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Library system

1. Introduction
Information Technology has revolutionized the life of human beings and has made lives
easier by the various kinds of applications. In the light of the rapid changes with the use of Information
Technology, there are many tools, technologies and systems that have been produced and invented.
This project is concerned with developing a Library System for ambo university woliso
campus Library in order to make library system more efficient and easy to handle. The
Library system enables a fully automated library service. It has the ability to display the
details of the books available in various departments, the transactions of books and about
the book holders. The goals of this project are to provide simplicity as well as security and
efficiency to the management of Ambo University Library and also reduce managing
personnel in the library.
My motivation to develop this system came from the increased need to access resources over the
internet for purposes of research, increased information technological advancements that enables service
automation, and the governments drive to digitize resources for extensive research in both public and
private universities.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Many libraries are operated manually by a group of people. These people keep records
regarding the books & students (borrowers), check the books manually and keep records
on issued books. All these things have to be carried out manually and if the library is very large, proper
record keeping will become a major problem as manual record keeping has never been a reliable
method because people tend to forget things.
Other problems of the existing system are:
Fast report generation is not possible
Tracing a book is difficult
Information about issue/return of the books is not properly maintained
No central database can be created as information is not available in database
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Problems or weakness of the existing system is its manual operation that kills much
amount of time to complete a simple work.
In this, it also needs man powers for a long period of time.
The way of stack is almost with a manual check.
Insufficiencies of reference resources for some course users.

1.3 Project Goal

The goal of coming up with this system was to design, develop, and implement a fully
automated library book management system.

1.3.1 Project Objectives

This system has a number of objectives:

 Help to improve the library services.

 Help the Liberians with management information.
 Help the librarian in reporting on the various operations of the library.
 Increase the rate at which Tasks are completed accurately
 To develop a system that ensures the privacy of its users and enable them access it
 To enable easy maintenance of members and book details.
 To enable easy retrieval of books by simply searching the system.
 To design a system that responds in a timely manner.
 To enable easy borrowing and returning of books.
 To enable automated fine calculation and reports generation.
 To enable a secure and portable database system that eliminates duplicate data.
 To ensure a paperless environment.

1.4 System feasibility

A system undergoes a number of feasibility analyses to ascertain if it can be acquired and
eventually adopted. It involves a continuous process that looks at the operational,

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technical, economic, cultural, legal, and schedule feasibility of a system among other

1.4.1 Operational feasibility

Operational feasibility evaluates whether a system is relevant to operate in a particular
environment. Library Book Management System presents a number of features making it
operationally feasible. Reports are generated automatically by a function that retrieves
relevant information from the database and present them to a user in Microsoft Excel
formats. The system is easy to use and navigate hence enables any user with minimal
computer skills to use it.

1.4.2 Technical feasibility

The system is technically feasible in a number of ways. It was developed using a number
of readily available web development tools. Coding was done using PHP server side
scripting language, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS, JQuery, and HTML5. The system made
use of MySQL database and Wamp Server which are open source and cross platform

1.4.3 Economic Feasibility

This feasibility looks at the costs incurred in operating the system versus the revenue and
accumulated returns. Library Book Management Systems is economically feasible in the
sense that; it’s cheaper to acquire, it saves on the cost spend on paper since it operates
automatically, the number of employees needed to operate the system is reduced hence
lowering labor costs, and it saves time by facilitating quicker services to the end users.

1.4.4 Legal Feasibility

This system has minimal licensing issues since it was developed using open source
software. This system is meant to operate in the library, hence it’s subject to the rules and
regulations governing the institution.

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1.5 Scope and Limitations

1.5.1 Scope of project

Scope of the Project The scope of this project is developing online library Management
System for ambo university woliso campus this project helps the workers to work without
barrier of bad actions during their daily activity. On the completion of this project we
expect the system will have:

 Presence of centralized and organized material (book) records.

 Accurate way of recording and storing information in to database.
 Create an account for Administrator.
 The staff members will be registered using this website.
 Some reports like book borrow; book return and etc will be generated.

1.5.2 Limitation of project

The Project product to be produced is a Library Management System which will automate
the Major library operations. The first subsystem is the registration of the users to the
system to keep track of authorized users to the system. The second subsystem is the
registration of new books into the library management system to know when new books
are brought into the library. The third subsystem is borrower and return of books which is
the major area needed by the user. There are three end users for the Library Management
System. The end users are the admin, users and members.

