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Republic Act 9173

Philippine Nursing Act of 2002

If your assigned to the board you have to resign
to your current position whether you are the
Why we have RA 9173?
chief nurse or dean. You need to be full time
Basis if who’s the regulatory body PRBON member. 3 years of term of office but
you can be reappointed by the president of
- Regulating body are the ones who have Philippines
executive function, quasi-judicial, quasi-
legislative to regulate the function → No connection to any institution

Board of Nursing consist of 6 members Section 6

→ 3 years and can be reappointed

Specialization of PRBON

ARTICLE 1 - Military nursing

- Onco nurse etc.
Section 1

- Title: Philippine Nursing Act of 2002

Section 7
- Compensation similar to other regulatory
- Declared policy on protecting and boards
improving nursing profession
Section 8
Section 2
Administratrative supervision records, and
- Guaranteed quality health services through secretariat will be designated by the commission
competent nursing system
Section 9
If you are PRBON your responsibilities are:
Section 3
1. Conduct licensure exam
- PNA (3 nominees) 2. Issue, suspended, or revoke certificate of
- PRC (2 recommendees) registration
- President (1 appointed) - COR (certificate of registration) is a
- Don’t confuse COR to your license
- Filipino citizen 3. Monitor and enforce quality standards of
- Graduate of BSN with RN and with Master’s nursing
degree - They evaluate if one nursing school is
- RNPH are allowed to be a member of board qualified to operate or not
- At least 10 years of continuous service 4. Ensure quality nursing education
- The nurse has been practicing 10 years first 5 5. Conduct hearings, investigations to resolve
years at states and from 2016-2021 at the complaints against nurse practitioners
Philippines – nurse is qualified for BON 6. Promulgate a code of ethics
- Should be morally apatite 7. Recognize nursing specialty organizations
Section 5 - MCNAP
- Must resign to prior post Section 10

Detailed annual report

Section 11

Suspension and removal

o Incompetence
o Immorality Coverage is not specified because it changes from
o Tolerance of PNLE irregularities time to time
They can still be removed if they proven to be
The framework of licensure exam is aligned to the
CHED curriculum = PRBON aligns to CHED

2 weeks before the board exam PRBON members

were quarantined

Regardless of you rank on class

you still can take board exam

Also, accordance to RA 8981 or the

PRC modernization act of 2000

RA9173 Allowed unlimited

If your graduate of nursing school but it was discontinued retakes it will still the same
by the BON you can still take exam provided your still minimum requirement
belong to the batch that is operational or school that is
accredited but let say that their accreditation stops at
year 2020 then your batch 2020, you’re not allowed to
Once your license was revoke as a nurse will
Fees are not fixed, it differs from you be allowed to take exam on medtech, or
time to time any allied health and can you be still given
license? YES you can practice any profession
PRC determines the amount to pay
but not as a nurse

If you have expired license and still practicing

nursing will you still be ground to revocation and
suspension? YES
PRBON coordinates with the CHED in terms of the
required curriculum so to set standard of nursing Should have refresher course +
education requiring not only the subjects but also RLE 3 months of practicum or 3
(3:3) months of RLE

1-year related clinical practice

of specialization
Master degree of At least allied health sciences
and Education (MAED) or Masters of Public
These are your nursing supervisors,
chief nurse, head nurse – nurses
portraying leadership roles in
nursing field

Once your admitted as military nurse your automatically

in lieutenant position

Your board rating should be 80 and above - Military

nurse should be brainy
Magna carta for healthcare workers, nurses are
Exact salary grade 15 is = 33, 575 but have trenches by also included here, we also have hazard pay = 25-
the end of 2023 this could run 37-38, 000 minimum 45 % of your basic salary so 33,000 – 25% that’s
Salary grade 15 is for Nurse 2 (head nurses or DEPED your hazard pay also you have other benefits
nurses) free hospitalization, free laundry

Nurse 1 has salary grade 13

Nurses were encouraged to be active part of the

PNA because if you are a member with good
moral standing in the PNA you will be able to
maximize with all this benefits + legal support or
legal council
If unconstitutional it will be held and not be

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