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ACIP COVID-19 Vaccines Work Group

Phased Allocation
of COVID-19 Vaccines
Kathleen Dooling, MD, MPH
ACIP meeting
December 20, 2020

For more information:

Policy Question:

Which groups should be offered COVID-19 vaccination in Phase 1b & 1c?

Work Group Considerations:
Goals of the COVID-19 Vaccine Program

 Ensure safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines

 Reduce transmission, morbidity, mortality of COVID-19 disease

 Help minimize disruption to society and the economy, including maintaining

healthcare capacity

 Ensure equity in vaccine allocation and distribution

Work Group considerations: Balancing Goals
Prevention of Preservation of
Morbidity & Mortality Societal Functioning
Work Group considerations: Balancing Goals
Prevention of Preservation of
Morbidity & Mortality Societal Functioning

1a LTCF residents Health care personnel

●Ensure safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines●

●Ensure equity in vaccine allocation and distribution●
Work Group considerations: Balancing Goals
 10 public ACIP meetings, 28 COVID-19 Work Group meetings
 Evidence: Scientific, Implementation, Ethical
 External Expert Advice
– National Academies of Science Engineering Medicine
– Academic Reports
– International Recommendations
 Public Input
– Focus groups
– Population surveys
– Pandemic preparedness
– ACIP public comment and federal register
Work Group considerations: Balancing Goals
Prevention of Preservation of
Morbidity & Mortality Societal Functioning

1a LTCF residents Health care personnel

1b Persons 75 years and older Frontline Essential Workers

Persons 65-74 years

1c Persons 16-64 with high-risk Other Essential Workers
medical conditions

●Ensure safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines●

●Ensure equity in vaccine allocation and distribution●
Work Group considerations: Balancing Goals
Prevention of Preservation of
Morbidity & Mortality Societal Functioning

1a LTCF residents Health care personnel

1b Persons 75 years and older Frontline Essential Workers

Persons 65-74 years

1c Persons 16-64 with high-risk Other Essential Workers
medical conditions

●Ensure safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines●

●Ensure equity in vaccine allocation and distribution●
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3
Phase 1a “Jumpstart Phase” • K-12 teachers and school staff and child • Young adults
• High-risk health workers care workers • Children
• First responders • Critical workers in high-risk settings— • Workers in industries
workers who are in industries essential to and occupations
Phase 1b the functioning of society and substantially important to the
• People of all ages with higher risk of exposure functioning of
comorbid and underlying • People of all ages with comorbid and society and at
NASEM conditions that put them underlying conditions that put them at increased risk of
Framework at significantly higher risk
• Older adults living in
moderately higher risk
• People in homeless shelters or group
exposure not
included in Phase 1
congregate or homes for individuals with disabilities, or 2
overcrowded settings including serious mental illness,
development and intellectual disabilities,
and physical disabilities or in recovery, and
staff who work in such settings
• People in prisons, jails, detention centers,
and similar facilities, and staff who work in
such settings
• All older adults not included in Phase 1

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2020.

Essential Workers* (total ~87M)
Frontline Essential Workers (~30M) Other Essential Workers (~57M)
 First Responders (Firefighters, Police)  Transportation and logistics
 Education (teachers, support staff, daycare)  Food Service
 Food & Agriculture  Shelter & Housing (construction)
 Manufacturing  Finance
 Corrections workers  IT & Communication
 U.S. Postal service workers  Energy
 Public transit workers  Media
 Grocery store workers  Legal
 Public Safety (Engineers)
 Water & Wastewater
Frontline Essential Workers: workers who are in sectors essential to the functioning of society and are at
substantially higher risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2
*CISA: Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers:
Proposed Phases of COVID-19 Vaccination
16-64 years 16-64 years
with high -risk Without high -risk
medical conditions medical conditions
Essential Workers
(>110M) (<86M)


65-74 years (32M)
75+ years (21M)

Phase 1a Phase 1b Phase 1c Phase 2

Allocation of COVID-19 vaccine

Which groups should be

recommended to receive
COVID-19 vaccines in
Phase 1b & 1c?