1. The system will comply with the library rules set out by the campus (borrowing
privileges, number of books to be borrowed, duration, suspension of privileges,
fines imposed).
2. The system is designed only for the library center of generally in ambo university
woliso campus.
3. The monitoring and acceptance of payments of fine is done outside the system.
4. To provide a user friendly environment where user can be serviced better.
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5. Make function of library faster

6. To minimize the loss done to book.
7. To record every transaction in computerized system so that problem such as record
file missing won’t be happen.

1.5.3 Our project scope does not cover:

Cannot support all languages.
Cannot relate with financial cost of the book.

1.6 Significance of the Project

Developing this project has much significance for the university and the students. After
the completion of the total process, the system give web based application for ambo
university woliso campus library workers as well as users. As we explained above section,
the current system that based on manual system will be changed when they apply this
strategic product.

The users also use the library resources with safely and complete security without any
time restriction.

1.6.1 Some of the significant for the project.

 Time consuming
 Reduce man power & budget
 Avoid document or reference misplacing.
 It ensuring the availability of library books in their proper place.
 With less effort and cost, the system will be able to maintain and store

1.7 Methodology Method

is the process and way we will use to develop this project. The project we proposed will
be started using requirements elicitation technique. The software process that we will be

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using is iterative SOFTWARE development approach type since we will discuss and
correct our errors with our advisor frequently.

1.7.1Generally we used the following methodologies for our data collection.

1.7.2 Data gathering tools Data collection

Data collection is a way of collecting information for improving or changing the existing
system by the new system. Data collection is a base for better solution. Without a
requirement or without collecting information about the existing system, it is difficult to
establish the new system. Requirement is use full for solving problem that was existed in
the current system by collecting information or by gathering data.

Data collection is a process in which we collect the necessary information in order to

understand the existing system and user requirements. To gather the information we will
use interviewing and reviewing document (forms, reports). During interviewing we will
interview the university library system about the existing system’s working activity. So
the data collection methods that will be used to achieve the development of this project
based on the fact that must be applied to overcome the manual library system. We want to
apply or use three types of data gathering methodologies. These methodologies are
observation, Interview and document analysis.

This method has been the primary base for the project. Therefore using the current and
background knowledge and experience of the team, the team will be able to identify and
list out the common functionalities and requirements for the project.

Observation: as our team member will detect in the university about the system. These
will help the team (us) to precede some data gathering stages. Furthermore, it creates a
bridge or cause for other methodology to conduct them in proper method.

Interview: This methodology encapsulates two types of methods. These methods are
closed and open interview. So the team has selected an open interview for interviewing
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the manager and employees for recognizing the existing working procedure of the system.
So the team will be able to gather more information about the library system and

Document analysis: Besides the interviewing we also use the library general work
document. This document available in the office, that gives the directions for total
activities. It is the paper hard copy that gives the general function that the system currently

1.7.3 Analysis and design.

After the requirement is fully elicited, the next step to be done is analysis model. This
model is a bridge to design model. Analysis model focus on requirement that is visible
within the problem. Each element we analysis will add to an overall understanding of
software requirements and provide insight into the information domain, function and
behavior of the system. The preceding step after analysis model is design model. In this
step we will plan a solution. To work on those models we use the following tools. Visio
2010 will be used on models. In analysis model we will be using it to draw use case
diagram, Sequence diagram and activity diagram. In design

modeling we will be using it to draw class and other diagrams. In designing model to draw
the graphical interface we will be using pencil prototyping. After the document is
completed the work that will follow is creating the system. This programming language
php will be used for the application development that communicates with the database.
The database will be created using MS-Access. Generally in our design and analysis we
use object oriented concept rather than structural system analysis since objectoriented
model enable us to thoroughly respect complex relationship and represent data and
processing with a consistent notation, which allow an evolutionary process. Thus it
improves system quality and productivity of system analysis and design. Data are
analyzed through Use case Diagram, Activity Diagram, sequence diagram and class
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diagram. After analysis the design models conducted by deployment, and component.
According to the time schedule, all the process will be carried on. Data collection is being
first as already we started some part and the other process is also continuing sequentially.
The documentation part partially completed with the following three months and the
remaining documentation part and coding will be conducted next four months.

