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TYPE Academic Writing
TOPIC Analyzing moral issue related to Ethics and Professional in IT using Ethical Theories.
LEARNING Students are able to:
OUTCOME Analysis the moral issue regarding ethics and professional in IT using
workable ethical theory
Provide the optimal solution for identified IT moral issues
Present the finding of the analysis made.
Demonstrate Ethics in managing task
Develop written communication skills
TASK  Identify moral issue regarding ethics and professional in IT
- Each group identify 3 moral issues regarding ethics and professional in IT
- The issue must be real issue (year 2015 >), supported by articles/news.
- Summary the issue for 1st consultation (Week 4 – 5, please set your
appointment, the purpose of 1st consultation is to finalize your moral
issue for further analysis)
 Writing Report (please refer the guideline)
- Plan your writing based on guideline
- For the analysis : use 3-4 workable ethical theory ( 1 theory for each
member) (for group with 5 members, we will discuss the assignment of
the theory)
- For solution : 3-5 solution (1 solution for each member)
- Present your report writing 1st draft in 2nd consultation (Week 8 – 9),
please set your appointment)
- Completed report must be submitted via Smartv3 in week 12.
 Peer Evaluation
- Complete the peer evaluation form and submit it via smartv3 in week 13
- Mark will be deducted if you late, with unaccepted reason (-1.5%) and do
not submitted (3%) the peer evaluation.
Format (Please refer to guideline provided)
 No need for cover page, Write your name, matric and title at the top of front page
 Font size: 11, face: Arial/Tahoma/Calibri
 Alignment: Justify, Spacing : single
 Page number at the bottom page
 3-6 pages include references
 3-5 references ( citation using APA style)
 Doc format = PDF
IMPORTANT  Due Date for submission both Peer Evaluation and Report before:
Week 12 (Friday before 11.00pm)

EVALUATION Assessment Division:

 Report (40 marks = 10%) ( Written Communication Rubric :CLO2)
- Format and Writing Organization : 5 marks
- Abstract : 5 marks
- Introduction : 5 marks
- Analysis (individual) : 5 marks (Individual)
- Discussion : 5 marks
- Solution (Individual) : 5 marks (Individual)
- Conclusion : 5 marks
- References : 5 marks

 Value, Ethics & Professionalism (25 marks = 10%) (CLO3)

- Peer Evaluation : 20 Marks
- Lecture Evaluation during consultation : 15 Marks

Total Marks : Report (10%) + Value, Ethics & Professionalism (10%) = 20%
REGULATION  Submission after due date without strong justification: minus 1% per day.



Attribute Very Weak Week Fair Good Very Good

(1 mark) (2 marks) (3 marks) (4 marks) (5)
Clearly written Not able to Able to write Able to write Able to write Able to write
(CW) write the ideas ideas and ideas and ideas and ideas and
and follow the follow the follow the follow the follow the
requirement requirement requirement requirement requirement
clearly with limited with limited clearly with excellent
clarity and clarity and clarity
required required minor
further improvements
Systematically Not able to Able to write Able to write Able to write Excellent able
written (SW) write the ideas ideas based on ideas based on the ideas based to write the
based on the the the on the ideas based on
requirement requirement requirement requirement the
systematically with limited systematically systematically requirement
system and but required systematically
required further
further improvements

Guideline for marking report:

Format and writing organization : CW

Abstract : SW
Introduction : CW
Analysis : CW
Discussion : SW
Solution : CW
Conclusion : SW
References : SW
A. Peer Evaluation  Ethics and Professionalism

Attribute Very Weak Week Fair Good Very Good

(1 mark) (2 marks) (3 marks) (4 marks) (5)
Work Does not Perform Perform Perform Perform
Responsibility perform assigned assigned assigned tasks assigned
(WR) assigned tasks within tasks within by within by the tasks beyond
tasks within by the scope the scope of work the
by the scope of work with scope of work and exceeds scope of work
of work close close and expectation and
monitoring by monitoring by meets beyond
members members expectation expectation
Work Relation Has a Has a less Has a Has a good Has a well
(WL) disharmonious harmonious satisfactory relationship acknowledged
relationship relationship relationship with relationship
with with with co-workers and with
co-workers and co-workers and co-workers and within, co-workers and
within, within, within, institution, within,
institution, institution, institution, work institution,
work work work groups and work
groups and groups and groups and community groups and
community community community when community
when when when at work when
at work at work at work at work
Work Ethics Practice Practice less Practice good Practice good Always practice
(WE) inappropriate appropriate working culture working culture excellent
working culture working culture such as good such as good working culture
such as bad such as moral, moral, such as good
behaviour, no inconsistent timeliness as timeliness as moral,
punctuality as behaviour, less well as being well as being timeliness as
well as not punctuality as efficient, efficient, well as being
being well as being productive and productive and efficient,
efficient, less efficient, ethical at work ethical at work productive and
productive and productive and in in ethical at work
ethical at work ethical at work general most situations in
in in all situations
all situations many situations
Integrity (WI) Perform a task Perform a task Perform a task Perform a task Always perform
with lack of with limited with acceptable with trust, a task with
trust, trust, trust, honesty, honesty, trust,
honesty, honesty, sincerity and sincerity and honesty,
sincerity and sincerity and transparency transparent in sincerity and
transparency transparency most situations transparent in
any situation
B. Group Participation (Lecturer Observation )  Value

Attribute Very Weak Week Fair Good Very Good

(1 mark) (2 marks) (3 marks) (4 marks) (5)
Moral (M) Does not Practice good Practice good Practice good Always practice
practice good values or values and values and good values
values or does behave behave behave and
not behave decently only in decently decently behave
decently in any some situation in many in most decently
situation as it situations situations in any situation
should be
Proactive (P) Not able to Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Always
demonstrate limited positive and positive and demonstrate
active attitude active attitude active attitude active attitude positive and
in all situations in in in active attitude
many many situations most situations in
situations. all situations
if it is critical
Volunteerism Demonstrate Demonstrate Agree to offer Offer him / Offer
(V) no interest to less interest to him/herself herself him/herself
offer offer when voluntarily to voluntarily to
him/herself him/herself offered to perform a perform certain
when offered when offered perform certain task task
to perform a to perform a a certain task and
certain task certain task demonstrate
ability to lead a
COURSE IE32403: ETHICS IN IT SEM 2: 2020/2021
Name & Matrix
Marking Scheme Please refer to Peer Evaluation Rubric

No Friend’s Name WR WL WE WI TOTAL Comments

5 5 5 5 (20)

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