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Name: _____________________________________ Section:__________

Topic: Chapter 1 Accounting Information Systems: An Overview

1) Robinson Crusoe has formed a business that sells carved gourmet coconuts. He has hired five
employees. The most senior is Friday, who manages the carving process. Monday is the newest
employee. She collects the coconuts. Tuesday, as you might expect, takes calls from curstomers, oops, I
mean customers, who are unhappy with their coconuts. Wednesday tosses finished coconuts into the sea,
whereupon they drift to the wholesaler. Thursday sends smoke signals to the wholesaler extolling the
virtues of the latest production run of nuts that are drifting across the bay.Which of the following
functions in the value chain is Tuesday performing?
A) Inbound logistics
B) Operations
C) Outbound logistics
D) Marketing and sales
E) Service
Answer: E

Refer to the chart. At what
point, measured in terms of
the net cost of information,
does information overload
A) 0
B) 5
C) 10
D) 12
Answer: C
3) Tri-Anything, Limited, is a British company operating in New York state. It offers stylized, boutique
public relations services to upscale retailers in quaint New England towns. A major source of revenue is
a weekly newsletter that reports on current and projected tourist travel and spending patterns.
Preparation of the newsletter requires study and analysis of weather conditions, economic activity, and
travel costs. It is available at an annual subscription rate of $299.99. There are currently 190 subscribers.
Preparation and distribution of the newsletter costs $12,000 annually. The value of information to
subscribers is:
A) $236.83
B) $44,998.10
C) Less than $63.16
D) At least $300.00
Answer: D

4) Many modern accounting software packages offer separate transaction cycle modules. What is the
reason for this?
A) Every organization does not need to implement all of the available transaction cycle modules.
B) Most businesses do not need the revenue cycle module as part of their AIS.
C) The nature of a given transaction cycle is the same irrespective of the type of organization.
D) A properly designed AIS does not use the concept of separate business transaction cycles to process
Answer: A

5) The business owners obtain financing from outside investors, which results in an inflow of cash into
the company. This transaction is considered to be part of which cycle?
A) the revenue cycle
B) the payroll cycle
C) the production cycle
D) the financing cycle
Answer: D

6) Which of the following is not a transaction cycle?

A) revenue
B) expenditure
C) human resources
D) general ledger and reporting
Answer: D

7) Which of the following statements is false?

A) Retail stores do not have a production cycle.
B) Financial institutions have installment-loan cycles.
C) A service company does not have an inventory system.
D) Every organization should implement every transaction cycle module.
Answer: D
8) Transaction cycles can be summarized on a high level as "give-get" transactions. An example of
"give-get" in the expenditure cycle would be
A) give cash, get cash.
B) give cash, get goods.
C) give cash, get labor.
D) give goods, get cash.
Answer: B

9) Transaction cycles can be summarized on a high level as "give-get" transactions. An example of

"give-get" in the revenue cycle would be
A) give cash, get goods.
B) give goods, get cash.
C) give cash, get labor.
D) give cash, get cash.
Answer: B

10) Groups of related business activities such as the acquisition of merchandise and payment of vendors
are called
A) transaction cycles.
B) economic cycles.
C) business events.
D) transactions.
Answer: A

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