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Online Learning FAQ for

Families & Staff

Published January 3, 2022

For language help call (313) 576-0106 or visit the Interpretation and Translation Services page. DPSCD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, religion, height, weight, citizenship, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic
information, or any other legally protected category, in its educational programs and activities, including employment and admissions Questions? Concerns? contact
the Civil Rights Coordinator at (313) 240-4377 or [email protected] or 3011 West Grand Boulevard, 14th Floor, Detroit MI 48202.
Table of Contents
Student & Family FAQ for Online Learning in January..................................................................................................2
Technology for Online Learning .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Grab and Go Meals for Families.......................................................................................................................................... 3
COVID Safety Protocols ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Report Cards & Grades ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Student Programs & Services .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Staff FAQ for Online Learning in January .....................................................................................................................6
Technology for Online Learning .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Staff Reporting Expectations............................................................................................................................................... 7
Student Services and Programming .................................................................................................................................. 10
COVID Safety Protocols ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Payroll ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
School Calendar ................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Published January 3, 2022

Student & Family FAQ for Online Learning in January
When will online learning begin?
Online learning will begin on Thursday, 1/6 following the school’s regular bell schedule. All guidelines for online
instruction issued in December on the Hub apply. While the District will continue using standard grading guidance for
the semester, teachers are encouraged to use discretion with students on late work submissions in light of the transition
to online learning.

When will F2F instruction resume?

The District will monitor infection rates in the city and within the employee and student population, based on LynxDX
testing, and determine a return to face to face instruction. Minimally, staff should prepare to teach online the full week
of January 10th. The latest return to in person learning would be January 31st.

Technology for Online Learning

Who is eligible to get a loaner laptop and/or hotspot?
The eligibility criteria is the same as the December online learning Fridays.
• If your student received a Connected Futures and/or Loaner device during a previous school year and you have
not returned this equipment to the school, please use this device for the online learning days.
• If your child received a hotspot previously and it is currently deactivated, you are eligible to check out a hotspot.
To be eligible to participate, you must sign and return the Loaner Device Agreement to your school.  A printed
copy can be obtained at your child’s school on the deployment dates below.
• If your child received a Connected Futures device last year it is now broken, you are eligible to check out a loaner
laptop. To be eligible to participate, you must signed and return the attached Loaner Device Agreement
(Arabic, English, Spanish) to your school. A printed copy can be obtained at your child’s school on the
deployment dates below.
• If your child received a Loaner device last year it is broken, visit one of the following school locations to have it
assessed for possible repairs. These locations are open on online learning days from 9:00 – 4:00.
o Renaissance High School (6565 Outer Dr W, Detroit, MI 48235)
o Western High School (1500 Scotten Ave, Detroit, MI 48209)
o Fisher Upper Academy (15491 Maddelein St, Detroit, MI 48205)
o Martin Luther King High School (3200 E Lafayette St, Detroit, MI 48207)
• If a previously deployed District loaner has been lost or is damaged beyond repair the family will be responsible
for securing alternate device access for their child. A new device will not be issued.
• If you are new to the District and do not have access to your own computer or the internet, return the Loaner
Device Agreement to your child’s school on one of the deployment dates below.

Do I have to use a District laptop to participate in online learning?

No. If you have a personal device at home, you can access online learning through that device. You can find video
instructions for accessing Clever, the online portal to all learning applications on the District’s website. You will also
find instructions for Teams, where your child will meet with their teacher(s).

When or where can students and families check out loaner laptops and/or hotspots?
Eligible students can pick up loaner laptop at their school.
• Thursday, 1/6: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
• Friday, 1/7: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
• Monday, 1/10: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
• Tuesday, 1/11: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

When are students expected to return devices back to their school?

Students are expected to bring their laptop back on the first day their school resumes face-to-face learning.
Published January 3, 2022
Can students pick up a laptop or hot spot at one of the Hub locations?
No. No devices are available for deployment at the Hub sites. Students must pick up devices at their home schools on
the dates above.

