EXPERIMENT - 1: Single Cylinder Air Compressor: Working

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EXPERIMENT – 1 : Single Cylinder Air Compressor

What is an Air Compressor ?
An air compressor is a device that converts power into potential energy stored in pressurized air
(compressed air). By one of several methods, an air compressor forces more and more air into a storage
tank, increasing the pressure. When tank pressure reaches its upper limit the air compressor shuts off.
The compressed air is then held in the tank until called into use. After usage, when tank pressure
reaches its lower limit, the air compressor turns on again and re-pressurizes the tank.

Single Acting – Single Staged Air Compressor

In single stage reciprocating air compressor, the entire compression is carried out in a single cylinder.
The opening & closing of a simple check valve (plate or spring valve) depends upon the difference in
pressure, if mechanically operated valves are used for suction & discharge then their functioning is
controlled by cams. The weight of air in the cylinder will be zero when the piston is at top dead centre.
At this position, you have to neglect clearance volume. When piston starts moving downwards, the
pressure inside the cylinder falls below atmospheric pressure& suction valve/inlet valve opens. The air is
drawn into the cylinder through a suction filter element. This operation is known as suction stroke.
When the piston moves upwards, compresses the air in cylinder & inlet valve closes when the pressure
reaches atmospheric pressure. Further compression follows as the piston moves towards the top of its
stroke, until when the pressure in the cylinder exceeds that in the receiver. This is compression stroke of
a compressor. At the end of this stroke discharge/delivery valve opens & air is delivered to a receiver.

1) These compressors use in internal combustion engines (diesel engines and petrol engines).
2) They also use in external combustion engines.
3) Single-acting reciprocating compressors also use in hydraulic rams and pumps.

1) These compressors are less costly as compared to other types of reciprocating air compressors.
2) Single-acting reciprocating air compressor is less tubing.
3) These are very easy to maintain.
4) It uses less compressed air.
5) These reciprocating compressors are best for cycles having medium duty.

1) The major disadvantage of the single-acting air compressor is that it has a piston that works in only
one direction at a time.
2) This piston air compressor forces the air into the cylinder in only one direction.
3) The spring takes up space and bounds the cylinder working stroke.
5) The spring force of these compressors reduces the aerodynamics and limits the cylinder resulting
Schematic Diagram of Single P-V Diagram representing the working
Acting Air Compressor of the Single Acting Reciprocating Compressor.


1) Suction Stroke (4-1): First of all, the air is sucked into the compressor cylinder at constant pressure
P1 and the volume of the air increases during this process. The line 4-1 represents this process in the
above-given figure.

2) Compression Stroke (1-2): After completing the suction stroke, the air compression starts. During this
process, the air pressure increases from P1 to P2, and the volume decreases from V1 to V2. At this point
“2”, the pressure P2 is marginally more than delivery pressure. The line 1-2 represents this process.

3) Delivery stroke (2-3): At point “2,” the compression stroke completes, and then the delivery stroke
starts. During this process, the air pressure remains constant (P2) while the volume increases. So, at this
stage, the outlet valve opens and discharges the compressed air. The line 2-3 of the above-given
diagram represents this process.

4) Repeating Process (3-4): After completing the delivery stroke, the piston comes again for the suction
stroke, again sucks air, and at this stage, the cylinder pressure will be P1. This process repeats according
to our requirements. And also, the work done during this process represents through 1-2-3-4.

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