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I. Introduce your group

a) State your names, grade and section

b) Your research title [Slide 1]
c) Rationale- reason why your group chose the study [Slide 2]

II. Brief Background of the study

a) Proceed now with the parts of research paper

1.0 Introduction - Include only parts that will show the coverage of your entire paper
(theories, citations, definitions, current events, etc) [Slide 3]

1.1. Research problem- State clearly your SOP (Before reading the SOP, state
the use of SOP in a research) [Slide 4]

1.2. Hypothesis- make sure you will only include NULL Hypothesis. (Explain
first the use of Null Hypothesis in research before stating your null hypothesis)
[Slide 5]

1.3. Significance of the Study - No need to copy the entire explanation about the
specific importance of your research in a group of people, just write e.g. school,
teachers, students, etc. The presenter will be the one who will explain each.
[Slide 6-7]

1.4. Conceptual Framework- Copy and paste the conceptual framework from
your paper. The presenter should explain the use of it in your research and its
role. [Slide 8]

1.5. Definition of Terms- Copy and paste the definition of term from your paper.
Make sure the presenter will explain it one by one. [Slide 9]

2.0 Variable Discussion- Include ONLY important Related Literature in this part.
Do not copy everything. Use highlighting to give emphasis and justification in relation
to your research paper discussion. [Slide 10-12]

III. Your Roles

a) In the last slide, make sure you include your roles, for example: (This part may also be
presented using tables, you can also include your pictures just make sure it will look
DETERA, JM - Presenter, Introduction
DETERA, MJ - Presentes and Leader, Conceptual Framework


 Make sure you will make your presentation appealing.

 In presenting, make sure before you proceed you introduce yourself.
 Read and analyze my uploaded file regarding Guideline and Tips during Defense [See Gdrive]
 The number of slides may vary, the number for each slides in my instructions are ideal only.
 Before creating yor PPT make sure that your research paper is REVISED ALREADY.
 Once done with the presentation, upload the file in your respective folder in Gdrive [File name:
GROUP #_Title of the Research_Section]. Deadline: November 17, 2021, 11:59 PM
 If you are questions, feel free to message me.
- Email: [email protected]
- Messenger: Jose Mari Detera
- Through Group chat

Good luck and always Rise to the Top!

Your Research Adviser,


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