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Meggitt Avionics Proprietary Information Number: Data Sheet 124

Issue: 10
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Document Modification Number (where applicable)

Issue Brief Record of Change and Reason for Change
1 24.11.10 Data sheet re-drafted from issue H to meet current
requirements of Meggitt Avionics.
2 01.07.11 RFC 112371 Document restructured with the following
Sect 2.2.1 (p10) BS added to spec refs
Table 2.2.1-1 BS EN 10088-3 was EN 10088-3
Table 2.2.2-1 BS EN 10088-3 was EN 10088-3
Sect 2.5 to 2.8 moved to Sect 3 to 3.4
New Section 2.5 & 2.6 added
Sect 3 Processes & Process Specs moved, to new Sect 4
Sect 4.2 Alternate Process Listings added
Sect 5 Fixing Systems added
Sect 6 PCB & Processes added
Contents sheet 3-4 updated accordingly.
3 17.01.12 RFC112982
Section 3.2 Recompiled
Table 3.2 Added
Section 3.6 Added
4 22.03.12 RFC113268
Materials Section:
Update aluminium Tables 2-1 and 2-2 with new specs.
Add new table for aluminium tube.
Update stainless steel Table 2-4 with new specs.
Add new tables for Carbon Steel, Spring Steel and
Miscellaneous Steel.
Update Copper/Brass/Phosphor Bronze table 2-6 with new
Add new table for Copper, Beryllium Copper, Brass and
Phosphor Bronze Strip/Sheet
Add new sub section 2.7 – Tungsten Alloys
Update Finish (Anodise) table 3-1 with new spec.
5 29.10.15 RFC200154 – Addition of MOD [DSTAN] Definitions. Sect
3.2.2 Addition of Anodised Finish table. Sect 4.1 Update to
process specifications list PS0356 and SIAe34 removed.
6 14.06.16 RFC200541 – Update Table 6-1 to cover CSMU build
document and processes cross references.
7 11.08.16 RFC200683 & RFC200617 – Update to specifications in
table 2-10 and sect 3.2.3
8 17.02.17 RFC200951 – Addition of Section 3.3.2 ‘Steels (Non-

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Document Modification Number (where applicable)

Issue Brief Record of Change and Reason for Change

9 10.08.17 RFC201498 – Addition of Sect 2.7 Monel and added Table

2-13 Approved Nickel Alloy - Alternative Materials Listing

10 09.01.18 RFC201627 – Page 21 para 3.2.2 Class 1 & 2 Anodising

added; Page 23 para 3.3.2 clarification to use BS EN ISO
2081 Fe//Zn’X’//C standard; Page 26 para delete
line 1. Replace use of Touch-N-Prep with Surtec 650; Page
23 para 3.3.1 Clarification to use AMS2700 as standard

NOTE: All alterations must be verified by re-authorisation and approval of the

complete document.

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1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Definitions .................................................................................................... 8
1.2 MOD[STAN] Definitions ............................................................................... 8

2 MATERIALS ........................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys .............................................................. 9
2.1.1 General .............................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 Bars and Extruded Sections of Aluminium ......................................... 9
2.1.3 Temper Types .................................................................................... 9
2.1.4 Alternative Material Listings ............................................................. 10
2.2 Stainless Steels ......................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 General ............................................................................................ 12
2.2.2 Alternative Material Listings ............................................................. 13
2.3 Copper, Beryllium Copper, Brass & Phosphor Bronze .......................... 15
2.3.1 General ............................................................................................ 15
2.3.2 Alternative Material Listings ............................................................. 15
2.4 Titanium ...................................................................................................... 17
2.4.1 General ............................................................................................ 17
2.4.2 Alternative Material Listings ............................................................. 17
2.5 Non Metallic Materials ............................................................................... 18
2.5.1 Plastics............................................................................................. 18
2.6 Materials with Company References ....................................................... 18
2.7 Tungsten Alloys ......................................................................................... 19
2.7.1 General ............................................................................................ 19
2.8 Monel .......................................................................................................... 19
2.9 General ....................................................................................................... 21
2.10 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys ............................................................ 22
2.10.1 Approved Alternative Finishes / Treatments for Aluminium .............. 22
2.10.2 Anodising ......................................................................................... 23
2.10.3 Chromate Conversion ...................................................................... 24
2.11 Stainless Steels ......................................................................................... 25
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2.11.1 Approved Alternative Finishes / Treatments for Stainless Steel ....... 25

