KK Sir - Physical World

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Physics Notes by KK sir

Physical World 1
CHAPTER 1 Physics is a study of basic laws of
nature and their manifestation in different

The word “Science” originates from the Latin verb

Scientia meaning ‘to know’. The Sanskrit word Principal thrusts in Physics
Vijnan and the Arabic word Ilm convey similar
meaning, namely ‘knowledge’. There are two principal thrusts (to unity all the
fundamental forces into a single framework and
 Science means organized knowledge. reduce the no. of different theories) in Physics;
It is human nature to observe things
and happenings around in the nature and then 1. Unification 2. Reduction
to relate them. This knowledge is organized so
that it becomes well connected and logical. 1. Unification: Attempt to explain different
Then it is known as Science. It is a systematic phenomena in nature on the basis of one or
minimum laws. This is principle of Unification.
attempt to understand natural phenomenon and
use this knowledge to predict, modify and  It is an attempt to see Physical world through
control phenomena. some universal laws which can be applied to
It is exploring, experimenting and predicting different domain.
from what we see around us.
Example: (i) Phenomena of apple falling to
Scientific Method ground, moon revolving around earth and
weightlessness in the rocket, all these phenomena
Scientific methods are used to observe things and are explained with help of one Law that is,
natural phenomena. It includes several steps Newton’s Law of Gravitation (F= Gm 1m2/r2), it is
universal Law.
 Observations (ii) The four Maxwell's equations together with
 Controlled experiments, the Lorentz force law encompass the major laws
 Qualitative and quantitative reasoning, of Electrostatic, Electrodynamics, Magnetism and
Electromagnetic wave.
 Mathematical modelling,
 Prediction and Progress in unification of different forces/ domains
 Verification or falsification of theories. in nature

Unified celestial and

There is ‘no Final’ theory in science and ‘no
Isaac 1687 terrestrial mechanics:
Unquestioned’ authority in science. Newton showed that the same
laws of motion and the
 Observations and experiments need theories to law of gravitation apply
support them. Sometimes the existing theory is to both the domains.
unable to explain the new observations, hence
either new theories are formed or modification Hans 1820 Showed that electric
is done in the existing theories. Christian and magnetic
 For example to explain different phenomena in Oersted phenomena are
light, theories are changed. To explain bending Inseparable aspects of
of light a new Wave-theory was formed, and Michael 1830 a unified domain:
then to explain photoelectric effect help of Faraday electromagnetism
quantum mechanics was taken. Unified electricity,
James Clerk 1873 magnetism and optics:
Maxwell showed that light is an
Natural Sciences can be broadly divided in three electromagnetic wave
branches namely Physics, Chemistry and biology. Sheldon Showed that the 'weak'
Glashow, nuclear force and the
Abdus 1979 electromagnetic force
Physics Notes by KK sir
Physical World 2
Salam, could be viewed as
Steven different aspects of a  Terrestrial phenomena lie somewhere in middle
Weinberg single electro-weak of the above range.
Carlo Rubia, Verified experimentally
the predictions of the
The excitement of Physics comes from
Simon 1984 theory of Electro-weak
Vander force.
 Few basic concepts and laws can explain many
Meer phenomena
 Imaginative new experiments.
 Application to make useful devices.
2. Reduction: To understand or to derive the  Applicable in daily life.
properties of a bigger or more complex system the  Prediction of future events.
properties of its simpler constituents are taken into  Computers with high speed and memory,
account. This approach is called reductionism.  Live transmissions through television, Use of
 It is supposed to be the heart of Physics.  Lasers and their applications etc.

Example: A complex thermo dynamical system Physics in relation to other branches of

can be understood by the properties of its Science
constituent like kinetic energy of molecules and
atoms. Physics in relation to Chemistry

 The scope of Physics can be divided in to two  Chemical bonding, atomic number and complex
domains; Macroscopic (Classical Physics) and structure can be explained by physics
Microscopic (Quantum Physics). phenomena of Electrostatic forces.
 Taking help of X-ray diffraction
 Macroscopic domain includes phenomena at
the level of Laboratory, terrestrial and Physics in relation with Astronomy
astronomical scales.
 Giant astronomical telescope developed in
These phenomena are studied in
physics are used for observing planets. Radio
classical Physics which includes Mechanics, telescopes have enabled astronomers to
Thermodynamics, Optics and Electrodynamics. observe distant limits of universe.