Implementation Ethics


Implementation Ethics

COVID-19 incidence is highest in young adults
National Estimate of COVID-19 Incidence per 100,000 Population,
by Age Group – Data through Dec 16, 2020

85+ 5064

75-84 3147

65-74 2977
Age Group (Years)

50-64 3993

40-49 4543

30-39 4671

18-29 5489

5-17 1944

0-4 1135

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

COVID-19 Incidence per 100,000 Population

*Data sources: CDC COVID-19 data tracker. Population estimates from 2019 US Census Bureau. Data provisional, subject to change.
COVID-19 mortality rates are highest in older adults
National Estimate of COVID-19 Deaths per 100,000 Population, by
Age Group – Data through Dec 16, 2020

85+ 1,118.3

75-84 366.2

65-74 143.5
Age Group (Years)

50-64 50.6

40-49 15.7

30-39 6.3

18-29 2.2

5-17 0.2

0-4 0.3

0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1,000.0 1,200.0

Death Rate per 100,000 Population

*Data sources: CDC COVID-19 data tracker. Population estimates from 2019 US Census Bureau. Data provisional, subject to change.
Although overall mortality increases with age, the proportion of deaths
associated with COVID-19 is similar across middle-age and older adults
Deaths from All Causes and Deaths Involving COVID-19, by Age Group
Data through Dec 16, 2020
Number of deaths

11% 10%
100000 9% 10%
15–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65–74 75–84 85+
Age Group (years)

Deaths involving COVID-19 Deaths from all causes

As of December 16th: 16
Adults 75 years and older account for 25% of COVID-19
associated hospitalizations
Percent of COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations, by Age Group
Data through Dec 5, 2020

75+ 25%
Age Group (Years)

55-74 39%

35-54 25%

15-34 12%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Percent of COVID-19 Hospitalizations
Data Source: COVID-19 associated hospitalizations reported to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID-NET) surveillance system. COVID-NET is a
population-based surveillance system that collects data on laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-associated hospitalizations among children and adults through a network of over 250 acute-care hospitals in 14 states.
COVID-19-associated hospitalization rates are highest
in older adults
COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization Rates per 100,000 population
Preliminary Weekly Rates as of Dec 5, 2020
0-4 yr 5-17 yr 8-49 yr 50-64 yr 65-74 yr 75-84 yr ≥85 yr
Hospitalization rates per 100,000

100 Age Group





10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Data Source:

Risk for COVID-19 associated hospitalization increased with
the number of underlying medical conditions
Unadjusted and Adjusteda Rate Ratios for Number of Underlying Medical Conditions
and COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization, COVID-NET March 1- June 23, 2020
Unadjusted Rate Ratio (95%CI) Adjusted Rate Ratioa (95%CI)
Number of conditionsb
1 2.8 (2.7, 3.1) 2.5 (2.1, 3.0)
2 5.6 (5.2, 6.1) 4.5 (3.7, 5.5)
3+ 7.2 (6.6, 7.9) 5.0 (3.9, 6.3)
Age 45-64 yearsc ----- 1.8 (1.5, 2.2)
Age 65+ yearsc ----- 2.6 (2.1, 3.1)
Male sexd ----- 1.2 (1.1, 1.4)
Non-Hispanic blacke ----- 3.9 (3.3, 4.7)
Other race/ethnicitye ----- 3.3 (2.8, 3.9)

CI: Confidence Interval; COVID-NET: Coronavirus Disease 2019-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network
aModel for number of conditions (variable) is adjusted for age, sex, and race/ethnicity
bReference group is no underlying medical condition; Number of conditions is a sum of underlying medical conditions excluding hypertension; the most recent

year of available BRFSS data for hypertension was 2017.

cReference group is 18-44 years
dReference group is female
eReference group is non-Hispanic white Ko, Sept 2020, doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1419
Risk of in-hospital death among persons hospitalized for
COVID-19 increased with age
Risk of in-hospital death among patients with COVID-19 associated hospitalization,
COVID-NET March 1 - May 2, 2020

85+ years vs 18–39 years
75–84 years vs 18–39 years
65–74 years vs 18–39 years
50–64 years vs 18–39 years
Male 1.3
Immunosuppression 1.39
Renal disease 1.33
Chronic Lung Disease 1.31
Cardiovascular Disease 1.28
Neurologic disorder 1.25
Diabetes 1.19

-5 0 5 10 15 20
Adjusted Rate Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals
*COVID-NET Surveillance; Final model adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, smoker, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, chronic lung disease, cardiovascular disease, neurologic
disease, renal disease, immunosuppression, hematologic disorders, and rheumatologic or autoimmune disease. Kim et al, 2020,
article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa1012/5872581 17
Percent seropositive for SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody, by occupation among
workers in public service agencies — New York City, May–July 2020

High seroprevalence
among many
frontline essential
workers groups
following first wave
of pandemic in NYC

