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Digitales COVID-

Zertifikat der EU

Certifikát EU

Surname(s) and forename(s)

Name(n) und Vorname(n)
Date of birth

Unique certificate identifier

Eindeutige Zertifikatskennung

Vaccination certificate
Disease or agent targeted
(Zielgerichtete Krankheit oder Erreger)
COVID-19 (SNOMED CT 840539006)
Vaccine/prophylaxis (Impfstoff/Prophylaxe)
GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND Antigenní vakcína proti onemocnění COVID-19 Vaccine
product containing only Severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen (medicinal product)
(SNOMED CT 1119305005)
Vaccine medicinal product (Impfstoff)
COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen
Vaccine marketing authorisation
holder or manufacturer
(Zulassung von Impfstoffen Halter oder Hersteller)
This certificate is not a travel document. The scientific evidence Janssen-Cilag International
on COVID-19 vaccination, testing and recovery continues to Number in a series of vaccinations/doses and
evolve, also in view of new variants of concern of the virus. the overall number of doses in the series (Anzahl
Before traveling, please check the applicable public health in einer Serie von Impfungen/Dosen und die
measures and related restrictions applied at the point of Gesamtzahl der Dosen in der Serie)
destination. 1/1
Relevant information can be found here: Date of vaccination (Datum der Impfung) 2021-10-13
Member State of vaccination
(Impfmitgliedstaat) DE
Certificate issuer (Zertifikatsaussteller)
Robert Koch-Institut

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