Will in-person Hub sites be available for support and repairs for technology?
On online learning days, Hub services for tech support and repairs at four locations from 9:00 – 4:00 PM:
• Renaissance High School (6565 Outer Dr W, Detroit, MI 48235)
• Western High School (1500 Scotten Ave, Detroit, MI 48209)
• Fisher Upper Academy (15491 Maddelein St, Detroit, MI 48205)
• Martin Luther King High School (3200 E Lafayette St, Detroit, MI 48207)

Though Hub staff will do their best to make repairs to DPSCD laptops, some damage may be beyond repair. A new
laptop will not be issued in these circumstances.

Is remote or telephone tech support available?

Technical support is available by phone at 313-240-4377. You can also access chat-based support online by
visiting and selecting “Technical Support.” Support is available Monday through Friday, 7
a.m. to 6 p.m.

You can find video instructions for accessing Clever, the online portal to all learning applications on the District’s
website. You will also find instructions for Teams, where your child will meet with their teacher(s).

Who can I call for academic help?

In addition to your child’s teacher(s), the Homework Hotline is a free resource available for all DPSCD students as an
additional platform for academic support. Students and families can call in for help with Literacy and/or Math
homework. The Homework Hotline, supported by United Way of Southeast Michigan, is offered during the academic
year on Monday – Thursday, from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m., excluding holidays. To use the hotline, call 1-833-466-3978 during
operating hours and follow the prompts. Download our FAQ's here: Student/Parent FAQ's

Who can I call for mental health support?

The Mental Health Hotline is staffed by School Social Workers, trained in addressing trauma, grief, and resource
determination. School Social Workers will be available to provide online counseling to students and parents. In addition
to online counseling, students and families will be able to receive referrals for additional services. This hotline may be
reached as an option from the Homework Hotline by calling 1-833-466-3978 during operating hours.

Grab and Go Meals for Families

Is the district offering meals for students during the online learning period? Where can those meals be picked up?
Grab and Go meals may be collected from any DPSCD school each Monday and Thursday from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. beginning
the week of January 10, 2022. The Grab and Go program will be offered each week of online instruction, until F2F
learning resumes.

COVID Safety Protocols

COVID Testing
Are students required to participate in weekly saliva testing?
Yes. In an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 and protect students’ learning as fully as possible, the District is
requiring all students attending schools to participate in weekly COVID testing, beginning on January 31st. Students who
do not have a consent form to test on file will need to transfer to the virtual school effective January 31 st.

What is the testing process? Is it safe for students?

Published January 3, 2022

The LynxDX saliva testing protocol is safe and simple for students; thousands of district students of all ages complete the
process at their school each week already. You can see the LynxDX saliva collection protocol on their website.

When in person school resumes, will my child need to present a negative test to return?
No. While testing is recommended, it is not required to return face-to-face.

Will testing be offered during online learning days?

10 Free COVID Testing Sites will operate Monday, January 3rd-Thursday, January 6th from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Friday,
January 7th from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on a first-come, first-serve basis. The testing sites are for district employees, select
contractors, and students only.
• Henry Ford High School
• Breithaupt Career Technical Center
• DCP at Northwestern (enter through the back of the school)
• Mumford High School
• Pershing High School
• Brenda Scott Academy
• Fisher Upper Academy
• Davis Aerospace High School
• Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School
• Western High School
The Renaissance High School drive-through will remain open by appointment this week. Do not visit the drive-through
without an appointment. An appointment can be made via

Beginning Monday, January 10th, each school’s regular weekly testing schedule will resume. Students and staff are
invited, but not required to participate. Contact your child’s school for specific dates and times.

How do I offer consent for testing?

DPSCD students, employees, contractors, and volunteers can register for testing at Registration is
only required one time. Please make sure to provide a cell phone and email address that are regularly available, as the
results will be sent to the phone number and email address provided during registration.

If I do not consent to test by January 31st, what will happen?

If you opt out of testing, your child will be considered for enrollment at the DPSCD Virtual School and they will forfeit
their seat at their current school.

If I know already that I want to enroll in the virtual school instead of consent to testing, what should I do?
Interested students and families need to visit the Virtual School location at 14771 Mansfield St, Detroit, MI 48227 and
complete the necessary enrollment form, learn about the Virtual School learning process, receive instructional materials,
including your laptop device.