Other includes Dietary Service Staff, Environmental Service Staff and participants who selected Other and were not reassigned to an existing category
Other Health includes Student/Trainee, Respiratory Therapist, Occupational/Speech/Physical Therapist, Therapy Aide/Assistant, Pharmacist, Diagnostic Imaging Technician, Phlebotomist,
Medical Registrar, Orderly, Dietician, Dentist, Clinical Technician, Medical Assistant. Sami et al.Manuscript in preparation.
Half of essential workers are older than 40 years

• 8-11% are ≥65 years old1

• >56% of adults 18-64
years have ≥1 high-risk
medical condition2

1. Data Source: American Community Survey, 2019 2. Data source: 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Summary of Work Group interpretation: Modeling
 In the scenarios considered, differences between strategies is minimal
– Vaccinating older adults first averts slightly more deaths, vaccinating younger adults first
(essential workers or younger adults with high-risk conditions) averts slightly more
– Ethical principles and implementation considerations also contribute to selecting the
optimal sequence in Phase 1b and 1c

 Largest driver of impact in averted deaths and infections is the timing of vaccine
introduction in relation to increases in COVID-19 cases
– Emphasizes the need to continue non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. wearing a mask,
social distancing to prevent cases so vaccine can have maximum impact)

 Vaccine’s ability to prevent transmission will further inform future modeling analysis and
Modeling Strategies for the initial Allocation of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines
Impacts of COVID-19 not represented in models:
Late Sequelae of COVID-19
Most commonly reported symptoms include:
fatigue, dyspnea, cough, arthralgia, and chest pain

More serious complications appear to be less common but have been reported:
 Cardiovascular: myocardial inflammation, ventricular dysfunction
 Respiratory: pulmonary function abnormalities
 Renal: acute kidney injury
 Dermatologic: rash, alopecia
 Neurological: olfactory and gustatory dysfunction, sleep dysregulation, altered cognition,
memory impairment
 Psychiatric: depression, anxiety, changes in mood

CDC, Late Sequelae of COVID


Implementation Ethics

ACIP COVID-19 Vaccine Work Group: Proposed Guiding Principles

Safety is paramount. Vaccine safety standards will not be compromised in

efforts to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine development or distribution

Q Inclusive clinical trials. Study participants should reflect groups at risk for
COVID-19 to ensure safety and efficacy data are generalizable
T Efficient Distribution. During a pandemic, efficient, expeditious and
equitable distribution and administration of approved vaccine is critical

Flexibility. Within national guidelines, state and local jurisdictions should have
flexibility to administer vaccine based on local epidemiology and demand
ACIP COVID-19 Vaccine Work Group: Proposed Guiding Principles

Efficient Distribution. During a pandemic, efficient, expeditious

E and equitable distribution and administration of authorized vaccine
Q is critical
Y Flexibility. Within national guidelines, state and local jurisdictions
should have flexibility to administer vaccine based on local
epidemiology and demand
Adults ≥65 years
 Challenge: long distances to central clinics and high throughput of clinics
 Older adults report high intent to receive COVID-19 vaccine
 Physician offices, pharmacies and public health clinics are established providers of adult vaccination
 Population surveys report 73% - 82% of respondents supported priority vaccination of
persons aged ≥65 years/elderly in polls conducted in December 2020 2,3

1. 2. AP
-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Many remain doubtful about getting COVID-19 vaccine. December
2020. ABC/IPSOS poll. December 14,
Essential workers
 Challenge: reaching workers in rural locations, shift workers, those working multiple jobs or
working in small cohorts
 Jurisdiction approaches include on site occupational clinics/pharmacies/Health Dept POD
strike teams
 Population surveys report 68% - 87% of respondents supported prioritization of early
allocation of COVID-19 vaccine supply to essential workers (eg. police/fire/rescue and

1. The Harris Poll: 2. AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Many
remain doubtful about getting COVID-19 vaccine. December 2020. tful-about-getting-covid-19-vaccine. 3. ABC/IPSOS poll.
December 14, 2020.
Adults with high-risk medical conditions
 Challenges: determining eligibility & very large group
 Healthcare homes, such as physician offices or pharmacies, could be better suited to verifying
underlying medical conditions
 Population surveys report 68% - 84% of respondents supported prioritization of early allocation
of COVID-19 vaccine supply to persons who are high risk because of medical problems1-3

1. The Harris Poll: 2. AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Many
remain doubtful about getting COVID-19 vaccine. December 2020. tful-about-getting-covid-19-vaccine. 3. ABC/IPSOS poll.
December 14, 2020.

