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Name: _____________________________________ Section:__________

Topic: Chapter 1 Accounting Information Systems: An Overview

1) In value chain analysis, what is the activity of arranging the delivery of products to customers called?
A) outbound logistics
B) inbound logistics
C) shipping
D) delivery
Answer: A

2) An AIS provides value by

A) improving products or services through information that increases quality and reduces costs.
B) providing timely and reliable information to decision makers.
C) creating new products.
D) both A and B
Answer: D

3) In Chapter 1, Figure 1-4 shows the factors that influence the design of AIS. The diagram shows a bi-
directional arrow between the organizational culture and the AIS. The reason for this two-way
interchange between organizational culture and AIS is
A) that the AIS should not influence the values of the organizational culture.
B) because the organization's culture influences the AIS, and likewise the AIS influences the
organization's culture by controlling the flow of information within the organization.
C) due to the transfer of managers between the two corporate elements.
D) the AIS impacts the organization's key strategies.
Answer: B

4) An example of inbound logistics would consist of

A) the activities that transform inputs into final products or services.
B) the activities that help customers to buy the organization's products or services.
C) the activities that provide post-sale support to customers.
D) the activities that consist of receiving, storing, and distributing the materials used as inputs by the
organization to create goods and/or services it sells.
Answer: D

5) A good example of how an AIS is used to share knowledge within an organization is

A) the use of a corporate database to help staff identify the relevant experts who can help with a
particular client.
B) the use of laptop computers to access a network for messaging worldwide.
C) the monitoring of production equipment to watch for defects.
D) the use of point-of-sale data to determine hot-selling items.
Answer: A
6) One activity within the value chain is research and development. This activity can be identified as a
A) firm infrastructure activity.
B) human resources activity.
C) technology activity.
D) purchasing activity.
Answer: C

7) When the AIS provides information in a timely and accurate manner, it stands as an example of
A) improved decision making.
B) improving the quality and reducing the costs of products or services.
C) improving efficiency.
D) all of the above
Answer: D

8) Accounting information plays major roles in managerial decision making by

A) identifying situations requiring management action.
B) reducing uncertainty.
C) providing a basis for choosing among alternative actions.
D) all of the above
Answer: D

9) A well-designed AIS can improve the decision-making function within the organization. Which
statement below would describe a limitation, rather than a benefit, of an efficient AIS?
A) An AIS reduces uncertainty, and therefore accounting information can provide a basis for choosing
among alternative courses of action.
B) An AIS identifies situations requiring management action.
C) An AIS provides to its users an abundance of information without any filtering or condensing of such
D) An AIS provides information about the results of previous decisions which provides decision makers
with feedback that can be used in future decision making.
Answer: C

10) Jill Fredson is in charge of the mail room at Gammon University. Every Friday morning she receives
a report via email that summarizes the number of outgoing and incoming pieces of mail by source and
destination department. Every Friday afternoon, Jill deletes the report without reading it because it has
no bearing on mail room operations. Which of the following characteristics of useful information is
absent in the situation described above?
A) Relevant
B) Reliable
C) Complete
D) Timely
E) Understandable
F) Verifiable
G) Accessible
Answer: A

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