2.11.2 Steels (Non-Stainless) ..................................................................... 25
2.12 Copper and Brass ...................................................................................... 26
2.12.1 Approved Alternative Finishes / Treatments for Copper / Brass. ..... 26
2.13 Painting of Engraved Buttons (Knobs) .................................................... 26
2.14 Part Identification ...................................................................................... 26

3 PROCESSES / PROCESS SPECIFICATIONS .................................................... 27

3.1 General ....................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Alternative Process Listings..................................................................... 28
3.2.1 Abrasive blasting of components to remove process marks from
components ..................................................................................... 28
3.2.2 Application of Chromate Conversion Coatings ................................. 28

4 FIXING SYSTEMS ................................................................................................ 29

4.1 Wire Inserts (Heli-Coil) .............................................................................. 29

5 PCB ASSEMBLY AND PROCESSES .................................................................. 30

5.1 General ....................................................................................................... 30


Table 2-1 Approved Aluminium Bar – Alternative Grades ......................................................... 10

Table 2-2 Approved Aluminium Sheet\Plate – Alternative Grades ............................................ 11
Table 2-3 Approved Aluminium Plate to Aluminium Bar Grades ............................................... 11
Table 2-4 Approved Aluminium Tube - Alternative Grades ....................................................... 12
Table 2-5 Approved Stainless Steel Bar – Alternative Grades .................................................. 13
Table 2-6 Approved Stainless Steel Sheet/Plate – Alternative Grades ..................................... 14
Table 2-7 Approved Mild Steel Bar - Alternative Grades........................................................... 14
Table 2-8 Approved Spring Steel – Alternative Grades ............................................................ 14
Table 2-9 Approved Steel Bar - Alternative Grades .................................................................. 14
Table 2-10 Approved Copper, Brass & Phosphor Bronze – Alternative Grades ........................ 16
Table 2-11 Approved Copper, Beryllium Copper, Brass and Phosphor Bronze Strip/Sheet
Alternative Grades ............................................................................................................ 16
Table 2-12 Approved Titanium – Alternative Grades ................................................................ 17
Table 2-13 Approved Tungsten Alloy – Alternative Grades ...................................................... 19
Table 3-1 Approved Aluminium Chromic/Sulphuric Anodic Coating .......................................... 23
Table 3-2 Approved Aluminium Chromate Conversion Coating ................................................ 24
Table 6-1 Approved Process Specifications ............................................................................. 31

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The purpose of this document is to list materials, finishes or processes as

required to manufacture the range of company products.

The list cross references to equivalent or acceptable materials, finishes

and processes which may be used where applicable.

The listed equivalents / alternatives are suitable for use as a direct

replacement without detriment to quality and design.

There are various reasons for the requirement of equivalents /

alternatives to aid the smooth and efficient day to day manufacture of
components and execution processes:

 Controlling standards quoted on documents being superseded by

intermediate or current standards.
 Using of existing, old obsolescent material stock.
 Rationalisation of material range stock.
 Superior material specification resulting in an improved
manufactured, engineered and quality product.
 Availability.

Deviation to the material, finish used or process followed must strictly be

made in accordance with this list.

Circumstances are never static and therefore Data Sheet 124 will need
revising to meet the continual material, finish or procedural changes.

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The enclosed listings are not exhaustive, therefore any request to provide
additional equivalents / alternatives should be forwarded to Meggitt
Avionics design department with supporting documentation for
consideration and inclusion in this specification.

Standards Status and their meanings:

Current The document is the current one available

Confirmed Standard has been reviewed and confirmed as

being current
Withdrawn Document is no longer current, but has been
Superseded Standard has been replaced by one or more other
Obsolescent Indicating by amendment that the standard is not
recommended for use for new equipment, but
needs to be retained to provide for the servicing of
equipment that is expected to have a long working
life, or due to legislative issues

MOD[STAN] Definitions

EXTANT & These standards may be used in support of new

INTERIM and existing equipment

These standards are no longer required for the

procurement of new equipment but retained for
maintenance purposes in support of existing in-
service equipment

These standards have been superseded or are of

CANCELLED no further service use, also these documents are no
longer available on line

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Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys


Aluminium Alloys for the Aerospace series of British Standards are

prefixed BS Lxxx e.g. BS L168.

These standards may also be prefixed BS 2L168 whereby the 2 indicates

the issue status of the standard.

Where the issue status against standards are listed in the following tables
it will be indicated with an ‘*’.

To reduce the need to continually update documents when the issue

status of standards changes Meggitt Avionics have adopted the practice
of not indicating the issue status against these standards unless specified
for a specific reason.