Implementation Ethics

Older Adults
Ethical Principle Age 75+ years (21M) Age 65-74 Years (32M)

Reduces morbidity and mortality in Reduces morbidity and mortality in

Maximize benefits and
persons with highest burden of COVID- persons with high burden of COVID-
minimize harms 19 hospitalization and death 19 hospitalization and death

-Will require focused outreach to those who experience barriers to access

Promote justice -Persons living in multi-generational households may have greater risk of

- Racial and ethnic minority groups under-represented among adults >65

Mitigate Health
- Racial and ethnic minority persons >65 disproportionate COVID-19 related
inequities hospitalization and death rates
Essential Workers
Ethical Principle Frontline essential workers (~30 M) / Other essential workers (~57M)
-Essential Workers are at high risk of exposure. Prevention of disease will
Maximize benefits and reduce transmission
minimize harms -Preserves services essential to the COVID-19 response and overall functioning
of society. “Multiplier effect”
-Workers unable to work from home
-High level of interaction with public or
-Frequently interact with others in
Promote justice others in the workplace
the workplace
-May be unable to control social

-Racial and ethnic minority groups disproportionately represented in many

Mitigate Health
essential industries
inequities -~1/4 of essential workers live in low-income families
Persons 16-64 with high-risk
medical conditions
Ethical Principle (>110 Million)

Maximize benefits and Reduces morbidity and mortality in persons with moderate to high burden of
minimize harms COVID-19 associated hospitalization and death

Promote justice Will require focused outreach to those with limited or no access to healthcare

-Increased prevalence of some medical conditions in race/ethnic minority

Mitigate Health
groups & persons in rural areas
inequities -Diagnosis of medical conditions requires access to healthcare
Summary of Work Group Considerations
Summary: Work Group considerations
 Scientific, implementation and ethical considerations support inclusion of groups in Phase 1b and
1c as a balance of prevention of morbidity and mortality and preservation of societal functions

 This represents an interim Phase 1 sequence– allocation policy will need to be dynamic and adapt
as new information such as vaccine performance and supply and demand become clear

 Gating criteria will be necessary to move expeditiously from one Phase to the next, if supply
exceeds demand
 Following vaccination, measures to stop the possible spread of SARS-CoV-2, such as masks and
social distancing, will still be needed

 The U.S. government is committed to making COVID-19 vaccines available to all residents, as
soon as possible
Proposed Phase 1 & 2 allocation, December 2020
Number of Number of unique*
persons in each persons in each Total*
group group
Phase Groups recommended for vaccination (millions) (millions) (millions)
1a Health care personnel 21 21
Long-term care facility residents 3 3 24
1b Frontline essential workers 30 30
Persons aged 75 years and older 21 19 49
1c Persons aged 65 -74 years 32 28
Persons aged 16 -64 years with high-risk conditions 110 81
Essential workers not recommended in Phase 1b 57 20

2 All people aged 16 years and older not in Phase 1,

who are recommended for vaccination

*Accounts for persons recommended in prior phases or overlap within a phase

Proposed Phase 1 & 2 allocation, December 2020
Number of Number of unique*
persons in each persons in each Total*
group group
Phase Groups recommended for vaccination (millions) (millions) (millions)
1a Health care personnel 21 21
Long-term care facility residents 3 3 24
1b Frontline essential workers 30 30
Persons aged 75 years and older 21 19 49
1c Persons aged 65 -74 years 32 28
Persons aged 16 -64 years with high-risk conditions 110 81
Essential workers not recommended in Phase 1b 57 20

2 All people aged 16 years and older not in Phase 1,

who are recommended for vaccination

*Accounts for persons recommended in prior phases or overlap within a phase

Example of Phase 1 & Phase 2 COVID-19 vaccination roll-out
Proposed Phases of COVID-19 Vaccination
16-64 years 16-64 years
with high -risk Without high -risk
medical conditions medical conditions
Essential Workers
(>110M) (<86M)


65-74 years (32M)
75+ years (21M)

Phase 1a Phase 1b Phase 1c Phase 2

ACIP Vote – Interim Recommendation

As an update to ACIP recommendations for vaccination in Phase 1a (health care

personnel, and long-term care facility residents), if COVID-19 vaccine supply is limited,
the following groups should be offered vaccination:
Phase 1b: persons aged ≥75 years and frontline essential workers
Phase 1c: persons aged 65–74 years, persons aged 16–64 years with high-risk medical
conditions, and other essential workers
Thank you
For more information, contact CDC
1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)
TTY: 1-888-232-6348

The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the
official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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