You may enroll at the Virtual School for the second semester on the following dates, days, and times:

• Thursday, January 6th through Friday, January 7th – 10am to 3pm

• Monday, January 10th through Friday, January 14th 10am to 3pm
• Saturday, January 15th, 10am to 3pm for enrollment form drop-off only *Note that the Technology Hub is not
open on Saturday—device pick up will need to occur during regular Technology Hub hours M-F*

If you or your child has an IEP or a 504 plan, you should not come to the Virtual School in-person to initiate a transfer.
Instead, send an email containing your student’s first and last name, current DPSCD school and student ID
to [email protected] and request enrollment for second semester. The Virtual School team and Exceptional
Student Education department will conduct a necessary review to determine if a Free and Appropriate Public Education
Published January 3, 2022
(FAPE) can be provided at the Virtual School. After you send your request via email, expect a reply within 5 business
days. If it is determined that FAPE can be provided, the Virtual School team will reach out and coordinate a time when
you can come to the school location to complete the enrollment and orientation process.

Is it correct that center-based students will still not be eligible to attend the virtual school without recommendation
from IEP Team if they do not have consent to COVID Testing?
Students with an IEP must still have an IEP review to determine if FAPE can be offered at the Virtual School.

COVID Vaccination
Where can my child be vaccinated?
The District continues to partner with the Detroit Health Department and other partners to provide access to the COVID-
19 vaccine for anyone age 5 and up. No appointment needed. Families can find the most current information on vaccine
events and clinics on the District’s website at

Report Cards & Grades

Are there any changes to the report card window or grading guidance?
No. Grades and report cards will move forward on the published timelines. All grading policies and procedures will
continue as normal.

Student Programs & Services

Are learning centers available at schools?
No. Schools are not offering learning centers for supervised online learning at this time.

Will credit recovery (after school) continue while we are virtual?


What are the expectations for athletic practices and competitions during the online learning period?
All unvaccinated athletes will continue to participate in weekly testing to participate. Any athlete who does not test
after January 3 will not be permitted to participate. Spectators are expected to follow all COVID protocols.

Will F2F extracurricular activities take place while we are virtual?

If extracurricular programs have staff willing to facilitate them in person, and staff and students follow all COVID
protocols, these activities can move forward. Please check with your school and/or activity sponsor for details on any
specific programs.

Published January 3, 2022

Staff FAQ for Online Learning in January
When will online learning begin?
Online learning will begin on Thursday, 1/6 following the school’s regular bell schedule. All guidelines for online
instruction issued in December on the Hub apply (accessible to DPSCD staff only). The District will continue using
standard grading policies.

When will F2F instruction resume?

The District will monitor infection rates in the city and within the employee and student population, based on LynxDX
testing, and determine a return to face to face instruction. Minimally, staff should prepare to teach online the full week
of January 10th.

Technology for Online Learning

Who is eligible to get a loaner laptop and/or hotspot?
The eligibility criteria is the same as the December online learning Fridays. A detailed table outlining criteria is available
on the Hub (accessible to DPSCD staff only). Students must have a signed loaner laptop agreement on file to participate.

When or where can students and families check out loaner laptops and/or hotspots?
Eligible students can pick up loaner laptop at their school.
• Thursday, 1/6: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
• Friday, 1/7: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
• Monday, 1/10: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
• Tuesday, 1/11: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Who is deploying the loaner laptops and hotspots?

School based administrators will deploy the laptops from their schools, including Principals, Assistant Principals and
Deans, with support from all school-based clericals, trainable aides, and security guards. Administrators have the option
to report to their schools as soon as they receive a negative test to prepare for their school level
deployment. Minimally, the staff listed above should plan to arrive at their school on Thursday by 9:00 AM to prepare
for a smooth deployment. Select additional personnel, such as bus attendants, will also supplement school staffing for

Has anything changed about how to prepare or check out laptops to students?
No. The process to prepare and check out devices is the same as the December online learning Fridays. Please follow
the detailed process steps provided on the Hub (accessible to DPSCD staff only).

When are students expected to return devices back to their school?

Students are expected to bring their laptop back on the first day their school resumes face-to-face learning.

Can students pick up a laptop or hot spot at one of the Hub locations?
No. No devices are available for deployment at the Hub sites. Students must pick up devices at their home schools.

Will Hub sites be available for support and repairs?