Therefore the current issue for the standard indicated should be


Bars and Extruded Sections of Aluminium

Aluminium alloy BS L168 has been adopted as the preferred standard for
aluminium alloys as the materials specified within the standard is a very
high mechanical strength alloy and can be used for critical applications
and is the most widely used aluminium bar alloy in the aerospace

It has very good machinability and is thus used for the production of
complex machined parts.

Temper Types

The most common tempers for BS L168 aluminium and adopted by

Meggitt Avionics are:

T6 - Solution heat treated and artificially aged

T6510 - Solution heat treated and stress-relieved by stretching then

artificially aged with no straightening after aging.

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T6511 - Solution heat treated and stress-relieved by stretching then

artificially aged with minor straightening after aging.

Alternative Material Listings

When selecting an alternative material grade from Table 2-1 and Table
2-2 the alternative grade shall always be a higher specification i.e. T6 to
T6510, under no circumstances should a lower grade be used as an
alternative i.e. T6510 to T6.

The R Codes i.e. R2092 are a Meggitt Avionics internal material

reference code.

Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified
1 2 3

BS *L21 BS L168 T6 BS L168 T6510 BS L168 T6511

BS *L34 BS 1470 1200

BS *L44
BS L168 T6 BS L168 T6510 BS L168 T6511
BS *L65 BS L168 T6 BS L168 T6510 BS L168 T6511
BS *L111
BS L168 T6511 --- ---
BS *L111 T6511 BS L168 T6511 --- ---
BS L168
BS L168 T6 BS L168 T6510 BS L168 T6511
BS L168 T6
BS L168 T6510 BS L168 T6511 ---
BS L168 T6510 BS L168 T6511 --- ---

BS L168 T6511 --- --- ---

BS L168 T651X
BS L168 T6510 BS L168 T6511 ---
Table 2-1 Approved Aluminium Bar – Alternative Grades

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Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified 1 2 3
BS EN 2395 AL-
BS L70
P2014A T4 or T42
BE EN 485-1 5251
BS 1470 NS4 H3
BS L156
BS 1470 1200
BS *L16 1200 H14
BS 1470 5251 BS EN 485-2 5251
H27 H32
BS L165 BS L165 T6 --- ---

BS L115 BS L115 T651 --- ---

BS EN485-2 BS EN485-2
BS1470 2014A T4 BS L93 2014
AW-2014 AW-6062
R2007 T4, T6 or T651
T4, T6 or T651 T4, T6 or T651
Table 2-2 Approved Aluminium Sheet\Plate – Alternative Grades

In some circumstances where an Aluminium plate spec and grade is

specified on a drawing it may be appropriate to utilise bar material to
manufacture the component.

Table 2-3 lists the alternative Plate to Bar grades.

Plate Material Alternative Bar Material Grades

Grade Specified 1 2 3

BS L165 BS L168 T6 BS L168 T6510 BS L168 T6511

BS L115 BS L168 T6511 --- ---

Table 2-3 Approved Aluminium Plate to Aluminium Bar Grades

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Plate Material Alternative Bar Material Grades

Grade Specified 1 2 3
BS EN 754-1 5251
BS 1471 5251 0 --- ---
BS EN 754-1 6082
BS 1471 6082 T6 --- ---
Table 2-4 Approved Aluminium Tube - Alternative Grades

Stainless Steels


BS 970 which encompassed Stainless Steel bar grades and BS 1449

which encompassed Stainless Steel sheet and plate grades have been
superseded by European (EN) based standards.

Most of the previous BS grades do not have an exact EN equivalent


In some circumstances one EN grade has replaced more than one BS

grade whilst in other cases more than one EN grade could be considered
in place of a BS grade.

The issue status for BS standards is shown by the year stamp that the
standard was made current i.e. BS EN10088-2:2005

To reduce the need to continually update documents when the issue

status of standards changes Meggitt Avionics have adopted the practice
of not indicating the issue status against these standards unless
specified for a specific reason i.e. BS EN10088-2.

Therefore the current issue for the standard indicated should be


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Alternative Material Listings

When selecting an alternative material grade from Table 2-5 and Table
2-6 the alternative grade shall always be equal to or a higher, under no
circumstances should a lower grade be used as an alternative.

The R Codes i.e. R2092 are a Meggitt Avionics internal material

reference code.

Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified
1 2 3
BS 970: 303S21
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4305 --- ---
BS 970: 303S41
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4305 --- ---
BS 970: 303S31
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4305 --- ---
(R3005 / R3098)
BS 970: 304S11
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4306 --- ---
BS 970: 316S11
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4404 --- ---
(R3067 / R3101)
BS 970: 347S31
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4550 --- ---
BS 970: 410S21
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4006 --- ---
BS970: 416S21
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4005 --- ---
BS*S124D BS EN 10088-3: 1.4005 --- ---

BS 970 316S16 BS EN 10088-3: 1.4305 --- ---

BS 970 316
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4404 --- ---
BS 970 431S29
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4057 --- ---
BS 2056 302S26
BS EN 10088-3: 1.4310 --- ---
BS 970 316S31 BS EN 10088-3: 1.4401 --- ---

KE40A BS EN 10088-3: 1.4005 --- ---

Table 2-5 Approved Stainless Steel Bar – Alternative Grades

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Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified
1 2 3

BS 1449: 303S31 BS EN 10088-2: 1.4305 --- ---

BS 1449: 304S11 BS EN 10088-2: 1.4306 --- ---

BS 1449: 302S25 BS EN 10088-2: 1.4310 --- ---

BS 1449: 304S31 BS EN 10088-2: 1.4301 --- ---

BS 1449: 304S15 BS EN 10088-2: 1.4301 --- ---

BS 1449: 430S17 BS EN 10088-2: 1.4016 --- ---

Table 2-6 Approved Stainless Steel Sheet/Plate – Alternative Grades

Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified
1 2 3

BS 970 EN2 PD970 040A04 --- ---

Table 2-7 Approved Mild Steel Bar - Alternative Grades

Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified
1 2 3

BS CS80 BS EN 10132-4 C85S --- ---

Table 2-8 Approved Spring Steel – Alternative Grades

Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified
1 2 3

MUmetal ASTM A753 MIL-N-14411 ---

Table 2-9 Approved Steel Bar - Alternative Grades

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Copper, Beryllium Copper, Brass & Phosphor Bronze


The British standards for Copper bar grades and Copper sheet / plate
grades have been superseded by European (EN) based standards.

The issue status for BS standards is shown by the year stamp that the
standard was made current i.e. EN13601:2002.

To reduce the need to continually update documents when the issue

status of standards changes Meggitt Avionics have adopted the practice
of not indicating the issue status against these standards unless specified
for a specific reason.

Therefore the current issue for the standard indicated should be


Alternative Material Listings

When selecting an alternative material grade from Table 2-10 the

alternative grade shall always be equal to or a higher, under no
circumstances should a lower grade be used as an alternative.

The R Codes i.e. R2034 are a Meggitt Avionics internal material

reference code.

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Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified
1 2
BS 1432: C101
(Bar) EN 13601: CW004 (Bar) EN 13599: CW004 (Strip)
BS2874: CZ112
EN 12164: CW712R (Bar) ---
(R1020) Brass (Bar)
BS2874: CZ121
EN 12164: CW614N – R430
3PB ---
(R1414) Brass (Bar)
(R1023) Brass (Bar)
BS2874: CZ121
EN 12164: CW609N – R430
4PB ---
(R1413) Brass (Bar)
(R1024) Brass (Bar)
BS2870: CZ120 BS EN 1652 CW608N
BS EN 1652 CuZn38Pb2
HARD (R1004) H165

BS249 Brass Rod BS EN 12164 CW614N

BS 251 BS EN 12164: CW7121R

BS 369 BS EN 1216:4 CW451

Table 2-10 Approved Copper, Brass & Phosphor Bronze – Alternative Grades

Drawing Material Alternative Material Grades

Grade Specified
1 2
BS2870: CZ108 BS EN 1652: CW508L

BS EN 1652: CW608N
BS 2870: CZ120H ---

BS 407 BS EN 1652: CW451 ---

Brush Alloy 25
BE EN 1652: CW101C ASTM B194: C17200
BS 2870 C101-0
BS EN 1652: CW004A
Table 2-11 Approved Copper, Beryllium Copper, Brass and Phosphor Bronze Strip/Sheet
Alternative Grades

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Titanium Alloys for the Aerospace series of British Standards are prefixed
BS TAxxx e.g. BS TA11.

These standards may also be prefixed BS 2TA11 whereby the 2 indicates

the issue status of the standard.

Where the issue status against standards are listed in the following tables
it will be indicated with an ‘*’.

To reduce the need to continually update documents when the issue

status of standards changes Meggitt Avionics have adopted the practice
of not indicating the issue status against these standards unless specified
for a specific reason.

Therefore the current issue for the standard indicated should be


Alternative Material Listings

When selecting an alternative material grade from Table 2-12 the

alternative grade shall always be equal to or a higher, under no
circumstances should a lower grade be used as an alternative.

