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BACKGROUND: Formal engineering professional organizations in Uganda, Tanzania and

Kenya sub-region started in 1945 as the East African Association of Engineers and subsequently
the East African Institution of Engineers (EAIE) which became unworkable in the seventies with
the then political turmoil in the region. In 1972 the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers
(UIPE) was born and has had the mantle of steering the engineering profession in Uganda ever
since. This engineering body has strived for better and improved engineering practices.
Objectives and Purposes
The objectives and purposes for which the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers as
constituted are to promote the general advancement of the science and practice of engineering
and its applicants, and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas on those subjects
amongst the members of the Institution and otherwise and for that purpose: -
i) To hold meetings of the Institution for reading and discussing communications bearing to or
the application thereof or upon subjects relating thereto.
ii) To co-operate with universities, other educational institutions and Public Educational
Authorities for the furtherance of education and training in engineering science and practice.
iii) To initiate research programmes and to co-operate with Government, private research
institutions and private individuals in promoting research into Engineering Science and
iv) To print publications, sell, lend or distribute the proceedings or reports of the Institution or
any papers, communications, works or treaties on Engineering or its applications or subjects
connected therewith.
v) To do all other things, which the Council of the Institution may think proper, including
advising Government, Public Bodies and other organizations or individuals on matters
concerning Engineering.
vi) To do other things incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objectives or any of
vii) To ensure that proper health and safety measures are taken into consideration in the practice
of engineering.
viii) To ensure, as a qualifying body for those seeking registration under ERB.
The Engineers Registration Board (ERB) is established under the Engineers Registration Act,
Cap 271, as a statutory body with a mission to regulate and control engineers and their
profession in Uganda and to continuously look into and improve on policies affecting the
engineering profession and advise Government accordingly.
The functions of the Board shall be to regulate and control engineers and their activities within
Uganda, and to advise the Government in relation thereto.
a) Regulate and administer the practice of engineers.
b) Keep a register of engineers entitled to practice the engineering profession in Uganda.
c) Design suitable training programmes for students in engineering and set examinations for
qualifying standards.
d) Set ethical standards of practice and disciplinary procedures so as to keep required standards
of engineering.
A Registered Engineer is a person who has had at least 4 years of postgraduate engineering
experience and is a Corporate Member of the Institution.


The minimum requirements for a national to register with the Board as an engineer are:
(i) A Degree, Diploma or Licence of a University or School of Engineering recognized, for
the time being, by the Board as furnishing a sufficient guarantee of adequate academic
knowledge in engineering;
(ii) At least 2 years training as a pupil engineer after graduation, under the supervision of a
Registered Engineer;
(iii) A further 2 years working experience in a position or positions of some responsibility,
again under the supervision of a Registered Engineer;
(iv) Corporate membership of the Uganda institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE);
(v) The applicant must have attained the age of 25 years;
(vi) Submission of acceptable application form, career report and technical report.
An applicant will submit a full application for registration consisting of the following: Form
ERA 1, a Career Report, and a Technical Report.
(i) Form ERA 1 should be duly completed in all the sections, with attached copies of
certificates, signatures of engineers under whom you trained, and membership of
institutions as required under the relevant sections of the form;
(ii) A Career Report should give a chronology of one’s professional career, precisely
showing the positions occupied, degree of responsibility assigned, the engineer under
whom you trained, and should detail the tasks undertaken indicating their size and value,
lessons learnt and the challenges met;
(iii) A technical Report should be on a specific project that clearly brings out one’s role,
responsibility and contribution in the exercise of independent engineering and
professional judgment and best demonstrates one’s competence as an engineer. The
report should indicate the tasks he/she was employed on, problems encountered and how
such problems were identified, analysed and dealt with throughout preliminaries, design,
documentation, construction/installation, operation, and maintenance, research and/or
teaching periods.

An indication of the size and cost of the works should be given. The report should include,
where applicable;

 Design calculations relating to one or more of the candidates own submitted

drawings, certified by the supervising engineer.
 Relevant working drawings, certified by the supervising engineer.
 The Bills of quantities.
 For applicants who, at the time of making the application for registration, are
involved in engineering education and/or research work, such applications must
submit evidence of the research carried out as additional information.


Temporary Registration?
The provision for Temporary Registration is for a person who is not ordinarily resident in
Uganda but intends to be in Uganda in the capacity of a professionally qualified engineer only
for the express purpose of carrying out specific work or works for which he/she has been
engaged. Therefore, a letter from the employer naming him/her and specifying his/her position
will be required.