On online learning days, Hub services for tech support and repairs at four locations from 9:00 – 4:00 PM:
• Renaissance High School (6565 Outer Dr W, Detroit, MI 48235)
• Western High School (1500 Scotten Ave, Detroit, MI 48209)
• Fisher Upper Academy (15491 Maddelein St, Detroit, MI 48205)
• Martin Luther King High School (3200 E Lafayette St, Detroit, MI 48207)

Though Hub staff will do their best to make repairs to DPSCD laptops, some damage may be beyond repair. A new
laptop will not be issued in these circumstances.
Published January 3, 2022
Staff Reporting Expectations
Who is reporting F2F to support technology deployment January 6th – January 11th?
School based administrators will deploy the laptops from their schools, including Principals, Assistant Principals and
Deans, with support from all school-based Clericals, ESE Paraprofessionals, Parent Outreach Coordinators and Security
Guards. Administrators have the option to report to their schools as soon as they receive a negative test to prepare for
their school level deployment. Minimally, the staff listed above should plan to arrive at their school on Thursday by 9:00
AM to prepare for a smooth deployment. Select additional personnel, such as bus attendants, will also supplement
school staffing for deployments.

Which staff are required to report face-to-face and which staff work remotely?
Based on individual job functions, some staff will work remotely while others will be required to begin working face-to-
face either January 5th or January 6th once their negative test result is received. The table below includes job
groupings/titles and their direction for reporting to work. All staff, regardless of F2F return date are required to test this

Job Title(s) Unit Direction
Essential personnel - test immediately and
Custodian and Lead Custodian AFSCME report
Essential personnel - test immediately and
Public Safety and Security Personnel Various report
Essential personnel - test immediately and
Warehouse Staff Various report
Transportation Staff (Van Driver, Assistant Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Supervisor, Assistant Dispatcher) Various w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service - Cashier Helper AFSCME w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service - General Helper AFSCME w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service - School Garden Attendant AFSCME w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service Attendant AFSCME w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service - Noon Hour Aide DFP w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service Assistant DFP w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service Specialist DFP w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service - Class B Manager NISP w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Food Service - Constellation Manager NISP w/ negative test
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Special Education Aide (Job Code 5880) AFSCME until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Noon Hour Aide - Early Childhood DFP until F2F instruction resumes
ParaEducators and School Service Assistants Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
(SSAs) DFP until F2F instruction resumes

Published January 3, 2022

Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
School Culture Facilitator DFP until F2F instruction resumes
No assignments available until face-to-face
Substitute-Day to Day DFT learning resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Academic Interventionist DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Accompanist DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Attendance Agent DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Audiologist C.C.C. DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Behavior Specialist DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Building Substitute, FMLA and Long-Term Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Substitute DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
College Transition Advisor DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
IEP Compliance Specialist DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Special Instructor DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
JROTC/Asst JROTC Instructor DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Orientation & Mobility Specialist DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Psychologist DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Registered Nurse DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
School Counselor DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
School Improvement Coach DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
School Social Worker DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Spec Ed Transition Specialist DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Speech Pathologist C.C.C. DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Teacher - Adult Ed DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Teacher - Speech/Language Impaired DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Teacher - Day Trade DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Teacher - Consultant DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Teachers DFT until F2F instruction resumes

Published January 3, 2022

Work remotely starting Thursday, Jan 6th and
Therapist (Music, Occupational, Physical) DFT until F2F instruction resumes
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Bus Attendant AFSCME w/ negative test
ESE Paraprofessional Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
(Job Code 6190, 6192, 619R) AFSCME w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
School Technician AFSCME w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Clerical - Central Office DAEOE w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Clerical - School-Based DAEOE w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Client Care Specialist – Student Records DAEOE w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Greeter DFP w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
Parent Outreach Coordinator N/A w/ negative test
Report to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th
w/ negative test; report on a rotating schedule
after January 11th, at the discretion of the
Dean of Culture OSAS Principal
Work remotely starting Monday, Jan 3rd; report
to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th w/
negative test; report on a rotating schedule
after January 11th, at the discretion of the
Principals and Assistant Principals N/A Principal
Work remotely starting Monday, Jan 3rd; report
Customer Care & IT Support (Call Center to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th w/
Personnel) N/A negative test
Work remotely starting Monday, Jan 3rd; report
Field Service Specialist/Senior Field Service to work in person by Thursday Jan 6th w/
Specialist N/A negative test
Work remotely starting Monday, Jan 3rd unless
Literacy Coach (Central Office) DFT assigned to F2F assignments by supervisor
Work remotely starting Monday, Jan 3rd unless
Training & Support Coordinator (Central Office) DFT assigned to F2F assignments by supervisor
Work remotely starting Monday, Jan 3rd unless
Challenge Detroit Fellow N/A assigned to F2F assignments by supervisor
Work remotely starting Monday, Jan 3rd unless
assigned to F2F assignments by supervisor,
including administrator supervision of reporting
Non-Union Administrator N/A clerical staff
Work remotely starting Monday, Jan 3rd unless
assigned to F2F assignments by supervisor,
including administrator supervision of reporting
Central Office Admin - OSAS OSAS clerical staff