The R Codes i.e. R2034 are a Meggitt Avionics internal material

reference code.

Note: Ti-6AL-4V is also known as Ti6AL4V, T. 6-4 and grade 5

Drawing Material Grade Alternative Material Grades

Specified 1 2
BS *TA11: 6AL-4V (Bar)
BS TA11: Ti 6AL-4V (Bar) AMS 4928: Ti 6AL-4V (Bar)
(R2034 / R3129)
BS *TA10: 6AL-4V BS TA10: Ti 6AL-4V AMS 4911: Ti 6AL-4V
(Sheet / Plate) (Sheet / plate) (Sheet / Plate)
--- --- ---

Table 2-12 Approved Titanium – Alternative Grades

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Non Metallic Materials


Drawing Material Alternative Materials

Grade Specified 1 2 3
Delrin 150 NC010 Tecaform AD
Acetal Acetal
Homopolymer Homopolymer
See Note 1


1. The approved alternative is only acceptable for use on the following


57-20001 Light Guide

046-102146 Fixing Block
046-106810 Bracket Insulation
085-102145 Fixing Block Assembly

Materials with Company References

Previous material listings used internal company references to produce a

procurement document / specification:

Referenced documents:
P1161: Free machining austenitic stainless steel – rods and bars to
BS970 Grade 303S31.
Replace by: BS EN 10088-3 Grade 1.4305
For additional approved alternatives see Table 2-5 Approved
Stainless Steel Bar – Alternative Grades

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Tungsten Alloys


Mallory 1000 is a brand name material for a tungsten alloy

(Manufactured by Mallory).

To reduce the need to continually update documents when the issue

status of standards changes Meggitt Avionics have adopted the practice
of not indicating the issue status against these standards unless
specified for a specific reason.

Therefore the current issue for the standard indicated should be


R Codes i.e. R2034 are a Meggitt Avionics internal material reference


Drawing Material Alternative Materials

Grade Specified 1 2 3
Mallory 1000 ASTM B777 SAE-AMS-T-21014
(R4014) Class 1 90W-Ni-Cu Class 1 90W-Ni-Cu
Table 2-13 Approved Tungsten Alloy – Alternative Grades


Monel® alloys are nickel-base alloys that contain between 29 and 33

percent copper. Alloy 400 is a solid solution alloy.

To reduce the need to continually update documents when the issue

status of standards changes Meggitt Avionics have adopted the practice
of not indicating the issue status against these standards unless
specified for a specific reason.

Therefore the current issue for the standard indicated should be


R Codes i.e. R2034 are a Meggitt Avionics internal material reference


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Drawing Material Grade Alternative Materials

Specified 1 2 3
Monel 400 (R1081) BS3076 ASTM B 164
Nickel Alloy NA13 Monel 400 10mm
10mm BAR BAR ASTM B 164
Nickel Alloy NA13 0.5 Monel 400 0.5” BAR
BAR (R1081001) ASTM B 164
Nickel Alloy NA13
0.0937 BAR Monel 400 0.937”
Nickel Alloy NA13
40mm BAR Monel 400 40mm
Bar ASTM B 164
Nickel Alloy NA13
50mm BAR Monel 400 50mm
Bar ASTM B 164
Nickel Alloy NA13
16mm BAR Monel 400 16mm
Bar ASTM B 164
Nickel Alloy NA13
16mm BAR Monel 400 16mm
Bar ASTM B 164

Monel Alloy BS 3076 Monel Alloy

(1500632 / 1501208) DRAWN
Table 2-14 Approved Nickel Alloy – Alternative Grades

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The following paragraphs list the approved alternative finishes /

treatments for components.

Legacy drawings and documents may specify both British Standards and
or American QQ Standards.

Where the issue status against standards has previously been listed on
drawings / documents, the following lists will indicate with an ‘*’.

Unless otherwise indicated within the following paragraphs references to

finish / treatment types and classes should remain the same:
i.e. Anodise to MIL-A-8625 Type 1 Class 1.

To reduce the need to continually update documents when the issue

status of standards changes Meggitt Avionics have adopted the practice
of not indicating the issue status against these standards unless specified
for a specific reason.

Therefore the current issue for the standard indicated should be


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Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys

Approved Alternative Finishes / Treatments for Aluminium

Reference should always be made to the drawing or purchase order with

regards to the finish class i.e. whether the item is to have a natural finish
or dyed a specific colour.

Where the issue status against standards are listed in the following tables
it will be indicated with an ‘*’.

