Work Experience Internship Report: Ministry of Education & Training Hoa Sen University Faculty of Foreign Language

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Company : AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock

Duration : From 15/07/2019 to 31/08/2019
Supervisors : Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy
& Ms. Tra Thi Cam Thu
Student : Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thao
ID : 2174908
Class : TA171


Near two months of internship at AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock Company help me
expand my working experience and gain more useful knowledge. To have this
opportunity to experience in a real business environment, I would like to thank:

❖ Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy

❖ Tra Thi Cam Thu
❖ All staffs at AMA

The internship time was not too long, but it was enough for me to experience most of
my assignment of an AC. That is because the ACs have been very helpful to me. Thanks
to them, I had a great time working here. Besides, I also thank:

❖ Mr. Nguyen Chi Duy Khuong – Instructor

❖ Mr. Huynh Cong Hung
❖ Ms. Quach Thi Van Trang

I sincerely thank you for the many useful sessions of Mr. Khuong, always following
and answering every student's questions before and during the internship. Thank you
very much, Mr. Hung, for sharing extremely practical information so that I can prepare
well before starting an internship. Thank Ms. Trang has sent the course outline of work
experience internship to me to orientate how to write a report.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................ 2
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 5
As an Academic Affairs Coordinator at AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock
Company .......................................................................................................... 5
1.1 The internship’s information ....................................................................................... 5
1.2 The aims of the internship ........................................................................................... 5
1.3 My set goals of the internship ..................................................................................... 5
ORGANIZATION .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 General information about AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock Company ........ 6
2.2 Vision-mission- core values and company’s business ethics .................... 7
2.2.1 Vison AMA ................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.2 Mission AMA ............................................................................................................. 7
2.2.3 Core values AMA ....................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Organization structure and personnel of the company .............................. 8
2.3.1 Organization structure .............................................................................................. 8 AMA and SYLVAN organization chart of the whole system ................................... 8 Academic department ......................................................................................... 10 Center and the main task of each department .................................................... 11
POSITION AND WORKING EXPERIENCE ................................................................................... 13
3.1 Introduction of working department ........................................................ 13
3.2 Working description (assignments and specific experience gained in
each) ............................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Academic Affairs Coordinator – Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy and Ms. Tra Thi Thu
Cam .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.2 Assigned work, the needs and experience I gained in doing these tasks ............... 14
3.3 Knowledge and experience gained during the internship ........................ 22
WORKING ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................................... 23
4.1 Working environment .............................................................................. 23
4.2 The relationship between colleagues and supervisors ............................. 23
EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................ 24
5.1 Strengths ................................................................................................... 24
5.2 Weaknesses .............................................................................................. 24

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................ 25


In the period of near two months, I have worked in a position as an Academic Affairs
Coordinator at AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock Company.

As an Academic Affairs Coordinator at AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock Company

1.1 The internship’s information

I have worked in a position as an Academic Affairs Coordinator at AMA (Viet Nam)

Joint Stock Company from 15th July 2019 to 31st August 2019 at the head office: 837B
– 837C Nguyen Anh Thu, Ward Tan Chanh Hiep, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City.

1.2 The aims of the internship

This seven-week internship aims to provide internship opportunities to work in a real

office work. Furthermore, I can apply the knowledge that Lecturers have taught me to
my work. Besides, I consider myself whether I am suitable for this position or not; and
I also gain work experience during working time at AMA to prepare better for my future
jobs after graduation.

1.3 My set goals of the internship

I would like to contribute my knowledge, skills and experience for the advancement of
the company and work as an official employee to the company in order to make myself
grow with the company. By soft skills like communication skills which I have learned
at my University, I actually use it to build the relationship between me and my
colleagues in AMA company. In addition, I want to find out what my strengths and
weaknesses are.


2.1 General information about AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock Company

AMA English (also known as AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock Company) is operated and
sponsored by Vietnam Investments Group (VI Group). VI Group has invested in well-
known brands and companies such as Phong Vu Computer, Galaxy Cinema, Sylvan
Learning Vietnam, WellSpring International Bilingual School, Victoria Hotels &
Resorts, The Pizza Company, Cali broken-rice, Juno Fashion, Tocotoco, etc. There are
eleven facilities throughout Ho Chi Minh City with the aim of becoming the leading
English language centers’ system with the quality of education and training of
international standards in Vietnam. AMA is one of the English language centers which
has the largest systems in Vietnam with excellent quality of English teaching.

