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International Foundation Mathematics Olympiad(IFMO)


SECTION-A ( Logical Reasoning )

1. Study the pattern and find the missing number.

a) 1512 c) 1212
b) 1412 d) 1312

2. In the given question there is a certain relationship between two given words on one side
of::and one word is given on the other side of:: Find out the word from the given
alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the words of the given pair.

Peace: Chaos:: Creation: __________

a) Build c) Destruction
b) Construction d) Manufacture

3. In the given question there is a certain relationship between two given numbers on one
side of::and one number is given on the other side of::Find out the number from the
given alternatives, having the same relation with this number as the numbers of the
given pair.

335: 216:: 987: _____

a) 868 c) 872
b) 867 d) 888

IFMO / CLASS – 6/ WORKSHEET - 5 Page 1

4. In each of the following question, the first two words have definite relationship. Choose
one word out of the given four alternatives which will show the same relationship with the
third word as between the first two

Cup is to coffee as bowl is to

a) Dish c) Spoon
b) Soup d) Food

5. Study the pattern and find the missing number.

a) A d) D
b) B e) E
c) C

6. Complete the series

3, 8, 15, 24, 35, 48, _______
a) 61 c) 63
b) 62 d) 64

7. Complete the series

6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, ______
a) 384 c) 388
b) 386 d) 392

8. Choose the odd one out

a) Cool c) Hot
b) Warm d) Humid

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9. If CONCEPT is written as unmulqr and FRIEND is written as ysglmt, then how is
PREDICT written in that code?
a) qsltgur c) slmgtur
b) qgmnltr d) usxgmnl
10 In the following question find out which of the letter series follows the given rule:
. Number of letters skipped in between adjacent letters in the series doubles every time.

SECTION-B ( Day to Day Mathematics )

11 Which longest tape can be used to measure exactly the length 7m, 3m, 85cm and 12m
. 95 cm?
a) 45 cm c) 105 cm
b) 35 cm d) 70 cm
12 Which of the following is meaningful?
a) XXXX c) IC
b) XVV d) XCI
13 The sum of two integers is -307. If one of them is -173 what is the other?
a) 134 c) 144
b) -134 d) -144
14 Raman has ₹ 2000. He has invested ₹ 439.75 in school fees, ₹ 208.75 for auto fare ₹
. 524.25 in books and rest for food. What is the cost of food?
a) ₹ 817.25
b) ₹ 837.25
c) ₹ 827.25
d) None of these

15 Eight people are planning to share equally the cost of a rental car. If one person
. withdraws from the arrangement and the others share equally the entire cost of the car,
then the share of each of the remaining persons is increased by:
a) 1/7 c) 1/9
b) 1/8 d) 7/8

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16 The weight of 65 magazines is 13 kg. What is the weight of 80 such magazines?
a) 14 kg c) 15 kg
b) 16 kg d) 17 kg

17 Find the 1st term if 2nd, 3rd & 4th terms of a proportion are 12, 14 and 8 respectively.
a) 21 c) 18
b) 24 d) 28
18 The sum of three consecutive natural numbers is 114. Which is the greatest number?
a) 37 c) 39
b) 38 d) 41
19 What is the radius of the circle whose circumference is 264 cm?
a) 36 cm c) 46 cm
b) 42 cm d) 48 cm
20 A floor is 7m long and 5 m wide. A square carpet of sides 4 m is laid on the floor. What is
. the area of floor that is not carpeted?
a) 15m2 c) 17 m2
b) 18 m2 d) 19m2
21 How many lines can be drawn passing through two given points?
a) One c) Three
b) Two d) Unlimited number
22 One of the base angles of an isosceles triangle is 65 degrees. The vertical angle is
a) 400 c) 650
b) 500 d) 350

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23 The angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 : 6. What is the largest angle?
a) 800 c) 1200
b) 1020 d) 1500
24 The measure of a straight angle is
a) 600 c) 1800
b) 900 d) 3600
25 In an isosceles ∆ , the bisectors of B & C meet at a point O. If A=400 then
. BOC?
a) 800 c) 1000
b) 900 d) 1100


1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 A
11 B 12 D 13 B 14 C 15 A 16 B 17 A 18 C 19 B 20 D
21 A 22 B 23 C 24 C 25 D

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