To reduce the need to continually update documents when the issue

status of standards changes Meggitt Avionics have adopted the practice
of not indicating the issue status against these standards unless specified
for a specific reason.

Therefore the current issue for the standard indicated should be


The use of chromic anodising is becoming more difficult due to the

hazards involved in the process. Therefore the use of the alternative
sulphuric process may be allowable provided that the parts are not for
use in explosive, propellant or pyrotechnics applications. The supplier
should apply to Meggitt Avionics for a production permit prior to using
sulphuric anodising in place of chromic anodising to ensure the above
conditions are met.

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Anodised Finish specified on Preferred Anodic Treatment

current drawing

DEF STAN 151 Type 1 MIL-A-8625 Type 2

DEF STAN 03-25 MIL-A-8625 Type 2

SAE AMS03-25 MIL-A-8625 Type 2

DEF STAN 151 Type 2 MIL-A-8625 Type 1

DEF STAN 03-24 MIL-A-8625 Type 1

SAE AMS03-24 MIL-A-8625 Type 1

DEF STAN 03-26 MIL-A-8625 Type 3 or BS ISO

10074: 2010

BS5599 MIL-A-8625 Type 3 or BS ISO

10074: 2010

Table 3-1 Approved Aluminium Chromic/Sulphuric Anodic Coating

 The standards details listed are the direct alternatives with regards to
the finish type i.e. Chromic or Sulphuric.

 For DEF STD 151 references

o Type 1 – Sulphuric acid anodising
o Type 2 – Chromic acid anodising

 For MIL-A-8625 references

o Type 1 – Chromic acid anodising
o Type 2 – Sulphuric acid anodising

o Class 1 – Non-Dyed
o Class 2 – Dyed (Colour to be specified)

Example ‘MIL-A-8625 Type 1, Class 2, Tint Black’

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Chromate Conversion

All current issue drawings and process documents which quote the
following standards and phrases for the treatment of aluminium and
aluminium alloys where a chromate passivation corrosion treatment is
specified, such as Alocrom/ Alocrom 1200 / Alochrom / Alochrome/
Alchromate/ Alodine/ Alodine 1200/lridite/DEFSTAN 03-18/SAE AMS03-
18/ MIL-DTL-5541/SI Ae 34 will now comply with the following
specification MIL-DTL-5541 Type II Class lA or Class 3. PS0851 covers
the chromate passivation treatment procedure for MIL-DTL-5541 Type II
Class lA and 3 for internally treated aluminium components.

Drawing Finish Class 3 (Preferred) DEF STAN 1200

Alternative Finish 1
Specified Preferred Finish Alternative Finish 2
MIL-DTL-5541 Type II Alocrom 1200
Iridite to MIL-C-5541* MIL-C-5541 Class 3
Class 3 (Preferred) DEF STAN 1200
MIL-C-5541 Type I MIL-DTL-5541 Type II Alocrom 1200 Alodine 1200 MIL-C-
(Hex, Chromium) Class 3 (Preferred) DEF STAN 1200 5541
Alocrom 1200 DEF MIL-DTL-5541 Type II Alodine 1200 MIL-C-
MIL-C-5541 Class 3
STAN 03-18 Class 3 (Preferred) 5541
Alocrom SI Ae 34 MIL-DTL-5541 Type II Alocrom 1200
MIL-C-5541 Class 3
(Harlow spec) Class 3 (Preferred) DEF STAN 1200
Alodine 1200 MIL-C- MIL-DTL-5541 Type II Alocrom 1200
MIL-C-5541 Class 3
5541 Class 3 (Preferred) DEF STAN 1200
MIL-DTL-5541 Type II Alocrom 1200
MIL-C-5541 Class 3
Class 3 (Preferred) DEF STAN 1200

Table 3-2 Approved Aluminium Chromate Conversion Coating

 DEF STAN 03-18 specifies neither type nor class

o For drawings which quote DEF STAN 03-18 or MIL-C-5541 where
the type and class have been omitted the preferred alternative is
Type II, Class 3. This covers painted surfaces and areas of low
resistance such as bonding area, earth points, paint free
countersunk and counter board holes etc.

 MIL-DTL-5541 references:
o Type II – Compositions containing no Hexavalent chromium
o Class 1A – For maximum protection against corrosion, painted or
o Class 3 – For protection against corrosion where low electrical
resistance is required.

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Stainless Steels

Approved Alternative Finishes / Treatments for Stainless Steel

Where current issue drawings specify various passivation standards

such as QQ-P-35, DEF-STAN, Si Ae, BS etc. all previous passivation
standards quoted on drawing will be superseded by AMS 2700 (see

Note: AMS 2700 classification.

