sant Jarnail Singh ji

Just have a look on his statement once again;
By chance, I remembered that I had in my pocket my identity card
as an ex-Member of Parliament, of Lok Sabha. I flashed it and raised my
hand and said, I am Ramoowalia, a former Member, Lok Sabha. I and all
these persons, who are under your custody, belong to Sant Harchand Singh
Longowal. We are non-violent people, [have] nothing to do with the armed
struggle, we are here, just as a part of Akali Dal’s peaceful morcha.’
He asked me, ‘what is your name?’
I said, ‘my name is Ramoowalia.’
He asked me once again.
I told him, ‘I am not misguiding. Not misleading. This is my
identity card. Please check it up.’
God knows, the Army man was so angry, he could have just shot
and killed me. But he said, ‘stop’. The other Army men lowered their guns.
And two to three of them came up to me… and pushed me to a side. Then the
officer again asked me,
‘Are you really Ramoowalia?’
I said, ‘I am really Ramoowalia.’
He said, ‘how are you here? You are not supposed to be here.’
I said, ‘why’?
He said, ‘you are supposed to be with Sant Longowal.’
I said, ‘Sant Longowal is sitting in the adjoining room. I have come
We tried to rewrite the contents of this letter but there may be some
mistake due to poor readable quality. But whatever we could read is
published as follows but below that a Punjabi translation is given correctly.
Please view both;

1015, Sector 27-B,
June 9, 1984.

Shrimati Indira Gandhi,
Prime Minister of India,
1-Safdarjang Road,
New Delhi 110001.

Most respected Madam Prime Minister,

As desired by the authorities, I am giving this assurance to you that
I will refrain from active politics of the Akali dal and.govt. action within the
limits of my sources.
As you are aware that I have in the recent most concentrated my
work and my business activities and in setting up the new industrial units. I
have never supported any action or ideas of Mr. Jarnail Singh bhindranwale
and undertaken in continue to oppose him and his men. I strongly think that
the Government action in raiding the golden Temple to flush out
Bhindranwala and his accompliceshave taken very timely and as desirable.
With most respected regards.
Yours faithfully
Balwant Singh Ramoowalia

(The Punjabi translation of this letter is also given below);


Operation Bluestar - 10 days. June 1984-timeline.

According to the Former Chief Justice of Supreme Court of

India, Sh. S.M. Sikri: “Operation Bluestar is a massive, deliberate and
planned onslaught to the life, property and honor of a comparatively small,
but easily identifiable minority community."
The Muslims including Mughals and the Christians like the British
ruled India from the 13th century Ad to 1947 Ad. They were foreigners.
Indo-Aryans, who had invaded Indian subcontinent in the middle of the
second millennium B.C. and thereafter established their rule here were also
foreigners. The present day Hindu rulers are the remote descendants of
those Indo-Aryans. They made India their homeland and so did the
Muslims. The Christians (British) were the only exception.
The Sikhs fought against the Mughals and other Muslim rulers of
India but the Mughals never attacked the Golden Temple or Harmandar
Sahib though they committed horrible atrocities on them. The British, too,
did not hurt the religious feelings of the Sikhs by attacking Golden Temple
though they had fought three wars with the Sikh rulers of Punjab. (edited as ;
Abdali attacked Golden temple in 1761 and razed it to ground as he was
irritated on release of 22,000 Hindu women and youths taken as slaves to
Kabul by Sikhs in Malwa region of Punjab under command of Jassa sikh
Strangely it is the Hindu rulers who claim that the Sikhs are their
integral part and yet they have invaded Golden Temple Complex by sending
Armed Forces, equipped with the Main Battle Tanks and heavy field guns
and vengefully destroyed the Akal Takht, the holy shrine of the Sikhs.
Prior to this, in the early eighties, peasant revolts engulfed large
parts of India, as the negative consequences of the so called Green
Revolution started impacting on their livelihood. The areas in which this
green Revolution had maximum impact — Punjab, Haryana, Western UP,
parts of Rajasthan and Karnataka — witnessed widespread peasant
struggles. The working class too was waging major battles following the
Emergency, in defence of its rights, in the major industrial centres of the
country — Mumbai, Faridabad, Delhi, Chennai, Kanpur and so on. In
Punjab, the struggle became intense. To crush this revolt of the workers and
peasants, to divide and disorient them, the Indian state with the help of its
agencies deliberately fomented divisions on the basis of Hindu and Sikh.
The people of the Sikh faith were portrayed as anti national — enemies of
national unity and territorial integrity. The working class all over the
country and peasantry outside Punjab was called upon to line up behind the
state to crush the “enemies of the state”. During the 1982 Asian Games in
Delhi all people of Sikh faith — from retired and serving Generals of the
Armed Forces to ordinary Sikh workers – were typecast as potential
Following Operation Blue Star, the army organized Operation
Woodrose, unleashing a reign of terror on people in the rural areas of Punjab
and attacking rural gurudwaras. Thousands of innocents were killed in this
The day of attack, 3rd June 1984, which was being observed as
martyrdom day of Guru Arjan, was internationally chosen by Indira Gandhi
and her Hindu government mainly for two reasons. Firstly, she wanted to
show indignity to the religious heritage of the Sikhs and challenge their
faith. Secondly, she wanted to entrap and massacre as many Sikhs as
possible, because they had assembled there in large numbers to have a holy
dip in the Sarovar and pay obeisance on that memorable day. On 3rd June
the Sikhs pilgrims gathered in thousands and thronged the Golden Temple
Complex. They came to observe the martyrdom day from every nook and
corner of India and even from abroad. As such, choosing of this auspicious
day by Indira Gandhi to take military action was a monstrous crime against
humanity which no civi¬lized nation could have thought of much less to
carry it out.
However, the government in the White (Lie) Paper published in
July 1984 naively tried to justify the timing of military action-under the
protect that Sant Bhindran-wale had instructed his followers to massacre
the Hindus on 5th June, To give credence to this white lie Indira Gandhi
alleged to have intercepted such a message having been sent by Sant
Bhindranwale to the Sikh peasantry. On what date the alleged message was
sent by Bhindranwale and when it was intercepted by the government is liil
a mystery. If for sake of arguments it is admitted that such an absurd lie was
true Indira Gandhi could have advanced the timing of the savage attack by a
few days although even then such an attack could not have been considered
justified b\ any reason. This disinformation and lie was spread only to
camouflage the monstrous plan of Indira Gandhi and her government. But
as an army observer I reveal the intention of making strategy by army HQ to
attack on this day while large congregation was expected, was benefical to
army. Its soldiers could take cover of Sikh congregation and move safely in
their cover to capture Akal takhat. (The army generally takes cover of
animals and soldiers takes cover to move forward safely) same strategy was
applied here but it was failed as attacks was heavily repulsed by Sikh
It is non-the-less crystal clear from the actual fact that Indira
Gandhi and her government had intention¬ally chosen the martyrdom day
of Guru Arjun for launching savage military altack on the Golden Temple
Complex simply to challenge the Sikhs and their religion and force them-to
surrender (hemselves before the Hindus. Whether or not she succeeded in
her sinister design to subdue the Sikhs is yet to be evaluated.

1st June
The Para-military forces had already fortified their positions in the
privalf buildings surrounding Ihp Golden Temple Complex. The Hindus
voluntarily vacated and offered their residential and commercial buildings
which the para military forces considered strategic for mili¬tary action and
the Sikhs were forcibly pushed out of their buildings which were required to
facilitate the attack. These para military forces, equipped with modern and
sophisticated weapons, started unprovoked and sudden firing at Guru Ram
Das Langar building where Sant Bhindranwale and some of his followers
were present on the terrace. Their aim was to kill Bhindranwale but he was
escorted by his body guards downstairs.
The CRPF started firing at twelve forty mid-noon and continued it
till seven O'clock in the evening. The dauntless militant Singhs, trained and
positioned by Major General Shahbeg Singh, an expert in guerrilla war fare
did not return fire for strategic reasons although a dozen of innocent
pil¬grims were killed and more than 30 bullets had hit the Golden Temple.
The main purpose of attack on the Golden Tem¬ple Complex by the
CRPF was to probe positions taken by the defenders of the Complex as well
as to exhaust their ammunition if they retaliated. The Para-military forces
failed in both their objectives as the defenders' guns remained silent.
When the CRPF opened fire the army officers were present beside
them with a view to observing and study¬ing the positions of the defenders
of the Golden Temple Complex. But they could achieve little except hitting
the Golden Temple and Guru Ram Das Langar building where
Bhindranwale held his daily congregation.

2nd June
The Indian army had already completely sealed the international
border right from Jammu and Kashmir to Ganga Nagar. At the same time at
least seven divisions of army were extensively deployed in all villages of
Pun¬jab and the troops took up their predetermined positions. The battle
Tanks, Artillery and Armed Personnel Carriers (APC) were also pressed
into service. By the nightfall media and the press were gagged: the rail, road
and air services in Punjab were suspended. All channels of communications
in the state were snapped. Foreigner's entry into Punjab was banned. In
short Punjab was totally cut off from the rest of the country and the world.
The whole state was completely besieged by the Armed Forces.
Military Rule was imposed and General Gauri Shankar was
appointed as the Security Advisor to the Governor of Punjab. The civil
administration and para military forces were placed under the control of the
Army. It was actually an imposition of Martial Law in Punjab.
During the night the Army replaced CRPF and BSF around the
Golden Temple Complex and besieged it com¬pletely. Water supply and
electric connections were com-pletely cut off to add to the miseries of the
inhabitants of the Golden Temple Complex. It was perhaps the hot¬test
month of June in this century.

3rd June
The day dawned with the graveyard like silence in Punjab as no
human being was visible on the streets, on the roads and in the village streets
except the Army, CRPF. BSF personnel and the police roamed every where
to ensure imposition of total Martial Law in the state.
Lt. General Krishna Swamy Sunderji, the General Officer
Commander-in-Chief, Western Command, was made the overall in-charge
of the Operation Blue Star. His immediate subordinate was Lt. General
Ranjit Singh Dyal. They drew up the foolproof plan to carry out the military
operation. They set up the Command Headquar¬ters in the Kotwali
opposite the main entrance of the Golden Temple Complex to execute and
monitor the mili¬tary attack on the magnificent Golden Temple Complex.
At Delhi too, a Control Room was set up under the over all
Command of Rajiv Gandhi to keep track of the battle. He was assisted by
Arun Singh, his most trusted aide, and K.P. Singh Deo, the Deputy Defence
K.S. Brar was a clean shaven Sikh and, therefore, he could not be
called a devout Sikh and so was Arun Singh, a scion of the ex-royal family
of Kapurthala State. R.S. Dayal was allegedly a follower of the Nirankari

Mandal, the sect which is the sworn enemy of Dama Dami Taksal and Sant
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. Rajiv Gandhi's views about the Sikhs are well
known.-He was a megalomaniac son of a megalomaniac mother and was
always a strong votary of military action against the Sikhs and wanted to
teach them a lesson. This was the wicked mental frame of the Hindu leaders
who ruthlessly conducted and monitored the brutal military operation
against the people whom they claim to be an integral part of their Hindu
society. By late night the Army tightly and closely sealed all routs of ingress
and exit around the Golden Temple Complex so that none could sneak in or
out of the Complex,
Five Corps of the Army, the 10th, the 11th the 2nd, the 1st and 15th,
were actively deployed to attack the Golden Temple Complex. These troops
were selected from the crack fighting formations of the Army. Besides,
there were two battalions of specially trained Commandos who were
dressed in jet black uniforms, even their heads were covered with black
helmets so as not to be spotted by the defenders of the Complex at night. All
of the C6mmandos had put on bullet proof vases under the uniforms.
The army opened heavy fire on the positions of the defenders of the
Complex but the Army was given a befitted reply. The exchange of fire
continued incessantly throughout the night intervening 3rd and 4th June and
ended in the morning in a stalemate. Neither side neither was victor nor
vanquished. But the army was beaten back. While Sant Bhindranwale and
his followers were defending the Golden Temple and Akal Takht with
exceptional courage and valor, Harchand Singh Longowal and his
courteries hid themselves in the office of the Shiromani Gurdwara
Prabandhak Committee. They were surrounded by some of their supporters
including Balwant Singh Ramuwalia, Bhan Singh and Abinashi Singh
Asstt. Secretary of Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee,
Gurcharan Singh Secretary of Longowal Akali Dal and Bagga Singh
Secretary of Shiromani Gurdwara Pra¬bandhak Committee, were also
present there. Bibi Amarjit Kaur, Chief of Akhand Kirtani Jatha and patron
of Babar Khalsa, who had dubbed Sant Bhindranwale as a cow¬ard, had
also hid herself in the same room where other paper tigers had huddled
themselves together.
These self styled "brave" leaders were among those who had
undertaken oath (Ardas) at Manji Sahib, Golden Temple, in the presence of
Guru Granth Sahib to the effect that they shall defend the sacred shrine at
the cost of their lives. They vowed if the Indian Army ever entered the
Golden Temple Complex it will have to pass over their dead bodies. And
when the time came to lay down their lives in defense of the sacred shrines
they hid themselves like mice and anxiously waited for the Army to be
rescued. Could they be called Sikhs of Guru Gobind Singh?
These shameless traitors of the Khalsa Panth deserve examplary
punishment as they have not only betrayed the Panth but also broken the
Ardas, so sacred to the Sikh religion.
Thousands went to the Golden Temple to commemorate the
martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Jee. Thousands of innocent men, women and
children were stuck inside the Temple. This was to become a bloodbath. The
Army operation commenced without warning or call for surrender:
“No one inside the Golden Temple had yet realized the sinister
plan of the authorities. Punjab had been sealed. Amritsar had been
sealed. The Golden Temple had been sealed. Thousands of pilgrims and
hundreds of Akali workers had been allowed to collect inside the
Temple complex. They had been given no inkling or warning either of
the sudden curfew or of the imminent Army attack. It was to be a black
hole type of tragedy, not out of forgetfulness but out of deliberate
planning and design.”
~ Citizens for Democracy; Report to the Nation: Oppression in
Punjab. Bombay, 1985.
A day after publication of the report it was banned and confiscated,
the authors were arrested and charged with “sedition” (incitement of
rebellion against the government).
In his memoirs (Memoirs of Giani Zail Singh, Har Anand
Publications, New Delhi, 1996) the President of India confirms that no
warnings were given;
“I pointed out to her [Mrs Indira Gandhi] that military action was
taken on a day when the Temple complex was full of pilgrims men, women
and children – assembled to observe the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev,
most of whom perished in the cross firing… I told her that if notice had been
given to these pilgrims over radio and television and loudspeakers, a
majority of them would have come out… I had asked the government
whether they had issued a warning on the loudspeakers to the people inside
the complex to come out, to which they replied in the affirmative. Later, I
came to know that no such warning had been issued and the operation had
been suddenly launched.”
A quote from Judge Gurbir Singh refuting the claim made by KS
Brar that at Operation Bluestar, the Indian Army made an announcement for
civilians to leave the complex before beginning their attack

News was published in The Hindustan Times updated on 12th
May 2020 by Surjit Singh from Amritsar revealed as ……‘No proof of
announcement for civilians before Op Bluestar’: 33 yrs on, court
orders relief for 40 Sikhs.
In a first, a local court questioned the role of army during
Operation Bluestar in a recent judgement.The court observed, “There
is no evidence that army made any announcements asking ordinary
civilians to leave Golden Temple complex before launching the
operation in 1984.”
The judgment by district judge Gurbir Singh raised many other
questions during the hearing. “There is no written record of any public
announcement by the civil authorities requesting the people to come out the
complex. No log of vehicle used for making such announcements is
there,”reads the judgment. Although, the judgment endorses the operation
stating, “The main aim of the armed forces was to target militants.” “The
event underlines the human rights violations by troops during the
operation,” observed the court.
The court stated “The plaintiff is entitled to interest on the
compensation amount at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of filling
the suit till today. The plaintiff is further entitled to future interest at same
rate from the date of decision till actual realization of the decretal amount.”
In June 1984, around 365 persons were arrested from the Golden Temple
complex. The arrested were either SGPC employees or people who had
come to pay obeisance. Welcoming the Court’s order to compensate 40
Sikhs the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has stated
that it is victory of truth.