In 2003, AMA Vietnam have been stablished. In the next 11 years, AMA has become
a center which has testing for CamBridge University's certification program; and also
has received the title of Trusted Brand - Prestigious brand which selected by Vietnam
Enterprise Institute and Global GTA. In 2015, AMA Vietnam has achieved top 10
leading brands, has awarded by Vietnam Union of Enterprise Development Science.
Becoming a Silver partner of British Council on IELTS training and preparation in
2016. Until 2017, AMA has trained English language for overseas students at California
State University (CSU).

To date, AMA Vietnam has been presented in 10 cities and provinces nationwide and
more than 20,000 students across Vietnam. AMA is acknowledged and officially to be
a partner of famous and prestigious organizations in the world: British Council Official
partner of the British Council, organizes IELTS tests at home. Being the prestigious,
and largest high-quality English language.

Figure 1: Logo’s AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock Company

2.2 Vision-mission- core values and company’s business ethics

2.2.1 Vison AMA

AMA aims to become the head of English language center system in Vietnam; with
training and international quality education; moreover, they want to be the center has
the right in organization examinations of English language contests of global value.
Additionally, AMA has purpose to be a big brand name in the English field and foreign
educational franchise.

2.2.2 Mission AMA

AMA wants to bring true American valuable education to their students through a
modern training environment and the best teaching method. They help students succeed
in using English fluently and competing their aspirations to gain an International
qualification. AMA always along with students in the learning process to make a strong
foundation for future success of students.

2.2.3 Core values AMA

• True American value

• Smart invests for the future
• Customer first
• Caring and understanding
• Learning is to be used.

2.3 Organization structure and personnel of the company

2.3.1 Organization structure AMA and SYLVAN organization chart of the whole system

Figure 2: AMA and SYLVAN organization chart

Source: Academic Affairs Coordinator Department

AMA and SYLVAN are two partners working together, accompanying and developing
together. That is clearly shown in organization chart. Besides, SYLVAN trains on
STEM (Science – Technology – Engineering – Maths) training, Mathematics Thinking
& Academic English by exclusive program from Sylvan Learning USA - the leading
educational brand in the US.

• BOD:
BOD who is responsible for operating and managing the affairs of the company.
• CEO:
The CEO whose mission is to work out strategic business plans to grow the
company. by all their mind and energy, they will lead their business through
thousands of storms in the marketplace to succeed.
• COO:
The main job of COO is to work with other senior officials of the company such
as chief financial officer, chief technology officer, etc. and has the task of
reporting directly to the CEO. COO can be considered as vice president.

9 Academic department

Figure 3: Academic department

Source: Academic Affairs Coordinator Department

Look at the organization chart, specifically the academic department, we can see clearly
system between AMA and SYLVAN. There are many differences in some department.
However, both of them have Academic Executive/Officer.

10 Center and the main task of each department

a) Center

Figure 4: Center’s organiszation chart

Source: Academic Affairs Coordinator Department

b) The main task of each department

• CM (Center manager) / D.CM (Deputy CM) / Center Supervisor:

The CM of each AMA Center will manage the Center.
• Admin:
Center Admin will manage the events, inventory of the center's facilities.
Checking the number of facilities and reporting back directly to the CM.
• Program consultant Head (PCH):
PC Head is Manager of student recruitment office. People who work in PC Head
will be responsible for developing advisory policies, introducing study

programs to potential students and being suitable with the company's business
strategy. They will help the center develop and grow the number of students per
month / per year. Reporting daily / weekly / monthly tasks to CM.
• Program Consultant Officer (PCO)
People who work in PC department will responsible for accomplishing
individual's maximum sales target; establishing customer relationships, parents
of new students; keeping contact information and creating close-relationships
with customers, parents’ students; coordinating relevant to other departments to
ensure the quality of teaching in the classroom. Then reporting back directly to
the CM.
• Academic Affairs Head (AAH)
AAH will take responsibility for managing lists, records, contacts, follow
students' situation; managing lists, schedule teachers, students, and classes and
courses; organizing of examinations, examinations, preparation of textbooks,
supporting for teaching instruments. Moreover, AAH will follow the situation
of classes, training quality, satisfaction and aspirations of students. They also
report the assigned to the CM
• Academic Affairs Coordinator:
AAC who will be draft and edit documents for native teachers and Vietnamese
teachers; directly work with foreign and Vietnamese teachers in classrooms;
support for weak students and teach excellent students. Besides, they also create
class schedules, make class statistics, report, and help improve the learning
situation of students assigned to AAH.