1.7.4 Development tools and techniques

We will also use the following tools

Windows – as a development environment

php-for coding
MS-Access – for storing the data that are going to be retrieved later.
Microsoft office Visio 2010- in order to model the system requirement in UML
(unified modeling language).
Risk Assessment and Management
Some of the risks might face during our further work is assumed as the following
 Unexpected man power failure:
 Virus attack on computer:
 Failure of electric power:
 Time limitation
 Resource related problems:
To manage the above risks we take the following as a solution
 We will manage the problem of man power failure by covering the tasks of
the victim with the remaining team members that they should take alternative
 For virus infection, duplicate files more than two computers, copy files on
CDRW and external devices in order to resist problem.

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 To manage power problem we will use personal resources like laptop.

However, since all the team members do not have laptop computer, the group
members will be forced to get through any way during the time of for longed
power cut.
 We will use the night period up to 11:00pm (local time) to cover the total
process in order to manage time limitation.
 Our target source is through Google search, unless we seek our advisors help
and other colleagues’ cooperation.

1.8 Project budget and Time Table Scheduling.

Project budget and Time Table Scheduling is used to perform the works in appropriate
time that helps to reach the goal effectively and efficiently.

1.8.1 Time schedule of the project

No Material Amount Price per unit Total cost

1 Hp computer 6 16,000 birr 96,000.00
2 CD 5 50 birr 250.00
3 Pen 20 10 birr 200.00
4 Mobile card 50 10 birr 500.00
5 Transport 1000 birr 1000.00
6 Printer 100 pages 2 birr 200.00
8 98150.00

1.8.2 Project time schedule table

No Task name Starting date Ending date
1 Gathering information 01/04/2012 08/04/2012
2 Proposal 09/04/2012 15/04/2012
3 Existing system 15/04/2012 20/04/2012
4 Requirement specification 20/04/2012 22/04/2012
5 Designing 23/04/2012 24/04/2012
6 Coding 25/04/2012 27/04/2012
7 Implementation and testing 27/04/2012 30/04/2012

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8 Conclusion and recommendation 01/05/2012 10/05/2012

N.B we use Ethiopia calendar.

1.9 Team composition

No Members name Responsibilities

1 Haile asmera Project manager
2 Taher aliyi Project planning
3 Gemechis merga Project analysis
4 Dinka kebede Project design
5 Abdu etisa Project implementation
6 Iyobe asefa Project testing

After we have completed the project we are sure the problems in the existing system
would overcome. The “LIBRARY SYSTEM” process made computerized to reduce
human errors and to increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen
human efforts. The maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the records are
stored in the ACCESS database, through which data can be retrieved easily. If the
numbers of records are very large then user has to just type in the search string and user
gets the results immediately. The editing is also made simpler. The user has to just type in
the required field and press the update button to update the desired field. Our main aim of
the project is to get the correct information about a particular student and books available
in the library. The problems, which existed in the earlier system, have been removed to a
large extent. And it is expected that this project will go a long way in satisfying user’s

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requirements. The computerization of the Library Management will not only improves the
efficiency but will also reduce human stress thereby indirectly improving human recourses

Contents table page number

1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Project Goal......................................................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 Project Objectives.........................................................................................................................................2
1.4 System feasibility.............................................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 Operational feasibility...............................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Technical feasibility..................................................................................................................................3
1.4.3 Economic Feasibility.................................................................................................................................3
1.4.4 Legal Feasibility........................................................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope and Limitations......................................................................................................................................4
1.5.1 Scope of project........................................................................................................................................4
1.5.2 Limitation of project..................................................................................................................................4
1.5.3 Our project scope does not cover:.............................................................................................................5
1.6 Significance of the Project...............................................................................................................................5
1.7 Methodology Method.......................................................................................................................................5
1.7.1Generally we used the following methodologies for our data collection....................................................6
1.7.2 Data gathering tools Data collection..........................................................................................................6
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1.7.3 Analysis and design...................................................................................................................................7

1.7.4 Development tools and techniques............................................................................................................8
1.8 Project budget and Time Table Scheduling......................................................................................................9
1.8.1 Time schedule of the project.....................................................................................................................9
1.8.2 Project time schedule table......................................................................................................................10

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