The court has directed the Centre and state government to award
compensation of Rs. 4 lakh each to the 40 Sikhs who were kept in illegal
custody and later shifted to Jodhpur, Rajasthan, for four to five years even
after discharge order by a local court.
Book is “The Legacy of Militancy in Punjab”, quoting from an
article published in Hindustan Times about the court’s decision to
reward compensation to civilians who were wrongly arrested in the
No doubt that the Major General KS Brar lied with nation to justify
his actions as we have now two evidences in hand to prove that the stranded
pilgrims were killed under a mission as described by me in my previous
comment. The statement of President of India and than judgement by Judge
Gurbir Singh puts KS Brar and other senior army officers in question box

4th June
The Indian Army as already explained had laid complete siege of
the Golden Temple Complex on 3rd June. Army's Main Battle Tanks
Vijayanta (MBT) fitted with the biggest and heavies) guns of 105 mm.
heavy field artillery and Armed personnel Carriers had been posi¬tioned all
around and inside the Complex as though the Army had to fight a war with
the Army of an enemy country. The Sikh defenders of the Golden Temple
and Akal Takht at best were armed with ordinary weapons like Light
Machine Guns, Rifles and Carbines. They had how¬ever high morale and
were motivated and committed to die for their mission.
On the morning of 4th June the Indian Army bom¬barded the
historic Ramgarhia Bungas, the eighteenth century brick-laid towers,
located near Guru Ram Das Langar and water tank located behind the Guru
Nanak Niwas. Other adjoining houses and buildings situated around the
Complex were also bombarded heavily. Heavy artillery, which is used only
in the open field battle, was arrayed against the defenders of the Golden
Temple Com¬plex and deadly 25 pounder shells were fired at them. As a
result the buildings around the Golden Temple Com¬plex were reduced to
rubbles, the Bungas and the water tank were blasted along with their
occupants and their bodies were flung off in pieces all around.
Bombardment by the Indian Army was so severe, so cruel, and so savage
that not a single defender and other innocent Sikh occupants of the
buildings survived. The casualties of in¬nocent Sikh pilgrims who had been
trapped there were enormous.
I saw these buildings about two weeks after the terrific

bombardment which were razed to the ground. I was shocked to see the
extant of cruelty and brutality com¬mitted by the Indian Army on its own
people. Perhaps the Army had treated the innocent Sikh victims as their
enemies. And for that matter it is also doubted if the Indian government had
treated those victims as their own citizens.
The Army led by Ranjit Singh Dyal positioned the Vijayant Tanks
and the Armed Personal Carriers (APC) 'on the road separating the Guru
Nanak Niwas, Teja Singh Samundari Hall, Akal Rest House and other
buildings adjoining them in such a formation that the Golden Tempie
Complex was totally separated and cut off from the former. The Tanks and
APCs virtually formed an iron wall between these two Complexes so that
the Army could concentrate their monstrous attack on both the Complexes
with full force.
When a word of total siege of Golden Temple reached the villages,
thousands of Sikhs armed with their traditional weapons like swords and
spears and 12 bore guns, gathered in the nearby villages in order to march
towards the Golden Temple with determination to liberate their sacred
shrines from the diabolical hands of the Indian Army. Nearly fifty thousand
Sikhs gathered in Golewal village about 25 kms from Amritsar and thirty
thousand Sikhs converged from the side of Batala in Gurdaspur district
besides twenty thousand Sikhs gathered near Chauk Mehta, the head
quarters of Sant Bhindranwale. Other formations of twenty to thirty
thousand Sikhs were marching from the side of Harike Pattan. A bridge built
on the confluence of rivers Sutlej and Beas. The Army Helicopters spotted
the massive movements of the Sikhs converging on Amritsar to free the
Golden Temple from the siege laid by the Indian Army. The military officers
on board of these helicopters sent wireless messages to the temporary
headquarters of Lt. General K. Sunderji. He sent Battle Tanks, APCs and
artillery to all directions where the Sikhs had gathered and wherefrom they
were marching towards Amritsar with a clear order to check their advance
by force. The Army killed hundreds of these Sikhs with canon fire and
dispersed them and only then their advance was checked.
Interestingly, when Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his
companions were bravely and courageously defending the Golden Temple
and Akal Takht and lakhs of Sikhs from the villages were converging on
Amritsar to free their sacred shrines, Gurcharn Singh Tohra emerged from
his hideout and went to Sant Bhindranwale in the Akal Takht to persuade the
gallant defender of the faith of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh to
surrender before the Army. It could not be supposed that Tohra went to the
Sant voluntarily. Perhaps he was negotiating the surrender of the Sant on
behalf of the Central Government. That is why the Army, which had
besieged the Complex, had not opened fire till he returned from the Akal
Takht to his office.
When Tohra argued with Sant Bhindranwale that he could not
match the tanks and heavy field guns he snubbed and reprimanded Tohra
and dismissed his sug¬gestion with contempt blaming him as an agent of
the Indian government. Had Tohra wanted to fulfill his pledge to defend the
Golden Temple, he would have sided with Sant Bhindranwale and remained
with him in the Akal Takht to fight the Army. But he preferred to surrender.
Worse than Tohra's role was that ofHarchand Singh Longowal, the
traitor, who kept himself hidden in the office of the Shiromani Gurdwara
Prabandhak Commit¬tee till he was safely rescued by the Army on the
inter¬vening night of 5th & 6th June?
The savage onslaught of the Indian Army launched on 4th June was
bravely and successfully repulsed by Sant Bhindranwale and his followers
and the battle again ended in a stalemate. Well equipped Indian Army, the
generals and the Indian government were stunned to see the extraordinary
courage of a few motivated and com¬mitted Sikhs defending their sacred
shrine. The Army Generals had to change the strategy several times to win
the battle at any cost irrespective of loss of life to be suf¬fered by hundreds
of innocent Sikh trapped in the Complex.

5th June
Major-General Kuldip Singh Brar, a clean-shaven .Sikh belonging
to the caste of Sant Bhindranwale was chosen by the Indian government to
launch a frontal attack on the Akal Takht, He was personally inimical to Sant
Bhindranwale, for he was snubbed by him for having shaved his head and
beard thus carrying a personal malice against him. Major General Brar.
Commander of the 9th Division which is considered as a crack division of
the Indian Army launched a frontal attack on the Akal Takht. It was not the
only Division that had taken part in the military operation. There were six
divisions more. There were Madrasis from Tamil Nadu and Biharis from the
Tribes of Central India, Dogras from Jammu & Kash¬mir and Kumaonis
and Garhwalis from Uttar Pradesh besides there were Rajputs from
Rajasthan. There were Sikhs too whose presence was symbolical. The
Sikhs were inducted by the Indian government for the purpose of publicity
and to show the world that the Sikhs had also taken part in the attack. These
few Sikhs however could not be called true Sikhs. They were mainly
supporters of Nirankaris and some of them were Mazhabis.

The main armaments used by the Army against Sant Bhindranwale
and his supporters were:-
(i) 38 Ton Vijayanta Tank fitted with 105 mm heavy guns.
(ii) Heavy artillery including 25 pounder canons and Howitzers,
mortars and 3.7 inch Howell guns.
(iii) Armored Cars.
(iv) Armored Personnel Carriers- These are Polish built eight-
wheeled mechanized carriers.
(v) Helicopters.
Carrying with him these heavy and sophisticated ar¬maments to
attack the Golden Temple Complex, K Sunderji slyly said. "We went inside
the premises of Golden Temple Complex with humility in our hearts and
prayers on our lips?
This reminds one of a typical proverb used by the Hindus. The
proverb is: "Munh mein Ram Ram, Bagal mein Chhuri"
(A man having Lord’s name on his lips but hiding a dagger under
his arm-pit).

They attacked the Golden Temple Complex nevertheless with all

malice in their hearts and cruelty in their minds. They continued incessant
firing on the Akal Takht and surrounding residential buildings throughout
the day but failed to frighten the brave Lion, Sant Bhindranwale and his
fighters. They failed either to win the battle. The battle of the day again
ended in a stalemate. But the Indian Army was severely beaten.
When night fell the three experienced Generals, K. Sunderji, R.S.
Dyal and K.S. Brar, put their heads together desperately to chalk out a fresh
strategy to subdue the one brave General, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.
They strained their nerves to fulfill the desire of Indira Gandhi to capture
Sant Bhindranwale dead or alive. This was the main and the only objective
of Indira Gandhi which she had assigned to the Army but this task was not
easy. That is why the Generals were worried and so was Indira Gandhi.
The final strategy formulated by the three Generals was to launch
frontal attacks on Akal Takht from all sides simultaneously. Specially
trained Commandos from the 1st Battalion, the Parachute Regiment,
dressed in black denims, wearing bullet proof vases, were directed to force
their entry from the main entrance of the Complex. But as soon as they
stepped in. the Sikh defenders, positioned on either side of the entrance,
gunned them down. The few who managed to flee towards Parkarma were

taken care of by other defenders entrenched around the Akal Takht. Thus the
Commandos, assault utterly failed. It looked impossible for the so called
brave Commandos to accomplish the task assigned to them. Now Brar was
dismayed as he had failed to dislodge the brave Sikh fighters from their
positions. In order to accomplish his task he ordered his troops to fire stun
gas bombs at the Sikh defenders. These chemical weapons made the Sikh
fighters semi unconscious. It was only then that the Commandos could
force their entry to the Clock Tower gate and shot the semi unconscious
Sikhs dead. Could it be called a fare war? Could it be called bravery? It was
all shame and nothing else.
Any way, when the Commandos, reinforced by the 10th Battalion
of the Guards, known as another pride of the Indian Army, stepped in the
Parkarma, they faced withering fire from all directions. It was remarkable
planning and strategy of General Shahbeg Singh which out manoeuvred all
the three Generals of the Indian Army. The Sikh defenders trained and
positioned by General Shahbeg Singh, mowed down these fresh Guards
too. Thus the second assault was also repulsed by the brave Sikhs by
inflicting heavy casualties on the attackers.
However the third assault carried out by about 200 Commandos
and the same number of Guards succeeded to a limited extent when some of
them managed to make their way in front of the Akal Takht. But no sooner
did they reach the courtyard than they were gunned down by squads of
defenders positioned inside the Akal Takht itself. The rest of them fled to
safety. This was the battle scene on the North side or the main entrance of
the Complex.
The Madrasis who were ordered to enter the premises of Golden
Temple Complex from the side of Sarais (Hostel Complex) failed to appear
anywhere near the Parkarma. They were badly bashed by the lightly armed
squads of the Sikh defenders positioned on the Southern side. Thus the
strategy chalked out by the three Generals to affect the entry of the
Commandos and Guards from northern side and Madrasis and Gurhwalis,
from the southern side simultaneously, and then to take up positions to
attack the Akal Takht was also foiled by the Sikh fighters.
The three Generals, Sunderji, Dyalji and Brarji, who had boasted
before Indira Gandhi that they would capture Sant Bhindranwale dead or
alive within two hours had to cut a sorry figure. They had taken three days
i.e. 72 hours but they were nowhere near their objective. They became
frustrated and desperate. The same was the condition of Rajiv Gandhi, K.P.
Singh Deo and Arun Singh who were anxiously waiting in the Delhi Control
Room to hear some "good news" Indira Gandhi was perhaps most
nervously waiting for that news. She had instructed her Generals to
accomplish the job assigned to them at all cost and without further loss of
time. But it was easier said than done.
Sunderji and Dyal, now furious, ordered the Commandos to launch
the fourth assault. This time the Gen¬eral reinforced the beaten Madrasis
with two more com¬panies of the 7th Garhwal Rifles and placed them
under the command of Brar. Their objective was to push their way inside the
premises of the Golden Temple Complex from the South entrance but
Madrasis and Garhwalis were again badly beaten back by the Sikh fighters.
A braggart Brigadier A. K. Diwan was commanding the Madrasis
and the Garhwalis. Seeing his soldiers badly beaten he requested Brar for
further reinforcement of his troops who had suffered heavy casualties. Brar
sent him two companies of the 15th Kumaonis. Reinforced by the fresh
troops Diwan made repeated assaults in order to storm the Akal Takht but
each time his troops were forced to flee. Finding that the Akal Takht was
impregnable for the Indian Army and feeling that Sant Bhindranwale was
invincible. Brigadier Diwan asked General Brar to allow him to use
Vijayant Tanks to blast the Akal Takht. He pleaded if he was not permitted to
use Battle Tanks his troops trapped in the battle field would be finished in no
time as they looked like sitting ducks before the Sikh fighters.
It is pertinent to note that the troops of the Indian Army were
repeatedly reinforced with fresh soldiers who had been provided with all
comforts of life. They were also equipped with the most sophisticated
weapons avail¬able in the world. On top of this, they had outnumbered the
Sikh defenders thousand times. Still they were kept at bay by a handful of
Sikh fighters.
On the other hand the Sikh defenders were confined inside the
parched buildings and that, too in the scorching heat which was at peak in
the 1st week of June. 1984. They had nothing to eat but roasted grains,
nothing to drink but their sweat. They spent sleepless nights without rest.
They had no provisions and no source of reinforcement of troops as the
Army had. They had no sophisticated weapons to match armory of the
Indian Armed Forces. They did not sleep since 1st June. Naturally in such
circumstances ordinary men are bound to become weary and teary. But they
were not ordinary men; they were the Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh.
Inspired and resurrected by Sant Bhindranwale and trained by General
Shahbeg Singh. Inspite of all this atrocious life they remained dauntless and
valiant warriors. They remained unfrightened and unshaken. Heavy
bombardment and incessant firing by guns could not demoralize them. Had
they been equipped with the weapons like the Vijayanta Tanks, heavy field
guns and artillery as the Indian Army had been equipped with, what would
have been the result of the battle? Had this been the case the Sikh fighters
must have chased the Indian Army beyond Vamuna River. That’s why
General Brar pitiably explained to Lt. General Sunderji the hopeless
condition of his fighting troops.
"That infantry was in danger of being massacred. The infantry
just cannot carry on doing the impossible task. I should be allowed to call
up tanks to bombard and blast the Akal Takht."
Sunderji contacted Delhi where a special Control Room had been
set up to keep track of the battle. K.P Singh Deo, Deputy Defense Minister,
and Arun Singh were present there to assist Rajiv Gandhi, who was over¬all
in-charge of monitoring Operation Blue Star. Rajiv Gandhi in turn
discussed with her mother Indira Gandhi, who called in the Army Chief A.S.
Vaidya. A quick decision was taken and permission was given to Sunderji to
use whatever armament was effective to subdue Sant Bhindranwale. This
blanket order included use of even jet bomber to blast off the Akal Takht if
the Main Battle Tanks Vijayanta failed to achieve the assigned objective.
Even before the final orders were received from Indira Gandhi
seven Vijayanta tanks were already positioned inside the Golden Temple
Complex. As soon as a "go ahead" signal was given to General Brar he
ordered the tank operators to bombard the Akal Takht,
The Vijayyanta tanks fitted with 105 mm guns fired hundreds of
high-explosive squash-head shells at the Akal Takht and blasted the sacred
shrine, the highest seat of Sikh authority, during the night of 5th & 6th June
1984. The whole front of the Akal Takht was destroyed and hardly a pillar
was left standing. The adjoining buildings were also bombarded and razed
to the ground. Even "Darshni Deori" and "Tosha Khana" were destroyed.
A simultaneous Operation under the command of K. Sunderji was
being carried on in the Hostel Complex where the traitor, Harchand Singh
Longowal and his cow¬ardly stooges, had hid themselves. The main
objective of this Operation was to secure the safety of Longowal and
perhaps Gurcharan Singh Tohra and to escort them out safely. There was a
discernible difference of obiective in the two sided operation
simultaneously carried on in the Golden Temple Complex. The main
objective of the mili¬tary operation conducted in the Akal Takht was to
ensure the physical liquidation of Sant Bhindranwale whereas the objective
of other operation was to ensure the safety of Longowal. This act of the
Indian government proved beyond doubt that Longowal was acting as an
agent of the Congress government while Sant Bhindranwale was gallantly
defending the Golden Temple Complex and as such he was identified as the
enemy of the Indian government.
As the main gate fortified by Iron Gate, had blocked the way to the
Hostel Complex, the Army had to bring in the battle tank to crash the gate.
After smashing the iron-gate Armored Cars were driven in and positioned
on the road separating the two Complexes followed by the 9th Kumaon and
(he commandos wearing bullet proof vases. As soon as the troops moved in
they came under heavy firing from the roof tops on both sides of the road.
The resistance was not as tough as was met by the Army inside the Golden
Temple Complex. Therefore the troops managed to enter the Hostel
Complex where the traitor of the Sikh Panth. Longowal, along with his
hoodlings, had huddled himself in the office room of Gurcharan Singh
Tohra. When the Commandos entered the office all those who had hidden
themselves there surrendered meekly by raising their arms above their
heads. Among those who had surrendered by raising arms were Harchand
Singh LongowaL Gurcharan Singh Tohra, Bhan Singh, Balwant Singh
Ramuwalia and Abinashi Singh, Assistant Secretary of Shiromani
Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee Surprisingly Harmander Singh Sandhu.
General Secretary of AISSF, was also present in the office of Shiromani
Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee who too surrendered himself along with
Longowal. The fact that Longowal and Tohra had surrendered by raising
their arms above their heads was later confirmed by Abinashi Singh and
Nazar Singh. a personal bodyguard of Tohra whom i incidentally met in the
Central jail Ludhiana in August 1984.
Nazar Singh told me the whole story about Tohra's activities
beginning from 2nd June to 5th June 1984 till the latter had surrendered
himself at about 2 A.M. on 6th June.
After surrendering themselves Tohra and Longowal were separated
from others and were taken to a safer place. The remaining lot was left
behind. They were made to sit in the compound where sudden firing was
opened and a hand grenade was also thrown. There were at least seventy
casualties of the Sikhs. Among the dead were some female and children. It
was confirmed by Nazar Singh that the troops had opened fire killing
seventy per¬sons and wounding many others. He too suffered two bullet
injuries, one in the leg and another in the upper arm.
Interestingly Gurcharan Singh, Office Secretary, and Bagga Singh,
a staunch critic of Sant Bhindranwale, were not killed by the troops. They
were shot dead by supporters of Sant Bhindranwale. Thus both the traitors
were punished.
It is disgusting to note that Longowal had vowed repeatedly in the
presence of Guru Granth Sahib at Manji Sahib. Amritsar, to defend the
Golden Temple Complex if it was attacked by the army, but when the sacred
shrine was actually attacked he surrendered without making a fuss and
walked over the dead bodies of his own people. Thus ended the terrible
night of 5(h June 1984.