Methods: Method 1 shall be used unless Method 2 is authorized by

the cognizant engineering organization.

Types: Where no type is specified, the processor may use any of

the listed types that meet the requirements of the standard.

Classes: When no class is specified, class 2 shall apply.

Steels (Non-Stainless)

Approved alternative finishes and treatments for steels

Where current issue drawings specify various Zinc Plate and Passivation
standards and their relevant coating thicknesses such as DEF-STAN, Si
Ae, BS & BS EN etc. all previous standards quoted on drawings will be
superseded by BS EN ISO 2081 Fe//Zn’X’//c

Zinc plate and passivate Zinc plate and passivate

BS EN 12329 Fe//ZnX//C BS EN ISO 2081 Fe//ZnX//C

Zn thickness value ‘X’ is defined on the current drawing this value will be
added to treatment request (TR) form which accompanies the parts.

(C Denote passivation colour)

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Fe - Iron/Steels Zn - Zinc Cu - Copper

Code Name Typical Appearance

A Clear Transparent, clear to bluish

Ba Bleached Transparent slight iridescence

C Iridescent Yellow iridescence

D Opaque Olive Green

F Black Black

Copper and Brass

Approved Alternative Finishes / Treatments for Copper / Brass.

Electroless Nickel Plate to Electroless Nickel Plate to

MIL-C-26074* AMS-C-26074
Electroless Nickel Plate to
Electroless Nickel Plate to
MIL-DTL-26074* AMS-C-2607426074

Painting of Engraved Buttons (Knobs)

Where drawings indicate the infill of engraving with a white paint the
following alternative method may be used:

White matt enamel paint (Typically Humbrol 34 model paint).

Part Identification

Where drawings, specifications and idents are marked with a Cage Code
onto the component or packaging and this is of any other than the
Meggitt Avionics K0100 reference they are to be marked with Meggitt
Avionics Cage Code K0100 instead.

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Process specifications are specifications written and controlled by Meggitt


These specifications have been written by Meggitt Avionics to aid the

manufacturing of components and equipment.

The following list indicates the former specs against the latest specs:

Process Spec: WISJ 21009 Installation of ‘Helicoil’ wire thread inserts

(Metric and Unified Series).

Replaced By: PS20015 Installation of ‘Helicoil’ wire thread inserts

(Metric and Unified Series).

Process spec: COP-E-019/74 Procedure for the identification, handling

PS20021 and protection of electrostatic sensitive
PS2004 devices (ESSD).

Replaced By: PS0764 Packaging and handling of electrostatic

sensitive boards and electronic

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Alternative Process Listings

Abrasive blasting of components to remove process marks from


Machines surfaces to be Vac blasted using 100/150 Micron Glass Beads

for 1 to 2 minutes prior to final treatment as specified on the Meggitt
Avionics drawing / manufactured document.

Alternative methods of producing the required finished can be in

accordance with sub-contractors standard procedures.

Application of Chromate Conversion Coatings

Chromate conversion coatings are generally defined in MIL-DTL-5541

with the process available in various proprietary forms. MIL-DTL-5541 Chemical Conversion Coatings of Aluminium and

Aluminium alloys makes reference to the reworking of mechanically
damaged areas.

The damaged areas shall be touched up with MIL-DTL-81706 material

approved on the qualified products list QPL-81706-16 for the applicable
class and method of application.

Approved Materials / Application Methods:

Surtec 650 Chromital Retouche Pen (R7504)

A no rinse chromate conversion coating chemical in a magic marker type

applicator for use on aluminium, steel and galvanized surfaces.

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The following references list proprietary fixing items / systems which

have previously been listed within drawing and documents and have
either been withdrawn, superseded or a suitable alternative can be
utilised to assist manufacture.

Wire Inserts (Heli-Coil)

Various terminologies are used to describe the Wire Insert and are
usually describe as a Heli-Coil which is a trade name reference.

If a listed wire insert is no longer available it may be replaced by an

equivalent wire insert of Size, Shape and Standard i.e. M3, 2D (Length)
and either free running or screw locking.

Where ever possible a tangless wire insert should be fitted and under no
circumstances should a tanged wire insert be fitted when replacing a
tangless insert.

Under no circumstances should the replacement wire insert detract from

the existing design and performance requirements.

Typical systems are Armstrong and KATO-Precision.

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Meggitt Avionics, have over the years, acquired various companies and
absorbed their designs.

This has left Meggitt Avionics with a variety of designs with differing
design and manufacturing standards.