A person applying for temporary registration is required to demonstrate that he is, or
immediately prior to entering Uganda was, in practice as an engineer in such a capacity as to
satisfy the Board of his fitness to serve the public as a professionally qualified engineer.
Therefore a practicing licence from his home country or immediate past country of work is

Obligation to Register
It is an obligation under the law for any professional engineer coming to work in Uganda to
register within four months of his arrival. In accordance with the ERA, Cap 271, section 21 (6),
it is also obligatory for any firm or organization, private or public, which recruits such a
professional in Uganda to ensure that such engineer registers within the stipulated time period.
Therefore a fully duly filled application form must be lodged with the ERB and payment of
application fees.

Period covered by Temporary Registration

The Board registers an applicant for temporary registration for a period of one year or for the
duration of any specific work or works of engagement. In case of the latter, registration ceases on
termination of the work or works. The employer may have to prove that no competent personnel
could be found within Uganda.

In addition to the general requirement the applicants in the categories below have to follow the
requirements as set out below:


A Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) exits between the East African states of Uganda,
Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. The purpose of the MRA is to strengthen the cooperation amongst
East African Competent Authorities to fast track regional integration of professionals in East
An engineer registered in the MRA countries, shall be entitled, on making an application to the
Board in the prescribed manner and on payment to the Board of the prescribed fee, to be
registered and to have his or her name entered in the register if that person meets the following
a) Submits a recommendation letter from the Engineers Registration Board (Competent
Authority) of his country of registration
b) Submits copies of Registration Certificate, Practicing Certificate, relevant academic and
professional qualifications.

How to apply:
The procedure of application is as follows;
(i) Obtain and fill form ERA 2.
(ii) Attach an up to date career report.
(iii) Attach an original passport size photograph on each form.
(iv) Attach an appointment letter for specific work or works for which you are engaged plus the
role and responsibilities for the assignment.
(v) Attach a letter from the employer to support the above.
(vi) Attach evidence of membership to other engineering institutions.
(vii) Attach certified copies of certificates and transcripts.
(viii) Ensure that the sponsors endorse and stamp the form ERA 2.
(ix) Attach a copy of the passport.
(x) Temporary work permit where applicable


The following procedure shall apply for non MRA engineers originating from the British
Common Wealth countries: A foreign person shall be entitled to be registered and to have his or
her name entered in the register if that person meets the following conditions:
a) Submits a copy of his/her passport.
b) Possesses the necessary qualifications recognized for the practice of engineering as a
registered or professional engineer in the country where he/she normally practices and that
immediately before entering Uganda he or she was practicing as a registered (or professional)
c) Holds a valid practicing licence.
d) Submits copies of relevant certified academic and professional qualifications.
e) Submits a confirmation letter from his Country’s registration body.

How to apply:
The procedure of application is as follows;
(i) Obtain and fill form ERA 2.
(ii) Attach an up to date career report.
(iii) Attach an original passport size photograph on each form.
(iv) Attach an appointment letter for specific work or works for which you are engaged plus the
role and responsibilities for the assignment.
(v) Attach a letter from the employer to support the above.
(vi) Attach evidence of membership to other engineering institutions.
(vii) Attach certified copies of certificates and transcripts.
(viii) Ensure that the sponsors endorse and stamp the form ERA 2.
(ix) Attach a copy of the passport.
(x) Temporary work permit where applicable.


An applicant will submit a full application for registration consisting of the following: Form
ERA 1, a Career Report.
(i) The applicant should have practiced engineering for at least 5 years from date of
graduation as required in section 2(i) above.
(ii) Form ERA 1 should be duly completed in all the sections, with attached copies of
certified certificates, signatures of engineers under whom you trained, and membership of
institutions as required under the relevant sections of the form;
(iii) A detailed Career Report should give a chronology of one’s professional career precisely
showing the positions occupied, degree of responsibility assigned, the engineer under
whom you trained, and should detail the tasks undertaken indicating their size and value
of services/works, cross-cutting issues (gender, environmental and social), lessons learnt
and the challenges encountered in each assignment.

How to apply:
The procedure of application is as follows;
(i) Obtain and fill form ERA 2.
(ii) Attach an up to date detailed career report.
(iii) Attach an original passport size photograph on each form
(iv) Attach an appointment letter for specific work or works for which you are engaged plus
the role and responsibilities for the assignment.
(v) Attach a letter from the employer to support the above
(vi) Attach evidence of membership to other engineering institutions.
(vii) Attach certified copies of certificates and transcripts.
(viii) Ensure that the sponsors endorse and stamp the form ERA 2.
(ix) Attach a copy of the passport

All documents which are not originally prepared in English shall be accompanied by a certified
translation into the English language.
(i) Translation should be done by a recognized institution like Makerere University; and
(ii) Certification of academic documents, practicing licences and certificates should be done by
the embassy.

Laws of Uganda, The Engineers Registration Act ,1969, The Uganda Printing and Publishing
Company, Entebbe, Uganda.

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