6th June
At dawn pounding of the Akal Takht by Vijayanta tanks ceased and
with it ceased partial firing from inside the Akal Takht because
emplacement set up by the militants had been shattered by heavy
Para 28 of "White (Lie) Paper on Punjab agitation published by the
Government of India mentions that the Army had taken control of the Akal
Takht by 12.30 P.M. on 6th June and that only the ground floor and the
basement were yet to be captured. Than para 30 reads: "The continued
resistance from the ground floor and the base¬ment of the Akal Takht was
tackled during the night of June, 6-7. This statement completely stands at
variance with the actual account given by the eye witnesses and that dead
bodies of Sant Bhindranwale and Bhai Amrik Singh were found on the
ground floor on 7th June.
Hari Singh, a Sevadar in Golden Temple, along with 30 other
persons had been hiding in the Kotha Sahib where Guru Granth Sahib is
solemnly laid to rest in the Akal Takht every evening. It was a miracle that
this Kotha Sahib, despite heavy bombardment, suffered comparatively little
damage although it is situated in the front of the Akal Takht. Hari Singh says
that at about 7.30 A.M. on 6th June Bhai Amrik Singh entered Kotha Sahib
and told them to leave the room as now they (the defenders) could not match
heavy bombardment by the tanks brought in by the Indian Army. About a
few minutes later Sant Bhindranwale along with nearly forty followers
entered that room. He prayed before the Akal Takht and then addressed
his followers, "Those who want to attain martyrdom may stay with me and
others should leave the Akal Takht."
When Sant Bhindranwale left the room his forty supporters
followed him. Bhai Amrik Singh was one of them. They raised war slogan
of the Khalsa "Jo Bole So Nihal, Sat Siri Akal" and then rushed out of the
Akal Takht in order to pounce upon the Army. The troops who had been
keeping a strict eye on the Akal Takht fired bursts of machine guns at them.
Some of them were hit and killed among those martyrs was Bhai Amrik
Singh. There was another burst of machine guns which took life of a dozen
more. The rest of (the militants escaped and went to the residence of Bhai

Ram Singh, one of the priests of the Golden Temple. His house is situated
behind the Akal Takht. Those dozen followers of Sant Bhindranwale
changed their traditional clothes there and disappeared wearing bushirts
and trousers. They told Bhai Ram Singh and Pritam Singh another priest
who had hid himself there that Bhai Amrik Singh had attained martyrdom.
They however asserted that Sant Bhindranwale was not among those who
were hit by bullets. Some of the enthusiastic followers of Bhindranwale
proudly said that if they had seen the Sant hit or martyred, they would have
never left that place and would have preferred to die there and then where
Sant Bhindranwale disappeared they did not know. There was a dense
smoke emitted by heavy bombardment and fire that broke out all around the
Akal Takht. They explained that due to dense layers of smoke visibility was
poor therefore they could not see anything including the Sant ji.
“Grenades and poisonous gas shells were thrown at the men,
women and children, who had locked themselves in the rooms, bathrooms
and toilets of Guru Nanak Niwas, Guru Ram Das sarai and Teja Singh
Samundri Hall. Those who tried to come out were pierced with bayonets
and shot dead. Some soldiers caught hold of small babies and children by
their feet, lifted them up in the air and then smashed them against the walls
and thus breaking their skulls.” ~ Harvinder Kaur; Blue Star over
Amritsar (Delhi, 1990).”It was a virtual massacre. A large number of
women, children and pilgrims were gunned down.” ~
(As reported by The Guardian on 13th June 1984).

The Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi took the decision to attack
Darbar Sahib at her own only without taking the President in confidence, he
was kept in dark.
The Operation Blue star was over soon after the martyrdom of Sant
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale in the morning on 7th June. Arun Singh,
Cabinet Minister reported the President Giani Jail Singh that no damage
was done to shrine but a side building was blown off. The historical building
Akal Takhat, built by sixth Guru was declared as a side building and there
was no regret. That shows poor knowledge of PM Office and the Ministry of
Home affairs.
Next day Giani Jail Singh made a program to visit Amritsar, he
called his PA Sardar Tarlochan Singh who invited two Journalists, Mr.
Rangarajan and Mr. Rao to accompany them, No photographer was
permitted to cover the visit of President.
When Giani Jail Singh reached Darbar sahib on 8th June in the

morning, a board was seen displayed before entrance of the shrine showing
‘ENEMY TERRYTORY’, (the holiest Sikh shrine in India was mentioned
as enemy territory) the soldiers were seen walking within periphery
wearing boots. The President objected on it and his orders were followed,
the soldiers were asked their boots.
Second order the President gave was to protect he TOSHAKHANA
or TREASURY as it could be looted or damaged. It was followed
On return to Delhi, Khushwant Singh called Sardar Tarlochan
Singh and inquired what he saw inside Darbar Sahib. He narrated whatever
he had seen; the same was narrated to Prem Bhatia who wrote front cover
story on main page in Tribune published from Chandigarh. Khushwant
Singh called a Press conference and revealed the facts which were
published by leading news papers all over the world. Press was already
censored in Panjab so it way seriously by PMO. Indira Gandhi herself
complained to the President and inquired about Sardar Tarlochan Singh, she
wanted to take action against him but Giani Jail Singh stopped her. Sardar
Tarlochan Singh was asked to go on leave.
(As Narrated By : Saradar Tarlochan Singh)

Some truth on Operation Blue star as only falsehood is
propagated by Indian govt. and its army

Carvan published an interview of Col. Israr khan who led the

troops (10 Guard) in Darbar sahib by Hartoshh Bal.

Here is the analysis of this interview, kindy see how this Muslim
officer tried to hide the facts and propagate only falsehood? The analysis
is given in Italic letters;

The Supreme seat of Sikh faith-the Akal Takhat after Op. Bluestar
On this night in 1984, the Golden Temple in Amritsar was
stormed by Indian army troops. They had been summoned by Indira
Gandhi to disarm and dislodge Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale—head of
the Damdami Taksaal, a prominent insurgent voice in the orthodox Sikh
community and a former ally of the Congress—who was operating from
and residing in the Darbar Sahib Complex. While the intent of Operation
Bluestar, as this was termed, was to clear Bhindranwale’s armed
insurgents from the premises of the Golden Temple, the operation took a
devastating turn. In this excerpt from ‘The Shattered Dome,’ from our
May 2014 issue, Hartosh Singh Bal reports on the violent events that
transpired that night.
According to the memoir of PC Alexander, principal secretary to

the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi made up her mind to summon the army
on 25 May, relying on the reassurances of General AS Vaidya, chief of the
army staff. Vaidya explained that he would move troops into different
locations in Punjab simultaneously, surrounding gurdwaras occupied by
extremists and cutting off their supplies and movement. A similar siege
would be mounted around the Golden Temple, with a large number of
Alexander writes that Gandhi “repeatedly told the general that in
any operation no damage should be done to the temple buildings and
particularly to the Harmandir Sahib.” Vaidya assured her that there would
be “a maximum show of force, but a minimum use of it.”
Vaidya met with Gandhi again on 29 May, and suggested some
changes in the plan. They would ensure that the temple would not be
damaged—but they would need to enter it. This proposal was the result of
Vaidya’s meeting with Lieutenant General K Sundarji, who had direct
command of operations. Alexander writes that Vaidya convinced Gandhi
that he had weighed the pros and cons of the plan with his senior colleagues;
they had all agreed that a siege would prolong the operation and destabilise
the surrounding countryside.
“Vaidya spoke with such confidence and calmness that the new
plan he was proposing appeared to be the only option open to the Army,”
Alexander writes. “I can definitely state on the basis of the clear knowledge
of Indira Gandhi’s thinking at that time that she agreed to the revision of the
earlier plan at the eleventh hour strictly on the assurance given to her that the
whole operation would be completed swiftly and without any damage to the
buildings within the Golden temple complex.”
A week later, on the night of 5 June, Lieutenant Colonel Israr
Rahim Khan commanded the first batch of troops that stormed the Darbar
Sahib complex.
Khan reported directly to Major General Kuldip Singh “Bulbul”
Brar, who was in overall command of the operation and in touch with
Sundarji. (The major general, like Bhindranwale, was a Brar Jatt, and the
two men came from villages close to each other’s, but there the similarities
between them ended. Brar came from a distinguished military family, and
the gulf of class and education between him and Bhindranwale was deep; he
had little time for the sort of orthodoxy Bhindranwale espoused.)
(Here Khan calls this Sikh preacher Sant Jarnail Singh
Bhindranwala who was master in religious studies if not in worldly
education. Who so ever came to interview him or visited to know his views
always got so impressed that he became his follower like Swami
Subramaniyam, Farooq Abdullah and so on).
When I met him in his home, Khan, who retired as a brigadier, at
first said he had little to add to Brar’s account of the operation, published in
his 1993 book Operation Bluestar—The True Story. I said I wanted to hear
a view from the ground, from a soldier who was actually part of the
In spite of his greying hair, it was easy to see in Khan the dashing
soldier Brar had sent into the complex. Once he began to speak, it was
evident he remembered the action as though it had taken place yesterday.
“From our debussing area, near Jallianwalla Bagh”—the famous park is a
short distance away from the Darbar Sahib—“we were to approach the
Darshan Deori, the main entrance. We were in the open, and
they”—Bhindranwale’s men—“were all secure, with their weapon
emplacements in place. There was not an inch of ground in the gully outside
the Darshan Deori that was not covered by the firing.”
(In fact Darshani Deori is known the gates from where devotees
enter the main sanctum sanctorum Darbar sahib in middle of thhe sacred
pond. this place whichh is referred by Col. israr Khan is known as
Shahbeg Singh’s plan of defence for the Darbar Sahib was so
effective that, three decades later, Khan recalled it with something like
admiration. The complex was guarded by an outer ring of emplacements
positioned on the vantage points of its high buildings—the Hotel Temple
View on one side, and the gumbads, or domes, on the other—and an inner
ring on the parikrama, within the temple itself. At the Darshan Deori, Khan
and his men descended the stairs into the complex unaware of loopholes in
the walls that had been turned, he said, into “weapon pits.”
“My boys were climbing down the stairs in the darkness, because
the electricity was cut. It was totally dark, and we were wondering where
this fire was coming from. It takes a little time to think. It was coming from
under the stairs.” The bullets hit Khan’s soldiers below the knee. “The
boys,” he said, “fell tumbling down.”
The memory made Khan pause. “In which war have we
suffered such heavy casualties?” he asked. “From my battalion, in the
first hour—from 10.30 to 11.30 at night—we had already lost nineteen. In
the ’71 war, in Shakargarh sector, I tell you, Hartosh, in the whole ten to
fifteen days, my battalion, the 10 Guards, lost four men. What a gruesome
battle it was in the Golden Temple.”
The army was hemmed in at close quarters, in a heavily built-up

area—which meant, Khan said, that there was no way collateral damage
could be avoided. “I read somewhere that Mrs Gandhi was told there would
be no casualties. No person in the right frame of mind would give such an
assurance to the PM.”
If there were any expectations that the security forces would meet
no resistance, they were rendered utterly false. “They knew,” Khan said.
“How can you build brick and mortar key emplacements overnight? It was
beautifully planned. You could not close up anywhere near the temple
without being hit by a bullet.”
“The commandos were grouped with me. A company each of the
SFF”—the R&AW unit, the Special Frontier Force —“and 1 Para
Commando was grouped with 10 Guards. We were to give them safe
passage through the parikrama, until the periphery of the Akal Takht, and
they were meant to capture Bhindranwale from the Akal Takht. So I grouped
them, with my leading company going ahead. We entered first and made
place for them to enter. We gave them a safe corridor through the parikrama
till the end. There were twelve rooms in a row; we kept clearing, room by
room by room.” Every room was manned.
(As per the statements given by eye witnesses I find Israr Khan
giving an account of operation on night of 5th June Before that army had
taken over whole complex other then Akal Takhat. Khan also admits that
he cleared the room by room which were all manned It was only massacre
of stranded pilgrims who had taken shelter in those rooms to save their
lives It was duty of army to save their lives but killer Indian army was on
mission to suppress Sikh nation so it brutally murdered all the unarmed
but innocent pilgrims inside those rooms and in the complex).
By 1 am, Khan says, his company had captured the northern wing
of the parikrama and opened it up to the Special Forces, but they were
unable to make headway. “The moment they would close up near the Akal
Takht they would come under heavy fire. They were very badly mauled. So
they would fall back on the parikrama, and get in touch with Bulbul to tell
him that they had lost so many men.”
“I won’t blame them professionally. Their men were dying, and all
the fire was coming at them. But why some other methods were not adopted,
or what they had rehearsed, is not known to me.”
At two o’clock in the morning, Brar called. “Bulbul told me on the
set: ‘Israr, have a Carl Gustav’”—an anti-tank missile—“‘fired at the dome
of the Akal Takht and see what effect it has.’ I set up the Carl Gustav myself;
I couldn’t take anyone else’s report for granted. From the first floor, which