Many of these designs and manufacturing standards call up generic

process specifications for the assembly of the Printed circuit boards.

In addition, many of the older designs now call up obsolete or

superseded specs.

To avoid having to constantly update these drawings, the following table,

Table 6-1 Approved Process Specifications, refers to approved alternate

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Drawing / BOM / Document Specified Item Approved Replacement Documents, Standards and Materials
IS1000: Manufacturing Standard Mechanical. For any application relevant to PCB assembly, refer to the relevant sections of ANSI/IPC-A-610 (latest
Issue) Class 3 requirements.
IS6000: Standards Manual Part 2, Volume 6, General Instructions. PS11000, Manufacture & Inspection Of Critical Parts.

IS2000: Manufacturing Standard Electrical. Printed circuit boards are to be assembled in accordance with Class 3 requirements of IPC/EIA J-STD-001

ED 600: Quality Instructions. (latest issue) and inspected in accordance with Class 3 requirements of ANSI/IPC-A-610 (latest issue).

MIL-STD-454 : Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment. MIL-STD-454 Requirement 5: Specifies Soldering Standard MIL-STD-2000.

Requirement 5: Soldering. PS17001, Presoldering of Gold Plated Leads.

PS17010, Components With Gold Plated Leads Must Have Gold Removed.

ANSI J-STD-001, Requirements For Soldering Electrical & Electronic Assembly.

ANSI J-STD-004/005/006, Requirements For Soldering Fluxes, Pastes & Solder Alloys.

MIL-STD-2000 has been discontinued, Use IPC-A-610 / J-STD-001 as suitable alternatives.

Requirement 9: Workmanship. MIL-STD-454 Requirement 9: Specifies Workmanship Criteria.

All requirement of sections 5 & 9 are covered by the appropriate sections of IPC-A-610 / J-STD-001.

PS20002, Repairs and Modification of PWB and Assemblies.

IPC-7711, Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies.

MIL-E-17555: Electronic and Electrical Equipment Accessories and Manufacture, handle and store in accordance with the latest revision of BS EN/IEC 61340-5-1, 2 and
Provisioned Items (Repair Parts) Packaging Of. IPC-A-610 sections 3.1 thru 3.3.

Para 3.6: Packaging and Marking of Sensitive Electronic items.

Para 3.11.10: Protection and Handling of Sensitive Electronic

MIL-STD-1686 CLASS 1 (IS2004): Electrostatic Discharge Controls.

DOD-STD-1686: Electrostatic Discharge Control Programme.

DOD-HDBK-263: Electrostatic Discharge Controls Handbook.

IS2004: Handling Instructions for Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive Items. PS20021, Electrostatic Handling Process Specification.

Table 6-1 Approved Process Specifications

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Drawing / BOM / Document Specified Item Approved Replacement Documents, Standards and Materials

Apply and cure in accordance with the Manufacturers recommendations and IPC-A-610 section 7.2.2.

PS16001, Adhesive - Eccobond 45 Mixed to a Semi Rigid Formulation

MIL-A-46106: Adhesive-Sealants, Silicone, RTV, General Purpose (For
PS16005, Adhesive Bonding Of Electronic Components
ADHESIVES Electrical and Mechanical Sealing).
PS16011, Adhesive Conductive Johnson Matthey A500
PS16028, Adhesive Scotchgrip 1099
PS23003, Adhesive Bonding Processing And Inspection Requirements
WIS J11101, DOW CORNING Silicone Adhesive/Sealant 732 RTV AND 738 RTV

Loctite 222 MOD grade is no longer available to MIL-S-22473.

Use Loctite 222M, Type II, Grade M Compound supplied and tested to MIL-S-46163A.
MIL-S-22473: Sealing, Locking and Compounds.
(conforms to Meggitt part No P309671).
Store, apply and cure in accordance with the Manufacturers recommendations.
IS4002: A Guide to Adhesives.
PS20028, Lock Screws Using Anaerobic Compound
PS20029, Locking Of Screws, Nuts & Bolts (Anaerobic Adhesive)

PS0577: Requirements for Conformal Coating of Printed Board Assemblies

MIL-I-46058: Insulating Compound Electrical PS16014, Conformal Coating of PWB Assemblies Using Acrylic Resin to MIL-I-46058
PS16021, Application Of Humiseal 1A33 Conformal Coating

PS18011, Protection Of Markings

LABELLING PS20025, Self Adhesive Labels Fitting Instructions
WIS E800700, Marking

(…cont) Table 6-1 Approved Process Specifications

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