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3-1 Policies and mechanisms for resource management in Cloud

A policy typically refers to the principal guiding decisions, whereas

mechanisms represent the means to implement policies. Separation of policies
from mechanisms is a guiding principle in computer science.
Cloud resource management policies can be loosely grouped into five classes:
1. Admission control.
2. Capacity allocation.
3. Load balancing.
4. Energy optimization.
5. Quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees.

The explicit goal of an admission control policy is to prevent the system from
accepting workloads in violation of high-level system policies; for example, a
system may not accept an additional workload that would prevent it from
completing work already in progress or contracted. Restrictive workload
requires some knowledge of the global state of the system. In a dynamic system
environment such knowledge, when available, is at best obsolete.
Capacity allocation means to allocate resources for individual instances; an
instance is an activation of a service. Locating resources subject to multiple
global optimization constraints requires a search of a very large search space
when the state of individual systems changes rapidly.
Load balancing and energy optimization can be done locally, but global load-
balancing and energy optimization policies encounter the same difficulties as
the one.
Load balancing and energy optimization are correlated and affect the cost of
providing the services. Indeed, it was predicted that by 2012 up to 40% of the
budget for IT enterprise infrastructure would be spent on energy.
The common meaning of the term load balancing is that of evenly distributing
the load to a set of servers. For example, consider the case of four identical
servers, A B C , , , and D , whose relative loads whose relative loads are 80%
60% 40%, and 20%, respectively, of their capacity. As a result of perfect load
balancing, all servers would end with the same load - 50% of each server’s
In cloud computing a critical goal is minimizing the cost of providing the
service and, in particular, minimizing the energy consumption. This leads to a
different meaning of the term load balancing instead of having the load evenly
distributed among all servers, we want to concentrate it and use the smallest
number of servers while switching the others to standby mode, a state in which
a server uses less energy.
In our example, the load from D will migrate to A and the load from C will
migrate to ; thus, B A and B will be loaded at full capacity, whereas C and D
will be switched to standby mode.
Quality of service is that aspect of resource management that is probably the
most difficult to address and, at the same time, possibly the most critical to the
future of cloud computing.
Allocation techniques in computer clouds must be based on a disciplined
approach rather than adhoc methods.
The four basic mechanisms for the implementation of resource management
policies are:
1. Control theory: Control theory uses the feedback to guarantee system
stability and predict transient behavior but can be used only to predict
local rather than global behavior.
2. Machine learning: A major advantage of machine learning techniques is that
they do not need a performance model of the system. This technique could
be applied to coordination of several autonomic system managers.
3. Utility-based: Utility-based approaches require a performance model and a
mechanism to correlate user-level performance with cost.
4. Market-oriented/economic mechanisms: Such mechanisms do not require a
model of the system, e.g., combinatorial auctions for bundles of resources

A distinction should be made between interactive and noninteractive

workloads. The management techniques for interactive workloads.
e.g., Web services, involve flow control and dynamic application.

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