we had captured, I fired a Carl Gustav and—Hartosh, can you believe it,
what a beautiful building it was, that dome was so strong—it just ricocheted
like a .303 bullet being fired into that wall. Even that leaves a one-inch dent;
but nothing was visible on that dome.” Khan radioed back to tell Brar that
the missile had had no effect.
“Then I don’t know what transpired between the Special Forces
and Bulbul, that they found no other way. They were scared that after
sunrise, all of Punjab would surround the Golden Temple. So whatever had
to be achieved, had to be achieved before dawn. They decided on rolling
down three tanks inside, and eventually used the main gun of the tank. It
pierced through the dome, and there were gaping holes. That was a horrific
sight. My own assessment now is that if the main gun of the tank had not
been used, perhaps the Sikh psyche wouldn’t have been hurt so much.”
Almost every commitment that Vaidya made to the prime minister
went unkept. The operation took at least a full night; it resulted in the
decimation of the Akal Takht; and the casualties far outstripped any
estimate Gandhi had been given. There are still no credible explanations for
why no intelligence on the situation was available or forthcoming to the
army. Neither are there answers for why the army did not ask for more
time to plan, especially as an operation at the Darbar Sahib had been
under consideration since February.
(Either Khan hiding the facts or tryig to give a cover by speaking
false on preparation time army was given to attack. Genral SK Sinha
disclosed in his book “Last resorts” that army was giving special training
to its soldiers in Chakrata near Dehra Dun 18 months prior to the
invasion on Darbar sahib than how much more time it wanted?
It’s the same army which was ordered to prepare and then air
dropped in just six hours to Sri Lanka in 1985?)
In 1984, the day marking the martyrdom of Guru Arjan fell on 3
June, two days before Operation Bluestar began. The choice to begin
hostilities on 5 June was highly problematic, because a curfew had been
imposed around the complex days before the attack, effectively
trapping a large number of pilgrims, who had nothing to do with the
militants, inside the temple.
(Why the curfew was imposed and trapped pilgrims were not
permitted to come out of Darbar Sahib, the intention of army is clearly
mentioned here. It trapped them in large numbers so that in operation
army may use them as a cover to move to capture Akal Takhat these
trapped pilgrims were thus killed in cross firing in periphery other then

killed by granade attack in rooms where they had taken the shelter).
(This strategy of army is well explained in the bottom at “Valor of
Sikh youths and defeat of indian army” and cleared why the army chose
auspicious day of martyrdom day of fifth guru Arjan dev‘s martyrdom day
for attack).
Indira Gandhi had given such orders to General Vaidya, the
Commanding officer in chief of Indian army as;
“I don’t give a damn if the Golden Temple and whole of Amritsar
are destroyed, I want Bhindranwale dead.” (Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime
Minister, communicating with Gen. Vaidya during “Operation Blue Star”)
Over the years, evidence has emerged of crimes committed within
the premises by security forces. Brigadier Onkar Goraya’s 2013 book,
Operation Bluestar and After, An Eyewitness Account, provides, for the
first time, some clarity on the number of pilgrims inside the complex during
the operation. Goraya, the head of the Admin branch of the 15th Infantry
division posted in Punjab, was tasked with “lifting civilian casualties,
disposal of the dead and evacuation of the wounded to the hospitals,
apprehending the militants, guarding them in make-shift jails in the
Cantonment, and arranging for their logistics.” He placed the casualties,
based on the number of bodies disposed, at seven hundred, and stated
that another 2,200 persons were rounded up and interned.
(Here Goraya also lies, the exact number may not be possible to
reveal but approximate and very near to actual is obtained. There were
10,000 innocent pilgrims killed inside the Darbar sahib periphery other
than those killed in surrounding buildings as these figure was taken from
shoe store (Joda Ghar) where every devotee deposit his/her shoes before
entering the sacred sanctorum. There were 10.000 unclaimed shoes
inside this joda ghar whose claimanants never returned to claim. Nearly
15,000 innocent pilgrims were killed in Darbar Sahib Complex only).
Even by the most exaggerated count, Bhindranwale’s men
numbered no more than 250. Were they all counted among the dead, with
another hundred from other militant organisations included for good
measure, it would mean that, even by the most conservative estimate, the
operation resulted in the deaths of over 350 people who had nothing at all to
do with Bhindranwale. Considering that many people slipped out of the
complex through the numerous doors leading to alleyways surrounding it, it
is safe to say the number of people inside was far higher than the three
thousand or so accounted for by the numbers of those dead, injured or

The army has consistently maintained that pilgrims inside the
complex were given ample opportunity to leave. But Goraya makes it clear
that most never heard the army’s requests to surrender and come out. A day
before the operation began; he found a district administration van outside
the complex broadcasting announcements in Punjabi: “All those who are
stranded inside the Darbar Sahib complex are requested to come out with
their hands raised above their head. They will not be fired at.” The van was
parked eighty yards from the main entrance. “The devotees and pilgrims,
for whose benefit the announcements were being made, were well beyond
its reach,” Goraya writes.
The scene within the complex after the operation was gruesome.
Goraya writes of the stench of rotting bodies in the June heat: the task of
disposing of them was so onerous that the municipal workers who
eventually cleared them away did so only because they were permitted to
strip the bodies of their belongings. The bodies of Bhindranwale and
Shahbeg Singh were recovered from the basement of the Akal Takht on the
morning of 7 June, almost two days after the operation began.
Bhindranwale’s body was identified by his brother and quickly cremated in
the presence of a few officers and jawans.
Goraya’s book confirms an allegation of long standing: that
security forces shot at least a few men in cold blood. Evidence has already
been published of at least one execution: a 2006 book by Harminder Kaur –
Blue star over Amritsar – contains the post-mortem report of a young man
shot through the chest with his hands tied behind his back. Goraya’s story
strengthens the claim that there were multiple killings of this kind. “On 7th
June, around mid-day, I saw about 90 detainees sitting on the hot marble
floor of the Southern wing of Parikrama,” he writes. “They were naked
except for the long underwear and their hands were tied behind their backs.
(We have eye witness accounts how army personals killed the
amritdhari Sikhs wearing all five mandatory signs of Sikh faith in cold
blood by tying their hands at their back and shot them in frustration as
army suffered very heavy loss. The casualities it had in operation Blue
star was much much higher than combined loss of lives it had in all three
wars fought against China and Pakistan).
“Most of them appeared to be militants. Though subjugated they
retained their defiant spirit. Instead of looking down, some of them dared to
look into the eyes of their captors. A second Lieutenant of the unit who had
fought these militants the previous night and lost a few comrades, could not
stomach such defiance. When he asked them to look down one of them spat
at him. The officer lost his cool and shot him in the forehead.”
(That shows the hate of Sikhs towards invading army which
attacked their supreme shrine and killed the innocent, the Sikh youth was
certainly fearless as he was sure that he will be killed so he spat in extreme
hate and conveyed his message before he was shot.
Kudos to the fearless Sikh).
On 23 June, when Indira Gandhi visited the Darbar Sahib for the
first time after the operation, Goraya was at the tail end of the group
surrounding her as she walked around the parikrama. As she looked at the
Akal Takht, Goraya claims, she said to General Sundarji beside her: “I
didn’t ask you to do this.”
An edited excerpt from “The Shattered Dome,’ published in The
Caravan’s May 2014 issue. Read the story in full here.
Hartosh Singh Bal is the political editor at The Caravan, and is
the author of Waters Close over Us: a Journey along the Narmada. He
was formerly the political editor at Open magazine.

Valor of Sikh youths and the defeat of Indian army;

The infantry division of Indian army had surrendered before the
valiant Sikh youths. The fierce fight continued for nearly 72 hrs. stopped the
advance of a mighty and best army in world which had earlier defeated
Pakistan and captured its 93000 soldiers, was not able to fight with these
handful Sikh youths.
The distance from Clock tower entrance to Sri Akal Takhat in
complex of Darbar sahib is hardly 200 meters. The Army generals were sure
to take over the Akal Takhat within half an hour but this largest army which
had already covered up whole of Punjab couldn’t cover this distance of
merely 200 meters for 72 hrs, it marked a question on their valor. It had to
face such a heavy resistance.
The Indian army could never think of such stiff resistance, it had
not thought the handful Sikh youths who were not properly trained shall
stop the mighty Indian army. The Generals of Indian army had forgot that
the Sikhs have a charm to get martyrdom since their childhood and they feel
proud to offer their heads to their Guru and getting martyred in battlefield.
The Sikh youths were fighting those who had invaded with a
malicious thought to destroy their holiest shrine, to protect the house of lord
and to make it’s sanctity, these Sikh youths had one motto only —- to

sacrifice for a good cause, and to get martyred, they practically proved in the
battlefield the prophetic prononuncement of Guru Gobind Singh ji that “
“Chirian to main baaz tudaun, Gidran to main sher banun, Sawa lakh seek
laraun, Tbhai Gobind Singh naam kahaun” means, “only if I can make
sparrows fight against hawks, make lions out of jackals, and make one
person fight against 1.25 lakh (one hundred twenty five thousand)
enemies—only then I deserve to be called Gobind Singh”.
These Sikh youths sacrificed their lives to prove these words
whereas the soldiers of Indian army were just obeying the orders of their
queen Indira.
The Generals of Indian army had deliberately selected the
martyrdom day of fifth Guru of Sikh religion to attack Darbar sahib while
making strategy because on such day the Sikhs arrives in large numbers to
Gurudwara along with their families. The Indian army could use their large
gathering of congregation to achieve their mission of capturing Akal
Takhat. It could deliver two benefits:-

First— by presence of large congregation the army could reach

Akal Takhat easily in cover of these innocent Sikhs, if the army
opened fire, the chances were of killing innocent Sikhs from either
side, the Sikhs may be from devotees or the followers of Sant
Jarnail Singh ji or from congregation. Soldiers take cover of
animals and hide them to reach their target but here this strategy
was failed as the Sikh youths were alert and aware of this tactic.
Second— the army could reach their target at Akal takhat as
assured by it’s Generals to Indira Gandhi, hence the stranded
pilgrims were used as scape goats and they got killed in firing from
both sides. The army chose a wrong day for it’s operation. It was the
moral duty of army to save the stranded pilgrims but it allowed
them to be killed.

The Generals of Indian army too made the same strategy that their
soldiers shall capture Sri Akal Takhat within half an hour by getting safe
cover of congregation of devotees there because these generals were sure
that the Sikh youths shall never fire on their brothers, sisters or the children
in congregation but the brave warriors inside the shrine had got Gurilla
training from retired Maj. General Shubeg Singh who was expert in such
wars. These brave Sikhs finished the first attack in minutes. All those
soldiers who were sent inside at periphery of Darbar sahib were killed by

indiscriminate firing.
The fierce fight to capture Akal Takhat was continued for nearly 72
hrs but when infantry division of Indian army failed to proceed a few
meters, than Armored personal carrier vehicles was brought into service to
ferry the soldiers safely to Akal Takhat but such an APC vehicle was blown
off by a missile.
And after the Infantry surrendered, the heavy armor and Artillery
was brought in, Tanks fired 80 shells on Akal Takhat whereas last reports
revealed that only 14 Sikhs were left alive in Akal takhat but the army
generals were sweating and had left their patience. They had assured indira
to take control of Akal takhat within half an hour and every attempt was
made to kill Sant ji as Indira had ordered them. She didn’t want to capture
him alive.
Finally these brave last 14 Sikhs were killed and then only Indian
army could enetr the building and took over the control none of these brave
Sikh youths was caught alive or surrendered but they sacrificed their lives to
protect sanctum Sanctorum Darbar Sahib from invasion and set the
example of valor of Sikhs as per their tradition for centuries.
Hats off to all those brave.

The Bridge of Sighs

Any way, it is a fact that the Army was in full control of
both the Complexes on 6th June. Major General Brar, who was present
inside the Temple Complex, ordered the infuriated and blood thirsty
soldiers to search all the rooms situated around the Parkarma and the
adjoining buildings. The soldiers went berserk and threw hand grenades
inside the rooms and blasted every inmate. The rooms which were bolted
from inside were broken open by machine gun fire and the Sikh pilgrims
found there were shot dead. Those Sikhs who surrendered or were seized
from other buildings, including the Hostel Complex, were lined up and
gunned down. These innocent victims of army, wrath were the pilgrims who
had come to observe the martyrdom day of Guru Arjun who had fondly built
the holy shrine surrounded by the Sarovar. The Army mercilessly killed
even children and women. Some survivors told me later that young women
and girls were raped by the army and some of them were killed. Some of
them, however, escaped and told their woeful stories.
One young woman of about 20 years who alongwith other women
was confined in the Central Jail Ludhiana narrated me a horrible
tale of terror. Her hus¬band had bought a new truck. A male child
was born to her a couple of months before. Her husband, therefore,
took, his whole family, including their grand mother, to the Golden
Temple for paying obeisance. They were four¬teen in number. All
of them except this young woman and the grand mother of about 80
years were shot dead by the savage soldiers. Her two months old
child was hit by a bullet and killed while he was in her arms. She
was raped and then taken to the army camp.

Another married young girl, who was also lodged in Ludhiana

jail, was gang raped by the army.
Another tale of error was narrated by a young Sikh woman teacher
of the Khalsa School, Paunta Sahib. She alongwith her two colleagues, one
male and another fe¬male teacher, had brought in a bus 65 students,
ranging between six and fourteen years, to the Golden Temple Complex on
2nd June 1984 to observe the martyrdom day of Guru Arjan Dev. They were
trapped there when the Army had imposed strict-curfew. As they had no way
to escape they all huddled themselves in a hall in the Sarai Complex. The
blood thirsty army mercilessly mowed down 33 children alongwith the male
teacher on the night in¬tervening 4th and 5th June. The rest of them
miracu¬lously survived the bullets. The young female teacher, who had
narrated the horrible story in the Central Jail Ludhiana, was raped by the
Army personnel and her other colleague was taken away to unknown place.
1 met the 32 surviving students of tender age in the jail who were terror-
stricken and still looked frightened. I was stunned on hearing the terrific
tale of terror. 1 could never im-agine that the Indian Army could be so cruel,
so brute and so monstrous.

I reported this matter to the Deputy Commissioner of Ludhiana

district and pleaded with him that these innocent children, who had
experienced the horrible trauma, should be immediately released from the
jail but he had expressed his inability saying that the Army was not inclined
to set them free. Then I sought his permission to release them myself by
exercising my power in the capacity of Special Magistrate for State of
Punjab, which powers the state government had vested in me during the
emergency to enable me then to deal with the detainees belonging to
different districts of Punjab. The D.C. was reluctant to give me a formal
concurrence. Thereafter some noble lawyers filed a petition in the Supreme
Court for gross violation of human rights by the government. The Supreme
Court accepted the petition and ordered the release of these innocent
children with immediate effect. Only then they were released
Were these children offender age extremist or terrorist?
When the curfew was lifted in the evening on 6th June for two hours
several hundred pilgrims who had been hiding themselves in the Sarais and
other adjoining buildings came out to set out for their destinations but all of
them were captured by the army. Their hands were tied with their turbans
and they were taken to the side of library building. There they were shot
dead indiscriminately. The killing spree by the savage army continued till
7th June.
The Indian Army threw powerful incendiary bombs in the rooms
and Halls of the Hostel Complex and killed all the occupants. The intensity
of the bombardment was borne out by the facts that the steel almirhas and
other steel furniture were charred and twisted by the impact of the blast.
Even the ceiling fans were charred and their wings were twisted by the fire
caused by the bombs the bombardment directed at the multistoried
buildings behind the Akai Takht was so sever that all the buildings were
razed to the ground. The fact of heavy and fierce bombardment was borne
out by the fallen heavy steel girders which were found twisted. I saw the
whole horrible scene of frightful destruction all around. Two weeks after the
Operation Blue Star was over.
The army Generals lied by saying that they did not fire a single
short at the Golden Temple, I myself counted at least 250 holes caused by
gunfire inside the Golden Temple. Virtually there was no room or building
in the Golden Temple which did not have bullet holes.
Destruction of the Akai Takht was an attempt to destroy the will and
spirit of Khalsa Panth. Each bullet fired at the Akai Takht and the Golden
Temple wounded heart of each member of the Khalsa Panth. In short Sikh
nation lay wounded, with of course the exception of traitors such as
Longowal, Balwant Singh and the like.
The army gained effective control of the Golden Temple Complex.
An eyewitness details how the army had treated the pilgrims who had
survived the bombardment:
“[The army] took off their [the Sikhs'] turbans with which they tied
their hands behind their backs. Then the Army men beat these Sikh boys
with the butts of their rifles until they fell on the ground and were shot dead
right in front of me."
After the resistance is broken, the army has free reign. After the
rapes and murders of innocent pilgrims, "the most distressing and
inexcusable act was the torching of the Sikh Reference Library."

