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Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte

Third Quarterly Examinations
January 17 - 18, 2018

DIRECTION: Read each item carefully and select the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the learning process that motivates you to obtain knowledge or information
about people, things, places, or events by investigating or asking questions, it is the learning process
that operates in an interactive manner?
A. Research B. Inquiry C. Exploratory D. Reflective

2. It is a process of executing various mental acts for discovering and examining facts and
information to prove the accuracy or truthfulness of your claims or conclusions. What is it?
A. Inquiry B. Research C. Investigation D. Quantitative research

3. When is a research systematic?

A. It gives accurate data C. Expressing its central point
B. Deals with facts D. It is organized

4. Some definitions of research are the following except one.

A. It is an iterative process C. It is an inquiry process
B. It is a set of stages and procedures D. It is a formal process of problem solving

5. Which is disadvantage to inquiry – based learning?

A. Improves student learning abilities. C. Facilitates problem – solving acts.
B. Widens learner’s vocabulary. D. Encourages lower order thinking strategies.

6. Which is the purpose of Research?

A. Influence strongly of a single textbook C. Have an in – depth knowledge of something
B. Dominates professor’s lone viewpoint D. encourages spoon feeding of ideas

7. These stresses the essence of provocation and scaffolding in learning it is also known as Zone of
Proximal Development. Who is the founder of this educational theory?
A. Jerome Bruner B. John Dewey C. Lev Vygotsky D. None of them

8. The old saying, “Give me a fish and I eat today. Teach me how to fish and I will eat for a lifetime”.
This quotation refers to:
A. Motivation and hard work C. Engage personally in doing something
B. Need to learn application skills D. All of these statements are correct

9. Research is important in providing a solid foundation for the following except:

A. Promotion and tenure C. Discovery and creation of knowledge
B. Retesting and reconfirmation of knowledge D. Advance a discipline/field

10. New investors in medicine have led to the advent of drugs that not only treat but prevent diseases
from recurring. This significant data of research is based on:
A. To make changes C. To improve standard of living
B. For a safer life D. To know the truth

11. What do you call the characteristic of research wherein it must give correct or accurate data and
the information should honestly and appropriately documented or acknowledged?
A. Accuracy B. Objectiveness C. Clarity D. Relevance
12. It is a characteristic of research wherein it describes that research must deal with facts and not
with mere opinions. What is it?
A. Accuracy B. Objectiveness C. Clarity D. Relevance
13. What do you call the characteristic of research wherein it must be instrumental in improving
society or in solving problems affecting the lives of people in a community?
A. Systematic B. Timeliness C. Objectiveness D. Relevance

14. It must succeed in expressing its central point or discoveries by using simple, direct, concise, and
correct language.
A. Accuracy B. Relevance C. Clarity D. Objectiveness

15. Which of the following research purposes is incorrect?

A. It elevates your mental abilities by letting you think in higher-order thinking
strategies (HOTS) of inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, appreciating,
applying, and creating
B. It improves your reading and writing skills
C. learn how to work scientifically or systematically
D. Researchers learn how to work dependently

16. If it deals with concepts, principles, or abstract things. This type of research aims to increase your
knowledge about something?
A. Naturalistic B. Scientific C. Applied D. Pure

17. Research follows orderly and sequential procedures, based on valid procedures and principles,
provided and or prescribed by the school. This characteristic of research is known as:
A. Empirical B. Hypothesis C. Objective D. Systematic

18. The most common way in defining Ethics is?

A. It is a method, procedure or perspective for deciding how to act and for analyzing complex
problems and issues.
B. It is a norm for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
C. It is an involvement of application of fundamental principles to a variety of topics involving
D. It is a different throughout the various types of educational community.

19. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the purpose of research?
1. Have an in-depth knowledge of something
2. Increases social awareness and cultural knowledge
3. Elevate your mental abilities by letting you think in higher-order thinking strategies (HOTS) of
inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, appreciating, applying, and creating
4. Encourages cooperative learning
5. Familiarize with the basic tools of research and the various techniques of gathering data and of
presenting research findings
A. 1-2-3 B. 3-4-5 C. 1-3-5 D. 2-3-4

20. What is the approach to be used when you are free to gather and analysis data using multiple
methods, allowing you to combine research approaches?
A. Naturalistic B. Positive C. Scientific D. Triangulation

21. Similarities of quantitative and qualitative research are the following except:
A. Empirical research is aimed at creating new knowledge.
B. Research creates knowledge by observing phenomena.
C. All the entities of interest like attitudes, motives and learning can be inferred from observing what
people do or say in a given setting.
D. All researchers are concerned about the universality of ideas or expressing an idea in a specific
statement; that is, they are desire to find meaning for the research results beyond a particular study.

22. What research approach will you discover and measure information as well as observe and
control variables in an impersonal manner?
A. Scientific B. Naturalistic C. Triangulation D. Analysis

23, What research where the focus of inquiry is on knowledge and principles of being and on the
manner, beings conduct themselves on earth?
A. Historical B. Philosophical C. Literature D. Arts
24. Researchers use well-chosen language and appropriate organizational pattern, depend greatly on
their interpretative and reflective thinking in evaluating the object of their study critically.
A. Historical B. Content and Discourse C. Literature and arts Criticism D. Philosophical

25. Research helps in providing designs which are creatively beautiful, and the same time give more
convenience. In what field of knowledge does research be helpful based on the first statement?
A. Accounting, Business and Management C. Humanities and Social Sciences
B. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics D. None of these

26. It is the study of a particular cultural group to get a clear understanding of its organizational
set-up, internal operation, and lifestyle?
A. Case study B. Grounded theory C. Ethnography D. Phenomenology

27. Which differentiates economic, social and environmental researches?

I. It refers to matters concerning the environment, and which may lead to improved techniques
to ensure sustainable food production.
II. It leads to an increased knowledge of people and their interactions with one another, which
could be relevant to policy makers.
III. It focuses on improved techniques to ensure sustainable food production.
IV. It leads to increased understanding of cultural values or social approaches.
V. It contributes to a better understanding of the causes of medical conditions.

28. What does specificity to generalization mean?

A. Involves all variables, factors or conditions
B. Collects data in a natural setting
C. Thinking of a particular concept that will eventually lead you to more complex ideas
D. Examine the data yielded by the natural traits of the subject individuals

29. In this research, the human experience takes its meaning from social, historical, political and
cultural influences. This other characteristic of qualitative research is classified in?
A. Multiple research approaches and methods C. Human understanding and interpretation
B. Contextualization D. Internal analysis

30. What characteristic of a qualitative research will you inclined and discover your qualitative
research as your study gradually unfolds or reveals itself in accordance with your objectives?
A. Human understanding and interpretation C. Contextualization
B. Active, powerful, and forceful D. Internal analysis

31. Data gathering through interviews or library reading, as well as the presentation of data analysis
results, is done verbally. In some cases, it resorts to quoting some respondents’ answers. Likewise,
presenting people’s world views through visual presentation are significantly used in a qualitative
A. Diversified data in real – life situation C. Internal analysis
B. Multiple research approaches and methods D. Abound with words and visuals

32. This research is more often associated with hard science?

A. Qualitative B. Applied C. Scientific D. Action

33. What research studies on ongoing practices for the purpose of determining results that will bring
improvements in the system?
A. Action Research B. Descriptive C. Correlational D. Exploratory

34. What research is concerned in indicating the existence of a relationship, not the causes and ways
of the development?
A. Descriptive B. Correlational C. Explanatory D. Exploratory

35. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the importance of quantitative research?
I. It helps us understand and assess the things and occurrences around us.
II. It provides us with rationale and justifications for our decisions and actions.
III. It gives us the opportunity to discover various means of identifying problems, to find new
ways of dealing with life’s challenges and to come up with innovative material.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III