3.1 Introduction of working department

An Academic Affairs Coordinator is arranged to work at Head office: 837B -837C

Nguyen Anh Thu Str., Tan Chanh Hiep Ward, District 12, HCMC; consisting of 1 CM,
3 PCs, 1 Center Admin, 2 Acs and 2 interns (including me). Below is the diagram of
Head office I’ve worked.

3.2 Working description (assignments and specific experience gained in each)

Actually, I initially applied to human resource for my internship position, because that
was the career, I chose to study at Hoa Sen University. However, in the company that I
applied for; the HR did not recruit interns in HR positions. Then I was suggested
coordinating work by HR. After that, I decided to find out about what AAC is, I saw
this job very interesting and helpful to my field of study, so I decided to have an
internship with the AAC position in AMA Center.

3.2.1 Academic Affairs Coordinator – Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy and Ms. Tra
Thi Thu Cam

I think I am very fortunate to be able to practice in AMA Center. My two instructors,

Ms. Thu and Ms. Thuy (official of the AAC department), who guide me in this
internship period for almost two months. The time is neither too long nor too short, but
it is enough for me to learn a lot of new things from this business. The two supervisors
are very enthusiastic in giving me the opportunity to experience all the work in the AC
department. They provide a variety of work and also share necessary knowledge.
Furthermore, they share take-not skills helping work effectively and professionally. Ms.
Thu and Ms. Thuy also support my assigned when I get troubles, they show me how to
solve that problems. That helps me feel more comfortable at work. They are extremely
responsible and careful at work. It was two significance of many things I learned from

them during my working time. The two instructors are very comfortable at work, but
extremely serious with their work.

When my supervisors assign work to me to do and I cannot complete it completely,

they will remind me, point out the errors and mistakes that I need to fix, so that I can
improve the work in a better way for the next time. I really like the way my two
supervisors work, it helps me to understand that the comfort of work is more inspiring
when working, and the seriousness of work means we are responsible for the work we

I am a trainee and always have a positive attitude when working. I always listen, absorb,
learn from the instructor and try to fix my mistakes in the best way. It is also a way to
help me improve myself every day. I am truly grateful for that.

3.2.2 Assigned work, the needs and experience I gained in doing these tasks

Assigned work:

Updating information on AMA system on the internet, making vocabulary handbooks,

teaching pronunciation classes, teaching assistant, sending emails to teachers, preparing
folders for native teachers when they have class, tutoring and supporting students,
picking up students when they come to the center, and picking them up when they have
just finished their learning time.

✓ Making vocabulary handbooks:

The work of making vocabulary notebooks for SK classes.
+ Description: This task is to compose vocabularies and structure that students
will learn in a learning program, insert vivid images and vocabulary related to
help them easily remember lessons. Helping parents easily review old lessons
for their children at home.

+ This job has helped me know a lot of vocabulary, although those words are
simple, maybe I have come across, but I still do not remember, thanks to the
work of making vocabulary notebooks, I take notes of vocabulary so much that
I know the words and how to use them. Ms. Thuy helps me point out my
mistakes and show me the way to fix it. Ms. Thu helps me in doing it more
logical. After many days of creating handbooks, I understand that being careful
at work is very important, if I am not careful, it will take a lot of my own time,
and it can make your boss unsatisfied, because my carelessness in working.

Figure 5: Making handbooks

✓ Updating information on AMA system on the internet:

+ Description: this job is to re-enter the content of the day of that class which
includes information about the lesson title and comment on the students,
students’ test score, absence or present, etc. in order to help parents easily view
and control their child's learning status through the system.

+ This job helps me to be more careful in using the sentence accordingly.

✓ Sending emails to teachers:

+ Description: This job is to confirm the teacher's schedule, and the content that
the student will learn in a session. In order to confirm whether or not the teacher
was able to teach at that day and the AC department can handle it promptly.
Teachers will be sent the previous content, so that they have time to check and
prepare the lesson, and to confirm that they will be there that day. The instructor
sent me a sample mail, so that I know clearly what information I will send to
the teachers.