“Any army which wants to destroy a nation destroys its culture.
That is why the Indian army burnt the library." ~ Mrs. Gandhi's Last
Battle, Tully, Mark and Jacob, (New Delhi, 1985).
The Sikh reference library is burnt. It’s priceless collection of
20,000 incrediby rare and valuable historic documents are reduced to ashes.
Amongst these, irreplaceable documents regularly referred to for research
are destroyed, and above all, 2500 handwritten saroops of Dhan Guru
Granth Sahib Jee Maharaaj are desecrated.
Soldiers celebrate the thousands of cold blooded murders and
the desecration of the Sikhs' holiest shrine by drinking and smoking
within the complex.
"Although the Sri Harmandir Sahib was riddled with bullets, the
Akaal Takhat destroyed with cannon fire, and thousands of pilgrims
massacred, the army was celebrating, people were seen carrying buckets of
beer to the main gates of the temple where they jubilantly served the
soldiers. The soldiers freely drank and smoked inside the complex. They
certainly had plenty to drink, a notification of the Government of Punjab's
Department of Excise and Taxation allowed for the provision of 700,000
quart bottles of rum, 30,000 quart bottles of whiskey, 60,000 quart bottles of
brandy and 160,000 bottles of beer all for 'consumption by the Armed
Forces Personnel deployed in Operation Blue Star'." ~ "Mrs. Gandhi's Last
Battle", p 203 (Ninth edi. 1991).

7th June
The main military operation ended in the morning of 7th June. The
day followed with setting afire the library building which had preserved
invaluable historical works, manuscripts of the Sikh Gurus and other
religious scriptures like Guru Granth Sahib. The army set afire the library
building on 7th June deliberately. It is a white lie to say that it caught fire
accidentally by cross firing between the Army and the militant Sikhs. And it
is an absurd and a vulgar lie to add that when the Indian army tried to put
down the fire the Sikh militants had fired at them and prevented them from
extinguishing the fire. Who would himself destroy invaluable religious
scriptures of their own faith written by their Gurus? This very idea looks
absurd and obnoxious.
Brutalities committed by the Indian Army on the Sikhs during
Operation Blue Star were shocking and terrific. Innocent Sikhs old,
young and children were mercilessly slaughtered. Women were
raped by the soldiers. Valuable articles like T.V. sets. VCR,

refrigerators and other electronic gadgets, besides ornaments of
gold and diamonds, were looted and usurped by the Army. Not less
than 4 quintals of gold was seized and usurped by the Army from the
Tosha Khana and the Complex.
This gold comprised the offerings and gifts pre¬sented by the
devotees. All soldiers and some officers of the Indian Army carried away
everything and anything which they happened to lay hand at.
It has been mentioned earlier that the army diabolically massacred
the Sikhs. The total number of Sikhs killed including the pilgrims could not
be less than five thousand. The buildings around the Golden Temple
Complex destroyed by bombardment were nearly seven hundred. This is
the most conservative estimate of casualties.
The dead bodies were lying scattered everywhere. The soldiers did
not lift the corpses. Instead the Army asked the Municipal authorities to
employ their sweepers to remove the dead bodies but the latter refused to
oblige them. They however, Willy nilly agreed to lift the dead bodies only
after accepting bottles of rum. The sweepers were also allowed to remove
wrist watches, gold rings and other ornaments from the dead bodies. They
then loaded the corpses in the trolleys like gunny bags which were then
taken out side the city. They piled up the corpses and burnt them together.
No formal rituals were performed. This was the shabby respect shown by
the Indian government to the dead bodies.
No proper postmortem of the dead bodies was con¬ducted.
However to give an impression that postmortem was done about a hundred
bodies were carried to the mortuaries where doctors from the neighboring
districts had already been summoned. The doctors completed the
formalities on the papers. Some of the doctors whom I later contacted
confirmed that some dead bodies had their hands tied behind their back.
And some bore marks of ropes and turbans on their arms. Still some dead
bodies had their turbans tied around their hands but knots behind their backs
were opened. One doctor told me that he found a young Sikh still breathing
and yet he was brought by the army for postmortem. The doctor explained to
the officer in charge deputed for the purpose that the youth should be taken
to the operation theatre for immediate treatment. The army officer of course
took away the breathing young man, shot him dead and brought the corpse
back any told the doctor "Look here: he is dead. The doctor was shocked
as he had heard the gunfire outside the mortuary.
Could the acts of devils and monsters be more cruel and brutal
than the ones committed by the Indian Army? Yes of course the
soldiers and officers of the Army sur¬passed the monsters. Some of
the senior army officers naively tried to justify such savage and
barbaric acts by arguing that the soldiers had lost their temper
because of unusually heavy casualties they had suffered at the
hands of the militant Sikhs during the operation Blue Star. How
shameful the argument is? Had the army not killed thousands of
Sikhs including innocent pilgrims?

It is a white lie published in the White Paper by the Indian

government that the army did not kill any woman, child, or innocent Sikh
and that no bullet was fired at the Golden Temple, sanctum sanctorum. To
further justify monstrous acts committed by the Army the government
shamelessly accused that the militant Sikhs during Operation Blue Star had
also committed brutalities on the army personnel. How ridiculous this
proposition looks. The victors always write history in their own favor and
depict their adversary in dark.

We have broken the back of the Sikhs and we will get them
elsewhere. -MMK Wali, Indian Foreign Secretary, 7 Jun 1984, CBC
Radio (Canada)

But it could be a momentry loss/suppression to Sikhs, soon they

overpowered their fear. Now 30 years are gone but Sikhs have got strength
and raised their voice in UN against this suppression. India today stands at
the edge of one more division, whole nation is paying price of 1984. The
time will tell whether khalsa gets stronger or suppressed but I am sure the
day is not far when khalsa will have his own nation where they may prosper
without any fear of discrimination, atrocity, fake encounter, religious
liberty and equality in all classes of society with good education and justice
to all.

8th June-
Giani Zail Singh the first sucker Sikh President of India paid a visit
to the Golden Temple Complex on 8th June 1984 under tight security
arrangements made by the Army. He was dressed in a spotless white Achkin
and Churidar Pyjama. The only 'blot' on his snow white, shining, dress was a
red rose hung on the left side of his Achkin. He was roaming around in the
Complex clasping "red rose" as though he had gone to attend a marriage
'party. He must have witnessed the horrible scene there. The blood stained
rooms, the blood stained Parkarma around the Sarovar were still visible
here and there although the Army had washed away all these places before
his visit. He must have seen the Akal Ta-kht reduced to rubbles by heavy and
intensive bombardment and heavily damaged Darshni Deori as well as
bullet holes in the Golden Temple. He must have witnessed the destruction
of surrounding buildings and debris scattered all around in the Parkarma
and outside the Complex. He must have smelt the stench emitted by the
decomposed bodies of thousands of Sikhs. Seeing all these horrible acts of
savagery he was not visibly moved. What he said to the Governor B.D.
Pande was "Wherefrom such a large number of weapons happened to be
smuggled in by the extremists and brought to the Golden Temple Complex.
Did you lend your eyes and ears to some one else."
Astonishingly, he did not bother about the destruction of Akal
Takht and other buildings nor did he bother about the brutalities committed
by the Army. He did not question why the army used main battles tanks
Vijyanta and heavy field guns to destroy the Akal Takht and blast off
hundreds of Sikhs?
The weapons possessed by the militants were either damaged by
heavy bombardment or some of them were carried by those who had
escaped. The weapons re-covered from them ought to be old and damaged.
The weapons Giani Singh had talked about were not those
recovered from the militants. These were brand new weapons arranged by
the Army to give a false impression that the extremists were heavily armed.

9th June
All forms of aid are denied to the surviving victims. The Red Cross
is refused permission to enter the Temple complex and the wounded are left
to suffer for days. Many people die of dehydration as they are refused water.

The Christian Science Monitor reported on the 8th June 1984:

"On Saturday, medical workers in Amritsar said soldiers had
threatened to shoot them if they gave food or water to Sikh pilgrims
wounded in the attack and lying in the hospital." The CFD report,
'Oppression in Punjab' remarks: "In accordance with the UN
Charter of Human Rights, the Red Cross is permitted to go in aid of
the wounded right inside the enemy territory, but in Amritsar in
June, 1984, the Red Cross was not allowed to enter the Golden
Temple - a respected and hallowed part of our country - in aid of
Indians underattack from the Indian Army. It only means that the
attack was so brutal and the battle scene so grisly, that there was
much to hide from public scrutiny, even if it be that of a neutral
agency called the Red Cross. This also explains perhaps why Press
censorship had already been imposed, the last of the journalists
were hounded away and the Press was not allowed to go inside the
Golden Temple up to June 10, when they were taken on a guided
tour of the complex for the first time since the Army operation
began almost a week before."

An article that was published in India Today (30/9/84) details the

most vulnerable of the 18,000 "suspected terrorists" arrested in June 1984
and detained in maximum security prisons:
"These were the other victims of Operation Bluestar, little children,
some only two years old, who got rounded up. Since then, 39 children have
been languishing in two Ludhiana jails. The youngest of these children,
Jasbir Kaur, is only two years old, her sister Charanjit Kaur is four, and her
brothers, Harinder and Balwinder, are six and twelve. There is four year old
Rinku whose father died during the army operation and whose mother has
been missing since. Like the rest of the 'infant terrorists', Rinku had to go
through gruelling interrogation. When asked where his mother was he
replied, "I don't know". Asked where his father was, he said, "Killed with a
gun". Why his stomach was so big; "Because I eat clay". Their ordeal began
in early June when they were picked up around the Temple and packed into
camps in Amritsar and Jalandhar. Two central agencies, the Central
Bureau of lnvestigation (CBI) and the Intelligence Bureau (IB) began their
questioning. There were long, intimidating sessions. The children cried and
begged to be sent home. But it went on for days. Their little finger prints
were taken and IB sleuths set about verifying their bonafides. One
interrogating officer admitted that officials were not moved by the
children's cries.

Anyway Giani Zail Singh's remark was not strange. He was

expected to use any language against the militants. He is the same Giani Zail
Singh who, before election to the institution of President of India, had
declared publicly, "I am prepared to sweep the room of Indira Gandhi with a
broomstick if she orders me to do so." If this man could stoop so low, what
else could be expected of him? Sant Bhindranwale rightly said about him
that he was a Sikh of Indira Gandhi and not of Guru Gobind Singh.

The Giani by his selfishness proved that he was really the Sikh of

Indira Gandhi who is a slur on Sikhism. He gave explanation to
Jathedar Kripal Singh and others that he being a constitutional
head of the state could not do anything. In other words he meant to
say that he could not prevent attack by the Indian Army on the Akal
Takht. If he was so helpless, he could have resigned in protest
against the military operation. His resignation might have forced
Indira Gandhi to reconsider her decision to send Armed Forces to
invade the Golden Temple Complex. Did he resign? Well, he did
not. But when he had seen horrible destruction of the Akal Takht
and other buildings, and learnt about merciless massacre of Sikh
pilgrims, he should have resigned there to atone his sins.

Following the execution of surviving pilgrims within the Golden

Temple complex, the rest that survived are rounded up, detained by the
Army and charged as terrorists:
“379 of the alleged ‘most dangerous terrorists’ were forced to sign
a common confessional statement and thereafter served a common
charge sheet that they were all Bhindranwale’s closest associates
and comrades in arms engaged in ‘waging war against the State’."
“The evidence collected established beyond doubt that none of the
Jodhpur detainees we succeeded in profiling are ‘terrorists’ but
rather all of them are completely innocent, ordinary persons,
whose only crime was that they had all gone to or were coming from
the Golden Temple as devotees or pilgrims visiting the Golden
Temple for the Gurpurab on June 3, 1984 or farmers gone to the
Temple to deliver village donations of grain to the S.G.P.C. or
students gone to pay obeisance at their holiest religious shrine, the
Harmandir Sahib.”
Source; Citizens for Democracy; Report to the Nation:
Oppression in Punjab (Bombay, 1985).

These detainees were detained for up to 5 years, before in the face

of worldwide condemnation and protest they were finally released. The
government orders the shooting of unarmed protesters in New Delhi, Sri
Nagar (Kashmir) and Punjab.
Some firing still continues within the Golden Temple Complex.
Day 10, 10th June 1984.
The guns finally fall silent.
Operation Bluestar is concluded.
The number of people who lost their lives will never be known. The
Army cremated the dead before the bodies could be identified or claimed by
their families. They piled the dead into garbage trucks and unceremoniously
cremated them. Family members were not allowed by the army to claim the
remains or perform any traditional funeral rites. It is clear that thousands
lost their lives in the Temple complex.
The number of deaths was high. The Indian Government
shockingly claims in their White Paper that only 439 Sikhs were killed. No
other body agrees with this figure. The New York Times (June 11, 1984) put
the figure at 1,000. Author Mark Tully's book claims that 2,093 Sikhs were
killed. Amritsar crematorium workers put the figure at 3,300. Author Chand
Joshi writes that 5,000 Sikhs were killed. However, eyewitnesses put the
figure at 8,000 Sikhs having been killed during the ten days of terror.
The operation was supposed to have happened during a complete
media blackout so that no one would know what happened between the
inner walls of the complex. However, as the fighting lasted over a week,
word began to spread, which resulted in a huge outpouring of grief and
anger from Sikhs across the world.
Soon after the massacre, the government disinformation campaign
went into overdrive to create legitimacy for the action. False claims were
propagated. The Times of India (June 10, 1984) put forward a particularly
disgusting, twisted version of events. They headlined on the front page a
Press Trust of India report, saying;
"Terrorists made a desperate attempt to blow up the Akal Takhat,
killed a number of men, women and children, and unsuccessfully tried to
escape with huge amounts of cash, jewellery and other valuables after their
leaders were killed in the action on June 5. The Akal Takhat was not
damaged in the Army action."
The Government of India censored and persecuted any journalist or
human rights organization who tried to report the truth, and thus when
Citizens for Democracy published a report detailing the "Oppression in
Punjab" in 1985, it was banned and confiscated the next day, the authors
were arrested and charged with "sedition" (incitement of rebellion against a
Brahma Challeney of the Associated Press (AP) of USA was the
only foreign correspondent who managed to stay in Amritsar during the
attack, and was one of the first to publish reports that Sikh pilgrims were
executed after the attack. For his troubles he was arrested and also charged
with sedition.

Telegraph London (June 15, 1984) published the following report
from David Graves: "The Akal Takhat looks like it has been bombed. It looks
like a building in Berlin after the War. Every building in the complex had
been riddled with bullets and there was still a stench of death in the air."

The last moments of Sant Bhindranwale

As Hari Singh, a sewadar, said that Sant Bhindran¬wale had
appeared in the Kotha Sahib of the Akal Takht between 7,30 A.M. to 8 A.M.
on 7th June and.prayered before Guru Granth Sahib, it seems that by that
moment the Sant was alive. He left Kotha Sahib after 8 A.M. along with
some of his followers and proceeded to the ground floor or the basement of
the Akal Takht to carry on fight against the Army. However this version
given by Hari Singh is contradicted by the government controlled T.V. and
Radio network. The news bulletin broadcast by the T.V. at 8 A.M. on 7th
June had announced that the dead bodies of Sant Bhindranwale and Bhai
Amrik Singh were found in the basement of the Akal Takht. It is clear that
one of these versions lacks credibility. It however appears from all accounts
that statement, in this regard given by Hari Singh carries weight. Para 30 of
the White Paper published by the Indian government throws some light on
this issue.

Para 30 read as follows:

“The continued resistance from the ground floor and the basement
of the Akal Takht was tackled during the night of June 6-7. When
this resistance was "finally" over come the troops commenced a
thorough search of the ground floor and the basement. The bodies
of Shri Bhindranwale and Amrik Singh were found among 34 other
bodies on the ground floor of the Akal Takht."
The word "finally" used in the second sentence is very important as
it clearly indicates that the fight in the ground floor and the
basement of the Akal Takht was continuing in the morning of 7th
June or continued even later. Here, testimony of Captain
Harcharan Singh, brother of Sant Bhindranwale, is very
significant. He said that body of his brother, which was lying on the
ice slab inside the main entrance, of Golden Temple Complex was
shown to him by the military authorities at about 3.30 P.M. on 7th
June and that it was beyond recognition. The statement of the
doctor who had prepared the postmortem report of Sant
Bhindranwale corroborated the testimony of Harcharan Singh by

saying that the deceased's right face was so badly iniured and
disfigured by bombblast that it was beyond identification or

Time of postmortem mentioned in the postmortem report is 8 P.M.

whereas the body was taken to the mortuary at 7.30 P.M. It means that the
alleged postmortem was conducted after 8 P.M. But this fact, too, stands
totally falsified by the statements of the Deputy Commissioner,
Superintendent of Police of Amritsar district, and Director of Health
Services Punjab government who were present at the time of cremation of
Sant Bhindranwale. They categorically stated that the cremation had taken
place much before the sunset on 7th June. Hence it can be concluded that
actually no postmortem of Sant Bhindranwale was conducted and only
formal report was prepared by the doctors.

