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Spanish Verb IR

The Spanish verb IR (to go) is oThe of the most

commoThly used verbs iTh SpaThish. It caTh be used for
everythiThg from aThThouThciThg where you are goiThg to what
you are goiThg to do.

The verb Ir happens to be a highly irregular verb. Like ser, it doesn't follow the
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normal patterns for verb conjugations. Can you imagine why? For example, try to
conjugate ir by taking the infinitive –ir ending away… and you'll find there's
nothing left! Top 10 SpaThish hacks

Therefore, you'll have to memorize the following pattern for ir in the present Whether you've been
tense: studying Spanish for
years or are considering

Pronoun Present tense of ir giving Spanish a try,

the following 10 hacks
Yo voy and simple tricks can
help you to learn
Tú vas Spanish fast and
Ud., él, ella va
How LoThg Does It
Nosotros/as vamos
Take To LearTh
Vosotros/as vais
Learning a language
Uds., ellos, ellas van

is a complex process
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that is different for
each individual
based on several
different factors. Let's
take a look at these
different factors and how
they impact how fast you
The Spanish Verb IR (to go) learn Spanish.

If you want to say, I am going to the beach, in English, you know that
you'll have to add the word "to" after the verb "to go." Similarly, in Spanish,
the verb ir is almost always followed by "a." For example, the preceding
sentence would be translated as: voy a la playa.

If the noun that follows the "a" is masculine singular, as in el mercado, you
must combine the two sounds of "a" and "el" into a single sound: "al."

a + el = al

For example, if you wanted to say that you were going to the market, you would
say, voy al mercado NOT voy a el mercado.

Por ejemplo (for example):

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Rocket Record lets you perfect your Spanish pronunciation. Just listen to
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yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your
pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset
mic for best results.) Problems? Click

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