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What is Corporate Communication

• Corporate communication is an essential aspect of communication, which needs to be

studied and put to use in all the corporate organization for greater efficiency at work.
• Corporate communication collectively refers to the communication processes that are
meant for corporate or business purposes.
• Corporate communication is an essential aspect of an organization and one that can
determine the success of a business.
• Corporate communication serves as the liaison between an organization and its
• Corporate Communication shows the managers and the executives how to
communicate effectively with the fellow employees from a mailroom to boardroom,
and also between the organizations and across the industries.
• For a business to run efficiently, good lines of communication must be established
between management and staff, from top to bottom, as well as suppliers, investors and
even customers.

Corporate Communication is the communication issued by a corporate / organization /

body / institute to all its public(s). "Publics" here can be both internal (employees,
stakeholders, i.e. share and stock holders) and external (agencies, channel partners, media,
government, industry bodies and institutes, educational institutes and general public).

According to the book Essentials of Corporate Communication by Cees van Riel and Charles
Fombrun the term Corporate Communication can be defined as the set of activities involved
in managing and orchestrating all internal and external communications aimed at creating
favorable starting points with stakeholders on which the company depends. Corporate
communication consists of the dissemination of information by a variety of specialists and
generalists in an organization, with the common goal of enhancing the organization's ability
to retain its license to operate.

Mediums of communication

There are various mediums of communication which are as follows:

1. Face to Face communication: Communication which is done directly with the other
person i.e. direct communication. The sender and receiver of information can
communicate in a timely manner. The receiver may disagree, ask a question, or repeat
information. The sender and receiver can engage in a dialogue about the message. In
face-to-face communication, there is an opportunity for feedback.

2. Telephone

3. Written Communication: Communications done through emails, letters, etc.

Face to Face communication is considered to be the most effective and strong medium in
the corporate world. As wonderful as electronics devices are, they can never fully replace
the intimacy and immediacy of people conversing in the same room.

Thousands of experts say that the best communication occurs when a speaker and the
listener are in the same room. For the best interaction, therefore, it is often helpful to back
to the basics and get face-to-face.

Key tasks of corporate communication

The responsibilities of corporate communication are:

• to flesh out the profile of the "company behind the brand" (corporate branding);
• to develop initiatives that minimize discrepancies between the company's desired
identity and brand features;
• to indicate who should perform which tasks in the field of communication;
• to formulate and execute effective procedures in order to facilitate decision making
about matters concerning communication;
• to mobilize internal and external support behind corporate objectives.
• to co ordinate with international business firms

Structure of corporate communication

1. Management Communication: It refers to the strategic level of corporate

communication, coordinated by management to ensure that all employees
shared the vision of the company goal. Managers need to establish a shared
vision and trust Within the organization.

Functions Included:

 Planning

 Organizing

 Controlling

2. Marketing Communication: The role of marketing communication is “to

support sales of products, services, and brands”.

Functions Included:

 Product Advertising

 Personal Selling
 Direct Mail

 Sponsorship Activities

3. Organization Communication: It has long–term perspective to reputation

building of the organization.
Functions Included:
 Public Relations
 Public Affair
 Investor Relations
 Employee Communications
 Environmental Communication

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