The doctors had later confirmed this fact.

The Sant had sustained more than a dozen bullet injuries all over his
body besides having his right face blasted off. It is, therefore, amply proved
that he had at¬tained martyrdom while fighting the Army in the Akal Takht
some times after 8 A.M. on 7th June 1984. Therefore the rumors spread or
assertions made by some cynic Hindu Press reporters or writers that the
Sant had surrendered himself before the army on the 6th or 7th June and
then he was shot dead are all rubbish and absurd. Such mischievous
elements have maliciously tried to demolish and belittle the heroic sacrifice
of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.
Inspite of the proven fact that Sant Bhindranwale had attained
martyrdom I thought it advisable before writing this book to seek advice
from Baba Joginder Singh, father of the Sant. He emphatically said that the
Sant was in "Charhdi Kala". That is "he was alive and in high spirits." Similar
was the assertion made by Baba Thakar Singh Acting Jathedar of Damdami
Taksal. Their mystic expression perhaps reflects their firm belief in
immortality of the soul and also that a martyr never dies, he lives for ever and
ever. Therefore immortal soul of Sant Bhindranwale will dwell in the hearts of
the Khalsa and will inspire them to live with dignity and die with honor.
(EXCERPTS FROM ‘The Gallant defender’ written by Shri A R

The Government Targeted Amritdhari Sikhs
The following quote is from an Indian Army circular which was
distributed in June 1984. This excerpt from the official document exposes
that in fact all practicing Sikhs were considered terrorists and were targeted
by the government:
“Some of our innocent countrymen were administered an oath in
the name of religion to support extremists and actively participated in the
act of terrorism. These people wear a miniature kirpan round their neck and
are called "Amritdharis". They have to be subdued to achieve the final aim
of restoring peace in the country. Any knowledge of the "Amritdharis" who
are dangerous people and pledged to commit murder, arson and acts of
terrorism should be immediately brought to the notice of the authorities.
These people may appear harmless from outside but they are basically
committed to terrorism.

Dharm Faujis
They are an amazing example of dedication and solidarity shown
by Sikh soldiers in the Indian Army during the horrendous attack on the
Golden Temple complex.
Every Sikh soldier swears an oath that he would not let any harm
come to Sri Guru Granth Sahib first, before swearing an oath that he would
not let any harm come to India.
Among the tragic outcome of the Blue Star attack, was the reaction
and revolt of Sikh troops. Although there was a media blackout in Punjab,
rumors of the assault on the Darbar Sahib managed to leak out and over
5000 Sikh soldiers spontaneously deserted their regiments in a bid to get to
Amritsar. These soldiers are affectionately called Dharmi Faujis, which
loosely translated means Soldiers of Faith. Had there not been a media
blackout and false government propaganda, the scale of rebellion would
have been even larger.
The Government initially did not publicly admit the revolt, and
even later referred to the troops as having deserted rather mutinying
(abandoning ones post as opposed to a mutiny or rebellion).
It is interesting to note that prior to the attack the Sikh Regimental
Centre was purposefully shifted outside of Punjab to Uttar Pradesh. This
clearly shows the intentions of the Government and their view of Sikhs.
Military analysts have commented that although the Sikhs that defended the
Golden Temple complex kept the army at bay for over a week, had the Sikh

Regiment been stationed in Punjab, the outcome of the battle could have
been very different. The Indian Government was well prepared and the
Army had already been deployed to check the advances of the rebel Sikh
troops who were travelling thousands of miles from 9 different States
towards their ancestral homeland.
Although desperately outnumbered, the Sikh soldiers faced the
Indian Army and fought gun battles in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and
Gujarat in which hundreds of Sikhs were killed by the military.
Those that survived or were captured, were dishonorably
discharged from the army, stripped of all their privileges and pensions, and
imprisoned for between 5-10 years. After leaving prison, many had to work
as manual laborers to support their families, whereas if they had still been in
the army they would have enjoyed high ranking positions and state
Nonetheless, they are proud men and do not regret their decisions.
The courage and dedication shown by the rebel Sikh troops is awe inspiring,
facing impossible odds, they did not hesitate to stake everything in an
attempt to protect their faith and nation.
Posted by Kirtan'Loving'Kaur at

Here I give auto-biography of that brave Sikh woman
which she herself has described her tale of horror
after she was arrested in Amritsar from golden
Temple during Operation Blue star—-
Mai Harinder Kaur is still alive.

Mai Harinder kaur

In the court of Duryodhan the Draupdi was brought pulled by her
long hairs and then tried to undress her in full audiences — is a black spot on
Hindu religion even to-day but this incident caused the battle of
Mahabharat. This is a bitter truth but the atrocities carried out upon our
women and girls by Indian govt.; it’s para-military forces, Indian army and
police are countless but here I quote just one example of this brutality faced
by a brave Sikh woman, her own statement is being given here in her own
words. I can’t say how many other Sikh women and girls would have faced
such brutalities upon them —- I feel disgusted from this motherland India
where such sinners are deployed in force and rule this nation and carry out
such brutalities on women without any shame.
How could I feel proud in calling myself an Indian, how could I
accept this nation as my own? Why should I not demand a separate
nation for we Sikhs where the pride of our women, our sisters and
our daughters be always safe? If it’s an offence to demand a
separate nation after facing such brutalities and killing of our
thousands of innocent brothers in fake encounters, then certainly I
am an offender. Hang us in this offence? Why not any action is ever
taken against that butcher Police officer KPS Gill against his
crimes against humanity? Whether we should call ourselves with
pride that WE ARE INDIANS?

The Crimes of Indira Gandhi:

The Last Time I was in Amritsar - June 1984

June 4, 1984
I was in Amritsar with my husband, Mani, and thirteen-year-old
son, Sandeep. We had been in the city since mid-May, visiting relatives, of
which we have many in that area.
The date, for those of you who don't recognize it, was the beginning
of Operation Blue Star - as it was named by the Indian government - when
the Indian army stormed the Harmandar Sahib, claiming to be looking for
The army knew that thousands of people were in the gurdwara
complex to commemorate the Shaheedi Gurpurab of Guru Arjan. They
opened fire on the whole complex and killed who knows how many.
Fortunately, we were at a cousin's house when it all started and thus were
safe, or so it seemed.
No such luck. Two days later, the police barged into the house
where we were staying and took us all.
Fortunately, as it turned out, the three of us had our passports on us.
I'm not sure exactly where we were taken, a police station somewhere. They
separated the men and the women; I was afraid that that was last I'd see of
my men.
Then they put put each of us women in different rooms. And I
waited. For the first time in my life, I was really scared. After a time, a very
young policeman came in. Although my hands were bound behind me, I
managed to pull out my Canadian passport.
He was not impressed.
"Are you Sikh?" Expressionless.
"Yes." Calmly.
"Wrong answer." He slapped me across the face.
"Are you Sikh?" Expressionless.
"Yes." Calmly.
"Wrong answer." He slapped me HARD across the face.
"Are you Sikh?" Expressionless.
"Yes." Calmly.
"Wrong answer. And you're also really stupid." He doubled up his
fist and slugged me in the mouth.
"Are you Sikh?" Smiling slightly.
"Yes. I'm Khalsa." Blood was coming out of my mouth. I wish I
could say I was afraid, but that would be a lie. A BIG lie. I have, to this day,
never been so terrified in my life. But I managed to keep my voice steady.
He reached over to me and tore my shirt off. Then he pulled out my
kirpan. "The little Saint Soldier has her little knife, I see." In a sarcastic
voice, he drew the blade across my throat. I laughed nervously. A strange
Unlike most Sikhs, I usually do not carry a blunt kirpan. I know, I
know. A kirpan is a religious article, not a weapon. I'm sorry if I offend
anyone here, and I know I will, but I have never believed that our spiritual
father, Guru Gobind Singh, intended us to be unarmed. I usually carried a
razor-sharp medieval French war dagger that had belonged to a lady
ancestor of mine. I suppose it couldn't really be called a kirpan, but it was
what I carried. I'm not sure why that day, I didn't have my dagger on me. If I
had, I would be dead.
So I laughed nervously.
That seemed to infuriate him and he pulled my pants down. At this
point a second cop came in. The first one started pulling at my hair.
"You Khalsa have a real fetish about this, don't you? Is it true that
you'll die before letting it be cut?"
I nodded. "Yes."
The second cop handed him a big pair a scissors. He pointed them at
my hair. "I'm going to use these. The choice is yours: here," pointing at my
hair, "or here?" He cut the top of my kacchhera, so they fell down. pointing
the scissors at my crotch.
He laughed and laughed.
Paralysed with terror, I said nothing, but inside I screamed with
every fibre of my being.
No 'Guru,' no 'Singh,' no 'Ji.'
Just, "GOBIND!"
The result was instantaneous. I was not afraid. I was not in pain. I
don't know how I knew they wouldn't dare cut my hair; I couldn't care less
what else they might do to me. My dad's words came to me: "No one can
humiliate me without my consent."
I laughed. "I'm Khalsa." I looked at the mirror across the room. I'm not
a complete idiot. I know mirrors in interrogation rooms are one-way glass.
And I was certain that the cops were forcing my son and husband to watch this.
Sadistic fucking bastards! I nodded to my unseen men and smiled.
He slugged me in the stomach. It didn't hurt. He slugged me like
that several more times until he finally knocked me off my feet and I fell to
the floor. I have never felt so calm and complete, as strange as that sounds. I
was completely unafraid.
He stood over me and stared at me, now completely naked, lying on
the floor. He kicked me in the head repeatedly. Then, he pulled me up by my
hair and with the help of his colleague sat me in a chair. He cut open a hot
chili and rubbed it all over my face, up my nose and into my eyes. I didn't
react at all.
He opened my legs and rubbed the chili all over my vaginal area.
The second one pulled me forward to my feet, while the first one shoved it
up my anus. He pulled it out and stuffed it into my mouth. The whole time,
he was trying to taunt me by saying all sorts of insulting things. None of it
got through to me at all. I will not record what he said, partly because it was
mostly in colloquial Punjabi, of which I understood little, and partly
because it would serve no purpose beyond teaching someone how to be
After he finished with the chili, he started with the scissors, which
turned out to be very sharp. Little cuts, not big ones, all over my breasts,
then my stomach. When I didn't react to that, the bottoms of my feet. By this
time, he was completely livid. I thought he was going to maybe cut my
throat or gouge my eyes.
Again he grabbed me by the hair and threw me on the ground, and
opened my legs. He raised the scissors over my crotch, clearly intending to
use them as a weapon of rape. He stopped, clearly savouring the moment.
At exactly that instance, the door opened and someone burst
through, yelling. "Stop! We have orders not to mess with the Canadians."
He glared at me, with pure hatred. But he stopped. The second cop
untied my wrists.
I stood up, pulled up my kacchhera, then my pants. My shirt was
torn beyond any usefulness, though. My mouth was still full of blood which
I spat on the floor at his feet. He spoke, very softly, so only I could hear: "If I
ever see you again, you'll be sorry I didn't finish with you today."
So what was going on in me, while he was torturing me? I believe
this does qualify as torture. I could see, hear and feel everything that was
going on. But I felt no pain, either physically or psychologically, then or
later. Instead, I was aware of various voices singing the Mool Mantar, over
and over. It was the most beautiful thing you could imagine. It completely
transported my being to another level where pain simply doesn't exist. This
was the second time something like this had happened to me in this life - and
it has not been repeated since.
I was operating in two completely different states of being. All of
my senses seemed to be in overdrive. My hearing was enhanced. Colours
were vivid and alive. I was fully, completely conscious and aware. I want to
emphasize that I was not being brave or strong or heroic. And I am not
masochistic. I was as calmly joyful as I could ever imagine being. It simply
made no difference to me what they were doing.
Why do I think this happened to me?
Because, I relied on a promise made by one who was a father to me.
There is nothing special about me in this. Any Khalsa in this position has the
right, perhaps even the obligation, to do the same. No special, secret words,
no silly rituals, just the total intention.
I'd like to make a couple of aside comments here. First, there are
still a few things I have left out, for the sake of decency. I was not raped,
since rape is vaginal penetration. Please notice that it takes nothing fancy to
torture someone, no special equipment, in this case, just some chilli, a pair
of scissors and something to tie my hands.
Also, very little imagination.
I have not mentioned that, at this time, I was in my first trimester of
pregnancy. They, of course, had no way of knowing that. Not that it would
have made any difference tothem! Why I didn't lose the babies then and
there I can only ascribe to the fact that I was being protected by my Guru in
some fashion.
I just kept smiling. "I'd like my kirpan back, please."
The second cop handed it to me, along with my passport.
They took me, still half naked and bleeding, to a hallway, where I
was reunited with Mani and Sandeep. With great dignity, my son took off
his shirt and helped me put it on.
"Here, Mom"' His voice was shaking a bit. I looked at them. They
had been roughed up a bit, and normally neither would have ever tied a
turban so sloppily. We would discuss all that later. I evidently got the worst
treatment, physically.
Later we discussed the incident. Mani looked into my eyes. "There
for a moment, I thought you might break."
I met his gaze. "So did I."
"I could see you change. All of a sudden, it was like you became
someone else. What happened?"
I told him. He turned to our son. (Of course, all this happened 22
years ago, so all the quotes have been approximations, except this, which I
remember verbatim.).
"Your mother is a magnificent person. You won't find another like
her, but I hope when you get married, you'll marry a woman you can love
and admire as much as I do my wife.'
What woman could possibly forget such praise from her husband?
Sandeep looked at me, and said, in a whisper, "Mom, you were so
lucky they got stopped when they did."
Both of us said, in unison, "Luck had nothing to do with it."
I will leave the story there, only noting that it was not my strength
and courage that made me strong; it was a gift from my father Guru.
The only part I can really take any credit for is crying out for help
when I needed it.
We could not get back to our family home that day, but fortunately
some good people saw us right outside the police station and took us in.
Although some of the city's water was cut off, it was running where
our host family lived. I felt incredibly dirty. Thank God for a good shower!
Mani helped me clean up, washed and conditioned my hair - which, against
all odds, was intact - and combed it out for me. He couldn't believe I could
walk on those lacerated feet, but even afterwards, while I was healing, I was
in no pain. I have a few scars left; my hearing was slightly damaged, but
nothing too important.
Mani, being a physician, thoroughly examined me, but even with
the beating I had taken, there were no major injuries.

Our hosts, who were Hindus, gave us clean clothes, some really
good food, comfortable beds and a feeling that there were still some decent
people in Amritsar. We burned our old clothes, except I kept the shirt
Sandeep had given to me. Our family in Amritsar still has it, as a
There is much more I could write about Amritsar at that time, the
smell, the heat, the noxious insects, the sacred sarovar filled with blood and
dead bodies, but that can be found elsewhere on the net. I'm trying to record
only my personal experiences.
Mai Harinder Kaur.
Courtesy: The Unringed Bell. Edited for]
October 31, 2011

The above statement is given by Mai Harinder Kaur herself and she
exposed how Indian army and Punjab Police rape the arrested women. This
was approved in July 2004 when in Manipur, a border state with Myanmar,
more than 100 local women striped themselves and gave a call to to Indian
army to rape them. They were provoked by rapes on local women by army
so this extreme step was taken by them. They protested in front of army
camps totally naked. Kindly view this newspaper report and the picture.

The protest by naked women in Manipur proves that the

atrocities and rape are common by Indian army.