If an employee wants to work in the building after a negative test for better internet or access to materials such as a
document camera, is this an option?
Published January 3, 2022
Yes. Any staff member with a negative test can work from their school for online learning days.

Can I check out other technology from my school for online learning, such as a hotspot or document camera?
No. These resources are for in-school use only.

Are staff working from home responsible for completing and submitting a work from home log to their supervisor?

Student Services and Programming

Are learning centers available at schools?


What are the expectations for athletic practices and competitions during the online learning period?
All unvaccinated athletes will continue weekly testing to participate in athletic practices and games. Any athlete who
does not test after January 3 will not be permitted to participate. Spectators are expected to follow all COVID protocols.

Will F2F extracurricular activities take place while we are virtual?

If extracurricular programs have staff willing to facilitate them in person, and staff and students follow all COVID
protocols, these activities can move forward. Please coordinate and receive approval from your principal/supervisor in
advance for these activities.

Will credit recovery (after school) continue while we are virtual?


Can vendors support students online during the online learning period?
Yes. If programs and services can be offered online, vendors can continue to support virtually. Please ensure that
parental permission is on file, if applicable.

Is it correct that students attending an ESE center-based school will still not be eligible to attend the virtual school
without recommendation from IEP Team if they do not have consent to COVID Testing?
Yes, students with an IEP must still have an IEP review to determine if FAPE can be offered at the Virtual School.

COVID Safety Protocols

Are DPSCD staff required to be fully vaccinated?
The DPSCD Board of Education approved a new policy on December 16th that required all DPSCD staff to be fully
vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment by February 18, 2022.

As allowed by law, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (Title VII) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
employees may request a medical or religious exemption from the vaccine mandate. A request for an exemption
requires an employee to submit the required forms seeking a request. The forms will be available to employees the
week of January 17th, 2022. Medical exemptions will require a signed form from a medical provider confirming the
medical basis for the request. Religious exemptions will also require an application. All requests will be reviewed and
determined on a case-by-case basis and may require submission of additional documentation. As we move to a working
and learning environment of full vaccination status where masking and testing may not be necessary, individuals with
granted exemptions will still need to mask and test.

Published January 3, 2022

Please note that failure to adhere to the vaccine mandate may and will lead to disciplinary action up to termination from
the district.

Has the definition of “fully vaccinated” changed to include a booster?

No. Currently, “fully vaccinated” means 2 doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or a single dose of the Johnson &
Johnson vaccine.

If staff members are positive now, but not yet vaccinated, will they get an extension because they have to wait a few
months after being positive to get vaccinated?
Staff may qualify for a medical exemption if their physician indicates they should not be vaccinated (or should be
vaccinated at a later date).

Is our COVID isolation/quarantine window changing to 5 days, as recommended by the CDC?
No. Although MDHHS has adopted the CDC revisions for the general population, their guidance for K-12 schools has
NOT changed. The isolation time period remains 10 days for anyone who tests positive for COVID, regardless of
vaccination status. For anyone identified as a close contact, quarantine remains 10 days without a negative COVID test
(returning on day 11) or returning on day 8 if negative test received on day 5, 6, or 7 of quarantine. Consistent with past
practice, the District will monitor changes from MDHHS and the Detroit Health Department and will make modifications
as recommended.

For staff that test positive last week and this week, what is the procedure? Isolation time?
Staff should continue to follow the guidance in the COVID-19 guidance regarding isolation and quarantine time. Positive
tests must be submitted even if the positive occurred over the break.