+ The work has helped me learn how to send mail professionally, and must
consider whether the teacher has confirmed the mail, then I report back to my
supervisors. If the teacher still has not confirmed the mail by the day, he must
report back to the teacher, to promptly handle the situation.

Figure 6: contents I will send to teachers

✓ Compose folders for native teachers when they have classes:

+ Description: preparing teaching materials such as laptops, books, battery
chargers, tools to turn on the air conditioner and turn on the TV for native

+ This job needs to be fluent in which class to learn which book, which will be
faster in supporting taking materials to teach teachers.

✓ Picking up students:

+ Description: when the children come, I will pick them up, so that their parents
can feel secure. When the time of the class is off, I will pick them up again to
prevent children from running quickly down the stairs. That may be falling
easily, and I have to keep the children to their parents safely.

✓ Teaching assistant:

+ Description: this job supports teachers in class management, prepares

materials for teachers before class, supports teachers as best as possible. When
teachers need to print more documents or get more items, the TA will help the
teachers do that. When becoming a TA, I have to write comments and content
of the Center day in the student learning record, and write comments on the file
folder so that the AC can know the children’s situation in class. For foreign
teachers, when the teacher says the children do not understand, I will translate
them to let the students understand what their teacher is saying. For example,
when the teacher sets up the game, I will translate it, let the child understand
and play more happily. As for the vocabularies, I will let the children listen
directly from the native teacher and look at the images, so that the children can
think for themselves in order that the student’s brain can develop in the best
way. I do not translate all so that the children can listen to foreign teachers speak
and absorb naturally.

+ This work helps me learn from many different teachers about how to teach,
how to manage class, how to set up activities to help children be more excited
in learning, as well as easily absorb and remember the lesson right now in the
classroom. In addition, I observe to know how the teachers handle situations
such as babies crying, having a bad behavior for the adult, how to control the
class when they talk too much, when they are too active, they cannot sit still,
not concentrate, how the teacher punishes them when they make mistakes
without hurting the students.

✓ Teaching pronunciation classes:

+ Description: Based on the content the children have learned in class, since
then, I develop the lesson content in the pronunciation class. I will prepare the
materials I need, and I can use available material at AMA Center. My
supervisors always support me to have a completely lesson plan. I teach
pronunciation classes with the support from a colleague, she will be my teaching
assistant when I'm teaching.

+ Teaching assistant has helped to have more experience to teach pronunciation

classes a lot. I have understood children more, and also be more creative for
myself in creating games, helping them to absorb lessons and remembering the
vocabularies better in class. This work helps me learn how to stand in class,
after interacting with the children, I understand the psychology of the children
better, thereby contributing to giving appropriate methods for teaching kids.
When teaching children, I not only teach lessons, but I teach with all my heart.

When teaching children, I not only teach the lessons, but I also teach with all
my heart. Someone once said “Teaching is fulfilling a part of love”, so I always
try to improve my soul and spread the love to the students. Teaching students
with all my love, even though there are some students who are very naughty.
When I take on this job, I always think myself doing a very important job, and
I have to be responsible if I do something wrong. Because the job of teaching is

to transfer knowledge to young children, to the future kindergartens of the
country. That's why, I really appreciate this opportunity when you two
supervisors let me teach this class. I’m really grateful for that. This job makes
me learn a lot of things for myself.

Figure 7: I distributed exercises for the students

Figure 8: I set up racing game for the students

Figure 9: I create game in powperpoint

Figure 10: I create guessing game in powperpoint

✓ Tutoring students:

+ Description: When the students are absent for 1 period or more, the AC will
help him / her to re-learn the knowledge she has missed that periods.

+ This job needs to ask the name and class of the child he or she has learned
from the instructors, to understand clearly what the child has missed, so that he
or she can review the lesson better.