 Microscopic domain includes atomic, molecular Physics in relation to other Science

and nuclear phenomena.
These phenomena are governed  Physics in relation to Biological Sciences helps
in study of Biology through its inventions.
by Quantum Physics.
Optical microscope helps to study bio-samples,
electron microscope helps to study biological
 Recently third domain in between is also cells. X-rays have many applications in
thought of with name Mesoscopic Physics. This biological sciences. Radio isotopes are used in
deals with group of Hundreds of atoms. cancer.
 Laws of Physics are used to study different
Scope of physics is very wide and exciting phenomena in other sciences like Biophysics,
because it deals with objects of size as large as
oceanography, seismology etc.
Galaxies (1026m) and as small as the size of a
nucleus (10-14 m), objects of weight as heavy as Physics, Technology and Society
known Universe (1055 kg) and as light as mass of
electron (10-30 kg). The connection between physics, technology and
society can be seen in many examples.
 Range of length 10-14 m to 1026 m
 Range of mass 10-30 kg to 1055 kg
 Range of time  10-22 s to 1018 s
Physics Notes by KK sir
Physical World 3
Physics (Thermodynamics)  improved the Christian
Wave theory of Light
working/Efficiency of Heat Engines (Technology)
Law of Gravitation, Laws of
 Industrial Revolution (Society) U.K.
Isaac Newton Motion, Reflecting
Laws of Electromagnetic U.K.
 Sometimes technology gives rise to new Michael Faraday
physics James Clerk Electromagnetic theory, U.K.
How to improve Heat Engine? (Technology)  Maxwell light is an EM wave.
Heinrich Rudolf Generation of
Let’s Study Physics, gives rise to Discipline of Hertz Electromagnetic waves
Thermodynamics (Physics) J.C. Bose Ultra short radio waves India
W.K Roentgen X-rays
 At other times Physics generates new U.K.
J.J Thomson Electron
Marie Discovery of Radium,
Sklodowska Polonium, study of
Silicon ‘chip’ (Semi-Conductor/ Modern Physics) Curie Radioactivity
Computer Revolution (Technology) Law of Photo electricity, Germany
Albert Einstein
Theory of Relativity
Electricity and Magnetism (Physics)  Wireless Victor Francis
Cosmic radiation Austria
Communication Technology (Technology) Measurement of Electronic U.S.A.
R.A. Millikan
Phenomenon of neutron-induced Fission of Earnest New
Nuclear model of Atom
Rutherford Zealand
uranium (Quantum Physics)  Basis of Nuclear Quantum model of Denmark
Niles Bohr
power reactors and Nuclear weapons (Technology) Hydrogen atom
Inelastic Scattering of light India
C.V Raman
by molecules
Laws of Physics related to Technology: Louis Victor de France
Wave nature of matter
Principal of Physics Technology M.N. Saha Thermal ionisation India
Electromagnetic Induction Electricity Generation India
S.N Bose Quantum Statistics
Steam, petrol, or diesel
Laws of Thermodynamics Quantum Exclusion Austria
Engine Wolfgang Pauli
Electromagnetic Waves principle
Radio, TV, Phones Enrico Fermi Controlled nuclear fission Italy
Werner Quantum mechanics;
Nuclear chain reaction Nuclear reactor for power Germany
Heisenberg Uncertainty principle
Newton’s Second & Third Relativistic theory of
Rocket propulsion Paul Dirac U.K.
Law electron; Quantum statistics
Bernoulli’s theorem Aero planes Edwin Hubble Expanding Universe U.S.A.
Population inversion Lasers X-rays Medical Diagnosis Ernest Orlando U.S.A.
Ultra high magnetic fields Superconductors Lawrence
Digital electronics Computers and calculators James Chadwick Neutron
Total internal reflection of Hideki Yukawa Theory of nuclear forces Japan
Optical fibres
light Cascade process in cosmic India
H.J Bhabha
Reflection of ultrasonic radiation
Sonar Lev Davidovich Theory of condensed
waves Russia
Landau matter; Liquid helium
Wave nature of electrons Electron microscope S. Chandrasekhar limit, India
Chandrasekhar structure of stars
Transistors; Theory of
Physicist and their Contributions: John Bardeen U.S.A.
super conductivity
Country C.H. Townes Maser; Laser U.S.A.
Name Major
of Unification of week and
Contribution/Discovery Pakistan
Origin Abdus Salam Electromagnetic
Principle of Buoyancy, Greece interactions
Principle of Lever
Galileo Galilee Law of Inertia Italy
Physics Notes by KK sir
Physical World 4
Fundamental Forces in Nature  The strong nuclear force binds protons and
There are a large number of forces experienced or neutrons in a nucleus. It is evident that without
applied. These may be macroscopic forces like some attractive force, a nucleus will be unstable
gravitation, friction, contact forces and microscopic due to electric repulsion between protons.
forces like electromagnetic and inter-atomic forces  The strong nuclear force is the strongest of all
but all these forces arise from some basic forces fundamental forces.
called Fundamental Forces.  It may be attractive or repulsive.
 It is charge independent.
 It is equal for protons and neutrons.
 Its range is extremely small of the order nuclear
Fundamental Forces in Nature: dimensions (10-15 m).
 It is responsible for the stability of nuclei.
1. Gravitational force:  Recent developments have however indicated
 Gravitational force is weakest force in nature that protons and neutrons are composed of still
10-38 times compared to strong Nuclear force. more elementary constituents called quarks.
 It is the force of mutual attraction between any
two objects by virtue of their masses. 4. Weak Nuclear force:
 It is a universal force; it operates in all objects of
universe. Its range is infinite  Operate within nucleons I.e. elementary
 It plays a key role in the large scale phenomena particles like electron and neutrino.
of universe such as formation and evolution of  The weak nuclear force appears only in certain
stars, galaxies and galactic clusters. nuclear processes β-decay of a nucleus.
 The gravitational force is appreciable only when  In β-decay the nucleus emits an electron and
at least one of the two bodies has a large mass. an uncharged particle called anti-neutrino.
 They are always attractive in nature.  The weak nuclear force is not as weak as the
gravitational force but much weaker than strong
2. Electromagnetic Forces: nuclear force (10-13 times than Strong nuclear
 Electromagnetic force is the force between force).
 The range of weak nuclear force is exceedingly
charge particles (due to stationary or moving
small of the order 10-16 m.
Electrical charges).
 When charges are at rest, the force is given by Comparisons of Fundamental forces of nature
coulomb’s law.
 When charges are in motion, they produce Relative Operates
magnetic field giving rise to a force on a moving Name strength Range among
Gravitational All objects in
 Electric and magnetic effects are in general 10–39 Infinite
force the universe
inseparable; hence the name electromagnetic Some
force. Its range is infinite Very short, elementary
 Like the gravitational force, electromagnetic Weak nuclear
10 –13 Sub- particles,
force act over large distances and does not force nuclear size particularly
need any intervening medium. (10-16 m) electron and
 It is quite strong compared to gravity and weak Electromagneti Charged
compared to strong Nuclear forces (10 -2 times 10–2 Infinite
c force particles
of strong Nuclear force). Short, Nucleons,
 For example electric force between two protons Strong nuclear
Nuclear heavier
is 1036 times the gravitational force between force size elementary
(10–15m) particles
them, for a certain distance.
 They are attractive as well as repulsive in
Nature of Physical Laws:
3. Strong nuclear force: Law of Physics is a statement in word form or in
equation form that summarises the result of
Physics Notes by KK sir
Physical World 5
experiments and observation for a certain range of play a central role in modern physics.
physical phenomena. Conservation laws are connected to this.