IMPHAL (Manipur), July 19, 2004 - After torching government
buildings and parading naked to protest the suspected custodial rape and
killing of a woman by federal soldiers, women in Manipur vow to intensify
their fight against frequent atrocities in the restive northeast Indian state.
An indefinite curfew is in force in Manipur, bordering Myanmar, to
quell the uprising, with troops bursting teargas shells, water cannons and
firing rubber bullets to disperse hundreds of women trying to break
prohibitory orders.
At least 100 women were injured in police attacks since violence
broke out Thursday, with some having to undergo surgeries to remove
pellets embedded in their bodies.
The action follows violent protests by women in Manipur after the
bullet-riddled body of 32-year-old Thangjam Manorama was found on July
10. Witnesses say Manorama was picked up by soldiers of the paramilitary
Assam Rifles from her home on alleged charges of links with separatist
Hours later, her dead body was reportedly found four kilometers
away from her home in the state capital Imphal, with multiple bullet
wounds, besides torture signs. Several women's groups called a 48-hour
general strike the day after Manorama's body was found, bringing normal
life in the state to a grinding halt for two days until July 12.

On Thursday, hundreds of women had stormed the Assam Rifles

headquarters in Imphal, with at least 40 parading naked and holding
placards that read: "Indian Army rape us" and "Indian Army takes our
Authorities imposed an indefinite curfew fearing more protests.
But women in hundreds started defying the curfew from Friday night by
taking to the streets, prompting the police to resort to force to keep the
protestors at bay.
On Sunday, protestors torched at least half-a-dozen
government buildings, making authorities cut short a curfew relaxation.
“We want to punish the soldiers involved in the brutal killing of Manorama
and so we are demanding handing over the errant soldiers to us," says
Memchaoubi Devi, president of the women's rights group Porei Lemarol
Meira Phaibi Apunba Manipur.
She adds, "It is better to protest naked than allow the
soldiers to kill and rape our women."
A total of 32 women's groups have come under one
platform to protest the killing. Women in Manipur are known for taking up
cudgels against social issues.
"This protest is not going to die down until and unless the
guilty soldiers are punished. Even if someone is involved in militancy, he or
she should be brought to the court of law and not just killed or raped," lashes
out Leirik Devi, president of the Kangla Mei, another powerful women
rights group.
She vows, "We are prepared to shed blood but cannot allow
the soldiers to outrage the modesty of our daughters. This protest will

Massacre of Sikh youths

These were the reasons that the blood of innocent Amritdhari Sikhs
was shed in Punjab just to crush the popularity of a religious figure Sant
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala, his followers and the general Amritdhari Sikhs
in Punjab. Army generals had no mission other then to suppress Sikhs and
crush the voice of justice raised by Sant. What was his fault other than he
gave a call to follow the tenets of religion, have faith in their Gurus, be
always in high spirit and to follow path of truth as shown by Sikh gurus. Yes
he filled the spirit in Khalsa to raise their voice against oppression by Indian
govt. as Punjab is the only land of Sikhs in this Indian sub-continent where
all the malicious moves were being taken out to submerge the Sikh religion
into main folds of Hinduism with behest of ruling political parties.
Sikh religion is not a sect of Hindu religion but a sovereign religion
with a distinct and independent identity. Sikhism challenges Brahiminic
rituals and rejects them. The Indian rulers, mostly belongs to this class of
Brahminic society. It couldn’t be tolerated by them and was taken as a revolt
and all efforts to crush this revolution (People’s voice) by misuse of Indian
army were used. Due to these mis-happenings in Punjab by Operation Blue
star, operation wood rose and the past several incidents where Sikhs youths
were killed but no justice was given to them, lead Punjab on edge of division
of India. Sikhs have lost their faith in Indian judiciary, Indian govt. and
demand a separate nation of them due to atrocities being faced by them for
the last 30 years since 1984.
A number of Sikh youths arrested on fabricated charges are
languished in jails for more then 35 years but they are not released. The
Indian constitution doesn’t allow giving a rigorous punishment to juveniles.
The maximum punishment to them can be given is only three years in jail
but a Sikh child Major Singh was arrested in the age of 14 years old only, no
juvenile status given to him, he was booked under terrorist activities and
was compelled to pass his 23 years in jail. He could only be released by the
kind efforts of some Sikh human rights activists and organizations.
Sometimes I wonder what did India got benefit by this attack in
Amritsar? Thousands of innocent citizens (Sikhs) killed, Indira herself had
to pay the heavy price by her life, and General Vaidya too had to pay for
crimes and atrocities by army in Golden temple by his life. The general KS
Brar was recently attacked in Britain after 29 years though he luckily
escaped but it proves that the hate against responsible persons for the attack,

for operation Blue star and Wood rose are still alive and fresh in Sikh minds
and they hate with them. The lust of power by India was the only reason; she
wanted to rule India like a dictator in the cover of democracy. The biggest
example of his intention is evident from the historical verdict against her in
1975 by a Chief justice of Allahabad High Court—Justice Jagmohan lal
Sinha who banned her to fight any election for six years but next day she
imposed emergency in India and refused give her arrest. No Poice officer or
authority could dare to arrest her and follow the orders of High Court. Was
she not showing her powers by refusal the verdict? Why media is silent on
this issue so far? What example was set by the Prime minister of India when
Law is equal for all? Where was the law then?
She didn’t stop her atrocities in Punjab, the list of crimes by army
and Police is very long. Thousands of Sikh youths were arrested and killed
in fake encounters. Police had been given such permission to eliminate Sikh
youths. A complete young generation was thus wiped out in Punjab. Those
who survived sold their lands and escaped to western countries, few got
asylum, others too managed to live there legally or illegally but they saved
their lives. A human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra, who was also
Secretsary of Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee collected
information on death of unaccounted, undeclared dead bodies in different
funeral grounds in every districts of Punjab. He was surprised to note the
information from registers of funerals; he revealed 25000 such funerals of
unclaimed dead bodies in just one district of Punjab. Then DGP of Punjab
KPS Gill picked him up and killed him after torturing him brutally in a
police station but no action is taken against this butcher police officer as he
had the orders from center. He is still shielded by center and gets postings on
senior posts after his retirement.
Now indira was sure that she will be avenged for these attacks on a
holy place by the brave Sikhs so she planned a diabolical plan to get rid from
Sikhs forever and to suppress them. She discussed this plan with her senior
bureaucrats, politicians, Army generals and trustworthy people. She
prepared a plan to attack the border districts of Punjab in the coming month
of November 1984. She had in her miond to kill two birds with one arrow,
one—by attacking on Sikh dominated districts in border of Pakistan, she
could kill thousands of Sikhs, two– She could blame her rival Pakistan for
this air attack and win sympathy of public to start a war with Pakistan once
again after 1965 when she defeated Pakistan and a new nation as Bangla
desh was created. So she was in a dilemma that once again she will be able to
crush Pakistan and Sikhs both.

But……..This plan was leaked by her several trustworthy high
profiled people to save their close friends. A Sikh woman was requested by
the Principal of Modern School, Connaught Place, New Delhi to take her
children abroad for few days and when normalcy returns she should come
back. Police Inspector Beant Singh, who was close to these officials and
was having good relations, got this information so he took an extreme step
to stop this defamation and killings of his community by this mad lady. He got
the opportunity just hardly one week before this plan could be implemented by
Indira. He killed her on 31st October 1984, just eight days ago.
This is not any myth, just search on Google about “OPERATION
SHANTI”, you will find enough information about this plan. She meant to
kill Sikhs and suppress the remaining but she forgot Khalsa is known as
army of the almighty, neither they suppress anybody nor they try to be the
oppressor. Sikhs play mockery with death and have courage for martyrdom.
History of India is evidence of their sacrifices for the nation and their
religion. Indira and govt. of India made a mistake to misjudge them and
their capability. If Udham Singh could kill General Dyer in UK for his
crimes in India after 20 years, the brave Sikhs shall leave no opportunity to
avenge until they and their enemy is alive. The credit to keep the territories
of Ladakh, Jammu-Kashmir and some western parts of Punjab and Rajsthan
goes to Sikhs only as they conquered them, controlled the Khyber pass in
early 19th century and sent a message to invaders that the Sikhs have the
capability to strike in their homes in Afghanistan and all over North West
Frontier Provinces so better they may not dare to attack India. Since then
they never dared to attack otherwise history shows that all attacks on India
by these tyrant moguls were made by its western sector which is fully
secured now.
And Indira dared to teach a lesson to Sikhs and tried to suppress a
martial nation. Ultimately whole nation paid the price aftermath
assassination of her on 31st October when her successor, her own son rajiv
Gandhi was sworn in as Prime Minister by ruling Congress Party to win
sympathy by false propaganda against Sikhs and their defamation. He
orchestrated pogrom in Delhi and other parts of India by misuse of
Administration, army, police and para-military forces. This mass murderer
was also awarded by highest civil award Bharat Ratna in linage of his
mother and grand father Nehru whereas the right place was for him the
gallows in Tihar like Nazis who are responsible for elimination os Jews in
gas chambers.
Now we will discuss the pogrom in Delhi and some other parts of
India aftermath assassination of Indira, how the massacre was orchestrated,
who were responsible and who were the chief organizers? About Court
proceedings against them is mockery to justice in India and incapability of
Indian judiciary to punish them. Our efforts are to reveal the hidden truths of
these perpetrators who were protected by Indian govt. Maximum
information is collected from different websites as well as from eye witness
accounts also. The writer too is a witness to these crimes and watched them
in his life. There is nothing hearsay mentioned in this book other than facts
only. But if some information is missed and recollected, we shall add it in
next publications. We are sure that the readers shall get a clear view of these
pogroms orchestrated by Congress party, Rajiv Gandhi and his kitchen
cabinet and request you to please never create any such conditions to any
community anywhere in world but we request you to maintain love, peace
and harmony in all the communities. The govts are prone to use these
tactics, orchestrate killings of their own nationals to remain in power but it
becomes the moral duty of all citizens to have faith in other communities
and fellow citizens to avoid such communal clashes. It’s very painful and
the results are always bad and unforgettable for many decades. Time even
does not heal them up. So please do not play in the hands of these politicians
just for your vested interests or to fulfill your evil desires of hate with another
community. One day we will have to pay for our deeds, remember it.
So the fate of Indira was also written the day Indian army attacked
on the Golden temple. Sikh people can forget everything but can never
forget that attack on their places of worship or disrespect to their Guru. Thus
Indira had signed herself her own death warrant by order of this attack.
DSP Apar Singh Bajwa’s eyewitness account about identification
of Bhindranwale’s body and about his cremation was one of the major
evidences before which Taksal leadership had to finally accept the truth.
Recalling the turbulent traumatic days of the summer of 1984, Bajwa had
said: "The Army officer’s in-charge ordered me to go home and I remained
there until the morning of June 6 when I was summoned early in the
morning. When I reached the kotwali [police station] near the temple, I saw
the dead bodies of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, Gen. Shabeg Singh,
Thiara Singh and Amrik Singh lying there...I was asked to identify the
bodies because I was familiar with all the dead men having often interacted
with them as part of my duties as a police officer. The Army then requested
me to arrange the cremations. We performed these, according to Sikh rites,
at the nearby Gurudwara Shaheedan.
A large majority of those who died inside the Golden Temple
during Operation Bluestar were common devotees who had come to the
shrine on June 3 on the occasion of the fifth Guru’s Martyrdom Day...Apart
from Bhindranwale’s armed followers, I counted a little over 800 dead
bodies inside the temple complex. My men and I were also tasked with
clearing and cremating these bodies. Army and municipal officials helped
transport them to the local cremation ground. While many innocents were
killed in the crossfire between the Army and the militants, it is also true that
the soldiers deliberately gunned down several devotees. You see they
actually believed that anyone inside the temple was the enemy.’ The
soldiers had no notion of how they should tackle an unprecedented situation
like the one that had developed inside the Golden Temple."
Bajwa was also on record as saying that no attempt was ever made
to identify the civilians killed, "This would have only been possible
if the Army had involved the state police. But then at that time the
soldiers were in a hurry to mop up and quickly withdraw from the
temple complex. It was because of this haste that scores of
distraught families not only lost their loved ones but spent months
in a futile search for their dead relatives."

Apar Singh Bajwa, in his own words:

"What I saw shook me emotionally. Half the Akal Takht was
devastated and bodies lay all around in the parikrama of the Sri Harmandir
Sahib. There was deathly silence. As a policeman I knew how to overcome
my emotions. I controlled myself and went to the Darshni Deodi.
Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, Bhai Amrik Singh, General Shubeg
Singh ...lay dead. Bhindranwale's face was swollen and blood was oozing
from the wounds in his bullet-riddled body. My job was to identify
Bhindranwale's body. The man who lay dead was indeed Jarnail Singh
I was entrusted with the task of removing the bodies from the
temple complex in view of the impending visits of then Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi, and President Giani Zail Singh. When I returned in the
evening I started working on removing the dead, which included women
and children. We removed 800 dead from the complex and other buildings
in the vicinity.
What made me sad was that many innocent lives had been lost
which could have been saved with a bit of effort...Post-mortem reports later
confirmed that some of those who had been killed had had their hands tied
behind their backs.
One family relayed what they had witnessed on June 6, 1984 after
finally receiving special permission from the Army to take their elderly
father’s body to a crematorium: “stench of putrid and burning flesh…
bodies had all been brought there by dust carts and from the number of carts;
the attendant estimated some 3,300 had so far been cremated.”
But an estimated ten thousand never returned to claim their shoes
from the entrance to the Harmandar Sahib. Though the exact number of
civilian casualties remains unknown but the people wearing these shoes
never returned. These were those pilgrims/devotees who went inside the
periphery of Harmandar sahib but thousands were those who wore their
shoes and moving/residing/stayed inside the complex. They too were killed
so I can estimate the death toll of civilians nearly 15,000 in all.
India Today opined, “Never before were the champions of civil
liberties in India in such dire need of liberating themselves from the
clutches of the law.”
In June 1984, even as the government closely orchestrated the
return of foreign journalists a fortnight later for a special tour of the Darbar
Sahib after a hurried clean-up, a young Associated Press journalist, who
had managed to stay in Punjab during the attack, had already filed at least
1200—twice the government’s number—deaths in Amritsar city alone,
killings by close-range shots of Sikhs with their hands still tied behind their
backs, and subsequent dumping of bodies into garbage trucks.
A year later, in 1985, Indian civil liberties group Citizens for
Democracy and distinguished jurist V.M. Tarkunde published findings of
“sadistic torture, ruthless killings…calculated ill treatment of women and
children.” As the Government banned the report and arrested its authors and
publishers, India today opined, “Never before were the champions of civil
liberties in India in such dire need of liberating themselves from the
clutches of the law.”




Dr. Davinder Sharma (PCMS) who had conducted the postmortem

of Sant Bhindrawala turned out missing a few days later. As per the
postmortem report, Sant Bhindrawale died instantly. He had written on his
report, 'In my opinion that is due to shock and hemmorhage as a result of a
massive head injury accompanied with multiple fractures which was
sufficient to cause death." The doctor had timed the postmortem at 8 pm and
that according to him, Sant Bhindranwale died approximately about 5 pm
on June 7, 1984. The police in the medical records did mention the cause of
death as a result of firearms injury.