Will employees be required to still test weekly if they are working remotely?
No. Only staff reporting in-person will be required to resume weekly testing through the LynxDx testing protocol. The
regular school-based weekly LynxDX testing for in-person staff will resume on Monday, January 10th, and remote staff
are encouraged to participate either at their school site or the Renaissance drive through. Once remote staff are
scheduled to return to in person work, a negative test will be required to return, and weekly testing at the school/work
site will be required.

Will employees who are reporting in-person (e.g. School Administrators or clericals) be required to test each week at
their site?
Yes. The regular schedule for school-based LynxDX testing will resume on Monday, January 10th, and staff reporting in
person are required to participate.

If parents have submitted a negative test for their child that tested last week, do they need to test again this week
through LynxDX?
A negative test result is suggested, but not required for a student to return to school. Therefore, another submission is
not required.

Case Tracking
Do schools need to complete a COVID-19 case reporting survey for each employee and student who tests positive
through the LYNX DX testing, in addition to those who submit positive tests from external testing?
Yes. All positive tests, including those received during break, must be reporting through the survey, and appropriately
logged in PeopleSoft. In general, most cases submitted during the break should be considered remote cases and would
not involved contact tracing, as the individuals were not on District property.

Published January 3, 2022

Sick Days
Will anything change for sick days for employees testing positive at this point?
No. Continue to follow the guidance for time off in the COVID-19 guidance. Employees who test positive for COVID
(verified with positive test) and are unable to work should have standard hours reported using time reporting code HEH
or HES.

How do we report time for employees?

Monday, January 3 through Wednesday, January 5:
• Employees eligible to work remotely – report hours worked. If an employee did not work, charge employee bank
as appropriate.
• Employees unable to work remotely (Bus Aides, Noon Hour Aides, Food Service Staff, Trainable Aides) – report
standard hours using District Closure code.

Starting January 6
• Employees who have not submitted COVID test (or taken test through District testing) should now be reported
as 07/07S Absent without Pay.
• For employees who have submitted their COVID test – continue to follow guidelines as outlined above.

School Calendar
Will students be required to complete MOY Assessments from home/virtual during this time?
No. We will close our assessment window based on data collected before winter break. Schools will have the option to
test remotely for instructional purposes only, but these results will not be formally analyzed as official MY data, e.g., in

My school is administering NAEP. What are the implications for that assessment?
The second NAEP administration training scheduled for this week will be postponed until Monday 1/10 and Tuesday
1/11; appropriate staff will be notified directly. The District is working with national NAEP staff on potential make up
options that may be required for planned January test dates.

Will there be an extension to staff evaluation deadlines?

Evaluation deadlines will be extended as follows:
• Thrive for Teachers Cycle 1: February 18
• Thrive for School Admin Cycle 1: February 18
• Thrive for Staff & Non-Union Administrators: February 18

To the extent possible, teacher observations should take place in the F2F environment, but when this is not possible,
evaluators should use the Thrive for Teachers Online Learning Companion guides to inform ratings for Cycle 1.

Midyear progress reports for select personnel are still due by February 4th, with no extension.

Are there any changes to the report card window?

No. Grades and report cards will move forward on the published timelines. All grading policies and procedures will
continue as normal.

Will there be any adjustment made for the student Panorama survey window?
Panorama will not be administered until in person instruction resumes. We will announce an updated window when in
person learning resumes. Survey coordination training will also be rescheduled.

Are there changes to the Exam High School Application Scoring Process?

Published January 3, 2022

To account for the COVID testing days this week, the exam high school application scoring session scheduled for
Wednesday, January 5 has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 6. Teams invitations have been sent to relevant

Will we need to make up lost school days at the end of the year?
Without the required days and hours of instruction required in the academic year, the District could face a significant
financial penalty for missed days of instruction. District leaders are advocating for increased flexibility from the state in
light of the latest surge in COVID rates, but is not yet able to rule out the need to make up days at the end of the school

Are there other events that are being postponed?

Yes. Planned district events, such as the Counselor Breakfast, scheduled for January, are being postponed. Please
monitor the Hub for the latest news and updates to dates and times for planned events.

Published January 3, 2022

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