36. It is a type of research according to the purpose which elaborates or explains not just reasons
behind the relationship of two factors, but also the ways by which such relationship exists. What do
you call this type?
A. Action B. Descriptive C. Correlational D. Explanatory

37. This type of research refers to the investigation of a culture through an in-depth study of the
members of the culture; it involves the systematic collection, description and analysis of data for
development of theories of cultural behavior.
A. Descriptive B. Phenomenology C. Historical D. Ethnography

38. This type of research provides an accurate portrayal of a class or a particular individual situation
or group. It is also known as statistical research.
A. Descriptive B. Applied C. Basic D. Correlational

39. This type of research involves analysis of events that occurred in the remote or recent past. It can
show patterns that occurred in the past and over time which can help to see where we came from and
what kind of solutions we have used in the past.
A. Basic B. Phenomenology C. Historical D. Ethnohistory

40. Which type of research, also referred as fundamental or pure research, is driven by scientist’s
curiosity or interest in a specific question. The main motivation is to extend man’s knowledge, not to
create or invent things. This research is designed to add to an organized body of scientific knowledge
and does not necessarily to produce results of practical value.
A. Descriptive B. Applied C. Basic D. Correlational

41. In a Practical Research Class, one student asks the subject teacher with 2 questions: “How did you
feel about the K to 12 Curriculum” and “What instructional strategies do you prefer for your
students?” The teacher will think that these questions involved what kind of research?
A. Experimental B. Exploratory C. Historical D. Action

42. Why should controversial topics be avoided?

A. It decrease the readers interest and curiosity
B. They are so limited or specific
C. It require advance study and technical knowledge
D. They depend greatly on writer’s opinion which may tend to be prejudicial

43. What may cause your interest in a topic?

A. It is related to the present C. Links with course requirement
B. Has rich background knowledge and novelty D. Evidence to support your claims

44. What will you assess before sticking fully to your final choice of topic?
1. financial standing 3. health condition
2. mental capacity 4. Time allotment
A. 1-2-3 B. 2-3-4 C. 4-1-3 D. All of them

45. When is your topic relevant?

A. It is instrumental in societal improvement C. Has full motivation and enthusiasm
B. Determined to unravel the mystery behind it. D. Has real interest and energy

46. Which can help you generate ideas about a good research topic?
1. mass media 4. work experience
2. periodicals 5. methodologies
3. previous reading assignments 6. Journals
A. 1-2-3-4 B. 3-4-5-6 C. 2-3-4-5 D. 1-2-5-6

47. “Some Excessively Priced Imported Rice” How will you classify this research topic?
A. Controversial B. Highly technical C. Too many subjects D. Vague subjects

48. Which is hard – to – investigate subject?

A. Food Serving Techniques B. World War II C. Spaceship Robots D. Russian Spacelab

49. Which among the following statements is not true for a good research topic?
A. Your interest in a topic may be caused by your rich background knowledge about it and by its
B. Collecting a lot of information as evidence to support your claims about your subject matter from
varied forms of literature like books, journals, and newspapers, among others, is a part and parcel of
any research work
C. Researching on topics that require an advanced study, technical knowledge, and vast experience is
a very difficult task.
D. The topic is relevant if it yields results that are instrumental in societal improvement. It is timely if
it is related to the present.

50. How will you consider your personal resources in making a research title?
A. To make you complete the requirements, your teacher instructs you to submit a paper that will
apply the key principles you learned in different field of knowledge.
B. Topics that depend greatly on the writer’s opinion, which may tend to be biased or prejudicial.
Facts cannot support topics like these.
C. Assess your research abilities in terms of your financial standing, health condition, mental
capacity, needed facilities, and time allotment to enable you to complete your research
D. In choosing a research topic, visit your library to check the availability of reading materials on
your chosen topic

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