3.3 Knowledge and experience gained during the internship

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my instructors who gave me
the opportunity to fully experience the work of the AC department, which is helpful for
orientating to my future work. Especially, I have learned to be careful and known how
to manage a class. I have overcome many of my fears to teach a pronunciation class
and to do many other things. Besides, I have always learned to be active in my work
despite the difficulties. After spending near two months, I gradually understand more
about AC position and start to consider whether I want to be an AAC in the future or
not. I myself realize that I am not a perfect person in completing assigned work, but the
attitude of welcoming me and sharing enthusiasm makes me feel really happy. More
than that, I received an offer from the staff of the center to wish me to apply again to
the company to work here, I sincerely thank for that. In my opinion, thanks to such
experiences, I was confident that I was strong enough for the upcoming graduation


4.1 Working environment

Office environment, everyone in the office is very friendly, enthusiastic to share work,
guide and teach me heartily. When working, people are very focused and serious,
sometimes chatting and making people feel less stressed and comfortable at work.
Especially, I often interact with my two instructors, who are very enthusiastic in
teaching me to do my work and complete my work. Especially when making mistakes,
the supervisors were not angry or scowling, but pointed out my mistake, let me finish
better, and showed me how to fix my corrections. In addition, I also interact with the
people who work in the PC department, they are also extremely friendly and
approachable. This is really a meaningful and comfortable internship. I not only have
the opportunity to study and work at a new school, but also be well treated by the people
around me.

4.2 The relationship between colleagues and supervisors

My university has taught me soft skills to help me have the right conduct when working
in business, I always go to work on time. If I have a vehicle problem or anything
problems which prevents me from arriving on time, I will send a message to my
instructor. Once I was seriously ill, I had to take an application for off in a few days,
everyone was very concerned about asking me, which made me feel very warm and
comforted. From the concerns of everyone, I feel that my workplace is like a big family,
people always show each other the shortcomings, to improve themselves as well as help
the center grow stronger. I always listen to people, accept all my shortcomings and
correct it. Thanks to this internship, I know that I still have many incomplete points, I
need to actively absorb the opinions of everyone, and improve myself better and better.


After finishing near two-month internship period, besides connecting the relationships
with supervisors, manager and colleagues. I gain more knowledge about AC position.
Thank to my two supervisors – Ms. Thu and Ms. Thuy have pointed out my strengths
and my weaknesses which are helpful for my future path after graduating from Hoa
Sen University.

5.1 Strengths

After a month, I seem to get used to the tasks. the tasks can be done much better than
the beginning. I received some recommendations about my strengths from my
supervisors that I am a responsible person and always completing the assigned tasks. I
am creative in teaching pronunciation class. Moreover, I can overcome the problems
when supervisors complain about me.

5.2 Weaknesses

Beside strengths, I also have some weaknesses. During my internship period, I am not
good at doing the tasks careful as my colleague does. For example, when doing
vocabularies notebooks for SK class. I sometimes translate wrong words. In my
opinion, the best way to improve myself is to listen and accept my mistakes. When I
know what I am wrong, I can fix it, and try not to make mistakes for the next time.


Before working here in AAC position, I did not know clearly about it. Then, thanks to
the support of my university and the center. I found myself a business to work with as
an AAC. I have learnt many new things about working in a business. In particular, I
have a general view about function and operation of each part of the center. Besides, I
want to gain in-depth knowledge and experience through this position as well as realize
my strengths and my weaknesses to contribute for my future path.

This internship period which I feel very successful. I receive both the support from the
university and the business. I think this is a pretty strong equipment for me to prepare
for the graduation internship. The practice here makes me feel like a real employee.
Moreover, this is also a turning point for me from a student who went to university to
become an employee in an enterprise. I also have a hard time working because
everything is new to me, but when everything is done many times, it makes me able to
do it better than when I started doing it.

Apart from the main work assigned by the AC department, I also support everyone in
the PC department when I'm free and with AC’s permission. The working atmosphere
here is sometimes very serious and sometimes very comfortable. However, I feel that I
am not only lucky but also very pleased to have the opportunity to experience the work

I think the parts work very well together, so the information transmitted is always
accurate and cohesive. There are strategic meetings organized wrongly develop better
centers. After working here, I understand somewhat how a business works, specifically
in the AAC department.

In conclusion, thanks to the enthusiastic guidance of two supervisors – Ms. Thuy and
Ms. Thu, I have had a very interesting and meaningful experience. I sincerely thank the
support from my Hoa Sen University and AMA Center, especially the two instructors

who have been with me throughout this 7-week path. Thanks for the sincere suggestions
and comments and best wishes from the supervisors as well as everyone at the Center.
I will try to improve myself better and better for a future path ahead.


1. Academic Affairs Coordinator department.

2. About AMA (Viet Nam) Joint Stock Company. (2016). Retrieved from
3. Sylvan learning. (2017). Retrieved from
4. Giao duc STEM. (2007). Retrieved from


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