"The continued resistance from the ground floor and the basement
of the Akal Takht was tackled during the night of June 6-7. When this
resistance was "finally" overcome the troops commenced a thorough search
of the ground floor and the basement. The bodies of Shri Bhindranwale and
Amrik Singh were found among 34 other bodies on the ground floor of the
Akal Takht."
The word "finally" used in the second sentence is very important as
it clearly indicates that the fight in the ground floor and the basement of the
Akal Takht was continuing in the morning of 7th June or continued even
later. Here, testimony of Captain Harcharan Singh, brother of Sant
Bhindranwale, is very significant. He said that body of his brother, which
was lying on the ice slab inside the main entrance, of Golden Temple
Complex was shown to him by the military authorities at about 3.30 P.M. on
7th June and that it was beyond recognition. The statement of the doctor
who had prepared the postmortem report of Sant Bhindranwale
corroborated the testimony of Harcharan Singh by saying that the
deceased's right face was so badly iniured and disfigured by bomb-blast that
it was beyond identification or recognition.
Time of postmortem mentioned in the postmortem report is 8 P.M.
whereas the body was taken to the mortuary at 7.30 P.M. It means that the
alleged postmortem was conducted after 8 P.M. But this fact, too, stands
totally falsified by the statements of the Deputy Commissioner,
Superintendent of Police of Amritsar district, and Director of Health
Services Punjab government who were present at the time of cremation of
Sant Bhindranwale. They categorically stated that the cremation had taken
place much before the sunset on 7th June. Hence it can be concluded that
actually no postmortem of Sant Bhindranwale was conducted and only
formal report was prepared by the doctors. The doctors had later confirmed
this fact. The Sant had sustained more than a dozen bullet injuries all over
his body besides having his right face blasted off. It is, therefore, amply
proved that he had attained martyrdom while fighting the Army in the Akal
Takht some times after 8 A.M. on 7th June 1984. Therefore, the rumors
spread or assertions made by some cynic Hindu Press reporters or writers
that the Sant had surrendered himself before the army on the 6th or 7th June
and then he was shot dead are all rubbish and absurd. Such mischievous
elements have maliciously tried to demolish and belittle the heroic sacrifice
of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.
Inspite of the proven fact that Sant Bhindranwale had attained
martyrdom I thought it advisable before writing this book to seek advice
from Baba Joginder Singh, father of the Sant. He emphatically said that the
Sant was in "Charhdi Kala" that is "he was alive and in high spirits." Similar
was the assertion made by Baba Thakar Singh, Acting Jathedar of Dam Dmi
Taksal. Their mystic expression perhaps reflect their firm belief in
immortality of the soul and also that a martyr never dies. He lives for ever
and ever. Therefore immortal soul of Sant Bhindranwale will dwell in the
hearts of the Khalsa and will inspire them to live with dignity and die with

After 22 years of Operation Blue Star, an eyewitness to the

cremation of Baba Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala had come forward with an
account of the cremation performed on the night of June 7, 1984. Sikhs
observe June 6, the day of the operation, as Genocide Day' all over the world
on June 6 to observe the day.
Sikh leader Baba Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale was killed in the
military assault conducted by the Indian army on June 6, 1984. Sant
Bhindrawale's dead body was recovered on June 7 and was cremated the
same night at Amritsar. For about 20 years, the Damdami Taksal had kept
telling people that Baba Ji was alive and safe. Attached is a post mortem
report of Sant Bhindranwale.
On the night of June 7, when Baba Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala was
cremated past midnight, an eyewitnesses hiding there had seen at least 750
dead bodies of Sikhs brought to the cremation ground. Besides others, the
then Deputy Commissioner Ramesh Inder Singh was present at the site of
cremation till the body of Sant Bhindrawale was confined to flames.
Bhai Budh Singh alias Bhai Baldev Singh who had once formed the
Khalistan Brigade has told the Sahara Times of India in an exclusive
interview that Sant Bhindranwale's body was cremated in the cremation
ground, adjouning Gurdwara Shahinda Baba Deep Singh near Chati Wind
Gate on the morning of June 7, 1984. He claimed that he was present in the
cremation ground at that time in the guise of a mentally retarted person.
Bhai Budh Singh accompanied this correspondent to the
creamation ground and pointed out the spot where the Sant's body was
cremated in the presence of senior district civil personel and police officers.
He said that a police officer who had performed 'ardas' ceremony before the
cremation was still alive and he identified him. He further said that the
bodies of Gen. Subeg Singh and Bhai Amrik Singh were also cremated in
the same cremation ground.
Bhai Budh Singh said that the then Deputy Commissioner of
Amritsar Mr. Rameshinder Singh along with other officals had collected the
ashes of Sant Bhindranwala at 10:00 am on June 9. He claimed they were
immersed in the Satluj River at Kiratpur Sahib and an entry there in the
name of Baba Jarnail Singh is there as a matter of record. He said that he
knew some other eyewitnesses who had seen the 'dead body' of Sant
Bhai Budh Singh said that his house was adjacent to the cremation
ground. He added that he had so far kept mum to avoid any controversy in
his name. He said that he had counted that about 750 unidentified dead
bodies were brought by the police to the creamation ground during a period
of two days. The body of Sant Bhindranwale was taken to the mortuary at
7:30 PM on June, 7.
Bhai Budh Singh claimed that Baba Jarnail Singh had come out of
the Akal Takht at 8:45 a.m. on June 6 and was shot to death near the Nishan
Sahib. He added that his dead body was carried up to darshani deori on
ghanta ghar side under the supervision of D.S.P. Apar Singh Bajwa who had
since been retired. He said that these facts were based on a report of his
sources in the complex. He said that Sant's brother Harcharan Singh Rode
had identified the body in the darshani deori itself.
Bhai Budh Singh claimed that he had a long association with Sant
Bhindrwale and was hurt when Damdami Taksal declared the Sant alive and
raised an unnecessary controversy over many years. He said that he was
also close confidant of Mr. Jagjit Singh Chauhan, head of the 'Khalistan'
government-in-exile', and stated that he had installed and operated the
transmission of Khalistan radio near Amritsar.
He said that he was staying in the dera of Sant Charan Singh of Bir
Sahib Thathikhara in Amritsar district till the day when police whisked
away Sant Charan Singh about two years back. He added that the where
abouts of Sant Charan Singh were not known till date. He continued on
saying that he had started construction of a Gurdwara in the memory of

those 13 Sikh 'Martyrs' who were killed in the Sikh-Nirankari clash but that
due to financial problems only the foundation had been built.
“No prayers stir the silence under golden dome of the Golden
Temple. There are no priests left to intone them. They are all dead
or missing. The musical instruments, which at all times drummed
out the tones and rhythms of worship are quiet for the first time in
centuries. There are no visitors, only soldiers. The Sikhs Holy
Bible is closed, covered by a blue cloth. There is no one to read its
scriptures. It is like the Vatican without a Pope. At the other end of
the causeway that links the Temple to the Akhal Takhat, the
second most sacred shrine in Sikhdom, the quiet is more
permanent. ”Ross Benson of the Daily Express, London, June 19

Operation Bluestar enjoyed SAD patronage post-1997;

Those who strongly supported and worked for the Union
government during Operation Bluestar in 1984 were later rewarded or
"honourably adjusted" when SAD patriarch Parkash Singh Badal became
the chief minister of Punjab post-terrorism days in late 1990s. This despite
the fact that SAD has strongly denied allegations by former CM Captain
Amarinder Singh that Akali leaders were in cahoots with the Indira Gandhi-
led regime during the military action on the Golden Temple complex in
The policy of giving prime postings to officers and rewarding
political leaders who were accused by Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak
Committee (SGPC), SAD and Sikh groups for helping the Centre in
Operation Bluestar, continued during the tenures of Badal as CM since
1997 while Akalis continued to claim to champion the cause of Sikh
History books and even SGPC's own whitepaper recorded that
Ramesh Inder Singh, an IAS officer of 1974 batch of West Bengal cadre on
deputation to Punjab in 1984, was brought in as Amritsar deputy
commissioner (DC) just before the launch of the Army action on the Golden
Temple complex after his predecessor Gurdev Singh Brar was made to
proceed on leave when he reportedly refused to sign on the dotted line for
the military action. Ramesh Inder emerged as one of the trusted bureaucrats
during Badal's three tenures as CM after 1984. Following Operation
Bluestar, the Union government confirmed his absorption in Punjab cadre.
Ramesh Inder was appointed Badal's principal secretary when he came into
power in 1997 and then became the chief secretary when the SAD patriarch
returned to power in 2007. After retirement, he was appointed the chief
information commissioner (CIC) of Punjab.
Amarjeet Kaur, a Congress Rajya Sabha member during Operation
Bluestar, who also happens to be Captain Amarinder's relative, was one of
the most vocal leaders from Punjab to support the military action. She not
only spoke in the Parliament to support it but also wrote a detailed article
"Akali Dal the Enemy Within" in 1984. She had termed former SGPC chief
Gurcharan Singh Tohra a Communist, apart from objecting to Akal Takht
edict on Nirankaris. However, in 1990s she was "rewarded" with a ticket by
Badal-led SAD, which had to be taken back after fierce opposition from
Sikh groups and she appeared before Akal Takht for atonement.
Family of Badal's son-in-law Adesh Partap Singh Kairon remained
loyal to the Congress during and after the Operation Bluestar. Adesh
Partap's father Surinder Singh Kairon, son of former Punjab CM Partap
Singh Kairon, became an MP in 1991 on Congress ticket. However, Adesh
Partap was elected an MLA in 1997 representing SAD and was even made
cabinet minister.
Several other Congress leaders like former Ludhiana MP
Gurcharan Singh Ghalib, former Rajasthan governor and Jalandhar MP
Darbara Singh, former Hoshiarpur MP Kamal Chaudhary and former
Jalandhar MP Balbir Singh, who remained with the party and never
opposed the Army action during Operation Bluestar or raised their voice
against 1984 anti-Sikh riots, were welcomed into SAD with open arms and
made party candidates or adjusted at other positions.
Our salutes to former General VK Singh
June 11, 2014

Former General VK Singh, Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha)

representing Ghaziabad. Former Chief of Army Staff, Indian Army said …..
If unit kills innocents, does dacoity and then head of organization
tries to protect them, should he not be blamed? Criminals should go free!!

Then why not the all the army Generals responsible for Operation
Bluestar not questioned for loot of treasury, and arson to Library where
historical precious manuscripts were burnt? Whether Gen. Sunderji, Gen
RS Dayal, Genral KS Brar not responsible for killing of thousands of
innocent pilgrims inside Darbar Sahib complex? Whether denial of
religious last rights to Dayal and than attack on Brar in UK not chain
reactions? If designated General Dalbir Suhag is in question box and
accused of protecting allged killer soldiers of his unit, these accused
generals were themselves involved in massacre of innocent. They are also
accused of spreading hate against Sikhs in 1984.

See the following evidence;

The soldiers of Indian army sent to invade Darbar Saheb had been
brain washed and filled their minds with hate against Sikhs; every Sikh was
an enemy for them. This is not only any hearsay but a fact which is revealed
by army circular it. A copy of said circular is posted below.
It was the only reason that army killed every Amritdhari Sikh where
it found on roadside. This massacre continued in every part of Punjab for 5
days under code name of ‘Operation Woodrose’. 123 Gurudwaras in
Punjab, 43 historical out of these 123 were attacked by army; the blood was
flown in every gurudwara and disrespected the every shrine.

The Government Targeted Amritdhari Sikhs;

The following quote is from an Indian Army circular which was
distributed in June 1984. This excerpt from the official document
exposes that in fact all practicing Sikhs were considered terrorists and
were targeted by the government:
“Some of our innocent countrymen were administered an oath in
the name of religion to support extremists and actively participated in the
act of terrorism. These people wear a miniature kirpan round their neck and
are called “Amritdharis”. They have to be subdued to achieve the final aim
of restoring peace in the country. Any knowledge of the “Amritdharis” who
are dangerous people and pledged to commit murder, arson and acts of
terrorism should be immediately brought to the notice of the authorities.
These people may appear harmless from outside but they are basically
committed to terrorism.
Perhaps govt. of India and its army is unaware that Amritdhari
Sikh severs all worldly alliances but that of allegiance Khalsa.
“Ik ongkar satnam karta purakh nirbhau nirwair akal murat
ajuni saibhang gur Prasad”.

After Amrit initiation, one from amongst the five beloved ones
should explain to the initiates the discipline of the order : * Today
you are reborn in the true Guru's household, ending the cycle of

migration, and joined the Khalsa Panth (order). *Your spiritual
father is now Guru Gobind Singh and spiritual mother, Mata Sahib
Kaur. *Your place of birth is Kesgarh Sahib and your native place is
Anandpur Sahib. You, being the sons of one father, are, inter-se
yourselves and other baptized Sikhs, spiritual brothers. You have
become the pure Khalsa, having renounced your previous lineage,
professional background, calling (occupation), beliefs, that is,
having given up all connections with your caste, descent, birth,
country, religion, etc. You are to worship none except the One
Timeless Being (Waheguru) no God, Goddess, incarnation or
prophet. You are not to think of anyone except the ten Gurus and
anything except their gospel as your savior.

So religious prism it is for the devout who honor and respect

their vow and oath of initiation.



By SANJOY HAZARIKA, Special to the New York Times

Published: June 12, 1984

NEW DELHI, June 11— Most of the 500 to 600 Sikh troops who
deserted in northeastern India on Sunday were arrested today at three
places, including one where a gun battle left 26 Sikh extremists dead, Indian
news agencies and officials reported tonight.
At the same time, more defections and attempted defections were
reported in the north and in the west, near Bombay.
The Press Trust of India reported 574 arrests at points between
Ramgarh and New Delhi, and an army spokesman said that if the report was
accurate ''that should take care of all the deserters.'' He said he could not
confirm the report.

Angered by Temple Assault

The Sikh soldiers deserted Sunday at Ramgarh in Bihar State in
anger at the Indian Army's assault last Tuesday and Wednesday on the
Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab, and the holiest site of the Sikh religion.

The soldiers joined other Sikhs in heading across India for Amritsar.
(The death toll in the attack on the Golden Temple could be as high
as 2,000, The Associated Press reported, because many people are
unaccounted for and more bodies are being pulled from the lake that
surrounds the central shrine.)
The battle today, which lasted several hours, was near Jaunpur, 350
miles southeast of here in Uttar Pradesh State, and 355 people were arrested

77 Reported to Surrender
Earlier, officials of Uttar Pradesh State said 126 people, including
soldiers and some civilians, were arrested near Allahabad City, 77 deserters
were reported to have given themselves up in Bihar and 16 were arrested
near Benares, the Hindu holy city, 35 miles southeast of Jaunpur.
The mutineers at Ramgarh, 525 miles southeast of here, killed Brig.
R. S. Puri of the Sikh Regiment Center there and fled with their arms in
army trucks, private buses and cars, promising to travel to Amritsar.
The army spokesman, Brig. K. L. Juneja, said the Sikhs were
incited to desert by civilian Sikhs who organized protest marches and
meetings in Ramgarh. People with close contacts among security officials
said most of the deserters were young and recent recruits.

These other developments on Sikh desertions were also reported:

- At least 43 Sikhs who deserted at Poona near Bombay in western
India on Sunday were captured after a brief gun battle today near Thana on
their way to Punjab. They were said to have shot and killed three people,
including two soldiers.
- North of Bombay, about 70 Sikhs, most of them thought to be
deserters, crossed from Maharashtra State into Gujarat State in three trucks,
the Press Trust of India reported. Troops in Gujarat were placed on alert.
- At Siliguri, near the border with Nepal in northern West Bengal
State, attempts by Sikhs to desert were reported, but officials in the area said
the soldiers had been ''persuaded to return to the barracks.'' The number of
troops involved was not known.
'They're on the Run'
In an effort to cut off food and fuel to the mutineers and their
followers, the Uttar Pradesh government shut gasoline stations, hotels and
restaurants and stopped rail and road traffic in the eastern part of the state.
''They are no longer a single cohesive group, as when they started
at Ramgarh,'' Brigadier Juneja said. ''They've split up, they're
uncoordinated. They're on the run.'' He said some were traveling in
A senior army officer said army troops and policemen had been
placed on alert on New Delhi's borders to stop any rebels who tried to enter
the city. Trains headed for the Indian capital from Bihar and eastern Uttar
Pradesh was being closely checked.
Brigadier Juneja denied reports about Sikhs deserting at Sri
Ganganagar in the northe-western state of Rajasthan. He said that fewer
than 100 men, all of whom he said were Sikh terrorists, were involved in the
incident, which took place last Friday. Flight to Pakistan Reported
He said intelligence reports indicated that the terrorists had fled
into Pakistan when the army crackdown in the Punjab began June 2. In
Pakistan, they put on Indian Army uniforms, he said, entered the Sri
Ganganagar area and then tried to enter Punjab but ''were arrested at the
But a military source familiar with Punjab reaffirmed that at least
100 soldiers had defected at Sri Ganganagar, of whom 50 escaped. The rest
were arrested, he said. (The Associated Press said 10 of the Sikh soldiers
from Sri Ganganagar were killed.)
Toll May Reach 2,000

Book written by:-

Ajmer Singh Randhawa.

email: [email protected]


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