 A law cannot be proved.

 A new development in Physics may extend the
range of validity of a law.
 They exist in simple form.

Conservation Laws:
In any physical phenomenon governed by different
forces, several quantities do not change with time.
These special quantities are conserved quantities
of nature.
Some basic Conservation laws are as follows:
 Law of conservation of energy: Total energy
of a system remains conserved.
 Law of conservation of charge: Total charge
of an isolated system remains conserved.
 Law of conservation of linear momentum: In
absence of external force, Linear momentum of
a system remains conserved.
 Law of conservation of angular momentum:
In absence of external Torque, Angular
momentum of a system remains conserved.

Important Points:

1. For motion under conservative force, the total

mechanical Energy of a body is constant.
2. Total energy of a system is conserved, and it
is valid across all domains of nature from
microscopic to macroscopic. Total energy of
the universe is believed to be constant.
3. Conservation of Mass was considered another
Conservation law, till advent of Einstein. Then
it was converted to law of conservation of
mass plus energy. Because mass is converted
into energy and vice-versa according to
equation E = mc2. The examples are
annihilation and pair production.
4. Momentum is another quantity which is
preserved. Similar is angular momentum of an
isolated system.
5. Conservation of Electric charge is a
fundamental law of nature.
6. Later there was development of law of
conservation of attributes called baryon
number Lepton number and so on.

The laws of nature do not change with change of

space and time. This is known as symmetry of
space and time. This and some other symmetries

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